#jesper trip
life-o-n-m4rs · 1 month
ok but like imagine the soc/ck netflix spinoff with wesper already together. jesper thinking wylan was killed by his father. his bf having someone else’s face for an entire season. jespers new kind of hatred for jan. fucking k u w e i (no hate just all the times he flirted with jesper would have a different context)
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Wesper kid: I desire a trip to the zoo, at the end of which I am permitted to pick one toy from the gift shop for my good behaviour. Right Uncle Ka?
Kaz: Do you now?
Jesper: Indeed he does
Wylan: He definately does
Kaz: *Glares*
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Red Queen Character in a School Field Trip🚍
Cal: Follows the rules, and makes sure his partner is next to him. Has a backpack full of healthy snacks that no one likes.
Maven: That kid that no one wants to be field trip buddies with. Has a puke bag on him throughout the whole trip. Fake's puking sounds near his seatmate. Got time out because he made his seatmate cry and puke.
Mare: Paired with her best friend, Kilorn. Her bag was filled with candies and junk food that she had been saving for weeks. Likes to detour when the teacher is not looking.
Kilorn: Happy that he got paired with Mare and ate most of her snacks on the way. This is the reason why the teacher does headcount. Puked when he saw Maven's pair buddy puking.
Evangeline: Joined the field trip but had her parents drop her off in their fancy car. Only has a clean pair of clothes and one serving of veggies in her bag. Bought ice cream and expensive souvenirs.
Diana: The kid from the higher level, who has the first aid kit and whistles at the roughy students. Helped Mare look for Kilorn and gave them a verbal lashing afterward. Sat next to Maven to keep him in check.
Add on by @nymphenberger
Tyton: Kid that has his earphones throughout the whole ride. Stays at the back of the bus and occasionally watches everyone. Somehow look clean even after their field trip.
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deardoomedworld · 5 months
The PJOL trio during the years they weren't speaking
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No One Else Is Singing My Song - "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend"
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the-nada-thing · 1 year
all those head cannon’s about Jesper inviting Kaz to his father’s farm- I raise you Kaz going and causally revealing he knows a lot about farming
Jesper tries to rationalize it like ‘of course he reads books on financing and stocks and shit’ but then there are things he could only know from personal experience? (which Kaz does of course because he’s might’ve been eight or nine when the farm sold but his memory is like that). Colm is impressed and Jesper is obsessing over this City Boy mystery
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pistolslinger · 1 year
i think that jespers beige flag is saying "is that guy bothering u" when his s/o trips over smth
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Tbh once I get some sleep in me I’m gonna have to make a meme about everyone’s poison hallucinations in episode 6. Like everyone is DYING from trauma and memories and the Horrors meanwhile Jesper is like “:,) I finally get reconciliation from my dead mom! Pleasant catharsis! I have developed and grown as a person!”
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kate1028 · 2 years
Another scenario I created with my friend: The crows on a hiking day/ field trip:
Kaz: is the one who runs ahead, is annoyed by everyone, is just there because Inej wanted him to be, no trust him to carry the backpacks because he would just hang them into some tree or eat everything which is inside
Inej: kind of the mum of the group, tried to tell Kaz to slow down and tells the others to hurry up, will probably walk inbetween Kaz and the others to not loose anyone
Jesper: well he just takes every new path he finds interesting, even if it’s straight through the forest, because he finds it interesting, kind of the hyperactive child who always runs off
Wylan: is probably arguing with Kuwei about something, tries to keep is boyfriend on the road, everyone is annoyed because he and Kuwei just can’t stop arguing (Jespers comments aren’t helping there either), isn’t allowed to carry the backpack either, this would probably end in a food throwing fight with Kuwei, tries to enjoy the time with his family and boyfriend
Matthias: probably just enjoys this, walks with Nina, they kind of have their couple moment, sometimes remember the time they were in Fjerda wandering around, caries the backpack (he’s the only one trustworthy, besides Nina), knows where they need to go to get to their destination
Nina: just enjoys the time she can spend with her boyfriend, carries the other backpack (again the only trustworthy enough), also remembers the time back in Fjerda, sometimes adds something to Matthias navigation
Kuwei: no one really knows who brought him along, probably Kaz, argues with Wylan, is also not allowed to carry the backpack because of the potential risk of food throwing fights, is annoyed in general because he’s kind of the left out one
In the end Kaz would be way too earlier at their destination and pretty annoyed as same as the others because certain people just couldn’t stop arguing. But at all everyone enjoyed it to spend time with each other even if it was a complete mess, even some part of Kaz liked it (even though he would never admit it)
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reve-writes · 1 year
—the set-up; kaz brekker.
ʚ kaz brekker x reader | grishaverse | 1,8k words. ʚ from this request. | three times the crows plan to set you and kaz up + the one time they find out you're married. ʚ fluff; the crows are featured (incl. wesper & helnik ship); kaz's touch aversion isn't featured. ʚ a/n this has been sitting in the drafts for a bit. ive been suffering down the leon brainrot hole (honestly an excellent one to fall into). kaz calls reader schatje (i have a fic where he does this. i chose schatje because ketterdam is loosely inspired from 1500s-1700s amsterdam!). i wrote this in a goofy way honestly.
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one. he smiles.
Wylan fiddles with jars and tubes filled with an assortment of chemicals—some of them tend to explode, all of them horrible smelling. He's supposed to be on guard duty and he prefers it over running around guns blazing alongside Jesper—as much as he loves the sharpshooter, gunshots give him a lot of anxiety.
