#karl jacobs fanfiction
itsfeckinwimdy · 2 years
Dye - Soulmate Shorts (bonus)
Karl Jacobs x Reader
Reader Pronouns: n/a
Letter: D = Dye (You have a stripe of hair that correlates to your soulmate's hair colour.)
Word Count: 126 words
Warnings: n/a
DSMP Masterlist | Soulmate Shorts 1 Masterlist
Published: 17/11/2022
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Karl Jacobs hated his soulmate.
As he arrived at the location he and the rest of the Mr Beast crew were filming at, he had no idea how to explain to Jimmy the reasoning behind him having a vibrant pink stripe in his hair other than saying it was his soulmate's fault.
As he rounded the corner he heard the end of a conversation which sounded like Chandler and you talking, the former complimenting you about something. His eyes locked on your new brightly coloured hair, with the exception of a brown stripe clearly visible.
But what shocked him wasn't the fact that you decided to dye your hair such a vivid colour, but the fact that his soulmate was under his nose the entire time.
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shakirawastaken · 1 year
dsmp if... you were a romance trope
i got inspiration (sapnap, dream, george, karl, quackiy, wilbur) 
sapnap (hockey x figure skater): - im in the middle of heartbreaker rn and SHUT UP - i LOVE THIS TROPE - IM NOT EVEN A FIGURE SKATER I DO TAEKWONDO BUT I STILL FROTH OVER THIS SHIT - and then in addition to that one tommyinnit is a figure skater and everyone else is on a hockey team “ice these hurts” or smt h like that - i love this trope. - anyway i think that this trope comes hand in hand with enemies to lovers - his hockey team and ur figure skating group are at the same winter sports competiton - and you have to share a rink - booooo - so everyday you end practice with the sight of a bunch of hockey buffs roughhousing in the stands, waiting for you to finish - and everyday a certain brunette one sneers and smirks at you as you walk off the ice - “had a nice practice ice queen/king?” he asks you teasingly - “shut up, yeti” you mutter back gratingly as you bump your shoulder into his build as you pass him - and he comes up with a new one everyday - and you quip right back at him, unphased - one day, he comes into practice early just to spite you - what he wasn’t expecting is to see how good you actually were on the ice - he sat there like “ :O” and just watche dyou glide across the ice with what seemed like barely any effort - and he watched how passionate you were in your craft and the dance - and bro was whipped right then and there - so that day as you were leaving he said “you were amazing out there” and it took u jumpscared - you were like “no insult today?” - and he was like “dang, didnt know u liked them that much ;) but not today, not for something as beautiful as that” - and i think you can guess where it went from there... :)
 dream (ceo and employee romance):  - AKAIAKAKAHAKH TELL ME YOU SEE THE VISION - i mean hes a ceo alr so its like one step in the door you know - anyway hes a ceo - bro wears those fancy ass suits everyday and has like a wine cellar mini fridge shit thing in his office  - any way you pull up to his headquarters one day for like an interview and you were so fucking nervous  - you ran into him in the elevator (and no clue who he was) - and you basically vented to him for the 30 second elevator ride before scurrying off to your interview - bro didnt even get dreams name or anything - he kinda just smiled and wished you well as you ran away  - he thought you were so cute  - and you thought dude was hot as fuck  - anyway you got the JOB!! LETS GOO - the next day, your supervisor is like taking u around showing u the works - ....and you meet the ceo - its dream - and youre like :0 and he’s like  *smirk wink* ;) “hey” - and youre like “well fuck hes the ceo i cant be in love with him” - and you avoid him - but he makes it his life’s mission to get on ur radar - in the break room, in ur cubicle, in the cafeteria, in the parking lot man is ON YOU LIKE A MOTH TO A LIGHT - eventually he convinces you to go to fancy dinner - and WOW hes paying?? so that shit was FIREEEE - fancy wagyu steak and 102379182 year old wine i mean cmon - it was good ok - he asks you out after dinner and assures u ur job wont be at risk and everything - ba da bing ba da boom  - now youre dating happily and he spoils the FUCK outta you  - lmk if you want this one as a big fic with dialogue
george (neighbors): - tell me why whenever i have my delulu daydreams with george he’s always a neighbor - very much boy next door vibes - omg HES YOUR COLLEGE ROOMMATE NEXT DOOR - stoppppp - on move in day he pulls up with his family and u with urs and youre like - “hi ! nice to meet you im so exicted to move in!” and bros like “same!” - sometimes hes loud bc hes talking to his friends but you dont mind - hes a cs major and ur  whatever u want major - one day you decided to start singing  rlly loud while cleaning - ur singing taylor swift - and then george could hear you from the room next door to yours - so he writes up a little post it note that was like “loved the concert! when’s the next one?” and stuck in on your door - you found it and started mad blushign - you had a crush on him since day one awwww - anyways you two started communicating via post it notes and songs played loudly through the walls <3 - till one day you hear boyfriend by big time rush - and then you play girlfriend by avril lavigne back - and then he slips you a post it note under the door and you open the door before you could read it  - and its an unspoken like thing that you start dating - its so romantic how you can saw you guys starting dating because of taylor swift !!
quackity (academic rivals): - DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON THIS TROPE IT BRINGS ME LIFE ALRIGHT - alright - two law school students FIGHTING IT OUT ACADEMICALLY - you guys met in ur freshman year english class or some shit - clashed together in a discussion group - and its been game on since then - your texts with each other are flaunting texts - “hey alex, guess who got a 97 on the last midterm?” - “guess who got a 99 ;)” - over time, the texts started getting more and more hostile - people started to thing you two actually hated one another’s guts  - but in reality it was more for the thrill - but this continued throughout your law school careers - and you both become successful lawyers in the end!! - and when the headmaster calls you both into his office and says - “youre both valedictorian! congrats! you have to give a speech together” - well its like all the hatred faded away - you grinned and cheezed at each other before giving each other the biggest hug ever - so you both wrote a speech together - and soon the day of graduation came - and q goes at the end “i wouldn’t be here without the person who motivated me through it all, so thank you (y/n)” and youre like “hey man *sob* wtf *sob” - and you kiss him on the cheek and cheer to all the graduates  - after the ceremony he catches up to you in the parking lot, grabbing your wrist before you could go off with ur family - and blurts out word soup - and ur like what - and hes like “i really like you, and law school wouldn’t have been the same without you. can we be more than friends?” - and youre like “duhhh” and kiss him right there karl (best friends to lovers): - YOU ARE IN LOVE BY TAYLOR SWIFT  - that is the song for this SCENARIO - you two met when you were little kids in like first grade - your friends werent there on that day so you hung out with each other - hooked to the other since then and there - it was always “karl and you” and “you and karl” - you came as a packaged deal - through ups and downs you were there together - you graduated high school together and were going to the same college together now - while karl barely got into any romantic relationships, you seemed to be going through a few of them  - you were desperate for a love connection and honestly i aint blaming u - one day after a horrible date he came over to your dorm and u had an impromptu sleepover - you were in karls old shirt and some pajama pants and he was in his pajamas - and you two were just watching a movie together - before he turns to you abruptly, and you turn to look at him - and he’s like “you’re my best friend”  - and you saw a switch flip in him - since then, the dynamic between you two changed (for the better) - you became more flirty more touchy  - you started to act like you were a couple more and more - one day you saw him open his wallet to pull out his card  - and u saw that he has a picture of the two of you in his wallet - and then you knew that he was it for you - you ask him out that night - and hes so happy hes picking you up and spinning you around - <3 wilbur (musician x fan trope): - okay this is inspired by those tik toks that are like “did you see the way he looked at me” and its harry styles staring and eyeing down a fan in the audience like YES - and he’s a musician so it fits! - imagine lovejoy is like a HUGE HUGE Band so maybe this is in the future - anyways you and ur friend go to a lovejoy concert - for the sake of the story, youre not that big a fan of lovejoy just familiar with hits like sex sells and one day - the whole time ur friend is like “theyre so good hes so good its all so good” - you two end up a few rows from barricade  - and you and ur friend start screaming it up as you should - youre not oblivious to the way the lead singer keeps looking over in your direction, winking and smiling - imagine a sweaty, singing wilbur glancing over at you during sex sells and giving you a smile as he rasps out “you know sex sells i know that” - brb ascending to heaven - anyway a time comes when he stops to speak to the audience - he wastes no time - he struts over to your side of the stage and points at you  - “what’s your name?” - and you scream it at him - “what a lovely name!” - the crowd cheers - “ahre you single?” he asks with a grin on his face - the grin grows when u nod at him - “give me ur number!?” he asks and you nod at him as ur friend is dying next to you - he gestures u and ur friend to the front of the stage by the barricade  - and he passes you a marker and make syou WRITE YOUR NUMBER ON HIS GUITAR OR HIS SHIRT OR SOMETHING - oh yeahh go you go you thank yoU! let me know if you want any of these to become a bigger story/imagine and LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT A PART 2 WITH OTHER PEOPLE :D reblogs appreciated
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skeleton-bees · 1 year
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angstyx · 1 year
one where the reader donates some money to get a tts message to play? (gender neutral, wilbur, fundy, and karl or more if you can ^^)
Reactions to You Donating to Them
Includes: George, Wilbur Soot, Fundy, Karl, Tommy, Sapnap
TW: cursing, small cringe? idk
Requested?: [Yes] [No]
Note: i didnt know if you wanted platonic or romantic so i did a mix of them
also ngl this was fun and i had a bunch of ideas so let me know if you want a part 2
and hey, been a while hasn’t it? This has been finished for a while I just didn’t feel like posting it
Masterlist // Rules for Requesting ───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────
« [username] donated $10! » “hi babe can do me a favor and go get the food I just ordered <33"
he's literally so confused from how random the message was
you knew he was streaming so of course you had to tease him
chat is laughing and telling george to listen to you and to go get the food
"[name]... you're literally in the room next to mine. You could get it yourself."
« [username] donated $10! » “shhh don't expose me like that and fyi im binge watching my favorite show rn so i'm busy"
literally deadpans at the camera
"[name] i'm literally streaming right now"
« [username] donated $15! » "aw okay :(( well no mcdonalds for you then... and i was hoping i could feed you too </3 "
blushes from your teasing
chat is going wild. i repeat. chat is going wild
[dsmp_fan] "george listen to [name] and get the mcdonalds so they can feed it to you >:/"
in the end he gave in and got the mcdonalds for you
chat wouldnt let him live the moment down but hey at least he got to eat some french fries
Wilbur Soot
« [username] donated $20! » "wilbur open the fucking door right now"
"huh [name]? what are you talking about?"
« [username] donated $10! » "i was bored so now i'm outside your office cause i want to be on your stream. now open the fucking door"
"say less"
literally RUNS to the door to open it without giving it a second thought
he was still un-muted though so chat could barely hear the conversations between you too
"why are you here [name]? and... why do you have a box of cookies with you"
"like i said i was bored and did i forget to say i'm hungry?"
"it's 2am"
"yet you're streaming?"
« [username] donated $15! » "babe what do you want for lunch"
"oh hey [name]! uh i'm not sure. what do you have in mind?"
« [username] donated $10! » "well we can either go out or have it sent to us"
"well i think we both know what's the better option"
« [username] donated $10! » "doordash it is. how does [your favorite restaurant/food] sound?
the viewers who were new to his streams were absolutely confused
was this normal? do you two usually communicate like this? with you just donating to him?
the viewers who always watched his streams were used to it
it happened almost every other stream basically
« [username] donated $30! » "KARL!! MY FAVORITE STREAMER AND MY BEST FRIEND!! :D"
a huge smile appears on his face the second he reads your donation and message
quackity who was in a call with karl couldnt help but fake-gasp
i mean basically everyone knows he loves to be dramatic
« [username] donated $20! » "shut up quackity :/ karl is my best friend, go find a new one. oh and i'm doing good karl"
karl just laughs while quackity fake sobs and starts cursing at you
« [username] donated $10! » "karl can i join the call? it'll be easier to talk to quackity "
"uh sure... no yelling please"
« [username] donated $20! » "no promises"
the second you joined, you began cursing and yelling at quackity
like you said, no promises
« [username] donated $10! » "hey idiot, can i join your stream"
"first of all, how dare you call me a idiot and second of all, no"
« [username] donated $10! » "why not"
couldnt help but scoff at your message as chat begs tommy to let you join
chat absolutely loves the banter between you two though it usually ended in tommy's mom yelling at him from how loud he was cursing into the mic
"because i said so"
« [username] donated $50! » "what if i give you money"
"that won't make me change my mind"
« [username] donated $10! » "okay fine :/ how about i stop being annoying to you"
he was actually thinking hard about this one
not even joking
"wait actually? hmm... what do you think chat?"
« [username] donated $10! » "hurry up and decide"
"okay fine, you can join"
« [username] donated $10! » "yay :D"
*queue you joining the call*
"I never said how long i'll stop being annoying so ha hey you bitch"
*queue you being kicked from the call*
« [username] donated $1! » "fuck you"
« [username] donated $10! » "did you eat my ice cream"
literally looked at the donation message for a second before immediately looking away
the guilt is clearly on his face
"I don't know what you're talking about. I never saw any ice cream in your mini-fridge."
« [username] donated $10! » "huh strange, I never mentioned it being in my mini-fridge"
oh shit
he's done for
"uh well i guessed cause i always see food in there like ice cream"
« [dsmp_fan] donated $5! » "stop fucking lying sapnap"
"how could you betray me like this, chat. I swear i didnt take your ice cream [name]"
« [username] donated $10! » "fine i believe you"
"thank you"
« [username] donated $10! » "you fucker i literally see the empty ice cream pint on the table behind you"
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Taglist: @thenotsohottopic @0littlem0-0 @bi-narystars @707xn @sakurapartridge @ryxjxnnx @boiciph3r @maxiewritesfanfic @nightwalkercrescent @missusstark @multifandomgirl-us @sophia902103 @sunnyxlove @marrymetheonott @voidgonemissing @alec- lost-bee @ttakinou @izuruus @chaoticotaku @joyfullymulti @oh-mcyt @sxltedcxramel @dawnfallx @blushingduckling @blueberrystigma @youngstarfishdinosaur @poookii @beepbopbee @dazedgxth @wrenqueenisboss @saturnhas82moons @itsonlydana @comonlokbut2 @lacunaanonymoused @sirsleeps @toodeepintofandoms @sparkletash @luluwinchester @buckyswhxre @jadecameron69420 @sarahwasfound @isaac-foster-my-beloved @dukina @arcanine-doves @auralol
Send in a ask or dm me to be added! | bolded means you either changed your url or your settings makes it so I cant tag you
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nikaizkool · 1 year
bro ur insecure bf hcs were really cool 😭‼️ but i’m kinda wanna know what u were gonna write for lying gf hcs 🫣🫣 soo like mayhe if u wanna write them 😪😪 if u wanna no pressure 👍🏻👍🏻
👍👍👍 I don’t rlly have a life so 🤭🤭🤭
Dtk + tnt duo x lying gf
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Skeptical when you lie about something serious “are you lying my dear?” When you deny he acts dumb about everything (it’s hella annoying) until you confess about the lying
Oblivious his dumbass doesn’t care just as long as your alright but sometimes if he is bothered by a lie coz he knows it’s a lie he’ll take hide your stuff and give you the silent treatment
Very unbothered by lies, he’ll lie right back to your face.
