queeniecook · 2 years
September 20 - Part 2 - The Wedding
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I learned later that my sweet little nephew hid Maira’s flower basket somewhere….she settled for waving at people.
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I felt like my heart was going to bust out of my chest as I walked down the aisle towards Caleb. All the waiting. All the time I was uncertain. It all led to that walk towards the rest of my life.
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“You look radiant.” Caleb whispered to me as we faced each other.
“You look like I want to take that suit off you.” I whispered back to him.
I wondered where our priest was, turns out he missed his flight and would be doing the ceremony via speaker on Annalise’s phone. I blame Apollo for that.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…well. You’re gathered there. I’m stuck in the airport. But I digress. We here to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony..”
Five minutes later…
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“I have been thinking this past month what I want to say to you today. I kept thinking of how this really all started because I wanted you to bare my child.” He paused “Back then, I wanted to keep it professional, so to speak. I had no intention of things going this way. No intention of falling for you. You were a complete surprise to me.” Caleb told me softly.
I stood there, listening and trying not to ruin my makeup. Listening to my future husband say his vows to me is a moment I waited for since the moment I understood what romantic love is.
“It is weird, my life before I fell in love with you kind of feels like this haze to me. Almost like it wasn’t real. You have changed things for me. I truly mean that. My views on my existence. My purpose. I no longer ask myself why I am still here. I no longer want someone to drive a stake through my heart so I can fade to nothing.” Caleb told me quietly.
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My heart broke, thinking he used to feel that way. I grasped his hands, squeezing them with mine. I mouthed “I love you” to him as I felt tears welling up in my eyes.
“I do not feel that way anymore.” He assured me “I want to spend the rest of your life with you. I will do everything in my power to make you not only happy, but to feel loved every single day. That is my vow not only to you, but to any children we have. I will protect you. Take care of you when you need it. I will be with you until the end, no matter what.”
I wanted to cry so badly. I thought words like that were only spoken in those hallmark movies on TV. But they were said to me. They are real.
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“I’m not really sure how to follow that up.” I said, laughing slightly to distract myself from ugly crying. “You know, there was a time in my life when I never thought I’d find someone. I didn’t really talk about those thoughts with anyone, but I had them.” I admitted.
Caleb nodded and I took a steadying breath. “Even though we weren’t close, you’ve been around during some of my darkest times. I always somehow knew I could go to you if I had a problem. You even put up with me calling you Dr. Cullen when I was drunk.” I joked, which received some laughs from my brother and Aubree.
“I know I can trust you to protect me and to love me. To take care of me…when I allow it, I am kind of stubborn.” I admitted, I could see Naya slapping her hand over Apollo’s mouth out of the corner of my eye. I bit my lip so I didn’t start laughing and redirected my focus totally on Caleb.
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“You awakened a passion inside of me that I didn’t know existed. I’m not just talking about a physical type of passion but it’s a passion to love you. I miss you so much when I’m not with you. I can even feel it when you enter a room. I can’t put this all into words as good as you.  Just please know that I love you Caleb and I will until my last breath.”
There was a brief moment of total silence where Caleb and I just looked at each other. It was like we were the only two beings in the world in that moment.
“I can’t wait to officially start our life together and to see what the future brings us.” I said, ending my vows.
“Beautiful. Now it’s time to exchange the rings.” The priest said from the phone. I almost forgot about him.
Five minutes later…
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queeniecook · 2 years
September 20 - Part 3 - The Wedding
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queeniecook · 2 years
August 7 - Part Two
—Warning, this post contains pixel nudity under the cut. I sent them to a bar and things got crazy.—
We spent another hour picking out bridesmaid dresses by the time we were done – it was dark outside. Naya suggested we go through a drive through for dinner and then go to a bar.
That’s when things got weird.
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Soon after we walked in the door, I heard Lilith hiss and set her sights on some guy who I later recognized as Thorne Bailey Jr. Famous and cocky like his father before him who was around during my Mom’s time.
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“Uhh….why is he naked now?” I asked Lilith, very confused.
“I commanded him to take off his clothes for public humiliation.” She explained like she was telling me the temperature outside.