He peers into the room where most of the work is happening.
You are poring over stacks of documents, eyes scanning quickly top-to-bottom to find relevant information. Kaz has his ear pressed against the front of a safe, gloved hand twisting the lock. You move around him in the cramped office space with relative ease, grabbing more files to read on the desk.
It doesn't take long for the safe to swing open.
“No safe is safe from Kaz Brekker, the safe-cracker, huh?” you comment. A light, teasing smile decorates your lips.
“Please never say that sentence again.”
To Wylan's surprise, the ever-frowning Dirtyhands smiles. Not the half-hearted hospitable smile he occasionally gives out, or the scary half-sneer half-smirk that is so intimidating it scares even Wylan sometimes. No, a genuine, amused smile. It is so unnatural that he has to look away, a hand clasped over his mouth in shock.
When he tells Jesper, the taller man mirrors his reaction, dark eyes blown wide and jaw unhinged.
“He smiled?” Jesper gives an incredulous stare as if Wylan has just told him that he is a member of the Council of Tide—which is impossible with Wylan's lack of Grisha ability, let alone tidemaking. “He smiled over that?”
Wylan nods enthusiastically.
“We are talking about the same Kaz?”
“Are there any other Kaz that we know?” Wylan sighs.
“Well, no—”
“I think we have to proceed with the plan,” Wylan ponders. Jesper blinks widely.
“The plan?”
“Nina's plan!” Wylan looks at Jesper as if he's just gotten a strike of inspiration, hand in the air, pointing at nothing in particular. “Operation Kaz and ____. Remember?”
Jesper remembers. It was so ridiculous that it remains impossible to remove from his memory to this day, even though it was mentioned in passing.
Nina, flushed red from too many drinks, suddenly shoots her hand up, flailing it limply. The founder of the idea seems to have a plan ready to set in motion.
“We are the gods of love!” She drunkenly declares, free hand moves to tap Wylan's cheeks repeatedly. “And as the benevolent gods that we are, our first mission is them.”
Nina pushes Wylan's face towards you and Kaz, sat at the bar, deep in conversation. The rest of the Crows followed suit, realising Nina's suggestion. She stumbles over drunkenly and with little-to-no care on making it look as natural or accidental as she can, "trips" over her foot and falls forward.
You take the brunt of the force, being pushed forward that you fall onto Kaz. The latter glares at Nina, hand coming to your shoulder to steady you.
“My bad.... It seems I've lost my balance,” she slurs. “Oh! Would you look at that? The two of you would make quite a pair, don't you think so, Matthias?”
Matthias raises an eyebrow, already hauling Nina with him to get back to their table.
“Poor Helvar,” says Kaz simply, nudging you to get back on the barstool.
“He doesn't seem to mind,” you retort, noting Matthias' loving gaze as he escorts Nina.
It doesn't take long before the chaos settles, leaving you and Kaz, still engaging in conversation as the last patrons leave the Crow Club.
“We would make a good pair, huh?” You tease, reaching over to brush your hand against his, leather soft under your palm. “You think so?”
Kaz looks at you pointedly, tugging your left hand towards him, fingers pressing on the small diamond adorning your ring finger. “Would I have given you this, if I didn't?”
Smooth with his words without even trying. A trait you find both annoying and endearing after all the years you've been together.
“I mean you have a lot of diamonds lying around—”
“Yes?” All train of thought immediately halts on its tracks. The petname has a hold over you that he oh-so-often uses as leverage. You pout. “Stop distracting me.”
He smiles—soft and uncharacteristic, contradictory to the harsh rasp of his voice and the rough scars on his skin. He smiles a smile he reserves only for your eyes, and you're falling for it, a hundred times over.
two. the demjin.
You don't like when Kaz gets like this—all wrung up over a waivable matter. It reminds you a lot of what he had to be before, the things he had to do and what Dirtyhands actually stood for. Not at all akin to the Kaz Brekker you know—the one who immediately comes whenever one of your crew is threatened, the one who stays up with you as you wait for the rest of your little heist crew to return, the one who goes out of his way to collect little trinkets to bring home to you.
You are hurt, shallow cuts all over your body from a little dagger scuffle with a mercenary, but you're a member of the Dregs—this, you can take. A little Heartrender magic and some bandages, you will recover in no time.
“You're back.”
Kaz stops and you look over him to find his knuckles bloodied, hair stuck out of place and clothes disheveled.
“You're alright, schatje?”
His room at the Slat isn't big contrary to popular belief. He sinks into his chair with a huge sigh. You're watching him three steps away from the edge of his bed.
“What did you do?”
He shrugs, tugging his coat off. “Business.”
“You went after them.”
“It was one part of the business.” He pulls at his gloves, shedding them into the trash—too bloodied for him to bother cleaning. “Are you sure you're alright?”
You tuck your hands into your elbows, displeasure visible across your features. “Are you?”
“Why wouldn't I be?”
“They deserved it,” he stubbornly says. “I had to make sure they know not to involve themselves with us. You understand. Besides, I'm alright.”
“I do understand,” you relent. It is business. The Barrell doesn't stop for poets or musicians or lovers, no, it thrives off of the back of violence, taking an eye for an eye. “I just wish that you were here when I woke up.”
His shoulders loosen and he is your Kaz again. Not the one molded by Ketterdam, birthed at its harbour. He's the man so in love that he will dry the seas for you if you say the word. Kaz takes your hands. They are warm on his skin and his heart swells.
