#just in canon? I don't like the idea for Gojo's character. I think it would be a very bitter end for his arc
midnightshade · 10 months
I never really liked this narrative that Satoru would be better off dead so that he can be with Suguru.
The idea just feels like it's devaluing Gojo's other relationships. This idea that Suguru and Satoru were both completely despondent and lost without each other is such a pervasive idea in fandom that just isn't seen in the text.
They had lives and family outside of each other. People they loved and cared about and who loved and cared about them in return. This idea that Gojo should die to be with Geto really feels narrow in scope and it gives the message that people who have lost and suffered can only be truly happy in death, rather than forging their own happiness afterwards with others.
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weebsinstash · 5 months
I'm on my betrayal loving bullshit again thinking of some shit like, the typical hero plot where one lies to an ally to intentionally mislead them and keep them away from danger, but it's hidden under the guise of, something that can be REALLY shitty on the surface, and I'm thinking about a yandere coming to "collect" you after revealing the truth and you're all "oh, ok, I understand! I'm still staying here and not coming back with you though :)"
Batman showing up at your apartment, "listen I know I started voicing complaints and even initiated the vote to kick you from the Justice League BUT it was all part of my contingency plan, there was a mole in the League connected to Darkseid and--" and you just hit him with "ok great thats awesome good for you um, I destroyed my costume and threw it in the garbage and I'm an alcoholic now and also thanks for making me realize how much I hate myself and how I never belonged anywhere, you can go now ok thanks byeeee :')" and here therein commences the mass surveillance on your phone/house/walking routes/internet use/the inside of your bedroom--
Same idea twice really but, Miguel coming back from those one ideas I had, "hey, I'm sorry I kicked you out of the Spider Society because you weren't trying to date anyone in your universe, also maybe we fooled around a little and had mutual feelings and I broke your heart by kicking you out and trying to get you to date in your own universe, but it turns out canon isn't real, so, 👉👈🥺❤️?" and here you are, "oh cool, I wish you happiness with whomever you choose :) I'm glad I'm 'allowed' to be single since, you know, you proved to me i dont belong anywhere :)"
Gojo "I'm sorry I bullied you and called you weak when you wanted to go up against this one curse but it was actually way stronger than you and you would have died if I hadn't talked you out of it" Satoru standing there with disbelief as he sees you've gotten rid of anything to do with Jujutsu Tech (uniform, equipment, or otherwise), "being a sorceror is stupid. You were right, I'm NOT cut out for it. I think I want to settle down. I'm gonna give Nanami a call"
You gotta take the character that's totally down bad for you and have them absolutely break your heart and then when they come back for you and reveal, actually, they may have had an extremely good reason for doing so and never wanted to anyways, you're just like "actually you know what? You opened up deeper psychological wounds inside of me and fundamentally damaged me and I don't think I can be the same person you remember me as anymore" and leaving them DESPERATE to keep you, any version of you, in their lives at all costs
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katerina-marie · 15 days
Don't Go Slowly, Tell Me If You're Lonely (Series)
Chapter 6 (Final)
Gojo Satoru x Reader & (Past) Geto Suguru x Reader
Your relationship with Geto Suguru came to an end somewhere between the day of his betrayal and the day of his death. Your relationship with Gojo Satoru began somewhere in the midst of it all, even without you realizing.
WC: 5.6k
Content: Canon Divergence, Gojo x Female Reader (referred to as such but left descriptively vague), (past) Geto Suguru x Female Reader, Geto's canonical death, friends to lovers, angst, eventual happy ending, fluff, reader is a sorcerer (left vague tho), no use of y/n, vaginal sex (though not super explicit) so please avoid accordingly! More notes below.
Chapter Count: Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4, Chp 5, Chp 6 (Final)
Notes: Snippets, milestones, and a happy ending for a character that deserves it.
Chapter 6: In This Sepulcher By the Sea, All That's Left is You and Me (There’s a Hand Being Held Out)
The twinkling of red and gold lights reflected onto the floor-to-ceiling windows of Satoru’s apartment and for how high it was in the sky, they certainly made it look like the stars could be on fire.
Or maybe that was the wine talking. 
A jazzy holiday carol played over speakers tucked into corners you had yet to find, and you hummed along with the tune as you picked up stray cups and leftover plates while Satoru offered goodbyes at the door to the last lingering guests. The hour was late, and after a whole evening dedicated to celebrating the holiday with a gathering of friends and students hosted by you and Satoru, you were more than ready to fall into bed and sleep the night away. 
The party had been intentional, an idea brought to life by both you and your boyfriend in an effort to move past the sting of grief on the anniversary of Suguru’s death (the second year now, and the first in your new relationship with Satoru). To your surprise, it worked. Drinks flowed easily between those old enough, and the students enjoyed their ability to indulge in nice food that they didn’t have to pay for—courtesy of Satoru’s credit card. Gifts were exchanged between one another, merriment was made, and everyone gagged accordingly everytime Satoru caught you under the mistletoe he kept moving strategically around his apartment. 
At the end of the night, when Kugasaki and Itadori were fast asleep in a pile on Megumi’s lap while Panda and Inumaki made sure to capture the scene with photos for posterity’s sake, Nanami and Shoko had cornered you and Satoru in the kitchen. You couldn’t have called it reminiscing, nor would you have said it was a wish for what could have been, but the four of you took a quiet moment to remember a friend as he once was before stowing away the thought for the next year. Afterwards, once the students had been roused and ushered out the door, Shoko and Nanami said their farewells. 
“I’m glad you found your happiness,” Shoko had said, and the fondness of her smile told you that she knew happiness for you came in the form of white hair and blue eyes. 
“You deserve peace,” Nanami had told Satoru while pressing a hand to his shoulder and offering a subtle grin in your direction. All three of you politely ignored the tears that gathered in Satoru’s eyes before he brushed them away. 
“Well,” Satoru called, wiping his hands against one another as he met you in the kitchen, “it’s just you and me now.” 
You met his eyes with a tired smile on your face as you remained elbow deep in his sink in order to wash the last remaining dishes before the two of you retired for the night. Satoru came up behind you to wrap his arms around your waist and lay himself against your back. The weight of him was heavy, but the kisses he pressed into your shoulder were light and full of gratitude, so you let him stay. 
“I think everything went quite well, don’t you?” you asked. Satoru made a noise of affirmation and sighed happily into your neck. “But maybe cool it with the mistletoe next year.” 
He jerked back at that. “I’m not putting any out ever again.” His voice was petulant, and you shot him an amused look over your shoulder as you shook the soap from your hands and reached for a dish towel to dry them on. 
“You know Nanami never would have kissed me,” you assured him, “and vice versa.” Satoru still shook his head adamantly, and you giggled at him from where you had turned to lean back against the counter.
“No sense in leaving things to chance,” he said blithely. “Even if it was an accident and neither of you had realized where the two of you were standing.” 
“Well maybe don’t move it around so much that we all lose track of it, Satoru.” Your boyfriend rolled his eyes, clearly dismissing whatever insinuation you made that you and Nanami being caught unaware under mistletoe was his fault, but he scurried away nonetheless when you swatted him with the dish towel still in your hands. 
“Ready for bed?” Satoru asked once you had put away your makeshift weapon, and you nodded eagerly as you trotted after him to his bedroom. You each hurried through your nighttime routine, barely putting in the effort to do more than brush your teeth, and after slipping into an oversized t-shirt, you made a running leap for Satoru’s bed. You had just managed to huddle yourself under the blankets and curl your knees into your chest when you felt the edge of the bed beside you dip under Satoru’s weight. You peeked your head out and watched carefully as he held out his palm to you. 
“Spare me a moment?” 
You nodded and took his hand in yours so he could help you sit up against the pillows at the head of the bed. While you crossed your ankles over each other, Satoru stretched out one long leg to brace against the floor and then tucked the other under his thigh. He looked pensive, but not troubled, and you waited patiently for him to speak as his gaze unfocused on some point beyond you. 
“I felt like I could finally take a deep breath today,” Satoru said, and while the words came out halted, his tone was steady. “I didn’t spend every minute reminded that I had killed my best friend. It was there in the back of my mind, sure, but I didn’t feel the memory of it breathing down my neck…so thank you. You helped turn the day into something bearable, and gave me a hope for years coming that I won’t always view this date as the worst day of my life.” 
You felt pinpricks in the back of your eyes, and the breathy laugh that came out of you carried the faintest echoes of a sob. “Today was as much for you as it was me,” you told him, reaching out your hand to rub it over his knee and Satoru was quick to cover it with one of his. He was quiet, but nodded his head and you wondered what was occupying space in his mind that would render him close to mute when he was usually anything but. 
“I love you,” he said simply after a minute of silence. There was no consternation furrowing his brow, nor did his fingers drum against the back of your hand unbidden. His expression was light and unburdened while his voice sounded sure and unequivocal. You realized then that his declaration of love did not hinge on your reciprocation, and that his feelings for you would remain unchanged no matter what answer awaited him. The thought had you smiling and leaning into Satoru so you could press your lips against his because you were powerless to feel anything else for him but love in return. The fact that it came softly in the low light of his room made it feel as though your heart could float away.
Satoru, Satoru, Satoru. 
“I love you too.” 
Springtime always seemed to bring with it a renewed sense of energy and a particular level of mischievousness that took over the minds of your shared students. If Megumi wasn’t taking his technique to the near extreme everytime an outcome presented itself that wouldn’t lend in his favor, then Itadori was around every corner eating something he shouldn’t, and Kugisaki was inevitably providing humorous—albeit unhelpful—commentary on everything in the background. In short, your students had you, Satoru, and Nanami running very close to ragged in your attempts to keep them alive and in proper training on a day to day basis. 
