#leander prewitt
rae-and-mezo · 1 year
The legacy characters reacting to mc/you kissing them?
A/n: I assumed you meant the first kiss...if I am wrong please let me know! I really liked this one, fluff is my forte. If you guys would like a girls version, let me know! This just got waaay too long lol.
Sebastian Sallow:
Alright. To go in order, he is surprised, flustered, and then overjoyed.
I imagine you're trampling through the woods in search of some potion ingredients. After all, Sebastian despises paying for things he can easily grab from the wild.
So the two of you are searching for a white flower with a blue and pink center. It's harder than it looks but you're having the time of your life being so far away from anyone but each other.
Sebastian thought that maybe this would become a patronus memory. He wasn't wrong!
"There it is!" You exclaim out of nowhere. He turns to see your outstretched hand reaching for a clearing in the cliffs. A cave. The flower is in a small, narrow cave.
Magic is forbidden outside of Hogwarts grounds, and somewhere long ago you had passed the border. So a summoning charm is out of question.
Sebastian hoists you on his shoulders so you can wriggle into the small space. And, of course, you do. There is a small moment of panick where you thought that you might be stuck, but he helped you out smoothly.
Of course, you have to thank him with a kiss. So yeah, you stand on your toes and plant a small kiss on his lips. The two of you had been dating for less than two weeks and you were tired of him not making a move to kiss you.
Unbeknownst to you, he was going to kiss you as a little reward to himself for saving you.
His arms wrapped around your waist and he pulled you closer to him. He wouldn't let you off with ONE kiss!
On the outside he is calm and collected but on the inside, he is so giddy it's almost contagious. The most amazing person at Hogwarts just kissed him? And he's kissing them again? Yeah, he smiles into the kiss and has to bite down a happy giggle.
Ominis gets SUCH an earful that night!!
Ominis Gaunt:
Mans is the definition of "Pining."
Everything you do has him absolutely enamored, willing for more. And when I mean everything, I mean he's listening you tend to a flobberworm with a HUGE grin. But, he never makes a move because, well, you're the hero of hogwarts! Surely you could do better than a blind, cold, Gaunt.
He agreed to spend the afternoon with you in your Vivarium. After all, he loves animals! Maybe not as much as Poppy, but he definitely is in his happy place. Warm grass, sunshine, a Mooncalf laying it's head on his stomach, and most of all, you!
His smile grows impossibly larger once he hears you laugh. "Ominis, he just rolled over! The worm!" There wasn't much incredible about worms in his opinion, but you were excited and that made it worth it.
"That's incredible! Maybe you can train them like dogs!" You flopped down on the grass beside him and smiled at his comment. "I bet I could learn to make leashes for them. Considering they don't have necks, it would be a challenge."
You were close. So close. Was that new perfume? Ominis went into overdrive, subtly scooting away from you. He couldn't stomach the thought of you hearing his heart beat out of his chest after all.
"Ominis?" He craned his head in your direction. Was he blushing? Oh merlin, he hoped not.
"I was just talking about Hogsmeade, are you alright? Usually you jump to go to Honeydukes." Genuine concern laced your voice and he smiled. You always were just too kind.
"Fine, sorry. Go on."
But you were silent. It wasn't until he felt a weight against his arm that he realized you had moved closer.
"Ominis, has anyone told you that you're gorgeous?" You laughed at his guffaw. "No...?"
"You are. Beautiful, even. Handsome if I do say so myself."
Your breath tickled his ear. How fast does a heart have to beat in order to explode? He dreaded to find out.
"MC..." He trailed off, not knowing what to say.
"Can I kiss you?" You offered instead.
His mind was screaming at him to decline, screaming that he would somehow hurt you, but his heart took charge and he found himself nodding.
If he thought you smelled sweet, you tasted sweeter. And he sighed at a gentle kiss. His heart calmed down, everything seemed to calm when you were touching him.
Carefully he placed a hand on the back of your head and pulled you in for another kiss.
As he felt you smile into the kiss, all his worries about not being good enough went away.
You were here, with him, and that's all that matters.
Garreth Weasley
Golden retriever boyfriend!!
Technically (and I use technically very loosely here,) You guys aren't dating.
But he calls you pet names and you kiss his cheek, one of you is always sneaking the other into your dorm for cuddles, and hand holding is almost a second reflex.
So yeah. Other than not being labeled as partners, you guys are dating.
And it's after quidditch that you guys...make it official.
It was the house cup and you both were playing. Whether it be both for Gryffindor or Gryffindor versus your house, the two of you are up in the air.
After not having Quidditch fifth year, it's a warm welcome to be up and fighting for your house!
The game was intense, and you could hear your friends screaming for your victory in the stands.
A large number of people had gathered outside of the pitch as well. The house cup always drew former students back to watch their old house win.
All the attention must have gone to your ego, because you were playing amazing!! Even your rivals were gawking at you. Of course you were good at quidditch before, but the extra attention makes you a superstar!
And so when the snitch is caught and the crowd goes wild, the pure Euphoria washes over you in a wild wave.
You had won, and you had won in a landslide.
Garreth is spotted and you don't think twice before jumping from your broom to his, laughing at his confused expression.
"We won!!" You exclaimed, grabbing onto his shoulders and smiling so wide it hurt. "We won the house cup!"
"I kno-" Garreth is cut off by you grabbing his face by the cheeks and kissing him hard. His face goes almost as red as his hair!
The broom stutters underneath you and he quickly calms it down, grabbing onto your waist and kissing you back just as passionately.
Well, Natty catches you guys, noticing you aren't on the ground celebrating and her laugh is what makes you break apart. With embarrassed glances, the two of you follow Natty back down to the pitch.
Leander Prewitt:
Boy is too confident in his mistakes.
By that, I mean, he asked you on a date to the three broomsticks. It went well and you were feeling all fuzzy...until he tried to kiss you.
Of course you didn't mind being kissed by him but he goes in with all his confidence and smashes his forehead against your nose, causing it to bleed. So he goes to grab a napkin but knocks his chair over and it lands on your foot. Then, picking it up, he bumped into the table and spilled your butterbeer. The hot liquid went right into the woman at the adjacent table's lap.
So, naturally, he helped you stop the bleeding and then he ran. He's been avoiding you since then and your feeble attempts at finding him don't work.
He's...a mess.
Garreth comes and finds you a couple days later and he can't even keep the irritation out of his tone while he tells you that Leander would like to speak to you. Meet him at the DADA tower tonight.
He walks away before you can ask him what time.
You waited for three hours and your annoyance grew by every moment. Of course you didn't blame Leander, Garreth didn't tell you what time! To your knowledge anyway. No, Leander CHOSE not to give a time because he heard Sebastian talking about how feelings intensify after a waiting period.
Welp. Not exactly what he meant, Leander, but okay.
When Leander peeks around the corner, he thinks you don't notice him, but oh boy, you do.
"Can you BELIEVE Garreth didn't give me a time? I have been waiting for three bloody hours! Gah!" You slammed your book shut and stood to face him. "It's okay. What would you like to talk to me about?"
He's too busy mentally beating himself up to answer you immediately. "Oh, uh," He stutters after a few seconds. "I just wanted to say that I am so, so very sorry for how our date went."
"It's not your fault, Leander, don't worry! And Nurse Blainey fixed my nose. No worries."
He still didn't look convinced. Even though you had to stand on your toes, you stood and kissed him lightly on the lips. "It's all alright, Lee."
Okay he malfunctioned. Mans just stopped working.
Slowly his face goes pink and his smile grows. He might be a loser sometimes, but hey. He's your loser.
Amit Thakkar.
So, so Awkward.
Yes, he likes you. Alot. But you don't like him that way, and that's fine! He values your friendship anyway. Well, he thought you didn't like him that way.
Truth be told, you were absolutely smitten with him!
Who doesn't love a handsome and smart, not to mention sweet boy?
The only person who knows this is your best friend, Poppy.
And of course, she is determined to get the two of you together. Because if she heard you ramble on about liking him but knowing he doesn't feel the same one more time, she might just lose it.
So in History of Magic one day, she notices Amit isn't glued to the board. He's scribbling in his notebook, but- wait. He's blushing.
She takes the seat next to him, leaving both you and Amit confused. He's quick to turn the page. This doesn't discourage your friend whatsoever. Instead, she just smiles to herself. When Amit isn't looking, she switches their notebooks and comes back to her normal seat next to you.
"I have something for you."
You can only blink at her. After all, she was acting very strange. "O-okay?"
And she hands you his notebook, flips a page, and wow you are face to face with a page of love poems. Mostly original ones too. Written in your house colors, describing someone who could only be you.
"I told you!!" Poppy hisses at you with a triumphant smirk on her face.
After class, Amit stayed behind to look for his notebook. You stayed behind to give it to him.
"Poppy had this." You can't meet his eyes.
Oh no. He knows what you read.
"Mc! It's not- I didn't mean to- Oh merlin MC, I'm sorry you had to read that."
His face is PALE because he is convinced you think he's weird and want nothing to do with him now.
"No, no, Amit don't apologize! I thought they were incredibly sweet."
Oh great, now they're trying to make him feel better.
"Really, I did." You continued. "I- I have my own Poems actually. I mean I didn't write them myself but I like Poetry. Alot. I guess what I want to say-am trying to say I mean- is that I feel the same way about you."
Amit went from pale to flushed in record time. "You do? I-wow, okay-wow."
An awkward silence filled the room before your enchanted watch dinged, letting you know that you were late to Charms. "I have to go...will you meet me at the Astronomy tower tonight? After dinner?"
He is still blushing as you lean in to kiss his cheek. With a shy half smile you leave the classroom, smiling to yourself. He is left standing in place, a hand over where you kissed his cheek and a shy but ecstatic grin on his face.
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Sebastian, Ominis and Leander were talking together before Charms class and Ominis mentioned he wants to open his own clothing store and also that he has a pet toad and I-
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princessconsuela120 · 4 months
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Summary: Sebastian gets hit with a curse during crossed wands, and you treat his wounds.
Warnings: flirty shirtless Seb, fluff
Author's Note: this is kinda a part two to patching up, but it also stands alone. don't forget to vote on my page! enjoy guys!!!
YOU HAD BEEN SITTING WITH SEBASTIAN FOR ABOUT AN HOUR NOW, sitting in your usual spot in the room of requirements, just swapped spots. Normally it was you who would be patched up by your dear boyfriend, but he decided he wanted to give you the heart attack today. You were attending the most recent Crossed Wands tournament, watching as Sebastian was about to win before Leander Prewitt threw a final blow at Sebastian. Probably sour about the fact that Sebastian had beaten him, he threw a curse at Sebastian that wasn’t allowed in crossed wands, diffindo. Due to the harm it causes to the target, for safety reasons crossed wands forbid it. So of course somehow Sebastian managed to get hit with it anyway.
“Oh quit being such a baby.” You teased, making Sebastian wine as he moved his head away from the medicine you were applying. He scoffed, crossing his arms angrily.
“I’m not a baby. I’m a man.” He mumbled angrily, a deep pout on his face. You pouted at him mockingly, a teasing tilt to your head as you met eyes with him.
“Of course you are. You’re a very, manly baby.” You teased once again, pinching his cheek making him groan. Most of his wounds were spread across his chest, four large gashes that were now dry with blood. You had to struggle not to fall for his insistent flirting due to the fact you treated him with his shirt off.
“This isn’t fair.” He hissed, making you roll your eyes as you carefully padded at his chest with a wet rag.
“Yeah well, life isn’t fair.” You teased, holding one hand on his shoulder to keep him in place. “Now hold still baby.”
“Hmpf.” He mumbled, making you chuckle at the pout on his face.
“Maybe if you didn’t want this to happen you shouldn’t have been dueling with Leander anyway.” You explained, regardless of the fact that crossed wands decided the opponents. Well, that’s not exactly true. Sebastian had come to Lucan during 3rd period and pulled him by the collar, demanding that he assign Sebastian to Leander so he could knock some sense into him.
“He started it!” Sebastian shouted, his face growing red with anger.
“See, you say that every time, yet you’re always the one who’s starting it.”
He huffed angrily, not even responding and instead grumbling to himself. You could tell it was taking everything in Sebastian not to stomp his foot right now.
“Stupid Prewitt. I would have the right mind to report him to Weasley.” Sebastian’s fists clenched, causing you to intertwine your fingers in his, calming him down.
“And why aren’t you?”
“Cause then she’d cancel crossed wands.”
“Right, and then you wouldn’t be able to assert your dominance by fighting.” You teased, kissing his forehead as he rolled his eyes.
“Oh please. If I wanted to assert my dominance I’d just punch Leander in his slug nose.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time.” You said with a sigh, gently applying a wrap to the gashes on his chest. You tended to him with such care he almost forgot he was even injured. He honestly loved being taken care of, even if it bruised his pride, it led to quality time that just made him fall deeper in love with you.
“The prick had it coming.”
“Sebastian, you can’t just obliviate everybody that’s nice to me.” You lectured, pinching your forehead with frustration as you remembered the reason Sebastian had targeted Leander to begin with. (Though it usually didn’t take much for Sebastian to target him.)
“He wasn’t being nice, he was flirting. There’s a difference y/n.” Sebastian replied sarcastically, making you roll your eyes.
“Okay well, I’m sorry I didn’t realize asking what we did in Herbology yesterday was flirting.”
He shifted in his spot, pulling his shirt back over his head at he pointed at you defiantly.
“It is when he says ‘ oh, oh y/n, my favorite (your house). I missed Herbology yesterday, perhaps you could fill me in. Maybe then we can snog in the bathrooms!” He yelled, mimicking leanders voice with a high pitched whiny voice. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes playfully at his jealousy.
“That’s not what he said.”
“Well, it was implied.” He sulked, crossing his arms as his eyebrows furrowed, turning away from you angrily. You couldn’t help but laugh, catching his attention. He turned back to you, the pour on his face almost adorable.
“What?” He asked angrily, only making you laugh harder.
“You’re adorable when you’re angry.” You teased, running a hand through his hair. His face softened, his eyes lighting up when you begin running your fingers gently against his forehead. “You get this cute little furrow in your brow.” You continued, tracing the indent that once sat between his eyebrows, which now turned into a flirtatious grin.
“Oh am I?” He flirted, raising an eyebrow as he pulled you into his lap, making you giggle at the tickled his hair caused when he kissed your neck.
“You are.”
“Well, lucky for me, you’re always cute.”
He continued to pepper her in kisses, making her sigh as she pulled away.
