itsnothappening · 2 years
soulmate au | marijon
Word Count: +1k
summary: soulmates were a rare thing in this world.
ao3 | wattpad | masterlist | prompts | series masterlist
Soulmates were a rare thing in this world. According to research, only 2% of the world's population had a soulmate.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng just happened to be one of them.
All soulmate bonds were different. There were bonds where one of your eyes were the color of your soulmate's, but Marinette's was her shadow. Her shadow was her soulmate. When they would meet, her shadow would switch with her soulmates giving the two of them their correct shadows and a golden light would cover them.
Her shadow was tall, much taller than her, and it seemed her soulmate wore glasses. That was all she could tell about his physical stature.
Marinette sighed as she finished typing up the details of their class' trip to Metropolis. It was their final trip of lycee, they were trying to end it with a bang.
Two weeks later, Marinette and her friends, Alix, Nino, Max, Kim, Nathaniel and Chloe were all boarding the plane to Metropolis with the rest of their sheep classmates. Lie-la was, of course, gushing about how she had 'helped Superman and Superboy' and how she 'knew Lois Lane and put in a good word for Alya'. The class ate it all up with gusto. They were at the end of their school years and yet they couldn't get away from her web of lies. Adrien still refused to do anything about trying to 'avoid conflict'. How ignorant.
When the plane landed in Metropolis, Chloe asked, "Hey Buginette, what's on the itinerary?"
Marinette hummed and responded, "Well, we have the rest of today to get unpacked and chillax then tomorrow we'll be going to the Daily Planet. The rest is shopping and touring places like the museums and parks."
Once they reached the hotel, Alix flopped onto her bed as Marinette unpacked and Chloe sniffed haughtily at her antics. "Ugh," whined Alix. "I just want to murder Liar Rossi. Like seriously, if I have to hear her talk about her and Superboy's so-called relationship one more time, I'm going to snap her neck."
Marinette grinned at her description and said, "We can only hope, Alix, only hope that Superboy comes and says 'Oh, I'm not dating anyone at the moment'. To make it even better, what if he said he had a soulmate?"
Chloe cackled at that. "AND what if he said he was your soulmate. I can't imagine Lie-la's face after that happens."
Marinette grinned at the thought. "But it's only a dream. Not going to happen anytime soon."
Oh boy. How wrong she was.
The next day, Marinette woke up to Chloe and Alix both screaming into her ears to get up because the class was leaving early?
As the three of them raced around getting ready, they (being Chloe and Alix) seethed about wondering bitterly what lie had Lila spewed out this time so that they could leave early.
When they finally reached downstairs, they had to miss breakfast and run onto the bus because they were just about to leave without them. After all, Mdm. Bustier was hardly the best example of a teacher was she?
And then of course, Marinette's Ladybug luck ran out and they drove right into the middle of an attack. As much as Marinette would have liked to transform and get them out of it, she couldn't because 1. there was no place to hide and 2. how would she explain her presence to the heroes?
Speaking of the heroes, here they were. Superman and Superboy had come running to the scene working as fast as possible eliminating most of the villains. Most.
Unfortunately, a school bus filled with students made a prime target for the last villain so as soon as Marinette saw him eyeing them, she yelled out, "Everyone get out! Everyone get out now!"
Her classmates being the slow sheep they were took ages in getting out and by then the villain had already arrived. Most of the class had gotten out - in fact, Marinette realized, she was the only one left. Which made her a target for the villain. Uh-oh.
The villain made to grab her but before he could Superboy came flying and snatched Marinette away - just barely though. And Superman finished him off.
As soon as Superboy touched her, the outline of their bodies glowed gold and their respective shadows switched places. Her classmates stared at them in awe as Superboy landed and smiled at her. He told her, "Hi! It looks like you're my soulmate, I'm Jo-Superboy!"
Marinette giggled lightly and smiled at him, "Yeah, I kind of figured that out." He blushed, it looked cute. "But anyway, I'm Marinette! Nice to meet you!"
Just as he opened his mouth to reply, Cesaire, Lie-la's biggest follower stomped over to her and yelled, "Marinette! How could you do that? You KNEW Lila was dating Superboy, how could you say he was your soulmate? You don't even have one!"
Then, of all people, Adrien, walked up to her and added, "Yeah Marinette, don't be so dramatic."
Superboy glared at them and said, "Look I don't know who this Lila is, saying she's been dating me, but she's lying. I've never dated anyone in my superhero form and if this spreads out, she could get kidnapped or worse, killed. And you," he turned to Adrien. "Marinette, is not being dramatic! Everyone knows you can't fake the light that comes with a soul bond."
Then Superman came flying down. He looked at his furious son and the two students and asked, "What's going on?"
Cesaire turned to him and asked, "Did you know Superboy had a soul bond because Lila said she was dating him! How could he lead her on like that?"
Superman frowned at her and sternly replied, "There are many things wrong with that statement. 1. I know for a fact Superboy has not dated anyone in his alter ego. It can be extremely dangerous. And 2. Yes, I already knew, Superboy had a soul bond." He then turned to Superboy and smiled gently at him. "You can say goodbye to your soulmate and come."
Superboy nodded and smiled at Marinette. He hugged her once and as he did so, he whispered in her ear, "Jonathan. Jonathan Kent."
And as he backed away, he winked at her and waved as he flew off.
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rhub4rb · 4 years
Home is Where the Heart is
[First Chapter] - [Previous Chapter] - Next Chapter
The smell of freshly baked bread was the first thing Marinette noticed as she came to. Then she heard her mother calling her from downstairs, and warmth filled her, simply because of the familiarity of it all. It brought tears to her eyes, but for the life of her, she couldn't figure out why.
Running a hand through her hair (Marinette could have sworn it was short and not long anymore), letting out a tired sigh, before swinging her legs over the edge of her bed. Her body was sore, and as she stretched, she heard the satisfying cracks and pops from her back, sighing again, but this time in contentment.
Marinette looked around her pink bedroom, her eyes landing on the sleeping form of Tikki, bringing a fond smile on her lips. She would wake up the kwami later, Marinette thought as she checked her phone. It was Saturday, and as far as she could remember, she didn't have any plans. She could Tikki sleep in then.
"Marinette?" She hears her Maman call again.
She looked at Tikki again, her smile warm and content, before opening the hatch to her room and going down.
Everything was right where it should be.
"How do you know about that?" Bruce's voice was sharp and cutting as he snapped at the kwami of destruction, an expression of rage and confusion overtaking his features.
"I can sense death, old man," Plagg huffed as if insulted. Then, he grinned, his cat-like appearance becoming more apparent, if possible. "and just so you know, so can Marinette."
A stillness entered the dining room which hadn't been there before, not even when Plagg or Wayzz had revealed themselves at first.
"Are you implying something, cat?" Bruce hissed, which seemed to annoy Plagg more than anything.
"Other than you guys being terrible at keeping secrets? No, nothing at all," Plagg said 
A growl could be heard from Bruce, but he seemed to bite it back, thinking better than to retort another time at an already upset pocket god.
Awkwardness filled in along with the silence, Plagg seemingly not caring about the news he shared with the family, as if it was obvious Marinette had known, and maybe it was. Not that the family knew that.
Jon looked worriedly from Plagg to the rest of the family, as if trying to find something to say that could diffuse the situation at all, but he stayed quiet, his brows furrowed in thought as he mulled everything over.
"So she's known our identities all this time?" Tim asked.
"Not all the time," Plagg said, in a tone that implied he thought of them all as idiots. "I think she figured it out after her first or second night here."
"Why didn't she tell us she knew?" Dick asked, his voice sounding much less accusing than the rest of the family.
"You didn't tell her and she has no use for the information anyway," Plagg shrugged. "She was waiting for you to feel comfortable to tell her yourselves if you were even going to."
The awkward stillness returned, but this time, everyone n the room thought of every interaction they previously had with Marinette. It made Tim pause.
"You can't take care of anything if you don't take care of yourself first."
Had she known then? Maybe that was what had given it all away. If she knew who they were, then she also knew that Tim was the one who she fought.
"When you say that she can sense death—" Jason started.
"You reek of Lazarus pit," Plagg said, giving Jason a look. "I think you gave her nausea that first dinner, and not just from your awful people skills."
Tim snorted, but he tried to stifle it as Jason glared his way.
"Marinette will probably want to help you with that, you too,"  Plagg said, looking at Damian. "You don't reek as bad as the Walking Dead over there, but your soul is not as clear as it could be."
Wayzz waved Plagg off, probably to get the cat to stop talking.
"This is a conversation to have when Marinette is awake," Wayzz said, interrupting them before they could continue. "and that may not be until this winter season is over."
Everyone, save for Plagg and Wayzz, froze. That was 3 months. Alfred looked at the two kwamis, panicked.
"The balance-"
"Is not as important as Marinette recovering," Plagg cut the butler off with a heated glare. "and there's nothing we can do about it without her, anyways. Even if we were to get a new Guardian, which we won't," he stressed, "Marinette would be the one to hand over the Guardian title, which she needs to be awake to do so. Not that it matters, because it won't happen."
If looks could kill, Alfred would have been dead where he stood. Considering it was the very embodiment of destruction that was glaring at him, maybe that wasn't so far off.
"Alfred brings up a fair point," Damian said suddenly, and the glare was quickly directed in his direction. "you're valuing the life of one person over that of the entire world."
"Someone has to," Plagg snipped. "and considering it won't be any of you guys, it might as well be us."
"The Order is supposed to be unbiased," Alfred said, regaining his bearings.
"Which is why Marinette is the Guardian," Wayzz said, not letting Plagg any closer to the family as he could see the kwami of destruction wanted to. "Marinette is more than willing to sacrifice her own life for that of the rest of the world."
