Why Laravel is rulling web development?
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Laravel is leading the way in web development. Because of its solid features, improved syntax, a user-friendly interface, powerful functionality, security measures, Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, and scalability.
If you want to improve your web apps, Laravel is a good choice.
for more information, click the link below. 👇 https://sdreatech.com/laravel-development . . .
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beaconcoders · 1 year
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We are hiring Web Developer
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jhavtechstudios · 2 years
Pros of Laravel in Backend Mobile App Development
Laravel is a free and open-source PHP framework, developed by Taylor Otwell and meant for the development of apps following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It is great if you’re planning to create apps with complicated backend needs. Here are a few reasons why we suggest you consider Laravel for your next project: • Able to use Symfony components • Range of built-in templates makes development simpler and easier • Makes difficult tasks like authentication and queues more straightforward • Elegant and clean code syntax • Advanced security features are easy to configure • Easy third-party integrations • Clear and detailed documentation
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If you want to have a good online presence for your business, you must have an effective yet attractive app. One of the most reliable and popular web app development frameworks is Laravel, that might assist you in developing an amazing app for your company. To find out more about the top Laravel packages for 2022, click on the link.
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nxinfoway · 2 years
10 Ways and tips Laravel can Make your App best - 2022
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Laravel-development's most appealing features are that it is a completely MVC-based, object-oriented, high-performing, feature-rich framework with clean and reusable code, which developers adore. This single line statement is the only reason to pick Laravel above other web development frameworks. With a huge number of specific inversion control containers, a maintenance programme, a communicative migration structure, and associated testing modules, laravel ensures that your web applications run smoothly.
We agree Laravel has grown by leaps and bounds, and it’s consistent finetune performance has again made it the best PHP framework of 2022. Laravel is a one-stop PHP development framework from simple web applications to complex APIs. A quick development approach, MVC architectural pattern, and a set of libraries make it convenient to build well-structured beautiful code.
What is Laravel?
Laravel is an open source PHP web framework developed and maintained by Taylor Otwell as an attempt to provide a more advanced alternative to the CodeIgniter framework. Its architectural patterns are majorly  based on Symfony.
This framework gained more popularity after the release of version 3, which included features like Command Line Interface called Artisan, Support for the Database system and migrations. It also introduced a packaging system called bundles.
Need Laravel developers and experts to give you a hand with your next project?
Why Learn Laravel?
There are many reasons why you might want to learn Laravel, so we’ll start with the most important of them. Plus, we’ll also go through some tips on how to efficiently learn the framework before looking into the best Laravel tutorials in detail, including the pros, cons, and use cases of each tutorial.
1. MVC Support and Object-Oriented Approach
The first and best advantage of using the Laravel framework is that it follows - Model, View, and Controller-based architectural pattern and it has an expressive beautiful syntax which makes it object-oriented.
2. Built-In Authentication and Authorization
Laravel provides an out-of-the-box configuration for the Authentication and Authorization system. That is, in just a few artisan commands your application will be equipped with secure Authentication and Authorization.
3. Packaging System
A packaging system deals with the multiple support software or libraries that help the web application to automate the process. Laravel uses a composer as a dependency manager, which manages all the information needed to manage packages. Packages are a great way to accelerate development is to provide the functionality we need out of the box. Image, Laravel Debug bar and Laravel IDE helper are some of the best Laravel packages.
4.Multiple File System
Laravel also has a built-in support for the cloud storage system such as Amazon S3 and Rack space Cloud Storage and of course for local storage. It's amazingly simple to switch between these storage options as the API remains the same for each system. One can use all three systems in one application to serve files from multiple locations like in a distributed environment.
5. Artisan Console
Laravel has its own command line interface called as Artisan. Common uses of Artisan include publishing package assets, managing database migrations, seeding and generating boilerplate code for new controllers, models, and migrations. This feature frees the developer from creating proper code skeletons. One can extend the functionality and capabilities of Artisan by implementing new custom commands.
6. Eloquent ORM
The Eloquent ORM is Laravel's built-in ORM implementation. Laravel has the best Object-relational Mapper as compared to the other frameworks out there. This Object-relational mapping allows you to interact with your database objects and database relationships using expressive syntax.
7. Templating engine
Laravel comes with the inbuilt template engine known as Blade Template Engine. Blade templating engine combines one or more templates with a data model to produce resulting views, doing that by transpiring the templates into cached PHP code for improved performance. Blade also provides a set of its own control structures such as conditional statements and loops, which are internally mapped to their PHP counterparts.
8.Task Scheduling
Scheduler, introduced in Laravel 5.0, is an addition to the Artisan command-line utility that allows programmatic scheduling of periodically executed tasks. Internally, scheduler relies on the cron daemon to run a single Artisan job that, in turn, executes the configured tasks.
9. Events and Broadcasting
Laravel has a concept named broadcasting which is useful in the modern web application to implement real-time data, showing live feeds,etc. Broadcasting allows you to share same event name between your server-side and client-side, so you will able to pull real-time data from the application.
