#jairo res
leoswritingcorner · 2 years
Master and Padawan
chapter 3, the last chapter of this part of Jiya’s story! coming up after this will be j’lena’s story!
22 BBY
She finds herself in a cloud of darkness again.
Jiya sucks in a quick breath and steels herself against the wave of anxiety that comes over her. Hazes of flashing red and orange briefly cut through the dark, rumbles of explosions following closely. She holds back a wince. Among the explosions the muffled sounds of screaming sound out. Jiya squeezes her hands into tight fists and breathes out slowly. The screams begin to become more clear.
“Jiya! Where are…Jiya!” Jayven. He sounds desperate and bewildered.
“Help. Jiya, please. I’m still here.” J’lena, her voice is weak, barely heard over the strange sounds of clanging and clanking.
“Master, watch out!” Jairo. “here’s a terror in his tone she’s never heard before, and never wants to hear again. “No!”
Jiya’s eyes snap open with a gasp, and the haze of darkness fades from his vision and her room slowly comes back into focus. She sits motionless on her bed, her green eyes staring wide at the wall, her breathing coming out in short and painful bursts. Finally, movement returns to her body as she stands slowly from her bed, gathering her robe. For weeks now, her meditations brought the same sense of dread and darkness. Something was coming.
Jiya makes haste in her steps as she walks through the long hallways, willing her hands to ease in their shaking as she ties the sash of her robe. Her eyes search for her Padawan, but her mind felt miles away, stuck in the horror of her mediation.
“I’m here!”
Jiya stops short at Jairo’s voice, seeing his tall form dashing over towards her. He stops by her side, grinning widely. “I thought you’d be in the training room already,” He says, adjusting his own robe and clothing. “I promise, I didn’t sleep in…” He continues as they walk along. Jiya listens quietly as Jairo carries on excitedly, though a slight tone of nervousness tinged in his voice. Today, they’d begin truly preparing him for his Trials. Jairo had countlessly proven himself through the years that he would be a worthy Jedi.
“Master!” Jairo’s hopeless cry echoes in her mind.
“Master?” Jairo’s gentle call follows quickly.
Jiya’s next heartbeat aches as she looks at him. His eyes watch her confused and worried. “Are you alright?” He asks, slowing his pace. Jiya slows her pace as well, and gives him a slow smile that’s guarded.
“I’m fine, Jairo.” She lies. She watches the apprehensive look on his face before she settles a hand on his arm. “I’m only thinking of how it’s been an honor to see you grow all these years, into the amazing young man you are today, and how much you’ll show the galaxy what a great Jedi Knight you’ll be,” This time, she was not lying.
A bashful look covers Jairo and he grins. “I just need to pass the trials first,” He sighs. Jiya nods as they resume their walking. Jiya tries to push her distracting thoughts aside and gave one silent plea to the Force that whatever was coming, her family and Jairo would be spared from it.
It’s one of the more overcast days, the clouds heavy with the threat of rain. It does little to stop the busy bustle of Coruscant. Jiya glances over her shoulder once more. Jairo had totally gone from out of her sight. A sigh leaves her as she pulls her hood forward more. It was one of their rare visits into the city. She had slipped her Padawan a few credits, recommending his take a visit to Dex’s Diner, and take a breather after one of his first attempts at a Trial.
“Won’t you be joining me?” Jairo had asked, shoving the credits into his pocket, looking around their surroundings before looking back to Jiya. Jiya had remained quiet, as if mulling her words carefully. His eyes caught the brush of her fingers moving over a hidden letter in her robe sleeve and Jairo cleared his throat. “Actually, I supposed we could use some time to ourselves, huh?” He suggested. His smile was small, but knowing. “Tell them I said hello,” He added before taking his head.
Jiya keeps to herself as she moves along with the crowd, paying no heed to the glares and whispers shot her way. Like second nature, her feet carry her to her destination. A pathway secluded and unknown to many, it leads nowhere here in particular. An advantage for her. Jiya scans the surrounding area, satisfied she was not followed nor any threats revealed themselves, and she lowers her hood.
“Jiya!” J’lena’s voice calls happily. Jiya turns in time to see her younger sister racing for her, leaping into her arms, and knocking them both back. Jiya’s surprised laughter mingles with J’lena as she hugs her close. J’lena grins up at her. “Been avoiding us, Jee?”
“Nonsense,” Jiya responds with a roll of her eyes. “It’s only been what, six months?” She asks teasingly, smiling at Jayven as he saunters over. Her brother, though younger as well, stood a good foot over her. He presses a kiss to Jiya’s head and ruffles J’lena’s hair before shoving her away, ignoring her annoyed exclamation.
“She hasn’t been ignoring us,” Jayven points out, giving Jiya a smile, before looking back at J’lena. “She’s been ignoring you.”
J’lena snorts, “Shove off,” she says, coming over.
“Or what?” Jayven scoffs, stepping toward J’lena.
Jiya gently presses a hand to her sibling's chest. Though she may not have been a constantly present elder sister, she had remarkably gotten the stern look of one down as she peers between them both, a brow raised. Both Jayen’s and J’lena’s bickering comes to a stop.
Jiya shakes her head with a small laugh, earning a chuckle and laugh from Jayven and J’lena. The three siblings gather in a hug. Jiya closes her eyes as she holds her brother and sister close.
“Jiya!” Jayven’s scared scream cuts through
“Jiya help,” Jiya’s helpless sob echoes
A sickly feeling settles in the pit of Jiya’s stomach, and a cold prickles along her skin. Her grip on Jayven and Jiya grows tighter. A light touch to her face brings Jiya back as J’lena’s hazel eyes stare up at her worriedly. “Jee?” She asks, searching her sister's eyes. It wasn’t hard to miss the distress in them“Hey, are you okay?”
Jiya doesn’t answer. She’s unable to, the lump that grows in her throat is almost painful as she swallows back her tears. “I’m fine,” She says finally after a moment. Jiya feels a pang of guilt. Never had she lied so much. “Just whatever happens, I need you two to be careful,” She says, looking between Jayven and J’lena. “But I’ll always be looking after the both of you,”
J’lena shakes her head, “We’ll all look after for one another,” she corrects, “no matter what,” she adds
Jiya smiles, “No matter what,” she agrees.
Jairo isn’t sure he’ll ever become accustomed to the crowded streets of Courscant. People constantly pushing by or bumping into him. Did people have to be so blasted rude? He frowns and moves forward down the sidewalk. A short cloaked figure eases by him with a small bump at his side.
It wasn’t like anyone else who had bumped into him. But this time…something felt off. Jairo glances over his shoulder to the figure as they kept walking, almost with a skip in their step. Jairo rolls his eyes and pats his side to check for the credits in his pocket. Courscant was also known for the countless pickpockets. The credits were still there, his lightsaber, however. Jairo freezes and spins around. “Hey!” He cries after the cloaked stranger.
At his voice the stranger pauses and turns slightly, the hood of their cloak still pulled lowly over their head. With a swift motion of their gloved hand, Jairo catches a glimpse of his lightsaber. Jairo’s eyes barely have a chance to widen before the stranger takes off running, "Stop!” He shouts, chasing after them. The usually crowded streets make it difficult to keep up for him. The stranger, however, seems to move through the crowd with ease.