That finally seemed to shut the family up. Jon looked heartbroken knowing this, even if it was something he started to realize deep down.
"But she will wake up, right?" Jon asked, and it was the first time he asked the kwamis anything directly, he realized.
Wayzz looked at him with a gentle smile on his face and flew up in front of Jon, landing on the hand Jon extended for him.
"Marinette is strong, she will return. Despite everything, she is not the type to give up."
It was weird, hearing how others, how tiny gods, saw Marinette, how her strengths were why they believed so strongly she would return.
"Have faith in her. She has come too far not to have it."
Marinette's parents had gone down to the bakery already, but that wasn't much of a surprise. The mornings were always the busiest.
Her maman must have made breakfast though, as a plate of pancakes and a glass of orange juice was placed on the table already. She would have to thank her maman later. Despite how quiet it was, the ever-familiar scent baked bread reached her nose from downstairs and tension eased from Marinette's shoulders.
There was a bone-deep feeling of rightness that left Marinette feeling content, that this was how everything was supposed to be. And yet, something felt off. She had been so cold when she was sleeping, and this warmth felt... manufactured.
The thought left before she had the chance to process it however, a whisper of worry from another life.
“Are we just going to leave her here?” Damian asked, and the sharp glares he received from- everyone simply made him glare back. “I’m not saying we need to leave her, I simply think she should be somewhere we can monitor how she’s doing more closely.”
That made every one pause. He had a point, even if they didn’t want to admit it.
“I thought you hated her,” Tim said, making Damian level his glare at him instead of everyone in general.
“I may not be fond of her, but even I know it would be stupid to leave her without proper supervision,” Damian said indignantly, lifting his nose up in the air. “Besides,” he mumbled. “It’s my fault she’s like this.”
A second passed in silence, then another.
“Well yeah, no shit,” Jason said, shaking his head like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “You kicked her out during a storm.”
Jon looked at Damian wide-eyed.
“You did that?” There was clear disbelief in his voice. Damian hadn’t told him what happened, only that Marinette was missing during the storm and that they needed some help finding her. “You kicked her out?”
Jon’s voice became harsh as he glared at Damian.
“Why would you do that?”
“I wasn’t the only one distrustful of her, Todd avoided her like the plague!”
“Yeah, avoided her,” Jason said defensively. “I didn’t kick her out!”
The yelling continued, only growing louder and louder as Bruce lost control of the situation, if he ever did have control over the situation in the first place.
@constancetruggle @mojos-biggest-fan @lysslovesanime @heredmaquam @luciferge @scribblinggraveyard @thatfandomsgirl @eliza-bich @ki77h3dr4g0n @crazylittlemunchkin @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @skyel0ve @serenacross200 @valeks-princess @thebananathatwrites @aurordraws @nothernbluetongue @bluerosette23 @xxmadamjinxx @graduatedmelon @tritaledkitsune @tinybrie @shamefullove @screechingflapbiscuitpeach @danielslilangel @vivilakitty @kurogaya913 @elspethshadow @theatreandcomicfreak @naoryllis @lordsmeldingtonthethird @thanks-captain-obvious @iloontjeboontje @bamagirl513 @jessigurl-design @queenmj10 @marinettepotterandplagg @purplesundaze @chylou34 @sturchling 
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bisexualsforprompto · 5 years
Idea (Yee another one)
Soulmate AU where the two (or more) souls connected romantically share each other’s injuries. Ex: Person A runs into a table and person B wakes up with a bruise, but they spilt the pain evenly, so it might just sting for the two of them instead of hurting badly for one person. (Broken bone would resolve to the pain of a bruise for both)
Interesting to explore as a Jasonette or Joninette fic
Jasonette Verision:
Marinette wakes up with bruises and sometimes even broken bones (this can occur if Jason gets seriously hurt)
Jason wakes up with bruises sometimes, mostly just things that would show up for somebody clumsy.
When Jason is being beaten by Joker Marinette is in class, she’s holding on for dear life but she ends up passing out.
Both Jason and Marinette die
When Jason is brought back by the Lazarus pit Marinette comes back to life as well.
Because she was the guardian when she died nobody took her miraculous off her, so she had it when she “woke up”
Tikki was able to help her get out of her coffin and stuff because kwamis don’t die and they can phase through objects (obvi)
Marinette has a fury burning inside her because Jason’s emotional pain bled onto her when she was revived
Marinette hides away so no one knows she’s alive again
She becomes Ladybug once more and Hawkmoth became active again when he realized the miraculous was back into circulation (which causes Adrien to be active again)
Marinette has major bloodlust as Ladybug (thanks to Jason) and she finds out who Hawkmoth is and brutally beats him, Chat stops her from killing him.
Chat falls out of love with her, she was never the same when she came back
With Hawkmoth defeated and the butterfly miraculous back in her hands, Marinette knows she must leave Paris or else somebody would find out she was alive (she can’t have that happen, it was a miracle nobody realized she was Ladybug when she died, that would seal the deal if Ladybug was active the same time Marinette came back, besides she didn’t even know how she came back)
Fate brings her to Gotham, since she has all the miraculouses she has Kaaliki open a portal to somewhere in America, far away from France
Jason is in his angsty Red Hood Phase when Mari arrives
Red Hood protects her when some idiots tried to rape her (his strict moral code that women should not be taken advantage of, etc. etc)
He realizes that she’s his soulmate because she when the idiots hurt her he gets hurt in the same place
He starts to keep tabs on her
Marinette goes to Gotham University
Jason enrolls too (he protecc)
All I have for now, if someone continues or writes into a formal fic please tag me!!!!
Joninette version:
Marinette thinks she doesnt have a soulmate because she never gets injuries from them (it be like that when your soulmate is a practically indestructible kryptonian)
Jon knows he has one cuz Mari is clumsy af
Less blood and angst in this version, they meet when Mari visits her uncle in Metropolis for a month in the summer (Hawkmoth is defeated, but she still wields the LB miraculous) (spoiler alert her uncle be Lex Luthor and the Light knows about miraculouses and reallllly wants them, and of course he knows LB is his niece he’s not blind)
Jon runs into her first as Superboy, they both get crushes on each other
Lex realizes he won’t be able to get her miraculous in the span of a month (this things take delicate time and care)
Lex offers for her to stay with him when school starts up so Mari can go to an American high school (thinking she’d either be a junior or a senior here)
Mari and Jon meet at Metropolis High and Mari finds Jon a great friend but Jon still crushes on her (obvi she doesn’t know he’s Superboy)
When Clark finds out his son’s new friend is Luthor’s niece (Jon doesn’t know but Clark finds out cuz reporter things) he basically forbids him to see her
Well that pisses Jon off cuz he doesn’t care who she’s related to.
When he starts to frequently visit as Superboy and they eventually start a relationship Lex be like “well I can use this to my advantage and kill two birds with one stone” (get rid of Superboy, get the miraculous)
Plotting and adorable relationship antics
All I have for this one too, if anyone continues please tag me!!!!!
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 5 years
For 'You should see me in a crown', is there a particular ship between Marinette and a DC character? (Daminette, Jasonette, Joninette) Or is it a crossover where they interact rather than fall in love? Thanks so much for adding me to the permanent taglist, BTW! :D
You’re welcome and well... I kinda want to surprise people with the pairing but I will say it isn’t just them interacting with the DC universe. 
If people want I’m willing to chat about the various relationships the Miraculous Team have with one another? I have so many plans.
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itsnothappening · 2 years
it's you? | marijon
Word Count: +0.9k
summary: how is it even possible for marinette to have a crush on two people?
ao3 | wattpad | masterlist | prompts | series masterlist
Ladybug took off as fast as she could as soon as the akuma was defeated.
She jumped into an alley close to the bakery and detransformed. While Tikki was eating her cookies, Marinette panicked.
There was definitely something wrong with her. She liked two people at the same time. That wasn't supposed to be possible.
"Tikki, what's wrong with meeee?" she moaned. "Why do I have a crush on Jon and Superbooooy? This is a disaster! If I manage to even ask one of them out, they're going to figure out I like someone else at the same time and then dump me and then I'm going to be single for the rest of my life and probably live on my own with 20 cats and- Tikki? What's wrong? Why are you- Oh. Oh my Kwami. I am so dead."
At the mouth of the alleyway, standing there was Superboy himself. With his jaw almost touching the floor.
It was a safe bet to assume he had seen Marinette detransform.
And heard her confession of her crush on him.
Double shit.
Dear Kwami, she was so screwed.
Jon was in Paris with Damian to investigate the 'Hawkmoth Situation' as they had dubbed it.
During that time, they were attending the best school in the city, Francois Dupont. The class he was put in took stupid to a whole new level except for one blue-eyed girl.
She was the only person in the class (at least he thought so until he met the model who refused to stand up for his so-called friend) who didn't believe the Lie-la girl and her outlandish stories. Like seriously. Lie-la said she was dating Damian and that he was 'such a sweetheart'. Hadn't the class heard of something called Google?
At any rate, she was the only person who tried to call her out. As a result, the class made her an outcast. That was when she and Jon became friends. And over the last past few weeks, he had developed a crush on her, because who wouldn't?
Marinette was literally the epitome of sunshine and sweetness with her personality and generosity. She was pretty too.
Honestly, he wasn't sure why anyone hadn't tried to ask her out yet, but Jon wouldn't linger on that when he could. But it was probably because of her 'crush' on Adrien. Though she said it had died out when she realized, quote, that he was a 'spineless coward', unquote.
Then, he met Ladybug. The heroine of Paris, singlehandedly carrying the burden of the hero mantle (Chat-brat didn't count because he hardly showed up anyway). Through the times he helped her as Superboy, he also got a crush on her too. Which was not good.
