#onishima jsr
phoneyotc · 2 months
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dedtoot · 5 months
the only two jsr characters that have cartoony shark teeth for some reason
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also he got some rabid dog idk
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Doodled Onishima and Hayashi at work
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plasma-sky · 1 year
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netscapenavigaytor · 6 months
My Jet Set Radio New Game Predictions
Here's what i think theyre going to do for the new jet set radio!
They are going to retell the plot of the first JSR and/or Future but with a new coat of paint
There are going to be purchasable DLC graffiti and music packs
the graffiti editor will be even more hostile to human life
Corn is going to die in the first ten minutes of the game
They are introducing a new member of the GGs named "Snorf", and his catchphrase is going to be "It's snorfin' time!"
Pots is finally going to have the fully humanoid body he's always wanted.
yoyo is not going to be in it, they are replacing him with Ecco the Dolphin (This has actually been Confirmed by SEGA!)
You play as a member of Poison Jam this time. you get to chill in da sewers and watch monster movies between levels ^.^
They are going to implement motion controls.
We'll finally get confirmation on which members of the GGs are and aren't furries!
@dailyoyo is going to be working on it :D everyone contgraltulate them for how many sega employees they had to slaughter to get here
Beat will lose both of his arms and get giant horrible frightening mechanical claws as replacements
there will be a sanity meter mechanic!
It will be "Fortnite 2".
There will be a chapter of the game where Beat's headphones go missing and you have to find them! During the entire chapter, there will be no music whatsoever to emphasize Beat's lack of headphones.
there is going to be a 2-hour segment that is just an artsy and inscrutable experimental depiction of yoyo goig into a dissociateive spiral
Hayashi and Onishima will both be in the game, and they're going to be making out sloppy style every time they're onscreen. They won't even function as enemies? They're just a setpiece?
There will be no rival gangs, the entire plot will entail the GGs turning on each other like rabid dogs for ill-defined and petty reasons.
to be innovative and try something different from teh rest of the series, the soundtrack is going to be bad.
Yoyo is going to perish and be consumed by a malevolent warehouse, which will merge with his consciousness.
Bis/Mew/Ryth will have a new name
There's gonna be robot doppelgangers of ALL the ggs! uh oh! theyre all going to die before they get any significant screentime though in order to punish me specifically
There is going to be a minigame where you play as an overworked ordinary Rokkaku Group employee desperately trying to balance the company budget as Gouji continues to pour more money into the Killing Teenagers fund.
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^ can someone buy this for me. i cant pay you back
New mechanic where you can escape enemies by killing them, but the character you used to do this will go into a crisis over having had to take a fellow human's life at such a young age and the traumatic effects will lower their stats. Pots is immune to this effect
yoyo will get euthanized
There will be a new area named "The Unforgiving Abyss". Grind down the spine of the thousand mile long leviathan who perished within!
Ice skating instead of rollerksating?
aiai from super monkey ball will be in there
You won't be able to play it without pirating it to be truer to the spirit of the game
The moral of the story will be that the real radio was the jet we set along the way.
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flowergirlmiwa · 3 months
jsr tips/paths vol 2 Love Trap
time for me to give more tips on my favorite video game the original jet set radio!!!! this time it's all about love trap, which you can play as the second level in the game
As the level starts, you want to ignore what's in front of you. Turn around, collect the cans and walk up the stairs. At this point you're standing on the under construction highway and looking over the playground. This along with the overpasses on the street make up one of my favorite places in the game to infinite grind, since you can vary it up and find fun new ways to link up combos. Right now the only cop in the level is Onishima, and we're not going to get tricked by the abundance of small tags here. Either hit the Love Shocker and tag the medium point there or leave it for later. The difference is when the poison gas cops will show up, if you want to play it safe leave this tag for later, usually I just hit it and have them spawn once we're done with the next section. Moving on.
