#jonathan byers oneshot
luveline · 1 year
I always see people writing for a very shy/subby Jonathan, but I’d love to see shy!reader staying over at his for the first time (doesn’t have to be sexual!) & our girl being reassured by him & all of the cuddles
thank you for your request! jonathan x shy!fem!reader arriving for your first sleepover ♡
You think you might have lucked out. Your first boyfriend being Jonathan feels like a storybook tenderness you don't deserve, he's just… so lovely. It terrifies you even though he never could, because you're desperate not to fuck it up. You call him your sweetheart, internally, and not solely for pet names sake — he has a sweet heart. He's unbelievably kind, adorable, funny and smart and level-headed. It doesn't hurt that he's your favourite kind of handsome. 
He's waiting for you as you park your car, standing in front of the closed door with a smile already in place. You know he'd made sure he was the first person you saw to alleviate your nerves. If you knocked the door and his mom answered, you probably would've tripped over every word, giving a terrible first impression in the process. 
"Hey," he says happily. How lovely is that? He's happy to see you the second you're in view. "Is that all your stuff?" 
"Is this not enough?" you ask, looking down at your jansport, suddenly worried. 
He finds this super funny and starts laughing his awful golden laugh. He reaches for your bag, fingers brushing yours as he takes it, and leans down to close the small gap for a kiss. You're not used to kisses, and you don't turn your head up right away. He uses his free hand to encourage you. He doesn't make you feel stupid for it. Just murmurs, "There," and kisses you again. 
He smiles against your lips and pulls back. "It's only two days, so you'll be fine. And I'm not holding you hostage. You can leave if you need something." His hand rubs down your arm. He squeezes your fingers. "But you won't need anything." 
He opens the door and you follow him inside, stiff as a board expecting his mom and his brother, Will. 
It's totally silent. Your lips part in confusion. 
"They went to the store. My mom wanted to make sure there were 'ladies things' in the bathroom." 
"She didn't have to do that." 
"I know. She doesn't mind, she wants you to feel welcome. That's what I want, too." His knuckle bumps yours. "Can't murder you if you never let your guard down." 
He starts down the hall toward what you assume to be his room. Your laugh comes out in a gross little snort that he adores, you can see it in the way his shoulders roll and the smile he shoots you confirms it. 
"Jon, you can't joke about stuff like that," you chide, catching up. 
He pushes open his bedroom door. "I'm not gonna murder you," he assures you. "You know how long it took to clean in here?" 
He puts your jansport on the bottom of the bed and looks at you in the doorway. His cheeky smile turns genuine, and his eyes go soft. 
You're expecting it but still squeal in shock as he rushes you and hugs you so hard your feet lift off the ground. He bends under your weight, digging his nose in your neck. 
"You look so pretty today," he says, like he's mad about it. 
"Jon," you laugh, glad when your feet touch the ground again. "Don't, please, I don't wanna be all sweaty when your mom comes home, she'll think we were doing gross stuff." 
"You don't wanna do gross stuff?" he jokes, before amending, "She won't think that. I've already told her you get flustered at everything." 
"You… talk about me to your mom?" 
His turn to clam up. Jonathan widens the gap between you and avoids your eyes, a nervous, endearing smile on his lips as he says, "Whaaat?" 
He's not very convincing. 
You watch him until he meets your eyes again, your smile soft as warm toffee. 
"I talk about you all the time," he says finally. He breathes out, his shoulders rising and falling. "C'mere." 
He raises his arms. You take the half step required to be back in his embrace, hugging him automatically. He settles his arms over your shoulders, a more casual embrace, and looks down at you. He's quiet. 
"What?" you ask. 
"Sorry. Just… like seeing you here. And I have something to say to you, because I know you'll worry about it, but– it's–" His arm curves up and hooks you in. He fights off his own shyness to accommodate your own, and you hope he knows how valuable that is to you. "Okay, my mom, I'll spare you a rehash of most awkward conversation of my life, but she doesn't expect us to, uh, sleep with the door open." 
You go rigid. "Oh, my god," you say, lips barely moving. 
"I'm sorry, but I just wanted you to know now, I don't expect anything from you, okay? And we could leave the door open if that was what you wanted–" 
"What?" you ask, shocked. 
"Not like that!" He looks like he's midway between laughing and crying, his face a fuzzy shade of pink. "I want you here because I want you close, not because I want– well, I do want– I want what you want," he says, promptly shutting his mouth. 
You take a nice, deep breath, squeezing your arms from between your touching chests to cup his face carefully. You thumb his jaw. 
"You're worse than me, sometimes," you sympathise.
"Yeah," he says. "I am." 
You wrap your arms around his neck with a pleased smile, forcing him to grasp at your shoulders. You aren't expecting to do anything you aren't ready for tonight, but the fact that he'd know you were worried about it, that he would brave such an awkward stepping stone so you didn't have to, means the world. He squeezes you. 
"Shit," he mumbles. "I'm sweating. She's definitely gonna think we were doing gross stuff." 
It's funny until you hear the front door open.
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dickmastersfruit · 2 months
whimpery jonathan LOLOLOLOL. seriously
I'm Hard
Pairing: Jonathan x F!reader
Warnings: sub jonathan, blow job, overstimulation, language
Wordcount: 527
note: this kinda sucks, jaden this is ur gift. theres no holiday this is just for you lol
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The week prior you and Jonathan had been cooking dinner together. You guys were joking around and just pacing about the kitchen. While stirring the soup you were making some of it splattered and it hit his arm.
He let out a whimper as he scurried across the kitchen grabbing a towel. You wanted to ask if he was ok. However the only thing circling your mind was the fact that he just whimpered. Your mind replayed the sound over and over. You needed to hear that again.
So now every time you would start to get it on you wanted to hear that noise. He must've been shy of making any noise, because no matter how hard you tried he always quieted himself.
"Just let me take care of you" You whisper slowly crawling up him so you could straddle his waist. He was now laying under you only wearing boxers. He lifted himself up on his elbows so he could stare at you.
Your hands glided along his pale skin before reaching his boxers. You slowly palmed him through the thin layer of his boxers. You made sure to graze the tip through the fabric watching him slightly jolt under you.
You slightly smiled to yourself as you pulled his boxers down. His breath hitched as you reached to put his cock in your hand.
"So pretty" You murmur as you place kisses on the tip. His cock twitched under your touch as you gathered the pre-cum so you could glide your hands from the tip to the base of his cock.
His breaths got faster the minute your lips wrapped around the tip. You inched yourself down his cock making sure to watch his beautiful face.
"Fuck" He breathed out as your mouth hit the base. You stayed there for a few seconds before pulling up to stop yourself from gagging. He watched as you bobbed your head slowly.
You couldn't stop the ache that had started, leaving a wet patch on your light blue panties. You continued pleasuring him trying to distract yourself from the heat you were feeling between your legs.
Then it happened. As you carefully licked his slit as he was getting closer and closer, he whimpered. You continued doing what you had been as you carefully stroked his cock.
"Fuck" He moaned bucking his hips hard causing him to hit the back of your throat.
"Y- your mouth feels so good" He whimpered watching you intently as you bobbed your head up and down.
You could feel him beginning to twitch. You pulled your head up so that when he came you wouldn't choke. As he came in your throat you swallowed and kept going.
"What are you doing" He whimpered grabbing the sheets as you continued bobbing your head up. "Oh god. Please. please" He begged as you kept going.
Finally you weakened your paces and pulled your mouth off with a pop. Saliva dripped down your lips as you stared at him. He was laying back against the pillow breathing heavy.
You giggled as you crawled over toward him to wrap your arms around his thin body.
Masterlist Jonathan Masterlist
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ddejavvu · 10 months
jonathan anon again lol!!! I love him so much. how about him introducing shy!you to his mom <3 ur super nervous she won’t like you but she totally adores you
Jonathan's stepped up to slot his keys in the door, and you consider using the time he's not paying attention to you to make your escape. You could do it, beeline back to his car, hotwire it, drive off into the distance with no planned return. But then he might have to walk to school, and you don't want him to have to do that. Before you can decide to sprint anywhere, the lock clicks, and the door swings open at his push.
"Mom," He calls into the house, rather unceremoniously, which makes you nervous, "I'm home, and I brought Y/N!"
"Oh!" A voice comes from the kitchen, honey-sweet but slightly flustered, "Oh, I'll- I'll be right there!"
"Jon-!" You swat at Jonathan's shoulder, hissing at him in a panic, "You said she knew I was coming!"
"No, I said she said you could come over anytime," He corrects you, dropping his backpack on the couch, "So I brought you over today."
This is a disaster. You're now an unexpected, barely-invited guest in the Byers household, and only your boyfriend really wants you there. You've met Will a handful of times, during pick-up or drop-off or just out and about, and he seems to like you, but you're sure he doesn't want you popping up in his living room unannounced. You'd been invited for dinner by your boyfriend, but you're not sure his mother has made enough, so you're not only intruding on their life, but you're putting the extra stress of another mouth to feed on her plate, and she's going to hate you for the burden you're causing, and-
"Will you stop burning holes in the wall? That's a picture of me, you know," Jonathan scoffs, tramping over to where you'd been zoning out to panic and pulling the frame off of the wall, "You're supposed to think I'm cute."
"That's- That is cute," You wanted to respond with a lot more fire than that, due to the nature of your boyfriend's planning abilities, but admittedly, the baby photo of him in nothing but a diaper is adorable. You can see the chubby rolls of his arms and legs, and his stomach pudges out in a round shape you're sure his mother kissed a thousand times.
"-but this is not fair to your mom! She probably didn't make enough, and now I look rude for showing up unannounced, and-"
"She always makes more than enough," He assures you, setting the picture frame down on the table and taking your hands in his. He has a way of looking at you while he speaks that calms the frantic beating of your panicked heart, and you let yourself get lost in his comforting aura for a moment. "She makes one giant meal on Monday nights, then we eat the leftovers until Sunday. Your one portion will not destroy the fabric of the household, Y/N."
"But it'll be one less portion for someone else," You fret, and you know his resulting glare is meant kindly.
"Will has a bad habit of sneaking into the kitchen for midnight meals. You'll just be preventing me from waking up to hear the microwave at one in the morning, babe. You're doing everyone a favor, here. Plus, my mom really wants to meet you. She bugs me every day about bringing you here, just because you're unexpected doesn't mean you're unwanted. Okay?"
You hear frantic footsteps from the kitchen, and nod before she has a chance to catch you in a freak-out, "Okay, Jon, okay."
"Okay." He grins at you, turning in sync with you just in time to see Joyce round the corner out from the kitchen, stuffing an apron onto the counter that she's clearly just taken off.
Her face lights up when she sees you, especially when she notices that Jonathan still has one of your hands in his own. She rushes for a hug, gushing "Hello!", and you're happy to let her engulf you in her embrace.
"Hi," You return just as enthusiastically, if not a little nervous, "Hi, I- I hope I'm not intruding."
You ignore the way Jonathan huffs out a sigh at your near-apology.
"No! No," Joyce pulls back from the hug, keeping her hands on your shoulders and shaking her head, a deep frown over her features, "No honey, not at all! I mean," She brightens, eyes wide, "I was really starting to think he'd made you up, or something! I mean I've been asking for ages, I- I was starting to worry." She concludes, a little drearily. Jonathan had admitted that he was nervous to bring you over in case you were expecting something better, something nicer, something newer, but a newer house with newer contents wouldn't hold the memories you see so plainly here, and you look around to admire the photos displayed.
"It's wonderful here," You promise, feeling Joyce's hands drop to your own and squeeze, "I've never seen baby pictures of Jonathan."
"Oh, I have a bunch." She grins, and Jonathan pales beside you.
"She's seen one!" He attempts to diffuse her excitement, "The- the one on the wall, mom. She's seen me in a diaper, isn't that enough?"
"No, she needs to see you in your Donald Duck Halloween costume," She insists, "After dinner- we're having spaghetti, honey, I hope that's okay." She cuts herself off to peer worriedly at you, and you nod vigorously.
"Oh, great! Okay, after dinner, I'll get the photo albums down, alright? And we can make fun of him," She looks far too eager to tease her son, "Does that sound good?"
"That sounds great," You laugh, at the same time Jonathan groans the opposite.
"Oh, stop," She swats at his chest, "You get to see her all the time, now let me take over."
"Not if you're gonna embarrass me!" Jonathan gripes, turning to you, "Y/N, don't hold my preschool drawings against me. I've gotten better with time, I swear."
"He hasn't," Joyce stage-whispers to you, then gushes to Jonathan, "Of course you have, sweetheart."
She's tugging you off to the dinner table without another word, and you glance back with a grin at Jonathan who looks half-mortified and half-fond.
"Now, sit," She pulls a chair out at the table for you, "And talk, I wanna know everything about you!"
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milkiangl · 2 years
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pairing : jonathan byers x gn!reader
summary : after traveling all the way to california to suprise your boyfriend, jonathan, he finds a way to show you how thankful he is to finally have you in his arms again.
warning : SMUT, afab!reader, unprotected sex, praise kink, heavy makeout, mentions of bodily fluids, extreme pussy drunk!jonathan system overload, innocence and humiliation kink if you squint, suggestive language, cockwarming, usage of weed, two idiots in love, established relationship, no season 4 spoilers !!
authors note : what better way to make my writing return than with a fic dedicated to my most criminally underrated boyfriend ?? seriously, the lack of jonathan appreciation on this app is entirely unexceptable, but … never fear !! i have arrived to provide the content we are being deprived of !! ( which may be my first smut writing and heavily inspired by the love making scene in the 1986 top gun, whoops! )
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JONATHAN’S LEGS intertwined with your own beneath the heavy comforter furnishing his unkept bed, the riveting fragrance of marijuana and his intense; earthy cologne invading your nebulous senses—your fingers ghosting over the skin along the back of his neck in a reposeful matter while your face remained burrowed against the cotton shirt concealing his broad chest.
Vibrations dispersing through your body from Jonathan’s soft; pleasant hum following “Take My Breath Away” by Berlin, which played faintly through his immense cassette player displayed by the foot of his window.
His musical drone dwindled away while the song continued, conducting you to lift your head to take in his current state. His heavy eyes already observing you tenderly as if you hung the moon in the sky, his gaze devouring your entire presence in a way that made your bodyheat rise exponentially and heartbeat sputter.
His arm enveloped around your torso, fingers drawing vague patterns along the bare skin of your lower back that became exposed when Jonathan’s shirt your figure was decorated in continued to gradually ride up. His other hand holding the blunt his delicate lips were wrapped around moments prior.
Your throat released a questioning murmur, wondering what had created the yearning warmth suddenly radiating from his aura and entire being.
“M’just missed you so much.” He sighed fondly, drinking in the way your pearly white teeth captured your bottom lip in attempt to cloak the wide grin threatening to reveal itself.
Jonathan’s body weight shifted to hover over your own that was positioned in a indescribably flawless way; head settled within his disorderly mound of pillows and your features embellished by the intricate rays of sunshine gleaming through the crevices of his curtains. Angelic. That’s what you were to him and everything you displayed—body, mind, and soul.