So, he was going back to the apartment where he and Damian were living when he saw a pink flash in an alley next a bakery (Marinette's parent's bakery, he noted. NO! NOT THE TIME JON! GAH!). Anywaaay, he took off to it, just in case it was an akuma.
That was when he saw it was Ladybug detransforming. Try as he might, Jon could not stop looking, especially when some kind of creature flew out her earrings and- wait what? Marinette was Ladybug?
Oh my god!
Marinette sunshine-incarnate Dupain-Cheng. Was. Ladybug.
And she had a crush on him! BOTH SIDES OF HIM!
Jon.exe has paused.
Jon.exe has blanked out.
Jon.exe has crashed.
Jon.exe has gone for maintenance.
Jon did not register it when the creature (her name was Tikki or something?) saw him.
He did not register it when Marinette noticed him.
He did not register it when she stopped talking.
He did not register it when she walked towards him.
He did register it when she tapped him on the shoulder and asked him hesitantly, "Are you okay?"
And the first thing that came out of his mouth was "Marinette's Ladybug. Ladybug is Marinette. Marinette has a crush on Jon also known as me. Ladybug has a crush on Superboy."
Marinette's face colored with embarrassment. Jon mentally slapped himself on the forehead as she mumbled out, "Are you disappointed?"
Jon shook his head frantically as he said "No, no, no! Of course not Marinette! I'm actually kinda surprised how I didn't see it before."
Her head shot up and the adorable light in her bluebell eyes was back, shining hopefully (God, he could stare into them forever...) as she said "Really?"
Jon nodded eagerly as he pulled off his mask. Marinette's eyes blinked in shock when she saw who he was. She whispered out, "Jon?"
His face turned a little red as she processed the information and scrutinized his face. He jumped when she yelped out, "Oh my Kwami! I have a crush on the same person Tikki!"
The...creature from before flew out and smiled at her.
Jon stared at it distrustfully. Marinette sensing his discomfort explained what it was to him. When she was finished, she realized what she said from before and her cheeks warmed up considerably.
She muttered to him, "So..umm...you might have heard that I..uh..have a crush on you? But it's fine if you don't! I totally don't mind!"
Jon smiled at her and stuttered out a reply. "Uh yeah, I heard that. And I like you too. Both sides of you." He added as an afterthought.
Marinette smiled up at him. Jon continued. "So do like wanna go on a date with me? Like it's fine if you don't want to-"
"I would love to go." she replied warmly, her smiled as bright as the sun.
Jon smiled with her too. He had a date with Marinette!
As they stood in the moonlight, Jon and Marinette stared at each other.
"Can I kiss you?" Jon suddenly asked her.
His answer was her lips on his.
As they walked hand-in-hand to class on Monday, Adrien stared at Marinette and Jon. Why were they holding hands? And why did Jon just kiss Marinette? What was that feeling in his stomach?
Adrien asked Marinette, "Why are you guys holding hands?"
Marinette smiled at Jon (the one she used to give him, Adrien realizes) and replied, "We're dating!"
That left a bitter taste in Adrien's mouth. He couldn't figure out why.
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itsnothappening · 2 years
internship | marijon
Word Count: +0.5k
summary: marinette gets her very much awaited internship with edna mode.
ao3 | wattpad | masterlist | prompts | series masterlist
Jon ran a hand through his hair as he waited for his girlfriend to open the door to her apartment at 2am in the morning.
He got a phone call from Tikki - who was extremely worried and rightfully so because Marinette had been working on her portfolio to submit to Edna Mode for an internship since 8 o'clock in the morning yesterday to now. She had only stopped for bathroom breaks, not even stopping to eat or drink anything.
Jon didn't want to bother her yesterday because he could understand it when she was in 'the zone' as a fellow writer himself. But this? This was far too long. Maybe he should have stopped her before, but there was nothing he could do now as he waited for her to open the door.
Finally, she opened the door looking cutely mussed up. Her hair was pinned up into a messy bun with a pencil holding it up and her eyes were bleary with tiredness.
She yawned loudly and asked curiously, "Jon? What are you doing here?"
Jon chuckled at her and said, "To make you sleep of course. It's 2am in the morning."
Her eyes widened in shock. "I thought it was only 12?"
Jon shook his head at her and let himself in. "Nope. Now come on, you're going to change and get into bed."
Marinette's eyes widened in panic as she yelped, "NO! You can't! I still have to add the final details in my portfolio that will only take 2 minutes." Seeing as Jon was not going to budge, she used the cute puppy eyes she knew he could never resist. "Pleeeeease Jon? Just two minutes?"
Jon sighed, damn him and his inability to say no to those eyes! "All right. But just two minutes. I'm counting."
Before he was even finished, Marinette had raced off to finish it off. Jon heard a light giggle coming out of Tikki as she floated out of her doll house. She said in her high-pitched voice, "She's been working on it all day long. You should really see it, it's beautiful."
And Jon had to agree with her. Marinette had really outdone herself while making this portfolio. There were no words to describe how amazing it was.
As he steered her towards bed, Jon reassured her that Edna Mode would absolutely love it. "How could she not? Those designs were amazing Mari!"
His girlfriend giggled at that as she pulled him down on the bed with her. 5 seconds later she was fast asleep, even in her unconscious state snuggling into Jon.
Said man smiled at his girlfriend affectionately and kissed her forehead. "I love you."
2 months later Marinette came crashing into Jon's apartment yelling, "I GOT IN! I HAVE AN INTERNSHIP WITH EDNA MODE!"
Jon laughed at her happiness and spun her around. He kissed her nose lightly and said, "I told you you'd get in didn't I?"
Marinette smiled at him. How did she score such an amazing boyfriend? "Yes you did and I love you for it."
Jon smiled at her tenderly. "I love you too."
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itsnothappening · 2 years
marijon week 2021 | series masterlist
1. it's you? | fluff, angst, adrien salt
summary: how is it even possible for marinette to have a crush on two people?
2. coffeeshop au | fluff
summary: A tall and blonde man came barreling through the door and said"Iknowyou’reabouttoclosesoI’llgiveyouextra$20,canyoupleasetakemyorder?"
3. soulmate au | fluff, alya salt, adrien salt
summary: soulmates were a rare thing in this world.
4. stay | angst, hurt/comfort
summary: marinette has a nightmare.
5. meeting in person | fluff
summary: marinette goes on a date with her so-called friend.
6. internship | fluff
summary: marinette gets her very much awaited internship with edna mode.
7. maribug and jonmoth | tooth-rotting fluff
summary: just features baby marinette and jon :)
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itsnothappening · 2 years
meeting in person | marijon
Word Count: +0.6k
summary: marinette goes on a date with her so-called friend.
ao3 | wattpad | masterlist | prompts | series masterlist
"I still think he doesn't exist, Bug." declared Chloe as she painted Marinette's nails a dark shade of red.
Marinette sighed in exasperation for the fifth time that day. "Chloe, for the last time, Jon is does exist."
Alix squinted her eyes at Marinette and asked her, "Tell me again how you met?"
Marinette huffed (this was the tenth time she was telling Alix, specifically) and said, "This is the last time I'm going to tell you Lix. We met when he commented on the video of the three of us talking about the superheroes in America. He asked what I thought of Superboy, so I messaged him and replied. Then we started chatting and now he's finally coming to meet me!" The last part was squealed out.
Alix ignored her and continued to interrogate Marinette about this so-called friend of hers. "And what does he look like?"
"I don't really know," At Alix's raised eyebrow, she rolled her eyes and continued, "We've never met in person or had any video calls. He sent me a picture of himself, but it was really dark so the only thing I could make out was that he has blonde hair and that he wears glasses. And that he's really, really tall. Much taller than me."
"Explains the heels on the boots then." muttered Chloe. "But I still think he's some stranger hired by Lie-la and her goons to take you out."
Marinette snorted at her cautiousness and said, "We met, well not actually met, before Lie-la was around. Doubt she could have had the foresight to know I wouldn't believe her pathetic lies. She hardly puts any effort into them anyway."
Alix sighed and finally acquiesced. "Fine. But you're still going to take pepper spray in case he tries something."
Marinette shrugged, perfectly okay with that even though she wouldn't need it. "Whatever makes you feel better. Even though I won't need it and I have Tikki with me."
Chloe still didn't agree with the two of them and firmly stood on side 'Jonathan Kent doesn't exist'. She blew lightly on Marinette's nails and said, "Okay Mari, you can change now."
Marinette smiled at Chloe and looked for her outfit. It was something she was proud of - a peach vintage tee on top of high waisted jeans (all made by her, of course) with 4 inch heeled black boots.
As soon as she was done, right on time, her phone buzzed, the message from Jon showing 'I'm here, waiting downstairs'
Marinette grinned in excitement as Alix asked, "Purse?"
Kagami asked, "Phone?"
"Pepper spray?"
"Even though I won't need it, check."
Chloe smiled at her and said, "You're good to go! Have fun!"
As Marinette ran down the stairs and outside the door, she tripped over something and fell into someone's arms. Someone with a hard chest, she noted.
When she looked up, she was looking at a blonde, glasses-wearing boy, who she suspected was Jon.
Jon grinned at her and said, "This is definitely different from texting you Marinette."
Marinette felt breathless for some reason. Was it just her or was it a little warm? "Yeah," she smiled. "It's nice to finally see you in person Jon."
Suddenly three voices from above yelled, "KISS HER!"
Marinette's cheeks warmed in embarrassment. "Sorry about my friends," she apologized. "They're a little enthusiastic."
Jon waved up at them and said, "I think they have the right idea. May I?"
Marinette nodded happily. His lips descended on hers and she thought there was something wrong with her because all she could think about was how sweet his lips were - not if anyone was staring at them.
When the two of them separated, they both said in unison, "Wow."
Marinette laughed as Jon offered his arm to her, "Shall we?" he asked.
