#laying on the floor thinking
vash-in-the-void · 5 months
Wolfwood as a Judas figure
(and what does the Couch have to do with it)
you know how there are some interpetations of Wolfwood as the Judas to Vash's Jesus
and as the betrayal people use the whole "brought Vash to Knives"
that never really did it for me
sure, that incident is a betrayal all right - he brought Vash to the slaughter - but thematically, or in its consequences it just doesn't fit The Judas Betrayal
Wolfwood regreted it almost instantly and turned around undo what he's done and to rescue Vash - I went into it a while ago but this to me a Peter type betrayal the "before the rooster cries three times you will deny me" type
Now here is the take I come in with
in some interpretations of Judas his betrayal was not an act of selfishness but an act of love - Judas knew he had to betray Jesus for his ressurection to come
he betrayed Jesus, the person, to propagate Jesus, the idea, and in the proces sacrificed himself along with his eternal life
now hear me out on this
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Wolfwood betrayed Vash, the person, by putting down his life, for Vash's ideals of sparing a life of someone else
due to this betrayal a part of Vash died
but a part of him has also undergone a change to allow him to reach his goals
this chapter really marks a turning point in Vash's character - something that wouldn't happen be it not for Wolfwood's sacrifice
in the end of the day
Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss
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agentark · 25 days
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see you around, rvb
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cupid-tune · 1 month
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Big on the mind...
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imyourcomputergame · 2 months
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onismdaydream · 3 months
tw for dubcon/bordering on noncon and cheating
roommate ryomen sukuna who finds you drunk at the apartment, all clingy and needy and perfect for him. your dress is slipping off your shoulder, your collarbone looking so tempting and ready to be marked up. makeup is all smudged, too. you're a mess as you pout and tell sukuna how your boyfriend stood you up again. he's only half listening, eyes glued to the way your breasts push against his arm as you hang off of him. you're so warm and soft.
you let out a yelp when he pushes you against the nearest wall, towering over you and breathing heavily.
"your little boyfriend just doesn't treat you right, does he?" sukuna whispers, voice low and deep, nipping at the shell of your ear. your hands weakly push at his big and broad chest and he chuckles. "don't deny it, princess."
one of his hands gropes at your tit, squeezing it roughly and making you whine. he's heard you at night and when you think you're alone. he knows you're faking every orgasm when you're with your pathetic excuse of a lover. he can't even go down on you properly and it makes sukuna seethe. how could you put up with that for so long?
"you gonna let me show you how a real man fucks?" it's not a question really, he's going to do it either way — not like you can put up much of a fight anyway. but he can see the way your pupils dilate, your tongue darting out to lick your plush lips. everything sukuna is doing is making your core ache, your thighs pressing together to try to relieve the pressure.
you want this.
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sharpace · 6 months
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I'm fine.
Been microwaving Fionna and Cake and back on my Simon Petrikov nonsense. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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reactionimagesdaily · 3 months
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saltlog · 11 months
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lipt-97 · 5 months
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came back just to post these. okay bye
#gbf#belifaa#did you get triple zero (summon)? the sanfaa scissoring summon? SSS? i sierotixed it. It was awesome. Everythung in gbf is going right for#e except for the fact that i had to sieroticket it but its alright. just the notion of so much lucilius is just enough to put me back on my#feet again it’s almsot unreal how much lucilius-centric stuff theyve pushed out the past few months. his GBVSR debut. his summon.#Omg when I saw the gbfes fashion show i was a few seconds behind zen and she told me “You wont believe this” and I was like “WHAT? BELIEVE#WHAT? WHAT? WHAYT DO YOU MEAN” and the official lucilius cosplayer walked out in his robes it felt unreal unreal like it was seeing my onl#dreams come true after years and years of being like Theres no way they’d do that. There’s no way they’d make a cosplay for lucilius in his#robes because hes in his void outfit forever. BUT THEY DID…..AND THERE WAS BLOOD UNDER HIS SKIN….AND HIS LIPS WERE GLOSSED…AND HE HAD A LIT#LE BIT OF TAREME AND TSURIME (TARIME) ACTION ON HIS EYES AND EVERYTIME HE WALKED HIS ROBES KIND OF FLUTTERED AS HE SHUFFLED ALONG I HAD TO#SIT ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR lay down on the bathroom floor and I almpst puked from how nauseous it made me i was OVERJOYED BEYOND MY PHYSICAL#LIMITATIONS OF HAPPINESS . I WAS SO HAPPY. THIS YEAR HAS BEEN UTTERLY MISERABLE FOR ME AND I HAVE NOT BEEN THIS DEPRESSED SINCE HIGH SCHOOL#BUT SEEING LUCILIUS like this genuinely blew me off my socks . I don’t know if i should be 100% thankful because I’ve been trying to figure#out how to balance my emotional state with the media i consume but#I think i really needed it. thank you lucilius for ending my 2023
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tamelee · 1 year
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Panel redraw (sorta). Based on this ask, hope you and the one who suggested this panel- 🫣💕 like it. I'm not sure if it turned out well..
Bridge scene ⃩/Naruto's resolve
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slutdge · 4 months
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day 9,047 of the dont kill yourself challenge
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vash-in-the-void · 4 months
I like the symbolism in Vash’s hair
Both the color - with it showing his progresion through the story and his trauma - the light hair fading as his happiness/innocence/idealism fades, as he loses more and more people
But also the length - he keeps it fairly short practical but he let’s it grow as Eriks like wariors in times of peace who let their hair grow and only cut it to combat
Which is why I really like the idea he lets his hair grow long post-trimax
The fight is over, it's time for healing
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methcheese · 7 months
me when things get Bad but i can only think abt that fuckin dad podcast
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kusuokisser · 9 months
at least once a week when walking kusuos vision will start going black and his knees will give out a bit and he has to go lay on the floor for a second to recuperate. a guest will be at the saiki household and out of nowhere kusuo just grips onto the doorframe for dear life and slides down in defeat, grumbling his various grievances with the world whilst the guest just stares at him like a weirdo
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dent-de-leon · 4 months
Do not think I'll get over the fact that Molly encourages the idea that he's always had a string of lovers, lets people believe he goes off with someone new or visits brothels every night, and the whole thing is just...just because he doesn't want anyone to find out he's got this bleeding heart.
That his "choir practice" is him risking his life to save some strangers he's never met. That he's this compassionate, fiercely loyal protector who believes, "The truth is...How do I put this...the world is harsh and cruel, and I don't seem to be able to just walk on by."
That he has this reputation for being a shameless flirt with countless partners, and just...as far as we know, he only ever had one relationship. And after she died, he carried her cards and wore her coat every day, kept her close to his heart and never said a word about it. Not until he admits to Yasha that he's lonely, that he wishes he still had someone. The way Molly is grieving and mourning a partner just like Yasha, and no one ever knew.
The way Lucien couldn't believe that Jester found him "dreamy," the way people only ever saw him as a demon and monster for so long. Waking up as Kingsley and still looking for the love he lost. Still falling for Caleb. Tealeaf keeping so much close to the chest, afraid to let himself be too vulnerable. Only ever trusting his heart with a few. Wanting so badly to be good, to be loved, to be whole. Worshipping the goddess of love herself. Writing down, "Love. It binds us. It frees us. What more needs be said?"
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ltcolonelcarter · 1 month
that night of the soul scene but earlier, and applicable to all versions of Connor: imagine that Hank can be stalled, potentially talked down, but only if Connor plays Russian roulette with him
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