“Promise me you’ll stop getting in duels all the time?” You tried, glancing at him with a worried expression. You raised an eyebrow at him with warning, which he only minicked.
“Promise me you’ll stop getting into fights with poachers?” He countered, making you smirk at him.
“We both know that won’t happen, love.” You teased, running your fingers through his hair. He held you closer, burrying his face in your neck.
“Well then you have your answer.” He mumbled, causing you to roll your eyes as you both giggled, before soon pulling him into a sweet kiss. A kiss which was soon interrupted by a pain filled groan coming from Sebastians own stupidity.
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ancient-and-gauntly · 6 months
Corridor Waltz
Sebastian x F! Reader Warnings: Just some post argument fluff and light discussion, nothing big, female reader clear Summary: After Sebastian is too stubborn to ask you to the Yule Ball and finds out who you went with instead and argue, the two of you find yourselves at a crossroad in the corridors.
“I didn’t mean to make you upset.” You break the silence,smoothing out the skirt of your dress carefully. “You just didn’t ask me, and I didn’t want to go alone so-”
“So you ask Leander-Fucking-Prewitt? The top idiot himself?” Sebastian repeats himself harshly. “I wanted to ask you but with everything going on I-I forgot and,” He trails off, sighing in defeat. “I'm sorry, Y/N. Its all my fault. Yet another big thing ruined by my stupid pride. Sebastian paced anxiously in the dimly lit corridor of Hogwarts, the shadows flickering as the torches cast dancing silhouettes on the cold stone walls. The air was thick with tension, as your argument slowly dissipates and begins to make room for regrets
You stood a few feet away, back turned to him and posture tense. The echoes of your heated words still reverberated in the quiet corridor. He had been too proud to ask you to the Yule Ball, convinced that you would reject him, and you had been equally stubborn in not extending an invitation yourself. The weight of unspoken feelings hung heavily in the air, a palpable force that pushed you two apart even as your hearts pulled you together.
Unable to bear the silence any longer, Sebastian took a deep breath and approached you slowly. He reached out, his fingers gently grazing your arm. You tensed slightly at his touch, but he persisted, turning you to face him. Your eyes were stormy, a mixture of hurt and confusion. Sebastian couldn't stand to see you like this.
"Hey," he said softly, his voice breaking the silence. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things. I just... I didn't know how to ask you."
Your eyes searched his, looking for sincerity. Slowly, you nodded, acknowledging the apology. “I forgive you, Seb.” You respond, wiping another small tear from your cheek. “But we can’t keep doing this to each other. We-we have to finally draw that line in the sand as to what this- what we are.”
Sebastian took a step closer, cupping you face in his hands. He tilted your chin up, forcing you to meet his gaze. There, in the flickering light of the torches, he saw vulnerability in your eyes, a reflection of his own thoughts and feelings swirling in them. Leaning in he pressed a soft, apologetic kiss to your lips. It was a gentle touch, a silent plea for understanding. The tension gives way to a bittersweet mixture of longing and forgiveness.
Sebastian pulled away, his eyes locked with yours. "Can I have this next dance right here?" he asked, his voice low and earnest. “Well, what I am assuming is another dance.” He adds, half chuckling.”’S’hard to tell, with the way this orchestra plays.”
You looked at him in shock and confusion. “Right here? In the corridor?”
“Of course.” he replied softly, tucking a strand of hand behind your ear. He sighs as you slowly return his smile and nods. Sebastian took your hand in his, his touch warm and reassuring. With his other hand on your waist, he guided you into a simple dance. “Wait I-” you attempt to not trip. “I’m not a very good dancer.” You try to explain shyly, but he just chuckles.
“Then here,”Sebastian smiled and gently pulled you feet to stand on top of his.”Now you don’t have to worry about it, and I don’t have to bend so far down to do this.” He pecks your lips softly once again
The two of you swayed together in the corridor, the torchlight casting a warm glow on your faces. Sebastian held you close, foreheads pressed together. The world outside the corridor ceased to exist, and for a moment, it was just the two of you, caught in the quiet magic of the dance.
“Sebastian,” You whisper, breaking the uncertain silence. “Why did you wait so long to ask?” 
"I didn't want to ruin our friendship," Sebastian admitted, his voice barely a whisper. "I was scared, Y/N. Scared that if I asked you to the ball or to even hogsmeade for a drink alone, it would change everything."
“But not asking me changed everything too," You replied, your voice a mixture of sadness and understanding. "We've been avoiding this for too long, Seb."
He nodded, his grip on your waist tightening softly. "I know. I just... I didn't want to risk losing you."
You sighed, resting your head against his shoulder. "You won't lose me, Sebastian. After everything we have been through, you think asking me to a dance would ruin it? I care about you too much for that."
Sebastian smiled, relief washing over him. "I care about you too, Y/N. More than I've been willing to admit."
As the two of you continued to dance, the tension between you slowly dissipated. Your hand found its way to Sebastian's shoulder, and you continued to softly sway together. "So, what happens next?" you finally asked, your voice a gentle curiosity.
Sebastian's eyes sparkled with mischief as he looked down at you. "Well," he began, his tone teasing, "first, we'll pack our bags, run away together, and have grand adventures across the world. Then, we'll get married in a magical ceremony under the stars, surrounded by unicorns and enchanted flowers."
You rolled your eyes playfully, a small smile tugging at your lips. "Oh, really? Unicorns and enchanted flowers?"
Sebastian chuckled, pulling you even closer. "Absolutely. And we'll spend our days exploring hidden corners of the world, having thrilling escapades, and, of course, dancing in torchlit corridors."
“Oh really?,” You couldn't help but laugh at the whimsical picture he painted. "You have quite the imagination, Sebastian Sallow."
He grinned, his eyes filled with warmth. "Well, I figure if we're going to dream, we might as well dream big. But if that's too much, I guess we can start with the basics, like you being my girlfriend."
You smiled."Now that sounds more realistic."
"For now... Future Mrs. Sebastian Sallow." He teases, pecking your lips once more.
“What have I allowed to happen?” You giggle, pressing your forehead to his once again.
He laughed, the sound echoing in the corridor and causing your heart to skip a beat. "Just planting the seed for the future, darling. You know, for when you can't resist my charm any longer."
You shook your head, a playful glint in her eyes. "We'll see about that, Mr. Sallow."
“I can’t wait.”
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grandeoatmilklatte · 8 months
HL Characters and their Horror Movie Subgenres
+ some horror movies that fit said subgenre!
I'm back with some Horror movie head cannons for our favorite HL characters! A great way to kick of spooky season!
This is a sequel of sorts to my HL Characters and their Horror Movie Tropes post, so feel free to check that one out too if you haven't already! Please know that I love all of these characters, so please don't be offended by any of my assessments if they seem "mean". This is all in good fun and of course just my opinion.
Ominis Gaunt - Revenge Horror:
Who doesn’t love a good Horror movie where the main character gets revenge on anyone who hurt them? A good revenge movie feels cathartic for both the character and the audience, and makes you feel for the character, even when they’re doing unsavory things. While we never see Ominis enact any kind of revenge on anyone, and although this concept could apply to Seb as well, I’m giving this to Omi because he has enough issues in his life that he’s very capable of going crazy and enacting revenge on his family. Some movies that come to mind for Ominis are Carrie, Revenge, and Midsommar - all commonly considered “good for her” movies where the female lead gets revenge on those who harm her (but is Midsommar really a “good for her” movie in the end? That’s a topic for another day.) Bonus: Speaking of his family, although this is definitely not a subgenre, fucked up family horror movies fit Ominis well also - Hereditary, The Hills Have Eyes, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre come to mind. 
Sebastian Sallow - Psychological Horror:
There’s an argument to be made that Seb is manipulative throughout the game. Begging the MC to talk to the keepers to help with Anne’s illness, calling the MC ignorant for seeking help from a goblin only to immediately take it back, justifying murder, etc. This gives him the makings of psychological horror. Psychological Horror leaves you tense, confused, and wondering until the very end if you’re being played or not. Some movies that come to mind here are Black Swan, Watcher (Not THE Watcher like the movie about the house), and The Lodge. Bonus: definitely not a real subgenre, but sibling/twin related Horror fits Seb also - such as Goodnight Mommy and The Uninvited, which are also Psychological Horror movies that involve twins/siblings. 
Garreth Weasley - Horror Comedy:
As mentioned in my previous post, Garreth is the comic relief friend, so it seems only appropriate that his subgenre is Horror Comedy. He’s the type to crack a joke during a tense moment. Horror Comedies can sometimes be a little bit scary, but also funny and lighthearted. Movies like Shaun of the Dead, Ready or Not, and Cabin in the Woods fall into this subgenre, all varying in their ratio of horror vs comedy. Bonus entry: mad scientist Horror movies like Frankenstein and Reanimator, cause let’s face it, Garreth would totally bring something back from the dead in a lab (accidentally or not).
Leander Prewitt - Found Footage:
No Found Footage movie is complete without some incredibly brave dummy doing something or going somewhere they shouldn’t, and bringing a camera along for the ride. Leander, high off that Gryffindor pride and eager to prove himself would absolutely be all in for this. Coupled with the nervous shaky hands he would absolutely have and refusal to let go of the camera no matter how impractical it gets to keep running with it, and you have your perfect Found Footage film. Movies like Gonjiam Haunted Asylum and Grave Encounters fit Leander perfectly. 
Poppy Sweeting - Creature Feature:
This feels pretty obvious, but with her love of beasts, Poppy is of course a Creature Feature. To her, the creature can do no wrong, and the humans deserve whatever they get. Movies like Godzilla, Kong Kong, and Jaws (I said what I said. Jaws is a horror movie) all fit this subgenre. 
Imelda Reyes - Slasher Horror:
Imelda is brutal and cutthroat competitive, making her a perfect Slasher film. Whether she’s the Final Girl, or the Slasher herself, she’ll make for a killer good time! The older, campy-er Slashers are definitely more her style. Movies like Slumber Party Massacre and Black Christmas (1978) fit her. 
Amit Thakkar - Space Horror:
This might not technically be a subgenre, but let’s be real, what’s scarier than being completely alone in space? Amit would definitely say nothing is scarier. The obvious movie choice here is the Alien franchise. In my last post, I almost made Amit’s character trope be the Final Girl, with Ripley as his character choice but I changed it cause there were too many Final Girls, but Amit would absolutely vibe with Ripley. 
Natty Onai - Body Horror:
Natty’s animagus ability of course falls into the subgenre of body horror, specifically any body horror involving someone turning into an animal. Although we always see animagus transformations being seamless, imagine if they weren’t. Imagine having to watch a human transform into an animal slowly and grotesquely. Movies like The Fly and American Werewolf in London are what come to mind for Natty due to their horrific depictions of transforming into an animal. 
✨And now, please enjoy some silly bonus entries!✨
MC - Possession Horror:
Why is MC so overpowered? Surely the MC is possessed and this is the work of a demon. No normal person should be this powerful with virtually no explanation, magical or not. Is it ever explained why MC had ancient magic to begin with? No, no it’s not. MC probably messed with a ouija board and got themselves possessed. Movies like The Exorcist and The Exorcism of Emily Rose fit here well cause our MC is in desperate need of an exorcism.
Richard Jackdaw - Paranormal/Ghost Horror:
Duh. Movies include Paranormal Activity and The Others. 
Duncan Hobhouse - N/A:
The guy is afraid of a puffskein, for crying out loud. There's no way he's getting a subgenre. His movie would be Hotel Transylvania.
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xreaderbooks · 1 year
The Shadows of Our Love
Chapter 1 | In the Shadows of Return
Sebastian Sallow x Slytherin! reader
Summary: Y/n L/n is back at Hogwarts for her fifth year, left with an insurmountable amount of guilt, trauma, and ancient magic that she has lost control of over the summer; she must learn how to overcome her internal battle while also fighting a new one this year. With talk of a high society group called Death Eaters; Y/n must once again find the strength to fight for the wizarding world and confront her love for Sebastian Sallow.
Warnings: language, mentions of death, and trauma
Word Count: 2.2k
Also available on Wattpad and AO3
a/n: If anyone would like to be tagged send me a message or leave a comment, I'd also love to read your thoughts so any messages or comments are welcome
Series Masterlist - Navigation - Chapter 2
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Taking the train to Hogwarts was a surreal experience for you considering how you got there in your fifth year. You were able to take in the view that all your friends raved about- the mountains, the lakes, the trees. You sat with Garreth Weasley and his group of Gryffindor friends which earned you odd stares from Imelda Smelding and her friends.
You spent your entire summer with Garreth and his family, his aunt, Professor Weasley was kind enough to take you in for the summer and your friendship with Garreth had grown in the time you spent with him. You weren’t about to ditch him because of the silly house rivalries between Slytherin and Gryffindor when he asked if you wanted to sit with him on the train. He was goofy and immature yet he could be sweet and caring in the most uncommon of ways that you didn’t mind his company.
In fact, his spirit helped lift up yours on the days when the exhaustion of sleepless nights due to nightmares and insomnia would get to you. You were the Hero of Hogwarts and it came at a cost. Post-traumatic stress had gotten to you more often than not and you had no one to share it with. Your mentor who had been there from the beginning, Professor Fig, is dead.
His death haunted you still, nobody would understand the price of your ancient magic, you felt it burn within you now. Your emotions being a trigger for a blast of your power, throughout the summer you learned to control it, Garreth had even concocted a potion (that to your surprise worked successfully) to dull your power.
“You would have loved the boat ride to Hogwarts, Y/n/n,” Garreth brought you out of your thoughts.
“So I keep hearing,” You gave him a small smile.
“Only because it’s literally the most magical experience you’ll have at Hogwarts.”
You lifted a brow at him, “One would think the most magical experience I'd have at Hogwarts would be the actual magic.”
His laugh echoed through his friends who didn’t seem to mind your presence in their compartment. Leander Prewitt, who flirted shamelessly with you despite the fact that you bested him at whatever task he challenges you to.
Nellie Ogspire who is actually a mutual friend, dueled against you in crossed wands and informed you of the Daedalian Keys that fly around school opening cabinets that contained tokens that opened your house chest.
“You know what else is a magical experience-” Leander spoke.
Nellie stopped him before he could continue to say something atrocious, “Absolutely not. Nobody wants to know, we have plenty of better magical experiences, Prewitt.”
Leander crossed his arm and slumped into his seat, “Whatever.”