“Why are there swirly things around his head?” I asked also. I blinked, trying to see if I was seeing things.
“It’s part of him being under my command.” She said before walking off, leaving us with a naked stranger.
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“Why is he following us?” Aubree questioned Lilith.
“Right now, he’s a bit mindless and open to suggestion.” She told Aubree.
“Make him dance on the bar next.” Aubree told Lilith, laughing.
“Uhh, no. I don’t want to see that little vienna sausage flipping around in front of my face.” Naya said with a shake of her head.
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I grabbed another drink while the Naya and Lilith went to dance. Thorne sat down beside me and I did my best to ignore him until he got up to go find the others.
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I looked over and saw Rahmi, who had been quiet since we left the car, taking pictures of Thorne on her phone.
“You’ve surprised me.” Aubree told her in approval.
“You posting those online?” Lilith questioned, while swirling her drink around in her glass. A drink she doesn’t even need.
“Nope.” Is all Rahmi said as she put her phone back in her pocket.
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I’ve never seen Lilith’s – or any vampires- dark form before. Caleb said he doesn’t even have one, which he always found odd.
“So you think all vampires should be burned to ashes, do you?” Lilith questioned Thorne. Apparently, Mr. Bailey had gone on a talk show recently and spoke out against vampires.
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She snacked on him. In a bar. A crowded bar but everyone was too busy drinking and dancing to notice except the rest of our group.
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I dealt with it like a rational adult. With a glass or two of liquor. Things got really fuzzy after that.
I remember wanting to call Caleb, to tell him about what was happening…
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“Heyyyy, Dr. Cullen! Yer sisster made me see a peenisss.”
I don’t remember much after that.
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Though I do remember him carrying me and telling someone he was going to stake his sister himself. 
Now, I’m going to go take more aspirin and go back to bed.
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queeniecook · 2 years
I’m back with some outtakes! Thanks to everyone who has commented/liked the wedding posts. I put a lot of effort into that pixel wedding xD
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Becoming a mom has been hard on Naya...
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....he wasn’t even invited to the party....LOL
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AJ, taking after his Aunt Vera (who used to wear sunglasses as a toddler lol)
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Vera is my problem child XD. I transported everyone to the wedding lot, this woman changes into her bikini o.O
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Sims are really special sometimes.
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Vera devloped a talent I didn’t know about.
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We can see where this pervert looks all the time...
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You may wonder why this shot didn’t make it. His fingers went through her back.
lastly.....Lilith got lucky at the reception. But with whom???
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queeniecook · 2 years
September 20 - Part 4 - The Wedding
It’s finally official! I’m a wife! I’m Caleb wife! I feel like like I’m floating on a cloud. After the picture taking, we went back inside to change into our reception clothes. I noticed the sky was starting to turn cloudy again.
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After we cut our cake, I ate mine and even shared a bite with Caleb. We sat at our table, chatting about the wedding guests. My brother was starting to look really tired. Aubree approached our table, wanting to talk to me.
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Caleb decided to have his own piece of cake and go help Maira with her homework.
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“So, what’s up?” I asked her after we got back from the bathroom because we both had to pee. Champagne goes right through me.
“I think I might be pregnant.” Aubree told me.
“You…don’t look too excited with the idea.” I stated, raising an eyebrow.
“It’s not really a good time in my career for this.” She confided in me “But, I’m not even sure yet. So maybe I’m just jumping to conclusions.”
“I have the feeling August doesn’t know about this.” I commented.
“He doesn’t. I don’t want to say anything until I know for sure. He really wants kids so I don’t want to get his hopes up or for him to seeing how I’m feeling about the idea.” Aubree explained.
“You’ll have to tell him though if you find out you are. It’ll be okay. These things happen for a reason. Maybe you’re more ready than you think you are or maybe it’s just not your time yet. It’ll be all good.” I assured her.
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Caleb and I took a picture with our siblings as the weather turned once again. I was worried about the tired bags forming under Apollo’s eyes. He explained he’s just really tired. Traveling with a toddler is not easy.
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“Finally. I get to dance with my wife.” Caleb whispered to me, pulling me to him forcefully but not enough to hurt me. It just caught me off guard a bit, but in a thrilling way.
