#kyo soma x reader headcanons
once-upon-the-moon · 2 months
Kyo Sohma x Gender Neutral Reader Who Does Physical Therapy (Headcanons)
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As someone with cerebral palsy, I do physical therapy regularly, and I had a lot of fun writing about how Kyo would support someone throughout the process. <3<3
Warnings: Mentions of insecurity, mentions of exercising, suggestive content (written in orange text).
(The beautiful divider I used in this post was made by cafekitsune here on tumblr, and the image was found on Google).
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- Kyo is very supportive of you and your journey with physical therapy. He wants nothing more than for it to be a positive, beneficial experience for you.
- It would upset him quite a bit if you were insecure about it. He wouldn’t be upset with you of course, it just makes him sad (and maybe even a bit angry) when you judge yourself. He has more than enough experience with that himself to know how painful it is.
- Still, he knows this isn’t about him, and that he can’t change your feelings for you, but he’ll damn sure be there for you as you work through them.
- If you do your physical therapy at appointments, he’ll go with you (if you want him to, that is).
- He’d gladly go just to wait outside the entire time. He just wants you to know he’s happy to be involved in the process if you’d like him to be.
- He may add some of your exercises to his usual training he does on his own.
- If your exercises are ones that you do at home, he’ll offer for you to come over and use his room as your workspace. It’s a way to spend time together that makes him feel very connected to you.
- He’d be counting for you and encouraging you as you go.
“That’s the first five done, you’re doing great. Take a break and let me know when you’re ready to finish the rest.”
- He thinks it’s adorable if you brag about how you’re improving over time. He loves seeing you be proud of yourself like he is of you.
“When did you get so cocky?” he’d ask with an amused scoff. “You’ve earned it though, I’ll give you that”.
- He sometimes worries about you accidentally pushing yourself too hard, even though he knows that’s not likely to happen.
“Hey, slow down, would you? You’re not on a time limit”.
- He loves it if you let him help you with actually doing any of your exercises, like if you let him hold you for balance. He’s so proud that you trust him with something so important.
- If you want him to, he’ll give you massages if you’re sore after your exercises.
- He may not want to admit it, but he also loves the way you look and sound after you’ve completed your exercises, with sweat clinging to your skin and you panting from the effort. He thinks you look amazing like that.
“Alright, we’re done for the day, good job. You did really well.” he’d say, smiling as he hands you your water bottle. “How are you feeling?”
Once you told him you were all good, he’d pounce, pinning you back down onto your mat, as his smile became a cocky smirk.
“How ‘bout I reward you for your hard work, then?”.
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Yuki, Kyo, Kagura, Momiji, Tohru with a reader from zodiac
((reader’s zodiac is based off of western/greek zodiac signs; will be capricorn!reader))
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Is so shocked to find out there is a second zodiac curse
So grateful that there are more people like him
^^feels really bad about this
Bc y’all aren’t from the same zodiac - physical touch is even more dangerous
I mean,, imagine seeing not only a rat surrounded by clothes, but a weird goat-fish hybrid???
Regardless, tries to have physical contact with you whenever possible
Linking pinkies, resting his head on your shoulder, being shockingly close at all times,,
Is worried about ur scales dehydrating when you transform - tries to keep water on him for you
Makes sure you never feel insecure about your zodiac form like he does
Has a really lovely feeling of solidarity w you
Would do anything to protect your secret
Because he knows you would do the same
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Straight up thinks you’re lying at first
“There’s no fuckin way”
You tackle him to prove it
“wtf that’s not even a real animal????”
Gets v flustered when u transform back
Mans is fine being naked, but seeing other naked ppl?
Hell nah
Eventually just kinda takes you under his wing w an annoyed sigh
So so touch adverse; is so scared of you seeing his true form
Like with the rest of his zodiac - wishes he was like you
So envious, but in a way that carries a deep sadness
Shows his affection through banter and friendly violence
((Mans will not hold your hand; however will kick you behind the knees - gentle enough as to not hurt, but hard enough to make you lose balance))
Scolds you for anything that could put your secret at risk
“How did you even survive before you met me, dumbass?”
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So so excited to learn there is another curse
“We’re the same!!”