The three of you would routinely count down the minutes until the weekend would arrive and the students would unleash themselves on the unassuming public now that the weather was warming up. Once they went on their merry way for a day off campus, Nanami would flee to his own home, muttering something about a vacation on a beach far away, and you and Satoru would hole yourselves up in your room, unable to feel comfortable venturing far from the school when you knew of the student’s penchant for trouble. So while your room on campus may not have been as roomy, or comfortable, or luxurious as Satoru’s city apartment, it served its purpose well enough that neither of you minded. At least, that was true until its general lack of privacy would come into question on a lazy Saturday evening. 
You had discovered in your time together that lounging in bed with Satoru could only carry on innocently for so long before one of you was putting a hand or mouth somewhere decidedly not innocent. Fleeting touches turned heavy, clothes found their way to the floor, and your boyfriend had your ankles locked behind his back so quickly it made your head spin. Mindful of the fact that your room was still subject to the ears of occasional passerbyers, you muffled your moans into Satoru’s shoulder while he shoved a pillow in between your headboard and wall lest you make it very clear what was taking place. Besides the yelp that escaped you when Satoru bit down just slightly too hard on your neck or when he groaned your name a touch too loud as you clenched around him, any tell tale sign that the two of you were occupied with each other remained unnoticed and you whispered his name in anticipation of what was to come. 
That was, until, a stampede of footfalls could be heard down the hallway approaching your room, and suddenly the first years were banging on your door in a frenzy while shouting incomprehensibly over one another. Satoru’s look of pure bliss transformed into one of horror above you, and you slapped a hand over his mouth for no particular reason when Itadori shouted your name. 
“Have you seen Gojo-sensei?!” You gaped at Satoru, unsure of exactly what to do or say, and while it wasn’t your first choice, nothing except lying through your teeth presented itself as a viable option. 
“I, uh, have no idea!” you called, hoping the higher than normal pitch of your voice wasn’t as noticeable through the wall and door. “Is something wrong?” 
There was a beat of silence when all noise stopped before Itadori blurted out a very unconvincing “no.” You flailed your hands at Satoru in a panic before letting them land on his shoulders so you could shove him off of you, but he gave an insistent shake of his head. While you knew he wouldn’t consider doing anything inappropriate in front of your students, you had an inkling that he was determined to stay nestled inside of you in the desperate hope they would wander off to find him and let the two of you finish. 
“Well,” you said, swallowing nervously, “if you give me a couple minutes to get ready, I can, uh, help you find him?” You cringed at the way your words came out unsure and slightly guilty, but the students didn’t seem to care as they deliberated something in hushed voices. Satoru was still braced on his hands atop you, and the fool had the gall to let out a chortle at your misfortune.
“I’ll call him,” Megumi sighed, sounding very much put out as Itadori and Kugisaki continued to argue behind him. You didn’t think anything of it, as Satoru’s phone hadn’t been ringing the entire time from where it lay in the heap of clothes by your bed, and—
“I think I’m one of the contacts he has allowed to bypass his do not disturb setting.” Megumi’s tone was full of disappointment, and Satoru’s eyes bulged in a way that would have been comedic in any other circumstance. In an effort to get to his phone and turn it off, you untangled yourself from Satoru and lunged halfway off the bed to swipe for his pants, but alas, time was not on your side and his ringtone blared through your room, unable to go unnoticed by anyone in the vicinity. The outside chatter from the students immediately ceased, and you stared dejectedly at the floor before Satoru looped an arm around your ribs to lift you back up and into the bed. 
“We’ll just give you guys a couple minutes.” Kugisaki’s voice was smug and all knowing when the silence was broken a few moments later, and you slapped your hands over your eyes as white hot embarrassment swept through you. When the footsteps of the students finally faded down the hall, Satoru pulled your hands away from your face, and you were met with his slightly sheepish but thoroughly amused grin. You scowled at him in response and yanked your wrists from his grip so you could throw yourself out of the bed and begin dressing yourself. 
“I have to get an apartment now,” you muttered, eyes wide in disbelief as you stepped into your pants. “I can’t live here anymore, and I have to move out. I’m sure I can find something close to the school…” The strained laughter that left your lips was borderline maniacal, and the way Satoru was reclined back against your pillows (with a sheet draped precariously low on his hips) in a perfect display of nonchalance had your eye twitching. 
“If that’s what you want,” he sing-songed. There was something contemplative in his eyes however, but you were too pent up in anxiety and sexual frustration to bother with it, and you merely scooped up his shirt from the floor to pelt him in the face with it. 
“Just get dressed,” you hissed. 
Later, after hours were spent assisting the students in cleaning up a mess that, thankfully, hadn’t incurred significant property damage to the school or required Shoko’s healing abilities, you and Satoru made your way back to your room to recoup the energy lost from the day. If you ignored the way Kugisaki tittered and Megumi’s nose pinched up in barely veiled disgust while Itadori remained blissfully unaware, you would have sworn that they were grateful for your help. But really it mattered not, because from the tightness of Satoru’s jaw, you knew that the three of them were set for a grueling week of training once Monday came around. 
With little bandwidth left for anything other than falling into a deep sleep, you ignored Satoru’s pouting face and his clear wish to continue off where your time together earlier had abruptly ended, batting away his wandering hands as you changed into your pajamas and buried yourself under your blankets. After a couple minutes of huffing and puffing around your room while he readied himself for bed, Satoru eventually made his way next to you. He whispered something next to your ear about an errand he had to run in the morning, but you were already halfway asleep and fully unbothered. 
So, when you woke up and your boyfriend was nowhere to be seen, you shrugged off any concern for Satoru’s whereabouts and went about your routine. You wouldn’t deny enjoying a morning to yourself without his nose in your neck or his chattering filling every ounce of silence that came upon you two, but as you sat against your pillows sipping on a hot drink and half-heartedly attention to the book in your hands, you started to miss him. When the next thirty minutes went by without a peep from your phone, you reached for it begrudgingly, ready to call him and demand he return. However, a knock at your door interrupted you, and you heard Satoru yelling your name from the other side of it. 
“Just close your eyes before you open the door!” he called. The enthusiasm in his voice this early in the morning had you questioning whether or not you really wanted to do as he said and entertain whatever shenanigans he had gotten himself into, but when your name left his mouth again, you supposed you didn’t really have a choice. 
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” you drawled, casting your eyes up to the ceiling in a silent request for patience before making your way to the door. 
“Are you eyes closed?” Satoru asked just as you set your hand on the knob.
You snapped them shut. “They are now.” With a little push from his end once you had twisted the knob, the door opened and you shuffled backwards as Satoru made his way inside. He kicked it shut with his foot, and you heard him digging in his pants pocket before he came to a stop in front of you. You stood there unmoving, eyes still closed, and part of you was genuinely curious as to what he was possibly up to. 
“Okay! You can open them.” 
When you blinked against the brightness of your room, you found Satoru standing in front of you with both arms raised. He held an empty box in one hand and a small shiny key in the other. His blindfold laid loosely around his neck, and the wide grin on his face crinkled the corners of his eyes. 
“We’ll obviously need more boxes than just this one,” he said, his words slipping out with barely a breath between them, “and you don’t actually need a key to get into my apartment since there’s a keypad, but I think you get the symbolism behind it regardless.” Satoru pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and the way he squirmed in place ever so slightly while you observed him was endearing and boyish all at the same time. 
“You want me to move in with you?” The question came out hesitantly, but Satoru’s eyes softened when he saw the smile stretch slowly over your lips. 
“Well, you said last night you wanted to move out from here, and while I know my place isn’t exactly close to the school, the student’s have to learn to get around without us proctoring their entire existence, and so I thought now was as good of a time as any.” He finished with a bashful shrug, and you reached out to take the key from his open palm to twirl it between your fingers before curling it into your fist and pressing it against your chest. 
“I’d like that.” 
Octobers were always one of your favorite times of the year. The last dredges of the summer heat were swept away by the stirrings of an autumnal breeze, and you waited impatiently for the fall foliage to blanket the hillsides in swaths of rich color. You spent every moment you could soaking in the crispness of the air, and Satoru would watch with obvious adoration everytime you trailed a bit slower in your walks around the school or on your weekend errands to glean just an extra minute or two outside. When he announced on a random Wednesday that the next day’s training was to be canceled in favor of a day out, you weren’t sure who was more excited about a day off—you or the students. 
With no intention to waste the day, you and Satoru woke up that morning and packed a thick down blanket, a bottomless bag of snacks, and a book or two for each of you. You raised a questioning brow at Satoru when he appeared from your shared closet wearing a jacket over this already thick sweater, but you quickly shrugged it off, recalling how he always complained about not running nearly as warm as you. When he declared himself ready, you grabbed him by the wrist to pull him out your front door so you could begin your trek out of the city. 
An hour’s commute later found the two of you at a scantily-populated park just a mile’s exit off the road. You had jogged ahead into the grass to find a secluded spot nestled at the mouth of a bunching of trees a stone’s throw away, barely heeding Satoru’s call for you to wait up for him as he lugged all your provisions in his arms. You gave him an apologetic grin and batting of your lashes once he caught up with you, but you knew he could in no way be cross with you over something so trivial and the soft kiss pressed to your forehead was evidence enough. 
Once the blanket had been settled over the grass and the first round of snacks had been picked clean, the two of you spread out, each with a book in hand. When you stretched back on one arm, Satoru laid his head in your lap. After some time, when your muscles started to ache, you rolled over onto your belly to cradle your book in front of you while Satoru rested his cheek in the small of your back. Halfway through your novel, you flopped onto your side and bunched up one corner of the blanket to prop up your head. Satoru must have tired of his own literary adventure at that point and instead chose to wiggle himself between your arms to tuck his nose against your chest and doze into the afternoon. Contented, you continued reading on. The occasional breeze rustled the branches above you, and every now and then a pair of birds would coo back and forth to each other. You could feel the warm puffs of Satoru’s breathing against your skin, and every once in a while the fingers he had slipped under your shirt would twitch lightly against your back before going still again. If he happened to mutter nonsense in his sleep or let out the infrequent snore, you made a mental note of it to tease him with at a later point. 