You smiled to yourself as you gazed out the window, recognizing all the places you’ve traveled and longing for all the ones you haven’t yet. You’ve been all across this side of the wizarding world, visiting hamlets, helping the helpless, saving defenseless animals, and raiding camps of loyalists and Ashwinders. Some on your own and others with your friends who you couldn’t wait to see.
Natsai- Nattys mom insisted they travel to Hogwarts together, their own way, she told you in the last letter she wrote to you right before summer ended.
You couldn’t find Poppy at the platform, You and Imelda were more respectful competitive housemates/acquaintances than friends who would sit in the same compartment, and you weren’t sure if Ominis would want to sit with you.
As far as you knew, you left off as friends, he sent you cordial letters over the summer, twice maybe three times a month just filling each other in so that you’re not complete strangers. It was a safer bet to stick with Garreth.
One person you secretly hoped you would see at the train station was Sebastian.
Sebastian Sallow.
The boy who was never up to any good, who taught you forbidden spells, who would go to the ends of the earth to save the people he loves. The boy who made your heart race faster than the fluttering wings of a fairy. Your year at Hogwarts was adventurous with all that you were up to on your own, but doing it with him- you felt like you could be with him for the rest of your life and never get bored.
He sent you one singular letter at the beginning of the summer, and that was only because you had sent him one first.
Dear Y/n,
Hope all is well, I was glad to receive word from you after your final battle with Ranrok. You are a hero as I always knew you were. I’m pleased to have contributed in whatever small part I might have played to your success.
To answer your question, I am as decent as I can be considering all that has passed. I have not received word from Anne since the incident, I can only hope she will reach out to me in the coming months. For now, due to your mercy, I shall pick up the remaining pieces here in Feldcroft.
Gratefully yours,
Sebastian Sallow
The Great Hall was bustling with students both new and returning. It was almost impossible to hear a person talking directly to you with how loud everyone's conversations were, it was a bit overstimulating, and luckily your mind was too preoccupied with searching for the familiar faces of your friends.
You withstood stares of awe and whispers as you passed, people didn’t shy away from pointing at you. It didn’t help your nerves but you had gotten accustomed to it from being the new girl going into Hogwarts fifth year.
“Natty!” You waved to your friend who was nodding along with what her mother was telling her. She made haste, when she was able to escape her mother's grasp, to where you stood by the fireplace next to the Slytherin table.
She gave you a wide smile, “Y/n, it is good to see you, my friend.”
“It is amazing to see you!” You let out a breath of relief, you felt as if you could finally relax. You held onto both of her hands as you said “Your mother is never separating us again.”
She laughed, “You speak too soon. I foresee many letters exchanged in our future.”
“Shh- don’t say that, it may come true,” You scold her playfully.
The sound of a utensil clinging against a golden chalice told you both that it was time for everyone to settle down.
“We’ll see each other in class,” You say giving her shoulder one last squeeze as you give her a hug.
You rush to the nearest empty spot, a fourth-year girl and another empty spot to your right. You settle down with your anxiety still on high, you noticed the familiar blonde hair and full grey eyes sitting across from you.
“Ominis, Hello.”
“Y/n?” His tone was confused.
“Oh, so it’s great to see you!” You mentally slapped yourself for the poor choice of words.
He speaks dryly, “I can feel your energy from here L/n, it would be best if you calm your enthusiasm, though I must admit it is nice to hear your voice.”
“My voice?” A deep resounding tune filled your ears, in the three months without him you can hear how much he’s grown. “How flattering Gaunt, I can’t say it is unexpected-”
He plants himself in the seat to your right and your heart stutters.
Your head slowly turns in his direction, and your eyes slightly widen. He glances at you once and does a double-take.
“Hello Sebastian,” You swallow your feelings at seeing him now. His features have matured, no longer baby-faced. His cheeks have defined, his jaw sharper, hazel eyes lighter, hair grown in an attractive way you didn’t know how to describe. He definitely grew taller, shoulders broadened.
You didn’t know how to react to his looks now, you had always found him attractive, from the moment you met him; his way with words, his charisma, had you in the palm of his hand. You couldn’t look at him now with that one glance, you were sure to melt.
There was no time for any other words to be exchanged as Professor Black began his introduction ceremony, sorting the first years, and beginning the feast.
The food appeared and you filled your plate, ignoring the very apparent presence next to you. He appeared to be doing the same. Ominis spoke to him and he would respond, he would converse with you, but you and Sebastian never asked each other a single question in the full-hour talk with Ominis.
“You never described how it was to live with Weasley, Y/n,” Ominis tilted his head at you.
Sebastian's fork stabbed his chicken a little too hard, it scraped the plate, making a short screech.
You side-eyed his plate and refocused on the question the girl who sat diagonal to you on Ominis’ left asked. Imelda had a quirk on her brow, and a smirk on her lips, she questioned you loud enough for the other fellow Slytherins to hear.
“Fraternizing with the enemy,” She tsked. “Didn’t take Slytherins own hero as a traitor.”
“Didn’t know the rivalry extended to after school,” You looked unbothered. “Summer with the Weasleys was fun, you should try it sometime Imelda. You know, having fun? It could loosen the broomstick up your ass.”
You took a bite of your food, and the brunette beside you coughed up a lung, even Ominis hid his chuckle behind a fist as the girl you had insulted was red-faced and sitting next to him. Imelda's friend let out their own giggles or show of amusement while Imelda glared at them.
The rest of the feast had calmed down after you had shut her down, you had survived. Sebastian wasted no time getting out of his seat, saying his ‘I’ll see you later’ to Ominis and exiting the Great Hall as it was official the feast was over.
You decided to stay behind and chat with Ominis instead of following his lead and leaving once you were finished with your food.
“Have you spoken with him?” Ominis asked you, keeping pace as he walked with you to the Slytherin common room.
“I sent him one letter at the beginning of the summer, he responded and that was that.”
“Hm, odd.”
“How odd?”
You climbed the steps in the grand pillar where all the portraits were placed.
“Just odd,” Ominis said simply. “He was very fond of you last year, It wasn’t presumed that he would discard your friendship with how much he valued you last year.”
Discard me? You thought.
“I didn’t think he discarded our friendship Ominis, I believe he just needed some space.”
“Forgive me, Y/n, I didn’t mean it like that-”
You cut him off, “No, no. I know how it seems and eventually he and I will have to discuss all that happened last year, tonight just isn’t the night.”
You and Ominis along with your other fellow Slytherins, shuffled into the common room, settling into the dorms. You opened the door to find three other girls in the room already, all of whom you were familiar with in some way.
Violet McDowell, you had her in Potions and Herbology last year, Grace Pinch-Smedley who you had helped retrieve her family’s astrolabe from the black lake, and Imelda, who huffed and continued her unpacking. It was clear she was still upset, you smiled at the other two girls.
Violet gave you a nod, she was always a quiet one and Grace greeted you with a bright smile of her own.
2 hours into lights out and you were still tossing and turning, your eyes would not shut no matter what you did, and you had half a mind to sneak into Professor Sharps' closet and steal a sleeping draught. You sighed and shoved the covers away, sliding on your slippers and going down the steps to the common room.
You wrapped the string to tie your robe together in case there were people still up.
Surprisingly it was empty, not a single soul in sight. The fire crackling was the only sound to be heard. Memories of the past flashed through your mind.
A year ago today was the first day at Hogwarts, already full of adventure, watching a person you just met get killed by a dragon. The thestrals appeared after being invisible the whole time and you already knew. Going into Gringotts, fighting off statues, learning you have traces of ancient magic in your blood, and surviving the attack from Ranrok by an inch.
Yet, the thought of going into the common room the morning after and facing your fellow students who had been studying at Hogwarts since they were 11, was more frightening. You had already come into the school being the first person who had been accepted into Hogwarts as a fifth year, having to catch up with people who had the knowledge you were just learning, then coming into the first-year sorting ceremony late because of the dragon incident that everyone somehow knew about.
This school year was sure to be interesting, you thought to yourself.
The first person you saw was Sebastian, pacing in front of the fireplace with a book in hand. He introduced himself kindly, his dimpled smile had your heart before you knew it.
And it was gone just like that.
Chapter 2
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deathlysallows · 1 year
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Part 3:
Imelda Reyes
Garrett Weasley
Leander Prewitt
Everett Clopton
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fierymiasma · 1 year
Are you still taking request? If you do, can i request angsty to fluff sebastian and f reader (optional) being off from each other after solomon died. He was rumored to be dating other students and both mc and seb try to make each other jealous. Thank you🥹🥹
Upcoming: 💔 Tear You Apart 💔 || Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
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Tags: Angst into Fluff, Jealous!Sebastian, Possessive!Sebastian, some slight Leander x f!MC (For plot reasons), Making out, petty schoolboy behavior
|| Masterlist || AO3 ||
"So…you and Prewitt."
She sniffed, sticking her nose in the air, just waiting for another one of Sebastian's sarcastic, rude comments.  "Yes, me and Prewitt."
To her surprise Sebastian said nothing.  He was staring at his plant, as if it was the most interesting thing in the greenhouse right now.  There was a moment of tense silence, only interrupted by the sharp snipping of pruning shears.
Sebastian couldn't take it anymore.  He was going to explode if he didn't say anything.  "So…what's the best part of dating Prewitt?  He asked conversationally.  "His lack of brains or his lack of looks?"
Ohhhh, she was going to chop Sebastian's head off with her shears.  "Sallow, that is incredibly rude to say about him!" She slammed her gardening tools on the table hard.  It would be poor form to commit murder in front of the very sweet Professor Garlick.  "Leander is a great guy…he's….um…He's very…brave."
Sebastian rolled his eyes.
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lili863 · 1 year
Leander: Dont play hard to get MC, its just one date *smug smirk*
MC: *In the library miding her own buisness, trying to get her work done* No.
Leander *eye twitches but still gives a smile* Come ooonn, you cant possibly tell me your not the slightest bit interested. You know *leans in closer much to MC distaste* I see the way you look at me.
MC: *Extremely irritated but still gazes down to her books* Yeah, do enlighten me, Prewitt, because now I am curious.
*Ominis and Sebastian walks into the library before Ominis pauses and stops Sebastian as he hears your face and then Prewitt*
Ominis: Wait Sebastian. Is that Leander and MC I hear?
Sebastian: Hmm? *spots Leander talking you before his face drops into a scowl* Ugh, what the bloody hell is Prewitt bothering her for now?
Ominis: Be quiet for a second. Let me hear what they're saying.
Leander: *scoffs* You think I didn't see the way you were practically oogling at me in Professor's Weasly class the other day.
MC: *nonchalantly* I was staring at Ominis, who was sitting beside you *turns the page of her book*
Leander: *His face drops before he grits his teeth* You know what, to hell with your damn games. You think you're too good for everyone when really you're just a sleazy vixen.
MC: *Reads her book as Leander continues to spews insults at her*
Leander: *raging* Your arrogance makes you entirely undesirable anyway, so you're in way over your head if you thought I was serious-
MC: *begins writing on her parchment, concentration etched on her face*
Leander: And to think you'd perfer that foul blind git-
MC: *pauses her writing before she grabs her book, hurling towards Leander face*
Leander: *The hardcover bools hits him straight on the face as he stumbles back on his arse with a yelp*
MC: *gets up from her seat pissed off before giving a deathly glare to the redhead*
*Everyone is library stops what they're doing to stare at the commotion in shock. Ominis gasps softly hearing everything unfold.*
Ominis: *worried* W-what just happened?! I just heard a scream, is MC okay?!
Sebastian: *bursts into laughter* Ohhhh boy, I should have seen that one coming.
Ominis: Sebastian! Whats going on!
Sebastian: *chuckles* MC just decked Leander in the face with a book *begins laughing again*Right on! The prick deserved it.
Leander: *groaning before covering his nose as blood spurts out* You bitch!
MC: *walks over to Leander, crouches down before grabbing a handkerchief from her robe pocket, and shoves it upon Leanders bloody nose with a stoic face*
Leander: *flinches with a loud groan* Ah fuck!
MC: *presses her handkerchief on top of his nose before grabbing it and pulling him closer to her face*
Leander: *hollers* OW, Ouch!
MC: *sighs* Listen up while I still possess the patience to tolerate your worthless ramblings, Prewitt. *leans in* You can spew whatever nonsense you desire about me, but let it be known that should I catch even a whisper of Ominis's name escaping your lips, you'll suffer more than just a bloody nose. Is that clear? And just so we're on the same page,.I dont like you. Never have. And certainly never will. So next time, do be a dear and just move out of the way so I can continue admiring Ominis without your presence hindering me, alright? *meacing smile*
Ominis: *BLUSHES*
Sebastian: *nudges Ominis with a smirk* Just ask her out already idiot.
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rae-and-mezo · 1 year
How HL boys take care of reader while they are sick?
Ominis Gaunt:
Despite his many health issues due to his familie's family circle, Ominis has a very healthy immune system.
So he's not worried about catching whatever you have.
But he's still kinda grossed out by the idea of germs.
Of course he is there for you! Don't even worry about being alone, he's bringing you soup and water from the kitchens and making you tea for your throat. He'll bring you blankets or take them away, anything you need.
But if you're throwing up? He's supporting you from a distance. He'll rub your back when you are FOR SURE finished.
I don't think he will take the day off classes but he brings you your homework and if you're sick enough pretty much does it for you.
If you want, he reads to you in an attempt to keep you alert and not delirious
He'll hold your hand while sitting next to you, but doesn't initiate any kisses or cuddles. Honestly, he doesn't WANT any kisses or cuddles while you are sick but he knows you need comfort so one or two don't kill him.
Sebastian Sallow:
He's absolutely unbothered.
Especially after Anne became cursed, he has lots of experience with sick people. Sebastian is such a caregiver. Honestly, he kinda loves an opportunity to take care of you.
Will wash your face with a cool cloth every couple of hours, keep you up to date on potions, run you a hot bath when you need it, etc.
Does not care how sick you are. Nothing is his limit. Holds your hair back and rubs your back if you're throwing up, holding you close if you're delirious or emotional.
If you're sick for long enough he's hoisting you up and taking you outside for little bits at a time. Keeping your room clean and your windows open.
Much like Ominis, doesn't take a break from classes but spends his free period with you, lunch with you, brings you tea between classes.
Garreth Weasley:
Listen, man has like twenty siblings. Not really, but he has ALOT!
He is used to this. He's never really taken the caretaker role because his mother did that. When his siblings would get sick, he would run and grab things for his mom, bring them things on request etc.
So with you, he isn't used to putting his whole effort into caring for you. Of course he doesn't mind!
He's doing things he saw his mom doing, and brings you a concoction of "soothing" liquids. Tea, honey, lemon water, anything he can think of.
