mcrmadness · 3 years
Ask game: void, tomato and lime (has been done but still)
Ask game: The vibe I give off.
void - back pain, brain pain, existence is pain tomato - let's commit arson lime - bitch go tf to sleep
Lol you're so right XD The second one is a bit questionable tho because I actually have a pyrophobia :DDD And I just realized I have seen this as a meme before, but I don't know what it means AS a meme. I tried to google it but... I only found more memes.
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weirdzootopiaframes · 5 years
20th of August 1997?
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niborniac · 3 years
Tagged by @lebignom!! Thank you <3
Three ships:
1. Lawlu: this is one of the ships i come back to whenever i'm in between hyperfixations, so it might actually be the ship i've been the most invested in (at least mentally) for like the past two or three years lmao
2. Shizaya: one (1) shizaya post on my dash made my old hyperfixation rear its head. i was super invested in them like ten(?) years ago and apparently i am invested once again. yeah i know it's ~problematique~. do i give a fuck? no.
3. Zukka: This one's new actually? I don't even know how it happened (i've only seen like 15 episodes of atla and that was ages ago), but there's some quality angsty soulmate fic about them out there
Last song: savages by marina
Last movie: godzilla vs kong
Currently watching: not much (i started re-watching durarara but i haven't gotten very far)
Currently reading: a shit ton of fanfiction (as usual), but i think i'm gonna re-read ray bradbury's "something wicked this way comes" soon because it's one of my faves
Currently craving: a long break from work :''')
Tagging: @chekov-in-a-dress, @laoness, @thatcharmingjerk, @kuoringankalmo (no pressure!)
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junksprungs · 4 years
Rule: spell out your url using song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url. I was tagged by @lebignom  and @mcdaddee
k. kuss mich -rammstein
r. rainbow - emigrate
a.achtung - kmfdm
n. natural born idiot - pain
k. keep off the lawn - aesop rock
e.electric worry - clutch
s. sehnsucht - rammstein
g. genau - kmfdm
e. engel - rammstein
h. hot on the trail - steam powered giraffe
i. international bulletproof talent - bauhaus
r. rein raus - rammstein
n. nothing to you - twiztid
Tagging @theelliottsmiths (good luck) and whoever wants to do it
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nioice · 5 years
Top 5 movies? 👀
Oof, hard question!  I don’t think I can rank them from worst to best, so I’ll just name 5 movies/movie series that’re all great in their own way to me!
The Alien movies, inclusing Prometheus and Alien: Covenant
The Asterix and Obelix movies (yes)
The Brenner movies (Movies based on novels by Austrian writer Wolf Haas, about the detective Simon Brenner. I’ve seen Life Eternal/Das Ewige Leben and Silentium, and love them)
The Wall/Die Wand (Based on the novel of the same name by Austrian writer Marlen Haushofer. I will always love this weird movie and book yes)
Hmm, lastly I think I have to name Mission: Impossible - Fallout. I watched it at the cinema with @lebignom and that movie slapped
Honorable mention is Leberkäsjunkie, which I saw with my dad recently and is really funny
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I was tagged by @theressomethingaboutjimmy so thank you very much!
Name: Anni
Gender: Demigirl? (??? honestly who knows??)
Star sign: Leo
Height: 173 cm
Sexuality: bisexual
What image do you have as wallpaper? Currently it’s an innocuous green pattern because I occasionally go to the library, but more often than not, it’s a picture of Russell Brand.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? I’ve had multiple.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully working/writing in a way that makes me happy and with a family.
If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be? Richmond, Virginia
What was your coolest Halloween costume? I went as a nurse several times. I still have the dress ;)
What’s your favourite 90s show? Charmed
Last kiss? Saying goodbye to @roodlz (hope you don’t mind)
Have you ever been stood up? Only by a flaky friend, if that counts.
Have you ever been to Las Vegas? No.
Favourite pair of shoes? Worn-out converse.
Favourite fruit: Strawberries
Favourite book: Couldn’t possibly decide on just one. Maybe the one I hope to write one day.
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done? Took my top off in public.