Is jealous of your animal form
You’re a cool, cute, mythical animal; and she’s just a pig?? Unfair!!
Constantly lets you know how unfair this is
Pretty upset that she can’t cling to you all the time
She just wants to show you how much she loves you, y’know?
Ironically, tries to do alot of mud and clay treatments to your skin and scales
Loves loves self care nights together
Isn’t opposed to cuddling when no one else is around, despite animals and then nudity
Doesn’t care if you see her naked
But anyone else???
Instantly branded a pervert.
Tries to keep you all to herself; “to keep the curse a secret, of course!!”
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Another one that is genuinely Thrilled to find out there are more like him
But is also instantly worried
“Who’s your god? What are they like?”
When you assure him that you’re safe, is So relieved
Even after this, is nosy as all hell lmao
Wants to know Everything about Everyone
“So you are Capricorn, ja? Who is Pisces? Because I am a pisces too!!”
Thinks your zodiac form is adorable!
Loves sitting in-between your horns when you’re both transformed
Unsurprisingly; will be exceedingly touchy-feely regardless of transformations
Mans does not give a single flying Fuck
Even when ur in public and have to be careful of transforming - is never Not touching you
Holding hands galore!!
Shows you off to the rest of the zodiac
But doesn’t let you anywhere near Akito
You’re too precious
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Feels so blessed to be meeting more special and unique people
Is very vocal about this
Is also V nosy; but not in a malicious way
Plays guessing games as she meets everyone
((Usually gets it wrong))
Doesn’t know as much about the Western zodiacs, but is very excited to learn!
Very very cautious to make sure you don’t transform
Thinks you’re beautiful and fascinating when you do though!!
But wants to keep you safe
However, its a well known fact that she’s one clumsy mf
Me too, Tohru, me too
Will tell the most Wack cover stories for you
Wants you to be besties with her zodiac
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amaya-writes · 2 years
What Type Of Partner Would The Fruit Basket Zodiacs Be Pt 1
Day One of The Underrated And The Unwritten
Notes: eek i'm so excited to write for this fandom! Tbh i was kind of very slightly sad about everyone ending up with someone at the end because that meant it was awkward to ship characters or write about them with someone else but eh.
Warnings: this is both sfw and nsfw content! so like how would they be as a partner overall. mdni
Characters involved: Yuki Soma, Kyo Soma, Hatsuharu Soma, Momiji Soma
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
Yuki Soma
Yuki is a very gentle lover and partner.
He's pretty conscious about his real personality can come off as cold or aloof which is why he'd probably force himself to be a little outgoing near the start to get to know you.
You'd have to start off as friends first and it would take a little getting used to but once he understands his emotions for you Yuki's quick to accept them and confess.
A relationship with Yuki can be full of excitement. He wants to try new things and discover different situations with you.
Yuki can easily associate happiness with someone who makes him feel comfortable which is why he tends to be around you when he's sad because he thinks your mere presence makes things better.
When it comes to being more intimate Yuki can take very long to get comfortable that way. He's so used to associating physical touch with violence that it really takes time for him to get used to your physical affection.
Definitely would be a bottom at the start, but once he gets used to it Yuki can be quite the switch.
He isn't into BDSM at all because of his traumatic childhood but if there's certain things you're into that you'd want to try you can always ask and have a talk.
He loves cuddling in bed for aftercare and will probably let you fall asleep in his arms (and then clean you up while you're sleeping because he's just that cute).
Communication is key when it comes to being with a guy like Yuki, whether that be in the bedroom or outside it, which is why you need to learn to be vocal about your emotions and thoughts because he can be a little oblivious at times.
He's honestly just a softy who needs love.
Kyo Soma
Tsundere. Need I say more?
Getting a confession out of Kyo Soma is possibly the most impossible thing ever. Like seriously, you need to be committed for a longgg time before he makes a move and even then you'll probably have to force a confession out of him.
He's the kind of partner who would act all annoyed whenever you're affectionate but then also do things like holding your hand when the street's too crowded or texting you to make sure you got home safe (but he completely denies that's why he sent you a text).
