#just having to VERY subtly sniff wriggling babies
Oblivious parents
Summary: Katara and Zuko take care of a baby.
Rating: K
Relationships: Katara/Zuko
Warnings: Toph being Toph and joking about her sight.
For the Zutara month day two: Momtara & dadko
The baby is more of a toddler really, he’s maybe one and a half, o two at best, he’s a tiny little boy with the cutest and brightest smile they’ve ever seen in anyone since they saw Aang smile for the first time, all shiny eyes and white teeth.
They find him on the ruins of an earth village that was burned to the ground by Fire Nation’s soldiers. Toph was the one to find him, after following her feet towards the feeling of something small sobbing and wriggling.
She doesn’t keep the baby for a very long time because Katara takes the boy from her arms just as soon as she sees them.
“Poor boy,” Coos the waterbender holding the toddler close to her chest, seeing her friends gathering around her and the baby with helpless look in her eyes. “Did you find any other survivors?” She asks Zuko directly.
“No,” laments the prince, approaching Katara and caressing the baby boy’s tin black hair, “Toph was lucky to find him.”
“Does he have a name?” Asks Aang, distancing himself from the pair and the baby, wary of the boy’s fragility, and just a bit uncomfortable with the secure looks that both, Zuko and Katara shared without even noticing.
“Umasa” Declares Katara, kissing the boy’s head.
“You’re already naming him!?” Exclaims Sokka, warily watching his sister as she attaches herself to the boy. Just like with Aang, he thinks with preoccupation. “What are we even going to do with a baby?” He asks, trying to be the voice of reason for their group. “Do you even realise we are in the middle of a war?”
“First we have to clean him.” States Zuko, cleaning the ashes marring Umasa’s face with a finger “then we have to find something to feed him.” He sighs. “We are aware that we can’t keep him,” murmurs the firebender regaling Katara with a somber look, holding her and the baby close by resting his open palm in her lower back. “But we have to take care of him until we can ensure him a safe house.” 
There’s guilt in his expression, and the whole group can tell he feels the weight of the boy’s fate over his shoulder’s as he feels the weight of every horrible action his nation commits in the name of his father.
“We’ll take care of him.” Katara reassures him, snuggling the baby in between them, both of them blind to their friends as they bask in the glow of their feelings.
“They look like a pair of new parents.” Realises Aang in wonder.
“It’s disgusting,” agrees Sokka, suddenly very aware that his sister is too busy snuggling up to the disgraced prince of the Fire Nation to hear them talk about them.
“Yeah…” Moans Toph, looking a lot like a child embarrassed by the presence of her overly loving parents “I’m just glad I don’t have to see them.”
As Zuko not to subtly lowers his face and sniffs Katara’s hair, resting his cheek on the top of her head with a contented sigh, Sokka can’t help but agree.
At night, they find cover a few meters away from the village. They sleep under tick trees by a fire Zuko ignited himself before falling asleep alongside Katara and baby Umasa over Appa’s tail. They sleep a few centimeters away from each other but they wake up close to each other, holding their hands over the baby’s chest.
Zuko is the first to wake up, graced by the sight of his friend’s peaceful sleeping face and the baby’s tiny head in between them. 
He feels soft in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time, comfortable and safe, surrounded by friends he considers family and sharing his responsibilities with a girl he considers his equal in every way. But as soon as he feels this, he also feels the deep dread of guilt with the knowledge that he’s enjoying the result of his nation’s destruction.
With determination, he cradles both Katara and the baby close to his chest, and promises himself to end this war, to protect his family, the one he’s created by himself, to fight for peace and the lives of the new generations.
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xnowhere-man · 7 years
❤ ☣ ☀ ✘ ☠ ☻ ❀ ♫ - forthriight
❤  - A kiss- ‘65
Paul’s stare beams forlornly through the dark to gaze at the bedacross from him, stirring awake for the sixth time that night, mentally carvingout a space in the desolate spread of sheets beside George’s slumbering frame.  The other boy hasn’t been feeling well andretired early- it’d be one of the few nights they haven’t slept together since thestart of their forbidden trysts. Decidedly indifferent to the prospect of contractingwhatever plague has befallen the younger, he slithers from an entanglement ofsheets and slinks onto George’s mattress, his knees impressing with a small squeakbefore nestling beside him. With a curt nod acknowledging the planets aligningonce again, he plants a kiss upon the lad’s knitting eyebrow and swiftly pullsthe covers over them.
☣  - A punch- Let It Be Recording                    
“Whatev’r itis that’ll please you, I’ll do it”
Time ceases and collapses into itself and McCartney can feel hisfingernails puncture his palm as it curls into a fist. Paul looks different,stiff in an apricot sweater with his dark mane subdued into a façade of poisewith George standing just across from him, falsely appeasing him from beneaththe obscurity of his fringe. Harrison’s mounting indifference bewilders him ashe’s spent the latter half of the year furiously trying to mend things.
And for the better part of fifteen minutes he’s merely been directing the other, professing that he’sonly trying to help him but being met instead with relentless, crucifying,scorn. In any other universe the bassist could only imagine that he’d knock outa few of the guitarist’s teeth before sending him crashing into the arrangementof cymbals beside him.  But he canalmost hear the camera whirring behind them- that’s right- the filmimmortalizing yet another rift between them. Perhaps this was Harrison’s onlysaving grace from a proper thrashing, McCartney reminds his bruising ego as he lingersbehind the retreating Beatle in trembling pacifism.  
