#jameela delmarro
technovillain · 2 months
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it's psychonauts intern and junior inventor jameela delmarro! ( for legal reasons: not affiliated directly with delmarro tech)
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technovillain · 9 months
i love jameela to death so here’s some questions:
-after “fuck giving rich people dangerous technology” does she distance herself from technology entirely or does she keep making personal stuff and/or stuff that’s much harder to exploit? i think she could make some fucking awesome animal monitoring tech (like keeping track of individuals of endangered species, citizen volunteer data collection on bird populations and stuff)
-what’s her flavors of queer and/or neurodivergent
-does she ever end up doing missions or is she not super duper into the agent stuff
-is her dad a rich asshole or just oblivious and ignorant or a mix of the two
-how do you think she’d get along with some of the junior agents, especially norma, gisu, and sam
After that, she pretty much makes a vow to herself to never make a psychic invention again!!!! (....) and then time passes and she goes "Well just one little thing for myself." (....) "Okay just another for just myself." (.....) "Okay it's fine if I'm only making things for myself, even if it's a lot of things. I need technology." What you said there is Exactly the kind of stuff she'd be making too! While she takes a very loud approach to her activism, her approach to saving the world by trying to prevent the horrible future she saw is much more under the radar...mostly because she's still using the psychic technology that she built for herself but pretends that she didn't build at all because she said she swore it off! (She is constantly fighting herself in her own head about this lol.)
I haven't fully decided on this! But I would say that she is asexual and has OCD.
She really kind of functionally.... leaves the Psychonauts after a certain point. Like in a "You're always welcome to come back" kind of way. This is something that I still need to do more thinking on because I need to decide how I think the Psychonauts, being a government funded organization, would feel about psychic activism entering the public sphere.... But anyways yeah I see her leaving for an extended period but coming back when there is suddenly a mission that requires her assistance specifically (one involving Gusty and Veranda.)
I'd have to say he's definitely a mix of the two, leaning more towards the second one. I can't remember exactly how much detail I went into on her story and how it might have changed since I last posted about it (bc tumblr's tag search feature is functionally useless rip) BUT Dallas Delmarro is indeed a tech guru so while his concepts were birthed from those "childhood dreamer with a lot of big ideas" mindsets you always see in people like him, he ended up really focused on his company's bottom line. Business school changed this dude. He is still a pretty good dad considering everything. But considering he's a single father and his job pretty much consumes his life it is pretty easy to see why Jameela felt a strong need to get good at inventing things from a young age (cough cough so she would feel more important to him)
I like to picture these characters existing at the Motherlobe a few years after the events of Psychonauts 2, just so I don't have to think too hard about where they're at in regards to the plot of PN2. Just assuming that most of the big things regarding that plot have died down at this point. So all of the interns/junior agents from the game would be a few years older than Jameela when she gets there. I think she would probably like Norma okay from afar, but not really have any desire to become friends with her...because she can see how she gets. I think she would not know anything at all about Sam and be a little put off by her and not able to read her at all. She would totally be jealous of Gisu though. Because I see Gisu in a few years as working alongside Otto. And in Jameela's story, she came to the Motherlobe to work with Otto but something urgent came up regarding developing some sort of technology, and Sasha and him and Gisu were all working together to develop it. So Jameela doesn't really care for Gisu or Sasha just because they're interfering with her track to success.
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technovillain · 1 month
Give me the rundown on your dudes in as much or as little detail as you like
I put up the OC asks thing the other day and then just went ham on updating my references and toyhouse instead whoops!!
Basic rundown of all my psynauts ocs for u <3
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they're my characters that aren't directly related to any of the canon characters . jameela's an intern a few years after the events of pn2, gusty is a whispering rock camper and also temporarily lives at the motherlobe, veranda is an agent who works with them both in their collective story.
jameela is the highly intelligent daughter of tech guru dallas delmarro. she has incredible inventing skills that are aided by her psychic abilities, namely her precognition. her precognition is both a blessing and a curse, especially when she keeps seeing horrible apocalyptic doom scenarios.
gusty is a rowdy ragamuffin who accidentally gave his entire town brain damage when he found out he could abuse the psychic power of confusion to do whatever he wanted. he was mostly unaware of the repercussions of his actions. after making his own living situation unsafe, he was taken in to the psychonauts, becoming one of the "motherlobe kids" while his town was put under observation and check-ins.
veranda is a 30-something new zealand immigrant who loves cowboys and the wild west. they feel like they've been running from their problems for years now. they had a fear of growing up when they were little and accidentally time-bubbled some of their child relatives as a teenager. ever since they've been afraid of making the wrong decisions AND of being around children.
NEXT is my Oleander family members
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midge is oleander's mother. she's got a potent sad energy and mostly keeps to herself.
eagle is an all-american boy scout who makes his mother proud.
rock is the oldest brother who eventually works in the butcher shop with his father. both rock and eagle bully morry when he's little (well, a little kid....)
