queeniecook · 2 years
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A reminder that Caleb has watched Vera's love life for years. She was a teenager in this shot.
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chitownpunkgirl · 4 years
Wow so like my life has been upside down crazy and an emotional rollercoaster for the last four months which is why I like haven’t been around here, and yet the one day I decide to lurk and see what is happening in the GD world I am overwhelmed by Joeygate. Wow. What a day to return to social media.....
I wasn’t going to say anything else but, Joey’s a grown man who knew better and is the only one responsible for his actions. He should be the only one talking about this publicly because as all adults we are the only ones responsible for our actions. He needs to be a man and face the consequences of his actions. 
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itechblogco · 6 years
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Tecmo Super Bowl’s ‘JoeyGats’ three-peats as world champion http://bit.ly/2qfhlIz
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@goPackgo__: What was sad about the #joeygate blog was the pictures of the baby #notbatmanyet was pretending to adopt out to a f… https://t.co/Z5VjuBaftT
from http://twitter.com/goPackgo__ via IFTTT
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joeygatesart · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-iZfcEcLik) get access to my source file for this animation for just $3. https://www.patreon.com/joeygates
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queeniecook · 3 years
I have so many of these so here is an outtakes post!
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why swim when you’re a mermaid??
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Look at him! No, not Dakota! The cat! Just trying to get us to adopt him!....Vera almost did...
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“May I fondle your boob?”
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Even though Asa turned out to be a tool, I still think this shot is sweet.
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so, I moved the main characters into a new save a while back just to cut down on lag etc. Well, Naya happened to find her Mom getting jiggy at the club because of it. xD
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Sometimes, I shoot scenes and end up not using the scene...
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But I still like the shots.
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Aubree is really talented and bendy. August likes.
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Just thought this was sweet.
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......so Vera sat outside naked with Joey. In the rain. ????? she’s allowed a mental breakdown, okay?
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*shrugs* anyway...
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say hi to second Caleb again! 
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Even he knows Asa is stranger danger.
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“When two become one...”
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queeniecook · 3 years
May 27
I didn’t sleep well last night. I doubt I’ll sleep well tonight. My eyes hurt from crying but I still need to write this out.
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I spent the morning practicing what I planned to say with Josie. I wanted to go in with at least something to say, instead of staring awkwardly at him. I didn’t want to do it. I didn’t want to hurt someone I love. We were stuck in this limbo of sorts. I had to end it.
“Wish Mommy luck?” I asked Josie before picking her up and putting her back inside the house.
Then I was off…
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Joey let me in and sat back down to play chess. I talked to him briefly to see how he’s doing while I waited for Dakota. Talking to Joey anymore is like talking to a complete stranger. It’s funny, isn’t it? How someone can go from being such a huge part of your life to being a stranger. It’s sad.
I finally went over to the couch, removed my shoes and curled up on it. As the seconds slowly passed by, I felt my anxiety grow.
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He smiled at me at first, but soon the smile left his face as he joined me on the couch. “You’ve made your choice, haven’t you?”
I took a deep breath and released it. “Yes.”
Just like that, all my rehearsing on what I was going to try to say left me. I was already close to tears.
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I felt Dakota put his hands on my arm. “It’s him.” He whispered, but it wasn’t a question. It was a statement.
I nodded a little, sniffling. I was trying to force some words out, but before I could Dakota stood.
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“I’m not going to beg you to change your mind. I just thought…that I had a chance.” Dakota told me, his voice was strained as I sat up and got ready to get up off the couch.
“You did! I love you!” I declared as I stood up “But I realized, that while I love you…I’m in love with Caleb.” I finished quietly and ran my hands through my hair. “I never wanted to hurt you. I hate this. But I…I want you to be with someone who only wants to be with you, Dakota. Because you deserve that!”
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Dakota grabbed me and pulled me close as I started to cry. “I hate that I’m hurting you.” I mumbled into his chest.
“I know you didn’t want to hurt anyone.” Dakota told me softly. I realized that he was comforting me, when I was the one breaking his heart. That’s Dakota for you.
A few moments passed quietly, I could hear the crackling of the wood in the fireplace, Dakota breathing and my crying.
“I love you too…”Dakota whispered softly “A part of me always will, I think.”
“Same here.” I told him, maybe it would change in time? To a small part of my heart that has a love for someone and you can’t really label it. It just is.
