#julien chastain
ozcarr · 6 months
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He won’t tell his therapist what he does for his side-hustle but does talk about his coworkers a lot
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ozcarr-remade · 1 year
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Csp keeps crashing and I’m pissed so have some drawings from last week and uhhhh beyond
D&D // VtM
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lavenderrpages · 1 year
TAGGED BY: @goxinsane​ ( the loveliest. )
TAGGING: hey, you. yes, you. do it. it’s fun. ​
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⋆   what’s your phone’s wallpaper ? wallpaper is a photo of when i met D’Arcy Carden the first time. I was cheesing really hard. She’s so wonderful, and all of the glittery amazing things you would expect, and more. my lock screen is when i met Jessica Chastain the second time. also, ultimate cheesing. she’s....i mean, obviously incredible. 
⋆   the last song you listened to ? ‘true blue’ by boygenius. im seeing them next week and pretty stoked, so this playlist will be filling my ears until then. i’ve seen julien, and phoebe before, but not lucy (who i love, love, love.) super excited. i’m also dying my hair grey and dressing like phoebe in the music video...because i’m THAT person. nobody asked for these written out answers, but here you have it. 
⋆   currently reading ? i have this habit of reading like five books back to back super fast, and then not reading for a handful of months after. however, i began Lauren Graham’s book, ‘Have I told you this already?’ I love her so much. Excited to pick it up again and finish it. Gilmore Girls for life, am i right ??
⋆   last movie you saw ? I think it was the live action Little Mermaid. Halle was amazing.  Also, Melissa slayyyyyyed. Truly. 
⋆   last show you watched ? Mindhunter. Doing a rewatch, because my girlfriend never saw it, and i have a deep, deep love for Anna Torv. 
⋆  what are you wearing right now ?  a smol navy tank top with green, white and yellow stripes on it, with highwaisted black mom jeans that still smell heavily of Le Labo, Santal 33 (iykyk...) as i wore these two days ago...and didn’t wash them. judge away if you must. haha
⋆  how tall are you ? five-four and a quarter. the quarter matters. my girlfriend is shorter than me, and makes me feel so tall. 
⋆ piercings / tattoos ? i have my ears pierced traditionally. i’d like to get a couple more on my ears, but i got my ears pierced as a baby, and the unknown feeling freaks me out a lot. tattoos, i think last i counted was 19...which is wild...because it doesn’t seem like that many. i have a need for more. soon. 
⋆   glasses / contacts ? glasses. i have trouble seeing far away. i don’t wear them a ton. which reminds me, i need to replace a screw in one of my pairs. 
⋆   last thing you ate ? pasta. it was for breakfast. shh. i know, it’s wild. then i wonder why i have acid reflux. 
⋆  favorite color(s) ? cerulean. which, as a kid...i thought it was called ‘chlorine.’ also, burnt orange, mustardy yellow, chartreuse. i think as i’ve gotten older, i’ve grown a wider love for colors in general. i used to hate green, but now i love. 
⋆   current obsession ? sitting outside. i think it’s because i’m from michigan, and moving to somewhere where it’s all sunny all of the time has been wonderful to feel. not to quote boygenius, but, ‘winter bitch, but summers in my blood.’  i’m also just so in love with D’Arcy Carden, Succession.... i’m scheduling my grief. it ended so deliciously, but i’m going to miss it so, so much. Speaking of grief, yellowjackets, and Ted Lasso !! also, beyonce’s renaissance album is forever my obsession. super excited to see this tour. 
⋆  do you have a crush right now ? you mean...besides miss D’Arcy Carden... who wrapped her arms around me, and looked at my girlfriend and said, ‘sorry girlfriend!’ ....and then i embarrassingly told her she was my hall pass.... mmm yeah. no. that’s the only crush, right now. sorry girlfriend !
⋆   favorite fictional character ?  ooo. that’s downright tough. probably Villanelle, from Killing Eve. 
⋆   last place you visited ? spontaneous trip to Los Angeles a few days ago for a lovely, sparkly, concert. 