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“Ready for our honeymoon?” Caleb asked me after pulling me back up from a dip.
“You bet I am.” I assured him. “Is it a long trip there?”
Caleb smirked “You are sneaky.”
“What? It was a legitimate question to ask.” I replied innocently.
“Hmm….I know you are still trying to figure out where I am taking you but I suppose I will give you this. Yes, it is a long trip. We are heading to another hemisphere.” Caleb said slowly, watching me like he was seeing wheels turning behind my eyes.
“I see.” I said quietly, thinking of what that could mean he’s taking us.
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“You can nap on the plane. You will need you rest for later.” Caleb whispered into my ear before placing a feather light kiss on it.
Is it natural to want to strangle your husband but also want to kiss him at the same time?
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queeniecook · 2 years
September 20 - Part 1 - The Wedding
Today is the day! I can’t believe it!! Kind of a bummer that it started out with rain, but it’s supposed to clear off later.
We chose Windenburg as the location our wedding, due to it’s lovely famous Victorian Wedding Chapel. Plus, the town has personal ties for me. It’s where Mom lived for many years before she married Dad. Her old house is still in this town as a protected landmark.
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I also can’t believe how much my nephew has grown since the last time I saw him. I swear they’re feeding him miracle grow…
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“Don’t you dare bite your finger! I’ll get your hair fixed, stop stressing!” Aubree scolded me. My hair has been a mess today, I think it’s the weather.
Rahmi handed me a piece of gum to chew on instead of my finger, much to Aubree’s relief.
My bridal party consists of Aubree, my maid of honor, along with Naya, Rahmi and Lilith. Caleb’s groomsmen are Apollo, as his best man, August, Annalise and Lurch (Annalise’s butler). Then we have AJ as our ring bearer, though he already threw the little pillow in a toilet and Rahmi’s daughter, Maira, as our flower girl.
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I can’t wait to see Caleb waiting for me at the end of the aisle. I’ve been looking forward to this for some long but I kind of just want it to done with too, so I can finally be married to him.
A hour and a half later….
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“I can’t believe you changed your mind on your dress.” Naya told me while finishing zipping up my dress.
“I couldn’t help it. I saw this one online and just fell in love with it.” I explained to her as there was a knock at the door.
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“I really wish Mom and Dad were here to see this.” Apollo told me after hugging me. I wish that too, but I feel like there here – somehow.
“You got all your something borrowed, something yada yada?” Apollo asked me.
I laughed a little. “Yes. Something new, the dress. Something borrowed, I have on a pair of Lilith’s shoes. Something old are the earrings I’m wearing, they were Mom’s. Something blue is my underwear.”
“You know, I’m sorry I asked.” Apollo said blankly after making a face at me.
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“You did ask…”I told him.
“Yeah, but I’m not one of the girls. I’m your brother.” Apollo said before moving to stand by me, he slung his arm over my shoulder. “You look pretty. Now let’s get you married before something happens.”
“APOLLO!” Naya scolded as she picked up AJ and we headed towards the door.
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queeniecook · 2 years
August 7 - Part One
Yesterday, I went to the Bridal Boutique in Del Sol Valley with Aubree, Naya, Rahmi and Lilith to pick out my wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses.
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“I hope they have champagne here.” Lilith commented as we walked towards through the reception area.
“You can’t get drunk though…” Naya commented.
“Not for me, for the rest of you. It will make this day more tolerable.” She explained to Naya.
It was kind of cool getting us all together and introducing them to Rahmi. I feel like she needs more friends, but maybe I’m being too nosy.
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They sat down to talk while I went to the back to try on the first dress.
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“So?” I asked them. I liked the dress a lot but it didn’t have a “the one” feel to it.
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“Eh….” Rahmi said softly.
“It’s definitely a contender.” Naya chimed in.
“It’s elegant yet sexy. You want Caleb to be ready to rip that thing off you once you two get alone.” Aubree told me her opinion.
Oddly, Lilith didn’t have a problem with Aubree talking about her brother like that. “He wants to anyway, trust me. She could wear a sack cloth and he’d be still be ready for the honeymoon.”
