#l4d add ons
nobody-nexus · 6 months
Ragapom hits different in Left 4 Dead 2 (ft the transmasc bestie @inkyprism)
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teecupangel · 6 months
I had this unhinged crossover idea, Desmond getting yeeted into left 4 dead. Consider this like a really, really late Halloween thing.
I hadn't thought too much on how things would play out for Desmond but all I know is he fucking hates it, he's thought he hated being the main target for Abstergo? Oh he's gonna hate the undead despite feeling a bit of sympathy for them.
I mean, the green flu appeared to have started slowly before things spiraled out of control continuing to evolve and further spread, and the next thing people knew, their loved ones were dropping like flies only to rise once more and begin just attacking out of nowhere. Heartbreaking to him but now his fight for survival just got worse, there's no innocents anymore, and survivors who were once kind and generous are now willing to kill other survivors just to stay safe and get supplies.
He did find some of the saferoom wall writing hilarious though, if he found a marker he totally adds his two cents in.
Absolutely hates the special infected, avoiding witches? He can manage that unless some idiot startles her, first encounter he had was not fun- he swore his heart stopped for a second hearing the witch screech. And don't get him started on the hunters, they boggle his mind and make him internally rage. Of all special infected, he's 100,000% certain if he drops and all he'd end up a hunter, and that thought terrifies him above all else.
Like, could you imagine that? Hunter!Desmond would be a freaking menace, and unlike other hunters who aren't all that silent due to his training and bleeding effects, his stealth goes above and beyond what the typical hunter is capable of. Nightmare fuel for sure.
Well, this is obviously a very late Halloween thing because I just answered this today XD
I have fond memories of L4D as it was the game me and my friends would play between classes if we were quite bored. I even play Back 4 Blood with my friend a few months back just to get back to that L4D feel (and also because it was one of the few games we both had that we could play together hahahaha).
Out of all the infected, I prefer being the Hunter so there’s definitely some bias when I say that I agree with you that Desmond would definitely be the worst kind of Hunter.
Made for stealth and speed, compounded by his unique genetics that makes him the closest Isu among the humans if we don’t count the Sages.
He wouldn’t just be a Hunter, he’d be a mutated Hunter.
One might even call him the Apex Hunter.
His vision would stay in a heightened state of Eagle Vision, unaffected by flashbangs or any kind of tools that might impede his visions or other senses.
The heightened state of Eagle Vision meant that not even walls can hide his preys and he has… ‘favorites’, one might say.
The Apex Hunter would prioritize hunting and turning specific humans.
Humans that would turn into Hunters as well, joining him with some kind of strange pack-like intuition.
To the humans, it would seem random and they won’t realize it but the Apex Hunter…
He turns those that glowed bright to him.
Those with higher Isu genes that the rest.
And it is those nightmares that plague Desmond’s sleep.
It makes him fear being infected.
Not that it was easy for him to be infected.
He wore a mask to cover his face and lessen the chance of being hit by blood or any kind of body fluids from those he takes down. He goes to the nearest museum and ransacks their historical weapon and armor displays, going for the chainmail and leather armor instead of a full metal armor. It was as light as he could get it while offering the necessary protections as he sometimes has no choice but to get into close combat with them.
He goes for weapons his Bleeds are familiar with, a hunting bow for stealth kills that wouldn’t alert the hordes, a sword with the nearest weight to what he was familiar with, a hunting dagger that he uses more as a utility tool than anything else and an emergency pistol he got from an undead police officer he took down.
He kept his identity a secret. There was no need to tell everyone he was Desmond Miles, not when he’s not sure yet if Abstergo had already been wiped out or if they’re not behind the scenes, protected by the best security money can buy.
He woke up alone, in a room that had enough clues for him to figure out that he was about to be dissected (or vivisected since he wasn’t dead yet).
No clues on where the Assassins were.
If there were even Assassins left.
All he knew was that he woke up and the world had turned into a post zombie apocalypse.
So he continues to travel, focusing on the rooftops to traverse and only making contact with other survivors when it was necessary (or if his kindness gets the better of him).
He does not give a name.
But his existence is whispered regardless.
The White Hood.
A man clad in a white hoodie with a blank mask that covers his entire face.
You know when you see him because…
His white clothes do not have a speck of blood at all.
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emojellyace08 · 5 months
Okay I might come up with a rant right now...
Just read Vin Jin's backstory and I honestly felt bad for him. Bro deserves better.
And announcement that I wouldn't write Taejin because he's a messed up motherfucker. I kind of cringe when one time I wrote something for him before it was revealed what kind of person he really is (he r**** Vin's sister). I would make edits and remove him. I also wouldn't write for the fake Baek Hangyeol (the fake doctor). Probably other characters as well? I don't know I might take considerations but I would be picky choosing what to write.
So far I will write for J-High, Big Deal, God Dog, Vin Jin, (I like writing good and sane characters lol) probably Gun and Goo? James might be considered but I'll still think about it (if he's ever really Charles Choi's second body I would go nuts and won't write him anymore since it will be very fucking weird). For Workers I am really picky as well.
I might be picky doing writing with the other characters.
And for the request and posting schedule!
I would write fluff, aus (I really love the crossovers and requests you guys make. I might do a zombie one with my own art since I'm in my L4D phase rn lol) and angst (probably less smut but that doesn't mean I won't write it anymore, I would just be picky about what lies on that category and if it is morally acceptable).
And I won't write weird ass stuff either.
Posting schedule isn't finalized yet but either around Thursday to Sunday (depends when I'm active). But I'll be probably be posting in Fridays first? I'm busy with my personal life right now.
Request Lists (that I haven't done yet)
Lookism (J-High AU) with reader (Part 2 for the Gen 0 ver.)
Fem! Gojo Reader x Lookism (Part 2)
Johan x Female Reader (feel free to add more information about how I will write it).
Gun x Female Reader (requested by rukuk)
(Feel free to add ideas if I left something on the list and requests might be done REALLY late since I got to focus on my studies. But I'll prioritize the other first requests before doing the others. But I already have saved drafts, just unfinished).
I'll try to post maybe later or tomorrow (I'm cramming right now so yeah. Wait for other announcements and posts for now. Thank you!)