Eventually, your body would no longer tolerate lying on hard ground, and your stomach rumbled in a way that was becoming uncomfortable. Setting your book down, you gently shook Satoru awake and his eyes popped open as he let out a sleepy little grunt. 
“I’m hungry,” you told him, swiping a thumb against the pink-hued indention your collarbone must have left on his forehead, and he blinked up at you before sitting up rather quickly. 
“Was I asleep that long?” he asked, turning his head back and forth to scan the rest of the open park and then squint up at the sun that had just passed high noon. You chuckled at the perplexed look on his face, noticing how he seemed just the slightest bit jittery, and then pushed yourself to your feet so you could raise your hands far above your head to stretch out your body. 
“About two hours,” you said, glancing down at Satoru as your arms flopped back against your sides, and you relished in the languidness that now ran through your muscles. “Don’t worry about it though.” You shrugged and turned away from him to bend down and rummage through your bag of snacks for something to tide you over until you got back home. “You must have needed it.” Satoru didn’t say anything back, so you continued to pick through various bags of chips and granola bars that didn’t sound nearly as appetizing as you wanted. Once you had settled on an option for each of you, you turned back to Satoru only to let out a small gasp and drop the snacks from your hand at the sight of him down on one knee before you. 
His hand was held out, and nestled in a black leather box was a ring that gleamed in the sun. The sight he made was certainly unexpected in the moment, but it wasn’t as if you had envisioned anything else for the two of you, and the sheer emotion of it happening then had tears welling in your eyes. 
“I meant to do this earlier,” Satoru confessed. The apples of his cheeks pinkened and you suddenly understood why he had seemed so flustered moments ago. “I intended to take you on a walk or something of the sort, but I fell asleep, and I can’t let us leave here without accomplishing what I had intended.” A wet laugh tumbled from your lips, and you pressed your knuckles against them as Satoru gazed up at you with eyes wide in beseeching adoration. 
“Marry me, please,” he breathed, and the ring box trembled once in his hand. “I promise to never be too much for you, or to ask for more than you can give. All I need is a sliver of your attention. Just a small sign of your affection in my direction will do.”
As if you would ever offer him anything other than your complete and utter devotion. You were whole-heartedly prepared to spend the rest of your life pouring every ounce of it you could into him, an easy task when you knew that Satoru would return it ten-fold, ensuring mutual happiness. And what summation of words could thoroughly enough explain all that his question meant other than—,
December 24
When you woke up, there was a chill in the air. It wasn’t something to be strictly blamed on the winter weather, and no amount of layered clothing or steaming water trapped in a marble shower would serve to chase it away. It drove you to your closet where you dressed for a walk. You slipped on your engagement ring because it was a part of you now. When you stepped through the opening of the hallway that presented you to the living area, you spotted Satoru leaning against your kitchen island already similarly dressed. He lifted his arm when you approached him, palm up and fingers outstretched, and it was an invitation, a beckoning, a tether to guide you to a place you only half-heartedly wanted to go. You took it and didn’t let his hand go unless required for brief moments of movement. 
You did release it when you and Satoru made it to your destination, a mutual untangling of limbs as you each took a respective seat on the cold ground. You curled your legs under you at the foot of Suguru’s grave to watch as Satoru kneeled by the stone at the front to rip away overgrown blades of grass and brush off a fine layer of dust. If either of you spoke, it was done silently, somewhere in the jumble of your minds where you tried to make sense of everything you wanted to say. 
Because nothing about that situation would ever be so cut and dry, easily condensed and plainly understood. It would stand to say that neither of you owed the world a response that was any sorts of sensible or well organized. If finalizing all that Suguru was into one encompassing emotion would make you unable to balance the enormity of it, then perhaps there was a better suited alternative to having him so well defined.
 When the two of you parted ways from the patch of brown grass and naked branches, each new foot of distance garnered a different flicker of emotion from you both: a yearning for what once was, but desolation for this new future that never would have been otherwise; a deep sense of loss that could only be built on top of but never filled in; equanimity for the thought that Suguru offered his blessing; a zeal for the life with a person present and well loved. 
There was relief in that there was no need to understand it all to move forward, and peace at knowing you didn’t. 
You wed Satoru on a hill overlooking the sea at the beginning of a golden summertime. 
Friends, students, peers, and family are gathered to celebrate, and at the end of a flowered path, Satoru stands tall under an archway dripping in gauzy fabric nearly the same white as your dress. 
 It’s just you on your walk to him. There’s no one supporting your arm to give you away. You suppose that it had been done once already, in a time when you wouldn’t have agreed or had the capability to picture a life with someone else entirely. Your hand had already been given and exchanged, entrusted to another in a dead man’s final wish. So no, you don’t need anyone to accompany you down a flower-strewn path, not when every step you take lands in time to a heart that beats the name of the man in front of you (never again for a love since buried) and not when you were already entirely his. Not when the decision belonged only to you and him. 
You reach the archway, and Satoru is there waiting for you. 
His arm lifted, palm upwards and his fingers—,
There’s a hand being held out, and it no longer strikes you with remorse. On a rare night, it will appear in your nightmares to torment you with memories long past, but the balm of warm skin and the lips of someone you love will be there to whisk it away before it has a chance to linger.
There’s a hand being held out, and in it are all the dreams and promises you had once buried under the shade of canopied trees.
Gojo Satoru is holding his hand out to you, and you take it.
A Little Bonus:
“Did we really have to get up this early?” you asked around a yawn. You could blame your exhaustion on any number of things: the hours-long flight you and Satoru took yesterday, the night of newlywed activities in your hotel afterwards, or your general disdain for early mornings without a proper night’s rest. The sun still painted the sky a mix of orange and pink, and there was hardly a car or person to pass by. 
“We can go back to the hotel and take a nap before our next flight this evening,” Satoru said, swinging your intertwined hands together as the two of you strolled down a sidewalk. “Besides, it was you that insisted we have a layover here for this exact reason.” His following grin was cheeky, and when you scrunched up your nose in annoyance, he tugged you against him to press a kiss to your temple as you turned the corner of an old red brick building.
“I know, I know,” you grumbled. You had been adamant when planning your honeymoon that the two of you would stop briefly in the city home to a sleepy old cafe with the best dessert either of you had ever tasted, and your fiancé—now husband—was eager to give in to any whim of yours. 
When the two of you finally stepped through the cafe doors at a time when many had not yet stirred from their beds, you were met with well-worn red brown booths and vintage jazz music still spilling out from the kitchen. No one was waiting to greet you, and you turned to Satoru with a concerned look when the same old woman shuffled out of the back, a cane in hand but still spry in her eyes and smile.
“I recognize you!” she called, and it warmed your heart to be remembered by someone who’s encounter with you was so significantly fleeting. However, when her eyes slid to Satoru, all good will fell clean off her face. 
“And I unfortunately remember you too,” she groused, eyes cutting and full of contempt for your husband as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, but he had his trademark smirk on his face in an attempt to charm her displeasure away. 
Surprised curiosity sent your eyebrows up to your hairline, and you opened your mouth to inquire about what exactly Satoru had done to deserve such ire, but the old woman was already making her way back to the kitchen as she waved her hand behind her head. “Your usual table is free.”
“What was that about?” you asked him as he pulled you along to the corner table by a large window overlooking the street. Satoru shook his head as the two of you sat down in the booth across from one another, and he laughed nervously as he settled himself in the seat.
“It’s really nothing important,” he muttered, cheeks slightly pink, and you wondered if you pestered him enough—or propositioned him thoroughly—if he would talk. The next fifteen minutes would prove you unsuccessful in getting Satoru to divulge his secrets, and you were about to start bargaining when the old woman returned with a large plate balanced on her hand.
“Despite the questionable company you keep,” she told you, taking note of the gleaming wedding rings on both your hands as she sat down the plate heaping with your favorite fruit, “I’m glad you made it back, especially with someone to share your dessert with.” She didn’t give you an opportunity to ask questions before she was walking away with a knowing grin on her wrinkled cheeks. 
“You have to tell me,” you insisted, passing a spoon to Satoru and then picking up your own to begin digging into the dessert, but he sighed heavily and chose to stuff his mouth instead of responding to you. You let it go for now, figuring there would be plenty of time to wring it out of him when the scales were more tipped in your favor, and instead you tucked your foot around his ankle and reached out your empty hand to trace errant shapes along the back of his. 
That's it y'all!
This was mostly a personal project for myself. I hadn't ever written anything (besides the Sukuna series) before this, so I very much appreciate everyone who took time to read and comment! I hope you were able to enjoy it <3
Taglist: @paprikaquinn & @kafanizdakicokiyi
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neonscandal · 2 months
So I found this on bird app :
"i only like ge/go when it’s doomed and they have no longterm future
same with go/ge. they’re about the same to me but i think gojo bottomed more and was a total pillow princess about it in their teens. as adults they probably switched equally. i can see gojo developing his experience more with topping as an adult
either way they’re better as exes. gojo deserves more from a partner than someone who would leave him to start a cult "
Can I ask your thoughts, please?
Hello, hello. Considering, canonically, they are very doomed, I suppose OP found a solid pairing? I'm starting to understand the idea of doomed toxic yaoi a lot more because who says that with their whole chest? I don't feel like I'm on my A game today but let's see if I can adequately convey my thoughts.
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I think it's kinda funny, the sentiment that "Gojo deserves more from a partner than someone who would leave him to start a cult,". As if Gojo didn't play some part in his motivation for defection, as if to say this defection, too, did not reek of affection. Don't get me wrong, Geto's hard right was also a great deal of ego. But, foundationally, his departure was sparked by an inability to stand shoulder to shoulder with Gojo, power wise.
