phoenixwrites · 1 year
The funniest thing about the outrage in your askbox is that people can believe grace and joe aren’t dating, but they cannot deny their closeness.
Antis spent months saying how creeped out joe must be by grace and how obsessed she was with him. But the fact that he initiates most of the casual physical touch we’ve seen just shows how wrong they are.
They were calling for blood when she posted a selfie of them but all of a sudden they’re blind when joe goes out of his way to hug grace or ruffle her hair. Clearly that’s not the actions of a man who hates her and cannot wait to get away.
Like you don’t believe they’re dating then fine. But you cannot deny that they are close and joe clearly enjoys being around grace and has never hated or felt uncomfortable around her.
I think that's what gets me.
I don't...actually care if people believe they're dating or not. Like for me, the mystery and puzzle of it is really fun. But I'm not trying to convince people actively. All I have said is "boy are they cute together" and this caused DISCOURSE.
They have been insanely misogynistic towards Grace FROM THE GET-GO. And I've said from the beginning, even if Grace isn't sincere about Hellcheer and is just doing it to help her career...like what's wrong with that? It's a cunning move to engage a fandom like that and to help her get bigger roles. But what I hate about it is it's a pattern of behavior I keep seeing from MLM shippers towards women who "get in the way" of their slash fic. The Stony shippers of Marvel did it to Hayley Atwell. Destiel/Wincest did it to...I dunno, every female character Dean hooked up with? (I'll ship Dean/Jo till I DIE.) Saw it in the Sherlock fandom too, with Watson's wife. And it just boils down to plain old boring misogyny with a dash of fetishizing queer relationships.
If I'm wrong about Grace and Joe (I'm not), I can at least enjoy their friendship and think it's sweet they enjoy each other so much. But you're right, 90% of the time, it's JOE initiating the physical affection, whether it's scritching her head, or tickling her side, or squeezing her arm.
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majicmarker · 2 years
OTP Ask for Eddissy.
#13, 23, 30, 56 Pleaseeeee
Tbh I wanted to ask for all of them but I’m trying not to be greedy lol
brotato all of them would have taken me so long, thank u for refraining 😅
13. who’s the bigger tease?
eddie, but he’s so sexually inexperienced he doesn’t even know he’s doing it. plus, chrissy’s easy, so like, he’ll stretch and his shirt will ride up a little bit and she goes all big-pupils for a peek at his hipbones and that inch of bare tummy and eddie’s like “oh, game on, baby.”
i don’t imagine chrissy’s much of a tease; she’s too shy, but eventually she figures out that playing footsie and the gentle way she strokes eddie’s fingers when they hold hands in public has this boy reciting hail mary’s (it’s such a short prayer, easy to remember) until he gets her alone — and then, again, it’s game on, baby.
23. who’s more likely to convince the other to stay in bed come morning?
chrissy’s always been an early riser, but whenever she stays the night with eddie she doesn’t have to get up — besides, it’s kind of hard to when eddie always ends up draped on top of her sometime in the middle of the night, dead to the world, so chrissy’s content to play with his hair and rub his back until he’s conscious enough to kiss the rest of the way awake.
30. your otp gets to pick out each other’s outfits; what is each wearing?
nothing too involved, they both like the way the other dresses (eddie especially wants chrissy to be comfortable with her body, all considered, so whatever she likes best works for him).
but of course eddie loves chrissy in his shirts, particularly when she ties the hem in a knot to make it fit better and shows off a strip of her belly (they’re both really into each other’s tummies, what can i say). and chrissy likes it when eddie wears one of her scrunchies, on his wrist, in his hair, it’s just another way to show off chrissy cunningham’s my girlfriend and that’s fuckin’ bananas cool, man, and that makes her feel important.
56. what do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood?
it’s usually unintentional (see the aforementioned #13), but when it’s intentional… slow kisses do it for them both. the really deep, all-consuming, i-could-do-this-with-you-all-day kind of kisses. it’s a slow build, but the anticipation really gets them going, ayyyyyy
asks here!
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sharontcte · 2 years
I’ve been staying up until 2 am every night reading Eddie x Chrissy fics because this ship has consumed my entire being. Like I’ve never fallen harder into a ship than this one and they barely had 8 mins together on screen. I rewatch the same picnic table seen like once a day because I cannot get enough of these two. What is actually wrong me with at this point lol like why do I love them so much
Hi sweetheart!