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blastikmusik · 3 months
sunny side down 664
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bifff - saccharine NewDad - Madra Julien Chang - Home For The Moment Fat White Family - Religion For One Ford Chastain - In Circles Softcult - Shortest Fuse Homephone - Nightwalk boerd & Boko Yout - All My Life Réjizz ft. Zeedox - Don't Cry Baby Blue okaywill - Potions Gracie Gray - Sea of Glass Lowertown - Best Person You Know Teethe - Thanks Drauve - I Don't Like You Dana Gavanski - Let Them Row cruush - Headspace Stevie Zita - Pyramid Schemin' Firstworld - Whiteboy
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thatsafinefrenzy · 7 years
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Jessica Chastain photographed by Julien Mignot for Grazia
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spiderdreamer-blog · 4 years
Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted
What does one make of DreamWorks Animation as a film studio? Founded in 1994 by Jeffrey Katzenberg as part of DreamWorks overall alongside Steven Spielberg and David Geffen to specifically to compete with Katzenberg’s former bosses and co-workers at Disney for king of the animated feature box office, 25+ years later, it now sits comfortably in Comcast’s library of acquisitions and continuing to make films and streaming TV series by the truckload. But what exactly is the essence of it? It’s hard to look at a film or series from them and say it is recognizably DreamWorksian in the same way one can pinpoint a Disney or Pixar film at a glance. They have made many TYPES of films, for one, many of them great in varied artistic modes: The Prince of Egypt is one of the best American animated features of all time; Shrek remains both a charming parody and cleverer than it’s given credit for in regards to social commentary; Kung Fu Panda is a legitimately excellent and rousing martial arts film (and 2 might be even better); How To Train Your Dragon has a terrific coming-of-age story at its center with one of the best dragons in all of cinema; and so on and so forth. Even their bad films like Bee Movie or, god help us all, Shark Tale are fascinating to dissect and discuss. And perhaps the most oddball franchise they’ve had remains the funny-animal-comedy series Madagascar, the third film of which we’ll discuss today.
Picking up after the events of the second film, Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa, the film opens with Alex the Lion (Ben Stiller), Marty the Zebra (Chris Rock), Melman the giraffe (David Schwimmer), and Gloria the hippo (Jada Pinkett Smith) awaiting the return of the penguins, who’ve taken the party plane for a gambling spree alongside the chimps in Monaco. All are eager to return home to New York City’s Central Park Zoo and going a little stir-crazy. This is somewhat contrary to the conclusion of the last film, where they seemed rather content in Africa with Alex’s biological family who are nowhere in sight or mentioned here; then again, this series waited until film 2 to reveal Melman’s apparently lifelong crush on Gloria, so continuity is perhaps not its strongest suit at all times. Either way, Alex gets bothered enough by the others’ absence that they decide to set off with King Julien (Sacha Baron Cohen) and the other lemurs to find the penguins, which sets off wacky shenanigans and the arrival of our villain for the piece, the frighteningly competent and ultra-French animal control officer Chantal DuBois (Frances McDormand). Eventually, they find their way to a circus train with animals like Gia the cheetah (Jessica Chastain), Vitaly the Tiger (Bryan Cranston, affecting an amusingly outrageous Russian accent), and Stefano the sea lion (Martin Short, doing a very Mario Bros. style performance); thinking quickly, the zoosters lie and say they’re circus animals to get in their good graces, decide to end up helping the circus to try and get them a big tour in America, and you can probably guess how things go from there.
But as the great Roger Ebert always liked to say, it’s not what a movie’s about, but how it’s about it. And the Madagascar films have always married predictable family film plots with charming character dynamics, a unique art style, and terrific comedy setpieces, which all reach their highest point here. I’ve seen a lot of Wacky Chase Scenes in American animated films, but the one that develops in Monaco, with DuBois’ terrifying implacability (quoth Julien after she breaks through walls and windows Terminator-style: “this lady is really starting to freak me out”), lines of dialogue like “Zebras can’t drive! Only penguins and people can drive!”, or details like a banana-powered turret gun, might be one of the best I’ve seen in terms of comedy escalation. And while some of the character sideplots are stronger than others (Alex and Gia’s budding romance has its fleeting charms, but is fairly rote), there ARE those genuine strengths.