Dakota took a deep breath and released it slowly “I’m…thankful that since this is how you feel that you didn’t…” he paused to think of how to put things “pick me when you wouldn’t be able to fully give your heart to me. I do want someone who will love me as much as I love them.”
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I hugged Dakota closer as he held me. I still hate that I hurt him. I never wanted to do that. I fully well know that Dakota would have been the most logical choice, not only that, I would have been happy with him…it’s just that my heart would still be longing for someone else. That wouldn’t have been fair to him or right. I could have been stopping him from finding his mate. I’ll never forget him. I know that. He helped me not only during the whole Ciara situation but after everything went down with Joey. We had really good times together and I’ll always treasure those memories.
We said we’d keep in touch. I plan to do my part. I want to see him happy. I want to see him find his person, wherever and whoever they are.
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queeniecook · 3 years
May 2
I’ve kept myself busy since Caleb’s visit. There’s been plenty to do. Prep the clinic for my trip. Help Aubree with last minute details for the wedding. Pack.
Aubree’s wedding is being held in Sulani. Which is perfect, because after the wedding – I’m going to spend some time here. I need to reconnect with all of me if I’m going to figure things out.
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I was able to talk to Dakota briefly on the phone before I had to get ready for the wedding. He thinks he’ll get to come home around the end of May. I’m looking forward to seeing him again. I just don’t know what I’m going to say him yet.
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Aubree looks absolutely stunning. I’m so glad I’m here to get to see her get married and to be apart of it! There was a time I thought I wouldn’t get to….enough of that thought. Today is a happy day!
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My brother and sister-in-law couldn’t keep their hands off each other earlier. It’s sweet but also a little gross because he’s still my brother.
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It was a beautiful ceremony! They wrote their own vows and kept things simple. Aubree is now Aubree Lewis.
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“From this moment! Life has begun!” I started singing at the top of my lungs.
“If she’s going to sing, I’m going to need some booze. Lots of it.”
Thanks a lot baby brother. My voice isn’t that bad.
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“So, when do you think you two will have kids? I want my baby to have someone to play with.” Naya stated.
“I think we’ll wait a bit. I mean, we just got married.” Aubree told her.
Naya laughed “I thought the same thing. Now look at me.”
Aubree escaped Naya’s baby fever to go have her wedding portraits taken.
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I have no doubt they’ll turn out awesome.
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This year started off with a lot of darkness and gloom. But now there’s light and bright spots. A wedding. Soon a baby.
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I supposed I forgot to mention that Joey was at the wedding? Yeah. I talked to him and Tomas a bit. I couldn’t help but think of how much I used to feel for him. I got over him. It hurt like hell, but I did it. It reminded me that I can survive heartbreak. I can survive Caleb telling me he loves me but basically sees no future for us.
But, if I do all this soul and heart searching and figure out that I feel that Caleb is my mate. I will not go down without a fight. But, it could be Dakota. I don’t know yet.
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queeniecook · 3 years
December 25
I got up very early this morning to make sure everything was ready for the party. Around 8 AM, I received a surprise phone call.
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“Dakota!” I exclaimed.
They had let him use his cell phone to call people for Winterfest. I was so glad to hear from him. It felt like it had been so long since we had spoken. It felt like months, though it had only been weeks.
I caught him up a few things but left out the whole “danger” thing. For one, he doesn’t know that I’m a mermaid. Even if I left that bit out, saying I’m in danger would only worry him. I didn’t want to do that to him.
The conversation ended way too soon for my liking but he only got so long to talk to each person.
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Aubree arrived shortly after, she wanted to help finish cooking the food. I happily accepted her help.
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I invited Joey. I figured since Dakota was off training, Joey would be alone for the holiday. That would probably be depressing for him, so I didn’t want him to be alone. Our past might not be full of sunshine and happiness, but I fully support him getting sober and staying that way. I still care what happens to Joey, I always will.
Everyone came to the party except Naya. Another business trip, it’s starting to worry me a bit. But maybe I’m just being paranoid, given the current circumstances.
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“So uhh….there’s a levitating vampire in your kitchen….” Joey commented. He sounded weirded out.
“He does that sometimes. It helps him restore his energy.” I explained like it wasn’t odd at all, because to me. It isn’t.
“That’s….cool.” Joey said, sitting down beside myself and Apollo.
I was very happy to see my little brother. I have to think of a way to invite him and Naya to stay with me. Maybe I should just be honest and he’ll see that they need to.
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"You gave me a security system? That's...thoughtful. Thank you, Caleb." Apollo commented, I could tell he was confused.