He also gives off old dad energy please he'll have the most awful dad jokes and hold his phone like a forty-year-old father.
Very protective. Will literally yowl at people who even look at you threateningly. And no I don't mean that 'manly' little growl thing men do in books, I mean literally yowling like a cat who wasn't fed.
This ranges from sneers to eyerolls plus scoffs to actual yowls. He will not be afraid to throw hands if he sees the other person is making you uncomfortable.
Kyo is honestly so cute when it comes to being intimate. He gets all flustered and you'll probably have to take the lead the first time. However, he might switch it up and take control halfway.
Really just depends on how comfortable and into it he is. Will hesitate a lot and ask you questions constantly.
Also the king of aftercare like literally doesn't let you do anything the rest of the day.
Kyo can be hard to keep up with as a partner because of his tendency to reject his emotions, but if you're someone who likes teasing their partner then he's basically perfect for you.
Just give him time to you, but don't be surprised if he's unwilling to leave once he has experienced your affection.
Hatsuharu Soma
Haru is the type of partner who's obsessed with you but doesn't show it that much. It's not that he's trying to hide it but just that he's not very open affectionately.
He's fine with PDA and likes showing you off and making it clear that you're his but he can also be a little...slow when it comes to catching on.
This means that if you're ever jealous then he'll take a while to notice and then blatantly point it out. If you're angry/upset with him he won't understand it and will force you to talk to him because he refuses to read between the lines.
But he's such a sweetheart. He's always so comforting and will constantly check up on you, sending you messages or randomly showing up at your house because he missed you or wanted to make sure you were okay.
Dates with him are usually spontaneous and not overall grand but the kind that are simple yet romantic.
He's also very sweet when you're intimate.
Switch but not in the way you think.
While his normal side can be quite the pleasure dom/soft dom, when Haru goes dark things can get a bit...BDSM like. However, him going dark that way is very rare and will probably only happen if you make him very jealous/worried.
Momiji Soma
He is such an obsessive partner.
Momiji wants to know everything about you. He wants to learn every little quirk and secret, every small trait. Your favourite flower, food you dislike, drama going on in your life, Momiji is there for it all.
He's just so completely infatuated with you he can't help but feel a need to know everything.
It's not the kind of thing where he asks you questions at rapid fire trying to learn everything, but more that he's just always wanting to get to know more about you.
Momiji has always had to love people from a distance so he gets a little excited at the prospect of being able to love you without restrictions, without having to pretend he doesn't know you or doesn't care.
He's quick to confess and even quicker to get into the hang of things, constantly hugging you and dropping kisses on your hand, face, lips, neck, anywhere you would allow.
Momiji is fully and completely obsessed with you, and he loves it. He loves you.
He will rear it in if you feel like he's getting overwhelming but Momiji cannot not love you.
When it comes to being intimate, Momiji might be a little overwhelmed at first, like too excited, and you'd have to help ground him and focus on the actual act rather than going crazy because your top's off.
He can be so soft and gentle, almost as if he's afraid to break you, but once he gets the hang of it Momiji's open to exploring new things.
He isn't one for BDSM (like at all, honestly he's more opposed to it than Yuki) and prefers more of the lovemaking type of intimacy.
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meltingpotimagines · 2 years
Them Reacting to a Cuddly S/O
Request: "Hi can I request a fruits basket x reader with kyo, haru, yuki and momiji (seperate) where reader is super cuddly and lovey? Please and thank you!🐺" - @wolfie3616
Characters: Sohma Kyo, Sohma Yuki, Sohma Hatsuharu, Sohma Momiji
Warnings: Kinda implied NSFW for Hatsuharu but not really, super quick mention of previous sadness for Kyo
gosh this boy
he gets so flustered over everything
he'd definitely blush and get all huffy at first
don't get me wrong tho, he never pushed you away or made it seem like he didn't want it
he just had to get used to it
absolutely loves when you kiss him
will wrap his arms around you and pull you against him
loves to press lil kisses on your cheeks
definitely bites you
and i don't even mean like just making out
i mean just because
you'll be cuddling and he'll just monch
it's super light, so it doesn't hurt
it's just the cat in him
if you kiss his nose, he'll either kiss your forehead or your cheek
absolutely adores when you snuggle into him
he thinks it's so cute
and if you let out a content sigh?