Jairo dodges around a street vendor, nearly losing sight of the thief, swearing when they flung a few stacked boxes in his path. Without missing a step, he leaps over them, pushing himself to run faster. A growl builds in his throat as he sees them dodge into an alleyway. He couldn’t lose them. There was a cut-off to that alley, he just needed to beat them around.
Dodging into another alley, Jairo runs around the corner in time to see the stranger climbing over a few boxes to escape over the dead-end wall.
With a swift wave of his hand, Jairo flings the boxes from under the stranger with force. A startled cry leaves the stranger as they fall to the ground. Jairo is on them in an instant. Pinning them down, he glares at their shadowed face and yanks the hood back. Jairo goes still as Elara’s bright blue eyes stare up at him, her stunned look melting into a smug smile. “Jairo,” she greets in a purr.
“Elara,” Jairo growls back.
The pink twi’lek lays beneath him, a coy look on her face. “You know, I thought you’d be the type to take me out to dinner first,” She teases, grinning at the blush that comes over his tanned face. He moves away, holding a hand to her. Elara lifts a hand to him, pausing when he closed his hand and gave her a look. Rolling her eyes, Elara sighs and holds the lightsaber to him. Jairo takes it and quickly latches it back on his belt.
“What are you doing here?” Jairo asks, turning back to her. Elara stands, dusting herself off, placing her hands on her hips. “Last I saw you, you were stealing a load from the Republic on Rexus,”
“Yes, the Republic locked up my Captain for that one,” Elara frowns. “To think, we were only trying to feed ourselves,” She says with an indignant lift of her chin.
Jairo gives her a deadpan look, “Funny, the repercussions of being a pirate,” he says dryly.
At that Elara snorts, “Oh yes,” She nods, “Because being a high and mighty Jedi Knight- sorry, Padawan,” she retorts, poking a finger against his chest. “Makes you much better than us. Especially you, the ‘delight’ of princesses,”
Jairo pauses, “I- what?” He nearly coughs in surprise. “What did you say?”
Elara crosses her arms. “Jairo Res, you mean to tell me you aren’t aware of your reputation among the galaxy’s princesses? Charming, witty, swooning…” She lists off, hearing how Jairo had been described by the princesses he had encountered. Among some other things. Elara frowns. “Pity I’m not a princess, perhaps then you’d pay me more mind-” She stops short. They were standing close, very close. Elara stares up at him and clears her throat, standing back trying to stand tall in her short stature against him. “As your point of contact I mean,”
Jairo watches her, he does his best not to grin but still the corner of his lips twitch upward, “How about lunch?” He offers. “Both as an apology and you can tell me all about what it is that you had to come to Coruscant to hunt me down,” He says, motioning back to the main sidewalk.
Elara smooths out her clothes and fixes her lekkus behind her shoulders. She walks next to Jairo, taking his arm as he offered it to her. “Well, it sounds important. I’ve heard of some strange dealings happening on Serenno…” She begins to explain.
If there was something Jiya had learned in all her years as a Jedi it was that a ‘simple’ mission was anything but. She raises her lightsaber and blocks another blaster fire. From behind her Mar’ci takes down another bounty hunter with ease. “How many more?” Her friend calls out. Jiya swings around, kicking her leg into a bounty hunter’s chest, knocking him down, before knocking him out with a hit to his head.
“At least five now,” She calls back.
Mar’ci scoffs unimpressed, “To think they started out with twenty,” She says, swinging her lightsaber around, and taking on another foe. Lola turns from her spot, waving her hand, sweeping several of the bounty hunters from their feet with the use of the Force. Jiya dodges a punch and strikes her own hit at the last bounty hunter. The three Jedi stand quiet for a moment, assessing the damage done. Mar’ci deactivates her lightsaber, putting a hand on her hip. “So much for an easy search and rescue,”
Lola wanders over, her folded arms hidden within the thick sleeves of her robe. “We were successful in that,” She points out, “the bounty hunters, however, those were a surprise,”
Jiya pushes thick strands of her hair back from her face with sigh. She was thankful Jairo remained back at the Temple to further his studies. Though they handled the plight, the ambush had still caught them by surprise, and for a moment, she had been worried they wouldn’t make it out. “Did you hear how much Jedi are going for these days?” Jiya asks, deactivating her lightsaber once she was sure no threat was coming.
Mar’ci frowns, “500,000 credits, what an insult,” She says, looking at her friends. “We’re worth much more, wouldn’t you say?” She asks, walking with them back to the ship. Jiya casts her eyes skyward and Lola smiles.
The ship falls into a comfortable silence as they take off, Mar’ci at the controls in the cockpit. Jiya sits in one of the seats towards the back. Her mind instantly fills
It doesn’t take long for Lola to come and join her. “You seem distracted,” Lola says gently, crossing her legs. Jiya glances at the blonde and hums.
“What gave it away?” She asks.
Lola chuckles, leaning back in her seat, “We were Younglings, Padawans, and now we’re Knights together, Jiya. I feel by now I have gotten to know you pretty well,”
“It’s been a long day,” Jiya responds, “I suppose it’s catching up with me,”
Lola shakes her head, “I don’t mean just now. You’ve been this way for weeks,”
Jiya dips her head slightly, trying to avoid Lola’s gaze as she tries to think of a proper answer. “There’s something that’s…not quite right,” Jiya begins, her time hushed, almost nervous to speak it out loud. She finally lifts her head to meet Lola’s eyes. Her friend’s gaze is calm, patient and Jiya’s nerves settle a bit. “Don’t you feel it?” She asks. She doesn’t wait for an answer and continues, “Each time I meditate or connect with the Force, it’s like there’s a heavy…” she trails off
“Cloud,” Lola finishes, her voice is quiet but thick with an emotion that Jiya just can’t place. “I’ve seen it as well,” Lola confirms.
They stay silent, a thousand unspoken words passing between them as the air arounds them shakes with a sweeping chill. It’s then that Mar’ci’s slender form appears at the doorway. Gone was the humor from before on her face.
She waves them over, Jiya is on her feet in an instant, following after Mar’ci. “What’s wrong?”
Mar’ci wordlessly points to a hologram message on the ship's comm. Master Windu’s face flickered as he called for all available Jedi to come to aid in battle in Geonosis.
“Genosis?” Lola repeats the planet’s name, “Where is that?”
Mar’ci scowls slightly, “Some forsaken Outer Rim planet,” The tall brunette answers as she punches in the coordinates quickly. “I…” she starts, cutting off, taking a deep breath before speaking again, “I have a bad feeling about this,”
The feeling of dread Jiya thought she had surpassed settles within every inch of her body. Silently she looks forward out the viewport as the ship takes off towards their new destination.
Mar’ci was certainly right. Geonosis was nothing but a forsaken planet. Hot and treacherous. The heat of the air prickling into their skin, the sands on the planet's surface stinging into their eyes.
But that’s not what was disturbing the most.
It’s the whirling and clanking of the droids that they fought against.
The same terrible sounds Jiya heard in the darkness echoes presently before her. Jiya strikes another droid down, her eyes desperately searching for Mar’ci and Lola.
