skykashi · 1 year
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I need to share with you guys this brilliant part from a fic I'm reading, remember how Kakashi was one of the very few adults who were never affected by Sexy Jutsu?? Well, check this explanation from the fic
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That makes so much sense isn't it 🤯 Icha Icha made him immune to Sexy Jutsu, lol Anyway, if anyone is interested in reading this fic, it's You Quiet My Demons by tabjoy13 an ongoing Kakamei fic Which I highly recommend if you want to read a romantic Kakashi fic, it's really good and both Kakashi and Mei are so in character, I'm enjoying it so much so far.
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ughlendzz · 1 year
did this tiktok trend with my otp's of my fav naruto women
i also ship hina with pretty much every konoha gal (including temari), and any wlw ship with her makes me incredibly happy
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imshooktxxx · 2 years
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My Fic Lists: KakaMei
All of my KakaMei (Kakashi x Mei Terumi) fanfics are listed and linked below the cut.
Romance of the Retired Kages Series
For Mei*
Rated E | No archive warnings apply (check tags) Summary: Mei navigates her post-retirement life and an unexpected romance with the Rokudaime Hokage. 
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Christmas Present*
Rated E | No archive warnings apply (check tags) Summary: Two retired Kages continue their romance into the first major holiday they spend together in this sequel to "For Mei." 
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Snapshots of the In-Between*
Rated T | No archive warnings apply Summary:  A peek at Mei and Kakashi's long-distance relationship, and how it continues to develop during the lull after the Holiday Season. Part III of my ongoing KakaMei series. 
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The Lovers’ Truths*
Rated M | No archive warnings apply (check tags) Summary:  Mei and Kakashi celebrate their first Valentine's Day together and like everything else in their relationship, it doesn't go as planned. 
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Delivered From Despair*
Rated E | No archive warnings apply (check tags) Summary:  These adorable, awkward shinobi are back and stumbling their way through romance, as their developing relationship continues into spring. 
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More Than Words*
Rated T | No archive warnings apply Summary:  Kakashi and Mei reach an important milestone in their developing relationship. Part VI of the Romance of the Retired Kage series. 
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Other KakaMei Stories 
Rated E | No archive warnings apply (check tags) Summary:  Thanksgiving is a time to grow closer to your loved ones and indulge in the pleasures of the harvest from the year. Kakashi and Mei do both...with gusto. 
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The Kage Summit Disappearances
Rated T | No archive warnings apply Summary:  The era of peace that follows the Fourth Shinobi War doesn’t guarantee an end to the problems a ninja must face when it comes to guarding a Kage. Genma teams up with Yamato and when the two go looking for trouble, it finds them. 
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Rated M | No archive warnings apply (check tags) Summary:  As the Godaime Mizukage, Mei Terumi brought much-needed change and lasting peace to Kirigakure. However, it came at great personal cost. With her duty fulfilled, Mei continues to struggle with choices she'd made in the past; choices which continue to shape her future. (An adaptation of Austen’s Persuasion.)
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Lunar Landings
Rated G | No archive warnings apply (implied Kagumo) Summary:  Dissatisfied with the moon, Kakashi seeks a colorful and lively alternative elsewhere in the cosmos. 
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Rated T | No archive warnings apply Summary:  Every county has its renowned romance, and Konohagakure’s was born of storms. 
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Happy New Year
Rated T | No archive warnings apply Summary:  Lovers Kakashi and Mei wake up on New Year's Day and assess how the world has and hasn't changed overnight. 
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*Naruto & Boruto Fandoms
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this-is-my-canon · 7 months
Kakashi Kinktober day 28, Wax play, KakaMei
Kakashi gets along fine with the Mizukage when on mission to the Land of Water. He gets along especially well when her fiery temper seeps into sexual desires that he knows very well how to satisfy
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stingingcake · 8 months
Also in more naruto news, I am so looking forward to shippuden reminding me my current obsession (Meikashi) is a crack ship. On some level, I understand that, but my heart is going to get to her introduction and be like "Wait, why aren't they married?" Rarepairs are the worst haha.
Serious, I gave myself carpal tunnel again writing fanfiction for them. I'm at like, over 40k words of Meikashi fanfic (well, there are other pairs in there, but most of it is Meikashi). This is all within 3 weeks. I want to start posting things, but I feel like I need to finish the rewatch so I can correct all the things I don't quite remember well. It's not like I haven't seen the war arc since it came out in like, 2016 or whenever.
also working on a fan comic based on the land of waves arc? idk if we'll finish that either.