m u s h
saying "i love you" is literally the greatest thing you could do
he struggled so much with not only loving himself but noticing other's love for him, so hearing you say it? especially so frequently? makes him feel so good
the sweetest prince
he's not the best at initiating but goshdang if he doesn't love when you're affectionate
if you wrap your arms around his waist and bury your face in his chest, he'll smile that soft, content smile and wrap his arms around you
either rests his chin on your head or strokes your hair
loves back hugs so much
he'll just be sitting and you wrap your arms around his neck
he'll smile and take one of your hands and press a kiss to the back of it
likes lying down face to face while holding hands
occasionally brings your hands to his lips and kisses them
he loves the way it makes you melt
his favorite place to be kissed is his cheeks
gives you the cutest smile every time you do
he thinks it's the absolute cutest thing when you lay your head on his lap
just gazes at you tenderly while he plays with your hair, his heart soft and content
finds it adorable if you have to stand on your tiptoes to kiss him
or when you just wrap your arms around his neck and gaze at him softly
that one makes him all mushy inside
rin chose this mf for a reason
best boyfriend
such an affectionate person omg
literally will not let you get up if you're cuddling
mans will grip you with the jaws of life if you even try
likes spooning you
just buries his face into the back of your neck and relaxes, content being surrounded by your scent
likes when you play with his fingers
it's oddly comforting and the gentle intimacy just gets him
scratches your back during long hugs
just like lightly runs his fingers along your back in random shapes and swirls
r e a l l y likes kissing you
every time you peck his lips his eyes soften and he pulls you closer
tends to kiss your temples a lot
it just feels really intimate to him
if you play with his hair, he'll relax right into it
your touch is soothing and the feeling of your fingers weaving through his hair makes it even better
loves when you sit on his lap
wraps his arms around your waist and rests his chin on your shoulder
occasionally places a kiss on your shoulder or neck
might nuzzle your jaw if he's feeling frisky extra affectionate
big baby
literally the cuddliest of them all
loves nothing more than when you snuggle him
your arms are the best place on earth and being wrapped up in them makes him feel the happiest possible
adores bunny kisses with his whole heart
lights up whenever you give him some and gives you some right back
giggles when you pepper his face with kisses
really likes it when you feed him
just opens his mouth expectantly and wiggles happily when you do
absolutely adores being little spoon
being surrounded by your warmth and love is the best, most comforting thing
likes to lay his head in your lap
just lies there and dozes while you play with his hair
gives you happy little pecks on the lips and gives you the biggest grin when you do it back
reeeeally likes holding hands with you
he'll feel you intertwine your fingers together and smile brightly
always immediately starts swinging your conjoined hands
loves it the most when you give him super tight hugs
like the "i love you so much i can't contain it" kind of hugs
they make him feel so loved and remind him just how lucky he is to be loved by you
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yandereaffections · 3 years
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Does he know how to approach you? No absolutely not he'll make passive insults towards you without even meaning to yet you just laugh it off, able to see the hesitance within the only behavior he knows so well
With how normalized he's made his aggression it's hard to express just how much he actually likes you when his shows of affection seems very small and vague, yet best believe the moment you take the chance to hug him he's going to melt into you and your warmth
If Kyos rather pathetic excuse for affection wasn't enough to show how truly in love with you he is, it certainly can be shown through how protective he gets when you or anyone puts his baby down for how they look. Anyone else will receive a swift punch against their jaw yet dare he ever hear you talk low about yourself you'll quickly see a side of him you haven't seen before, concerned, sweet and patient doing his absolute best to explain just all the reasons he disagrees with you in hope you'll start looking at yourself with more courage.
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dadgonedeku · 4 years
𝙵𝚛𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝙱𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚝 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝙷𝚌𝚜
🐀~ Characters Included: Tohru, Kyo, Yuki, & Hatsuharu
🐈~ SFW
☀️~ Gender Neutral!Reader
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☀️~ Honestly you can come to her with literally anything and she somehow always finds a way to make you feel better.