Toji got the drop on Gojo which sent Geto on the offensive. After being reassured he was fine, Gojo encouraged him to press forward with the mission. Just short of extending protection to their charge to follow her own wishes, Toji violently extinguishes the life of Riko Amanai before his eyes. An opportunity that was only made possible by besting Gojo, killing him even. Geto loses his composure with this realization and is summarily and disrespectfully embarrassed and defeated. Left alive with the knowledge that he wasn't deemed enough of a threat to kill. This is on the tail end of all of Gojo's reassurances that he was fine, that they could even take on Tengen because he had Geto to rely on. But this series of events, this cocoon of hubris, challenges Geto's ability to protect anyone at all. From this he determines the best way to circumvent premature losses like Gojo, Riko and Haibara are simply to eradicate the population they're forced to put themselves on the line for.
Armies were roused to reclaim Helen of Troy and return her divine beauty back to Sparta, causing the Trojan War. Six people died, including the eponymous lovers Romeo and Juliet, due to a series of compounding events for a romance that lasted 3 days. Orpheus braved the Underworld at the chance to retrieve Eurydice. Geto betrayed himself and everything he'd stood for previously for a chance to create a world where Gojo wouldn't have to sacrifice himself for the greater good. He walked away from Gojo knowing the path he walked was twisted and, in his mind, did so irrevocably even though I know Gojo would have followed him if asked. So why didn't he ask?
The man who had been the moral compass for The Strongest Sorcerer did not abuse that influence. Even knowing he was doomed to fail in his endeavor. Even recognizing that with Gojo's power, it'd be possible. But he never asked, never chose to lead him astray. So, yes, they're tragic but does the copium not encourage us to seek out AU's where they are free of the burden of their fates and are just happy?
RE: everything else, maybe I'm an anomaly but I don't really care about people or characters' positions in relationships so I don't know that I'm someone you want chiming in on that. Like, I get people assume that positions present different archetypes that they choose to align characters with but... that pragmatism ignores a lot of nuance. I also inherently know that people use different names for ships based on this but I don't nor do I see them as having different relationship dynamics, per se, in referring to them as gego vs goge. I just look at their canonical dynamic and tend to use the more popular ship name.
Even if I agree that I could see Gojo as a pillow princess, it's less to do with the "physicality" of it and more to do with his personality. He is princess just as much as Geto is babygirl and the girls who get it, get it.
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anulithots · 2 months
So I found this on bird app :
"i only like ge/go when it’s doomed and they have no longterm future
same with go/ge. they’re about the same to me but i think gojo bottomed more and was a total pillow princess about it in their teens. as adults they probably switched equally. i can see gojo developing his experience more with topping as an adult
either way they’re better as exes. gojo deserves more from a partner than someone who would leave him to start a cult "
Can I ask your thoughts, please?
………… I don't ship them sexually. Because I'm not comfortable with it.
(I have aroace spectrum satosugu headcannons I'm quite fond of. So basically I ship them queer platonically and semi-romantically and flip flop between the two.)
Sorry about that!
But in terms of are they better off being okay with being apart, or if they should stay together regardless…
Complex answer. Depends on the context really.
They loved each other a lot. And I disagree with 'Gojo deserves a better partner than someone who left him to start a cult'. Like… he does but also… that's not the entirety of the situation?
If Geto loved Gojo, why didn't he try to recruit him? by @ellionwrites
How much Geto canonically loved Gojo by @ellionwrites
These two analysis's explain it very well. Also there's a fanfic called Carry me home that is just 100/10. Character analysis interwoven and it perfectly explains this part of Geto's motivations.
Geto COULD NOT go on for much longer without coming to a breaking point. His cursed teqnique requires him to go through painful experiences over and over and over again. The very coping mechanism he prided himself on ('I do this to protect non-sorcerers') has fallen to pieces and Gojo isn't there (for his own reasons). He's grappling with his entire sense of self and it's been repeating in his head for A YEAR.
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And Geto did not want to confront Gojo during the whole 'kfc breakup scene'. (Again, analysis above explains it really well.)
Shoko called him there. For good reason. I don't think either Shoko or Gojo had a good idea of just how bad it was getting because Geto (a) didn't tell anyone (b) Gojo was doing 'okay' (he wasn't) and (c) Geto's strong in morals and in resolve. He'll be okay.
(Gojo especially believes this. Strong sorcerers stay safe. Especially Geto. I have… a lot of posts talking about how Gojo depends on Geto to be around him when interacting and just… existing in general.
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Gojo gets so fixated on being stronger so he wouldn't make the same mistakes like with Riko. He isolates himself to do so. ~~~ Backstory ~~ explains this.
The Gojo clan isolated Gojo, told him he's the strongest, and gave him rules and responsibilities for that - along with safety and confidence. So - in Gojo's mind - the only way to get stronger is to double down on these things. More responsibility. More isolation. He'll be able to take care of things once he gets stronger. )
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Geto's ideal was fixing the world - partially for Gojo as the strongest, partially for himself because he was struggling and didn't have any foothold.
And… listen… sometimes you have to take priority over your partner. I don't think the way Geto went about it was right, by any means, but… at least he did something, he had to.
At the end of the day, the system is to blame. It's the system that drove them both to this and it's the system that let it perpetuate.
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But let's say they met right before JJK0-ish and decided to forget the world for a little while and escape from it all together.
It would be… strained to say the least.
Because they are canonically soulmates. A pair. Do not separate. But they have and it's been going on for ten years despite the fact that they both very much still love each other.
Gojo just couldn't leave the society that gave him meaning (other reasons too), Geto couldn't leave the thing that gave him meaning.
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Does that indicate that they do not love each other/shouldn't be together because they both value their respective ideologies? No.
(We're going to ignore Geto's whole 'kill the monkeys' thing for a second and pretend like it's just an opposing idealogology for the sake of the argument <3)
The circumstances, their respective coping mechanisms, and the system, very much the system, makes it so they went their separate ways. Just because their ideals got caught up in this thing and they went for their own paths does not mean they don't love each other and wouldn't jump at the chance to have a 'perfect world' with the other in it.
(the sunset scene, Geto's death scene… need I say more?)
If the society decided that "… maybbeee we shouldn't put all this traumatic pressure on children and say that the only answer is isolation and acceptance and instead give them the help and support they need" then Geto and Gojo would've stayed together.
But it wouldn't have been JJK then, would it? Without the friendship that haunts the narrative?
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Sorry if I'm rambling, what I'm trying to say is - it's complicated. The story itself drove them apart and canonically they never got back together while mourning their separation the entire time.
And Gojo never moved on, never let go. If you wanted to - and this is something I played around with in my head - and if JJK miraculously got rewritten as a slice-of-life post hidden inventory, then part of GOjo's arc could be about letting go of Geto, as painful as that may be.
But honestly? Comfort people are hard to find. Geto and Gojo were specifically created to be a pair. Gojo was so detatched from the world that Geto tethered him to it. After Geto left, Gojo went on to be a teacher and do what the Suguru he remembers would've wanted him to do, and he 'doesn't feel lonely anymore'…
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Gojo loves his students dearly, but he can't ask his students to understand him. And more than anything, Gojo wants to be understood and loved for it. The only one who fit that criteria was Geto.
(Gojo's whole sentiment about 'not as a human, but as a living creature' is Gojo saying that he (a) didn't feel human without Geto there (b) didn't let himself feel human and instead made himself a tool, gave himself the role of the strongest.
Because otherwise Riko happens all over again.
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ANNNDDD I'm going off on a ramble.
Last point!
Narratively, should Gojo and Geto be a tradegy, where they never get back together? (AKA, as it is in cannon)
Yes. That is a huge part of their characters, along with being a huge draw to JJK in general. There's something about the separation exemplifying how much SatoSugu loved each other that gives it nuance and the possibility for lots of fix it fics.
So I can understand why the bird poster thought that SatoSugu works a lot as a tragedy, it does. But if SatoSugu had a well-written redemption arc, that would also be extremely compelling I think.
But alas, this is JJK we're talking about.
Thank you for the ask! This was fun to ramble about at 2am.
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majycka · 9 months
Hello op! I am one of those people who actually like Utahime as characters, my initial reason was her character design and name (I still think she has the best design among the female cast in jjk, maki and yuki aside). Her CT made me love her more, cause that differentiates her from other jujutsu sorcerers, where selfishness and greed is required to become ones absolute best self, Utahime’s CT does the opposite though, she as a human and also by the virtue of her CT can never really be selfish in a way. She literally powers up others (and herself), and her major strength lies in connections (again completely different from what is expected of sorcerers). If we break down her CT, she is the strongest version of herself (since her CT also powers herself) when she is with others helping them to be even stronger, almost exactly opposite of what gojo, the pinnacle of what jujutsu society represents.
I am also someone whose perception of her don't align with that of her majority fandom, I think you are one of those people, too. I would love to know your thoughts on how you personally perceive her and why your point of view is different. Cause there are times I wanna discuss something about her with my irl mutual, but then again, it never goes well. They are too deep in fanon stuff. I am someone who generally likes to keep my headcanon toned down and mostly stick to canon. I really wanted a pov of someone who actually likes her but also respects canon quite equally.
I honestly would have loved to see her more. This is not even something i am saying a fan, but even as a minor character, what she represents is just so different from everything we have been told (even her students defy that).
I hope I didn't bother you a lot with my ramblings 🙏
Nah you're all good anon! I love it when I get to ramble with other ppl about my faves and I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments of Utahime! I'll proceed to just dump all my thoughts about her as well and discuss what fandom thinks of her from what I've seen.
One thing that I've picked up from fanon of view of Utahime (in some of the fics I've read) is she's SOLELY this strict teacher all about respecting tradition/authority when it's not and it reduces her to that "respect your seniors!" dialogue. In fact, I can even argue that Gojo represents more of JJK traditional view in valuing individual strength even how much he says he's being progressive. His view of dividing people between strength vs weak screams kinda the same as those traditional clans valuing cursed techniques above anything else. Meanwhile, Utahime's value of teamwork challenges this traditional view of individual strength when like Gojo said, the pinnacle of jujutsu, all sorcerers die alone even how much allies you have 'cause the jjk world is an individual sport.