“Missed your lips.” He mumbled, immersing his face closer and capturing your bottom lip with a technique that made your head spin; adjoining yourselves in all the most magnificent ways possible. Captivated by the feeling you had been deprived of for a year, your fingers found comfort entangled in Jonathan’s jumbled hair, endeavoring to guide him closer into you than humanly possible.
“Missed your nose,” His now swollen; reddened lips parted from yours to leave a delicate peck at the tip of your scrunched nose, generating crinkles in the corner of your eyes to become prominent and a soft giggle to leave your throat when he plants a kiss on said skin by the edge of your left eye, “and your pretty eyes.”
Your own lips forming into a playful frown, “What about the other one?”
Jonathan grinned prior to placing a sloppy linger of kisses encircling the crinkles of your right one while your arms encompassed his body to yours; your chest rumbling with an array of gleeful squeals. “Especially missed that one.”
The frisky countenance inclosed in your irises dimmed away marginally to make room for a ravenous twinkle which hadn’t been present moments before.
Instantly, Jonathan caught the imperceptible change in your manners; his already blown out pupils expanding in size as they followed the movements of your freshly manicured nails leisurely skimming down the canvas of your legs, proceeding until reaching the hem of your his shirt. Tugging at the fabric while your bare thighs closed around your hand obscurely, already glazed over; doe eyes blinking up at him in a pure and innocent like way that caused his boxers to strain. “And what about here?”
Jonathan’s calloused thumbs traveled to your knees, gently sketching circles along the skin while his pleading expression grew; silently begging to pull your thighs apart and drink in the very sight of what was beneath the item of clothing.
With a coaxing nod, Jonathan didn’t bother wasting any more time. His breathing patterns stuttering and mouth watering at the image displayed in front of him: delicate white lace shrouding your most intimate anatomy; apparent arousal staining the material.
His fingers disappeared beneath the fabric of the teeshirt, ghosting over the sensitive skin of your pelvis to curl around the flimsy laced undergarment; dragging the material down the extent of your body until discarding it somewhere along the carpet flooring surrounding Jonathan’s bed that neither of you had any desire leaving soon.
Your muscles twitched and throat released an abrupt; swift gasp when the foreign notion of Jonathan placing an open-mouthed kiss against your now exposed sex traveled entirely through your veins like a shot of electricity, leaving your brain hazy and imploring for more.
With Jonathan steadily lifting the clothing further, trails of open-mouthed kisses continued up the span of your stomach in an enticing manner that made your desires swirl with craving.
“Jesus Christ,” He whispered, his index and middle finger swiping down your slit gently; collecting your arousal prior to stuffing his drenched fingers in your awaiting mouth. “Barley touched you and you’re already dripping all over my sheets.”
Tongue traveling the surface of his digits, your whimpers becoming muffled. “Got something on your mind, baby? What’s got you all fuzzy?”
With Jonathan removing his—now clean—fingers, making sure to caress the pad of his thumb over your slick; pouty bottom lip, all he was met with was a meek: “Please.”
“Don’t worry,” He uttered softly, lifting his body weight off yours moderately to lower his now compressed boxers to his knees; freeing his aching erection. “I’ll give you what you want.”
The moment his cock aligned with your entrance and sensed your spongy walls welcome him when he inserted himself, his thigh trembled and buried himself further into your cunt.
“Fuck, fuck. Missed you so much. Taking me so well, always so good to me. S’like this pretty hole was made for my cock, hm?” Jonathan’s syllables and breathing began to stumble as he lost himself in you like he always did when you gripped him the way you currently were; his jaw falling open and eyes squeezing shut as his forehead fell to lean on yours.
“Johnny.” You sniffled, his eyes fluttering open once more to watch how you writhed in complete pleasure from the way he was rocking sensually inside of you; your hands reaching for his much larger one and drawing it to where you both were connected.
Jonathan’s raspy chuckle echoed through your ear as he began to draw tight circles on your clit; immediately feeling your walls flutter around him. “I got you, honey. Let go for me, yeah?”
His cooing tone and way he knew your body so marvelously allured you closer and closer to your high until you ultimately reached it; Jonathan following shortly behind you.
Once the constellations from your climax began to fade and you drifted back to Earth once more, you were greeted with Jonathan’s head tucked away and nuzzled into your neck, leaving passionate; lazy kisses down the sensitive skin and a trail of goosebumps and sweet praises in their wake.
His hips beginning to lift up and away from yours made you mewl disappointingly, your legs tightening around his waist to keep him and his seeping seed tucked in your warmth.
Jonathan hummed with approval, observing your fucked out state through heavy eyelids; marveling at how insanely lucky he is to fall asleep with your limbs wrapped around his and devour the sight of your bodies still connected when he awoke.
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♥︎ — taglist. @jonathanbyersgf @jonathanbyerslover @nottluvr @moonlane @jae-the-menace @garfieldsladybird @claireunoia @daryldixonstorm @bear-bone-berries @gwenpter @sandy-the-glader @planetflos @timmytime-hufflepuff09
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imaginefan · 1 year
Mistakes For Life
Jonathan Byers X Fem!Reader Steve Harrington!Platonic X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1488
Requested: Anon
Request: Can you do a series for Stranger Things where the reader is Hopper's daughter she lost her little half-sister and she is best friends with Tommy H ( They are cousins ) and Steve Harrington but she ends up having a drunken one-night stand with Johnathan Byers and one month later she finds out she is pregnant and Will goes missing as does Barb. She ends up having Twins Jasper and Stevie ( Female )
Warning: teen pregnancy, one night stands, sort of absent father
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You should have known that a one night stand at a party was going to end badly, reckless decisions never worked for you, now you sat in the doctor's office while she told you that you were pregnant, your Dad had brought you after, you had woken up 4 days in a row with sickness, there was a good chance that he already knew what was going on but he was sitting outside the room waiting and now you had to tell him what was going on, you wouldn’t be able to hide from him after all.
“Don’t be mad.” You said as you sat in the patrol car with your father. “What?” He asked as he looked at you. “I’m pregnant.” You decided to just saying, there was no point in beating around the bush or making a big scene out of it. “Excuse me?” He asked. “I’m not saying it again.” You mumbled as you looked away from him. “When?” He asked. “A 2 weeks ago.” You answered. “With? That Steve kid?” He asked, he always assumed that if you were going to get into trouble it would be because of him. “What no, Steve had nothing to do with it, but you can’t go knocking on people’s doors. The Byers are going through enough within Will missing.” You answered. “Jonathan?” He asked. “Isn’t he with that Nancy girl?” “It was a one night stand at one of Tommy’s parties.” You shrugged “figured he was doing it to try and take his mind off of her.” “And you just let it happen?” He asked. “Look Dad please, I don’t want to talk about all of that, he doesn’t know and it’s going to stay that way until it dies down.” You ordered. “(Y/N) you can’t just hide it from him, he’s going to notice.” Your father reminded you and you shook your head. “Dad please I just want to know what you think, stop deflecting.” You pleaded “because having a baby is fucking scary but I’d really like to know that you are there.” “You want to have this baby?” He asked. “I can’t kill it because I was stupid.” You said placing your hand over your stomach, he looked at you for a second before nodding his head. “Alright, don’t worry, I’ll be here but you have to promise me that you’ll tell him when the time comes, even if he doesn’t want anything to do with ‘em, he has to know.” Your father said and you nodded, he knew more about being a father than you ever could after all.
It was about 2 weeks later, you had moved into the old cabin with your Dad and Eleven. Your father came into the old cabin looking sheepish and you knew that he had done something “what?” You asked as you looked at him. “I know that you were supposed to tell him about the baby but…” He scratched the back of his head. “What did you do?” You asked. “…I was arguing with Joyce and it kinda slipped out and you know that she’s going to talk to him about it.” He said and you looked at him, you didn’t even feel angry, you just laughed at how nervous he looked, he honestly looked how you did when you told him that you were pregnant and honestly since Will was back you decided that you were going to tell him anyway. “Dad, don’t worry about it, you just made it easier.” You shrugged as he came over and sat on the couch with you. “Really?” He asked. “I was going to tell him anyway.” You said as you glanced at the door where El was standing. “What are you doing over there?” You asked, putting your arm out. “Trouble.” She pointed at your father and you laughed. “A little so he’s going to get us pizza to make up for it.” You smirked, leaning back, your phone vibrated and you reached over and grabbed it.
Steve: When were you going to tell me?
“Is that him?” Your father asked. “No Steve.” You answered.
You: What? Steve: Your having a baby You: How do you know that? Steve: Nancy asked me about it. You: Oh. Steve: You need anything? You: What? Steve: Let me know if you need anything.
“Why are you crying?” Your father asked and you turned your phone for your father to see he frowned. “Don’t worry I’ll get something sorted out, maybe you can stay home from school, get stuff sent here-” “He’s so sweet.” You mumbled. “Yeah guess he is.” Your father muttered, he was having to accept the fact that Steve might not have been as bad as he thought. “So pizza?” You asked. “Alright.” Your father smiled as he stood up “I’ll be back soon.”
Your first scan was where you were really surprised, your father couldn’t come with you but Steve did, because he was literally the best. You laying on the table as the doctor started the ultrasound, there was a moment of pause “what?” You asked. “You're having twins.” The doctor said and you looked at her. “Are you sure?” You asked. “I thought I was only having one.” “I’m sure,” she turned the screen so that you could see it and pointed out the outline of both children to you. “Would you look at that, two little yous running around.” Steve teased. “Steve, this is way more than I thought.” You said as you looked at the screen. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here and Robin, your Dad will love them and I’m sure that Joyce will help you too, even if Jonathan isn’t around.” He explained “relax.”
Jonathan came looking for you that day when you texted him to let him know the new development, you were sitting in a small diner with Steve and Robin when he walked over with Nancy “can I talk to you?” He asked, his eyes shifting to Steve who’s arm looped around your shoulders. “Yeah sure.” You nodded as you looked at him. “Um, alone?” He asked. “Oh sure,” You nodded standing up, Steve steadied you lightly as you weaved your slightly showing stomach through the small gap of the booth. You followed him as he walked over to a booth a little away from the others, though Steve was still keeping an eye on you. “Did you want to see them-” “What’s going on with you and Steve?” He asked. “Nothing, we’re just friends.” You answered. “So why did he go with you, you didn’t even ask me.” He frowned. “You never told me what you wanted, last I heard you knew but you hadn’t bothered to contact me.” You informed him. “I didn’t want to bother you while Will was missing and then you did know and you still didn’t do or say anything. Jonathan, we can’t act like we’re in school anymore. Look I’ll let you know when I book the next scan but Steve will be there.”
Jonathan was a distant presence after that, but Steve was the one that was most present. That was why as you laid there holding your two twins in the hospital room you decided on what you were going to call them “Do you have names?” The nurse asked as she came in to check you and the babies over. “Mmm, the little boy is Jasper and the girl is Stevie after my best and most supportive friend.” You said softly. “The boy that was with you?” She asked. “Yeah.” You nodded. “Where is he?” She asked. “He’s gone to get drinks.” You explained. “He seems sweet.” She said. “He is.” You nodded. “Does he know?” She asked. “No.” You shook your head. “Here, a hot chocolate for the new mother.” He cheered as he put the cup on the stand next to you as the nurse left. “You wanna hold one of them?” You asked. “Y-yeah sure.” He answered. “Jasper or Stevie?” You asked. “Stevie?” He asked. “Mm,” You hummed as you looked at him “named after the friend I couldn’t have done any of this without.” You were about to say something when there was a knock on the door and the commotion started as you father and Joyce walked in with Will following after them and lastly Jonathan, you handed Stevie to Steve and then handed Jasper to Joyce as she cooed at him and showed him to her sons. “You okay?” Your Dad asked. “Yeah.” You nodded. “All of us are healthy.” You said and he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “They said that we can go home in about an hour. They just wanted to check my blood pressure one more time.” “El’s excited to see them.” He said and you smiled. “I’m excited to go home.” You smiled as you watched your two new children bring light to the room.
Requests and general question!
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rassvetsky · 2 years
I ran here when I saw you write for Jonathan 🏃‍♂️ pls I'm just having a horrible time recently and the main thing getting me through Is Jonathan Byers so here I am requesting any shred of hurt/comfort and fluff you could give me about Jonathan loving someone who has depression 💕
thank you so much for requesting! wishing the best for you, feel free to message me whenever, i'm here for you <3 i hope you like this mess of a writing you surely deserve better but hehe- also! everyone's experience with depression is different and no matter how you experience it, you're all valid, and i appreciate you all so so much! feel free to request again anytime!
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Perfect & Everything in Between
jonathan byers x gn!reader
even when nobody did, even before you did, jonathan noticed. of course he would.
[1.4k] | descriptions of depression, negative thoughts, feeling numb, hurt/comfort, heartwarming fluff, established relationship, jonathan being an absolute sweetheart, reader and jonathan being domestic
reblog and/or like for a kiss, feedback much appreciated! not proofread.
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It was a slow change. So slow that neither you nor people around you noticed it at first. And you didn't exactly expect them to; everyone saw their surroundings in a different light and surely, just because that light started going dimmer with time wouldn't mean that it did the same for everyone. You didn't blame them.
You didn't blame Jonathan for not recognizing the signs at first. You barely did, too. Within years, you've established a bargain with the dulling of your feelings.
Emotions. Sometimes they were barely there, sometimes they were too much. Sometimes you walked along the same road and didn't have a care in the world for the quiet stray cat passing you by, and sometimes that sight you've grown accustomed to seemed so mindblowing to you. So beautiful.
Recently however, you could feel that the bargain wasn't exactly followed. Things around you got a bit duller, more grayscale in a way. It went against the way you buried those feelings below your ribcage, in a way they couldn't escape. You didn't feel that strongly towards things anymore and, much to your surprise, even when nobody did, even before you did, Jonathan noticed.
Of course he would.
An observant at heart, Jonathan recognized the signs rather immediately after they started taking a turn for the worse. You'd still laugh, still smile, yet they weren't as long-lasting as they used to be. He felt the rush of the turmoil in your head, taking over your beautiful features as you'd drop the smile you had a second ago, and take on a neutral expression. Not a frown, not all the time at least, but he knew. He knew how it felt like to not feel at times, or to feel too much.
And he felt too much, towards you.
Concern, but not pity. Worry, but out of the affection he had for you. Love, in its purest, rawest form. And his only relief was that when he met your eyes, he could still see your eyes gleam with the same kind of infatuation. He felt so lucky to be able to hold you through tough times, and to have you do the same. And although he felt a bit helpless knowing there was only so much he could do, he could still feel your appreciation, in the way your hands lingered over his skin with so much care and love.
"I love you." he whispered, your fingers intertwined in his own, his jacket over your shoulders because he always worried you'd get cold and not tell him. He could remember the conversations he had with his mother when he was little, Joyce would tell him that he should always approach people with care, because often times, people don't talk about things that inconvenience them. Knowing your pure heart, he figured you'd be worried about his own body temperature aswell.