Rules: tag ten followers you want to get to know better 
I’m tagging: @hereholdmyhobo @lebignom @active-imagination @avidreadr2004 @blink217 @robogal328 @parismony @samui-sakura88 @merlad @hannibalsdong
If you feel like it! x
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leslie-red · 7 years
Hi @lebignom i saw you like of one my chapter of “ Saving Ramsay “ is you are intererested by my story it’s better you read it here : Saving Ramsay AO3
Thank you very much if you read it ^^
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mcrmadness · 3 years
garlic 🧄 (for the words thingy)
OMG I love garlic!!! Whenever I cook, I put it in just every food :DD Except for maybe like... a porridge or something like that. But anything with meat or fish or eggs etc. -> garlic (powder, along with other spices) it is. There can probably never be too much garlic in almost anything XD 
Sometimes I also put it on oat bread. Just butter and garlic powder, but there it easily becomes too bitter if there’s lots of that, so I recommend being careful :D Gotta say tea also tastes funny after garlic. Not really bad, it just makes this weird after-taste with the garlic.
My mom also likes garlic and she sometimes eats vanilla ice cream with garlic, she says that tastes amazing but I haven’t tried that ever :D
Ask game: Put a word inside my inbox and I'll tell you a fact about myself based off that word.
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mcrmadness · 3 years
For the colours: amber, pink, cream and pecan! ✨
Color Asks.
Thank you for the asks! :D
amber: what’s saved as your phone’s lockscreen?
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I’m officially the most boring person ever :D Also have my home screen because at least it’s not just black XD I literally have had this same “wallpaper” ever since I bought this phone aka over 3 years, and it’s one of Sony’s own wallpapers. But I really like the colors so... :D
pink: what’s your natural hair color?
Blonde. But like, golden blond? (I have been dyeing it black since 2011.)
cream: any piercings or tattoos? do you want any?
To this one I already answered in another one so here’s the same answer:
Nope. I had earrings but I then had a rebel phase and let the earholes to grow shut(?) and wanted everyone to see that and say “oh poor you” but no one did and now I’m annoyed because NOW I wish I had earholes so I could use earrings again :DDD But I’m afraid of needles and doing piercings is not too unrisky with a congenital heart defect (because it literally is creating an open wound, and those are always risky if not taken care of properly). But the biggest issue is the needles and pain. Idk, if they can use numbing cream for piercings, maybe I’ll get earrings one day again. Back then I dreamed that I would have had 3 earholes on both instead of just 1. I also like how lip piercings look like but that might be way too much.
Tattoos I have never really cared about so that’s a no.
pecan: shuffle your playlist, what’s the first song that comes up?
I don’t have playlists so I shuffled my phone’s music library and it gave me Friedenspanzer from dä :DDD And apparently the next in line is Friedenspanzer from Bäst of wtf XDDD (The photo was automatically generated by my phone’s Music app, it looks for a photo for every artist from online and then shows it in the header whenever any of their songs is playing. Also sorry for my phone censoring Rod ::D It actually says “Open” [imperative] in Finnish.)
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On my computer it gave me a song from a Turkish band Mor ve Ötesi. I haven’t even listened to them much ever but they once had a good rock song in Eurovision and that’s why I have their albums in my files lmao.
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mcrmadness · 3 years
14, 15, 33 (like generally in people, not dating-wise), 40, 47 :D
Ask game: Unusual asks.
Thanks! 8D
14: What is your least favorite word?
In which language? :D Also this is probably the hardest question in this ask game because I literally don't know XD But I try to think about something.
OH NOW I KNOW! I hope people don't get mad at me but RIGHT NOW my least favorite word is "gender envy". I just have this thing when I'm exposed to something against my will - could be a word, a celebrity's face (or name) or even just a tv series - and too often in very short time, and suddenly I just get an overload of that and I feel so fed up with it and can no longer tolerate it AT ALL and everything about said thing just gets on my nerves and makes me so angry that if it's e.g. a tv series someone's watching, I simply have to leave the room because I can't stand anything about it at all anymore, not even the musics nor actors' voices.
So lately this happened to me with this word. It just came out of nowhere and I see so many using it now and I can't escape because it's not only on Tumblr, it's also on Discord and on every freaking website I go to, and I feel like I'm going crazy but I just can't NOT SEE that word because there's no way to avoid it. Even if I filtered the tag on Tumblr, I'd still have to see the word because Tumblr would tell me "this post was filtered for the tag #gender envy". And it kinda sucks.