At this point you want to go down the trafficked road away from the playground and the overpasses. Tag the two here and mind the cops on motorcycles that are scripted to spawn just to rush you as soon as you start tagging them. If you're quick you can tag it before the cops hit you, otherwise you can go to tag, then dodge the cops and return to tag it once the coast is clear. Like do you babe I'm sure you know what you're doing by now. I forgot I'm not supposed to actually be giving a walkthrough for the game but more just give my route. Whatever
At the end of the road on the left are the two tags that are left. If you didn't tag the playground yet, you're going to just go back the way you came (through the trafficked road, not jumping down to the stairs), and if you did then that except now there's police cars to jump over and cops to avoid.
At this point all the tags are in the playground or on the (not empty anymore) under construction highway. Hit everything in the playground and the first big tag on the under construction highway (use the elephant slide to go back up there). Presumably you're playing as Gum and will need to stock up on cans before tackling the final two tags.
You have to wall jump over to the other side of the under construction highway. Technically you can grind on the crane but don't worry about it. You need 14 cans to do the final two tags, so as Gum you have one shot to mess up before you have to retreat to get more cans.
The only thing getting in your way in this level are the poison gas cops. With my route you get all the big tags besides the ones on the under construction highway before they have a chance to get in your way, and they aren't a threat to you while you tag the ones on the under construction highway because they aren't near you. That only leaves the playground and wall jump as concern areas. Just try to be as quick as you can and do your best to avoid the clouds of poison. Consider practicing with that pivotal wall jump so you can do it under pressure
Pretty easy level still so with Gum and solid execution you should be well on your way to a simple JET rating for this level. If you can't do it on your first try, just spend a little time doing an infinite grind on the overpasses or in the playground.
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stjeromeshospital · 4 years
Whadda bout Onishima? Nobody ever draws him :0
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THIS guy...
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palatteflags · 5 years
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Captain Hayashi and Captain Onishima based Pan flags! (From Jet Set Radio series) ^^ For an anon~ hope you like these~
Want one? Send a message!!
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vgstims · 4 years
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Captain Onishima Stimboard, requested by @clavi-crossing
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phoneyotc · 3 months
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dedtoot · 7 months
I'm so normal
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Beat, after being shot by a cop: hit or miss.... I guess they never miss; huh?
Onishima: *voice crackling over the two-way radio* shoot him again
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plasma-sky · 1 year
A true story from the first time I played Jet Set Radio. I genuinely did not expect the guy to see me. ;-;
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Started watching a playthrough of jet set radio because boredom and wanted to understand why everyone keeps taking about the music. And while I was pleasantly surprised to unlock a memory that I actually played a bit of this game as a kid without realizing (played it at an older cousins house but found the game too hard at the time and never played it again haha) and that the music indeed slaps, I still don't understand the professor k/dj dude
Like, I have at least a half hour left of this vid so I'm well aware this guy is supposed to be a narrator for the players to guide the story and all but... I dunno, he doesn't make sense to me in the sense of why he's doing the broadcasts in the first place as well as why he's gotta be yelling 'JET SET RAAadiOOOOOO!!!!' at any given moment. Like I thought you were a guerrilla radio station and were supposed to be kinda on the hush-hush instead of letting your neighbours know you're doing a thing in your basement but then again, he also has those blaring speakers so.... idk XD