Gentle splashing sounds of the lake resonated through the trees around you, as he tugged you a bit closer, tucking you in his embrace. You didn't say anything at first but he knew. "But you're shutting me out at times. And I don't blame you, I just.." he trailed off, a sigh falling from his lips as he leaned them against your hair, leaving a kiss there before speaking again. "I just want you to know that I'm always going to be here for you, love. Through thick and thin."
"Through thick and thin." you repeated, looking up at him finally, a faint smile painting the most beautiful picture on your face that Jonathan had ever seen. "You know that I'll be here, too."
"I know." he smiled at that, free hand coming up to cup your cheek lovingly. Pad of his thumb against your lower lip. "Your pain is mine, so are your worries. Everything that makes you complete, whether it's good or bad, I appreciate it all. I appreciate you for all that you are." he whispered, as if anyone would hear you two. You couldn't help the way a familiar moisture filled your eyes, reaching in to lean your forehead against his, eyes closed. One tear escaped, leaving a damp path in its wake.
He held you close through it. Quiet. Understanding. You almost felt as if he could hear your thoughts like this. Wondered if he feels a pang in his chest the same way you do whenever you see him hurting. Wondered if you're being too much. Or too less. Too detached. Too much of something he doesn't need, or too little of something he needs. Too-
"I can hear thoughts whirring in your head," he chuckled quietly, slowly pulling apart to press his soft lips against yours. "What are you thinking about, hm?"
"You," you blurt out, rather immediately. And when you don't continue, he smiles, tilting his head to the side a little, almost as if he wants to see right through your eyes, to your mind.
"And what about me are you thinking about?" his voice is so soft. So gentle. You shrug a bit, shaking your head because you know it gets embarrassing when you voice it all out loud.
You sigh before speaking. "Whether I'm enough or not. Or if I'm too much." your decision leans towards honesty. Jonathan deserves that much, at least. You trust him.
He shook his head, in complete disbelief. "You're all I could ever dream of having," he breathed out, gentle gaze burning through yours. "You're perfect and everything in between. Never believe anything else."
"Doesn't it ever get too much?" you asked nonetheless, tone meek, embarrassed. He shook his head to both sides immediately, whispering against your lips this time. "Did it ever get too much for you when I was down?" it was your turn to shake your head then. He smiled, knowingly. "That's my answer. It'll never be too much as long as I have you, and you have me."
"Never let me go, okay?" you sniffled, biting back a grin because god, you felt cheesy saying that. Jonathan chuckled as a response at first, before pulling you into another kiss, longer than the one before, lips brushing against yours as gently as they could.
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The night fell earlier than you thought it would. The clock was ticking fast. With a cup of herbal tea that Jonathan brewed earlier just in case you couldn't relax before bed clutched tight between your palms, you stared out from the window, faint street light illuminating against the autumn leaves that started to fall. You felt a pair of hands on the sides of your shoulders then, and warm lips against your neck as you relaxed against his hold.
"Come to bed?" he spoke, all quiet, almost as to not break you apart from your slight trance. You nodded, taking the last sip of your tea before leaving the cup by the window with a mental note of taking it from there tomorrow, turning around in his hold to wrap your arms around his figure as tightly as you could. He did the same.
"I'll read to you," he mumbled against your hair with a smile on his lips. "Until you fall asleep. If that helps. I've just started out this book, it's- kind of hard to follow, the storyline, I mean. You could help me out with that." you huffed out a silent chuckle, nodding against his cotton-clad chest. Peeling your arms from his body, you cupped his face, admiring how his features seemed like the prettiest thing you had ever laid your eyes on, under the dim light.
"Bold of you to assume I'll understand." you teased, earning a playful scoff from him before he started to slowly -yet a bit clumsily- lead you both towards the bedroom. "Sure, but at least you'll see it from a different light. Everything gets easier to understand when you see the lights and what exactly they illuminate."
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
Jonathan Byers ~ Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
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Angst = ❤︎
Fluff = ✿︎
Smut = ⚠︎︎ (minors DNI please)
Dark themes = ☾
Personal fave = ☆
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Mutual Masturbation ⚠︎ (Kinktober 2022)
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Dating Jonathan Headcanons ❤︎✿⚠︎
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Audio Masterlist (18+ only)
Audio Masterlist 2 (18+ only)
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dividers by @firefly-graphics | consent / feedback banners by me
114 notes · View notes
ashes-writing · 2 years
beautiful | stranger things; j.byers
A/N; Okay, so this started off as kind of following along with the Poison song Fallen Angel, but then it went in an entirely different direction. This one's got a lot of awkward fluff, a little angst and just like.. I decided to leave it where it ended because idk yet if I'll revisit these two like I've done with Steve and his reader or I plan to at some point with Eddie and the new girl reader... I guess we'll just have to see. I wanna throw this out there before I do warnings. There are heavy mentions of reader having a self - esteem issue, maybe even several. It felt a little... Personal for me because to an extent, it's an on-going struggle of mine. So, apologies in advance if the reader is a little more heavily flawed this time around and not quite so vague. And if you struggle with some of the stuff in here, just remember you are beautiful, okay? This is basically just me, using a comfort character of mine to kinda.. comfort people, so if this even resonates a little or helps anybody feel better, I've done what I set out to.
Tag List ; @rampagewriting -- feel free to ignore this bb! There's nobody on my actual stranger things tag list, if you want to be, please click the link below or tell me and I'll add you.
Pairing ; Jonathan Byers x Insecure!Popular!fem reader
Timeline / other stuff ; probably pre season 2. Nancy is mentioned and so is the camera smashing incident.
Warnings ; high mention of self esteem issues , lots of awkward cute little moments. Reader caution - am not glorifying the issues mentioned within, they just happen to be a struggle of my own to an extent. I tried my best to be a bit more vague so as not to set anybody off or trigger anything in anybody reading this. Kissing, because yeah. This is just meant to be sweet and awkwardly fluffy.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || rules - the fandoms and some of the characters I write for || requests - open; headcanons / nsfw or fluffy alphabet letters for any and all fandoms/characters excluding pro wrestling.
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The slow creak of his bedroom door opening had Jonathan Byers pausing. The door creaked open just a little more. Laughter bubbled in from the Byers kitchen and eventually, the bed creaked as his little brother Will sat down on the edge, a quiet laugh from the solemn boy finally leading to Jonathan as he looked up from the open textbooks and notebooks spread out in disarray on top of his desk.
“What’s goin’ on?”
“You have a visitor.” Will smiled as he said it, laughing as he added to himself in a lower tone, “She’s really funny.”
For a second, Jonathan could feel a slow and lazy grin forming.
That is, he was about to grin until Will quickly spoke up. “Not Nancy.”
Now this, it puzzled Jonathan Byers because outside of Nancy, he talked to maybe a handful of people at school and that was usually out of dire necessity.
So to have someone show up at his house unannounced, on their own free will… That had him more than a little curious. His mother’s rare laughter bubbled into the open door and almost on cue, Joyce Byers called out to him.
“Jon! Jonathan! Hey, sweetie, you have a visitor!”
Out in the Byers kitchen, you sat at the table with Joyce. You’d been talking, as it turns out, your mothers were close friends at one point in time. It led to Joyce spilling the beans on several teenage misadventures that the two had gotten up together which concluded with Joyce asking you a thousand questions about your own current life. How you were doing, if you had any classes with her eldest son at Hawkins High. And the warmth surrounding you currently really begged to wonder… Why hadn’t you ever considered getting to know the taller, quiet boy with dark eyes and a solemn and almost tragic, haunting smile.
You didn’t know much about him at all, to be quite honest. Well, aside from the reason you found yourself at the Byers residence on this particular lazy fall afternoon.
Jonathan finally walks into the room and you blink a little because up close and personal is not something you’ve ever gotten to the boy. He’s tall, shoulders with a bit of slump to them as if he’s trying to disappear or disguise himself somehow. Like he doesn’t want to be seen or noticed at all.
In return, he blinks at the sight of you, completely decked out in Hawkins High cheerleading garb seated at his dining room table. 
Joyce grins to herself softly and clears her throat. “I’ll just leave you two to talk, okay? But you come back, ___. Anytime you want. And tell your mom I said hi!” and with that, Joyce was gone, vanishing down the hallway and into another part of the house.
You were drowning, lost in the dark depths of his eyes. Kicking yourself because you sought him out, the least you could do was speak now that you’d come all the way out here.
He sits down at the kitchen table. Neither of you are speaking and you can’t help but notice that each silent second passed just makes the air thicker, heavier somehow. It’s driving you crazy, this leads to you finally attempting to speak.
Attempt being the key word because Jonathan actually beats you to it. “How’d you uh… I didn’t think anybody knew where I lived.”
When the soft giggle leaves your mouth you want to melt into stained wooden floorboards. This couldn’t get any more awkward if you tried. The better idea would’ve been to just approach him at school but you’d tried that. 
You just never seemed to cross paths. And the one time you could’ve, Nicole kept distracting you and dragging you off to stare at Billy Hargrove while he was practicing down in the gym. Or any number of other distractions, she just always seemed to pop up the second you’d position yourself outside the darkroom doors.
He’s staring at you intently. Waiting.
You want to cringe when you say it but finally, the words come. “I followed you. Then I kinda like…” your fidgeting with the green stripe around the sleeve of your Hawkins High cardigan. How is it you can speak, you’re so loud, so bubbly and vibrant literally anywhere else or any other time but right now you feel like a fish out of water? Like you’re totally out of your depths somehow. Like you want to impress him for a change and not the other way around like you’re used to.
“Look, I chickened out, okay?” the words burst out and you cringe just a little as you’re quick to add, “Not because of you, like.. I don’t know why. I just did.”
He snickers to himself quietly.
“Are you thirsty?”
“No,no.. I’m fine.” you shake your head. And then you finally manage to do it, you finally manage to get out your sole reason for coming out to his house.
Only now, having seen the mysterious boy everybody and their mother called weird or a plethora of other pointless and stupid names up close and personal, you’re not entirely sure that the reason you’ve sought him out is actually the only one.
There’s just something about him.
Quiet. Sturdy. Handsome in a dark and slightly rugged sort of way that normally you’re not at all drawn to.
“You’re like… really big into photography, right?”
He gazes at you warily as he sips water he’s gotten himself from the sink. He sits the glass down on the counter he’s stood in front of and as the back of his hand drags across his mouth you literally have to bite your tongue just to keep some sort of unholy noise from escaping your mouth.
,,No.” you think to yourself with a startled pause, ,,I cannot be getting a crush on him.”
But deep down, you know that’s exactly what’s happening.
“Yeah.” he laughs quietly and the laughter falls away. He’s studying you intently. Curious. Because in his mind, all he keeps thinking about is the way Tommy Hagan and Steve Harrington, two boys you’re known to hang around with, smashed his camera because he had pictures of Nancy.
No amount of explaining himself had made it sound any better.
But they’d ruined an expensive camera, so in his mind, he was wondering if this was some weird attempt at a trick or a prank.
Just so happens, you remember Nicole laughing about what they’d all done to his camera one day during practice and you speak up quickly. “This isn’t what you think, okay? Just.. Hear me out. Please.”
His gaze doesn’t get any less wary but he does step over to the seat he’d been sitting in at the table with you a few seconds prior.
“ I…I wanna put together a portfolio. I told my mom I wanted to do senior photos, like a photoshoot but in reality, Oh god.” you go quiet, a faraway look in your eyes, “I want to get the hell away from Hawkins when I graduate. I wanna go to California. I wanna model. Act. Something. Anything to prove I am good enough and I can do it... Anything is better than staying here.”
He almost dismissed what you were saying as a joke, it had to be, but… There was something about the look in your eyes when you talked about your plans. They just seemed to light up. And he hadn’t ever really seen that out of you before. The vivid color of your eyes seemed to intensify and the giddy little giggle you gave before falling silent, something about it seemed a little too real.
More real than anything he’d ever seen out of you up to this point.
So you’d caught his attention and now he was at least partially humoring it. “Wait.” he asks, “Why not just tell your mom what you’re really doing?”
“Because she tried, ya know. She tried and every door slammed shut in her face. Now if I even breathe the word casting call or audition she shuts it down without giving me a chance. I just..” your gaze settles on the brilliant green stripe around the wrist of your cardigan. “I wanna prove to her I can do it. I have to at least try. Look, I’ll pay you. Anything you want, okay? I’m good for it, my mom’s latest boytoy is loaded.”
“How much?” he questions.
“How much do you want, hm? Nicole said you’re really, really good.”
This prompted a snort because somehow, the fact that she said that and his camera still got smashed just irritated him all over again.
“They were assholes, alright? And I… I said so on more than one occasion.” you fell silent because you felt just a little pathetic, practically begging the guy.
“If I do this..” he starts to speak, adding in a quieter tone seconds later, “This better not be some trick.”
“Jon. It’s not a trick. I followed you to ask you here because I thought like.. I felt like you’d know that if I asked you here instead of just asking you at school.” you mutter the words quietly and Jonathan Byers searches your face for any sign or even a hint that this is somehow another joke or a prank that’ll turn destructive.
When he doesn’t see any sign, he shrugs. “What the hell.” he mutters. “I’ll do it. But it’ll be three hundred bucks.”
Three hundred dollars was exactly how much a the top of the line camera Nikon had just come out with happened to be and he’d still have a little left to get his little brother some art supplies. Three hundred dollars was completely fine with you because your mom told you she’d pay anything if you really wanted to do a little senior photoshoot for yourself, on the grounds that it meant you were leaving all this talk of acting and modeling, auditions and gigs in the past to focus on something real. Nevermind the fact that her continually saying you'd never make it or you didn't have the look being your biggest motivator to try and do that very thing.
Her favorite thing to throw up lately seemed to be that you could really make her happy if you were to meet a nice boy and settle down, stay close to home after you graduate.
She’d even gone as far as to invite the Hagans over when Tommy and Carol broke up and their mothers were gossipping about it in the checkout line down at the grocery store.
It had been a complete disaster. A disaster that had you and Carol currently not speaking because for some reason, she thought you’d try to get with Tommy.
You have no interest in him at all.
But Jonathan Byers, after meeting his mom and his little brother… After finally getting an up close and personal look at him… You’d be lying if you didn’t say there was something there, even if it was just infatuation because he was really, really handsome.
The thoughts racing through your mind were enough to prompt you to lean in and brush your lips to his cheek as you laughed and gave him another soft -and real, smile. “Great!” you’re happy, giggling, a smile so bright that it somehow makes the dim lighting in the room just a little brighter, “Maybe this weekend?”
Jonathan mulled it over. “Yeah, that’ll work.”
“I’ll bring you the money as soon as you want it.”
“Wait until the pictures are developed.” he mutters, but you’re just so thrilled that he’ll do this for you that you’d agree to anything. “Some of the pictures might be a little, uh.. Risky. You’re okay with it, right?” you toss the question in casually because it hadn’t occurred to you to ask before he agreed to do what you’re asking.