10. Testing
When it comes to the testing of the application Laravel by default provides the unit test for the application, which itself contains tests that detect and prevent regressions in the framework. Integration of PHP unit such as a testing framework is very easy in Laravel application. In addition to that unit tests can be run through the provided artisan command-line utility.
Apart from these features, Laravel also has official packages that come handy when integrating different features in the application.
11. Repid development
Laravel is an open source PHP framework for web application development, based on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern. Its expressive and straightforward syntax speeds up development and results in a clean and maintainable codebase and scalable applications.
12. High popularity
Laravel’s source code is hosted on GitHub where it’s the most popular PHP repository, with more than 60,000 stars and counting. There are also many Laravel tutorials, videos, screencasts, and resources available online that can help you learn the framework and stay up to date with new developments.
Any laravel development company in India can focus on other critical development or post-development processes that may require finance with minimum framework expenditures. As a result, it alleviates the financial strain on enterprises and people seeking high-performance applications. This is one of the most popular advantages of the Laravel framework, which will undoubtedly keep it in trend even in 2022.
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Official Packages Laravel
1. Cashier introduced in Laravel 4.2, it contains interfaces for managing subscription billing services provided by Stripe, such as handling coupons and generating invoices.
2. Socialite introduced in Laravel 5.0, it provides a simplified authentication mechanism for different social sites including Google, Facebook, GitHub, Twitter, and Bitbucket. So, your application can effectively implement these socialite logins in the minimum time. Envoy gives you an opportunity to automate the common tasks using minimal syntax. It uses the Blade template like syntax to easily setup tasks for deployment, Artisans commands and many more.
3. Horizon is used to monitor the queue of your system as it provides the beautiful dashboard and code driven configuration. The main purpose of Horizon is to monitor Job Output, the time required to execute the job and to track the job failures.
4. Passport is used for authentication of use via API using OAuth server AS API does not maintain the HTTP session. API typically uses the token to authenticate the user and Laravel passport provides the full OAuth server implementation for web application in a couple of minutes.
5. Scout is out of box package provided by Laravel for full-text search using the Eloquent models. Angola is the default driver used for full-text search and it provides the fantastic service, also you can choose another driver as a custom driver as it’s simple and can extend the searching functionality.
All these out-of-the-box features of the Laravel framework are most suitable for all kinds of web application development -  ranging from small to enterprise level. It also provides lots of built-in functionalities that allow developers to work with ease.  Moreover, the official packages provided by Laravel are a cherry on top of the cake.
Why Focus on Laravel Performance Optimization?
You have surely created a Laravel application where the Laravel developers have used the PHP framework and essential libraries to bring out the maximum potential of your project idea. But, there’s always room for perfection and enhancements.
Mostly, businesses use Laravel to build their business information system, and hence the performance of their business is critically related to the performance of Laravel. To ensure smooth performance and deployment of your Laravel project, you should prioritize optimizing Laravel application for your business benefits.
The Laravel management information system enables you to take vital business decisions, and hence optimizing the performance of the Laravel app will surely enable improved business prospects.
Best Free Laravel Tutorial Sites
1. Official Laravel Docs (Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced)
The official Laravel documentation is a matter-of-fact description of the Laravel framework, maintained by the Laravel community and also available on GitHub. It starts with an installation guide and provides an overview of all Laravel concepts, such as templating, security, database management, and many others. You can also find the documentation of official Laravel packages here.
Most up-to-date Laravel resource
Information is well-structured and easy to search
Docs for older Laravel versions are also available
Includes code examples and best practice tips
You can submit bug reports on GitHub
Dry, textbook-like tone and design
When to Choose Laravel Docs
The official Laravel documentation is useful at any knowledge level for checking out the details of any Laravel-related concept. However, it can be overwhelming for beginners because of its high information density.
It’s the best place to familiarize yourself with the features of new releases or compare different releases.
2. Tuts Make (Intermediate, Advanced)
Nxinfoway has a popular tutorials and blogs to cover different programming languages and technologies, including Laravel. The tutorials are succinct and up-to-the-point, discussing common Laravel tasks, errors, and use cases. They include multiple code snippets that you can also use in your own projects.
TutsMake has a separate category for Laravel interview questions and answers, too, with straightforward and thoughtful explanations.
Regularly updated
Practice-based tutorials
Easy-to-skim content
Long but well-structured code examples
Job interview Q&A
Tutorials are hard to browse (no tags or other taxonomies)
Grammar errors here and there
3. LaraShout (Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced)
LaraShout is a free tutorial website focusing completely on the Laravel framework. Besides hands-on Laravel tutorials, it also features guides on important theoretical concepts such as middleware, storage, queues and jobs, and others. Some of the tutorials are grouped as series so that you can get a deeper knowledge of each topic.
Currently, LaraShout has four series: Collections, Design Patterns, E-Commerce Application Development, and Package Development.