Countless other Jedi fill the arena, while countless more fell. Those Jiya had grown with, trained with, even learned from. The chaos of the battle dulls away, till the only sound Jiya can hear is the pounding of her heart and the roar of her blood in her ears. Again she makes a desperate search for her friends, not daring to look at any of the lifeless forms on the ground. She couldn’t. Her gaze stops when she sees Lissarkh across the way. She was becoming overwhelmed and overpowered by the droids. She had also been a Padawan of Master Plo Koon. Without another thought, Jiya dashes through the scuffle. She slashes her lightsaber through the droids.
Lissarkh flashes Jiya a thankful look, using the moment of relief to gain the upper hand she needed. Jiya nods, turning as another droid comes to attack. If she hadn’t been entirely grateful that Jairo had missed out on the previous mission, she was now. She could not even begin to fathom the thought of him in the midst of all of this.
Finally she catches sight of Mar’ci and Lola. They stand back to back, blocking hits and blasts. Relief floods over her. Only for the briefest moment.
A loud explosion erupts from behind her. Jiya feels her body fly back. Her body and mind are stunning with shock, confusion, then pain as she falls against a stone wall.
Her vision is blurred as she opens her eyes slowly. The bleary form of a droid approaching her comes into view. Through her pain she reaches for her lightsaber at her side. Nothing. To her other side, Jiya again only feels sand. It must have flown off her in the blast. Jiya gasps and looks up at the droid as it takes aim at her. A quick blast sounds and Jiya freezes up. The droid limply falls into a heap.
A tall figure in white armor stands before her, his head covered by a helmet. Jiya watches in awe as the armored stranger comes forward. His hand moves to her and she sees her lightsaber.
“You dropped this,” He states shortly. His voice is husky and accented. Jiya nods in thanks, taking her lightsaber. She gazes over him quickly as she stands. Amor she’s never seen before. Was he some kind of soldier? He gives a nod back before heading back into the fight.
The battle felt like an eternity.
Jiya barely recalls boarding the ship to leave Geonosis. But she can still see freshly in her mind the bodies of all her fallen fellow Knights.
Lola hovers her hands over Mar’ci’s leg, healing the wound from a hit from a blaster. Mar’ci rests her upper body against Jiya, allowing her friend to run her fingers through her curls. There’s a worn and tired look on Mar’ci’s face that isn’t a familiar sight. Jiya presses her head against her’s silently. Around them, they’re surrounded by the soldiers in white armor. Clone troopers as they’ve come to learn.
It’s not a welcomed silence that falls over the ship this time. It’s heavy and uncertain. The three long friends share a look, their hands coming together, squeezing tightly.
Jiya knows that what had clouded the Force has finally revealed itself. And it would spare no one.
Jiya stands at the front of the Jedi cruiser. It was strange, to be out of her usual Jedi attire, covered here and there in armor. But that’s the attire of a General.
She glances over to Jairo as he converses quietly with one of the troopers. As though he felt his gaze on her, he turns his attention to Jiya and gives her a grin.
He didn’t deserve to have his Trials cut so short to become a soldier in this horrible war. But he was determined to serve and protect the Republic. Soon, he’d have his own Battalion to lead.
The 407th Battalion would lead in attacks against the Seperatist army and liberate planets that fell unwillingly under their control. They were Jiya’s to lead and protect.
Sensing a presence by her, Jiya looks up to Commander Tear. His scarred face staring ahead. “General,” He starts, “We’re ready to go into hyperdrive,” He informs.
“Thank you, Commander,” Jiya answers, taking a steady breath. It was their second battle.
Tear glances at her from the corner of his eye. “Try not to lose your lightsaber this time,” he adds, the faintest tone of humor lines his voice.
Jiya chuckles, clasping her hands before her. “Only because you asked so nicely,”
Captain Spike, Splint, and Huck come around, followed by Jairo who stands by her other side. Jiya rests her hand on his shoulder, sharing a smile with her Padawan. Looking forward, she and her men watch as the stars begin to stretch before blurring as the ship takes off among them.
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hislittleraincloud · 11 days
No, we're not. But, I suppose we do hv somethin in common 😏
I dunno if you noticed, but I tend to throw in a few emojis 🤡 Bet you prolly know whats my fav emoji by now…
Yay, congrats on hittin the big 5-0! hopefully the next 50 be even better than the first, eh? 🙈 i cant thank u enough for the amazin wenovan and jairo fics... told ya, i love both my left hand and my right 🫠
#buh-bye i better get my ass ready for work…
#two like ppl abnegatin social convention lmao sorry
#two like ppl hidin behind anon facade
#but i like it better this way 🌚
#dont be blue
#eat somethin nice
#hv a drink or two
#and do wtv makes u happy
#bcoz u deserve all good things life has to offer✨🤍
Yeah, I'm 🌚 aware of your 🌚 favorite one 🌚
So NOT the same Anon as the other (who I will answer in a little bit). 🤔 So mysterious... 🫠
Thanks re: 50th. No real plans except to pick up my medications and maybe get something free (one of the Asian bakeries I have an account with has birthday stuff...). And one of the last friends I have around here is briefly meeting up w me later. (Speaking of which, went to take the baby out just a few minutes ago and more than a few of Junkie Cat Lady's paintings are outside by the lightpole/trash. Which means someone cleared her apartment out. Who, I have no idea, but yanno, if she's dead or just plain gone off to God knows where, I'd like to know. I still have her fucking apartment and mail key, and she had MY apartment key as well. I saved one painting that wasn't creepy...she tended to collect creepy fucking paintings...but left whatever else is out there. I have to take out my own trash in a minute so I'll get to peek into our dumpster and see if anything else was trashed. I had stored 2 white chairs up there that I was going to paint in a Wednesday theme but since NO ONE HAS TOLD ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON, I have to assume those chairs are gone. MotherFUCK! I s2g...)
You do get a 🥠 for the Miller's Girl ref. I actually have a deleted scene that involves fortune cookies...might use it elsewhere in the UVCniverse. So...what's your fortune (sorry, dogs tryna sleep and I don't want to turn the lights on).
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Even the fortune cookies are pressuring me 😭😭😭😭😭
Yes I happen to have a bag of fortune cookies by my couch... don't all Asians? 👹 They're $1 a bag here.
Anyhoo...thanks for the continued mystery and well wishes. I was told I wouldn't make it past 40 (and I was told that when I was 12...nice, huh? The French are so fucking rude 🤣). Ten years later and I dunno if I should have...it's been ten years of Hell. But since I'm still here, might as well raise my own kind of Hell.
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(I have that cane BTW...because House M.D. is my true spirit animal.)
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Dossier: La ciudadanía planetaria en re-ligaje de los derechos humanos: Esencias decoloniales
Primero Dios y siempre Dios, gracias Padre amado por labrar caminos para mi, trae tu Reino a mi corazón, a mi vida y familia en el nombre de Jesucristo.
