#lenis life
lalalenii · 4 days
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Erstmal Hausaufgaben machen 😌
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lenievi · 6 months
"Then he will be forced to take his own life." Kirk scowled, glanced uncomfortably at McCoy. The doctor, suddenly in a joking mood no longer, returned the look. "Tell him," said McCoy, "that the captain has many people bonded to him here—on the Enterprise. Hundreds of them, in fact. And that he can't just go abandoning them to go live on T'nufo."
(Double, Double by Michael Jan Friedman)
I like when people use McCoy stepping in when Kirk is just all ??? idk what to do and what to say. Just love when people acknowledge that Kirk relies on McCoy quite a lot.
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rhyliethecaterfly · 5 days
Voice actors and actress that will be voicing my OCs if My fanmade comedy central show of mine Rhylie The Caterfly Princess
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Princess Rhylie Caterfly (My Main OC Which Is Also Main Protagonist) will be voiced by Tara strong, Rhylie is going to sound like Unikitty from Unikitty Show.
Andrew Roberts will be voice by Trey Parker, He’s going to sound like Stan Marsh From South Park.
Roberta Bot will be voice by Janice Kawaye, She’s going to sound like Jenny Wakeman from My Life As A Teenage Robot.
Berri Hare-ington will be voiced by Liliana Mumy, She are going to sound like Leni Loud from The Loud House.
Lizzie Jacobs will be voiced by April Stewart, she will sound like Wendy Testaburger From South Park.
Pami Bunterfly (Pamithebunterfly2007's OC Which Is Going To Be A Main Antagonist If This Series) will be voiced by Mindy Kaling, Pami Is Going To Sound Like Velma Dinkley From 2023's Max Show Velma
Nurse Anastasia Bearybug Will Be Voiced By Tress Macneille, Anastasia Is Going To Sound Like Daisy Duck.
Randy Alipuppycorn Will Be Voiced By Yuri Lowenthal, Randy Is Going To Sound Like Teenage Ben Tennyson.
Zoe Drabungon Will Be Voiced By Rachel MacFarlane, Zoe Is Going To Sound Like Mindy From The Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy.
Gold Tabbyton Will Be Voiced By James Monroe Iglehart, Gold Will Sound Like Vortex From Helluva Boss.
Aleah The Wishing Cat (Oc Belongs To Sakionoi On Deviantart) Will Be Voiced By Carolyn Lawrence, Aleah Is Going To Sound Like Sandy Cheeks From SpongeBob SquarePants.
Mackenzie "Deema" Pegacoon (Oc Belongs To DatOnePegacoonGirl Also On Deviantart) Will Be Voiced By Cree Summer, Mackenzie Will Sound Like Susie Carmicheal From Rugrats.
Sakura Kittymono (Oc Belongs To Sakurasno345 On Deviantart) Will Be Voiced By Britt McKilip, Sakura Will Sound Like Princess Cadance From My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic.
Snowdrop Polar Rabbit (Oc By Sakurasno345 On Deviantart) Will Be Voiced By Sugar Lynn Beard, Snowdrop Is Going To Sound Like Wish Bear From Care Bears Big Wish Movie.
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leninldud13 · 14 days
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You remember this pony???
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calliettes-posts · 2 years
Heidi Klums daughter Leni now starting to model made me realise that I've forgotten that she even has children because I've never seen their faces
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sugawarakoushi · 11 months
running theme of leveling reaper in ffxiv: hurriedly typing in chat ‘pls voke’ as i’m fighting for my life hkfjdkjdkdhd
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321spongebolt · 10 months
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It looks like Leni's in the spirit today. She wanted to dress up as Jenny in honor of the 20th anniversary of "My Life as a Teenage Robot".
When it came to drawing this, I didn't know which gloves to have Leni wear for this cosplay, so I'm showcasing both designs.
Credit for Leni artwork goes to @cartoonavatars-blog
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term-insurance · 6 months
Don't buy term cover for 99 years I Choose the term insurance tenure wisely I Misconception
Are you considering a term insurance policy that lasts for 99 years? Think twice before committing to such a lengthy term! Many individuals share the intention of surety that their family's will get cover if they opt for a 99-year term policy.