Easy-to-navigate website
Tutorials start with a table of content
Rich content (high-quality images, code examples, alert messages, etc)
Both theory- and practice-based tutorials
Some categories include just two or three tutorials
Less frequently updated
4. Laravel News (Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced)
Laravel News is an all-inclusive Laravel tutorial site with multiple facets. It has a blog featuring the latest Laravel news, a section for Laravel tutorials covering topics from beginner to expert level, a bi-weekly Laravel podcast, and a Laravel newsletter that delivers every Sunday morning. Laravel News also showcases popular Laravel packages with a brief description and example code.
Regularly updated
Delivers content in different ways (blog, podcast, newsletter, etc)
Best practice pieces
Free tutorials on building real-world Laravel apps/tasks/tools
Helpful screenshots and code snippets
Some of the posts are sponsored posts (even though it’s clearly stated)
Hard to navigate (consecutive parts of the same tutorial series are not linked to each other)
Also Read: ecommerce-app-and-web-development-a-complete-guide-in-2022
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
(1) How to increase website speed in laravel?
Easy steps to ensure Laravel website speedy performance are clearing cache(config & routing), using minimal and essential packages only, eager loading, and fetching the bare minimum database queries.
(2) How to reduce page load time in Laravel?
Below is the list of points to consider to reduce page load time in Laravel:
Always use the latest Laravel version.
Follow the practice of using Artisan Commands.
Use packages that suit your application.
Routes Caching and Config Caching.
(3) How to reduce memory usage in Laravel?
Config caching is the best way to decrease memory usage in your laravel application. Database chunking is also a way to reduce memory usage.
So that you have a clear idea of what Laravel is and what the primary benefits of this programming language are, it is recommended that you collaborate with a professional laravel development agency to reap its benefits. Be cautious while selecting a laravel development agency.
Choose from the available job experiences and then make a decision. Laravel also makes developers' lives easier, from improved performance to strong community assistance. Many firms have chosen Laravel because of its faster development and shorter time-to-market, and using it for your next venture is never a terrible move. It's time for you to decide.
Looking for laravel development company for your project?
If you have been planning to take your business online and start your own business, you can hire dedicated laravel developers from an experienced development company.We are an experienced Laravel development agency based in India having significant experience in Mobile and Web development services. Do a quick check to our-work. You can consider hiring us for your developing Mobile and webite business contact to nxinfoway.
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metizsoftseo · 2 years
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Out of many, Laravel has emerged as the top choice for many PHP development firms due to its various tools, libraries, packages and extension offerings.
In order to make Laravel more adaptive for developers, the development team and community have been working constantly on upgrades and improvements. It recently got its latest version, Laravel 9, in February 2022.
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maxvisionsolutions · 2 years
Laravel is an open-source PHP-based framework intended for the development of web applications. At Max Vision Solutions, we work closely with our clients to create robust, scalable, aesthetically appealing, and feature-rich web applications to help them build a stronger online presence. . . . .
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Website design and development services
At Sdreatech, We're here to help you find the right solution with our team of experts, and we offer exceptional website development services that can boost your online visibility.
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yespoonamsoni · 2 years
Hire Laravel consultant to build top-class applications using laravel php services framework for startups and enterprises in India, USA to grow your business.
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prateekshawebdesign · 6 months
Top 13 Benefits Of Using Laravel Framework
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PHP is an excellent programming language for developing web applications. Depending on your needs, you can select from a variety of frameworks. Laravel is one of the most powerful PHP frameworks available for learning. Laravel PHP, one of the most popular rapid web app development frameworks, provides significant application security.
As the demand for rapid development grows, 70,000 web applications are currently being developed. Laravel PHP framework is the most popular fast web application development framework and provides significant security to applications. It is why 70,000 web applications are developed on it today as the demand for rapid development grows.
What is Laravel?
Taylor Otwell, the creator and maintainer of the Laravel framework, was looking for a more sophisticated alternative to the CodeIgniter framework when he created and maintained it. Symfony has had a significant impact on its architectural patterns.
More people are using this framework because of the addition of the Artisan Command Line Interface (CLI), database support, and migrations in version 3. Bundles, a new type of packaging, were also introduced.
Read More
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cittasolutions · 2 years
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Do you know about the new version of Laravel named Laravel 9.18 The Laravel team released 9.18 jam-packed with amazing features and quality-of-life improvements.
Improve file attachments for mail and notifications
Invokable validation classes
Define nested "with" relations via a nested array
Add host methods to the Illuminate Request object 
And More...
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programmingpath · 8 months
Localiziation in Laravel | Laravel Localiziation: A Complete Guide | Lar...
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webutopiantech · 25 days
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Laravel Developer, Flutter, freelancer, web developer, web designer, coding, website, iOS, android, mobile app, freelancing, project work.
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grey-space-computing · 2 months
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🌟 Dreaming of a website that wows? Our Laravel Development Company is here to turn your vision into a reality. Let's build something extraordinary together! 💼💻 🌐 Learn more: https://greyspacecomputing.com/laravel-dev-company/
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