Estamos de fiesta con nuestro amado Padre, hijo y Espíritu Santo; se ha publicado el dossier en la Revista Debates Insubmissos, del Grupo de Investigación Movimientos Sociales, Educación y Diversidad de la Universidad Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil, Volumen 6, Número 23, 2023, titulado: La ciudadanía planetaria en re-ligaje de los derechos humanos: Esencias decoloniales. Que coordinamos el Dr. Ivan Fortunato y mi persona, luego de haber ganado el concurso convocatoria de la revista, que cuenta con un equipo maravilloso: Dr. Allene Lage, Universidad Federal de Pernambuco; Dr. Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Centro de Estudios Sociales - Universidad de Coimbra - CES/UC; Dra. María Paula Meneses, Centro de Estudios Sociales - Universidad de Coimbra - CES/UC.
Pueden consultar el dossier completo en:
Comienzo del año 2024 y mi quinta y sexta publicación que nos dice que el año 2024 será de gran abundancia del cielo. Primeramente, junto al Dr. Ivan Fortunato la presentación de dicho dossier titulado: Presentación del Dossier - La ciudadanía planetaria en re-ligaje de los derechos humanos: Esencias decoloniales con mi publicación número cinco de 2024, con mucha humildad lo comento, a los pies de Jesucristo siempre, he allí la significancia de humildad.
Dicha presentación la encuentran en la página web:
Para la Gloria de mi Padre DIOS, mi aporte al dicho dossier, el artículo titulado: La Ciudanadía planetaria en re-ligaje de los derechos humanos como esencias decoloniales, dedicado con todo mi amor a nuestro Amado Padre Dios; a quien le debemos todo, siempre declaro que la gloria es de Dios en el nombre de Jesucristo, razón de ser.
Pueden disfrutar de su lectura en:
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Finalmente quiero agradecer al Dr. Ivan Fortunato quien me acompaño activamente con su don de persona y gran profesional en la coordinación de dicho dossier; a los Editores de la Revista Debates Insubmissos, y a los autores de las seis (6) investigaciones finales que arbitradas de acuerdo a la normativa de la revista forman parte con su sinfonía de sabiduría a engalanar al dossier; mi agradecimiento e invitación para que nos sigan acompañando en prproyectos de grandes envergaduras como este: Jairo Portillo Parody; Milagros Elena Rodriguez; Tiago Eurico de Lacerda; Daniele Saheb Pedroso; Maria Luisa Jimenez Jimenez; Kathleen Tereza da Cruz; Maria Paula Cerqueira Gomes; Larissa Ferreira Rodrigues Gomes; Bianca Pereira Carvalho y Elaine Ferreira Wetler; ¡gracias infinitas!,
¡Gracias por sus aportes de ciudadanos planetario edificantes en el dossier¡
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holofotedigital · 1 year
Jairo Marques participa de entrega de trator e implementos no Assentamento Serra Verde
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rodadecuia · 2 years
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readyallthecanons · 2 years
Jairo Res
Born on Alderaan in 43 BBY
6’2”, messy dark hair with a brown sheen, blue eyes, tanned skin, long and lean – not bulky but is fit from training, great shoulders/back
Easy-going, flexible, but lazy; Jairo’s a chill dude who values his internal peace but tbh he’s been internally screaming since his first mission; loves almost unconditionally like he just has so much love for those he cares about to the extent that it is actually detrimental to himself; jumps over his problems/negative feelings and calls it parkour; says everything is Fine but actually everything is  not fine; a dork
Very much “screw no attachments! get attached” and it kinda works for him as it gives him something to fight for as a jedi (thanks jiya)
Generally a peacemaker – prefers to resolve conflicts with diplomacy but is not above resorting to aggressive negotiations
Found to be Force Sensitive at age 5 and brought to the Jedi Temple to begin training
Eventually becomes Jiya’s padawan and looks up to her and wants to make her proud
“WWJD? What would Jiya do?” - jairo, probably
It’s very obvious that he is Jiya’s padawan; they’re this meme
Wields a green lightsaber
Is conferred knighthood in 20 BBY…and then gets shot down by his troops the following year…but survives…yay?
Pain and Terrible coping mechanisms :))
He’s like “everything’s fine i’m fine”
He’d rather have a full on corruption arc than go to therapy
Goes on a self-imposed exile after Order 66, repressing the Force like how he represses his bad memories
Is Vibin in the Outer Rim – maybe not having the time of his life but is p content staying hidden and playing his funky music – very much ignorance is bliss
Also grew a beard, grew his hair out a bit (rugged dilf vibes tbh) and now goes by the name Jasper
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lisagarlandd · 3 years
I finished my re watch of the show and realized even more things and paid attention to every details (I mean this show is intense as heck so the first time is wild 😂) and it's always satisfying to see people punch Mateo 😌 I loved Germán having pics of his kid in his locker, Iván's interactions with Óscar, Hugo and Triana struggling but communicating and making efforts and learning to trust e/o endlessly, Jairo's behaviour after The Fuck Up and how much he cried like 🥺😭 Carlo's an amazing actor! I do hope Andrea will go to therapy or a hospital a few times a day if no full-time hospitalisation cause he still needs it badly, he won't heal overnight, he won't heal just because Jairo is back, I really look forward to what they'll do for him in S2 😶 but damn the ending of S1 just, it's so fucked up 💀
Also the ending ending happens 6 weeks later so that's like almost 2 months of Andrea believing Jairo is dead? What happened? Imagine it could've been his first happy birthday in years 😭
Oh I wrote a lot 😂
Omg yes It Is Intense
But you know what
I need more Macarena and Maria moments
CUZ THEY R SO CUTEEEEE together hehhe
U remember Jairo's spit right into Mateo's face 😂😂😂 it was very satisfying.
And like I always say
The boy is already traumatized and just when he started to get better
Jairo fucked up! I'm so angry with him . Even if he cried
I'm not ready to forgive him, yet.
I feel for oscar ,he's tiny 🤧 and his first experience with dat lady 🤧
Hugo has the Shitiest luck on planet.
Also creepy borja hehe
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Group Essay: Masculinity and Relationships: A look into Onodera Punpunyama from Oyasumi Punpun
Written by: Paula Bahamondes, Jairo Riquelme, Francisco Zúñiga [As most of posts here, expect explicit, or not, spoilers for how the plot develops, so be warned]
Oyasumi Punpun it’s a manga with a comin-of-age drama story written by Inio Asano. This manga explores various themes within the coming of age of a boy and the social circles he revolves around, such as sexuality, loneliness, mediocrity (or impossibility of being succesful), mental health and illness, religion, among others. Yet there’s something that threads how all these spheres or stages develop in the life of Onodera Punpunyama (the main character, Punpun from now on), and I’m referring about how he perceives social bonding, that put through analysis unveils a male chauvinistic way in his learning and how he relates to others, mainly woman that serve for his sexual interests.
Through the story, Punpun’s mediocrity relieves him to a constant state of despair for not being able to connect to others as he would like, nor to be someone not mediocre by himself alone. This leads to Punpun’s eventual isolation that develops a depression (it is not stated, but it’s my take) that will accompany him for most of the story, but also a way of relating to people in which he wishes for love (and do receives it) but is unable to give back and also to prevaricate people for rather selfish reasons. At this point something is clear for the reader, Punpun can attract people to give him love and he knows it but acts in an auto-destructive and negligent way because he is too selfish. This makes him unable to bond further with his childhood friends, as they grow apart as they get older, something that he constantly recriminates to himself.
