#junkrat doesn’t know who lucio is for awhile so he just sees him as some weirdo that’s crashing in his garage for awhile
rootworks · 8 months
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Lúcio but I make him go to Australia(junkertown)!!!!!!!
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fluffybunnybadass · 7 years
Konatarai trying to coordinate in an MMO and/or Overwatch match
DUDE YES I WAS… ACTUALLY THINKING ABOUT THIS THE OTHER NIGHT?? well okay it was muse but i am like pretty sure KR was around the corner bc of [idol au noises in the bg]
OKAY SO LIKE. Leaf. bestest purest leafy would totally play/main Mercy. She’s not good at her. She also plays Lucio and really she should main as him because she’s much better at him than Mercy, but to her Mercy is like. the ideal healer [atm]. She also likes Bastion but she can’t stand shooting at people so she never really plays him. Please to not let the poor child have to fight someone she is 3/10 skilled and will cry/yelp when shot at. 
Rui I can see as fucking Widowmaker. Like. I don’t know why and maybe it’s bc I’m just borrowing from what I recall seeing/hearing Gome play of her, but like. I cannot unsee Rui as sniper. And she’s like. unsurprisingly merciless. Headshots everywhere, repositions before you realize where she’s coming from. 10/10 probably could play competitive [and probably does. also fun idea of her getting frustrated at people in competitive and morty just being nearby like “wife pls calm down it is just a game” “YES AND IT’S A GAME I’M GOOD AT NOW LEAVE ME ALONE”. When she’s not feeling competitive or not in the mood for Widowmaker, she probably trolls around as Sombra. 
I honestly don’t know why that was my sudden mental image of Caitlin/Rui as such, but mfmskdhsdskhada ha i cannot get it out of my head. Maybe it’s got some weird background correlation to her TR history.
Ellie would be… hell, I don’t know. Probably a Symmetra or some other support/def/tank character. Oooh maybe a Mei now that I’ve pulled up the character list [bc i cannot remember all 23]. 7/10 she takes an investment in learning the characters she likes. 
Makoto would play as a fucking tracer and she would be the most frustrating Tracer to play with AND against, like there’s just no organization to her playing Tracer, she just likes zipping around and getting in weird places and when she accidentally falls off she tries to hit the recall button [I forgot the actual skill name]. also maybe surprise genji but too busy jumping around and shooting shurikens to actually get any skills 4/10 can never fucking get hit, never hits back either.
Janise would probably be adversed to playing Junkrat but whenever she gets him on Mystery Heroes she finds out that she’s actually p. good at him and likes blowing stuff up. :D She would also probably play a Mercy?? maybe??? I don’t have any reasoning for this, except maybe that witch skin. Maybe she’d also play McCree [and maybe she’d be like LOL REAPER but I don’t recall enough to say if she would be into edgy characters or not.] either a 4 or a 5/10 for most characters, 7/10 for junkrat.
Cass would def main Widowmaker [colorscheme similarities iirc], maybe Pharah, maybe Sombra. Like, I dunno, anyone with a gun wait that didn’t come out right. 10/10 widowmaker, her and Rui have a friendly widowmaker rivalry [but honestly cass is the better one], 8/10 pharah, who knows for sombra. 
I can see Camilla playing Bastion bc of how pretty/greenery his vid was? And Zayra. Again, I don’t recall much to get a good idea of what characters would call to her or her potential play style. 5/10 pretty good casual. 
Morty would probably only get roped into playing because of his wife, and would probably just. like. maaaaaybe start out with 76, winds up learning to play Winston [he really liked his character/felt more akin with that character than most of the others] and maybe Hanzo? He also probably recognizes how to play the support/def characters like Torbjorn and Zarya and often winds up playing those roles when roped into playing [esp when helping with CTF matches.] OH HOW COULD I FORGET HE WOULD BE THE FUCKING ZENYATTA HOW IN THE FUCK COULD I FORGET. 4.5/10 most of the time, can get up to a 6 after awhile.
Eusine is that one player who YELLS OVER THE VOICE CHAT ABOUT HOW EVERYONE NEEDS TO GIT GUD but he’s actually the person that needs to be carried, he probably thinks Reaper and McCree are gr8 choices for him but he’s shit at them. like. so bad. git gud 0/10 even leaf is better at this game than u. that or he goes for the stylish characters. Which… are in limited supply LOL. Gets mad that Symmetra isn’t an offense character, yells at the screen/over voice chat the first time he plays her that HOW COME SHE DOESN’T HAVE A REGULAR GUN LIKE THE REST OF THE PEOPLE. WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY ASSET/SPECIALTY IS TO PLACE SENTRIES AND PLAY PASSIVELY. THIS ISN’T FUN. Gets mad that he can’t both be a sniper and a melee shooting character. [never touches 76 because “grizzled old man eww no i am a young handsome man I could never play someone so… lacking in taste.”]
Steven would probably [totally] be the group’s main Torbjorn player. I don’t know why. Maybe because of the melting of iron and he’s like. the closest to a steel type character. And maybe Reinhardt, but he much prefers Torby? LOUD SHRUGGING. also 7/10 he may be quiet and doesn’t seem like a gamer but he can def hold his own.
Roark would maybe play Reinhardt or Winston. He doesn’t really know what he’s doing, and neither does his wife. They still manage to have fun, though he winds up confused more about what’s going on than she does [she just likes zippy zooming around!]. maybe 6/10 he just keeps up that shield and takes it slow until he finds a good time to charge. Also maybe a Lucio player.
Freya: probably a reinhardt, Symmetra, or Bastion. Pretty much one that doesn’t require her to focus too much/she can station herself and not need to think too much. where she can just sit and hold a button. [i’m thinking shielding rein, sentry symm on CTF, or sentry/turret Bastion on any mode that would play to that strength.] Sometimes she’ll switch it up to Zarya or maybe even Ana if she feels like she can pay a bit more attention to the game/what’s going on. 7/10 bonus score points bc her apathy actually makes her enjoy it better than others who play casually, she could actually get really good at it if she had the time/energy to invest into it [ie a 10/10 reinhardt that people are like “THAT EFFING REINHARDT”]
Joey: Easily frustrated player when set up against people that are just. DOMINATING the map. Winston, Hanzo, and I dunno maybe one of the following three (McCree, Reaper, or 76. Leaning more towards 76.) Tries not to play too much knowing this. Winds up rating a 4/10. 
as for more traditional RPG style
Leaf: healer, like. straight up healer, gets the highest level healing/res skill as a result. Maybe has a bard/dancer alt.
Rui: DPS maybe? Paladin alt.
Makoto: Warrior main, maybe a ranger/arrow-using alt.
Janise: warrior/pure offense, has two different subclasses of the offense class. Or maybe an offense and a mage
Ellie: support/defense. Probably a Paladin/Templar main. Something like that. and a mage/buff magic user alt.
Morty: Probably has two mains: a Fighter/Monk main and a wizard/mystic/mage with minor heals main [i’m not even trying here i’m so sorry]
Roark: defense
Steven: defense/support
Camilla: support/white mage
Cass: red(?) mage main and a technician/inventor sort of alt [i might be getting too tabletop here than typical mmorpg WOOPSIE]
Freya: Defense. just. infinitely spams defense buffs. just let her rest ok.
Joey: probably Tank main w/balanced mage alt [grey?]. When Leaf needs help completing a quest/dungeon and can’t do it by herself, he tanks for her while she heals/buffs him. Tends to get focused on more in smaller groups than in larger groups. Is not bothered by mmorpg bc it’s not another human on the other end.
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