#killjoys new anthem
killjoynest · 2 years
god remember when national anthem was coming out and we were all like hm ok might not be good but lets see and then issue #4 dropped and collectively everyone went oh fuck this actually for everything that followed. very fun time online 10/10
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inadequeer · 1 year
no but the true lives of the fabulous killjoys: national anthem fucked me up what good.
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blood-injections · 10 months
Currently thinking some thoughts about the Jet Star and the Kobra Kid traffic report and how ‘killjoys never die’ and how there’s canonical powers. The killjoy’s different powers in national anthem, the girls power, the energy in the desert that Cherri does his weird focus thing with to never miss a shot that he tells her about. If they all have powers, why can’t the Fab Four? Maybe their power is that they never die.
They don’t know it yet, though. Maybe Doctor D does, maybe that’s why he drilled that phrase into their brains, maybe that’s why he always tells them that they can end this war, maybe that’s why he entrusted the girl to them, because he knows that they all have something magical in common.
But they don’t know it yet, if he knows he hasn’t told them, none of them have figured it out despite the weird close calls they all seem to have had, like when Fun Ghoul was young in battery city and woke up fine from an overdose that should’ve killed him or when Jet Star was bitten by that rattlesnake when she was a pup and got really sick and swore they couldn’t breathe. She says she must have passed out, because when Doctor D found her out back she was just waking back up and healthy as could be.
And then it happens. Kobra and Jet went on a supply run and didn't come back. Back in the diner, the radio was playing. Party was drawing lazily and Ghoul was fiddling with Kobra’s power glove that had been a bit on the fritz lately while they waited for the pair to return. Instead the song on the radio fizzes out, replaced by static and then Doctor Death’s pebbly voice.
Bad news from the zones, tumbleweeds…
They're frozen in shock but they quickly scramble to their feet, terrified and in denial. Poison makes a beeline for Kobra’s bike and Ghoul can’t make himself speak, a lump of horror lodged in his throat. It’s a silent, terrified ride down route guano for the two of them, keeping their eyes peeled for signs of a fight.
It isn’t hard to spot the bodybags.
They’re a startling black and white contrasting to the orange-brown tones of the desert sand. And there’s two of them.
When they’re unzipped, two familiar faces are revealed, their skin off-coloured, pale and lifeless. Poison shatters and Ghoul tries hard to keep it together for the one friend he has left
They take the bodies up to that one vista that Kobra loved because he could see all around for miles and keep watch over the desert and that Jet loved because it was the best spot to stargaze. The sun is nearing the horizon when they start digging. They work in silence and it isn’t hard to hear when the movement starts.
At first it’s a shifting of fabric that goes unnoticed, then it’s perplexed mumbles and then it’s a zipper sliding open. Poison and Ghoul have both stopped digging to stare at the body bag thats now open and the person that’s sitting up.
“What the fuck.” Jet Star says, looking from the two of them armed with their shovels and then down at themself. She looks at her hands and then at her stomach, where her shirt is matted with dried blood. Her hands press at where she can remember there being a wound but where there’s now no pain, no fresh blood, no nothing.
The other body bag wiggles, muffled curses sounding. All the killjoys turn to stare at it. Poison rushes over, unzipping it and pulling their somehow alive brother up into their arms.
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meruz · 7 months
bunch of random tmnt asks that werent art requests gljhsdfjgng also one ask abt my comics pull list :]
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THE RECENT...2023 MOVIE.. MUTANT MAYHEM. I feel like I'm going to have really noobish takes because of this but even though I grew up in proximity to tmnt media like every normal american child, caught the occasional episode on tv every so often etc i didn't rly have any interest until this movie LOL.... i just really love the art direction and how grounded the writing is. it was like just the right combination of things to completely unlock the whole franchise in my mind. it's actually weird this didn't happen earlier because martial arts, siblings, and weird takes on superhero comics r kind of my jam.
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i feel like you are trying to get me to say i dont like one of them LMAO I LIKE ALL OF THEM OK!!
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i read like half of a trade paperback in barnes and noble once...? sorry. I also haven't read any ninja turtles comics except for the recent power rangers crossover almost solely just to look at dan mora's art. All my comics reading energy has historically gone into x-men and like. james tynion iv indies. idk. it feels like.
I'm sure I'll get around to both eventually though LOL. comics are like the only media im actually good at consuming.