Safety. That's the reason Caleb wanted me to invite him and Lilith today.
I felt my cheeks turn red. On one hand it was very sweet that Caleb was trying to find more ways to protect all of us. On the other "For a vampire, you're not very subtle." I whispered so quietly that I knew only Caleb would hear me.
Caleb just gave Apollo a look before walking off. Apollo looked at me, he wanted answers.
"Let's go play in the snow!" I declared and shoved him playfully. I wasn't ready to have that talk with him yet. No, not the birds and the bees talk. The talk about our current situation.
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“I swear that guy never ages. It’s getting creepy.” Apollo commented as we built a snow pal.
He’s right though. That guy never ages. Maybe I should ask Caleb if Father Winter is a vampire?
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“Pa-thet-ic.” Apollo sounded out after my snowball landed inches away from him.
There’s a reason I didn’t do sports in school.
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“I didn’t miss that time!” I hollered after I shoved snow in my brother’s face and ran away from him, because I knew he’d want revenge.
Today was a welcomed break and distraction.
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queeniecook · 3 years
September 19 - Part 1
It’s Sunday. I thought it was going to be a nice quiet Sunday.
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For some reason, I decided to spend the morning re-reading the journal Mom left to me. She had dealt with heartbreak over her first love. Basically sworn off love then Dad came along. Even though she was scared and very cautious, eventually they decided to give things a shot. It was obviously worth it. They had a happy life together, along with two children. Myself and Apollo.
I had read it in hope of getting advice from my Mom in a way. I think it has started to put some things in perspective for me. Even though I have gone through heartbreak, I can’t give up on love.
There was on a knock on my front door.
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Joey Gates. I wasn’t expecting to see him.
“I know you probably don’t want to see me but I really need to talk to you.”
I thought about kicking him out, but something inside of me told me to hear him out.
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Joey laughed nervously before he spoke “So, I was a major douchebag.”
Of course, I had to chime in on that one. “Yeah, no kidding!” I exclaimed, making a face.
“I really am sorry about that. I shouldn’t have treated things like a joke or spoke to you the way I did. I was upset with myself for my own actions and I kind of laid those feelings on you.” Joey told me quietly.
He seemed sincere. At least he’s trying to apologize. That’s something. Now the ball is in my court. I need to forgive him, not for him. But for me. Forgiveness actually sets you free. You don’t realize how heavy that load is until you let it go.
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“I’ve realized I have a drinking problem. Between what happened with you and Dakota showing me all the liquor bottles I had thrown in my bedroom closet…..I’ve also blacked out a few times recently while drinking. I don’t remember where I’ve been. Just what Dakota tells me….” He trailed off.
I didn’t know it had gotten that bad. Dakota hadn’t mentioned it to me, granted he probably thought I didn’t want to hear anything to do with Joey. Until today, he would have been right about that.
“I’m going to go get help. I’ll be checking into a rehab facility in Granite Falls next week.”
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“I’m proud of you for doing this, Joey.” I told him. I meant it. It can’t be easy admitting you have an addiction and going to get help for it. “I really hope it helps you.”
“Thanks…me too.” He told me with a slight smile.
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queeniecook · 3 years
November 27
Thanksgiving or Harvest fest as some call it, has come and gone. Apollo and Naya stayed in Sulani for the Holiday, which kind of bummed me out. But it’s their first Thanksgiving as a married couple, so I tried to be understanding about it.
Dakota went to visit Joey in Granite Falls for the holiday. Caleb is still MIA. So, Aubree and I ordered pizza and watched a bunch of Christmas movies on TV, since they started showing them already.
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I had a dream this morning about Dakota. At least this was a good dream. Hopefully soon, it’ll become a reality. Yeah, I know we’ve kissed before. But it was due to a dare. I want to kiss him. Just us. Simply because we want to.
Speaking of Dakota, I just got a call from him so I better finish this later.
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“You have to do something! I’m starving and I suck at cooking!”
That was why he asked me to come over. To cook him something? I should have been mad. But he looked cute all panicked.
“How have you survived this long without cooking?” I asked him, going over to look in his cupboards. I wasn’t going grocery shopping for him too.
“TV dinners and other people’s cooking.” He admitted. “Joey is the one who likes to cook and he might be gone until tomorrow.”
Joey completed his first step of the program, he gets to be home for a week before having to go back for a longer stay. I’m proud of him for sticking with it so far and hope he continues to do so. Maybe once he no longer has alcohol in his life, he can focus on his future and what he wants to do. Which is nursing school to become an LPN.
