#joshua castille
shakespearenews · 10 months
Joshua Castille enters the world of “ Romeo and Juliet” from behind a stand of trees, pushing a low branch from his face as he approaches from the wings. Benvolio greets him with a gesture in American Sign Language — “good morrow, cousin!”
For the next several hours, Romeo won’t speak aloud. Castille, a Chicago-based Deaf actor making his debut at American Players Theatre this summer, doesn’t wear his hearing aids onstage, to fully embody a young character who — like Juliet — is struggling to be heard.
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the-river-rix · 1 year
once again thinking about the deaf west production of bare: A Pop Opera that exists only in my mind (but vividly in my mind)
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dwsavideos · 1 year
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Happy Valentine’s Day! I know it’s just a holiday invented by capitalism, but it’s a cute holiday :)
I haven’t posted on here in a long time so today I give you: DWSA couples!!! (I think I got all of them?)
Please feel free to request stuff for me to post/talk about/whatever. My asks are always open! Whether you wanna ask about DWSA, Sing Street, other bway shows, or just wanna talk! I’m gonna try to be on here a little more now.
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meljwrites · 1 year
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Surprise! Since so many people are interested in this idea, I wanted to check out what everyone wants to see!! You can fill in the form HERE.
I'm interested in doing both a shorter independent one and a longer, community driven charity one, if the interest is there for it!
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elijah-loyal · 3 months
not to be horny on main for good storytelling but im in love in love in LOVE with joshua castille and ej cardona's performance in the hunchback of notre dame
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cripplemagics · 2 months
this performance. . . GUYS. when i say i'm crying i'm not being hyperbolic i'm. . . stunned. speechless. Joshua castille's emotions in his motions and signs, EJ Cardona's signing 'every instant' and the last 'one day out there' adding to the impact of the lines. . . the entire song itself and how it embodies being a disabled person. we don't just stare from a window we stare from rooftops and tops of bell towers.
this is just beautiful.
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arqueete · 3 months
something i don't think i've mentioned about that production of spring awakening i keep rambling about that might amuse you all is that the actor playing melchior is, actually, deaf west SA Ernst joshua castille's boyfriend.
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winter-asleepening · 7 months
Spring Awakening Fandom Tag
By (@winter-alseepening)
1. how were you introduced to the show?
Through theater fans on instagram and tumblr :)
2. Seen a production live?
No 😭 waiting for the day
3. Dream role/character you relate to most
So disclaimer that I’m not a performer but I do relate to Moritz a lot and love his songs so it would be really … affirming ? To play Moritz 😌
4. Favorite male character
MORITZ I genuinely love him sm..
5. Favorite female character
Ashamed to say that my time in the fandom previously I ignored a lot of the female characters 🤧 so sorry ladies I do love you,,
6. Deaf West Revival or Original Broadway Cast?
So deaf west spring awakening is in my eyes a perfect revival and so artfully done so I reigns as “best version” imo.
BUT OBC has such a “kids rocking out in their garage band” energy to it ?? Where the show is so fresh and new and scary. And the energy is so grounded in nostalgia and I think it’s really special 🤧
7. Favorite song
TOUCH ME I will always die ,, the acoustician guitar stripped down start to the song is just so 💔💔💔
8. Least favorite song
I Believe ?? it’s more of a scene than a song tbh. And I think it’s really powerful as a scene . BUT like from a cast recording, album standpoint it’s a skip imo
(There once was a pirate bonus track in the cast album. Have never not skipped it)
9. Favorite quote/line
“She said love may make you blind, kid- well I wouldn’t mind at all”
10. Favorite TV performance
Forever and always the deaf west revival performance of Touch me on Seth Meyers 💙
11. Favorite cast member(s)
Jonathan groff and John Gallagher jr. are my favs from OBC
Deaf west I feel like I love everyone,, genuinely so happy that this production introduced me to so many amazing actors that I wouldn’t have otherwise known because they’re deaf,, Joshua Castille and Sandra Mae Frank are favs of mine 😌
Also I’m in love with Andy Mientus so him… obviously
12. Favorite cast member moment
Daniel Durant and Alex Boniello playing Animal Crossing together in one of the Vlogs of Purple Summer, very cute
Also the entire OBC reunion in the HBO documentary 🤧 genuinely so sweet to see everyone reconnect and reminisce 💔I cried
13. Do you write fan fiction?
I haven’t before but I’d probably come up with character AUs or head cannons or something
14. Do you make fan art?
YES !! I plan on doing a lot more but I drew a lot of Moritzs and Melchiors back in 2018 or so 😅