NEXT is the Zanotto family members
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laurel is bob's older sister and truman's mother. she was an artsy jack of all trades, she was a beatnik and avid music-festival-goer in her younger years
jonny is truman's father, laurel's short-term psychic boyfriend who disappeared under mysterious circumstances (he was doomed)
delphine is truman's ex-wife and lili's mother. she has a big fancy corporate banking job. despite being a total workaholic she calls lili on the phone every single night <3
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ophelia was a distant relative of houston thorney who lived at thorney towers when loboto was a patient. she is the mother of his mentioned child (who is bobby zilch in my hc) and she also died because of a longstanding "family curse"
lester was a character i made for an oleander fic that's in progress. he was originally just going to be in the beginning chapter as a kid but i also decided on a way to bring him back as an adult. maybeeee someday i will write that part of the story too ^__^
nostradamus is my least developed oc, he's more of just a brain concept and a character design.... one of these days i will find a way to tie him properly into the universe.
thank u 4 ur time <3
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technovillain · 2 years
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JAMEELA DELMARRO!!!!!! She's got such a fun story!!! She's an intern at the Motherlobe and works closely with Otto on inventions because of her background in the first story. After the timeskip, her interests are really different (for plot reasons) and she's really into Zoolepathy and pro-psychic activism.
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technovillain · 2 years
Hey, could you tell us more about Jameela? I loved her design so much!!
YESSS. I will now dump her wall of text backstory on you.
Daughter of Dallas Delmarro, tech guru, Jameela has always been interested in tech and has had exclusive technology not available to the public. She made friends easily in school, but she oftentimes felt it was primarily as a result of her having a lot of money, and never them sharing a deep interest in electronics with her.
She develops her own technology and one day realizes that the telescopic device she has built offers her some sort of foresight. She doesn't realize that it isn't the technology and is instead her psychic powers at first, so she believes she has created a device that allows her to glance into the future. She shows her father a brief glimpse into the future with her device and he is so infinitely impressed and proud of his daughter. Neither of them have any idea that she has unknowingly created psychic technology and is projecting her own visions onto the device.
He promotes her through his company, Delmarro Devices, and takes her to a technology summit, wanting to share her creation with the technology world to show the promising future. She shows off the device and they both give a personal account. She gives a brief demonstration. Stock investments in Delmarro Devices go up significantly. But there's a problem in sales: the device can't be replicated, nor can anybody get it to work other than Jameela.
One night while stressing over this new development, Jameela sees a vision of the future without the technology. A vision of her with a giant glowing orange arm, shaking hands with a strange man in an even stranger laboratory. Oh. She's a psychic.
She had heard tell of psychic technology years ago, a certain 'Otto Mentallis' who was promising in the tech world but seemed to keep his psychic tech to himself and his community. She had only laughed it off before, not sure if she even believed psychic powers were actually real. But she has a feeling that that is who she saw in her vision. So she reaches out to Otto, who excitedly invites her to come to his lab!
She tells her father that she got accepted to a technological internship and that she was working with someone who can help her develop her device further and make it worth for others, and he is thrilled. It isn't technically a lie, but she doesn't give the specifics of it being a psychic organization. She conveniently leaves that information out. She has decided not to tell her father about her powers. She wants to be able to create the device without having to reveal that about herself. She wants that technology to be real for Delmarro Devices without relying on a psychic to operate it. The more she learns about psychics through Otto and the Psychonauts, however, the less she thinks that this sort of thing would be good for public distribution...
In the future, Jameela has pretty much completely severed herself from Delmarro Devices and her past interest in tech and has become a nature-loving psychic advocate. She had a bit of a hippie breakdown and became a real hero type all of a sudden, trying to end injustice against psychics. She uses her psychic connection with birds to communicate with others and also help the environment. What made her have such a change of heart? Glimpses of the future. Glimpses of a very bad future. Where powerful technology lets the wrong people see through her eyes and ruin the beautiful world that they live in. Knowing that that future is a possibility, Jameela will stop at nothing to make sure it doesn't become a reality. Deep down, her Precognition scares her, and this becomes a weak point when it comes to going up against new rivals in the future...
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technovillain · 2 years
Jameela's so cute I like her so much can you tell me more about jameela please please please. This is a free pass to say whatever you want about Jameela. (Also her left arm is like, a telekinesis hand right? Am I interpreting that right)
YAH! She was born with a partial left arm and only recently started using a TK arm to work as a prosthesis! She's new to her psychic powers, and her main plot-driving ability is Precognition. She's also a natural at levitation, and in the future, Zoolepathy, particularly with birds. She's worked with technology her whole life, greatly encouraged at the hands of her famous tech guru father, Dallas Delmarro. She has an extremely steady right hand and is great at working with tiny details in electronic parts.
She gets along great with Otto, with them both being psychic inventors. She looks up to the Junior Agents quite a lot, she thinks Adam and Lizzie are both supremely cool. [This story takes place 2 years after PN2, I think!] She's kind of a nerd and it shows. Norma would probably poke fun at her, Morris would probably think she's pretty cool after she starts working with Veranda.
She's 15 years old and only discovered her powers at 14.
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