#kd's random post
koneko-dreams · 4 months
Okay- Listen. Listen to me-
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With general/past Lilia x reader x Lilia(current)
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sinnful-darling · 10 months
how i think levi would handle someone raging and insulting him after he wins a match:
games included: cod + dbd + apex + siege
tws: toxic gamers are a tw of their own, slurs sent by said toxic gamers, levi is called a weaboo and otaku in a degrading way, kys is used (not by levi), rando wishes death on levi’s mom (he doesn’t have a mom), insults sent and received, at the end levi gets a lil toxic bc he’s fed up
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levi using proximity chat after having a godly KD ratio: gg guys!
some random person that was on the other team: kill yourself, i bet you hack and camped for that win. i hope your mom fucking dies, you piece of shit.
levi trying not to laugh as he cracks his knuckles: lolololol ur so mad bro. if u got better, maybe u wouldnt have lost. gg tho.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
a survivor that levi hooked post-match: ur a hacker bro imagine not being able to hook survivors without hacking 😂
levi after hooking all of the survivors within five minutes in a dbd match: u mad? lol
the same survivor from before: lmao u fr think i’m mad u hooked me wen ik u hacked tht?
levi laughing his ass off: lolololol u just suck.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
some rando on the second to last team: worthless cocksucker. you are a waste of oxygen. enjoy your life never amounting to anything but a piece of shit no one likes. do your best to try and piss me off. i make 100k grim a year. work out everyday. and have a girlfriend. worthless fuck.
levi zeroing in on one comment in specific: u want me to degrade u ? lolololololol u a masochist or smth? lolololol
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
a player levi no-scoped: i bet u hack you piece of shit. u look like i suck dick all day long and never brush ur teeth. i bet u smell like onion and cup ramen u weaboo otaku fuck.
levi fed up with shitty players insulting him: listen here you toe-eyed cabbage, i wasn’t born into this world so your fat ass could choke out low level insults to me. i hope you stub your toe in the dark and have to crawl around your bedroom at 3:47am in horrific pain after going to the kitchen for a midnight snack of cheese and crackers you absolute gormless minger
the player levi no-scoped in siege: sorry
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
some of these i had help with bc i have no idea what toxic gamers say. the last two are from screenshots my friend sent me when he looked it up for me.
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sovereign-skyy · 10 months
So was the cypher just a 22 shift cypher with + at the end of the alphabet or did you do something special beyond that? Bc while I know what the correct translation should be I can't quite put together why an answer with just the 22-shift would be close if the decoder is just using the regular alphabet but completely off when using a 27 letter alphabet of A through +. I know the paragraph before is supposed to have all the clues but there's definitely something I am missing and I gotta know what. Sorry to just pop up randomly and ask you this but I saw Amity reblog another question about it and just like zeroed on your blog in bc cryptography and flirting is so fucking cool and your rules do say to send you an ask.
First of all, don't apologise for popping up out of nowhere I love this! I have it in my bio for a reason lol
For anyone who didn't see the cipher in question (which I expect to be almost everyone who sees this) here's the link to @k1nky-r0b0t-g1rl's post (I'll also be quoting the relevant stuff but if you wanna try to kinda still solve it for yourself start there, I'll be explaining it in detail here):
I'll make this a more comprehensive explanation for anyone who wants it so it's probably gonna contain quite some stuff you already know, if you want to skip it just scroll until you see 'NOW FOR THE GOOD STUFF' in big text!
Here we have the original message:
E sxjp pk ejopxhh x oqynkqpeja ejpk ukqn ouopaio pdxp ixgao ukq osepzd ejpk dknju ik+a sdajaran E oxu "Kd Xiepu gjkso sxuu ikna xykqp pdxp," ok pdxp E zxj ixga ukq atlhxej atpnaiahu zkilhezxpa+ pklezo sdeha ukq'na oq++ajhu qjyaxnxyhu dknju xj+ pnuejc +aolxnxpahu pk de+a ep.