For instance, the penguins remain hilarious in their dogged enthusiasm for action heroics and seeming indifference to the potentially fatal consequences of such (which would reach its own apex in their equally charming solo film) with ideas like Kowalski’s nuclear reactor engine. Vitaly regaining his confidence as a circus animal manages to be surprisingly moving through Cranston’s performance, layering in old regrets and remembered dream as he comes to a new triumph. And Julien gets what is easily his best subplot in the series through his romance with the realistic-looking bear Sonya (Frank Welker) that proves gut-busting and then oddly touching by turns. DuBois is also a fantastic villain, both funny and genuinely menacing in ways the series hadn’t really done before. The foosa in the first film were a not-terribly-threatening hivemind, while 2′s Makunga is mostly a comedy sleaze, though there was some amusement to the old woman Nana proving to be a wily badass. DuBois, meanwhile, marries the best of both worlds: threatening enough to prove genuinely chilling in her fervent desire to mount Alex’s head on her wall, but not so immovable that she can’t suffer some comedy humiliations (her ultimate fate is the best callback possible).
The visuals also genuinely pop, with terrific graphic character animation throughout (the staccato movements of the penguins nearly always leave me in fits laughing, and DuBois is the pinnacle of this style for exaggerated Looney Tunes-style human motion), great off-kilter choices and angles for moments like Vitaly’s flashbacks, and some nicely psychedelic colors mixed with abstract blackness in the circus performances. The voice acting is also solid from top the bottom, with the series regulars in a comfortable group chemistry by now (I especially enjoy Stiller’s Alex since he melds both parts of the standard Stiller personas, neurotic anxiety and theatrical ego, into something fresh), and the new performers all acquit themselves ably. In particular, Chastain all but disappears into the perky accent, and McDormand seems to have been totally game for anything the writers threw at her like her ridiculous accent or a stirring yet deeply strange in context performance of Non je regrette rien.
I suppose one could say there are “flaws”: the bog-standard third act misunderstanding is perhaps a little obligatory, if well-executed, and it does lead to a nicely stark moment where the zoosters reflect on how much their experiences have changed them while they look at what used to be their home. And anyone who’s not a fan of wacky frenetic American animated comedy will find much to induce headaches here, though thankfully the infamous “Afro Circus” song is only here in brief spots. But Madagascar 3 might be one of my favorite DreamWorks sequels purely for its inventiveness and comfort in going to some admirably weird places for a kiddie franchise film. For that, I can’t help but give it a hearty recommendation.
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lcvitatiing · 5 years
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                                        ABIERTA LA INSCRIPCIÓN
Inicialmente, el internado Bedford fue concebido hace siglos como una de las mejores instituciones educativas a nivel mundial, cuna de los futuros grandes lideres. No solo destaca por el alto nivel académico impartido a sus alumnos sino también por impartir disciplina y valores morales a los niños rebeldes de las familias de mayor renombre y poder adquisitivo del mundo.
Ahora bien, desde hace algunos años, los dueños del colegio se han visto en grandes aprietos económicos debido a una serie de irregularidades y es por eso que han debido cerrar acuerdos con el gobierno de el Reino Unido.
Parte de estos acuerdos es el estar obligados a admitir dentro de la institución a becados pero no solo eso sino que también a jóvenes que hayan cometido delitos menores y tengan voluntad de re encausar su vida.
Es así como hoy en día, entre las paredes de este viejo castillo, conviven los más destacados profesionales junto a un grupo de destacados alumnos y jóvenes criminales en rehabilitación.
Entre los hijos mimados de la alta sociedad y los jóvenes descarriados de los barrios bajos, ¿quien resultara ser la peor influencia?