Marinette giggled and linked her arm to his.
"We shall."
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itsnothappening · 2 years
coffeeshop au | marijon
Word Count: +0.5k
summary: A tall and blonde man came barreling through the door and said"Iknowyou’reabouttoclosesoI’llgiveyouextra$20,canyoupleasetakemyorder?"
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It was closing time at the CoffeeNut, the coffee shop Marinette worked at to earn some extra dollars while she was at university, when a tall and blonde man came barreling through the door and said"Iknowyou’reabouttoclosesoI’llgiveyouextra$20,canyoupleasetakemyorder?"
Marinette blinked at him in surprise and replied, "I'm sorry, can you repeat that slower? I couldn't understand what you were saying."
The man took a deep breath and repeated, "I know you’re about to close and I’ll give you an extra $20, but can you please take my order of the most caffeinated beverage you have? I’ve had the worst day possible in history and I really need the caffeine."
Marinette looked at his flustered state and nodded. If there was anyone at all who could relate to him, oh boy, it was her. She can still remember the days where she would be rushing around for school because she was too busy too sleep early. "Yeah sure, don't worry about it. Do you want to tell me about it? I'm Marinette by the way."
The man - handsome, she noted - smiled at her and replied "Jon. And sure why not? So first, I forgot to bring my project for this graded thing in one of my classes and because I forgot it my teacher makes me wait after class so that I can run back and get it. Then, I get late for the class after that and get a load of homework for that. After that, my uhh..dad needs my help in his umm...extracurricular activities and I trip and scrape my arm which makes it potentially disabled for the rest of the week. And now, I'm really tired but I need to finish that homework my teacher gave me because it's due tomorrow and it's going to take me double time because the arm I write with is scraped like I said before."
Marinette shook her head sympathetically at the amount of disasters he's gone through. She shot a smile at him and gave him his caffeinated beverage. "Here's the most caffeinated drink in this shop, and I hope your homework get's submitted on time. You don't need to pay me the extra $20 since the shop wasn't closed anyway."
Jon smiled at her gratefully and took the cup. "Thanks Marinette, I appreciate it. Have a nice night!"
"You too!" she replied.
As Jon walks outside drinking from his cup he sees a paper stuck on it. It says:
Call me if you ever need any help
- Marinette
Jon grins at it and turns around to see if Marinette is watching him. What he sees though is a dark shop with a shadow moving around tidying everything up.
A week later, a friendship blossoms.
3 months later, Jon and Marinette go on their first date.
2 weeks after that, it's official. Jonathan Kent and Marinette Dupain-Cheng are a couple.
1 year after their graduation, they are bonded for life. Jonathan and Marinette Kent.
Some time later, they'll have their first child, a girl, Marie Anne Kent.
Then their second child, a boy this time, Elijah Clark Kent.
And at the ripe age of 98 and 97 respectively, Jonathan and Marinette Kent will die, in each other's arms.
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itsnothappening · 2 years
maribug and jonmoth | marijon
Word Count: +0.3k
summary: just features baby marinette and jon :)
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A 5 year old girl with dark hair pulled into pigtails shrieked as she ran from her blonde friend. He was yelling, "Come back here Maribug! I am Jonmoth, the ruler of the world! GIVE ME YOUR MIRACULOUS!"
Maribug, or Marinette as she was more commonly known, stood her ground. "NEVER JONMOTH! It is my duty to take care of Paris!"
Jonmoth, or Jon, cackled. "It seems you have chosen the hard way then! ATTACK, MY ARMY!"
His 'army' happened to be his fingers which he used to tickle Marinette. Said girl was rolling all over the place giggling all the while.
She was squealing in outrage as she yelled out, "Let me go, you silly army! LET ME GO!"
And in a great and dramatized feat of control, she got out of Jonmoth's clutches, took his 'miraculous' (an old brooch) and yelled in victory. "I HAVE WON JONMOTH! You shall now be put into jail for the rest of your... misef- misee-"
"Mi-ser-able?" Jon offered.
Marinette beamed at him. "MISERABLE! Miserable life!"
And with that, she made a show of marching him off onto the couch and into the blankets, which she then wrapped around him.
"There!" she said with a satisfied smile. "You can't escape now! And I can get some cookies for myself!"
"Maaaaribuggg," he whined because he wanted some chocolate cookies! "Can I please, please, pleeeease have some cookies? I promise I won't try to rule the world again."
Marinette giggled at his antics and shook her head.
Another shake.
"Only if you say pretty please."
Jon was horrified. And understandably so because that was for girls! Jon was not a girl!
"I caaaan't." he whined. "That's what giiirls sayyy."
Marinette shrugged her shoulders. "It's the only way you'll get any cookies, Jon." she said will all the maturity her 5 year old body could muster.
Jon sighed. "Fine. Marinette, can I have some cookies? Pretty pleeeease?" He even pouted for a good measure.
Marinette smiled at him. "Of course you can! Come on!" And just like that she took off down the hall with Jon following her like a lost puppy.
Later, the two of them could be seen sleeping in front of the television watching the show, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir.
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itsnothappening · 2 years
stay | marijon
Word Count: +0.3k
summary: marinette has a nightmare.
ao3 | wattpad | masterlist | prompts | series masterlist
Marinette woke up screaming with tears pour down her cheeks. After registering where she was, she realized someone was shaking her shoulders. Jon.
Marinette wiped her cheeks and launched herself into his arms. As Jon wrapped his arms around her, Marinette's sobs died down into little sniffles. He bent down and whispered into her ear, "Do you want to talk about it? It might help you feel better."
Marinette nodded slowly and mumbled, "It was a nightmare. Again. Of you dying. And I couldn't do anything." Her voice cracked at the last bit. "You were dying and there was blood, so much blood, and I was trying everything but it just kept on coming and coming and then...you just left. Stopped breathing." Her voice shook with the sobs that wracked her body.
As Jon waited for her to stop crying, he gently laid down on the bed with her still wrapped in his arms. She snuggled into him deeper, it was instinctual, even in her current state. Once she stopped, Jon stroked her silky hair and whispered, "I'm here. I here and I'm not leaving without you. Not now, not ever."
Marinette's broken voice floated into his ears. "You can't promise that. You can't control that."
Jon put his chin on her head as he said, "No, I can't." he agreed. "But I can try to. If I do, it won't be by choice. Only when you're in danger and it saves you will I die by choice."
Marinette wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at him through her wet eyelashes, "Stay for the night?" she whispered.
In answer, Jon pulled the blanket up to their waists and dipped his head to give her a kiss telling her everything he couldn't say in words. I'm not going to leave you, I wish you didn't have these nightmares and I love you.
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rhub4rb · 5 years
Home is Where the Heart is
[First chapter] [Previous chapter] [Next chapter]
It was eerily quiet when Alfred returned home from his errands. He had to cut his trip short due to the impending storm, that was now raging over Gotham.
"Marinette?" He called.
His brows furrowed as he called again, "Marinette?" Only to get no answer in return.
Worry rooted itself in his stomach as he looked outside. Could the storm have triggered her hibernation early? Alfred didn't remember much of what Fu had told him about the various different side effects a miraculous holder could experience, but he remembered the Ladybug hibernating.
An urgency in his steps, he hurried to her designated room and knocked. Nothing. With his worry only growing, he opened her door expecting to find her fast asleep in a blanket cocoon and-
The clothes which she had borrowed was neatly folded on the bed, but besides that, there was nothing hinting that there had ever been someone residing in the room. His worry skyrocketed, and a seed of confusion planted itself in his mind. Where was she?
As fast as he could go without running, he went to the living room, then the library, and finally the kitchen. No sign of Marinette anywhere. She wasn't anywhere in the building, neither were her things.
No one else had been home until recently except for-
With steps that could only be counted as marching, Alfred made his way to the only blood son of Bruce, not caring that his knocking was more like banging.
Out came a frazzled looking, recently showered Damian, scowl in place to reprimand anyone who would dare to bang on his door like that. The scowl disappeared however when it was Alfred that he saw, and not one of his brothers.
"Master Damian, care to explain where Marinette is?" His voice left no room for argument, though Alfred could clearly see an argument be made in Damian's mind.
"That menace went out. Something about a sketchbook, I didn't listen as I don't concern myself with her whereabouts. If you want to find her, I would go to Tim, he seems awfully chummy with her."
"So you wouldn't happen to know why all of her things are gone as well, would you Master Damian?" Alfred glared. "I think we are in need of a family meeting, don't you?" He didn't let Damian answer, just took him by the arm and dragged him toward the dining room, while he called for the rest of the family to meet..
Alfred ignored the curious glances toward Damian, depositing the boy in a chair and standing behind it, making sure Damian made no move to leave.
"Alfred? What's going on?" Bruce asked as he took a seat. The other three sons nodded, all taking a seat at the table.
"I was wondering if any of you knew anything about the current whereabouts of Marinette Wang?"
"Alfred, I already told you-"
"I don't care about the lie you're trying to convince yourself I would believe, what is worrying me is that Marinette is not inside while a storm is currently taking place," Alfred snapped.
That seemed to catch the attention of the rest of the family.
"Marinette isn't here?" Bruce asked.
"No, and the only person who had been here alone with her was Master Damian."
All eyes turned to the youngest son, who squirmed under the scrutiny.
"I didn't do anything to that pest!" Damian exclaimed, though he refused to meet anyone's gaze.
"Damian," Bruce barked. He had been aware that Damian didn't like the girl, but he didn't think Damian would actually do something to her. "What did you do?"
Damian tried to hold the facade, but the imploring glare that Bruce focused on him broke his reserve.
"I don't know where she is," Damian admitted. "I convinced her you had kicked her out." He said, looking at Bruce.
