#iv'e seen hell
ginger-quartz · 4 years
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I genuinely would like to know, why the fuck this ad is popping up on my coolmathgames screen?
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darkbcrn · 5 years
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|X| Its official, Shiro’s lost his right to prank people.”
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love-sapphirerose · 3 years
Definition of Toxic Love Anti NarKik
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missjackil · 4 years
Just two days ago someone posted that the only people who still like the show are brainless, idiotic shippers. That hurt, and this is only one of the insulting posts Iv'e seen just because we still like the show. Then they come at us and ask why we are upset or why you are calling people idiots.. No one has to like everything about the show but is it too hard to be respectful to the people who do like it and to those who make it. It is always okay to criticise but why the insults?
Yeah I saw some too, which set me off quite a bit and it upset me most because the person who posted it, is someone I really liked and i love their art, but they have become nasty about the show this season and havent even produced new art and now they are insulting the ones who still like it saying theyre liars or die hard shippers.  Not everything about the show is great, but there is enough left that i think is fun, interesting and worth watching to gladly continue watching it. I could still love Sam and Dean and even J2 and stop watching the show if it bores me. Like, im excited for Jared to do Walker, but I wont promise I will like it or watch it every week just because he’s the star but I sure as hell wont come on here and trash it. 
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markhobz · 6 years
The Ugly Life of a Cinematographer
Ive been so busy here in Iran currently filming "Layers of Lies" that I haven't had a chance for a day off to take a look around as to whats been going on in my personal life. So many people inbox me on social media mentioning how much they would love to be in my position or joining me on set and doing what i am doing. I admit I absolutely love what I do and have been very fortunate to have had some amazing projects come my way. With all those people on the outside seeing my career as an opportunity for adventure, art and travelling around the world, they don't really see what the bigger part of this career choice has to hold.
I love what I do and you couldn't bribe me to change my field of work, this is what I live for. In saying that though there are some hidden truths behind the curtain of what really lies behind the life of a DOP or pretty much most people working in the film industry. What I am about to write below is based on my own personal experiences. But through my eyes and ears on my travels around film sets around the world, I think 90% of film buffs can relate to what is below. So for those who have always wanted to work in film or just want to take some insight into the life of doing film, here are some ugly truths about my profession.
There is no such thing as a normal 40 hour week in this field. I don't recall the last time i had a 10 or 20 minute break every 3-4 hours. Its always been go go go. If regular hours or a routine is very important to you, than I would suggest you to move onto another career because it will simply NEVER happen in the film industry.
I think 95% of the time doing my job and making sure its done right means I need to put in extra hours, effort and energy to get the best quality results. Its always showing up early and leaving late. Even when I get home or to my accomodation when working away, im always having to do more research, pre-plan, run over pre-vis again and again and always checking out what the latest trends in the industry are just to ensure things are set straight and in order. Especially on lengthy projects like feature films I have to spend extra time in pre production with location scouting, prepping, pre-vis or ensuring the edit or color grade goes correctly for the story. Most of the time you do these extra chores with little or no extra pay and always during your own free time without any thank you's or recognition. This is where you just suck it up and push on through, as a true professional should.
The film industry is not a place where you can just sit and have things handed to you. If you are not willing to make sacrifices of your own time and you own schedules to further your career or skills, then honestly move on. 
I think this stretches across to other freelancers aswell. This is the roller coaster ride of this career choice which can be emotional. When it rains sometimes it pours, and sometimes it just spits a few drops from the sky. When work is coming in be grateful and stay busy as hell because you never know when the drought is coming or when the big project you have had lined up gets delayed and you've had to cancel all other jobs for its original scheduling. There have been months where 12,000€ comes in and then some months were 120€ is your best. There are some months where im working 7 days and some months where you are just baffled trying to pitch and score the next gig. Staying active is your only combat to this ride, and it can be emotional and nerve racking, maybe even give you a few grey hairs.
Consistency and stability does not exist in this career, so if you want it, im sorry you are in the wrong profession. There have been days where the money has just piled in like a flood and then some days where you are looking for the money under the refrigerator and questioning yourself, your life direction and you will be screaming with self doubt.
The thing that keeps me pushing through the tough times is staying active, and always trying to invest that time not just chasing the next job but investing the time into my own skills and development as a DP. Hard times pass, but as I said before don't expect that shit to be handed to you on a plate, you need to work your ass off to pull yourself out. If you give up easily, cant handle stress or take disappointments to heart, then keep on walking cause this job is full of disappointments.
This is the most common ugly perk I have seen spread across the film industry. When you work 9-5 or just in the typical corporate world, people's stable lives create more predictability. In film this is not the case, well at least it hasn't been in my experience or from many others I have worked with from different cultures and countries.  