Isn't it mad though that a ship who technically wasn't created with the intention of being a ship has a chokehold on what appears to be a SHIT ton of people. Damn, Joe and Grace really knew what they were doing huh
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deheerkonijn · 5 years
I love that no matter what fandom you draw for there’s always a tall beanpole and a shorter one with those rockin tiddies lol like Jim Kirk is my #1 but gimli is coming for his thicc boi status
thank you!!! Trek Fam is being a really good sport haha I promise I’m not gone. :’) In fact, Trek Reverse posts are coming up!! So look out for Jimmy then!!
But for right now– I definitely concocted a ponytail!Gimli headcanon purely for the convenience of showing off his bode ‘cause that’s just who I am, spiritually
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sorry ereborians he’s off the market
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entrenous88 · 6 years
Honestly that pic of bby pie is how I’ve been picturing fiction romance Chris lol like just a little hedgehog lookin in the hair department with a baby face and strange taste in clothing 😂 he’s too precious
That’s so hilarious, especially the “hedgehog lookin in the hair department” -- I will laugh at that all day!  :DDDDD   I like to think that FR Chris is better dressed, but honestly, ONLY MARGINALLY.  And he definitely needs a haircut and now I’m imagining a scene where Zach frowns at him disapprovingly and takes him to his old school barber Vinny. 
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chrispineofficial · 7 years
I have to say that I just recently found this blog but every tag you put on a Chris pine post gives me life. You are the queen.
aslkdfjals; this is so nice thank u so much 💜💜
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babyblainers · 7 years
jimothy-and-spockums replied to your post: Trump is in rome today and I feel sick thinking...
You never know until you try……I believe in you…you are the chosen one meant to deliver us from this evil. Or at least hit it in the face with shit.
Believe me, if I lived closer I would :°D But it’s a 5 hour train ride I can’t possibly make it :°D
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semperama · 7 years
I just saw a little clip of blind dating on Instagram and now I just realized I have a mighty need for a pinto blind dating au lol why do these things keep popping up in my head 😂😅
Have you not read this!? 
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loves-pie · 7 years
ato-the-bean replied to your post “There’s been a lot of spones on my dash recently, which has got me...”
Neither. Definitely. T'hy'la forevers.
jimothy-and-spockums replied to your post “There’s been a lot of spones on my dash recently, which has got me...”
I might be one of the rare ones but I pretty much only ship pairs with Jim in them. Like spirk is my fav and mckirk comes very close second. But not really into spones or even mcspirk. I love Jims character so I kinda loose interest if he's not involved in the main pairing.
Yeah, me too (although not for the same reason). I can understand that. :)
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phoenixwrites · 1 year
I find it so telling that anytime grace hangs out with a man they always jump to the conclusion that they must be dating or something…..like grace is openly bisexual and has hottie girl friends who she’s way more touchy feely and flirtatious with….. but they never claim she’s dating any of those women as a reason she couldn’t be dating JQ…. But any man in a 10 mile radius of her must be romantic
Is it misogyny…… is it biphobia…..is it just stupidity…..??
I guess we’ll never know
Honestly I think it’s all of the above.
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majicmarker · 2 years
Sliding into your inbox to just scream about how much I love Demisexual eddie!
Evryone is entitled to their own ideas for the character but Demi eddie will always hold a really special place in my heart. It just feels so right to me and I love how you write him!
I’m regard to your newest fic I’m obsessed with Eddie’s pov! It’s peak queer experience lolll I relate too well
I will say eddie messed up by not trusting Robin to set him up with Chrissy tho! Always trust your local lesbians!
(the fic in question)
listen. he knows he totally biffed it, okay. he's just a demisexual dum-dum lollipop and he's doing his best with that. frankly he’s intimidated by lesbians, they get too much done too efficiently, he can’t keep up, man.
