#kirin it the absolute worst role model
cinlat · 2 years
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Who’s Your Daddy?
Word Count: 1,396 Thanks to @tishinada​ for letting me borrow Zas for this harrowing moment! And to @dimigex​ and @kunoichi-ume​ for encouraging my nonsense!
Isashi sipped her tea, reveling in the peace of a world where no one needed her to fix anything. The company house’s proprietor was a talented craftsman and could always be found in the lower levels tinkering with something new. His wife had recently gotten the itch to redecorate again, making it the third time in as many moons that Isashi had walked into the building and wondered if she had the right place. Add that with the myriad of other talents within the company, and Isashi had a haven where her laziness wouldn’t be noticed.
“How does it feel being back in Ul’dah?” Zas asked the young miqo male who’d accompanied her as of late. 
Isashi took another sip and surveyed the boy over the rim of her cup. He couldn’t be long into manhood, with full cheeks and not a scrap of hair on his chin. There was a wide-eyed innocence to him that had likely tugged at the older adventurer’s heart. From what little Isashi had heard, Zas had rescued the boy from a band of Ixali somewhere in the Shroud, and the two had become inseparable. 
Salix, as Isashi had been introduced when she joined the duo in front of the hearth, nodded with enough enthusiasm to bobble his ears. “It feels…right.” His dark eyes sparkled as his chest expanded in a deep inhale. “It smells right.”
“Will you tell us of your family?” Isashi asked, settling into the plush cushions of the common room. Their company house wasn’t large, but well furnished and inviting.  
Salix’s midnight skin darkened around his ears in what Isashi assumed was a blush. The youth didn’t appear to be fond of any sort of attention, looking to Zas for rescue that the older adventurer refused to give. Likely, the elezen archer had been working on teaching her young ward to stand on his own. Though, if Isashi had to put gil on it, she’d guess Zas had done her fair share of interventions for him too. The woman was as hard a fighter as Isashi had ever met, but with the soft center that she herself lacked.
Digging in his jacket, Salix produced a small, wooden figure that looked like it might be a gladiator once there was more than a head and torso carved from the block. “It’s big,” the boy said, talking more to the figure than Isashi. A small knife followed, then a cloth draped across his lap much like his mentor usually did. “I’m the youngest of ten, the first nine were girls, and—”
“Bloody hells, that sounds like a right nightmare. Heya, Sashi.” Kirin trumped up the stairs, shaking sawdust from his pants with each step. The former pirate went straight to the bar and made himself comfortable next to the ingredients for his favorite mixed drink.
Isashi watched Kirin in silence, waiting to see if the miqo’te had any other pearls of wisdom to share, then motioned for Salix to continue. The boy swallowed, keeping his eyes on the older male while he spoke. “It, uh, it wasn’t bad, most of the time.” He shrugged and went back to his whittling. “It was family.”
Kirin leaned over the bar, banging around with his back to the rest while he searched for a mixing flask. He wasn’t a member of their free company, but he and Isashi had been friends since close to Salix’s age. So long as he helped when the owner requested it, Kirin was allowed to stop by to shelter from whatever storm plagued him. 
“Did you have a favorite sister?” Zas asked as she worked on the strings of her bow.
There was a marked difference in Salix’s responses to the elezen than to anyone else. He straightened in his chair, ears flicking forward. “Osi was only four months older than me. We played together until she was old enough to hunt, but she was always kind.”
“What of your mother?” Isashi was curious about the sole woman in the tribe bearing a boy. Did she protect him from the pecking of older sisters, or did she train him to leave the village from an early age?
Isashi knew of traditional Miqo’te tribes. Matriarchal societies allowed a single male to sire children until they were done with him. Then, he moved on, and the women resumed their normal routine while raising the next generation. 
A note of sadness entered Salix’s tone, and he cradled the figure closer to his chest. “Her name is C'seife. I look like her, not a hint of my dad in me, according to her.” Salix looked up, mouth open to add more, when Kirin opted to rejoin the conversation that he hadn’t been invited to.