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punkasshunter · 9 months
After much, much, much experimentation and back-and-forth, here it finally is! This is the Left 4 Dead-themed Ao3 site skin I've been working on for the past couple months! So far as I can tell, no one has posted anything like this, which obviously I had to change.
This is my first time making an Ao3 skin, so there will likely be areas that I've missed that will turn up broken or clumsy, and if so I will keep a running "change log". With that in mind, I'd strongly request feedback so that I can make these fixes and update the CSS with them!
This is to be followed in the near (likely within a few days) future by a similar work skin, allowing for a similar look within just a posted work, and giving the ability to use subtitle-colored character text like the tags in this!
This is not a lightweight skin; it themes virtually every area of Ao3 in some way. With that in mind, here are some major features!
"Saferoom graffiti"-style comments and inbox mail and health bar UIs for comment and inbox icons
A fun new site header! Just wait and see.
Campaign poster-style blurbs for works!
Campaign menu selection border title blocks and image borders.
Canon character tags in the color of their ingame subtitles, for both the survivors and special infected!
Detailed instructions are in the Ao3 work linked in this post, but I'll include them here as well under the cut.
Instructions to create and use the skin
This is important! If you will be using this skin for mobile at all, you must go through the steps to add the mobile parent skin, or else a lot will be broken and borderline unusable on small screens. If you will be using for desktop solely you can feel free to use only the main skin.
Creating the parent skin:
The first thing that needs to be done is to create a site skin with the mobile fix CSS. Go to your dashboard, and select the button on your side menu that says "Skins". From there, you will want to click "Create Skin". For skin type, select "site skin". Title the skin something recognizable, such as "L4D site skin mobile fixes". Then copy all of the code found here into the body. On "Advanced Options" hit "Show". The only setting here you need to worry about is Media, where you will check the box for "only screen and (max-width: 42em)". It should look like this.
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Hit "Submit" and step 1 should be done!
The main skin:
Step two is to create the main portion of the skin and add the mobile fixes as the parent skin! Return to "Skins" on your dashboard, and create a second site skin. Title this something recognizable as well, such as "L4D site skin". Once again, you'll be selecting "Site skin" in the dropdown. Copy all of the code found here into the body. If you won't be on mobile at all, hit submit now and the skin will be good to go. Otherwise, show "Advanced Options" again. This time, the category you want is "Parent Skins". In the selection box, begin to type and then select whatever you titled your mobile fix skin, and then press "Add Parent". This should look something like this.
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Hit submit again, and the skin creation is done!
The theme fonts:
Note that this skin was designed to use two text fonts from the Left 4 Dead games, Future Rot and Stubble Bold, to look exactly as intended, and one more open text font, Moinho, for the headings of the graffiti-styled comments and inbox. Those can be found in this folder, but are optional, and the skin will function fine without them. To use them, simply download, and then once they are downloaded, click on them and press “Install” in the window that appears with the example text.
Using the skin:
You're almost done! The last step is simply to go to the "Skins" tab of your dashboard again, where you should see the blurbs for your mobile fix skin and the main skin. Click "Use" on the main skin, and that will select the skin to use!
Here are, without spoiling a couple of the fun easter eggs, some preview images of the skin on desktop!
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...And on mobile!
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lmao2344 · 6 months
L4D L-AU. I'm gonna write about this in Ao3 tommorow.
In this AU, a cure for the infection was developed. The man responsible for this event is Joseph Zofterd, a doctor and specialized pharmaceutical chemist, who managed to create a variant of an anti-rabies cure that, after experiments on military bases and on infected animals, led to the conclusion that it could combat the green flu. It is something complex to explain, but it was a process that took a year of understanding until its use in a test on a group of infected people. Those who suffer from amnesia and are restored as people, some affected must learn to walk, talk or write as a side effect of the substance. It is not a 100% effective cure, in fact it only kills the virus and returns normal functionality to the brain and other organs. In some cases it can kill the individual if their body cannot process the cure or cause physical or cardiovascular performance problems if it was carried out successfully but not in the expected way, in other situations it may have no consequences, but it depends on the level. and severity of infection. In the case of the special infected, they do not return to human forms, as I said, the cure is primitive and cannot repair damage as serious as theirs. If it were a common infected, it has a better chance of returning to normal or approaching the full human form. So they are conscious again, they are people but in irreversible bodies. This context is what I use to explore the infected as people trying to reintegrate into the post-cure stage. Well, if we follow the order, currently the world has managed to recompose itself quite a bit and human civilization is back in command, the infected, who are the majority, will have to get used to their bodies and abilities in a place where they are no longer a threat. My beautiful protagonists are the eight traditional special infected and one more, Boomette; the female version of the boomer. It should be noted that in this AU they are brothers, and there will also be an exploration of rare ships that my brother proposed. I have nothing more to add now about this AU, I explore it from time to time but not very often.
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eyesoverinfinity · 2 years
l4d cooking show au
this is an au where the l4d and l4d2 survivors have a cooking show together.
based off of this post by @house-of-wack that I rebloged:
I'm calling it "8 in the kitchen."
This cooking show is where our 8 survivors cook over-the-top food together.
Each survivor has a turn being the 'head chief' and directing the others. They have 50% rate of the food being edible and skits of them illegally buying peanut butter and other wacky high-jinks.
occasionally they have crossovers with other valve games.
I'll add to this au when I have time, tell me if you want to see more of this. The first one will be Nick making everyone cook the worlds biggest pizza.
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nahasnine · 2 years
Download game left 4 dead 2 rip
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Download game left 4 dead 2 rip for free#
Download game left 4 dead 2 rip full#
Download game left 4 dead 2 rip software#
Unusual normal living.Five of extensive campaignsfor the three game modes: Cooperative, Versus and the game ofsurvival. This co-operative action horror FPS takes you and your friends through the cities, swamps and cemeteries of the Deep South, from Savannah to New Orleans across. Over 20 new weapons and items, including more than 10 types of melee weapons Left 4 Dead 2 freeload (v2.2.1.3) Set in the zombie apocalypse, Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) is the highly anticipated sequel to the award-winning Left 4 Dead, the 1 co-op game of 2008.