@teen4gedre4mers : Delilah Spencer (Kendall Jenner) Bautista Harrinston (Neels Visser), Ambar Harrinston (Valentina Zenere), Daniela di Pietro (Danielle Campbell) & Amelie Gardinier (Lili Reinhart)
@skaikruwheda : Mitch Barlow (Colin Ford), Farah Grant (Dianna Agron). Charlieze Kensington (Jessica Chastain)
@astridxindierp : Bambi Conti (Dua Lipa) & Nicholas Neeson (Nolan Gerard Funk)
@scstole : Ulysses Van (Kj Apa), Ivan di Stefano (Miles Heizer), Alessia Bhreac (Gigi Hadid) & Eric Mirkovic (CChristopher Mason)
@thewolfieprincexrp : Charles Butler (Casey Cott), Chace Castle (Lorenzo Zurzolo) & Peter Castle (Froy Gutierrez)
@zombics :  Kristjan Didriksen (Alex Hogh Andersen), Paige Laforet (Emma Mackey)
@prostitutc : Noah di Stefano (Dacre Montgomery), Carla Acosta (Cindy Kimberly), Thomas Preston (Olly Alexander)
@kingofmyhe4rt: Dorian Douglas (Austin Butler), Milo Hughes (Louis Tomlinson) & Dolores Rossa (Becky G)
@perrxdinamita :  Luna Laforêt de Luca (Dove Cameron)
@dacmcti : Julien Laforete de Luca (Dylan Sprayberry), Dagmar Larsen (Demet Ozdemir), Killian Rhodes (Yara Shahidi) & Melissa Bhreac (Gigi Hadid)
@chlorinc : Stefan Nielsen (Herman Tommeraas), Forest Byrne (Will Tudor) & Crystal Bradley (Lily Collins)
@whisperindie : Logan Roe (Timothee Chalamet) & Kevin Doyle (Tyler Young)
@thermmates : Pablo ..... (Shawn Mendes)
Sin mucho más que explicar, pueden unirse tanto criminales como niños bien, becados o cualquier miembro del personal menos la directora. 
Este es un verse basado en el roleplay Bedford Boarding School del cual solía ser admin. De todos modos puede unirse el que quiera y no solo las viejas users. Y pueden traer personajes nuevos o los que hayan usado en cualquiera de las temporadas... incluso podrían traer a personajes de temporadas pasadas en un nuevo rol como el de profesor o lo que sea.
No se permiten tener FC’s repetidos (a menos que hayan gemelos pero eso debe acordarse por adelantado entre los respectivos users)
Todos son invitados a unirse, no hace falta que tengan un sideblog ni nada, solo ganas de participar. Se rolea desde sus respectivos blogs indies y el único requisito es usar el tag del verse, y avisarnos que quieren ser parte así las agregamos a la lista, obvio.
Si alguien desea unirse puede ponerse en contacto conmigo.
El tag para los starters es #bbs:verse
El tag para cualquier información importante es #bbs:info
Cualquier duda pueden acercarse a mi ask o IM :)
Ultimo pero no por eso menos importante... quiero agradecerle a la genia de @skaikruwheda por ayudarme haciendo el gráfico.
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buddaimond · 6 years
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Kristen Stewart translated Q&A interview with Grazia, Cannes 2018 issue
Already twice in official competition with Olivier Assayas, the American actress, ambassador of Chanel, returns this year on the Croisette as a member of the jury.
What was your reaction when Thierry Frémaux invited you to the jury?
I had trouble getting used to the idea! This festival symbolizes all the reasons why people make movies, which are the same to me. When I came here for the first time, I was a young actress who had made some commercial movies, and I was already counting my luck. Today, I feel at home, I feel fulfilled. I know I'm where I want to be.
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Have you ever played such a role in a festival?
No it's the first time. I envision it as a mini-cinema school. During these ten days, each of us will have a different experience about a movie. This is the principle of a jury : to bring diverse opinions. Nobody is wrong or right. You just have to react honestly, be guided by your guts.
