labime · 7 years
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Klaroline Mashup Event ↳ Day Three: Trope Mashup prompt ↳ Superhero + Enemies to Lovers.
After a wave of murders perpetrated by unknown creatures, Caroline comes to discover who is their creator. She's not surprised when she learns that Klaus is the instigator of these increasingly frequent attacks; she had been suspicious of him for years, had warned the Academy and assured them that he was lying about his alleged lack of superpowers, now Elijah is going to be obliged to listen.
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hybridtunnelvision · 7 years
Super late post for Klaroline Mashup Day 1 sorry! And also I ended up using 2 sentence prompts lol. "Move away from the door and let me at him." | "Are you taking his side against mine?" | College AU/AH --------- On second thought, keying Tyler's car might have been the better idea. "Easy, love. You're making a scene." spoke the British brick wall in front of her. True enough, most of his frat brothers had their phones out, probably broadcasting her humiliation to the world. What a fucking mess. But it's too late to back down now. No. She owed it to every scorned woman out there to see this thing through. "I mean it, Mikaelson. Move away from the door and let me at him!" Caroline pushed the man to the side but barely moved an inch. See? Brick wall. She's been here half an hour since her boyfriend (now ex) mistakenly sent her a pic that she definitely wasn't meant to see. Tyler didn't follow up with his usual string of excuses so she figured a.) he still had no idea what the hell he just did because b.) he's so fucking out of his mind what with that manicured hand around his dick. God, she wouldn't be caught dead in that nail color. And so, after getting over her disbelief, Caroline stormed straight to his Greek house only to be accosted by Klaus here who, for the first time in forever, decided to exercise his role as frat president and insisted on honoring "rules". Ha! This coming from Whitmore's number one rule breaker? No doubt this untimely change of heart had nothing to do with honor but a lot to do with being a jackass. "You know I'm bound by code to keep trouble at the door and you, love," said the jackass."Look like pure trouble." Ugh. "But as lifelong best friend to your sister, you owe it to me at least to let me knee him in the balls." "Ooooohhh." A chorus of dude voices chanted. She shot them a glare the same time Klaus did and they all curiously dropped their phones. Huh. Anyway-- "Look, Klaus..." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "This is really not the time to decide you're over me! If you want to get on my good side, I suggest you--" Suddenly the whole world turned upside down and she found herself tossed over Klaus' shoulder. What in the fresh hell? "Klaus?" Of course, that got her no answer, only the tightening of his hold on her back. "I swear to God if that freaking hand strayed lower than it should, I would-- Oomph!" In a matter of seconds, she was unceremoniously deposited in her car, on the passenger seat with Klaus in the driver's. She tested the door-- it's locked. "You seriously used child lock on me?" "Just a precaution, love." The bastard dimpled. Dimpled. "What? You're protecting Tyler's balls from my knee? Are you taking his side against mine?" "Now, now, Caroline. Hear me out. You know I have a vested interest in this." "You have a vested interest on my breakup?" He's still smiling. The. Nerve. "Well, first, Rebekah made me promise to keep you doing anything you'll regret." "But--" "Second, as much as I want to see Tyler get a swift kick in the rear,  his father is a treasured alum. It wouldn't exactly look good on me if I just stood by while someone attacked his precious son's jewels." "Okay but--" “And last, you're a smart woman, love. In fact, I wager you did expect your ex to screw up sooner or later so you can legitimately dump him. You're more angry than hurt that he'd do something utterly low." That shut her up. TBH, he got her at "smart woman". Albeit looking smug as shit, Klaus Mikaelson, the irreverent flatterer, actually paid her a sincere compliment instead of a cheesy line. "Well... Nice points you got there, Dr. Freud but a few things though-- Don't try to manage my feelings and battles for me. I can handle them myself, thank you very much. And also, how does your third reason fall under your 'vested interest'?" The look he gave her then made her shiver. "You know." God, are they seriously discussing this? Caroline coughed. "Are you hitting on me? Like right now?" "When am I not hitting on you?" That earned him an eyeroll. "I'm not making you my rebound, Mikaelson." "Then don't. Let's date." Say what? Caroline would have laughed if not for the dead serious look on his face. Her cheeks heated. She'd always known the guy had thing for her. But she'd been with Tyler since forever and  Klaus always seemed to strike the wrong chord with her what with his bad boy looks and ladies' man smile. Or maybe just because he's the one who always made her wonder. "Fuck it."  Caroline muttered. "Excuse--" And then she's on him. On his lap. Against his lips. They're probably giving everyone outside a show but whatever. Tweet this, motherfuckers. After properly fogging up her windows, she got off him. Klaus' smile was glowing. "Where to?" "Just drive." "Is this a date then?" She scoffed. "I haven't even said yes yet." His answering look told it all. Oh, you will.
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“let me at him”
A/N: For @klarolinemashup day 1. Sorry, it’s late…
“Move away from the door and let me at him!” Klaus stared fondly at his furious paramour, marveling at how she could look so utterly stunning, even in the midst of a violent rage. “Deep, calming breaths, sweetheart,” he soothed, almost shuddering at the withering look Caroline shot him in return. “I’m going to kill you Kol,” Caroline seethed. “And I don’t mean a quick dagger to the chest. I mean I'm willing to spend the rest of my life searching for a splinter of white oak if it’ll mean I can drive it through you,” “Oh come now, Caroline,” Kol chirped from behind Klaus’ shoulder. “They can’t have been that bloody expensive” Caroline’s eyes widened in outrage. “It’s not about expense Kol! Bonnie brought me those aura cleansing crystals all the way from Budapest!” Kol rolled his eyes. “First of all. They weren’t real, I could tell. Secondly, you ought to try living a couple of centuries, love. Remember that Ming dynasty Bekah smashed during one of her tantrums, Nik? Now that was something to cry about.” “You insensitive-” Klaus’ reflexes kicked in quickly and he secured his arms around Caroline’s waist as she lunged at Kol. The vampire in question seized the opportunity and took off away from them, cackling maniacally. But not before poking his tongue out at Caroline; much resembling a cartoon roadrunner. “Get off me!” Caroline hissed, slapping Klaus’ arms away from her. Reluctantly he released her, smirking at her dishevelled appearance. Smoothing her clothes down she huffed and glared accusingly at him. “Why did you do that!?” “I promise you, sweetheart, there are far more dignified ways to punish Kol for his antics,” Klaus insisted. Caroline turned to him, lifting her eyebrow in interest and smiling. “Are you offering to help?” Klaus answered the question with only a devious smile.
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3tinkgemini · 7 years
Klaroline MashUp Event: Day 3 Troupe: Bed Sharing + Magic
 Holding Out For A Hero
 (Caroline is captured by a group of disgruntled witches on a surprise visit to NOLA. No magical babies of any kind and none of that Cami/Stefan nonsense.)
The door to St. James Infirmary opened letting in the early afternoon light. Josh set down his rag to grab a glass and a bottle of bourbon when he saw just who it was strutting in. He had just poured the liquor over the ice in the glass as Klaus took a seat at the bar.
 “So? How was your night?” Josh asked as he slid the glass to him barely holding back his excitement.
 Klaus narrowed his eyes in suspicion, “It went as well as any night in the Quarter with the blasted witches causing their nightly riots.”
 “Yeah, yeah but besides that? How did it go?” Josh bounced up and down on the soles of his shoes causing the Hybrid to question the boy’s sanity as it grated on his nerves.
 “What has you bouncing with such chipper glee? I have half a mind to snap your neck just to stop that incessant squeaking of your heels.” Klaus lowered his chin, the dark glint in his gray eyes showing just how close he was to following through with the threat.
 Josh felt a tremor of fear lance through him, he wouldn’t put it past Klaus do to as he threatened and instantly stood flat on his feet as he deflated, “So she didn’t show up then? If she did you would be in a better mood or not here at all. I thought for sure she would show up.”
  Klaus groaned as he ran a tired hand over his face. He had come here to get away from the incessant arguing over how to handle the group of rouge witches, and instead of finding the peace and quiet he craved, he had to listen to Josh yammer on. “What are you blathering on about now?”
 “Last night a few hours before closing a vampire I’ve never seen before came strolling in.” He paused to think for a moment before waving his hand, “Well not so much strolling as slinking in. She came to the bar, ordered a drink and stayed pretty quiet for a while but oddly focused on the door. She seemed like she had a lot on her mind or something because she kept standing up looking all determined to do something before plopping back down on that stool over there and ordering another drink.”
 “I have no need for a play-by-play of the lady’s night, only what it has to do with me. Get to the point Mate.” Klaus hissed as his fingers flexed around the glass.
 Josh’s gaze was drawn to the Hybrid’s hand wrapped around the glass. Gulping, he rubbed the base of his neck as if feeling phantom fingers applying pressure there. “No need for any neck snapping, I’m getting there but since she didn’t show up I figured you should hear it all.”
 Klaus pushed his empty glass towards him, signaling he required a refill as he decided he would give the boy five minutes before the young vampire would be forcefully taking a nap on the bar room floor.
“So anyways, it took me a little while to get her to talk. She was stubborn but smart to keep quiet, almost like she knew she should be careful who she talked to. But after the fifth drink, well my fifth more like her tenth. Man, that girl can put them away!” His humorous smile dropped when he noticed Klaus’s impatient glare, “But then she was all, fuck it! Klaus had better want to see me after all his big talks of last loves. And then she left.”
 Klaus felt the blood drain from his face as his heart skipped a beat, “What?”
 “I said and then she left.”
 His mind raced over what Josh was implying. The words, last love, repeated through his mind. If it was her, and she uttered those words aloud it could only mean one thing. But then again, his mind was having a hard time believing she had actually shown up for him and not just for his help. “What did you say her name was?”
 “Huh, I didn’t actually.” Josh said as if he had just realized that fact, “She said her name was Caroline I think. Yeah, Caroline.”
 Klaus felt his heart stop yet again before it began beating nearly out of his chest. She had truly come to him. Even going as far as to tell Josh, even if it was unintentional, about his last love speech. So then why was it he had not seen nor heard from her? “When did she leave?”
 Josh furrowed his brow as he thought it over, “I think it was just after midnight last night? So, she would have made it to your place by now.” He continued hesitantly, Klaus was known for killing the messenger and if his face was anything to go by this was not news he would want to hear, “I’m sorry man but I think she might have left for good.”
 Klaus knew that was an option. In fact, it was highly probable that Caroline walked outside, had the fresh air hit her, clearing her mind and sending her running before he caught wind of her presence in New Orleans. On the other hand, if anyone had overheard her talking in the bar and connected her to him, they could have easily told the witches. And unfortunately, the time frame of when she had left and when he and his siblings had ended last night’s riot were only an hour apart. Which meant they could have her now. Which meant, “Damn it.”
 Josh’s arm flew out, just missing the glass, watching as it shattered on the floor as Klaus flashed from the building. “We should really buy stock in the glassware company. At least then we could make some of our money back.”
 Klaus stopped when he hit the edge of the sidewalk outside of St. James Infirmary with the deep realization that he had no idea where to start. Pulling his phone from his pocket, he tossed it back and forth between his hands. If she answered, he would know she was safe. But on the other hand, if she did not answer it could meant one of two things, she had been captured or she was avoiding him after hightailing it out of town.
 Hitting her number while hoping to hear her snarky lyrical voice, his lips pressed together as the ringing in his ear was echoed by a phone ringing close by. Not one to believe in coincidences, he kept the phone to his ear while following the sound to the nearby alleyway.
 The alley was empty of any movements or sounds other than the ringing phone. He walked further into the alley, his boots scratching the stones as he spied something off to the side by a dumpster. There on the ground was a purse with its strap broken laying in a dried pool of blood.
 Klaus held his breath as he ended the call on the third ring. His eyes slammed shut as his fear was realized. The phone had stopped its ringing just as he ended the call. Inhaling deeply, he took comfort that the dried blood did not carry the same scent as a vampire’s.
 Picking up the bag he was taunted with the distinct scent of Caroline coming from it, but it wasn’t until he removed the phone finding, One Missed Call From: Klaus, staring back at him that be believed it to be true.
 Caroline Forbes had come to New Orleans last night. She had come for him but was taken before she even crossed the street.
Klaus burst through the door to Freya’s apartment unannounced startling the witch.
 “You could at least knock Klaus.” She placed her hands flat on her workbench as she reprimanded him.
 She was met only with a purse bring shoved into her hands and his demand, “I need you to perform a locator spell using this.”
 “Okay,” She said slowly as she took the purse to her supplies and map of the city not wanting to push him closer to the edge he was obviously standing on if the slightly fearful and anxious look in his eyes was anything to go by. “Mind telling me just who it is that I’m looking for?” She glanced at him as she pulled the items she would need together.
 “No.” He spoke firmly as he watched his sister work.
 “Huh.” Freya breathed looking at the map strangely. Her hands moving quickly over it to perform the spell once more.
 “What? What happened? Did you find her?” Klaus spit the questions out without taking a single breath as he waited for her answer.
 “Nothing.” Freya looked over the map again as she completed the spell the second time to garner the same results. Glancing back at her brother, she noticed his slip of the tongue. He had said her. “Well not nothing, it’s just that I was able to find her fairly easily.” She carefully watched him as he studied the map, it was obvious that whoever this her was, she meant a great deal to him. From all that she had learned about her siblings over the past few years, this was definitely something new. Klaus didn’t care for anyone outside of their family and yet he was afraid, no terrified for this girl.
 Klaus’s eyes glanced over the map and the area where Caroline was being held before marching towards the door as if he was heading into a battle he had no other choice but to win. Only to have it slam close in front of him.
 He attempted to pry it open only to find it was sealed shut by magic. His eyes flashed with anger as he turned back towards his sister, “Open the door Freya before I make one through your wall.”
 “You can’t just go charging off to whoever it is you are looking for. I found her way too easily Klaus. This could be a trap.” Freya could tell even before she was done speaking that her efforts to reason with him were falling on deaf ears.
 “I’m quite sure it is, but I will not leave her there alone, having the Gods only know what happen to her.” He eyes narrowed as he took in his sister’s firm stance, “Let me remind you that there are plenty of ways to incapacitate a witch without killing her. Now,” He growled menacingly, “Open the damn door Freya.”
 Freya wanting to hold strong but sighed and with a wave of her hand unlocking the door. With a worried look on her face she watched as her brother disappear. Closing the door, she curiously walked back to the purse, withdrawing the wallet from inside, “Who is Caroline Forbes?” She wondered aloud before trying to track down her other siblings to not only find out who this mysterious girl was but to send them Klaus’s way. Something told her whoever had taken this Caroline and whatever they had planned would spell nothing but heartache for their brother.
Klaus easily made it to the old dilapidated home near the edge of the swamp where the locator spell showed Caroline to be. His keen senses detected nothing but a faint vampire’s heart beat coming from the lowest level of the once beautiful home. But he knew better than to believe that whoever had taken her had just left her here alone. Besides he scoffed, witches with their parlor tricks, were capable of maintaining a concealing spell hiding themselves even from the likes of him. For he had no doubts that the witches were behind this.
 Though that wouldn’t last for long. Klaus thought with a smirk as he tested the broken entryway of the home with the toe of his boot, finding he could cross without issue.
One inside, he cautiously followed Caroline’s scent while keeping his senses open for the impending attack he knew was coming. Regardless of the trap he knew this to be, his main concern was the weak and slow thump of her heart.
 His mind played a thousand scenarios as he crept down the rotting staircase to the cellar. The only thing stopping him from giving into his need to flash to her, only to be waylaid by a trap, was that her heart was still beating. She was still alive. Though he promised the pain of a thousand deaths to those who had harmed her, putting them through a thousand times more pain than they could ever imagine for touching a single hair on her golden head.
 As he came closer to the room her heart beat and shallow breathing was coming from Klaus couldn’t help the spear of guilt that burned through him. Whatever was done to her was his fault. If only he had left her alone. If only he had not charmed her, laying sweet promises that, even if they were the truth, only led her to this fate. If only he didn’t feel the myriad of emotions he did for her than…
 “Caroline.” His self-incriminating thoughts were banished from his mind as he took in the sight before him from the doorway of her makeshift cell.
 There the beautiful woman who had captured his heart with her sunshine smiles and stinging barbs laid on an old lumpy mattress, unfit for even the mangiest stray animal to lay upon. Her once alabaster skin now held a deathly gray hue with darkened veins marring its smooth surface, signaling to him that some sort of spell had been placed upon her. Her hair was dull as it laid haphazardly around her head where it once shined with a luster that would put the brightest stars to shame.
 Klaus shook himself from his stupor, chastising himself for waxing morbid poetry as she laid near desiccation and perhaps death. Flashing to her side, he knelt to the edge of the mattress on the floor of the tiny cell. His hands ghosting over the rough texture of her face as he called her name repeatedly only to be met with her labored breath as her lungs rattled.
 He quickly bit into his wrist as his other hand tried and failed to pry her mouth open.
 Leaning down closer, trying to withhold the panic held felt in his breast from his voice, he whispered, “Caroline? Please Love, I need you to wake up for me.”