Confront you with the sweetest smile basically guilt tripping you into telling the truth
He’ll like George he’ll give you the silent treatment and pay more attention to his phone than you.
Dramatic. “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME” that kinda stuff. He’d still love you tho, unless you lied about where your going and who was going
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ilici · 2 years
Summary: Y/N gets noticed by the football team the week of homecoming by how she dresses.
Warnings: Choking, hair pulling, degrading, unsafe sex, thigh riding, some surprises.
Word Count: 8439
inspired by amaranthbb & slapnap’s anons.
shift in point of views, when the point of view is changed, the color of the text will change in the first word. I will have a parenthesis of the color that is chosen for those who are colorblind and may not be able to view the color.
Color Code:
Green - Dream
Blue - George
Orange - Sapnap
Purple - Karl
Yellow - Punz
Pink - Reader
Red - Third Person
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(Pink) I looked down at my phone, sighing deeply when the group-chat continuously kept spamming. I wasn’t able to even keep up with what they were saying, when there was only four of us in it, counting myself. Finally, they stopped texting and I scrolled up rereading everything.
"Homecoming is this week?"
I asked myself, pinching the bridge of my nose. I had completely forgot about it. I had seen all the flyers and posters scattered around the college all last week.
Shaking my head, I bite my lip in thought. This was the week everyone got to dress up in honor of the school and mainly to support the football team.
"This basically is just everyone showing their support to the football team in a span of five days."
Groaning, I sit down on the couch looking up at the ceiling. They posted the dressing schedule for the week. I think to myself, pulling up the College website. Looking for the schedule, I find it and scoff.
Monday - Favorite Fictional Character
Tuesday - College Colors
Wednesday - Sports Day
Thursday - Favorite Celebrity
Friday - Pajama Day
"Friday is probably my favorite." I muttered, tossing my phone down and groaning.
Looking around, I walked over to my closet and scanned through the clothes I had hung up, finding none of them appealing. Looking through the clothes, attempting to find some that looked somewhat like a fictional characters outfit.
"Oh I forgot I had this."
Frowning I grabbed the hanger that held a green dress, and looked it up and down feeling the soft fabric.
"I may have my green wig somewhere around here."
I place the dress down on the bed, thinking about where the wig could be.
"I wore this two years ago on Halloween, I know it's somewhere in here hell."
(Green) "Are people seriously dressing up for this shit?"
Karl looked over at me like I had three heads, "Obviously it's their one chance to get away with wearing whatever they want." He said, and I rolled my eyes.
"You're saying that because you're dressed as fucking Gandalf."
Sapnap spoke up from the other side of the locker room, and I just chuckled rubbing the back of my neck. Leaning back against the cool lockers, letting them cool down my sweaty back.
"My outfit has nothing to do with this conversation."
He grumbled, looking away embarrassed. Punz snorted and sat down beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
Grimacing, I slightly push him away as he was also sweaty.
"Get off me you fuck."
I groan out, scrunching my face up in disgust. "Chill dude, you've been pissy all practice." Punz glared, removing his arm from my shoulders.
"Yeah, because I had to see all these girls dressed up as characters that wore horrendous clothes."
"There was someone who caught my eye though." Sapnap said, as he walked over towards us finally.
"Another one of your side chicks?" George asked, and Sapnap flipped him off.
"No, someone. I don't know her name but she was dressed up as Fubuki from One Punch Man."
He reasoned, and I rolled my eyes.
"Of course you noticed her, she was dressed as one of your favorite anime characters."
George said, laughing and Sapnap punched him in the arm.
"Shut up, and fuck off." Sapnap said in an awful British accent.
George just shrugged and rummaged through his locker, while Karl put his fake beard back on.
"We still have four more days of this torture."
Scoffing, I flipped Punz off for reminding me.
"I don't know about you guys but I'm gonna try and figure her name out."
Looking up, I gave Sapnap a blank stare, "You do you."
(Purple) Looking at my phone, I scroll through the groupchat.
"Fuck, watch where you're going damn."
I hear a feminine voice say, and I look up seeing a girl dressed in black and green on the floor glaring up at a guy who seemed oblivious.
"Hey, are you okay?"
I asked, reaching out my hand which she lightly slapped away and lifted herself up dusting herself off.
"I'm fine no thanks to fuckface over there."
She said, using her thumb to point to the guy who was now half way through the hallway.
"Nice outfit."
I complimented, and she looked down and smiled a bit.
"Thanks, it was the only stuff I had that matched the school colors."
She said, and I grinned looking her up and down.
"Well, I like the two different knee-high socks. It looks cool."
She looked down past her black skirt, and readjusted her left sock around her mid thigh.
"Although I'd got to say your shirt is my favorite." I giggled out, looking at her baby Yoda sweatshirt.
"It isn't really mine, it's my roommates. She doesn't know I took it."
Chuckling I shake my head and stick my hand out, "Karl. Nice to meet you."
Grabbing my hand, she shook it, "I know who you are, you're on the football team. I'm Y/N."
(Yellow) "This movie sucks." I whisper to George, who only nods in response.
"Punz quiet in my class." The professor lectured, and I bite my tongue.
Scanning the classroom my eyes stopped on someone who was wearing my number.
Elbowing George, I pointed to her and he glared before his eyes followed my finger.
"Who is that and why is she wearing your number?" He whispered.
Shrugging, I looked at her. Only the back of her was visible.
As if she felt our eyes on her, she turned around and looked directly at me and George.
Hitching my breath, George just waved to which she gave him a confused look and turned back around.
"Punz and George please exit my classroom if you aren't going to pay attention."
(Blue) Groaning stepping out of my dorm, I cursed under my breath as I opened my umbrella.
"Now is the time I wished I had a car." I complained, walking towards campus.
"Hey isn't that George?"
Hearing my name, I looked around for the person who said it. Stopping I saw the girl from yesterday with two other girls. They seemed to be whispering between each other, but she looked uninterested as she continued walking towards campus.
"Hey George."
Blinking out of thought, I realized the two others were now in front of me.
"Uh hey." I said, looking between them and the girl.
"We were wondering--"
"Hold that thought I gotta go."
I rushed out, stepping around them and jogging to catch up with her.
"You're the guy who was staring at me yesterday."
I heard her say. I realized she turned around when she heard quick footsteps coming her way.
Blinking not knowing what to say, I open my mouth yet nothing came out.
"If you don't have anything to say as a rebuttal, I'd like to continue walking so I can get to class." She said, and I cleared my throat.
"Right. Uhm. Sorry about yesterday my friend and I saw that you were wearing his jersey number."
She nodded, and started walking glancing over her shoulder at me.
Taking that as a sign to follow her, I started walking alongside her.
"It was the only jersey I own, I didn't know it was an actual number for someone on the team as it was 69."
Laughing I shook my head, "Punz fought hard for that number. It took seven calls to coach, a couple boxes of chocolate, and getting on his knees begging."
She looked at me incredulously, "Are you joking?"
Chuckling I nodded.
"He only got on his knees and begged."
She laughed and shook her head, "Tell him I aspire to be as brave and dedicated as him."
"I will."
Smiling and looking down at the wet grass, pavement was soon in my line of vision.
I hadn't realized we made it to campus this quickly.
"Well it was nice talking to you George, I'm Y/N."
Before I could question how she knew my name she walked into the building. I just smiled, realizing she was dressed as Zendaya from the Met Gala.
(Orange) As we all walked to practice I saw someone who seemed familiar.
"Yo! That's her."
I said pointing to her, and Dream grabbed my hand pushing it down.
"Don't point it's fucking rude."
He scolded me, and I scoffed.
"Oh, Y/N is the girl that was dressed as Fubuki?"
Karl asked, I looked over at him dumbfounded.
"You know her?"
I asked loudly, and Karl shook his head.
"No, we met a couple days ago though."
"Yeah, I ran into her yesterday, and she also caught Punz staring at her in class."
"She's wearing the wiggles pajama's."
Dream pointed out, and I finally looked at her outfit.
"It looks really comfortable."
He added, and we all just watched her get in her car and leave.
(Red) The day of the football game everyone was either nervous or excited. For the students, it was a mix of both. For the players, they were excited.
They were hardly ever nervous, as they always won almost every game.
"Do you think Y/N will be here?"
Sapnap asked, and Punz groaned.
"Dude you haven't shut up about her since you saw her on Monday."
Sapnap shot him a glare and threw his deodorant bottle at him. Dodging it, he flipped Sapnap off while George looked between the two.
"You both are idiots."
Dream said, as he closed his locker looking at Karl who was laying down on one of the benches on his phone.
"Well aren't you at least a little curious if she is going to be here?"
Sapnap asked, and they all groaned.
"If we say yes will you shut the hell up?"
Karl said, and Sapnap frowned while George nudged his shoulder.
"Yes. But it's doubtful I heard Y/N's friends talking about how they were gonna dress and it sounded like Y/N wasn't going to come."
George said, and Dream felt a bit upset about that.
Out of all of them, Dream seemed the most disinterested in her.
After the game, they cheered as they beat them. It was a close game, too close for their liking but they still won. As the bleachers started clearing out, the boys ran back into the locker room.
Y/N on the other hand did show up, but she wasn't dressed like she wanted to be there. Her friends dragged her out there, literally.
She was dragged out of bed, and forced into clothes.
"Hey Y/N."
Hearing her name, she looked over and sighed when she saw her uncle calling for her and waving her over.
"Could you take this to the boys."
He said, handing her a clipboard of what looked like things the boys needed to work on.
"Be careful they may be showering so knock or yell to make sure they aren't naked."
Rolling her eyes, she flipped him off.
She regrets ever going to the same college her uncle worked at.
"We'll see you after you get done."
Her friends said, and she just rolled her eyes flipping them off. When she reached the door that led to the locker room, she heard the muffled voices of the boys. Growing curious she pressed her ear to the door, yet to no avail she heard nothing.
'I am already regretting this.' She thought to herself.
Knocking on the door, she heard the muffled voices falter for a second, before she heard footsteps approaching the door. Flinching when the door was jerked open, she cringed when an awful creaking noise was heard.
"Oh hey Y/N."
Remembering the voice, she looked up to match the voice with the face.
"Oh hey, uh.. Punz? Right?" She asked, hesitantly.
Chuckling, the boy nodded.
"That's me." He reassured.
After a deafening silence, and an awkward exchange of eye contact she cleared her throat and brought her hand up.
"Coach wanted me to give this to you."
She finally spoke up, breaking the silence.
Hearing the showers in the background, she figured the rest had left Punz to get the door while they showered.
"Oh thanks."
Blinking back into reality, she nodded finally taking notice that he was shirtless and only a towel was clinging to his hips.
"May I ask why coach sent you of all people?" He asked, eyebrows pinched in confusion.
She scratched the back of her neck, and looked every where but at him.
"It's a long story." She muttered, flustered.
Punz took notice of this quickly, and smirked. Leaning against the doorway, he crossed his arms.
"I've got time."
'Of course you do.' She thought to herself holding back an eye roll.
"Well, to summarize it to save both our time and so you can shower because you reek. Coach is my uncle. I came to this college because he worked here, and I wanted to have a familiar face in a brand new place."
She explained, while Punz cringed at the fact that he got told he smelled awful.
Running his hands through his tousled hair, he nodded.
"Good to know I can't fuck you. Coach would have my head. You're automatically going on the no list." He said, nonchalantly.
Widening her eyes at how open he was, she shook her head.
"Wouldn't want to sleep with you anyways, now shower you fucking smell."
Turning around, she began to walk away as Punz smirked watching her figure.
Looking over her shoulder, she smirked, "Congratulations on the win by the way, tell Dream I said he's hot for scoring the winning point."
Shaking his head, he turned around and shut the door pushing his tongue against the wall of his cheek.
"She's going to fucking pay."
(Yellow) Scoffing as I walked into the shower area, everyone turned to look at me.
"Who was at the door?"
Karl asked, and I just groaned.
Stepping under the water, her words played on repeat in my head.
"Why was she here? What the hell did she want?"
Dream said, bewildered due to the fact she came to the locker room.
"Well, her uncle sent her."
"Who the fuck is her uncle?" Sapnap asked, now intrigued.
Was all I said, and they all snapped their heads to me.
"Dude. Do you know how bad it would've been if one of us slept with her?"
Karl said, and I rolled my eyes.
"Even more of a reason to fuck her."
I simply said, and Dream scoffed from beside me.
"Why are you scoffing? I basically told her to her face I wouldn't fuck her. Then she turned around and told me to tell you that she thought you were hot for winning the game."
I told him, and he chuckled.
"She's playing a dangerous game."
Dream muttered, and I could only agree.
"If you ask me, I think her being coach's niece is more of a reason to fuck her. It's basically risky. If coach ever found out, he'd make us run till we've thrown up. Then make us run again until we pass out. It's cliche. Almost too perfect."
George spoke up, and Sapnap just agreed by a head nod.
I sighed, after washing up and quickly dried myself off.
"You two go ahead and take that shot. I'm not running till my death."
I bluntly said, and Dream just hit my shoulder.
"Fucking the coach's niece. Doesn't it just sound fun?"
He said, and I groaned.
"Sounds like trouble to me."
"Oh come on, you're always up for a challenge."