Choosing this freelance career means that when the work comes, you have to take it. There are times when you can say no to a job, especially the smaller productions, but when you are doing bigger lengthy projects that have amazing door-opening potentials and/or pay then you have to grab those opportunities. 
What does this mean? Having to cancel on family, loved-ones and friends, and if you are lucky, maybe you can re-schedule. Its always easy to re-arrange smaller engagements like dinner, drinks or going out for coffee, but for things like birthdays and vacations its much tougher. Especially for myself as I live in Finland and my family is back in Australia.
Since most of you reading are either the only one in your family/friends circle in the film industry or not even in the industry itself, then these outsiders have only experienced the normal everyday life of 9-5 or having the day for duties and nights for sleep. These people will find it extremely difficult to understand why you can never settle on set dates or have to always reschedule or cancel. Ive never been married, but have seen many divorces happen during lengthy projects, so if you intend to engage in marriage - from the advice others I have worked with around the world have told me you really need to find a spouse who is understanding and supportive with the amount of cancelations and rescheduling of family events, or even those times when you need to take that quick side job to get 3000€ because the past month has been dead quiet when it comes to incoming work. Most people just don't get it, they will always say "I don't care we made plans" or "cant you just move the day". 
But wait it gets better! When you work on a feature film or some higher end productions. Sometimes phones are not allowed or you could be in remote locations with no access to communication for days on end. Feature films are intensive with 5-7 days a week work, which always span 12+ hours a day and for a month or more. Its rare you get a day off, and when you do you still need to do some work to plan for the next shooting day or go over some plans with other production staff, and most of these tasks just have to be done. Even if you do find some hours to have a real day off, you'll have minimal energy and none of that energy to share with others. Every lengthy production I have been on I have seen divorces and breakups happen.  Your outside relationships with spouses, family or friends are put aside. I believe this is another reason why I think alcoholism, drug abuse, infidelity and divorce are common in the film industry, iv'e seen it happen to actors, producers even art department staff.
We do not live the traditional normal lives majority do, and this will affect those that are close to us. Remember those disappointments I talked about earlier, ask yourself this - are you morally ok that you are going to put those close to you into disappointment not just once but time and time again? If you are OK with that, then climb aboard the film industry train. 
So after reading all this you are probably asking to me "is it worth it?". Being that this is my passion and the love of coming together with a group of unknown people from around the world to create something visually amazing is one hell of an awesome kick for me. But hey this is me! life is about choices and this is the choice I made, and I am satisfied. Its all in the eye of the beholder and if you are ready to sacrifice your relationships, money stability and comfort of routine then it might be just possible this is for you. Of course there are some ways you can manage and minimise some of these negative perks to working in the industry, but once again its all about choices and how far you want to push yourself. I know some DP's who are quite comfortable shooting smaller productions in their own town. 
Any film buffs out there that would love to share their stories id be happy for a chat! I hope this opened your eyes to what really lies in my profession, its not just all cool camera gadgets and the glorious behind the scenes videos and photos.
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lyrayeager-blog · 7 years
Beyond the soullessness
when bad things go good, but your scared cause' you have NO idea on how to take care of a small little being.
It's a snowy afternoon on Tao mountain, and not a single person is to be seen. Not a single moving object, no long and fancy leather coats that flows past the holders kneecaps and down to the ground. Nothing. Nota. When every snow flake falls crystal clear on shady, yet smooth porch wood, a baby is born- not just any 'kind' of baby-but the kind that you have to love and cherish until it, he or she, reaches age twenty one. Well hang on just for a minute, this 'baby' isn't like any other, for it can breathe under flats made of fire, oceans with millions of grains salt- so much salt, that not any kind of merchant, fish monger, or specialized monk can even 'begin' to conquer. Magical, or the opposite. This baby is the beginning of the future, for when the crystal of snowflake fell onto the fifth porch- known to man as ''the life of hope'' a 'new' life has begun. Now, this baby must go and set all right from wrong. The baby must rise, rise, 'rise' from ashes to fill the holes in all ought hearts, this baby 'must', oh god it 'MUST' find the one person, that can fill humanity to the brink of hope. This world is in pain, dying excruciating pain! When one snowflake falls is a beautiful thing- but when one snowflake falls, another persons' heart aches and aches and aches, oh god does it ache, to the point of death. This baby, is worth one-hundred- soldiers. Help out on it's journey, to find it's soul-mate, to fill eachs' hearts', to find the person who can fill humanity with hope. This is it's story. 'this' is it's fairy-tail
It's a snowy afternoon on Tao mountain, and not a single person is to be seen. Not a moving object, nothing at all. But there's a sound. A sound, so annoyingly beautiful-and it hurts because… it's the sound of crying…. A baby crying. It's no longer snowing, but raining. The sky is no more white, but gray with a yellow, dull yellow- almost the color of an animal's urine melted unto life-full snow. It appears to be the sun, which they haven't seen in years. So it hurts hearing that baby cry, it hurts feeling the rain, it hurts seeing the dull sun, for even just barely. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts so much to the point that the wind is crying, soft on doors, and windows and roofs. The humid air feels like vaporized spray from a snake. Everything just fucking hurts. And now the crying is fading-fading-fading-fading-FADING! AND IT'S GONE, BECAUSE NOW….NOW IT CAN'T BE HEARD WITH NAKED EARS. NOW THE WIND SWAYS ON IT'S OWN. And now it hurts…. It hurts so much. Because now the only thing you can do….is cry.