 Klaus pulled back, disappointed to find she was not responding. Hoping to rouse her, he placed his blood covered wrist with its now closed wound under her nose. “Come on Caroline. You need to drink. And what better meal than that of the Original Hybrid?” His heart began to sink when the expected sassy comment at his over-inflated ego did not come but was reawakened when her eyelids began to flutter.
 Brushing her hair back and smoothing his hands over her face and neck he encouraged her, “That’s it Caroline. Wake up for me Love. I need you to tell me what an egotistical male I am for assuming such things.”
 He heard her harsh and painful gulp coming from her throat as her eyes fluttered half open. His chin quivered in fear and anger at the dull shade of her once vivid blue eyes. Quickly dropping his fangs, he bit back into his wrist, tearing the skin open as he shifted his arm behind her neck for support as he placed it to her lips once more.
 “Drink.” He ordered firmly, breathing a sigh of relief when he felt her chapped lips open against his skin as she took a few small gulps of his rich healing blood.
 Only that relief was short lived.
 He turned her to her side as quickly as possible as she began choking and gagging on his blood, letting it fall back from her mouth and down her front as it expelled from her.
 Her breathing was ever weaker as he rolled her back over, worriedly checking her over as her eyes drifted opened and shut, her mouth attempting to form words.
 He was so preoccupied with her attempts to speak and the shock that she could not hold his blood down that he failed to sense anyone behind him until it was too late.
 The cell door slammed shut with enough force he swore the house would crumble to dust and the chanting that followed confirmed his assumption that the witches were behind this.
 Gently laying Caroline back to the mattress, he flashed to the door, using all his hybrid strength to yank and ram into the door, yet failing to make it budge even an inch.
 A small porthole, barely large enough to fit a few fingers through, creaked open as he pounded on the door, shouting threats while the chanting continued.
 “What is the meaning of all this!” Klaus shouted as he recognized the old witch as the leader of those who were sparking the nightly riots on the other side of the door.
 The old witch cackled in glee, “This is us teaching you a lesson you won’t soon forget. It was very lucky that a few of my younger coven members happened across your little baby vampire there.” Her beady eyes shifted to glance over his heaving shoulders, “Though unlucky for her I would imagine.”
 Klaus felt his temper rise at not only what had been done to Caroline already but the threat of what was to come. His eyes flashed with rage as he snarled, “You will not look at her witch! She is innocent in all of this; your quarrel is with me!”
 “She is a bloodsucker just as you are!” Her dark green eyes blazed with disgust, “Besides, she should have been more careful with the company she keeps.”
 “She is nothing like me. Let her leave this place without any further harm and you can have me.” For a moment Klaus could see his unorthodox pleading for another’s life threw the witch off her guard. But it only lasted for a moment before the hatred and triumph was back in her eyes as she realized she had chosen rightly by capturing the young blonde vampire.
 “You think that is enough?! You think that the ones you’ve killed of ours where not innocent in this fight just like her?” She screeched.
 “What is it you want? What can I give you to secure her release?” Klaus attempted to reason with the witch as the coven behind her continued with their chanting. Everyone had a price, he just need to figure out what this witch’s was.
 Her dark green eyes narrowed as what little he could see of her face fell blank before she stated firmly, “You made our people suffer, now we will make you suffer.”
 Klaus gnashed his teeth, hissing as he pressed himself closer to the door, “Whatever you do to us in here know one thing; we will get out of here eventually and when we do, I will kill you all.”
 The old witch smirked evilly, “When you are released you will be but a shell of the man you are now. Nothing but a haunted man who will be so wracked with guilt he will not lay a finger on any of us.” Her withered lips curved into a mocking pout, “After all, I cannot imagine how you would have the will for much of anything after you have slaughtered and killed your very own last love.”
 With that the old hag slammed closed the small porthole and the chanting increased and with it his left leg snapped in two, rearranging itself into its other deadlier form.
 Klaus turned his terrified eyes towards Caroline who was sprawled weakly across the mattress, covered in his blood as if she had attacked him. His heart started hammering inside his chest as he grasped that he was being forcefully changing into his wolf. His wolf who would see her as nothing but a threat to be extinguished.
 For the first time in longer than he could fathom Klaus felt genuine panic. Sweat began to build upon his brow, trickling down the side of his face at the effort he exerted while trying to maintain his precarious control over his body. His yellowed, bloodshot eyes rapidly scanned the room, searching wildly for any means for her escape or protection.
 There was nothing.
 The small ten by ten cell held nothing but the lumpy mattress with the fragile vampire and an out of control shifting hybrid.
 With a sudden pierce of pain shooting through his leg as it began snapping and shifting once again Klaus bellowed in pain as he fell to the floor. “No. No. No. No!”
 His fist pounded against the concrete floor until the bled as he repeated his denial of their current situation as if it would prove to be nothing more than a horrid nightmare concocted by his traitorous mind.
 His breath was ragged and his head shot up as the sound of Caroline’s raspy voice cut through his physical and emotional torment. Watching as her grayed arm lifted slightly, her hand beckoning him closer before it fell limply to her side.
 He cursed himself a weak and undeserving fool as he looked at her, clenching his teeth as he crawled onto the mattress beside her.
 “I will figure something out Caroline, I swear it.” He hissed, pressing his lips together to hold back a groan of agony as his right foot bend and snapped at an unnatural angle.
 She wheezed as she attempted to speak, feebly raising her hand to clutch his shirt, using it as leverage to work her way up to his sweat covered cheek. Biting out her words between shallow breaths, “Won’t…hurt…me.”
 Klaus laughed disparagingly, his control slipping once again as his femur cracked. His voice labored and cracking as he shook his head, “I’ll more than hurt you Caroline. In moments, I will be ripping your body to shreds.”
 Her head shook a minuscule degree, giving him a soft smile as a single tear leaked from his eye, “No. Trust you.”
 His fangs dropped of their own accord as he snarled, “You shouldn’t.”
 Caroline opened her mouth to respond, her throat emitting a harsh choking rasp at her efforts. Her dry tongue swiped over her chapped lips as her dull yet expressive eyes glazed up at him, “Believe in you.”
 “Why?” The sheer agony dripping from his voice and eyes was no longer over the pain of the shift being forced upon him, but of how she could be staring death in the face yet still seep such conviction at what she was trying to tell him. “Moreover, how could you?”
 Her teeth scraped against her lower lip before her rough, cracking voice whispered firmly, “Love me.”
 A sharp stabbing pain cut through him at her words. Yes, he loved her. He loved her more than he could even comprehend. But like all things he cared for, he eventually destroyed them in the end. He just never imagined this would be the way he destroyed her.
 “Stefan.” She panted reining his attention back in, “Elena.”
 Klaus furrowed his brow, wondering just why she would be bring up the Ripper and that pesky doppelganger at a time like this.
 “Stefan. Elena.” She said more forcefully. She huffed in frustration at not being about to say more than a few clipped words, “Compelled, but didn’t.”
 A sudden flash of understanding dawned on him. He had compelled the Ripper to hurt Elena and yet his love for the worthless doppelganger had won out in the end. He recalled how utterly extortionary he had found it to be at the time. That the Ripper’s love for that human girl had been strong enough to resist even the power of his compulsion.
 Klaus clenched his jaw as he felt pressure in his back, signaling that it was only moments away from snapping in two. His eyes sought hers out, taking comfort and strength from the faith her eyes carried for him as she relaxed back on the mattress when she seen the understanding on his face.
 Leaning over her, he placed a tender kiss upon her brow whispering, “I will not fail you Caroline.”
 He dragged his pain wracked body away from her, pulling his shirt over his head and grinding his teeth together as he carefully removed his pants from his misshapen legs.
 Moments later the screams of pain he could no longer withhold mutated into a gruff groan of agony before a howling angry snarl echoed throughout the dilapidated house.
Blood covered the broken walls of the barely standing house on the upper floor. Kol shook his head in pity as he dropped a dead witch to the floor, her neck savagely ripped apart.
 “Such a waste of talent.”
 “They were plotting against our family Kol, they should have thought of the consequences.” Rebekah huffed callously as she too dropped a ravaged body to the floor.
 Elijah sighed in exasperation at his siblings who were too much like Niklaus is in opinion. “It is always a sad day when life is lost Rebekah, no matter the cause.”
 The old witch gagged against the pressure as Elijah held her by the throat against a wall, “How noble of you Elijah. Did you say the same before you fell asleep last night after slaughtering some of my people?”
 Elijah turned a withering eye towards her, “I gave you my ideas for peace in the Quarter and you in turn shot them down. You knew the consequences and what would lie ahead for your people due to your action. Now, where is my brother?”
 A malicious glint took over the old woman’s eyes as she cackled, “He’s downstairs. Though I warn you, I cannot guarantee how much of him his left.”
 Rebekah flashed to their side demanding, “What do you mean by that you old hag?”
 The witch only smirked in defiance.
 Elijah exerted more pressure against her throat, “You would do well to answer her now. There are worst fates than death.” He promptly bit into his wrist, taunting her with his blood.
 She chocked once more against Elijah’s hold, but maintained her mocking countenances, “We forced him to change into his wolf form.”
 “Well that can’t be that bad considering you have him locked in a room.” Kol joked as he too moved to flank Elijah’s side.
 “It wouldn’t be,” The old witch rasped, “If we didn’t lock him up with a pretty and desiccated blonde vampire.”
 Rebekah’s hands covered her mouth as she gasped. Kol’s eyes widened before he flashed forward, ripping the witches head clear off her neck.
 Elijah groan as he let the headless body fall the floor, withdrawing a handkerchief from his breast pocket to clean his hands, “Was that truly necessary Kol?”
 “Oh brother, you have no idea. The boon I granted her in death was more peace than she ever deserved for what she did.” Kol spoke gravely.
 “Why? Who is this vampire she spoke of?” Elijah questioned his siblings.
 “Caroline Forbes.” Rebekah replied woodenly.
 Elijah furrowed his brow in confusion, “Elena’s friend?”
 “Oh, she is much more than that twit of a doppelganger’s friend to our dear brother.” Kol muttered as he eyed the stairway leading down to the cellar of the house in trepidation.
 “I hardly see how any of this matters.” Elijah announced as he walked towards the stairs only to be stopped by Rebekah’s trembling hand on his arm.
 “You don’t understand Elijah. You weren’t around during all the time he chased her.”
 Elijah huffed, gently removing his sister’s tightly gripped hand from his forearm, “I’m sure she was nothing more than a passing fancy or a challenge to be conquered.”
 Kol flashed in front of his brother, stopping him from proceeding down the stairs with his arms on either side of the doorway. He needed Elijah to understand the severity of what this could mean for their brother, “I wouldn’t count on that brother. I thought something similar once before back when our relentless Mother was back from the dead. But I am telling you Elijah, if he has harmed her in anyway, or Gods forbid killed her, we will lose him. Forever.”
 Never in their centuries of roaming the Earth together had he saw Kol as serious as he was in that very moment. His eyes flicked between his younger brother and Rebekah who, shockingly, was gnawing on her lower lip with tears filling her eyes.
 “He truly cares that much for the girl,” He cleared his throat, “For Caroline?” At their shaky nods, his mind whirled in confusion, “How was I not aware of this?”
 “I’m not sure Elijah. It could be that you were gone most of our time spent in Mystic Falls but a part of me thinks it was something more than that.” Rebekah replied thoughtfully.
 “What do you believe it to be?” He whispered curiously.
 “I honestly couldn’t say Elijah. But both Kol and I, as well as the whole of Mystic Falls knew of his obsession with her. Don’t you find it the least bit curious that you were the only one without that knowledge?”
 Kol groaned, dropping his arms as he began trudging down the stairs, “All I know for sure is that all these twenty questions will not change what we may or may not find down here. So, let’s be done with it and get Nik, and hopefully Caroline as well, out of that cell.”
 The three stopped outside the closed door, all taking a moment to steady themselves before any of them moved to touch the door. With the witches all dead, the barrier spell as well as the spell cast upon their brother would had vanished, yet still their eyes glanced between them as if trying to persuade the other’s to be the one to open the door.
 “Oh, for fuck’s sake!” Kol exclaimed before he cautiously cracked opened the door.
 What they found drained all feelings of fear and trepidation from them, replacing them with utterly astounded amazement.
 There on a ratty mattress laid a large wolf, his body curled protectively around a haggard, yet very much alive and sleeping Caroline.
 Leaning in closer in wonder at the sight, Kol let the door swing the remaining way open, sending it crashing against the wall.
 The wolf’s head shot up at the sound, the hair on its back standing on edge as it began growling viciously at the perceived threat.
 Caroline groaned at the movement, cracking her eyes open to see Klaus’s family staring at them slack jawed while Klaus growled and snarled over her protectively. Raising her arm, pleased to find that her strength, while still weak, was slow returning. She ran her fingers through the fur on his large neck whispering soothingly, “Hey, hey. It’s okay. It’s your family.”
 The siblings were left in a state of perpetual shock as the wolf let its mouth relax as he turned his snout towards Caroline’s raspy voice.
 Kol took a step past the threshold only to be pulled back quickly by Rebekah as the wolf’s head snapped back, growling a warning in their direction.
 Caroline weakly tugged on his ear, her dry voice firmly commanding, “Stop that. They’re your siblings.”
 The Mikaelson siblings watched on in amazement as the wolf whined sheepishly at her before closing its large yellow eyes, taking in a deep breath through its nose. They watched with bated breath, wondering what would occur next as its eyes opened they could see the flash of recognition flare in his eyes.
 Elijah took a cautious step forward keeping Kol and Rebekah behind him as he held his hands held up showing he meant them no harm, “Niklaus?”
 His large head nodded and his siblings filed into what little space the room provided. Now that the danger had passed they all breathed a sigh of relief.
 Kol chuckled as he picked up the pair of pants and shirt that sat on the floor, “At least you had the frame of mind to leave yourself something to go home in Brother. Wouldn’t want to be strutting about the streets naked, now would you?”
 “Must you always be so crass.” Rebekah scoffed.
 Kol looked blankly at her, “Yes.”
 “Whatever. Can we please leave this dastardly place and go home now that all the drama is over and down with? I have witch under my nails that will take me hours to scrub out.” She huffed turning on her heels after giving a hesitant and slightly leery smile towards her brother in his wolf form and the weak girl on the mattress before leaving the cell.
 “Leave it to our sister to be worried about her manicure.” Kol teased following her out of the room.
 Elijah cleared his throat gruffly, offering a grin to Caroline, “Please excuse my siblings’ poor manners Miss Forbes. I believe they are not quite as comfortable with Niklaus in his current form as you seem to be.” He eyed her slightly gray fingers that still combed through the fur on his brother’s neck, “If you don’t mind me being blunt, with your current coloring you are looking a touch weak.” He walked closer to the mattress and began to bend down, “If you would allow me, I shall carry you from this place while Niklaus changes back.”
 He quickly withdrew from his crouched state at the threat of having his hand nearly bitten off seconds before he touched her.
 Klaus snarled and snapped causing Caroline to roll her eyes, “I think he wants to play the hero. Thanks anyways. We will be up in a minute or two.”
 Seeing that her words had calmed his brother, Elijah nodded his head and took his leave.
 Waiting until she heard the footsteps echo through the house and reach the front porch Caroline lamely smacked Klaus’s side and scolded, “That was rude.”
 Klaus simply huffed with an eye roll of his own before looking at her in concern.
 Sighing, she smiled softly, “I’m feeling better by the minute.” As he stared at her with that look still in his eyes she pressed further, her fingers going back to comb through his soft fur, “I’m fine. I’m perfectly fine because of you.” She smiled brightly, “You did it Klaus.”
 He preened under her touch and praise before abruptly jumping to his four legs and curling up in the corner of the room.
 Still too tired and week to turn her head, Caroline could hear his grunts of discomfort as his bones shifted back into place. His ragged breathing echoed through the cell for a few minutes before she heard the rustle of his clothing as he put them back on. In the next instant, his hesitant eyes and elated smile were hovering above her as he lifted and shifted her body onto his lap.
 Watching him as he bit into his wrist while he held her tenderly in his grasp, Caroline couldn’t help but utter her words once again in awe, “You did it.”
 Klaus grinned down to her, pulling his wrist from his mouth as he retracted his fangs, “I did.” He brushed his lips gingerly over her forehead as he whispered, “It was all for you.”
 Pulling back slowly, their eyes locked onto one another’s with the gravity of what had happened and all it implied being silently spoken between them.
 Klaus was pulled from the moment as he felt his wound being to close. Placing his wrist to her mouth he ordered her firmly, “Drink.”
 She smirked, “Of course, my hero.” She giggled before latching onto his wrist, taking a small testing gulp of his blood before sucking in a larger pull when she found she could keep it down this time.
 Klaus sighed quietly in relief when he seen that she could keep his blood down before her words caught up to him causing him to huff in embarrassment, “While I am a great many things, hero, is definitely not one of them. Besides,” He grinned, “I lack the full head of the hero hair like our dear friend the Ripper.”
 Caroline’s bubbly giggle against his skin brought a dimpled smile to his face.
