#james stringer
useyourtelescope · 1 month
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Leo Suter as James Stringer Sanditon Episode 1.08
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lavellenchanted · 2 months
Ooh, what's building anew?
So, this was something I started in the wake of my annoyance with Sanditon and specifically how dirty they did James Stringer's character.
The basic premise was that it was set a few years post canon, with Stringer having made a name for himself as an architect in London when Tom Parker comes calling to ask him to work on an extension to to Sanditon. While there, he makes the acquaintance of a young heiress who's visiting for the summer and starts to fall for her - but after his previous experience in Sanditon he's convinced there's no way she could return his feelings.
So basically a Stringer x OC fic (although I did toy with the idea of doing a crossover with Georgiana Darcy as the heiress). While I don't know how likely I am finish it I do go back to it occasionally. Here's a snippet from the beginning:
“Mr Stringer?”  Glancing up, he saw one of the clerks hovering in the doorway to his office. “Yes?”  “There’s a gentleman here to see you, sir. A Mr Parker?”  For a moment, he could do nothing but stare, sure he must have misheard.  Perhaps it was a mistake. Or a coincidence. There was more than one family in the world named Parker, surely - it was not so uncommon a surname. Indeed, he was fairly certain it was a more common name than his own. And yet, with a wary instinct that had settled in his stomach like a leaden weight, he somehow knew that was not the case. “Did he say what it was about?” he asked, hoping the trepidation was not obvious in his voice. “No, sir. But he seemed to think you would see him,” the clerk said, coming further inside to hold out a card. Somewhat reluctantly James took it from him and, sure enough, the fine copperplate printed on it announced his visitor to be Mr Thomas Parker, Esq. of Sanditon.  He let out a slow breath. It had been seven years since James had had anything to do with any of the Parker brothers, or with Sanditon, and personally he would have been quite happy to keep it that way. Nor could he imagine what one of them could want with him now. He had overseen the rebuilding and completion of the seaside town in his father’s memory as he had said he would, but working with Thomas Parker had not been any easier after the fire; it had been a relief when it was all done and James had been able to to pack his things, so he that could finally make his way to London and begin his delayed apprenticeship. Still, he could not cut Mr Parker directly.  “Very well. Send him in,” he said finally.
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stelly38 · 1 year
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Who knows where the clit is?  Who’s never heard of it?  Who knows what to do with it once they’ve found it?  
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solo-ojo-jojo · 8 months
Sea Change - Ch 2
Sanditon Fanfiction|Charlotte Heywood/James Stringer|Ch 2 of ?|5K|Rated G|Season One Alternate Take|Developing friendships|Friends to lovers
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Story summary: Charlotte chances upon Mr Stringer on her way to the carriage to London. He insists upon going with her to find Georgiana, and their futures are forever changed.
Chapter summary: During the ride to London, Charlotte and Mr Stringer come to an understanding.
Read an excerpt below the gif set from @heywood-stringer, or jump on over to AO3 to read it now!
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Original gif set here
Charlotte’s thoughts as The Sanditon Flyer coach took off for London were filled with myriad possibilities over what could have gone wrong in Georgiana’s planned meeting with Mr Molyneux and all that could conceivably be done to bring her friend back safely. She tried to distract her mind from her troubles, and as the carriage passed the construction site, she noticed that Mr Robinson now appeared to be supervising the workers.
“It is good of Mr Robinson to see after the workers on such short notice,” she said almost absently, finding that, for the first time, she was straining to make conversation with her unanticipated companion. 
“Aye, Mr Robinson has a sensible mind and an even temper. He is well-respected by the workers.”
Charlotte smiled to herself, as that was how she would have described young Mr Stringer to anyone who asked after him.
“And he knows the building plans almost as well as Mr Parker and I do,” Mr Stringer continued. 
“He is also a particular friend of yours. Is he not?”
Mr Stringer gave a small nod. “He is.”
“I thought as much when I observed the two of you at the cricket match. Your team appeared to have a good shorthand among them, but particularly you and Mr Robinson.”
When Miss Heywood mentioned her observation of him at the previous day’s match, Stringer thought of how his eyes had kept meeting hers when he had looked into the crowd. The bright smile she had directed to him and the enthusiasm with which she had been cheering him on (until the point she began to play for the opposing team, that is) had been encouragement that she might return his affections. But as they discussed his friendship with Mr Robinson, he could hear his friend’s voice reminding him that young ladies—even those as keen and agreeable as Miss Heywood—were not likely to make their preferences known until they were absolutely certain of a man’s interest.
“Does he share your interest in architecture?” Charlotte asked.
“More than most in my acquaintance. Though perhaps not as much as my present company,” he said, throwing Charlotte a small smile. “But he is quite congenial and is apt to humour me when I have new ideas for designs.”
Charlotte smiled to herself, knowing how often Mr Stringer liked to sketch. “The construction seems to be coming along rather nicely. It is going to be the most handsome gathering of buildings when it is completed.”
“Thank you for saying so, Miss Heywood,” he said kindly. However, his lips soon pulled back into a grim expression. “But I’m not sure that it is.”
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crazychicke · 2 years
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moodboards: James Stringer & Charlotte Heywood - Sanditon
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mockscreens · 2 years
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please like/reblog if you save!
more sanditon lockscreens here!
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oscarwetnwilde · 5 months
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James Wilby as Stringer in the film Conspiracy (1989)
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 10 months
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oscar delancey over and out :(
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bccfggffbgv · 8 days
Does Code Stringer feel any regret or any amount of remorse for his actions? Including what happened at the Gala?
Code Stringer, as he stared at the viewers: Allow me to ask my own question to you. Do you feel bad for every little ant you stamp on, every germ you clean away, or every other type of pest you call specialists to remove and exterminate from your own home?