Download game left 4 dead 2 rip full#
All the similar files for games like Left 4 Dead 2 in the 'Action Games' category can be found in Downloads on pages like Full games & demos, Mods & add-ons, Patches & updates and Wallpapers. Left 4 Dead 2 download section contains: 12 mods, 19 wallpapers, 7 trainers.
Download game left 4 dead 2 rip for free#
The next generation of cooperative action games from the creators of Half-Life, Portal, Team Fortress and Counter-Strike Download for free files to Left 4 Dead 2.
You just have toremember in time to pull the trigger or clobber monstryatinu those thatcame to hand. VPK files are used for storing maps, models, materials, choreography scenes, and other original. It may be a master directory file for a collection of VPK files or may be one of the raw VPK data files. To make a mad L4D gameplay even morefurious, Director (AI Director), artificial intelligence, monitoryour actions in the original game and correct environment on the basisof this analysis has now reached the next level - 2.0! From now on, hechanges the weather, the population of zombies, their behavior, thedifferent effects and sounds based on your behavior more effectively.Director tune L4D2 under your style of play. A VPK file is a Valve Pak file used by some games developed with the Source Engine, which include Half-Life, Left 4 Dead, DOTA 2, and Portal 2. Its an action game, set in a horror, licensed title and zombies themes. You also meet with unusual normal infected, including thenightmarish madmenov (mudmen). Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddlers Green (aka, : ) is a video game published in 2005 on Windows by Groove Games. This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 7th, 2009 at 12:09 am and is filed under Left 4 Dead, Steam, Valve. You have to use the entire arsenalagainst the monstrous special Infected (or playing for them in the modeVersus). This fixes support for the newer VPK format that was introduced recently in Left4Dead.
Download game left 4 dead 2 rip software#
Developer: Valve Software | Language: English Review :
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tea-kettlezz · 5 months
I was gonna add this to the tags of last post but I thought it'd be rude to just go on a spiel about my thoughts on White Lie
Anyway I used to be SOOO into White Lie (L4D fan series) but I just slowly started disliking the way Zoey was characterized. She didn't feel like Zoey anymore at some point. And I'm not gonna judge too much bc I never finished it plus idk the intention for its inclusion, but the "precious crush" on Ellie was...questionable
Maybe it's just bc I'm used to stuff like that being included and handled horribly that I just can't help but be drawn away from the series bc of it
Looking back I'm also not like, a big fan of how Rochelle was handled either. And I'm not digging how she looked as well
The Franci (multiple Francis') were funny as fuck though. They were so stupid it was funny. Loved Coach and Ellis as well
Maybe one day I'll rewatch and opinions will change but yeah. I won't lie when I say that series changed me forever though
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Make a Button Trigger a Panic Event and Play a Sound in Source Engine
Tutorial followed: "L4D: How to Create a Panic Event" by WorldofLevelDesign
Text and Pictures tutorial below:
In this example, I created my first button that forces the director to spawn zombies and to play a sound on repeat. I am not sure how to make the sound stop, but I will make another post once I find out.
This tutorial was made primarily with Left 4 Dead 2 in mind, however, this is applicable to all Source Engine without needing a director, or if you simply want sound. If you want sound, skip to
Basic things to know before attempting for the first time:
The world must have objects for the zombies to spawn out of yours and the bots' line of sight. They must be obscured from plain sight. Think of it like Hide and Seek. The director will NOT spawn zombies if there are no objects for them to hide from.
You must know how to create a basic level and know how to use the "brushes" (aka blocks). The level must be completely sealed. If it leaks, your map will not render. There is a separate video tutorial for learning how to create a map.
Entities covered in this tutorial: 1) func_button 2) info_director 3) ambient_generic 4) logic_relay
Continue further for the full tutorial:
Create an entity button that you'd like to use in Hammer. After creating the button, double-click on it to bring up Object Properties.
Type in the Class field, "func_button." Press Enter or Apply to bring up the func_button properties.
Give your new entity called the func_button a custom name. For the sake of this tutorial, we'll use "emergencybutton." (Keep your Names short and sweet without space. It'll be easier to callback later.)
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4. Create an info_director entity in the level. Type in the class info_director. When it comes up, press enter or apply to bring up the new settings.
5. Give the info_director a name. We'll name this one director (easiest to remember by).
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6. Create an ambient_generic. This is the sound that will play when you trigger the button. Place it anywhere in the level that you need for it to be. This will render as 3D sound in the environment in the final render.
7. Give your ambient_generic a name. For this example, we'll use "emergencybuttonsound."
8. Look in the Property Name List for Sound Name. This is where you'll choose the sound that will play.
You can adjust other properties as needed before continuing such as Volume, Dynamic Presets, Fade in/Fade Out Time, Pitch, Start Pitch, etc.
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9. Click Browse to pull up the sound list. Choose the sound you want by double-clicking on it, or "OK."
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10. Exit the Sound Browser, and click "Apply" to save your new ambient_generic sound.
11. Come back to the func_button you made at the beginning of this tutorial. Double-click on it again, and go to your Outputs tab.
12. To enter a new output, click Add. Then it will give you the options to create your outputs. It gets easier from here.
13. Remember that ambient_generic you made in Step 6? Place your sound's name in the Target Entities named field. Click on the dropdown field to find the sound you chose and named.
This will tell the func_button to play "Insert Your Custom Sound Here."
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14. Enter these values into the field, just as you see this below
My output named: OnPressed Targets entities: Your custom sound Via this input: PlaySound After a delay in seconds of: 0
When you're done, you can simply click on Add or use Ctrl + S to save your new settings. Clicking outside of the bottom box will save the settings automatically. Just double-click to make sure you entered the values right.
This will tell your ambient_generic entity to play the sound upon pressing the button.
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15. Create a second output for the director to spawn zombies. Follow the same easy, peasy steps as above.
My output named: OnPressed Targets entities named: director (that's the name you should've given to your info_director entity) Via this input: ForcePanicEvent After a delay in seconds of: 0
This will tell the info_director entity to spawn zombies upon pressing the button.
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16. Click Apply to save both of your inputs.
17. Run your map to render the final results. I hope you saved your projects in intervals so you didn't lose everything.
A) Press F9 to run the map. B) File, Run Map.