15. Do you cosplay?
I really want to cosplay from spring awakening,, illse’s OBC costume is so pretty💔 and I have a mighty need to cosplay Moritz for gender-y and kin reasons 😅
16. Don’t do Sadness or Blue Wind?
I always sing along with Moritz’s part but both are so beautiful, best characters my sweet children
17. Word of your body or the Reprise?
I would watch DWSA word of your body reprise RELIGIOUSLY (for totally straight person reasons) the revival does a great job taking a scene that was mostly played for laughs and make the characters seem much more grounded and whole. 💕
18. Touch Me or My Junk?
yes….. touch me is a great song but my junk is one of my favorite scenes in the show it’s so silly and crazy and I love it smm
Also the snowstorm Jonas video with the DWSA cast singing My Junk is like- my fav
19. Explain the song of purple summer
Okay, the song of purple summer is the kids singing about how they will carry with them their struggles and sing of this idealized perfect world that will someday be real because love will outlive hate and prejudice. There is one day going to be a world where no one will be ashamed to love and be loved and everything will be beautiful, even if it isn’t now.
20. Explain the song of purple summer (wrong answers only)
Illse converts everyone in the cast and the audience to her Cottage-core hippie religion….
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corvidcall · 2 years
I love the Hunchback of Notre Dame movie too and I did not know there was a musical, what didn't you like about it? Do I wanna know how bad it is
i have been waiting years for someone to ask me about the stage musical
Probably you haven't heard about it because 1. I don't think it's very good (and the world operates based solely on my opinions, right?) 2. for union/profit reasons, it has never been on Broadway and likely never will (apparently Stephen Schwartz and Alan Menken, who also composed the original Disney film, said the stage version HAD to have a full live choir on stage, and getting the choir on a Broadway production would have required different union negotiations, and Disney didn't think it would be profitable. I honestly think they're probably right)
ANYWAY this got way too long so it's all going under a cut. I have some nice things to say in there, too! I swear!
i saw it in 2018 in Seattle, and while I love to talk shit, there are definitely things that I liked about it!! I went to see it because Joshua Castille was in the title role (he played Ernst in the Deaf West production of Spring Awakening). As you might know, I am a trained ASL interpreter! So I really wanted to support a Deaf artist, and I wanted to see how they approached my favorite Disney musical (and how the interpreters handled it!!!)
Joshua Castille was honestly incredible, and everything they did to incorporate his Deafness into the role was really cool. When he was by himself/with the gargoyles, he used ASL, but Frollo refused to sign with him and would only respond if he spoke, which I thought was a great extension of the way Frollo has treated Quasimodo his whole life (ie "I am abusing you for your own good"). When Esmeralda and Quasimodo start becoming friends, she tries to pick up some signs from him, which I thought was a great element. During Quasimodo's songs, one of the gargoyles would sing the part while Castille performed it in ASL. Here's a video of "Out There", if you're interested to see how it worked.
I think that in other productions, they've tried to kind of incorporate the fact that Quasimodo was deaf in the book? But I believe they started by having Hearing actors in the role, which is... well. It Is. But I saw it with a Deaf actor in the role and he was great. I thought that Quasimodo's hearing loss was a good thing they brought in from the original novel that actually really added to the production.
Not... everything was as good of a choice as that one.
See, it's specifically a stage adaption of the Disney movie. It uses all the Disney songs. One would think that it would maybe be aiming to have the same themes as the Disney movie, the chiefest of which is... let's say "internal vs external monsterhood." Quasimodo looks like a monster, but he is a good person, whereas Frollo looks normal, but is, inside, a monster.
You know what you wouldn't want to do, if that's your main theme? Start the show off with Frollo's sad backstory!!! He and his brother were orphans! They were raised by the church! His brother ran off with a Romani woman and Frollo didn't see him again until he was on his deathbed, when he asked Frollo to raise his son for him. That son was Quasimodo!
Like... why add this? Why give this character a sad backstory? A family that he loved? I don't understand what I'm supposed to get out of this. Is it... to justify why he's racist? Because I didn't really need a justification for that. It honestly makes his abuse of Quasimodo even weirder- like, he loved his brother and would have done anything for him, but is abusing his brother's son? I know it HAPPENS, but it just... feels so out of line with the rest of the story, I really can't fathom what I as an audience member am supposed to take away from it. This backstory doesn't add any richness or depth to the story. It takes away from it! And like... so Frollo was sad. Do you care? Clap if you care.
They made a bunch of changes to Pheobus, but I don't really care that much about that, beyond the fact that I think they made him somehow suck even more (iirc his intro song is basically "i just got back into paris from The War and im here to FUCK" like... ok i guess.)
