#kyo sohma x gender neutral reader
once-upon-the-moon · 2 months
Kyo Sohma x Gender Neutral Reader Who Does Physical Therapy (Headcanons)
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As someone with cerebral palsy, I do physical therapy regularly, and I had a lot of fun writing about how Kyo would support someone throughout the process. <3<3
Warnings: Mentions of insecurity, mentions of exercising, suggestive content (written in orange text).
(The beautiful divider I used in this post was made by cafekitsune here on tumblr, and the image was found on Google).
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- Kyo is very supportive of you and your journey with physical therapy. He wants nothing more than for it to be a positive, beneficial experience for you.
- It would upset him quite a bit if you were insecure about it. He wouldn’t be upset with you of course, it just makes him sad (and maybe even a bit angry) when you judge yourself. He has more than enough experience with that himself to know how painful it is.
- Still, he knows this isn’t about him, and that he can’t change your feelings for you, but he’ll damn sure be there for you as you work through them.
- If you do your physical therapy at appointments, he’ll go with you (if you want him to, that is).
- He’d gladly go just to wait outside the entire time. He just wants you to know he’s happy to be involved in the process if you’d like him to be.
- He may add some of your exercises to his usual training he does on his own.
- If your exercises are ones that you do at home, he’ll offer for you to come over and use his room as your workspace. It’s a way to spend time together that makes him feel very connected to you.
- He’d be counting for you and encouraging you as you go.
“That’s the first five done, you’re doing great. Take a break and let me know when you’re ready to finish the rest.”
- He thinks it’s adorable if you brag about how you’re improving over time. He loves seeing you be proud of yourself like he is of you.
“When did you get so cocky?” he’d ask with an amused scoff. “You’ve earned it though, I’ll give you that”.
- He sometimes worries about you accidentally pushing yourself too hard, even though he knows that’s not likely to happen.
“Hey, slow down, would you? You’re not on a time limit”.
- He loves it if you let him help you with actually doing any of your exercises, like if you let him hold you for balance. He’s so proud that you trust him with something so important.
- If you want him to, he’ll give you massages if you’re sore after your exercises.
- He may not want to admit it, but he also loves the way you look and sound after you’ve completed your exercises, with sweat clinging to your skin and you panting from the effort. He thinks you look amazing like that.
“Alright, we’re done for the day, good job. You did really well.” he’d say, smiling as he hands you your water bottle. “How are you feeling?”
Once you told him you were all good, he’d pounce, pinning you back down onto your mat, as his smile became a cocky smirk.
“How ‘bout I reward you for your hard work, then?”.
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
The Wolf And The Flowers
Kyo Sohma X GN!Reader
Word Count: 1345
Requested: @supernerdycookietrashblr
Request: Original Request
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You and Kyo had been friends since you were kids, you were a cursed with the spirit of the wolf and most people were afraid of you due to the fact that your curse was activated when you felt any strong emotion even the smallest hint of a tail or ears sent people running, even if you were excited or happy about something. Kyo was the only one that didn’t run from you, you both became fast friends if only because you were the only ones that you had.
As you got older your feelings changed from friendship to love, you were too shy to say anything about it, you’d watch him from a far when he started at school with you and Tooru, he became more popular and got more friends, you could rarely hang out with people that didn’t know of the curses so you stayed away but Tooru always made sure that you were okay and Kyo would always chose to be with you instead of everyone else and you’d both hide on the roof until you had to go back to class.
It took some time for Kyo to realise what it was that he was feeling for you, he tried to gauge how you felt without asking you. You were both walking up to the roof at lunch and as you both got to the top of the stairs he pushed the door open for you gesturing for you to go through, you smiled at him and nodded, cheeks dusted pink as you hurried past him, holding your pre packed lunch close to your chest as you headed over to where you usually sat. The next time that he did anything was an act also driven by jealousy, as they new first years started, he realised that some of the younger boys were paying more attention to you than he would like, you were standing in the corridor waiting for him and as he walked past a group of young boys talking about how cute you were, he grit his teeth as he walked towards you his arm slamming against the wall next to your head as he leaned down “you need to play more attention.” He mumbled as he glanced over at the group. “W-what are you talking about?” You asked. “Those guys.” He answered as they all scurried away, you looked at them and frowned. “Were they doing something?” You asked, playing with your dress and he just rolled his eyes grabbing your hand dragging you off to have lunch.