it isn't till midnight that i heard a strange noise. a noise that woke me up from my ''Hibernation''. which is strange cause' i'm considered a very deepsleeper compared to what Yuri told me, or... Always tells me hehe. it was the exactly one-thirty- AM. and i find myself outta' bed, up and at em' as if i were waking up to Yuri's home cooked breakfast right in the mornin'. if that were the case, then maybe i would be less- pissed about waking up at one-fucking- AM. not to mention it's still dark outside, but that's how the winter is. it could even be four AM this day, and be dark as hell outside. i slip on my large (maybe that's a bit of an overstatement, but compared to Yuri's frail, small, adorable feet- i guess my shoes are considered to be pretty large.) house slippers-okay, eww. when i say 'slippers' it makes me think i'm walking around in some wedges (even though those aren't even remotely the same thing as glass slippers) and it drives me up the wall. so, instead of saying...slippers....i slide on my L.L bean sheepskin flats, and head straight down-stairs to the kitchen area slowly tiptoeing because Yuri, even though she's a really. really. really deep sleeper, more so than me, she has eyes and ears like a hawk. i mean seriously, one minute your up outta' bed she's deep in sleep, or so you thought. so your moving carefully, trying to go pee or handle your manly issues... You come back, and BAM. she's up, either texting, or just simply laying there waiting for you to come right back to bed. yeah, i love my wife and all because damn. She's lovable, sexy, funny, caring, snores in her sleep, sneezes like a kitten, and oh god, she is Great in bed. so i'm sneaking, or trying to sneak through to the kitchen because, iv'e Seen horror movies, and out of all honesty, me just going to investigate a ''strange'' noise, with nothing but my bare, human hands, that couldn't even begin to match Yuri's super-human or should i say in-human strength. and the guys like me who say ''Oh, i'll be back. but i need to go find out what this strange noise was. i could be a gunshot! so i'll just go 'see' who was shootin' it!'' like seriously, why in the holy heavens would you investigate a damn gunshot. clearly you just spelled out your own death right there. that's why im in the kitchen with a butter knife cause' all the other knifes were probably used, and in the sink with peanut butter and jelly resi-do stuck to the handle with bits of bread torn, because i decided to use that kind of knife that's used to cut a man's throat for safety purposes. or just for cutting roasted beef in half. hey, it's a win win situation here. it isn't my fault that butter knifes don't get the job down. but this shiny butter knife here, it- it's something.
surprisingly, Yuri didn't wake up this time. but now i'm going to find out about this noise. as soon as i opened the door, i'm welcomed to a porch light on by the side of our door, misty winds and an unseen sky. that or it's as dark as my wife's Lovely hair. but now that the dewy weather has snapped me outta my thoughts, i realized that it's raining. and that's something that i haven't seen in years. twenty-six years to be correct. but it was snowing earlier, it was snowing so long ago, for months and months, even in summer, all we seen was snow. imagine that-and how it feels now to finally see Rain again. even if it is darker than charcoal outside, even if i can barely feel the rain from the misty, humid air. i just know that it's raining. and now, something in my chest hearts...my...bones? no...my skin? no...my insides? i think so... but what is inside?... my heart? my heart. that's it. my heart hearts. badly, badly badly. because now, i'm on my knees, clutching at the area that hurts through my shirt, skin, and bones. my heart. its painful. oh, so painfulpainfulpainfulpainfulpaingul- Painful. Now i'm gasping for air. saliva escaping it's way through the con-sealed corners of my mouth, but then i stop breathing for a minimum of thirty seconds, or that's what i think; ''what's happening?'' until a glance of clear comes through my eyes, changing them from close, to opening. now the pain has just stopped. point blank. then there's again. the noise that woke me up clad at one- something. god, i forgot. i look down straight by my feet to where the base of the sound is. and it's a...baby? god, not again... there's that pain again. but this time, it doesn't make me gasp for air, doesn't make me clutch the sore area, doesn't make me drool like a tired dog. but instead, cry. because i think that maybe, just maybe, there's at least something changing with this broken down world. god, or whatever 'higher power' there is that even exist up there, is finally ready to make a change to this world. i'm not sure why, but i'm picking up this 'baby'? was that what it was called back then? what about now? sigh...i'm picking up this...being.. and i'm.. cradling it? geez. just when i thought this day was good, or like any other soulless day. but it's not and it isn't going to. i bet. sigh again.. i don't even know where to begin with this. when bad things go good. but you just don't wanna' admit it cause' you have no idea how to deal with a...being.. and you've got no clue how your wifes' gonna react. and it's all a big damn mess cause' you know something goods' abouta' happen. you just don't know what.