But also, his isolation goes to determine how he bonds with women who serve his sexual interests. In the story, there are three female characters who are the sexual interests and, two of them, later companions to Punpun. The first one is Tanaka Aiko, a girl that he knows from his childhood and has been in love of her ever since, the main interaction with Aiko is at the end of the story, when Punpun has already developed as an young adult with behaviors like the described, so we’ll talk about it later.
After losing contact with Aiko and at his puberty, Punpun discovers his horniness, so he dates Midori, a girl who payed him a little attention, just to get to have sex with her, but his plan soon goes wrong as he can’t even stablish a conversation with her making things highly uncomfortable; at the end of the date, just before Midori is about to leave he asks her to stay a little while, where an awkward silence gets extended until Punpun falls in despair and almost assaults Midori. This unveils, once again, his selfishness, but also how he conceives women and sexual relationships.
The third women in Punpun’s life is Sachi, a writer who convinced him to help him making a story and publishing it. Their relation is a constant push-and-pull where the dynamic is like the one described two paragraphs above but is important to understand that they never settle as a couple but rather base their relation on publishing the story and a couple-like relationship. This is because Punpun has no and can’t have emotional responsibility, he doesn’t want to worry about the things that happen to Sachi. Once again, Punpun’s selfishness is shown and there’s a certain situation and dialog that revolves around how it is expressed in their relationship; in the situation that I’m referring, after the two had been apart and not in contact because Punpun isolated himself, Sachi needs emotional support for a personal matter, to what he can only react to hold her hand, this makes Sachi really angry and point out how he always acts like a romantic when is less needed, showing his lack of interest and selfishness.
Aiko is the most important character that Punpun is interested in through the story. As they re-encounter as adults, he sees how Aiko has changed from the way she was as a child, this makes Punpun furious and resents him as he blames her for, he had to challenge mental illness and isolation. But as soon as they both discover that they’re just pretending to be someone else, they go to a motel where he, once again, gets angry at her because she goes to a motel with a guy she hadn’t seen in years, slut-shaming her and thinking to himself “I want to make your life miserable”. Although that situation doesn’t end well because he assaults her, when they meet again, they start discovering more and more that they never got over each other and begin a sort of relationship, but with constant abusive behavior to each other. Their relationship is destructive and mainly for Aiko, but he doesn’t care, he is so sure that she is the love of her life that they continue in a toxic relationship because they are obsessed with each other.
Once described how Punpun conceives romantic/sexual relations trough a male chauvinistic way, we still have to analyze how the character grows into this. First, the relationship between his parents is violent and abusive, as at the beginning of the story his father gets a restriction order for domestic abuse. He could never bond neither with his dad or mom. His uncle, Yuichi, is introduced here and he will play a fatherly figure role for Punpun, but Yuichi is pretty much self-centered when it comes to talk to Punpun, as it can be seen in the dialogs that he always talks about himself; at the same time, it is put in highlight how Yuichi never loses a chance to stare at a women’s rearward, giving hints on his perspective of the female figures. Also, there’s the group of friends that Punpun has as a child, these kids would constantly talk about pornography and gather in houses to watch porn films that they stole or found somewhere, this gives the reader the idea that Punpun’s learning on sexuality comes mainly from pornographic media.
In conclusion, it has been shown that Oyasumi Punpun, probably not inadvertedly, develops a critique on masculinity and how it decants in sexual/romantic relationships and social bonding, that is to say, how relationships are conceived under male chauvinistic perspectives. And this is nothing new, there’s nothing surprising, but rather something relatable, whereas most men are raised in manners that differ little to nothing to how Punpun’s fatherly figures did and get a significant influence in their learning of sexuality of pornography. This manga serves as a critic, it is meant to make the reader uncomfortable with a sense of reality, its really a wonderful piece because what it problematizes is but a huge problem in our society that’s under a patriarchal structure.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jairo | Swaine & Lars | Marcassin Characters: Jairo | Swaine, Lars | Marcassin Additional Tags: Brotherly Bonding, Brotherly Love, Brother Feels, Brotherly Affection, Big Brothers, Big brother Swaine, Letters, Rebuilding, Broken Families, Broken Promises, broken bonds, Self-Acceptance, Acceptance, Distance Series: Part 21 of Nymph Hugs Summary:
When rebuilding broken bonds, a letter is at least something to start with.
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leoswritingcorner · 2 years
SW Prompts Day 12: Found Family
ft. jairo, elara, and lucky (her canon sw self)
She looks more like her with each passing day, and each time Jairo has to swallow down the lump of guilt within him.
It has been a year to the day that Lucky had arrived. Breaking the stillness and peace he had set up for himself, hidden far and away from the Empire. He remembers her anger from being separated from her Uncles, the only family she had known. For months she’d wear her Uncle Spike’s helmet, and Jairo almost preferred it that way. He wouldn’t have been able to stand seeing Jiya’s eyes glaring at him. But the attitude? That was all Lucky’s father.
“I have a gift for you,” Elara says suddenly, pulling Jairo from his thoughts. Lucky looks up from her plate, glancing around, before pointing to herself.
“Ya mean for me?” Lucky asks. Elara laughs, pulling a hidden package from under the table where they sat.
“To celebrate a year of you being with us,” Elara announces, sliding the package to Lucky. Jairo chuckles.
“One long year,” He adds, resting his chin on his hand. It earns him a bump from Elara. But Lucky looks at him and grins. They did not make the past year easy for one another, but slowly, and still, they grew closer.
Lucky gasps softly as she pulls out the blaster, her eyes widening in wonder. “My own blaster?” She asks excitedly, smiling brightly. Jairo shoots his wife a quick disbelieving and steady glare, before looking back to Lucky with a hesitant smile.
Elara laughs, ignoring Jairo, “Yes, you’re how old? Thirteen? I had my first blaster when I was seven, you have some catching up to do,” She says, resting her chin on her hand, smiling at the young girl, before winking to Jairo.
“My Uncle Spike and Uncle Splint taught me to shoot,” Lucky says, inspecting the blaster in the way she had seen her Uncles. “But I’ve never had my own. Can I go practice now?” Lucky asks hopefully, reaching for her helmet. Jairo jumps slightly, holding out his hand carefully.
“Let’s wrap up dinner and then wash up first,” Jairo says. Lucky pouts, holding the blaster close, looking to Elara who gives her a small nod.
Sighing, Lucky places the blaster into his hands. “Alright,” She resigns, watching as Jairo sets the blaster on the counter behind him. Jairo and Elara share a look, the pink twi’lek nudges her husband gently, motioning to Lucky.
Jairo sighs, “Why don’t you go grab some bottles from the bin and set up some targets? We’ll practice while there’s still light out” Jairo suggests. Lucky brightens and grabs her helmet, jumping up.
“Yes!” She cheers, rushing out. “Thank you!” She calls as she barrels out the door.
Jairo and Elara sit in silence. For a moment, it was how it was only a couple of years back. Where they were hidden and secluded, no worries of the outside world or it’s dangers.
For once, they felt like a family.
“Oh, Freykaa,” Elara nuzzles her nose to his rugged cheek, “you are one big softy,” She teases.
“You love it,” Jairo retorts in a mumble. Elara presses a kiss to his cheek, before he stands and heads out to follow Lucky.