And this is the hint I gave:
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There's three important parts to this so I'll go through them in order
Firstly, the hint is about Julius Caesar, hinting at the fact that the later text is encoded by a Caesar cipher. This is a cryptographic method where you move all the letters forward a certain amount (called the shift) of letters in the alphabet. So a caesar cipher with a right shift of 1 shifts all the letters one space forward, eg. A -> B, X -> Y. Generally the right shift is the default so I left it at that. A better hint would have also incorporated the right part but eh I'm not perfect.
Secondly, I talk about 23 people stabbing him, which indicates a shift of 23, giving us the following conversion table:
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where the top row is the original letters and the bottom is the shifted letter values. If we left it at this and tried to decode the message we'd get:
H vams sn hmrsakk a rtbqntshmd hmsn xntq rxrsdlr sgas lajdr xnt rvhscg hmsn gnqmx ln+d vgdmdudq H rax "Ng Alhsx jmnvr vaxx lnqd abnts sgas," rn sgas H cam lajd xnt dwokahm dwsqdldkx cnlokhcasd+ snohcr vghkd xnt'qd rt++dmkx tmbdaqabkx gnqmx am+ sqxhmf +droaqasdkx sn gh+d hs.
Which is very much not correct. Now, we can cheat a little and change this to a 22-shift cipher (which is not correct) and get the following:
I wbnt to instbll b sucroutine into your systems thbt mbkes you switdh into horny mo+e whenever I sby "Oh Bmity knows wbyy more bcout thbt," so thbt I dbn mbke you explbin extremely domplidbte+ topids while you're su++enly uncebrbcly horny bn+ trying +espbrbtely to hi+e it.
Then we see something comprehensible, but not quite correct: there's some random B's, C's and D's in there and still some plusses in the middle of words. Regardless, you can make out from this wrong result what the message was supposed to be (an oversight on my part, and something I will take into account if/when I do it again)
And now comes the spicy part!
Thirdly, I say "a little (+) at the end" which (as you correctly identified in your ask) refers to the fact that I didn't use the default 26-letter alphabet, but instead used a slightly modified 27-letter alphabet with a + at the end, so we'd have the following letter order (I'll be referring to this as alphabet+ for brevity)
If we try to decode the message as a 23-rightshift caesar cipher with alphabet+, we get the following conversion table and message:
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I want to install a subroutine into your systems that makes you switch into horny mode whenever I say "Oh Amity knows wayy more about that," so that I can make you explain extremely complicated topics while you're suddenly unbearably horny and trying desparately to hide it.
Which is finally correct! Yay, we have the original message!
But now we finally get to your question: why does the regular 22-shift almost work if it's totally wrong for alphabet+?
For that, we can consider the equivalent left-shift operations of our right-shift decodings:
For any standard alphabet caesar cipher, the 26-shift (left or right) operation is the same as the unencoded version (because A + 26 spaces is once again A), which means that we can also express our right-shift operations as a left-shift operation of shift 26 - R where R is the shift of our right-shift (if this doesn't make sense to anyone I'm happy to try to expand on it btw).
For the alphabet cipher, that means a 23 right-shift is equivalent to a 3 left-shift, and a 22 right-shift is equivalent to a 4 left-shift.
However, for alphabet+, it doesn't take 26 shifts to get back to normal, but 27 (since there's 27 characters in alphabet+). This means that a 23 right-shift alphabet+ operation is equivalent to a 4 left-shift and NOT a 3 left-shift.
Now, since they're not the same set of characters, an alphabet 4 left-shift is not the same as an alphabet+ 4 left-shift. However, it's good to take into account that the solution in alphabet+ is also very similar to our almost-solution in the regular alphabet.
If you'll look at Table 1 and 2 again, you'll see that while A, B and C translate to X, Y and Z for both 23 right-shifts, the + in the middle for alphabet+ messes everything up and leaves us with an icky leftover left-shift of 1 (which is close, but still incomprehensible to humans since it's such a big portion of letters)
However, if we create a conversion table for the 22 right-shift of the alphabet we get the following:
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If we compare this to Table 2, we see that A, B, C & D are not the same for both. However, from E on, these two are EXACTLY the same. The part left of the + just has a right-shift of 1 (which is symmetrical to the left-shift of 1 we saw in Table 1).