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Dakota is lucky I was feeling generous and that he’s cute. I found a box of mac and cheese in the cupboard. It was the powered kind, so I started jazzing it up some for better taste.
After I had it done, Dakota scarfed it down like he hadn’t ate in two days. Which I have a feeling is not true. But he thanked me several times and even kissed me on the cheek. Then we stared at each other somewhat awkwardly until he said he’d give me a tour of the house. After he uses the restroom.
So I stood in the kitchen. Waiting…
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Joey walked in. He smiled at me and we talked a little about how he’s doing, while he started making himself some grilled cheese. I told him I saved his brother from certain death. He said Dakota is a drama queen. Or, he was just using an excuse to get me to come over.
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I decided to ask Dakota about that.
“Haha…well…..” Dakota started, blushing. “It wasn’t all false information. I really do suck at cooking. And Joey said he might be gone until tomorrow. I was hungry…but I have a drawer full of take out menus.”
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“You’re a bad boy, Dakota Laws.” I told him, softly, batting my eyelashes a little. Was I managing to flirt? I hoped so. “If you wanted me over here, all you had to do was ask.”
“Is that so?” Dakota asked, moving closer to me.
“Mmmhmm.” I hummed before licking my lips. They felt dry. I had an idea.
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It was brief, but just right. Feeling the gentle touch of his lips against mine made me want more. Kissing him like that made me feel at home. That’s the only way I can explain it. I felt myself exhale and relax.
But, my cell phone rang. I had to go to the clinic. Emergency surgery on a dog who swallowed his tennis ball toy somehow. Thankfully, the dog is going to be okay.
I can’t wait to see Dakota again.
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queeniecook · 3 years
June 17 - Part 2
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“You actually look pretty.” Dakota said, like it was a big surprise. I was outside, waiting for him and Joey.
I plastered a fake smile on my face “Thank you.” I said, biting my tongue before deciding not to “You don’t look bad yourself, Aladdin. Nice vest.”
I could tell he was going to respond but Joey arrived after him.
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Joey laughed nervously and pulled me aside “Will you two not kill each other tonight, please?”
“I will try my best not to even talk to him, how about that?” I asked Joey with a sigh.
“Works for me.” Joey said, nodding before looking at me more closely. “He’s right though. You do look pretty.”
I blushed a little, even though I didn’t want to. It’s hard to fight a blush. “Thank you.”
I hate that I blushed. Where did that come from?
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After the bistro, we ended up at a local tavern. I should have known after the day Joey had. I felt very overdressed. To my surprise, Dakota didn’t look too thrilled about being there either.
Dakota, for his part, tried to hold off the drinking. He decided to do some karaoke and challenge Joey and I to do a duet.
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The karokee was actually pretty fun.
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Eventually, Joey found his way back to the bar and started to drink. I’m starting to think he has a problem.
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“It’s your turn tonight, I took care of both of you last time. Besides, I have a job interview in the morning at 7 am.” Dakota told me before Joey came back from the bathroom.
I wanted to argue, but he kind of had a point. I wasn’t going to admit that to him out loud, so I just kept quiet and nodded my head. Dakota said his goodbyes to his brother and left.
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I let Joey stay another hour before I cut him off. I have to work tomorrow myself. I couldn’t stay out the entire night with him. I had a few drinks, but made sure I didn’t get smashed. I still felt that nice tingly feeling I get when I should have stopped a while ago.
Somehow, he convinced me to let him stay at my house. I do have a spare bedroom. He said Dakota probably took some girl back to his house anyway. I wasn’t sure if that was true, I didn’t pay attention when Dakota left.
I called us a taxi, not wanting to drive. I’m still the more responsible one of the two of us.
And that was my day. Joey is settled into my guest bedroom and I’m ready to go to sleep.
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queeniecook · 4 years
September 3
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Today, I walked with my brother into High School for the first time. I did my best to help him find things and introduce him to people. 
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We ended up having gym together. And have the same gym class schedule for the next few months at least. I’m glad. That means I won’t be the only one sitting out pool day, since he can’t get into the water in front of everyone either. 
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I got to have my two classes with Joey today. I always look forward to these days. So we can discuss our project…of course.
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I was shocked to see Naya at school. She said she just wanted to live like normal, can’t really blame her for that. We all have to heal in our own ways. 
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Joey has become friends with Dominic, who I used to hang out with a lot when I was little. Then we kind of drifted apart in middle school. Dominic is a good guy though. 