However, he does take the day off classes with an excuse that he stayed up to late and slept the whole day.
For the most part, he leaves you alone. Brings you your tea and changes out your forehead cloth, fluffs your pillow maybe, and leaves with a kiss on the forehead. Doesn't come back until either its time for a cloth change or you ask for him.
He can't skip classes forever, so he can only do it one day. If you're sick for longer than that, he will do his best to spend free time with you. He brings his dinner to come eat it with you.
Leander Prewitt:
Wants absolutely NOTHING to do with sickness. But he loves you, so, he can suffer.
Don't expect too much from him. He's such a germaphobe it isnt funny. He brings you tea and offers you a few stories about his day. He stays if you want him too but he isn't cut out to be a caretaker.
Oh man, imagine you fell asleep on him though! He sits beside you, a considerable distance mind you, but you sidle up to him and pass out on his shoulder.
He wants to be disgusted but you look ADORABLE and you trust him that much to snuggle him while you're asleep? It melts him.
After a bit though, He gently wriggles out from under you and makes sure you're comfortable on your pillow. Then he uses a few quick cleaning spells and leaves with a reassuring squeeze to your hand.
Amit Thakkar
Like Ominis, is a germaphobe but chill about it.
When he hears from a dormmate that you're sick, he runs into your dorm with breakfast and eats it with you.
He's so sympathetic. Every sniffle hurts him :(.
Amit is an only child, and his parents had never been real sick. So he doesn't know exactly what to do, but he tries.
He brushes the knots out of your hair and does what he can. Amit would never miss a day of classes, but he's a little behind because he takes notes for you. They're EXTREMELY detailed, explaining everything so that you won't be confused between gaps.
He makes you eat something and if you throw it up, he is grossed the hell out but supportive. Like, rubs your back but is looking away and trying not to breathe through his nose.
He's just so sweet, and when you're better sits you down for a tutoring session so he can go over what you missed. Even though he didn't need too with the notes he took.
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sillylittleravenpuff · 10 months
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POV: they don't like your vibe. (you're probably Leander Prewitt)
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Wh…who?! Me? Like Prewitt?! Where did you get that idea? Haha
*Furiously blushes*
mmhm, i get it. @ask-leander-prewett is a catch.
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squeakthemonkey · 1 year
Time will tell
Chapter 5 - a truth believed
Sebastian x f!oc or Ominis x f!oc
no trigger warnings in this one he
A warning, an interrogation and a gift. Erica has finally started to settle and make friends among the students of Hogwarts when she gets the visit she’s been waiting for.
a visit from the ministry.
Erica chugged the goblet of water desperately and when it had emptied, moved to fill it up again. She would have chugged the entire pitcher of water if she wasn’t surrounded.
Garreth winced as she continued downing the water and bounced on his seat uncomfortably. “I really thought I had it this time.” It was the fifth time he had said that since they left the common room. He quickly summoned another pitcher when the one they had quickly emptied.
“It’s okay, I’m good,” Erica rasped, her throat hoarse and desperate only soothed when she drank the water. 
“We did warn you to stop encouraging him,” The dark african girl said beside her, rubbing Erica’s back. Erica only waved a hand at her as her throat filled with more water. She only stopped drinking to let out an unintelligible “Iamma hood,’ Trying to clear her throat got her nowhere. She was honestly getting tired of saying it, which didn’t help.
Sebastian and Ominis had snuck her back into the castle with enough ease that she had to believe it was not their first time doing so. Yet, ever since they both had been suspiciously watchful around her whenever they got the chance. Erica could only surmise that Ominis had told him what had truly happened, or at least what he had heard during her stupidity. Ever since nearly every conversation led to a tentative ‘you alright.’ question she had to weasel away from. Then Garreth, now with a willing participant/tester at his side, got even wilder with his potions, causing him to ask her the same thing. It seemed her voluntarily helping Garreth caught the attention of some of the other Gryffindors as they finally started to talk to her instead of just staring. One being Natty, who Erica found was extraordinarily kind, enough that the pair hit it off straight away. The more the pair became friends, the more Natty openly disliked her constant willingness to endure Garreth’s experimentations.
Another, unexpected acquaintance came from Leander Prewitt. It shouldn’t have surprised her that another ancestor was roaming around the castle, she had met enough, but she still found herself a little shocked. Yet, somehow, she didn’t feel the warmth she had with Garreth. He was far less approachable, and seemed far more interested in finding out what had happened at the fountain then actually getting to know her. Still, she appreciated that he followed them, with the sense of mind to at least look concerned, when they had evacuated the Common room to get some air. Erica still wasn’t sure about the smirk that, from what she had seen, was a permanent part of his face.
She didn’t want to admit it, but he kind of reminded her of her sister. She had the same smirk whenever she wanted to prove she was cleverer, or better, or knew more. But thinking of her sister hurt more than ever, so she stopped looking at it.
“I say let her,” Leander said. “Saves Weasley trying to experiment on us,” Garreth glared at him over the bench they were perched at. Erica tried to clear her throat again, finally getting some feeling back.
“It’s fun, I don’t mind,” She gave Garreth a gentle smile. He eased his nerves next to her and settled in his chair. Natty just shook her head and Leander scoffed.
“You would say that, you’re his girlfriend,” The moment he said both Weasley’s snapped a glare at him.
It had come out as a unanimous chorus from both of them at the same time, earning them strange looks from their companions. Even more so when they caught each other's eye and both burst out laughing.
“I’m sorry.” Garreth barked out, his face bright red despite the amusement there. “You just look so much like my sister… it’s just…” he shivered a little, making her giggle even more. Her throat still ached, but it was starting to cool, even if the giggles didn’t help.
“No! I mean… the same… you are… same. The feelings are mutual,” Erica smiled just as unoffended as he was. Leander scoffed  and crossed his arms. If he was hoping for some kind of drama, he wasn’t going to get one, at least not with Garreth and Erica. The smirk grew on his face again as he looked towards the staircase behind them
“Oh, I don’t know, you two seem pretty close,” he raised his voice, before grinning. “You and Weasley,”
Erica turned to look over her shoulder in the direction of his grin
Sebastian was standing at the top of the staircase, looking over an unreadable expression on his face. Erica smiled brightly and waved to him and saw his eyes fight their way to her. If she didn’t know better, she would have guessed that he had heard what the red haired boy had said. 
Next to him, Ominis was shaking his head, she could feel the irritation from where she was sitting. Ominis rolled his eyes and pulled on Sebastian’s robes, tugging for him to follow. Sebastian did, but the reluctance was plainly there.
Ominis dragged him towards the large door to their side. Erica was a little sad to let them go, but got a feeling they’d politely refuse. Well, Ominis would politely refuse, Sebstian’s glare at Leander told her he’d say a great many more things. She was about to turn back when she heard her name.
“Hey, Red,” he kept his voice tight as he shouted over, Ominis sighing next to him as he stopped to shout. She watched his eyes skirt over his companions. “See you at dinner, right?” while he did ask, Erica was sure it wasn’t a question. They both knew she would be sitting with them for dinner. His question was to make sure her new friends knew that too. He cocked his head to the side and grinned the lopsided grin, Erica could only describe it as a predatory grin. The kind without the dimple, the kind she was starting to think she would follow just about anywhere, but she forcefully pushed it to the back of her mind.
“Awww, Sebastian. Do you miss me already?,” she tried to shout back. It came out hoarsely but the hint of the dimple that showed ws enough for her to know he understood. Finally Ominis got his way and managed to pull Sebastian through the large doors.
“Oooo,” Leander said smugly, making her turn to him again. She was going to tell him to eat a bag full of certain male anatomy parts, but stopped herself. “A love triangle, juicy,” Erica choked, on the ache in her throat, on her spit and coughed so loud Natty started batting her back.
“A love triangle?” she wheezed out. 
“Yeah no,” Garreth scrunched his nose. Erica could only agree. Sebastian 
flirted, but she had seen him with other girls. He flirted with them too. He didn’t have a shortage of admirers in the school.
“They’re my friends, Garreth is my friend.” She said. 
“Sure, ‘Red’” Leander said. Erica shivered, but it wasn't a good shiver. Hearing that name out of his mouth made her cringe, it was just… icky. “E! ri! ca!” She made sure to pronounce every syllable. “Besides, we are just friends.” Even if Sebastian wanted more, she wasn’t sure she would. She had allowed herself to have fun but more than that was a ‘fun’ she wasn’t prepared for. She had no idea if just knowing someone would ruin the future for the worse, let alone being with them. She had no idea if time would fix itself and fling her back to her time, abandoning any and all relationships she cultivated here. She felt her heart burn at the thought of it, Roxanne would know. Her sister was the smartest person she knew. Roxanne would have figured everything out by now.
“Then why do you look so disappointed?” Leander kept pushing but Erica just rolled her eyes. 
“I would say,” Natty interrupted with a small worried look. “I would be cautious around them.” Erica frowned at her, but didn’t stop her when she explained.
“Not Sebastian so much, although he has his…quirks.” She explained. She looked at the door and sat closer as if somehow the boys could hear her. “But Ominis. There are a lot of rumours, I’m worried to say he may be a little too interested in the dark arts.”
Erica was stunned, especially when Garreth nodded next to her.
“What? No, there's no way.” She said. “Ominis is cranky but not a dark wizard.” She let her hand grip the wand in her pocket. While she didn’t know Ominis too well, and he had shown a fierceness in him when he defended her before, her mind just couldn’t make the leap. She had assumed it of him before she knew even a little part of him, but now…
Natty furrowed her brows.
“It just wouldn’t hurt to be cautious,” she warned. “The Gaunt family is…”
“I know Natty.” Erica sighed, she knew better then most here. “But Ominis has been nothing but kind. Cranky but kind.” She looked to Garreth for support, he was always kind to others, but even he had a frown on his face.
“I… I have to admit,” he shot a look at Leander, who was still smirking. “I don’t like it. Last year… Well something happened with them all, in the fifth year. Sallow and Gaunt and Gideon. When Sebastian’s uncle died at the end of the year it just…” He paused.
“The beginning of last year it was like Sebastian turned everything up to 11. Endless flirting with everyone, duels with people who just looked at him wrong. Ominis spent half the year just apologising to everyone and then snapping at others who complained. The halls cleared when they saw him because know one knew what he was going to do next.” He explained. Erica listened carefully. Sebastian hadn’t mentioned any of it to her. “He’s calmed down a little since, but who knows what Ominis did to calm him. It was only he and Gideon who could,” She didn’t like the scowl on his face.
“They were kind to me,” She said aloud. “When no one else wanted to talk to me. That has to be worth something, right?” While she didn’t know them enough to feel angry at the accusations levied against them, she sure didn’t like this. She clutched at her wand again. She would have told them, but Ominis didn’t need her to vouch for him or tell them of his virtues. She had a feeling it wouldn't matter anyway, no one would listen.
“Of course, we aren’t saying they’re bad people,” Garreth corrected himself. “Just to be wary.”
Erica shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She crossed her arms defiantly and stared down at the grown man in front of her. Frankly she was insulted.
A truth potion?
The Aurors had finally come to see her. They had taken the week and days she had been here to investigate her it seemed, and now they sat across from her waiting for her to take the truth potion resting on the table. She had been led to the Headmasters room, which was far more comfier than she thought, and had done so in front of everyone.
Leaving the great hall after her now normal routine, nearly everyone had stopped to see why Black had stopped her, and why there were a pair of young men, who were  clearly Aurors by their long coats and official look. Sebastian had questioned her why they were there and both he and Ominis fell silent when they had seen them. Sebastian’s own face paling. She didn’t have a chance to explain before Black insisted she come with him. It felt like the entire school was watching her be led away, as if she was a criminal, no doubt part of their plan to make her talk.
Neither of the Auror’s spoke to her until she entered the room, and even then it was to insist she take the potion before questioning. Something that quickly riled her.
“Miss Weasley,” the younger blonde man started as she leaned back in her chair. “Please, we want this to go smoothly, we are all adults here,” Erica laughed.
“Actually my birthday is in a few weeks.” she told them straight. “I’m still a minor and I want a trusted adult. I know my rights. I am not taking anything you give me until someone who I trust is here and can confirm it for me.” The blonde sighed and the black haired man watched her carefully. 
“Your headmaster is right there,” Erica looked over her shoulder towards the headmaster. His nostrils flared at her, cheeks flushed in embarrassment. She turned back to them.
“Yeah, a trusted adult, please.” She heard Black mumble something behind her. But she sat still and in silence until the blonde sighed again.
“Fine. Who?” Erica thought about it for a moment. Weasley was out, she just riled her up even more. While Garlick was kind and what classes she had had with Ronan was good, she was sure these Aurors would push them over. Sharp used to be an Auror, so did Hecate. Perhaps it was a bad idea, but she had to have someone on her side.
“Professor Sharp.” she decided quickly. He may have been an Auror, but she got the feeling he stood up for the right thing. She remained silent until an owl was sent.
It wasn’t that Erica had an aversion to authority or Aurors, but she knew that here, in this time, she was expendable. If they thought her a threat they could take her away and do whatever they wanted. Sebastian and Ominis may question them, but would they chase up Aurors to find out, she doubted it. She convinced herself she had a chance if she reminded them that she was a young witch, a student in need of help, which was true.
The headmaster continued to mumble behind her, hints of embarrassment in his voice, but Sharp swiftly knocked on the door and entered before he could say anything.
He took a look around at the people in the room before he limped in, clearly confused.
“This girl has asked you to be her representative during this interview.” The blond said, his jaw working hard to move as he clenched his teeth. Sharp looked towards Erica and she shrugged lightly.
“They want me to take a truth potion, if there are any… other effects I wanted someone to be able to stand up for me.” He furrowed his brow again and looked between her and the Aurors across the table from her. “You make things fair in class,” she shrugged again. “Besides, I don't have a parent or guardian. An ex-Auror seemed my best shot at not being railroaded. Will you please represent me?” While she tried to hold her shoulders straight and look nonchalant about the situation, there was a quiver in her voice she couldn’t hide.  She cleared her throat again, trying not to look as scared as she felt. There was only so much she could pretend not to feel.
Once she got his nod, the black haired Auror got up and got him a chair. Erica quietly let out a relieved sigh. It could all backfire but she was still glad. He sat next to her at the table, not suite opposite the Aurors but still next to her. The headmaster was still mumbling behind them. She handed Sharp the potion they had given her.