So, in conclusion: because of the difference in amount of characters, both the 22 and 23 right-shift alphabet decodings are not EXACTLY the same as the 23 right-shift alphabet+ decoding. However, due to the similarity of the lower 4 left-shift, the 22 has more correct characters and is therefore more comprehensible.
I hope that helps a little and I didn't make it more confusing lmao, this is longer (and also took longer) than I thought it would be but it was fun to write, so thanks for asking! If anything is still unclear feel free to reblog with a question or send me an ask (that counts for anyone reading this btw)! Also, since you said you're a fan of flirting + cryptography, how about I unleash the next cipher on you? ;)
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alwayzraven · 16 days
I recently discovered your blog and I love it
Although the show is ending but hope so we keep on ranting and chating about AyBer and Recep and Melis new project
Lot's of love 🤗🤗🤗🤗
aww thanks ❤️ this will always be an ayber/recmel blog (plus other random stuff). I will post about their new projects after KD.
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jrueships · 11 months
I think Jalen and Gup will still remain friends but I hope whoever is leaking these video suffer a faith worst than… lol
literally!!! say it louder!! like the de-realism of it all. the 'ENTERTAINMENT' of it all. It's entertainment>emotions always, and it's soo sick. Their relationship is strong still, which I love, but ever since that leak.. it's been overanalyzed and picked apart EXHAUSTINGLY!! Ppl are going back to any material they can find of the two together and just heaping BUCKETS of immaturity onto them. Talkin like 'oh see? This random dude with them made an expression THAT MEANS HE KNOWS AND HE H A T ES THEM. HE IS DISGUSTED.' and it's just SOOOO. UGH. ICK! UGH! i'd zay go find a hobby but being homophobic is literally their hobby. It's just so blatant and disgusting, and media is a GREAT tool for them to dish all that shit out without consequence. The way they can and DESIRE to constantly go back and pick apart the past just from the chance that it can spread even more hate is UGHHHH!!! i HATE it!!! Boundaries aren't SHIT anymore! Respect is trodden and relationships can get rotten AND NO ONE CARES!!!!!
It's a really good thing that jalen green's nature and upbringing as one of the hyped top picks has kind of steadied him through this. He doesn't turn off his comments (for what I know), he's BEEN getting painted nail comments and he just keeps painting them bcs who gives af? They're internet people. He's the People's people.. without even caring about the worser half of that lot. He doesn't care. But it's also kind of sad. But that's just how this world is
What im worried about mainly is gup like... gup's always been more attentive to any kind of hate or would-be hate he gets. Green's even noticed it bcs interacting with the haters (on an image level) is never a good thing. HE'S been forced to learn and get with that kinda practice bcs he's jalen green. He can't speak more as jalen green bcs. He's jalen green. He can only have the comforts of an allowed argument ..in the comforts of a fuckin burner account.
That's one thing I like about Kd, although he might not be a fav player of mine (I just personally don't rlly care for him but can understand why others do. He's very complex and way more interesting than the media tries to portray. I just kinda missed the kd era in bball and moved on, it's just a personal whatever) .. he stopped (for the most part of what we know) with the burners and uses his voice a lot. He's older, he doesn't gaf about not giving a fuck. He doesn't HAVE to , and he doesn't WANT to. He embraces being a hater and a speaker now. Unlike Jalen and Josh, he has more abilities AND experience.
Which is just so sad that alot of the things basketball players need to worry abt can be from off the court. And We're not talking being a role model or whatever, We're talking always having to watch your back ESPECIALLY when your work environment can get very quickly hostile as it is so often sold as hostility being a propelling marketing principle. Nobody can have fun anymore or be kids or a lot of things.
LIKE!!! gup can't defend himself well because he's not trained well enough as someone who's a lower pick so therefore less worry to the business. Bro is just a pawn they can trade away whenever shit gets rough. AND IT'S SO SAD THAT HE H A S TO EVEN GET TRAINING IN THE FIRST PLACE??? on how to WHAT?? Feel less? IT'S SOO. UGHHHHHH!!
