#jsrf hayashi
phoneyotc · 2 months
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edgeanescence · 4 days
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jsrf 2001 prototype is truly inspirational
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plasma-sky · 1 year
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dedtoot · 6 months
Remember this thing that i made?
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Good times, good times
Either way, i actually wrote down a more detailed responses!
Get ready for dat headcanon action!!
I'll type it out in seperate categories
The "thanks" category:
Beat: "Thanks? I don't know what are you trying to achieve here"
Rhyth: "Awww thank you!! I love you too, you're my best friend ❤️❤️"
The "laughs nervously" category:
Yoyo: *pulls up his hood in embarrassment*
Garam: references the "stay cool" line, after which it cuts to him throwing a person in the sewers halfpipe
Doom Rider: runs away in the most goofy way possible (probably falls down the stairs too)
The "I'm sorry" category:
Corn: literally says the thing. Probably also says the rawest line about how this is truly the moment when the leadership gets tested(or whatever that one line was)
The "who doesn't?" category:
K: goes on about that he's aware and but he can't accept the confession, because he prefers his ladies to be cel-shaded
Gum: literally says this after which bombards you with whatever tutorial she has to say to you at this point
The "horrible decision, really" category:
Cube: just her saying this, while sitting in her evil chair in the evil lair while being in the evil mask lit up by evil li-
The "laughs hysterically" category:
Rapid 99: "Hah! What, are you kidding?"(reference to that dialogue when you don't have enough souls)
Love Shocker: laughs, and says "What a joke. KILL THEM GIRLS!!" after which two more LS appear
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The "finger guns" category:
Boogie: optimistic looking *finger guns* (while thinking: "I DO NOT KNOW WHO THEY EVEN ARE")
Jazz: unamused looking *finger guns*(while having a very compressed image of a 😳 in her mind)
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The "i know" category:
Roboy: "Well obviously. It couldn't be any other way. Unfortunately i don't date noobs so get out"
Combo: something referencing that post-game line of "be careful not to crush on me" or accuse them of being a goldfish liker
The "why" category:
Soda: literally saying this, but with the most dramatic possible angle and rendering
The "YEET" category:
Clutch: *steals your graffiti souls*
Poison Jam: throws you off a high place and references the "nothing in life is free you gotta work for it" line
Last "if only there was someone who loved you" category:
Zero Beat, Noise Tank and Gouji standing together and silently judging
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swiftthecardinal · 1 month
i bet if hayashi actually killed any of the rudies he'd have their head taxidermied and mounted on his wall like a trophy like one of those deer things.
number one because of how ridiculously hard they were to catch, two because he's hayashi and three as a warning to both the rest of the police force and the rudies. (honestly i kinda need an artist's impression)
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Doodled Onishima and Hayashi at work
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y2klostandfound · 11 months
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Preview - Jet Set Radio Future on Dorimaga Magazine Vol.2 (2002-02)(Video game Magazine)(08/02/2002)
Translation in English:
(Page 168)
Dorimaga Special Report - XBOX
Video Game Consoles : XBOX Scheduled to be released: February 22th Completely: ?% Price: 6,800 Yen Genre - ACT (Street Action Adventure) Manufacturer:Sega/Smilebit Players: 1-4 Number of discs: 1 URL: http://www.jsrf.com/ Controllers/Memory Cards: - Online Shop: -
Battle On The Street
At the Xbox presentation the other day, it was announced again that it would be released simultaneously with the console "JSRF". This time, we will release a battle mode that is as fulfilling as the main story! If you want to play with everyone, hold down as many controllers as you want!
The battle is also juicy!
The game offers a full range of new competitive play that develops based on the "JSRF" rules! Up to 4 players can participate, and you can choose from 5 rules.You can enjoy the fun that you have never experienced before! ?
No problem with split screen
Although the battle is split screen, the movement is comfortable with 1 point. Xbox power all over! Hooray for Xbox power!
DASH - Rudies are playing hard to get!