The game should render your button. Your button must be able to force a director panic event (spawn zombies) and play the sound you have.
If these steps seemed too detailed or not simple enough, follow the tutorial on WorldofLevelDesign.
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left 4 dead 2 mods skins
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD MOD - LINK 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 My first survival model ported to Left 4 Dead 2. This mod will replace or well in this case update Nick to wear a basic Vietnam Era U.S Army. Discover and download new maps, Add-ons, Mutations and more! Want to try your hand at modding or want to upload your mod to Steam? Más información. Download Shots mods and skins for Left 4 Dead 2. All from independent developers. Download Items mods and skins for Left 4 Dead 2. All from independent developers. GRACIAS POR VER EL VIDEO, ESPERO QUE TE HALLA GUSTADO, DEJA TU LIKE ❤los mods. Skins de personajes para left 4 dead 2 – Cómo instalar mods · Paso 1: Ve a tu biblioteca y haz clic en "Todos los juegos" en la parte superior y, a continuación. Description L4D2 © Valve There is many mods and skins for L4D. One of them is where survivors are replaced with raptors. At first it did give some troubles. Left 4 Dead 2 : TELETUBBIES MOD Una pregunta ¿por q cuando instalo nuevos graficos al juego, el juego no funciona bien? Es decir estoy jugando y pues de un.
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zejust · 2 years
Left 4 dead 2 characters
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L4D 2 features “The AI Director 2.0” which expands the Director’s ability to customize level layout, world objects, weather, and lighting to reflect different times of day. AI Director 2.0: Advanced technology dubbed “The AI Director” drove L4D's unique gameplay – customizing enemy population, effects, and music, based upon the players’ performance.Each of the five new campaigns contains at least one new “uncommon common” zombies which are exclusive to that campaign. Five expansive campaigns for co-operative, Versus and Survival game modes.Over 20 new weapons & items headlined by over 10 melee weapons – axe, chainsaw, frying pan, baseball bat – allow you to get up close with the zombies.Next generation co-op action gaming from the makers of Half-Life, Portal, Team Fortress and Counter-Strike.L4D2 promises a satisfying and uniquely challenging experience every time the game is played, custom-fitted to your style of play. This improved Director has the ability to procedurally change the weather you'll fight through and the pathways you'll take, in addition to tailoring the enemy population, effects, and sounds to match your performance. Helping to take L4D's frantic, action-packed gameplay to the next level is AI Director 2.0. You'll also encounter five new “uncommon” common infected, including the terrifying Mudmen. You'll be putting these weapons to the test against (or playing as in Versus) three horrific and formidable new Special Infected. In addition to firearms, you'll also get a chance to take out some aggression on infected with a variety of carnage-creating melee weapons, from chainsaws to axes and even the deadly frying pan. You'll play as one of four new survivors armed with a wide and devastating array of classic and upgraded weapons. Tweaking a character’s design is nothing new, it happens all the time in video game development. This co-operative action horror FPS takes you and your friends through the cities, swamps and cemeteries of the Deep South, from Savannah to New Orleans across five expansive campaigns. The Survivors exit the wrecked helicopter to find that they have landed in a bayou. Continued abuse of our services will cause your IP address to be blocked indefinitely.Set in the zombie apocalypse, Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) is the highly anticipated sequel to the award-winning Left 4 Dead, the #1 co-op game of 2008. (From left to right: Ellis, Coach, Rochelle, and Nick) After being rescued, the helicopter pilot becomes infected, prompting Nick to shoot him and cause the helicopter to crash. Please fill out the CAPTCHA below and then click the button to indicate that you agree to these terms. If you wish to be unblocked, you must agree that you will take immediate steps to rectify this issue. If you do not understand what is causing this behavior, please contact us here. If you promise to stop (by clicking the Agree button below), we'll unblock your connection for now, but we will immediately re-block it if we detect additional bad behavior. Overusing our search engine with a very large number of searches in a very short amount of time It is based on the Frying Pan from the video game Left 4 Dead 2 a seasoned cast-iron skillet with a small dent on the underside.Using a badly configured (or badly written) browser add-on for blocking content The Brad Military: -Literally heavily armed, both groups from Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 who are less in amount of people and fire power still lasted longer than them.Running a "scraper" or "downloader" program that either does not identify itself or uses fake headers to elude detection.Using a script or add-on that scans GameFAQs for box and screen images (such as an emulator front-end), while overloading our search engine.There is no official GameFAQs app, and we do not support nor have any contact with the makers of these unofficial apps. Continued use of these apps may cause your IP to be blocked indefinitely. This triggers our anti-spambot measures, which are designed to stop automated systems from flooding the site with traffic. Some unofficial phone apps appear to be using GameFAQs as a back-end, but they do not behave like a real web browser does.Using GameFAQs regularly with these browsers can cause temporary and even permanent IP blocks due to these additional requests. If you are using Maxthon or Brave as a browser, or have installed the Ghostery add-on, you should know that these programs send extra traffic to our servers for every page on the site that you browse.The most common causes of this issue are: Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests.