#oh but don't get me wrong i actually love the dude and his yelling but yeah... i'm having a bit of a hard time understanding him XD#also#other dude who doesn't make sense to me is officer onishima because oh my god???#talk about excessive with for teens skating around and spraying graffiti lmao#then dude has just disappears from the game#which is cool#only to be replaced with other assassin dudes...#who are helping some other evil dude to summon some demon??? like wtf#man all the adults in the game need to chill haha#hopefully by the end of the game these things will make better sense to me by the end ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#but it is an early 2000s game so who knows what might come out of this based on other games from this era lmao~#also in random other news#i accidentally started a slight hyperfixation on the p*rapp/ a/ games#(<-rip i had to censor because this post ended up in the main tags like i feared ahhhhh im sorryyyy)#(which is actually also a factor as to why i started watching this playthrough of jsr so that i can calm down a bit haha)#and im trying sooo hard not to bombard people with it here/make the hyperfixation worse by indulging in it too much#but yeah the games are fun and i wish thy were longer but also the puppy is so pure and cute and i hope for the absolute best for him#oh and of course all the music in that game is a bop#that will be all lol#(oh geeze i typed too much in the tags but i hope it's far enough that this doesn't show up in the tags and bother jsr & ptr peeps ^^;)
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nyrator · 4 years
been feeling like venting, so just some random vents- then afterwards, JSRF ramblings because I just beat that game
turning 29 at the end of the week, not looking forward to it- turning 30 next year terrifies me
mother’s funeral was friday, got that out of the way relatively painlessly (other than having to spend an extra 800 dollars just to bury my sister with her, about $4500 by the end of it
gofundme raised about $2000, other donations about $1300 last I counted (probably higher), so most of it was covered
yesterday my mother’s 70 year old best friend held a party at a bar for my mother’s friends and I was obligated to go, bunch of crazy old women talking like sailors, drinking and smoking pot and laughing about all the drugs they did and all the times they got raped (yeahhhh), the only person I was comfortable around was the best friend. And then the party ends two hours late, we’re getting kicked out of the bar, and this friend falls bending down to grab a picture of my mother that she dropped, smashes her face into the floor, and collapses with a pool of blood under her face, unmoving, right in front of me. I couldn’t get the words out that I’d go and pick the photo up for her before she went to get it, and I regret it
Thankfully, she only had a concussion and a broken nose, she started responding after about a minute of just lying there, but it messed me up, I think.
I’ve been debating if I want to start drinking. I never tried before, mainly because my father was an abusive and violent alcoholic. The other reason is because I’m afraid what I’d do to myself if I had no inhibitions in place, I feel like I’d be very dangerous to myself.
neck has been stiff for two days. Probably slept on it wrong. Also keep feeling like I get different symptoms of covid every so often after exposing myself to the public (that bar was packed with old people who wouldn’t wear masks and had no concept of personal space). Today my throat’s been sore and I can barely breathe.
my boss told me I can go back to work as soon as the funeral’s finished- not sure if I should call her to remind her or wait for her to call me, she texted me last week and I told her the funeral was on friday. But my coworker was also wondering and asked me today, and I didn’t know what to tell her, since my boss doesn’t want me to let her know just yet because of how limited they’re open (three days a week, four hours a day)
relationships are very hard
I’m a terrible person who does the bare minimum to help someone who’s terribly lonely and depressed, and it’s like I’m backed into a corner in desperation from being unable to do anything about it. I’ve caused so much harm to this relationship that I wonder if there’s any way it can survive sometimes
It’s always the case, though- I can’t get myself to do more than the minimum effort it takes, and my social anxiety prevents me from ever initiating anything, which has cost me so many people that I shouldn’t be surprised at this point. And I can feel that awful, selfish bitterness inside of me, that part of my father and my sister that’s in me that I try to suppress, and I hate it.
my diet is going well enough, lost over five pounds since starting it late August. But it’s mostly because I just dislike eating, so eating in portions is easier for me. And then there are days like today, where I just don’t eat at all. Just ate one slice of bread, 30g of peanut butter, and a small cup of ice cream today, and I don’t even feel hungry. Normally I try to get some food in me, but today I’m just too disgusted to even try to make dinner.
My sleep’s also been weird, still. Been going to bed later and later again, but can’t stay asleep. Usually only sleep in bouts of 3-4 hours, then just lay awake until I’m half asleep long enough that I feel the urge to give up and get up. It’s been like that for weeks now, I can’t remember the last full night of sleep I’ve gotten.
In lighter news, finally got back to playing JSRF. Beat it the other night after 24.5 hours of game time, just have a few more challenges left (did everything from Dogenzaka Hill to the Bottom of the Sewage Facility so far), got all graffiti and souls possible before beating the final boss. Played it via emulator (which worked great except for crashing when entering the graffiti selection occasionally) with a Switch Pro Controller, felt really good. I own it and the original Xbox for it, but just am spoiled by a PC experience, I suppose.