Hey guys, let me know what you thought about this SO FAR from what iv'e written. be sure to leave a suggestion/note or PM me for suggestions and what i can improve on and all that shiii. LEAVE ME A REVIEW PLEASE. as i said, this WILL be an EREMIKA fanfiction, so stay tuned! byeee ;-)
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mummybear · 7 years
Meeting Dean and Damon at a house party part 8
Last Time: "Yes, you do and then after, maybe you might do as your told and be a good girl" Dean said his voice full of authority sending the fire straight back inside you, "If not then we have ways to make you do as you are told baby" Damon warned you his voice husky, only adding to your arousal, "Do you understand" they both asked you looking at you then each other, you nodded looking between the both of them, they raised their eyebrows at you questioningly, "I mean, yes Dean, Damon, i understand" you confirmed out loud, "Good girl, you ready" Dean asked, "Yes Dean" you replied both men smirked, oh if only you'd know what you had just let yourself in for.
Your eyes shifted nervously between Dean and Damon who stood tall strong and naked either side of you, but you also couldn't help or stop the excitement flooding your body, making your very skin and being burn with anticipation to see what they had in store for you. That said just by the looks on their faces you would be in for a long night, just judging by the looks on their gorgeous but mischievous faces as they looked at you like they were about to devour you. But then again you weren't blind and you knew those looks by now needless to say you were in big trouble of the best kind.
So you waited patiently for them to say or do something, even as hard as it may of been to avert your eyes from their bodies and their intense gazes, gazes which hadn't left your body and they were yet to stop watching your every move and looking at you like two starved men looked at a four course meal. With no surprise to you when you did glance up at them they were of course smirking at you, in a way that made you both nervous and wanton so much so that your legs had began to shake, even after everything that had happened between the three of you so far this evening, regardless you just couldn't help the effect that they seemed to have on you.
Just by talking to you or even just the slightest look your way, in that moment their voices were the only thing that could be heard specifically Dean's voice in that moment. Dean's husky tone of voice much deeper than you had previously heard it, "I guess you better get over my knees then sweetheart" Dean said husky and sexy, now this may of sounded like a question to most people, but you knew better by now, it wasn't a question at all it was anything but, in fact it was most definitely more of a demand.
You met his eyes a second later after he had spoken, you couldn't help but try to gulp back the lump that had formed in your throat at some point, because he had the most predatory and hungry gaze that you had seen so far tonight. So you did the only thing that made sense in that moment and went into your submissive mode, so shyly you nodded at him, but remembered yourself that you had to speak to keep him happy, luckily you remembered this before you moved or he could mention it.
"Yes Dean" you said obediently even if your voice was shaking a little as you spoke, but he didn't seem to mind that maybe he liked the fact that he made you nervous, but you tried not to pay attention to how you sounded though, as you crawled towards where both Dean and Damon were sitting against the headboard.
Unable to help noticing the look the pair exchanged before your eyes locked with Dean's eyes, those gorgeous green eyes that sparkled with promise and mischief of what was to come. You watched his tongue dart out as he licked his lips making you bite your own, as you crawled towards them on your hands and knees they both watched your every move.
"Right princess, i want your hands on Damon's thighs, i want him to tell me just how good you look while i'm punishing you, just like you deserve for being such a bad girl and coming without our permission" Dean explained, his eyes never leaving your body as he stood from the bed and began walking behind you, "Yes Dean" you replied as you continued to crawl towards Damon, who was still resting against the headboard watching you just as intently as Dean had been. So you kept your eyes locked on those gorgeous crystal blue eyes of his, as he did the same with you, neither of you blinking and he was yet to speak a word.
