#jay watches wot
I love watching WoT with Jay cause I'm just like
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Meanwhile every time I look at Jay he's
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In lieu of the season finale, I'd like to talk about something that has been pointed out to me multiple times (specifically by cishet males). I'd like to preface this by saying this isn't a criticism because I'm pretty sure it's intentional (and if it's unintentional, the show should work on either dialling it back or making it a plot point). But I want to talk about feminism and the empowerment of women in WoT.
Don't get mad just yet, I'm on your side!
Just a few times I've seen men shown as less powerful than women, or "weaker":
Logain in Tar Valon: he comes in, he's all big and bold and sasses the Amyrlin Seat, and then at a few words from her, he crumples. He's led away in tears, kicking and screaming, not great for his honor...
Rand in the Blight: saying it was meant to be Egwene, even though canonically the Dragon can only be male. And moiraine not refuting that.
The Aes Sedai: come on, the White Tower is a huge threat to any male, like they have Warders that they can bond (non-consensually in the books) and the trainees who'll eventually become Warders, but otherwise its completely female-run.
The Seanchan: look at that boat from episode 8. The men were clearly just there as guard dogs, and it was the d*mane that held all the power.
Every single ruler: has an Aes Sedai whispering in their ear. That's a lot of power for women to hold. Are you starting to see a pattern? Good.
Min and Dana(sp?) : both shown as strong women who take no shit from men, who can clearly hold their own. They look cool, they act cool, they may be "barmaids" but they can and will kick your ass. (Yes, she was a darkfriend. She was cool before we found that out.)
Moiraine: she has a man who follows her around like a puppy and never questions her. He appears to be around for her to order around, and to protect her and that's about it. (Shh, no moiraine bashing here, that's how the world was built)
Lan: when he does get his own story, it's falling in love with a powerful woman who (as far as we know) doesn't need anyone. (Yes, his arc expands later, but let's focus on this season.) She makes all the moves in the relationship, and yet he's the one spouting his feelings for her, asking her to stay the night, etc. (We love the Lan speech! It's adorable and the first time I read it I cried)
Now, take all those instances and swap the genders. Thank you. Doesn't it look a lot like our modern world, when you swap the genders? Yeah. Makes you wonder why so many of my friends and YouTubers* online are spitting mad about women being in power. And yet they don't bat an eye when they see it in the real world.
*the amount of videos I've watched that are like oh warders can't fuck each other, oh women have so much power, oh there aren't any sexualised prostitutes (cough cough witcher), oh women are shown as human beings not objects... sorry, I'm a little mad about this.
Now I don't know if this was a conscious choice that the people in charge made. And I cannot tell you whether it's a good or bad thing, because I, as a book fan, am terribly biased. And also you have critical thinking skills for a reason. You come to your own conclusions.
All I can say is, if people are feeling uncomfortable at the amount of power imbalance. If people think that women are abusing their power in certain situations (as we shall see very soon). If people are wondering why men aren't given the "respect they deserve" and why they're "crying" and "having feelings", then I would like to ask how they missed it all in the books. Women had just as much power in the books, maybe more.
But now that the show has explored that facet just the slightest bit, people are up in arms about it being feminist and modern and catering to women. Okay then, sorry to burst your bubble but the real world is patriarchal and backward and catering to men. So if the power imbalance in WoT makes you uncomfortable, why doesn't the power imbalance in the real world make you uncomfortable?
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chris evans doing something that results in the reader giving him the silent treatment
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is vv sad
At first he barely notices it like you wake up and he’s like ack good morning i lov u
And you had just opened your eyes and you didn’t know where you were or who you were or what dimension you were in
So you didn’t say anything
But he chalks it up to that
In reality
You two had had a fight the night before
He yelled at you and idk if you’ve ever heard a man scream but it makes your heart stop it is so scary
So you were really scared and you were feeling sensitive and he had never apologized for scaring you so bad and so you decided to shun him a bit
Because you genuinely had never ever been scared of him before that moment and you never wanted to be again
So he goes to make you breakfast and is dancing around in the kitchen while flipping pancakes
You come in dressed and grab your keys and he’s like
…… where u goin
You go out without talking to him at all
He is scared
He runs after you and grabs your wrist
You don’t even turn around you just stand there
He’s like baeb wot
He waits for an answer but you don’t give him one so he slowly drags you back inside
sits you down at the table and puts pancakes in front of you
He sits across from you and starts eating
You’re not really hungry but you can feel him staring at you so you take a few bites
You get up after those few bites and go to lay down in the bedroom
He watches you and tears literally fill his eyes he’s like heck what did I do
He thought that everything was fine because you’d both calmed down after last night
But he was getting really worried
So he placed an order for chocolate covered strawberries and flowers
The guy was like oh is it for a birthday?
He was like lmao no my partner has forgotten I exist
You kinda feel bad for ignoring 
It’s just that he never verbally apologzied
And you want him to know that he scared you like that
So that you could prevent it from ever happening again
But you were too scared to say anything
So you just didn’t :’)
He kinda knew
He knew that he never apologized for the fight and instead y’all just slept
But he didn’t know that he’d scared you
The flowers and strawberries arrived and he steeled himself to walk into the bedroom he’s like ur a grown man u can do it
He goes in there and you’re watching smthn on ur phone
He sits on the bed and slides the flowers over to you on the bed
“I’m sorry that we fought last night. I didn’t know that you were still upset about it. I thought we had both gone to sleep content with each other. If I had known I would have apologized.”
You pause ur show and finally looked at him
“It’s not just about the fight. I mean, not about what we said.”