“I am sorry, schatje.”
You kneel in front of him, leaning your elbows on his thighs to press a brief kiss on his lips. “Let's stay off business for a while.”
“Kaz?” A sound outside the door, followed by three raps. “Are you in there?”
“He is, Jesper. Give us a moment,” you reply.
You hear hushed whispers—both low voices, so you assume it's Wylan. Your suspicion is confirmed when the second voice sounds from behind the door.
“No, we—no, Jes—don't have anything urgent. We simply wanted to know if he is well. Take your time. We'll be going now.”
“Good night, Wylan,” you reply, immediately hearing fading footsteps soon after.
“Fifty kruge says they're already together,” says Jesper, out of your earshot.
Wylan rolls her eyes. “Fifty on them not dating yet.”
Jesper immediately clasps Wylan's hand with a loud “Deal!”
iii. the marketplace.
“Busybodies,” Kaz complained, walking a step behind you as you're treading through the Ketterdam food market. “They are not even hiding. In broad daylight. How have they never gotten caught before?”
“Kaz, my love.” You are trying not to laugh as you're picking and choosing fruits. “They usually do a better job on actual missions.”
They refer to your five lovely friends who have decided to tail you as you're coming down to the market. Kaz is the first to take notice—blurry figures moving erratically ten steps behind you.
“I should assign them something to do instead of... whatever it is they're currently doing.”
“They're curious.” You shrug, handing over a few slips of Kruge to the seller and leaving with your bag five apples heavier. “We've been acting suspicious lately. They'll find out soon enough.”
“I'll bet Inej finds out first.” Kaz nudges your fingers with his, taking the bag from you as he matches his step with yours. “The Wraith does a better job at spying.”
“My bet is Matthias.” An unlikely one. He's probably the least nosy out of the five.
Suddenly, you're pulled into a small nook, squuezed between buildings and he presses a kiss on your lips. One turns to two and you're smiling like a lovesick fool when he pulls away.
“We're being followed and you pull this?”
“Schatje, our pursuers are horrendously bad at this.” He shrugs, pulling away. You resume your trek through the market. “Look. They've lost us.”
iv. the marriage certificate.
“Fake IDs,” Kaz says, pointing at the towering Fjerdan. “You'll be collecting them from Anika.”
Matthias doesn't mind running errands, although he does think that he'll be better suited for physical fights other than fetching papers, but he doesn't argue. It seems he is doing more than simply fetching papers though.
“That is real?” He asks Anika, pointing at a marriage certificate she has on her desk. Marriage certificates are mundane enough not to warrant this type of reaction, but it is the name that shocks even him to the core. Kaz Brekker and you, married?
“As real as can be around here.” Anika scrambles to hide it away. “Here are your IDs. Don't tell anyone about it.”
In Matthias' defense, he doesn't end up telling just anyone. He tells Nina and Nina is the one telling everyone else. Within a week, every member of the Crows have known about it.
Wylan hands Jesper slips of fifty kruge, grumbling that this is unfair. Nina looks like spring has just arrived. Inej is probably the least reactive—but that is because she's already found out long before the others. She's the Wraith after all. Matthias is anxious. For all everyone knows, he is the one responsible for the news.
You strut into the dining room, seeing everyone gathered and raise an eyebrow.
“Why are you all here?”
“We want to ask—”
Before Nina can finish her sentence, Jesper blurts out. “You're married?”
You chuckle, shrugging. “You found out.”
“How long?”
“Kaz? Really?”
“How did that happen?”
A series of questions that you don't actually answer. You stand there, leaning on the back of one of the wooden chairs situated in the room—remorseless to your very core.
“Ask him about it.”
That ends the discussion. None of them will actually ask him about it and even if any of them actually finds the courage to, the likelihood of Kaz answering anything that's not a sarcastic remark or a threat is close to none.
“How did you find out anyway?”
Everyone points towards Matthias and to the Fjerdan's horror, Nina's pointer finger finds him, too.
You only smile, silently planning to brag to your spouse that you've won your bet.
[ ].
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jsprtrp · 3 months
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Self portrait - Jesper Trip
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dwyntwo · 3 months
I know in canon Jesper and Wylan don't really want Kaz to visit post CK because he always drags Jesper into illegal activities, but I will still stick to my HC that they have a spare room specifically for him, that they often invite him to dinner, and that they store an extra amount of food in their pantry for him to steal when he breaks into their house (which is a totally normal thing to do, why are you asking).
In return, Kaz is making himself useful as "pest control". Every now and again Jesper and Wylan trip over some tied up guy in front of their door who has been causing trouble for them. It's not that they don't appreciate it, but they still wish Kaz could show his affection like....y'know...a normal person sometimes.
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Wylan: Once my father said to me ‘why cant you just go drown?’, I reminded him that I can swim and his response was ‘it doesn’t matter if you can swim, it matters if a jury believes you can swim…’
Wylan: So yeah, that was a bit harsh, but I just avoided water whenever he was around and all was well
Jesper: A bit harsh??
Colm: *Collapsing into the nearest chair* 😨😰
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eggsaladstain · 1 year
so tired of people saying the crows accomplished nothing in season 1
they did not accomplish nothing, they RUINED the darkling’s day on MULTIPLE occasions in NUMEROUS ways
inej killed two of his best inferni and stabbed him in the chest
jesper gave alina a ride out of the little palace, beat his best heartrender, and inadvertently helped mal escape
kaz bamboozled the man with a smoke bomb and then stole his carriage
sure, the world needs heroes, but the world also needs the dudes who are slipping banana peels under the villain’s feet and stepping on the back of his cape so he trips
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Nobody's Daughter
Description: Pekka Rollins lost a cast, his daughter. But Kaz Brekker, Bastard of the Barrel, doesn't make such grave mistakes.