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Lunch time….I did not enjoy lunch time. It wasn’t because of the less than tasty bowl of soup I had either. Joey spent the entire period, talking to a girl. Who is she? I don’t know. I’ve never seen her before. She is not the girl from his pictures on Simbook.
I felt…jealous. I don’t like that feeling. It bothers me. Especially because I don’t have a right to be jealous. He is not mine.
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queeniecook · 3 years
June 18 - Part 2
Somehow, I managed to stop things. Why I walked to my bed? I don’t remember. I do remember trying to catch my breath and calm myself down. I was flipping out on the inside.
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He followed me to my bed and bumped my shoulder with his gently, but enough to get my attention.
“You need to go to bed.” I told him softly.
He somehow had enough sense to look at my bed and then back at me. “I’m on a bed.”
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He slipped his hand onto mine, which made butterflies dance in my tummy. I tried moving his hand off my lap and into his, but he wouldn’t let go of my hands. Instead he held onto them, firmly but not hard enough to hurt me. He was making me nervous.
“I meant the bed in the guest bedroom.” I commented, continuing from what I had told him a bit ago.
“I like your bed.” He said simply and slowly. Some of it might have been not to slur his words or he was trying to get his point across. “You’re here.”
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He suddenly let go of my hands and started tickling me. I happen to be very ticklish, something I don’t let anyone know about.
He tried to tickle me back onto the bed, but I planted my feet and prevented him from moving me. He laughed, I’m not sure why. But, at least he stopped tickling me.
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After I caught my breath and he had a moment to think, he tried the old yawn, stretch bit.
“Are you serious right now?” I asked him, looking at him like he wasn’t real.
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He put his arm around me and pulled me close to him. I allowed it for a few moments before pushing him off.
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Or trying to anyway.
“Joey. I’m serious, you need to leave. This is not happening.” I told him before standing up from the bed and putting distance between us. “You’d regret it in the morning.”
I remember doing that. But deep down not wanting him to leave. I was trying to do the right thing. Even though we both had something to drink, he had more. I was supposed to be the responsible one. I didn’t want there to be regret the next day.
“I won’t regret it. Honest.” I heard him behind me.
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I guess my sense of responsibility went out the window the minute he started kissing my neck again.
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queeniecook · 3 years
November 27
Today, after school. Joey invited me over to his house. For the first time ever. To go over our notes from the documentaries we watched last night.
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“I think I’m bleeding.” Was the first thing he said to me after he had wordlessly let me into his home and started cutting a tomato for a salad.
Great way to start the night.
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Luckily, his Uncle made food to eat that didn’t have blood in it. I also got to meet his Mom for the first time.
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Somehow, Naya got invited over. I didn’t ask how. Joey also ate his blood salad.
“I think we should dress up for our presentation.” Joey suggested.
“I think that’s a great idea actually.” I told him. Plus, it’d be fun.
Naya was crying because we found the 1997 version of Titanic playing on TV.
“Why didn’t she let him on the door?!” Naya asked, crying.
Then my brother showed up. I wasn’t sure what was going on. Oddly, he and Naya said they were going outside but I saw them head upstairs. My sister senses started tingling.
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I saw them, they didn’t see me. I was shocked. Not only by what they did, but the fact that neither of them live in the house they decided to do…that….in!
I quickly left and went to the bathroom. I had to pretend I didn’t see anything the rest of the night.
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“You better have used protection, Apollo.” I told him once he found his way back to the living room. Naya had left. Joey, his Mom and Uncle had gone outside.
“How’d ya know?” Apollo asked. I couldn’t quite read his expression.
“Oh I just walked in on it. I need therapy now.” I told him, seriously.
“Oh.” He said, looking at the floor than back at me “Of course we did!”
“Uh-huh. Just keep in mind, if you get her pregnant right now. Mom will cut off your penis.”
That was the end of that talk.
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queeniecook · 3 years
November 26
Back to school today. So exciting.
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So was the homework.
“So, Joey will be coming over tonight. We are going to watch documentaries on the Titanic for our project.” I told my parents, so Dad wasn’t caught off guard mostly.
“Hmmm, well. You two will be in plain sight the whole time. So it’s okay.” Dad said, after thinking about it.
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“Yay, an exciting night of documentaries.” Joey said sarcastically.
“Just wait until you see my Dad peeking at us over the house plant in the corner.” I told him.
I wasn’t kidding either. Dad actually did that.
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