But I'd say my number one biggest problem with the show is the changed ending. Esmeralda dies in this one. She gets tied to a pyre, and Quasimodo rescues her, but she's inhaled too much smoke, so she tells him he's been a great friend to her and then she dies.
I know this is more accurate to the novel. But like... I don't care about that? I don't think you can grade the quality of an adaption based on it's faithfulness to the source material. Why would anyone bother adapting anything, if that were the case? Some things don't work in adaption, and sometimes you're using the adaption to send a different message than the source material. An adaption should be able to stand on it's own, otherwise, why did any of us fucking bother? If a movie is based on a book, I shouldn't have to read the book to enjoy the movie, and likewise, they shouldn't include things from the book that don't make it a better movie!
The original novel was focused on the importance of architecture, how buildings were the primary way ideas were spread and preserved before the printing press. Hugo was concerned that the actual Notre Dame cathedral was in disrepair, that France would lose an essential part of it's history. If a good adaption was really only about being faithful to the source material, then we should be upset that that's an idea that has not been represented in most adaptions of Hunchback! I mean, sure, it's not represented in them because that's a problem that got solved, so we don't really need to spread the good word of historical preservation, but it's in the original! And also, the themes about social justice AREN'T in the original, so we should be mad about all those, too, right? (If you haven't seen Lindsay Ellis's video about Hunchback, I'd recommend checking it out. she talks a lot about the evolution of the themes in various adaptions.)
I'm saying all this because, while I know that Esmeralda dies in the book, and that basically every character in it kinda sucks, I think that really undercuts the themes that the Disney movie was going for (like I said, "internal vs external monsterhood"). Quasimodo and Frollo both are in love with Esmeralda, and she does not return those feelings. Quasimodo is sad and hurt, but he also is happy to have Esmeralda as a friend, and wants her to be happy as well. Frollo would rather she die than not be with him. This is one of the key points of contrast between Quasimodo and Frollo. Even their songs about Esmeralda are thematic opposites!!! Hellfire vs Heaven's Light!!!
So having her just die at the end makes that whole thing pointless. She doesn't get to be with the man she's actually in love with. Quasimodo doesn't get to complete his arc, where he accepts her decision and is happy for her. Frollo basically got what he wanted! What does this change add to the story, other than another token attempt at being "more book accurate," a thing nobody with an ounce of sense in their head should actually care about?
The stage musical uses the same music as the Disney movie, which were building to the themes and the conclusion that was shown in that movie, but it has a different ending, so those themes don't pay off. It's like they bought a lego set and used it to build something entirely different. Like, you CAN do that, but I'm not going to believe you when you tell me you actually built the lego set as it was intended.
Also I thought all the songs they added for the show sucked ass.
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Hello and welcome to the Joshua Castille appreciation hour
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helpersofindie · 2 years
Hey everyone! If you don't mind helping me out here, I'd love some fc ideas. Late 20s to early 30s, male, any ethnicity, more flamboyant and dramatic in personality and/or movement. Over the top, showman kind of vibe. The best character comparison I can come up with is Magnus Bane. Any faceclaim help would be super appreciated. Thank you so much and I hope you have a fantastic day/night!
i would suggest troye sivan (27), khalid (24), bo burnham (32), tyler posey (31), jacob batalon (26), mason gooding (26), nico hiraga (24), brandon larracuente (28), ronen rubinstein (29), joshua castille (27), harvey guillen (32), or joe keery (30). i hope these help!
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blaqsbi · 2 months
Post: #ProfessorBlackTruth #PBT #TheBlackAuthority #TBA...