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I'll give you one more hint," Kaz said, Pekka Rollins and him surrounded by Dregs as Jesper, Nina and you stood at the bar.
Nina and Jesper watched with bated breath, your back to everything happening like you wanted no part.
Pekka felt nauseous, like he couldn't breathe as all he thought about was Alby running low on breath, but unlike Alby, Pekka could breathe in as much as he liked, while Alby may not even be breathing anymore.
"You had a daughter, one you called your light in the dark, saved you when things went dark." Kaz hummed, stepping forward like his prey was merely feet away.
But really, it was.
Pekka's eyes widened even more, remembering the spouts of laughter he caused once to fall from his daughter's lips once upon a time.
"She fancied playing with a little boy who had a knack for magic tricks she loved to show off." Kaz stated, lips curling into a smirk.
"My daughter as well? Have you no soul?" Pekka asked, eyes pleading for anything.
"All those nights wondering where she was? Why she never came home?" Kaz mused, Pekka's hands shaking as he looked down at the memories buried deep.
Pekka snapped, pushing Kaz back to the wall as he got in his face.
"Where is she?! Those years ago, did you take my daughter as well?! Or did you kill you, you drunken barrel rat?!" Pekka shouted repeated questions running through his mind millions of miles an hour.
He was begging for anything, anything to lead his daughter home to him like he wished for every night since she was lost.
"I never took your daughter, just your precious boy." Kaz smiled calmly, almost grinning in Pekka's face.
"...where is she?" Pekka could barely speak, Kaz pushing the old man off of him as Pekka stepped back and almost tripped on his feet.
"That I can give you now, at least." Kaz wipes the blood off his lip, smiling at Pekka with a glint in his eye you had seen before, loving it everytime.
"Your daughter never left, always under your nose."
Kaz's head turned to you, Pekka's eyes following him as did every pair in the bar.
As eyes fell on you, you couldn't resist it as you glanced up at Jesper and Nina, almost smirking at their dumb struck faces as everything fell into place.
You turned around, leaning back onto the bar as you lifted your eyes to meet your father for the first time since you were a mere child, now a woman who held no ties to the man but blood.
But even then, blood didn't make a family.
Pekka's eyes glistened even more, Kaz enjoying every second of his internal torture.
"Your daughter, your light in the dark, runs with my Crows."
Kaz spoke with his voice dripping in smug, his smirk widening as did yours, giving your father a small wave as you held in a laugh.
"Biggest mistake you made was letting her go."
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crazyyluvr · 18 days
hi! Can I please please ask a kaz brekker x reader? I was thinking of reader being a blind heartrender. I headcanon blind grishas to have their abilities amplified, and a blind heartrender would be basically daredevil XD.
Thank you in advance for reading the request, I really loved six of crows!
I am the QUEEN of Hearts, Don't Tell Me Otherwise
pairing: kaz brekker x reader
summary: Having a blind Heartrender has its perks. For Kaz Brekker, having a blind Heartrender that can hear his heartbeat change around her has its disadvantages.
genre: fluff
wc: 3.4k
content: reader is blind, fem!reader with she/her prns, violence (some torture), reading is a bit clumsy, kaz's heart speeds up a lot
note: OMG I LOVE THIS IDEA <33 tysm for requesting anon. i hope this layout is fine, i just wanted to try something different. sorry if it's kinda bad, i wrote it in one sitting LMFAO. either way, hope u enjoy!!
oneshot under the cut :: not edited
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1. You didn't need your eyes to see.
It was very useful in heists to have someone who knew that someone was walking towards them without having to actually see them. Being blind somehow enhanced your hearing and your touch on your Grisha powers, and that was why you could do a lot of things easier than other Heartrenders — even Nina — had difficulty with.
It was one of the main reasons why you stuck with Kaz when he had to crack a safe; you were basically his lookout.
"Someone's around three minutes out," you whispered to him, standing a few paces behind Kaz who was hunched over a safe. Your head was tilted to the side, your ears were focusing on a melody only you could hear.
"Scratch that, two minutes out, they're moving faster," you reported. "Are you almost done?"
Kaz focus on the complicated lock didn't break as he replied, "I need more time."
"Okay," You moved forward, hands in front of your thighs to guide you around the desk in front of you.
"Thirty seconds," You said, the heart beat of the approaching guard getting louder and louder. "How down?"
"Shut-eye," He replied.
You put your hand up in front of you.
The doorknob jingled a little, and you activated your power, drastically slowing the heartbeat of the guard before he could open the door. You heard a thud on the floor, and you knew that he was unconscious.
A few seconds later, the safe clicked open. Kaz reached in and grabbed the money that you came for. "You could have at least tried to soften his fall or something. Someone could have heard that."
You shook your head. "There's no one close enough to hear." You turned to Kaz's voice, a small smirk on your lips. "Besides, It's just the two of us. I didn't want to leave you alone, 'cause you'd miss me too much."
Kaz rolled his eyes. "Don't feed your ego. It's not a fitting sight for you."
You laughed a little. "Like you don't do that everyday."