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Left 4 Dead on Steam
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Sign in to add this item to your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as ignored. Sign in to see reasons why you may or may not like this based on your games, friends, and curators you follow. Includes 2 items: Left 4 Dead , Left 4 Dead 2. You can use this widget-maker to generate a bit of HTML that can be embedded in your website to easily allow customers to purchase this game on Steam. Sign In. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Your Store Your Store. Categories Categories. Special Sections. Player Support. Community Hub. Left 4 Dead. From Valve the creators of Counter-Strike, Half-Life and more comes Left 4 Dead, a co-op action horror game for the PC and Xbox that casts up to four players in an epic struggle for survival against swarming zombie hordes and terrifying mutant monsters. Recent Reviews:. All Reviews:. Popular user-defined tags for this product:. Is this game relevant to you? Sign In or Open in Steam. Languages :. English and 16 more. View Steam Achievements Includes 73 Steam Achievements. Publisher: Valve. Share Embed. Read Critic Reviews. Shop Merchandise Now. Shop For Left 4 Dead Merchandise. Visit the l4d. Add to Cart. Bundle info. Add to Account. View Community Hub. About This Game From Valve the creators of Counter-Strike, Half-Life and more comes Left 4 Dead, a co-op action horror game for the PC and Xbox that casts up to four players in an epic struggle for survival against swarming zombie hordes and terrifying mutant monsters. Each "movie" is comprised of five large maps, and can be played by one to four human players, with an emphasis on team-based strategy and objectives. New technology dubbed "the AI Director" is used to generate a unique gameplay experience every time you play. The Director tailors the frequency and ferocity of the zombie attacks to your performance, putting you in the middle of a fast-paced, but not overwhelming, Hollywood horror movie. Addictive single player, co-op, and multiplayer action gameplay from the makers of Counter-Strike and Half-Life Versus Mode lets you compete four-on-four with friends, playing as a human trying to get rescued, or as a zombie boss monster that will stop at nothing to destroy them. In addition to advancing the story, "The Sacrifice" introduces a new style finale featuring "Sacrificial Gameplay" where players get to decide who will give their life so the others may live. Mature Content Description The developers describe the content like this: Includes realistic violence, blood and gore involving zombie-like creatures. System Requirements Windows. See all. View all. Click here to see them. Customer reviews. Overall Reviews:. Review Type. All 42, Positive 40, Negative 1, All 42, Steam Purchasers 34, Other 7, All Languages 42, Your Languages 16, Customize. Date Range. To view reviews within a date range, please click and drag a selection on a graph above or click on a specific bar. Show graph. Brought to you by Steam Labs. Filter reviews by the user's playtime when the review was written:. No minimum to No maximum. Off-topic Review Activity. When enabled, off-topic review activity will be filtered out. This defaults to your Review Score Setting. Read more about it in the blog post. Excluding Off-topic Review Activity. Loading reviews There are no more reviews that match the filters set above. Review Filters. Enter up to characters to add a description to your widget:. Create widget. Popular user-defined tags for this product:? Sign In Sign in to add your own tags to this product. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. VAT included in all prices where applicable. View mobile website.
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kiivg · 3 years
I could be misremembering, since your style has changed a lot, but I seem to recall you doing a fair amount of L4D art in the past too. Still super cool, I love your poses and your line-work, and the way you’ve gone about designing atmosphere is amazing. I love your art, glad to have found your stuff again king!
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.I gotta stop drawing all the same shit I drew years ago lmaoooo. But I did draw a whole bunch which was maybe 2015/2016-ish but that's on my old laptop so I don't have a lot to drag myself with, sadly, but I can do a comparison because I like those and I have four L4D pictures on my external hard drive from 2017 haha.
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.One major thing is the size of my pictures, like I knew that bigger canvases made for better pictures, apparently, and the stuff on the left is at 50% size, compared to what I draw now which is always 2000px x 1000px lately. But that might have been because I was going for a painterly style as opposed to what I’m doing now, because you can hide a lot in a painterly style imo.
.So the left is like, actual finished things, or at least what I would have considered to be good enough back then, and the right is a sketch from a week or so ago. And the sketch is a billion times better, easily. And I don’t mean this in the way of composition or the fact that I made a background because I didn’t do that in 2017…. Or… up until recently haha… but rather in the way of the lines being more accurate, it’s still sketchy on the right because it’s a sketch, but it’s so much cleaner and more confident because I actually studied anatomy in between these times. I think maybe I’d studied the human head because of the way I’m sketching ears on the left, but nothing heavy into body proportions and things.
.But there’s also more depth in facial analysis, all these guys have a square chin, protruding cheekbones, the same kind of necks too on the left. (I mean Bill’s old, where’s the neck sag?) Though lately I know more about singular features, and ways in which to define them. Like, Nick (or Taymour Ghazi, y’know) has a wide face with little cheekbone definition (unless fancy camera angles and general skinny-ness), and he’s got quite a fat uhh double chin (?) like the bit under your jaw that connects chin to neck despite not being actually chunky in the rest of his body. He’s got a cleft/dimple at the tip of his nose, very thin eyes, rounded ears that slightly stick out, and eyebrows that thin at either end that are kind of triangle-y, and I fancy him hahaha :)c. Point being, I wouldn’t have paid attention to any of this back then. The only singular definition I have in the left in Ellis’ bum-chin, which is nothing compared to how attentive to character features I try to be now.
.Then there’s attention to detail in clothing nowadays. I draw seams, like if you want to add defining shape to your pictures just draw the seams. And the folds, I actually understand how clothing folds now, on top of squidgy body rolls and things. Do I need to mention hands? I mean I still struggle because I have tiny baby hands and proportions are hard when you want to draw Big Man Hands and… don’t actually have them irl :(c. Regardless, I’m a lot better at drawing now.
.Also, on another note, I remember drawing a lot of Francis and Nick in prison suits and stuff, and like Nick with full body tattoos or something? I don’t know if I like that anymore, I do like Nick with body scars, atm I’ve drawn him with stabbing scars and on this right sketch there’s a gut shot surgery scar that I want to throw on him. (Premise of the right picture was Nick being stingy about wanting to sort himself out so nobody saw his big old surgery scars and Ellis is just like ‘y’know Keith got a hell’u’va lotta scars, Nick, ain’t nothing that’ll scare me off’ kind of thing.) But that’s another thing! My pictures, specifically the last L4D stuff, all have something of a story to them. Whether people can see the story is another thing, but I’m trying!
.I do still like the idea of Nick and Francis being in prison together because why not, but I got a few more HCs that I wouldn’t have had however many years ago. Like, Ellis cannot grow a beard to save his life, hillbilly bumfluff is the only thing he’s growing from that fabulous jawline of his. And the mullet, oh god why am I so sweaty over Ellis with a mullet, it’s embarrassing, but I’m not to blame, I didn’t introduce myself to backwater-curly-haired-mullet-men, no, someone else showed me that.
.HOWEVER! Thank you so much for liking my stuff back then, and recognising my Nellis-trash-ass and liking my stuff now :)c. It’s still super funky that people find me again and remember me, like, that’s crazy and I love it :)c.