"You refused to do anything about her, so I took it into my own hands." For a moment, Alfred thought Bruce was going to hit his son, but it seemed he refrained. "I didn't know about the incoming storm. I don't know where she is."
There was a palpable silence in the dining room, no one moving nor saying anything. Alfred just wanted to find Marinette as soon as possible.
"I should be able to track her phone and find her location. Damian should call Jon and get him to help pick her up. It's too dangerous for us to go out with the weather like this."
Bruce didn't take his eyes off his youngest, just nodded his head to tell Tim to do it.
"Don't think you're off the hook for this," Bruce growled at Damian. "Once Marinette is found, I'll find a fitting punishment for this little stunt. For now, ask Jon if he can help find her."
It was cold, mind-numbingly so, Marinette's fingers twitching while the rest of her was shaking uncontrollably. She didn't even have the power to take out the horse miraculous and get away to somewhere warmer.
Marinette wasn't sure how she ended up in the abandoned apartment she had been sleeping in before, all that really registered in her mind was the fact that she was in some sort of cover from the storm. She wasn't surprised Bruce had ended up kicking her out, what with the way his son clearly didn't like her.
It wasn't like Bruce hadn't tried, he had let her grieve, had let her feel, but Marinette had felt more like a burden than anything else to that family. She hugged her backpack closer to her chest, Tikki blearily peeking out from it. She was tired too.
Marinette knew what was happening to her. It wasn't the first time she had hibernated, but it was the first time that it hit her this hard. Normally,  she walk around the entire day feeling weak and tired, and then she would fall asleep, only to wake up a couple of days later. It had terrified her parents the first time around.
Apparently, or at least according to Tikki, a Ladybug holder would spend the time they were hibernating to heal themselves. It was to give the holder a chance to rest, in mind, body, and soul.
Warmth filled her chest, like a blanket of protection was placed over her, and Marinette could feel the lids of her eyes weighing down on her. She wanted nothing more than to sleep even if it would be on the hard wooden floor, with the fake warmth that she knew wasn't really there, but she resisted.
It would be the first time she had hibernated outside of her home. Not that she would ever hibernate in her home back in Paris again, but the thought still sent a pang through her chest. The promise of being able to see everyone as she just closed her eyes was so tempting.
Her phone started vibrating violently in her pocket, demanding attention. With shaky hands, she pulled it out, just managing to answer, slowly putting it up to her ear.
"H-hello?" Her voice was meek, barely louder than a whisper. She could see her breath as she spoke.
"Marinette!" Jon's voice cut through, the complete opposite of her own, and filled with concern and worry. "I'm gonna come find you, okay? Just stay where you are, and I'll come get you!"
Without thinking, she slurred to him an address, as well as which window she had gotten in through. She was tired though.
"Jon... Jon, I'm... I'm gonna sleep now..."
"Wait, wait, Mari, stay awake! Stay awake for me okay, I'll be there soon, I promise. Just- just stay awake!"
"'m so tired..."
She didn't respond to the panicked yelling on the other end of the line.
Panic coursed through Jon as he flew through Gotham, heading towards the abandoned apartment complex where Marinette was. His mind was in disarray, thoughts centered around the blue-eyed girl, as well as his best friend who could possibly have doomed her.
Jon was angry at Damian, there was no doubt about that, but he couldn't focus on that right now. What he needed to focus on was finding Marinette who was probably freezing at this point.
He didn't want to think about the fact that she was probably unconscious by now.
When he found the window Marinette had told him she had gone through, he kicked the wood in, not caring about the loud noise. He faintly hoped it would wake Marinette up.
Frantically, he looked around, until he spotted her in the corner of the room, her backpack clutched tightly to her chest, glowing faintly red. Jon didn't give himself time to think about it though, just picked up the unconscious girl and hurried back to the manor.
Marinette was cold, her fingers and lips slightly blue. She wasn't shivering though.
The storm was still going strong, but Jon powered through it. When he had gotten the call from Damian that Marinette was out there somewhere, Jon's thoughts hadn't been on the storm, they had been on getting her somewhere safe, so that was what he was doing now.
The winds were cutting, the snow feeling like a thousand needle pricks, but he ignored it all in favor of getting Marinette somewhere safe as fast as possible.
She was wearing what she wore the first day he met her, black and red letterman jacket, black pants, and a redshirt. He didn't want to think about how she must have been walking in the storm wearing that.
Jon reached the manor, opening the doors and running inside, not caring about manners as he reached the living room.
"I found her," he breathed out. "She was unconscious when I got there though. I don't know for how long."
Alfred came up to him with hurried steps, and Jon almost wanted to protest when the girl was removed from his hold, but he stopped himself, knowing that Alfred knew what to do.
"We need to heat her up, slowly," his voice was shaking, his eyes trained on her backpack rather than the family he was talking to. "I fear that the damage has already been done, however." Alfred didn't give the chance to question his words as he wrapped the young girl up in a bundle of blankets and placed her in front of the fireplace.
The red glowing only grew stronger.
@constancetruggle @mojos-biggest-fan @lysslovesanime @heredmaquam @luciferge @scribblinggraveyard @thatfandomsgirl @eliza-bich @ki77h3dr4g0n @crazylittlemunchkin @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @skyel0ve @serenacross200 @valeks-princess @thebananathatwrites @aurordraws @nothernbluetongue @bluerosette23 @xxmadamjinxx @graduatedmelon @tritaledkitsune @tinybrie @shamefullove @screechingflapbiscuitpeach @danielslilangel @vivilakitty @kurogaya913 @elspethshadow @theatreandcomicfreak @naoryllis @lordsmeldingtonthethird @thanks-captain-obvious @iloontjeboontje @bamagirl513 @jessigurl-design
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rhub4rb · 5 years
Home is Where the Heart is
First Chapter Next Chapter
Here it is! Be prepared for angst and fluff for the next many chapters to come! Without further ado~
Running around Gotham and living in abandoned buildings had never really been part of Marinette’s plan. Not that Marinette had much of a plan in the first place, but pretending like she did made her feel slightly better about her situation.
It was her third night in Gotham, trying to find one Alfred Pennyworth.
Master Fu hadn’t known where the former Miraculous holder was, and it had only been because Duusu could sense Alfred slightly that Marinette was even in Gotham in the first place.
She didn’t get to Gotham with a plane like a normal person though, she got there with the help of Kaalki.
It was kind of hard to take a plane somewhere without any type of legal papers.
She had no ID, no passport, no birth certificate.
Marinette had tried different ways to find Alfred, she had even checked to see if he was dead, despite Duusu being able to sense him, just to be safe. It had all been a bust so far, but Marinette wasn’t planning on giving up.
She wasn’t quite sure what she would be doing if she did.
At least she didn’t have any issues with money. Master Fu had left all of his money, which was a surprisingly high amount, for her when he passed away. Marinette didn’t try and bother with sleeping at a hotel though. Most places in Gotham wanted some form of legitimization, and when all she had was money upfront, not many people would be willing to rent her a room.
Her first night in Gotham, Marinette had rented a room in a Motel, and after that, she swiftly made the decision to never do that again. She still got shudders when thinking about it.
It was after a long day of a lot of searching, and a lot of nothing, that Marinette found herself sitting on the roof of a random building at night, looking over the city.
It reminded her of late-night patrols with Chat Noir, resting at the Eiffel tower, teasing and talking to one another.
Marinette hadn’t even registered that she was going to cry until the tears fell down her cheeks. She quickly wiped them away, despite no one being around to see her cry. It was in the small things, and it made it hard for her to concentrate on her new mission, but Marinette wouldn’t break. Breaking meant to her that she regretted her decision, and Marinette couldn’t regret her decision. She just couldn’t.
Marinette was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of footsteps, and she was quick to get on her feet and look for the source of the sound.
There, on the building next to the one Marinette had been sitting on, was one Nightwing, a Gotham vigilante, if Marinette remembered correctly.
He took a step forward, opening his mouth to say something probably, but Marinette never gave him the chance.
She ran.
Nightwing shouted at her to stop, but Marinette didn’t listen. If he caught her, Marinette didn’t know what she would do or say. The risk was too big.
She reached the edge of the roof, and rather than stopping like Nightwing probably expected her to, Marinette jumped.
For one heart-stopping moment, she didn’t touch the ground, until she landed on the other building in a roll. Marinette didn’t look behind her to see if he followed, focusing instead on just getting away.
It was a regular patrol, the bat family splitting up to cover as much of Gotham as possible, when Dick spotted a girl sitting at the edge of a roof on a tall building. Her shoulders were shaking, as if she was crying, and his mind immediately went to the thought of the girl jumping off.
Dick took a step forward to stop her. She must have heard him when he started approaching her, because her head snapped up to look at him. Her eyes were red and puffy, but Dick couldn’t see much more than that. The lower half of her face was covered by a black surgical mask.
Dick was going to talk to her, but before he even got the chance to, she bolted. He yelled at her to stop, only for her to jump off the building. Dick thought for a moment that it was it, that she was going to fall and he wouldn’t be fast enough to save her.
But then she landed on the other side in a roll and just kept running.
Dick stopped at the edge where she had jumped, just watching as her form became smaller and smaller the farther she went.
He touched the comm in his ear, his brothers’ voices going off, asking him what happened.
“I think I just ran into another street kid.”
He couldn’t see her anymore.
“I thought she was going to jump off the roof, but…” Dick shook his head. “I’ll explain more at home.”
Still, the image of her red puffy eyes stuck with him through the rest of the patrol. Her distant look was familiar to him. Grief. Mourning. Dick didn’t like thinking of the implications of what it could mean.
She didn’t look very old either, probably around Damian’s age if Dick had to make a guess.
His mind ran through the possibilities of who she could possibly be, but he knew that this wasn’t his place of expertise. Tim could probably come up with more answers than he could.