You turned to get out of the room, opening to door to free yourself. The door opened halfway before it suddenly stopped, like it was blocked by something. You didn't expect the obstruction, which caused you to trip over something and fall to the floor with a loud bang on the wooden ground.
Kaz stood over you in concern. You had tripped over the unconscious guard's body. "I thought his body was facing the other way," you groaned.
Kaz didn't have time to reply before both of you heard shouts in the corridors. Looks like they could hear that. He used his cane to get hold of the back of your jacket and pulled you to your feet.
"Time to go!" You dusted yourself off, leaping over the body and speedwalking away from the thundering of more guards, Kaz right at your heels.
2. You could always tell if someone was distressed.
You didn't live in the Slat, since you preferred to have your own place away from the gang, but that didn't make you any less close to Jesper, Inej, Wylan, Nina, and Matthias. You visited the Crows often, whether it be in the Slat or Crow Club.
You knew how important getting together was to them, whether or not they'd admit it. In a life full of mistrust and traitors, it was hard to find a crowd that you could actually trust. Of course, your friends had their own secrets that they kept to themselves, like how you had your own, but being with them without the pressure of telling them those stories was precious.
You were able to loosen up around them, laugh with them without the fear of judgement or that these moments of vulnerability would be used against you.
Instead, you relied on them to just forget your current struggles as you talked about stupid things over drinks.
You also used it as a chance to check up on them. You couldn't see them but you could hear them. Being blind made you sharpen your hearing more, both with our without the use of your Grisha abilities.
You could tell when there was something bothering your friends, which is why you knew there was something bothering Wylan when you and your friends decided to share some drinks in the Crow Club.
Jesper was mid-argument with Nina about what came first: the chicken or the egg. Inej and Matthias were just listening to them, occasionally adding their own thoughts or laughing when either of the debaters made a particularly stupid point.
You noticed that Wylan wasn't talking as much as he normally did. You felt him fidgeting beside you, his arm or his leg twitching more than it usually does.
If those weren't enough of a sign that there was something weighing on his mind, then there was his heart that also proved that point. It never seemed to settle. His shallow breaths that occasionally came in huffs of frustration agitated the muscle in the middle of his chest, making it beat faster than normal.
"Hey," you whispered to him, breaking him out of his troubled trance. He looked at you curiously. "Are you okay?" You asked, your brows unknowingly furrowing in concern.
"I'm fine," Wylan said, smiling reassuringly.
You rolled your white eyes. "You do know that fake smiles won't work on the blind, right?"
Wylan's smile dropped, shocked. "How did you know I was smiling?"
"I didn't," you shrugged, taking a sip from your glass. "I just guessed. But seriously, is there something wrong? You seem more distressed."
Wylan sighed, leaning back in his chair. He looked around at your table, and when he confirmed that none of your companions were paying the two of you any mind, he answered truthfully. "My dad's still sending me letters."
"I hope you've burned those letters," you huffed, feeling your blood boil quietly at the mention of Wylan's horrible sperm donor. "He's just trying to provoke you, make you feel worthless."
"But —"
"Don't even try to tell me that you are worthless, Wylan," you said harshly, turning your head towards him despite your blank eyes not meeting his gaze, instead staring through him. That did nothing to lessen the defiance in them. "You may not be able to read, but who cares? I can read for you, Jesper can read for you. That's kind of the point of having friends, we'll make up for whatever you lack."
Wylan thought about it for a moment. You could tell that your words worked on him from the way his breaths eased and his heart steadied.
"Yeah..." A smile slowly spread on Wylan's lips, a genuine one this time. "Thanks."
"Anything to stop your very loud heartbeat from distracting me," you joked, making Wylan laugh.
Kaz watched the interaction from the bar, his eyes unreadable as he turned back to his drink, finishing it before heading upstairs without another word.
3. Lies couldn't hide from you.
Kaz swung his cane, the crow handle finding its mark on the man's knee, hitting it with a sickening crack. He cried out in pain, keeling over but not going that far due to his hands chained to the ceiling.
The man was a spy placed in the Dregs. You found him when you were having a private heist meeting and heard his heart lingering out the front door.
So now, you were both trying to find out who hired the traitor — well, more like Kaz was beating him up for answers while you served as his lie detector.
"Who are you working for?" Kaz said, repeating the question he's been drilling into the man for the past hour. Despite the way he was pathetically sobbing, he still refused to give up the name of his boss.
Not out of loyalty, but out of fear, you thought, taking note of the way his heart beat at a pace only set by fear. Fear not only for what Kaz could and would do to him, but also fear for what would happen if he gave Kaz what he wanted.
"Olek!" He cried. Kaz, blood splattered on his black vest that was exposed from his decision to abandon his coat for mobility, turned to you expectantly.
You shook your head. "Lie."
Kaz swung his cane again without hesitation, this time bringing hitting the man's chest. The man's scream in pain was worse than before.
Kaz probably broke a few ribs, you thought offhandedly, only flinching in disgust when you felt some of the blood from the man's mouth hit your cheek. You wiped it off immediately.
"I was telling the truth!" He yelled, sobbing. "I was telling the truth!"
Kaz used his cane to tilt the man's head up by the chin, forcing him to meet Dirtyhands' cruel stare. He would receive no mercy, as there was nothing that could be given in the first place.
"My Heartrender said you lied, so you lied," Kaz said through gritted teeth. "If she keeps saying otherwise, you will die for this boss of yours. Are you willing to give your life for someone who could care less about it?"
When he received no response other than cries, Kaz prepared to hit with his cane again.