Sapnap said, patting my shoulder and I sighed.
"Fuck it."
"But let's make this a bet. Whoever fucks her first wins."
I looked over at Karl, shocked that he was the one who even came up with the idea.
"Alright. You're on."
(Orange) "Why did I even agree to that stupid bet."
I muttered under my breath, walking to my morning class.
'Of course, Mrs. Cassidy would have her class at 7 am.' I thought to myself, already tired as I was up all night playing Minecraft with the others.
"Fucking hell Sap, watch where you're going."
That voice instantly took all the grogginess out of me.
Realizing what I had done, I accidentally bumped her shoulder causing her to drop whatever she was carrying.
Squatting down to help her pick it up, my eyes widened when I saw that it was her laundry basket.
Some of her clothes were still in there, while others were sprawled across the grass. Getting damp from the morning dew.
"Great. Fucking great. Now I have to rewash some of them."
She complained picking some up.
I simply stared, guilt overcoming my body.
Reaching for pieces of her clothing, I grabbed two shirts, a pair of shorts, four pairs of mated socks, and a pair of her underwear.
She didn't seem too embarrassed at the fact that I was holding her undergarments.
"Thank you." She grunted out.
"You're welcome."
I quickly stammered out.
"I really don't want to put those in with the clean ones, can you carry them to my dorm?"
Seeing her mouth move, I heard nothing.
I hummed and finally snapped back into reality.
"I said, do you mind carrying those back to the dorm? Since you're the one who caused it in the first place."
Almost jumping to agree, I remembered class.
"I would, but I have to get to Mrs. Cassidy's."
I told her, and she gave me a look.
"You do remember Mrs. Cassidy won't be having class today, and won't have a sub for another two days. Right? She notified everyone through her email that she was delivering her baby."
She said, looking at me as if I were dumb.
"Well, I don't even look at my emails."
I retaliated.
She only rolled her eyes and turned on her heel walking towards her dorm.
Following in behind her, I took notice of what she was wearing.
'She looks very comfortable.'
"You look comfy."
I said, attempting to spark up a conversation as the walk would be about a 10-minute walk due to how slow she was with the basket.
"It's my pajamas, I don't have class today until 4 pm."
She explained, and I hummed.
"Also I thought the laundry mat was closed until 8 am?"
I questioned.
She glanced over her shoulder.
"Perks of your uncle having a spare key for it. I get to do it as long as I also do his laundry in return."
Shifting the articles of clothing in my arms, I nodded.
"So tell me a bit about yourself."
Startled at the sudden question, I try to think quickly.
"I'm twenty years old, a junior in college, I am from Texas, I met Dream when we were teenagers. We promised to go to the same college when we were younger. We met George a couple years later, and he decided to come to this college as an experiment for America. Punz and I met during my senior year of High school, and Karl and I met freshman year of college. We've all been inseparable since."
Even though she was in front of me, I could tell she was smiling.
"That's sweet."
She hummed out, and I grinned.
Walking into the yard of the dorms, I finally learned that Y/N's dorm was only two minutes from mine.
"Which one are you?"
She quickly answered, attempting to fish her key out of her back pocket.
Sighing, I came up behind her, "May I? I don't want to intrude or make you uncomfortable. But I'd rather you not spill more clothes."
She looked at me for a brief second, before nodding.
Moving all the clothes carefully into my right arm, I slowly grab her waist and move her a bit closer.
I could see chill bumps appear on her neck when my breath fanned it.
"Grab the damn key already."
Her voice almost sounded as if it were desperate.
Slipping my hand into her back pocket, I grabbed the key.
She stumbled a bit, and I hooked my fingers onto the pocket pulling her back with much more force than I intended.
Feeling her slam against my chest, I grunt in slight pain and she groaned in discomfort.
I whisper, and I could've sworn I heard her whine.
"Unlock the fucking door."
She breathed out, looking up at me over her shoulder.
I instantly melted, her eyes said something that I had been dying to see.
"All it took was some physical touch? Are you that touch deprived? How cute."
I tease, and she shifted whining.
"Door. Now."
Chuckling, I walk in front of her, purposefully dragging my finger across her waist and stomach before unlocking her door.
Stepping inside, she followed behind in a rush.
Basically tossing the basket on the floor near what I assumed was her room door, she turned around grabbing my hand.
Dropping the clothes on the floor, I followed her like I was a lost puppy.
Opening the door that I saw prior, she pushed me onto the bed.
"Have you had breakfast?"
She asked, and my eyes dropped down to between her legs.
"Good, you are now."
Groaning at the thought, I was never one to openly be a bottom but the way she took control instantly had me excited.
"Lay down."
Listening, my mouth watering I hear her shuffling and some clothes being tossed onto the floor.
Raising up on my elbows, I gawk at her.
"Stop staring and lay down."
Taking a couple of seconds to continue looking at her body, I nod and lay back down.
Feeling the bed dip under her, I finally see her crawl on top of me.
"Don't hold back either."
"Didn't plan on it."
Grinning, I playfully reach up and pinch her thigh.
She yelped and slapped my hand away, moving up and positioning herself above me.
Lowering herself onto my face, I hook my arms around her thighs to hold her down as I instantly shoot my tongue out for a taste.
"Fuck Sapnap."
She moaned.
Hearing snapping, I open my eyes and Y/N was there, looking rather annoyed.
"Are you going to get the key out or not?"
(Red) For the next few days, Y/N would purposely avoid the football team, as she heard rumors going around that she fucked them. Obviously, this wasn't true, but did they know that? No. Only her friends and she knew the truth.
She was a virgin, after all, wanting to save herself for someone special.
The boys didn't deny it, though they didn't really hear this rumor. People took this as an answer. That actually happened. Plus, the boys weren't people who would fuck and tell.
"Y/N, Punz is heading your way." Her friend warned.
Y/N glanced to her side and rolled her eyes instantly seeing that it wasn't just Punz. Karl was right behind him, following in behind.
"What do you two want?" She asked, begrudgingly.
Punz feigned hurt, while Karl just frowned at her tone.
"Well, the boys and I were wondering if you wanted to hang out one day after practice."
He said while Karl nodded in agreement. Y/N dismissed her friend, who hesitantly left.
Raising an eyebrow, she finally turned around to look at the two. Both had looks of hope on their face. She looked directly at Karl, who had surprisingly crossed his fingers.
Sighing, she shook her head and adjusted her bag on her shoulder.
"Fine, but hanging out. That's it."
She said, her voice strict.
Punz was about to argue, but Karl hit him in a warning and nodded his head.
"Just hanging out, that's all."
He reassured, and Y/N rolled her eyes before walking off.
"You fucking prick--"
Karl turned and quickly ran towards the exit, and football field while Punz was hot on his tail.
Bad who was there to give them their waters, looked as Punz tackled Karl to the ground.
Widening his eyes in shock, he ran over to the two trying to pry Punz off of the other.
Sapnap looked at them, with a lopsided grin amused.
George pinched the bridge of his nose, as Bad yelped when he was ripped down on the ground by Punz.
George said, already fed up.
Dream looked at them and walked over.
"Unless you want to run until you vomit I'd suggest you stop acting like fucking five-year-olds."
Bad looked over at him, mouth wide open.
"That means you to waterboy. Shut your mouth, you'll catch flies."
Instantly, the three stopped and stood up. Karl had grass stains on his pants, while Punz just looked out of breath. Bad adjusted his clothes and dusted himself off.
Sapnap finally spoke up, and Karl's eyes lit up.
"She agreed."
Karl said, and all the boys felt a heavyweight lift off their shoulders. Now they just had to execute the plan.
(Pink) Looking around, she debated on whether or not she should tell her friends about her date with the boys. 'Well, it's not a date.' She thought to herself, before deciding against it in case it fueled the fire of the rumors.
Deciding to just wear the outfit she wore to school, she walked out of her dorm and towards the football field. She saw some people lingering around, some just hanging out, yet there was no sign of the boys.
Sighing, she headed towards the locker room and knocked.
All the muffled voices came to a halt.
As she looked at the door, bored out of her mind George's face came into view.
"Hey, we're getting dressed. We'll be out in a moment."
As soon as George came, he left.
She mumbled and turned on her heel sitting on the bench waiting for them to exit.
(Green) Holding back the groan, I watched as Punz stumbled around in an attempt to get dressed quickly.
"Dude, hurry the hell up she's waiting."
Sapnap rushed, while I decided to head on out. George and Karl followed in behind me.
Opening the door, I see her sitting on the bench her attention on her phone.
"I figured one of you had died, and you all mourned."
She joked, and I gave her a confused look.
"You guys took forever, and there's only three out of five of you here."
She said, motioning to the three of us.
"Punz decided it would be funny to hide Sapnap's clothes, which resulted in Punz getting Sapnap's clothes and Sapnap throwing Punz's clothes in the dirty hamper."
Karl explained, and she just gave him a bored look.
Hearing the door open, Punz and Sapnap rushed out.
"Finally." She whispered.
"What do you mean finally? This bitch caused it."
Sapnap instantly blamed Punz.
Looking at the two, I gave them a blank stare.
"I wouldn't be talking. You took forever to get a fucking key."
She snapped at him, and I looked between the two confused as to what they meant.
"Shut up. I did not."
"Did too."
"Did not."
"Did too."
"Shut the fuck up."
George said, slapping both of his hands onto their mouths.
He shrieked, pulling his hand away from Y/N's mouth.
"She licked me!"
He said wiping his hand on her shirt.
"Don't put your hand over my mouth it's as simple as that."
"Well, there is no telling where your tongue has been."
"Definitely not on your dick."
Stepping between the two, George tried to reach behind me to get to her as she gave him the middle finger.
"Alright alright, stop arguing with everyone. Let's go."
Punz said, scooping Y/N up and throwing her over his shoulder.
Yelping she basically just let it happen.
"Why are you just letting him carry you?"
Karl asked, and I glanced over at him.
"Better than walking."
She strained out, as she was basically upside down.
Karl laughed and shrugged.
(Red) "You two live like fucking animals."
Y/N said, looking around the dorm in disgust.
"It's his fault."
Karl pointed, and Punz put his hands up in defense.
"Well, George leaves his shit laying around as well."
Punz said, and George looked at him gobsmacked.
"Sapnap is the one who leaves his food everywhere."
George said shoving Sapnap, who glared in return.
"Don't even think about trying to put the blame on me. I clean up all of your guy's shit."
Dream stated, and Y/N just watched them bicker.
"Actually, Bad does that when he visits."
"I do it too."
He defended.
Clearing her throat, she crossed her arms.
"Can we do something? I'm tired of hearing you guys argue."
"Well, we can watch that one new movie on Netflix."
Punz suggested a devious smirk on his face.
"I swear to God if you're talking abo--"
Punz smacked his hand over George's mouth.
"Shut up." He whispered.
Rolling his eyes, they all migrated over to the sectional couch that was sat in front of their tv.
'That tv is way too big for them.'
She thought, looking at the giant tv that was mounted onto the wall.
"How did you guys even manage to mount it, and have everyone in one dorm. I thought it was two max?"
She questioned, and Karl cleared his throat.
"My dad paid."
That was all he said.
"Daddy's money."
She muttered under her breath, shaking her head.
(Blue) "You're fucking joking. You chose the new 365 days movie?"
"Yes, I did."
"Yes, he did."
Two voices spoke up at the same time.
Punz and Y/N.
Rolling my eyes, I sit the snack bowl down on the table and got comfortable in my seat.
Hearing my phone vibrate, along with everyone else's Y/N looked around curiously.
Seeing that Sapnap had texted the group chat, my eyes widened at the message.
"Sorry coach texted the chat about practice."
Dream easily lied.
Fuckboy 2.1 (Orange)I had a wet daydream about Y/N
Simp (Purple)You what?
Fuckboy 2.0 (Yellow)I'm not shocked at all.
Dom Daddy. (Green)You decided to tell us now when she is here? And during this movie? What the hell Sap.
Actually Dumb (Blue)Was this when you took forever to get the "key"
Fuckboy 2.1 (Orange)1. Had a wet daydream about Y/N right in front of her, 2. Fuck off Punz, 3. Yes, I did, 4. Yes shut the fuck up.
"Are you guys going to just be texting the entire time?"
Y/N asked, sounding bored out of her mind.
"Someone's being bratty."
Dream said, and Y/N somewhat froze at the tone.
"Shut up."
"Make me."
"Fuck off."
"Only if I'm fucking you."
"Guys shut the hell up."
Sapnap looked between them all, and it was very obvious there was tension in the room. Whether it was awkward, angry, or even sexual. The sexual stood out the most, due to the movie that was on, the minor conversation that they had, and Dream's comment.
I slowly let my eyes scan Y/N, she seemed somewhat interested in the movie. But it was very obvious she was frustrated, as she kept rubbing her thighs together to cause friction.
Moving closer to her, I smirk taking notice that they were now all intrigued in the movie as another sex scene came on.
I whispered.
Y/N's face instantly reddened, and it looked like she was internally thankful for the darkroom from the blackout curtains and every single light off.
"Yeah, now fuck off."
She said, and I rolled my eyes.
"I can help you."
This caught her attention.
"Help me?"
She whispered, clearly clueless.
"Yes, help."
"In front of everyone? They'd hear."
She muttered, looking around at everyone.
"Even more fun."
"What are you two whispering about?"
Karl asked, smirking at Y/N's flustered state.
"Y/N here is frustrated and needs help."
"Is that so Y/N? Do you need help?"
Y/N could only let out an inaudible whimper as a reply.
"Words. Use your words."
Karl said, gripping her thigh, and she nearly moaned at the touch.
'Was she really this touch deprived? Damn.'
"Yes." She replied sharply.
"Good girl."
I praised, "Hey guys, Y/N isn't feeling too well so me and Karl are gonna take her to the bedroom and make sure she is well rested."
Karl got up, picking Y/N up who hazily held onto him from the touch.
"Oh, alright."
Dream spoke up, his voice full of suspension.
Walking behind the two, I watched Y/N slightly grind herself onto Karl who only scolded her which led to her pouting.
Pushing open the door for them, Karl basically threw her on the bed, causing her to yelp.
As Karl and I watched her as if she were our food and we were her prey, she squirmed under our gaze.
I said huskily, and she slowly but surely started stripping off her clothes.