 Do you know your companions in the next fortnight?
One or two, only. Before arriving, I locked myself in my hotel room for two days to watch everything they did, to prepare myself. And then Cate Blanchett as president jury, not bad at all!
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 What do you expect from this edition, the first since the hurricane unleashed by the Weinstein affair?
I want to see strong, political, committed films. I want to be moved too. But the cinema is always a little late; It takes time to make a movie, there can not be an immediate change. We will certainly see first results, the storm has long been rumbling.
In 2017, Jessica Chastain is said to have been disturbed by the representation of the woman in some films of the competition. Are you hoping for an improvement this year?
Yes, I want to see women uniquely embodied, women whose personal stories are so specific that they are not "women's stories" but individual stories. Films centered on female characters are too demonstrative: women succeed in overcoming adversity, saving the world ... I would like to know the inner life of a woman rather than witness an artificial takeover.
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Last year you presented your first short film, Come Swim . Are you going to direct again?
Yes, I'm working on my first feature film.
Pictures by Julien Mignot on IG
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Jessica Chastain photographed by Julien Mignot for Grazia
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3cvinci · 5 years
DVD : nos nouveautés de septembre.
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Interstellar, de Christopher Nolan :
Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) doit quitter sa famille et la Terre pour mener un groupe d’explorateur lors de la mission la plus importante de toute l’Histoire. Ensemble, leur voyage testera les limites du temps, de l’espace et de l’Homme, avec la destinée de toute l’Humanité entre leurs mains. Anne Hathaway et Jessica Chastain complètent le casting de ce chef-d’œuvre. (fiction, sf)
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West Side Story, de Robert Wise et Jerome Robbins :
Dans cette plus que célèbre comédie musicale, l’histoire de Roméo et Juliette est transposée dans le New York des années 50. Les Jets (d'origine polonaise, irlandaise et italienne) et les Sharks (d'origine portoricaine), font la loi dans le West side. Ils se provoquent et s'affrontent à l'occasion. Tony, ex-chef des Jets, et Maria, sœur du chef des Sharks, tombent amoureux, mais le couple doit subir les forces opposées de leur clan respectif. (fiction, comédie-musicale, drame)
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2001, L’Odyssée de l’espace, de Stanley Kubrick :
En 1968, sortait le film qui allait bouleverser le monde de la science-fiction. Désormais, il y aurait un 'avant' et un "après" 2001, L'Odyssée de L'Espace. Ce chef-d’œuvre échappe d'ailleurs totalement au temps qui passe. Malgré les progrès techniques réalisés depuis sa sortie dans les effets spéciaux, le film n'a pas pris une ride, prouvant de manière éclatante le génie visionnaire de Maître Kubrick. (fiction, sf)
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La Mort aux trousses, d’Alfred Hitchcock :
La Mort aux trousses, petit chef-d'œuvre de suspense et d'humour, permet à Hitchcock de retrouver Cary Grant, l'une de ses vedettes attitrées depuis Soupçons. Le publiciste Roger Tornhill (Cary Grant) se retrouve malgré lui dans la peau d’un espion. Fuyant à la fois la police et une mystérieuse organisation, il part dans une course folle à travers les États-Unis, en compagnie de la blonde et troublante Eve Kendall (Eva Marie Saint). Deux scènes spectaculaires ont fait la notoriété du film : la séquence où Cary Grant est poursuivi par un avion en rase campagne et la poursuite finale sur le mont Rushmore. Cette comédie d'espionnage n'a pas pris une ride au fil des ans. À voir et à revoir sans modération ! (fiction, thriller)
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Les nouveaux loups du web, de Cullen Hoback :