"Karlos!" The man screamed, pausing Kaz mid-swing. "Karlos Drulak!"
Kaz didn't turn to you before you spoke, your smile heard in your voice behind him. "There's our answer."
Your satisfaction was mutual, as Kaz's shoulders let go of some of its tension as he straightened — well, as much as he could without relying on his bloodied cane. "Finally." He readjusted his gloves and turned around, limping away, only stopping to speak to you.
"Send him to the grave."
Your smile widened into a grin, your teeth flashing in the lamplight. "With pleasure."
Kaz left you to your business, the screams of terror fading into the night as he went to the Slat to formulate a plan with the new information he'd just gained.
1. You didn't need your eyes to see him.
You always knew it was him.
Whether he would enter the Crow Club to find you drinking with Jesper, or he'd knock on your apartment door with an important matter in mind, or even just passing by him in a busy market despite the noise and the multiple heartbeats.
You always noticed him.
It bugged Kaz. He knew that no matter what other disguises he may put on, no matter whether or not he had his cane to tap on the tiles of the road or the wood of the Crow Club or the Slat, you always knew it was him.
He stood in front of your door, staring at the number in front of him. The plan for your heist the next day had undergone many changes, and he had to inform you of them.
He took a deep breath, raising his knuckles to knock.
"Come in, Kaz," you called, voice muffled from inside the apartment. It always happened when he popped by; he'd inhale, prepare to knock on the door, only for you to interrupt him and just tell him to go in.
He let out a quiet huff almost fondly. Of course she knew.
He opened the door, letting himself in. "You knew it was me." It was a question said as a statement. That's just how Kaz normally speaks when he's curious but wants to hide the fact that he's curious, but you could always tell the difference.
"Of course," you said, not looking up from your construction of your beverage. Your hands had eyes of their own, moving to the familiar spots of your condiments. "Your heartbeat."
"Everyone has their own, do they not?"
You laughed, meeting his jab with softness. "Yeah, they do, but none of them quite beat like yours."
Kaz's heart sped up a little at the words, and he knew that he couldn't hide it from you. Your knowing smirk just made him feel warmer.
2. You could always tell when he was distressed.
Kaz wasn' the only one who had access to unannounced appearances.
You made it a habit of appearing randomly in his office just like him visiting you in your apartment, but unlike Kaz, you sometimes came there just for his company, to just sit down on the spare chair in front of his desk and read or draw or whatever your mood makes you do. Neither of you say a word, but you could tell that he was also content with the arrangement.
You found Kaz seeming more distraught than usual, the normally steady beat of his heart thundering like a skittish horse that was cornered by unwanted oppressors.
Kaz didn't look up from his the papers on his desk when your signature knock reverberated in his space, or when you swung the door open to let yourself in.
"Is there something wrong?" You asked casually, approaching your seat and sinking into it. There was something oddly comforting about the hard wood resting on your back, like an anchor in an unknown sea.
Kaz tilted his head to look at you, eyebrows raised. "What makes you think there's something wrong."
You playfully waved your hand in Kaz's general area. "You gave off a distraught aura the moment I stepped into the room."
Kaz scoffed, making you smile. That was the closest thing you'd get to a laugh from him.
You let your playful persona slip as your face blanked, your white eyes staring at him seriously. "Kruge for your thoughts?"
Kaz studied you for a moment, before leaning back in his chair with a sigh. He ran a gloved hand through his slightly messy hair in frustration. "Per Haskell gave away one of two of our storage units for twelve thousand kruge."
Your eyebrows shot up in shock. "Just twelve thousand?"
"Exactly," Kaz huffed. "I'm trying to get it back, but the buyer's refusing. They haven't even moved in yet, and I already told them I can return the money they gave."
Kaz intertwined his fingers with each other, thinking deeply.
His dilemma also put your brain to work, shuffling through the possible solutions.
"Who bought it?" You asked.
"Karlos Drulak," Kaz said. The name sounded familiar to you.
You snapped your fingers, pointing to Kaz's left side. Kaz lifted his cane and moved your finger to point directly at him like you intended.
"Ah thank you," you said before continued. "He's the one who hired the other dude! The one who infiltrated the Dregs."
Kaz perked up slightly at the memory. How could that have slipped from his mind?
"Do you think that him buying our unit can be related to his unknown issue with us?" You wondered aloud.
"That's certainly a possibility," Kaz hummed.
You grinned. "See? Your heartbeat has already slowed."
You stood up, hefting the book you never opened in the office with you. "Well, I'll leave you to your thoughts. I'm sure you can figure it out on your own."
"Are you leaving me because you don't want to brainstorm?" Kaz rose an eyebrow in slight amusement as you made a beeline for the door, your feet having already memorized the layout of the room.
Your chin hooked on your shoulder to give him a view of your grin. "Too much of something is bad. Even thinking."
You gave him a lazy salute as you left, but as you closed the door, you could have sworn you heard a laugh escape the man's lips over the faster beating of his heart.
3. He couldn't lie to you.
Kaz's hearing was muffled from the sound of ringing in his ears. He forced his eyes to open, blinking hard to try and shake away whatever spell unconsciousness casted upon him.
He saw you crouching over him, eyes staring down at his chest, where you had a hand over. You must've revived him.
He felt panic thrum in his veins, his hands moving before he could stop them from slapping your palm away from him.
"Kaz!" Your voice was oddly muffled as he tried to stand up. His bad leg didn't cooperate with his wishes as he fell back down on the rough ground.