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nmoroder · 4 years
L4D(2) Actor AU
This is a (not complete) list of headcanons for the Actor AU me and my bro came up with during our Expert runs and running extremely low on morale. We created this as a sort of ‘happy’ AU which would also give some room to our own ideas, so some of this stuff below may only slightly be related to original. We understand.
This post won’t be updated but instead followed by other ones if something else arises, so check ‘l4d actor au’ tag on my blog for more!
Overall setting
The Left 4 Dead universe itself is a series of 90-min movies divided into first and second season, L4D1 and L4D2 respectively. This list will further refer to them as S1 and S2;
L4D is a series about, of course, zombie apocalypse, but teamwork and forming bonds between people are brought to spotlight. Both seasons consist of episodes where four Survivors try to find a solid ground and safety with every episode ending on a cheerful note but every next one starting with the cheerfulness destroyed. The episodes share their names and events with Campaigns;
Originally, L4D was created by a team of enthusiasts, consisting of friends, families and family friends, so they are all very immersed in process and really giving their best. Their collective is also the reason their funding isn’t very high and they’re mostly using their own equipment and props; this makes the series look less expensive and polished but retains the atmosphere and the main goal: to show people growing warmer to each other and learning to stick together;
The actors’ names are mostly created by combining the face model’s first name and the voice actor’s last name, though some other versions do take place (see S1 and S2);
The safehouse graffitis are inspired by the fans’ responses from forums and contests, so it’s some sort of communicating with audience through screenplay;
The Third Strike, more commonly known as Black and White Mode which occures after second incapacitation, was firstly discovered as a camera malfunction but then the team liked it so much that they decided to leave it as a feature and add the heartbeat effect and stuff;
Main plot line consists solely of canon Campaigns (that means it doesn’t include Last Stand and Cold Stream) but there were also suggestions to shot additional episodes - the Mutations. After S1 success, the authors posted their ideas on different ‘modes’ and fans added theirs as well and thus during S2 some more episodes were made using, for example, a male synchronized swimming team to create the Hunting Party mutation. The original Hunter actor also participated and the swimmers required to copy his behavior; they did it so well that sometimes the whole Survivor team was being overwhelmed once they began the take;
There are no stuntmen on board so every fighting scene is shot with original actors. When it requires to shove someone off with a weapon (e.g. Zoey shoving a Hunter off Louis in the L4D1 intro), after the take actors always ask each other whether they hit too hard, should they improve the movements etc. Different actors have different range so it’s a tricky thing to cooperate but they still manage (I’ll come back to this topic in L4D2 section);
Most Infected, especially Special Infected encounters are improvised, bringing more life and realism to the Survivors’ response. The Hunter is responsible for a fair share of their shock as they noticed him stuck at a saferoom ceiling only after a while (this is a reference to the glitches that allow the Hunter to get stuck under the roof in Versus);
There was a suggestion to run a Kickstarter campaign to gather money for a fanservice episode especially for shippers. While it was most likely a joke from actors who didn’t mind shipping, it’s still a suggestion and not in work.
L4D (Season 1)
Zoey shares the zombie movie obsession with her actress; Sonja was the most familiar with the topic among original team and provided a lot of help with setting up the scene, behaviour writing etc. Along with Louis and Boomer actors, she was the creator of original idea and can consider herself a founder of the series. She is also older than Zoey as a character, being already in her 25s while Zoey is a college student;
The original Boomer actor was a CGI specialist and offered his skills for post-processing while also playing an Infected role. He came up with the idea of a Boomer Infected himself and suggested his large physique to do the role with a little touch of computer graphics and makeup;
While discussing the major characters and personalities worth including, Zoey’s actress instantly remembered her neighbor, the big buffy tattooed guy who was her childhood friend, worked as a driver and spent his weekends with his favorite bike. She figured that it’s a nice image to have in a zombie apocalypse setting, and thus Francis’ actor made it to the set;
When it came to the image of a war veteran refusing to give in to monsters, Zoey’s actress was also the one to suggest another person to fill up the space: her father. He was younger than Bill was written to be but did the impersonating well. He’s got an overall friendly but bickering attitude towards Francis’ actor so most of lines written for Bill and Francis interaction were the ones actors remembered from their own conversations, slightly exaggerated;
Zoey’s actress and Louis’ actor were co-workers for several years and bonded over their mutual interest to zombie theme and shooting. She foud out that Sean attended a shooting range in his spare time and asked him to take her out too; thus she both found out he aces in ambidextrous shooting and got him to teach her how to wield a hunting rifle. The weapon preferences were carried over to respective characters;
Hunter’s actor became a surprise for the team as Francis’ actor brought him over saying that the guy’s got a fantastic voice (and a music band) and physique to make some badass new Infected for them. They got him to voice the crowd extras of common Infected but also came up with an idea of shrieking hooded parkour bastard to rip someone’s guts out, thus creating the Hunter as another Special Infected;
As the next Special Infected concept came out of the shadows - a lanky coughing tongue-twisting zombie who would grab the Survivors and restrict them, Hunter’s actor brought another person to the set. It was his music band co-participant who did drums and back vocals and also had an ability to eject the most horrible coughing sound out of his throat while being (seemingly) healthy. He took over the role of a Smoker;
Hunter’s actor is named Mike after Mike Patton, the voice actor for Infected and SI like Hunter and Smoker. Smoker’s actor is named Mike too but the fact that he plays drums and does back vocals is actually a reference to Faith No More, the band where Patton actually does vocals and Mike Bordin does what Smoker’s actor does. It sounds complicated but originally the idea of Hunter and Smoker actors sharing a name came from Patton voicing them both, and then I found out about the band and two Mikes present so... that was a weird but happy coincidence;
The fact stated above was the reason the team came up with nicknames just for two Mikes on the set - Hoodie and Tongue respectively. The tradition was carried over to S2 where the new Hunter actor would receive a patronizing nickname Kid from Survivors (see S2)
Of all Infected actors, Hunter’s actor was the least level-headed and even Francis’ actor sometimes doubted his past decision to bring him in. Nevertheless, Hoodie’s cheerful attitude and energy helped the collective stay positive and fuelled during especially hard days. It also brought out the less lethargic and melancholic part of Tongue and made him more lively about things;
Despite Hoodie being the Endless Energy Core which people tended to adore, he was still in a lousy relationship with Witch’s actress (her name, by the way, is different from the voice actress - it’s Rose). He kept a charmer’s attitude towards her even though she was a married woman; Rose tended to be neutral or mostly positive towards most colleagues but this behavior pissed her off big time, leading to Hoodie being injured by her stage costume claws after she punched him in the face for a really bad dating joke. Hoodie toned it down afterwards but their relationship didn’t improve much up until the end;
Witch’s actress is keen on baking and sometimes brings some to the filming set;
Since the budget was comparatively low, the team couldn’t afford a lot of crowd extras so they hired a group of people to then create an image of a Horde attacking by using CGI. That’s why there’s so much repeating common Infected on-screen;
The first season included all L4D1 original Campaigns, leaving The Sacrifice out as it was added later in a DLC. As S2 came into development stage, the team wanted to add an episode with the old Survivors team but Bill’s actor was unavailable at the time and was overall not hot with the idea of shooting movies anymore; so eventually they plotted the episode (The Passing campaign) to feature Bill being dead. The fans were shocked to find it out and demanded to know what exactly happened, thus leading to actually shooting The Sacrifice as a bonus episode to S1 (and requiring Bill’s actor to come back despite his attitude).
