#kyo souma x reader headcanons
once-upon-the-moon · 2 months
Kyo Sohma x Gender Neutral Reader Who Does Physical Therapy (Headcanons)
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As someone with cerebral palsy, I do physical therapy regularly, and I had a lot of fun writing about how Kyo would support someone throughout the process. <3<3
Warnings: Mentions of insecurity, mentions of exercising, suggestive content (written in orange text).
(The beautiful divider I used in this post was made by cafekitsune here on tumblr, and the image was found on Google).
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- Kyo is very supportive of you and your journey with physical therapy. He wants nothing more than for it to be a positive, beneficial experience for you.
- It would upset him quite a bit if you were insecure about it. He wouldn’t be upset with you of course, it just makes him sad (and maybe even a bit angry) when you judge yourself. He has more than enough experience with that himself to know how painful it is.
- Still, he knows this isn’t about him, and that he can’t change your feelings for you, but he’ll damn sure be there for you as you work through them.
- If you do your physical therapy at appointments, he’ll go with you (if you want him to, that is).
- He’d gladly go just to wait outside the entire time. He just wants you to know he’s happy to be involved in the process if you’d like him to be.
- He may add some of your exercises to his usual training he does on his own.
- If your exercises are ones that you do at home, he’ll offer for you to come over and use his room as your workspace. It’s a way to spend time together that makes him feel very connected to you.
- He’d be counting for you and encouraging you as you go.
“That’s the first five done, you’re doing great. Take a break and let me know when you’re ready to finish the rest.”
- He thinks it’s adorable if you brag about how you’re improving over time. He loves seeing you be proud of yourself like he is of you.
“When did you get so cocky?” he’d ask with an amused scoff. “You’ve earned it though, I’ll give you that”.
- He sometimes worries about you accidentally pushing yourself too hard, even though he knows that’s not likely to happen.
“Hey, slow down, would you? You’re not on a time limit”.
- He loves it if you let him help you with actually doing any of your exercises, like if you let him hold you for balance. He’s so proud that you trust him with something so important.
- If you want him to, he’ll give you massages if you’re sore after your exercises.
- He may not want to admit it, but he also loves the way you look and sound after you’ve completed your exercises, with sweat clinging to your skin and you panting from the effort. He thinks you look amazing like that.
“Alright, we’re done for the day, good job. You did really well.” he’d say, smiling as he hands you your water bottle. “How are you feeling?”
Once you told him you were all good, he’d pounce, pinning you back down onto your mat, as his smile became a cocky smirk.
“How ‘bout I reward you for your hard work, then?”.
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