 Releasing his wrist from her mouth, Caroline swiped her tongue over her lips to catch the last of his blood before smiling up at him. “You are a great many things that’s true. Terror, killer, all around pain in the ass,” She softened her toned at the sulking look on his face. Her hand cupping his jaw, “But now, to me, hero gets added to the list.”
 His face fell as he turned away from her delicate touch, “If it wasn’t for me, you would never have been in this situation to start with.”
 Putting her hand back to his face, feeling his scruff rub over her palm as she turned him to look at her once again, “If I had told you I was coming this never would have happened. If I hadn’t drunk so much over my fear of showing up at your door and having you not want me anymore those witches never would have gotten the best of me.”
 Klaus gasped as what she was saying sank in, “You really were coming for me? You weren’t just here for my help with whatever predicament your friends got themselves stuck in once again?”
 By the awestruck look in his eyes Caroline couldn’t believe she ever thought this man would not still want her. Just as she could see he carried the very same insecurities that she herself had. Sliding her hand behind his neck, she used the leverage to pull him in closer. Their breath mingling as their noses brushed, “It was all for you Klaus. I wanted to give this last love thing a chance.”
 Their beaming smiles mirrored the other before their lips were tangling and moving sweetly together. Caroline arched her body up to be closer to him only to fall back down, dislodging her lips from his with a groan.
 Klaus’s hands instantly went to her face, brushing her hair off her eyes, “What’s the matter Caroline? What happened?”
 She grinned sheepishly up at him, nibbling on her lower lip as her fingers played with the ends of his hair, “I guess I need a little more time to recharge.”
 Klaus smiled tenderly, brushing his lips over hers before scooping her up into his arms, relishing in the warmth that washed through him as she curled herself trustingly into his protective embrace. “Sleep Sweetheart.” He whispered in her ear as he walked them up the stairs, “When you awake you shall have all of New Orleans at your feet and we will talk more about this chance you speak of.”
 He couldn’t contain the happiness from his voice as he cleared the front door. Astutely ignoring the equal looks of shock and curiosity on his siblings faces, he gripped her sleeping form more firmly in his arms before flashing off towards his home.
 He need a few moments alone to think over what all of this meant.  Caroline was here, for him and not some plot for her friends’ benefit. He had been forced to transition but had not harmed a single hair on her head. In fact, he had curled around her protectively and kept watch over her. His siblings had taken care of the witches in the house, but that did not mean there weren’t more out there looking to continue the fight. But first…
 First he had his sleeping Queen wrapped safely in his arms that needed a proper rest, in his bed, while he showered and devised a plan to make this chance she spoke of less of a chance and more of their reality.
I hope you all enjoyed this one! I know I said I’d have the Part Two up for Chained to the Light and it’s not there yet but I promise I will get back to work on it later this evening and (fingers crossed) have it ready for posting sometime tomorrow.  
Thank you all so much for reading! Drop me a little line HERE and tell me what you think.
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Hey guys! Sorry its a tad bit late... but here is the MASTERPOST for the recent klarolinemashup event! 
Day One | Sentence Prompt
“Move away from the door and let me at him.” | “Are you taking his side against mine?” | College AU/AH by @hybridtunnelvision
“let me at him” by @dontbeallupinmyfriesdawg
I’ll find her and bring her home, I promise. by @jackharleen
The seven year itch: Or how not to bring your boyfriend home for the holidays. by @delerithmoriwen
Klarolinemashup Day One by @ashleigh-jewitt-xx
Klarolinemashup Day One by @ashleigh-jewitt-xx
Friends In Odd Places. by @3tinkgemini
Day Two | Object Prompt
Laughing Flower by @ravenwytchbytch
Klarolinemashup Day Two by @ashleigh-jewitt-xx
The parent-teacher conference by @delerithmoriwen
Chained to the Light. (part one) by @3tinkgemini
Painter and gardener AU  by @jackharleen
Handcuffs, a paintbrush, and a flower. by @dontbeallupinmyfriesdawg
Day Three | TropeMashup
Superhero + Enemies to Lovers. by @jackharleen
Hex and the city: The curse of his salvation by @delerithmoriwen
Holding Out For A Hero by @3tinkgemini
Klarolinemashup Day Three by @ashleigh-jewitt-xx
Day 3 by @dontbeallupinmyfriesdawg
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delerithmoriwen · 7 years
Klaroline Mashup event day 2: The parent-teacher conference
This is my drabble for the Klaroline Mashup Event day two: Object prompt: A belt, A coffeemug and a notebook. (highlighted in the fic)  Set after TVD Season finale but not following TO finale.  Smut below!!! Hint: Listen to Regina Spektors  Braille
Caroline sighed deeply as she rubbed her temples putting away the papers. Magical kids were the cutest thing ever. Their parent’s were not!. She could categorize them in three different types. One: The ones who mean well but have absolutely no idea how to handle a magical child. And therefore didn’t get how much work Caroline put in their education Two: The ones who dump their kid in the boarding school because magic needs to be hidden and concealed. She liked those the least. And lastly the very few percent who actually understood what was happening to their child and who were supportive and caring towards them. It made Caroline all the more grateful for everything her mother had done for her in her time. Only when realising how much work parenting actually was, did she truly understand her mother’s sacrifices.
Today had been parent-teacher day at the school. So basically that meant Caroline was having parents over all day talking to them one on one about their child’s progress. She didn’t like having to talk to the parents in all together in group. In a school like this every child was so different it was just easier to plan the meetings per parent one after another. She had met with them all day and she was now starving. Before the last parents came she figured she should have a blood bag and unwind for a second. If the parents were human and she was hungry and they were assholes, things could get really awkward. She checked her watch 9p.m. . Most kids would be either home for summer or asleep. If she hurried she might catch Josie and Lizzie before they fell asleep. Silently she sneaked upstairs opening the door just a little to check if the girls were sleeping. She heard a lot of noise and opened the door more firmly finding her girls jumping up and down the bed laughing hard waving their little plastic magic wands they had held onto for dear life over the last year or so.
‘HI MOMMY!!” Josie exclaimed waving her hand very hard.
“Why aren’t you two in your pyjamas and sleeping yet? Where is your father?” Caroline asked surprised.
Both girls started giggling hard looking at the corner of  the room. Caroline went to see what they were laughing about only to find Alaric magically tied to a chair with a pink bow on his head and red lipstick on his face. Caroline tried very hard to not burst out in laughter when she saw him, trying to keep a strict composure for her daughters. But it was very hard.
“Girls how many times do I have to tell you! No magically tying up your father and putting makeup on him!” Caroline scolded the girls while untying Alaric.
The girls just laughed as Alaric went to wash his face in the girls’ ensuite bathroom. When he came back out he swept them off their feet lifting them up in the air.
“Ok you little rascals, get your pajamas on and say goodnight to mommy’ he said laughing as he already forgave his daughters and brought them over to Caroline.
“Goodnight Mommy, we love you” The girls said in sync with faces as innocent as angels. It was very hard to believe they could be such little devils when they looked so angelic.
“Goodnight girls” Caroline said kissing them both on their foreheads. “ I love you too”
“Will you read us a story mommy?” Lizzie asked hopping into her pyjamas.
“I wish I could babygirl, but mommy has more meetings, i’ll read you a story tomorrow night ok?” Caroline smiled.
“And sing us a song?” Josie asked.
“A story and a song! Got it” Caroline sitting down to get on their level as she buttoned up Josie’s onesie.
“You promise?” Josie asked again giving her mom the serious look.
“I Pinky promise!” Caroline said with an equally serious look.
“Ok triple pinky promise” Lizzie said holding up her pinky between Caroline and her sister.
The three girls all hooked their pinkies into each other and shook them like a secret handshake.
“I triple pinky promise”’ Caroline vowed. “But now I really do have to go… Sweet dreams girls” She smiled before closing the door and heading back downstairs.
Caroline headed back to her room and took a blood bag from the secret vault inside. There was nothing like a little B-Positive to lift up her spirits! It really was the best of blood groups and she thoroughly enjoyed the wordplay on it. She poured the blood in a coffee mug and threw the empty bag in her private garbage bin. She had gotten into the habit of keeping her garbage separated from the rest of the school, even though everybody knew she was a vampire she still was pretty discreet about her feeding towards the school and staff.  She checked her hair re-doing it in the professional ponytail it was in before and touched up her make up. She had debated putting on glasses to come off more professional but seeing as how everybody knew vampires didn’t need glasses it would pretty much deduct from the purpose anyways. A little spray of her new perfume would definitely mask the last lingering blood smell on her lips and then she was on her way back to her office downstairs.
She settled in looking through the different files wondering who was the last parent to show. It had been a last minute addition on the list so she didn’t yet get a name from whose child it was. Not that she needed that much prep. Over the course of the last two years the school had gained close to a hundred different students and Caroline knew every one of them by heart, name and progress , she didn’t need to read anything of off a piece of paper she could just talk freely because she was involved in every child's education personally.
The clock past to 9.30 pm exactly and there was a knocking on her door.
“Come in” Caroline said sweetly closing her laptop.
“Miss Caroline, the last parent is here to see you” Beth her assistant said.
Beth had been such a life saver. She was as much of a control freak as Caroline was. An expert in planning and she work very hard. She was a witch by trade but had had a full education within her family. In many ways she was a very good asset to the school. She knew that not every child born in a witch clan was as lucky as she had been and so she devoted her life just like Caroline to making sure as many children whatever supernatural background they had, were helped.
“Thank you Beth, send them in” Caroline smiled.
“It’s just the father...oh and FYI...he’s gorgeous..” Beth grinned.
“BETHANY!” Caroline laughed at her assistant. “We are professionals! We can’t talk about the parents of our children like that!..........Wait till they leave then we can gossip over who has a hot dad ok!”
“Got it Miss Caroline” Beth laughed back holding onto the map of papers she was carrying.
“Can you just start calling me Caroline, the whole Miss thing makes me feel very uncomfortable. Who’s the parent? My notebook doesn’t show the name of the last appointment”
“It”s Hope Mikaelson’s father, Klaus Mikaelson” Beth said casually.
Caroline closed the drawer where she put her laptop in rather harshly crushing her fingers in between it as she went from pure shock.She nearly choked on herself and started coughing.
“Fuck!” She cursed waving her fingers up and down as they went from healthy pink to black and blue and then pink again after a few seconds. Thank god for vampire healing.
“Now that’s no way of speech around the children, love” A husky voice said from behind the door.
“Klaus” Caroline breathed his name her eyes finding it hard to believe he was actually standing there before her.
“You two know each other?” Beth asked suddenly very interested.
“You can say that, yes” Klaus shot his signature bad boy grin and winked. Beth nearly fainted then and there.
“Thank you Beth you can go now” Caroline urged her protesting assistent out of the door.
There was a long silence between them where they stared at each other. He looked really good. Better than she remembered. His hair was shorter on the sides and longer on top now thick curly and waving and golden from the New Orleans sun. His eyes glittered with a boyish gleam, sparkling on her. His lips looked rosy and plump ready to be kissed. Caroline felt herself focussing on them, reminiscing about their taste. She felt a flutter inside her. She had to stop this now!
“What are you doing here?” Caroline asked trying not to meet his gaze as she sat back behind her desk.
“Well I was under the impression it was a parent teacher conference night sweetheart, I’m a parent, you’re the teacher..” Klaus grinned
“Oh...right… You want to talk about Hope ofcourse” Caroline said feeling silly for thinking he was here to see her. “ Well she’s actually doing really good, which is why I didn’t expect you or Hayley… I mean she misses you guys but she’s made friends here and she’s very intelligent, picks up really fast. She’s in the advanced class for wiccan reading actually I think i have some of the homework she made the other day right here hold on” Caroline spoke fast without taking a breath still organising papers that were already perfectly fine. She needed to do something to keep herself busy and not come across as clumsy as she was feeling.
“Darling stop rambling and take a breath” Klaus smiled sitting relaxed in front of her.
“Stop making me nervous so I can take a breath” Caroline snapped back and stopped fidgeting with her papers.
“Am I make you nervous?”  Klaus leaned in his smile making his cheeks dimple in that irresistible way.
“That’s not what I meant...Look let’s just stay professional here ok, we’re here to talk about your daughter's progress” Caroline said taking a breath and rolling her chair back a little creating space between them.
“Alright Caroline,fine let’s be professional” Klaus said said slightly licking his lips at her.
His smell overwhelmed her and she breathed it in deeply. God she really had gone too long without getting laid and being a vampire after awhile she just got horny as hell. The way he whispered her name gave her goosebumps. Her body reacting to his much more than it should. Because he was doing it on purpose, she realised suddenly.
“Klaus stop” Caroline said firmly trying to keep the blush from her cheek.
“Stop what love?”  Klaus asked chuckling.
“This...i’m not doing this with you, we are here to discuss your daughter” Caroline gestured her hands between the two of them and looked him straight in the eye hoping he would take her seriously.
“Sweetheart I know she’s doing perfectly fine here she tells me in every phone call and letter she writes and she comes home in the weekends to talk our ears off” Klaus smiled trying to relax her. He backed away again giving her some air to breath.
“Then what are you doing here Klaus” Caroline asked. But it was not a mean question. Caroline was just tired and didn’t feel like playing the games the two of them usually played.
“Well I sort of expected to hear something from you after my last letter” Klaus said talking about the letter he said and the money that came along with it. “Aside from the “The children thank you” card I mean.” He quickly added.
Caroline just fell silent. She had thought many times about calling him, or driving to New Orleans in person. She had even wrote him a letter, but after more than a year it was still resting firmly in her desk the fear of sending it to him was just too great.
“I’m sorry… i’ve been busy” Caroline whispered looking for an excuse.
“How have you been Caroline” Klaus asked placing his hand so closely against hers his thumb against her pinky.
“Like I said busy” Caroline pulled her hand away.
A hint of hurt flashed through his eyes as she pulled away from his touch. Caroline felt bad for him. She wasn’t trying to be mean. But it only had been little over a year since Stefan and though she knew she would be ready to love again at some point. She didn’t know if NOW was the right time. Maybe it was too soon.
“How are the girls? I loved meeting them last year, they are so much like you...full of light” Klaus smiled trying to change the subject.
“They really liked meeting you too...thank you for keeping them safe in New Orleans” Caroline nodded realising she hadn’t officially thanked him for that.
“Ofcourse love…now how about we get you out of this stuffy office and go get a drink...is that bar your friend Bonnie blew up rebuilt yet?” Klaus suggested getting up from his seat.
“It isn’t, and no Klaus it would be extremely unprofessional of me to go out with a parent, we can’t start this up again. I’m not ready and even if I was me dating a parent like a said is unprofessional” Caroline refused with every last bit of strength she had.
“Who said anything about a date love? As I remember you were the first friend I ever made, so i’d like to buy my first and therefor oldest friend a drink, not that i’m calling you old or anything love” Klaus explained handing her the jacket that was hanging from the hanger at the door.
Caroline felt stupid again for assuming he was already chasing her again. It had been years since they had seen each other, obviously he was over his infatuation with her maybe even met somebody else. For her to assume he was here out of a love interest for her almost felt arrogant now. “You’re right...sorry..but i’m buying the drinks then!” She smiled taking her jacket.
“Sounds fine by me ,two old friends having a drink and if we just happen to have killer hot hybrid sex afterwards it’s only a bonus” Klaus joked.
Caroline punched his shoulder as they both laughed at the memory of what she had once asked from him so many years ago in the woods when he was in Tyler’s body.
They ended up in a shady dive bar on the side of the road which looked like nothing a respected mother of twins and headmistress of a boarding school would ever be seen. Nevertheless Klaus promised her it was a fun place and reminded her not to judge something by it’s look. The bar seemed empty. Aside from a few local drunks hanging at the bar. As they walked in Caroline smelled something familiar. A smell she had only recently gotten familiar with, burned Angelica root. Used for enhancing psychic powers and strength to a woman. Either the bar had a very strange odour, or there was a witch around. Her questions were quickly answered when they walked up to the bar.
“Well if it isn’t the Original asshole himself” The bartender said hopping over the bar with ease.
The girl was the spitting image of what a witch should look like according to textbooks. She had a very pale complexion and deep grey eyes. Her hair was raven black - although Caroline suspected a dye job - curling big and poofy till her shoulders and she wore bright red lipstick forming the curves of her lip shape. In a dark almost goth way she was extremely beautiful. The tight black ripped jeans she wore that were cut off all the way till her thighs. And on top of that a black band top. She looked in her early twenties and when Klaus kissed her hand Caroline felt a stab of jealousy.
“Always a pleasure Orphelia, you look gorgeous as always” Klaus smirked releasing her hand.
“Who’s the babe” The girl named Orphelia asked nodding to Caroline.
“Keep it in your pants will you, she doesn’t swing your way” Klaus chuckled as Orphelia was checking out Caroline.“Caroline this is Orphelia, a erhm… friend of Freya’s she owns this bar. And watch out she has a thing for blondes”  
“So you’re the famous Caroline Forbes, really nice to finally meet you” Orphelia said extending her hand to Caroline with a friendly smile.
“Yeah, nice to meet you too...how do you know me?” Caroline asked confused shaking Orphelia’s hand.