The gameplay is great, but the level design leaves a funny taste in my mouth. Aesthetics are worse than JSR for me, while music... it’s tough to say, it’s different than JSR, but really grew on me. Sometimes it felt more like noise (I remember the Sewage tracklist not speaking to me too much at first with the more ambient-ish tracks), but it did grow on me a lot. Baby-T was my Garage theme the entire game, such a great track.
Naganuma’s music in the first game was definitely the weakest of the original’s OST (still good of course), but in Future I feel he really stepped up his game. Teknopathetic is one of my favorite songs in the new OST.
speaking of favorite music, here’s mine from each game:
Bout the City
Magical Girl
Miller Ball Breakers
Mischievous Boy
On the Bowl (A.Fargus Mix)
Rock It On
Super Brothers
Yellow Bream
Aisle 10
Birthday Cake
Count Latchula
I'm Not a Model
Like It Like This Like That
Rockin' the Mic
Statement of Intent
The Scrappy
(shout outs to Girls from the one JSR CD, haven’t listened to much of the other exclusive songs to it, but Girls was good)
but yeah, my minor gripes with Future
Linear level design was a bit painful (missing a jump and not being able to backtrack a lot was bleh), and the later levels were very painful (the sewage area and the rooftops are come to mind, skyscraper to a lesser extent but I liked the skyscraper one a bit more), but at the same time, they force you to get good, which I can appreciate, so hm. Still, a checkpoint system (especially since there are save points) or unlocking shortcuts would be a bit more convenient, if not entirely necessary.
Not having a way to stop auto-grinding, even if just holding down a trigger or something- the way I latched onto rails especially in the sewage area was painful
Points challenges mainly being “find the special points rail and just spamming Y” on it was a bit odd (mainly for the Jet Techs so far, just five minutes of spamming Y...), but I like how the combos feel in this game, especially X combos to speed up. Has a rhythm that’s hard to explain but just feels natural.
Also street challenges should’ve been explained better in general, had to look up most of the special ones (and glitched out the Shibuya Terminal one many times until realizing the fix was just “hop all over each platform multiple times and hope it counts”, the second one next to the tilted platform specifically for me
Mew/Bis/Rhyth’s redesign still hurts, but you better believe she’s the character I used throughout the entire game after unlocking her
Storywise, I think I like JSR’s take better- Professor K being a neutral party and more amusing/less insulting, Onishima > Hayashi, and the character designs and artstyle I overall prefer from the first game
Felt like it tried to add things that just didn’t really work sometimes (Death Ball comes to mind, though I haven’t messed with Versus yet, the story mission was very easy compared to how they hyped it up), and the boss battles were all... strange. Tagging enemies on that roller coaster level, having to grind up to that one Hayashi boss fight over and over and over, then even moreso for the final boss... never got much use out of targeting enemies, spinning circles around them, or things like the railgrab for high jumps or skidding to slow down for graffiti, either, but maybe they have their uses.
But man, the game did feel fun to play, just frustrating to explore, I think. I still like the idea of making Skatered, even more after playing this game. Maybe I could learn modding, or something...
Oh yeah, also got all the pieces of my costume together (minus some eva foam), we’ll see how that goes. Not looking forward to assembling it, honestly, but I can’t back out now. Main regret I think is the tights, being unable to find striped ones (and the solid ones I bought being a bit too see-through, I should’ve bought a size up maybe). Still not confident enough in my makeup abilities, either.
and one last bit of light news- I finally got my Kuja figure, he’s so beautiful and detailed and I need a good place to put him
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dragonflute · 5 years
ok no shit. if you like captain hayashi or onishima or like. any of the cops in jsr dont fucking talk to me. dont look at me and dont breathe at me because i dont want ur ugly cop kissing ass around me at all
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