He shrugs and for just a split second, you feel a little deflated because here you are, sitting at his dining table fighting some strange sort of pull to him and he just shrugs off the fact that he might be photographing you in some… more intimate type poses. It stings a little but you tell yourself it’s simply because you’ve been lucky enough to never really have struggled with rejection being a possibility. Boys tended to flock to you, and it wouldn’t be bragging to say it. It was the truth and sometimes, the truth wasn’t as pretty or as good as people assumed it might be. The fact that you’ve never really dealt with rejection also came with the downside that  you were constantly treated like an object. Dated because you were arm candy and you tended to make whichever boy dated you briefly look just a little better because obviously, he could pull you. It bothered you because this made actually having a relationship pointless and it soured you on nearly half the boys in your grade by this point.
They didn’t want you because you were you, they wanted you because you were pretty with the right makeup and being with you would probably make them look good to whatever girl they’d go on to have real feelings for.
That really hurt.
You shoulder through the moments of pain and you stand. “I’ll see you this weekend.”
“Where?” he calls out just as you reach the Byers front door.
You pause and look back at him. “You’re the one with the good eye. You can pick the location.” you smile as you say it and this time, your smile makes him smile just a little bit.
Then you’re gone, leaving him to stand in the middle of his mother’s kitchen and wonder exactly what he’s gotten himself into. He happens to glance over at Will to find Will barely hiding a laugh. Jonathan grumbles and sinks down into one of the old wooden ladderback chairs at the table as he leans his head back.
“Does this mean you’re finally going to get over Nancy?”
Jonathan snorts. “Girls like that don’t go for guys like me. And this might all be some kind of trick.”
“What?” Will asks softly.
“Well..” Jonathan replays the entire interaction in his mind. “She wants me to take pictures of her. For a portfolio or something and for next year for the yearbook. Those photos at the end?”
“Is she paying you?”
“So it’s a job, right?” Will asks.
“ I still think she’s prettier than Nancy. And she made you smile. Maybe you could get to know her?” Will mused with a shrug as he wandered out of the kitchen and back into his room.
– ( the weekend )
You’re nervous as hell as you pull your car to a stop beside his. He said he’s got two locations in mind for the photos and one of them is the quarry.
He’s sitting in his car with The Smiths playing full blast so he doesn’t see you when your mom’s Mercedes pulls to a stop next to him, Madonna playing as you frantically try to reapply your makeup and survey yourself in the rearview mirror.
The makeup made you pretty. 
The knock on your window has you jumping a little, a hand to your heart as you roll down the window. Jonathan’s staring down at you intently. Like he wants to say something but he doesn’t. “Are you ready?” he asks quietly.
All you can do is nod because you’re drowning in his stupid deep and dark eyes all over again. It’s something that’s happened a lot throughout the week because you came away from that first little encounter with him almost painfully aware of him.
And at least twice during the week leading up to this moment, you’d actually had a run-in with him. A run-in which Nicole openly remarked left her sexually frustrated somehow, as if the intense staredown between you and him or the way he’d reached out to grab hold of your waist when you weren’t paying attention in the parking lot and nearly wandered right out into a vehicle about to fly past which resulted in you being pressed up against him for at least two seconds that felt like an entire lifetime… She blamed her current sexual frustration on both your run-ins with Jonathan.
Of course, Carol was relieved because this meant you weren’t a threat to her attempting to get Tommy back. And, she gloated after practice yesterday, it gave her something to throw in Nancy’s face.
It was Tommy and two other boys from the basketball team who had very loud and vocal problems with your suddenly taking notice of Jonathan Byers.
And they hadn’t shut their yaps about said problems for the entire week after you were overheard telling Nicole and Tina what you’d hired Jonathan to do.
But none of the above is really relevant, you just can’t seem to get it off your mind. And you could still feel the way his arms gripped your waist to drag you out of the path of incoming doom in the form of a lime colored Pinto with the tag BEANR69 even now, when he’s standing on the outside of your car, patiently waiting on you to pull yourself together.
“I..This looks okay, right?” you turn in front of him in the first outfit you’d chosen, a simple and gauzy white sundress that stopped above your knees and tied at the shoulders. Your cousin told you that the ‘hometown girl’ vibe was something that she heard agents ate right up.
So that was the aura that you hoped the first outfit gave off.
Jonathan surveyed it carefully, brows knit together as his eyes settled on your made up face. “The makeup kind of kills it.” he admits quietly, an apology mumbled almost a second immediately after. “You… you don’t really need it, right?” he asks.
Your mouth opens and closes because you’re not exactly sure how to answer.
“You don’t want me to take it off.” you insist before going quiet.
“At least like… Blot the lipstick.” Jonathan’s shuffling his feet as one of his hands drags through shaggy dark hair. You take a deep breath and you fix your eyes on him with uncertainty. “Are you…” you stammer as you gaze up at him in confusion, “ Are you sure you want me to do that?”
Asking you to take off the makeup might well have been asking you to pose nude because as far back as at least eighth grade, you hadn’t let anybody see you without it. If you were to really stop and think about it, eighth grade was probably the first time someone commented that you’d look so much better with makeup. The comments that followed, well… They sort of formed the basis of your firm belief that makeup was what made you prettiest.
You’re fidgeting nervously. The realization as it’s dawning on you is not comfortable at all. It’s kind of unsettling now that you’re aware just how much of yourself you actually hide away.
Jonathan’s brow raises. And he finds himself wondering why in the hell you seem so afraid to just take off the makeup.
You don’t need it, he thinks to himself as he’s standing there in front of you. While you’re squirming under his gaze he’s just slowly looking you up and down, taking you in. Baffled by this new revelation he’s having, that you might actually be afraid to be seen without makeup.
And wondering just how in the hell that particular quirk came about. Who did it to you? Who made you feel like you needed makeup otherwise, you weren’t pretty at all? Was it one of the assholes you were always seen around school and town with? 
Somehow, just the hint that it might have been had him tensing up. Clenching his fist at his side.
“The dress kind of clashes with your face, okay? That dress doesn’t make me think…” he goes quiet, rubbing a hand over his head. Stepping just a little closer to you as he stares down. “It’s just makeup. Look, you don’t actually need it, alright?” Jonathan insists calmly. But he doesn’t elaborate and in your mind, this leaves just a smidgeon of doubt. He’s never seen you without it, therefore, he can’t know.
Your head tilts slightly as you gaze up at him and he has to swallow down a lump in his throat when the breeze picks up and it sends the sugary sweet scent of whatever perfume you always wear enveloping him. Making him think of hugs. Fresh baked cookies. The way it felt when he stopped that stupid idiot in the Pinto from almost running you over in the parking lot of Hawkins High because he hadn’t been able to get the feeling of your body under his hands out of his head all week long.
Arguably, he’s distracted. Words are not coming.
“H-how do you really know though?” You ask the question quietly. 
“You’re the one who told me I could choose. If you want the picture to be any good…” he rubs his temple.  
He goes quiet because he doesn’t know what to do with this situation.
He’s being patient. Gentle as can be because apparently, this is a delicate situation.
He’d never stopped to consider you actually had non-existent confidence. Not you with the loud laugh who talks with her hands and has no problem speaking her mind or standing up for somebody like he saw you do around Wednesday of the week past when he saw you read Nicole for filth because she was picking on one of the quieter freshman girls.
Now that he knew about it though, the pesky feelings.. Thoughts and urges he’d been dealing with all week as a fallout from you seeking him out to hire him to do this… Those feelings and thoughts and all those urges were getting stronger. More realistic. More dominant in his mind and harder to ignore as a result.
You took a shaky breath. “Okay, alright. I trusted you enough to ask you to do this. You can’t.. Uh.. Don’t laugh or anything, alright?” you attempt a weak smile so he won’t sense that it really bothers you to do what you’re about to, what he’s asked you to, but it does and you’re up in arms about it because it feels like you’re exposing more of yourself than you will be if you make it to the swimsuit shots at any point in the foreseeable future.
You open the door to your car and lean back in, digging around for a napkin from the diner downtown. You wipe away over half of the lipstick and you grab another napkin or two to calm down the intensity of the rest of your makeup.
And it takes you just a little too long to pull yourself together enough to get out of the car because all you can think is that you feel so naked. Vulnerable.
,, But I trust him, I think.” the thought comes by surprise, serving to reassure you just a little.
Jonathan can’t take his eyes off of you and for a good second or two, he can’t really form words right. But he gives you one of those little smiles and you take a deep breath. “Better?” you ask.
“Yeah. Lots. C’mon, I’ll show you where I want to set up first. We’ve gotta get down there now though because the good light will be gone soon.” -it’s the most he’s ever said to you and seeing him get downright giddy over lighting and angles makes you smile to yourself as you follow him down the steep hill leading down to the quarry banks. You nearly trip because you’re  distracted by him and how happy he is at the moment  and his arm shoots out, wrapping around your waist just before you manage to stumble forward.
You both pause. All you can do is stare up at him. He’s staring right back at you, too. And his arm is still wrapped around you tight. He chuckles, the sound is tentative, a little husky. Just like his voice, you think to yourself, the perfect mix of gravel and velvet.
“Are you okay?” he questions, gazing down at you in concern.
“Y-yeah.” you manage to stammer. What you don’t manage to do is take your eyes off of him. No matter what you try.
There’s something about the way the light is hitting you and the look in your eyes. The way the natural sunlight overhead forms this hazy halo round you, it prompts Jonathan to release his hold on your body and step away, his camera raised. 
“What are you doing?” you’re laughing and you shuffle your feet against the sandy path. You’re doing this cute little thing where you fidget and he smirks as the camera clicks soft, the picture of you saved onto the roll.
Given his recent history of taking pictures, he knows that making his own copy might not be the best idea, but he also knows somehow that he’ll wind up doing it. For the memories.
You’re standing in front of him again, your bodies bump together softly. The photoshoot is slowly working itself to the back of your mind, much to your surprise.
But it’s what you asked him to do and given the way he seems totally disinterested in you, you try to put all your own silly thoughts out of your head.
To keep it professional.
He’s the photographer and you’re his subject for the next few days.
But deep down, you’re starting to feel like maybe you want more.
– ( a few hours later )
The little photoshoot had ended hours ago and for some reason, you hadn’t been able to bring yourself to go back home.
You felt more at home at the Byers place.
It was something that shocked you completely, but it was the truth.
You stood in the middle of Jonathan’s room, dragging a pastel colored nail over the stack of cassettes piled high on top of a pretty impressive stereo setup. Jonathan is sitting in the chair at his desk and he’s trying to finish up an assignment that you finished the day it was given.
His shoulders are tensed and every now and then the pencil falls from his hand to the book open in front of him as he raises his hand to massage his temple.
He’s so fucking handsome all you can do is steal looks. You want to do more but…you manage to stop yourself.
If the urge to touch him got any stronger you might as well sit on your own hands. Neither of you had really said much to each other, he’d just kind of accepted your lingering presence at his place after he finished photographing you earlier.
You finally just can’t resist anymore and you wander over to the desk he sits at, placing your hands on his shoulders gently.
Without a word, you start to massage his shoulders. Jonathan glances up at you with a brow raised but his eyes fix on your cute little lips and the long-faded red stain.
The thought is hazy, half-formed. And the words come out before he’s able to stop them.
“You’re gorgeous.”
Your hands hesitate at his shoulders and you bite your lip as you shake your head No. You laugh it off but he’s staring harder. You try to turn your attention back to the massage you’re giving his shoulders, but you can’t focus on it.
“Why’s it so hard t’ believe, hm?” the question comes out in all it’s intrusive glory before he can stop himself from asking. You shrug.
“It just is. I-I.. I can’t explain it.” you stammer, shrugging almost apologetic.
“If it’s the jerks you date saying you need makeup..” Jonathan goes quiet, grumbling to himself about it being none of his business as his words die away.
“No, it’s actually more of a me thing. Kind of.” you admit quietly, shrugging. “All I ever hear is… Nevermind. It’s dumb.”
But he’s staring at you. Waiting on you to finish whatever you were about to say. Rather than actually try to, you nod to the open notebook in front of him. “I.. I can help you, y’know. I already finished mine.”
He shrugs. You move to sit on top of the desk and you turn to pick up the textbook. After scanning the page, you find the paragraph the answer is hiding out in and you hold it out to him. “That’s what the question is asking about. I had to read the same page ten times to find it myself.”
“Oh.” Jonathan writes down the answer expected out of him and then he places the pen on his notebook and he’s staring up at you. You squirm around a little but you’re staring right back. And then you start to lean in before you can stop yourself from doing it. Jonathan starts to lean in too and as soon as you pick up on it, your heart is thumping away lazy at your ribcage as you feel your breath come out in a soft and shaky exhale. 
You’re a long time away from having had your first kiss, there have been many since but somehow this feels different. Vivid and real. Exciting. You’re nervous, too. For the first time in a long time, you’re not just going through the motions because it’s what somebody else wants or what’s expected.
No, you want to kiss Jonathan Byers.
More than you realized.
The tip of his nose bumps against your nose and you giggle quietly as you lean down, into him a little closer. Your fingers curl in the front of a dingy white tee shirt and you use that to pull him in even closer. He moves the chair so that he’s sitting right in front of you and one of his hands settles on your thigh, the pad of his thumb making lazy strokes against the gauzy fabric of the little sundress. Your mouths finally meet and at first it’s clumsy; tentative. A little awkward because this is not something either of you were counting on.
But then you’re gripping the front of his shirt tighter and your soft lips latch against his slightly chapped ones. He groans quietly, his mouth falling open to allow you easier access and the hand resting against your thigh squeezes it.
You spring apart abruptly when you heard the knob on his bedroom door rattling and you’re panting for your next breath, staring at him with wide eyes. Jonathan turns in the chair and calls out, “Yeah?”
His little brother peeks in. “Mom wanted t’ know if your friend was staying for supper.”
You start to say you will but you stop yourself. Jonathan gazes up at you intently. Then he nods, giving his brother a lopsided smile. “Yeah. If she wants to.” he glances up and you smile at the little boy in the doorway brightly. “I’d love to.” you answer, laughing softly.
The bedroom door bangs shut softly.
For at least a minute, neither of you can really say anything. You speak up because you’re about to apologize for some reason but Jonathan cuts you off, mid-sentence.
“I’m not sorry I did that, okay? I know you probably didn’t..” he goes quiet. You grip his jaw and tug his gaze upward. “I’m not sorry either.” you admit with a soft laugh. “I meant to do it. I wanted to, alright?”
He laughs and you’re pouting at him. “What?”
“Well, this is kind of a cliche, I mean… Photographer and his subject?” Jonathan shrugs but the laughter dies away. You slip off the desk and into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck as you lean against him. “You realize that implies something, yeah?”
“If you want it to…” Jonathan mumbles as he makes you look up at him. “Do you?”
You smile and nod. “Mhm.”