(if you want to know if this is based on my own personal experience, i will tell you… absolutely yes it is.)
yk—and while you didn’t ask for this, i’m offering it free of charge anyway—also this just made me Think abt, is that it’s weird to think abt now, bc when i first started writing eddissy fic, i really didn’t give much thought to either of their sexualities. i was just getting my sea legs with them and everything, and, for me, i think it speaks to my own experience as a demisexual—the sexual aspect didn’t matter until they were with each other (aside from the jason factor, i suppose, but from my perspective as the writer, even that spoke less to chrissy’s sexuality and more to her sense of “duty” in their relationship). 
the catalyst was largely due to @agentmmayy's og virgin!eddie fic—a definite lightbulb moment for me (the quintessential Oh. moment, if u will). eddie had never struck me as a particularly sexual character, anyway (not to mention he’s only like, 20, tops? why are we out here believing this idea that everyone has vast sexual experience at such a young age? is this because of one tree hill?)—i just hadn’t really examined that bc, again, once i paired him with chrissy, well, all bets were off, he really wants to kiss her, etc.
and, like, okay, bit of a rant abt the larger implications of this topic ahead, whoops my hand slipped—
truly just. bonkers. that the assumption is that you must have experience to be good at sexual activity. idc how many ppl you’ve hooked up with, EVERYONE is different—their bodies, their turn-ons, orgasms aren’t one-size-fits-all. communication with your partner(s) is Far More Important than your track record, otherwise you’re just some asshole who thinks they know someone’s body better than that person does. 
and i really like exploring demisexuality through, like, a male lens—because men are so socialized to be sexual, so what happens to their sense of self when that’s just not their inclination?
like, i am. so sick. of even the most progressive of media making the same tired joke abt how all men want sex all the time, or that there’s something “off” or “not right” if a guy isn’t ready/wants to wait.
it happens constantly in so-called feminist media, and it does such a disservice to what feminism actually is—that one of the tenants of the movement is that men aren’t incapable of checking their baser desires, they’re not wild animals who can’t control it; they’re fully-realized human beings who need to be held responsible for their actions, regardless of their “physical reaction” to their attraction to someone.
so, ultimately, we have these two separate but fundamental ideas here: men deserve to feel validated in their sexuality, and they’re also responsible for how they act on it. basically, toxic masculinity can be propagated by anyone, and it hurts everyone.
and just—god, SO OFTEN aphobia is disguised as sex positivity (maybe not intentionally, but still harmfully; casual aphobia is all over seemingly progressive spaces), but sex positivity needs to also acknowledge that not experiencing sexual attraction, not wanting sex, or only experiencing/wanting those things under certain circumstances, etc., is okay, it’s normal, and it’s not less-than. 
sexuality is not this cut-and-dry thing, you know? like ik glee did a number on our perception of sexuality as this strict dichotomy of “gay or straight, that’s it,” but like. c’mon guys, time to move past that, we can all heal together.
so, yeah. tl;dr there’s a lot to unpack with ace spectrum characters, and that’s def where i want to park my wheelhouse.
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deheerkonijn · 6 years
Whether you’re doing aos or tos you always draw Jim as a thicc bottom, with the thickest bottom. And honestly I live for it. Bless you and your amazing bootylicious blonde beauties. This blog is without a doubt my favorite Star Trek blog I follow. Hope you’re having a good day cause your art always brings some joy into mine!
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BBK (Big Beautiful Kirks)
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cardassiansunrise · 6 years
I feel like they wanted to talk about his nudity since he is such a big star but all the straights couldn’t handle saying that his ass was the real star of the show so they did the typical middle school move of giggling about dicks. Like they wanted to talk about a .5 second flash vs Florence grabbing herself a handful of ass??? Why tho.
i have not seen the film yet. you mean to tell me WE GET ASS TOO???? that’s the one thing i care about, i love that butt. oh my god, i can’t believe this. i simply cannot,
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babyblainers · 7 years
replied to your
I’m going to see wonder woman again every time I...
Someone start a go fund me for this
Mate I would totally do it, collect the complaints and go to the movies 3 times a day Or instead of giving the money to me, people could use it to bring someone to see wonder woman as well <3
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semperama · 7 years
jimothy-and-spockums replied to your post: Ok I know I already sent the mobster/ trophy...
I’m hoping it just didn’t go through instead of me sending that to some random person lol cause that would be awkward to explain. But omg this was great! And I’m happy you’re feeling better now!!
It probably just didn’t go through! Tumblr seems to eat asks on a regular basis. If only this website would just work!! And thank youuu. <333
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phoenixwrites · 1 year
Grace: asks how people are doing
You: responds with how you’re doing
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They are SO MAD.
I’m deleting most of them hate which seems to make them madder. It’s now shifted to “stop lying you’re not getting death threats”.
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