“This one told me about the school you’re running, that’s really cool, we could use a community like that where all the species get along” Orphelia released Caroline's hand again.
Caroline suddenly liked her more when finding out she was more interested in the lady Mikaelsons then the men.
“What do you guys want” Orphelia asked looking at Klaus hopping back over the bar.
“Just bring us a bottle of the usual”Klaus nodded as he guided Caroline to a booth.
“She seems nice” Caroline smiled trying to make conversation.
“She’s a good ally, back when she was still dating Freya she was a huge help in  trying to discover Hope’s powers and controlling them” Klaus explained more matter of fact than anything else.
“So you’re sister is gay?” Caroline asked finding it it very modern for the oldest person on the planet to be this open about the subject.
“Statistically one out of the seven of us had to be...personally my money was on Elijah” Klaus joked with a light chuckle.
Caroline loved that careless chuckle he let out once in awhile. It was so damn sexy. She really had to stop thinking about how sexy he was...or smelled. Or the memory of his touch that  they in the wood… Snap out of it forbes Caroline thought to herself as she was ripped out of her thoughts by Orphelia bringing them a bottle of what looked like very expensive bourbon. Very uncharacteristic for a dive bar to have this expensive brand.
“Orphelia keeps it some place safe for when we come by” Klaus explained pouring both Caroline and him a glass.
“So anyway next thing I know Kol’s eyebrows are on fire, Rebekah is running around with a fire extinguisher and Elijah is telling us we are grounded for the next century” Klaus explained the clou to his anekdote.
Caroline laughed loudly en genuinely holding onto her stomach. They had been talking for hours, sharing stories about the last years of their lives, their children, their cities. It has been so easy to talk to him. The bar had gotten more crowded as the night came. Caroline had noticed how there were a lot of supernaturals in the bar. But surprisingly they all seemed to leave each other in peace. Though she and Kol had only met a few times, the bar seemed like a very Kol place to hang out. It had it’s charm. Although considering the relaxed vibe she figured not a lot of the people realised they were in the presence of the most dangerous original hybrid in the world. There was music playing loudly now, Caroline was thankful for her vampire hearing otherwise it would start to be difficult to understand each other over the music.
“So how are you dealing with...you know...since he’s gone” Klaus finally asked touching the subject they had been avoiding all night.
“It’s been a tough few months, but i’m glad to have had to school, it helps” Caroline smiles.
“It’s been almost two years Caroline...you can’t close yourself off” Klaus said trying to meet her gaze again.
“I”m not….I just need more time... I just can’t have my heart broken again” Caroline explained ripping little corners from her paper napkin and staring at it so she wouldn’t have to look in his dark blue eyes as they watched her with pity. She hated the pitiful look people would give her. It somehow made her feel even worse.
“I would never break your heart Caroline...I promise you” Klaus whispered grabbing her hand on the table forcing her to look at him.
Caroline pulled her hand away rather roughly. The warmth that developed inside of her when he touched her was not something she could handle right now. “Don’t” she muttered looking away.
“Don’t what Caroline, i’m serious” Klaus snapped.
“You can’t just swoop in my life after years and tell me crap like that...you’re not allowed to come in and try to romantically sweep me off my feet I’m not ready Klaus!” Caroline nearly yelled. Luckily the music was still pretty loud so she doubted anyone had heard her yelling in their back corner booth.
The slightly alternative rock/country music changed into a song Caroline remembered from when she was younger. Braille by Regina Spektor. It was a song she had wasted many years on but at the same had so many love and happiness filled memories too. It was definitely one of her favorites.
“I love this song” Caroline whispered smiling as she closed her eyes to take the song in.
Klaus stood up from their booth extending his hand to her “Dance with me..” He whispered looking at her intently.
“What? Klaus no…” Caroline moaned, she had a hard enough time resisting his charms, dancing to a bittersweet romantic song with him just seem too fast to soon.
“Oh come on Caroline, don’t be a wuss……” Klaus tried to pressure. “Come on … I dare you” Klaus chuckled. He loved teasing her by bringing up his old quotes.
“Fine, just this one song” Caroline eventually caved grabbing his hand.
Klaus pulled Caroline close towards him staring deeply into her eyes, placing one of his arms arms around her waist and grabbed her hand with his other entwining their fingers together as he pulled her hand up to about their shoulder.
Caroline tried to keep a small distance between their two bodies but felt her body being slight pressed up against his. The way he smelled, the melancholy of the song and the comforting strength he exhumed eventually made her cave as she pressed the side of her head against his, her chin resting on his shoulder ever so lightly. Caroline closed her eyes and let him sway her to the music falling back into a world where there was just the two of them.
After the song was done Klaus brought his hand up to her face cupping Caroline’s cheek and rubbing his thumb over her cheekbone staring into her eyes. Their lips only a few inches parted. Caroline realised how easy it would be for her to just lean in right now and kiss him. She could feel his breath on her. A deep shaky breath escaped her as she pressed her forehead against his.
“I’m sorry...i’m not ready yet’
“That’s alright love, I have all the time in the world” Klaus smiled breaking the connection between them. Though he never let go of her hand as he guided her back to the booth.
The rest of the night they spend talking, laughing and reminiscing about the old days and plots and schemes and how silly they all seemed to be now. Around 2 A.M. Orphelia walked over to them again holding a set of keys.
“Hey listen i’m gonna go home, close up when you leave ok, just drop the keys in my mailbox” She muttered as she put her hair up in a high ponytails and threw Klaus the keys.
“You trust him with your keys?” Caroline asked raising her eyebrows as the young bartender girl.
“It can’t be any worse then that time I gave them to Kol….god that was a horrible morning after” Orphelia snickered. “Goodnight guys’
“Goodnight’ Caroline greeted the girl goodbye. “I should probably go as well, any respectable mom is in her bed by now” she got out of the booth.
“Don’t be ridiculous love, you’re not …...a typical mom...live a little...you spend all your time around young children, and that is very noble of you but have to have some adult time” Klaus winked.
“Were you going to say I’m not a respectable mother?” Caroline joked pretending to be mad placing her hands in her thighs and tapping her foot.
“I wouldn’t dream of it sweetheart” Klaus chuckled getting up from the booth as well “I’m merely suggesting that maybe you let me ruffle those perfect feathers you look like you need it”
He was close again, the proximity of him giving her goosebumps. Being so close to him reminded her of that time they were truly close. The ways his fingers exploited a shiver from her as he ran the tips of them along her thighs The hungry kisses he had pressed in every crease of her body.
Caroline sighed deeply and walked over to the bar grabbing a bottle of tequila from it and a couple of shot glasses pouring the translucent liquid in them.
“Caroline what are you doing?” Klaus asked her following her movements like a cat stalking its pray.
“If you’re going to be like this I need to drink more” Caroline sighed giving up on scolding him for his arousing behaviour. Did he even realise how much he was turning her on when he acted like this?
“Be like what love?” Klaus asked her laughing as she grabbed salt from under the bar.
“Flirty!’ Caroline shouted throwing her hands up in the air as she put some salt on her hand licked it off and then drank the shoot.
“And you think tequilashots are going to help the matter?” Klaus tried to remain serious.
“Well Tequilashots and Pool” Caroline stated matter of fact grabbing a cue from the wall. “You do know how to play right?”
“Caroline i’ve been hustling people with pool since way before you were born” Klaus grinned smugly.
“Perfect then we can make things interesting” Caroline said putting the balls in the triangle shape.
“How interesting?” Klaus asked marking his own cue with the little blue crayon slightly looking at that amazing ass as she bend over to put the triangle back.
“For every ball I get in the pocket you take a shot, and I get to ask you a question about New Orleans” Caroline suggested handing him a shotglass.
“And when I get a ball in a pocket?” Klaus asked.
“Same rules, you get to ask me a question and i’ll take a shot” Caroline shrugged.
“Deal” Klaus shook her hand in agreement. “Ladies hit first” He gestured to her.
Caroline hit the white ball hard breakin the formation of the billiard balls, the full green one rolling into the pocket “I’m on fulls”
“Then i’ll take striped” Klaus nodded filling his shotglass with tequila and chugging it down “Alright love what do you want to know?” He asked.
“What the hell happened between you and Hayley Marshall?” Caroline blurted out as she took her second shot missing the pocket just slightly. She hated to admit that she was bothered by him having had sex with her.
“That’s pretty simple love” Klaus positioned himself over the pool table. “I was mad at you, my ego was bruised after yet another rejection and she was there….” he made the shot the striped red ball rolling to the pocket easily. “Id say I regret it, but despite our differences she gave me the best thing that has ever happened to me, my daughter” he made the second shot also straight in the pocket. “That’s two shots for you love drink up” Klaus smirked.
After about half an hour and alot more shots the game was pretty neck in neck although Caroline suspected Klaus to let her win a shot every once in a while. She was very much enjoying herself realising that even though she was a mother and running a boarding school she really had needed a night out and Klaus had proven himself to be good company. They had laughed and had fun.
He had just made his last pocket asking her about the situation between her and Alaric and if things had turned out romantic. He was very relieved to learn that they hadn’t. He was down to the black ball now and it was his shot.
“You’ll never make it” Caroline heckled him as the black ball was in a near impossible position.
“That’s sounds like a challenge love” Klaus smiled at her amusement.
“Meaning?” Caroline asked him knowing the direction he was heading in.
“If I make this one the next shot i do…. Is off of you” His eyes twinkled mischievously.
“Go for it Hybridpants” Caroline grinned back sitting herself on a barstool. It was an impossible shot after all.
Turns out he had been the one hustling her because once she had agreed to his terms he leaned over the pool table with casually shooting the 8-ball easily to the side and then straight into the pocket. Without ever taking his eyes off her. Caroline looked at him in shock with an open mouth.
“I win” He said arrogantly walking up to her slowly.
“Fine” Caroline whispered grabbing the salt for the bar and applying a few grains on her neck.
In a second klaus had flashed to her side his eyes widening at her brutality. He had to keep himself from not drooling looking at his stunningly beautiful and increadibly sexy baby vampire.
He placed one hand on the back of her neck looking into her eyes deeply before bringing his lips to the salt on her neck.
Softly he let his tongue dwell on the the crease of her neck tasting the combination of salt and the natural sweet flavour of her skin. He could feel the goosebumps forming on her body as he kept planting hot wet kisses in her neck, her scent taking him over completely. She didn’t move away from him arching her back slightly into his body the heat of their bodies warming each other. He could hear an aroused moan escaping her glorious lips as he kissed his way up to her earlobe letting his teeth slightly scrape the delicate skin he found on the way there. Sucking on her earlobe his hands ran through her hair pulling the curls loose from her high ponytail and pulling on them hard to give him more access to her neck. Her knees parted slightly allowing him to come closer into her body.
“Hey!” She scolded him slightly out of breath “Do the shot!” She reminded him of their agreement.
Klaus grunted slightly annoyed at having to release his lips from her neck and grabbed the shot glass from behind her swallowing it in one go and immediately crashing her lips onto hers again. They were done playing games now.  
She grinned against his kiss. He tasted like Tequila and a taste she could only call Klaus which was pretty darn good combination. His hands were holding her face firmly into place. He kissed the side of her mouth sucking eagerly on her lower lip he had waited years to be with her again, all this time she never left his mind, or his heart for that matter.
Caroline’s hands pushed his jacket off of him pressing her nails into the skin of his shoulders. Her lips thick and swollen from his kisses. She could feel him making his way back to her neck and collarbone not leaving a spot of her sensitive skin uncovered. She needed to feel his body against hers again, the electric sensation of his bare skin. Her hands glided over his back scratching through his shirt slightly until she reached the seams. With a swift and determined move she pulled his shirt over his head revealing his lean and muscular chest. Her fingertips explored the familiar feel of his body. Surprised at how well she remembered what his sensitive spots where. Caroline felt him hardening against her through the fabric of his jeans his hips slightly rolling against her creating friction between the two of them. She hopped off her barstool turning the both of them around with vampire speed and pushing him a little too harshly against the bar with his bare back. Her eyes gleamed with an evil twinkle as she placed her lips against his neck trailing her way down his chest with hot wet kisses slowly falling to her knees.
Klaus’ eyes widened as he realised what she had in mind. He swallowed loudly and his breathing became rapid as he felt her undoing the buckle of his belt. Her soft teasing kisses just above the button of his jeans making him groan in frustration. Caroline giggled at his Impatience for her as she unbuttoned his jeans pulling them down. She rubbed him slightly through the fabric of his boxers before hitching her thumbs at the hems and pulling down those as well releasing his rock hard cock from it’s confinement.
Klaus gasped at the relief of freedom for his hardness his hands clenching on to the side of the bar to try and keep his knees from giving out on him as he felt her soft lips brush against his tip. Caroline grabbed onto his shaft firmly rubbing it a couple of times up and down before bringing it to her mouth again. She brought her tongue to the base of his cock trailing her way to the tip slowly and agonisingly slow. He uttered her name in a begged whisper his hands slowly on the back of her hair rustling through her hair and guiding her back to him.
Pleased with herself at the way he was at her mercy Caroline took him into her mouth hollowing her cheeks and sucking on him slowly letting her hand rub him up and down. Her tongue swirling expertly drawing a moan out of him with every flick of it. Taking him in further in her mouth her head bobbed up and down as she put more speed behind her actions. One hand on his bare hip the other reaching out to his balls. He slowly thrusted into her mouth hips rolling to meet her. When she felt his muscles tensing she released his cock from her mouth with a soft pop grinning up at him wickedly.
Klaus pulled her op by her arms crashing his lips onto her again. His hands roamed from her arms to her sides caressing them before running up to cup her breasts through the white shirt she was wearing massaging them through the fabric. His fingers hinged in between buttons ripping them aside to reveal her chest buttons flying all over the empty bar.
“Must you always ruin my clothes” Caroline whispered into his kiss with a smile.
Klaus chuckled at the recollection on the last time he had pulled one of her tops to shreds in the same manner his lips moving from her mouth back down her neck all the way to the cleavage between her full breasts. Some quick handywork from his fingers unhooked the clasps of her bra as she shimmied out her her pants. Klaus lifted her up from the ground feeling her hook her legs around his waist and carried her towards the pooltable their groins now only separated by the silky fabric of her panties. He laid her down on the green of the table pulling down her deep blue panties to reveal her core. He could smell her arousal on her and let it fill his nostrils. She puffed hotly as he opened her knees at the edge of the table where her legs hung over. Now it was his turn. He blew slightly on her heat sending a shiver down her spine running a finger through her crease and over her swollen clit letting the tip of his finger brush up against it lightly.
Caroline bucked her hips up trying to get him to touch her more. She hadn’t had another lover since Stefan and she was ready for him to fuck her brains out now her arousal nearly dripping down her legs. Klaus pressed the tip of his finger inside of her slowly entering her. Her insides felt like they were on fire with lust and longing. She sucked in air biting her lip hard as he flicked his tongue over her clit.
Klaus savoured her taste letting his tongue circle around her clit as he inserted another finger into her. Her back was arching and her body shaking with an overdose of arousal and he had to place on hand on her abdomen to keep her in place. He started sucking on her clit as he trusted his fingers in and out of her more rapidly.
Caroline moaned loudly her hands tugging at his soft curls pushing his face more in between her legs.
“Klaus…” She pleaded beggingly as he hit a particular sweet spot inside her.
Klaus let his free hand dwell to her thighs pressing his nails into the soft and delicate skin Squeezing slightly.
“Hm?” He breathed from in between her legs.
“Klaus please….” Caroline cried out her nails digging into the green rug of the pooltable.
“Please what love?” Klaus teased her removing his fingers from her.
“Fuck me damn it!” Caroline yelled out frustrated pulling his face up to her kissing him as he bend over her.
Klaus kissed her deeply satisfied by her pleads. With one hand he took a hold of his shaft rubbing the top up and down the crease of her core teasing her one last. He grabbed a hold of her hips as she hinged one leg around his waist urging him closer. He places one last kiss on her stomach before he slammed into her.
Caroline gasped loudly her body shooting up as he was inside her. She brought her lips to his again her arms around his neck her nails digging hard into the skin of his shoulders leaving scratch marks on them. He trusted into her hard again and Caroline could feel the pooltable cracking and crumbling under her it’s legs giving in under the vampire force of their love making.
Klaus lifted her up again before the table gave in and broke down under her vampire speeding her against the wall his hips rolling creating friction against her clit. He lowered his head to her breasts kissing them feverishly before taking a swollen nipple into his mouth. Caroline breathed loudly moaning under the feeling of her breasts being spoiled. With his free hand Klaus took  the other nipple between his fingers twisting it slightly. God he had missed the turned on sounds her body could make under his expertise. He started picking up the pace of his thrust inside her as he felt her walls contracting around him. She was close.
Caroline begged, pleaded for more under his touch. Beside herself with lust trying to push herself down on him harder. He slightly bit down onto her nipple thrusting inside her again sending her over the edge. She screamed profanities as her orgasm took over her body shaking on him.
