#jsp headcannon
Regulus would hex people who told James he was being ‘too much’. He’d make sure he never told James he was being too loud or was talking too much.
He’d let James be James.
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Classement des maisons de Poudlard :
Ce post concerne MON opinion. Je n'affirme en aucun cas que j'ai raison, c'est juste mon avis, mon point de vue.
4. Gryffondor
Pour moi Gryffondor est une maison avec une belle aesthetique, rouge écarlate et or, de belles couleurs... Mais les qualités, ce n'est pas trop ça. Courage, Hardiesse, Force et Braverie. Courage = Braverie. Force, meh. Et Hardiesse jsp ce que ça veut dire, donc next.
3. Serpentard
La maison de l'aesthétique de noblesse, richesse et de l'élégance. Les couleurs, vert émeraude et argent. Belles couleurs, quoi que froides. Les qualités sont ruse, ambition, détermination, fierté/respect de soi. Ruse, j'trouve ça utile dans la vie de tous les jours, l'ambition aussi c'est important, car viser la lune ça n'me fait pas peur, détermination, c'est très important aussi, faut pas abandonner les amis, faut tout donner, et aussi *cough cough* undertale *cough cough* ainsi que la fierté et le respect de soi, j'trouve que la fierté c'est une bonne chose, sans en abuser, bien-sûr, et le respect de soi important niveau mille. Love yourself, speak yourself, respect yourself. Personnellement, je suis une Serpentarde, et fière de l'être mais je reconnaît qu'il y a de meilleures maisons.
2. Serdaigle
Bronze et Bleu Saphir, les Serdaigles ont la plus belle des salles communes. Ciel étoilé, fauteuils de velours, bibliothèques partout, le rêve. Seul bémol, l'entrée. TFOU SALE PORTE VA. Serdaigle, c'est intelligence, sagesse, créativité/imagination/originalité et ouverture d'esprit. Intelligence, c'est pas vraiment important mais ça fait pas de mal d'être intelligent. Sagesse, c'est cool. Rien d'autre à dire. Créativité, Originalité et Imagination je trouve que c'est des traits de personnalité très beaux à avoir, comme nous pouvons le voir avec notre chère Luna Lovegood <3. Ouverture d'esprit, clairement, meilleure qualité de Serdaigle, même si dans la Harry Potter Era, pas beaucoup de gens font preuve d'ouverture d'esprit envers les Serpentard, I'm sad :'( Dans tous les cas, si je n'étais pas à Serpentard je serais à Serdaigle.
1. Poufsouffle
Poufsouffle est sans aucun doute la meilleure maison de Poudlard. Jaune moutarde et noir, couleurs simples, mais les qualités, omg... Gentillesse, Justice, Persévérance, Loyauté, Patience, Générosité et Tolérance. Gentillesse, d'accord, n'est pas vraiment un bon compliment, c'est ce qu'on sort tous quand on ne peut trouver une qualité à quelqu'un, autre que "il/elle est sympa", mais c'est important quand même d'être gentil avec les personnes autours de soi dans le quotidien, même si cela peut se retourner contre nous. Les personnes qui profitent de notre gentillesse abusent de notre esprit, et énergie. Justice. *Applaudit* c'est ce dont on a besoin dans un monde rempli de gens comme ceux-là. Persévérance, ça rejoint Détermination, faut travailler dur et fort les amis. Loyauté, c'est vraiment très important pour moi, je ne supporte pas les traîtres. Générosité, un très bon atout. Patience, c'est pas du tout moi mais c'est beau. Détermination, Patience, Intégrité, Courage, Persévérance, Gentillesse et Justice. Quatres d'entre les 7 âmes humaines sont des qualités de Poufsouffle. Tolérance : rejoint l'ouverture d'esprit chez Serdaigle. Les Poufsouffles ont la meilleure fondatrice des quatres. Alors que les trois autres fondateurs n'avaient pas de honte à affirmer qu'ils n'accepteraient pas ceux qui n'avaient pas leurs valeurs dans leurs maisons, Helga Poufsouffle (cœur sur elle <3), acceptait dans la sienne, toute personne qui n'était ni courageuse, ni sage, ni rusée, ni même juste! Elle prenait le reste, et s'assurait de les faire sentir chez eux, à Poufsouffle. Il y a des théories comme quoi la salle sur demande serait créé par Helga Poufsouffle et honnêtement c'est un headcannon que j'accepte à bras ouverts parce que ça me semble logique que ça soit elle qui l'ai fondée. Sans oublier que leur salle commune est située près des cuisines. Bref, Poufsouffle, best house you can't change my mind nor you can tell me otherwise.
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James was the kind of person to repeat stories without realising.
Regulus was the kind of person who would listen as if it was the first time.
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james-sunshine-potter · 9 months
Yk how we've associated Regulus with cats. Wanna know a common trait of cats?
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James gives the best hugs. Like the worlds best hugs.
Surprise hugs from the behind, excited hugs where he’d lift him off the ground, comforting hugs which he could sink into, tired hugs where James would lean on him and bleed warmth.
James was a hugger. He always had been.
Regulus loved it when they hugged.
He spent too long being jealous of other people to not spend every second he could get his hands on hugging James.
Regulus regrets not hugging him more. He should of used all the time he spent worrying about everything hugging James.
He was a fool not to.
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James took it as a compliment when Regulus got drunk and made fun of the way he talked.
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Regulus and Lily would both steal James’ clothes, and walk around Hogwarts in his clothes.
It would confused everybody but that was the joy of it.
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Random things about Regulus that James loves:
james' part here
>His lips. (They’re just so soft and kissable).
>His hand writing. (Regulus writes in cursive, where James writes in a weird mix of both. It’s just so curvy and neat).