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SPEAKING OF COMICS (great segue, me) thank you for asking this every year anon sorry I'M LATE to reply also.
I kind of fell off the wagon of reading every single x-men book after Inferno BUT the recent hellfire gala actually pulled me back on a little. I'm still subscribed and very slowly catching up to:
X-Men Red
Immortal X-Men
Astonishing Iceman
Ms.Marvel the New Mutant (the last time i mentioned this book publicly I got anon hate abt it?! LMAO but whatever)
I also want to mention it ended this year but I really loved Sabretooth + Sabretooth and the Exiles. Victor Lavalle you are like a genius of some sort to me.
i also Did read the x-men issues around and about emma and tonys wedding because i actually think that stuff is so funny. tracking that particular mess on the down low
I'm also reading:
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (I'm really behind)
Birds of Prey (I think Leo Romero and Jordie Bellaire are like an art team match made in heaven I could read anything they illustrate together. I felt the similarly about Killjoys National Anthem which I thought writing-wise was a little obtuse? but was SO beautiful art wise I didn't even care)
Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville
The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos
Coda (vol 2!! Exciting)
Fire Power
and whenever Nice House on the Lake comes back for a vol 2 you know I'll be in line
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yourdyingwish · 2 years
My Chemical Romance, Reunited and It Feels So Bruised
(From today's NYT; note: in print the title was "Still Thriving, Fearlessly as Ever)
Back on the road after more than a decade, emo’s most theatrical outfit let its songs and fans provide the drama as it revisited its anthems about fearlessness and individuality.
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By Jon Caramanica
Sept. 11, 2022
In 2006, My Chemical Romance — by then, an edgy screamo band turned ostentatious pop-punk dramatists — released “The Black Parade,” a flashy and theatrical opus that established the group as art-house emo sophisticates. It maintained some of the scabrousness of its earlier albums, and smeared big-tent pop ambition atop it: “The Wall” for the “TRL” era.
On Saturday night at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, while performing “Welcome to the Black Parade,” a caffeinated march that’s one of that album’s signature songs, the band’s frontman Gerard Way saw the crowd pumping fists in the air, and encouraged it to go even harder.
“C’mon, I’m 45 doing this,” he said — a little tart, a little bemused, maybe a little fatigued.
The passage of time is an inevitable subtext of all reunion tours. This show, the first of four arena shows in the New York area, was part of the group’s first proper tour in a decade. (Its last studio album, “Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys,” came out in 2010.) In that time, emo has gone through its second or third revival, Way’s comic book The Umbrella Academy has become a Netflix hit and something about the My Chemical Romance mythos has deepened and hardened — it is now a misfit beacon.
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Everyone is older now, and reality sometimes weighs down memory. At this show, that played out as a tug of war between been-there-done-that fatigue and we-survived-this-together triumph, with triumph ultimately triumphing.
The band started tentatively, lading the show’s first half with late career singles that felt much like conventional rock songs — “The Only Hope for Me Is You,” “Boy Division.” It was almost as if this rigorously flamboyant band was somehow shy about its own hits.
“Let me put on my sunglasses so I can look like an authority figure,” Way said, after a dry half-hour of bits and bobs. What followed was exuberant, rowdy, winningly messy: the chipper swing of the wry “Teenagers” giving way to the frenzy of “Welcome to the Black Parade.” “Mama” brought the Nutcracker to the mosh pit. “Helena,” perhaps the band’s most memorable song, was part victory march, part plea.
Before & After ‘The Black Parade’
These epic anthems about fearlessness, rebellion and individuality were bracing. But the tension between the show’s two halves exposed a light quirk about this band, which is that often what set it apart from its peers was its sense of performance and its willingness to be ambitious while its actual music remained more conventional.
That accessibility is what allowed My Chemical Romance — Way; his brother, Mikey, who plays bass; the guitarists Ray Toro and Frank Iero — to survive long enough to thrive once more. They play with confidence, if not always warmth. (It was Mikey’s 42nd birthday, and some speakers onstage were adorned with drawings made by his children; most of the band wore T-shirts celebrating him.)
In front of trompe l’oeil installations of demolished buildings, the group was musically robust — Toro delivered taut chaos, and the touring drummer Jarrod Alexander was blistering, closing out the heart-rending anthem “I’m Not Okay (I Promise)” with sensitive aggression and then shifting right into the punchier intro of “House of Wolves.” There were occasional flickers of rockabilly, ska, even death metal. Way is a lauded wailer, but his growl is just as potent.