But let's break down this a bit and see what Gojo mean by jjk being an individual sport. We have seen so far that people who usually ascend the ranks are pretty selfish. Mei Mei who cites herself having a pretty weak technique, optimized her CT by using her brother. Kusakabe who doesn't have a proper CT was able to be a grade one rank because he, at the beginning of the Shibuya arc, wants to save his own skin and would rather stay behind in fighting (but dude later on helped in pulling out the kyoto kids from the Kenjaku attack, still dude can be selfish). The big clan families will kill each other over cursed techniques. Gojo himself advised Megumi to be more selfish and greedy in power when they were training together. Of course, there are outliers such as a strong sorcerers like Nanami, who cares for children, but boom ended up getting killed right at the very end while Mei Mei was able to go to her Malaysia trip. It paints this image that selfishness is a needed trait to survive the jujutsu world and rise to power.
However by Utahime promoting teamwork shown through her kids, teamwork can give up the idea of selfishness because we learn when to trust others and work together for a common goal. It can save people especially in a world where being "weak" is a disadvantage. An excellent example of teamwork from Kyoto Tech is shown through that one scene in jjk 0 how each kid has a role in their group attacks which optimizes their cursed technique no matter how VARIED their ranks/skills are. Momo usually surveys the area, communicates to others, and is like the oversees everything in a big picture. Kamo acts as the leader, looks out for everyone and keeps them in task. Mai is the long range shooter and can back people up. Mechamaru constantly backs others up like Miwa. Meanwhile, of course, there's our fun outlier, Todo.
But the funny thing is despite Todo usually going off his own, breaking the "yay teamwork!" streak of Kyoto tech, his character brings up another essential point about teamwork: connecting with others. If it weren't for Todo showing up in helping Yuuji against Mahito, then Yuuji wouldn't be able to defeat him right after seeing Nobara blown up. Todo works best/fights best with his besto friendo. Todo is the same dude who said being sorcerers means always honoring their allies/friends because they keep us going. It's still very much in line in the spirit of Kyoto kids' teamwork and also their connection with others. Muta and Miwa. Mai and Maki. Momo and her bond with Mai and Miwa. Kamo and his mom. There's also their teacher Utahime who is close friends with Shoko, and she probably influenced these kids to get along with each other and foster that teamwork skills (you know like the MANY MAANNNYYY times Uta keeps on saying that the kyoto-tokyo kids should get along during the goodwill event). I'm not saying Tokyo kids can't get along, but it's not as the same degree as Kyoto's. I think what Kyoto's dynamic different is how they can be vulnerable with others and open about their problems/feelings which helps in these kids growing closer. For example, Momo is well aware of Mai's situation and will defend her. Miwa, who's well aware that growing closer will only end up hurting them because of the inevitable death in jjk, still chose to connect with her peers, and that lead to Muta even falling in love with her. For Tokyo, let's take an example of how the first years reacted to Yuuji's "death." Both Megumi and Nobara definitely tried hard to keep that stoic front. Nobara said how she can't cry on some guy she just knew for a few months when in fact Nobara is clearly affected. In the earlier arcs, Megumi and Yuuji were keeping secrets from each other about the whole "eating the Sukuna finger actually made things worse by awakening other fingers and kills more people everyday." The second years became close because of Yuta's nature who constantly reach out to everyone and not under Gojo's influence.
Moreover, I don't think I've seen this much group cohesion like Kyoto’s compared to Tokyo because it stuck to me how in Shibuya arc, the Tokyo kids are just constantly going off their own to prove their strength like Maki and Nobara which yes is a bit understandable cuz these kids are strong, but would it be so much stronger if they work together? But Gojo, their teacher, has established that he does not really advocate teamwork (even if he did for other’s help like Nanami and Utahime, he still ended up doing things alone). If Gojo's students are all strong individually because he's very particular in choosing his kids(aka choosing them for their potential/strength), then Utahime's student's are weak individually HOWEVER more stronger as a group. No wonder she is adored by everyone. No wonder that when Miwa was at her lowest during Muta's death, Kyoto tech was there for her.
However, there are times too when Utahime is carried away by the system and her students fell victims to it too(like the time she didn't know her student were targeting Yuuji, how Mai and Muta died in cruel way) because as the opposite of Gojo, she isn't traditionally strong who has the power to defy authority. She's more subtle about it because she works around the system (shown in investigating that haunted mansion from gojo's past arc and working to find the mole within the ranks and students) and doesn't easily power through them like how Gojo destroyed the mansion and can do whatever he wants cuz of his "strongest" title. That's why Gojo asked her help because she could investigate within the system and he couldn't do something like that when he's all about being loud and throwing around his weight. There are pros/con to her subtle nature, but since the JJK world favors the strong, then she gets stuff unchecked. So, NO, I don't think she's all that "strictly respect traditions/authority" type of person. She just knows how to play politics especially in a world where they will hammer down who is weak against the system, and yet, despite that, she's able to influence her kids to do something that sorcerers struggle with.
This is why her CT is beautiful too because literally and thematically anyone who gets into her "zone" will be strengthened by her. I've seen complaints about Utahime's CT in being merely a support/buffer type. Some people had been expecting that it could be something powerful and not just buffing people up. I’m guessing that its the girlboss belief that fans can latch onto. I mean most of the jjk girls are tough as nails that the fans like which yes is understandable! But I’ve seen this happen way too many time in shonen spaces where at times the considered “weak” or "support-type" fem characters are easily non favorable for fans. I think such thing doesn’t help people actually analyze the text and for me, if such character is written well then I’m 100% in (like c’mon, Miwa’s a “weak” character and yet she’s compelling not just her fun personality, but how she struggles with grief and a world where she gets her ass kicked for being weak). As for Utahime’s case, I love it! Because the whole point of the cursed techniques is it reflects a lot like of its user’s psyche and the series establishes that Utahime values teamwork and her connections with others which is anomaly in the jjk world, and it makes her CT badass in that way. That’s why it’s no wonder she’s a natural in supporting others! It 👏makes 👏sense👏!
My next fanon and canon comparison is more within the gjhm fandom which will be a bit controversial. Like I'm a gjhm shipper myself but there are times I have some issues in how they deal with Utahime. I think at times Utahime's spunk gets taken away just so she could coddle Gojo and easily ship them together fast. Like yall Utahime actually has some genuine reasons why she hates him not just 'cause of his annoying ass but cuz of his "weak" mockery to her. And I find it very much so amazing that Utahime's doesn't take his shit and will retaliate. I think it's Utahime wanting Gojo to be accountable on shit he does (like dang man this dude been getting away from shit) 'cause Gojo does perceive people in the traditional fashion of strong vs weak lenses. I keep on saying strong vs weak lenses because how Gojo nitpicks people he wants to "save" and that's usually people with "potential." Is it altogether bad wanting kids/students that have the drive to be stronger? Well, not exactly, no but when he started spouting how he wants to raise a generation way better than the higher ups, then why doesn't he include ALL of generation whether the kids start of strong or weak. Why didn't he pull out both Maki AND Mai from their Zenin situation? Don't give me the bullshit of "I can't save everyone who doesn't want to be saved" because especially if this is kids put in a dangerous environment, then it would be the job of adults to be responsible for them.
This is where the comparison of Utahime can show up again. Even how much different her kids are, personality and sorcery skill wise (llike Mai, Momo's fiery personalities way different from Miwa's, Kyoto being quite annoyed by Kamo's leader attitude), they obviously still make their group attacks work whether one is disadvantage in some skill or not. Utahime again and again is shown to care for her students whether not they're strong or weak. She prioritize their safety when that attack from goodwill arc showed up, and she went to the frontlines during the Kyoto-Kenjaku attack back in Shibuya.
I think, just personally, the fanon of Utahime coddling Gojo is ain't it for me when in many ways, Utahime can point out the flaws of Gojo's teaching that he needs. I'm not saying Utahime doesn't have her flaws either because she's weak to a whole system against her and there are times she couldn't be there for her students.
But yeah, that's about it for my Utahime thoughts and fanon discussion. Anon, if you have any fanon interpretation that you've encounter or more Utahime thoughts and wanna share then please feel free to drop an ask! ;)
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piercemybluesky · 9 months
Post-Vol 0 & S2, I don't understand how anyone can ship Gojo with anyone else but Getou (or even believe Gojo's a hot daddy playboy snatching girls left and right???)
I know it's personal preference but they are so implicitly canon, whether they actually were tgt or not before it all went to hell, they care so so so deeply for each other, it can't be called anything else but love.
I wonder if it's culture diffs and tropes? Love is displayed differently on media (via paper or screen); western has a more outwardly explosive festivalistic idea of love, while eastern tend to incline towards the silently deep but strong image of love.
For example : proposing/confessing in public (actually doing it, not just watching it). There's so many cases in western media (even during concerts & involving the artists) and it is indeed, generally cheered on by the surrounding public making it a momentus occassion and seen as a managnamous gesture; whilst in the east the plan would barely even come to mind, - imagining it probably - but in reality, carrying the action itself would hardly ever come true (most would prob feel embarrassed/cringe/awkward).
JJK is literally made in Japan, so obv it leans more to the eastern media image, and the Gojo & Getou storytelling is one such example of that "eastern love" idea (also Muta & Miwa, Hakari & Hoshi), implied in many ways, without the actual kissing/sexual actions etc [and eastern's general iffy hush-hush on non-straight couple displayed on official media, so they gotta make it super lowkey too].
Seriously, the kissing scenes are always so dramatized in eastern media cuz they do it like ONCE in 50 episodes or smth, and by then you're just begging for it on ur knees, BUT it puts so much meaning in the moment actually happening like the characters reached a great milestone. So the eastern official media generally just don't display couply acts on screen, much less explicitly (but books are more flexible I think).