“I wanna be clear,” She said to him. “I will take it, but only if you say it’s okay. If it’s a truth potion and nothing else.” Sharp took a long look at her again.
She looked scared. She may have tried to hide it, she may look tired and done, but beyond anything she looked scared. 
“Miss, we are not trying to…”
“Only if you say it’s okay.” She ignored the Auror and spoke to Sharp again. She didn’t know why she trusted him, but it was all she could do. Erica finally turned back to the Aurors, the dark haired man leant forward. He had a softer face then his companion, he didn't eye her up like he had already decided she was a criminal. His had dark piercing eyes though, enough that she felt on edge despite his softness. Instead, he curled his fingers together, and Erica could tell he was trying to look less intimidating, He had even taken off his coat, leaning it against the chair behind him, his bowler hat dropping from the back of his seat. The blonde however, kept his arms crossed, and leant back, away from her.
“Miss,” The black haired man said. “My name is Reginald Asphodel. Reggie, if you please,” He nodded his head. “This is my partner Elias Evans. I know this must have scared you a lot. This entire situation is scary.” he said, his voice a lot softer. The blonde, Elias, just kept his eyes on her watching her scrutinizingly. Reggie nodded towards Sharp, at the potion in his hand.
“This is only a precaution, we want to know that you are telling the truth, and the potion is the least invasive way we can investigate,” He continued
“Since there is no way we can prove your statements,” Elias added, his voice thin and curt. Erica nodded. She didn’t blame them for that, she wouldn’t have believed her either.  She looked to Sharp, he sniffed and inspected the potion, shaking it in the vial. Erica looked at the vial herself.
“It's Veritaserum, isn’t it?” she asked. Reggie raised his brows and gave her a small smile.
“You know it?”
“It’s clear, and odourless, since you said it's a truth potion, there is little else it can be,” she said, taking the potion when Sharp handed it back to her.
“I’m almost tempted to give you house points for that,” He muttered slightly. She gave him a cool smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes. Instead she turned to Reginald again.
“Three drops… or more?” He raised his brow again but only nodded in return. So she dropped three drops on her tongue.
It felt like water, but there was an iciness to the savoury taste, she could feel where every drop landed long after they dissolved on her tongue. Erica’s throat bobbled a bit and it felt like she was being held there, a cool hand gripped her there. The room spun almost instantly, so much she had to splay her hands on the table to steady herself.
“Miss Weasley?” Sharp leant forward ducking his head to look at her face. She nodded at him, but groaned when the room spun even faster.
Elias Evans sat forward. “What is your true name?” He asked his voice hard. She looked up at him, the blonde of his hair curling into the pinkness of his face.
“Frederica Molly Weasley,” the cool hand at her throat soothed the words out, she couldn’t fight them even if she didn’t want to. She found her own hand leaping to her throat, trying to find the hand there that forced words out, but finding nothing there. She cleared her throat and shuffled in her chair. “Erica Weasley,” she said again. The auror’s nodded at each other and Elias now took Reginald’s position leaning forward intently.
“Where do you come from, Erica?” The cold hand gripped her throat again, pulling at the words.
“The burrow, Hogwarts, Devon, England, take your pick,” Elias rolled his eyes.
“When do you come from Erica?” Reginald asked, he pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill appeared next to it, scribbling at a fast pace.
“September, 2023” She let the word out willingly, without the grips' encouragement. Her body started to sag with the relief of it, to just say it, to get it out, it felt like a weight had finally been lifted off her shoulders.
“How did you get here, Erica?”
She tried hard to remember back, she had almost every night, trying to remember every detail, but it never came.
“I… don’t know. I was arguing with a girl… another student… she was being such a bitch… there was no need for it… she pulled out her wand and I pulled out mine… there was a blinding light.” Erica flinched, almost like she could see that light again, like it was blinding her again. “Then I was falling… just falling… I thought I was dead…”
“Can we see your wand?” Reginald asked but Erica shook her head.
“It’s broken… an old creep broke it…” Even she saw their disappointment. They wouldn’t be able to see the spells she had used now; it was nothing but a broken twig.
“How?” Sharp asked her carefully, she found her eyes on him, his image swimming around the room with the others.
“I snuck out…” She hadn’t meant to volunteer that bit. “I was suffocating… so i left for a while… to hogsmeade… he got angry with me… broke my wand when i fought back…” she stopped herself and the cold grip burned against her throat. She knew she had to speak the truth but she fought against using his name. Fought against implicating him. “A friend helped me buy a new one.” she strained against the hold in her but it was the truth. He was a friend. Ominis was her friend. The last thing she needed was the Aurors hounding the Gaunts about her. Seeing her strain the Aurors shuffled in their seats.
“Let’s go back to your family,” Reginald offered. “Have you met any ancestors here?” She nodded the cold hand pulling at head.
“Professor Weasley is a great aunt on my fathers side… Garreth is my direct Ancestor.” She felt Sharp's eyes fall on her. He had unsuccessfully kept the pair apart, now he knew why. “He’s nice to me… close to me… like my nuclear family… still tries to poison me though.” She said laughing lightly. Sharp rolled his eyes.
“Garreth likes to experiment with potions.” He explained, he had no doubt the boy had no ill intentions.
“Anyone else?” she nodded.
“Leander Prewitt on my grandmothers side… I’m not sure where… I’m not so close to him… he has the personality of a wet sock…” she frowned.
“Have you informed any of the people about who you are?” Elias asked curtly again. Erica scowled at him and shook her head.
“Save Professor Weasley who was there, no!” Her tongue felt like it was lolling against the roof of her mouth. How they understood her she didn’t know.
“Erica, did you come back to this time on purpose?” She shot Elias with another foul look.
“No! If I could go back I would.” she gripped at her collar, the ice grip tugged at her. She knew there were people here she would think about, but she did want to go back. 
“Really? There’s not something about to happen? Something you need to stop?” Elias asked. Sharp leaned in.
“I don’t think that’s anything anyone should know.” He said. “Questions like that open doors that could risk everything.”
“Perhaps,” The head master finally spoke up. Erica jumped at the sound of his voice, she had forgotten he was even in the room. “We should let the Aurors do their jobs, eh, Sharp?” He crossed his arms and tried to stare the potions master down, but the man just shrugged him off.
“I don't think anyone, much less a student, would have any idea about things dangerous enough to warrant time travel, do you?” He glared at the Aurors. Erica almost beamed at him. He was protecting her, just like she thought he would. “Besides, just knowing something like that could change the future, and not for the better.”
The Auror’s, especially Elias, backed off a little. Neither looked happy, but the potions master had years and more experience then they seemed to have. 
“It does seem like an accident to me,” Sharp sighed. “Erica has neither corrupted any student, nor tried to change her future from what we have seen. And she came here and taken the Vertiserum of her own will. I doubt she is here to stop the apocalypse.”
“I agree,” Reginald ran one hand through his slick raven hair, but laid his hands on the table, palms up and open. “But you must agree too that this situation is precarious. Miss Weasley’s very presence proposes the same risks as you are suggesting. And it would be unfair to ask that she never makes friends, never finds a husband, always live in isolation in fear of changing the future.” Erica nearly choked. Find a husband?! That was… out of the question. It was out of the question back home. Husband? She grimaced as she peeked at the older gentlemen. Of course that would be their concern, but it wasn’t like she had any estate that she couldn’t run. She had no money or family. In fact, much to her dismay, she wouldn’t have been that good a catch at all. No money, no family, deemed pretty much insane. The thought shouldn’t have, but it saddened her. At least as a witch she had a chance, she could earn enough money to get a cottage in a tucked away place and never talk to anyone. As a muggle, her life would have been over, if the period dramas she used to watch had anything to say. But a husband? It was a thought she would have to come back to.
“Nor does it mean that because she hasn’t already done so, she will not do so in the future.” Elias added. Erica could feel it building up, this was it, they were going to take her away. They were going to say she was a danger to the students. “May I interject,” Black called in again. “Who's to say that this is even the truth?” He said he stared down at the girl. “Frankly, we all know the potion makes her tell her truth. Just because she believes it, doesn’t mean it’s what has happened.” he silenced the room, and Erica had the feeling they had all just gone in a big circle. From questioning her, to believing her dangerous, then questioning her again.
“We have investigated the Weasley’s,” Reginald said out loud eventually. “None know of Miss Erica.”
“The girl had a head injury,” he scoffed. “She saw Professor Weasley first and simply took her name. Amnesia and a need for attention and she has concocted this story,” he suggested. Erica couldn’t believe it, but relief bubbled into her chest at his words. Though he no doubt did so because he was fed up, he didn’t know his excuses were helping her.
“What are we supposed to do?” He asked flinging a hand forward to make his point. “Ask her for all and any events that may happen and sit on our behinds waiting for her to be proven right? Who's to say, if she is telling the truth, that her coming back has negated such events anyway!”
“I am really bad at history,” the cold vice on her throat made her pipe in. “I couldn’t tell  you anything, even if I knew what was going to happen. I mean I got the gist of things that happened, but knowing me I would tell you about things you already knew,” she hiccuped a laugh, and coughed it back when they glared at her.
“In any case, she’s a seventh year student,” he sniffed, “Soon, she won’t be at the school anyway. If she wants to neglect herself and isolate from the world, insisting she’s a danger with this ridiculous story, she can do so away from Hogwarts then.” he stuck his nose in the air.
Erica thought there would never be a time where she would want to hug Headmaster Black, but she also never thought she would travel back in time either. With the Headmaster clearly dismissive of her story, the two Aurors, especially the prickly blonde, seemed to back off a little. Erica knew it wasn’t over, not by a long shot, but her gamble had paid off with Professor Sharp in the room. Hell, she even wanted to thank the headmaster. The two Aurors looked at each other once more and both sighed. Neither could prove nor disprove her story. The potion only made her tell the truth she believed and Erica honestly believed she was from the future. Sharp was a hound when it came to protecting that future, and Black… Black no longer cared, so long as it meant no more paperwork. They were at an impasse, at least as long as she was hiding behind the adults in the room.
“I believe we will leave at this, for now,” Reginald said, running his hands through his hair again. Elias just scowled. “But we will be watching you Miss Erica,” 
“For your safety,” Elias added. “And for everyone else’s,” They stood and Reginald took his coat. Sharp stood with them, his eyes boring into them. Erica couldn’t be sure, but she could tell he wasn’t happy with them, perhaps they had come looking for trouble. Perhaps his work ethic was far different from their own and it caused friction between them and the older members. She could only imagine, but she felt glad when she stood Sharp placed a firm hand on her shoulder keeping her next to him.
“I believe Miss Erica is in need of an antidote.” Sharp said curtly. The Aurors were leaving. Even Erica had forgotten about the potion. She scowled at them immediately. We’re they gonna leave her under the truth potion, just to cause trouble, just to get their way? From Reginald's careful smile and Elias' stiff shoulders, she had a feeling that was exactly what they wanted to do.
“Of course,” Reginald said, pulling a small vial from his pocket and placing it on the table. Erica picked it up and held it in her fist. Sharp barely let her stand instead pushing at her shoulder gently.
“Come, I’ll walk you to your next class,”
“Yes, Professor,” She followed the instructions without any fight, despite the room spinning again. He pushed her past the Aurors and the Headmaster keeping a firm hand on her shoulder as he limped beside her.
They walked in silence along the hallway and she kept to his slower pace as they started down the long curled stairway. Class must have started because she couldn’t see another student anywhere.
“Erica,” his voice was still curt, enough that she winced. Was he angry that he was dragged into this? “Clever thinking today, let me know if they bother you again.”
“Do you believe me, Professor?” she couldn’t help but ask. He stopped on the stairway and she allowed him to think. 
“Yes, I do.” he answered. “All the more you should be careful. When you are an adult, no one else is responsible for your actions but you. But for now, do not stay in a room with them alone,”
“Because they wanted to know about future events?” He grimaced but nodded.
“No one should know what is going to happen, Erica. You should do your best to forget what you know while you are here too,” When she tilted her head he took a step towards her. “To control the future is a great temptation, and great temptations will make people, good and bad, do desperate things.”
She agreed with him.
Erica groaned into her book. The day was going from bad to worse, and the headache was building. She, on Professor Sharp’s instruction, skipped class to let the antidote sink in. Then she went to the library to study. If they were going to let her stay, she would need good grades to get somewhere in life. Her grades would be all she had.
Yet the moment she sat down chaos descended. Not only were there an ungodly amount of student’s in the library, but all efforts of gossip had doubled, so she fled the library pretty quickly, instead going outside.
She took a long breath, taking in the icy cold air. She couldn’t believe her luck. She ought not to have questioned it, but she couldn’t believe it. She had fallen through time, but the kindest people here welcomed her. She had been beaten by a wizard and saved by another. Aurors had come to take her, but didn’t get the chance. She wondered how long she would teeter on the edge, or what torrent of wind would blow her from that edge.
Thinking over all that had happened, her heart stuttered, and she clung to her wand as a lifeline. Ominis hadn’t mentioned the wand incident, and if he had to Sebastian, neither one of them said a word about it. She had yet to repay him. How? How could she? She wandered along the greens of the entrance, the fresh air crisp and cold. She turned to her left, watching the floral dragon shake and shimmy in its spot when she got an idea. Perhaps it wouldn’t be enough, but it would be a start.
Erica traversed as much of the gardens and greenhouses as she could, stopping and smelling the flowers. Ominis was blind, the beauty of the flowers wouldn’t matter to him, so she worked carefully, instead of focusing on how well the flowers paired together she sniffed the ones she deemed worthy, picking the best smelling and bunching them into a bouquet. She kept herself focused on what she wanted. It had to be delicate so as not to overwhelm him, but it had to be meaningful too. Enough to know how grateful she was for what he had done. It was easier than working on her studies strangely.
Finally satisfied she sniffed the bouquet again and was more than satisfied. Despite not meaning to, flowers did seem to balance and look petty, the smells harmonising. She would have loved to receive flowers. Just once. But she was happy with the job she had done, despite the odd looks she had gotten. 
She slipped through the doors and made her way to the Defence against the dark arts tower. She had seen them head in that direction towards the Gryffindor tower. Perhaps they had a hang out there? She smiled everytime she smelt the bundle in her hands. For once, everything had gone her way, and he and Sebastian had both played a big part in that. While she was still thinking of ideas for Sebastian, she knew her thanks would have to be subtler towards Ominis. Sebastian would no doubt like flowers too, but she would have to focus on another bundle for him, something more showy.