When gup posted that picture of him and a woman (with like long pink pedicure nails) holding his face where he was tryin to make it look chill even tho it was very obvious on how hard he was trying to show how that hand holding his face was very obviously a woman's hand and not a man's ... as a 'response' to that video....... like. I saw it n i didn't even screenshot. And yall KNOW me, i love taking photos of things i find funny n sharing it with yall! BUT JUST YALL. YALL CIRCLE OF FRIENDS. not to THE PERSON, not blasting smthin that could be embarrassing all over the media. There's BOUNDARIES to shit, even the smallest shit! But what i meant with this is.. u know. Usually i enjoy kinda embarrassing moves. But this? This was just str8 up Sad. Like. That was all he could even do to try and defend himself, his friendships, his LIFEstyle. That was the only power he had was some miserably pr picture without pr in a sad attempt at personal protection.
And of course, the rest of the internet thought it was the funniest shit ever and blew that boundary up. Bcs they don't gaf and the best (perhaps only) thing these young guys can do is try and not gaf either AND THAT IS SO FUCKIN SAD!!! LIKE! THAT'S JUST SAD. I get sadness can be entertainment, yeah... FICTIONAL sadness, i can SEE. an ARTFUL, blossoming yet still Respecting some boundaries while exploring others, FICTIONAL (saying this AGAIN) sadness can be quality entertainment. Quality as in ure not an absolute shithead for sharing it if you still respect it.
Their friendship is REAL! THEIR LIVES AND EMOTIONS AND THOUGHTS N FUCKIN EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM IS REAL BCS THEYRE REAL HUMAN BEINGS JUST LIKE EVEEYONE ELSE!!! and it's just so DISGUSTING that a reminder and a worry even has to be made but that's just how the world runs when it's ran on entertainment, i fuckin Guess .
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kdplayssss · 7 months
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I've seen a few 'New Simblr' introductory posts and it's made me realise how rude I was! I genuinely am so embarrassed, like I just rocked up and started posting when y'all don't even know me.🤦‍♀️
So you may have already seen some of my posts but here I am, introducing myself...
Hi, my names KD I'm 25, from the UK work and full time so I don't get to spend as much time as I want on the Sims. I have been playing the sims literally my whole life (I'd watch my aunty play until I was old enough to play myself) but I had a moment where I stopped because my laptop broke. Then I was having a big fat menty b and brought a PC and started playing again. Then I also discovered the magical world ✨MODS & CC✨ and I haven't looked back.
I want to be pretty active with sharing content cause it sparks so much joy and no one I know irl gets it! but, I'm still learning so much (I only just worked out for how download lots as zip files🤯) but you are all so talented and sweet and I love it here.
I'm a little bad at replying but I'll always try my best, if you wanna be friends or just wanna see random content from time to time I'm your gyal 💕
If you read all that thank you, ily!
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menalez · 1 year
I’m laughing so hard at the Butches vs Men post because I can tell you carefully selected very attractive butch women, and then your mind went blank for the attractive men and you were like Uhhh lemme Google this real quick 🤣🤣 mit mit mittttt min il ‘97k 😂😂 y3ni ashkara inty 1000000000% lesbian 🤣♥️
LMAOOOO 😭😭😭 i literally googled this:
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i even thought of some iconic butches that i have a crush on to add in but i was like no i reuse their pics too often (JD Samson, this one asian butch lesbian from meg allen’s butch series, kd lang, and many more…) so i just tried to find random ones instead
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kookiedragneel · 3 months
Ladies & Gentman & Nonbinary Folks, we have a special Guest, let me introduce you MEEE!
Hi welcome, my name is Kookie, but you can call me KD, Kookster, Goose Lord, Rat, etc. I accept all nicknames, bad and good.
I am a minor to let you guys know. I am also a lesbian and I can't come out to my family so only random stranger in the internet and my friends know.
What's the point of the blog? Well I repost shit and I rant stuff if I feel like it.
Me and my friend will soon form a band once we graduate from High School and College but we are still on our workings.