P.S btw chinese bl dramas are experts on being lowkey highly implied
yes!!!! as someone who only likes shipping canon/implied canon i get you a lot lol. like why would i play with other stuff when i have this...
i definitely think it's both a combination of cultural differences in media and homophobia. in western spaces it's an expectation for confirmed couples to be very physical like kissing on screen etc. you're right, even other couples like mutamiwa and kinkiras affections are generally quiet. it says a lot when our kisses in the stories are either cut-to-black or well. a roach wwwww, satosugu's actions are very well on par to what the couples i mentioned above do (especially with that soft romantic back and forth in this chapter!!!!! what!!!!!!!)
their love is so deep at this point i don't even think a kiss is necessary.
i also think it really is not just personal preference anon, as long as you look past the surface of it it's really clear what the intent between these two are :) and even now with everything that has released this year from the anime to manga to promo the romantic implications are on the surface now.
(on the topic of western/eastern tropes and depictions i think no one would be debating about the romance if the opening and ending lyrics were forced in non-JP audiences faces. it's really easy to search it up and both musicians have provided official translations but music lyrics aren't in everybody's interest. i wish the subtitles included lyrics 🥲)
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voxofthevoid · 5 months
hi, sorry for bothering you, i just wanted to say i love the way you write 5u's relationships with other characters. your ita/fushi are perfect, a nod to their canon relationship while still maintaining focus on 5u. beautiful 🤌
and past stsg! i am not a big fan of them (mostly due to their fans smh) but it's definitely had a big impact on Satoru's personality and i just love how you tackle the topic
last but not least, Nanami. i started liking him more because of the way you write him. his relationships with Yuuji and Satoru are so different and so important to me. Nanami is such a good mentor figure for Yuuji and i love how you depict their relationship 🥹
and and and, using Nanami to show more inhuman side of Gojo is so good 🤌 i still think about that post comparing the ways Yuuji and Nanami see Gojo's eyes. Nanami is perfect for it because of how long he has known Satoru for, while Yuuji only sees Satoru the person. Satoru shows the human side to Yuuji more and it's so precious to me and i need to stop before i'll start ranting about how they humanise each other
sorry for ranting 😅
You're not bothering me in the slightest! This was wonderful to read 💗
I have a tiny doting crush (phrase courtesy of @thelionshoarde) on itafushi and genuinely enjoy their canon bond, despite not having much of an urge to explore it myself. And I like maintaining their importance to each other regardless of how AU or canon divergent a fic gets. I have far less personal investment in satosugu (read: 0%, thanks to the fans and also my raging dislike of Getou himself), but like you said, it was a significant influence on Satoru and I'd rather do that justice; whether I approach it as romantic or platonic depends on plot reasons.
It's an absolute honor to hear you started liking Nanami more because of me 🥺 I love that tired sad man an unwise amount, especially his relationship with Yuuji. I could write essays on his death scene alone. And in terms of goyuu, he does make an excellent outsider PoV who recognizes Gojou's darker side and overall danger (I'm very fond of the idea of him having a blast radius that Yuuji has firmly planted himself in) but with a degree of resignation regarding his relationship with Yuuji because neither of them is the sort to let themselves be talked around to sense. And I think Nanami would logically grasp that Yuuji's seeing—being shown—a side of Gojou that most aren't privy too, and the way Yuuji humanizes all of Gojou would also be novel to him. It all makes for some interesting outsider impressions.
Don't apologize! Feel free to rant in my inbox anytime!
Also, I love your new pfp. That's an adorable Yuuji 💗
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lesbiansanemi · 8 months
If you wrote Jujutsu Kaisen, when/how would Nobamaki fall in love?
Well anon, if I wrote Jujutsu Kaisen, post-Shibuya, many things would be different, but I will not go into that lmao, and will approach this from the angle of NobaMaki getting a romance plot line with the manga staying as close to possible as it is canonically
For starters, Nobara and Maki would most definitely have a scene dedicated to them just before the Shibuya battle truly starts. Yes, I know, we technically got a scene of them together before it, but not that. Something with romantic tension, something charged. Maybe a promise to come back alive, a promise of a date-but-not-a-date. (Is Nobara reading too much into Maki's offer of dinner? Maybe? Probably? She hopes not)
(She definitely isn't reading too much into it)
Then Shibuya unfolds as it does canonically. Maki is burnt to a crisp, and Nobara is "killed" by Mahito in front of Yuuji.
Now, on Maki's side of things, everything continues to unfold as it does in canon, because honestly, I wouldn't change a thing about Mai's death, the Zenin massacre, and what lead up to both of those things.
But during everything happening post-Shibuya, is when Nobara would get a character arc. She's stabilized long enough for Shoko to get to her, and heal her to the best of her ability using RCT. She goes through rehabilitation, and hears about the nightmare that jujutsu society is becoming in the wake of the Shibuya Incident. Everyone who died, the order for Yuuji's execution, chaos due to Gojo being sealed, and struggles with being separated from her friends and unable to help.
(I think this would also be an neat opportunity for her to become close with Shoko, for them to bond as the "forgotten" member of the trio, capitalize on their parallels, and also provide some more depth for Shoko, textually, rather than just in subtext).
And then she hears about the Zenin Clan massacre, and decides enough is enough. She can't wait around anymore. She's a woman of action, dammit! She wants to help her friends, needs to be with them, and right now, it seems like Maki is the one who needs her the most.
Shoko turns a blind eye when Nobara leaves to go to Maki.
At this point, the romantic tension between them would be obvious, but neither Maki or Nobara are exactly thinking about a romantic relationship now. They're just glad to have each other.
As Maki glitches in and out of the Culling Games, Nobara stays as close to her as possible. Their romantic tension continues to intensify, but I don't think I would have them actually get together until very close to the end of the series, just for the sake of other plot beats and such.
Sorry, this isn't very detailed, but ye! Keeping things as close to canon as possible, this would probably be how I would set up a romantic relationship between them, with them officially getting together at the end of the series.
I like the idea of Maki being one of the surviving members of the series, and she works to restructure jujutsu society in the wake of so much death and destruction, and out of a desire to prevent a power structure like the Zenin Clan from ever cropping up again. And Nobara eagerly helping her with that.
Idk, I think it would be interesting, and obvi there would be a lot more detail, emotional moments, etc etc, this is just the barest bones of plot beats, if that makes sense
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siriuslysatorusimping · 8 months
sorry kiko but i have a toxic relationship with angst and characters suffering now i dont want them to suffer i want them to be happy but....
tbh i think this is the work of akutami and isayama (aot, btw have u watched or read aot?? ) i blame them 😭
buttttt if we are gonna have anything angsty it has to be temporary only cause 😭 i cant
So, aot lost me really early on. Like really early on. I just wasn't interested in it. It was too much for me. It's this idea that there's too much despair under the guise of being hopeful... Like, idk, something about it just didn't work for me.
JJK is at the point where it feels cruel. To both fans and Gojo. Because Akutami can bullshit all he wants with that afterlife scene, but Gojo didn't do any of the things he really wanted to do, so I don't buy that he died without regrets. It felt so false for him to imply that he doesn't have regrets. And it felt like a way to pretend Akutami wanted to appease the people he knew would be angry.
As for angst, I'm all for some angst. But there's angst with a purpose - which is what Echoes in the Void and (Please) Prove Me Wrong were - and then there's a point where it legitimately feels cruel.
At this point, some of the things people are saying they think should happen or would add to the angst would feel cruel to do to Rinko after everything she has been through.
The physical trauma she's been through is more than enough break her, but she's kept going in multiple situations because she had to.
But the emotional damage? Guys.
Like, you've gotta remember that at this point, Gojo is basically all she has left.
Her mom has been gone for years. Mai is gone. Megumi is currently gone. She's lost Nanami.
Remember, Nanami was Rinko's drinking buddy, her annoying, dumbass little brother who teased her and drove her insane, who she loved so much. His friendship was almost more important to her than Goo's because it offered a level of comfort and stability that even she closed herself off from with Gojo to protect her heart. She lost him. And she knows that it isn't her fault, but that doesn't make that pain go away.
Gojo gave her that time to mourn him, that was the moment in the shower when she broke down. The silence that we skipped over between after they spoke and when the shower was done was her finally getting to grieve her best friend. She's not done, but it was the first time she was able to let herself really begin to feel that weight of the reality that he's gone. The fact that she will never see him again.
She has lost everyone. There's genuinely only so much more she could take before her heart would literally just stop working.
People have said that they really like how emotionally realistic Rinko is, and emotionally realistic Rinko would literally die of a broken heart if she went through too much more.
I'm gonna be honest with you: Once she sees Gojo 'die' (because in my canon he's gonna come back) Rinko is going to go in to fight Sukuna with the intent to die doing it. She's going to live, and she's going to destroy him decisively. Not even a competition if he can't beat her domain out. But she's going to go in thinking she's gonna die. And she doesn't care. Because at that point, all of her reasons for living are gone. So she's going to go in with the sole intent to take him with her.
She's gonna live. She's gonna literally psychologically torment Sukuna and then chop that fucker's head off and smash it into nothing. And then she's going to get out and wish she was dead, and then she'll see Megumi and realize she has at least one reason to live. And then Gojo will show back up, and she'll just fucking collapse because she's so fucking tired.
It isn't just going to be Gojo wanting to retire and disappear for a while (if not forever). She's going to agree with him. She's literally going to just look up and be like "I'm so fucking done with this shit. Fuck all this shit. Yuuta, you go kill the guy in Geto's body and burn it, son. Super proud of you. K, cool. BYE."
And they're gonna nope the fuck out and let the kids handle it while Rinko sleeps for a literal week.
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defeateddetectives · 2 months
🔥jjk🔥 1, 2, 3, 9, 18, and/or 22!!