She climbed the first two staircases and was about to climb another, before stopping herself. She had no idea where they hung out. Perhaps it would have been easier to just head them off at the pass? Wait here until she sees them? She knew he had charms with Gideon and Sebstian about this time, so she would wait here. Erica smiled into the flowers again before looking for a spot to sit down. There was a decent sized window hidden in the alcove which was probably the best place, maybe she could do some work while she waited?
A pop of colour caught her attention and she had to gasp a little. No way. She always thought the Clock room was a newer passageway. In fact, she was pretty sure her father said he had something to its creation. She never did stop falling for his funny lies. She knew the blue clock, she had taught her friends about the Blue Clock room. Although the room it led to underneath wasn’t new, she would never have guessed that it was around this time. She wondered if it was the same. Class was still going, she could spare a few moments.
Slipping closer and making sure no one looking would see, Erica drew her wand and said the password. Whirling sounds filled the air. The noise clung to her ears and she danced on the spot. It was still the same after… before… for all these years.
The same musty smell wafted up the uneven staircase that looped over and over. She practically ran down them, careful, however, to keep the bundle of flowers in her hand safe and bunched. Familiarity etched into the wall and she put her wand back and let her fingers cascade over the bricks.  
She sighed into the sound of the metal bars sliding up and into place. The room smelt of must, and dust, and very much like an old attic. There was a new smell too, like old smoke. Like something had burnt in here. She found herself feeling the first pillar in front of her. It was as cold as she remembered, far colder than the crisp air outside. The stone beneath her feet had the same cracks and dips between the stones. While she remembered the room being empty she could see some storage boxes and hundreds of empty barrels and empty cauldrons under the arches that lined the walls. Other things tied and covered with sheets, along with chairs and suits of armour, even training dummies, all pushed against the walls. At the end of the room and a desk with a lantern next to it, to her left was something new to. A full triptych with pictures of the countryside, a font in front of it, both had gathered dust.
Erica lent against the pillar and let herself fall to the floor. She welcomed the silence of this oh so familiar place. She closed her eyes as she sunk into it. Away from the gossip and time travel and Aurors.  She just listened to the lanterns burn and the room settle around her.
“What are you doing here?” 
Erica’s eyes shot open. For a moment she panicked, her eyes falling along the dull floor until she found a set of feet. She scolded herself quickly for falling asleep, and stood up as quickly as she could manage.
Ominis stood in front of her. Oh, she had wanted to see him. Why? Her fingers clutched the bundle in her hands. Right, the flowers! She looked at him again but stopped herself from moving.
“Answer me! I asked you what you were doing here?” Ominis voice was cold and hard, the barb he wielded so well trained on her again. He held his wand in front of him, the red glow picking her up. She knew he knew who it was, but she couldn’t understand the look on his face.
Ominis was furious.
“I said, what are you doing here?” 
Erica flinched at the barb he aimed at her. Stunned at his tone she remained quiet.
“I…” she tried to say.
“Did Sebstian tell you about this place?” he asked, but didn’t wait for his answer. “Merlin’s bloody beard! Again, Sebastian? I let it slip with Gideon, but again?” Erica looked but couldn’t see Sebastian behind him. Erica waited as he spoke, his tone getting louder and louder. She had fooled herself into thinking that they had gotten past this part, that he wouldn’t be angry at her for just being here.
“He didn’t.” She didn’t know what else to tell him. What could she say? She knows this place from the future.
“Really? So you ‘just found’ this place. How did you get in, Frederica?” She blanched at her full name slipping from his mouth. Her stomach swirled with something uncertain, she knew he was scolding her - which came with its own shakiness, but the way he had said her name made her feel slightly fuzzy too. Erica shook it from her system.
She told herself. Now was definitely not the time for that. She snapped her mouth shut, before she said something stupid. She knew she would, she always did when boys made her feel… fuzzy like that. Afterall she had done so with Gideon just that week, even if this was an entirely different feeling.
 No, she reminded herself. He was scolding her, she needed to be angry with him too. 
“What are you, the king of this place?” She felt dumb the moment she said it, she hadn’t even meant to say it outloud. Both of them fell into a look of surprise,  but he melted back into anger quicker than she did. 
“I’ll ask you one last time; How?” 
“This place isn’t a secret.” She tried.
“It very much is a secret. Not a single person beyond Sebastian, Gideon, Anne and I know about it. So either one of them told you, or…” he waited for her explanation. 
“I just wandered…”
“Don’t lie to me.” 
Erica sighed and picked lightly at the flowers in her hands.
“My dad,” she finally admitted. “My dad told me about it, before I came to this… Hogwarts.” His attention burrowed into her. “He used to go to Hogwarts. He told me about it from his old stories. I found it, where he said it was.” It was the truth. It was how she had found the room. “He called it the Blue Clock Room.”
A long silence passed between them until finally he exhaled a long annoyed breath.
“Well, it’s called the Undercroft now,” the barb was still in his voice, but he looked more annoyed than angry, so it was a start.
“If you’re soooo worried about me telling anyone,” She snipped. “Then you’re wrong. All you had to do was say so.” When she looked up, his slim mouth had thinned into a pout. It looked… nope. Uhuh, she shook her head again. She was starting to get lost, between Sebastian's flirts and Ominis… being Ominis. ‘Fun’ was going to get more complicated. Before she could fall back into the mindspace, she stepped forward.
“Here,” she shuffled forward. Although she wished he would have been happier when she had done it, she didn’t want to wait anymore. “I can’t repay you for the wand. So I picked you these. You're welcome.” She kept her voice short, she didn’t want it to betray her. Besides, she convinced herself quickly, just because she recognised a certain attraction to him, didn’t mean that he had one for her. He was simply kind, that was all.  She pressed the bunch of flowers into his chest and stood back awkwardly when he raised his hand to keep them there.
Ominis  loosened his grip on the wand and brought it to the bushel in his hand. The light sent fluttered up his nose and he couldn’t help but breathe it in. Flowers? Tightening them in his grip with his wand, he used his other hand to trace over the light delicate petals.
Now her hands were free, Erica crossed her arms over her chest, the vulnerability making her feel like she was naked in front of him. She didn’t want to watch his face fall slightly, but she also couldn’t take her eyes off him. The way the orange lights crawled over his face, the way his light blue eyes reflected the light. He was truly beautiful. Admitting to herself that she found him so, made her face heat like a fire, and she was glad that he couldn’t see it.
“F-flowers?” It wasn’t even a question that needed answering.
“I told you I have no money, I can't pay you back. They… smelled nice, so I picked you some. To say thanks.”
Her heart fluttered when a red bloomed over his cheeks. She held back the shiver in her spine when he brought them to his nose. He seemed to have forgotten where he was, or what he was even annoyed about. He spoke out loud again, but Erica could only stare.
He no longer spoke their common tongue. Instead a slew of hisses tumbled out of his mouth. He kept looking between her and the flowers, yet she didn’t understand. The more he spoke the redder his face became.
Erica watched affixed as he spoke in what took her a second to realise was Parseltongue. It did absolutely everything for the butterflies in her stomach. In fact the moment it hit her ears she felt like melting into the floor, which she was absolutely not allowed to do. Yet, every muscle in her body wanted to get closer to him. The thought of him whispering it in her ear made her stomach do enough flips that she could no longer breathe, how could he crank up every sizzling motion in her body up to burning hot, just by speaking another language? Naughty! She wanted to take an extremely cold shower at that moment, her throat felt dry and she had to swallow the excess moisture in her mouth.
“Erica?” Her breath shuttered against her mouth as she realised he had called her name. 
“Huh, yeah,” she drooled dumbly. She pushed her nails into her palm to get ahold of herself.
“Did… you not hear me?” He asked. She took another shuddering breath.
“I.. uh… you were talking in another language.” She managed to choke out. She wished she didn’t tell him. His face fell and his eyes grew wide, as if he had experienced some kind of cosmic horror.
“No, Erica, I… I’m so sorry,” He quickly let out. “I must have frightened you horribly… I’m speth…” he fell into the other language again only this time he started pacing as he spoke, clutching the flowers to his chest. He did this when he got flustered?
Erica was going to die, if he didn’t stop. Her body would explode from the heat that poured through her and the endearment that gripped her heart.
“It’s… uh…” she physically shook her head and slapped her own cheeks. “Ominis, it’s alright. You didn’t frighten me.” quite the opposite in fact, but she would absolutely die before she said that out loud. 
He moved in front of her again, taking a moment to compose himself before  reaching out his free hand.
“Erica, do you, perhaps…”
The metal scraped against the stone walls and he recoiled, stepping back away from her as if nothing had happened. Erica nearly got whiplash from how fast he had changed, she clung to herself tighter, trapping away the question of what he was going to ask.
“Well, isn’t this a surprise?” Sebastian sauntered into the room, his hand curled around a book and a grin on his face. He turned to his friend.
“And you told me off for letting Gideon in.” he joked before eyeing his friend up and down. Ominis still had a hard blush on his face and he held the flowers tightly against his chest. 
“Ooooooh? Am I missing something?” He grinned darkly, shooting Erica a glance.
“They’re to say thank you,” Ominis piped up, making Sebatian raise his brows. He made an ‘o’ face and quickly tucked the book under his arm. He held his hand out ro Erica and wiggled his fingers. She grimaced, she really should have thought more.
“I… Well…” She stuttered.
“No flowers for me?” There was a mock offence tracing his features, but she could see something dark lurking in his eyes.
“I was making a nice smelling bouquet for Ominis, I was going to make you one too.” He looked down at her lifting her hands and arms and behind her, clearly looking for the bouquet that wasn’t there. He shook his head when he found nothing.,
“Sorry Sebastian, I really was going to, I didn’t think.” He just grinned again, the dimple starting to show.
“I guess you’ll have to make it up to me another way,” She nodded.
“I knew you were going to say that,” He looked at Ominis flowers again, before the dimple really popped against his cheek. 
Erica wasn't sure how she was going to survive between the two of them. She had compared them to the sun and moon, and even now under the dim light it remained the same, Ominis had the cool ethereal beauty, and Sebastian… his dark and heavy stare was so warm.
“A dinner at the three broomsticks.” he offered.
“I can’t pay…”
“My treat,” he shrugged. She couldn’t rightly refuse, even when she watched Ominis’ face fall a little. Because she had to convince them the gifts were just gifts. That she didn't feel the warmth pooling in her belly when she was around them.
“Ok, then another for the three of us?” She played dumb, whether he noticed or not he didn’t let on. He only flashed his teeth and nodded. 
“Perfect.” He moved towards the seat
“Actually, there was another reason for the gifts,” Just because she had only just thought about it, didn’t mean it wasn’t legitimate. Ominis joined Sebastian by the table and took a seat on the floor, he kept playing with the flowers.
“You mean the gift I haven’t yet received?” Seb stuck out his bottom lip in a pout making Erica sigh.
“Yes, and again, sorry.” She dug her nails into her palms again. Because she knew what was coming. If she asked what she was going to ask, they were going to have questions. “I need help. With duelling. From the best teachers.” She said as lightheartedly as she could. “So naturally… I’m asking you.” she said. “Both.” she added quickly.
“Wow,” Sebastian said. “That’s almost better than the flowers.” he crossed his arms. Ominis gazed in her direction, she could almost see the memories of that day pass over him. “Why?” Sebastian sang. 
Erica felt her hand go to her throat. The iciness was gone, she had taken the antidote, but the need to tell them the truth was still there, she couldn't get rid of it. Part of her reasoned that she was already getting them involved by asking for this, they should know the truth if they were involved. Still she felt reluctant.
“You saw them the other day, the Aurors,” she said slowly. She closed her eyes so she wouldn’t have to look at them, so she wouldn’t see them look at her like she was insane. Somehow she couldn’t bear it from them. “I don’t know how much i should tell you,” She puffed out the air stuck in her icy throat. “They were here… because I am. Because I am … a danger. And I have nowhere to go, so I need to defend myself, and others around me,” She hid her shivering hands.
“A danger?” Ominis asked, he stood from his spot and Erica felt her stomach belly flop when he left the flowers on the table. She picked at her clothes, watched the lantern burn behind them, anything but look at them. Still she nodded. 
“They, and the professors, believe if I get into the wrong hands, it could be disastrous, so I need to know how to fight. So no one has to worry.” The boys remained quiet, waiting for her to expand her explanation. She knew she was dancing around it. When she finally looked at them, both had a serious look on their face, it was strange to see it on Sebastian. The cold ached in her throat even more. She wanted nothing more than to trust someone, anyone who could help her. Despite what Sharp said, what the other professors said, what the Aurors said, she just wanted to let someone else in. Weeks had gone by, and no one had mentioned even a chance of her going home.
“It must be dangerous if Aurors are involved.” Sebastian said, just to say something. She could only nod. They still waited. 
“I can’t go home.” She felt a cold resolve in her chest. “I can never go home, or see my family again, because they aren’t here.” she watched their faces fall further. “They aren’t in this time.” Erica wanted to slap herself. Say it! She pleaded with herself. Just say it!
“I’m from the future.”
— —x- -x——-
Thank you for you time and love guys it means a lot to me.
there it is guuuuuys hehehehe
Here is the A03 link
Time will tell. (30379 words) by Vyvyanrose Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Sebastian Sallow/Original Female Character(s), Ominis gaunt / original female charcter, Sebasatian sallow/MC, Ominis Gaunt/MC Characters: Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Garreth Weasley, Natsai Onai, Poppy Sweeting, Amit Thakkar, Matilda Weasley, Leander Prewett, Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: 18+, Time Travel, Hogwarts Legacy - Freeform, Choose Your Own Ending, Swearing, Romance, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Protective Sebastian Sallow, Jealous Sebastian Sallow, Very protective Garreth Weasley, Non-Canon Family Tree Summary: Erica Weasley wasn’t dead. A rogue spell has sent Erica Weasley back into time to the year 1891 and now must face life a a modern woman in a not so modern time. Trying to settle with the help of two Slytherin boys and her ancestor she finds like life isn’t so bad. However something else lurks in the shadow of Hogwarts and Erica feels like the prime target, a chance to make the future theirs.
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grandeoatmilklatte · 11 months
A Good Night 🍻
Hello and happy Weasley Wednesday once again! This week’s theme was “drunk” so here’s my contribution! Full disclosure - I struggled to complete this one on time and went through multiple drafts of it before I was happy with it. Hopefully you like the finished product! Since I was pressed for time, I am posting this on mobile, so please ignore any formatting issues. I’ll fix them once I’m on a computer!
Also - if you’re waiting for the part 3 of my Ominis x MC series Undying Love, I promise it’s coming later this week!