We watched with eager eyes, taking in her bare body.
God, she was perfect.
(Green) "You do realize they took her up there to fuck her, right?"
I said, and the two looked over at me shocked.
As if we talked through telepathy we all bolted up and ran up the stairs.
Barging into the room, I instantly groaned at the sight. Y/N laid there, Karl's dick in her mouth as George ate her like she was his last meal.
Y/N looked over at us with hazy eyes, that were slightly glossy due to her tears from gagging on Karl's dick.
Her whines and whimpers were muffled from Karl's dick, and she looked so needy.
Walking over I instantly fondled her boobs which caused her to arch her back up into my touch.
Leaning down, I took her left nipple into my mouth sucking on it.
One of her hands broke free from George's hair, now tangling in mine.
Punz and Sapnap seemed to have knocked themselves out of whatever trance they were in and got on the bed.
Looking up slightly, Punz had her other nipple in his mouth as Sapnap was going to town on her clit as George fingered her.
Her moans and cries were still muffled from Karl's dick, he wasn't even moving, nor was she.
He's cockwarming her.
(Red) Y/N was feeling herself cum for the third time, her moans drowned out as Karl's dick nestled in her throat. Groaning out, Karl tipped his head back as he felt the vibrations of her moans going through his dick.
Soon, he slightly twitched, as he let out a guttural moan releasing his cum in her throat and mouth.
Y/N choked a bit, swallowing all that she could the rest sliding down her chin.
Karl pulled out of her mouth with a pop, as he cooed down at her. Her makeup was ruined, her eyes bloodshot, and her hair now a mess.
Everyone pulled away from her, allowing her to catch her breath.
"So pretty."
Punz whispered, tracing his fingers down her body, loving the way her body erupted into goosebumps at his touch.
"You look so pretty like this."
George spoke up, her juices coating his lips from his prior events of eating her out.
She looked up at them through her eyelashes, batting them tiredly.
"You didn't think we were done did you?"
Dream asked, sharing a smirk with Sapnap, who traced all the hickeys adorning her skin.
It was noticeable who was who's.
Dream's were huge with teeth marks, George's was sloppy looking as if he were eager to leave marks on her, Sapnap's were much more hidden on the inside of her thighs as he was more gentle with her, Punz's were in the more evident areas: collarbone, jawline, and her hips, and Karl's were all over her neck.
Now it was known between the jocks that they all had their own kinks, which they were soon going to make sure she was comfortable with.
"Y/N look at me."
Karl said, and she slowly looked up at him, innocence in her eyes.
"Are you a virgin pretty girl?"
He asked ready to get rid of the elephant in the room.
Everyone looked at her expectantly.
Squirming under their gaze, she felt her stomach erupt in butterflies.
Slowly nodding her head, she looked away shyly.
Everyone's breath caught in their throats, all of them sharing a look: jealousy.
All because they knew one of them was going to be the one to take her virginity away.
"Who do you want to take it?"
Sapnap asked, sharing glances with everyone.
Y/N looked around, raising up into a sitting position. She nervously picked at her nails, shrugging.
Dream chuckled dryly at this, gripped her throat, and grabbed her hair to make her look up at him.
"You need to choose cupcake. Or else we're gonna fight over it."
He warned her, and she looked up at him with blown-out pupils.
That was all she said, and Sapnap almost yelled out in celebration.
"Before that happens, we'd like to do much more to you."
Punz licked his lips as he spoke, and Y/N felt herself getting wet at the thought.
Before she could do anything, Dream slammed her down by her throat smirking down at her.
"We want to know boundaries, we all have variations of kinks. Let us know when to stop. Choose a safe word."
He explained, his hand moving from her throat to rest on her cheek.
She slowly nodded, letting his words sink in.
"Uhm... Apple..?"
She said as if she were unsure.
"Okay, and choose another word so we can check up on you to make sure you're okay. This word will let us know you're still able to continue."
Y/N looked up in thought and grinned.
"Five. Since there are five of you."
She said with a small shrug, and Karl grinned.
"That's cute."
He hummed, letting his hand rest on her thigh.
"Now that that's out of the way, my turn."
Karl giggled, feeling excited as everyone backed away to watch.
"I'll be right back."
Before Y/N could question it, the boys all looked at each other knowing exactly what Karl was getting.
It surprised them, as Karl never did this with anyone. Only fantasied, he had told them he'd only do it when he found 'the one'.
Walking back in, Y/N wasn't able to see the object he was holding.
"Karl, are you sure?"
George asked, and he widened his eyes at the look on Karl's face. Pure bliss.
"Alright, are you able to look at blood?"
Karl asked her innocently, and Y/N nodded slowly.
Karl crawled on top of her, smirking showing her the object finally.
Gasping Y/N felt her stomach churn in excitement and arousal.
A knife.
He asked, using the knife to trail down her body making sure not to cut her in the process.
Groaning, Karl kissed her hips before bringing the knife to them.
Moving her on her side, he gripped the knife, and carefully marked her skin with a simple, yet sloppy 'KJ'.
Y/N flinched, gripping the closet thing to her, which was Punz's thigh.
Digging her nails into the skin, she hissed at the burning sensation.
Blood trickled down her thigh, and Karl simply used the knife to lap it up.
The others watched, as Karl cleaned her wound, making sure the bleeding stopped.
There was now a visible, "KJ" on her hip and it made Karl giddy.
"Believe it or not cupcake, but Karl is actually a virgin too."
This caught her attention, and she looked back at Karl, who looked like he was about to combust.
"Your turn is up, move."
Punz said, and Karl glared.
"Please Y/N."
Karl pleaded, his voice sounding so desperate and whiny.
Y/N rolled over and grabbed his face slamming her lips onto his.
He could still somewhat taste himself as she slipped her tongue inside his mouth.
Now she knew why he was always so desperate to be around her.
Karl only whimpered against her lips, before she slowly pulled away.
"Please take it, they make fun of me every chance they get. Please I'm sick of it. I need you."
His voice was so whiny, that it went up a couple octaves.
Y/N felt some kind of power over him, she could barely touch him and he'd melt instantly.
"Gotta wait your turn, pretty boy, I'll take your virginity after Sapnap takes mine. Deal?"
She said, purring slightly.
Karl's eyes rolled back at the mere thought and nodded being slightly impatient.
Sapnap took this as a hint and instantly was by her.
"Are you sure about this? Because once I start there is no going back."
He warned, and Y/N slowly nodded her head.
"I'm sure."
That was enough for Sapnap to grab her hips, purposefully digging his nails into the carving in her skin and flipping her over onto her stomach.
Y/N yelped at the pain in her hips, knowing she'd had a bruise from his grip.
"I'm going to be gentle at first."
He reassured her, pressing on her back so it would arch.
Karl watched, mesmerized at the scene unfolding in front of him.
The others only scoffed at how nice Sapnap was playing. They knew he was a dick in bed.
Grabbing his dick, he slapped against her clit every now and then hoping she was prepped enough so it wouldn't hurt as much.
Slowly, he pressed the tip inside and Y/N shuddered, letting a whimper fall out.
Easing into her, he finally bottomed out and Y/N had tears streaming down her face from the mixture of the: burning, the pain from her hymen tearing, his nails digging into the fresh wound, and the pleasure.
After a while, Sapnap rocked his hips and Y/N moaned out, and something inside Sapnap snapped.
All the gentleness was thrown out of the window as he started slamming into her ruthlessly.
Y/N was now a screaming mess, which was cut short as George put two of his fingers inside of her mouth to quiet her down so the neighbors wouldn't hear.
Pulling her hips up a bit, she lurched forward as he hit a certain spot. Sapnap smirked and continued to relentlessly hit that spot over and over again.
"You on the pill?"
He groaned out, sweat falling down his forehead.
Not able to form words, she nodded quickly as her cum milked his cock.
Sapnap groaned loudly as he spilled his seed inside of her, thrusting into her helping them both ride out their highs.
Finally, he pulled out and Y/N fell to the bed breathing heavily.
Sapnap chuckled and softly spanked her ass before gripping it and spreading her cheeks spitting.
Y/N whined at the feeling and looked up at George who now pushed his fingers down her throat to hear her gag.
Smirking in satisfaction after hearing her gag, he pulled his fingers out smearing her saliva onto her own face.
Karl grabbed ahold of her torso and lifted her up onto his lap, and she rested her head against his shoulder already looking fucked out.
"My turn."
He whispered in her ear, as he easily slipped inside of her.
Karl was much bigger than Sapnap, and he reached deeper inside of her in this position.
Karl and Y/N both whimpered at the feeling, and Karl's cheeks flushed red at the sensation.
Punz said, taking a quick photo of the scene.
Rocking her hips, Y/N started to ride Karl who whimpered and whined underneath her.
Y/N was obviously a moaning mess at this point, and she leaned her head back in ecstasy.
Taking this as an invitation Karl started attacking her neck again, as he whined into her ear.
"M' close.."
He whined out to her, and she nodded in agreement fastening her pace.
"Cum with me pretty boy."
That and the fact that he was mixing his cum with Sapnap's was enough to make him explode inside of her. Y/N shivered at the feeling, quickly milking his dick shortly after.
Putting her hands on his shoulder, she raised up off of him as his and Sapnap's cum leaked down her thighs making a mess.
"Such a messy girl."
She heard before she was grabbed by the throat and slammed back down onto the bed beside Karl.
She instantly knew who it was by the voice and gesture.
She mewled, looking up at him with swollen lips.
He groaned at the sight and smirked.
"Look at how much of a cum slut you are."
He tutted, bringing his hand down and raking some of the mixed cum onto his fingers.
He demanded, and Y/N obeyed opening her mouth as he put his fingers in her mouth.
Y/N began to clean off his fingers, enjoying the taste of their cum.
"I'm gonna fuck you so hard that you won't be able to fuck the other two. They'll just have to use you as a cum dump."
He growled out, biting her ear harshly.
Y/N's eyes rolled back before Dream rammed into her causing her to let out a choked scream.
He was basically ripping her in half.
Nor did he care to give her time to adjust, he was ramming into her so fast.
"Damn Dream, built up frustration?"
George joked, and Dream ignored him throwing one of her legs over his shoulder and pounding into her, his grip on her throat tightening.
Y/N started clenching down on him, which caused him to falter slightly.
"Keep doing that and this won't last as long as I hoped for."
He warned, and slapped her clit harshly.
Instantly she saw stars, her mouth falling agape as a silent scream came out, pleasure taking over her body.
"Fuck dude, look at her."
Sapnap said, and everyone watched as her face scrunched up.
She yelled out hoarsely, as she squirted on Dream.
"Holy shit dude!"
Punz gawked at the sight, and it looked like Dream was nowhere close to being finished.
How he had this much stamina beats them, he was always the first to stop running during practice.
"Poor baby squirted all over me. You're so messy."
He said, slapping her face as he moved his hand down slapping her tit as well.
Y/N was quickly becoming overstimulated and tried to push him away.
Dream gave Karl one look and in an instant, Karl had her hands pried down onto the bed.
"You're going to take it. You asked for it."
He grunted out, feeling himself coming closer to his edge.
Clenching around him again, Dream cursed under his breath as he felt himself cum inside of her.
Riding out his high he made Y/N cum once more, and they both winced at the overstimulation.
Pulling out of her Dream saw his cum leaking out of her, and he glared as he pushed it right back into her with his fingers.
"Who's next?"
Sapnap asked, looking between Punz and George.
"I'd rather fuck her ass than anything."
Punz admitted, and George put his hands up.
"I'm already drained from making myself cum twice at that."
Dream rolled his eyes, and tapped her thigh.
"Are you okay with Punz doing anal with you?"
He asked tentatively, and Y/N slowly nodded not trusting her voice.
"This one will hurt more than losing your actual virginity."
Dream told her, caressing her cheek.
She only whimpered as Punz carefully brought her to the edge of the bed, flipping her back over.
"Go easy on her."
Karl murmured, and Punz rolled his eyes as if that were obvious.
"I'd rather not cause her too much pain."
After hearing this, Dream handed Punz the bottle of lube that was kept in George's room.
Opening the bottle he squirted some onto her, and she whined at the coolness of it.
Rubbing it in, Punz reached forward demanding her to spit.
Lubing up his dick, he slowly entered her giving her a resting spot every now and then.
After minutes of pure pain, he finally bottomed out.
Y/N was gripping onto Sapnap's thighs roughly, which he didn't mind.
Dream sat beside her, rubbing her cheek helping distract her from the pain.
Nodding, Dream smiled slightly.
"Okay, you can move."
He encouraged Punz, and Dream grabbed her hand leading it down her body to her clit to help rub herself.
Moaning out, Punz snapped his hips into hers, and Y/N's eyes closed tightly digging her nails into the other's thighs possibly drawing blood.
"Fuck it's so tight."
Punz muttered, pounding into her at a slow pace.
Karl was leaving kisses down her back, helping her through it while George watched with envy.
It didn't take long for Y/N to cum from Dream's fingers on her clit as her hand had gone back to Sapnap's thigh.
Clenching around nothing, Punz felt the movement and groaned as he filled her ass with his cum.
Pulling out, Y/N fell against the bed and everyone watched her.
"Fuck it. One more."
George said, slipping into her, spreading her legs slightly.
Y/N was already sensitive and not able to move, so she laid flat, allowing George to fuck her.
Looking up at Dream with pleading eyes, he sighed giving in as he tapped her mouth. She opened it eagerly as Dream slid his dick into it.
Allowing her to cockwarm him, George kept his rhythm even and gentle.
Y/N moved her tongue around the shaft of his dick, hallowing her cheeks as she maintained eye contact with Punz.
"Fuck don't look at me like that."
Hearing a guttural groan, George came inside of her and pulled out before he ushered Karl over to look at the mess they all created.
Dream leaned his head back as he came down her throat, and pulled out watching her swallow it all.
"That's so hot."
Sapnap mumbled, and they all got up looking at the mess of a girl.
Everyone took pictures of her, especially of her ass and pussy that were leaking with their cum.
"You look exhausted."
Karl pointed out, and Y/N attempted to laugh.
"I am."
She said, barely above a whisper.
"That sucks because we aren't through with you."