A speed race in which the person who takes the top spot after completing three laps of the course wins. It has the atmosphere of a typical kart race, with items used to jam the opponents, but with jumps and grinds, it is completely different from a simple racing game.
A race where there is no team battle, and everyone who participates becomes an enemy. It's a battle of speed. Use items!
DEATH BATTLE - Take that ball and run with it!
A slightly unusual race in which the winner is the one who completes one lap of the course with a rolling ball on the stage. The race starts from where the ball is captured somewhere on the area, and that point becomes the goal. If you fumble the ball, the count disappears and the place where you pick up the ball becomes the starting point again. Team battles are also possible.
A team game, passing the ball and circling the field, just like an American football player.
FLAG BATTLE - Get the flag that appears on the stage!
A game that takes flags that appear somewhere in the area. There is always one flag on an area, and when someone takes the flag, the next flag will appear. There are 5 flags in total. The game ends when the fifth flag is taken. The person with the most flags wins.
In team battles, the game is decided by the total number of flags taken.
Use items!
Various items such as bombs, non-scattering, and transparent items are dropped on the battle stage. Use this as a gun and make a difference to your opponent!
BATTLE GRAFFITI - Anyway, drawing graffiti wins!
Draw graffiti on the graffiti points on the stage, developing with the same rules as the main story. Whoever draws the most graffiti wins. Graffiti can be overwritten.
 Draw graffiti like the main story. Draw on a new point or crush the opponent's graffiti! ?
TAIL TO NOSE - Run or chase, dead heat!
When the graffiti meter on your opponent's back decreases to 0, you win. Also, it's over even if your physical strength reaches 0.
 A battle like the scene in which the rival team was chased in the previous work unfolds. In Team Graffiti, you can also erase fellow graffiti.
Roboy - Advisor Robot A new character in the garage!
GG's hideout, Garage Park, is a practice stage. In addition to being able to slide freely, you can learn the basics of various games by talking to the advice robot "Roboy" there.
It's kind of naive, but the guy who can't increase it. Garage Park will give you advice.
(Page 169)
Chuo Street Run through Circuit Street!
The new stage is a revolving type!
Chuo Street is the central downtown area of Tokyo. Distinctive landmarks such as fashion buildings and chameleon front are lined up. The city is like a circuit.
Tanks are also available! Let's have fun!
 This time's natural enemy, Inspector Hayashi, throws a tank into the city. Draw graffiti on the body to defeat it.
The Poison Jams have arrived. Beat the race showdown in Chuo province!
Chuo Street
Commentary: Director - Masayoshi Kikuchi
Whereas Shibuya Terminal is a mini-garden type, this is a loop-type town that is perfect for racing. One of the concepts of this game, `` exhilarating and fun to run through '' is strongly expressed. However, the road is not flat, so you can enjoy it.
Action Point - Wall Ride
 There are several places where you can enjoy a refreshing wall ride here. Kick the signs all over the place and jump to the next wall.
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fourteentheart · 1 year
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Indulging in my random thoughts... JSRF x Mewlsar cross over. Jazz was my favorite character as a kid. And, well, who would Gaius be other than Hayashi LMAO
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funny meme 
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palatteflags · 5 years
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Captain Hayashi and Captain Onishima based Pan flags! (From Jet Set Radio series) ^^ For an anon~ hope you like these~
Want one? Send a message!!
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phoneyotc · 3 months
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edgeanescence · 3 years
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plasma-sky · 2 years
Dear JSR/JSRF Community,
Does anyone know who the english voice of Hayashi is? I'm so curious, but I can't seem to find anything on it besides an extremely vague imdb page.
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dedtoot · 26 days
2023 doodle
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Top Ten Jet set radio characters!
The sewer lizards
Potts the dog
The furries with tommy guns
Npc girl with baggy pants
The radio who tells you friendship is stupid
Zombie rollerblader
Government robots
The other sewer lizards
Demon robot
Albino cop
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mechanical-magician · 3 years
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(click for better quality) FINALLY finished this, sorry about the wait! I wanted to try making a little comic and it took way longer than I thought it would. 
But hey, I hope you like it!
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