But at what cost!!!
The premium you'll need to pay for such a long-term coverage is significantly higher, which come with extending the term beyond 60 years of age.
By the time you reach 60 or 65, your children are likely to have grown up and become financially independent. Moreover, you and your spouse would have built up enough wealth to support your retirement. In light of these considerations, it becomes clear that purchasing a term plan that covers you until 60 or 65 makes more practical sense.
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lalalenii · 4 months
GUYS Frankfurt 2nd hand bookstores are BITCHING
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tyrantisterror · 1 year
David Attenborough: And here we have the father lion with his newfound cub. This male has sired many young with his pride, but only this season has he produced a male. He will teach the young lion all he knows, before it grows up to make a pride of his own. Right now the father shows his cub the extent of their territory, an important fact for any lion to learn. -later- David Attenborough: It is highly unusual for two male lions to share a territory, but the bond between these two is strong. Though leaner and bearing more scars than his stronger brother, the second male has an important role to play, patrolling the outer bounds of their shared territory. -later- David Attenborough: The mutually beneficial relationship between hornbills and lions is not extensively documented, and in fact this documentary is the first evidence of such a relationship ever recorded. It is, however, not unheard of for a clever bird to ally with packhunting mammals, as crows will do the same with wolves a continent over. -later- David Attenborough: The scarred male lion may have bitten off more than it can chew, having stumbled into a truly enormous pack of hyenas. Extraordinarily large, in fact, there may well be more than a hundred individuals in this family group. The hyenas, however, show... deference? to the lion, and ... are... are they goose-stepping? Well, it would appear they are acting out a choreographed homage to the film-making of Leni Riefenstahl, and all at the apparent command of one of their natural competitors. Fascinating. -later- David Attenborough: As the male lion clings to dear life, who arrives but his brother, the loyal second in command of the pride. Surely a boon for our new fath- oh. Oh, that looked almost calculated. But we must remember that such cruelty is only practiced by men, and that lions probably aren't very skilled at helping each other climb up cliffs, given their lack of thumbs. -later- David Attenborough: Orphaned and separated from his pack, the young male lion is likely due to die. But what's this? A warthog in a mutually beneficial symbiosis with a meercat has adopted the cub. Strange, yes, but perhaps this warthog is acting on misplaced affection, as animals that have lost young of their own may sometimes adopt children of other species. This warthog may have been a young moth- oh, no, that's a dick and balls. Well... huh. -later- David Attenborough: Somehow, despite subsisting entirely on insects for years, our young cub has managed to grow into a fully healthy male lion. We can only attribute this success to a mixture of luck and determination. -later- David Attenborough: Now we see the courtship dance of the lions. Notice how... holy shit, that lioness is giving him bedroom eyes. Wait, what's that music? Is... is that Elton John? -later- David Attenborough: As the young lion survives is encounter with the wild mandrill, it takes a moment to reflect by... hold on... hold on, in the sky, is that... is that a fucking ghost? Is that a lion ghost? What the fuck is going on in this savannah?
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lenievi · 2 years
I wonder why, whenever I start writing Kirk, after a while I’m like isn’t he too moody?
but then I remember stuff like “It's just so peaceful, uncomplicated. No problems, no command decisions. Just living.” and “I wish I were on a long sea voyage somewhere. Not too much deck tennis, no frantic dancing, and no responsibility.” and “I had to follow orders, always orders.”
so I’m like I guess he’s not and him wishing for uncomplicated and peace (and a-partner) is OKAY, but then the next day I’m again like isn’t he too moody? ajahjkdhasdhafg
idk just feel like I’m sometimes exaggerating some of his sad, depressed, lonely traits... (and because I don’t read tos fanfics where Kirk would have a bigger role, I don’t have any comparisons... and I mostly ignore the comedic episodes when it comes to characterization because they’re mostly a performance anyway)
I should probably just turn off my brain when writing... I really wish I didn’t question the charaterization every five minutes, and could just write that first draft and then deal with all the weird passages later
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papaiyatree · 2 years
there is no reason for me to reminded of the fact we lost one of the best potential presidents everyfucking day it makes me sob so fucking hard bro
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khulkarjiyo · 2 years
Medicine free life|बिना दवाई खाए हेल्दी कैसे रहें।
Medicine free life|बिना दवाई खाए हेल्दी कैसे रहें।
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bellewintersroe · 9 months
Max Verstappen x HornerDaughter!