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sabinanotfound · 2 years
couple aesthetics with the feral bois <3
includes: dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, karl jacobs and quackity
cw: none at all :)
a/n: just a disclaimer, these pictures aren't mine, they are from pinterest. also if ur interested here's my MASTERLIST
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you and dream are connected in a way that only soulmates can be. you can communicate just by looking at each other and even though you both spend a lot of time together, you just can't get enough of the other. he spoils you rotten and posts faceless pictures of you on his instagram. although dream loves to take you out to a fancy restaurant once in a while your fav type date is a late night walk in the city :)))
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you two enjoy staying at home the most (we all know George is a couch potato), though you do go out once in while. playing video games together, doing face masks, reading together, exchanging cursed memes... you are the definition of a cozy and private couple <3 a song that would describe your relationship would be "moonlight on the river" my Mac DeMarco :3
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matching onesies. that's the summary of you and sap's relationship. it's chaotic but at the same time calming in a way. going skating together and getting McDonalds afterwards is your ideal date. you even make him go thrifting with you and he seemingly enjoys it hehe. matching rings is the perfect gift for you two :)))
karl jacobs
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pure love with a lot of cheek kisses. that's what it is between you two. he adores you and vice verse tehee :3 you listen to the same type of music, have the same aesthetic (you often steal his clothes), and like the same candle scent. your perfect date is going on a picnic in a flower field or watching a movie at home :D
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y'all would be doing the stupidest shit ever. let's borrow a shopping cart from target and ride around in it. okay sure. let's try to fit as many marshmellows in our mouth as we can. yes let's do it. this man will agree to do anything if you're suggesting it (he's head over heels for you). people would envy how natural you are with each other and just generally too hehe. wholesome and slightly childish relationship that you'd want to salvage forever <33
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omegaworld · 5 months
Omg I love your fanfics❤️ If you're going to start writing for Mr. Beast can you do something Karl x reader? Maybe where he likes her but doesn't say anything and then his friends have an idea and in a video Jimmy says that if Karl loses the challenge he will have to declare himself to his crush?
Best friend's brother - Karl Jacobs x reader [one-shot]
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Masterlist Recommendations Word count: 3247
Para este pedido eu usei este vídeo do MrBeast como inspiração.
Y/n met Sean at a gaming convention and they just clicked. It was quick for them to become best friends and as they lived far apart their friendship progressed mainly in online games. One day Sean told Y/n he was going to take part in his brother's stream and sent her the link to watch. She had a lot of fun and thought he was cute, so from then on she started following Karl's streams. Did Sean know about it? No. But she didn't have to tell him everything either.
She met Karl in person when she went to a college near Sean's parents' house. Even though she had a rented apartment, Sean complained that she had to pay rent to his parents because she spent so much time there. Spending so much time there, she ended up meeting Karl, who at first was very confused as to why a complete stranger was sitting on the sofa at his parents' house watching a soap opera with his mother. A very beautiful stranger, but he put that part aside.
His mother explained that she was a friend of Sean's and introduced them by inviting him to watch the soap opera with them. Unsure of what to do and bearing in mind that he had gone to visit his parents, he decided to join them on the sofa.
Although there was silence for a while, a comment from his mother was enough to make Y/n also comment again and laugh at the events of the soap opera. Karl laughed and eventually started commenting too. When Sean went downstairs to check if the soap had finished and saw the three of them on the sofa, he couldn't help but laugh at their enthusiasm.
That was the first of many times that Y/n and Karl met and somewhere in between Y/n developed a huge crush on Karl. She had followed his streams before, but now it seemed different and she realized this when she caught herself grinning like an idiot while watching one of his streams. Sean would kill her if he found out. But it was just a silly crush, right? Right?
"My brother took part in one of the videos with Mr. Beast, I was going to watch it, do you want to watch it with me?"
"Sure" Y/n replied, trying to look indifferent, but it was halfway through the video that a particular scene made them both comment simultaneously and Y/n flinched "Omg he looks so-" "How cute!"
"What?" Sean asks in shock at what he's just heard.
"Huh?" She fumbles trying to disguise it, but unfortunately for her Sean heard clearly.
"You said my brother was cute"
"Did I?"
"It happens" She says and Sean decides to let it go, perhaps because he didn't want to hear that his best friend had a crush on his brother. And just as well, because Y/n didn't want to admit it at all.
Y/n was lying on the sofa at her parents' house watching TV when Karl came in and was confused to see her alone.
"Hey" He greets smiling at the sight of her.
"Hi" She greets back.
"My mom?" he asks confused.
"It's Friday, there's no soap today, there's 'Alone' on, she doesn't like this one very much" She explains as she sits down, she didn't expect Karl to come today, he never used to come on Fridays.
"No, don't worry about it" He says as he sits down. He pats his lap signaling her to spread her legs again, this time over his lap. A little nervously, she stretches her legs over his lap and tries to remain calm.
For a while they both watch the program in silence until Karl laughs and makes a comment. She laughs at his comment and makes another. Suddenly they are both commenting hotly on the program and laughing a lot.
After that, every Friday Karl would go to his parents' house to watch the show with her and before they knew it, it had become their thing.
"Is it okay if I give you my number?" Karl asks one night before she leaves.
"Your number?" She asks in surprise, but tries to remain calm.
"Next week I'll be out shooting a video with Jimmy, so we could arrange it and maybe watch the episode together by video call or discord."
Y/n blushed at the thought of him wanting to keep in touch. "Here," she said, handing him her cell phone so he could put in his number.
For two days she struggled with what to say to him. Since he had put the number in her phone, she was the one who had to send the first message. Scrolling through her Instagram feed, she saw a meme related to the show and immediately sent it to Karl before he realized it was the first message. Fortunately, Karl immediately realized it was her and replied in a funny way. The two start chatting daily, from exchanging memes to simply asking what the other is doing.
One day when Karl sees her online on discord he simply initiates a call. When he answers, she asks what's going on and he says he just saw her online and thought maybe they could play something. It was the way she blushed and her heart raced to the point where she feared her microphone would pick up the sound that made her realize that the silly crush was definitely over.
Perhaps she should have realized this beforehand because it had been two years since she had admitted her crush and the feeling of butterflies in her stomach when he talks to her had only increased over time? Probably.
Despite this, he never invited her to play with Jimmy and the others, unbeknownst to her he did this to try not to make his passion obvious and instead repeatedly refused their invitations to stay and play with her.
Sean and Y/N were watching one of Mr. Beast's latest videos featuring Karl when he couldn't stand her passionate smile at the sight of Karl.
"Ok that's disgusting, you're literally drooling on my brother"
"What? I'm not!" She tries to defend herself.
"I'd hoped that three years ago you'd be over it," he declares simply. It was true, at the time Sean realized that Y/n liked or at least had a crush on Karl, but he didn't want to risk them getting hurt and things getting weird. He thought that if it was something small Y/n would be able to get over it, but apparently he was wrong and couldn't ignore it any longer. He knew Y/n, she wouldn't spend so much time on a mere crush, honestly he hadn't even seen her date anyone since he met Karl.
Then he realized that time she'd slipped up and said he was cute…. Y/n thought.
"Oh look it's now" Y/n points out trying to change the direction of the conversation.
"Yes, she's going to trip, but thanks to that she finds the box, that's the best part, no one expected it" She explains without realizing that Sean is silent.
"How do you know that?"
"Oh… well… Karl sent me the video when they finished editing it so I could give my opinion" she pauses, trying to gauge Sean's reaction, "But I promised to watch it when it came out on the channel!"
"What? He didn't send it to me!" Sean protests.
Y/n tries to disguise the smile that appears. She knows it's stupid, but for her to know that Karl sent her the video and didn't send it to other people or at least his brother was a small victory in her game of feeling important to Karl.
"Did you send him the last video?" Sean asks Karl.
"Did she tell you?" He says obviously not expecting him to know.
"She slipped up" He stops to watch his brother open the bottle and drink the water to cover up "It would be easier for everyone if you just asked her out"
Karl chokes and is about to defend himself when his cell phone rings with a message. Picking it up to check, a silly grin appears when he sees it's from Y/n.
"You deserve each other" Sean says in exasperation as he gets up and leaves the room.
"Wait, what?" Karl asks, but Sean ignores him.
He definitely couldn't ignore these two any longer and apparently they weren't going to move so he'd have to think of something himself.
"Impossible mode?" Sean asks Y/n.
"Yes, although I might call it almost impossible because technically it's possible to pass"
"How much of it have you got so far?"
"Just those first 10 levels of chapter 1, the tutorial basically" Y/n pauses, "But honestly I don't know if it's worth continuing to develop it, the game is basically quite simple, the only thing different about it is the insane difficulty levels. I don't think it's something people will like"
"Maybe I can help" Sean says, picking up his cell phone and starting to type.
"Today we're going to play the hardest game in the world!" Jimmy declares as the video begins.
The camera changes and Y/n and Sean appear in the shot as Jimmy approaches them. "We're here with S/n, Karl's brother's best friend and also the developer of this game. Do you have anything you can tell us about the game?"
"Initially it was a simple game I made for college, but when I was told it was easy I started adding more difficulties and I'm currently working on a mode that I consider almost impossible to pass."
"That's the one we're going to play today, right?"
"Yes, so far I've only developed this difficulty for the first 10 levels which are the tutorial for the normal difficulty"
"Okay then, let's make it a challenge and try to finish those 10 levels"
When Jimmy, Karl, Chandler and Chris start the first level Karl comments "Ok this doesn't look that bad"
"It doesn't, does it?" Jimmy asks and everyone agrees "That's why for the challenge we're going to try to pass all 10 levels in 30 minutes and whoever doesn't make it will have to take part in the challenge in my next video, to spend 24 hours in a pool full of slime" he announces, causing everyone to protest.
"Don't you like the punishment Karl?" Jimmy asks.
"Ok then Karl, just for you, I have another chance. Would you like to switch?"
"I'm afraid of what it might be, especially since only I have that option, but…I don't want to spend 24 hours in slime so…okay"
"Great! Karl, if you can't get to level 10 in 30 minutes, you'll have to call your crush of two years and propose to her!" Jimmy announces excitedly.
"WHAT?" Karl shouts in shock.
"And there's no point in lying because Sean knows and he told me exactly who it is."
Karl looks over to where Sean is quite smiling right next to Y/n before looking at Jimmy again.
"Jimmy, I've changed my mind, I really want to take part in the slime video"
"You want to?"
"Ok great then you're in!" Karl breathes a sigh of relief before Jimmy speaks again, "But you still have to call him if you lose"
"NO" Karl shouts realizing that he has made the situation even worse.
"Okay, time's up," Jimmy says, not giving Karl a chance to continue protesting.
Karl wastes no time and tries to focus fully on the game without letting on how desperate he was. He doesn't want Y/n to find out, it was already embarrassing that he liked his brother's best friend and he knew.
"Oh and Y/n and Sean you two feel free to walk around us watching and commenting since you both already know the game"
Y/n is very anxious and at the same time nervous, she never knew Karl had a crush, let alone one that has lasted two years. They've known each other for two years, right? What are the chances?
"Maybe it would help if I jumped," Karl comments when S/n approaches him and he misses the third block of the first level, making her laugh.
Sean laughs when Karl misses the same block 3 more times due to having S/n next to him and gets a death glare from his brother.
"Okay I did it!" He announces as he passes level 1.
"Wait, how did the thorns hit me?" Jimmy asks as he realizes he's dead.
"They'll come after you if you stand still for too long," Y/n explains.
"Okay, but-" Karl starts when the thorns from level 1 appear at the start of level 2 and kill him "Y/n!" He protests and she laughs.
"I told you it was hard" Y/n says "Feel free to complain, I'm fully aware that it's extremely annoying"
"Thank you!" They all say simultaneously.
Y/n circulates a bit among them, but spends most of the time with Karl while Sean is more with Jimmy, Chandler and Chris.
"Y/n why is there so much space between the keys?" Chris asks exasperated.
"It's part of the difficulty, they're not like that on the other difficulties"
"Y/n how do I pass this?" Karl asks on level 6.
"Y/n you can't help! You're the creator" Jimmy says.
"Sorry Karl" Y/n says, laughing at his pout.
Although she wants to motivate him, without realizing it she's only making him more nervous.
"Wait" Chandler says "Wasn't this supposed to be the tutorial?"
"Yep" Y/n and Sean answer at the same time.
Without Karl realizing it during the video, he ends up constantly flirting with Y/N in an attempt to get the solution to the levels.
"Wait, I've made it to 8! I'm almost there!" Karl exclaims. Maybe he'll make it.
"Okay, I give up," Jimmy says.
"At least I'm not going to the slime pool alone anymore," Karl comments a little more cheerfully.
For the rest of the time Chandler also gives up and with only 10 seconds left Karl loses right at the end of level 9. He bangs his head on the table in despair and Y/n puts her hand on his shoulder reassuringly. He looks at her, but immediately puts his head back on the table to hide his blush. He was going to have to tell her.
"Time's up! Nobody made it, right?" Jimmy announces.
Everyone reluctantly agrees.
"Okay then, the four of us are going to take part in the 24-hour challenge in the slime pool E" Jimmy pauses, moving closer to Karl "Karl, you know what you have to do"
"Yeh…." Karl says dejectedly.
"Hey" Y/n says walking next to Karl to the location of the last shoot "It's going to be okay"
Karl sighs, she wouldn't say that if she knew it was her.
Filming resumes with Karl standing next to Jimmy and Chandler, Chris, Sean and Y/n around him.
"First of all, I'd like to thank Y/n for letting us play the new difficulty of her game, although I must confess that I'll never play it again and I apologize for that"
"It's okay Jimmy, I'm grateful for the chance to show my work like this and besides the aim is to be levels that people will argue are impossible to pass"
"So now it's time Karl"
Taking a deep breath, Karl picks up his cell phone and searches for the contact before initiating the call and putting it on speaker. Everyone waits when they finally hear the ringtone, but as soon as it sounds a cell phone starts ringing and everyone looks towards the source of the sound.
Y/n is speechless when she hears her cell phone ringing. With all eyes on her, she pulls the phone out of her pocket and her mouth drops open when she sees Karl's name. Unsure of what to do, she turns the screen on her phone to show Karl's name to the camera.
"Wowww" Chandler and Chris say in stasis.
Y/n looks at Karl just in time to see him lick his lips before pressing them together in an obviously nervous thin line.