L4D2 (Season 2)
The collective decided to take a sharp turn on the new Survivors and create them being unacquainted and sort of separated at the start but growing closer as time passes by. The idea of S1 Survivors being almost a family to each other sounded great and played along just right but the team wanted to delve deeper into relationship problems and also have a change of scenery - and so they did;
The Infected team for S2 still consisted of some old faces (Boomer, Tank and Witch) but some had to leave the set for the time being and were unable to rehearse the roles, this being Hunter and Smoker actors. They got into music harder than zombie movies and planned to go on a tour so they could only leave their old Infected sounds as a legacy;
The new Smoker actor was a treasure Coach’s actor brought to the set. Since Coach was in fact a college coach, he kept a close eye on some problematic students under his wing and picked out the one he’d considered perfect and at the same time worth looking after. The guy was recovering from compulsory drug treatment and had some ugly scars all over his arms, making him an easier candidate for makeup;
Hoodie, on his part, brought a replacement on his own, and it was his brother - four years younger, even more insanely into parkour and a huge fan of L4D series, he made a perfect new Hunter. Despite being only a few years younger than Hoodie, he instantly became treated like a restless constant-questioner child, a literal piece of sunshine on the set, so the team came to call him just Kid. He adjusted to the nickname after a couple of weeks, though being seriously surprised at it at the start;
The actors of Ellis, Jockey and Charger all come from one family, being two sons and a father. Coach suggested the family as well, being their close friend for many years and pointing out Ellis’ actor appearance being something close to the laid-back mechanic they wanted for the new Survivors team;
Although fluently speaking in a Southern accent, Ellis’ actor isn’t very fond of it as he tried to get rid of it and move to a different state; the role obliged him to use the accent again though and it wasn’t hard to recreate, but he still didn’t take pride in it and was mostly annoyed with it and Nick’s jokes written in script;
Ellis’ actor is also the one more frequently complaining about amount of money the actors receive for their work on set. Their funding increased a bit since S1′s popularity strike but still;
Most of Ellis’ stories were written based on actual on-set incidents, usually featuring Nick’s actor (see below);
Nick’s actor, Taymour, is married to Witch’s actress and is a big fan of her performance in S1. When she heard the idea of having a snarky self-centered ladies’ man in the new Survivors team, she immediately knew who’d handle the role at his best. She also rehearsed the role of Witch just to make sure nothing bad happens to her husband on-set (also see below);
Nick’s actor suffers from constant bad luck incidents. He can accidentally break or twist something without serious effort; he’s also allergic to artificial blood and he is the reason the filming set actually features painkillers and functioning adrenaline shots. Despite all that, he’s got a positive attitude about bad luck and got used to being in a state of constant non-obvious danger, unlike others who geniunely worry about his well-being and fear that one day an accidental injury might end him once and for all;
This trait is also the reason Nick’s line “Can’t you see I’m limping here?” made it into the script - it was improvised after Nick’s actor badly hit his leg and was the last to make it to a saferoom during a take. The team liked it and decided to leave it in;
Nick’s actor treats his role with all respect and doesn’t consider it a small one despite the not so large fee. He’s also a complete opposite to the character, being a very friendly and kind-hearted guy to everyone on set; he can however switch back to his script personality with startling speed and it scared some of the new actors at first. Despite playing an asshole which is very different from real him, Nick’s actor enjoys it a lot and overall finds great joy in working with the team and bringing them together;
Bringing back the topic of being gentle to each other, Nick’s actor takes great care when it’s required to hit or shove someone in the take, keeping it mildest possible, unlike for example Ellis’ actor who can smash you in the face without a second thought;
Nick’s actor and Witch’s actress keep their loving attitude on set as well, sometimes making it hard to shoot scenes featuring a Witch killing; as they were shooting the Witch Bride scene where the same actress took place but had a different outfit and makeup, they ruined several takes by driving the dialogue in unwanted directions, e.g. “Ellis, go kiss the bride! No wait, I’ll do that myself” or “N: Sounds like my ex-wife... W: I still AM your wife, darling! >:C”;
With her husband on stage, Witch’s actress is probably closest to her role - she will tear apart anyone who dares to hit on Nick’s actor or mean any harm to him (as if his own harming isn’t enough...). The only one she’d go loose is Ellis’ actor, being an old close friend;
Ellis’ actor was the one who introduced Nick’s actor to his future wife. They’ve actually been close friends since the university and Ellis’ actor was among those who obviously saw Nick’s actor and Rose being in love but completely oblivious to it. Ellis’ actor is still kinda jealous that she took his best friend away and they can’t hang out anymore like they used to, but they get quite a lot of time on set so he’s less irritated about that;
Nick’s actor is especially supportive towards Rochelle’s actress, Shanola. She feels self-conscious because of her character’s rating being lower than expected and blames it on her performance, but Taymour keeps reassuring her that she’s doing amazing. Rochelle’s actress is also the one least accustomed to shooting a weapon and handling violence of any kind so it was hard for her to get her head into action. With the team fully supporting her, the progress sped up tremendously;
Ellis’ actor’s name is Jesy and he gets salty about people misspelling it or mistaking it for a female name. It was the inspiration to include the “El kinda sounds like a girl’s name” part of Ellis’ dialogue;
The team is overall friendly towards shipping dynamics in the series’ fandom, with the only one explicitly stating otherwise being Ellis’ actor. He’s espeicially upset with Nellis ship as people started shipping actors over it too; he stated multiple times that he and Nick’s actor have been best friends for so long that it’s simply wrong to imply any romantic and/or sexual relationship between them. He once stated in an interview that he’d rather believe an Ellis/Hunter ship and the fandom exploded with it on the next day, much to the actor’s chagrin. The Hunter’s actor, or Kid, however, wasn’t that upset and supported the idea. The team made no confirmation to any ships yet;
Nick’s actor is neutral to most ships including Nellis and doesn’t see why his friend is so angry about it. His personal favorites are Nick/Witch for obvious reasons and Nick/Hunter for less obvious reasons that he doesn’t state. He jokingly suggests Jesy from time to time to start a Kickstarter campaign for a Nellis-centered episode; it’s still unknown whether they’ll take it serious one day.