When you made it to Damon's lap you did just as Dean had instructed you to do, putting your hands on Damon's strong firm thighs, biting your lips as you felt his muscles shift under your hands, your nails digging into his skin slightly from nervousness, but it was mainly from anticipation of what they had in store for you the next few minutes and the rest of the night."Good girl" they said in unison, you watched as Damon's lips pulled into one of his sexy smirks he had been giving you all night, before he quickly grabbed your face and pulled you towards him your lips touching, "Can't wait until i get inside that tight little pussy" he all but growled against your lips and you leaned in a little further.
Quickly closing any remaining distance between you, as you engaged each other in a hot rough passionate kiss, your tongues battling for dominance all the while, his words had shot straight down to pool in your stomach and you couldn't help but kiss him with everything you had. Then you suddenly felt the bed dip behind you, but what with Damon's tongue in your mouth and his hands in your hair, not to mention being surrounded by all things Damon, you had barely even registered the bed dip with any meaning behind it at all, you were being held to his lips so tight you forgot about everything and everyone in fact.
It didn't really register with you that Dean was on the bed behind you, not until the rough skin of his hands was rubbing over the soft skin of your ass in a soothing manner. But you gasped a little as your breath caught in your throat, when Dean's nails scraped up the back of your thighs, all the way over your ass and to your lower back, sending a shiver down your spine not long after.
Also making you moan a little into Damon's mouth, which he seemed to like as his grip on your hair tightened making you moan again at the feelings from both men, you were pushing back into Dean's touch now as well, because holy hell did that man know what to do with his talented hands, in fact by now though it was so very obvious to you that they both knew what they were doing and then some.
Damon pulled back from you with your bottom lip between his teeth, nipping at it a little before releasing it, the smirk back on his gorgeous devious little face and you knew why the minute you licked your lip, in the spot where he had nibbled because you tasted the first hint of your own blood in your mouth, not that you had noticed him bite you hard enough to of pierced the skin and to of draw blood, but you couldn't bring yourself to care in the slightest. Especially when you looked back into his eyes, because the look on his face made it worth loosing that small amount of blood, he looked enraptured by you just as you were with him and Dean.
God help you but you loved the way the vampire was looking at you now, he also looked so turned on by you in that moment that you couldn't bring yourself to complain, in fact you wanted him to do it again, because if he was that draw to you after that small amount of your blood you could only imagine how he would look at you after a significant amount. "Ready sweetheart" Dean asked from his position behind you, as you stared into Damon's eyes, sucking your bottom lip between your teeth and biting down trying to hide the smile from him. Of course you failed however but he was smiling back at you and god did he look so naughty.
"Yes Dean, iv'e been a bad girl" you moaned seductively remembering you hadn't answered him yet, pushing back into Dean's touch again your eyes never leaving the blue eyed vampire in front of you. You heard the deep chuckle that came from Dean but he didn't say anything else, which surprised you some what being that you had maybe gotten a little cheeky with him, so the next thing to happen shouldn't of been a shock but it was, because the next thing you felt was a firm slap down onto the soft skin of your ass from the strong hunter.
It stung like hell there was no nicer way of putting it but there was also intense pleasure, more than you ever thought you would feel from such an act in the bedroom, but you guessed that you had maybe found a new kink and you couldn't stop the loud breathy moan that slipped from your lips but seconds after the firm slap. Although that's not to say you that you weren't sure he could of hit you harder, in fact you were almost certain that he could which only got you more worked up and excited.
Maybe he was just testing the waters with you to see what you could handle from him, you heard him let out a small almost inaudible growl seconds before another hard smack reigned down on your sensitive still sore ass, this smack was more powerful so much so that it made jerk towards Damon a little and dig your nails in strong firm powerful thighs, only serving to make the vampire tighten his grip on the bed sheets beneath him as he let out a small his as your nails broke the skin.
Dean's slightly rough calloused hands were gently rubbing over the stinging skin of your behind, soothing your reddened skin more than you thought he could he kept this up for a minute or two, occasionally adding his tongue and soft lips into the mix, as the ghosted over your soft skin making you moan with contentment in that moment. Then as if from nowhere came another loud and hard slap this time making you yelp, but with this slap you tried to focus on the gorgeous man sitting in front of you, hoping that he could distract you from the pain a little.
If not completely you focused on his soft lips the bottom one caught between his teeth as he had his eyes locked with Dean who was still behind you, but when Damon noticed you watching him he looked down at you that seductive look in his eyes making you swoon even now. Your eyes locked with those gorgeous blues of Damon Salvatore, making the electricity shoot through your body with the intense look he was giving you, these two men made you feel more in one night than you had felt in your whole life, with even just a look from them you would melt, the chemistry was undeniable to anyone and everyone who had seen the three of you together tonight.