I blushed and cleared my throat as I went to try on the next dress. Thanks for the image, Lilith.
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I heard a chorus of “no’s” behind me.
“It’s pretty but it’s not you, Vera.” Aubree finally said after I made a face at them.
I sighed and went back to change into another dress. Champagne was not provided at the boutique and I was wishing it had been.
Several dresses later…
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Only the vampire remained awake.
“I told you we need booze for this day. Not that it isn’t a wonderful occasion. I’m thrilled you’re marrying my brother but it can be stressful from what I’ve seen and experienced in the past. Today proves it.” Lilith told me.
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“I see what you mean.” I said after turning around to face Lilith and the sleeping beauties.
I had noticed while I was looking over the dress in the mirror that I didn’t see Lilith in the mirror. I’ve known you can’t see vampires reflections but for some reason it never hit me before. Despite Caleb’s well kept appearance, I never see him near a mirror.
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“YESSSSSSSSSS!!!” Naya and Rahmi screamed at the same time. I guess Lilith had woken them up.
“That’s it for sure.” Aubree said and nodded her head in approval.
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The funny this is, I totally agree with them. I finally found “the dress.”
Bridal Boutique is by tiffanykaroll and can be found in the sims 4 gallery.
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queeniecook · 2 years
August 22
Tonight was a big milestone on our way to the altar – our engagement party!
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“You okay?” Caleb asked me after we got out of the limo. 
Oddly enough, that was my first limo ride in my entire life. Mom didn’t do the limo thing once Apollo and I came along.
“Yeah. I guess I’m just kind of stunned Lilith wanted to do all this and pay for it.” I explained.
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Lilith had arranged and paid for everything for the night. She had rented a huge ballroom, the theme threw me a little since it’s still summer but once I really looked at the place – it’s stunning.
“Lilith is more of a person of action when it comes to remorse.” Caleb told me as I lightly rubbed his cheek. “Plus, I think she just wanted to do this. She really is excited about us getting married.”
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I was very happy to see Aubree had already arrived. It’s hard to believe we’ve been friends since the first week of high school.
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I also got to talk to Lilith for a little bit and let her know that I’m not upset with her for what happened at the club, while also thanking her for throwing the party.
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The party couldn’t be complete without having my little brother there. Naya got to come too, which made me happy. They left AJ a trusted babysitter in one of the many spare rooms connected to the ballroom. Of course, I had to go get my nephew cuddles.
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There was a DJ on duty but he seemed to wonder away from his booth a lot. Regardless, people still seemed to enjoy the music.
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“I think it’s about time to eat, I’m starving.” I told Caleb as we looked at all our guests.
“Go get your plate first then I will let everyone know it is time to eat.” Caleb told me.
“Caleb…” I started to argue but Caleb gave me a look that said he wasn’t going to change his mind. This time, I let him have his way. I really was that hungry.
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To my surprise, Ukupanipo showed up at the party. Was he invited? I assume so. Other than flirting with me at one time, he has always behaved himself. Turns out he knows Apollo as well. Which makes sense, they both live in Sulani and they’re both mermen.
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Time came for the toast and Caleb insisted on making it, sans a glass. Since he doesn’t touch alcohol. Instead, he held up his thumb like Bob Dole.
“Thank you all for coming tonight to help Vera and myself celebrate our engagement and upcoming nuptials. Having our families and friends here, supporting us, means more than either of us can express.” Caleb told our guests.
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We posed for pictures taken by the same person who did our engagement photos.
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We ended the night with dancing along side family and friends. The night shockingly went well. For some reason, I expected something bad to happen. Maybe I’m a bit paranoid.
“Winterly Ballroom” is by plumbob-grls and can be found on the gallery.
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queeniecook · 2 years
Pick three random ocs and share three random facts about them!
Aubree (Jeong) Lewis
1- Never knew who her Father was, Venessa (Jeong) wouldn't tell Aubree.
2 - Has had a nose for journalism and getting "the scoop" since she was in high school. She helped Vera find out who Joey Gates was way back then.
3 - Although she's married, her main focus has been her career. Now it may be shifting more towards family.
