sickvis0n · 19 days
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BLOG #56
BOTTOM: Poppin. Kelte Shorts (LM)
ACCESSORY 1: BWOKE "Skelly Ring"
ACCESSORY 2: ~Lavu - Ross glasses.
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kanatanabramovic · 1 month
☑ 225. Playfulness is important. by kanatan Abramovic Via Flickr: 2024 03 24 Blog...~ le soleil ~ ☝More details and URL are on the blog ♥ ٩( ᐛ )و Thanks so much for your time !! Thank you for always having lots of Fav ♥ Thank you to all my friends who love to watch and take snaps !! ♥ love it ♥♥♥ [ - Outfit - ] ☑ Access Rings: TOMASU / Life In Plastic Rings Pose: Lyrium. Nao Animations Set (static) ☑ Main store Nose piercing: SFU - Corbin Nose Set ' Six Feet Under ' ☑ The Arcade event Hair: [^.^Ayashi^.^] Connie hair-RARE Tops: :: Believe :: 753 ::.. Choker: ~Lavu - Galalau choker. Bracelets: Insomnia Angel . uwu beaded bracelets [FAT] Mouth: #comatosed- Oh! I'm Lucky/ FP [ - Makeup - ] ☑ Skin Fair Skin: (Enfer Sombre*) Stella skin {LeL EvoX} ➥(Enfer Sombre*) LeLutka EvoX Skin - Tan - Stella Lip: (Enfer Sombre*) LeLutka HD Lipstick - Stella ☑ 99.SALE Eyes: {S0NG} Lolita V2 Eyes - FP Lashes: Void - Demure Lashes [ - Decoration - ] Backdrop: TROPIX // GAME ROOM SCENE 01
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ame-kobayashi · 5 months
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Aunque bien sabes quién soy De tu soberbia y tu odio El reflejo alimentado soy
Soy el eco de tu ira El espejo en que Tu avaricia se refleja Y me da poder ♪
Mei Look:
Hair: DOUX.
Horns: LUNAR.
Earrings: PUMEC.
Eyeliner & Eyeshadows: REVERIE / Yule Make Up / THE WAREHOUSE SALE EVENT.
Neck Tattoo: LILITHE' / Arduina Tattoo / THE WAREHOUSE SALE EVENT.
Top: 4U.
Short: EVANI.
Nails: LE FORME.
Pose: ANA POSES / Luminara Set / THE FIFTY.
Guitar: VERSOV.
Cigarrette: SINCHI.
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djkelli · 1 year
Green Vibes
Yoshi – Oiwa Dark Eyes @Sabbath Event Event Opens 21st of March at 12 pm SLT and Closes 11th of April. 99L$ each/499L$ Pack with 4 exclusive. Includes: Mesh eyes, Catwa applier, Lelutka Evolution applier, Omega applier, BOM 1990 – Elvin Warrior Set @Sabbath Event Event Opens 21st of March at 12 pm SLT and Closes 11th of April. Wraith – Jelly Bracelets V2 @Sabbath Event Event Opens 21st of…
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ratnakarlavu · 1 year
Ratnakar Lavu - A Dynamic Corporate Strategist | Muckrack
Ratnakar Lavu is a visionary business executive who has carved a significant niche in the technology and e-commerce sphere.
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crplpunkklavier · 2 months
Does Apollo know Larry in the kvk Au?
gotta be honest i forgot about larry. i do think if apollo had known him in school he would have murdered him by 5th grade. but also since klapollo didn't meet in school nah i think larry stays with nick and miles. ill invent a less infuriating oc for the gourd lake testimony lol
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astrolognevenkablazik · 4 months
Preko suza do sreće... Pun Mesec u Lavu
Pun Mesec 25 Januara na 05° Lava nam donosi jednu fazu okončanja svega onoga što je vezano za nas same. Znak Lava se vezuje za našu svest, ego, snagu, autoritet, pa samim tim i sa naše vrednosti i samovrednovanje i samopouzdanje. U poslednje dve nedelje radili smo na sebi, životni izazovi su iskušavali našu snagu i želju za životom. Bavili smo se pitanjima vezanim za dom, porodicu, našu zonu…
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cookingforsatoru · 1 year
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ou ikaw yan lahat 👊
hala omgka!