He grins and lets you melt against him. And for a minute or two, he attempts to finish the remaining questions on his worksheet but with you melted against him and your warm breath tickling that one spot on his neck it’s easier said than done. He shuts the notebook and his hands catch against your face as he pulls you in for another kiss.
Deeper this time.
“I wasn’t kidding earlier.. Y’know, when I said you didn’t need it… The makeup, I mean. Whoever told you that you do was probably jealous.” as he says it, he drags the pad of his thumb across your bottom lip and you sit there, letting what he’s just said sink in.
You want to believe him but your way of thinking is a hard one to break.
He seems to pick up on your apprehension because he mumbles quieter, “Look.. I want you. The real you. That’s the only way this is gonna work. Can you try? I mean.. Do you want to?”
You nod and it’s shy. Tentative. You give him a weak smile. “I’ll try. I mean it.”
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collecting-stories · 2 years
Worst High Ever - Jonathan Byers
Request: Anyways I was hoping to request a jonathan byers x reader when they smoke weed together on the beach (like a weekend spontaneous road trip). If not that's totally cool but just thought I'd ask :) 
A/N: It really wasn't my intention to make this angsty but I feel like I've just been in a weird, angsty, love confession not going the way you planned it, mood.
Stranger Things Masterlist
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
Before Jonathan had moved to California, Argyle had only been your dealer. You saw him maybe once a week if you were in the mood to get high or you had the extra cash on you. But then Jonathan started hanging around and suddenly you found yourself in their company a couple times a week. Jonathan was a little jumpy and he rambled when he was really high, usually about music and always complete nonsense. When he was in his right mind, his music rambling was precise, detailed, and intelligent. When he was high, it was all just a word salad about feelings and noise levels and sonic messages. And yet somehow you found it ridiculously endearing.  
You still weren’t friends with Argyle by any means, he annoyed you more than anything else (and driving in his car made you feel like you were thirty seconds from dying), but it was a small price to pay to hang out with Jonathan. If he wasn’t with Argyle he was impossible to pin down. At least, that had been the usual up until now. You’d called his house on Saturday and Joyce had answered before jostling the phone over to her oldest son (but staying in the same room, not even pretending not to eavesdrop). When you asked if he wanted to drive down to the beach with you she’d answered first, urging him to ‘get out and have fun’ with someone (what she meant, you were sure, was someone other than Argyle but she stopped herself from saying it outright).  
Maybe it was Joyce, you couldn’t be sure, but either way, Jonathan agreed. It surprised you so much that you were still feeling the shock of it when you pulled up to a parking spot right on the edge of the sand, Jonathan in the seat beside you.  
“Does Indiana get this hot in the summer?” You asked, popping your door open and cutting the engine but not getting out of the car. You had worn shorts to combat the heat and had a cooler full of ice in the trunk.  
“Not really,” Jonathan replied, breathing out smoke as he did. There weren’t a lot of people on the beach in the middle of the day. School was out, so a few kids wandered around farther down toward the ocean and there were a couple families far enough away that you could only make out their shapes. Barely any cars in the parking lot and no one to rag on the two of you for openly smoking in the middle of the afternoon. Argyle knew all the best places to light up in public and you had adopted most of them, this one was your favorite though. Something about the ocean. 
Jonathan reached for the dial on the radio, twisting it back and forth a few times before laughing and laying his head back against the seat. “I forgot, you turned the car off.” 
“I can turn it back on?” You offered, taking the joint from him.  
“No, no,” he shook his head, hair falling in his eyes. Jonathan huffed out a breath, a half-hearted raspberry emitting from between his lips as he took the joint back. “Nancy wants to talk about colleges with me.”  
You cringed at the sound of his girlfriend’s name. It was the one fatal flaw in your crush. Jonathan had a girlfriend. You’d seen a picture of her once and been almost sort of surprised that he wasn’t bullshitting you about her but the way he talked wasn’t like he was overcompensating for some ‘girlfriend in canada’ that he’d made up. She was real, even Will had vouched for her once when Argyle voiced the shock you felt at her existence. Nancy was a dream girl, according to Jonathan, though the more you heard the more you thought she might be someone else’s dream.  
You thought about actually saying something along those lines sometimes. Usually when you’d smoked too much and could feel your inhibitions lowering considerably. So far you’d been lucky enough to save yourself the absolutely wreckage that telling Jonathan his girlfriend shouldn’t be his girlfriend would cause. You weren’t sure you could crawl back from that one.  
“How come?” You’d heard all this before. Jonathan was like a broken record when he smoked. He complained about the same three things, Will fitting in, Joyce being weird, Nancy wanting to talk. It was a cycle and you seemed to always be hassled with having to hear the Nancy of it.  
“She wants us to go to college together.”  
“And you...” 
“I don’t know, I don’t know what I wanna do.” He sighed.  
You nodded, biting your tongue instead of saying anything else in response. You weren’t entirely sure what you wanted to say anyway. That he should just forget about Nancy and Indiana and stay here in California with you. Loredo Springs wasn’t the worst place on earth, it was almost four hours to the beach but that was closer than Hawkins. That had to mean something, at least.  
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out. But not with Nancy in your ear all the time.” You finally said, tilting your head to the side to look at him, “I’m not trying to be an ass or something, I’m just saying...you need to think about what you wanna do, not what Nancy wants you to do.” 
“I wanna be there with Nancy though, she’s so great. I mean, we’re so great together. Like, she makes me a better person-” 
“Yeah, yes. I know.” You fought the urge to roll your eyes at him.  
You weren’t exactly sure what you imagined a road trip out to the beach with Jonathan was going to be like. You’d definitely built it up in your head though because you were already disappointed and you hadn’t even been at the beach for a full hour. Whenever you drove around to smoke with Argyle and Jonathan, it was always Argyle that did the talking. He would ramble for hours and Jonathan would shoot you amused looks between smoking.  
This was different though, there was no Argyle and somehow you’d thought that would make this more enjoyable. Instead, it was just making you wish you could turn the car back around and drive home.  
“Sometimes Nancy-” 
“Jonathan,” you cut him off. This afternoon could either be enjoyable or you could hear Nancy’s name 100 more times. “I swear to god if you mention Nancy one more time. I know you love her and she’s this amazing dream girl and you just wanna be with her forever but I cannot stand to hear you talk about her and college and what should you do all day. I wanted to come smoke weed with you cause Argyle drives me fucking crazy but you’re literally even worse man. I’m trying to get high and have a good fucking afternoon.” 
“Its just all like, whirring around in my head.”  
“Okay,” you turned the key back in the ignition, the radio kicking on again. “We’re going to listen to the radio and we are not going to speak.” 
Jonathan took the joint from you and turned the volume up on the radio. You felt a little jittery as you sat there next to him, feeling more than knowing that he wanted to say something else. He kept turning to you and then turning away again until finally he couldn’t take it any more and he broke the silence. 
“I just don’t know what I should do.” He said, cutting through the music.  
“I don’t know Jonathan, break up with her.”  
“That’s, that’s not helpful.” He huffed, cursing under his breath. “I just, don’t know what to do.” 
“Okay, you know what Jonathan, I have been waiting all week for this stupid roadtrip. I was so excited to hang out with you without Argyle or Will or anyone else tagging along or having your attention. And it doesn’t even matter because you’re sitting here and all you wanna do is talk about Nancy. I get it, she’s amazing. But are you so stupid...like literally so stupid that you don’t get that I have like, the biggest crush on you? And I don’t even know why. I mean...of all the people to be crushing on I have to choose you? Some guy who is so oblivious and totally hung up on his girlfriend who is like thousands of miles away!”  
Jonathan sat there, hand extended toward you with the joint sitting between his fingers, ready to trade off. He opened his mouth and then closed it a couple of times, obviously unsure whatt to say. And really, what could he say cause you knew that whatever he was thinking of was going to be the exact opposite of what you wanted to hear. You didn’t need a spiel about how you were a good friend or how Nancy was just so Nancy.  
“I don’t-” 
“Just, save it.” You replied, closing your car door. “Let’s just go home.” 
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starkeysprincess · 2 years
Tumblr media
KEY: ☼ (smut or features smut)
Tumblr media
i m a g i n e s :
Drunken Regret
I See the Way
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luveline · 9 months
maybe grumpy!r with zombie!au jonathon ? totally fine if this doesn’t work haha have a good day <3
tysm ♡
The river kisses the rubber toes of your shoes, rushing water loud over stone. If Jonathan knew you were sitting by the river defenceless he'd worry in his way, sweetness first and annoyance second.
But Jonathan won't know, you decide, tracing the silky blue water until it turns to froth. 
It's not his fault, not Will's, not any of your group's fault that you resent your life with so much passion, and so you try to leave them alone when you know you'll lash out. Will says your sullen, Jon just says you're tired, but it's Hopper who hits the nail on the head, every time. 
"You're a grump, kid. Old man in a young girl's body."
You're not sure about young —you feel like living to this age is impressive enough in the circumstances— but you agree to being thought grumpy. You're kind of awful, actually. 
"How many times do I have to tell you?" 
You jump at Jonathan's voice at your shoulder and almost smack your skulls together. "How many times do I have to tell you?" you ask, glaring at his easy smile. "Don't fucking sneak up on me." 
"Don't sit by the river alone. Idiot. It's too loud, you'd never hear a geek coming up behind you and then I'd have to put you out of your misery, and how is that fair? I don't want to kill you. Will would never forgive me." 
"That's your reason?" 
"Sure is. I got you this." 
A hand thrust in front of you, a flower twirled by the stem. You're not sure what kind it is or where he got it, but it's tall and strong, petals all shades of purple. You accept it with tender fingers. It feels foreign to see something as starkly beautiful as his clean flower between all the gore and grit of your life on foot. 
"Thank you," you murmur. 
"Anything for me?" 
Jonathan looks at you head on. Christ, he's handsome. He doesn't seem to think so, but it's in his smile, and the way he talks, the easy roll of his shoulders now and his more timid moments, too. It's in his laugh, his eyes. 
You huff in annoyance and kiss him. 
"Don't be like that," he says against your lips, punctuating with two quick kisses. 
"I'm not being like anything."
"Don't kiss me if you don't want to," he says, his fingers wrapped around your wrist. You love his touch, the firm, almost rough brunt of his thumb against your pulse and his forehead as it rests on your shoulder. "It's fine. I'll just die miserable." 
"You're not funny," you say, staring at the top of his head. 
"You're not, either, but I usually laugh." Jonathan stops his teasing, his voice shining with sincerity as his lips skip over your sleeve. "Are you okay? I was worried about you. I am worried about you." 
You look down at your flower, a perfect little gift. It staves away the dirty feeling that lingers on your skin. 
"Do you think I could press this? Keep it forever?" you ask. 
Jonathan sits up, spinning away from you so you're staring in opposite directions, hip to hip. "Yeah, you can. You just need a little tissue paper. But if it doesn't work, I'll find you another one." 
"What if it's winter?" 
"I'll find you something else." 
"I want something pretty as this," you warn. 
"Then I'll find you a mirror." It's awful because he's not joking. 
You take his hand and put it on your thigh to watch his cheeks turn pink. The river roars, the smell of roasted frogs and hare drifts along the breeze, and Jonathan Byers can't look at you. He's all talk. 
"Thanks, Jon," you murmur, rubbing his knuckles. 
He coughs. "You're welcome." 
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kennahjune · 4 months
Thanks so much to the amazing @rogueddie for letting me write this!!!! Hope it lives to standards :)
Eddie had a problem.
A Steve Harrington sized problem.
Said problem was standing behind the counter at Family Video while the woman in front of him blatantly flirted with him.
It wasn’t the woman Eddie was worried about— she had at least five years of age on Steve, so maybe there was cause for concern— but Steve wasn’t paying her the time of day.
Instead, he was glancing over the woman’s shoulder at Eddie, who lurked in the aisles, and kept making faces and blabbling his mouth mockingly whenever she wasn’t paying attention.
Eddie was desperately holding back snickers and snorts. He couldn’t help but let a giggle escape when Steve moved his hand in a “blabbing” motion when she said something about her ex-husband (HUSBAND) again. The woman whipped around and glared at Eddie. Eddie gave her a finger waggle wave he realized belatedly was the same one Steve does.
Steve himself was almost beet red in the face with his effort to hold in his laugh. Eddie was amazed at how long he’d lasted.
The moment the door closed behind her Steve put his face in his arms on the counter and full on cackled. Eddie was quick to join.
They were still laughing when Robin came back from the bathroom.
“Is she gone?” she asked, looking oddly between the two of them.
Steve nodded, not having enough breath to get words out. Robin sighed a dramatic breath of relief.
“Oh thank God. Cause she looked one second away from bringing up some stupid shit like her failed marriage—“
That sent Steve and Eddie into another spiral of laughs.
“There’s no way she actually did.” Robin deadpanned.
Eddie nodded vigorously. “She fucking did!”
“Four times! As if bringing up how she was newly-single would make me want her. Did she look in a mirror before leaving? She’s closer to my dads age.”
Eddie snorted, trying to get his laughter under control enough to say “Even man-whore Richard Harrington wouldn’t go within a 20 foot radius of her.”
Steve didn’t waste a second before racking on: “Doesn’t need to get too close with how far back that hairline stretches.”
Robin and Eddie laughed themselves to tears.
And that was how it went.
A woman would come into the video store, shoot their shot with Steve, and Steve would laugh about it with Robin and Eddie later.
And it was fun. Eddie found it fun. Cause he knew Steve would always shoot the girls down, however nice or rudely he has to be about it.
It was a Friday, and as per usual on Fridays, Eddie was at Steve’s. Of course, it wasn’t just him— Robin, Nancy, Jonathan and Argyle were there as well.
They’d been hanging out whenever they all could before Nancy and Jonathan went to college and Argyle back to Cali. Hence the Friday night hang outs.
Tonight was no different, except for one thing.
“So explain to me once again why we have to drive all the way out to Indy for this?” Jonathan complained.
Nancy sighed and leant into him. “Cause there aren’t any good bars in Hawkins. And everywhere in Hawkins knows that almost none of us are of legal age.”
Jonathan grumbled but conceded, Wheeler had a point.
“Besides,” added Robin. “It’d be nice to finally get the hell out and see some new people.”
“Amen.” Agreed Eddie and Argyle at the same time. They both chuckled.
“Yeah well, I’d like to go soon before my social battery drains itself dead.” Remarked Jonathan, throwing an arm around his girlfriend’s shoulders.
“We’d have left already if SOMEBODY DIDN’T HAVE TO SPEND HALF AN HOUR PRIMPING HIMSELF!” Yelled Robin towards the stairs.
Steve had been MIA since Eddie got there at least 20 minutes ago. According to Robin he was still getting ready.
“PUT A LID ON IT BIRD-FOR-BRAINS, IM COMING!” Was the reply she got from the top of the stairs, where Steve was now coming from.