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sugarbabyut · 10 months
My list of exceptional writers.
Here is my long awaited story recommendation list. It gives the name of the authors and a story suggestion. These authors have multiple stories that are so great I would recommend checking them all out! They are best of the best! I in no way take credit for these stories they only belong to these fabulous writters.
If you are an author in the Naruto fandom and you don't see your name it does not mean you are not a great writer it just means that there is just too many of you to list. If you're name is listed and you don't want to be on my list just let me know and I will remove you right away!
All of these stories have Explicit sexual content!
Here they are enjoy!
Story example- Sex god. (Kakasaku). English is her second language and I think she does an exceptional job!
Al_Holland :
Story example- The Neighborly Thing to Do. (Kakasaku).
Story example- Quick hide (Gemma & Sakura).
Story example- Leggings 1&2 (Kakasaku).
Story example-Sucker For You. (Kakasaku).
Story example- Danger to society. (Kakasaku).
Story example - Follow your nose. (Kakasaku).
Story example- Yes, chef. (Kakasaku).
Story example- Giftwrapped. FMM (Yamato/Hatake Kakashi/Haruno Sakura).
Story example- Red strings (Kakasaku).
Story example- Oral Fixation. (Kakasaku).
Story example-Fever. (Kakasaku).
Story example-Suppository. (Kakasaku).
Story example- Wet and wild. (KakaMei).
Story example- Cherry. (Kakasaku).
Story example- Knock knock let the devil in. FMM (Haruno Sakura/Nara Shikamaru- Haruno Sakura/Nara Shikamaru/Hatake Kakashi and kakasaku.)
Story example- The Perfect Storm. FMM (Itatchi/Sakura/Kakashi).
Story example- Two weeks away. (Sakura.multi) She's very promiscuous and I love it!
Story example- To Reach This Point. FMM (Hatake Kakashi/Nohara Rin/Uchiha Obito).
Story example- Doctor’s Orders. (Kakasaku).
Story example- Medical visit. (Kakasaku). When you look her up it will be listed under Kakasaku One shot - 2nd chapter. English is not her first language but she did amazing.
Story example- Familiar Taste of Poison. (Kakasaku).
Petrikore: /Kora
Story example- Tight Lodgings ( Not completed but so good so far that I wanted to mention anyways.) --(Kakashi/Itatchi/Sakura)
I hope you check all of these stories out. I promise you won't be disappointed!
Lot's of love ❤ to you readers and these awesome authors! May your writing never stop.
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mayskalih · 5 months
what is your favorite Kakashi ship? I really love your Kakarin art!
I have many Kakashi ships I enjoy, tbh! Het ships I like most are KakaSaku, KakaTsu and KakaRin. I also enjoy KakaMei a lot. From slash ships, my main ones are ZabuKaka and I love KakaGai. Also KakaIru, what can be hotter than two teachers?
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kankuroplease · 2 years
Obirin ( just the two of them without kakashi ) and kakamei
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huskymaine · 2 years
There's an old post of yours where you said you don't like reading romance fics where kakashi is ooc so what is your opinion on obikaka fics because obito is the only character that kakashi deeply connected to in a too personal way (or I say a bit romantic too (biased)😝) while nrt ssk skr are like his children ,guy and Yamato are like his bros, and iruka is basically a stranger man I can't stand it why do people ship them anyway so what are your breakdown on obikaka and other kks ships?
I’m not gonna say that Kakashi is only deeply connected with Obito in a personal way. Gai is the one who stick with Kakashi from the start and in the end whom Kakashi chose to spend his retirement days with plus counting flashback, Gai is also Kakashi’s preferred companion to hang out. Yamato is the one who saw Kakashi through the darkest era of Kakashi’s life, a.k.a ANBU era, and as the result, Kakashi trusts him to help him on shady parts that Gai is unable too, for example to snuck Naruto out of Konoha so he can meet Raikage (and monitor Orochimaru too, perhaps). They both along with Obito belong in different spots in Kakashi’s life and I think they’re all personal for Kakashi.
Indeed in my strictly personal interpretation, in Kakashi’s heart there are high thrones reserve for his “Heroes”, a.k.a the one who has his deep respect and change his philosophy. 2 people who reside in that thrones are Sakumo, his admired father, and Obito, whom he shaped his ninja way. Also with two of them Kakashi bared his soul open and admit that “he’s hurting” toward them. But as you can see, since Sakumo is also on that list, so that doesn’t mean those who resides in Kakashi’s thrones are romantically loved by Kakashi. 