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aaaaagaronia · 4 years
all the media hyperfixation asks for either dead rising l4d or little nightmares, your choice kjhgfdfghj
gonna do l4d rn because braincell said hey lets focus on this while my organs die dnkjfcds
📃 what is the plot of your hyperfixation? and is it a movie, game, show, etc?
is a viddy game!! you bought both games for me dsnfkhjcds i still havent played either of them well get there eventually uhhh so like the gov wanted to make weapon and so now we have rabies but add some Flavor but ohno its been leaked into the population and now theres infected everywhere 
where will you be during random rabies event
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation?
asmr i discovered it by discovering roanoke gaming because the first video i found from him was him going over the morphology and physiology of jockeys and then watched the rest of his videos and then the rest is history dsjfkds
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
[slaps meat] this bastard can fit so much intrigue on how the infection works in it
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
aaaa not really ljdknhfcds
🎶 if your hyperfixation has songs/an ost, what is your favorite song from it?
come back to me when i play the game i havent listened to the ost yet sdjkfds
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
uhhh hes from the second game but i like coach!! jkdshfjcds its the wanting a better paternal figure dklfjcds
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
i dont dislike any of them tbh??? i guess rochelle but less so because of her character and more so because ive heard her ai as a bot is really bad djkcds
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
im too mentally Drained to share all of them but francis trans,,,, Nice
🍀 do you have any kins or comfort characters from your hyperfixation?
no kins but fuck dude sure wish i had coach for a dad sdjfknhdjss
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
i think thatd be just my knowledge on how the special infected work but thats a 7 page essay im too :( to type rn dnfkjhcsd
💢 what do you NOT like about your hyperfixation? is there something you would want to change about it?
this is just me being a coward but i dont like that its a primarily online game sdnfkjhds
like i know i could play by myself but like djskfhds yea
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Please be advised these are just verse specifics. The majority of her stats can be found under her DOSSIER.
If I get more threads in certain fandoms I’ll add it to my main list.
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DC v| Some Just Want to Watch the World Burn
Trained from a young age as a mercenary has its advantages. She's made a name in the underground and is often sought out by all types of employers. While she tries to keep her nose clean to keep from drawing in unwanted attention she can't help but enjoy the release she gets when allowed to let her rage take hold even for a few moments.
Fallout v| Just a Pocketful of Bottlecaps
War never changes. Whether it be the one raging inside your own mind or the one always looming in the not so distant future. Her war was a constant battle with herself and the only way to quiet the screams is to try and make the world around her a little less shitty. Traveling across the country she found herself constantly searching for the next adventure and the next person to help by hunting down and stopping thugs and individuals hounding the innocents just trying to scrape by.
Far Cry (3+) v| Shoot First Ask Questions Later
Trying to get her life back on a better track, Faye started taking more missing person jobs. It seemed easy enough when given the tasking of finding a missing reporter who was looking to uncover some dirt. At least there was a lead and starting place to find said reporter. However, things took a turn for the worse when the small plane she was on was shot down and she found herself in over her head with all the fighting going on.
Marvel - Mutant v| What Goes Up Must Come Down
Being a mutant has its ups and downs, especially considering her abilities revolve around gravity manipulation. She and her sibling were lucky enough to have another mutant take them in and help them hone their abilities and learn when to use and when not to use them and how to do it without rising too much suspicion. She mainly works on her own taking whatever jobs she can which more times than not are more of the illegal variety but she tries not to stray away from her late mentor’s teachings too much.
Modern (Main) v| Not Just a Pretty Face
** Check out her Dossier. Minor changes may be made to fit a certain thread.
Star Wars
GalacticOutlaw (yes its own blog)
Western (RDR) v| No Rest for the Wicked
Tragedy is just something she’s grown used to at this point. She’s lived a rough life but refuses to let it get the best of her. She’s made too many promises to keep moving forward despite her dark past and her constant conflicts with the law. As an outlaw, she tends to spend most of her time roaming around and stirring up trouble where she can. Most times she can be found on her own in bars or in a good ol’ fashion shootout but on occasion, she’s been known to join up with a gang or another partner. On even rarer occasions she may have taken a deal with the law to “settle down” and abandon her barbaric ways to keep from being hung or jailed. But she’s always looking for the next adventure.
Zombie Apocalypse (TWD, L4D, TLOU) v| Keep Finding Something to Fight For
Life was hard, even before the fall of modern civilization. With the infected roaming around Faye has learned the hard way how deadly her anger can be for those around her. Her mistakes weigh heavily on her and she’s chosen to try and keep to her own in hopes of sparing other innocent lives the same fate as previous loved ones. However, if approached by a group or another individual to join them she finds it damn near impossible to decline.
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Other fandoms/AUs I’m willing to interact with (not a lot of threads with these):
Dead by Daylight
Death Stranding
Demon AU
Dragon Age
Game of Thrones
Mass Effect
Mortal Kombat
Resident Evil
Silent Hill
Stranger Things
Welcome to the Game
…. can add more
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