(I'm agender/nonbinary so I don't feel gender envy because there's no one born without a physical gender and I usually don't look at snails or so and be like "I wish I had its gender" - besides they are hermaphrodite and not genderless so...)
15: What is your favorite word?
This is also something I haven't really thought about. Okay my brain just said I should say: Gotham. Because it's one of my favorite tv series, after Gotham City which is Batman's home city, and if you put that word in half you get: Got-Ham.
That's why my siblings (they're 26 btw) started talking about the show with the Finnish word for ham: kinkku. So my sister would ask my brother "Should we watch 'Kinkku'?" when she wanted to continue watching Gotham :DDDDDDDD
This got bit long so the next ones under the cut...
33: What turns you off?
The lack of sense of humour. I seriously don't think I'd ever be able to get along with someone who either has no sense of humour at all or has it completely different from mine.
Also people who don't respect others, people who refuse to listen to others. Nothing makes me angrier and more frustrated than when I'm trying to say something and people say "I don't care." and won't let me even finish because they don't want to hear what I have to say only because they THINK they're gonna disagree. And even if they do disagree, it'd still be nice of them to let people finish before proclaiming that they disagree. Not doing that makes a person just an asshole.
And another thing is the music taste, having it different won't make a friendship impossible, but it always drops my mood a bit to learn I again listen to different bands and genres altogether than someone new I learnt to know, because it seems to be something that just always keeps happening...
40: First concert you attended
It was in 2007 and My Chemical Romance's concert in Finland. It was also their first gig in Finland ever. The concert took place in Helsinki, I was 16 and met a few internet friends I had but mainly spent time with my parents who I went to the concert with. The gig itself was insane, I had never been to an actual concert before because I was so afraid of big crowds because of my social anxiety and I always thought I don't care about going to concerts. But something in me needed to experience an MCR concert and I'm glad that I did that, because I really like going to concerts now. Every time I feel like dying tho, but somehow I still end up buying concert tickets anyway XD
The concert itsel was insane and I didn't even feel the anxiety there at all! After the concert we were hanging out near the venue and my parents already wanted to leave but I just had this feeling that we should not leave yet, and then they said we have to go now so I started walking after them and crying, and that's when I heard girls screaming behind the venue and as we went there, Frank was actually there writing signatures, and we quickly ran there and I don't remember anything else but this small group and we just handed him the ticket, he wrote his name and we left :D
Here's a photo, I still find it hard to believe that I got Frank's signature but this ticket is a proof of that so I guess I just have to trust it XD
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After all that we then visited this "Rock McDonald's" in Helsinki, it's just some regular McDonald's with rock themed furniture and music and that night they were playing only MCR, and from there we went back to the hotel.
47: What’s your favorite holiday?
I think I answered this question in another ask a couple of weeks ago but I don't remember what I said :D Probably talked about Christmas but now I started wondering it this means like... those HOLIDAYS like Christmas, or just any kind of free days from school and work. Because I've been having one long weekend for the past 2 years, and before that holidays didn't really exist for me because horses need to be fed and taken care of no matter what the calendar says :D
Anyway I think I'm gonna say: Midsummer. In Finland it's a big thing. Well, for most it just means drinking and partying outside, but not for me because I hate people and don't drink alcohol lmao. No but, I actually was born on Midsummer Eve, the Eve is never the exact same date every year (it's always a Friday, tho) so when I have my birthday, it's not necessarily that year's Midsummer Eve. Apparently also not this year, so usually I'm having my birthday during Midsummer but I haven't celebrated it since I turned 18, so it's not really a big deal for me. I'd rather forget about it because I have had an age crisis since I was 23... anyhow, this year I'm gonna turn 30 so I know it's gonna be a bit bigger thing for my family and relatives but I'd rather not be reminded of that because for the past 10 years I have just been worrying about how 30 is closer every year because when I hit that age, then 40 will be closer than ever, too ::D
A "fun" fact about Midsummer and what it means in Finland: Every year everyone wishes for bad and good weather simultaneously because people want to spend the day in good weather but good weather means people like to go swimming. And alcohol + swimming is NEVER a good combination and the warmer the day, the more people will drown. Every Midsummer Day or the first work day after Midsummer weekend, you will find reports from all newspapers about how many people drowned this time. The nicer the weather, the bigger the number(s)... It's terrible, and people are adviced to look after their friends and family and never leave anyone alone near the water when alcohol is involved. Even I have sometimes kept an eye on someone because they were drunk and went close to the lake (not necessarily during Midsummer, but whenever I've been spending time with my mom and her siblings and friends at a summer cottage).