At times throughout the show, Way appeared lightly cautious, never quite oversinging, even on the songs that demand abandon. He wore a camouflage jacket and a T-shirt featuring a smiley face with a bullet hole in its head, blood dripping down the cheerful yellow visage, and toward the end of the night, he put on a tight clear mask that had echoes of Patrick Bateman.
It was a manque version of the hypertheatricality that elevated the band out of scene notoriety to pop ubiquity. Late in the show, Way described a conversation he’d had about how to navigate a comeback tour after so many years, and the tension between performing for oneself and performing for the crowd.
“Maybe for a time it was for me,” he conceded.
But not now. “It’s not about the ego,” he said.
And yet. “Sometimes it’s about that,” he continued. “That’s a really delicate way of telling you I’m going to control you right now.” Everyone pumped their fists in unison.
My Chemical Romance performs at Barclays Center in Brooklyn Sunday night, and at Prudential Center in Newark on Sept. 20 and 21. The tour continues in North America through Oct. 29.
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downthetubes · 3 months
Dark Horse reveals Chris Weston's latest project, "Paranoid Gardens", with writers Gerard Way and Shaun Simon
Gerard Way and Shaun Simon, the writing team behind Tales from The Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death, are back and bringing eerie vibes to a brand-new, surreal comic series, Paranoid Gardens, with art by Chris Weston, published by Dark Horse
This summer, Gerard Way and Shaun Simon, the writing team behind Tales from The Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death and The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: National Anthem, are back and bringing eerie vibes to a brand-new, surreal comic series, Paranoid Gardens. This six-issue comic will be written by Way and Simon with art by Chris Weston (Judge Dredd, Ministry of Space), colours by Dave…
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milligramspoison · 2 months
since u couldn’t elaborate further in tags abt the mike thing can u elaborate further here?
Ofc! Putting a cut cause this got long lol
Let’s head back to the 2000s, 2008 specifically -> Gerard was working on the Killjoys as early as 2008, you can find some of the early artwork of Mike and his gang (minus Red who didn’t exist at this point in time) here
(Also, fun fact: Mike was named after Mikey!)
Anyways, Gerard and Shaun Simon (who is a close friend of MCR and worked with Gerard on some of their comics) announced the comic at SDCC (San Diego Comic Con) in 2009 for a release date of 2010. Not any month or day, just 2010
But sometime after that, Gerard took a trip to the desert with Lindsey and after having a talk with her (I think he said in an interview he spoke to her about it all, someone correct me if I’m wrong), he scrapped National Anthem and Conventional Weapons as MCR’s 4th album
National Anthem eventually became what we know today as Danger Days with a whole different story and a set of new characters. It went from being a Gerard project to a MCR project. The og National Anthem was placed on the back burner for many years (the og National Anthem became a comic finally in 2020)
Poison is pretty much based off of Mike- they’ve got the exact mask, their outfits are pretty similar, and they’ve got very vibrant hair (Poison’s got iconic red hair while Mike has his iconic magenta hair)
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Mike was the building ground for Poison. But how does Val get involved in this equation?
Val was also pretty much based off of Poison. Yes, he’s got very little similarities to Poison. He’s pretty much a self insert for Gerard
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Yeah, no similarities in appearance. But he tries to be Poison in the comics, hence being a self insert for Gerard and being based off of Poison themself in that sense
Anyways, without Mike there would be no Poison. And without Poison there would be no Val
Mike is pretty much the sole reason why Poison and Val exist, he was the building ground for the both of them (especially Poison)
Anyways, that’s pretty much how Mike is responsible for the creation of both Poison and Val. If I’m wrong on any information, pls feel free to correct me 🫶
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frnkieroismydaddy · 1 year
Dude could I get the links to the killjoys comics? I would be forever in your debt!!!
here's the link to the original comic from 2013-2014, I'll be making a master post once I get all the comics (the new Killjoys, national anthem, and the umbrella academy comics) copied and compiled
the only payment i need is good karma with the Phoenix Witch. now take these comics and remember, killjoys never die!
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aviel-the-trans-bucket · 11 months
Ok on this walk down emo nostalgia lane we’re doing fucking Danger days : The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys, and also The Mad Gear and Missile Kid EP! And these are my thoughts
So I haven’t listened to the full album through but similar to revenge I’ve heard a few songs. I haven’t listened to the EP yet tho. I’m excited because the killjoy vibes are immaculate. Let’s see if this butters my buns.