The girl must have been trained in some way though. She shouldn’t have been able to make that jump, couldn’t without some form of training. It was too fluid, clearly something she had done before. She had been fast too.
Maybe he should have chased after her…
Marinette let out a tired sigh as she slipped inside the abandoned apartment she had been sleeping in.
All the windows were covered and blocked with planks, as were the doors, but Marinette had found a loose plank that she could pull off to get in.
She sat on the cold floor, resting her head against the wall and closing her eyes for a few seconds, trying to calm her hammering heart. She took off her backpack, where the Miraculous box was in, and placed it in her lap.
“That was close.”
Marinette cracked an eye open, looking at her kwami and giving a tired nod.
“We’re still no closer to finding Alfred,” Tikki added, making Marinette sigh tiredly.
“I know Tikki, I… I’ll figure something out, I promise.”
It was quiet for a moment, as Tikki just looked over her chosen.
Bags way too big for a seventeen-year-old were under her eyes, and her hair was a mess from the wind after she had run away. Marinette looked exhausted.
“Don’t worry, Marinette, it’s going to be okay,” Tikki nuzzled her cheek, and Marinette fought hard not to cry again.
“It’s just- it’s so hard.”
Tikki had been Marinette’s rock since the final battle against Hawkmoth. She had been against Marinette’s plan, but she also knew there was nothing she could do to dissuade her chosen from the plan that Marinette had made.
So instead, Tikki supported her chosen through her grieving, not letting her be alone when she was hurting.
Marinette had always put others before herself, and it was painful to see her force herself through this mission. It made Tikki worry.
Would Marinette dedicate her life to the Miraculous and the order? Tikki hoped not.
Marinette didn’t even have a sketchbook with her. She kept saying that it was because she simply didn’t have the time, but Tikki knew better.
Perhaps she could talk Marinette into taking a break tomorrow. Alfred Pennyworth was probably not going anywhere, and if he did, then Duusu would be able to tell.
Tikki just didn’t want to watch her chosen wither away.
“There’s no threat right now, it’s okay.”
Marinette took a few shaky breaths before giving Tikki a watery smile.
“Thank you, Tikki. I wouldn’t be able to do this without you.”
“There’s nothing to thank me for Marinette, you deserve so much more than all of this. After we find Alfred, we’re going to look for a new home.”
The look Tikki gave Marinette left no room for argument, and Marinette found herself agreeing with her Kwami.
She couldn’t continue living the way she was now, staying in abandoned places. It was cold, and Marinette was worried about what she would do once it was winter. She would be going into hibernation mode, and without a proper place to stay, Marinette feared she would freeze to death before she managed to rebuild the order. It just wasn’t that easy when there was no documentation of Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
But, she could think about that later. For now, her first priority would be to find Alfred.
“What happened out there?” Asked Bruce, looking at his oldest son.
“I don’t really know, if I’m honest,” Dick said, looking at the rest of his family with furrowed brows. “She was crying, I’m sure about that, but…” Dick trailed off, shaking his head.
“You thought she was going to jump?” Bruce asked. He had heard what his son had been saying over the comm when it happened, but he wanted to be sure.
“She did jump, over to the other building,” Dick said, eyes trying to convey what he was saying. “She took a leap of faith with a three-meter distance.”
It was quiet in the Batcave as they all stared at the oldest Robin in disbelief.
“She jumped between the buildings?” Jason asked, just to be sure.
“And all the other buildings after that. She has experience of some kind, but why?”
Dick was mostly confused about the whole thing. He knew that look in her eyes though, for that split second he saw them. She was grieving.
“I think she might be a new street kid,” Dick said, and the others looked at him in confusion.
“Why do you think that?” Tim asked from his seat by the computer, trying to find the girl via security cameras around the city.
“She was crying when I spotted her, it was part of the reason that I thought she was going to jump off in the first place. She must be new to the streets,” Dick said, shrugging. “Doesn’t explain her experience with free-running though.”
Tim let out an annoyed sigh by the computer, before turning around to face the others.
“Either way, I can’t find her on any cameras. Don’t know how that is but…”
It was concerning, and a tense quiet took over the family, as they thought of the possibilities.
“We’ll keep a lookout for her. If you spot her running rooftops, you’ll report and try to approach her cautiously. She’s too much of a mystery for us to not be careful,” Bruce ordered.
It wasn’t rare for the members of the bat family to spot street kids. Honestly, they saw them on a daily basis. But one running across the rooftops with expertise was more concerning, and when they didn’t know if she could actually pose a threat, they needed to be careful.
Dick just felt bad about it. And he was worried.
He was convinced that she was going to jump off. He didn’t know what he would do if he was unable to stop it before it happened.
@serenacross200 @valeks-princess @skyel0ve
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rhub4rb · 5 years
Home is Where the Heart is
[First chapter] [Previous chapter] [Next chapter]
Marinette made a couple of attempts to get closer to Damian. She knew that it was a matter she couldn't really push, and normally she wouldn't, but with her living there and being his sibling now, technically, she felt like she could at least try and ease the tensions between the two.
It wasn't even that she was trying to suck up to him, it was partly that she was genuinely sorry for what was happening. Still, if he wanted to blame anyone, he could blame Alfred. He was the one that came up with the idea of adoption. 
Her first attempt was doing what her parents had always done: going to the heart through the stomach.
She asked Alfred what Damian's favorite pastry was, and started from there. Marinette would admit, she had thought it would be something needlessly complicated, what with the way Damian seemed to believe himself more important and extravagant, but that wasn't the case.
Basbousa was surprisingly simple to bake, and with permission from Alfred, Marinette woke up early and helped prepare breakfast with the butler, taking time to make the pastries for Damian. Like a peace offering or extending an olive branch, something like that right?
The Wayne family seemed surprised to see Marinette help Alfred with getting all the food out, and their eyes widened significantly when they saw her approach Damian hesitantly.
"Okay, so I know you're not the fondest of me, and I'm not trying to force it! I just, uh... truce?"
He took the plate she handed in his direction, raised an eyebrow at her.
"Try again."
Marinette slumped, walking towards her seat with her a sigh.
Time to come up with a new plan.
Damian didn't know what he was supposed to think of Marinette's first peace offering. In front of the family, he acted cold and uninterested, which was largely true to how he felt. If she wanted him to not hate her, it would take more than just his favorite baked goods.
He didn't even try them. Tim and Dick seemed to have liked them though.
No, Damian wasn't interested in having Marinette become part of his family. What he wanted was for her to go, and he was slowly losing his patience for that to happen as time passed on.
Of course, he had already asked Bruce about getting the girl kicked out, which clearly didn't work. Going to Drake was out of the question, as it seemed the stupid duck had actually taken a liking to the girl. Grayson was Damian's favorite, but he rarely went against Bruce's orders. And Todd... well Todd didn't seem to want to be in the same building as the girl, so Damian was on his own.
It really didn't help that his best friend was dating the girl, so he definitely couldn't go to him for help on this.
Pennyworth was the sole reason the girl stayed in the first place, Damian had no doubt about that. Going to the butler was a no-go as well, though really, it was rarely even an option.
So instead, Damian took to being as cruel to the girl as he could be. He would trip, especially if she was walking down the stairs, leave snide remarks whenever she was minding her own business.
Normally, Damian wouldn't be acting as uncouth as he was at the moment, but he felt no reason to respect the intruder.
If he hardly respected his father and brothers when he first met them, what would push him to respect her? He knew the big bad bat had noticed, of course he had, but so far, he had only gotten a warning.
Damian had no doubt that Pennyworth would be taking him aside soon to have a talk, a talk Damian would very much not be interested in.
On the bright side, Damian doubted he needed much time to fulfill his plan to get rid of the pest.
Marinette wasn't actually the one at fault this time. It was Alfred.
Apparently, Damian had ruined a shirt of his, a button-down, nothing too bad, but there was a hole that needed stitching. Alfred, for whatever reason, had approached her with it, asked if she couldn't fix it for him while he went out on an errand.
Marinette agreed. It was just a hole, nothing difficult to fix, it didn't even take her very long.
The thing was just... she didn't know where to put it once she was done. Alfred didn't tell her, and something didn't feel right about leaving it in her own room. It was like the shirt just brought bad vibes. So, considering there should still be some time until Damian came back from school, Marinette saw no harm in leaving the shirt in his room.
She didn't plan on putting it back in the closet, she didn't know if he had a special order of things that he liked to keep, but she figured she could just leave it on his bed.
Despite knowing he wasn't home, she knocked on his door anyway. Marinette didn't want to upset him more than she already had, but the boy was also starting to get on her nerves. She didn't want to run into him more than necessary while still trying to make things less stifled.
When Damian didn't come and open the door like she knew would happen, Marinette opened the door and headed towards his bed.
Their rooms weren't too different, save for the fact that his was more personalized.  That didn't surprise Marinette though, she hardly had anything with her when she arrived in Gotham in the first place, and it didn't feel right to her to buy anything with Bruce's or Master Fu's money.
Marinette put the shirt on the bed, but stopped dead in her tracks when a voice spoke behind her.
"Just what are you doing in my room?"
Damian's voice was cold and calculated, and she could the relation between him and Batman.
"I was just- Alfred asked me to fix- and you weren't here and-" she kept cutting herself off, getting her words mixed as she scrambled to explain that she wasn't doing anything.
"Get out!" He roared, and Marinette quickly walked out of his room. "Father will hear about this, and when he does, I will make sure that he finally kicks you out!"
Marinette didn't know whether to believe him or not, but she still felt a sinking feeling of dread in her chest as she closed her bedroom door and sunk down to the floor, the kwamis coming out to comfort her.
Damian and Marinette avoided each other since that incidence. Damian had told his father about it, but Bruce still didn't want to kick the girl out.