“Just as I love you,” Elara sighs, watching them outside. “Both of you.”
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hislittleraincloud · 2 months
Still writing Jairo (and Wyler...🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢), and basking in it.
I'm in pain and my dog had another seizure this morning. Gave him his meds and he's sleeping now, which is what I want to be and will be, since I want to go back to being a Night Owl.
Re: Jairo, I had completely forgotten that I had written a weird foot thing with them. I was probably high. But it (so far) didn't involve her feet, but his. 💀
But that's not what I'm working on. It's the Day of Return to Classes that I'm writing and UVC Cairo has been fkd ten times through Sunday by that point and she is... almost recklessly horny. And she has a new phone. How will she ever survive her midterm testing? How will Jon survive her insatiable appetite as she sits and taunts him from her desk? 💩
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Maybe you'll find out. 🫴🏽🎀💕✨
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maxciliegie · 2 years
Lezione di musica
Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si. Si? Sí, mi sol; sí!
Jairo Aníbal Niño
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Bicycling Community Recognize; Earn Multiple Projects from DOTr
by: Jairo Nil A. Pagtalunan
The COVID-19 cases rapidly increase in the Philippines led the country to ordain an extensive lockdown in most provinces. Commercial buildings are closed; most employees are jobless and affecting different public transport operations.
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Photo: OneNews.PH
The said global crisis affects the most of essential personnel commuting back and forth from their home to work. As a result of current pandemic, healthcare workers relying on different public transport used bicycle as their alternative means of transportation knowing the situation of COVID-19 pandemic.
As the nation’s battling against virus, different sectors are cautiously launching re-opening of different establishments. Yet, the public transportation still not functional; as a result, high demands of bicycles are being observed and government took actions to maintain safeness of cyclists using different main roads.
In a survey conducted by World Bank Group’s Technical Assistance team with the partnership of Philippines’ national government agencies showed gradient visualization increasing the number if Filipinos using bicycle amidst COVID-19 situation in the country.
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Photo: World Bank
The fast growing cycling communities convinced the government to take actions by investing pro-cyclist infrastructure across Metro Manila, Metro Cebu and Metro Davao.
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Photo: DOTrPH
The Department of Transportation (DOTr) allocated 1.26 billion in installation of proper bike symbols and signage, markings using thermoplastic paint, solar-powered road studs, and bike racks in 497 km total bike lane established in country’s major cities in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
By creating almost 500 kilometers in a span of nine months, the national government opens opportunity to cycling community to have a safe space in roads. The effort they raised will inspire other local government units to prioritize bike lanes on their areas and captivate its people to use bike as a main alternative form of transportation.
Relates stories:
Senate approves pop-up bike lanes bill on 2nd reading
Commuters might soon see gov't bike share system, end-of-trip bike facilities
Bicycling Surges in Manila Amid Covid-19 Lockdowns
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We're told, "If you work hard, you'll get results." But for my family, there haven't been any results - just survival.
Jairo Gomez (7 Kids, 1 Apartment: What Poverty Means To This Teen)
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lisagarlandd · 4 years
I'm so thankful to find someone who loves the trash that is Toy Boy as much as I do. Its ridiculous most of the time, but it still got me re-watching and loving it, anyway. Jairo x Andrea are a top notch OTP.
I ,too find my self re watching it over and over
And hoping for season 2
Andrea x jairo ....🤗🤗🤗😚😚🥰 are the cutest thing ever
I hope to see the toy boy fandom gets bigger
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ni-de-cona · 4 years
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>> Ni de coña << Título original Ni de coña Año 2020 Duración 97 min. País España España Dirección Fernando Ayllón Guion Fernando Ayllón Fotografía Henry Albadán Reparto Nathalie Seseña, Goyo Jiménez, J.J. Vaquero, Jordi Sánchez, Ricardo Quevedo, Max Marieges, Carolina Noriega, Norma Nivia, Nadia Torrijos, Kikín Fernández, Moi Camacho, Jairo Ordoñez, Shirley Marulanda, Karine Amaya Productora Coproducción España-Colombia; Mr Miyagi Films Género Comedia
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??? SERIES DE TELEVISION ??? Las primeras transmisiones de televisión fueron transmisiones experimentales, esporádicas, visibles solo a muy poca distancia de la torre de transmisión a partir de la década de 333. Eventos televisados ​​como los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano de 3333 en Alemania, la coronación del rey 3333 George VI en el Reino Unido y la famosa introducción de David Sarnoff a la Feria Mundial 3333 en Nueva York, EE. UU., Estimularon el crecimiento en el medio, pero la Segunda Guerra Mundial detuvo el desarrollo hasta después de la guerra. La Serie Mundial 333 inspiró a muchos estadounidenses a comprar sus primeros televisores, y luego, en 3333, el popular programa de radio Texaco Star Theatre dio el paso y se convirtió en el primer programa de variedades de televisión semanal, ganando el El presentador Milton Berle lo llamó ‘Mr Television’ y demostró que el medio era una forma de entretenimiento estable y moderna que podía atraer a los anunciantes. La primera transmisión de televisión nacional en vivo en los Estados Unidos tuvo lugar el 3 de septiembre de 3333, cuando el discurso del presidente Harry Truman en la Conferencia del Tratado de Paz de Japón en San Francisco fue transmitido por cable transcontinental de AT&T y Sistema de retransmisión de radio por microondas para emisoras de radiodifusión en mercados locales. El primer espectáculo nacional en color (el Desfile del Torneo de las Rosas 3333) en los Estados Unidos tuvo lugar el 3 3333. Durante los siguientes diez años, la mayoría de los programas de la red y casi todos los programas locales continuaron siendo negros. y blanco. Se anunció una transición de color para el otoño de 3333, durante la cual más de la mitad de toda la programación de la cadena en horario de máxima audiencia se transmitiría en color. La temporada de estreno a todo color en horario estelar llegó un año después. En 333, la última reserva entre los programas de red diurnos convertidos a color, lo que resultó en la primera temporada de redes a todo color. ??? Formatos y géneros ??? Las primeras transmisiones de televisión fueron transmisiones experimentales, esporádicas, visibles solo a muy poca distancia de la torre de transmisión a partir de la década de 333. Eventos televisados ​​como los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano de 3333 en Alemania, la coronación del rey 3333 George VI en el Reino Unido y la famosa introducción de David Sarnoff a la Feria Mundial 3333 en Nueva York, EE. UU., Estimularon el crecimiento en el medio, pero la Segunda Guerra Mundial detuvo el desarrollo hasta después de la guerra. La Serie Mundial 333 inspiró a muchos estadounidenses a comprar sus primeros televisores, y luego, en 3333, el popular programa de radio Texaco Star Theatre dio el paso y se convirtió en el primer programa