Part 1, ahh yes my fav trope to write about, Leni is Christian’s daughter and has practically grown up with Max. It’s fair to say her feelings are more so than platonic, but after years of repression, and Max drunkly opening up about his sour relationship, can something become of them? Here is Part 2.
here I am writing another series when I can’t even finish my other ten 🙄- also no disrespect to real life Kelly im just using her for my story rn lmao. Warnings: mention of skinny dipping, alcohol consumption, no cheating (hell no) but Max goes on a rant about his unhappy relationship to an unsuspecting Leni…
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“Are you going in?” Max questioned, fisting at the dry sand below. We were lazing on the dark beach, several of our friends had stripped and run into the Monegasque sea, others were dotted around, snogging their partners or random people that they’d picked up from the bar. It seemed like it was just Max and I weren’t fancying the water so much.
“In the water? I don’t think so.” He laughed as I attempted to spot the several people in the water, the darkness made it too difficult and I shuddered at the idea of getting lost out there. I glanced back over to Max, scanning over his face that was lit up by his I phone torch.
“Are you?” The Dutchman asked, drunkly swaying as he sat in the sand like a child. “In the dark, in my clothes, nuh uh.” “Just take your dress off.” My teeth sunk into my bottom lip with a gentle breath of laughter. The only thing being friends with Max was that I’d had an unwavering crush on him since 2014, when he signed up to Red Bull and started working with my dad, Christian Horner.
We’d been close. We always were close friends, a little awkward when we were younger, the three year gap made that teenage stage feel uncomfortably tense between us, but now we were on the other side we’d come out even closer.
“I can’t.” My cheeks warmed, as I hiccuped, taking a sip of the champagne bottle I’d taken secretively out of the bar. Max reached over, fingers swiping over mine as he took the bottle, taking a few sips of the bubbly alcohol.
“I’ll go in if you do.” He shrugged as I picked up some sand, letting it fall out of my fist, piling up below. “No I don’t… I don’t have a bra.” I awkwardly admitted, it was a good thing he couldn’t see me blushing. “Oh!” Max exclaimed, that familiar tension growing between us. I always felt unbearably guilty when I felt it, especially now I was single. Max had a girlfriend, they’d been together a year, but I couldn’t intercept their relationship. Morally it wasn’t right.
“Max, where’s Kelly?” I then inhaled, turning the conversation back to his girlfriend. I prodded at my thigh with my acrylic nail uncomfortably. “She’s at home.” He simply answered. “She should’ve come.” I twisted my acrylic further against my skin.
Max hummed, nudging me with the bottle. I didn’t realise he’d been holding it out for me. “Oh.” I took it again, taking a few more swigs.
“Take it slow on that.” Max laughed as I giggled, digging it into the sand. “Sorry…” I then glanced back to where our friends were screaming and laughing from. “Maybe I’ll… maybe I’ll go in.” I began pushing myself up, phone stuffed in my bag.
“Oh, you are?” Maybe his comment prior stirred something up inside of me, I felt all hot and bothered, like I needed to rid the adrenaline from my body. “Yeah.” Standing up, I watched Max stand up too, tossing his phone under my back as I slipped out my heels, shaking my head in amusement. “Fuck it.” Clearly I didn’t think it through, putting this tight dress back on when I was wet and sandy would feel vile. I reached back, attempting to unbutton myself, but I felt Max’s warm hands brush over the fabric, unfastening the clip for me, bringing my zipper down so I could reach with my own hands. My lower stomach warmed and flipped, my core tightened and I felt an undeniable sense of becoming aroused at his touch.
“Thanks.” I swallowed, unzipping myself fully. “Just- don’t look.” I warned, part of me wanted him to watch- no Leni that was wrong. I stripped without turning back, hearing him do the same before I covered my breasts with my arms, hurrying towards the water.
As soon as my toes hit the water I was numb to the cold, the alcohol warmed me and I stumbled in, hearing cheers from further out in the water.