A Good Night - Garreth Weasley x Slytherin Female MC
Summary - Cliche Slytherin party drunken shenanigans! 2.2k words!
NSFW/18+ Smut! Characters are aged up and consenting adults. There is some drunk sexy time in here, please don’t engage if you’re under 18!
MC placed the ladle in the last bowl of punch and placed it on the table before taking a step back and admiring her work. Everything was all set for tonight. Slytherin house was hosting another one of its big parties. The parties were usually exclusively for those in the Slytherin house, but since MC had taken over the role of house party planner in her 7th year, she was allowed to invite a select few students from other houses to the party. She had decided to invite her crush, Garreth Weasley, and his best friend Leander, who were Gryffindors. There was always a silly little rivalry between Slytherin and Gryffindor house, but MC didn’t care. She had a crush on Garreth since their 5th year, but was always too afraid to tell him how she felt. Now that she was in her 7th year and had grown some confidence in two years, she was hoping inviting Garreth to this first party of the school year would be her opportunity to tell him how she felt.
“Wow. You outdid yourself, MC! This is going to be one hell of a party! I can’t believe you invited Weasley and Prewitt, though. I still can’t believe you even have a crush on Weasley. Yuck!” Sebastian said as he walked into the common room checking out your work.
“Oh shut it Sallow! You don’t see me picking on you for your feelings for Ominis do you?!” There was a bite to MC’s voice, but she was mostly just messing with her friend. Sebastian looked around quickly, ensuring that no one was around to hear her say that. “No!” Sebastian whispered angrily. “And could you please not be so loud?! You’re not the only one scared to admit your feelings for your crush, you know!”
“Well maybe you will tonight! I know I’m hoping to. And if anything, there’s always this liquid courage to help us with that!” MC tilted her head towards the underside of the tables, where numerous kegs of firewhiskey were waiting to be opened up. “Alright, I need to go change before everyone starts showing up! See you in a few!” MC shouted as she dashed up the stairs to her dorm room.
“Okay so, which one of these makes me smell more desirable?!” Garreth said as he aggressively waved two cologne bottles in Leander’s face.
“Mate! I’m probably not the best person to ask that to! Just go with either. I’m pretty certain MC likes you back. She’ll like you regardless of your cologne. I mean, she did invite us to a Slytherin party, you know, the ones NO ONE from Gryffindor EVER gets invited to. She’s the most popular girl in school, she could have invited anyone from any of the other houses but she invited you. I know I only got invited as your plus one, but you were the main invite. That has to mean she fancies you. There’s no way she doesn’t!”
Garreth sighed, wanting to believe his friend, but having a hard time believing that MC, the most popular girl in school, as Leander had put it, had invited him to her party. Of course, MC and Garreth were friends, and she could have totally invited him as a friend, but to Leander’s point, she could have invited anyone, but she didn’t, she invited him. He had loved her since 5th year; she was so willing to get in trouble for him and steal that fwooper feather from Professor Sharp’s office for him. But he always thought she was too good for him, assuming that Sallow or any of the other Slytherin boys would have stolen her heart already, but none of them ever did. Garreth never thought for a second that she was holding on to her heart for the likes of Garreth Weasley, but little did he know how correct that was.
“I don’t know, mate. What if she doesn’t feel the same? I don’t want to make a fool out of myself!”
“Garreth, you make a fool out of yourself daily in class, and she loves it. It’s going to be fine!”
Garreth sighed once more and made a quick decision on the cologne, spritzing himself, and giving himself another glance over in the mirror. “Alright! Let’s do this!”
The Slytherin common room was loud, dark, and hot, the party in full force. Tons of students present, getting drunk and dancing the night away. MC made her way through the crowds of people, eager to find Garreth. She hadn’t seen him yet, and was beginning to worry he didn’t show. She did find Sebastian however, he was on one of the couches, drink in hand, him and Ominis looking very cozy together. A smile formed on her face. She would consider this night a win if even one of them got lucky tonight. MC made her way over to the couch.
���You boys look like you’re having a good time!” She shouted in a suggestive tone. She hadn’t noticed this from a distance, but when she sat on the couch she noticed Sebastian and Ominis were holding hands. Ominis turned to her, way more smiley than he usually ever was. “It’s too loud in here!” He yelled. “But Sebastian was saying maybe we should head back up to the dorm, go somewhere quieter, weren’t you, love?” MC looked at Sebastian in shock, and he returned her look with a smile and a wink. “Yes Ominis, we should head up there now!” The pair stood up, Sebastian taking Ominis’s hand.
MC stood up too, leaning in and whispering “Good luck!” In Sebastian’s ear. Sebastian repeated the action. “You too, by the way, he’s over there by the snacks, go get ‘em!” MC turned to see Garreth, turned back to Sebastian to flash him a smile before she quickly walked over to the snack table.
“Garreth relax! I see her now. She’s right over-oh shit she’s coming over here!” Leander explained, trying to calm down his friend who appeared to be having a nervous breakdown fueled by his drunkenness. He had gotten extremely nervous from the moment he walked into the party, and had been chugging shots of firewhiskey to calm his nerves. Four shots in though and it hadn’t worked, now he was nervous AND drunk.
“Shit!” Garreth shouted as he sloppily shoved the remainder of the pumpkin pasty he had been eating into his mouth, swallowing as quickly as he could to not look embarrassing in front of MC.
“Hey you two!” MC exclaimed when she approached. “Enjoying the party?”
“Great! Yes. Wow. You look…wow!” Garreth slurred out as he looked MC over. MC noticed his eyes, they were a beautiful shade emerald green, as they usually were, but this time they were a little glassy, indicating his drunken state. Even so, she loved getting lost in his eyes, and kept her stare for a few seconds before Garreth wrapped his arms around her waist and aggressively pulled her into him, almost knocking her over in the process.
“Has anyone ever told you…hiccup…that you are the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen?” MC giggled at Garreth’s words and his hiccups, them being the cutest, most high pitched hiccups she had ever heard. She knew he was a bit drunk, but she still couldn’t help but melt at his words.
“I think…hiccup…I think I might be…in love with you? No no I…I am! And I know I’m…a liiiiittle drunk. But! I know that I love you so so much! But not as a friend! As a more than…friend! Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
MC was taken aback by the confession, her jaw dropping slightly. She looked up at Leander, who was watching this entire interaction, with a silent question on her face. Leander nodded his head, “I know he’s a little drunk but, yes, it’s true.” MC’s eyes came back to Garreth, his hands still on her waist and his eyes glued to her, the most loving look in his eyes. She decided it was now or never, and wrapped her arms around Garreth’s head, pulling him into a soft, sweet kiss. They kissed for a few seconds before MC pulled away.
“Did you see that?! She hiccup kissed me!” Garreth asked as he turned around back to Leander. Leander just laughed, grabbed himself a drink and looked at MC. “Well, I’ll leave you to it, then! Have a good night you two!” He then gave MC a wink and left. MC turned back to Garreth, his hands still glued to her waist. “Well, tonight is gonna be fun!”
The pair crashed through the door of the empty Slytherin dungeon’s girl’s bathroom, refusing to break the furious kiss they were in as they stumbled in. Garreth pushed MC up against the door, his hands still not having left her waist since he first put them there 20 minutes ago. They had stayed at the party to continue drinking, but had now grown tired of the party, eager to find a place to be alone.
Garreth was making a desperate attempt to pick MC up in his arms, which normally he could have probably done, but in his drunken state, not so much. MC laughed against Garreth’s lips. “My arms don’t work!” He slurred out laughing, which made MC laugh harder. She pushed against the door and pushed him into one of the sinks to continue kissing him, but he slipped a little when he made contact with the sink. He looked down at the sink, which was a previously broken, non functioning sink.
“Ooooh. I broke the sink! My aunt is going to be so mad at meee!”
“Sweetie, it was already broken. It’s been broken for a while.” MC laughed.
“Oh…why is there a little snake on it? Hi snake! Does it have a name?”
“I don’t know. Now get over here!”
MC crashed her lips into Garreth again, resuming their make out session. After a few minutes, Garreth had managed to flip their position, so that she was the one up against the sink. It was easier to pick her up this time, as Garreth sat MC on the ledge of the broken sink.
His lips moved down to her neck as Garreth began to run his hands up her thigh. His hands trailing up her skirt as he continued his assault on her neck. She couldn’t wait to proudly show off the love marks that would surely be present the next day. She then let out a gasp as she felt Garreth’s hand reach her underwear, already damp from the evening’s activities so far.
“Oh baby! You’re already so wet for me!” Garreth groaned out as he slipped his fingers under the waistband and through her folds. He began to sloppily rub circles into her, MC letting out a harsh moan in response.
She didn’t care one bit who heard her, the alcohol in her system dissolving any inhibitions or reservations she had. Garreth out a moan as well, reveling in the feeling of MC’s wetness that he was responsible for. He then dipped two fingers into her, MC letting out a sinful groan that likely could be heard from outside.
Garreth wasn’t gentle about it, harshly pumping his fingers in and out of her. She spread her legs further and lifted her skirt higher, giving Garreth more access to her. The sink was not a comfortable seat, but that was the last thing on her mind as she crawled closer and closer to an orgasm.
“You feel so good, darling! So tight. So perfect. If this is how your tight hole feels around my fingers I can’t wait to feel you around my cock!” Garreth growled out.
MC arched her back and cried out as her release hit from Garreth’s words. As her body spazzed from her release, she seemed to forget she was on a sink, arching her back in such a way that she slid off the sink and onto the floor, Garreth being far too drunk and horny to catch her in time.
“Oh shit! Darling are you alright?!”
Her ass hit the cold floor hard. She winced for a moment but then began to laugh. “Maybe the edge of the sink wasn’t the best choice. C’mon, let’s head to my bedroom in the Room of Requirement where we can have some fun on a soft surface!”
The pair stumbled out of the bathroom hand and hand, and made a very drunk trek over to the 7th floor of the astronomy tower.
When Garreth never returned to their dorm room last night, Leander rejoiced, knowing the night likely ended well. He knew him and MC were likely in the Room, MC having shown it to them both last term. On the way there, he ran into Sebastian, who was looking for MC himself. He was sporting several dark patches on his neck, which Leander couldn’t help but point out.
“Someone had a good night!”
“That I did.” He chuckled. “But it seems like our friends had a better night.” Sebastian replied.
They entered the Room to find them both still in bed wrapped in the covers, their clothes scattered across the floor. MC was sitting up rubbing Garreth’s back as he violently puked in a wastebasket he was hugging. She looked up at her friends with an exasperated look on her face before bursting into laughter.
It had been a good night indeed, and MC was looking forward to having more (less drunk) good nights with Garreth.
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xreaderbooks · 1 year
The Shadows of Our Love |6|
Chapter 6 | In the Shadow of Rumors
Pair: Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Summary: Group date at the three broomsticks, Sirona gives Y/n some advice
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 1.2k
a/n: picture not mine, all credit to the creator
Links: Playlist - Wattpad - AO3
Chapter 5 - Series Masterlist - Navigation - Chapter 7
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"Have you heard all the fourth-year girls talk about the new sixth year?" The sweet tune of your designated Hufflepuff sings as she sits in the chair beside you.
"New sixth year?"
Imelda groans, "Insufferable the lot of them, honestly."
"He's quite-" Poppy hesitates, thinking a little too much before she speaks, "attractive. I can see the appeal."
"Do you fancy him?" You never heard the girl compliment a member of the male species before.
She stutters, "No! Of course not, simply pointing out what everyone else sees."
You try to recall a memory of meeting the new sixth-year boy, "I haven't seen him."
"L/n, he is literally in our Ancient Runes class," Imelda looks up from picking her nails in boredom.
"Who is?" Garreth pulls a chair from a table nearby and seats himself between you and Poppy after setting the drinks he brought with him. Leander followed in tow with three more and a pumpkin pasty served on a plate.
Garreth slid a butterbeer to Poppy first and kept his to himself, Leander then distributed the rest of the drinks to you and Imelda. He mistakenly handed you the pumpkin pasty to which you scrunched your nose and set it in front of Imelda.
Imelda narrows her eyes, "Why are you looking at my desert like that?"
"She hates pumpkin," Garreth answers for you.
"Blasphemy!" She picks up the fork and cuts into it. "Almost as blasphemous as you not trying out for quidditch."
After a full month of attempting to persuade you to try out for the Quidditch team, Imelda had given up.
"If we lose because of your inconsideration, I will hold a grudge." Imelda points her fork at you threateningly.
"Boy, does she," Leander who had been uncharacteristically quiet had spoken only to be immediately glared at by her.
"I didn't need your confirmation, Prewitt."
Your eyes widen in amusement at the pair, they were always at each other's throat, increasingly so because of the upcoming season. Leander was a part of the Gryffindor Quidditch team and Imelda was a part of the opposing team, She was as competitive as it got and he was a smart ass, and not in a clever way... It made for an interesting pair.
Very 'diverse' from the words of Sirona who was surprised at the large groups you came with on the Fridays you all agreed to. It was always you, Garreth, and Poppy. Until the Quidditch season officially started; Imelda joined, Natty (whenever her mom allowed her), Nellie, Leander (who Garreth felt guilty if he didn't invite him), Amit, Everett, and Samatha.
You invited Ominis, but he had chosen to 'detach himself from the tomfoolery' as he said. You knew it was partly an excuse not to leave Sebastian alone.
It was always whoever was available to come that week and it was always a different kind of fun that you enjoyed, it helped keep your mind off of the heavy things on your mind.
Poppy gasped and stared at the door, glancing at you and at the person who walked through the doors of The Three Broomsticks. "That's him."
A boy who appeared to be around your age, with blond hair that was smoothed down and away from his face, he wore a dark waistcoat- no jacket- accentuating his build, with his white blouse tucked neatly into his breeches. You had to admit there was something striking about him, it could be his eyes, stormy blue.
He met your gaze and winked, you looked down at your butterbeer that had hardly been touched and lifted it to take a sip, distracting yourself from the heat that rushed to your cheeks in embarrassment.
"Merlin, he's a bit full of himself isn't he?" Garreth leans back in his chair. Imelda lets out a 'ha', and you give her a questioning look.
"If you'd bothered to stop complaining in Runes class for two seconds, you would realize that he's had his eye on you for a while now."
You pout, "Not my fault that class is bloody impossible."
"Not the point," She glances to the side and back at you in an annoyed manner. "Everyone's been talking about it."