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥[qs from the choosing violence ask game here] gonna try and fail to act like i have awareness of this fandom beyond doomed apocalyptic divorce!
1. the character everyone gets wrong
gojo's canceled wife has done nothing wrong ever in his life :) (ok fine so this is apparently a decently popular opinion...)
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
my obnoxious opinion is actually that stsg would prob switch? my compelling argument for this is that i just think they would! (i have no idea if there is a fandom consensus to any other effect but apparently some folks have Strong Feelings re: them having a rigid preference which i don't understand)
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
i dont keep up with the fandom at large enough to have much of an idea but i always do feel Some Type of Way when folks directly blame teen gojo for geto's spiral. like they were both children in absolutely atrocious circumstances???
9. worst part of canon
crimes against nanamin and my girl nobara :( also i havent read the manga but all the recent endless nonsense fights seem v pointless which we have griped about at length
18. it’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
imo nobara & yuji kindred spiritism/bestiehood or at least i haven't seen enough of it! their little matching rose tattooed jaeger copiloting battle and yuji's 'i hate killing people'/nobara 'well i'll help you bury the body' interactions in end of s1 is still one of my favourite things EVER
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
wouldnt say 'ignored' bc i've seen some sporadic delicious fanart of em and maybe it's on me for barging in so many years after the movie came out but i could do with so much more yutarika content!!!!!!!!!!!!! a canon monsterfucker storyline that was made for me and SO GOOD ACTUALLY AUGH
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psychewritesbs · 7 months
Maybe I'll regret sending you this ask but it's like a thorn in my side and I need to get it out because I can't stop thinking about this so here I go 🙇‍♀️
If I don't see the romantic subtext in Gojo and Geto's dynamic, does that mean I'm not really understanding what Gege is telling? I like their dynamic, they're complex characters and so is their dynamic, but not because there is romance there. Of course, if I read and look to see romance there I find it... but I'm looking to interpret it that way. So when I see "the subtext is there", "the dynamic is ambiguous", I start to question my interpretation... I don't know if it's because my reading comprehension has already been attacked when I said their relationship isn't canon. I really tried to see that ambiguity since I started reading the manga but in the end I felt like I was reading too much... that I was actively searching for something that was supposed to be in plain sight.
P.S: I have seen ships with ambiguous dynamics in SNK, HQ, Naruto (NARUSASU, I don't even ship them but I understand 😅) and I never saw this war between shippers and non-shippers...
Nooooo anon 😭. Please, I promise I don't bite too hard.
So, first of all, thanks for sending this. I'm ngl, it makes me sad to think that I might have contributed to someone feeling like I would make you regret asking about something you don't see.
Second, I'm going to make this answer about perception because the purpose of my blog is psych.
Third, as a lead up to the psych stuff, it goes without saying that one of the reasons I don't talk about shipping in jjk is precisely because shipping is highly personal, and a lot of people in this fandom take their interpretations about the story as absolute truths, to the point that they gaslight anyone who doesn't agree with them.
It's like we're all just deploying domain expansions and the one person with the strongest sense of self wins. Right?
But this is a HUGE irony because Gege has gone on record in an interview saying that one of the themes at the core of jjk is that there is no such thing as an ultimate truth where someone is right and someone is wrong.
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And to me this gets at a much larger issue that I taco'bout under the cut.
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So this is the thing, right?
If you don't see the subtext in stsg, there are a lot of factors affecting your perception. Gender, sexuality, background, etc etc...
The thing to keep in mind is that you don't see the world as it is...
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So I love that second angry anon brought up the idea that someone who is straight would very likely see gjhm as a romantic pairing, because it's true!
This is really complicated because, yes, heteronormativity is at play here, AND that doesn't mean a straight person is being homophobic for not seeing the stsg subtext without putting on pink-colored fujo glasses.
That said, I have seen the jjk dudebros be total dicks because they think that, because they are straight and the target demographic, the only way the story should be perceived is as if most all characters are straight and you are delusional to think otherwise.
And I'll be honest here, I'm a bi/pan woman. I am also a fujoshi. I've read quite a bit of bl/yaoi, and I think that has influenced why I don't see the romantic subtext without looking for it.
Basically, I've read really long threads by stsg fans that were meant to provide evidence for why they are canon that I was just like "this is all a subjective perception" and that is not to say they are wrong.
More like, YES. I couldn't agree more with you. It's there if you look for it. I am not sure if you saw this, but someone else came through sharing the same sentiment as you.
For me, little details like the battle taking place on December 24th, and Gege recommending bl before, point at a certain ambiguity that Gege might want to create without confirming anything.
It's funny that baity anon said stuff like "Gege is throwing irrelevant breadcrumbs at these shippers" when the same could be said about stsg according to many, many, MANY people.
Who is right? Who is wrong? If a group of people can see it and another can't, who owns the ultimate truth?
If Gege doesn't explicitly say "stsg is the other dynamic that is canonical along with mechamiwa", then who gets to have the authority on how to interpret the story? And who gave them that authority? And why are they ignoring subtext that doesn't suit their agenda?
I'm asking both sides for the sake of being a devil's advocate btw lol.
The thing is, it's all subjective, and there is no such thing as an ultimate truth where someone is right and someone is wrong--what there is is people arriving at conclusions based on their own logic according to who they are.
In the end, we're all looking at jjk through our own subjective lens, which is inevitably made up of many different factors.
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That ramble aside, I hate that your reading comprehension was attacked because you can't see what someone else can see. That's just lame af because it tells me this is someone arrogant enough to take their opinion as absolute truth, and insecure enough to make someone else feel bad for questioning their interpretation.
As someone who has been internet-mean and who has wrongfully thought she owned the truth about something in the past, I apologize that someone has made you feel this way.
The reason this is a bigger issue than just shipping is because this issue is prevalent across fandom.
jjk dudebros will have you believe that if someone reads jjk for anything that is not battles is wrong.
Others will gaslight people and call them dumb for being open about how they don't understand how Gege explains certain things.
By the way, Maki is better than Toji according to some, but not to others.
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I'm telling you, for jjk being a story about how there is no absolute truth, we sure are attached to our interpretations as being the ultimate truth.
All I know is that I don't want to be part of the problem and that starts with me making space for understanding why someone would disagree with me or think differently than I do.
Here's the last thing I'll say, anon.
If you don't see the stsg subtext as romantic, then you are indeed missing out on a romantic interpretation. If that's not something you're interested in... that's no one's "problem" but yours.
As long as you aren't seeking to minimize someone else's perception, then it's your interpretation and yours alone.
For me, I see this:
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And I fucking love this spread because I see deep and intense longing. I get the sense Gojo is looking really hard for any semblance of Geto in this body.
Do you see something romantic? Yes? No?
It doesn't really change anything, does it? It just means someone reads into something you don't see.
The fact that you are questioning whether you are "really understanding" the text "right" tells me you have the humility to look to adjust your perception and be open to other ideas.
There's a difference between saying "I don't see it" and "I don't see it and neither should you because I don't see it, and if you do, you are delusional!"
Which one are you?
Which one will you be moving forward?
Thanks for coming to my TED talk looool.
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I went on a raaaaant bahaha.
I just... man... this is the kind of problem that shipping in this fandom creates. As you said... imagine just wanting to mind your own business and someone who ships a certain pairing comes and tells you you are an idiot for not reading the same way as they do. OR viceversa, you're shipping along, minding your own business and someone tells you you are delusional for enjoying a ship.
Come on....
It really is a matter of perception and we're quite literally spamming domain expansions on each other as a way to impose our personal truth on others as absolute. It's really ironic and funny ngl.
This reminds me...
Idk if you've seen any Gundam shows, but at least the ones I've seen, usually the plot revolves around how war and conflict is the result of two sides of the same coin being unwilling to accept a different point of view.
So anyways. As I said in that baity ask... I'm at a point in my life where I'd rather focus on holding the tension of opposites. It's just where I'm at.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts anon!
Don't let others define your perception! If you do, you've already turned your back on the only person whose perception matters most--you.
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theragethatisdesire · 9 months
i’m sorry ur not feeling well 🥺💗 sending you positive vibes tonight!!
for the slumber party plz tell me allll about your favourite character that you don’t currently write about 🙊 i wanna hear all the secret deets
HEY TIFFFFF i appreciate it :( i hope i'm not like being annoying venting on here i'm just so miz and i know my irls are sick of hearing it lolol anyways!!!!
okay my current obsession is gojo. and bc i haven't actually started the fic yet, i don't technically write for him often, only per request. does that count? idk i wanna talk ab gojo lol
just gonna throw everything below a cut because idk where i'm headed with this. minors stay away!
this is like, canonical, but gojo's so fucking annoying LMAO like i just know he is the most obnoxious, can't-sit-still, sarcastic asshole on the planet. he really makes it hard to love him sometimes.
this....is not a spoiler for a fic i'm def not writing (wink wink) but i just don't think gojo could really properly fall for someone who was not powerful. like i think part of his distance from others is his (admitted) narcissism that is somewhat well-earned considering he is....gojo fucking satoru. he needs someone that is at least somewhat towards the top of their ranks in whatever they do.
i also feel like gojo would be encouraging to a fault? like always pushing you further towards your goals, stepping in obnoxiously if your boss doesn't notice you've been working your ass off for a promotion (again, annoying). like he won't rest until you've made progress.
gojo also gets baby girl-ified WAY too much
like hear me out
we see him through the eyes of the kids/around his students in most of s1, and that's not to say he doesn't have the potential to be a playful, lighthearted person *when he wants to be*
but remember that scene of him talking to the jujustu higher-up where the guy tells him to watch his mouth and gojo laughs in his fucking face??
he's an egotistical, all-powerful, ballsy maniac. like gojo is not braiding your hair and cooing in your ear 24/7.
he is slowly backing you into a wall and taking what he wants from you. like sorry he just is.