Avez-vous déjà lu les conditions générales d'utilisation sur internet avant de cliquer "J'accepte" ? Vous seriez étonné de savoir ce qui est fait de vos données... Indispensable pour tous les internautes ! BONUS : Retrouvez de nombreuses thématiques autour du Web et de l'Open Source : du Deep Web à l'économie circulaire, en passant par Snapchat, le Bitcoin, les alternatives aux G.A.F.A.M. (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft), l'anonymat et d'autres sujets. Découvrez des spécialistes qui vous expliqueront comment rester maître de ses données. (documentaire)
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Le Rouge et le Noir, de Claude Autant-Lara :
Julien Sorel, jeune homme ambitieux mais d’origine modeste, devient l'amant de Mme de Rénal. Prise de remords, celle-ci met fin à leur liaison. Après un court passage au séminaire, Julien devient le secrétaire d'un marquis dont il séduit la fille. Alors qu'un mariage semble se dessiner, le marquis se renseigne sur Julien auprès de Mme de Rénal, qui l'accable. Furieux, Julien tente de la tuer… (fiction, romance, adaptation)
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Imitation Game, de Morden Tyldum :
1940 : Alan Turing, mathématicien, est chargé par le gouvernement britannique de percer le secret de la célèbre machine de cryptage allemande Enigma, réputée inviolable. Avec une équipe atypique de savants, linguistes, champions d'échecs et agents du renseignement, Turing va contribuer à changer le cours de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale et de l'Histoire... Un film librement inspiré de le vie d’Alan Turing. (biopic)
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Une Histoire vraie, de David Lynch :
Sentant arriver sa dernière heure, Alvin Straight, soixante-treize ans, décide de traverser les États-Unis pour rejoindre son frère, avec qui il s'est fâché dix années plus tôt. Et pour ce faire, il va utiliser l'engin de locomotion qu'il connaît le mieux : une tondeuse. Loin des films oniriques et déstructurés qui ornent sa production habituelle, David Lynch nous offre une très belle histoire, simple et sobre, celle d'un vieillard et de sa volonté inébranlable, de ce voyage mystique vers une ultime réconciliation. Accompagné par la musique du fidèle Angelo Badalamenti, le regretté acteur Richard Farnsworth est étonnant de justesse dans ce road-movie incongru à 30 kilomètres heure, aux belles images de campagne américaine. (fiction, road-movie)
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ozcarr · 8 months
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… about what I said about the lineup changing a lot
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ozcarr-remade · 9 months
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Mariage de Manon Marsault : 5 robes différentes portées mais seulement la 3e a fait l'unanimité...
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Julien Tanti et Manon Marsault viennent tout juste de réaliser LE mariage de l’année. Voilà des mois que les parents du petit Tiago qui fêtera son premier anniversaire dans quelques jours, organisaient leurs noces. Désireux d’en mettre plein la vue à leurs convives, Manon et Julien qui se sont rencontrés dans l’émission « Moundir et les apprentis aventuriers » n’ont pas hésité à planifier un extraordinaire mariage qui s’est déroulé sur trois jours dans le sud de la France. - JOUR 1 - Cérémonie civile, jeudi 2 mai 2019 Ce jeudi 2 mai 2019, Manon et Julien avaient convié toute leur famille des « Marseillais » et tous leurs proches à leur cérémonie civile à la mairie. Pour l’occasion, Manon Marsault avait opté pour une combinaison blanche très 70’s.
  Voir cette publication sur Instagram
Félicitations madame TANTI ❤️❤️❤️ @manonmarsault @carlamoreau_____
Une publication partagée par Maeva Ghennam...
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hassanask-blog1 · 6 years
The Resident
Chastain est inondé avec un concert des amateurs quand une bousculade lors d'un festival de musique de motifs de feuilles dans le besoin de médecins. Comme Conrad et Nic course pour vous aider à Josh Robinson, un professionnel guide aventure avec une longue liste de avant de blessures, Devon travaille avec un musicien qui jure qu'il est sobre, même si son rapport de toxicologie suggère le contraire. Pendant ce temps, Bell remue le pot lorsque l'hôpital vénéré chirurgien orthopédiste, le Dr Kit de Voss, exige une meilleure résident, Julien travaille pour obtenir son patron sur la Cloche du bon côté et Winthrop continue de pousser Conrad croire qu'il est un homme transformé.