Klaus chuckled at the intensity of her orgasm carrying her away from the wall leading the both of them to a bench of one of the booths and lowering her down to the ground. Caroline licked her lips pushing him on the bench crawling over him placing herself on top of him her knees on either side of his lap. She caressed his cock still moist with her juice softly before guiding him back inside her.  
He liked her this way, hovering above him he could watch her in all her glory. And she was so beautiful. Caroline rocked her hips moving on top of him while sucking slightly on that sweet spot in his neck where his pulse was that she knew drove him mad. Her hands pushing slightly on his chest. She could feel his cock pulsing inside her. Klaus let his hands dwell over her back holding her as close as he possibly could whimpering her name as his orgasm build up. He bucked his hips up one last time thrusting into her hard and when he hit that sweet spot inside her that caused her second orgasm making her tight walls clench around him again he cried out spilling his release inside of her. Both of them panting hard as their foreheads were pressed against each other their lips meeting for one last kiss.
The sun was nearly rising and Caroline lay with her head on Klaus’ chest her leg hinged over his hip in between his tracing the outlines of his chest with her fingers. His arms were wrapped around her and he places light kisses on her hair. The last time they had been together she had left quite rapidly after they were done so he was taking advantage of the fact that she stayed this time holding her close to him. There were lost in an post sex haze enjoying the prickling of their sensitive skins against each other when a beeping sound awoke them from their little escape of reality.
With a disappointed sigh Caroline turned slightly grabbing her phone from her bag to read the incoming text she had received.
[From Ric:] 05:47 A.M.
You never came home… Everything ok?
[To Ric:] 05:48 A.M.
Had drinks with Klaus lost track off time,  everything fine!
She had made it a principle thing not to lie to Ric. They may not be romantically involved but she loved him as the father of her children and that was just as important. Her phone beeped again.
[From Ric:] 05:50 A.M.
Klaus?! Do I need to send a rescue party?
[To Ric:] 05:51 A.M.
No it’s fine i’ll be home in about half an hour…
Caroline tossed her phone back into her bag rolling back into her place in Klaus’ arms. She lifted her head up placing on hand on his chest and bringing her lips to his for a soft loving warm kiss. “I need to go home” She whispered letting her fingertips caress the light scruff on his cheek.
“5 more minutes’ Klaus pleaded stroking a lock of hair out her face and kissing her again. He didn’t want to let go of her. Ever.He held on to her tightly, realising this was the only place she should be.
“Come to New Orleans with me”
The question didn’t really surprise Caroline she had felt in lingering in the air the moment he kissed her; She pressed her nose against his brushing her lips over his letting out a soft moan. “Don’t” she told him kissing his cheek hiding her face in his neck.
“I”m serious Caroline, my feelings towards you haven’t changed you know this… be by my side in New Orleans” Klaus asked her his eyes pleading like those of a puppy.
Caroline knew he was being serious “You know I can’t” she whispered nuzzling in his neck she had missed this form of intimacy and was honestly maybe a little surprised the hybrid was capable of it.
“Why not Caroline, we could be together…”
“What about my girls Klaus? I can’t leave them” Caroline explained he of all people should understand daughters always come first.
“Bring them along, they’re always welcome in my home, Hope would love having them as well” Klaus offered.
Caroline was endeared by his honesty. He would love those girls because of his love for her. She placed another kiss on his lips and smiled up at him.
“I can’t pull them away from their father,” She responded trying to reason with him.
“Bring him along too then! I’ll find him some dungeon room to stay in” Klaus chuckled half jokingly half serious caressing her back.
Caroline laughed at his solution “I can’t leave the school Klaus” she ended the discussion.
“Find somebody to replace you, Caroline i’m being serious i’d be good to you!” Klaus tried for the last time.
“I know you would be” Caroline kissed him one last time before rolling onto her back. “The timing just isn’t right, maybe in a few years….but until that day there’s always parent teacher conferences” she grinned wickedly raising her eyebrows up and down.
Klaus was about to make a witty remark when the door of the bar opened and they heard footsteps walking in.
“SERIOUSLY ON MY POOLTABLE!!!!” The voice of Orphelia the owner of the bar shouted.
Caroline hurried to put her clothes back on embarrassed that they had been caught.
“To be fair on the pooltable, on top of the bar and in the booths’ Klaus said smugly pulling his pants back up.
“KLAUS!!!!” Caroline scolded him her face flushing in shame.
“You’re buying me a new pool table!” Orphelia said annoyed as Klaus threw the keys back at her.
Klaus nodded to her muttering a “sure” under his breath as he followed Caroline out of the bar still feeling pretty good about himself.
“It was nice meeting you Caroline” Orphelia yelled after her.
“You too!” Caroline said waving her hand over her head but not looking back. She thought she was gonna die of shame and raced back into the car.
Klaus drove her back to the boarding house parking just before the entrance. They had been quiet all the way back. After the embarrassment of being walked in on had died a little his question had remained in the air causing a slight tension between them. As klaus shut down the engine she looked at him with pitiful eyes.
“I’m not ready” Caroline whispered hoarsely trying to hold back her emotions. Last thing she needed was to cry now.
“I know, it’s ok love” Klaus smiled understandingly letting his thumb rub over her cheek.
“Maybe in a few years, when the girls are older we might have a shot Klaus” Caroline nodded maybe more to herself then to him. “But for now I can’t…”
‘ I understand”
“Sorry i’m making you wait” Caroline smiled apologetically.
“However long it takes right…” Klaus told her cupping her cheek and bringing her face to his again kissing her lips soft and lovingly.
“Right….. Goodnight Klaus” Caroline whispered pushing open the car door setting her feet to the ground.
“Goodnight sweetheart” Klaus whispered back as she walked through the door and out of sight.
FF Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12395780/5/The-realisation-Caroline-Forbes Please leave a review!
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ashleighxx · 7 years
Klarolinemashup Day One
Friday14th|SentencePrompt|”Move away from the door and let me at him.”
It had been five years since she had come to find Klaus in New Orleans and life hadn't been the same since. They have had their ups and downs but that was mainly due to their both extremely stubborn personalities. And due to that stubborn personality, it took a year before Caroline finally accepted a date off the ever patient, well with her at least, hybrid. That's how she come to find herself screaming in their living room on Valentine's Day. She woke up, hand searching the bed for Klaus and shot right up when she found nothing, sheets cold. Every Valentine's the couple would be fighting each other to get to the kitchen in order to make the other breakfast in bed. Before one of them became breakfast. And lunch. Caroline tuned in her hearing and found the house surprisingly still and quiet. Creeping downstairs her senses told her that nothing was amiss, so she carried on walking normal to the living room, wanting to put her feet up and catch up with reality TV Elijah and Klaus banned from the house when they were home. Something to due was low tolerance to inane nonsense the elder original muttered. But it was her guilty pleasure. Strolling into the room ready to dive on the large, vintage sofa and snuggle under a comforter, Caroline stopped in her path at the massive teddy and large box of chocolates that sat in between the huge legs of the bear. Looking closely at the box she deduced they were chocolate covered strawberries, her all time favourite. Moving the box on to the coffee table, she was suddenly overcome with the urge to jump on it like she would as a child, she loved her young at heart personality. Forever young. Immortalised at seventeen. So she let go and giggled as she jumped at the stuffed bear, cuddling into it. That was until it cuddled her right back! "Hug me Caroline. Love me..." the teddy spoke, muffled. She screamed and pushed the bear away and punching it quickly with her fast reflexes. But she knew that voice anywhere. Had dreamed of that accent since he came into her life. "Klaus, get out of my teddy you stupid hybrid prick!" Caroline screeched as she still pushed and beat up the stuffed toy. She couldn't believe he had scared her like at. It seemed that the fates was out to get her, now that she had been scared for her life for a split second, heart racing a mile inside her chest, there was movement in the house. "Really Niklaus? I expect this behaviour from Kol." He spoke unamused, leaning against the lounge door, while Klaus took that opportunity to climb out of his teddy suit, laughing like he never had before. So carefree. Caroline spun towards him, eyes glaring before she was distracted by a newcomer in matching hysterics as Klaus. Kol Mikaelson. "I can't believe..." he tried to speak "...you actually listened to me..." clutching his stomach as he doubled over in the floor in the hallway. "Seriously?!" Caroline hissed, her anger falling on the mastermind of this pathetic idea. She should have known. "Move away from the door and let me at him."
*Inspired by this photo*
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ravenwytchbytch · 7 years
#KlarolineMashup Day 2: Laughing Flower
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#KlarolineMashup Day 2: Laughing Flower
He couldn’t stop but admire the figure on his canvas, Klaus Mikaelson always had a hard time pulling himself from his work. When inspiration hit he was cuffed to his work, buried into his brushes, and stained by his paints until the image that was before him was staring back at him from his canvas. But even with perfection staring back at him nothing could compete with the beauty of the model whose sparkling laughing blue eyes and devious wit haunted him still.
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Hey... Can you spread the word of the event we set up please?! Thanks :)
I sure can!  
Hey KC writers or aspiring writers, check out this event! 
PS. I hope maybe I’ll be able to participate, I need major help.
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klarolinedrabbles · 7 years
Hey... Can you spread the word of the event we set up please?! Thanks :)
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labime · 7 years
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Klaroline Mashup Event ↳ Day Two: Object prompt ↳ Handcuffs, a paintbrush, and a flower.
Painter and gardener AU
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hellsbellschime · 7 years
Hey... Can you spread the word of the event we set up please?! Thanks :)
For sure! And I reblogged your initial post. 
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Handcuffs, a paintbrush, and a flower.
A/N: For day 2 of @klarolinemashup again it’s horrendously late, forgive me… Caroline had never been the most patient person and surprise, surprise turns out Klaus wasn’t that patient of a teacher. Needless to say, Caroline rued the day she decided to ruin their peaceful, 50 years long, coexistence and broached the idea of Klaus teaching her how to paint. It started off on a good note. Caroline seeking out Klaus’ expertise was a nice brush against his ego so he was more than happy to oblige. The Patrick Swayze/Ghost type vibe they had going on made for an intimate and romantic atmosphere. Klaus would stand with his front pressed against her back, murmuring directions in her ear on how to control her strokes and blend colors; gently taking her hand in his and demonstrating himself. But eventually, being the control freak that she was Caroline grew tired of instruction and having the ‘boldness of her lines’ and the ‘lack of theme’ in her work criticized and soon their otherwise romantic art lessons turned quickly into a nightmare. “You’re pressing too hard sweetheart,” Klaus said through clenched teeth, attempting and failing to come across as patient. Caroline sighed irritably. “Does it really matter Klaus? It’s not as if the brush has feelings,” Klaus rolled his eyes behind her. “It matters Caroline. Your work should have an air of subtlety to it, we discussed this.” “No, you sat me down and lectured me for over an hour; we discussed nothing,” Caroline grumbled. “-and besides. Maybe if you weren’t, I don’t know, standing over me, breathing down my neck; my strokes would be a lot lighter” She emphasized her point by stabbing her brush against the canvas several times out of pettiness. “I. Am. Expressing. Myself.” Klaus let out a long suffering sigh and muttered a curse word under his breath in a language Caroline didn’t recognize as he stormed out of the room. Caroline growled in frustration and tore the canvas apart with her bare hands. After a few weeks, an unspoken agreement formed between them to give the whole thing a rest. The art room was locked and after a few rounds of a *cough* vigorous exercise to release their frustration the two of them went back to their relatively uneventful life together. Only occasionally having to deal with drama from one of Klaus’ family members or the odd enemy who wanted him dead. The usual. Early one Sunday morning, Klaus rolled over in bed expecting to find Caroline curled up beside him. Instead, he came in contact with the cold material of the Egyptian silk sheets against his skin. Stirring uncomfortably out of his sleepy haze he turned over and sat up -Or at least he attempted to. Blinking in confusion he turned only to find that his left wrist was handcuffed to the bed not only that the handcuffs appeared to be cursed in some way so that it made impossible for Klaus to use his physical strength to remove himself from them. Putting Caroline disappearance and his current imprisonment together in his head immediately began to panic. Just as he was considering breaking the bedpost in order to free himself he noticed a note on the bedside table. Dear Klaus, If there’s an emergency just shout. I’m in the art room. I woke up this morning and had to finish what I started. WITHOUT you interfering. I’ll uncuff you when I’m finished. Love you Caroline.x Klaus stared down at the note for a few minutes. Klaus sighed and scrubbed his free hand over his face. Deciding to trust Caroline and take her at her word he lay back in the bed and let himself fall once again into a haze of sleep, making a mental note to question Caroline later about her interesting choice of restraint. When Klaus awoke, hours later, he instinctively wriggled his arms to test if he was still trapped. To his satisfaction, the cuff had been removed and in place of the first there was a note that simply said: Finished! ‘Just a well’ he thought, he needed to feed; it was past 11, if he didn’t get some B+ in his system soon, he’d be in a foul mood for the rest of the day. One trip downstairs to the fridge later, Klaus found himself padding lethargically down the hall towards his (well, ‘their’) painting quarters. Pushing open the door, he could feel the anticipation in his stomach building. Attempting to mold Caroline as a student may have been a vexing task but he admired her tenacity and fierce independence when it came to her art and couldn't wait to see what she’d accomplished. In the middle of the room was one of the medium size canvases they used and on it, Caroline had painted a large, vibrant orchid. The light shone in from the window, showing every imperfect line and brush stroke and all the various shades of color. In the right-hand corner, if you squinted, you could see Caroline signature etched at the bottom. Klaus decided it was the most magnificent thing he’d ever seen.
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3tinkgemini · 7 years
Klaroline MashUp Event. Day One: Sentence prompt: “Are you taking his side against me?”
 Friends In Odd Places.
 Caroline age 13. Klaus age 18. AU/AH (Starts with a young friendship and then meeting later in life.)
Klaus grunted as he pulled on his tie uncomfortably. This was supposed to be a casual business lunch with a relaxed atmosphere. Though in his older brother Elijah’s opinion the term relaxed simply meant forgoing the standard suit coat and replacing it with a sports jacket.
 One must still adhere to a proper professional personal Niklaus.
 He could hear his brother’s words echoing inside his mind. He didn’t know why he needed to be here for this meeting in the first place. It was only a chance for their father and Mr. Lockwood to drink and speak of golf or other such nonsense. All the while his two older brothers would sit dutifully beside them while he sat bored out of his mind gaining nothing but scathing glares from his Father.
 The sweltering heat of the small southern town in America was once again making Klaus wish he could have stayed back in London with his Mother and three younger siblings. Instead he was stuck here under the strict thumb of his Father in attempts to force him into learning the family business.
 Having graduated and freshly turned eighteen, interning at Mikaelson Enterprises while going to business school was not on his personal radar. As sweat dripped down his back, his mind drifted to the acceptance letter from a very prestigious fine art university that was hidden beneath his mattress back home.
 Klaus sighed as he caught the sight of his dullard brother Finn giving him a reprimanding look from inside the small bar and grill. He rolled his eyes, turning away as if he didn’t notice while thinking that the residences of this town were obviously lacking any creativity, naming the establishment, The Grill.
 How utterly original and completely boring. He sneered in his mind.
 In attempts not to sour his mood any more than it already was, he turned a critical and artist eye to his surroundings.
 The small seemingly boring town did have a certain hometown-USA quality about it. The old yet well cared for buildings with their many shops dotted what he assumed was aptly named, Main Street. An overly large gazebo stood in the town square and the vast shrubbery and flowers were so well kept and picturesque that it sent a tiny spark of inspiration down to his fingers.
 The scenery would look lovely, almost whimsical, done up in oil pastels.
 His attention turned to the locals who were milling about.
 Small children with ice cream slathered on their faces skipped beside with their parents as they chatted away. A young blonde girl stood dejectedly at the side of the street as a local sheriff’s car drove off after she had barely closed the passenger door. Teenage boys stood in groups gawking as girls strutted by pretending to ignore them. A few of the girls were not shy as they blatantly checked him out, slowing their speeds in pointless hopes that he would feel inspired enough to speak to them.
 They had a better chance with the local males gawking at them. He scoffed to himself.
 Unlike most young men his age, he wanted no part of the typical summer fling. Not after the hell he had just went through with his last failed romance.
Klaus deliberately turned, avoiding one brave girl who, after much ribbing from her friends, began walking as if trying out as a runway model in his direction. He smirked as he began walking away, picking up on her irate huff and her friends mocking tittering.
 Once he was a safe distance away, he went back to scanning the area just taking in the activity around him to avoid going back inside. It was then that he heard an enraged screech of a girl and the jeering laughter of a pair of boys.
 “Give that back!” The little blonde girl he remembered seeing getting out the Sherriff’s car yelled. She ran between the two, trying in vain to take back her satchel as the two boys play a cruel game of monkey-in-the-middle.  
 “Come on Bean-Pole!”
 “Yeah, you can do better than that!”
 The little girl stomped her foot, “Knock it of Brady! And I saw your Dad’s car here Tyler. I’ll find him and I’ll tell!”
 The young lad’s, who he assumed to be Tyler, face grew livid and red as he jogged up to her, “You wouldn’t dare.” He snarled as the other boy held tight her to satchel just inches behind him.  