Nancy and Argyle snorted at the insult, but Eddie’s mind was rather taken up by the cut-off jean shorts Steve wore that showed more of his thighs than Eddie thought necessary for anyone’s functioning brain. He was also wearing what looked like the softest sweater he owned; a dark purple one that seriously brought out the green in his eyes.
Nancy whistled, Robin clapped. Argyle grinned at Steve and said
“Hey man! That’s the sweater I got you!”
Steve grinned right back and nodded. “Uh huh! Dude it’s like— SO fucking comfy you don’t even understand.”
The sweater was a little big on Steve, hanging over his thumbs a bit in the sleeves and landing just below the waistline of his shorts. If Eddie wasn’t so focused on the many moles on his thighs that were on display, the fact that Argyle had gotten Steve a sweater may have rubbed him the wrong way.
As it stood, Steve looked good.
He looked stunning, actually, in his glasses and his hair slightly ruffled in a delicate manner and his eyes wide and bright and—
He blinked and Steve was standing in front of him, no one else in the room.
Steve grinned giddily and laughed at him. “C’mon dude, you’re my ride up, remember?”
Oh yeah. They’d split everyone between his and Argyles vans.
“Isn’t Buckley with us?” Eddie asked as he grabbed his keys and headed out the door.
“Yeah, but I think she’s sticking with Jon and them on the way up.”
Eddie nodded and averted his gaze once more. There was a reason he’d skipped gym and avoided the mall.
That reason was glaring at him with all of its dotted moles and freckles and faint scars.
Jesus Christ he needed a cigarette.
The ride up was uneventful, peaceful even. Eddie let Steve have control over the radio, something Steve thought was normal but was downright foreign to anyone else. Eddie usually fought tooth and nail for control over the music but the sight of Steve singing and drumming his legs (holy shit his thighs jiggled—) and jamming out with a bright smile to whatever Tears for Fears or ABBA song he put on was worth it.
He followed behind Argyle and reluctantly sang under his breath with Steve to Head Over Heels.
The club they ended up going to was a little deeper into the city than they’d initially thought, and was slightly crowded when they got in.
Eddie was immediately hit with the smell of sweat and booze but not in an entirely bad way. In a way that told him that people here had fun.
It was bright and loud and the air tasted like fries (though Eddie might just be hungry). They took an empty table booth in a corner in the back.
After dropping their jackets off and everyone picking a seat, Steve got up to get everyone drinks.
“You want me to come with?” Eddie asked worriedly. It was Steve’s first time in Indy in a while and his first time out of Hawkins since the fall of Vecna. Sue Eddie for being cautious.
But Steve smiled sweetly at him and shook his head. “I’ll be alright, Eds. Be right back.” He knocked his knuckles on Eddie’s head affectionately and walked off. Eddie may have spent a second ogling before snapping his gaze to the table.
Eddie looked at Nancy with a raised eyebrow. She raised one right back.
She sighed. “Oh you’re hopeless.”
Jonathan snickered.
“Are you gonna make a move tonight?” Argyle elaborated.
Eddie shot up real fast. “Make a move? On who, Steve?”
“Yea, on Steve, doofus!” Robin reprimanded.
“There’s no board to make a move on.” Eddie pushed stubbornly. Because it was true. There was nothing there.
Robin groaned and dropped her head to the table.
“Dude, relax your knee. It’s shaking the whole table.” Jonathan tapped Eddie’s leg under the booth.
“Sorry, sorry. He’s been gone a while, right?” Eddie craned his head to look around the bodies of people dancing.
Robin huffed. “Yeah, kinda. But there are six of us, maybe he’s having trouble carrying all the drinks.”
Nancy suddenly kicked his leg under the table, a lot harder than her boyfriend had earlier. Eddie winced.
“Go help him.” Nancy all but demanded.
Eddie was up and away in a second, happy to have an excuse. He faintly heard Nancy and Robin high five behind him.
He weaved through the dancing crowd, bodies jostling him and pushing him forward until he got to the bar and finally spotted Steve and—
Something bubbled low in Eddie’s gut at the man standing in front of Steve. He was taller than both Steve and Eddie, well-built and had a bit of a beard going. He was leaning on the bar next to Steve, sort of caging him in. The scene made Eddie mad for reasons he didn’t give himself time to think about before he inserting himself.
Both Steve and the asshole’s heads turned to Eddie. Steve’s eyes lit up in recognition and relief while the man’s narrowed in anger at being interrupted.
“You know him, doll?”
Eddie wanted to make the man spit his own teeth out. Nobody else got to call Steve pet names. Just Eddie. It was an Eddie Thing, not an Everybody Thing. Fuck this guy.
“Yeah—“ Steve started.
“Yeah, he does. And yet I don’t think he knows you.”
Eddie stood shoulder to shoulder with Steve, glaring daggers at the douche.
The man scoffed and huffed, walking away and muttering under his breath. Eddie scowled until he could see the guy and his stupid beard. He finally turned to Steve.
Who was absolutely red in the face.
“You alright, sweetheart?” Eddie asked worriedly. “He wasn’t bothering you right? He seemed like a dick, looked like one even before I got up close.”
Steve stared at Eddie wide-eyed with his pretty lips parted. He blinked and spluttered a response.
“U—um, yeah! Yeah, no, I’m— I’m good. I’m alright. I’m great! Yep, great! Uh—“
“Are you sure?” Eddie was concerned, never having heard Steve stumble over a simple sentence so much.
Steve nodded vigorously before turning to the bar snappily. Eddie could still see the red painting his ears.
“Yep! Perfect! Could you help with the drinks? I don’t think I can carry them all, thanks!” And he was off back to the table.
Eddie stared after him for a moment before slowly grabbing the other three drinks and following back through the sea of bodies.
Steve was sat by the time Eddie got back to the booth, whispering heatedly with Robin, Eddie only managing to hear Steve hiss to her “that wouldn’t work!” before noticing his presence and shutting up all together.
Eddie raised an eyebrow but let it slide while he gave Nancy and Jon their drinks. He slid into the booth next to Steve who sat between him and Robin and across from Jonathan.
For the next 10 minutes, they all talked. They talked and laughed and joked and drank. But Steve seemed more in his head than usual.
Eddie was just working up the courage to ask him what was wrong when a guy came up to their table, eyeing Steve. Eddie immediately tensed.
All six heads turned to the dude who just showed up. But that didn’t deter him much.
“I was just wondering if pretty boy here wanted to dance?” He smirked at Steve, who Eddie felt tense up beside him.
“Um—“ Steve’s voice was kind of shaky, barely. But it was enough (mixed with the anger already brewing in his gut at the NERVE of this guy) for Eddie to finally step in.
“He’s alright.”
Six heads suddenly turned on him.
“Excuse me?” The asshole asked.
“You’re excused.” Eddie waved his hand in a shooing motion.
“Well I hadn’t exactly—“
“And I hadn’t exactly /asked/, now have I? Goodbye.” Eddie didn’t even bother offering a smile to hide the aggression in his tone. His message was clear: Get Lost.
The douche walked away grumbling and conversation soon resumed at the table.
“What was that!?” Jonathan asked incredulously.
Nancy and Argyle were both openly staring at Eddie in bewilderment.
Eddie shifted, but was more focused on the fact that Steve seemed to relax again.
“The dude was being an asshole. Just told him to get lost, not a big deal.”
“He was just asking Steve to dance? I don’t see the problem there.” Robin cut in.
It gave Eddie pause for thinking. She was right; there really was no problem there, so why had he been so upset about the dude asking Steve to dance. God just the thought of it left a bad taste in his mouth.
“It’s fine, Rob. I was just gonna tell him no anyway.”
Eddie looked at Steve then, who was a whole new shade of red.
“Are you alright? You’re all red again.” Eddie worried. Jonathan snorted into his drink and then winced when Steve kicked him under the table. Steve looked at Eddie.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a bit overwhelmed in the tight space I think. You wanna— uh— you wanna go dance?”
Eddie didn’t waste a second with his answer. “Sure.”
Eddie watched Steve and Robin have a silent conversation with their eyes and expressions before Robin grinned in victory and waved at them eagerly.
“Buh-bye! Have fun!” She sing-songed. Steve shot her a glare.
Eddie led Steve to the dance floor somewhere towards the edge of the crowd where there was less people. They really just stood there talking and sipping on their drinks while everyone around them danced.
“Hey, uh— thanks for telling him to back off. I’ve, I’ve never actually… been flirted with? By a guy, I mean— this is like— a brand new thing. But he and the other dude seemed just really creepy so— uh, thanks.” Steve stumbled through.
Eddie stared at his wide, earnest eyes and wondered how no guy had ever flirted with Steve before tonight. Even if the idea of it ever happening made him want to hurt somebody.
(Even though Eddie knows that guys have flirted with Steve before. Knows that he didn’t just make up those looks Tommy Hagan and Billy Hargrove gave him.)
So Eddie smiled and shook his head. “You’re all good, sweetheart. Just don’t want you running into the wrong guys.”
That pretty blush was back again, making Steve look even more breathtaking under the florescent lights and making his smile twice as bright.
Then they were rudely interrupted.
“Hey, babyboy.” Came an obnoxious call from behind Eddie. The guy was, again, taller that Steve, but this time he was barely taller than Eddie (a/n lemme live in slightly shorter Steve fantasy ok—). Eddie immediately hated him and his entire existence. Who just called people that? Babyboy? Was he serious or delusional?
Eddie watched Steve’s shoulders tense awkwardly while the guy spoke. His anger only grew and grew.
“Alright that’s enough dude, he’s not interested.”
The guy didn’t say anything to Eddie but kept talking to Steve which only served to irk Eddie further.
“I said he’s not interested ass face.” Eddie grabbed the guy’s shoulder. He finally looked at Eddie, seeming bored.
“He hasn’t said anything? Why not let the babydoll decide, huh?” He smirked at Steve. Eddie wanted to puke and scream at the same time. He felt like he was chewing on nails listening to this guy. Babydoll? First babyboy and now BABYDOLL??? Who the fuck was this dude? And more importantly would the possible assault charges be worth it?
“Um— yeah, I’m sorry. I’m not really interested in looking for anybody tonight.” Steve confirmed.
“Oh c’mon, doll face, don’t be like that.”
Oh the assault charges would so be worth it.
“He just said he wasn’t interested so fuck off.” Eddie shoved his shoulder. The dude finally turned to look at Eddie, leveling him with a glare that Eddie happily returned tenfold. If looks could kill the guy would have been fucking obliterated on sight.
“If he wasn’t interested then why’s he dressed like that, huh?”
Jail was looking mighty fine to Eddie.
“I’m right fucking here, asshat.” Steve spoke up. “And Im dressed like this because I look good and I know it. Not for fucks like you who have to beg for scraps to get by. I said I wasn’t interested and you’re just causing more of a headache if anything.”
Eddie grinned at Steve. It was so hot when he got all bitchy.
The asshole scoffed. “Oh so baby’s got a mouth on him.”
Eddie finally snapped, those assault charges no where in mind when he punched the guy in the face.
“Eddie!” Steve yelled, absolutely flabbergasted at the sudden violence.
The guy left after that with a threat of harassment charges. Steve took Eddie outside to the alleyway on the side of the club to get away from the crowd and to better examine his freshly bruised knuckles.
“You didn’t have to punch him.”
“He fucking had it coming.” Eddie spat through clenched teeth. He was still seething. And Steve was prodding at the bruises but that was neither here nor there.
Steve looked at Eddie, still holding his bruised hand. His eyes were wide as always and his cheeks flushed once more. His eyes seemed to search Eddie for something.
“Was it cause he was an ass?”
Eddie scoffed. “Of course! He was an ass and made you uncomfortable and—“
And I wanted to be the one to call you baby.
“And?” Steve prompted.
“And… and I hated how he talked to you.”
Steve looked down at Eddie hand, the blush rising to ears again. Eddie hooked a finger under Steve’s chin with the hand that wasn’t bruised and being held.
“Hey, you alright? You’re getting all quiet again.”
Steve’s eyes flitted back and forth between Eddie’s own before he sighed.
“Eddie.. I can’t— I don’t understand.”
Eddie pouted, confused. “Don’t understand what? There’s not much to it, honey.”
Steve cheeks pinkened again with the endearment. “Not— not that. I get that he was a dick— a massive dick attitude to make up for what he was surely lacking—“
That startled a laugh out of Eddie.
“—but I guess I don’t understand the other times? You were never like this before when anyone else flirted, so what changed tonight?”
And wasn’t that a thought.
What changed?
Well for starters, he wanted to kiss Steve. He wanted to kiss Steve senseless, shove him up against a wall and stick his tongue down his throat until he was breathless an begging for it.
So that’s changed.
But he also wanted to hug Steve and hold him right and call him things like Sweetheart and Honey and Love and Baby (which he already does anyway for the most part). He wanted to take Steve places and show him things. Wanted to give Steve every pretty rock he found and show him every cool leaf he saw.
What changed was that he wanted Steve in every which way Steve would let him have him.
But of course, Eddie didn’t express these aloud.
“Eddie…” Steve stared wide-eyed with his mouth opened in shock, his face a violent shade of red.
Or maybe he did express them aloud.
He’d drank more than he thought.
And then Steve was kissing him. Steve was pulling him in by the hand he was holding and pressing their lips together in a kiss that Eddie would never forget, not matter how much he’d drank that night.
They let go of each others hands, Eddie immediately grabbing Steve’s waist and Steve tangling his hands in Eddie hair.
By the time they’d pulled away to breathe Eddie bad fulfilled his wish of shoving Steve against a wall and sticking his tongue down his throat.
“So you were jealous?” Steve teased, playing with Eddie hair where his arms were still wrapped around his neck.
Eddie grumbled under his breath and kissed Steve to shut him up. Steve hummed and smiled into the kiss.
“Kissing me into going to make me drop it, Munson. You were totally jealous of those guys in there.”
Eddie huffed and stooped lower to kiss at Steve neck, gaining an immediate reaction with Steve’s stuttered breath and sudden silence. Eddie chuckled.
“Oh? I thought kissing you wasn’t going to make you drop it.”
Steve hit his shoulder weakly. “Shut it, asshole— mm!” Eddie bit down lightly on the side of his neck.
Then the door to the alley was opening and Robin was telling them to get their horny asses home before thy got arrested for public indecency.
So they agreed to pick up at home. And the whole ride there was filled with relentless teasing about Eddie’s apparent jealousy towards any guy who so much as looked at Steve oddly.
It’s rushed I know but it’s like 2am on a school night 😭 and I’m not upset with the results. Could it be better? Yeah. Could it be worse? Absolutely. It’s not my finest work but oh well 🤷
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ddejavvu · 6 months
m.list - jonathan byers
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you meet jonathan's mom
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belokhvostikova · 10 months
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | Crying, pregnancy, and brief mentions of body insecurity.
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Eddie had told them.
So concisely, and specifically told them all that was forbidden in order to keep his friends from the scrutinizing tears of an anguished pregnant woman, that would have to be followed by a now frustrated father-to-be.