I don't want to end this so dramatically so I also want to say that I like Midsummer because in Finland, the sun never really sets during summer. And during Midsummer the nights are usually the brightest and soon after that it starts getting darker and darker again. It always makes me sad because the summer is so short here, but I really love these summer nights when there's like 3 hours between the sunset and sunrise but the sky doesn't even have time to turn dark during that time. Finnish summer is something special and magical.
It's probably impossible to imagine and incredibly difficult to show in photos too, but here's my attempt:
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This one was taken in (the beginning of) June 2017, at 2:00 in the morning during this photo. I think it's very close to the actual lighting of that night. It's so easy to get too dark or bright photos with a proper camera and I can never remember afterwards which of the brightnesses was the correct one. (Btw we [aka me because I'm the only one of my family with a driver's license] were driving back home from Helsinki, we were to Helsinki because of a Rammstein concert :D)
I also have some photos taken at 9pm what looks more like it was in the middle of the day, and also a photo I took at 3am and it looks like it's a daytime too. It's slightly darker between 11pm and 2am and then it gets bright again. But I'm too lazy to add them to this because they just look like daytime photos and you only have my word about the actual time, so it still doesn't feel the same as actually being outside at 3am while it's bright as day :D
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mcrmadness · 3 years
For the last ask game: ✨ 🌧 🍩 ⛅️ :D
Eyyyyy thanks!!! :D
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
Hmmm. This is a very good question... I rarely find such characters and usually all I relate to still lack something that would make the experience perfect. For example I relate to Deadpool a lot because of his mental health stuff, medical trauma, talkativeness (actually it was because of him when I decided to stop caring and just started talking) and sense of humour, but then there's also lots of things that we don't have in common. Like the fact that he's a mercenary. I also often relate to outcast characters like Catwoman or Penguin from Batman universe but again, those are villains and often have killed people too...
So as I was thinking about this I think I'm gonna say Sherlock Holmes. He also fits all of those: book, show AND movie. I'm still in the middle of reading the novels but I'm enjoying them a lot; I love the Granada tv series (Jeremy Brett was the best Holmes, imho) and I also really like the movies with Robert Downey Jr. as Holmes.
I think the biggest reason for why I relate to him the most is because he's canonically asexual and aromantic, altho those words have never been used in canon because those words did not exist back in late 1800s yet, but still Doyle wrote him as a "bachelor" who simply just enjoyed other things over relationships. (It's just insane that I can't find a more relatable aroace character when it's the freaking 2020 but have to go all the way back to the late 1800s to find someone with a great aroace "presentation".)
But just like Holmes, I also really enjoy challenging my brain and I love to "play a detective". Altho I'm actually a terrible detective because I want everything to be somewhat special and non-cliché so I easily miss any clues that are too normal. And I'm not even nearly as smart as him, but I kinda have the same egoism sometimes that I still like to think I'm smart when I'm actually not :D I also have been playing the SH games and omg I love those games! Sometimes they're driving me crazy tho because I'm so unpatient and just don't get something right away and then I look it up and feel myself stupid because it was again something obvious but I was just again trying to think too much outside the box.
I want to go back to the books for a moment: one thing I did notice from the stories is that now as I have read quite a many of those stories, I have learnt Doyle's way of telling stories. I am now able to notice when he does that where he starts to give in clues that will lead the reader to the wrong conclusions, and that way I can already guess the actual events of the story. It was actually pretty cool moment when I was reading this one story and suddenly realized that Doyle is doing it again, he's trying to lead the reader to the wrong direction on purpose and I didn't fall for that trap anymore. And ever since it's been like this with every story. I'm excited to see if his writing style changed or evolved from this and if he ever stopped doing that. But yeah, it was super fascinating experience to myself because I do that in real life too: I observe people a lot and I slowly start to understand how they are as persons and e.g. how their sense of humour works. For example, with new people I don't always catch their "prank" humour or sarcasm but after a while, I'm able to spot when they're only joking and won't fall for those jokes/pranks any longer, and sometimes can also join the jokes myself as well. I think that's also something that kinda reminds of of Holmes' character, at least he's really good at observing people and his surroundings - I do that all the time as well.
🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days?
The same things I do every day - sit inside spending quality time with my computer XD No but, if it's a rainy day in a pretty way, like a summer rain, then it sometimes like playing with my camera and try getting photos of the rain drops or something. And especially if the sun starts shining after the rain and often creates these super interesting looking lighting phenomenons like coloring the whole air with yellow etc.!
Today is actually a rainy day and I FINALLY planted some plants I've been meaning to plant for months.
🍩- current mood?
Well pretty okay, just tired because it's that time of the month again, and I even got myself to use the exercise bike because I noticed I've again reached a weight I have never reached before and I've been trying to get my weight to come down for years. But it just goes up the more I try to do things like exercise and nothing makes sense, ever.
I'm also feeling slightly hyped because of dä, my anxiety and stress levels are finally reducing a little and also my mouth doesn't feel too bad anymore so I don't have those sensory overloads 24/7 either. And I'm gonna play Valheim with friends later today again so I'm really looking forward to that :D
Oh and it's extremely windy outside and the sounds of wind piss me off every single time. I don't know what it is, probably misophonia, but it just makes me feel so angry when I hear that wind hitting the walls or so. Maybe I should do something that I can listen to music meanwhile so it will hide the sounds of that wind underneath...
⛅- what is your morning routine?
I wake up, (check Bademeister.com), get up, turn on the computer on my way to toilet, pee, brush my teeth... Usually I do that at my computer while browsing Discord servers and Tumblr etc. After I'm done brushing my teeth I often just spend time browsing the internet, I always check the same websites like my email and browse everything on Tumblr and it depends how much time that takes, sometimes a couple of hours.
So I then get myself breakfast either when I'm still browsing Tumblr (if I'm really hungry) or only after I'm done with browsing. I also always eat my breakfast either at my computer or in the living room as I watch tv. Can't just sit still in my kitchen doing nothing so I hardly ever eat there :D And when I have eaten my breakfast, then I make myself tea. I never eat anything with it but I just start and finish my tea after I'm done eating.
That's my morning routine. But bold of you that it's always a morning when this happens. Sometimes I eat my breakfast at 5pm, sometimes at 9am ::D
Ask game: Sweet and pure asks.
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mcrmadness · 3 years
Swooping in here once again xD Unusual asks: 3, 10, 30, 39, 46
Ask Game: Unusual Asks
Oooo thanks!!! :D
3. what color are your eyes?
Blue-grey. I think I also have some tiny green dots here and there but usually they're only visible when my pupils are the tiniest aka during very bright light (usually sunlight). But usually you can't see my eyes then because it's too bright to keep my eyes open and I need to wear sunglasses...
10. how would you describe your style?
Hmmm. My style doesn't really look like anything. All my clothes are in black, apart from some socks having a bit of color to them but usually they're striped, and usually the color scheme is black and/or grey and/or white.
I wear black jeans, I have a studded belt (but you can't ever see it because shirts never go into my jeans, because ym stomach looks annoyins...), I have a couple of chains hanging from my jeans. I wear either print t-shirts, mostly they are band t-shirts or something else (like video game related or so) or just plain black t-shirts; and black zipper hoodies. I also have a black (fake) leather jacket. Whenever the weather allows it, I also use my studded bracelets, and I like to paint my nails with black because I only need to do that every few weeks. (I don't use makeup because I have no interest nor time nor motivation, so nailpolish is the choice of a lazy person.)
^That might sound nice but trust me, it looks very basic. I believe. Just jeans, t-shirts and zipper hoodies and all in black, and almost always it's the same pair of jeans and the same hoodie so nothing even changes ::D Well, what goes for shoes, I've always been a sucker for shoes with thick soles and my favorite shoes are my pair of New Rock shoes I bought about 10 years ago. I love them! But I can only wear them when the weather is warm because they don't like winter. And then I also have 2 other, kinda army boot-like shoes with thicker soles for winter/autumn/spring.