Naya (Behr) Grant
1- Naya didn't know her Father either, but Candy was honest with her daughter. She was the result of a one night stand at a bar. Candy never saw the guy again. Her best guess was the guy was just visiting Widenburg for business, given that he was wearing a very nice suit at the time.
2- Naya lost her Mom while still in high school, this resulted in her going through a more dark phase in her appearance and life. When she fell in love with Apollo, she changed. She can say Apollo actually changed her life.
3 - Has a career in fashion but it's just a career to her. Naya hasn't quite found her calling in that area, but she has in being a Mom to little AJ.
Apollo Grant
1- Apollo has always been a bit of a "nerd". He got straight A's all through his schooling. He even had a science set gifted to him by his parents (Evie and Pak) for Christmas one year.
2 - He is horrible at cooking and grilling. He's trying to get better but it's in his and everyone's best interest if someone else does the cooking.
3 - Apollo knew he was going to marry Naya someday the moment he met her. He knew he had found his soulmate.
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queeniecook · 2 years
July 3
Caleb, the pets and I have been in Sulani since yesterday morning. Apollo and Naya invited us to spend a few days with them and AJ for Sim Independence Day. I jumped at the chance to spend more time with my nephew!
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I normally go for a swim first thing when I get back to the island, but this time I went directly to hold AJ. He’s grown so much already! I’m already thinking of Christmas gifts for him. I feel it’s my duty as his one and only Aunt to spoil him rotten.
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After handing AJ to Caleb, I went for a swim with my brother. Even though Caleb found that lake I can swim in back home, there’s nothing like swimming in the ocean for a mermaid. The sea is just different. Different water, different wild life. Different air. It’s hard to put into words, but it connects to something inside me that nothing else does.
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Josie is used to coming to Sulani now. Lucky was nervous about her trip, I had to give the poor thing a small sedative. The good news is that Josie seems to be warming up to Lucky.
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It’s been nice catching up with with my family. Yes, we text and call each other but it’s not the same as seeing someone in person. It just isn’t.
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Apollo grilled out for us last night, he’s gotten much better at grilling. No more fires, thankfully. It’s been a pleasant and relaxing trip so far.
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queeniecook · 3 years
Master post for Simstober Short Photo Challenge by @bordelinski
Weekend One - Spooky Selfie
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Weekend Two - Pumpkin
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Weekend Three- Midnight 
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Link to the rest of the post since I went a little crazy for it
Weekend Four - Gravestone
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Weekend Five - Trick or Treat
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I really enjoyed doing this and I got to bring back Evie and Pak to include them :D
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queeniecook · 2 years
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Same girl. Same. 
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queeniecook · 3 years
June 18
*Small warning, this post does refer to Vera's miscarriage.*
Getting the call that AJ has finally been born was a mixture of excitement and relief. I got the first flight I could find to Sulani for the three of us. Caleb already had our bags packed by the time I got off the phone with the airlines. I'm glad he doesn't mind coming along.
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I almost burst with joy the moment I walked into the nursery and saw Apollo with his family. So much happened while Naya was pregnant that it seems likes years that we've been waiting for AJ to get here.
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I jumped into my role of Aunt Vera quickly. While Apollo and Naya are over the moon happy, they are also tired. They went to take a nap.
"I love him so much already!" I exclaimed quietly to Caleb, since AJ was being quiet. I decided it was good to be quiet too.
"He is charming." Caleb commented.
Caleb seemed to be feeling awkward. I suppose all of this isn't something vampires experience often. New babies.
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He held AJ when I asked if he wanted to hold the baby. Caleb was almost overly careful. It was sweet.
"You do realize since you don't sleep that you'll be on baby duty tonight." I said, teasing him.
Caleb blinked at me, caught off guard. I saw his body stiffen while still being careful with AJ, who was sleeping in Caleb's arms.
"I'm joking. Kind of. Just come get me if you need me. I want to let the new parents sleep while they can." I told him, watching him relax at my words.
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"What is on your mind?" Caleb asked me later that night, while we were lying down in my old room.
I almost didn't realize he had asked me a question, I had been thinking a lot. The kind of thinking that makes you zone out and you aren't aware of what's going on around you.
"What makes you think something is on my mind?" I asked him softly.