Luckily for Bruce, or more luckily for Damian, Bruce didn't need to be the one to kick the menace out of the house.
Damian approached Marinette's bedroom door, posture perfect, eyes cold, his steps quick and certain and confident as he walked. Damian knew what he wanted, and he also knew exactly how he was going to get it.
He knocked on her door, and when the girl opened, he kept his face schooled into an unreadable expression.
"Father has a message for you," is all he said, before pulling out his phone and clicking play on a saved audio.
"Tell Marinette to leave the vicinity and never come back! That's final."
For a moment, Damian wished he could have taken a picture of the girl's shocked face. Instead, however, he had to focus on the task at hand.
"He wants you to be gone before he gets home," Damian said, feigning disinterest and checking his wristwatch. "I would get going now if I were you."
And just like that, Damian turned around and left, leaving behind a girl crying silent tears as she slowly went back onto the bedroom that used to be her's.
Damian simply went back to his own bedroom, and when he heard the sound of the front door opening and closing, he headed down to the training room with his katana. He hadn't gotten in any proper training since the pest had arrived, he hadn't wanted to be the one to blow the family's cover.
Inside of the manor, all was warm as Damian went through his exercises, but outside where a poor girl with ladybug side-effect was walking, a storm was beginning to rage, the wind was beginning to pick up, and snow was beginning to fall. 
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rhub4rb · 5 years
Home is Where the Heart is
[First chapter] [Previous chapter] [Next chapter]
It was awkward in the living room. Marinette and Bruce were alone, for some apparent "bonding time" that was very much needed according to Alfred. Marinette scowled inwardly at the butler.
Bruce had gone along with adopting Marinette for Alfred, which she didn't quite understand. If anyone had any reason to be distrustful of her, it should be Bruce. She was in his city, fought his kids, had no history. Apparently adopting black-haired, blue-eyed kids was a habit of Bruce's.
She didn't really understand, but she appreciated it, if only somewhat.
"So..." Marinette said. "You adopt kids a lot?" Smooth Marinette, real smooth.
It worked, at least slightly, as Bruce raised an eyebrow at her. It was a reaction! But nothing more came of the topic. They went into silence again, and for a moment, Marinette wondered if he was considering taking back the adoption.
"I lost my parents too," Bruce suddenly said, and Marinette blinked, not even sure if he said anything at all. "I was 8 years old. Alfred took care of me growing up."
Marinette stayed quiet for a moment, unsure of what to say. Comfort, even if well-meant, didn't seem appropriate. So instead, she shared.
"I lost my parents a week before I came to Gotham," Marinette said, looking at her hands folded in her lap. "I stayed with my grandfather, and then he... he passed away too."
"Were you close?"
Her hands tightened.
A moment passed before Bruce said, "No one can ever replace them." Marinette shook her head, feeling her nose starting to tingle as tears built up. She just wanted to go home. To France, to the bakery. To the ever-present scent of baked bread and bear hugs, to flour fights and game nights.
"I'm sorry," she whispered. "I know you only did this because Alfred aske-"
"I didn't do this because Alfred asked me to," Bruce said, cutting her off. "He was going to have you under his custody, I was the one to request adopting you." 
Marinette blinked, finally looking up at the man who had let her stay in his home, despite knowing that something shady was going on.
"But... why?"
"Do I need a reason why?" He asked, and Marinette was hit with how similar it sounded to what she told Tikki, once her plan against Hawkmoth had been solidified.
A tear slid down, followed by another one, and before Marinette could even think, her weeping echoed through the halls of the manor, leaving behind a ghost of what she was feeling. She didn't even notice him hugging her until he started shushing in her ear, rocking her back on forth, and it felt so similar to what her papa would do that she just started to cry harder.
It seemed like Bruce understood though. He said nothing, just tried to calm her down, yet still let her cry, let her grieve.
Breakfast the morning after was a quiet affair. Marinette was certain that the other members of the family had heard her weeping, but none of them made a comment. It seemed that grief was a common feeling in this household, and Marinette didn't know whether to be relieved or worried.
It eased the awkward tension that was usually in the dining room, but the fact that Jason was gone somewhere probably helped too, though Marinette had the distinct feeling that he was avoiding her as much as possible.
She couldn't say, it wasn't like they had spent time together as she and Tim had, but maybe it was the looks he would sometimes send her way when he thought she wouldn't notice, questioning and doubtful.
Maybe she wasn't the most forthcoming with him either. Whatever magic that was used on him, used to bring him back, was reeking off of him, pulsating and angry, as if trying to scare her away. It could perhaps be the magic that was causing him to avoid her, and he simply didn't realize it. Or maybe he did, but refrained from saying anything.
Doing a cursory glance around the room, it seemed like almost everyone present had at one point passed away, save for herself and Tim.
Marinette wondered what caused these people to be so willing to give up everything to save lives when they got nothing in return. But then she looked at herself and realized that it was quite simple really.
The feeling of it just being the right thing to do could be strong at times, and maybe this family of vigilantes felt that too.
From what Tikki had told her, Marinette had been destined to be given the miraculous, that she was a true Ladybug. Marinette wasn't sure how to feel about that, that the fates had made such a decision about her before she was even born.
"What are you spacing out about?" Damian suddenly asked, cutting her thoughts off with a harsh tone.
"Nothing," she stated simply, to which he scoffed and turned up her nose.
"Figures you're empty in the head. Are you sure that you actually went to school before coming to Gotham?"
Marinette knew there was more to that question. They had looked her up by now, tried to find her, and they got nothing. All Damian was looking for was some type of confirmation, for her to deny any schooling so he could bust her on something he already knew the answer to.
"Yeah," Marinette said. "I've gone to the same school all my life. I skipped a grade back in elementaire."
This seemed to catch the attention of the other table occupants, Bruce looking up with raised brows.
"Yeah, I did pretty well in college too, though I don't really know what I should do now," she admitted a little reluctantly.
Her dream had always been to design, but now... that dream felt far away, like it was part of the life that she erased, along with everything else. Marinette shrugged.
"It's not like I'm an idiot or something, I did well in school and I worked hard for my grades, it's just... school hasn't exactly been on the forefront of my mind."
"We can discuss what you want to do later," Bruce said, and Marinette nodded, just glad that the topic was dropped for now.
Damian just continued to scowl.
"Why did you let her stay?"
Bruce let out a tired sigh as Damian asked him the question again, not the first time in the week that Damian had cornered him.
"You know, she asked me that question too," Bruce said. Damian just scoffed.
"You didn't answer my question."
"Why do you have such a problem with her staying here?" Bruce asked instead of actually telling Damian what he wanted to know.
"I feel like it's obvious! She shouldn't even be here in the first place!" Damian exclaimed. "You trust Alfred too much sometimes."
Bruce felt a spike of anger grow at this, protectiveness of the father figure of his life rising.
"I have a reason to trust Alfred as much as I do," Bruce said with an air of finality that Damian ignored in favor of continuing the argument.
"He's human, he makes mistakes," Damian said. "How do you know he hasn't misplaced his trust in that girl? How do you know she isn't just playing him to get to us?"
"There are certainly more effective ways to do that than to go through the butler, don't you think?" Bruce asked rhetorically. "If she wanted to do something to us, she would have done so by now."
"I still think you're being a fool for trusting her so easily."
There was silence between the two, Bruce refusing to answer his son at this point, and Damian refusing to step down on the idea that Marinette could maybe be trustworthy.
Of course, Bruce didn't trust Marinette. He hadn't told her about the Batcave and their nightly activities for a reason, but he wasn't about to throw her out either, not after what happened the night before, not after Alfred had already told him that the girl had nowhere to go.
Maybe he really did have a bad habit of adopting kids, but he gave them lives that were better, didn't he? An outlet for all their frustrations against the world. Heck, according to Alfred, Marinette slept in an abandoned building somewhere until she found the butler.
Leaving her now felt wrong, and besides, this way they could keep an even closer eye on her, even if she did hardly leave her room. She and Tim frequently talked apparently, not that Bruce would know. Tim was awake at the most absurd of hours, but his third son seemed to trust her well enough.
It made sense to keep her around.
She was a mystery waiting to be solved, and they were supposed to be the world's greatest detectives. If that was the truth, then they should be able to figure out what was really going on.
"I still think it's a mistake to let her stay."
"Then it's a good thing that this isn't your decision to make."
Marinette and Tim were once again in the kitchen in the middle of the night, neither of them able to sleep yet. It had become an almost nightly ritual at this point, not that Marinette minded much.
"Damian really doesn't like me much, does he?" Marinette noted absentmindedly while she was sketching. She hadn't talked about her shaky relation with Damian to anyone, but it was really starting to get on her nerves.
After their last confrontation, Marinette largely left him alone. She didn't feel like getting yelled at by someone who was only a year older than herself, but she still felt the stink-eye he would send her way, the way he would complain about her to Bruce.
"Don't mind him, he's a brat most of the time, even when he's in a good mood," Tim said, typing away on his computer.
Marinette just hummed, though her sketching slowed. It was weird. She hadn't had this much trouble with a person since Lila, and that was years ago. It didn't help that Marinette already felt like a burden to the family, she didn't tell Bruce to adopt her, she didn't tell Alfred to look out for her this way.
She didn't even realize that she had stopped sketching completely until Tim called out to her.
"This is really getting to you, isn't it?" Tim asked.
Marinette bit her lip before reluctantly nodding.
Tim sighed. "Damian didn't have an easy childhood," he told her. "He might feel threatened by you here."
"But why would he feel threatened? I'm not trying to take his family from him or anything."
"Of course!" Tim admitted. "But Damian is used to things being taken from him, all of us are. He doesn't want to lose it all."
Marinette could understand that. After Paris, after losing everything, even herself, she could only understand it too well.