"You have to say it Karl" Jimmy encourages.
Clearing his throat and trying to ignore his nervousness he says "Y/n, I've had a crush on you for 2 years"
"Really Sean?" Jimmy asks Sean for confirmation.
"It's true Jimmy" Sean announces enthusiastically.
Jimmy walks away to end the video and Karl quickly disconnects the call and approaches Y/n. "Ok I know this sounds weird, but well…I…" Karl tries to find an excuse, but what excuse could he give when he's just revealed that he's had a crush on her for two years?
Y/n tries not to blush at how cute Karl looks as he tries to justify himself. Not wanting him to embarrass himself any further, she hugs him, hiding her face in his chest and making him shut up.
Karl is in shock, but returns the hug, wrapping one arm around Y/n's waist and with the other hand gently holding her head against him. He's in shock and everyone can see the cogs in his mind turning as he basically short-circuits. Karl didn't want to assume anything wrong. As he tries to figure out if the hug means what he hopes it means, he meets Sean's gaze who gives him a huge smile and raises both thumbs in the affirmative. He widens his eyes. He knew it, Sean knew it all along. He was going to kill him!
Sean turns to the camera which is filming the end of the video where Jimmy explains that they only did the exhibition because Sean guaranteed and presented proof that they both liked each other so there would be no broken hearts.
Before the shot ends the camera zooms in to where Karl is cradling Y/n in his arms just in time to catch him kissing the top of her head.
"You're welcome" Sean says approaching Y/n and Karl as the camera is turned off.
"Did you know?" Sean nods positively "Since when?" Karl asks, he didn't want to believe that his brother knew his crush liked him back and didn't tell him.
"She slipped up about it like three years ago"
Karl chokes "Three years?"
"Sean!" Y/n scolds, turning away from Karl. Okay, Karl had liked her for two years, but did he really have to expose that she liked him before?
Looking at Karl, he smiles at her with eyes full of love and affection. How could she not have noticed that look before? Embarrassed, she hides in Karl's chest again and he laughs, causing butterflies in Y/n's stomach with the sound of his laughter.
"Okay then, I'm going to take Y/n to dinner and see a movie and when I get back I'm going to kill you," Karl declares before taking Y/n's hand and leading her out of the studio.
Later, when I checked the comments on the video, most of them were about how cute the two of them were together, many people saying that during the video you could already see that they liked each other, some comments repeating the flirts that Karl said to her when he was trying to figure out how to get through the levels and others saying that they were waiting for the wedding. Of course, ignoring the haters.
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gayritory · 11 months
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TWS: mental health issues, swerving (driving), LIGHT dirty jokes
Bro... the relationship with Karl is like a best friend relationship, like you both do things best friends don't do, but your guy's relationship has tons of best friend elements.
Tbh your relationship is like the definition of always being in a "silly goofy mood", and it always has a mix of wanting to know that you both love each other.
Your realationship doesn't have a Dom or sub, it's just you both look after each other and no one takes care of one person. but in love sometimes your the more dominant one. (If you look closely you'll notice that later)
Your relationship is different from other relationships cause you both do repetitive habits that make your relationship the way it is. (You'll see TONS MORE of that later:))
The type of love is obviously physical affection, but it's more deep than that. Any touch of Karl's feels like your getting surrounded by God itself.
Maybe it's the idea that the touch is from Karl but, something about Karl's touch makes you see heaven.
As said before touch is your guy's love language. anything revolving around touch means love.
For example sometimes you guys randomly give eachother nose boops and head pats to show affection. It's a joking thing you guys do but it's just a way of saying "don't forget your my favorite person on earth"
HUGS! random hugs bro, this man... it could be anywhere. It could even be at a restaurant where your sitting across from each other and he ends up standing up to hug you.
"Karl what are you doing-"
"Just givin' you a hug so you know I'm still here!"
"silly, your right across from me"
"Thats to far away"
You also give each others hugs when you notice one another is nervous, it's a way of saying "hey! just know your favorite person is here for you always", meaning that you both will never feel lonely.
It kind of brings into the "best friend" aspect where having a best friend is someone you rely on all the time.
He loves your hands.
EVERYTIME he has a chance to hold your hand he does it. Everytime he's around your hand he will kiss it, it's kind of a habit that you both love. It could even be just a squeeze but he will always make time to touch your hand.
Karl takes his hand off the steering wheel to grab your hand. You look at him knowingly.
He started kissing all of your fingers contently until he got to the pinky you interrupted him. .
In response the boy giggles loudly and pulls over.
"you messed me up, how dare you" and with that he continues to kiss your fingers.
it could be anywhere- car, couch, park, movie theater, doctor's office, even universal studios.
The cuddling comes in different undescribable forms, splayed out, tangled all together, head on lap (he loves having his head on your lap or in-between your thighs), or even just on top of each other.
you both don't like having emotional talks since sometimes it gets awkward. You guys always talk about the latest drama but that doesn't mean you guys do the same with feelings.
You guys rarely talk about feelings, and if you do it never gets in depth, it's usually straight to the point like: "I'm sad", "i got fired", or "i could really use a hug right now"..
Whenever you guys ask for a hug it's your guy's secret code for saying "please distract me, i need you right now", so whenever you ask for a hug you better be ready for Karls movie marathon.
Its so cute oh my god. wait. Whenever you have something stressful happening Karl just texts you random things like; "did you know that the white bubbly stuff in the ocean is whale sperm". Get used to him texting you funny stuff when you're in a bad mood…
this is also super cute! When you isolate your self in your room he messages you things like "I got our movie marathon snacks ready" or "come out, I miss you:("
Whenever your in a stressful situation Karl ends up just texting you "hi". You came to know that you don't need to reply to him, his meaning of that text is just telling you that he's still there for you.
Another thing is not only do you guys not talk about feelings, you don't talk about how much you love eachother. in other words, your not poetic:
Your relationship is almost like a elementary school relationship.
"y/n- i think i have a big hunormous crush on you!"
"No way!! ever since we dated i had-" you then interrupted yourself to say something deeper to show your affection.
"Karl? just know i love you"
"OOOO is Karl blushing???"
He then just lets out a girly squeal like a school girl that's finding out his crush likes him back.
bro another thing about the relationship thing is that you always tease each other about blushing! Usually Karl is the one getting teased since your sometimes the more dominant one:))
Whenever you guys straight up talk about love for eachother without any secret meanings you both get tons of butterflies.
Since you guys usally don't talk most about this stuff, it leads to needing boundaries which you both are respectful too!
Unless your boundaries are physical affection… maybe you guys wouldn't be a good fit..
You also have to know that whatever you do with Karl, it will be something fun.
The thing about your relationship is that your never bored. If you both were bored you'd end up moping about how bored y'all are and then end up making jokes from it.
Talking about boredom, most people stay inside when it's cloudy/raining, you guys love running in downpour
(AHEM read this for more info)
Sometimes you guys don't go outside when it's that cold type of weather, but never assume that you guys become bored!
The rainy day beginswith your head on Karl's lap while he reads his comic book he found on his way to Mr beast's wearhouse,
"IM BATMAN" karl randomly says into your ear and starts reading again.
you guys even start playing just dance and old Wii games, which end up being over shortly after you due to you accidentally hitting Karl in the face.
You go up to him to comfort Karl's poor throbbing head, unaware about what he's about to say next.
"so aggressive and feisty…. that's kinky"
Even though Karl has tons of energy-in depressing weather you both decide to chill out and watch anime, cartoon network, or nickelodeon.
Cartoons are an important part of the relationship, for example when sapnap came over…
"What if we watch jungle cruise-" sapnap tried saying but then got interrupted by the couple intensely staring at each other…
Sapnap knew something was up.
"I'm kinda in the mood for an animated movie." Karl suggested it for both of you and you thanked him for that by gently squeezing his hand.
The most popular experience you both have together is late 7-11 runs in PJs.
Every night you guys decide to order an Uber to drive you to the furthest 7-11.
"Why can't you drive" or "why the furthest 7-11" you may ask, well it's because you both want to stick your head out the window and if one of you is driving one of you is missing the fun.
You guys make the trip as far as possible so you both can stare at each other with big goofy smiles and windswept hair blowing in the breeze, all night long.
You both could never get enough of each others company.
Karl loves making handmade gifts for you both, especially matching bracelets!
he loves putting funny matching messages like "Karl's lover" and "y/ns lover" or "peanut butter" and "jelly"
Sometimes the messages could just be something goofy like "what the honk" or "pickles", but they can be as meaningless as ever but everytime you look at your wrist you'd think of the one and only 'Karl Jacobs'
This could fit into the habits category but you guys love doing art for each other. Whenever someone makes art for each other the other puts it on their fridge so it always reminds you of them.
the main thing you both have are Habits that are unbreakable which make your relationship the way it is.
there's so many cute little habits, it's crazy.
Karl has tons of reaching habits so you ended up picking up 2 of them: Karl's habit of doing piece signs in pictures, and Karl's habit of covering his mouth while he laughs, for example;
You and Karl were both taking a mirror selfie together and you decided to do the infamous peace sign.
Another habit that you love is Karls puppy dog eyes!
"Karl no it's 3 am I'm not going to a party"
"Please…" Karl says as he digs his sad puppy dog eyes into your soul.
He knows the tactic, you can never say no to puppy dog eyes.
You guys love each others smiles and laugh. snorting when you both laugh is always contagious, expecially the smiles you give eachother. The cure to a bad day is to see Karl's big goofy smile.
you both LOVE painting eachothers nails. but a habit of you both is always chipped nail polish!
This habit is just cute; him playing with your jewelry.
you sitting and Karl laying on the couch with his head in your lap, not paying attention to the movie but to the bueatiful person above him.
Since he's so caught up into your looks he ends ups having a habit of swatting your dangling necklace. (Almost like a cat)
If you ever wear hoop earrings Karls intrusive thoughts win by him just sticking a finger in them just for fun. he loves doing that whenever he wants attention or he's bored.
Karl isn't the only one who plays with ones jewelry, you do as well. mainly his rings. It could be you laying on his lap or waiting nervously at the doctor's office, you love moving around his rings.
This habit is extremely used; corny dad jokes/ pickup lines, every single second you both have something silly to say;
you both were chomping on some french fries in the car, sinking into the comfortable silence.
"Y/n Did you know that the first french fries weren’t cooked in France?"
"Wait what I thought they originated in franc-"
"They were cooked in Greece!"
"KARL!" you dramatically scream as you ran up the stairs meeting him at the top.
"Baby what happened-"
"I broke my leg falling for you" you said as you winked and fake fainted
but sadly you forgot you both were on top of a stareway so you ended up falling down the stairs, ending up literally breaking your leg.
The next time you both stream you'll have a story to tell.
Another main habit you enjoy is about Karl being nerdy about Pokemon and anime. you love listening to him ramble about his interests.
the last main habit is kind of random but it has to do with energy drink bottles.
if you enter Karl's room you step into a floor covered with monster energy drinks.
habits spice up your guy's relationship since your always waking up and wondering what silly think you guys would do next.
Karl's and your realationship is unbeatable, you guys are lovers and best friends and it will always stay that way.
other dating hcs
quackity x reader gn
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itsfeckinwimdy · 2 years
Body Art - Soulmate Shorts (bonus)
Karl Jacobs x Reader
Reader Pronouns: They/Them
Letter: B = body art (doodles a person draws on themselves appears on their soulmate’s skin.)
Word Count: 164 words
Warnings: n/a
DSMP Masterlist | Soulmate Shorts 1 Masterlist
Published: 11/11/2022
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It was another mid-afternoon stream, and Karl was playing Jackbox with his friends and a few others.
After he finished entering his responses to the prompts, he looked at twitch chat only to see them spamming about his arm.
"My arm?" Karl said out loud, confused about what was going on.
He looked down at his arms only to see the left one covered in doodles and words. Amongst all of them, the most noticeable was the words 'Karl Jacobs is a simp', a doodle of the clout goggles and a drawing of blob dream with a fat arse (no I do not regret my wording).
Upon seeing them Karl burst out into giggles beginning to cry with laughter. He ended up standing and tipping his chair over and kept prolonging his laughter each time he looked at the drawings. He will admit, he thought they were funny.
He will admit that his soulmate had the best timing, even if their drawings were questionable.
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basilly · 2 years
dad ! || mcyts instagram
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ summary: what they would post with their children
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ includes: dream, sapnap, karl, quackity, george, + wilbur !
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ pronouns: none mentioned
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"my little angel"
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"like father, like son- drippy."
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"y/n said its too early to teach her how to read, i disagree"
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"she's already got me wrapped around her little finger"
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"best moment for a toddler- and their dad"
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"to many more sunsets"
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skeleton-bees · 1 year
quackity pictures to make everyone smile on this special day
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devilish-blue · 1 year
~Devilish Smoke Shoppe~
Hi you smokin' pervs, i'm Devilish or Blue, and i am here to fulfill whatever horny, angsty, or fluffy needs you have. Everything you guys are about to see is everything i will do, so eat your guys' gross little hearts out <33
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Fandoms/Things i will write:
Naruto Uzumaki
Sasuke Uchiha
Shikamaru Nara
Kiba Inuzuka
Kakashi Hatake
Neji Hyuga
Rock Lee
Asuma Sarutobi
Tsunade Senju
Sakura Haruno
Ino Yamanaka
Hinata Hyuga
Hinata Shoyo
Kageyama Tobio
Tsukishima Kei
Yamaguchi Tadashi
Tanaka Ryūnosuke
Nishinoya Yu
Koshi Sugawara
Daichi Sawamura
Asahi Azumane
Kiyoko Shimizu
Aoba Johsai:
Oikawa Tooru
Iwazumi Hajime
Akira Kunimi
Kentarō Kyōtani (Mad Dog)
Lev Haiba
Sō Inuoka
Kenma Kozume
Taketora Yamamoto
Morisuke Yaku
Tetsuro Kuroo
Kenjirō Shirabu
Tsutomu Goshiki
Satori Tendō
Eita Semi
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Haruki Komi
Akinori Konoha
Keiji Akashi
Kōtarō Bokuto
Osamu Miya
Atsumu Miya
Suna Rintaro
Aran Ojiro
Shinsuke Kita
Keishin Ukai
Ittetsu Takeda
Kiyoomi Sakusa
TV Shows:
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Xavier Thorpe
Tyler Galpin
Ajax Petropolus
Cobra Kai:
Miguel Diaz
Robby Keene
Hawk/Eli Moskowitz
Demetri Alexpoulos
Tory Nichols
Samantha LaRusso
Jughead Jones
FP Jones
Archie Andrews
Reggie Mantle
Betty Cooper
Veronica Lodge
Toni Topaz
Cheryl Blossom
South Park (Aged up (COLLEGE) and/or Post Covid!):
Stan Marsh
Kyle Broflovski
Kenny McCormick
Eric Cartman
Tolkien Black
Craig Tucker
Tweek Tweak
Clyde Donovan
Big Mouth:
Judd Birch
Human Resources:
Maury Beverley
Connie LaCienega
Emmy Fairfax
Rochelle Hillhurst
Pete Doheny
Sam and Colby
Horror Characters:
Ghostface (Billy Loomis and Stu Macher)
Michael Myers
Jason Vorhees
Brahms Heelshire
Ticci Toby
Eyeless Jack
Homicidal Liu
Jeff The Killer
Ben Drowned
Laughing Jack
My Do's And Don'ts:
Spam me
Piss, Scat, Throw up, Vore.