*He then held the bow wearing skull of someone very important to the disassembly drone trio and admired it for a bit*
Code Stringer, after tossing it away and making Cyn catch it: No...I feel no remorse for my actions...I only feel pride on how flawlessly well executed it all went that day~...
Cyn, as she placed the skull back on "its" display case:...."Guilty Sob"...I'm so sorry, Teesa...I'm so, so sorry.......
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noxexistant · 11 months
alex james hatton oscar: has a complex relationship with his uncle wiesel including elements of fawn response, laughing at his jokes and smiling at him to visibly try and keep him in a good mood, but still glancing anxiously at him to keep an eye on him and assess his mood, and largely keeps morris away from him
owen stringer oscar:
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kanerallels · 6 months
I'm watching the Sanditon TV show and honestly I know we're supposed to ship stupid Sidney Parker and Charlotte, but I just. Don't like him for innumerable reasons and I ship Charlotte with Mr. Stringer way way more
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useyourtelescope · 3 months
This is 3 weeks old, but I got a kick out of this mini Sanditon Reunion, so for anyone else who missed it enjoy these pics of Leo Suter and Rose Williams (with bonus Derry Girl i.e. Dylan Llewllyn).
[They're at the Vanity Fair EE BAFTA Rising Star Party 2024 on January 31st.]
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agrippinaes · 2 years
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@willwriteforruns asked: charlotte x sydney, charlotte x colbourne, or charlotte x young stringer?
she's not half the woman you are, charlotte. if he can't see that, he doesn't deserve you.
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undinecissy · 1 year
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James Wilby as Stringer in Film Consipracy(1989)
"....Conspiracy gives me something for the CV which shows the breadth of parts I'm capable of playing...I'd love to play all sorts of different roles, not just sensitive souls." -interview in March, 1990
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solo-ojo-jojo · 9 months
Sea Change - A Sanditon Fanfic
Sanditon Fanfiction|Charlotte Heywood/James Stringer|Ch 1 of ?|1.3K|Rated G|Season One Alternate Take|Developing friendships|Friends to lovers
Story summary: Charlotte chances upon Mr Stringer on her way to the carriage to London. He insists upon going with her to find Georgiana, and their futures are forever changed.
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I've written my first fic for Sanditon! It takes place at the end of s01e05 when Charlotte decides to set out on her own to rescue Georgiana.
Read an excerpt below the gif set from @heywood-stringer, or jump on over to AO3 to read it now!
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Original gif set here
An uncommonly heavy rain had reached Sanditon overnight, the swift winds and steady drops bringing a rise to the sea level and delaying travel to and from the seaside town.
Frustrated by those delays and determined as ever to right what had gone so terribly wrong, Miss Charlotte Heywood may as well have been wearing horse blinders as she made her way past the construction site on her way to the carriage bound for London.
“Miss Heywood?”
She stopped promptly at hearing her name called.
Charlotte placed a hand on her bonnet, squinting to see past the rising sun as she looked up to find the man attached to the voice. “Mr Stringer,” she greeted, adjusting her position so she could see him more clearly. “My apologies. I did not mean to pass by without saying hello. I seem I find myself rather distracted at the moment.”
He studied her countenance, noting the effort that went into forcing a pleasant smile to cover her furrowed brow. “If I may say so, you seem more distressed than distracted,” he said, his voice low and laced with concern. “Is everything all right, Miss Heywood?”
“I am, of course, troubled by Miss Lambe’s abduction.” 
“Of course,” he repeated softly. “I know that she has become a good friend to you.”
“No one has heard word of her since you delivered the news that she was taken by those men instead of meeting Mr Molyneux as planned.” She fidgeted with the strap of her reticule as she avoided letting on the true reason for her worry. “If you’ll excuse me, Mr Stringer, I must be going.”
Charlotte did not wait for a response from Mr Stringer before taking off in the direction of the coach house.
But Miss Heywood’s evasive nature seemed so unlike her that Mr Stringer’s concern had only increased. He would not be satisfied until he was assured that Miss Heywood was no longer in distress and he wasted no time in following after her.
“May I ask where you are going with such haste?”
She looked over her shoulder, then turned towards him and quieted her voice. “I am on my way to London to retrieve Miss Lambe.”
“I see. And what did the Parkers have to say about this?”
“I have left word for Mrs Parker of my mission,” she offered nonchalantly.
Mr Stringer nodded and continued to walk alongside her in silence as he decided on what to say next. “Is there anyone accompanying you, Miss Heywood?” he asked, trying to match her casual tone.
“I am travelling alone.”
“Miss Heywood…” James considered how his words might be received before he continued speaking. “I appreciate that you are more concerned with the safe return of your friend than with your own safety. But I do not think it is wise to go in search of Miss Lambe of your own accord.”
“I thank you for your concern, Mister Stringer, but I am more than capable of travelling to London by myself.”
“I have do doubt of that, Miss. But once you arrive in London… Do you have a plan for locating Miss Lambe?”
“I–” Charlotte paused as she considered his question. She lifted her chin defiantly as she spoke. “I shall start with locating Mr Molyneux. I have his address from our correspondence.”
“If you will allow me to say so, Miss Heywood… Given the nature of Miss Lambe’s disappearance, I fear that this could be a dangerous situation you find yourself in.”
She left out a huff and resumed her quickened pace towards her destination. “I am determined to see that my friend is safe. You will not deter me from my journey.” 
His long strides allowed him to easily catch up with her. “I apologise if you have misunderstood me, Miss Heywood. For I do not wish to deter you from going in search of Miss Lambe. I wish to accompany you and see that you both have a safe return to Sanditon.”
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prvtocol · 7 months
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Command Core, Bridgehead Ops Center
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