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sunnybunny2468 · 2 months
any fun facts abt ur ocs? im rlly interested in them :3
oh betbetbet
four facts about each!!!
-she's a huge vocaloid fan!! specifically english songs, but she is the type to listen to darker songs in japanese so long as the instrumental is peppy and poppy. nobody tell her.
-she knows how to understand ASL somewhat, a friend taught her! she messed up salt four times and mixed up salt and fork. ....she really just struggles with salt, huh.
-she is incredibly sheltered, but has bad luck sometimes. if it's deceptively dark under cuteness, she will likely fall for it....especially if it has pretty girls. DDLC and Madoka Magica are things she will never recover from.
-her spirit animal is most totally a bunny. besides her love of them, she taps her foot when she's impatient, she runs more than she fights, and she jumps in place when she's excited but good luck getting her to eat anything but coffee rolls. :3
-she is popular canonically, but doesn't like it too much. ah, it's so hard to be a girlboss girlfailure in this world...luckily, she's good at telling them to fuck off. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
-Bri thought her trans flag on her wall was hatsune miku related. i mean, miku did help her figure out her gender crisis, so task failed successfully.....??? once she finds out, Allie is just planning to make it into an inside joke though. Bri aint escaping this one.
-oh her gaydar is crazy good. she knows Bri is sapphic as fuck but isn't about to tell her. she's gonna let the clueless girliepop figure it out herself like she had to <3
-used to do magic as a teenager, and brought Bri along. still wears her mini tophat near constantly, to the point the pin always attached to it is her calling card at this point. doesn't do magic often anymore, but she did use it to keep her sis occupied when she was little, along with annoy Miley these days by confusing the fuck out of him.
-he loves rain. his favorite gift from the group is an orange umbrella he got for his birthday. the reason he likes it? it keeps other people inside and lets him chill alone outside of his room. vibe lil man.
-if there's one hobby he loves, it's photography. he only takes pictures of other people or things, and often ends up deleting them out of worry someone will criticize something about the photo and he'll lose interest/start hating it. the only exception to this is pictures of animals and his friends, since he loves them too much to get rid of them.
-mans sleep schedule is FUCKED. he stays up late googling things related to his friends interests, and then spends the rest of the day paying for it. Bri is very tired (pun intended) of having to constantly wake him up in the middle of class because he decided that last night he wasn't gonna sleep until he beat a minigame. that he had only started an hour ago. which was 11PM.
-he shares a birthday with hatsune miku! (august 31st, 2007) his weeb of a best friend reacted to this by, without fail, every single goddamn year, showing up wearing at least one miku related thing. he's grown to love it, promise. that exhausted sounding sigh is a loving exhausted sounding sigh. <3
-Lavender is a nickname, due to her first name being hard to pronounce, that being Liliana. eventually, everyone started either calling her Lav, Lavu, or Lily. Most times it's just Lavender though hehe
-she keeps track of the favorite snacks of every close friend she has, and makes sure it's always in her basket. for each member, Bri has coffee rolls, Allie has chocolate chip cookies, Miley has fruit gummies, and she packs herself white chocolate.
-she refuses to curse under any circumstances. you cannot make her. she sees it as inappropriate and immature. compare this to Miley, who if you asked him to stop cursing, would tell you 'are you goddamn serious?- shut the hell up and fuck off!' they argue over it often. very often.