 Klaus fully expected the young blonde, who looked to be around his sister Rebekah’s age of thirteen, to cower under the boys menacing stance. He was pleasantly surprised to see he was very wrong about her character.
 The girl stepped in close, lessening her vivid blue eyes as she hissed, “Watch me.” Before spinning on her heels with her blonde hair whacking Tyler in the face to no doubt do as she threatened.
 Only she didn’t make it far.
 Tyler curled his lip and gnashed his teeth before forcefully shoving her in the back with both hands. “You’re such a brat Caroline!”
 Klaus jumped into action, his only thoughts of saving the poor brave girl who reminded him of his baby sister from a terrible crash to the pavement. He stooped down, catching her face down in his arms right before impact. Gently turning her over to face him, Klaus brushed the hair off her face taking the soft tone he always used when his younger siblings were on the verge of crying to help calm them, “Are you alright Sweetheart?”
 Her blue eyes were rapidly filling with tears as she blinked up at him in shock. He was pleased to see her regain her senses, extracting herself from his arms with a steely glaze taking over her eyes, effectively banishing her tears away as though never existed.
 “I’d be much better if they’d give my bag back.” She clenched her fist as she leveled the boys with an angry glare.
 Klaus stood from the ground, dusting his pants off, “Well you heard the Lady,” He spoke nonchalantly before aiming a withering glare towards the two boys and growling, “She would like her things back so I suggest you hand them over with an apology before I lose my temper.”
 He could read from their faces that the two headstrong boys would like nothing more than to spit at his threat. But instead, they choose the wiser course of action with Brady shoving the bag in Caroline’s direction as both murmured, “Sorry.”
 Klaus mockingly held his hand up to his ear, “Pardon? I didn’t quite catch that.”
 “We’re sorry we took you bag Caroline.” Brady announced begrudgingly.
 “And I’m sorry I pushed you.” Tyler added through clenched teeth.
 Caroline slung her bag over her shoulder with her head held high, “I’ll take your apologies under consideration.”  
 Klaus bit back a chuckle at the steel of her spine and the grace of her words. Lifting a lofty brow at the boys, they grumbled under their breaths as they realized they had been dismissed.
 “Thanks.” Caroline whispered timidly, drawing his attention back to her.
 Klaus gave her a small courtly bow with a dimpled grin, “No need for thanks. It was my honor to help a fair maiden in distress.”
 Caroline giggled with her hand over her lips, “You talk funny.”
 Klaus feigned offence, “Wow. Here I was, helping a damsel in distress and she mocks my accent.”
 Caroline’s chubby cheeks turned red as she offered him a mumbled, “Sorry.”
 “It’s quite alright Sweetheart.” He leaned down with a staged whisper, “Truth be told you all talk funny to me.”
 They shared a laugh and Klaus opened his mouth to continue but was interrupted by his stiff older brother.
 “Niklaus, I think your quick trip for some air has taken long enough. It’s time to return to the meeting with Father.” Elijah spoke crisply while not making eye contact with his brother.
 “He was helping me get my bag back from a couple of jerks.” Caroline piped in, not liking the way this man was snubbing her new friend and rescuer.
 Elijah took notice of the young girl for the first time. Catching the similar resemblance to their sister back home, knowing that was more than likely what prompted Klaus into action. “I see that he was successful in that endeavor, but now he is needed elsewhere.” Elijah tried to give her a semblance of a smile but the ridged quality of it sat strangely in Caroline’s gut.
 Klaus huffed, rolling his eyes at his brother before turning a soft smile to Caroline. Picking up her hand he placed a tender friendly kiss to her knuckles, “It was an honor to make you acquaintance My Lady. Do try and steer clear of such ruffians in the future.”
 Caroline giggled sweetly with a blush infusing her cheeks once more, “It was nice to meet you too.” She stressed, playfully mocking his way of talking once again.
 Both turned in opposite directions, going about their day. Klaus feeling bored out of his mind yet having to pretend to be paying attention while trying not to huff as the talks turned to golf. While Caroline avoided people all together, going to her favorite spot in town, soon forgetting all about the older teenager she would likely never see again.
 It was only a few days later that they stumbled across each other again.
After a rather nasty fight with his Father, Klaus was left behind at the Bed and Breakfast they had taken up residence in for the summer. It was meant to be a form of punishment but for Klaus it only meant freedom.
 He had taken his knapsack containing his art supplies and set off on a walk through the woods hoping to find a calming and quiet place to spend his time with his sketchbook. That was when he spotted her. Her chubby baby face was scrunched up in deep concentration with a notebook propped up on her thin wiry legs. He instantly recognized what she was up to by the long smooth swipes of her pencil.
 Creeping in silently, he stopped a few feet behind her, peering over her shoulder to see the lovely flower she was currently attempting, quiet well in fact, at drawing.
 “You know a charcoal pencil would be better to work with than a standard lead pencil. It gives you the capability to capture the realistic nature of that flower.”
 Caroline jumped at the familiar sound of his voice, twisting her upper body around to glare up at him, “For all your proper speech, you’d think your Mother would have taught you better manners than to sneak up on a person.”
 Klaus laughed deeply causing her to huff. “My apologies Caroline. I fear my Mother had a rough go of it trying to instill proper codes of conduct when it came to me.”
 Caroline tried to keep a stern look upon her face but failed miserably with his great big puppy dog eyes. She scoffed with an eye roll and with a wave of her hand pointed at the fallen tree she was leaning against, “Whatever. I guess since you’re already here you might as well join me.”
 Klaus settled down next to her, pulling out his supplies as he asked, “So I know why I am all alone this summer, being so far away from home and my friends and all, but why are you out here alone? Shouldn’t you be off playing some sort of games with your friends?”
 Caroline tossed her head back with a groan, “I would be at cheerleading camp with Elena but my Mom refuses to ask my Dad for help so we didn’t have the money for me to go. Elena’s one of my best friends and I have to spend the summer without her because after cheer camp she gets to go on this summer long family vacation. Which totally sucks because my other friend Bonnie was forced into spending her entire summer with her Dad. And of course, my own Dad chose skip our annual two-week trip together.” Her eyes flashed with a mix of hurt and rage as she gripped her notebook tightly and continued snidely, “He’d rather spend time getting to know his boyfriend’s daughter instead. And the only time she could do it was during my Dad’s only vacation time during the summer because her Mom planned out some big lavish trip to California while my Mom won’t even take a stupid day off.”
 Caroline paused in her rant, a pink hue staining her cheeks as she looked at him sheepishly, “Sorry I tend to talk too much. At least that’s what people tell me.”
 “No need to apologize Sweetheart. I find your exuberance refreshing. It actually reminds me of my sister back home.” She smiled at him and went back to her drawing, leaving him to watch her. He felt a pang of sorrow for the younger girl. She should be spending her summer having fun with her family and friends, yet instead everyone either had left for other ventures or decided to spend their time doing other things. “Wait a moment. Did you say your father’s boyfriend?”
 Caroline giggled at his shocked face, “Picked up on that did you? Yeah, a lot of people were just as surprised when they found out. No one more than my Mother.”
 “I’m sure.” He smirked.
 “Yup. We were the talk of the town for a few months until it was discovered that Mr. Lockwood was having an affair with his secretary. With him being the Mayor of the town and all that it caused quite a stir. But that one blew over too when my friend Matt’s Mom was caught sleeping with a high school boy. He had just turned eighteen but still. So you might want to watch out for her. She likes to hang around the bars a lot.”
 “I’ll do that, thanks for the tip.” Klaus reached into his bag and pulled out the case holding his pencils, “Here,” He said as he handed her the pencil he had told her about when he frightened her, “Try this for the shading.”
 The summer continued on this way. The two of them meeting up at the Falls or in other areas of the town that Caroline knew would offer them both the solitude they craved from those who did not understand them as well as inspiration for their art. The weeks they spent together left them bonding over their mutual love of art as well as their dysfunctional families. Klaus opened up to her about when he had turned eleven they had discovered that he was in fact not his Father’s son but a product of an affair his mother had had with a traveling artist. About the abuse he suffered as the result and how he did not want to follow in his older brothers’ footsteps and dreamed of going off to cultivate his art.
 Caroline offered him a reprieve from the chaos whenever he was around his Father and brothers and Klaus in turn took her under his wing as he wished he could do with Rebekah. Having so many siblings under one roof made it hard to be the sole provider of advice and life lessons, but with Caroline being an only child it gave him the opportunity to do so now.
 It was nearing the end of the summer, they were deep inside the woods and having stumbled upon a flock of migrating birds they stopped to draw what they discovered. It had been silent and peaceful, nothing but the sounds of chirping birds and the scratching of pencils on paper when Caroline suddenly asked, “Why do you spend all your time with me when all the pretty, older girls in town are always trying to gain your attention? I thought summer flings were a rite of passage for older teenagers?”
 Klaus grinned softly, staying focused on his sketchbook, “Why would I want to waste my time with them, when I am already with the most beautiful girl around?” He chuckled at her blush on her chubby cheeks he caught from the corner of his eyes.
 She scoffed, “Oh please. I may be young but I’m not stupid.”
 Klaus frowned and stopped working to look at her, “What do you mean?”
 “I’m not beautiful Klaus. I’m young but I’m not naïve. You don’t have to say things like that to make me feel better.” She turned back to her own sketchbook, the one that Klaus had insisted she have instead of the regular lined paper notebook she had been using, only to have him snatch it from her hands as he turned to face her.
 “You have a light inside you Caroline that sets you apart from all I have ever known. You are the same age as my sister, yet nowhere near as bratty. You hold the intelligence of one twice your years. As unconventional as it may seem, I enjoy our time together and would be honored to be considered your lifelong friend.” His voice was filled with a sagely knowledge that had Caroline hooked on his every word. “And as far as your outer beauty,” He teasingly pinched her cheek earning him a swat on the arm, “despite your keen mind with its dizzying intellect and view of the world around you, you are still a child Sweetheart.” He rushed to continue not wanting to hurt her young sensitive feelings, especially considering that no matter how much she tried to hide it he knew of her childhood infatuation with him, “Baby fat recedes and shifts with age. You should have seen me at thirteen, a gangly little thing I was. I see you growing into one of the most beautiful women on the planet. So stunning that men would fall at your feet for a simple smile.”
 “Why would they fall?” She titled her head as she asked naively.
 Klaus chuckled before giving her arm a brotherly pat, “You will understand one day Caroline. But I would ask you to promise me one thing…” He trailed off hesitantly as his mind drifted.
 “What’s that?”
 “Never settle for someone who is unworthy of you. Don’t give in simply because someone gives you the attention and affection you crave.” His voice carried a melancholy hint that Caroline did not miss.
 “Is that what you did?” She asked him gently.
 A mocking grin took over his pressed lips, “Yes. And I truly wish I had not wasted my time and allowed myself to be subjected to and pulled in by her charms. Maybe then my brother would still speak to me as he used to.”
 Caroline’s forehead wrinkled in confusion, “What does that have to do with your brother?”
 Klaus rubbed the back of his neck as he sighed uncomfortably, “I met this girl, she was a few years older than I, at a local festival. I was taken with her instantly. We flirted and spent the night together until the festival closed. We exchanged numbers and met up a few times after that. It wasn’t until a few weeks into our relationship that Elijah came home for a visit from University, excited to finally introduce his lady love to the family that I discovered his lady love and mine were one in the same.”
 Caroline placed her hand on his arm, “That must have sucked. But I don’t see why your brother would be mad at you, she was the one cheating on him.”
 Klaus glanced at her before quickly looking away again.
 “Klaus?” Caroline asked almost afraid to voice what she was beginning to suspect.
 “I never uttered a word to Elijah. I went about the dinner as if meeting her for the first time until I could corner her privately. It turned out she discovered I was Elijah’s brother shortly after we had met. She claimed she could not choose between us for she cared too much for us both.” Klaus gently shook her hand off his arm to frustratingly run his fingers through his hair, “I know I should have told Elijah, or at the very least backed off. But I didn’t. I wanted, no I needed her to choose me. To find me the better man.” Klaus shook his head and laughed harshly, “In the end we both lost her to yet another man she was seeing. But she made sure to leave us both with a parting gift. She had us both meet her at a local café, neither of us knew it at the time but she decided to come clean and admit to seeing us both as well as this other bloke. Since then, Elijah can barely stomach to look at me.”
 “Well that explains the first day I met you.” Klaus looked at her questioningly, “When he came out I thought it was just being a stuck-up jerk with the way he wouldn’t even look in your direction. Guess now I know why.”
 “And I guess you too will not be able to stomach looking at me either.” Klaus muttered self-deprecatingly.
 “I definitely don’t approve of what you did. After you found out that she was cheating on your brother you should have spoken up.” She watched as a sadness filled his gray eyes, and continued softly, “But it doesn’t mean you aren’t still my friend. People make mistakes and you didn’t do anything to me. Plus,” She smirked trying to lighten the mood, “I’ve heard that people do crazy things when it comes to love. Heck! My Mom was in denial about my Dad for so long that she told everyone he had left her for a woman for months.”
 They smiled, the heavy mood lifting as they continued with their drawing until the sun was ready to set, forcing them to leave the woods before nightfall.
 As all things tend to go, especially when dealing with your youthfully years, they come to an end.
 With the summer coming to a close, Klaus had to leave and go back home with his family. Caroline had tried so hard not to cry the last time she saw him. She had grown to like having an older brother figure in her life. Though she liked to think of him more like that very distant cousin, the one you could have a small crush on but knew it could and should not ever happen.
 What Klaus had assumed would be a terrible way to spend his summer, stuck in some small town in America being forced into following his brother’s footsteps, had turned into a peaceful reprieve. And it was all because of Caroline. He made her promise to stay in contact, even when all the boys undoubtedly chased her as she went back to school, through emails. That had earned him her patented eyeroll and a cheeky slap on the arm with a back handed barb to stay away from already spoken for girls.
 They did stay in contact for a while but life had a way of getting in the way. A newly budding and blossoming teenage girl got distracted by cheerleading and boys who did not deserve her, while he was caught up in even more family drama and fall outs before he struck out on his own, leaving home for good.
10 Years Later. (Ages 23 and 28)
 Caroline set her keys on the counter of her small apartment, groaning after a long day’s work. After graduating college early, much like she did in high school, she had taken the inheritance money her Dad had left her after he died and struck out for something new.
 She had taken her love of art and spun it into a career of jewelry design. Proudly she had graduated at the top of her class and already had a leg up in the world of jewelry and accessories design with plenty of investors to back her newly started business.
 She had visited New York City shortly after graduation, scouting for a venue to open her shop but had went back to California feeling dejected that nothing had felt right. It had been on a whim that she went with a few of her friends to New Orleans to celebrate Mardi Gras and ended up stumbling across the perfect little shop. A few of her investors had pulled out, not seeing her location choice as the gem it truly was.  But between her inheritance and the few investors she had left, she was sure to be up and running within a month.
 She eyed the ceiling scathing. That is, if her noisy upstairs neighbor would ever turn his damn music off and let her get some sleep.
 She scoffed out loud, talking to herself as she pulled her phone from her purse, “I don’t care if he does have good taste in music. I have had enough! I’m sure the asshat isn’t even home half the time. Who leaves their damn music blaring anyways?!”
 Punching the contact information for her landlord a little too aggressively she tapped her foot as she waited for him to answer.
 “Miss Forbes, I hope you aren’t having any trouble with your apartment already. You’ve just moved in a week ago.” His thick southern accent sounded chipper through the phone, leading her to respond happily that she caught him in a good mood.  
 “No, I’m not. Well, not with the apartment anyways, it’s as lovely as you promised it would be. It’s more trouble with one of my neighbors.”
 “Oh?” He sounded surprised, “I’ve never heard any complaints about any of them before. Who are you talking about and what’s the issue?”
 “Whoever it is that lives above me that’s who!” She widened her eyes, throwing her arm out, emphasizing her distress as if he could see her through the phone, “He keeps odd hours and has music playing all hours of the night. I can hardly get any sleep! It clearly states in the rental agreement that…”
 The man cleared his throat forcefully, sending static through the phone, “The tenant above you has lived there for the past five years and helps to maintain the building. He’s a saint. He even helps my Mother, who lives on the first floor, with her errands and groceries. If he likes to have his music playing at all hours of the day and night I cannot find fault in him.”
 Caroline paused in shock over his outburst before wincing her eyes as she hissed, “Are you taking his side against me?” She snatched up her rental agreement from the counter, pacing and waving it wildly, “The rental agreement clearly states…”
 The man on the line cut her off gruffly, “I am very aware of what it says since I was the one to draft it. I will talk to him about the volume of his music but might I suggest you buy a set of earplugs Miss Forbes.”
 Caroline pulled her phone away from her ear with a stunned huff, “He hung up on me.”
 Irritated she slammed her phone on the counter before flouncing off to her room to change. She needed to get out of this apartment and let loose for the night. Cami, who she had met on her first trip to New Orleans and quickly became friends with, did say she was working the bar tonight and she was dying to meet this Marcel guy that had her new friend going all gaga.