I think in canon Kakashi never ever gave implication that he loved anyone romantically. The reason why I don’t really like reading Kakashi romantic fic is because there are certain scenes that were almost exist in every romantic scenario but personally I just can’t see Kakashi have them. Those traits are :
1. Jealousy/Possessiveness 
Not to be confused with protectiveness. Kakashi is protective, but I don’t see him as possessive. He, kinda, never demands or expresses explicit want for someone to stay on his side and his side alone. He told Rin that Obito is in love with her, then peacefully send Obito off to join Rin in afterlife. He has no problem with Yamato leading his squad and replace him. He expressed understandable dread when Gai opened the 8th gate, but he never demands Gai to reconsider his option for Kakashi’s sake, and expressed no jealousy by the fact that Gai opened the 8th gate for Lee (and yeah to save Kakashi too, but Kakashi is not Gai’s only reason for his sacrifice). Heck so many fanfics portray Kakashi became jealous when his students left him for training with Sannins, but he only felt a little lonely. Instead, Kakashi already discussed with Jiraiya about Naruto’s training with the Sannin, Kakashi literally vouched Sakura to Tsunade, and he doesn’t let Sasuke go to Orochimaru for the sake of Sasuke’s safety. So fics or contents when Kakashi became possessive toward his partner and want to be their “one and only” is so OOC for me.
2. Prioritize his partner among the world
See, Kakashi is not the person who act based on his emotion. First and foremost, he prioritized his responsibility and greater good than his own feeling. Like, to discuss “if that person and that person get drown together, which one Kakashi will save” is pointless because either Kakashi will try his hardest to save them all or he saved the one who has the lowest possibility to survive first. Kakashi also will not tolerate the person who attempted to harm people on his care, despite his adoration toward the said person (example, Obito and Sasuke).  In retrospect, Kakashi can completely abhor a person but if the said person brings benefit for greater good, he can tolerate them and let them well(for example, Orochimaru and Kabuto). So I just can’t see Kakashi being like “the world can burn as long as you are with me” or something like that. Seriously, that man has no dramatic bone in his body. I’ve seen my fair share of fics when Hokage Kakashi  “abuses” his authority power for the sake of his partner, and I just like, yeah, that’s so unlikely of him.
Again, it’s my strictly personal interpretation, so people who want Kakashi to be jealous or bend the world for his partner, feel free to go wild. It’s just doesn’t sit well with my interpretation of Kakashi’s character, and that’s the reason why I mostly ignore the majority of Kakashi romance fics. 
As for my breakdown for each ship, Kakashi is shipped with so many people, hope that I managed to cover them all.
(Warning! I am not bashing any ship except those that I just can’t see the appeal like Kakashi/students, MinaKaka, and a little bit KakaIta. But I had my gripes for each of ships so for those shippers please be careful and open-minded. You have been warned)
Ah my favorite dumpster fire. The angst, the drama, the unresolved issues, the Nile is a river in Egypt (I mean denial). To be completely honest, this ship is the most exciting Kakashi ship for me. So many landmines to be explored. And Obito reveal is literally the reason I rewatched Naruto. After being utterly bored by War arc, to see that Kakashi, the epitome of calmness Kakashi even in Kage Summit arc just some times after his own death his students tried to kill each other plus he was appointed as Hokage in the upcoming war? In the middle of chaos from every sides but didn’t lose his calmness at all? That, Kakashi, completely blown away by Obito reveal? Kakashi can emote like that? In front of Obito?
That’s the biggest appeal of ObiKaka ship for me.
As from Obito’s side, he’s fluctuated between ignoring Kakashi completely and weirdly invested with him in a too persona level. Later I found out that it’s a common trait for Uchiha. Emotionally, Uchihas are headache but man aren’t they effective to make a situation more interesting than it already is.  
Still, I have my gripes for this ship. Ya know, Kakashi is not completely helpless in front of Obito. When it’s clear that he failed to make Obito reconsider his choice to brainwash everything up, a.k.a endangering his people and the world in the process, he attempted to kill Obito twice. One straight to heart and one straight to jugular. So fics when Kakashi is too “subby” toward Obito is a big no for me. Also just like I said before Kakashi is not someone who prioritize his emotion when doing something, so I don’t see Kakashi will absolve Obito’s numerous war crime post-4th Great Shinobi War just because “I love him”.