Others realised his affection for you at the beach house when Akito made it her mission to upset you on that trip. She had purposefully split you and Kyo up in the hopes that she’d get some kind of reaction from you and after pushing you so far into yourself that your human form was replaced by that of a small wolf cub, that ran off the moment that you saw an opening, the sound of breaking glass and screaming. No one saw you for the rest of the day and they all realised that they were going to have to tell Kyo what happened because he was likely the only one that you’d let find you before it got too cold and dangerous. Yuki was the one to take it for the team considering Kyo practically hated him already “Where’s (Y/N)?” Kyo asked. “They ran off after a fight with Akito.” Yuki answered “we hoped that they would come back here but it seems that they haven’t.” “Ran off!? Where!?” Kyo asked, he didn’t even actually wait for an answer before he pulled on his shoes and raced out of the door, he headed for the forest given the animal that you were likely to hide there “(Y/N)! Where are you!?” No answer, he was worried that it’d be too late to find you but wasn’t going back to the house without you. “Kyo!” Tooru yelled as she ran towards him clumsily tripping over her own feet but catching herself as she came to stand next to him, she held out a torch. “I’ll help you look.” “I shouldn’t have let them go.” Kyo sighed as he shined the light on the ground in front of him. “I don’t think you could have made them stay, they care about you too much.” Tooru said as she walked with him. “What do you mean?” He asked. “Well, I spoke to them this morning and they wanted to go because they didn’t want you to get in trouble.” Tooru explained “they hoped that if they went Akito might forget about you.” Before he could say anything they both heard a small whimper, Kyo moved in the direction of the noise a saw small poorly dugout den with you in the centre, his eyes finding the small gash on your back leg, he made a noise in the back of his throat as he scooped you into his arms, you struggled for a second before he assumed that you recognised his scent and settled again. “Are they okay?” “I think so, they just need to rest, once we get home, they’ll be better.” Kyo said as they both turned back towards the beach house. When they got back to the house Kyo didn’t say anything to the others instead he took you back to his room where he laid with you until you woke up a few hours later.
When you opened your eyes you recognised Kyo’s room immediately, you didn’t remember the time that you had spent transformed so you don’t remember how you ended up laying with your head resting on his stomach, you sat up and hissed at the sharp pain in your ankle. “We need to clean that.” Kyo mumbled as you heard him shuffle behind you, you jumped. “You're awake!?” You asked. “Mm.” He hummed as he sat up leaning over his bed to grab some clothes, handing them to you. You assumed that he had gotten them from your room before you woke up, you quickly changed as Kyo walked over to the desk and grabbed the first aid kit before walking over, he sat down and took your foot gently resting it on his thigh as he started to clean your leg. “How’d I get back here?” You asked. “Me and Tooru found you in the forest.” He answered, his voice low. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to cause trouble.” You said and he looked at you. “I didn’t say you caused trouble.” He said. “But you're angry.” You noted, he realised that your ears had materialised and turned downwards. “I’m not angry at you, I promise… I just need you to take care of yourself the way that you take care of everyone else.” He explained “please don’t put yourself in danger to protect me.” “Okay.” You nodded. “Promise.” He ordered. “I promise.” You said as he continued to clean your ankle.
When you got back from the beach house you didn’t see Kyo for a couple of days and you started to worry that he really was angry at you until he found you one day after school, you had been home for a few hours when there was a knock on your door, you opened it and gasped at the bouquet of flowers presented to you by Kyo. “(Y/N) I’m sorry that I haven’t been around, after everything that happened at the beach house I got so scared about losing you and I decided that the only way that fear was going to go away was if I told you that I love you and that I will protect you from anything that comes our way if you want me.” He confessed and you looked at him and couldn’t stop the smile on your face. “Only if you let me do the same because I love you too.” You confessed and he smiled dove forward pulling you into a hug, you wrapped your arms around him as he squeezed you to his chest, neither of you could be happier.
Request Here!!
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miclipse · 2 months
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ it's almost like...