“Max! Hurry!” I gasped, roaming deep enough to where my nipples were covered. The swell of my breasts were still dangerously close to being exposed, when I turned around he was a few feet away, cringing at the cold of the waves, rolling against his exposed skin. “Can you even swim?!” He questioned out with a gasp. “Can I swim? Of course I can swim!” Did he think I looked like I couldn’t swim? Because that was offensive.
“Let’s go deeper then.” He swim past me, wading out to where our friends was. “Nuh uh, I’m too scared I’ll drown!” “Leni, you won’t drown!” He exclaimed. “Yeah, why would you?” Our friend, James made his way over, I knew he was trying to tug me out. “James no! I’ve got no top on, don’t!” I panicked out a laugh, spinning around in circles like I was being surrounded by a shark. We must’ve been in the water for a good half an hour before I got too cold and the motion was making me feel sick. When I’d got back to the shore I sat for a while on my phone, kept warm by the sticky night hair. “Are you cold?” A voice approached and I held my dress tighter over my chest. Stand was clinging to every crevice, and it was taking a lot longer to dry than I hoped. “Im just too wet to put my dress back on.” I cringed at the sensation.
“Here.” He handed over his shirt, holding it out. His torch was switched back on as he glanced over my bare body. The only thing covering me was a tiny pair of white thongs.
“Oh, no, it’s okay.”
“No, no take it, you’re naked… almost.” Max glanced down again as I tensed my jaw. “What will you wear?” I took it from his grasp, fingers sliding over his wet ones.
“I’ll be fine.” He adjusted his boxers slightly, clinging to him from being so wet. He flopped to the floor, groaning as the sand covered him before grabbing at the bottle that was still half buried into the sand below.
“Thank you.” I slipped the shirt on, kneeling up as I buttoned it up twice, the material covering my perfectly. The scent of Max’s cologne filled my nostrils and I hugged the large too tighter around myself. “You suit it.” He nodded in amusement as I spun around, dropping my phone back onto my bag. “You think?” I giggled, sitting across from him once again. “Yeah.” He rasped, nodding as I snickered to myself. Max took another swig of the bottle, holding it out for me. When I had a mouthful of the alcohol, Max spoke again.
“How’s it being single again?” I almost choked, swallowing a rather large mouthful of champagne before dropping the bottle back down. “Um…” I felt a smirk growing. “Interesting.”
“Because you were with him for quite some time? Right?”
“Four years.” I nodded, my eyebrows perking. “Wow.” Max hummed. “Mmm, I just grew out of it. He was my first everything when I was, what? 17? I loved the boy but… things just didn’t feel so- the same.” “The same as in how?” Max gently asked as my gaze landed on his. “Well, I just… things changed, I didn’t feel as close to him, my feelings went- I think I hung around with him for a whole year because of guilt.” I admitted, the alcohol spurring on my thoughts.
“A year?” Max asked as I sadly laughed. “Yeah… but I’m happy being single, I mean I have been for what? 4 months? I’m really happy.” My voice faded as Max smiled gently.
“He wasn’t so nice to you was he?” He then blurted out as my head snapped up. “What?”
“Nothing- just, well your dad- he mentioned a couple things.” Max stammered as a slight embarrassment filled me.
“I didn’t realise he told you about all that stuff.”
“He doesn’t really. It was just a passing comment.” Max shrugged, gaze falling down to the sand below. “He just got a little controlling, you know? Didn’t like what I was wearing or who I was friends- ah, anyway, I got the ick effectively.” I straight up admitted.
“Great.” Max laughed as I smiled to myself. “Besides all that- how did you- how did you know it was… you know.” He awkwardly spoke as I rested my chin on the back of my hand. He sounded vulnerable, like he was about to open up, maybe it was the alcohol talking, but it made my heart beat faster. Max and I always had conversations, rarely those that were deep. “Know what?” I softly asked, sensing his tension. “How did you know it was fully over?”
“Well, the idea of his friends and family was more appealing than him- as in I was scared to lose them not him.” I spoke. “I didn’t have that attraction anymore, he wasn’t my priority, like, what used to be fun felt like… it felt like a task almost.”