So the second Damon threaded his large soft hands through your hair you groaned appreciatively, a groan which only got louder when he pulled you towards him, then let out a whimper of "Oh shit" when you felt the stinging on your ass seconds before your lips met one another. Damon's soft full lips covered your own and the vampire growled at the contact into your mouth, the very moment that you touched each others lips and began to move them softly but hungrily over one another. The kiss slowly got more heated so much so that Damon had pulled you even closer to him still.
"Well it's sure a good thing that you're done with your punishment now princess, because i'm pretty sure that Damon has something just for you" Dean said chuckling. However you weren't laughing at all, in fact you weren't sure you were breathing in that moment, because the second that those words left Dean's perfect lips you all but threw yourself at Damon and straight into his lap, well that is the second that Dean had finished talking, you threw your arms around Damon's neck and wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer your hands slowly sliding up the back of his neck and into those thick locks of his.
His gorgeous thick dark hair that you simply seemed unable to leave alone, tugging it between your fingers the same way as he was with your own hair, something you were both clearly enjoying, but to be honest what could you leave along when it came to him, but Damon seemed a little surprised but pleased all the same at your pure enthusiasm and sudden confidence. You pulled back a little capturing his bottom lip between your teeth as you did so, you sucked Damon's plump lip into your mouth the kiss quickly getting more heated and desperate, in fact you were so into the kiss that you hadn't even noticed you that the pair of you had moved.
Well not until you felt something cold and hard against your warm naked back, it took you a minute before you realized exactly what it was Damon had you pressed against one of the walls in the bedroom. So that you were tightly between his rock hard body and the similarly hard surface of the wall, which had confused you to say the least how the hell had you even gotten over here.
Slowly you pulled your face back from Damon's as hard as it was to do, when you did and you looked at him you noticed him smirking that stupid smirk at you, "Something funny Salvatore" you asked him trying your best to be as serious as possible, which didn't work at all, because a giggle slipped out from your lips almost straight after you had spoken to him. "No, well not funny as such, it's just that you're so different from any other girl iv'e ever met, in the best way possible" he said staring straight at you, as if he were in awe of you and your very being, watching your expression closely as he ran a thumb over your swallow bottom lip.
You were both breathing heavily as you looked into each others eyes, "Different" you questioned a little confused watching him intently, waiting for an answer from the bewitching man in front of you, he smiled a genuine smile seeing the confusion on your face, a smile that you happily returned, god was he beautiful, "Well yeah, i mean most girls would at least be questioning how and why they're against a wall all of a sudden, when moments ago we were on the bed, but not you" he observed, posing it so it sounded more like a question than a statement, you shrugged smiling at him, really was no other way to explain it so you would just tell him the truth.
"I guess not, i mean i can't really explain it i just trust you guys, i did as soon as i met you i can't really explain it, but i feel more comfortable with you and Dean and more so than i have trusted anyone" you told him truthfully looking him straight in the eye, he didn't reply he simply just bit his lip trying to hold in the predatory growl that escaped but he failed. The growl that Damon let out only made you giggle, but that giggle quickly turned into a into a loud wanton moan of his name, when his lips softly started kissing your neck and his fingers locked with yours as he held your arms to the wall and your arms and hands were above your head.
Damon kissed his way back up your jaw line until he got to your lips where he whispered against them, "Ready baby girl, not long now" he asked, you nodded quickly you could hear your blood rushing in your ears. He gave you just enough time to moan out a reply of "God yes, Damon take me please" before his lips were back on yours and you gave into everything that Damon Salvatore was and everything that he could give you. This night was shaping up to being the best night of your life so far, "Keep your hands there for me baby girl" Damon whispered into your ear huskily, you gulped back the lump in your throat loudly before you were able to answer him properly.
"Yes Damon" you answered biting your lip again another giggle coming out but Damon really didn't seem to mind, because that smirk was back on his perfect face again.
He winked at you before he hoisted you up your legs automatically wrapping around his hips, although doing as you were told with your hands was difficult you just about managed it, you licked your lips as you looked up at him as he linked his hands back with yours, holding you to the wall with his hips and his body. Then came those devilish lips of his pulling you back into a rough and passionate kiss, a kiss that almost possessed you and at the same time took over your entire body, making you close your eyes tightly letting Damon control it and giving into him, as he kept your body pinned to the wall with his own solid body in front of you.
Your legs were still tightly wrapped around his slim hips, you could feel the muscles move beneath the soft pale skin of his body, as he shifted his hands so that one of his large hands held both of your wrists up high, while his other hand had drifted to your cheek, pulling you further into the kiss and further away from reality. You could feel yourself getting wetter by the second and you needed some friction, to help you get some relief so you started grinding your wetness into Damon's rock hard member, both of you moaning into one another mouths as Damon began to rock back into you somehow managing to get closer to one another as he released your lips.