Look Alive, Sunshine: ok I’ve heard this before and while this is sick as hell we all know this is just the lead up to Na Na Na. Shit fucks hard, let’s kick it.
Na Na Na: A certified banger in every way and it fucks so god damn hard! Love the song to death, one of my all time favorites. Shit makes you feel like you can fight god! Everybody wants to change the world, but no one wants to die! And then the guitar goes apeshit!
Bulletproof Heart: Another I’ve heard before and one that’s just so so good. Gravity don’t meaaan too much to meeee! God I love this one so much, I actually haven’t listened to it much recently but god I’ve missed it. It’s like seeing an old friend again and going skating. Man this one fucks so severely!
SING: Ah yes, the one where they all die. Another I listen to all the time, potentially the source of my first tattoo if I get around to it. Moody vibes, the power of an unbreaking will. It radiates cold hard stamina to persist on, the vibes fucking bang. KEEP RUNNING!!
Planetary (GO!): Ah another I listen to a lot because I love the vibes. This is a song that fucks, it fucks yknow. It’s dancy af and I love it, a bop. The vibes slap, makes you want to move. Anti-capitalist dance anthem, I love it to death.
Jet-Star and the Kobra Kid/Traffic Report: so from here on we’re into shit I haven’t listened to before. And the gateway into said new music is Mikey dying again and he took ray with him 🫡.
Party Poison: ok let’s see what we’re dealing with. Ok this does kinda fuck. Oh shit this bangs. This fucking Bangs tho! God damn, i really like this one shit!
Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back: oooooh tasty guitar! Oh shit this fucks too! Oh damn oh fuck yeeeesss! Shit bangs, and fucks! Oh Hot Damn that Guitar! This is doing shit to my brain, I love love love this!
S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W: oooo nice pulse to it. Oh this is moody and really pretty. I really like this, its feels like something else I’ve listened to before in terms of vibes but I have the memory of a fucking hamster. It’s really good tho, oh hello fucking tasty ass guitar bit! This didn’t wreck my shit but I did enjoy it quite a bit.
Summertime: good beat, got a good pulse going. God this album is so good. Man this feels wistful and I love that. Oh I love this 😭. Man this is so pretty I love this. Wistful feelings of love make my chest ache man, I’m so damn lonely.
DESTROYA: time for what I’m assuming is a tonal shift, I’ve heard shit about this one 👀. Oh there’s the bongos. Tasty ass guitar comes in. Oh this does kinda fuck, I love this vibe! Oh shit this actually bangs unbelievable hard! And it like fucks fucks! Hell yeah! Shit that one I definitely need to listen to more now that I’m prepared for it!
The Kids From Yesterday: synthey, and don’t fear the reaper needs more cowbell. Oh damn, this might be an in my feels song. A very melancholy vibe but it’s so good. This is like so my vibe and I love this but also ow. Yea ok that gave me some tears shit.
Goodnite, Dr. Death: ok let’s see what this one brings while I’m in my feelings. Yea that was the breather I needed ooof.
Vampire Money: ok I’ve hears mixed things about this song so no idea what to expect here we go. Oh shit it’s this song, that’s where that’s from! good beat, and it slams hell yea! Oh shit fuck yea this FUCKS! Oh shit this bangs I love this! This is a good fucking time! Guitar is loosing it hell yes!
We Don’t Need Another Song About California: oh shit banger guitar right out the gate. Oh this is a bop. Not an awful lot of thoughts, song good, guitar slaps as always. Not melting my face off but I enjoy it :3
Zero Percent: more synth Noice. Oh shit this bangs out the gate! Not a lot of thoughts, brain empty but this slaps. O k last song of dangerdays out of the way, time for the ep before my brain melts and runs out of my ears from both over and understimulation.
The Mad Gear and Missile Kid
F.T.W.W.W.: not sure what I should expect but here we go, I’ve cleansed my pallet by listening to the bloodborne soundtrack so I don’t get too bogged down on bangin guitar. Ok yea this does kinda slap. This does bang. Is good, but I’m pretty neutral on it.
Mastas of Ravenkroft: banging guitar as always, god this feels like my stream of consciousness. Punk rock equivalent of my unmediated adhd.