☀️~ She’ll hold you close, cry with you if you’re crying, she’ll pet your head and rub your back and tell you everything’s gonna be okay.
☀️~ She keeps it real, and she’d never overstep your boundaries. Everything she says to you is 100% true.
☀️~ She could go for hours talking about life and it’s struggles and how to get through and push past them. She’s been through many herself, so she definitely knows a few things.
☀️~ If you want her to just listen, she’ll listen. If you want her to distract you, she’ll do her best. If you want to cry or break down in front of her? Never be afraid to, Tohru always wants to make sure you’re doing okay.
☀️~ She advises self care and mental health breaks over anything else, and she’ll definitely make you drink water or eat something afterward.
☀️~ She’s honestly really worried about you, but everything you say to her and everything the two of you talk about is 100% private if it’s what you wish.
☀️~ The queen of emotional support. 👸🏻
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🐈~ He doesn’t have much experience with comforting or dealing with other people’s emotions, but he tries his best.
🐈~ He has his own special way of making you feel better.
🐈~ He’d take your hand and wipe your tears if you’re crying. It honestly breaks his heart to see you in such a state but he understands that sometimes it’s good to break down and let it all out.
🐈~ He definitely won’t sugarcoat you, not at all. He thinks that sugarcoating isn’t the right way to deal with things, especially if they’re super serious.
🐈~ He’ll talk you through it if it’s okay with you, and he’ll give his honest opinions and be straight with you on them.
🐈~ He doesn’t care how long it takes or how hard it may be, all he wants is for you to be comfy, safe, and happy.
🐈~ If you’ll let him he’ll play with your hair and press his forehead against yours to try and help calm you down.
🐈~ He can identify with a lot of hardships, so chances are what you’re going through he has experience with also, that’s what makes him good at comfort and communication.
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🐀~ Again, not the best at emotional support or comfort, but he’s definitely sure to be there when you need him to be.
🐀~ He lets you know that you should take things at your own pace, and if you don’t want to talk about it with him he understands, but if you do, he’s all ears and he’s listening to every word.
🐀~ His voice alone is soothing enough good god-
🐀~ He pats your back and rubs your shoulders, and he tries to release all of the tension from your muscles.
🐀~ He always respects your boundaries, emotional & physical.
🐀~ Also encourages self care, and if you’re overwhelmed or in the process of a panic attack he’ll do breathing exercises with you and encourage you to drink water.
🐀~ If you fall asleep on him he just smiles softly and carries you to bed and stays with you to make sure you’re okay.
🐀~ Overall he will talk you through whatever you need to and he’ll tell you what he thinks you need to hear, and he’s also not one to sugarcoat either.
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🐄~ He’s really worried and really upset for you.
🐄~ Whatever you need him to do he’ll do it for you.
🐄~ Need to talk? Always. Need to cry? Of course, it’s always okay to cry. Want him to hold your hand and tell you it’ll be okay? He’s already doing it.
🐄~ If you’d prefer it he’ll just sit with you and play soft music or a ‘sad hours’ playlist.
🐄~ He doesn’t look it but he’s way more emotionally mature than you’d think he’d be.
🐄~ He can identify with a lot of troubles too, so he’s no stranger to heartache, loneliness, etc.
🐄~ He’ll just cradle you and plant small and short kisses to your forehead.
🐄~ You always end up falling asleep on him and he’s 100% okay with it, he just helps you to bed and stays in the room with you just in case.
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softiyuki · 4 years
requests are open!
(rb to spread)
hello! many of you know me from my main blog @tobios-milk , but i've wanted to write for other animes for a while now so this is the place i'll do it!
i write headcanons/reactions/oneshots for all characters from
- fruits basket
- blue exorcist
- kakegurui
- fairytail
there are no rules as of now, so request as much as you want! 
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(alternate title: i just got my wisdom teeth removed and am very Sad and Sookie)
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“Of course! Is everything okay?”
The absolute sweetest omfg
Does this little dancey sway while you hug
Tells you how important you are to her
spoiler; you are Very important to her
“I love you, okay? So whenever you want a hug, please ask me!”
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Um, what?? 🤠
“I get you want a hug, but why’s it gotta be me??”