I'd say my style can look either punk-ish or metallic depending on what band t-shirt I have on. I have 4 x Rammstein, 1 dä, 1 MCR and 1 Apulanta t-shirts :DD And then I of course have my dä hoodie that is way too big for me but I'm in love with that hoodie because it's just so big and comfy and soft ♥ (I'd love to have more dä merch but I don't like the colors and prints they have. I need that Schnecki tour shirt tho.)
30. whats your favorite candle scent? 
I don't like candles because I'm afraid of fire :D And most candles actually smell really bad because the smell is so strong and smells like an essence rather than any kind of natural smell - I'm very sensitive to strong smells and too strong and/or unnatural scents can cause me to have migraine. But I think vanilla is often quite mild and a smell I can stand. My mom also once had something that smelled like coffee beans, that was a nice one too. (She loves candles and I've often bought her also scented candles for Christmas. I think I once bought one that smelled like apple and that wasn't too bad either.)
39. do you have a nickname? what is it? 
No, I don't really have a nickname :( My real name, Aada, is so short and simple that it's hard to come up with anything, apart from what my parents or siblings use but those are more like something used with the family only. Anyway, my siblings started calling me as "Bumba" or "Bumbu" when I was still a teenager and occassionally they still use that.
And one friend liked to come up with random nicknames to all her friends and she used to call me as Dexter or Dexu at some point - because one of my favorite tv series was (and is) Dexter, and I also actually had a rat called Dexter at some point, too :D I don't know if she still remembers about this nickname.
But Madness is good. Anyone who knows me through internet is allowed to use that also IRL if we ever meet. Most of the time people call me as Madness or Madi online anyway, also in voice calls during video games or so even if we would be aware of our IRL names. I like that :D
46. whats your go to hair style?
I dye it black and get it cut regularly and don't really do much else about it. My ideal hairstyle is bedhead basically but I have straight hair and so sleek hair quality that I never brush it and it still never gets tangled, and my bedhead usually is very flat instead of messy and that is NOT the ideal bedhead I mean here XD So I sometimes use a bit of hair powder to give it a bit more volume and I like that already so much better. But most of the time I just get up and my hair is already ready (unless it's really flat and needs hair powder...).
Like I said, I'm extremely lazy (well actually I just have adhd) what comes to style and hair and stuff and I am always running late for everything anyway so I need something that is very quick, or lasts long, and hair powder takes maybe less than 1-2mins to be ready.
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mcrmadness · 2 years
For the last colour ask thingy :D
bubblegum bitch, choccy milk and box dimension
Yet another color ask game.
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Thanks :DD And yay cookies!!! I am not so keen on baking but the only reason for me baking is so that I can eat baked goods lmao
And yeah, I'm okay! One just gotta vent sometimes--- or um, often, you know XD
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mcrmadness · 3 years
computer screen, bestie ur blushing & cupcake <3 for the last ask thingy
Heyyy and sorry for taking this long with the ask - altho this is one of the newest asks in my inbox. Executive dysfunction </3 ANYWAY, back to the post:
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o_Ô Thank you so much! And btw, if you want my gender, just throw yours into the trash bin cos that's what it's like to be agender XD
The ask game here.
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mcrmadness · 3 years
That last ask game: really feeling peach, soup!!, tree-mendous for you :D
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They're not exactly the same size hnnnnngh but...
You're right about peach - also I probably would bake a lot more but, you know, adhd XD And yes I'm a shortie :D
And for the rest: thanks :D Forests are nice and sometimes would love to scream but unfortunately too many people everywhere and it might scare the town :DDDDD Soon there would be police looking for some torture victim but nope, it was just me vibing.
Omfg forgive me being stupid again, I literally have no idea what I'm saying here. I have stayed up almost 24 hours again because my asshole brain refused to fall asleep in the morning (new Richy/Igor fanfiction idea dropped............). I had a nap yesterday and I woke up at midnight and haven't slept ever since, and it's 9pm. I'm really tired already and have been planning on going to sleep immediately after I am done with my tea. Hopefully :D
But yeah, thanks for sending an ask! I appreciate it :D because I'm egoist wait what /j
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cordate-chordata · 5 years
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Cheerleader Atmos
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