-she wears gloves whenever she leaves the house. originally, she started wearing them as a gift from Allie, but slowly realized it made her more comfortable to have them. sadly, her trips into the woods behind her house and picking flowers have ruined quite a few pairs :(
thank you for asking! <3
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vernadskova · 3 months
prvi put sam se napila u baru u preko godinu dana, kao navijena sam pocela drustvu pricati o lavu gumiljovu i zapravo ih je interesiralo ne znam kako da procesuiram ovo
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444names · 3 months
Names generated from Irish and French forenames, plus Latin given names
Abanor Aberin Acaphialus Acron Adabhán Adellicus Adentius Adháill Adrathnus Aegabione Aegnaches Aette Agair Agnesicius Aiden Ailbiarte Aimích Aithalbhí Alaitra Albhla Albien Aline Amach Amait Amhailín Ampsa Amélius Andefre Anesse Angalus Angréalio Annome Anobeal Ansuzantes Anthanus Antiaglán Aoiio Aoine Apocéabhán Arbhileu Arione Arisses Artighrás Artius Aspades Aspas Atatríd Augus Aurcis Aurel Auxis Auxiser...
Balbie Balium Bartinnéar Batríon Beach Belles Berballas Berine Berion Berras Bettatias Bislairtie Blach Blaithghar Blartus Braiderus Braithaen Brathnainn Breim Brichtna Brigín Bronn Brononaed Bruadis Brund Bróseoger Budox Caibh Caliamhóg Callaic Camarpigi Camirín Caratus Cargyrin Casidesid Castim Catadhan Cebones Chlaois Chomar Chrius Ciarms Ciaroph Ciend Cinus Clent Clentines Clesca Colmán Conachus Coninne Corote Coruadh Crasichal Creniant Creno Crobhán Cronain Crídín Críonnes Curean Cédérime Cúchellinn Daemus Damaodhus Danealus Daras Deliel Della Delle Demal Denie Denéad Diargario Didipho Dindam Dinín Diodhaël Dionn Dirghall Dolybus Domes Dorgusta Doriacus Doruar Dorus Dratradh Dubhrinus Dáilín Dúnait Eacheann Eadhán Ealis Ealus Eançoilus Edoria Edwar Egettate Eidagloco Eidentius Eigionne Eiliettes Eillewinn Einse Einus Eline Elion Elionearna Emonne Enghane Epium Erann Estium Estoce Ethall Eucille Eucio Eutimhe Fabriarix Fachus Fannes Fanniasa Faoibel Fearber Feathus Feibhghius Fertia Fertiach Fiarla Fineabhán Fionador Flaul Flavus Frane Frissius Féimesis Gabeaninn Geibhna Geigium Geimeic Geindán Gelidus Georuasius Gerte Getilor Gidon Glinm Grannín Gricain Grinn Grédéamir Halvid Hamortine Hassaricus Helaina Heliasius Helinnione Iamhán Ianno Iannán Iaphyll Iapolinne Iaptilus Ignach Ioses Isamaoghse Iulfus Iósel Jeamir Jeandán Jeanghear Jeriud Joseus Joseál Jostriú Joëllaurbh Julfho Julfhín Julugus Juntavus Karanne Kevanain Kevetus Kylis Kylus Labhine Ladhn Laeles Laitrus Lamhán Lauredus Lavus Leagaltán Learal Lemain Lemana Lemarie Lenodilín Lenotemo Leonaith Levalus Leverocle Lochestilt Lodón Lycharius Lysid Machere Machín Maeber Maegyr Maenimh Maglairean Maibhg Maind Mainsium Maith Malaurus Mandulinue Mannelpho Manus Maodhane Marianlac Marippus Marna Marne Marry Martus Maureanus Meina Mician Milann Milin Milique Modosia Monaine Munorus Myrie Myrissa Mysium Máiciann Máinnus Míchear Namhán Neanus Nechan Neclis Niadippole Niandáin Nierrath Noeacht Noracheach Nórah Oirus Onides Padine Pancia Papolcel Parolyclen Parrdippus Pasán Patascas Pathum Perach Phachestus Phaette Phiadhem Phielphie Phier Philistio Philín Phinnianne Phius Phony Phrisca Phrán Pilín Pisíofáin Plettela Polmus Polus Polán Pomanadh Pompene Poscatius Posclise Prisiustia Ptoine Ptoric Pádrius Radhardra Radhna Raphaith Ricuissad Riethallin Rocra Rocricus Rodisearla Rogeid Rolisaorms Romth Román