My favorite book series is: The Rosewood Chronicles(Connie Glynn), Pegasus(Kate O'Hearn), Titans (Kate O'Hearn)
Favorite Film/Series: Heathers, The Breakfast Club, The Mitchells Vs. Machines, Shazam, Arcane: League of Legends
Favorite Band/Artist: Maneskin, Rain Paris, Mad Tsai, Loving Caliber
Favorite Game: Arcadie: Second Born, The Legend of Zelda, Sims 4
I probably edit this post later
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koneko-dreams · 3 months
So like- Listen to me again-
This song,
With General Lilia. SHBDJSJ—
LIKE- At the first part of the song, he's in ABSOLUTE denial of being in love. And THEN at the second part, he starts realizing his feelings for reader. And the cherry on top?- THE FINAL PART- is where he finally succumbs to his feelings SHDBJSJSJ-
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namimikan · 2 years
master post i guess? idk how useful this might be, but in case i forget. hopefully i’ll more depending on how i obsess about things. i tend to make my tags for stuff pretty basic, with the occasional specialization for a couple of subjects.
sometimes it’s literally just [blank] talk, but sometimes not!
- onion sprouting text - random posts about anything, everything
- my fic - fic i write, posted on ffnet & ao3
- book talk - talking about books
- kd/cd/jd blogging - talking about korean, chinese, japanese drama, with an additional currently: xyz to specify which show i’m watching
- anime blogging - talking about anime, likewise additional currently: xyz
- - special category for bleach, aka bleach talk, and one piece, aka one piece talk
- manga/manhwa/manhua blogging - talking about those, (specifically japanese, korean, chinese comics) additionally i occasionally refer to manhwa as webtoons.
- we are not the prism rangers - power rangers stuff
- adventures of five oddball spacecats - voltron stuff
- the grayskull hour - masters of the universe/he man/she ra stuff
- talk of tales of talk - tales of franchise, with symphonia blogging as a playthrough atm
- sv talk - smallville thoughts
- super tights and super fights oh my - cw arrowverse thoughts
- trekking stars - star trek stuff
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tebugakopela · 2 years
Rules. Gérald Cattiaux. Creating this game was a wonderful adventure. Each round, players secretly associate several Dixit Cards with one random Word.
The rules are ridiculously simple as it mostly relies on people's imagination. Dixit Cards PDF | PDF | Portable Document Format | Amazon.Com.
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fotohelaqu · 2 years
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ballplayersxo · 2 years
Nobody knows what it is what Kayla. Some fonts say they saw her with KD, other pages she was with Wiz other fonts she’s back with Travis. There’s no photographic evidence for any of these claims, it could be all false, it takes one person to say something fake or not and people run with it. I find that so crazy 😂 one rumour/post by one random person could start a whole convo on something that might be 100% false and bring unwarranted hate. Kayla looks good, she’s been living her life and been in therapy, I hope she continues to look after herself, stay away from Travis and dates. 30 isn’t 70 although some people talk like it is, she might’ve wasted her time but she can still try to date again and find someone, it’s never too late or old for that.
yeah i think she’ll be fine but it’s still really sad to think about how their whole thing ended. & yeah that’s the thing with paying attention to gossip you have to decide for yourself what to believe cause you never know
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kd-n-yf · 3 years
Went on a bike ride in the middle of a thunder storm
rip to my bike 
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lukeevangelista · 2 years
my best friend? really? - kirby dach
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i love k.dach sm so i had to do something. i typically would post my drafts/requests first but i was so excited about this one. i have placed a trigger warning in the tags for the h*wks. it is short but maybe a pt 2?
pairing: k.dach x reader, c.dach x best friend reader
warnings; arguing between besties and cussing
also not edited.
@owenpowpow @hockey-lover-22
“wait.. you’re not kidding are you?” colton asked his mom as she tilted her head at her youngest son.
“no baby i’m not. kirby is over at y/n’s. he was supposed to stay the night last night.”
“you’re kidding?” colton repeated, “god, please tell me you’re joking mom.” he groaned.
his mom just shook her head at the youngest as he stood up from the kitchen bar.
“colt, don’t do anything you’ll regret. you know that if they’re together, that kirby would be the best choice for her.” she chastised her son.
“i’m not going to do anything.” he grumbled, “yet.” he said as he walked out of the kitchen to grab his car keys.
it didn’t take long for him to start his car and make his way to the place you had been living for the last year and a half. he quickly turned the car off before hastily unbuckled his seatbelt. throwing the car door open, he stepped out as he quickly fell into a fast paced walk, the anger slowly building up in him as he came in contact with your apartment door. he fiddled with his keys, finding your apartment key before shoving it in the lock.
