#leaned into octopuses for no reason whatsoever. like this is based on the alison sudol song playground. which doesnt mention octopuses once
shitouttabuck · 1 year
my heart’s over-pumping and your mouth is an ambulance
buck/eddie | 8.7k | rated t
“Eddie Diaz, such a considerate guest, really committing to the party theme. And here I was feeling good about coming early to help tape up the banners,” Karen grins, gesturing at the pink Valentine’s bunting above them.
“What?” Eddie repeats, this time in confusion.
“The goddamn heart-eyes, Diaz,” she laughs. “I feel like I’m interrupting something here. I’d say put 'em away, but 'tis the season, and also, I don’t think you actually could if you wanted to.”
or, a fever, a party, a late night tv show: three times eddie’s heart falls out his ass because buck keeps looking at him like that. he’s just got to find a way to tell him that doesn’t involve a convoluted cephalopod analogy about love
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