Ronius Rosersium Ruaignaith Rubhlar Rédre Régous Rélirifer Rémilisanm Ríofáir Sconghemia Semippa Semmac Senidan Seárdus Sidam Simhóg Slancheri Solie Sonnch Sophine Sopim Sopolytus Stache Stesius Striannd Sulas Sulius Suzanus Sycleodh Sylisachan Sylviles Syndaitre Syrimus Séandubhán Sébhán Séver Tandus Tanysius Tatus Tephaglás Terre Tertiarpus Tervé Theach Theacha Thelus Thelypho Thende Theogertel Therin Thoberig Tobra Tophus Trolas Téphoberus Uades Uannius Vairfhle Vanus Verionne Vesidus Vincis Vinus Vlagham Wilainue Wilín Wislán Woilt Woirín Ysephaemus Zence Zenina Zennt Zentiú Zenzo Áilocra Árdubhín Éadalevia Éadhne Éanníle Éibhales Éignorgio Élille Élippolle Érèse Órduliocen Órlaus Órles Únadhán Únloïc
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cursedrizzo · 4 months
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ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ɪ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴀ ʟᴏᴛ ᴏғ ʟᴏʙᴏᴛᴏᴍʏ
— ∘♱∘ Sponsored by ∘♱∘ —
✦ +worn+ // Sympathy Skirt @ Sabbath Event until feb 12th ✦ ~Lavu // Freya Corset @ Sabbath Event until feb 12th ✦ . Snookie Store. // Gaia Piercings @ Sabbath Event until feb 12th ✦ [piXit] // Unchained Melody Pose Pack [F1] @ Sabbath Event until feb 12th
— ⛧☾༺♰༻☽⛧ —
Head// Lelutka Zo
Hair// Yomi - Meredith Hair
Shoes// Skellybones - Vixen Plats
Horns// SADGIRL - Fuzzy Horns
Piercing// Loki - Dicey Belly Piercing
Arms// mercurial // lovespike armbands [MAZE Soft arms]
— ⛧☾༺♰༻☽⛧ —
▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 0:30
Feel free to ask about anything else! ♥
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official-saul-goodman · 10 months
We love embracing absolute nonsense in my family. I go cheep cheep, ah lavu, just penised it.
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iavuu · 7 months
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help idk how to do this but here i am ig lmao! this ig can be a about me post ( i doubt if people will even see it but yea) so obvi my name is lavu hehe but my full name is lavanya. Im south indian and speak tamil and can also read and write in tamil. i was born in argentina but both of my parents are indian :) . im in 6th grade aka an 11 y/o trying to figure out how to even use this heheheh! i will probs try to make some kpop content!
my socials!- 🐰
spotify- @angelbwnnie
pin- @angelbwnnie
scratch- @hannibun
links to socials! - 🐰
spotify- https://open.spotify.com/user/315vzsdzjqt2su2wa3oi6irhwykm
pin- https://www.pinterest.com/angelbwnnie/
scratch- https://scratch.mit.edu/users/hannibun/
hope u guys enjoyed! ily and ill promise to keep up w/ this and try to post more lil projs on this hehehe
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ratnakarlavu · 5 days
Business leader and innovator Ratnakar Lavu has built his reputation on a solid understanding of computer engineering and a passion for creating exceptional customer experiences. He has redefined the possibilities of the digital landscape and has been at the forefront of leveraging technology to optimize operations for global organizations. Mr. Lavu is an expert at fostering innovation and has held key advisory roles informing the growth and operations of prominent e-commerce platforms.
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kokotruffle · 1 year
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Froth and foam~
this lil gift belongs to @winterblus
of their wol Lavu
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