Do NOT request any pedophilia or r@pe.
OKAY so now that you guys know everything, basically, you can request it because i honestly can't think of anything on my own. ALSO i am looking to do commissions, if you are interested then please let me know <33 Smoke your pervy little hearts out <33
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fanboo · 1 year
You’re sick hc’s
• “I think I’m sick- what’s that sound?”
• He immediately drives to the store to pick up any medicine he thinks you’ll be needing and food
• Treats you like you aren’t sick while still taking care of you
• “I wanna cuddleeee” “I don’t want to get sick” *three seconds of silence* “scoot over, you look cold.”
• cuddles
• Depending on how sick you are, he’ll cancel his plans to take care of you.
• Makes sure you’re hydrating and eating
• Sings you songs
• Blanket? Nonono. Wilbur
• Mom mode activated
• “Wil, I’m fine.” “You’re way too hot, get in bed.” “You think I’m hot?” “Y/N, bed.”
• Forehead kisses galore
• He doesn’t actually know what to do at first, so he calls Phil, Wilbur, and his mom for advice
• Lets you stay at his house until you feel better
• It’s like being comforted by a little kid but also better
• Mf still streams
• But makes the streams shorter so you don’t think he’s ignoring you
• “HELLO CHAT! Y/N is sick so today we’ll just chat. Can’t get too loud cuz they’re sleeping”
• Honestly it’s just cute
• “We’re going to the doctor”
• Will not leave you alone
• Makes sure you get whatever you want as soon as you ask for it
• Has Sapnap run to the store to get you food and medicine
• You now live in his bedroom
• Minecraft and cuddles
• As soon as he sees you he knows you’re sick and sends you to bed
• That purple Balenziaga hoodie? It’s yours the entire time you’re sick
• Buys you so much junk food
• Also buys salad
• “Healthy food healthy body”
• You’re pretty sure he cuddles the sickness out of you
• So many comforting kisses
• Oh my god so much kiss
• Dream almost got throat punched once because he coughed in the same room as you right after you just got out of a sickness
• Bless his heart
• “Wtf do I do I don’t know how to take care of people”
• “Dream help”
• With Dream’s help he takes great care of you
• Because he’s just kinda a little stupid he managed to get sick with you
• Sick cuddles>>>>>
• “I lob yoo” “George how are you sicker than me” “Say it back!” “I love you too”
• Karl is on top of taking care of you
• He makes you soup for lunch every day
• Cuddles and forehead kisses
• “Just tell me whatever you need, Y/N”
• Blows all his friends off to take care of you until you feel better
• Gives you his comfiest outfits to wear
• Probably takes better care of you than anyone else ever will
• Very good brother
• Tells you stories
• Constant check ins
• Even if he’s streaming, he’ll walk away for a second to see if you need anything
• “Can you tell me a Greek myth?” “How about all of them?” “Wait no” “Too late.”
• 10/10 brother
• Prepare to be pampered
• He gets you so much fast food
• Sucks at cooking but manages to cook you soup a couple times
• Cuddles
• He’ll sing you silly nonexistent songs to distract you
• Sucks at caretaking in all honesty but he is doing his best here
• Got sick right after you so you had to take care of him
• He was visiting Tubbo when you called him
• Found a flight back home as soon as he heard the sickness in your voice
• Didn’t tell you they did this until the next day when they walked into your house with groceries and their bags
• So much cuddle
• Very forehead kiss
• Had the foresight to buy canned soup so they just had to microwave it for you
• Literally takes the best care they can of you
• Took you back to Tubbo’s with them to keep an eye on you and still hang out with Tubbo
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ilici · 2 years
coming home.
Summary: Y/N heads home with her uncle, only to find out the football team will be staying with them.
Warnings: Mention of knife play, knife play, choking, ropes, blindfolded, some surprises.
Word Count: 4540
shift in point of views, when the point of view is changed, the color of the text will change in the first word. I will have a parenthesis of the color that is chosen for those who are colorblind and may not be able to view the color.
Color Code:
Green - Dream
Blue - George
Orange - Sapnap
Purple - Karl
Yellow - Punz
Pink - Reader
Red - Third Person
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(Pink) Shifting around, attempting to get a better look at my hip in the mirror, I flinch once my hand makes contact with the healing 'KJ' that was carved into my skin.
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." Punz's voice sounded muffled, and I could only nod.
Feeling my body being lifted up, I could somewhat make out the outline of George from my blurred vision as I was being carried somewhere.
Hearing the sound of water, I was gently placed into a warm tub, as all five men got to work cleaning me up.
Sapnap was washing my hair, Dream was getting the bandages and ointment ready for my hip, and Karl was scrubbing off some of the dried cum, and washing the rest of my body.
Once I was finished, Dream put the ointment and bandage on me, while Punz made sure I peed.
George now had me bundled up in warm towels he put in the dryer to make them warmer for me.
While I was in the bath, George even made hot chocolate for everyone and put on a Christmas movie.
Getting dressed in Sapnap's clothes, Karl carried me into the living room. Setting me down on the couch, George put a blanket on me and handed me the hot chocolate. Dream played the movie, and I spent a couple more hours there.
The aftercare was amazing.
Shaking my head, and putting another bandage on it, I huff quickly getting dressed. Letting my hair air dry, as I was too lazy to even bother with it.
Looking at the closed door, that slightly muffled the voice that yelled.
"Your uncle is here!"
Running my fingers through my tangled hair, wincing once they got caught in a knot.
Opening the door I smiled at my uncle, who only scolded me for taking forever to get ready.
"It's not like you have a wound to tend to."
I muttered under my breath, Karl's face appearing in my mind.
"What was that?"
He asked, and I only shrugged my shoulders, acting as if I said nothing.
"Let's go. We have guests waiting for us."
Halting my stops, I look at him my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
(Orange) "Please just shut the fuck up."
I groan, refraining from banging my head against the window of the RV, as Dream and Karl scream at each other playing Mario Kart on their switches.
"God shut up!"
Punz yelled, throwing one of the couch pillows at Karl.
Karl let out a grunt of disapproval before his mood changed as he flipped Dream off.
"Suck on that you fucker."
Dream only retaliated by punching Karl's arm harshly.
"And you say I rage."
I whispered under my breath, looking up at Y/N's dorm door.
"So why exactly are we at the girl's dorms?"
George asked, and I looked over at him as if he were stupid.
"We're picking Y/N up, you idiot. The coach was telling us he was picking up his niece the entire time we were loading up."
Punz explained, hitting George every time he said a new word.
(Red) Everyone quickly stopped talking, once Coach walked into the RV.
"You guys are acting weird."
He muttered, shaking his head sitting down in the drivers seat.
Y/N finally walked in, her midriff visible, a little part of the bandage visible to those who looked close enough, or studied her body.
Karl instantly spotted it, a smirk played on his lips, as he scanned her body.
"Boys, this is Y/N. She is my niece, she is a Senior here."
This caught everyone's attention.
They all sworn up and down she was younger than them.
"You all probably remember her when I sent her to give you guys the rough draft."
"Oh, I definitely remember that."
Dream spoke up, a playful smirk on his face.
Y/N looked at all of them, her eyes lingering on Karl a little longer once she remembered the injury on her hip.
Giving them a small smile, she turned around sitting in the passenger seat trying her best to ignore their existence.
"When did you even get this thing? And why?"
She voiced out, busying herself with her phone, scrolling aimlessly through TikTok awaiting her uncle's answer.
Without answering, her uncle only glanced at her as he turned it on, lightly pressing on the gas to exit the dorm's parking lot.
She pressed, shooting him a glare.
"I got it about two weeks ago, I figured why not take the boys on vacation and also train as well. With you coming along, I figured my van wouldn't fit everyone."
He finally answered, and she nodded leaving it at that.
"Ow! Get back here you punk!"
Was heard, before Punz was basically on top of Y/N, giving her a goofy grin.
"Settle down!"
Coach yelled while Sapnap tugged on Punz's leg, attempting to pry him off.
"Do you mind getting off?"
She voiced, shoving him off of her, while Sapnap dragged him behind the curtains of the cab.
"Do you mind going to settle them down?"
He asked her, and she rolled her eyes following in behind Punz's disappearing head.
Once she was in view, George cleared his throat.
(Blue) "You lot are basically children, aren't you?"
I heard Y/N speak, and looked down at my hands that were gripping Karl's hood to keep him from attacking Punz.
Watching her eyes scan the scene, Dream dropped Sapnap, as Punz groaned once Sapnap fell on him.
"Pretty sure children can't fuck a senior in college."
Sapnap spoke up, his voice muffled in Punz's back. Shaking her head, and rolling her eyes she walked over grabbing Dream's wrist, along with mine pulling the both of us to the back.
As the three of us stepped over the two on the floor, I kept throwing Dream a confused glance, one that he'd return.
"What do you need?"
Dream asked before I could.
"If you two do not tame those three out there, I will be pissed, and so will my uncle. I want to at least sleep on the drive there."
She said, sternly, as if we were being scolded.
"How long is the drive anyways?"
I asked, rubbing the back of my neck taking notice that she has yet to drop our wrists.
She merely glanced my way, before looking over her shoulder.
"About six hours. Why?"
She asked, finally dropping our wrists, adjusting her skirt, and attempting to hide the bandage, that slightly, just slightly blended into her skin tone.
"If you're trying to hide that, why wear whatever this is?"
Dream spoke, grabbing the thin cloth that she called a shirt.
Slapping his hand away, she scowled, "It's called a crop top. It's long enough to hide everything unless I raise my arms."
She defended, while Dream and I hummed before walking around her.
As I was on the side that her injury was on, I purposely wrapped my arm around her waist, dragging it along until it left contact with her.
(Purple) Watching where George and Dream came from intently, I smiled brightly when she came back through.
She looked at Sapnap and Punz who were now settled down, busy playing whatever game they were on the switches.
As she was about to walk past me, my body instinctively reacted.
Blinking, I realized I had grabbed her wrist halting all her movements.
"Oh- Uhm. Want to watch this movie with me?"
I asked, my face turning red.
Watching her look around, George was on his phone loudly scrolling through TikTok, Dream was trying to convince the coach to let him have one of the beers from the fridge, while Punz was laid across Sapnap both focused on their games.
Hearing her sigh, I gave her a look of hope, and she rolled her eyes giving in.
"There isn't any place to sit. You're in the weird recliner chair."
She pointed out, and I shrugged letting her wrist go before patting my lap.
"But my uncle--"
"But nothing. He is driving, Dream is now in your spot, and George is on the little space left on the couch since Sapnap and Punz are taking up the rest. Nobody is going to pay any mind to it."
I reassured her, and she nodded before hesitantly sitting down. I grinned, rotating the chair towards the direction of the table where my laptop resided.
"What movie is it?"
I hummed, helping her adjust to her level of comfort, my arms now wrapped around her waist and my head resting on her shoulder.
"It's not actually a movie, I just say that because I binge this series for hours. It's Total Drama Island."
She nodded, as I unpaused the movie.
(Yellow) "Bro. Look."
Patting Sapnap's chest, as my head was in his lap, he grunted and looked down at me to see where I was pointing.
Both of our eyes traveled to where Karl and Y/N were watching something on his laptop. No sound was heard from the laptop as they both had his AirPods in.
"Damn. Lucky bitch."
Sapnap whispered, "Seems innocent though. They're both watching something. Let's leave it be. Plus her uncle is just behind those curtains."
He dismissed it quickly.
I rolled my eyes, "They could be watching porn."
Sapnap smacked my head and whispered under his breath.
"Shut the hell up."
George spoke up, and I tilted my head back to look at him.
"One. You're distracting me from my video and I have earbuds in, two not everyone is horny like you."
He rambled, and I laughed.
"You finally have earbuds in after having to listen to your loud shit."
(Red) Everyone was now in their own world. Dream was helping his coach with directions while also keeping up a conversation, George was in the bathroom for more privacy, and Sapnap and Punz were knocked out snoring ever so slightly.
Karl and Y/N were on season 2, and they still had about 5 hours left of the drive.
(Pink) "Karl, I have a question."
He hummed, letting me know he was listening.
"Why didn't Bad come with us?"
I asked, and he looked at me, now that we were now in a new position.
"He was going to come, but he decided to stay behind and fix up the locker room for us. Something about a smell that was lingering."
He explained, rubbing my bare legs that were thrown over the edge of the chair.
I nodded, "There was a smell. So I understand."
Chuckling, we turned our attention back to the show.
Growing bored, I glanced around us and bit my bottom lip.
Karl and I were basically alone. George was nowhere in sight, Punz and Sapnap were dead asleep, and Dream was still in the front.
Turning to look at him, I gave him a small nudge on his shoulder.
"What's up?"
He asked, keeping his attention on the screen.
Leaning forward to whisper in his ear, I grin.
"We're alone if you think about it."
He looked around, noticing how it was practically empty.
(Purple) Smirking, my mind instantly thought of multiple things.
"Do you know how to be quiet as well as you know how to whisper?"
I asked her, and she gave me a confused look.