“I once knew a lass by the name of C'seife.” Kirin turned around and propped his elbows on the bar, sipping contentedly from his glass. “Ain’t thought o’her in years. Met her in Ul’dah shortly after leaving me crew.”
Kirin’s head tipped to one side as he studied the boy. “Come t’ think of it, she looked a might like you, boy. Dark on dark, with eyes as big as the moon.” He sighed dreamily and took another sip. “That was a night to remember. Ain’t met another like her since, this would’a been, well shit, twenty years back?”
Isashi saw Zas’s brows raise a hair before hers followed. Salix’s mouth snapped shut with the click of his fangs. The only one among them to not grasp the implications of Kirin’s boast was the man himself. That struck midway through his next drink and sent the prized mixture sputtering in a fan before him. Thankfully, Isashi was out of range.
Wiping the back of his hand across his mouth, Kirin’s eyes narrowed at Salix, who appeared to be rooted to his seat. “Nah,” Kirin half growled, then his ears dipped. “Unless…but that—” He shook his head and glared at the poor boy frozen in place
“How old are you, Salix?” Isashi asked, softening her tone for fear that the lad might bolt if anything moved too quickly. His answer was muttered, but there was no denying that the dates matched. Isashi turned a scrutinizing gaze upon her long-time friend. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
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Kirin, whose ruddy complexion had darkened substantially, rubbed the back of his neck. “I mean, can we all just admit that we’re more surprised this hasn’t come up sooner?”
“You can’t be—” Salix blurted in an uncharacteristic shout. His jaw hung open, eyes wide with either horror or hope. “My father was killed in the Shroud. He—he was pale with red hair. A renowned warrior. He—” Salix ran out of steam, then sank back into his seat. 
Isashi let the boy process in his own way while she continued to stare at Kirin. She’d always loved the pale blue streaks distinguishing Kirin’s green hair, though she’d never give the man more to preen over than he already did. That same blue dominated most of Salix’s close-cropped style. It was the only resemblance that Isashi could find until the boy looked up at the man who might have truly fathered him. “Do you think?”
Kirin shrugged and swirled his drink. “I’ve known a lot o’ women, me boy. Yer mother very well could’a been one of 'em. Now that I see ye better, there’s no doubting that ye’ve got her eyes. She was a hell’ov’a hunter. We met in the Saphire Market.” Kirin looked into his drink, then sighed and set it on the bar. “What say I buy ye a proper brew, lad?”
And then Isashi saw it. The smile that exploded into existence brightened Salix's features in an almost mischievous way. The crinkle around his eyes turned him from gangly youth into dashing rogue. “Bloody hells,” she breathed, catching Zas’s startled expression. The bard had seen it too, having known Kirin long enough to rebuff his flirtations. While Kirin’s smile was sly and seductive, Salix’s was joyous and pure, but their shape was the same. 
Isashi needed no other proof. Her bastard of a friend, the man who’d slept with her husband years before they’d met, who irritated her to madness, the same man who’d cared for her through Haurchefant’s death, then gotten himself abducted by his own pirate crew, that man was now a father. “May the gods help us.”
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oatflatwhite · 2 years
Kirin anon back!
Yeah, like I totally understand why people might not be as attached to the boys since we're getting significantly less backstory for them than we did the girls. And while I'd probably HATE kirin in real life (lbr he doesn't give a great first impression) getting to know him? And his life? He's just an angry little boy who needs love! And keeps trying to be a better person but attaches himself to other people who don't always lead him right! Like. He could be SUCH a person if he had a better role model. Or family. Or whatever.
Side note, I thought I hated Gretchen Klein in s1, but the hatred is BURNING in s2. She is the absolute fucking worst. And calling herself a mother??! Maaaaaaaaaaaaaam. No.
oh my god tell me about it kirin in real life would be absolutely appalling and i woul despise him on sight. but in the show??? he is a friend. he is a boy. he is a blorbo! i love how much he grew over the course of a single season and i think he definitely turned into one of the most exciting and interesting characters on the show, and if we do get a s3 i desperately hope for more backstory
and OH MY GOD absolutely she is the LITERAL worst i hope she dies s3
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