He looked back at you, and now you kept a respectable distance from him, your form framed by flame with worry creasing your forehead and pulling the corners of your lips downwards. He barely heard your next words: "Breathe!"
He forced his chest to comply, inhaling the smoky air and exhaling with a cough.
Two more of those, and you held out his cane for him to grab, slightly askew. He hesitated, but grabbed on it, letting you pull him to his feet using his cane. He was swaying on his feet, and you could tell from his slowing heartbeat that he was close to fainting from smoke inhalation.
"I know you don't like being touched, but you can't walk out of here without me helping!" You shouted. You felt pity pinch your chest at the ay Kaz’s heart sped up at that. You didn’t want to force him but you had no choice.
You didn't have time to wait for him to regain his bearings as part of the flaming roof collapsed mere feet away from you two. You flinched at the bang, but you didn't hesitate to sling his arm around your shoulders and drag him out of the room, snatching Kaz's cane and using it as your guide to the entrance right before you felt the flames lick the back of your coat.
Kaz furiously patted the small patch of flame on your back to extinguish it. He felt the water on his waist slowly rising, but he tried to push it down.
It was just you, his Heartrender. He'll be fine.
"C'mon, Jes is waiting for us at the rendezvous," you said, your voice strained from carrying most of Kaz's weight. He tried to walk on his own, to lessen your burden, but his body was too weak for it.
You left the building, Karlos Drulak's brand-new bar. Hey, at least the color of the fumes complimented the brown...?
Jesper caught you two and rushed forward to help, but you stopped him with a single shake of your head. It took a lot for Kaz to just let you keep him upright, what more if Jesper added to that?
You both hobbled as one to a safe distance before Kaz collapsed inside an alleyway. He took deep breaths, trying to fight the black roses of anxiety that bloomed in the corners of his vision.
"Kaz, look at me," you spoke, feeling his heart rate spike, but you weren't sure what you could do to help. "Kaz, what can I do?"
"Talk," He strained. "Distract me."
"Uh — okay, okay," your brain scrambled for some story to pull up, so it decided to bring you a memory from your childhood. "There was a time where I revived a dog of my old neighbor when I was seven years old," you said, your eyes trained on his chest like you can see his heart. "My parents were off to work, so they left me with the neighbor, and his heart just stopped beating. The neighbors didn't know what to do, but I just put a hand on him and willed his heart to beat again. He lived for seven more years after that before he peacefully passed."
"You should have let that dog die," Kaz gasped, but his breaths were slowly evening out. "I hate animals."
You smiled lightly. "Liar."
"How can you tell I'm lying? My heartbeat's already all over the place," Kaz huffed.
"I don't need my power to tell that you're lying," you said, shaking your head fondly. "I know you Kaz. In the years that we've worked together, I got to know you. I know you feed your scraps of food to the strays behind the Crow Club, which is why they keep coming back for more."
"Didn't know anyone noticed," Kaz said, his breaths more symmetrical as his vision cleared.
You laughed. "You really expected me to not notice?" Kaz saw how you hesitated, how your smile faltered before you continued with seriousness lacing your voice. "I always notice when it comes to you."
Kaz sighed, gently grabbing the cane from you and hauling himself to his feet. "Let's go to the Slat. Better make sure that the others know we're alive."
"Wow, you want to tell them you're alive so they don't get worried?" You cooed, walking a few feet beside him and syncing your steps with him. "Soft is a good look on you."
"Shut up, Heartrender," He grumbled, but a small smile broke through his face.
"Your Heartrender," you sang, skipping slightly knowing that he can't deny you from the sudden speed of his heart.
He shook his head, the smile still not leaving his face as you both walked.
His Heartrender indeed.
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luvhughes43 · 3 months
the proposal & the engagement
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[blake hughes au]
request(s): Nico and Blake. Can u do something where Nico ask her to marry him? Maybe when they win the Stanley cup? & Nico proposing to Blake! Maybe at the lake house or in Switzerland?
word count: 1.4k
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the past few games were tight, and blake could feel the tension in her body as she watched the periods drag on. the devils needed this win to take the cup, and the energy in prudential echoed the importance of the game.
"i think i'm going to be sick," blake announces as nico jumps onto the ice in the third period. "we're so close," she says, squeezing the hands of jesper bratts girlfriend.
"i don't think i can watch," one of the other wags replies before throwing her hands up in front of her face.
before anyone else can succumb to their nerves, meier shoots the puck into the back of the net and the arena erupts into cheers. "theres still two minutes left!" blake shouts, locking arms with the girls beside her. they were all wrought with anxious nerves and energy, that the only thing they could think of doing was hold onto each other.
the rest of the game goes by quickly, and it's announced that the devils won the game. "they did it!" blake screams, jumping up with the rest of the girls. she quickly grabs her phone, making sure to take a quick few shots of nico and her brothers celebrating their win.
soon enough, blake and the families were brought onto the ice. there wasn't a second to congratulate her brothers before nico scooped blake up in his arms.
"we did it, schatz" nico beams with excitement as he hoists blake up into the air. she wraps her legs around his waist easily, the words "Hischier 13" proudly on display across the back of her jacket.
"i'm so proud of you," blake cries, pulling away from nico's neck to kiss him. "you played so good... i love you... that was so hot..." she speaks between enthusiastic kisses.
when they finally calm down a little and blakes set back on her feet, nico makes blakes heart start racing again. "marry me," he says simply, as if it's the most normal thing to ask after winning the stanley cup.
