Why we need to repeat our affirmations ?and do we need to believe them?
From a scientific perspective!!! 💙We have many neural pathways in our brains, which are the reason for deep rooted beliefs + constant thoughts. They're basically your thoughts. This is why you may automatically think negatively when thinking about your SP or SC, it's how your brain is wired. BUT it doesn't mean it's permanent.
💙There is a concept called Neuroplasticity, in which you can literally physically change the neural pathways in your brain, like destroy old ones + create new ones, JUST with consistent new thoughts. This proves that you don't need to believe your affirmation. That means every time you constantly think the same thought, let's say "I'm a master manifestor," you will eventually create a new neural pathway for that thought + destroying the old neural pathways of "I can't manifest" leading you to AUTOMATICALLY think "I'm a master manifestor" whenever you think about your SC.
💙once this becomes a regular thought, it's an assumption/belief, which will manifest. You can literally destroy old thoughts and make new assumptions just with repetition. 💙This is literally what it means to reprogram/rewire your mind. 💙In short-listen to Sammy when she says to say your affirmations even if you don't belive them! The repetition WILL work, it's scientific. cr to @spiritualtea on IG
love, jade
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