"Because you have been looking through me for a good ten minutes." He replied flatly.
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I let out a slow breath "I've been thinking about...' I trailed off. Even though it happened years ago, it still hurts. I'll always feel like a part of me is gone, because it is. "My baby."
Caleb nodded slowly, he seemed to debate on if he should say something but decided not to.
I was actually glad he didn't say anything. "I've been thinking about what caused me to lose the baby." I told him, moving to face him a bit better.
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"My doctor back then said I have to be sure that my blood type is compatible with whoever I have kids with. " I explained to Caleb. I had never told him that. We weren't as close back then.
Caleb slowly rubbed my shoulder to comfort me. "Vampire blood and genetics work a bit differently. It all adapts to make sure we survive."
"What if our child ends up being a merfolk? Or human even?" I asked him.
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"He or she will still be half mine. But, I know a vampire who used to be a Doctor. We can go to her and have our blood types compared if that will help. She can probably explain things better than I can too." Caleb offered, lightly stroking my hair.
I nodded a little "I just don't want to take any chances."
"I understand that." Caleb assured me, before moving out from under me and pushing me unto my back.
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"How long do you want to wait to have a child after we are married?" Caleb asked me, slowly running his hand up my leg, before resting it on my knee.
I wanted to tell him let's go get married now on the beach and get started, but I had a feeling he wouldn't go for it. It also wouldn't be smart until we see this Doctor of his. "Not long."
"Glad we agree." Caleb commented before kissing me. For someone who is so intent on us courting, he sure knows how to drive me nuts with touches and kisses. It's not fair.
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I fell asleep in Caleb's arms and slept until he woke me up a few hours later, telling me AJ was ready for his bottle of breastmilk. Naya had already started putting away some in the fridge downstairs for him. I warmed it up a little and helped Caleb feed him, before finally washing off my face mask. Now I'm sitting here at my old desk, writing and thinking about the future.
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queeniecook · 3 years
I have so many of these so here is an outtakes post!
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why swim when you’re a mermaid??
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Look at him! No, not Dakota! The cat! Just trying to get us to adopt him!....Vera almost did...
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“May I fondle your boob?”
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Even though Asa turned out to be a tool, I still think this shot is sweet.
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so, I moved the main characters into a new save a while back just to cut down on lag etc. Well, Naya happened to find her Mom getting jiggy at the club because of it. xD
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Sometimes, I shoot scenes and end up not using the scene...
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But I still like the shots.
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Aubree is really talented and bendy. August likes.
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Just thought this was sweet.
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......so Vera sat outside naked with Joey. In the rain. ????? she’s allowed a mental breakdown, okay?
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*shrugs* anyway...
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say hi to second Caleb again! 
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Even he knows Asa is stranger danger.
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“When two become one...”
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queeniecook · 3 years
June 17
In Sulani…
Apollo and Naya Grant are getting ready to go take an afternoon swim. Apollo, still fully clothed, watches his very pregnant wife. Something seems to be bothering her.
“What’s wrong?” Apollo questions her. She had been quiet most of the day, which wasn’t her normal behavior. Unless she’s angry, but he didn’t feel like that is what is going on.
“I’ve felt weird all day.” Naya explained, rubbing her lower back. It had been hurting her all day, which wasn’t totally out of the normal lately – being so close to the end of her third trimester.
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Apollo opened his mouth to respond when Naya felt it. “I think my water just broke.”
Apollo stood there, rooted in his spot. It was the moment they had been waiting for. “Did you hear me?!” Naya yelled at him as pain hit her. The worst pain she had ever felt in her life.
Apollo finally snapped into action, calling their midwife on the phone. They had chosen to have AJ delivered at home. His Mom, Evie, had both of her children in the very house they stood in. Naya wanted to follow in her footsteps. It made Apollo love her even more.
Hours later…
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Shortly after 11 pm, Apollo Paka’a Grant Junior was born. Named after his father and grandfather. AJ came a bit early, much to Naya’s relief. After spending time bonding with their newborn, Apollo knew he had to call his sister and share the news with her.
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queeniecook · 3 years
Weekend Two - Pumpkin
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Simstober Short Photo Challenge by @bordelinski
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