de variedades de televisión semanal, ganando el El presentador Milton Berle lo llamó ‘Mr Television’ y demostró que el medio era una forma de entretenimiento estable y moderna que podía atraer a los anunciantes. La primera transmisión de televisión nacional en vivo en los Estados Unidos tuvo lugar el 3 de septiembre de 3333, cuando el discurso del presidente Harry Truman en la Conferencia del Tratado de Paz de Japón en San Francisco fue transmitido por cable transcontinental de AT&T y Sistema de retransmisión de radio por microondas para emisoras de radiodifusión en mercados locales. El primer espectáculo nacional en color (el Desfile del Torneo de las Rosas 3333) en los Estados Unidos tuvo lugar el 3 3333. Durante los siguientes diez años, la mayoría de los programas de la red y casi todos los programas locales continuaron siendo negros. y blanco. Se anunció una transición de color para el otoño de 3333, durante la cual más de la mitad de toda la programación de la cadena en horario de máxima audiencia se transmitiría en color. La temporada de estreno a todo color en horario estelar llegó un año después. En 333, la última reserva entre los programas de red diurnos convertidos a color, lo que resultó en la primera temporada de redes a todo color. ??? Formatos y géneros ??? Los programas de televisión son más variados que la mayoría de las otras formas de medios debido a la amplia variedad de formatos y géneros que se pueden presentar. Un programa puede ser ficticio (como en comedias y dramas) o no ficticio (como en documentales, noticias y reality shows). Puede ser de actualidad (como en el caso de un noticiero local y algunas películas para televisión) o histórica (como en el caso de muchos documentales y series de ficción). Pueden ser principalmente educativos o educativos, o entretenidos como es el caso de las comedias de situación y los programas de juegos. Un programa dramático generalmente presenta a un gr”&E2&”o de actores que interpretan personajes en un entorno histórico o contemporáneo. El programa sigue sus vidas y aventuras. Antes de 3333, los programas (excepto las series de telenovelas) generalmente permanecían estáticos sin arcos de la historia, y los personajes principales y las premisas cambiaban poco. deshecho al final. Por esta razón, los episodios se pueden reproducir en cualquier orden. [Cita requerida] Desde 3333, muchos programas presentan un cambio gradual en la trama, los personajes o ambos. Por ejemplo, Hill Street Blues y St. Elsewhere fueron dos de las primeras series de televisión dramáticas en horario estelar estadounidenses en tener este tipo de estructura dramática, [3] [se necesita una mejor fuente] mientras que la serie posterior Babylon 3 ilustra más de una estructura de este tipo en el sentido de que tenía un historial de ejecución predeterminado durante su carrera planificada de cinco temporadas. [cita requerida] En 333, se informó que la televisión se estaba convirtiendo en un componente más importante de los ingresos de las grandes empresas de medios que el cine. [3] Algunos también han notado la mejora en la calidad de algunos programas de televisión. En 333, el director ganador del Oscar Steven Soderbergh, al comentar sobre la ambigüedad y complejidad del personaje y la narrativa, dijo: “Creo que estas cualidades ahora se ven en la televisión y las personas que quieren ver historias que tienen este tipo de cualidades ven la televisión. TELEVISION E HISTORIA Un programa de televisión (a menudo simplemente un programa de televisión) es cualquier contenido producido para ser transmitido en vivo, vía satélite, cable o Internet y generalmente visto en un televisor, excluyendo noticias de última hora, anuncios o remolques que generalmente se colocan entre espectáculos. . Los programas de televisión suelen programarse con mucha antelación y aparecen en guías electrónicas u otros programas de televisión. Un programa de televisión también puede denominarse programa de televisión (inglés británico: programa), especialmente si no tiene una estructura narrativa. Una película para televisión generalmente se lanza en episodios que siguen una narrativa y se dividen en temporadas (y Canadá) o películas (Reino Unido): conjuntos anuales o bianuales de nuevos episodios. Un programa con un número limitado de episodios puede denominarse mini películas, series o películas limitadas. Un solo número puede calificarse de “especial”. Una película para televisión (“película hecha para televisión” o “película para televisión”) es una película que se muestra inicialmente en televisión en lugar de mostrarse en cines o directamente en video. Las transmisiones de televisión se pueden ver cuando se transmiten en tiempo real (en vivo), se graban en video doméstico o en una grabadora de video digital para verlas más tarde, o se ven a pedido a través de un decodificador o se transmiten por Internet. Las primeras transmisiones de televisión fueron transmisiones experimentales, esporádicas, visibles solo a muy poca distancia de la torre de transmisión del. Eventos televisados ​​como los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano 936 en Alemania, la coronación 937 del Rey Jorge VI en el Reino Unido y la famosa introducción de David Sarnoff a la Novena Feria Mundial de Nueva York han estimulado el crecimiento en el medio, pero la Segunda Guerra Mundial puso fin al desarrollo hasta después de la guerra. Las 947 World Movies inspiraron a muchos estadounidenses a comprar sus primeros televisores, y luego, en 948, el popular programa de radio Texaco Star Theatre dio el salto y se convirtió en el primer programa semanal de variedades de televisión, obteniendo el premio El presentador Milton Berle lo llamó ‘Mr Television’ y demostró que el medio era una forma de entretenimiento estable y moderna que podía atraer a los anunciantes. La primera transmisión de televisión nacional en vivo tuvo lugar el 4 de septiembre de 95 cuando el discurso del presidente Harry Truman en la Conferencia del Tratado de Paz de Japón en San Francisco fue transmitido a través del sistema de retransmisión y cable transcontinental de AT&T. radio microondas para emisoras de radiodifusión en los mercados locales. El primer espectáculo nacional de color (el Desfile del Torneo de Rosas 954) tuvo lugar el 1 de octubre. Durante los siguientes diez años, la mayor parte de la programación de la red y casi toda la programación local se mantuvo en blanco y negro. Se anunció una transición de color para el otoño de 965, en la que más de la mitad de toda la programación en horario de máxima audiencia en la red se transmitiría en color. La temporada de estreno a todo color en horario estelar llegó un año después. En 97, la última resistencia entre los programas de televisión diurnos convertidos a color, culminando con la primera temporada de televisión a todo color. FORMATOS Y S Los programas de televisión son más variados que la mayoría de las otras formas de medios debido a la amplia variedad de formatos y formatos que se pueden presentar. Un programa puede ser ficticio (como en comedias y dramas) o no ficticio (como en documentales, noticias y reality shows). Puede ser de actualidad (como en el caso de un noticiero local y algunas películas para televisión) o histórica (como en el caso de muchos documentales y películas de ficción). Pueden ser principalmente educativos o educativos, o entretenidos, como es el caso de las comedias de situación y los programas de juegos. Un programa generalmente presenta a un gr”&E2&”o de actores que interpretan personajes en un entorno histórico o contemporáneo. El programa sigue sus vidas y aventuras. Antes de la década de 980, los programas (con la excepción de las series de telenovelas) generalmente permanecían estáticos sin arcos de la historia, y los personajes principales y las premisas cambiaban poco. Si sucedía un cambio en la vida de los