Because he gives good hugs
They’re really warm
Tell him that, he’ll get embarrassed, but he’ll oblige
“Fuckin’ weirdo, you know I won’t be human for long”
Has a really quiet purr, so thinks he can hide it
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“Um, are you sure that I’m the best option for this?”
“You do realise I will turn into a rat shortly after, yes?”
Yes Yuki, we know bb 💕
Cold hands
Very very gentle hugs
Will still snuggle into the crook of your neck as a rat
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“Ha?? You want a hug?? Why of course! You’ve come to the right person :DD”
Damn right you came to the right person
Also does the dancey swing hug, but more aggressively than Tohru
In a good way, of course
Will not stop when he transforms
Mans likes his cuddles okay, he won’t stop until you ask him to
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“Hm? Okay sure, cm’here”
Very nonchalant
You want hugs? You get hugs, no issues here bb
Hc him as clingy when tired; user of grabby hands
Couldn’t care less about transforming tbh
Or the nudity that follows
“Nope, you asked for this. No leaving now.”
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“You know I love hugs!! Especially from my favourite people!!”
So tight and comforting
Maybe a lil too tight
Barrels you over so hard you both topple over
Continues to smother you even if she transforms
Probably kisses ur face all over too
“You’re just the best, y’know?”
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if you’re like me u’ll tear up n be sad
“Ugh fine, come here you sook”
Comfy, lounging about hugs
P casual
Honestly you probs end up napping together
Good horse cuddles too
Win/win situation
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If you want hugs from Shigure
Respectfully, seek help
I mean it
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yandereaffections · 4 years
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If you think he was clingy before best believe Kyo would become so much more protective just from observing a sample of how hesitant you are in regards of defending youself
You may let your friends jokingly insult you but hell like Kyo would, he goes into a fit, seemingly overdramatic to all those around him for it was just something of a 'friendly nudge' made by friends but kyo still isnt having it
Teachers might jokingly call you a 'lil snowflake' in a mocking way to which you wouldnt bother to react to but damn kyo wouldnt let a second go by without basically lecturing them for it, knowing that youre now less likely to rely on them for help since theyre just like everyone else
Its all verbal attacks and argument until someone physically wrongs you in someway, expecting not to have to suffer the consequences due to your apprehensive nature, of course they're going to get beat until they're bleeding raw in the end but youll never know that until the next day of school where theyll come bandaged and bruised, kyo wouldnt admit to having anything to do with it, pushing it aside as karma
Despite all he does to defend you kyo would do his best to spend time comforting you, but obviously he isnt as strong in that area as he is physically confronting someone but that doesnt mean he wont try. Doing his best to listen and talk you through how ever upset you mightve become from whatever comment was made by your classmates, trying to figure out when its best to embrace you or show any type of physical affection
Its not a bother to him to protect you like this, he would've ended up doing it one way or the other, so it's nothing to stress over, but once you make a attempt to actually step forward and express your feelings towards how others are behaving no shit kyo is going to flood you in praise
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dadgonedeku · 4 years
𝙺𝚢𝚘 𝚁𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙 𝙷𝚌𝚜 🐈
🐈~ SFW
🐈~ Gender Neutral!Reader
🐈~ Happy Reading!
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🐈~ Lord help him he’s such a tsundere-
🐈~ Like sometimes he just says whatever he’s thinking and sometimes it can be really hurtful.
🐈~ But he always tries his best to make you feel better and make it up to you and apologize.
🐈~ Not big on PDA, but he’ll hold your hand in public if he’s brave enough. Yes he’s secretly nervous fight me-
🐈~ At first he’s a little scared of them but eventually grows to love little kissies. 🥺
🐈~ He keeps with him a buttload of awful trauma and emotional instability and it’s really hard for him to feel like he’s good enough and safe enough for you.
🐈~ You have to reassure him that you do love him and that you’ll always be there for him.
🐈~ Poor baby has major abandonment issues-
🐈~ If he works up the courage to finally break down to you and ask you for help then please for the love of all that is holy help him, he trusts you and he needs all the help he can get.
🐈~ He won’t admit it but he loves soft cuddles and whenever you play with or run your hands through his hair. It’s the most effective way to calm him down.