"I just don't know what to do," Marinette whispered, her voice cracking.
"Give him time, it took a while before he started trusting us too," Tim said, putting a comforting hand over hers. "He'll come around at some point."
Marinette wasn't so sure about that, but she didn't say that to Tim. Instead, she nodded and went back to sketching. Peace once again entered the kitchen, though Marinette's mind was still swirling with the Damian issue.
Suddenly, a box is placed on her sketchbook, and Marinette looks up at Tim questioning. 
"Don't take what Damian says too seriously, he really is just a brat most of the time. As for that," Tim said, nodding towards the small black box he placed on her sketchbook. "That's a gift from me to you."
Slowly, Marinette lifted the lid of the box, revealing a sleek black phone.
"I figured you might need one," he explained.
Marinette looked wide-eyed at the phone, then back at Tim, before looking at the phone again and slowly shaking her head.
"I can't accept this-"
"You've had a rough couple of days. Take it."
A second passed, two, before Marinette lunged herself towards Tim, engulfing him in a tight hug.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She squealed quietly, mindful of the others still sleeping.
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rhub4rb · 5 years
Home is Where the Heart is
[First chapter] [Previous chapter] [Next chapter]
Damian didn't try to hide his disdain for Marinette one bit. He knew his father wanted him to accept that Marinette was now part of the family, but he simply couldn't. He had no reason to trust her, no matter what Alfred said.
It felt like a leech had been let into his home and no one was doing anything to get rid of it.
To be completely honest, he was still half-convinced that she was League of Assassins member that was there to get him.
So, he made his disdain for her obvious. He wanted her gone. Bruce, however, was having none of it for some reason, trust that the butler told his father something.
And what was even going on with Alfred and Marinette? There was no way that the girl's story of her grandfather and Alfred being true, so what was their actual relation? Was Alfred betraying them?
Damian told all of this to Jon as they entered the Manor. Everyone in the household knew he didn't like the girl, so there was no point in hiding it.
"I mean really, why let her stay? I don't know what that girl has led Alfred to believe about her, but I for one don't believe a single word."
"Jon?" Marinette's voice cuts through their conversation, and Damian could hardly believe his eyes and ears for a moment because Jon knows Marinette? "Jon!"
"Marinette!" Jon exclaims with a smile, hugging the girl tightly, and for a moment, Damian was sure he was going to throw up. "I see you found the manor?"
"Yeah! Thank you for the address again, I would probably still be looking for Alfred if it weren't for you," For a moment, the two just stared into each others eyes and smiled and Damian had never wanted to gouge his eyes out more than in that moment.
And then what Marinette said processed in his head.
"You were the one to bring this menace into my life?" Damian asked in disbelief, his eyes wide as he looked between the two. Marinette winced.
"I bumped into her when I was running late for our study session a couple of days ago," Jon told Damian, and Damian felt like jumping out of a window because he remembered how late Jon had been and it was because of her. "We met again the day after that and kind of went on a date?" It was said in hesitance, Jon looking at Marinette with a clear question in his eyes, to which Marinette nodded before perking up.
"Oh yeah! I got a phone now!" She dug said phone out of her back pocket, and Damian reminded himself to have a very long talk with Drake later. "I can finally get your number."
Damian could hardly believe it. It was as if the two were in their own little world! Once Jon had handed back the phone to Marinette, Damian was quick to snatch his wrist and drag Jon away, but not fast enough for Jon to not dopily grin as he waved at the girl.
Jon: want to go out for coffee again sometime?
Marinette had to hold back the squeal that threatened to spill from her lips. She and Jon had been texting and calling each other frequently since she finally got her phone, but they hadn't gone out on another date.
That was about to change she supposed.
She had been slightly hesitant to keep what she had with Jon going after Damian found out. She knew the youngest Wayne wasn't too fond of her, and she didn't exactly want to fuel the fire by continuing to date his best friend.
However, Marinette was practicing the act of being selfish, and Jon was cute. Plus, Tikki had chewed her out thoroughly when Marinette had voiced these thoughts.
"I'll be damned if I let you give another thing up just because Damian has some issues."
Still, Marinette had the sinking feeling that Damian was plotting something. Not that she blamed him, but having to constantly look over her shoulder, feeling that she was being watched, increased her paranoia to a point where she could hardly even sleep at night.
When Marinette had accepted being adopted by Bruce Wayne, she knew things between her and the brothers would be tense. Things with Tim were fine, he was the one she was the closest with so far, then came Dick, but she had a feeling he was just more accepting and outgoing than the others.
Jason... Marinette wasn't quite sure what Jason thought of her. He looked at her like a mystery mixed with a ticking time bomb. He didn't try to reach out, and most of the time, he wasn't even at the manor. Then again, Jason didn't even seem fond of Bruce most of the time either, so she assumed it wasn't just her he had a problem with.
Damian was the one who was most clear with his disdain. He had no problem loudly proclaiming that he disliked her, didn't try to make things go smoother between the two of them, which... Marinette could accept it, but it was frustrating. She wanted to be able to make things better between the two of them. She was, technically, his sister now.
Rome wasn't built in a day, but Marinette was now nearing the end of her first month in the manor, and the constant animosity was draining.
Marinette: I'd love to!
She supposed it would take more than just time to get closer to Damian, to understand him properly, but patience was a trait Marinette had learned, and sometimes she wanted to forget those lessons she was taught.
Jon: I'll pick you up at 3 tomorrow?
Marinette smiled at the screen, pushing thoughts of Damian aside for later.
Marinette: It's a date!
Marinette was positively buzzing when Jon picked her up the next day. She ignored the death glare shot her way by Damian, just beamed at Jon and pretended she didn't notice.
Jon noticed the glare his friend sent her way, but didn't comment. Even he knew that it wouldn't be the most tactful thing to do.
Despite Marinette's protests that they would be fine, Alfred still drove them to the main city, and while she did know that it was faster, she also knew that Alfred was enjoying "chaperoning" on her date.
It wasn't even like he didn't know Jon! From what Marinette had been told by Jon himself, he had met Damian when he was twelve and Damian was fourteen. The two had become friends despite Damian's best attempts at denying it and pushing Jon away. Maybe Marinette could ask Jon for advice...
When they arrived at the coffee shop, ordered and got seated, there was an awkward moment of silence as neither knew what to say. Marinette fidgeted in her seat, picking at her cuticles as Jon's eyes darted around the place, both of them searching for words to say.
For a moment, their eyes meet, and they both cracked. Their shared laughter caused other patrons to glare their way, but for just a second, things felt like they were exactly where they were supposed to be for Marinette.
When the two of them calmed down, they went into silence again, but this time there was a certain level of comfort to it.
"So you fell victim to the serial adopter," Jon commented suddenly.
Marinette blinked, eyebrows raised. "I uh, yeah... Not what I expected to happen when I arrived in Gotham but..." she shrugged. "I don't know how to feel about it all yet. And you don't think it's weird now that I'm technically your best friend's sister? You know Damian isn't particularly fond of me."
Jon shrugged, "Damian isn't fond of a lot of people."
Marinette let out a snort, though her expression fell quickly again. "Yeah..." She looked down, face in a frown as she turned her cup in her hands.
"Hey," Jon reached across the table, placing his hands over hers, stopping the turning of the teacup. "Just give him some time, yeah? It took me almost a year to get on his good side, you've only been part of the family for a couple of weeks."
She sighed, nodding, before looking up at him and smiled a small smile of appreciation.
Jon smiled brighter than the sun, and for a moment, she was so sure her heart was going to melt.
"Nothing to thank me for," he squeezed her hands, cheeks tinted red, before he let them go again. "Now, 20 questions, I want to know more about the mysterious Marinette Wang."
Marinette was happy to oblige.
Damian felt his irritation growing as Marinette's giggles entered the manor, accompanied by his best friend's full-hearted laughter. 
Todd had been on his back all day the moment Marinette left on her date with Jon, teasing him about the fact that his "sister" was dating his best friend. It was pissing him off, both Todd, as well as Wang and Jon spending time with one another. He wasn't jealous, far from it, he had no romantic interest in either of them, but Jon was his friend first, Jon should be spending time with him.
Of all the people Jon could have ended up being interested in, it just had to be her. Jon didn't even decide to stop seeing her after he found out she was the girl who beat his brothers!
Damian refused to feel impressed by the fact she could do that, instead focusing on the fact that she was a threat, she should be neutralized, and not be living in the manor where the Batcave was right under her feet.
At least his father had the sense to not tell her about the vigilante work. It did surprise him, especially seeing as Damian himself was starting to grow out of the Robin name. He wanted something for himself now, create his own legacy. Perhaps the old Bat was finally considering retiring.
Damian leaned against the wall as Marinette stretched herself up to the tip of her toes, kissing Jon on his cheek before scurrying away, Damian glaring at her for a moment when she looked his way.
"I don't get what you see in her."
"And I don't get what you have against her."
It was quiet for a moment before Jon sighed.
"If it bothers you so much-"
"No, no, keep seeing her, just don't say I didn't warn you when she suddenly attacks you," Damian said, raising his hands in a placating manner.
"She's not like that," Jon said, trying to defend, despite knowing it would probably lead to nothing.
"That's easy for you to say, you don't live with her."
"And yet I've talked more to her than you have."
They fell into silence again, Damian's face carefully blank while Jon's was furrowed with worry. Suddenly, Jon walked forward and grabbed Damian's wrist, then started to drag the boy up to his room.
"What are you doing?" Damian asked indignantly, clearly not enjoying being pulled around.
"We're hanging out, no talk about girls, just playing video games." It looked like Jon wanted to say something for a moment but decided against it. Damian didn't comment.
They walked in silence until,
"I still don't get what you see in her though." 
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