But like clockwork, his word of advice plummeted the second Jonathan Byers decided to speak. In retrospect, he wasn’t at all to blame, in fact, he was attempting to be supportive. And he would have done a great job had his nice words not been targeted to an overly sensitive thirty-four weeks expecting lady.
“Don’t worry,” he’d smiled so kindly, a testament to the Byers politeness that ran through the family, “I’m sure you’ll have a safe and easy delivery. Nothing to stress over.”
But the baby you were carrying was formulated by Munson genes, and the way it head-butted your pancreas, while simultaneously kicking your bladder made it hard to enjoy Jonathan’s sentiment.
“Ugh.” You could only scoff. “What do you know, you’re not pushing a baby out of your vagina.” Doing the one thing he told you not to do: stress.
The panic on Jonathan’s face was quite humorous, at least to Steve Harrington it was. Eddie, on the other hand, was shooting a disappointed glare to his friend. Because he told him. So concisely, and specifically told him.
1. Don’t say anything that’ll upset her.
2. Don’t try to say anything too mushy or nice to make it up for the first mistake, she’ll cry and feel awful about yelling.
3. Honestly, you shouldn’t even really speak to her.
4. But don’t ignore her! She’ll find a way to circle it back to you thinking she looks like a beached whale.
Rule number four had came about after Dustin Henderson tried to maneuver around the monstrosity that was Eddie Munson’s rules. In his own little weird way, he was trying to be helpful after your cries about being big. And Dustin thought it would be a bright idea to say “I happen to like whales.” It did not go over well.
And now, Jonathan Byers was falling into the same cycle.
“No, no!” It was damage control time. “I’m just wishing you and the baby to be okay, I swear. I just want you to be happy and comfortable.”
Bad move. How did he forget rule number two already?
Your face contorted into a deep frown, as your eyes watered, and that panicked look on Jonathan’s face never ceased.
“Oh, god.” Eddie whispered, as the waterworks crashed out.
“That’s so sweet of you!” You bawled. “I was so mean to you, and you were just being niceee!” Your head dropped to Jonathan’s shoulder, wetting his flannel with salty tears that seemed endless. Eddie would thump his friend’s forehead if he had the chance, but instead, he had to do damage control, and his tender hand rubbed your back.
“It’s alright, baby.” He cooed. “It’s totally okay, just let it all out.”
He fervently gestured to Jonathan to add on. This was his mistake, anyways. “There… there.” He awkwardly patted your back. “Yeah, it’s totally okay.”
Steve Harrington was beginning to rethink the whole six little nuggets thing.
Luckily, Jonathan’s words were enough, and you sniffled your way away from his now dampened shoulder.
“I-I’m sorry for crying so much.” Your hurt little face was enough to elicit some aw’s and it’s okay’s from the three men, who jumped to console you.
But then Steve spoke. Unwarrantedly.
“Hey, I’d cry, too, if I had to rip a seven pounder from my body.” He chuckled.
Your face dropped with horror. “Eddie!”
Eddie Munson was going to kill Steve Harrington.
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byersbootyshorts · 1 year
hear me out
sub!steve , eddie, or jonathan you choose they’re all adorable, but PLS best friend!character thats also kinda pervy and obsessed but not overly? like maybe you wear a short skirt or something else revealing and you notice they’re kinda 😵‍💫 and help them?? change anything you want though ofc
I decided to write this for Jonathan since he's literally the perviest man alive
Heatwave (J.B.)
There's a heatwave in Hawkins so you decide to wear a skirt for a change. Little do you know it's going to drive Jonathan absolutely insane.
Word Count: 2,536
Warnings: bestfriend!Jonathan, perv!sub!Jonathan, fem!dom!reader, smut, unprotected sex, outdoor sex, swearing
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Everyday I thank the Duffers for making this man a little perv
Your hair blew around your face as the cold wind beat in the open window of Jonathan’s car. It was the middle of a heatwave in Hawkins and you were feeling its effects. So much so that you had decided to wear a skirt to school that day. Your outfits were usually low effort and extremely casual, but that day you couldn’t bear to wear pants.
So, you decided, since you were wearing a skirt, that you’d make the effort to wear something nicer to school. After throwing clothes all over your room and trying on countless different tops, you’d finally gone with a red and black tennis skirt with fishnets, a black vest top, and a studded belt. Not exactly appropriate for school but you thought you’d get away with it since no one ever noticed you anyway.
But Jonathan noticed. He’d noticed the minute you came out of your house that morning and got into his car. He’d noticed the way the skirt rode up when you sat down. He’d noticed the fishnets clinging to your thighs and how your skin bulged out between each string. He’d noticed…
“Jonathan!” you shouted, practically punching him on the shoulder.
“What?” he said, snapping out of his daze.
“Are you kidding me? You just ran a red light,” you accused him.
“Oh shit, really?” He suddenly realised he’d been thinking about your thighs rather than looking at the road. “Sorry, I was just distracted.”
“Well, focus,” you said, your heart still pounding from Jonathan’s illegal driving. “I’d rather not die today.”
You eventually made it to school with no more near death experiences.
First period math in a boiling hot classroom was not an enjoyable start to your day. Even your teacher was struggling and had resorted to telling you all to do some equations while she fanned herself with a textbook.
“Miss Y/L/N, could you please open that window back there,” the teacher said before you began writing.
You nodded, glad of the suggestion and reached for the window latch. But, of course, it was one of those windows that is literally right at the top of the wall and almost impossible for any average human to reach. You stood on your tip-toes and somehow managed to grab onto the latch and pull it open.
Little did you know that, while you were reaching, your skirt had slid up the back of your leg, revealing most of your thighs. While, the rest of the class had their heads in their books, Jonathan’s eyes were fixed on you. His leg began to bounce rapidly as he started to feel the blood rush to his crotch.
He stared shamefully at your ass, imagining what your thighs would look like perched on top of him with his fingers digging into your skin and your hand around his…
He quickly buried his head in his book when he saw you turn around. He glanced up again, just for a second to find you looking back at him. You smiled at him but you were worried. There was something off about him that day. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but something was definitely bothering him.
“Are you ok?” you were finally able to ask Jonathan at lunch. You were sitting alone on a wall outside the school building. It was more peaceful than the bustling cafeteria. And there was less chance of getting picked on by the jocks.
“What do you mean?” Jonathan said, looking up from his sandwich. He had his schoolbag on his lap for some reason. You were confused as to why but didn’t question it.
“I mean, you’ve been acting really weird today,” you explained.
“I always act weird,” Jonathan mumbled.
“Ok then, weirder than normal,” you sighed exhaustedly. “J, I’m your best friend. Please tell me.”
You innocently placed your hand on Jonathan’s arm and noticed him grip the bag closer to his body. That made you a little suspicious.
“It’s nothing,” he said defensively.
You were about to question him further when the bell rang. Jonathan practically leapt up and said, “Sorry, I’ll talk to you later,” before speeding off.
You were itching to know what the hell was going on with Jonathan and last period couldn’t come fast enough. He was already sitting at his desk when you walked in. When he saw you enter his eyes immediately averted to look out the window. You sat at the desk in front of him and tried your best not to think about him. You’d give him a proper interrogation in the car.
Your last class was English and, unfortunately, the teacher wanted all the students to read out part of the homework you’d been working on. After hearing countless dull essays from tired students, the teacher finally said, “Y/N, please stand and read the first page of your assignment.”
You did as she commanded and began to recite the start of your essay. If you’d asked Jonathan what it was about, he would’ve been stumped. Because here he was, once again, stuck in class, staring at your ass. And this time, there was no way to hide it.
He cursed you for choosing to sit right in front of him. And he cursed the teacher for making you stand up. He tried to listen to your essay but the words blurred into one as an image formed in his mind. If he wasn’t resting his chin on his hand his mouth would’ve been agape as he pictured himself running his hands up and down the soft skin of your thighs as you rode him, softly mumbling his name.
But your weren’t mumbling anymore. You were shouting. “Jonathan!” And you didn’t sound like you. You sounded like an old woman.
“Mr Byers! Pay attention and stand up this instant!” the teacher demanded.
This time his jaw did drop as he realised it was now his turn to read his essay and he’d been zoned out for the past five minutes thinking of you.
You turned around to face him as he got up to speak. His face was bright red. He cleared his throat before beginning to read his essay. You looked up at him from your seat in an attempt to reassure him. While listening to his surprisingly well written essay your eyes dropped for a second. Just a second. But it was long enough to confirm your suspicions.
You lifted your eyes back up to Jonathan’s face, trying to ignore the bulge in his black pants. Thank God he was at the back of the class in a dark corner where hopefully no one else would see. When he sat back down you turned around in your seat again, suddenly unable to look him in the eye.
The class sprang out of their seats when, at last, the final bell rang. You and Jonathan left the classroom in silence. As you walked down the busy corridor your mind was racing. You had to address the situation, right? But how? By the time you reached Jonathan’s car you had a plan.
“Give me the keys,” you ordered him, standing in front of the driver side door.
“What? Why?” Jonathan replied, confused.
“We’re going somewhere,” you answered vaguely.
Jonathan gave you a sceptical look but slowly handed over the keys.
There was little conversation as you drove Jonathan where you wanted to go. The closer you got to your destination, the more confused he got.
“Are we going to my house?” he asked.
“Not quite,” you responded.
You parked the car at the edge of the forest that surrounded the Byers’ house and gave Jonathan the nod to get out of the car.
“Oh,” Jonathan sighed in relief when he realised where you were taking him. It was a place you’d discovered a long time ago and now used as a place to hang out. A misshapen tree that bent over to form a perfect little bench. The leaf covered branches of the tree hung down, creating a dome over the bench. It was like your own personal little haven where you and Jonathan would come when you wanted to get away from the bullies of Hawkins.
“Why are we here?” Jonathan questioned you when you reached the tree.
You didn’t say anything until you were both sat on its crusting bark.
“Because we need to talk,” you replied, your expression turning serious as you stared deep into Jonathan’s eyes. He shifted his legs nervously, the close proximity between your face and his causing his pants to swell for the fourth time that day.
“Don’t try to hide it,” you said.
“Hide what?”
“You know what,” you whispered, raising your eyebrow.
Jonathan swallowed hard. He didn’t know what to say.
“I assume this is why you’ve been acting weird all day,” you said.
He nodded. “I’m sorry. I can’t help it,” he said shakily. “I don’t know why this is happening.”
“I do.” You grabbed Jonathan’s hand and placed it on your thigh. “It’s because of this. It’s because you’ve never seen me wear anything other than jeans. It’s because you haven’t been able to stop staring at my ass all day.”
Jonathan let out a quivering breath.
“I didn’t know my best friend was a little pervert,” you smirked.
“I’m sorry,” Jonathan repeated.
“No, J, it’s ok,” you assured him. “I’m trying to tell you that I don’t mind. You’re a guy. These things happen.”
“It’s just, you’ve never worn something like that before. I’m s-,”
“If you apologise one more time I’m leaving,” you said, covering Jonathan’s mouth with your hand.
You were silent for a few seconds, staring into each other’s eyes. Then, you moved your hand down from Jonathan’s lips so you were holding his chin between your finger and thumb. You pulled his face forward, forcing your lips to connect. Jonathan didn’t even flinch when you kissed him. Immediately he melted into your body and begged your mouth to open with his tongue.
But you didn’t grant him access just yet. You pulled your lips away and rested your forehead on his.
“You want some help with this?” you mumbled, placing your hand on his inner thigh.
Jonathan nodded eagerly and started to pull you on top of him.
“Ok, slow down,” you chuckled. You got up from the tree branch and were about to pull off your fishnets when Jonathan stopped you.
“No,” he said quietly, grabbing your hand. “Can you keep them on please?”
“Shit, you really are a little creep, aren’t you?” you smirked.
Jonathan’s face flushed as he fumbled with his belt. He almost sobbed when his dick was finally released from his tight pants.
You got on his lap, knees on either side of his thighs, and hovered above his dick.
“You must be so desperate if you’ve been like this all day,” you said, running you hand through his hair. He let out a quiet whimper in response.
“You sure you want me to help you with this?”
“Yes, yes please,” Jonathan whispered, wrapping his hands around your waist.
You pulled your fishnets and underwear to the side. Jonathan let out a loud moan as you guided him inside you.
“Shh, J,” you hushed him. “We may be in the middle of nowhere but sound travels.”
“Sorry,” Jonathan mumbled.
“And what did I say about apologising?”
This time he stayed quiet.
Your thrusts were slow and deep. Jonathan’s fingers dug into your sides as he willed you to pick up your pace.
“Faster, please,” he begged.
So, instead, you stopped. You sat on his dick, taking all of it inside you. Jonathan whined at the lack of movement. You ignored him.
“You know, it’s really misogynistic of you to only find me attractive when you can look up my skirt,” you said, wanting to watch him squirm for just a bit longer.
“I find you attractive all the time,” Jonathan replied, his eyes shut in concentration.
“Well, you’re not getting a boner every day, so obviously you don’t.”
“Do you have any idea how difficult it is to look at you every fucking day and not get hard,” Jonathan explained. “The only thing that keeps me going is the fact that when I go home I can…”
Jonathan stopped, realising he had revealed too much.
“You can what?” you asked.
“Nothing,” he said quietly.
“Jonathan,” you said more sternly, staring daggers into his eyes. “You can what?”
Jonathan started to speak but he was too quiet.
“Speak up or I’m leaving you out here and you can sort out your little situation by yourself.”
That was one thing Jonathan didn’t want, so he raised his voice.
“I have photos of you,” he began. “And I, uh-,”
“Wait, photos? What photos?” you demanded.
“Nothing creepy, I swear.” You couldn’t tell if Jonathan’s face was red with embarrassment or the heat. “It’s photos that you let me take of you for art class last year.”
“Ok,” you said. You could feel him twitching. “And what do you do with these photos?” you asked, already knowing the answer.
He looked up at you with pleading eyes. You felt his breathing get faster.
“You don’t wanna know,” he finally said.
“Oh, I think I do,” you smiled, beginning to roll your hips back and forth again just thinking about it.
Just that slight movement set Jonathan off again. He couldn’t stop the grunts and whimpers escaping his lips. You thought if you couldn’t stop him from making noise, you could at least muffle it.
You pressed your lips against his again, this time allowing your tongues to intertwine.
“Y/N,” Jonathan groaned desperately into your open mouth.
He was practically ripping your shirt with his hands so you started to increase your speed. Now you were kissing him to hold back your own moans, as well as his.
You reached up to grab one of the tree branches behind Jonathan’s head as you started to feel your stomach tighten.
“Do you want to cum, J?” you asked, pulling away from his lips.
“Yes, so bad,” he whined. “Please, can I?”
You nodded and almost immediately you felt Jonathan spill out inside you. He threw his head back and moaned your name louder than before. But you were too tied up in your own high to tell him to be quiet.
When you eventually stopped your movements the two of you were out of breath and sweating. The sun was beating down on you through the trees, wiping any energy you had left.