 Later that night Caroline was finishing what she planned to be the last drink of the evening. She swirled her straw in her glass as she watched Cami lean over the bar, giggling with sparklingly eyes at whatever Marcel had just whispered to her. Caroline had decided quickly after meeting the man that he had her stamp of approval.
 Unlike the persistent jerk who was still sitting next to her after her many, in her opinion, glorious rebuffs to dissuade him from seeking her attention. Most men cowered under her icy glare but this guy, this guy seemed to get off on it.
 “Oh come on Love, give a bloke a chance.” His rich accented voice was spoken as a dare, but she was not falling for it and she kept her gaze on the couple at the end of the bar.
 The Jerk, as she had mentally dubbed him having not cared to learn his name, had been chasing after her and trying to gain her name all night. Sometimes, when she actually looked at him, Caroline felt as if she knew him from somewhere but couldn’t quite put a finger on it. She just shrugged it off, ultimately deciding that, due to his unfailing persistence and his inability to take, go away, as an answer, that it must be that he remind her of all the mistakes she had made with the men she dated in the past. That and the hint of possessiveness in his features as he stared at her reminded her too much of the relationship she had recently gotten out of with Tyler. She was not looking to be involved with someone like that again.
 She felt his finger trail lightly on the bare skin of her arm, swatting it away she scoffed, “You know I made the mistake of not listening to someone’s advice too many times in my life already. I moved here for a fresh start and have finally decided to live my life by those words.”
 The fire and light in her vivid blue eyes held him enthralled as he leaned in closer, “And what words would those be Sweetheart?”
 The way his voice wrapped around the term of endearment sparked a tiny memory within her but she brushed it off as a coincident of just who’s advice she was quoting and the accent being so similar, “Never settle for someone who is unworthy of you. Don’t give in simply because someone gives you the attention or affection you crave.” The way his eyes widened and his breath caught made her feel a little nervous as she lifted her hand to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear.
 His eyes were drawn to the bird tattooed on her wrist, a small hummingbird that looked suspiciously like his own artwork. He absentmindedly rubbed the spot on his upper arm where the tattoo of a feather bursting into a flock of birds, flying towards their freedom, laid. His thoughts then drifted to the clever little girl who had drawn it for him before he left at the end of a summer so long ago. She told him it was meant to give him the inspiration to be free from the confines of what his family wanted for his life and to find a way to break free and live his life by his own terms.
 “Caroline?” He asked tentatively.
 “How do you know my name?” She asked quickly and for the first time that evening he was no longer just another handsome jerk in the crowd. She lessened her eyes as she inspected him further, truly gazing into his gray eyes for the first time that evening, “Klaus?” she gasped.
 Klaus smiled widely, his dimples that had made her swoon all those years ago on full display, “I see that I was correct.”
 “Correct about what?” She grinned as she tilted her head to the side flirtatiously.
 He lowered his head slightly, his eyes dancing as he took her in, “That you would grow to be so beautiful and stunning that men would literally fall to their feet for a simple smile.”
 She laughed lightly, glancing down before looking at him from beneath her thick lashed, “Well I don’t see you falling.”
 Klaus smirked and with a waggle of his eyebrows he promptly stood from his stool and fell to his knees on the floor bringing a beaming smile and laughter from Caroline’s lovely lips.
 They spent the remainder of the night catching up, Caroline learning how he had left home and had recently opened his own art gallery in the city. They shared a laugh over how funny Fate could be, what with her preparing to open she own shop not a block away from his.
 They shared yet another laugh at Fate’s design when they discovered they lived in the same building after he offered to walk her home.
 “So, you must be the new tenant that called to complain about me.” He grinned shamelessly.
 “So you must be the vampire staying up all night blaring his music?” She tossed right back as he held the main door to the lobby open for her.
 “Guilty as charged.” Klaus grinned cheekily before rubbing his chin thoughtfully as they walked up the stairs to the second floor, “Though I suppose I can forgo my planned retaliation of blasting the music even louder now that I know it is you and not some harpy of a woman. Though I will ask for one same thing.”
 “Oh? And what’s that oh creature of the night?” She snickered as they stopped in front of her door.
 Klaus casually leaned against the wall beside her door, “A date.”
 Caroline groaned in mock contempt, “I suppose if it keeps you from blaring your music then I must.”
 Klaus played along and gasped feigning offence with a hand placed over his heart, “You wound me Sweetheart, I happen to be quite the catch.”
 “Oh I’m sure. Seeing any girls lately that are already spoken for?” She teased.
 Klaus winced, forgetting for a moment that he had informed her of that particular incident. “No, I’ve made it a point not to see anyone who is already taken.”
 Caroline pretended to mull it over as she unlocked her door. Stepping inside, but holding the door against her side as a way of telling him that he was not being invited in. She bit her lower lip as he waited with baited breath before nodding, “Pick me up here at Seven O’clock.”
 Klaus nodded with his lips curved into a knowing grin, “I’ll see you tomorrow Caroline.”
 That night Caroline grinned as she got settled in her bed, her thick comforter wrapped around her like a cloud.
 The music playing from upstairs was a soothing jazz mix and was turned down so softly it lulled her to sleep.
I hope you all enjoyed my Day One drabble for the Klaroline MashUp Event. Look for another (or two) tomorrow!
If you have a moment stop by HERE and leave a review. Thanks so much. Can’t wait to see what others have come up with for today!
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Are you all as excited as we are?! We sure hope so!
The Prompt List for the Three Day Event can be found HERE
Feel free to send us any questions about the event to the event page inbox or ask box and we will get back to you ASAP.
Don’t forget to have the tag, klarolinemashup, as the first tag for your contributions. 
A few days after the close of the event we will make a Master Post with all the wonderful works everyone creates.
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delerithmoriwen · 7 years
Klaroline Mashup event day 1: The seven year itch: Or how not to bring your boyfriend home for the holidays.
“Are you taking his side against me?” Klaus shouted angrily throwing his glass against the wall shattering into hundreds of pieces.
“Ofcourse I’m not i’m simply suggesting that maybe you don’t solve every dispute with violence Klaus!” Caroline screamed back at him gesturing to the broken shards of glass.
‘I have run this city with an iron  hand years before you came into it love, if I don’t retaliate hard they will see me and our family as weak!” Klaus tried to explain to her through his frustration.
“Yes and it nearly killed you in the process, If I hadn’t found you in time you would still be chained up downstairs in the cellars or did you forget about that!” Caroline reminded him.
“How could I possibly forget that Caroline you remind me of my mistakes every chance you get you knew who I was when you married me sweetheart, so stop trying to change me because you’re only now realising i’m not up to your standards!” Klaus spat at her.
“That’s not what I said Klaus!” Caroline rolled her eyes at him, how could somebody so powerful be this insecure.
“It what you meant!” Klaus said stubbornly folding his arms like a pubescent teenager.
“Ugh you’re impossible I am just trying to help you!” Caroline threw her hands in the air in frustration and storming out of the room.
“Where are you going?! We are not done talking about this!” Klaus stalked after her.
Caroline turned around on her heels her eyes shooting deadly fire at him as he walked up to her in that typical intimidating hybrid manner. The days that this facade worked on her had long passed. Taking on just as much of an intimidating posture she pointed out her hand, poking her finger in his chest.
“I’m going to shower and get changed! Because any moment now your daughter is going to walk through that door home from college for the holidays and the last thing she needs is us fighting. SO.BACK.OFF” Caroline scolded him before slamming the door of the bathroom shut and locking it.
It was more a statement then for the actual privacy because if Klaus wanted to come after her he would very easily be able to pull it off it’s hinges. Lock or no lock. Luckily he seemed to get the message and she could hear him storm out of their bedroom to his art room. She sighed a tired breath as she pulled her dress over her head and turned on the hot water. They had been fighting alot lately. On more than one occasion Caroline had spend the night in the loft across the street just to be alone with her thoughts and some solitude. They had been together for the better part of the last two decades and they had been fine they squabled their usual banter but never fought. Even when they had finally gotten married 7 years ago Caroline was sure of the fact that he was to be her last love. But lately she had started to doubt the idea of always and forever . Her friends had warned her about the seven year itch, promising her it would pass. But somehow to Caroline it felt like more than that. She removed her underwear and pulled her hair from the tight bun she had worn for the faction meeting earlier that day and stepped into the shower letting the warm water relax her tense muscles. She reminisced over the path they had walked over the last years.
She had found him again 17 years ago, 3 years after she had confessed to their connection but asked him to stay away and not come back. Through whispered rumors she had heard he had gone missing and she had started to worry. A little nosying and a lot of perseverance had led her to New Orleans.  She had quickly ran into Hayley there and had met Hope in the process. When the two women were not constantly at each others throat over Tyler Lockwood they had found they worked pretty well together. They would never be best friends but there was an understanding between the two of them and they had each other's backs. After about a year of working together they had found a cure for all Mikaelsons, including the long lost sister Caroline had been shocked to learn about. But freeing Klaus from the clutches of Marcel Gerard had proven a lot more difficult. In the end Caroline had been the one to find him and free him by doing what she did best. Being a distraction towards the villain. They had been able to rescue Klaus, kill Marcel and take control over the city . Unfortunately they had lost Hayley in the battle leaving a sweet little 3 year old girl without a mother and Klaus a single father. The first months Caroline had stayed to help him out but living in such close quarters of each other she had fairly quickly given into his charms and they had ended up rekindling their romance and this time nothing had been standing in their way. After a decade or so Klaus had proposed to her and they had gotten married. They had ruled the city of New Orleans together and Caroline had found herself liking being in control and they made a good pair. He was the hard ruler and she was his softer side. It had worked perfectly, until now.  She loved Klaus, more than she had ever loved anyone before in her life and she knew he still loved her very much as well. Worshipped her even. But they could drive each other insane as well, and lately the latter had been happening a lot!
When she had finally calmed down a bit from their argument  Caroline turned off the faucet wrapping a towel around her body and making a turban around her head for her hair. It was already a little passed 4 in the afternoon and Hope would be home from college soon and she was very excited to see her “stepdaughter” again after all these months. The two of them shared an incredible bond. Caroline had suggested picking her up from the airport but the girl had insisted she would drive home herself. Something about a surprise. Caroline knew better than to argue on such matters with a Mikaelson. She grabbed the grey jeans from the closet that shaped her ass perfectly and the blue satin top that showed just the right amount of cleavage she knew Klaus loved her in. She was still a little mad at him so it didn’t do any harm to show him what he would be missing tonight. Afterwards she quickly dried and re-curled her hair applying a little bit of make up and decided to start set up for the home coming party and avoid Klaus in the process.
“You know we can still turn back around and just celebrate the holidays in the dorm just the two of us” Rys said nervously tapping his fingers to the side of the car.
“Don’t be a wimp you promised to meet the family for the holidays and you’re going to keep your promise’ Hope told him for the hundredth time since they landed. “I met your family over summer!”
“Yes well my father isn’t the original 1000 year old hybrid with a very bad reputation” Rys tried to reason with her.
“Dads been perfectly nice when I brought home friends before…” Hope tried to reassure him letting her hand squeeze his knee slightly keeping the other on the steering wheel.
“Were you sleeping with any of those friends?” Rys asked her with raised eyebrows.
That took Hope off guard for a moment “Yeah I wouldn’t mention that in a conversation” she snickered at the idea of how her father would react to news like that.
“See! I’m gonna die this weekend!” Rys said dramatically.
Hope pulled up at the compound and shut off the engine taking the keys out of the ignition before turning to her boyfriend. “You’ll be fine I promise, but if you get nervous just talk to Caroline, she’s really sweet” she kissed her boyfriend on the cheek softly giving him a smile. “Ready?”
Rys looked at Hope, he still couldn’t quite believe his luck that she was his girlfriend. She was beyond beautiful her copper curly hair and bright blue eyes turned a lot of heads back on campus. She could’ve had any guy she wanted but instead she had chosen him. Even though he was tall sluggish with thick black glasses and he had to admit a little nerdy. When they were starting their first week in college months ago and Hope had caught him experimenting with some magic and when he had vigorously tried to deny his powers she had shown him hers. They had been best friends ever since and Rys had harbored the biggest crush on her. He had never thought she would like him back until one day she stomped up to him obviously upset and had asked him when the hell he was going to ask her out because she was done waiting around for him. He had pulled together every bit of courage he had and had kissed her right then and there on the spot. They had been together ever since. And now almost half a year later they had decided it was time to meet each other's families. Meeting his family was easy. Hope was famous in his coven and they had all been very anxious to meet her. They got along great and it had been a fun weekend last month. But now it was his turn to meet the Mikaelsons, Rys had tried to put it off as long as he could but Hope had finally put her foot down and dragged him to New Orleans for the holidays.
“You coming?” Hope asked him as she got her bags from the trunk.
Apparently he had been so lost in thoughts he hadn’t even noticed she had gotten out of the car.
“Here goes nothing…” He finally encouraged himself as he grabbed his bag from the backseat and walked behind Hope into the Mikaelson family home.
“DAD?! MOM!! I’M HOME!!!” Hope shouted as she dropped her bag into the sofa and kicked off her shoes.
She had gotten into the habit of calling Caroline mom from time to time -often when she wanted something or needed to butter her up-  after all Caroline did raise her. And it didn’t mean she loved her birth mother any less or didn’t acknowledge her. She just had room enough in her heart for two mothers. The one who gave birth to her and gave her life for her, and the one who had loved and raised her. She loved both equally and completely differently.
There wasn’t an immediate response from inside the house.
“Nobody home? Ah well better luck next time” Rys stuttered. He wanted to turn back to the door and walk out but ran into an obstacle on the way. He looked up to see what he ran into and was met by the yellow hybrid eyes of Klaus Mikaelson
“Daughter! Welcome home, I see you brought lunch!” Klaus grinned.
“I-I’m not- I I’m here with” Rys tripped over his own words nerves getting the best of him.
“And so articulate as well… “ Klaus teased along.
“Dad!” Hope rolled her eyes at him giving him a warning look before kissing his cheek. “Play nice!”
“I am always nice!”Klaus said mock offended.
“Where’s Caroline?” Hope asked looking around the room, it was strange not saying her attached to her dad's hip her father rarely let Caroline out of his sight. She wondered if they were fighting she had sensed something off in the air the moment she set foot in the house.
“Honey you’re home!” Caroline ran to Hope hugging her tightly. They had called almost every single day while Hope was in New York in College but she had still missed her terribly. “I missed you so much!”
“I missed you too….” Hope hugged Caroline back smiling. ‘I’m glad you’re both here cause I want you guys to meet somebody…” Hope let go of Caroline and stepped back standing next to Rys.
“ Rys these are my parents Klaus and Caroline Mikaelson. Dad, Caroline this is Emerys Ryan….My boyfriend” Hope gestured as she slipped her hand into Rys’
There was a deafening silence after her announcements both of her parents staring at her with disbelief. Finally it was Klaus who broke the silence.
“I’m sorry I must be hallucinating because I just thought you said boyfriend” He said arrogantly growling at Rys who made a little jump.
“Honey” Caroline said nervously. “The entire family is coming over for dinner do you think with our erhm…..special needs that this is a good idea?” She asked implying the risk of exposure having a human at the dinner table.
“Oh don’t worry about that Rys is a witch too he knows all about us” Hope smiled .
“Oh!” Caroline smiled as her worries ebbed away. “Well then it’s lovely to meet you Emerys” Caroline extended her hand to the boy.
“You too Mrs. Mikaelson” Emerys shook her hand slightly relieved that she really seemed every bit as nice as Hope said she would be.
“Caroline, please!” Caroline smiled as she waved her hand indicating there was no need to be calling her Mrs anything. ‘Ahem!” She coughed looking from Klaus to Rys.
“You’re not a New Orleans witch, I never heard of a Riley coven here...where are you from?” Klaus barked at the boy.
“Ireland sir” Rys stuttered again, he really was incredibly intimidated by the Hybrid.
“Where exactly in Ireland?” Klaus continued his questioning.
“DAD NO!!” Hope yelled at her father getting in between him and Rys. “You are not sending your minions to Rys’ coven to spy on them!”
“Just routine investigation Sweetheart, making sure they don’t have an ulterior motive or something like that because if some witches are stupid enough to go through my daughter to get to me well let’s just say I’d show them the true meaning of hell” Klaus looked over at Rys his eyes turning deep golden again.
“This is ridiculous stop trying to scare my boyfriend!” Hope warned him having a staring contest with her father.
“It’s working!” Rys peeped slightly from behind Hope!
“Perfect!” Klaus said cheerfully looking up from his staring competition.
“Ugh Come on Rys let’s go to my room!” Hope  took him by his hand and guided him up to the stairs.
Klaus flashed in front of them with vampire speed blocking the stair for them. “Absolutely not! If you insist on letting the boy stay here he will be sleepin on the other side of the compound...WAAAAY on the other side” Klaus warned his daughter.
“Urgh!!!” Hope grunted annoyed leading Rys up to the other staircase to find him a room.
Caroline turned to Klaus as soon as there were out of sight “You scared the living life out of that poor boy”
“I should hope so…” Klaus muttered taking another glass of bourbon from the pitcher.