"what?" blake gasps, her hands never loosening from around his waist.
"marry me, please schatz" nico repeats, a doopy smile etched across his face.
blake squeals, and repeatedly nods her head in approval. "yes - yes of course i'll marry you!" she removes her hands from around his waist and instead places them on both sides of his cheeks. nico leans forward and softly kisses blakes pillowy lips before theyre dragged apart by excited family members - nobody but themselves aware of the proposal.
a few days later, when they are no longer hungover and exhausted, blake brings up the proposal again. "you know, when you propose there's usually a ring..." she teases.
nico looks at her softly and blake swears she could melt with the intensity of his beautiful brown eyes. "it's coming, i have plans set up" he assures her, opening up his arms which she gladly walks into.
she lays her head on his chest, "a double proposal... this is very intense,"
"nothing but the best for you," he kisses the top of her head, ignoring the mess of suitcases and clothes strewn around their room for their upcoming trip to switzerland. "i can't wait to give you the ring," he kisses her again.
"i'm waiting happily.. just don't take too long. i cant wait to 'officially' be your fiancée," blake leans up to look nico in the eyes once more.
"you won't have to wait long, i'm too excited to be your fiancé" nico smiles.
📍 valais, switzerland
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liked by nicohischier, jackhughes, trevorzegras, and 42 871 others
blake.hughes sundays <3
tagged: nicohischier
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nicohischier waking up next to u is my favourite part of the day❤️🌞
jackhughes did not need to see the first pic but its nice that u two are having fun!
lhughes_06 sundays <3 at the lake house pls im bored
jackhughes missing ur dad ?
lhughes_06 that was a long time ago.. it's time we moved on
lucahischier no tag but im right there in the 2nd pic...
bestie ur glowing !!
user07 mom and dad are in switzerland🫡❤️
user51 she looks so happy ugh i will never get over them😭🫶
user23 the last pic.... ohhh blakes been feeding us for YEARSS
the first week in nico's hometown goes by in a blur. every relative, close friend, and neighbour wanted to congratulate nico and there were lots of catching up to do after the long and tiring season.
also, blake was proud to announce that her german speaking skills have gotten so much better of the course of the 4 years she and nico have been dating. it was relief knowing that she could keep up with his families conversations - even if she still wasn't the best speaker.
they had been so busy the first week that blake didn't notice her family suddenly going ghost for the 12ish hours it took to fly to switzerland. nor did she really notice the excited glances shared between nico's family as they wished them off on their hike.
"nina's so sweet. she's been teaching me more german while you were hanging out with friends earlier and i really think i'm starting to understand better," blake explains as she trails behind an overly excited nico. "i just need to work on my speaking and pronunciation.. but each time i hear you guys talk i swear i'm getting it! i think by next summer if i keep practicing i'll be able to have full conversations,"
nico looks back at blake with nothing but pride. "i love you,"
she laughs, "i love you too?"
suddenly, they were both standing on top of a gorgeous mountain with the sun shining on both of them. as expected, blake steps forward to admire the view. "after all these years coming up here, i don't think i'll ever get used to it," she enthuses, and nico hums from behind her as he gets down on one knee.
"aw, nico look there's a dog all the way down there-" blake turns around and gasps. even though she was expecting another proposal with a ring this time, she's still surprised.
"blake, last time i wasn't as prepared as i shouldve been," nico chuckles nervously and blake giggles. "these last few years have been a dream and i can't imagine not waking up next to you or not wanting to spend all of my time with you. youre my best friend and i love you so much. will you officially agree to marry me?" nico asks, holding out the ring box and opening it slowly.
"of course i'll marry you," blakes voice is muffled as she drops her hands away from her mouth. "i love you so much," she cries, holding onto nico tightly when he finally stands up.
when they pull apart, he slides the beautiful gold diamond ring onto her finger.
"congrats you guys!" jack shouts as soon as the front door of hischier house opens.
"youre here?" blake cries out, palms digging into her eyes as happiness floods through her.
"sweetie congradulations," ellen speaks softly into blake ear as she brings her daughter forward into a bone-crushing hug. "show me the ring," she asks happily, and blake gladly obliges.
"i can't believe you guys are all here," blake sniffles, looking up to see her brothers - trevor included - and her immediate family.
"i'd never miss your engagement goldie," trevor jokes as he slings an arm around blakes shoulders. "you did good," blake glances over at her fiancee who was talking animatedly with his friends and family - recounting the proposal to the fine details.
"i know," blake smiles sappily and turns to her oldest brother.
"i'm proud of you, goose" quinn teases but blake can see the tears lining his eyes. "you're so grown up now," he breathes out, pulling his sister into a hug that jack and luke aren't shy of joining.
over her brothers shoulders she spots her dad next to nico's and she excitedly flashes them her ring.
📍 valais, switzerland
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liked by nicohischier, jackhughes, _quinnhughes, and 57 012 others
blake.hughes future mrs 🤍
tagged: nicohischier
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nicohischier my beautiful bride 💍 i love you ❤️
ninahischier love you two so much !!! congratulations💘
jackhughes brother in law secured
_quinnhughes congrats you guys!❤️
trevorzegras can't believe youre actually engaged (i was literally there) 😭😭😭
bestie i'm. sobbing. so. hard.
user09 did he propose while hiking?? omgg too cute😭
user63 OMFG?? OMFG??? OMFG???
user14 they're engaged😭😭😭
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