Indeed Kakashi and Iruka has so little interaction, but I guess that’s the beauty of headcanons. Kakashi and Iruka are the first 2 established adult characters in Naruto (not counting Hiruzen for obvious reason) so the pairing had the advantage of early start. Most KakaIru fans also saw them as “Naruto’s two dads” and that’s a cute concept. Kakashi’s kinda “tough dad” way of caring his students is compatible with Iruka’s quite soft and overprotective way, produce many sweet domestic situations. I don’t ship it but I can see the appeal. 
My gripes about them are when they portray Kakashi as Popular Sex God and and Iruka as Innocent Cute doll, plus I will straight close the tab if in the fics Naruto ever said something remotely close to this :
“Pervert Kakashi-sensei stay away from my dad Iruka-sensei!”
(not so fun fact, I met that scene like in 3 out of 5 KakaIru fics that I’ve read)
Dear god. Honestly, no matter where you look it from Naruto’s side, Iruka’s side, or Kakashi’s side, that scene is a pure OOC on so many level. I have no idea what version of Kakashi, Iruka, and even Naruto on their mind.
Cute ship, their banter tastes different than Kakashi/Gai, Kakashi/Obito, and Iruka/Kakashi, with their popular dynamic as teasing upper-classman and exasperated under-classman. This ship is sadly underdeveloped because of Kishimoto’s lack of interest toward Yamato, but personally I can see great potential for this ship. In Shippuden, there’s a hint that Yamato is more stern than Kakashi, with Yamato practically making comment that he knows how Kakashi is but unlike Kakashi Yamato will not coddle Naruto and Sakura. I believe in a certain point of Yamato’s life he saw Kakashi as an epitome of light (or perhaps softer example), which is understandable considering that his world before meeting Kakashi is full of Root darkness and Orochimaru/Danzo’s bullshit. But at the same time it’s also interesting because ANBU Kakashi, Cold-Blooded Kakashi is definitely the darkest among Kakashi version. And unlike Gai whom he apologize for showing his brutal side, in front of Yamato Kakashi seems like has no shame to show his shady side. In Kakashi ANBU arc Kakashi straight told him about Rin’s death on his hand. In Naruto training Kakashi told him about believing that he can surpass the 4th Hokage a.k.a ya know, Naruto’s own father. Even Yamato is in Kakashi’s side when they asked Naruto to refrain the truth about UCM because the only source they have about it is their literal enemy. So I personally thought that if there’s someone that can stomach Kakashi’s shady, darker side, Yamato is that person. As Kakashi fan, I don’t see him as pure noble being and he indeed has them, dark side. At the same time, by interacting with Kakashi, Yamato can bring out his light side too, or at least supposed to if not for Kishimoto just stopped caring about him ever since at the beginning of War arc. 
I don’t have many gripes about them except when they made Yamato “worshipped” Kakashi too much. Don’t forget, despite his indulgence Tenzo can and will sass Kakashi to hell and back. Still, I am not sure how far Yamato’s indulgence toward Kakashi, so I kinda bitter about this pairing when knowing that Yamato got Orochimaru monitoring task from Kakashi. As I said about, Kakashi trusts Yamato to see his shady side so it kinda made sense but I really don’t like that.
Wholesome ship, mutual caring, childhood sweetheart, parental approval from both Sakumo and Dai, plus they basically spent retirement days together with each other. This is the most canon Kakashi ship for me. Gai is literally Kakashi’s safe haven and Kakashi shows his most relaxed side in front of Gai. The reason why I don't read much fics about them is because I love angst but just can't handle KakaGai angst haha. Gai is the constant good thing in Kakashi’s clusterfuck life so I don’t wanna ruin it with angst.
My gripes are when they reduce Kakashi as invalid traumatized man and Gai as a mere Kakashi’s cheerleader. Sigh, talk about devaluing established characters to a single trope. KakaGai that is developed since they’re 4 till they’re 46 and counting deserve better than that. Besides, we have to remember that the reason why Gai attracted to Kakashi in the first place is because Kakashi is strong, worthy to be his rival. Not that Gai will ditch Kakashi when he turned weak (vice versa for Kakashi) but I think one of the reason why Gai sticks with Kakashi for so long is because Gai saw Kakashi’s inner strength and admires it (vice versa for Kakashi).