That couldn't have been true, you would have heard about it by now. At least, you would think so, the students at Hogwarts did not know how to keep the whispering to themselves, it was easy to hear all the hot gossip when the people talking about it thought you couldn't hear them.
"She's right," Poppy pipes in and flushes, "It's kind of why I brought him up in the first place. Sorry, I just wanted to know what you thought of him, but as you can see now- It was true about what I said earlier."
That he was attractive- he sure was, you wouldn't say blonds are your type, but there was something alluring about him.
"Perhaps you should introduce yourself- officially," Imelda teased at the end.
You thought about it but you didn't know what to say, perhaps you could mention that you were both in the same class? You didn't even know he was in any of your classes. You wouldn't be able to play it off because you don't even know his name.
You were saved from having the interact with him as he had been handed a wrapped pastry, he paid and left.
Imelda tilted her head as if to say 'There you go, missed your chance.'
In the time you were debating what to do, you finished your mug, instead of staying at the table and listening to the teasing- you went to get a refill.
"How's it going, my young friend?" Sirona takes the mug you set on the counter and fills it from a barrel not so far from you.
"I'm well, Sirona, it's been a while since we've talked." You mention, feeling slightly guilty that in all the times you've come here, you've barely chatted with her. "How have you been?"
She returns the mug- now filled and wipes her hands on her apron before leaning her forearms on the wooden surface. "A bit worried, if I'm honest."
Your expression was puzzled as you asked her, "What's wrong?"
"It's the Hamlets, people going missing or being attacked, some are even saying poachers are staying out of areas they normally love to hunt." A solemn look on her face, "It's beginning to feel like last year."
At those words, you feel the hairs stand from your arms, and a shudder ran down your spine that you had suppressed. "Could it be?"
"Can't be sure, Lodgok was the one who had warned me about how rough things were going to be last time."
Your heart clenched, and guilt and sorrow bubbled in your chest, "I'm so sorry-"
"It is not your fault, Y/n," She moved out from behind the bar. "I'm just trying to warn you to be careful, something is brewing- they wear masks and they are following a pattern of the people they attack. Officer Singer claims they don't know what it is yet but I'm not so sure that is true."
Masks. Masks, masks, masks.
Following a pattern, the group who fought you relentlessly last time had killed a specific two or three from the pack of Ashwinders.
These were the same people who attacked you not so long ago, they had drained you, their fighting style was intricate and precise and with motive. What it was- you had no idea but you would find out.
"Now, don't go getting any ideas now- I know you've been quite helpful to wizarding kind but you are still just a child, Y/n- live." She squeezed your arm before giving it a pat and going back to work. 
a/n: sebastian content will be coming don't worry
Chapter 7
@vanivivs - @aqueennia - @wt-fxck - @therealppboy
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teddyniffler · 2 months
Chapter 25: Sebastian
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Daily Prophet March 1892
St Mungos issues plea to young wizard to return to their care.
The Wizarding World has been asked by leading healers at St Mungos to look out for a youth who left the hospital without being formally discharged. Sebastian Sallow, previously mentioned in this publication, was falsely charged and sent to Azkaban, is said to be in a condition described as ‘In need of care’ and should be returned to St Mungos if found. St Mungos are unsure of the location of the youth, he is unable to walk long distances and it’s unsure how he managed to leave the hospital. After extensive checks of the hospital and local areas, it is clear Sallow was either taken against his will or crawled out in confusion.
‘”Sebastian Sallow is a very poorly wizard, it is vital he is returned to St Mungos. He is not a threat to wizardkind, however after prolonged exposure to Dementors, it is likely he could draw attention from Muggles or hurt himself in other ways. We ask the Magical Community to keep a watch for him, Sallow is still an underaged wizard with no family. It is likely he is confused or afraid, and underage wizards can be unpredictable with their powers under such stress, therefore we ask any witch or wizard who finds him not to touch him, just stay with him and alert St Mungos at once”’.
“I FOUND HIM!” Came a high pitch squeal right near Sebastian’s ear, making him wince.
“Tessie, what have we told you about how you are meant to behave around Sebastian? Calm and quiet, you’ve been told many times.” Mr Weasley said to his daughter, moving her away from Sebastian who was currently laying on the couch in the Weasey’s house with his head resting on a pillow, watching the fire flickering in the gate.
“It’s – fine.” Sebastian said, watching the flames dance. Garreth’s little sister was just like her older brother, loud and random, with bright red hair and brown eyes, with so many freckles she made Sebastian’s look lacklustre in comparison.
“But it is true father, look he’s right here. They are looking for him, and I found him on our couch. I found him! It was the easiest game of hide and seek I’ve ever played. Do I get sweets now?”
“No Tessie.” Her mother answered. "You've had too many sweets."
He was brought down from his room each morning if he wished it, Garreth’s little sister would try rubbing his back so he didn’t ‘puke’ after his breakfast. Life in the Weasley household was rather interesting, letters arrived from Hogwarts fairly frequent, both from Garreth and about Garreth.
- Often his self-experimental potions going wrong in Sharp’s class.
Garreth didn’t know Sebastian was staying in his family home, so it was odd to hear Garreth’s letters to his parents about going ons at Hogwarts when he fully believed they would never be heard. It was amazing to hear his sharp thoughts about his fellow classmates.
Leander Prewitt had been facing a lot of hexes at school lately with Natty challenging anybody who targeted him, often at the top of her voice too.
Garreth was wondering if it would be gentlemanly to offer Leander some of his ‘Protection Elixir’ or would that be too obvious that Garreth was simply hoping to cash in on Leander’s misfortune for being a jerk and a traitor to the school. Sebastian's interest had peaked at once, but Garreth's letter had said no more, nor indicated why he had said that.
Mr Weasley had written back to him and informed his son, under no circumstances, was he to join in with the targeting of this Prewitt boy.
Other owls were from Professor Weasley, informing them that Garreth had yet another detention to go with his last one.
Around late morning, the tiredness crept back into Sebastian and he found himself dozing off to sleep on the couch to the sounds of Tessie’s home education. She was learning basic skills such as reading and writing, and asking her parents from time to time for help with a word. Ever so often his eyes would open again before closing to the gentle ticks of a clock and the crackle of the flames.
“- It’s not like he will be going outside any time soon, so its fine. They don’t know where he is and by The Prophet they are mostly looking around London, that’s on the other side of the country to us. He will be of age soon, Matilda believes that’s why they’ve issued this now, once he’s of age the trace breaks and they won’t ever find him. The Gaunts must be desperate to get him, I’m sure they are hoping he will do magic right now and be found. He can do magic here, the Trace can’t tell who is was and Tessie’s always using childhood magic. He’s well hidden here –“
Sebastian tried to force his brain to focus. The paper. They had put a notice on the front page, no doubt the Gaunts were forcing St Mungos to find him. Anne mentioned Ominis’ father taking an interest in Sebastian. He didn’t know why, he had never met Ominis’ father before, but he knew about them, they were not the family to mess around with.
Sebastian could hear the conversations fading out again as sleep took him once more, but this time, a sensation felt like his whole body had tipped sidewards. He jumped up, his eyes open, hands gripping the couch.
“I think he’s gonna puke” Tessie said to her parents, pointing at Sebastian.
“He’s not.” Mrs Weasley said, placing her hands around Sebastian’s ribs and easing him back down, moving his hair away from his eyes with her hand and moving the dressing robe closer around him. “He’s just a little startled. This is why we have to be gentle with him.”
Her hands were so soft on his face, he was reminded of his own mother, his eyes closed again.
There was so much here to distract him at the Burrow from feeling sick, one morning the butter dish ran away with the toast rack, both never to be seen again; Mr Weasley spent a full morning preparing a Howler for Garreth at Hogwarts for ‘accidently’ handing Leander a tonic which went wrong.
Sebastian found he was almost laughing here. Almost.
Professor Weasley had somehow got his items back from St Mungos, he had no idea how, but he knew her to be a gifted witch, but he was very happy to see his few possessions, less happy to see all the chocolate she brought.
“You still need your medicine.” She had told him, as she handed her brother the basket full of chocolate for Sebastian. Often Tessie would creep into his room as she knew Sebastian would let her eat as much chocolate as she wanted while he slept or read his book. He had quickly become Tessie’s best friend, better than Garreth, even or so she said, within days of the chocolate arriving.
Today was different. Today Mr and Mrs Weasley had baked a little cake with two figures on top.
“Happy Birthday.” Mrs Weasley said to him as he crawled down the stairs, Mr Weasley rushing over to help him into a chair.
“My- Birthday?” Sebastian said stunned.
“Your sister sent an owl to say she would be coming today. That will be nice of you to be both together on the day you both come of age.”
He looked at the cake, the figures making out 17 were sparkling and shimmering.
‘But I’m 15’ Sebastian thought. ‘I’m 15...’
Tears were pooling in his eyes, he rubbed them away, but more fell in their place, as the Weasley’s smiles faded slightly.
“It’s ok” Mrs Weasley said, handing Sebastian a tissue.
“Why’s he crying?” Tessie asked her father.
“It’s just hard for him, let’s leave him be for a moment.”
Sebastian kept looking at the 17. He couldn’t even remember turning sixteen, he had done so in the custody of the Ministry of Magic, awaiting trial. He had spent weeks in their cells down near the courtrooms as evidence against him was collected before his trial. His trial had lasted a long time too, watching his sister, his new friend and Ominis all testifying against him. He could remember that, but his birthday had passed without him knowing what day was which, he didn’t know which day he had gone from being fifteen years of age to sixteen, to him it was like it had never happened. When he could finally think after those long months in Azkaban, his sixteenth year was almost over and now he was seventeen years old? A great weight of loss fell upon him, he didn’t know how to put it into words, but he felt as if somebody had stolen that time of his life.
“We can put this back in the pantry for later if you don’t feel in the mood right now?” Mr Weasley asked. Sebastian nodded, he didn’t want to see that 17 at all.
He couldn’t eat anything that morning, he couldn’t eat lunch. He sat at the table looking at the wood, this was never how he pictured becoming of age.
He always thought they would be a great celebration, with him and Anne counting down to their birthday in the common room with Ominis by their side. Cheering as they became of age together. She was a few minutes older than him and would have rubbed it in that she could use magic outside right now when he could not. Seven minutes would follow and then he would be the same age as her again, both seventeen together.
It took him a little time to feel even slightly cheerful again, even when Anne eventually turned up, looking happier than he had seen her looking in ages, her hands filled with gifts for him, her smile left her face though when she seen him looking so downbeat.
“Are you okay Sebastian?” She asked him, she had placed all the gifts down by the table, except for one she held still in her hands but she hadn’t handed it to him yet.
He nodded and tried to smile, but he could tell the smile didn’t reach his eyes.
“Erm, I have this for you.” Anne looked suddenly worried. “I don’t know if you should open it now though. Not if you aren’t okay. It’s- It’s from Uncle Solomon see. It-it came by Owl Post, he- he had put an order in for this day.”
Her voice broke and she stopped looking at Sebastian, the Weasley’s suddenly took that as their que to do anything other than be near the twins. Mr and Mrs Weasley kept glancing over at them both as Sebastian looked in dread at the parcel in Anne’s hands.
“Uncle?” He asked.
Anne nodded. “I got one too.”
She raised her hand and took a chain from around her neck. It was beautiful, shinny metal formed into a flower, a shiny pale purple stone inlaid in the middle.
“It’s goblin made. It must have- these are so expensive.”
She put it back into her robes and sat quietly.
“I think I know what yours is.” She said. “You’re seventeen, we all know what wizards get when they turn seventeen. I don’t know when he put this order in, he never did it in front of me, so it may have been from a few years ago, they take time to make-“
Sebastian glanced at her, she was now reflecting him perfectly, blinking a lot while trying not to show how much it was hurting her. Not the birthday neither of them expected.
The cake came back out, this time without the ‘17’ sign and cut up slightly away from the twins. There were plates placed down in front of them, Sebastian’s cut into small manageable pieces for him. He placed some into his mouth, it was still nice to eat, even if he didn’t feel seventeen right now. He glanced at Anne, she still looked the same as she did when they were 15 right? She didn’t, she looked ill, he remembered her as a 14 year old, but that horrified him more when he noticed her bone structure was more noticeable now, her face less round. He wondered how he had changed, there were mirrors in this house, he had looked at himself a few times. All he noticed about himself was his wavy hair was slightly longer, he was more skinnier and his eyes had darkened in more ways than one. His normal brown eyes looked duller and the skin around them darker. He looked haunted, he had seen and experienced too much in Azkaban, yet there was still a look of youth around him. A shadow of the old Sebastian.
He put down his fork after just three mouthfuls. He wanted to be in bed, but not because he was tired. He wanted this day to end, he wanted to just go see the moon in the sky, to wake tomorrow on a day that wasn’t his birthday to remind him of all he had missed.
Anne took his hand under the table.
“Next year will be better, promise” She said once the Weasleys had started cleaning up. He nodded.
“I’m going to bed now.” He said.
“Okay. Shall I come visit you tomorrow too?” He nodded. He would like that.
He hugged Anne and motioned to Mr Weasley that he was ready to be taken to his room.
Anne stayed downstairs for a little while after he went to bed, it was still early in the evening, he didn’t know what they were talking about, he imagined Hogwarts, Garreth, Professor Weasley, anything really. The Weasleys were lovely people who made anybody welcome in their home, even Uncle-Murdering-Teenagers, although they didn’t know that.
Sebastian laid on his bed, the parcel from Solomon resting on his knee as he curled up tightly. He should open it. It was a watch, he knew for certain, his own mother and father should have been the ones giving him this. The gift you give male adult wizards, but they weren’t here anymore, so Uncle Solomon had planned to present it to Sebastian in their place.
Now Uncle Solomon wasn’t here either.
The moon had come up, Anne left, he heard her disapparating outside the house as she left. Tessie was sent to bed, she went back down after an hour and was brought back up to her room, then eventually Mr and Mrs Weasley went to bed. Sebastian was still looking at the parcel. He had so far picked a little paper off, but pure guilt stopped him going any further.
It was a box for sure, the perfect side to hold a watch -
He didn’t want to open it and see the gift a man he had killed in cold blood had picked out for him, one as expensive as Anne’s, fully expecting to be there for when his nephew opened it. No doubt Solomon expected either Sebastian to receive the gift at Hogwarts and then come for a visit with Anne, or for the twins to turn up at his home after classes.
He moved the parcel to the bed side table, he would open it, but when the time was right. He needed to make peace with his uncle’s ghost before he could open his gift, he wasn’t in the right headspace to inflict more torment upon himself that night.
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