#ProfessorBlackTruth #PBT #TheBlackAuthority #TBA #JasonBlack #Jason #Black #SaRaSutenSeti #SaRa #Suten #Seti #BPC #Nat #Turner #MalcolmX #John #Henrik #Clarke #Yosef #BenJochannon #Claud #Anderson #Assata #Shakur #Frances #Cress #Welsing #Shahrazad #Ali #Sara #Suten #Seti #Khalid #Abdul #Muhammad #Alton #Maddox #Johnnie #Cochran #Olu #Stevens #Marcel #Dixon #Fred #Hampton #Kwame #Ture #Stokely #CarMichael #Jamil #Abdullah #alAmin #HRap #Brown #Minister #Louis #Farrakhan #Rizza #Islam #George #Jonathan #Russell #Maroon #Shoatz #Albert #Woodfox #Sundiata #Acoli #Joseph #Brown #Veronza #Bowers #Mutulu #Shakur #Imam #Jamil #Abdullah #AlAmin #Ed #Poindexter #Fred #Burton #Lester #Jackson #Huey #Newton #Mumia #Abu #Jamal #Denmark #Vesey #Jeffrey #Khatari #Gaulden #John #White #Micah #Xavier #Johnson #Othal #Ozone #Wallace #Kenneth #Walker #Richard #Strickland #Sipho #Bennett #Achim #Jeffers #Nuria #Sellers #Ruby #Johnson #Anjanette #Young #Special #Prosecutor #Shirley #Chisholm #Regina #King #Hannibal #Denzel #Washington #Antione #Fuqua #Takiya #Young #Breonna #Taylor #Kenneth #Walker #Sandra #Annette #Bland #Sheila #AbdusSalaam #Latasha #Harlans #Atatiana #Jefferson #Jordan #Neely #George #Floyd #Amir #Locke #Andrew #Brown #Jr #Ronald #Greene #Trayvon #Martin #Tamir #Rice #Eric #Garner #Michael #Brown #Joshua #Brown #Rasheem #Carter #Damien #Cameron #LaQuan #McDonald #Jordan #Neely #Philando #Castile #Jordan #Davis #Oscar #Grant #Sean #Bell #Jamar #Clark #Jalen #Walker #Elijah #McClain #Donovan #Lewis #AntiBlackAmerica #AntiBlackUnitedStatesGovernment #AntiBlackBootlicks #AntiBlackWhiteTerrorists #AntiBlackPolice #Terrorism #Brutality #AntiBlackDOJ #Merrick #Garland #Kristen #Clarke #AntiBlackFBI #AntiBlackCIA #AntiBlackHispanics #AntiBlackLatinos #AntiBlackAsians #AntiBlackArabs #AntiBlackRedIndians #AntiBlackEastIndians #AntiBlackSamoans #AntiBlackPacificIslanders #HateCrimes #WhiteDomesticTerrorism #Louisville #LouivillePD #Daniel #Cameron #Denver #Police #Detective #Gary #Staab #Sergeant #Gregory #Buschy #GrandJury https://www.blaqsbi.com/5Lgt
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which one of the guys that played ernst you met? thats nice!
Joshua Castille from the Deaf West production :3
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dwsavideos · 2 years
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Iconic DWSA reunions!!! Josh Castille posted these on his instagram stories. He saw Beetlejuice the musical on Broadway with Sandra Mae Frank and then he saw Hadestown and got to watch his former cast mate Patrick Page perform as Hades!
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shakespearenews · 8 months
Joshua Castille (Romeo) and Isabelle Bushue (Juliet) discuss the world and alchemy of APT's Romeo & Juliet.
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After 5: Odloučení — CELÝ FILM ONLINE ZDARMA {2023} CZ/SK
Kde sledovat After 5 filmy? Podívejte se zde! After 5 film online (2023) celý film cz titulky a zdarma v HD česky.
After 5 Everything je nadcházející americké romantické drama z roku 2023
Kde Sledovat After 5 Filmy Online Zdarma:
► https://t.co/rqpAMIGc8h
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Kde sledovat After 5a?
několik způsobů, jak sledovat film After 5 online v USA Můžete použít streamovací službu, jako je Netflix, Hulu nebo Amazon Prime Video. Film si také můžete vypůjčit nebo zakoupit na iTunes nebo Google Play. sledujte jej na vyžádání nebo ve streamovací aplikaci dostupné na vašem televizoru nebo streamovacím zařízení, pokud máte kabel.
Co je to film After 5?
After Everything je nadcházející americké romantické drama z roku 2023 , které napsal a režíroval Castille Landon . Na motivy série románů After od Anny Toddové se jedná o pokračování After Ever Happy a celkově pátý a poslední díl série After film . Ve filmu hrají Josephine Langford a Hero Fiennes Tiffin , kteří si zopakují své role jako Tessa Young a Hardin Scott. Děj navazuje na premisu čtyř předchozích filmů.
Kdy vyjde film After 5?
Film je uváděn na trh s loglinem „The Final Chapter“, ačkoli filmař Castille Landon v roce 2021 řekl, že v současné době pracuje na prequelu a dalším pokračování zaměřeném na děti hlavních postav seriálu; oba projekty jsou v předprodukci. [1] V roce 2023 byl oznámen Voltage pictures , poslední film franšízy.
Kdo je obsazením filmu After 5?