Still can tolerate their AUs (I’ve seen some College AU fics and I don’t mind them) but seriously in canon the most intimate Kakashi will ever do toward his students is headpat. Also in the entire Naruto franchise, it’s clear that Kakashi sees his students as his younger peers, and he literally made observation about how they grown up. I will not say Kakashi is their father figure, but there’s a clear platonic gap between Kakashi and his students. Example of those are :
KakaSaku : On Kazekage rescue arc, Kakashi told Sakura that she shouldn’t eat too much soldier pills because it’s bad for her body, can’t comprehend the social fact that maybe Sakura, as a woman, will not appreciate a comment from Kakashi, as a man, about her body. Like, it’s not a form of teasing or anything, he spoke it as his form of genuine concern and just can’t see the problem with it. Isn’t it a clear evidence that Kakashi doesn’t see Sakura as a woman and himself as a man in Sakura’s point of view? This is from Shippuden when Sakura already reached her puberty so I just can’t see Kakashi “suddenly treats Sakura as a woman”. 
KakaSasu : Kakashi is downright sweatdropped when he saw Konohamaru’s Male Sexy Jutsu that has naked Sasuke (and Sai) in it. The majority of fandom said that Sasuke is Kakashi’s favorite student, but this pairing has the least amount of content, which is fair because most time when they had positive interaction Sasuke is just a 12 year old boy. Although I’ve seen some KakaSasu shippers gushed about Kakashi and Sasuke’s “private mentoring”, that’s nasty at that time Sasuke is literal pre-teen. 
KakaNaru : Naruto tried to seduce almost every adults in his life with Sexy Jutsu from Iruka to Kaguya, but somehow he never uses that on Kakashi. In fact on Second Bell I expected him to use Sexy Jutsu but alas he used spoiler novel instead, talk about read porn for the plot XD Also Kakashi’s thought when he piggybacked Naruto, “he gets heavier”, that line is so platonic and reserved for kid relatives not potential love interest.
So yeah, for Kakashi/students ships, I just can’t see the appeal or possibility at all.
Get the fuck away from me Minato belongs to Kushina and he will never ever touch Kakashi romantically in his life, which is btw already ended when Kakashi is just a 14 years old traumatized boy.
I don’t hate it, don’t mind the age gap because the first time we saw their interaction they’re mature opponents from different sides, Itachi is 18 years old and Kakashi is 26 years old. Personally it’s not icky for me, especially when we think of TobiDei when Deidara is 19 and Obito(Tobi) is in his late twenty. But like, dunno guys, why would you want to pair 2 emotionally repressed men with each other? 
Their interactions, whether in Kakashi ANBU arc, Part 1, and Shippuden consist of :
Genjutsu battle (but with no hard feeling).
Kakashi asked vague question and Itachi responded with vague answer. 
Itachi asked vague question and Kakashi responded with vague answer.
Kakashi asked direct question and Itachi deflected it.
Itachi asked direct question and Kakashi deflected it.
See how communication utterly fails both of these dumb men who use silence and secrecy as coping mechanism? Their romantic scenario is just unimaginable for me. Which one of them will confess first? If there’s problem, or argument, which one from them will say their problem first and which one will apologize first? Heck, can they even have unprofessional argument?
They’re too similar. They’re not willing to open up with each other and they’re both the type that is too reluctant to pry others about feeling. This ship is downright closed door from both sides XD I had a feeling that their date will consist of silently stare at each other for like a whole day, may or may not with Tsukuyomi/Genjutsu involved. 
KakaShizu, KakaAnko, KakaMei, KakaGenma, or any other Kakashi ships with minor characters
No matter what Kakashi Hiden said, I think Kakashi is not the type to easily warm up on people. Not that he’s cold toward strangers, but he’s somewhat reluctant to invite people in his circle, especially have special feeling for them. So, I am down with them when they’re slow burn long kind of fic. In fact I like this KakaMei fic, and for me Kakashi is not OOC in that fic. 
I am not fond with self-insert and Mary Sue OC in general so I don’t read much about them. My gripes perhaps when they use concept from already establish characters on their OC, like the one who acknowledge Sakumo as hero and instill teamwork on Kakashi is none other than Obito, the one who support Kakashi on his lowest point is Gai, the one who accompany Kakashi during ANBU days is Tenzo, so remove them to make a space for OC is, again, a big no for me.
Tl;dr : For me, platonic gen Kakashi contents are the best!
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sugaradore · 2 years
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🌫️🌋How Defenseless You Really Are❄️⚡
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ughlendzz · 10 months
kakamei and some mei terumi sketches
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imshooktxxx · 2 years
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I’m really getting addicted to this au! And of course I just had to draw my fav rare ship ❤️💙
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A Pin-Worthy Post
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Transformative Works Lists:
MXTX fanfics
Gen Kakashi-Centric
Other Naruto
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