☀  - A hug- ’69
The bassist discards a well-readtabloid over his shoulder and meanders behind the other lad’s perched frame onthe bed, an impish grin chipping away at his features, incredibly rare duringsuch a tumultuous time between the pair. Such startling news has made himsuffer a relapse into old sentiment and despite the degradation of the band,maybe amends could be made- he’s been dead for three years after all, sosomething more surreal could still happen.
“Read the news today about th’crash…sorry fer y’er loss, what’ll ye’ do without me?” Paul whispers against theshell of George’s ear before pressing a bristled cheek into the knob of hisshoulder, his arms furling around the guitarist’s waist, “I ‘ope th’new guy isa good kiss’r.”
✘  - A push- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s ashram.
They were all still in white and Rishikesh is blazing, the Beatle’sbrains feeling more like an egg on a skillet than enlightened, a pool in thedistance throbbing a bright lurid blue sinfully vacant with everyone insteadsweltering around it. George is flaking off a few feet from its edge and Paullurks in the wings with heatstroke tears bleeding from his temples. He suddenlyfinds himself rushing towards him like a lioness after an antelope, impressinghis palms into the younger man’s back before leaping past him to submergehimself as well. It was never a thought whether this forced baptism would gowell but his act of (questionably intentioned) delirium suddenly evokes a pangof dread as the water’s briskness jolts Paul from his ‘transcendental’ state. Thewater is boxing his ears and he remains treading beneath the surface, air bubblesand his kurta expanding around him, tentatively spared from whatever sort ofwrath his increasingly temperamental bandmate might subject him to.
☠  - A slap- ’63 band rehearsal
Brian’s call for uniformity may have been originally off-puttingbut George wore those gray trousers very well. His bum sat quite nicely in thepockets of fabric, each hemisphere tightly cradled but it wasn’t too much,holstering a bit of anatomy he’s never quite paid noticed to before. Paul’sparticularly distracted this afternoon, doe eyes peeping not so subtly at his mate’s southside from beneath his short fringe.
“One, two, uh’one two, three four!” Paul yodels before startinginto Money, his hand impulsivelyflinging outward and slapping one of George’s tempting globes on the lastnumber.
It was the slap heard around the world- thick, goading, and burstingwith implications. He immediately proceeds to play, fingers sloppily whammingthe frets, hoping no one had noticed.
☻  -A present- ModernAu
“No pets are allowed at any of th’campingareas…No open fires are allowed in any of our campgrounds…Thur’s an adequatenumb’r of port-a-potties at all campgrounds…”
“Oh yeah..this’ll be good,” he sniffs, snappinga pamphlet shut, his gaze falling into glum half-lids.
He folds a large glossy brochure and twotickets to the Telluride Blue Glass festival into an envelope and drags histongue across its seal. He has condemned his own fate in hopes the experiencewill renew some kind of vigor in the burnt-out thespian (all a thinly veiledeffort to get him focused again)- he and Harrison would spend a few days inColorado amongst throngs of sweaty campers with shit-stained trousers reekingof stale bong water.  When George returnshome from his rehearsal, Paul waits for him to settle into an adjacent armchairwith a heavy script on his lap before he shuffles up to him, prodding the largeenvelope into his chest. His Dalmatian puppy wriggles excitedly at his loafers.
“Get y’er affairs in ord’r, son. We’requitting th’band an’ getting lost in th’mountains.”
♘  - A piggyback ride- Hamburg
He’s shared a few late nights with Lennon but staying up threedays straight was profound and he feels himself start to lag, nothing racingbut his junked up heart, gawking as the corridor before them stretches endlesslyinto the horizon. A piece of him suddenly feels betrayed that his father hasn’tsent for him yet- instead leaving him to ail in this war ravaged state. He’stypically assumed the role of overbearing dictator this whole time but all of thenew discomfort of unprecedented liberation is turning him into somewhat of atit at this weary hour. His guitar thuds to rest against some bricks, abandoned,and he carries on still with little enthusiasm, chalking up Harrison’s quickerstrides to him being leggy. George may not be the best lad for his impendingstunt but he’ll do in a pinch.
“I think I cock’d up one of melegs comin’ up th’steps, Joj!” Paul wails theatrically, scampering up behindhim in a half limp and latching onto his gangly backside, “kindly carry me tomy chambr’s if ye’ will an’ leave me t’die a cripple.”
❀  - A bouquet of flowers- Dark Knight AU
Embarkingon a passive aggressive endeavor of murder and treason, Paul gallivants aroundFriar Park with a large wicker basket slung under his arm and plucks off ablossom from each meticulously tended bush, rubberbanding their stems together tocultivate an enormous bouquet of death. He slips in through the back door andtip toes nimbly behind George before pouring over his shoulder to set the ‘bouquet’onto the kitchen table before him, desecrating a plate of sarnies made byprocessed cheese product ironed between two slices of white bread. His bowl ofquinoa and peanut butter sits neglected to the side in all of its gloppy,vegan, glory.
Awhisper from behind- “thur’s more whur tha’ came from if ye’ don’t stop with thosesodding grilled cheeses.”
♫  -A song- Dark Knight AU
“It’s th’latest, it’s th’greatestMashed potato, ya, ya ,ya, ya”
Paul’s been in the kitchen since 6 A.M. practicing cutting up abag of old russets, his bum twitching to the beat of a murmured song as heprepares for his cooking show debut. He hears George dawdling in from wateringthe plants and his octave grows higher, the fifty year old’s hips rattling moreperkily-
“A Mashed potato started long time agoWith a guy named Sloppy JoeYou’ll find this dance is so cool to doCome on baby, gonna teach it to you!”
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