“You realise she’s never going to bring a boyfriend home anymore if you’re always going to act like this” Caroline told him annoyed that he was drinking again.
“Perfect!” Klaus said cheerfully pouring himself a second drink.
“And then she’s just going to sneak around behind our backs and pull further and further away from us” Caroline took the glass from him giving him the enough look.
“Or I could just compel every boy who comes near her to throw himself off  a bridge, what do you think the chances are she got the little warlock on vervain” Klaus chuckled.
“That’s a way to deal with your daughter Klaus congratulations…” Caroline sarcastically clapped her hands.
“Caroline if you’re just going to ride me again I’m leaving” Klaus sighed grabbing his jacket from the closet.
“Yeah run away from the conversation Klaus that’s just great” Caroline muttered.
“I’m not! I’m running away from you!” Klaus shouted.
With a slam of the door Klaus left the compound Caroline could hear his tires screeching as he drove off to a random bar. Leaving Caroline alone in the courtyard biting her lip because she was too proud to cry.
“Hey Caroline can I borrow some sheets for - Mom are you crying?” Hope asked as she walked back down the stairs.
“No, No sweetheart I’m fine” Caroline smiled bravely wiping an escaping tear from her cheek.
“ You’ve always been a horrible liar.Are you and dad fighting?” Hope pulled Caroline next to her on the sofa looking at her with worry.
“Really Hope it’s nothing for you to worry about it’s nothing I promise”
“Mom please I could sense dad’s mood the second I came in’ Hope pressed the matter.
“I’m sorry about how he reacted to your news, Emerys seems like a lovely boy” Caroline whispered squeezing Hope’s hand “I’m really happy for you”
“Thanks that means alot to me” Hope beamed relieved that at least one of her parents seemed to be open minded and supportive about it.
“Just promise me you guys are being safe because I wouldn’t know how to start explaining accidents to your father” Caroline chuckled through the last of her tears.
“Ok I really don’t want to have this talk with you again! It was awkward the first time and it isn’t better now!” Hope quickly replied trying not to go down that road again.
“Alright dear, now let’s go get you those sheets” Caroline laughed back standing up from the sofa.
Dinner had gone fairly well. Though Rys had been teased and questioned thoroughly by the rest of the family - Kol had had a field day with the boyfriend matter- they all seemed to take well to the idea and were even relatively nice to him. In the end Hope hadn’t dared to hope for it to go better. Her dad had come back home after most of the family had arrived so she hadn’t been able to scold him about fighting with Caroline or being a jerk to Rys yet and after dinner had ended, long after midnight she had been too tired from traveling and catching up with the rest of the family to talk with him. She decided it would be better to do so in the morning. She was lying in her old bedroom trying to relax with some sketching. The compound seemed to have died down as everybody was getting ready for the night when there was a knock on the door.
“Come in” Hope said to the closed door as she sat up straight.
“Hey, can I stay here with your for a while you’re uncle Kol is really freaking me out’ Rys smiled standing in the doorframe.
“What did he do now” How said half frustrated half amused as she threw her sketchbook down.
“ He might have been explaining all the different ways he and your father used to torture people and how it would be nothing compared to what they’d do to me should I should ever hurt you” Rys chuckled humorlessly.
“You want me to go talk to him?” Hope asked looking at him with a guilty smile. She knew it was a bad idea to put Rys next to Kol’s room.
“Nah it’s fine just wanted to come and say goodnight” Rys smiled back.
“Come here” Hope patted the side of her bed.
It was ridiculous how much she loved him. It was the kind of love she had seen between her father and Caroline when she was growing up. She loved everything about him. The way his dark brown hair stood in every witch way even after combing through it a million times. Or his blue eyes that always looked at her in wonder. She knew he worshipped the ground she walked on. The way his glasses just didn’t fit perfectly right and he would always fidget adjusting them back on his nose.
“You’re doing great, and Caroline seems to really like you” Hope said planting a soft kiss on his lips.
“She’s really nice...although it’s still kinda weird when you call her mom and she looks the same age as you do” Rys explained.
“After a while you don’t notice anymore and it starts to make sense I promise” Hope started kissing his neck.
“What are you doing?”Rys asked nervously creating some distance between him and hope as he scooched further up the bed.
“What do you think?” Hope grinned wickedly as she crawled into his lap. She wasn’t that tiny perse but Rys was so tall it was easy to crawl into his warm embrace.
“Hope we can’t your father is across the hall” Rys whispered as he felt her tugging at his shirt.
“Sleeping...we’ll be fine” Hope whispered pushing him playfully on the bed.
“I really think you should go apologize to your daughter about the way you acted…” Caroline said as she sat on the side of the bed rubbing moisturizer on her hands. Her skin was going to have to last her an eternity so she figured she should take good care of it.
“I’m her father, it’s my job to scare potential suitors away” Klaus said stubbornly.
“Well if you ever hope to suit me again you will go and apologize!” Caroline said sternly. They still hadn’t really gotten over their fight from earlier.
“Fine” Klaus threw his hands up in defeat not in the mood for yet another fight.
He walked across the hall to the mahogany door of Hope’s bedroom and opened it without knocking “Sweetheart Caroline seems to think I owe you an ap- WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!!!”
“OH MY GOD DAD DON’T YOU KNOCK!!!” Hope screamed as she got off from Rys. Thank god they were only making out although from the look on her father's face it didn’t matter much, he looked just as murderous. Quicker than she could think she ran up to the doorframe holding her father back with as much strength as she could.
“Hope! Move away from the door and let me at him”! Klaus screamed as his eyes turned vibrant yellow and his fangs came out.
‘What is going on here?” Caroline stormed out the door in her satin robe towards all the yelling.
“That little witch is befouling my daughter that’s what’s going on!” Klaus yelled still trying to get passed Hope.
“I promise sir we were just kissing!” Rys tried to reason with Klaus shaking on his feet while trying to get his shirt back on.
“Get out of my house right now before I rip your throat out boy!” Klaus tried to control his anger and not kill him right away.
Not taking any chances Rys ran passed Hope out the door as Klaus growled at him. ‘I think i’m gonna go Hope”
“No Rys stay!” Hope yelled back at him.
“Sorry he scares me more than you do” Rys stuttered “i’ll see you back in the dorms” he said before running out of the door.
If you could say anything about the Mikaelsons it was that they knew how to throw a fit. And Hope wasn’t an exception.
“Thanks alot dad! You chased him out the door!” Hope yelled at her father, her face red with anger.
“After what he was doing he’s lucky that’s all i did” Klaus yelled back. Caroline knew he was really mad now because he was trembling.
“I’ll be lucky if he doesn’t break up with me after this” Hope blamed her father.
“All the better! He’s nowhere near good enough for you!” Klaus fired back.
“UGH Why must you always try and ruin good things going on in my life… I HATE YOU!” Hope slammed the door shut with a loud bang.
Klaus was about to force open the door again to continue arguing when Caroline stopped him.
“Let her be Klaus, you both need to cool down a bit come on” Caroline pulled Klaus back into their own room by his arm.
“I don’t need to do anything Caroline aside from making sure that boy never goes near my daughter again” Klaus fumed pacing through the room.
“Klaus that’s not gonna do any good, look I know it must be hard for you but she’s growing up and if you forbid her from seeing him now she’s only going to pull away from us and i know that’s not what you want!” Caroline tried to calm him down rubbing his arm to soothe him.
“I’m just happy I walked in before they were….She should keep her innocence for at least a while longer”Klaus still paced barely listening to what Caroline was saying.
“What and you think just because you walked in they won't anymore?” Caroline laughed a little. “Look she promised me they were being safe and I trust her”
“YOU KNEW?!” Klaus screamed at her this time he did listen.
“Well yeah ofcourse, she’s an adult and in college I know what I was like at that age” Caroline tried the explain.
“You should’ve told me…” Klaus walked up to her.
“She confided in me! It’s a mother daughter thing i’m not going to sell her out to you like that!” Caroline said slightly annoyed.
“Except that you are not her mother Caroline! However much you’re trying to be...” Klaus screamed throwing a lamp against the wall just inches from her, making her flinch, in a fit of blind rage by her betrayal.” YOU ARE NOT HER MOTHER’ He screamed again, instantly regretted it.
The look in Caroline’s eyes was heartbroken. He could literally see the second he had gone to far and broke her heart. They had fought before but she had never looked at him like this, so dissapointed.
He had half expected her to scream at him, to tell him he was the worst person in the world and that she had never been this angry with him. But instead she just turned around on her heels and walked over to the walk in closet door grabbing an overnight bag and stuffing it with a few necessities. Klaus hated when she went to spend the night across the street. The bed was so much colder without her in it , he never actually was able to sleep when she wasn’t next to him.
‘Caroline i’m sorry….please don’t go to the loft”Klaus whispered softly walking up behind her.
“I”m not…” Caroline said coldly walking to the bathroom for her toothbrush and some other products.
“Then why are you packing?” Klaus asked following her around.
“I’m going home for a while I need to think” Caroline explained as she zipped up the bag and threw it over her shoulder.
“Sweetheart you are home” Klaus asked confused.
“No Klaus, Mystic Falls home. I can’t do this anymore” Caroline said as she walked to the door.
“Caroline I told you I was sorry I didn’t mean- You know how my temper gets the best of me love” Klaus tried to explain as he grabbed her hand.
She pulled her hand from his looking up at him,  no tears no anger just hurt and disappointment in him.
“It’s not just this Klaus we haven’t been happy in months… I need a break figure out what I want and you should do the same.. Either you want to be with me or you don’t” She said.
“You know I do…I love you” Klaus tried.
“I love you too, but i’m starting to think maybe love isn’t enough. Maybe we’re still just too different” Caroline took one more shaky breath before walking out the door.
Klaus sat by the window in his art room as he watched her put her bag into the car and drive off. He kept on staring after her even long after she was out of sight. Completely defeated. It had finally happened, he knew in the back of his mind that one day he would mess it up. And now one day was here and his light had left him. He grabbed a bottle of bourbon from his cabinet not bothering with a glass drinking straight from the bottle. He had a paintbrush in his hand and an empty canvas in front of him. He stared at it for hours only breaking his composure to drink. The only thing he could think of painting was the dark abyss in his heart.
It was near morning when there was a knocking on his door. Klaus barely heard it but was annoyed when the intruder barged in without waiting for an answer.
“So Rys decided to go back home for the rest of holiday break I hope you’re pleased’ Hope said taking a seat next to her father. She looked at the dark painting confused and then to the half empty bottle in his hand as he still stared at the painting.
“Utterly” He muttered darkly.
“Are you drunk?” Hope asked as she noticed the second and third bottle lying around.   
“I’m the original Hybrid sweetheart, I have high tolerance” Klaus said annoyed.
Hope took the bottle out of his hands taking a serious sip from it and earning a disapproving look from her father.
“I’m in college, I know what alcohol is dad” She sighed rolling her eyes at him. “I know why i’m in a mood but why are you?”
Klaus didn’t respond to that question. He was slightly relieved that she wasn’t as mad at him anymore as last night. Much like him she had a terrible temper and would lash out at him and then forget about it later.
“Where’s Caroline?” Hope asked suddenly realising she didn’t sense a second presence in the house.
Another silence.
Hope’s heart dropped as she put the pieces together.
“Dad?” She asked again gently touching his shoulder.
“She left me…” Klaus eventually whispered trying to hide the single forming tear in his eyes.
“She what?!” Hope asked in shock. She knew they were going through a rough patch but this she hadn’t seen coming. Every marriage had theirs ups and downs but to actually leave her father seemed a bit harsh. Unles….. . “What did you do!”
“Look sweetheart I really don’t want to discuss this with you” Klaus sighed tiredly, maybe he was starting to be a little hung over.
“You were a dick to her weren’t you?!” Hope said a little too loudly for his liking.
‘Hey I’m still your father you don’t get to talk to me like that’ Klaus said warningly.
Hope took another sip from the bottle handing it back to him. “Yup you were definitely a dick to her” she said watching him take a drink before putting the bottle aside.
“I might have told her she’s not your real mother” He finally admitted rubbing his temples.
“YOU IDIOT!” Hope yelled at him getting a warning look from Klaus. ‘I’m sorry but you are!”
“I know” Klaus agreed softly.
“Where is she now?” Hope asked feeling slight pity for her father now.She knew like no other what his temper could do to him. After all she did inherit it.
“She went back to Mystic Falls” Klaus looked up at his daughter.
“Well then what the hell are you doing here! Go get my mom back… like right now or I will never forgive and i’m serious this time dad I love you but you’re at your best when she’s around! And she may not have given birth to me but she raised me and she’s the only mom I have left so suck it up and go apologize to her RIGHT NOW’ Hope scolded her father.
Klaus smiled as he watched his daughter rant to him. She was much like him indeed but the way she was putting him in his place right now she reminded him so much of Caroline. Righteous and fearless. She was just as fierce and full of light. And she was right. He stood up from his chair placing a hand on his daughter's cheek to calm her down.
“I’ll find her and bring her home, i promise” He said with a smile kissing her cheek softly.
With new determination he jumped into his car racing through the streets out of New Orleans.
Time to get his wife back.
After dropping off her stuff with a very confused Stefan at the boarding house Caroline needed to clear her head. She wasn’t ready to face all the questions that came with showing up at your best friends house with an overnight bag and red swollen eyes from crying. Luckily Stefan knew how to handle her distress like only a best friend could and had allowed her this time to herself. She hadn’t been in Mystic Falls for years still she knew these forests like she had never left. The mindlessly wandering without any specific direction gave her the time to think about everything that happened and the choices she had made in the last two decades. She had discovered love in a completely new way with Klaus.  And the idea of starting her life over without him was like learning to function after losing one of her limbs. It was possible but her life would never be the same again. And deep down she would always feel a sort of phantom pain in the place he held in her heart. The world just seemed a little less bright being apart from him. Like she was living her life with noise cancelling headphones on. Everything was just slightly number and she felt like she was slightly less aware of her surroundings.
These were all traits of life without her last love. Because even if they were to part their ways he would still be her last love, always and forever. She would never love another like she had loved him. And this wasn’t just her broken heart talking she knew it for a fact that once you had your taste of epic love all other loves would simply be sufficient but nothing more. But with this kind of love came the heartache of being hurt by someone who was just as passionate about you as you were about them. And she honestly didn’t know how much more heartache she could bare without falling apart. She loved him, but she loved herself as well.
She hadn’t realised how long she had been dwelling through the woods with her thoughts until the sun was setting. She was about to turn back when she saw a shadow facing her.
“What are you doing here…” Caroline sighed, she didn’t need to see the face to know who it belonged too. She could sense when he was near.
“I’m not letting you go” Klaus said walking out of his hiding.
“How did you know I was here?” Caroline asked him mentally already kicking Stefan for being a blabbermouth.
“I didn’t I just hoped you’d be….This is our spot love” Klaus smiled “I figured if you were here I may not have messed things up forever we may still have a chance!”
Only now did Caroline notice her exact surroundings. “I didn’t even realise I ended up here…”
“This is where you finally confessed to the connection between us, where you kissed me for the first time…..where I proposed to you years later….Aside from the birth of my daughter this place holds my most treasured memories”
“I can’t believe you remember….Look Klaus this is very sweet but I told you I need ti-” Caroline started before Klaus interrupted her.
“I know, but I need you to listen to me first Caroline. I need you to know you are still my souls only desire. And how truly sorry I am for being a grade A prick. I need you home and so does OUR daughter. “
“Klaus I-”
“I’m not done love, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, you are what keeps me sane in the madness of our lives. And if I have been taking you for granted I will consider that my worst crime yet and promise you it will not happen again” Klaus professed “Ok now i’m done’’
“For what it’s worth, i’m sorry too…I realised I’ve been on your case a lot lately , and it’s not fair to you” Caroline smiled a little.
“So come home sweetheart,” Klaus said extending his hand to her.
“Klaus I love you, but how do I know that if we just go home now things won’t just go back to how they are now” Caroline asked hesitantly.
“Let’s go away for a while, travel a bit, focus on just us…… We could go to the villa in the Italian riviera you love” Klaus suggested.
Caroline chuckled slightly “ A second honeymoon….you do know how to sweep a girl of her feet i’ll give you that”
“Is that a yes then?” Klaus grinned widely.
“Yes….” Caroline nodded as she came up closer him wrapping her hands around his neck.
Klaus kissed her softly relieved that they had found a way to work on their problems and that he was given another chance. He could feel the kiss deepen as they both seemed less on edge. What was it about this exact spot. His hands crept up under her shirt and he felt her grin against his kiss.
“Klaus…. Were outside” She mouthed breathlessly.
“Sweetheart this is our spot, it needs us to ….consummate” he grinned wickedly.
Caroline smiled again her hand softly caressing the stubble on his cheek just like she had done all those years ago before looking deep into his eyes and licking her lips. She kissed him again this time more firmly and passionately and in vampire speed she felt herself being pushed up against a strangely familiar tree. She pushed his jacket off his shoulder tugging at the hem of his shirt as he ripped her top open and buttons flew everywhere. Taking a trip down memory lane.
FF Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12395780/4/The-realisation-Caroline-Forbes Please leave a review
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