>How he knows just the most random pieces of information. And how he can just slip them into conversation at will.
>How he becomes more sensitive around him, but just him.
>His intelligence.
>The way he never makes James feel dumb.
>The fact he never has matching socks.
>His cheeks. (James can make Regulus flush super easy).
>His shoulders. (They’re covered in freckles).
>His sense of style.
>His love for super obscure parts of courses. Like in herbology, he loved learning about what plants are used in making wands. Or in potions, he liked learning about really miscellaneous potions.
>How mad he gets when James gets himself injured in some way. (It’s because he cares).
>How deeply and throughly he cares. Even if he doesn’t show it.
>How much he gets into any quidditch game he plays. He will openly support Gryffindor, even if he’s playing against them. (He’ll wear James’ scarf when Gryffindor is playing a team which isn’t his).
>His love for holding his hand.
>His love for cats. He could own twenty cats if he could.
>The way he hugs. Tight and snug. Sometimes Regulus will hug him from behind, wrap his arms around his stomach and rest his head on his shoulder. And if Regulus had his way, he’d hug James and never let ago.
>The fact he’ll doodle ‘r.a.b’ on his hand until his hands and wrists are covered,
>His eyelashes. His eyes in general. A crystal clear sort of grey which makes his eyes almost look like gemstones.
>How he will always listen. He never tells him to shut up because he doesn’t want to listen. Never says he’s too much. Makes him feel like all he is is more than enough.
>How secretly sensitive he is.
>How protective he is over the people he cares about. (James can’t number the amount of arguments which nearly turned onto fully fledged fights).
>How he notices things nobody else does.
>The letters he writes to him.
>The fact he steals his jumpers and thinks James doesn’t notice.
>The way he likes to play and just hold James’ fingers/hands when he’s tired.
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Random parts of James which Regulus loves:
regulus' part here
>His collar bones.
>His knuckles.
>His Dimples (specifically his right one, because it’s the most prominent one).
>How his accent curls around words. (James has an Indian accent, and it would get stronger when he was talking about things he’s excited about).
>The bump on the bridge of his nose. (And how it’s the exact same as his father’s).
>How he’ll stop and pet any cat he passes, and not worry if he’s petting McGonagall. (‘She deserves a pat on the head every once in a while’ is what he said when Regulus joked about it once).
>How he’s always willing to help him with his transfiguration homework.
>How his curls fall in his sleep. (And how they keep their curl when he plays with them).
>His hands. (Duh)
>How he’s always warm. (Like he’s so toasty like all the time).
>How he doesn’t know how to tie his shoe laces and, even though James knows he will do it without asking, he asks anyways.
>How James will smile at him if they pass in a corridor but not able to speak to each other.
>His thighs. (He never talked about his to his friends when they figured out his crush on him cause he was embarrassed on how much he thought about it).
>How he says what he means and means what he says.
>How James will cheer for him when he wins at quidditch even if that meant he lost.
>His eyes. His hazel and gold flecks in his iris, and his slight lazy eye which you can’t notice unless you’re close.
>His patience. (With him)
>How James would point out a rainbow in a sky with the same amount of excitement each time.
>The way his brain worked. How James could remember a piece of information Regulus casually dropped in a conversation they had in passing but would literally forget his entire timetable on a constant.
>His smile. How it show his teeth. How his smile was crooked and genuine.
>How his face wasn’t symmetrical.
>His love for insects. He wouldn’t kill spiders, rather let it free out a window. He wouldn’t step on snails because then the snail would be homeless. He would follow butterflies until he physically couldn’t. (And the irony of that James was allergic to bee and wasp stings).
>How he always tried to show genuine interest in the stuff he talked about. (Regulus loved classical music, and it wasn’t James taste, far from it. But he’d still let Regulus play and talk about it, and he’d still listen with full focus.)
>How he was sensitive when he was tired. (He’d rub his eyes and get a cute, sad look on his face if he was rudely awoken).
>The way his hands felt against his skin (James would place his hands on Reg’s cheeks and thumb at the apples of his cheeks).
>The way James tanned in the summer. How his cheeks would become a maroon flush and how he’s get a uproar of freckles on his arms and shoulders like he was built for summer because they always disappeared by October.
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James would keep Regulus in his pocket if he could.
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james-sunshine-potter · 7 months
james “he's got the personality not even gravity could ever hold him down” potter
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james-sunshine-potter · 5 months
“I want to brainwash you into loving me forever”
But it’s Regulus just not knowing how to flirt with James so he’s compromising.
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When James would get excited over something Regulus did or said, he’d give Regulus pepper kisses all over his face.
Regulus would proceed to blush for hours.
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Regulus would call James ‘pretty boy’ in a patronising way before getting to know him properly.
Now he calls him ‘pretty boy’ because oh Merlin, he’s so pretty.
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james-sunshine-potter · 11 months
The male equivalent of the father daughter dance at a wedding is a mother son dance...
So at James and Lily's wedding, Lily did her father daughter with her father but by the time James got married, his mother had passed already.
James didn't skip on the dance, instead, asked McGonagall to do it with him instead.
She said yes. It was one of the only happy memories of hers from the entire war.
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james-sunshine-potter · 8 months
Going in order of talllest to shortest, this is my opinion of the marauders era characters height (with no explanation) ->
> Remus - 6ft 5
> James - 6ft 3
> Dorcas - 6ft
> Evan - 6ft
> Barty - 5ft 11 1/2
> Sirius - 5ft 11
> Regulus - 5ft 9
> Mary - 5ft 7 1/2
> Marlene - 5ft 7
> Peter - 5ft 7
> Pandora - 5ft 5
> Lily - 5ft 3 1/2
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