#krolia's very bad impression of shiro based off of what Adam tells her he's like
discordiansamba · 6 months
actually I think the absolute funniest possible bodyswap fic would be a pre-Kerberos swap between Shiro and Krolia. Keith just casually wishing he knew who is his mother was the universe responding by revving up the body swap cannon.
Thankfully for Krolia, Adam believes her story, as outlandish as it sounds and agrees to try and help cover up for her while they both try and figure out how this happened and how to fix it. Of course, that was before the wrench is thrown in where she recognizes the kid Shiro basically adopted and reveals that he's her SON. Shiro didn't just swap bodies with some random alien. He swapped bodies with Keith's mom, who is apparently an ALIEN.
VERY thankfully for Shiro, Kolivan believes his story- and most importantly, believes that he has no idea what's going on, and that he didn't intentionally cause this swap. But also now he's in the body of an elite alien super spy in the middle of a ten thousand year old war, while knowing that said alien super spy must be in his body back home.
Also why does she look so much like Keith?
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 6 years
Yo demons! It’s me, ya girl, back at it again with more of the epic gay disaster romance that is the Shiro/Kogane and McClain siblings!
Krolia is endlessly frustrated as to why her stupid kids won’t just be straight forward with their equally stupid crushes.
Keith: (half jokingly) We physically can’t.
Krolia: Listen here you little shits...
Meanwhile, Mama McClain keeps trying to invite them over for dinner so that she can properly meet her children’s significant others.
Repeatedly, Adam, Veronica, and Lance have to tell her that they aren’t together...yet.
Mama McClain: Well hurry up will you, I wanna meet my future children-in-laws
Lance, Veronica, & Adam: Mama! O///O
After the whole epic battle with the Galra it takes Adam and Shiro a whole two months to properly talk to each other.
Not that they haven’t before but it was usually all business in a room full of other people. And even when they were alone it was for no more then five minutes, either discussing their next plan of attack or sitting in awkward silence.
It was their siblings that kept pushing them to talk to each other because although it was funny to see them fumbling around it was much more painful to see their older brothers still in love but feel too guilty to ever think the other would forgive them.
They started off with small hellos at the coffee station in the cafeteria which slowly escalated into small talk in the halls, cracking jokes during meetings, then finally The Big Talk.
It was all very emotional but that does not mean it fixed everything immediately. It was a good foundation to start fixing thing and getting back to were they use to be. Sure it wouldn’t be the same as before but it would be stronger with a better understanding of each other.
Before Kerberos, when they were still cadets in training and would sometimes be sent to separate training camps, they would write letters to each other. Since, during the training camps no electronics would be aloud letter became a special sort of comfort for them even after they completed training.
After escaping Galra imprisonment and finding the Castle of Lions Shiro began writing letters to Adam everyday. Even though he couldn’t send them he kept them safe so that if one day they returned back to earth he’d be able to give them to Adam himself.
Meanwhile, back on earth, Adam did the same, writing since the day Shiro left to Kerberos until the day he came back.
Shiro gives Adam his first letter after their Talk and Adam almost breaks down crying then and their before rushing back to his dorm and bringing back a letter of his own.
Shiro does break down crying
From then on they start exchanging letters everyday, slowly learning more about each other during their time apart and how it impacts them now.
Obviously, with the whole timey wimey bullshit that happened Adam has more letters to give but that doesn’t mean Shiro’s letters were less treasured.
Shiro, reading Adam’s letter: But honestly if Veronica hadn’t kicked Sanda’s ass I probably would of thrown hands too.
Shiro: (dreamy sigh)
Acxa & Keith: ???
Adam, reading Shiro’s letter: Never did I think I’d become a dysfunctional single father of five plus Coran until after we got married but here we are.
Adam: (fond smile)
Veronica & Lance: wtf???
Allura helps build a new training room for the Galaxy Garison and of course the Shiro/Kogane siblings flock to it like moths to a flame.
Which of course attracts the McClain siblings who secretly drool over them by the sidelines.
And by secrete I mean everyone notices except Shiro, Acxa, and Keith.
And of course Lance, being the chaotic disaster bisexual that he is, has a brilliant plan...
Lance, bursting into the training room: Keith! I bet my sister can beat up your sister!
Veronica, with a death glare directed right at Lance letting him know he’s a dead man: Lance!
Keith, a disaster gay and also a little shit: You’re on!
Acxa, a confused space lesbian: Excuse me?!
So it turns out that all the McClains are proficient in long range shooting weapons which they can also perfectly use in close range combat.
Keith knew this, Acxa did not :)
So Acxa ends up on the floor with Veronica straddled over her, her legs pinning her arms down while she has her practice rifle aimed at Acxa’s face.
Veronica, laughing and breathless as she is still straddled over Acxa: Not bad, you’re actually a bit of a challenge unlike the rest of these losers here.
Adam & Lance: Hey!
Acxa: Acxa.exe has stopped working...
Shiro and Keith tease Acxa relentlessly afterward until she starts chasing them around the base with her spear.
Veronica kicked Lance is as in the training simulator repeatedly as pay back while Adam laughed at them from a safe distance.
Afterward, Acxa always asks Veronica to train with her under the context that: she’s trained under the guidance of elite Galra generals her whole life only to be easily taken down by a human. Clearly there was a flaw in their method so what better way to beat them then to learn from an expert.
Keith: *cough* Bullshit *cough*
And obviously Veronica accepts because since they’re allies maybe she could learn a thing or two about Galran combat which will help prepare them for another attack in the future.
Lance: *cough* Baloney *cough*
So they start meeting up twice a week to practice, even if Veronica is packed full with work she’ll MAKE time to go to practice. She usually skips out on all the useless boring meetings because fuCK YOU ADMIRAL SANDA! There’s a cute alien girl waiting for me to teach her how to do a triple flip while shooting a gun mid air and I am not about to waste my time here when I could be impressing her with my mad skills.
And yes, Acxa was very impressed (and very flustered).
So while all this is going on Keith and Lance are on the sidelines snickering to each other like “lol our siblings are so dorky and dumb pinning for each other like that. It’s so obvious that their into each other but are too dense to notice. Like how stupid is that!”
Hunk and Pidge: look into the camera like in The Office
To be continued.......maybe???
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