personajes durante el episodio, se deshacía por completo al final. Debido a esto, los episodios se pueden reproducir en cualquier orden. Desde la década de 980, muchas películas presentan cambios graduales en la trama, los personajes o ambos. Por ejemplo, Hill Street Blues y St. Elsewhere fueron dos de las primeras películas dramáticas de televisión estadounidenses en las grandes horas. Encuentre todas las películas que puede transmitir en línea, incluidas las que se proyectaron esta semana. Si se pregunta qué puede ver en este sitio web, debe saber que cubre Crimen, Ciencia, Fi-Fi, Acción, Romance, Suspense, Comedia, Drama, Película. animación, etc. Muchas gracias. Le decimos a cualquiera que esté feliz de recibir noticias o información sobre la programación de películas de este año y cómo ve sus películas favoritas. Espero que podamos convertirnos en el mejor socio para usted en la búsqueda de recomendaciones para sus películas favoritas. ¡Todo esto, saludos! Gracias por ver videos de hoy. Espero que disfruten de los videos que comparto. Dale un pulgar hacia arriba, dale me gusta o comparte si te gusta lo que hemos compartido para que estemos más emocionados. Espolvorea una sonrisa alegre para que el mundo regrese en una variedad de colores, se mantenga seguro y se quede en casa. Esperamos que esté satisfecho con nuestro servicio WEB. Muchas gracias y disfruta leyendo. No soy dueño de esta canción o la imagen, todo el crédito es para sus dueños. Se han realizado algunos cambios en el contenido de la educación. El idioma original de la descripción de este video es inglés. Es tan impresionante. ¡Suscríbete y comparte con tus amigos! en mi chael. Ver más videos !!. ¡¡Gracias por ser el amigo !! Gracias por unirse, diviértase, vuelva a consultar y avíseme si le gusta mi contenido. ¡No dude en dejar un comentario, dar me gusta y suscribirse! COMO Y ELLA Mire este último video y, si le gusta, no olvide ver los demás. LA HISTORIA Son y Jeremy Camp (K.J. Apa) es un joven y aspirante a miciano a quien nada le encantaría más que honrar a su Dios a través del poder del micrófono. Al salir de su casa en Indiana por el clima más cálido de California y los estudios universitarios, Jeremy pronto se encuentra con una compañera de clase Melissa Heing (Britt Robertson), a quien ve en la audiencia en un concierto local. . Inmediatamente cayendo bajo la flecha de C”&E2&”ido, se presenta a ella y rápidamente descubre que ella también se siente atraída por él. Sin embargo, Melissa se abstiene de formar una relación incipiente porque teme que pueda crear una situación difícil entre Jeremy y su amigo en común, Jean-Luc (Nathan Parson), un compañero mician y que también siente algo por Melissa. Aún así, Jeremy es implacable en su búsqueda de ella hasta que finalmente se encuentran en una relación romántica. Sin embargo, su relación juvenil termina cuando la nueva Melissa con cáncer, que amenaza su vida, oc”&E2&”a un lugar central. El diagnóstico no hace nada para disuadir el amor de Jeremey por ella, y la pareja finalmente se casa poco después. Sin embargo, pronto se encuentran caminando por una delgada línea entre vivir juntos y sufrir su enfermedad; con Jeremy cuestionando su fe en el micrófono, él mismo y con Dios mismo. EL BUENO / EL MALO Lo siento si esto suena un poco familiar de mi revisión de Solo puedo imaginar, pero dice claramente cómo me siento acerca de estas películas. Aunque soy un cristiano devoto (no un fanático loco ni nada de eso) por mis conceptos básicos de religión y creencias en la vida, no soy un gran fanático de los largometrajes “religiosos”. Eso no quiere decir que sean malos o que los encuentre deplorables para otras películas más populares, pero a veces pueden ser un poco sermoneantes y cursis / honky en sus connotaciones religiosas y dirección dramática en general. Personalmente, me gustan los cuentos más bíblicos que ha contado Hollywood, con Los Diez Mandamientos de Cecil B. Demile y Ben-Hur de William Wyler; ambos han demostrado resistir el paso del tiempo en el cine. Por s”&E2&”uesto, la tendencia reciente en Hollywood de lanzar más películas de “remake” pone un poco de sombra en estas epopeyas bíblicas con Exod: Gods and Kings de 04 y Ben-Hur de 06; que no logró capturar un sentido de integridad cinematográfica y tenía una perspectiva religiosa desordenada en su aspecto celoso. Recientemente, sin embargo, Hollywood ha vuelto más hacia las obras de teatro contemporáneas, encontrando narrativas que más o menos caen en una era y una era más “moderna” en términos de sus características basadas en la fidelidad cristiana. Como mencioné anteriormente, algunos han tenido éxito en sus formas literarias (basadas en un libro y adaptadas para la pantalla grande), pero la mayoría se inspira en historias de la vida real, lo que resulta en algo. que se s”&E2&”one que toca la fibra sensible (entre los cinéfilos) debido a su aspecto y sus matices “basados ​​en una historia real”. Una vez más, algunos son buenos (como me encantó Unbroken y The Shack), mientras que otros se vuelven demasiado sermoneadores y dejan que las propuestas religiosas se interpongan en el camino de la película, haciéndolas menos que deseables para el público en general o incluso para los miembros. de su propia fe. Estas películas religiosas a veces pueden resultar problemáticas en su presentación final tanto para los espectadores como para la propia película; a veces dando la impresión de que la película parece más una película para televisión que un largometraje teatral. Esto me lleva a hablar de I Still Believe, un estreno cinematográfico de la religión cristiana basada en la fe. Como casi todos los tiempos, Hollywood normalmente lanza dos (quizás tres) películas de esta variedad de películas en su programa anual de estrenos en cines, con estrenos típicamente en la primavera y / o cayendo respetuosamente. No escuché mucho cuando se anunció esta película por primera vez (probablemente fue enterrada bajo todas las noticias de películas populares en News Feed). Mi primer vistazo a la película fue cuando se lanzó el avance de la película, que encontré algo interesante. Sí, parecía que la película iba a ser la típica vibra “basada en la fe”, pero iba a ser dirigida por los hermanos Erwin, quienes hicieron I Can Only Imagine (una película que me encantó). Pl, el tráiler de I Still Believe se creó durante un tiempo, así que lo seguí viendo muchas veces cuando iba al cine local. Se podría decir que estaba “arraigado en mi cerebro”. E, estaba un poco ansioso por verlo. Afortunadamente, pude verlo antes de que la epidemia de COVID-9 cerrara los cines (lo vi en su noche de estreno), pero, debido al horario El poder de la fe, el amor y la afinidad por el micrófono son fundamentales para la historia de vida de Jeremy Camp en la película I Still Believe. Los directores Andrew y Jon Erwin (Los hermanos Erwin) examinan la vida y los tiempos de la vida de Jeremy Camp; destacando sus primeros días con su relación Melissa Heing mientras luchan a través de las dificultades y su amor duradero el uno por el otro en tiempos difíciles. Si bien la intención de la película y el mensaje temático de la fe de una persona a través de tiempos difíciles son de hecho palpables, así como las interpretaciones simpáticas m ”” & G2 & ”” icas, la película ciertamente se esfuerza por encontrar una base. cinemática en su ejecución, incluyendo ritmo frenético, piezas fragmentadas, ritmos de trama predecibles. , momentos de diálogo demasiado sermoneador / anticuado, connotaciones religiosas excesivas y mala gestión de varios de sus personajes secundarios / secundarios. Para mí, esta película estaba en algún lugar entre ok y “meh”. Definitivamente fue un negocio cinematográfico cristiano basado en la fe (de principio a fin) y ciertamente tuvo sus momentos, pero no funcionó.
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