He looks so confusedgksjgdnfa
“You yelled last night. I’ve never heard you yell before.”
He doesn’t know how but you’ve somehow managed to physically break his heart in half
“I.. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize, did I scare you?”
You nod and the dam breaks
Tears start streaming down your face and he grabs you and pulls you into his lap
He apologizes profusely because he never wants you to be afraid of him and he feels so bad that you had to go through that and hear him yell
You eat the strawberries together and cuddle up while watching whatever u were watching on ur phone when he came in before
Taglist: @positiveparker @thisismysecrethappyplace @not-jay-cosby @writing-red @stardust.and.glitter @mamarhee @obsessedfangirl4lyfe @spiderman-n @psychofangirl @tnrthings @gummyhoneybees @panic-at-top @mysticracoon @dumbass-sandwich @crushed-velvet-nothings @iwritemaybe @ariagrillfandom @hiddlestonstansworld @maraudersandco @sock-and-sandles @potterhead-of-ilvermorny @my-babies-are-ash @existingovertherainbow @graciegxo @silverquartx @peetieparker @smhavengers @nefelimalfoy @sedanleystanley @yallgotkik @jessicaklehrwinchesters @keey-lime-pi @screeching-student-unknown @soakingandsoaring @chrisstabme @sovereignoblivious @itsanarttodie @hollandhours @multifxndom-avxngers @galaxyoffangirls @just4muggles @everything-s-comin-up-aces @tomhollandhasnolips @awkards-useless-unicorn @justinekomwriterkru @boomtownboy @sedanleystanley @starryeyedsupernova @mcu-potter-pirate @mikylxhh @parkersingfinitywar @the17resa @spiderparkersfanpage @good-old-fashioned-queens @ragnorak-dust @honestlylrh @righttide @marvelousmarauderstrash @its-the-unknownspidey @hero-ically @itshelaodinsdottirbitch @lovinnholland @sewarner @its-shaula-wii @jbetsiea7-23 @rose-aesthete @built-4-broadway @lifeatrehabisalright @duvetsandpillows @httpmcrvel @lavender-writer @marvelpoststuff
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lindsaywesker · 5 years
March 5, 2019
Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently at the Costa stop of my Harlesden to Harlesden round trip walk. Wot a luvverly day! Keith Flint and Luke Perry passing away yesterday was shocking, wasn’t it? Two bona fide 90s icons. I remember the first time I heard ‘Charly’ by The Prodigy. It blew my mind! I didn’t really like it but I knew it would be a huge hit, so I stuck it on the Kiss FM playlist! Seems like a lifetime ago, dunnit? We were there though, weren’t we? The Nineties! The birth of the cult of the superstar DJ. I’m so glad I have musical perspective. My students, on the other hand, tried to argue that it’s not important to know who Jay-Z is! Teenagers are all the same, aren’t they? They’ll always try to convince you that the past is irrelevant. It’s like politicians trying to convince me that gang warfare is something new! Tell that to the mods and rockers! As ever, I am still the busiest unemployed person on the planet. I’ve got so much to do today, my head hurts! You won’t catch me watching daytime TV, though you might catch me doing daytime radio? Depping for Mark Smedley this Friday. Looking forward to seeing the boys and girls in the Mi-Soul office. I never see them at the weekend! Looking forward to meeting my son’s girlfriend’s mother on Thursday. This poor woman is now related to me! She won’t know what’s hit her! Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all. And, remember, if you’ve read the book, please go back to Amazon and review it!
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smoothshift · 7 years
I spent a day driving the 757hp Callaway AeroWagon and still have my driver's license! via /r/cars
I spent a day driving the 757hp Callaway AeroWagon and still have my driver's license!
Video Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYIxXvrYzyA
Pics: http://ift.tt/2vHzqkc
My friend works for Callaway and recently let me have a go in the new Callaway AeroWagon based on a C7 Z06 and dialed-up to 757hp and 777 lb-ft of torque. It's the same company car that Jay Leno and Matt Farah had on their shows, which was pretty cool. The car's styling is definitely polarizing, but I felt it looked much better in the flesh than in pictures.
Needless to say, it's fuck-all fast and way more power than you'll ever need (or want to use) on a public road. It's actually hard to process how quickly you're accelerating and I've driven a fair-share of traditionally fast 500hp cars. The only other car that comes close is the P90D in ludicrous mode. At most, I had a few seconds of WOT before I had to go hard on the massive carbon Brembo brakes. I may have reached "twelve" mph during one of my relatively short pulls before I ran out of road and courage.
PROTIP: If you're getting this car, or any Z06 for that matter, don't get the automatic. Maybe it was the fact that this particular car was already beat on by dozens of auto journalists, but the upshifts and downshifts felt like they took AGES to execute and that was with the car in "Track" mode and traction control turned off. I much preferred the 7-speed manual in the last Callaway Z06 I drove last year. But that's about the only thing I could think of against the car.
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Gonna be watching Wheel of Time sometime in the next day or so, so uh tags are:
Wot book spoilers - any predictions or speculation about the show that only happens in the books
Wot show spoilers - anything that happens in the show
Jay watches wot - silly shitposts
*character name* spoilers - if it spoils for a specific character
Expect a wild mix of these four as I ramble and rant my way through this amazing wonderful god gifted show
Edit: a few additions
Wot book vague - when it's a bit of a teaser spoiler
Wot vague - when it's teetering on the edge of spoilery for both show and book
Will use alongside the other spoiler tags dw :)
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Every first time fan who thinks Nynaeve channeled because she was angry, here have a hot cup of cocoa
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