also gojo strikes me as someone who is ....nasty. like, blood and knife play, gun play, psychopathic kind of nasty in the bedroom. idk if i would personally ever write that, but he's been through so much and seen so much gore you know that that's fucked with his....tastes, so to speak
i do think however that gojo would be absolutely devoted to his partner
like it would take him forever to come around and accept that he now felt responsible for protecting yet another person and that he had accidentally formed a connection (i see gojo as also having a very weird relationship with his humanity vs. his divinity but more on that another time)
but once he's around? he's in it for life. i mean, even if you don't ship stsg, you must acknowledge that gojo has never been willing to truly let geto go. he couldn't kill him, refused to believe geto had done that even though geto was showing signs of deteriorating mentally.
he's the same way with his partner. good luck breaking up with gojo because it's going to be a years long process.
gojo loves someone who can push back at him. he doesn't want an entirely submissive partner (kinda like eren!)
he likes someone who will put him in his place, has a sharp tongue, isn't afraid to stand up for themselves or others.
love language is absolutely gift-giving like that man has to spoil his partner he can't help it
size kink. turns his infinity on mid-sex to punish you. wants to have sex where he stands overlooking tokyo in the s1 opening. always takes the blindfold off during sex. huge public sex guy. i said what i said. it's hard being correct.
i could literally go on for HOURS tiff you have no idea the grip this man has on me. i cannot wait to write this fic!!!!!!!! ah!!!!!
thanks for coming to my slumber party lovie kisses from me to u :)
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greycaelum · 11 months
Hi ! One thing I recently saw is that Gojo doesn't realize that Utahime hates him… He thinks it's some kind of joke, that it's just the dynamic of their duo, and it made me sad. He perfectly understands cursed techniques, but when it comes to human emotions, it's a different story.
I have the impression that Gojo's way of pushing others is his attempt to create a connection with them, but unfortunately he doesn't realize that it's very clumsy and even inappropriate. Poor baby, he wishes he could have Geto back, it was much simpler for him.
I just had to share this.
Hello, sweetheart~
Canon-wise, I think it already goes without saying that Satoru can be pretty insensitive, not entirely, but in my opinion, he filters what matters the most for the bigger picture. Does Utahime's hate for him changes anything relevant in the events of society or his life? No. So he doesn't take her seriously, which could be insensitive of him. However, let's shift to another perspective, Satoru asked Nanami to look after Yuji's mental care and worries that the tiger's heart gets broken by how dark jujutsu really is (this is in jjk audio drama if you wanna listen). That is him being actually sensitive about his student's growth. This goes back to my opinion that Satoru filters out most things other than the most relevant in his life because if he cared about each problem he'd be too weighed down... I share that idea with you that it is sad, but not entirely, actually it makes life a lot easier for someone like Satoru. I must emphasize that Satoru's character can be pretty complex and I'm not claiming that my opinion is the 'right' explanation, but that's what I could deduce from his thoughts and action in the series.
Honestly, for me, I don't want Geto to come back. Not that I hate or blame him but every time I see the scene at the movie's ending when Satoru asks him for his last words I just think that Geto might've been happier away from Satoru, specifically away from the oppressing jujutsu administration. To quote his words; "I just couldn't wear a heartfelt smile in this world." I think even if he stayed or went back with Satoru, Geto would never be happy. It's just not his place where he feels he belongs. Right from the second Geto thought along the lines that sorcerers need to protect non-sorceres, this is way before the incident with Toji, but it was already a losing game.
There are simply people in our lives that comes and shares our greatest memories and moments but eventually, the roads we take are perhaps parallel or simply intersecting. We may walk together on the same path but we will never meet, or meet at some point but eventually fall away to never cross paths again. I think that could be Satoru and Suguru.
I think I rambled too much 😭 WAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, this kind of asks always gets me thinking how complex Satoru is aside from his usual chill and goofy demeanor.
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neonscandal · 4 months
jjk having queer-coded villains seems to be an intentional choice. what are your thoughts on this
Anon comin in hot today! I feel like this doesn't really need a spoiler warning though it does detail info about characters yet to be animated so read at your own risk.
To be honest, I wouldn't even say that it's coding, JJK has an assortment of characters with varied identities from our protagonists to our antagonists which includes:
Megumi - a lot of fans interpret his non-gendered answer to what his type is, focusing instead on personality, to mean that he's pansexual.
Mahito - genderless ✨ and/or physically lacking reproductive organs that would typically define gender binary
Tengen - presumably assigned female at birth, has since transcended gender or is more non-binary
Kenjaku - another character who's just.. lived so long that they're just kind of gender fluid? Though, considering their history, intersex may be more appropriate? We know that, as Noritoshi Kamo, he mixed his blood with what would become the cursed womb paintings but she actually consummated with Jin for some extra razzle dazzle
Uraume - canonically they/them
Kirara - assigned male at birth (though I believe canonically referred to as they/them) with an androgynous gender expression
Please note: I don't consider myself an expert on the matter as gender identity, expression and sexual orientation exist on spectrums. Subsequently, if you think any of the above characters belong elsewhere based on canon or headcanon, I get it. If, based on canon, I'm outright incorrect, feel free to drop a comment and I'll edit accordingly.
With the distribution of the above in mind, I don't think it's unilaterally something focused just among the antagonists. Though, ironically, some of my color coding is also debatable at this point, I suppose. I think the more interesting observation is that, with enough time, such labels aren't as binding or lack the need for definition. Like, Tengen has all the time in the world to be whatever they want to be and they simply become. In fact, unrelated but kinda related, you see a similar idea in Hell's Paradise with the mercurial gender fluidity of the Tensens, too. Honestly, that's another show to watch with a curious lens.
All that to say, I think the varied representation is more interesting due to the conversation around the mangaka's own identity. Gege Akutami's anonymity has been shielded by their pen name but, also, I don't believe they have confirmed pronouns. While people argue that they went to an all boys' school previously, they also, during a stint as an assistant on another manga, unveiled themselves with a femme presenting avatar. Seemingly to avoid being defined by visual perception (or to pre-emptively avoid recognition by devastated fans..), they appeared in a video interview dressed as Mechamaru. Couple that with the fact that there is a notable lack of romantic pairings within the story, especially those that would be typical of a shonen story. Arguably, that could leave a lot of Aro and/or Ace characters that I'm too obtuse to have picked up on. In fact, one could interpret Akutami's previous comments about Gojo accordingly.
Subsequently, I don't think the intention is to vilify queerness just because some of the antagonists fit the bill. I think, if anything, there's just representation that isn't necessarily cultivated around "othering" queer characters or using their diversity as a plot line, if that makes any sense? Which isn't just concentrated on the "bad guys". For the most part, these are just subtle realities of the characters... okay, Kenjaku's identity can definitely be charged to the plot though. 👀 Seemingly contrary to what I just said about diversity as a plot device, I'm now having mixed feelings specifically with Kenjaku because their identity does inform the plot but also intrinsically brings nuance to them as a character. The more I think about it, this diversity is actually what humanizes them which, connotatively, still seems like a positive thing. Hm. Maybe I'm a hypocrite? Not sure but I'm curious as to your thoughts so feel free to leave them below 👇🏾
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theclearblue · 4 months
hmm what about chosoyuki, nobamaki, and nanago for the ask game? <3
Ship it
I started liking it before this, but really the bar flashback was what sold it for me. I think they have a fun dynamic, where they are so different but have this straight forwardness and honesty to them. But more importantly I think they both have a shared struggle of feeling/ being viewed as "inhuman" (yuki as the star plasma vessel and choso as a cursed womb) that's pretty fun to explore for both characters.
In canon, I like how they fight together against Kenjaku, it feels like they have such a seamless chemistry in a fight and they look out for each other. I also like exploring the idea of what they're time together with Tengen looked like and how they might have grown closer, there's a lot of potential for them there.
I think it's fair to say that in the actual story, Yuki does kind of just serve to further Choso's character development, which, I'm happy about! He's also a favorite of mine, but I wish it was more of a mutual push in their development, and I think it very easily could have been.
Ship it
This was actually the first pair I shipped in jjk! What really sold it for me was Nobara's speech to Momo about what being a woman means to her, and just the clear appreciation, respect, and understanding she holds for Maki. They've always seemed the closest to me out of any of the Tokyo students, and such good angst potential with post-Shibuya too (...as long as we all agree...Nobara comes back around...)
Good fun dynamic between them where I think they would both kinda fangirl over each other lmao but also they both like starting shit so them play fighting/teasing each other is always something I love to see too. I think both of their storylines revolve SO much around women as well that them having their lesbian awakenings to each other makes so sense to me.
More people should like Nobamaki :( To be fair they do get a fair bit more attention compared to some other wlw ships in other fandoms, and I get that Nobara has been out of the story for awhile, but both are such well developed characters they have so much potential as a ship
Don't ship it
There is no chemistry here lmao. This ship gives me "Oh two attractive men stood next to each other let's ship it!" Even before satosugu took off with Hidden Inventory I still didn't care for this ship like, at all. And usually I'm a fan of ships that bicker a lot (I like zosan a lot lmao) this is more so Nanami being genuinely annoyed with Gojo because Gojo is kinda an asshole towards Nanami a lot of the time. I'm also not like, suuuper invested in Nanami as a character.
Ehhh if it's a ship that bickers like this it has to be more in a mutual teasing way but there's still respect on both sides, but that changes the whole dynamic of Gojo and Nanami. The only way I'll read this ship is if it's like, a desperate rebound/one night stand, but I don't even really wanna read that either unless it's leading to satosugu down the line aksljfdlk
Again I think they have potential as like, a desperate but regrettable hookup. Or there have been some good itafushi fics where Nanami is raising Yuuji and Gojo is raising Megumi and that's not an awful concept to me that they would get together in that kind of au, it has potential to be cute. I also understand the appeal of nanago in the sense that people love a good enemies to lovers and they could provide that.
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