“Yeah.” Max responded. “And- and I never think I truly was into the relationship. I was so young when we got together, I don’t think I knew what I want.” I giggled, but his lips only reached into a crooked, half smile.
“To completely honest I didn’t want to have sex with him.” This comment made him smile a little more, something I enjoyed to see knowing I’d made him smile. It fell quiet between us once again. “How’s your relationship going?” I then asked, hoping it wasn’t too personal. Max took a sharp inhale, sitting up straighter. “It’s okay, yeah.” I winced at the insincerity in his voice. The two of us sat there in a second of awkward silence.
“Good.” My voice barely reached above a whisper. “Yeah.” Max’s head dropped once more. His next words startled me into a speechless shock. “I don’t think I love her, Leni.” My heart felt like it exploded, my eyebrows perked and he could see my shock openly on my face.
“What? You don’t think? Maybe that’s just a stage though, maybe it’s too early-” “No, no. I know.” Max cut me off. It was like he’d just gotten something off his chest that he’d been holding for a real long time.
“How do you know?” I was dumbfounded, I felt an uncomfortable sense of guilt that I knew all of this about Kelly, before she did. “Everything that you’ve just said. I love P, I don’t really like her family that much- god we just… we don’t click.” Max ranted as I tightened my jaw, staring down to the glow of his torch.
“How can I be with somebody for a year and tell them this?” Max asked as I winced. “How long have you known?”
“Leni.” Max drunkly sighed into his hands. My heart continued thumping furiously in my chest. “I just know this feelings been there after she lived with me.” Max rubbed his face, looking back up to me again. “That was six months ago.” “Yes.”
“Oh, Max.” I sighed. “You just… you should just tell her.”
“She put herself on the mortgage which doesn’t end for another year.” He groaned again as I felt my lips stretch in an ‘oh shit’ manner.
“That’s…” I glanced around back to where all the houses were, searching for something to say. I was just riddled with a sense of guilt for feeling oddly happy about the admission, it was a horrible way to feel- I hated myself for it.
“Shit.” He answered for me as I looked back to him with a sad smile. “You need to tell her. You can’t keep it going, for both your sakes.”
“I know.” He nodded as I smiled gently, offering the bottle back to him. “Here, Max. You’re gonna need it…”
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metamorphesque · 10 months
hello. I've begun to read your beloved kafka for myself. in your view, how does the nihilism of his fiction reconcile with the deep, deep love expressed in his letters to milena? (anon)
At the core of nihilism is the idea that life has no objective meaning or purpose. Kafka, in my opinion, is not a follower of the nihilistic school of thought. To my mind’s eye he’s wandering on the border that separates existentialism and absurdism, never quite choosing a side. It seems that Kafka’s protagonists themselves are of existential nature and yet they always seem to be surrounded by other characters who might have committed philosophical suicide (a term related to the concept of the absurd). In the Kafkaesque world ideas such as “the meaning of life” and “the purpose of living” do exist, even if they are out of the protagonist’s reach, hanging in front of his face and luring him in like bait. 
Having read all of Kafka’s novels I couldn’t help but notice how his protaganists constantly seek guidance and support in female characters (like Fräulein Burstner, the washerwoman and Leni in “The Trial”). I’ve noticed the same patterns in Kafka’s letters to Milena. In Frank’s eyes Milena is not merely a woman-lover; he treats her like a deity of sorts - he reveres and adores her not with the affection of a lover, but with the devotion of a worshiper. In his letters Kafka calls her “teacher Milena”, “mother Milena” - a source of guidance and nourishment - necessary to withstand the absurd but not strong enough to overcome it, for “the gates of the Law are always going to be locked for you” (“Before the Law”) and “the access to the Castle - eternally denied” (“The Castle”). 
I hope that what I just said made at least a bit of sense. I have so many thoughts regarding this topic but when I try putting them on paper or typing them, words fail me. 
Dear anon, please bear in mind that I’m in no shape or form educated on any of the above-mentioned topics. I’m neither a student of philosophy nor that of literature, so do take my words with a grain of salt.
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sugawarakoushi · 2 years
the way alisaie and alphinaud FFXIV are my kids now….
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