“where is kirby?” colton asked as he walked into your apartment, not even greeting you.
“jesus christ colton, you scared the shit outta me.” you fussed, “and hello to you too,” you rolled your eyes, “but, i don’t know what you’re talking about.” you said, all wide eyed as you grabbed your phone, texting kirby not to come out of your room. you two had been in there cuddling and doing… stuff before you finally had gotten up, wanting to grab a glass of water. you were heading back to your room when you heard the lock jiggling, causing you to stop and peak your head around the corner.
“uh huh.” he clicked his tongue as he sat down on your couch, propping his feet up on the coffee table.
“what are you doing here anyways?” you asked, “and how the hell did you get in?” you continued, “i locked the door!!”
“none of your business.” he muttered, “and the key you gave me last summer when you went off to school.” he shrugged.
it didn’t take long for your phone to start buzzing, you looking at the texts from kirby as you checked the time. you weren’t shocked he had started spamming your phone since it had been almost thirty minutes since you had told kirby to stay put.
kd<3: can i come out now?
y/n: no. hes still here.
kd<3: i dont care. why can’t he know were together?
y/n: you dont understand kirby.
kd<3: then enlighten me.
you locked your phone, not even responding to him, focusing on colton who was still glaring at you from the couch.
“i’ll ask again, where’s kirby?”
“i told you i dont know!”
he threw his head back, a groan leaving his lips as his eyes eyed your bedroom door, “uh huh. so who’s in your room?” he asked as he eyes the hickey forming on your neck and the rats nest on your head.
“no one!”
“you’re lying to me.” he muttered to himself as he rolled his eyes at you as the two of you dropped the subject, rolling into something else.
“don’t give me that shit,” he said as you mentioned something about a hookup, him shooting you down almost immediately, him also knowing it wasn’t some random hookup.
“how about you mind your own business? you’re just here because you just want to see if kirby is going to walk out of my bedroom or not.” you replied back, hearing your door squeal open causing colton to scoff.
“i fucking knew it.” he sarcastically laughed, “oh look there he is. the man of the hour.” colton hissed, glaring at you as kirby came into eye view for the two of you.
kirby being shirtless didnt help the situation either. it honestly just pissed colton off even more. kirby went to speak but colton cut him off with his hand.
“don’t. don’t make excuses, mom ratted you out already kirby.” colton said as he glared at you, “and you, my brother? really?” he pointed at you, “and you? my best fucking friend? out of any girl you could have picked, you pick her?” he raised his voice with every word.
“i’m sorry colts.” you whispered as you hid your body behind kirby slightly. you’ve seen colton angry before, but you’ve never seen him this angry at you.
“you’re sorry?”he cackled, “sorry doesn’t even start to cut it y/n. you both went behind my back instead of just..” he couldn’t even finish his sentence as his glare somehow got harsher, “my brother and my best friend.” he mumbled to himself as his hands went to his hair, tugging, “i can’t believe this.”
“well believe it colton.” kirby finally spoke, “and you’re going to get over it. i love her and you’re not interfering with this.” kirby said as one of his arms went behind his back to hold your hand, “we’re adults colton. you’re going to let this go and you two are going to be friends again.” he stated causing colton to laugh.
“kirby, you dont understand because its not your childhood friend. i’ve seen how you treat girls.” colton spoke as he walked closer to kirby, their faces being inches apart from each other, “i’m not letting you break her heart because you decided she was going to be your fling for the summer.”
“you dont get to decide that colton!” kirby shouted at him, “this is between us!” he hissed, “i think its best if you leave.” kirby whispered as he pointed towards the door, “we’ll all talk once you’ve calmed down. but you’re not going to be a douchebag to her.” kirby stated, “so until she’s ready, just stay away colton.”
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parcoeurs · 2 years
love nba rpf tumblr love seeing the most unhinged posts. it’ll be two random animals biting each other’s ears and tagged “#russ and kd during the 2012-13 season in oklahoma city, oklahoma, united states”
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