Damon pulled back to look at you in the eyes, you bit your lip as your eyes locked with his gorgeous blue ones, you watched him intently as he moved the hand from your face and slowly began to slide it down your naked body, until he got to your thigh, where he slipped his hand down further to the back of your knee. Damon slowly tugged the leg from around his hips and pushed it against your body, thank god you were flexible as he got closer your leg ankle was resting on his shoulder, your breath hitched a little while you watched him but you didn't utter a word. You simply just paid attention to his every move.
"Damn, you really have no idea how sexy you look right now baby girl" Damon all but growled into your ear, as he began to kiss and nip his way roughly down the sensitive skin of your throat, his fangs lightly scraping your skin as he did so squeezing your thigh tightly. However Damon all of a sudden seized his kissing assault on your neck when he got up to your ear, the excitement was pulsing through your veins as you waited with baited breath to see what his next move was, your breathing was heavy and rapid at this point, the frustration of needing him was getting to you, so much so you couldn't help the slip of his name from your lips.
"Oh god Damon please" you groaned to the vampire god you were draped around and over, almost in pain of needing something anything from him in that moment in time, you heard the hearty chuckle he let out and groaned in frustration, though that didn't stop him nor did it speed him up though. Damon was now so close to your ear now that you could feel it, every single time he breathed and his warm breath touched and tickled your skin, which gave you goosebumps the anticipation was killing you.
"Now what's the matter my little angel, you want me to make you feel good. Do you want the big bad vampire to fill you up and make you come" Damon practically purred seductively in your ear, as he bit down on the lobe lightly dragging his teeth away from it only seconds later, making you gasp in shock and desire for this intoxicating man who you were very much wrapped around right now. Then Damon's husky and sexy voice broke you from your thoughts once more, "Come on baby, tell me what you want" Damon whispered knowingly against your skin, the bristle on his handsome face scratching at your skin a little but not in an unpleasant way at all.
You weren't too sure that you could even answer him in your current state, not really sure why he was still waiting surely he was feeling this pull just like you were, you would of asked him to just fuck you but you wanted him so badly your voice didn't want to work, a quick low groan of "Please baby" to him which you were sure a human wouldn't of heard, but luckily for you Damon wasn't human, Damon smirked at you clearly sensing your neediness and desire for him was making him a little cocky, well cockier than usual that is anyway, you shut your eyes in a effort to calm your breathing and gather yourself down enough to try and speak at the very least.
So when Damon pulled you away from the wall and held you closer to his chest, before dropping your leg that was on his shoulder, back to securely being around his waist you were a little confused to say the least. Then again you trusted these men, more than you probably had most men so far in your life, which was odd considering the amount of time you had known them. Then suddenly from behind you, you felt another body slip behind you, it didn't take much for you to know the identity of the body, especially when you felt both of Dean's rougher calloused hands as he gripped your ass tightly squeezing it in his palms.
Almost immediately your head fell back onto Dean's shoulder, somehow he was making massaging your ass an art form, "Someone really doesn't like doing as they're told, do they" Dean growled primarily into your neck sucking a patch of skin between his lips in the process, you could feel his obvious arousal pressed into the bottom of your back, while Damon's was pressed into your stomach. "No, i really don't Dean" you giggled unable to stop yourself, turning your head and burying your face in his neck, trying to maybe muffle the noise a little bit while you began nipping and kissing at the skin there with little stubble he had there.
Your legs were beginning to shake around Damon maybe noticeably so, "Yeah no shit, i didn't think so, but if you don't answer Damon, then we're not going to know what you want now are we" Dean said to you his voice almost sounding like sex to your ears, when he had finished speaking Damon's teeth clamped down on the side of your neck that was being shown to him, you could feel his fangs scraping around the skin as he sucked on it like his favorite lolly pop, but he hadn't pierced the skin.
"Oh god yes Damon, do it, bite me please, want you inside of me now" you moaned loudly and wantonly, your hands going into his hair and pulling his face closer still, "Well you don't have to ask me twice" he growled into your neck, as he sank himself inside of you at the exact same time, you let out a scream of pure pleasure. Just like you had asked him, he was inside you everywhere or that's what it felt like, his fangs were in your neck, while he gratefully drank from you moaning with each gulp and his cock was inside your tight pussy both contracting, he was still waiting for you to adjust he just filled you so perfectly you were in a state of bliss.