You climbed off Jonathan’s lap, adjusted your underwear and sat back down on the tree branch. Jonathan’s hands shook violently as he attempted to do up his pants.
You both sat, staring up at the sky, neither one of your daring to speak. Until Jonathan broke the silence.
“Is this going to be really awkward now?” he asked timidly.
“I don’t see why it should be,” you responded, turning to face him.
A small smile spread across Jonathan’s face. “So we’re still good for movie night on Friday then,” he said.
“Uh-huh,” you replied, squeezing his leg. “I’ll even wear a skirt if you want.”
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 3 months
Til Death Do Us Part
A Steddie oneshot
Eddie was sitting in Steve's house. . .well, actually lying in Steve's house. He was still pretty banged up, and considering the town still thought he was a murderer, he needed to hide out for a while, and Steve Harrington's was the perfect place. It still felt weird to think that Steve was a good guy, but it was much too evident, and it made Eddie realize that he jumped to conclusions as quickly as others did about him. It's weird how connected they are now. First through Dustin, then through trauma, and now through bat bites. These scars were going to be more permanent than a marriage certificate. Who would have thought that he would be married with a kid by age 20. . .with Steve Harrington of all people? The thought made him laugh.
"What are you laughing about in here?" Steve asked as he popped into the room.
"I was thinking that these bat bites of ours are pretty permanent," Eddie smirked. "We're practically married."
"We are not married," Steve scoffed.
"Are you telling me we're getting divorced?" Eddie asked with a gasp. "So soon. . .oh, sweetheart, tell me what I did so I can make it up to you! Think of the kids, Steve!"
"Well, you didn't listen to me when I told you not to be a hero, so there's that," Steve said. "Not to mention the fact that you made Lucas feel bad about playing basketball, and you divided him and his friends as well as his sister. So, there's that as well."
"Shit, yeah, I do deserve the divorce," Eddie said, wincing and looking remorseful. "I'm not much better than my father, am I?"
"Hey, that not - I didn't mean it like that, Eddie. I'm sorry. Yeah, it's too soon to joke about it," Steve said softly. "Did you apologize to the kids? I mean, you did. I was there."
"Well, yeah," Eddie muttered.
"Was your dad actually sorry for anything he ever did? Would he have done what you did and tried to buy us more time? Would he have found a place for lost sheep to go to?" Steve asked.
"Well, no," Eddie admitted.
"Than you're a better man than your father ever will be," Steve shrugged. "Hold on."
Steve left the room, and a moment later, he returned with his pillow. He placed it on the bed next to him.
"What are you doing?" Eddie asked.
"Sleeping with my husband," Steve said.
"So, no divorce then?" Eddie asked with a grin.
"Are you kidding me? No way, I'm raising these hellions without a partner," Steve said. "You said it, we're married. Til death do us part, asshole."
"Goodnight, Mr. Munson," Eddie grinned.
He laughed as he sank down onto the bed beside Steve, who leaned over to turn off the light. He was thankful that Steve left the light on. Eddie watched as his husband closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. A deep wave of affection came over him as he studied Steve’s features. Oh, shit, what was that? Was he developing feelings for his husband? He liked girls. . .right? No, it was just indigestion. Eddie sighed with relief and closed his eyes.
"Steven, why are you sleeping with a man?" Robin's voice floated into Eddie's ears.
Eddie's eyes slowly opened, and he groaned quietly against the morning light streaming through the window. Steve was on his back, his eyes closed. Robin was standing over him, her hands on her hips.
"Oh my God, Robin, you can't just ask why two men are sleeping together this early in the morning," Steve groaned, his eyes remaining closed.
"Is there something you want to tell me, buddy?" Robin asked.
"Ugh, can't a guy sleep with his husband without any third degree?" Steve asked.
Neither one of them had noticed that Eddie was awake, much to Eddie's amusement.
"His what?!" Robin exclaimed and Eddie nearly laughed.
"Eddie said last night that the bat bites made us practically married," Steve said and groaned. "Don't make a big deal out of it, Robin. We're platonically married."
"Okay, I'll just let the kids know that their Daddies won't come downstairs because they're too busy platonically sleeping together," Robin said dryly. "It doesn't look platonic to me."
"Robin, stop, he doesn't like me that way," Steve sighed. "I doubt he likes men and women the way that I do or the way that I like him. I'll get up. They're probably going to want breakfast."
"Steve, he was clearly flirting with you! No one calls people "big boy" like that and means it platonically!" Robin exclaimed.
Eddie held in a breath until Robin and Steve left the room. He let it out with a loud gasp.
"Holy shit!" Eddie exclaimed. "I was flirting with Steve?!"
Eddie's eyes widened as he thought about all of his interactions with men. Yes, now that he's thinking about it, there was a definite attraction to certain jocks. Sure, he actually hated some of them, but Steve, he was pretty sure he hated for no reason back then. He did nothing to him or his friends, and he had always kept Hagan, as well as the other basketball players, on a tight lease. Well, he really tried to. Whenever he watched Steve play while in the gym, he always got irrationally angry at the sight of him. Maybe it wasn't hate. . .no, it definitely wasn't hate because he always wanted to bite him. It was so often that Eddie had, honest to God, thought that he was turning into a cannibal.
"Oh, fuck! Fuckity, fuck, fuck, shit! Goddamnit!" Eddie exclaimed.
As the days passed by, Eddie really tried to push his feelings for Steve aside. He wanted Steve to remain in his life and the one really romantic relationship he had he totally fucked up. No, he wasn't good at that shit and it would only ruin what he had with Steve now. It didn't help that Steve was basically taking care of him. Luckily, he was able to move around, and with the help of Robin, he was able to move downstairs. Unfortunately, she decided that she needed to talk her best friend up.
"I already know how great Steve is, Robin," Eddie mumbled. "I married him, didn't I?"
"No, you got married by a couple of interdimensional bats," Robin said. "You did not make the conscious decision at the time to marry my best friend."
"Why are you trying to sell me on Steve? I don't like him like that. I don't like men either," Eddie said as he lied out of his ass.
"You don't?" Robin asked, raising an eyebrow at him. "And I wasn't necessarily trying to convince you to do anything. I was just talking about how great Steve is."
"Well, if you think he's so great, why don't you date him?" Eddie asked.
"Well, I would, but he's got the hots for someone else. We're also strictly platonic. Let's see what else? . . . Oh! There's also the fact that I'm a lesbian," Robin said.
"Shit, seriously?" Eddie asked and stared at her for a while, not saying anything. "Goddamnit! Okay! Okay! I'm also. . .not exactly straight. I like men, I like women, and I am head over heels for Steve Harrington. Happy?"
"Well, yes and no. You know, I wasn't trying to pressure you into outing yourself, right?" Robin asked.
"Yeah, I know," he mumbled. "I was pressuring myself."
"Thank you for telling me," Robin said.
"Thank you for telling me," Eddie grinned.
"Are you going to tell Steve?" Robin asked.
"Nope. Never," Eddie said.
"Why?" Robin asked.
"I tend to mess up in that area, so why risk what I have with Steve now?" Eddie asked.
"Because these scars you carry are proof that every day could be your last, and I don't think telling Steve is going to scare him off," Robin said softly. "He might surprise you."
"I know he likes me, which I don't understand why," Eddie said. "My husband can do so much better."
"How do you know?" Robin asked.
"You guys weren't exactly quiet the other day. It made me realize that I like both, that I've been flirting with Steve," Eddie said.
"So, you're running away, being a chicken shit, because you've already decided that you're going to hurt him?" She asked with narrowed eyes.
"I would never purposely hurt him," Eddie said.
"Well, leading him on and thinking it's going to go somewhere is hurting him. So, whether you decide to go forward with your relationship or not, you're going to have to talk to him because you're going to hurt him either way. But you want to know what a good way of not hurting him is? . . . DECIDING TO FUCKING BE WITH HIM, YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT!" Robin shrieked. "Get your head out your ass. You both deserve to be with each other. We're all scared of telling people how we feel, but you know what I did after we averted the apocalypse?. . .I mean, eventually, I told Vickie how I felt. So, buck up. You're hurting yourself unnecessarily and Steve, especially since you're the one who knows that you like him and he likes you. Meanwhile, he's left in the dark about how you feel. I will not see Steve hurt. Got it?!"
Robin hit him over the head with a couch pillow. Eddie shrieked.
"Alright! Alright, I'll talk to him! Can I heal first?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, that's fine, take your time," Robin said calmly, lowering the pillow. "So, do you want to be with him?"
"Of course I want to be with him. . .I'm just scared," Eddie said. "All of this is new."
"Well, I did say you could take your time," Robin said. "And if you tell Steve how scared you are of messing this up, he'll understand completely, and I'm sure you can both work through it together. . . You know, if you decide to be with him"
"This is fucking crazy. . .Steve Harrington likes me. I can't believe it. Nope! No way," Eddie said shaking his head.
"Yeah, I can't believe it either," Robin laughed.
"Fuck off," Eddie rolled his eyes.
Steve strolled through the door with a sigh as he walked into the living.
"Okay, the kids are all at home. Now we can have some time to ourselves. Well, us and Robin," Steve grinned.
He sat down on Eddie's other and kissed Eddie's temple as he wrapped his arm around him. It had quickly become a thing with them. . .to always be touching. Apparently, they were kissing each other on the head now.
"Hi, honey, did the kids give you a hard time?" Eddie asked as he squeezed his knee.
He could feel his eyes lighting up at Steve as he launched into details about the car ride. God, this was so fucking domestic and he loved it. More days passed, and he was able to move around on his own, but he was still in a lot of pain. Apparently, Steve was, too, but he had neglected to say anything until Eddie was cuddling up to him in bed and his arm wrapped around his stomach. Steve involuntarily winced. Yeah, the bat bites were no joke. Neither was their venom, which, according to the doctors were never going to go away. Luckily, Argyle and Jonathan offered a solution, but they arrived just as Steve was driving Robin to Vickie's.
"Uh, are we waiting for Steve?" Jonathan asked.
"Yeah, turns out he's in pain too," Eddie said as Argyle guided him to the couch. "He's just hasn't said anything. He prefers to suffer in silence, I guess."
"Bat bites are a bitch, huh?" Argyle asked.
"Yeah, the only good thing that's come from it is the permanent marriage between me and Steve," Eddie said with a grin.
"What?" Jonathan asked.
"It's a running joke," Eddie shrugged.
"With the whole kids thing, yeah, that makes sense," Argyle said.
"So, is Steve a good husband?" Jonathan smirked.
"Hell yeah!" Eddie exclaimed, slapping his knee. "Couldn't ask for a better baby daddy."
"Seriously?" Jonathan scoffed.
"You've got something against my husband, Byers?" Eddie smirked.
"It's just hard to imagine Steve being mature enough to handle being married," Jonathan said. "Let alone to a guy."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Eddie asked, the smirk dropping from his lips.
"Just that he's a notorious ladies man, Eddie. I wouldn't get your hopes, man. He's not exactly comfortable with. . .," Jonathan said, trailing off.
"With people like me," Eddie said, looking at him with hard eyes. "Did you just make an assumption about my sexuality, Byers?"
"Oh, man," Argyle said nervously. "I think Jonathan was trying to look out for you, man."
"I'm not his little brother, I'm a grown man," Eddie sighed.
"That's a fair point," Argyle said.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to do that, but I just trying to warn you about what kind of guy Steve is," Jonathan said. "I shouldn't have made an assumption about you."
"What kind of guy do you think that Steve is? Are you calling him homophobic in his own home?" Eddie asked.
"I think he's upset you're insulting his husband, Jonathan," Argyle said.
"I just want to know why you think that about Steve," Eddie said. "That's all."
Eddie was really trying not to show Jonathan how angry he is but the guy was making it difficult.
"He called me queer once," Jonathan said.
"That's it? He called you queer and that automatically makes him homophobic? I've used that word, and I'm about as straight as a cooked noodle," Eddie said defensively. "So, when, pray tell, did he call you this?"
"It was a few years ago," he muttered.
Eddie could tell that Jonathan was starting to realize how ridiculous it was.
"Look, man, I get where you're coming from, I do because I was pretty sure I hated Steve for a long time, and because of that, I held onto my prejudiced views about jocks for a long time. My reasoning behind that is clearly not the same as yours. . .at least, I hope not. After everything that Steve has done, how can you still think anything negative about the man?" Eddie asked.
"You can do great things and still have hateful thoughts," Jonathan said.
"He's not homophobic, you fucking idiot! You would know that if you had bothered to try and get to know him in the last few years," Eddie rolled his eyes. "He shouldn't have to keep apologizing for shit he's already apologized for."
"How do you know that?" Jonathan asked. "You haven't known him that long."
"It's all about quality, not about quantity, and I clearly know him better than you do, Byers," Eddie spat. "Your own brother feels safe around him. The kids look up to him. Nancy trusts him. Your mother and Hopper love him. Jesus, what is this really about?"
"Will won't shut up about him!" Jonathan snapped. "Every time they hang out or Steve drops him off, Will comes home gushing about him and I'm just worried. . ."
"What? That he's going to think that Steve’s the better older brother?" Eddie asked, and then he laughed. "That's stupid. That's even stupider than you holding onto a dumb grudge. You know what Will does when he's over here with his friends and Steve. . . He talks about you. It's non-stop, actually. The kid loves you, and no one is ever going to replace you. So, get that out of your thick skull. Trust me when I say this: Steve Harrington is not homophobic."
"Yeah, okay," Jonathan said softly.
"You need to talk to Steve about this and Will," Eddie said. "And Byers?"
"If you ever insult my husband again, I'll punch your lights out," Eddie said.
"Noted. I'm sorry. . . Are you in love with him?" He asked curiously.
"Head over heels, man," Eddie said.
"So, are we good?" Argyle asked.
"Yeah, we're good," Eddie said in amusement as he shook Jonathan's hand.
"Oh, thank God, I thought that was going to get really awkward there for a minute," Argyle said, and they laughed.
Later that night, Eddie was lying in bed with Steve, cradling him from behind. His hand was up Steve’s shirt, carassing his stomach right above his bat bites. He didn't want to let this go, but he was also ready to risk it all for Steve Harrington.
"I'm in love with you," Eddie said softly.
Steve turned around in his arms so he was looking at him. His hazel eyes were big and round, looking at him hopefully. The light from the lamp beside his side of the bed was revealing all of the colors in Steve's eyes. The green and the brown intermingled beautifully, but the light also made his eyes look a little bit golden. Eddie sighed. God, he was beautiful.
"I'm in love with you too," Steve whispered.
"I know."
"Did you just fucking Han Solo - mmpf!"
Eddie crashed his lips to Steve’s, kissing him harshly. Steve smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Eddie gently as he threw his leg over Eddie's. Steve’s eagerly kissed him back, his fingers cupping the back of Eddie's head, tugging on his hair. Eddie moaned into his mouth. Steve gasped for breath as he broke the kiss.
"Is this really happening?" Steve asked.
"Til death do us part, asshole."
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