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pairing: zayne x gn! reader
sypnosis: since when did zayne start feeling this way around you? he’s unsure. but one thing is certain.
word count: 1.5k
cw: gender neutral! reader, comfort, fluff, brief mention of nightmares
note: inspired by this line by kyo sohma from fruits basket!
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when did he start thinking stupid, sappy things like that?
maybe it all started the very first time you started dragging him to the claw machines you were so entertained and mesmerised by; the whole reason why your finances had been so unstable in the first place.
zayne could not comprehend what aspect of the claw machines got you so fascinated, or even addicted, to them. to him, it was a waste of your money when he could have just gotten you a similar looking plushie from the toy store just across the street.
you refuted with something along the lines of how it was satisfying to watch as your hard work (and hard-earned money) finally pays off when the plushie gets released by the metal claw and falls right down the chute for collection.
zayne could not empathize with your mindset. because in all honesty, he found your expressions whilst trying to catch the plushies more entertaining than the claw machine itself. but at least he still gave you a little nod of acknowledgement instead of lecturing you, a working adult with horrible spending tendencies, on how to manage your finances.
another reason why he opted to spare you from his scolding was also because he could not stand that face you made whenever you spent all the tokens for the day only to have to leave the place empty-handed. sometimes, when he was in a good mood, zayne would consider chipping in a few more dollars for you if you begged him hard enough. but most of the times, he had to drag you back to his car so that he could drive you home.
he had half the mind to reprimand you on your irresponsible spending habits, and the other half wanting to comfort you as he could not bear the sight of you being all sulky and sad the whole ride back to your apartment. but instead, zayne gently pats your head, promising to bring you back to the claw machines when he is free, all just so you could catch that one particular plushie you spent half your bank account for.
the next time he brought you back to the claw machines, you swore to not leave the place until you had caught that limited snowman plushie you failed to catch the previous time you two were there. nevertheless, when you had gotten down to the last five tokens and no victory in sight, you began begging him to help you.
during all the times zayne had accompanied you to the claw machines, he had never really participated. he would occasionally chip in by pointing out to you which plushie would be easier to catch, or helping you look at the claw’s position from where he stood to ensure that the claw would actually close in on the plushie when it descended down. that was the first time he actually was the one controlling the claw.
the mental image of your expression was engraved in his mind; the way your eyes held all the stars in the galaxy when he bends down to take out the snowman plushie you have been trying to get for the past half an hour or so, the corners of your mouth pointed up as you looked up at him with a smile that beats even the sun itself. and he hadn’t even got to the part where you wrapped your arms around his bicep, your chest squished up against his muscles. you were hugging his arm so tightly that he thought his blood might stop circulating with the prickly sensation the tips of his fingers were feeling. oh, but how could he ever tell you that when you look like the epitome of beauty itself, staring up at him like you practically worshipped him?
and why?
the memory made the corner of zayne’s mouth curl upwards into a faint smile. he considered himself fortunate that no one roamed the hospital corridors at such a timing to be able to catch sight of him looking so… vulnerable. most of the doctors had already finished work and the nurses should be busy in the wards they had been assigned to.
swinging his office door open, zayne was planning to finish up a few medical reports and urgent documents before he could finally call it a day and head home to rest. however, the sight before his eyes made him halt in his tracks, his eyes widening in surprise.
the last thing zayne expected was to have a visitor in his office this late at night. he glanced up at the clock that promptly read ‘1:12am’, before back down at the figure that was sprawled on the black leather couch. he stared for a couple of seconds, wondering if there was any special reason why you were in his office in the first place.
zayne finally walked over to the side of the couch, kneeling by your side as he quietly noted your expression. although this time your eyes were closed and held no stars and your lips were not curled up into a smile, the warmth zayne felt slowly emitting in his chest was the exact same as back then when you were at the claw machines.
he reached his hand out towards you, with the intention of brushing away the stray locks of hair that were on your face. his fingers were edging closer, and closer to your cheek…
but he stopped, his fingers just a mere centimetre away from your cheek. he would hate to accidentally wake you up when you were finally able to get such blissful sleep after so long. for some reason, the nightmares that haunted you everywhere you went never seemed to follow you into zayne’s office. you once joked that zayne was your ‘life-sized dream catcher’, which only got an amused chuckle from the man himself.