🐈~ He’s fiercely protective of you, and will do whatever it takes to make sure Akito never ever finds out about you. And if they do find out, Kyo would gladly give his life for you.
🐈~ If someone is ever bothering or messing with you, please don’t hesitate to tell him, because we both know that Kyo doesn’t hesitate to pull out a can of whoopass on whoever deserves it.
🐈~ I mean the boy has been practicing martial arts for years...like- come on he’s a beast.
🐈~ He’s totally whipped for you, and I mean it when I say that he’ll do anything for you.
🐈~ He’s 100% loyal to you and you only, so there’s no worry to be had there.
🐈~ He appreciates words of encouragement more than you think he does.
🐈~ He can be a reallllll hothead sometimes, and you’re one of the only people who can calm him down instantly.
🐈~ He never wants to upset you or make you feel unsafe with him, so he tries his best to not lash out in front of you.
🐈~ You teach him a lot honestly, all good things.
🐈~ You help him break his shell a little bit, slowly but surely.
🐈~ For him though actions speak way louder than words.
🐈~ He cherishes his alone time with you.
🐈~ He tries his best to be as gentle with you as possible, he just doesn’t wanna hurt you in any way shape or form, you’re truly precious to him.
🐈~ God forbid anyone talk badly about you in front of him, because he will be right there in an instant defending you and kicking some ass-
🐈~ Enjoys peace and quiet while spending time with you, just your presence is enough to make him feel safe and secure.
🐈~ He’s a very guarded individual with many walls built, so in the beginning it’s a little hard to break through them.
🐈~ He likes to call you by pet names, only in private though otherwise he gets embarrassed-
🐈~ His heart swells whenever he sees you, and he just wishes he could be with you all the time. The amount of peace and comfort you bring him is truly immaculate.
🐈~ Never break his heart, you’ll regret it forever.
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dadgonedeku · 4 years
hii, could u pls write any type of fluff with kyo from fruits basket?💖
🐈~ Of course lovely!!!
🐈~ Since it was up to me I decided to just write some fluffy first date hcs. I hope that’s okay!!
🐈~ SFW
🐈~ Gender Neutral!Reader
🐈~ Happy reading!
Kyo First Date Hcs 🐈
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🐈~ He honestly tries his best-
🐈~ Kyo is a..umm..well he’s a little emotionally stunted, so he honestly has to begrudgingly ask someone for help so he doesn’t screw anything up.
🐈~ He ends up asking Hatsuharu or even YUKI to help him...
🐈~ Yes indeed I did say Yuki what about it?
🐈~ He ends up taking you to a festival, a mean a day out with your crush should would be fun right? 🙈
🐈~ Uhhh, yeah mostly-
🐈~ Kyo tries his best to avoid crowds because of his zodiac possession, because of course, if he hugs a girl or gets too stressed out he’ll turn into a cat. And a cute one at that-
🐈~ He compliments you on what you’re wearing and how beautiful he thinks you are. It takes a lot for him to put what he thinks into words without sounding like an ass so please be patient 😭😭 he’s trying his best.
🐈~ He’ll hold your hand if you let him, he doesn’t wanna risk losing you in the crowd.
🐈~ If someone else tries to hit on you he’s right there telling them to back off instantly. This is supposed to be your date dammit-
🐈~ The two of you go on rides and enjoy different snacks and festival foods. Just no water rides PLEASE, this boy can’t take it- it’s the cat it’s the cat
🐈~ He will totally play games for you or with you to try and win you a prize.
🐈~ And he succeeds several times over, he ends up having to carry a few of the things he won you because there’s just too many. Bless him 🥺
🐈~ You guys are there from early morning/afternoon to sunset, and honestly both of you are dead tired by the end of it.
🐈~ You bought him a little wooden hand painted cat statue at one of the booths, and surprised him with it as a gift. He’ll never admit it but he treasures it with his life-
🐈~ If things go well and both of you are okay with it, maybe a little kissy at the end of the day. 🥺
🐈~ Ugh my heart is absolutely melting for Kyo I love him so much-
🐈~ And yes there are more dates to come-
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