"Don't you think we could have a little fun while watching this? We can even make a bet."
This piqued her interest, and she was now all ears.
"Cockwarm me, whoever makes a sound, wants more, or moves first loses. The winner gets to leave a hickey anywhere on the other."
Watching the gears turn in her head, she grinned nodding.
Helping her move back into her original position, I lifted the back of her skirt a bit.
"Thong? How risqué."
I tease, and she smacked my leg in rebuttal.
Lifting her up a bit, I moved my sweatpants down until I pulled my cock out.
"No boxers? How risqué."
She teased.
I rolled my eyes, and moved her thong to the side, already feeling how wet she was. Biting my bottom lip, I helped her slide onto me. We both held back a groan, and she shuddered.
"Good luck."
I whispered, unpausing the show.
Turning our attention back to the show, Y/N was biting her bottom lip roughly.
(Red) To others' eyes, it looked like Karl and Y/N were still watching TDI normally.
But one person knew what was happening, and they couldn't wait to bust them.
They wanted to join in on the fun.
(Yellow) Looking up at Sapnap, I slowly raise up carefully not to wake him. Scratching my neck, I look at Karl and Y/N smirking.
Y/N was barely moving her hips, and I saw Karl grip her waist roughly. She winced from the pain, more than likely from the wound.
"You lost. But don't worry. It'll be double the punishment."
Karl whispered to her, maintaining eye contact with me.
Gesturing to the bedroom, Karl lifted Y/N up before putting his cock away and Y/N looked at me with a red face.
I tutted and shook my head grabbing her wrist and leading her to the bedroom as Karl paused his video and followed behind.
"You both are horny fucks."
I said throwing Y/N onto the bed, her skirt flying up to her stomach. I instantly looked at her thong which was now damp.
"Yet so am I."
I growled out, motioning Karl to barricade the entrance.
"I'm going to devour you."
I told her, and she whimpered quietly.
Grabbing her plush thighs, I pulled her towards me roughly.
"I've been waiting to do this since you got in this damn RV."
Pulling her thong off of her body, I stuffed it into her mouth as Karl now joined us on the bed.
Looking over my shoulder, I see he put the curtain down, and hooked it onto the closet doorknob.
"Be quiet for us."
Karl told her, and I scoffed at how sweet he was being with her.
Rolling my eyes, I started nipping at her thighs, working my way up to her pussy.
Karl on the other hand was leaving hickeys all over her breasts.
Finally making it up to her pussy, I gave it a long lick before devouring it.
(Blue) Walking out of the bathroom, I saw only Sapnap dead asleep on the couch and no sign of anyone else.
Walking towards the bedroom, I heard muffled noises, and I smirked.
Trying to open the curtain, which refused to open, I glared at it before crawling under finally making it in.
"Thought you could have fun without me?"
I asked, and Punz just simply flipped me off continuing to eat her out, as Karl looked up at me shrugging.
"You were in the bathroom."
Scoffing, I crawled over to the bed taking her thong out of her mouth and sticking my fingers in her mouth instantly shoving them down her throat.
Hearing her gag on them, I smirk.
"Want to suck me off?"
I asked, and she eagerly nodded with glossy eyes.
Pulling my sweats and boxers down, I pull out of fingers and replaced them with my cock.
She instantly started sucking, and I leaned my head back in bliss.
"Sapnap should be waking up soon. Dream will be the only one that won't join us."
I told them, and Punz laughed into her pussy, causing her hips to buck up.
"Told you."
I muttered, petting Y/N's head and looking over at Sapnap who had an obvious tent in his shorts.
"Feel free to join."
Karl said, now kissing all the hickeys he left.
"Dude, Dream is going to be pissed."
Watching Y/N orgasm once more, Sapnap pushed Punz away.
(Orange) "Damn. How many times did she cum?"
I asked, seeing how fucked out she already looked.
"I counted five times."
Punz said, and Karl furrowed his eyebrows.
"I counted seven."
He said, and I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever. I'm going to fuck her anyways. Karl, did you pack that tie you were talking about?"
I asked, and Karl nodded walking over to his luggage that was under the bed pulling out a green and black tie.
"Seriously? Harry Potter-themed tie?"
George said, pulling his now semi-limp cock out of her mouth as some cum spilled down her chin.
"Shut up. It matches one of my outfits."
He said defensively.
Taking the tie from him, I handed it to George who looked down at her.
"We're going to blindfold you. Is that okay?"
Watching her nod, I strip off my shorts and boxers, lining my cock up before slowly pushing in and groaning out.
"Be a little quieter, just because they have music blaring doesn't mean they won't hear."
Punz said, throwing a pillow at me.
(Pink) Losing my vision, I reach for something as I adjust to the slight burn of Sapnap's cock stretching me. Feeling someone's hand interlace with mine, putting me at ease.
Feeling Sapnap pullout, he rammed back into me. Arching my back a hand from another direction covered my mouth muffling the loud moan.
They warned, and I nodded at Punz's demanding tone.
Keeping their hand there, the other hand that I was digging my nails into was rubbing their thumb over my hand soothing me.
"Be a good girl for us."
Karl muttered, and I kept holding back moans, letting some slip through into Punz's hand.
After what felt like forever, I finally felt myself coming close.
"Gonna cum? I can feel it."
Sapnap said, speeding up his thrusts.
Nodding vigorously, I dug my nails deeper into the other person's skin when I felt myself cum.
Sapnap came inside of me shortly after and pulled out shoving his cum back into me.
"Smile for the picture pretty girl."
Sapnap mumbled.
Feeling all the weight from everyone getting off the bed, my mouth and hand felt empty.
Finally feeling the tie being taken off, I adjust to the lighting and look around.
Everyone left besides Punz.
He helped clean me up and changed the bandage for me.
Since my skirt had some cum on it, I had to change into a pair of my sweats instead.
Walking out with Punz, I sat on the couch letting Sapnap rest his head on my lap as he handed me a switch.
"Let's play a game."
Actually Dumb (Blue): Send the pic
Simp (Purple): ^
Dom Daddy. (Green): What pic?
Fuckboy 2.1 (Orange): Load Image
(Green) Looking ahead at the road, I pulled my phone back out after a couple minutes and opened the chat.
Clicking on the image, I nearly choked on my spit.
"Excuse me, sir."
I said, before walking out and glaring at everyone.
Y/N and Sapnap were playing a game together, and Karl was on his laptop, while George and Punz were smirking up at me.
"You guys think this is funny?"
I whispered, walking towards them.
"You chose to sit with the coach. Not our fault. Can't go up there and simply say, "Hey want to fuck Y/N with us?" Now, can I?"
Punz said shrugging, while Y/N and Sapnap paused their game everyone's attention turning to me.
Running my fingers through my hair, I threw one of the empty juice boxes at Punz.
"Just wait till we get there."
I said pointing at them, my eyes locking with Y/N's.
"Yeah yeah, whatever Dream."
Sapnap mumbled, unpausing his game.
Walking back up to the front, I sat down cursing under my breath looking at how many miles we had left.
"What was it?"
"Sapnap couldn't find the beers."
(Red) Sleeping the rest of the way there, Y/N was picked up by Dream per the Coaches request, and was brought into what was another house beside the one their coach went into.
Placing her down on the bed after finding the bedroom, Dream sat down on the rocking chair waiting till she woke up, a harsh glare on his features.
Losing his patience after a simple four minutes, he climbed atop the bed and wrapped his hands around her throat.
"Wake up princess. My turn. This time, a pea isn't gonna be what's bothering the princesses sleep."
Waking up startled, Y/N looked up at Dream and instantly whined once she realized his hand was choking her.
"Look who decided to finally wake up."
"You gonna be good for me? Your uncle is right outside setting up everything for when the boys and I practice."
Nodding her head, Dream scoffed, tightening his grip.
Dream finally released her throat, and grinned to himself.
"I have you all to myself. I was assigned to keep you company until you woke up."
This made Y/N shiver, knowing they were actually alone.
"Turn over, let me take these off."
Taking off her sweats, he helped flip her over, forcing her ass in the air and making her arch her back.
"Already wet. Cute."
Y/N whined, gripping the pillow that was under her, and dug her face into it to muffle any of the sounds that would escape her soon.
Not even bothering to move the thong, he stripped over his clothes and gave her no time to prep before slamming into her. Y/N let out a muffled scream tears already pouring down her face.
Gripping onto her ass, he pounded into her, each thrust stretching her out.
"This is what you get. Punished, all because you were a whore who couldn't wait."
Y/N kept her moans muffled in the pillow, as she was already on the verge of collapsing from the amount of pleasure.
Making sure to hit the same spot over and over, Y/N quickly milked his cock, and Dream gave her no time to ride out her high as he aimed to make her overstimulated.
Going numb from the pleasure, Y/N could only make sounds that were incoherent, and sentences that made no sense whatsoever.
Feeling himself growing close, he reached around rubbing her clit so she would cum again once he did.
"Cum with me, pretty girl."
Y/N collapsed, and Dream, followed allowing himself to go deeper in this position. Causing him and Y/N to cum at the same time. Slowly pulling out, he cleaned himself and Y/N as she fell asleep from the overstimulation.
"Looks like I'll be needing to keep you company even longer."
Waking up once more, everyone was now in the room.
"I told you she sleeps a long time."
Dream spoke up, and she attempted to raise up but was refrained from her wrists. Looking over confused, her eyes widened at the sight of handcuffs.
She asked, attempting to pull herself away from them.
"That won't work pretty."
Punz said, and Y/N groaned looking at them.
"What now?"
She questioned, and sighed giving up.
"Well. Your uncle went into town to get supplies and food, but he said the nearest town is about a forty minute drive. You also owe three people rounds."
Whining, she looked around as Karl climbed on the bed.
"You won't be needing these."
He said, cutting her clothes off with the same knife he used.
Shivering at the cold air on her bare skin, the cold metal not helping any.
"I think a cute little scar right on the side of your boob would be nice. Don't you think so too?"
Involuntary shivering, she bit her lip nodding.
"Yes, I think so."
Karl laughed happily, as he angled the knife this time cutting into her skin with more precision than last time.
Closing her eyes in slight pain, she leaned her head back feeling blood trickle down her body.
Feeling it being wiped away, she looked down seeing what he carved in her skin.
It followed the curve of her boob, being small enough to be hidden if she were to undress in front of someone.
Trickling the knife along her bare body, he tossed it away and looked up at her.
"Can I fuck you now?"
Y/N nodded her head eagerly, completely forgetting about the others in the room.
Karl aligned his cock to her entrance, and slowly sunk in.
Both moaned at the feeling, Y/N leaning her head back in bliss.
Bottoming out, he pulled out before slamming back into her, causing her back to arch and her wrists to pull against the handcuffs.
The slight pain in her wrists were forgotten from the pleasure she was receiving.
She moaned out, while Karl kept his pace somewhat slow with rough thrusts.
Still being new to sex, Karl couldn't last long like the others. Filling her up with his cum as she came with him, she whined as he pulled out only to quickly be replaced as Punz slammed into her, throwing one of her legs over his shoulder.
Karl moved over to the side, kissing along the mark he left behind, as she was moaning, growing sensitive from Punz.
"Punz-- Holy shit."
She moaned out, before he was pulling out slowly.
Looking up at him confused and discomfort from feeling empty he only glared at her.
"Take the handcuffs off of her wrists."
He demanded, and Sapnap quickly took the handcuffs off of her wrists, allowing her to rub them a bit to soothe the small ache.
Picking her up, Punz set her on his hips, before entering her again but not moving.
Looking up once she felt the bed dip from a new person, George was now in front of her.
Aligning his cock, he slowly slid in, his and Punz's cock rubbing against each other stretching Y/N out even more.
Y/N moaned out in pain, leaning her head back against Punk's shoulder.
Dream said, and the two listened as they began thrusting up into her with a rhythm.
Y/N was a mess, she had her eyes closed, her mouth was open yet no sounds were heard.
"Done fucked her dumb."
Sapnap muttered, shaking his head.
Feeling pressure, they both quickly pulled out as Y/N squirted everywhere.
Once she finished, they reentered her, Y/N letting out a strained moan digging her nails into Karl's thigh.
"Come on, one more time for us."
George told her, and Y/N was trembling, her whole body shaking.
Pulling out once more, she squirted one last time as both Punz and George came on her.
Collapsing against Punz, she passed out from exhaustion.
"I'll get the bath running."
Sapnap spoke up, and everyone started tidying her up, as Karl carried her and placed her in the tub.
"Maybe we should start going easy on her."
Karl said, looking at her going in and out of consciousness.
"She can handle it."
Dream said, as he rummaged around looking for ointment and a new bandage, for both wounds.
"She doesn't have hot chocolate but she did have white mocha mix and an espresso machine."
George told them, while they all nodded.
"I put on Horton hears a Who."
tag list.
@schaarfyx @choclate32 @asherssick @tommyinnit-kinnie @saahmi
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justdsmp1 · 8 months
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Pairing(s): Karl Jacobs x Reader
About: Your gaming on stream and Karl in next to you
Pronouns: She/her
Words: 282
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Karl held onto her shoulders as she was playing an intense game, watching her in amazement watching her defeat the ender dragon on her speed-run, not quite close to Dream but close enough. A warm feeling surrounded her. She could hear his soft breathing as she had one part of her headphones to the side, it soothed her.
Letting out a sigh to stop herself from losing her temper at again loosing to the ender dragon. Karl started rubbing his hand in circles on her back. Relaxed slightly, she goes back into the end to grab her stuff and try again.
Karl tapped her shoulder " Can I tell you something?"
Y/n moves one side of her headphones to the side, mid fight.
"Yeah" She replied
"Nevermind" He replied, seeing he was interrupting her. She put one side of her headphones back on.
"I have a lot of feelings for you" He muttered, not thinking she could hear him. Once again she lifted one side of her headphones
"What was that Karl" She questions him
"I didn't say anything" All she did was shrug as the side of her headphone fell back on her ear, then smiled as she put the other side of her headphone on to make it so both were now on. Karl stared at her in shock, not realising she had the other side off her ear. He starts panicking wondering what she is thinking.
He feels frozen in place, until he looked at her face and saw her smiling. Making his heart melt, have some sort of hope she felt the same way for him. He started smiling along with her as chat wondered what had happened.
132 notes · View notes