zayne scooted himself closer to your sleeping figure on the couch. he silently took in all of your features. this sight was yet another one that was soon to be forever engraved in his head, whether he liked it or not.
he could only hope you were not too much of a devil to pop up in his mind to distract him while he was busy operating on patients in the day, and that you would be kind enough to stop by in his train of thoughts only after he has finished all his work.
upon closer inspection of your complexion, the first thing zayne noticed were the dark eyebags circling underneath your eyes. that was enough to tell him that the nightmares had not been giving you much opportunity to rest up until now.
as much as zayne did not like staying in his office overnight, he could never dream of leaving you here alone, or worse, waking you up after you had finally been able to get such good rest after weeks of sleepless nights.
he guessed he could make an exception, just for today.
this was the effect you had on him. zayne was slowly coming to the realisation that he could never escape from you— well, but it was not like he wanted to, anyways. maybe he enjoyed how his lips curled up into a faint smile around you, how he would always give in to you no matter the circumstances, how he started getting soft for you and how you never seemed to leave his mind even when you were not physically by his side.
sighing in defeat, zayne slipped his coat off his shoulders and used it to cover your body instead. with how you were currently curled up into a ball on the couch, he could take a guess or two that his office was freezing cold for someone as stubborn and dense as you, who was wearing a short sleeved shirt with no jacket on.
your lips curled up faintly into a smile when the warmth of his jacket embraced your ice-cold body and the scent of his cologne wafted into your nose. it was such a sweet expression that it took all of zayne’s self control to not lean in and plant a kiss on your soft lips right then and there.
instead, he gently brushed away the stray strands of hair tickling your face, his lips curling up into a smile at the sight of your sweet expression. he turned away from your sleeping figure to look at his work desk, where a familiar snowman plushie was sitting on top of it just right beside zayne’s laptop. the cute little smile on the snowman’s face kind of started reminding him of you.
which was such an irony because you gave him that snowman plushie claiming that it reminded you of him.
zayne turned back to look at your sleeping figure, admiring your features for a few more seconds. he would stay like this for the whole night if he could, but then he remembered the medical reports and documents he had to finish up before his next shift started, which should hopefully be after you have woken up.
unable to resist any longer, zayne leaned in to whisper,
it’s almost like…
“i love you.”
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all rights reserved © miclipse 2024. do not repost, plagiarize, copy, modify or translate my works on any platforms.
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kaeyasstarlight · 3 years
Lost Wolf(Kyo Sohma x Depressed and Bullied! Gender Neutral!Reader)
Request:"I was wondering if you can do fruit basket request a Kyo x reader where the reader is depressed and she gets bullied but she also has a similar curse like kyo she the year of wolf the reader family knows about her curse and disowns like they think she a disgrace abuse her and doesn’t want her and she feels so worthless she gets to a point where she feels not good enough and that she completely loses control of herself and her wolf urges and turns into wolf or monster version wolf and kyo he tries to help her snap out of it I hope this makes sense maybe in the end it’s all cuteness fluff
Note : kyo and the reader known each other since childhood and they both like each other but don’t want to admit there feelings
I aslo got inspired by the movie called wolf children I definitely recommend watching it
I hope this is ok if not I can change it
To different request"
A.N: Thank you very much for request! :) The story you imagine is very interesting and I hope you will like what I wrote :) Also you said "she", but I just realized at the moment I'm writing this I just realized I did it gender neutral so I hope it's okay :)
Warnings:Depression,Bullying/Abuse,Crying,Self doubt,Disownment
P.S:I'm only at episode 6 of Fruits Basket so if something is inacurate I'm very sorry TwT
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A few years ago:
"Hey! What are you doing alone there?! You're in my way!"
You flinched after you heard him yelling
"Um... I'm sorry... I'll go away..."
Before you go away, the boy takes you carefully by your wrist not to hurt you.
"Hey, I'm sorry for yelling at you... Are you ok?"
Tears start to well up in your eyes.
"It's just that you probaly won't even believe me"
"I also have a story you probably wont't believe so better we just share eachother's story?"
"Well... I can transform into a wolf when someone the opposite gender as me gives me a hug by exemple. My family knows about it and they told me that I'm a disgrace to our family and they will disown me when I'll be 16 years old and I could live by myself."