Black Dragon Fighting Society: ok last song of the night, I’m exhausted but this has been a tit blasting experience for sure. Let’s close her out lads. No bad, they’ve all had a good pulse to them. Good fucking guitar! A fun time but isn’t like wrecking my shit, but I like.
This has been a fucking insane ride, I regret not listening to the full album sooner because this one rocked my shit the whole way down and it may unironically be my favorite mcr album. I heard someone describe dangerdays as being like crack to their 13 year old brain and like I think I get it now, even at 21. Now I loved quite a lot of the songs so this might be the hardest top 5 ranking yet, but my top 5 of the album are…
1: look Alive, Sunshine/ Na Na Na (basic but she deserves it)
3: Planetary (GO!)
5: Vampire Money
That was a hog wild fucking time, I loved every second of it. I’m tired and satisfied and the next post will about conventional weapons. Only 2 more lads before I start on the solo stuff. As always send me asks if I missed any songs. I’ll see ya madlads, I need a nap.
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longboxd · 1 year
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2022 comics reading log
In the early days of last year, I was inspired by some twitter mutuals to post my comics reading in the new year and kept it up from Jan 1 2022 till just about the bitter end. Something about it really helped keep me invigorated by the medium even in some pretty bleak times, so I’m going to keep it going this year, but here at Longboxd instead of on twitter, which I'm trying to spend less time at. Before I can do that though, I want to archive the 2022 entries in a spot that’s more permanent/less twitter-iffic, so here we go—pretty much every comic I read in 2022! (As transcribed from here)
Part 2: 22-38 (of 387)
(I can "only" post 30 images at a time here, so that’ll dictate the length of these catch-up posts)
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22) Silver Star #1 by Jack Kirby & Mike Royer - Kirby’s Blubber? Very Beto vibes—very Lynchian, held together by spit and nonsense.
23) Shattered Earth #1 - The best story in this anthology has a horny dog that gets cucked by a wandering wasteland hippie.
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24) Sun Runners #2
25) Shade, The Changing Man #50
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26) True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys: NATIONAL ANTHEM - Narratively, it’s firmly in the "halcyon days of vertigo" mold, and that’s cool, but between Romero and Bellaire this is one of the more stunning art showcases I’ve seen in a while. God-tier coloring, IMO!
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27) The Terminator #1 (1990) - Chris Warner tha gawd with nice chunky inks from Paul Guinan, and a script by DH genre MVP John Arcudi that swings between terse and pleasantly purple. This and the Predator series the year before (also drawn by Warner) set the mold for decades of movie tie-in books.
28 & 29) Blood n’ Guts #1 & 2 - These are very bad comics by a weird, probably bad dude who's weird & not always bad comics I grew up with. Not much to them (this is from one of Blair's big firehose-of-comics periods) other than a *great* logo I assume was made by Dave Cooper.
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30) Alien Worlds #7 - I loved this series as a kid—it's mostly an art showcase (Corben, Morrow, Anderson & Perez in this issue!) but Bruce Jones' short stories are trashy scifi paperback anthology style fun, routinely see-sawing btwn kind of hokey & total bleak nihilism, often on the same page. one story, theoretically concerned w/recreating The Thing inside an implied sketch of a Wally Wood/EC planet setting, mostly actually focuses on infidelity leading to murder (a common Jones trope). In the end everyone dies after the revelation that their parkas are hungry aliens. 
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31) Eclipse Monthly #2 by various
32) Sensation Comics #6 - This is the pure, uncut shit.
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33) Head Lopper #15
34) Marvel Team-Up #101 - Robot hippies and Peter Parker favorably compares the trauma of Nighthawk killing his girlfriend in a drunk driving incident to Uncle Ben’s death.
35) The Swamp Thing: Becoming TPB
36) Head Lopper #16
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37) Skull, The Slayer #1 - Sorta standard Th’unda etc white adventure guy thrown into a prehistoric setting to fight dinosaurs kinda thing, (the twist being that this guy? He’s a real piece of shit!) but Steve Gan does impressive work, and Marv Wolfman’s colors are surprisingly effective.
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38) The Man-Thing #8 - I haven’t read many of these. Pacing is slow if not deliberate, vampy gothic vibes. With Ploog’s squishy art, it kinda reads like a Golden Age Underground. 