Dean's big hands were cupping your hips tightly, pulling you against him as much as he could while you were wrapped around Damon, so that you were now sandwiched tightly between both of them. Damon was still holding his place, not moving you were trying rut against both of them with the little room that you had, Damon had drank quite a bit now but he was still moaning with happiness into your neck. You were beginning to feel weaker now but truthfully you barely even noticed that, because this whole experience was so incredible and definitely one of a kind, to have him completely inside you at last, maybe you were running on adrenaline by now.
Especially after all of the winding up and teasing each other that had gone on so far, since the moment that he had asked you ready for him and way before, you were beginning to want him so badly that you could hardly stand waiting any longer, thank god he was holding you up right now because you weren't sure that you'd be able to stand. "Damon, for the love of god will you please move, want to come on your cock already" you practically growled at him, your frustration evident now, not that he seemed worried of course, you felt him grinning into your neck as he slowly withdrew his fangs from the soft tender skin of your neck.
"Thank fuck for that, i was wondering when you were gonna say something" the vampire grunted loudly, then he drew back and almost pulled out, all of a sudden he was slamming himself harshly back inside of you. Until he bottomed out, "Oh shit, feel so good baby, so fucking big" you whimpered as he continued his steady rough pace, digging your nails into his strong back watching the muscles ripple as he moved. "Oh holy fuck baby, you feeling in a rough mood Y/N" Damon moaned as your nails dug into his skin even deeper still, while he was keeping at his steady rhythm which he had began to go faster with now and god was it fantastic.
You couldn't speak at that moment so you simply just moaned in reply, shutting your eyes tightly unsure if you were dreaming this incredible night, because you sure as shit didn't want it to end, "How does she feel, while she's wrapped around your big hard cock Damon" Dean groaned, from what sounded like he was in front of you for a minute. Then again he was behind you wasn't he, you had to open your eyes to stop your curious mind from wondering and Dean was in fact in front of you.
You couldn't stop the groan that left your lips at the sight in front of you, Dean was pressed up against Damon, so that now Damon was between the two of you holy shit that was hot to say the least, then Dean bent down a little to whisper in Damon's ear, he spoke just loud enough so that you could hear every word that they said to each other. "Fucking incredible so tight Dean, but i guess you'll have to wait and see wont you" Damon growled in reply to his friend, Dean winked at you over Damon's shoulder, how the hell is a wink that sexy, but you were not expecting what happened next, as Dean sunk his teeth into Damon's shoulder.
You gasped at the pure pleasure on Damon's face, the very second Dean's teeth touched his skin and you decided to bite the other side, hard. Just like Dean had, your eyes locked as you both nibbled Damon's shoulder, lust filling his green eyes as you heard Damon let out a noise you weren't sure he was capable of making you wouldn't of believed it if you hadn't heard it yourself. "Oh fuck Damon moaned recklessly, his head falling backwards onto Dean's shoulder and he began getting harder and faster inside you, you were slowly becoming a whimpering mess and slowly getting closer to the edge on your orgasm.
When you had an idea although you wanted to come, you also wanted this to last as long as possible so you decided to risk it, "Damon, bed now" his head shot up from Deans shoulder to look at you in the eyes, where he looked at you expectantly with one eyebrow raised questioningly at you. As if you had asked him a really cheeky question, "Please, i really want to ride you" you moaned into his neck nipping it lightly and softly, Damon slowed his thrusts as he looked at you seemingly debating it. Then he pulled your face towards his own to look at him by your hair, "Oh really" he asked seductively while smirking at you his eyes locked with yours.
"Yes, really" you replied meeting his gaze and not looking away, with your bottom lip caught between your teeth, you quickly winked at him running your eyes over his chest before you quickly looked back into his eyes. Looking a lot more confident than you felt in that moment, while your heart thudded in your chest and your body shook in his strong unyielding arms, he didn't say anything else he just looked over to the large bed where Dean was sitting again.
Suddenly you were standing beside the bed just after feeling a small sharp gust of wind, just before he threw you down onto the bed and the soft comforter and pillows, making you giggle on impact. Right up until you felt the two bodies laying beside you, one sweating and warm the other cold but slowly warming, "So you were saying princess" Damon chuckled huskily nipping at your ear.
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c1n4mm0nst1cks · 7 years
Am I a fan?: HELL YES IV'E BEEN ONE SINCE I WAS 6 THEY ARE MY FAVORITE BAND First Song I Heard By Them?: A Hard Days NightFavorite Song?:SHIT THATS IMPOSSIBLE TO PICKFavorite Album?:The Magical Mystery Tour Favorite Music Video?:Hey JudeHave any merch?:Of course !! I have a Beatles tank top and shirtSeen them Live?:I wishFavorite Member?:Paul McCartney
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