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titoslondon-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Titos London
#Blog New Post has been published on http://www.titoslondon.co.uk/daily-style-directory-13112017/
Daily style directory: 13/11/2017
1/25 Kajol in Sabyasachi at the Kolkata International Film Festival inauguration
Image: APH Images
Anushka Sharma in Nikhil Thampi and Anmol Jewellers at the Indian Sports Honours Awards
Image: Viral Bhayani
Deepika Padukone in Sabyasachi at GQ Fashion Nights in Mumbai
Image: Viral Bhayani
Vaani Kapoor in Falguni Shane Peacock and Anmol JewellersDiana Penty in Anita Dongre and PinkcityMadhuri Dixit Nene in Rahul Mishra
Image: Viral Bhayani
Mira Rajput Kapoor at Mumbai airport
Image: Viral Bhayani
Athiya Shetty at Mumbai airport
Image: Viral Bhayani
Priyanka Chopra in Preen by Thronton Bregazzi in LA
Image: Instagram.com
Deepika Padukone in Nike at Mumbai airport
Image: Viral Bhayani
Emma Stone in Louis Vuitton at the 9th Annual Governors Awards in LA
Image: Instagram.com
Huma Qureshi at Mumbai airport
Image: Viral Bhayani
Jessica Chastain in Alexander McQueen at the 9th Annual Governors Awards in LA
Image: Instagram.com
Kate Middleton at the Royal Festival of Remembrance in London
Image: Instagram.com
Khushi Kapoor and Jhanvi Kapoor at Mumbai airport
Image: Viral Bhayani
Kristen Stewart in Julien Macdonald at the 31st Annual American Cinematheque Awards Ceremony in LA
Image: Instagram.com
Malaika Arora in Monisha Jaising and Essense at the Indian Sports Honours Awards
Image: Viral Bhayani
Mira Rajput Kapoor in Mumbai
Image: Viral Bhayani
Naomi Campbell in Monse at the Pirelli 2018 Calendar launch gala in New York
Image: Instagram.com
Neha Dhupia at the Naaz Awards
Image: Viral Bhayani
Pooja Hegde at GQ Fashion Nights in Mumbai
Image: Viral Bhayani
Saiyami Kher at GQ Fashion Nights in Mumbai
Image: Viral Bhayani
Shamita Shetty in Shantanu & Nikhil at GQ Fashion Nights in Mumbai
Image: Viral Bhayani
Shilpa Shetty Kundra in White Elephant bu Mayyur Girotra and Curio Cottage
Image: Instagram.com
Sophie Choudry in Gucci shoes at Mumbai airport
Image: Viral Bhayani
Intense, festive hues had a huge moment in celebrity wardrobes this weekend.
Kajol made a rare public appearance in Kolkata wearing a regal green and gold Sabyasachi sari, while Vaani Kapoor went all-out in a gold Falguni Shane Peacock gown. Both Neha Dhupia and Diana Penty picked midnight blues (the former in an anarkali jacket, the latter in an Anita Dongre lehenga), and Anushka Sharma accompanied beau Virat Kohli at a sports event in a scarlet Nikhil Thampi suit. Red was a favourite overseas as well, with Jessica Chastain picking a fiery Alexander McQueen ensemble in LA, and Naomi Campbell glittering at a New York gala in an asymmetric Monse gown.
But nothing beats the charm of the all-time classic party hue: black. This weekend, Deepika Padukone went the sultry route in a belted black and gold sari, Madhuri Dixit Nene opted for an embroidered ebony Rahul Mishra creation, Malaika Arora kept her look simple in a black Monisha Jaising gown, and in London, Kate Middleton chose a black velvet coat dress for her evening out. What did Jhanvi Kapoor, Huma Qureshi, Mira Rajput Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra step out in? Find out in our slideshow now!
The post Daily style directory: 13/11/2017 appeared first on VOGUE India.
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itsilyamalykh · 7 years
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Jessica Chastain, photographed by Julien Mignot for Grazia FR, May 2017 
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