"Woah. I have the same curse but I can transform as a cat. Except I don't have the same family situation..."
He sees your sad face.
"You know, when you'll be 16 you could go live with me and my brother Yuki"
"For real?"
"Yeah, I don't think he would mind"
You jump in his arms and he started to blush
"Thank you so much,- I'm sorry what is your name?"
"I'm Kyo Sohma" "I'm Y/N L/N"
Since this day you were friends :)
In the present:
Today was the day, your parents disowned you and left you alone. Your best friend Kyo had left you the adress and a key the day before. He had already talked about it with his family and they said it was ok. You hoped that when you would start this new year and high school things would go better for you. In middle school you got bullied, but Kyo helped you to get out of it. He told you that if you were in another situation like this to tell him. You liked him, but you didn't want to tell him and even if he liked you back he probably wouldn't tell you anyways. So, you kept you feelings for yourself.
You arrived at the house and they welcomed you with great pleasure. You also learned that there would be another girl named Tohru that was gonna live with you also. She knew about the curse of you and all the others and promised not to tell anyone. She was very sweet with you and you became friends. It was a new start for you and you hoped that life would be better for you on now on. Even so, the tought of you being useless and a disgrace that your parents told you was still running in your head.
A few days later:
It has been a few days since you started highschool at the same school as Kyo and things weren't in your favor. First, you weren't in the same class as Kyo, Yuki or Tohru, so you had to meet new people and let's just say that a part of them didn't really like you. They started to bully you, calling you names and hurting you. You you hiden the marks and didn't tell Kyo because you didn't want him to get in a fight or be involve in your problems. The mean things that your family told you in the past started to come back more often in your nightmares and in your head. You felt even more useless and felt like your existence was all a mistake. You started to get depressed, sad, useless and just wanted to go away from the world.
A week later:
The bullying wasn't stopping and you had enough. You suddenly changed in your wolf form, but it was a monster version of it and you couldn't control yourself. Good thing you were at the Sohma household, because if the people saw you at school it could have been worse. Everyone in the house heard a big howl. They all went outside to go see and they saw you in complete incontrol of your wolf form. Kyo was worried for you and didn't want you to feel like this. He knew that if you were like this, something very bad happened to you that you snapped.
"Y/N!!!! What happened?! Snap out of this come on!!! I know you're strong! Come on you can do it!"
"I'm useless!!! My existence is a mistake! No one likes me! I tought that changing of school and be with you would change something but it didn't"
At this point, they could see the tears in your eyes.
"The people continue to bully me, to hate me, to hit me, to call names... I don't know what I did! Maybe it's just me existing that is wrong! No one wants me!"
You and all the others were all shocked at what Kyo just said. You came back to normal and Shigure brought you clothes. They all looked away while you changed. You were still shocked by the confession that Kyo said and wondered if it was true. The others looked at each other and agreed that they should leave you and Kyo alone to talk.
When you were both left alone there was a silence that took place
"So... Um...", you start
"Did what you said was true? Do you really love me?"
"...Yes...", he's blushing while looking at the ground
You let out a shocked breath and start to blush also.
"I love you too Kyo. You're one of the only persons who cares for me and I should've told you about the bullying and my feelings. I would really like to go out with you if you want."
"I would like too", he told you with a small smile on his face.
You two spent the rest of the evening cuddling while he rubbed your back to comfort you <3
A.N: I hoped this was ok and that it might have helped some people :)
Remember that you are loved and cared for <3
Have a nice day or night and see you soon! :D
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kaeyasstarlight · 3 years
Other Fandoms Masterlists
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♡Welcome to the Small Cafés~
♡This is for fandoms I don't usually write
♡If there is characters or fandoms you want to see and is not here don’t hesitate to request and I'll see what I can do
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🍵=Angst to Fluff
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Stranger Things:
💛☕️Will Byers x Gender Neutral! Reader-Crush
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Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir:
💛💙☕️Ladybug and Cat Noir Reveal(Bonus:Gender Neutral! Reader Headcannons)
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Fruits Basket:
💛🍵🍰Lost Wolf(Kyo Sohma x Depressed and bullied! Gender Neutral!Reader)
💛🍵Zodiac Soulmates(Kyo Sohma x Akito’s sibling reader)
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