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To be continued! Read Part 1 here
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killjoynest · 2 years
in killjoys comic news i fear nothing quite brought ppl together like national anthem ending and everyone being sooo much Not a Fan that nobody even bothered to upload the epilogue lmaoooo
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mouser26 · 5 months
Books Read 2023
Howl’s Moving Castle
*A Man and His Cat #7*
*The Demon in The Wood*
*The Old Guard vol 1*
*The Old Guard vol 2*
*The Old Guard Tales Through Time vol 1*
*Other Happily Ever Afters*
Light and SHadows
*Six Sacred Swords*
Tales of the Kingdom vol 1
*Tales of the Kingdom vol 2*
*Tales of the Kingdom vol 3*
*The Torch that Ignites the Stars*
No Fate But That Of Which We Make
*A Man and His Cat vol. 8*
*Black Butler vol. 32*
* The Adventure Zone: The Crystal Kingdom *
*True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: National Anthem*
No Fate But That Of Which We Make
*Lady Killer vol 1*
Melted Love
FAKE vol. 5
FAKE vol. 6
FAKE vol 7
*Old Fashioned Cupcake*
*Old Fashioned Cupcake with Cappuccino*
*The Wayne Family Adventures Vol. 1*
*The Other World's Books Depend on The Bean Counter vol 1*
**The Wayne Family Adventures Vol. 2*
*The Other World's Books Depend on The Bean Counter vol 2*
*The Other World's Books Depend on The Bean Counter vol 3*
*Bumblebee movie comic*
*Lady Killer vol. 2*
* Why Don't You Eat Me, My Dear Wolf?*
*The Silence of Unworthy Gods*
Reread- 13
*New reads*- 30
Total- 43
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zeemczed · 1 year
So, uh.
I'm making a new RPG.
Inspired by the first version of WoD Changeling, the Killjoys: National Anthem comic series, Disco Elysium, and a series of very peculiar dreams.
It might actually be good.
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transsexualhamlet · 1 year
🌈 for the writer ask!
i live in fucking shame because i forgot to answer this one despite getting it like eighty years ago but now im finally free and have somehow managed to dig up a screenshot of the post that told me what the rainbow was.
🌈- is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
um. god. theres a lot of fics that i just like. I have SO MUCH WRITTEN for them but I just gave up at a point because I stopped hyperfixating or the plotline or theme wasn't working well and it wasn't coming out the way I wanted it to be and like...
I most mourn for the killjoys fic I wrote like at least 25k words on already but havent published a bit of it because it's supposed to be 15 chapters and I'm only on chapter 5. I don't wanna publish it unfinished and I honestly really wanna start working on it again (I wrote four pages during school in a fit of inspiration a couple of days ago) but im in the middle of eighty billion things and I doubt it'll ever get finished unless things really change for me hyperfixation-wise.
I literally have a whole planning document for it and it's LENGTHY and IN DEPTH. Since the killjoys canon is literally four timelines (music videos, album, california comic, and national anthem) of utterly disconnected unexplained mutually exclusive bullshit it's honestly even harder to write understandable worldbuilding fic for killjoys than to just invent a new world on your own from scratch. I was WRINGING MY HEAD over creating a canon for this and it's basically my idea of the Whole Fucking Thing since its literally all speculation. I had to basically invent and explore the actual personalities of all the characters (since well. u only ever really get a taste of party poison and a taste utterly without context at that) as well as inventing a story that would believably fit the album chronologically as well as create a zillion ocs and everything. Mayhaps I am taking it a bit too seriously but god I miss it i miss it i miss it I need to work on it again (it is fighting in my mind with the big mairon fic which I have gotten a lot done on but is also on. chapter four of eight i promise lol)
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newattitude · 2 years
⋆★⋆ M&T - KILLJOY - AYO ⋆★⋆
M&T - KILLJOY - AYO par ✰ ​​​​​​​​Pтιтɴoυrѕ Alтer ✰ Via Flickr : ✰ Credit ✰
  M&T - Giada Eyeshadow - LeLUTKA - MIIX EVENT 
  KILLJOY - Glass Plug Earrings - MIIX EVENT 
  [ Ayo ] - Zhong // Choker - Anthem Event 
 NEW ATTITUDE ● New Attitude Blog ● Twitter ● Tumblr ● Pinterest ● Instagram ● Flickr ● Facebook
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avajpeg · 4 years
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🌟 keep your boots tight and your gun close babes ❤️
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