#lays down and cries
spritehouse · 4 months
luke alvez as a father..... ough...
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nihilara · 2 months
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i tried, i got really self conscious about how it looks tbh so imma stop right here with it hhh. anyway-- kuro from like 57349875 years ago. ( see: emanator of yao/shi )
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dreamweaved · 1 month
i have been thinking about all the birds being meant to fly metaphors in 2.2 and, whether or not i should give briar wings. like wings... wings, or not. or really lean into his black sheep nature, as a bird who was not born to fly.
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simplepotatofarmer · 1 year
now i know this is gonna come as a surprise to you. but i'm really missin' rivals duo.
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asks-n-trolls · 1 year
Rocsi, what do you like about Athokk?
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They seem to openly fluster.
"Well... Hes very handsome and strong that you can see but besides all that he's... he's so kind-heh almost too kind whenever I get a paper cut or bump into my side table he rushes to check on me, almost worried i'd break! but... it's nice you know? To have someone care for you that much.
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When I first met him I won't lie I was a bit intimidated- I mean a member of the fleet in my shop? I thought I was going to be in trouble but Athokk... He was- and still is very sweet, thoughtful and well as I mentioned very gentle with me. Kept seeing him after that sometimes there to commission a suit for events but mainly we'd just chat while I was just sat at my loom and the time would just fly by. On days where he would be too busy and couldn't stop by would just feel like- well like something was missing.
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Even when...When I was in the hospital he'd wait outside my hospital room and just ask about me, send me flowers and letters asking how I was. I didn't let him- Anyone visit me when I was in there I just couldn't let him see me like that, I was scared the mere sight of me in that state would kill him then and there. Finally seeing him the day I was dismissed, face to face, I ran into his harms and just never wanted to let go... It hurt for sure he was even scolding me a bit, telling me to be more careful with myself but being able to hold onto him... It just took all the pain away.
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I love him... I really do."
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newdleboy · 8 months
i just want everyone to know how normal i am abt mk and swk i stg im sO NORMAL-
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downspirals · 9 months
he is careful about touch, but his fingers still shake. not the result of anything other than just... typical forrest. he leans forward a bit, as he places a yellow flower behind their ear. hair is tucked along with it, working until he is sure that it will stay in place. it's not until he finally moves back that he realizes that he had been holding his breath.
"u-uh, there." he finally says, giving a small smile. "it's uh. it looks pretty. you just uh, can't move too much. or it'll fall."
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hirudou · 1 year
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ik it's on my caard but ... siofra.. my beloved
Siofra is fae, and a member of the autumn court. Nobility by blood; her inheritance is a beautiful twilit grove, caught in a perpetual state of fall, it's leaves red, the grass hues of greens and yellows. It is but a small portion of the pasture of autumn, but no less important. Home to countless beasts and their prey. Anyone who hunts in this grove will be met almost exclusively with dire animals. Though finding it is no simple task-- to do so is a feat within itself truly. And harder still, is managing to find your way home when you're finished.
Siofra frequently wanders this grove as a great white wolf, with piercing eyes.
She in particular specializes in dream magic, and manipulating thoughts and emotions. Many autumn fae can use hypnotism, but siofra is especially talented at altering subconscious thought and dreams. It is much easier to do on those who are already asleep. But she can do the same to anyone who is awake. The stronger someone's will is, the easier it is to fight off her influence.
Siofra is an enigmatic, ethereal, and strange woman. She speaks with older English terms and grammar, her tone clear, with a soft rasp around every word. Despite her seemingly untouchable demeanor, siofra is quite playful.
yes she has a twisted/wonderland au because i have brainrot.
Siofra's role in twst is based entirely on the old grimm's telling of little red riding hood. Her particular line descended from the very same wolf in the tale. A tale she has grown to resent deeply. Siofra believes nature should never been trifled with, and if you enter nature's domain-- you should be prepared for the consequences.
And because I love making more work for myself, she has her own dorm. Located within the very grove she is meant to inherit. Wyldisling( a mix of the word wild and the gaelic word for dream. wild - eh - sleen ) Due to Siofra's fluid nature, she is allowed to attend NRC, though she is does not appear at class in person very often. In her stead, Rudi Ulfir takes them for her. Rudi, or often times called red, is Siofra's second in command. He is obviously inspired by none other than little red riding hood herself, though he is a wolfwalker, not entirely human.
Rudi is a diligent individual, and very loyal to Siofra. But he can get distracted when he is making trips to and from his dorm. Making them almost twice if not three times as long as they should be. Despite this, Siofra very rarely punishes him for it, and still managed to finish classwork and maintain good grades.
To note: a lot of students do not understand her, and actively avoid conversation with siofra. As the way she speaks makes it challenging to wrap around what she means. Plus there is the added bonus of her joking about hunting and eating others for fun. It's all a jest of course....to her anyway.
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neverrcry · 8 hours
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zestyaahbutler · 8 months
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Me after making that one post about integra's birthday and then finding out it doesn't exist
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violencebian · 2 years
having a crush is so complicated bye
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moonlit-trolls · 2 years
I want to make things with my ocs, yknow talk to people abt them and work on plots and stuff together but i know not how to
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terezicaptor · 2 months
does anyone remember when tubbo was convinced pac had made graffiti for everyone except him and sunny and was convinced it was another step into pac and fit abandoning him.
and then pac was like "did you see the graffiti" and tubbo was like "...yeah. 😒" and then pac was like "check sunnys statue :D"
and tubbo saw his and sunnys graffiti. and then pac pulled out a special graffiti that said "morning crew" on it with a big sun.
did anyone else feel like sobbing
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the--firevenus · 2 months
Actually make myself cry to sleep just imagining aang hold baby bumi for the first time ever and he cries cuz it's his son, his boy, his baby boy in his hand, a family he start with katara is real and they are with him and and —
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vtmgremlin · 1 year
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Hi yes waiter I'll take this man to go, thanks.
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eddie-spielman · 12 days
(i just finished the magnus archives)
(this show has obliterated me)
(thank you all for having me while i go jump off a fucking cliff)
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