Hero Fiennes Tiffin, Josephine Langford, Stephen Moyer, Louise Lombard, Mimi Keene, Cora Kirk, Rosa Escoda, Paul S. Tracey, Jessica Webber
Kompletní údaje o filmu After 5
After: Odloučení USA After Everything Drama / Romantický USA, 2023 Režie: Castille Landon Předloha: Anna Todd (kniha) Scénář: Castille Landon Kamera: Joshua Reis Hrají: Hero Fiennes Tiffin, Josephine Langford, Stephen Moyer, Louise Lombard, Mimi Keene, Cora Kirk, Rosa Escoda, Paul S. Tracey, Jessica Webber
After 5 na Disney Plus?
Na Disney+ nejsou žádné stopy po After 5 Trail, důkaz, že House of Mouse nemá žádnou kontrolu nad celou franšízou! Disney+, domov pro tituly jako 'Star Wars', 'Marvel', 'Pixar', National GAfter 5 graphic', ESPN, STAR a další, je k dispozici za roční předplatné 79,99 $ nebo měsíční poplatek 0,99 $. Pokud jste jen fanouškem některé z těchto značek, stojí za to se přihlásit do Disney+ a nemá ani reklamy.
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Je nám líto, ale After 5 Way není na HBO Max k dispozici. Je tu spousta obsahu HBO Max za 14,99 $ měsíčně, toto předplatné je bez reklam a umožňuje vám přístup ke každému titulu v knihovně HBO Max. Streamovací platforma oznámila verzi podporovanou reklamou, která stojí mnohem méně za 9,99 $ měsíčně.
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Bohužel, After 5 Path by Water není k dispozici ke streamování zdarma na Amazon Prime VidAfter 5. Můžete si však vybrat i jiné pořady a filmy, které budete odtud sledovat, protože má širokou škálu pořadů a filmů, ze kterých si můžete vybrat za 14,99 $ měsíčně.
After 5 na Peacockovi?
After 5 Way nelze na Peacock v době psaní tohoto článku sledovat. Peacock nabízí předplatné, které stojí 4,99 $ měsíčně nebo 49,99 $ ročně u prémiového účtu. Stejně jako její jmenovec si streamovací platforma může hrát s venkovním obsahem zdarma, i když omezeně.
After 5 na Paramount Plus?
After 5 The Road to Water není na Paramount Plus. Paramount Plus nabízí správnou možnost předplatného: základní verze služby Paramount + Essential podporuje reklamu za 4,99 $ měsíčně a prémiový plán bez reklam za 9,99 $ měsíčně.
Kde mohu sledovat film After 5 zdarma?
Cinemov je webová stránka, která nabízí zdarma více než 20 000 streamovaných filmů všech žánrů zdarma. Když se přihlásíte, najdete neomezené množství HD filmů, obrovský katalog k procházení a vyhledávací panel, který vám umožní vyhledat všechny filmy, které chcete vidět.
Zajímá vás, jak legálně sledovat bezplatný streaming filmu After 5? Pokud ano, budete rádi, že je to skutečně možné, protože v současnosti existuje v Itálii několik webových stránek, kde můžete zdarma sledovat filmy všech žánrů a dob. V některých případech se možná budete muset zaregistrovat prostřednictvím e-mailu nebo použít svůj online účet k přihlášení.
Řeknu vám podrobně, jak můžete pomocí nejpopulárnějších internetových stránek, online služeb a aplikací pro chytré telefony/tablety streamovat filmy zdarma. Cinemov je jedna z nejlepších stránek. Nabídka filmů sahá od nejnovějších filmů po klasiky z historie kinematografie, od amerických filmů po italské filmy, od hororů po komedie… zkrátka svoboda výběru, počet filmů je působivý. Samozřejmě to nenajdete, když půjdete do kina.
Děkujeme za návštěvu
Děkujeme, že jste navštívili naše stránky a přečetli si naše články. Doufáme, že se vám bude líbit film After 5: Odloučení - After Everything (2023), který vám nabízíme. Pokud se vám naše stránky líbí, dejte jim lajk a řekněte svým přátelům, aby se na naše stránky dostali. Doufáme, že vše může snížit vaši nudu a stres po dlouhém dni v práci.
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After 5: Odloučení - After Everything (2023) Plný film sk dabing
Jaká kvalita videa je k dispozici v tomto filmu After 5: Odloučení - After Everything (2023)?
Nejlepší kvalita streamovaného videa při sledování filmů je nejdůležitější. Chcete -li získat pohodlí při sledování filmů a získat čistou kvalitu zvuku. existuje několik kvalit, které poskytujeme, počínaje kvalitou 4K Ultra Hd, HD 2080p, HD 720p, HD 420p a nakonec poskytujeme také kvalitu Mp4. Tyto možnosti vám usnadní výběr nejlepší požadované kvality videa.
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