#let 👏 characters 👏 be 👏 complex!! 👏
damaramegido · 1 year
cannot BELIEVE people still hate pearl in the year of our lord 2023. shocked and offended
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jules-ln · 2 months
I'm so tired of people complaining about MM's portrayal of Thetis, like I generally don't like to post negativity because no. And I'm not the type to complain about "media literacy" because half of the people who complain about it don't even know what media literacy and critical thinking is, and the other half are just self important arseholes who believe that their only redeeming quality is that someone in high school told them that they were smart
But to anyone who ever said that MM was demonizing Thetis. I'm taking away all the complex women characters until you learn how to be nice
MM wrote about how a woman that was forced to have a child she probably didn't even want, then come to love him, only to learn that she was going to lose him very soon anyway
She was panicking, so she tried to be controlling in hopes that she could achieve this one thing that maybe could prevent her child from dying
And she was so focused on protecting him, that she didn't realized that she was hurting him
In the end, she has to come to terms that in her way to protect this image she had of him in her head, she ended up hurting her real son and didn't even knew him
Thats why she asks Patroclus to tell her about Achilles in the end, to understand who was he beyond what she wanted him to be and comes to terms with the fact that she could've spend all that time being happy with him
But then I see people going "ThEtIs ShOUlD bE a GoOd mOm"
Like of course, reduce this complex character that this woman is, an imperfect person and an even more imperfect mother to just a stereotypical good mom without other personality trait other than being a good mom; thats sooo feminist 🙄 (it's sarcasm)
(And why should she ever be kind to Patroclus when shes A GODDESS!?!?!? Patroclus is like an insect to her!!!!)
I'm not saying that MM is beyond criticism, like why are Menoetius and Pyrrhus soooo one dimensional. But when you're criticizing some part of the book that's not even true, it makes me think that some of you went "I personally don't like it therefore it's bad iabdkabhsishsysk"
Shocking, but you don't liking something doesn't mean it's inherently bad
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Would you be willing to do an analysis on Karlach and how she seems to compartmentalize a lot of extreme feelings? Like she gives me the sense that that was how she coped in Avernus to stay alive and reduce the odds of exploitation by devils, but it's fascinating to see how fast she seems to shut down anything negative to the point that she disapproves of Tav/Durge questioning the ethics of using soul coins.
I haven't done the Karlach origin, so I may be missing some context or information. That being said LETS GOOOO 👏👏👏
Karlach has a reputation in fandom for being a cinnamon roll, but she is so much more than that. Her personality is really complex, and her history is full of decisions and actions that reflect her upbringing and the situations she was forced to survive. That history helped shape how she sees and responds to the world around her.
On Soul Coins: Soul Coins are small, coin-shaped objects forged of infernal iron into which a single mortal soul has been bound. They are used as currency in the Nine Hells, and can be used to power infernal engines such as the one in Karlach's chest
They contain an entire MORTAL SOUL. The full essence of a person, and once used in Karlachs engine, that persons soul is destroyed in a way that makes it irretrievable.
What does this mean? Can souls in coins be saved? Yes! From the forgotten realms wiki:
It was possible to release the soul within a soul coin. This could be achieved by casting an anti-curse spell, such as remove curse, on the coin. Once a soul was freed, the coin began rusting and was eventually destroyed. If the soul was of a good alignment, they were transported to the realm of their deity. If the soul was of an evil alignment, they were transported to the Styx and transformed into a lemure (dang yo lol)
Karlach sees the coins as a tool to enhance her power. If the player reminds her that soul is a person, she gets very angry and says she /knows/ that. She still believes that they should be used to juice her up. You can obtain quite a bit of disapproval from Karlach by questioning the use of the soul coins in Act 1.
Additionally, Karlach has unique dialogue with Mattis the tiefling child in the Last Light Inn. She essentially encourages the kids racket scheme, and if the player pipes up to say her advice isn't moral/ethical/a good suggestion, she has a strong disapproval and puts the PC in their place by saying you have NO RIGHT to intervene on her opinions of how a (poor, displaced) tiefling child should act to better their personal situation.
We are also aware that in her past, At some point Karlach lived in the city of Baldur's Gate in Faerûn, where she worked as personal bodyguard for Lord Enver Gortash. Personal bodyguard is key: this implies she was at his side, whenever he did whatever he was doing at the time. It is also stated that she "would do anything for him", and was betrayed by him. Her anger with him is based on what he put her through, and I do not believe she expresses anything about what he had her do while she was a bodyguard.
Karlach is not a "morally pure: character prior to Avernus, nor was she one during her time in Avernus, nor is she one when she escapes. The game never implies that she is.
However! What Karlach is is extremely loyal, and a SURVIVOR. She has the mentality of 'do what you need to do to survive', and she WILL do what she needs to do to survive. She came from a poor upbringing, she did the best she could with what she had, and now that she's escaped Avernus she wants to CELEBRATE and experience as much joy as possible before she burns up.
This makes her very sensitive to anything that might 'kill the vibe'. She doesn't want to face things like her impending death (she tries very hard to get you to stop talking about it) she doesn't want to question the coins, she doesn't want to deal with big moral questions when the bare bones of the situation are that that kid probably needs to be a thief in order to make it by, "morals" be damned.
Karlach went through hell. Literally. She was incredibly abused psychologically and physically and used as a weapon. She doesn't have the TIME to do anything other than be glad that she's not there anymore. She wants to smell the grass, drink the ale, laugh, love, make friends, enjoy as much as she can while she can. Is she a good person? I'd say so, yeah. But is she a paragon of virtue? No. She was never meant to be, nor was she ever given the opportunity to be.
She knows that reality is a lot harder and a lot more in your face than any higher 'ideals' that may be the best looking on paper. This may be an unpopular opinion as well, but I think if Gortash hadn't sold her, she very likely would have ended up on a path where she would happily do some pretty sketchy shit.
I'm not sure I'd say she compartmentalizes so much as actively chooses to avoid addressing things, to the point where it pisses her off if you try to push her. It's an avoidance of choice, maybe even a rationalization situation.
You do the best you can with the hand you're given. She always did. And now she's only got a few minutes left to enjoy what time she has, so... she does.
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finally reading tsats here are my live thoughts (spoilers, obviously):
i’m so excited because some pages are darkly decorated and its so cool. still don’t vibe with the title though (the sun IS a star and its peeving me)
why are we talking about dating darth vader 😟 where are we rn (anakin is a yes, but DARTH VADER???)
maybe i’m too old but the jokes are not funny 😭
“this whole place feels like my soul. empty and dark. dark as the pit of the underworld.” <- i don’t care if he’s joking nico would never say thissss 🙏😭 we’re only 10 pages in but please stop butchering my fav character he’s not himselffff i am cringing so bad
i know i’m being dramatic but if they do nico dirty in this book i’m going to end it all
oh my god i don’t think i’ve thought about the words “significant annoyance” in so long. bringing back good memories for sure.
i can tell which parts were written by riordan and which parts were written by oshiro. i don’t think their voices are blending very well together…
also, maybe it’s because it’s the start of the book and they’re trying to familiarise new readers quickly with the characters but it feels like they’re making nico the caricature of ‘emo and shadow and ebony darkness dementia raven way 🥀⛓️🖤’ and will the caricature of ‘happy and sunshine and blonde and flower gleam and glow ☀️🌈🫧’ and i usually like this dynamic when it’s not blatantly pointed out every other page. i have faith they’ll show more complexity than this later on though. future yan will let me know by the end. (future yan here, im not at the end but the characterisation def does get more complex thank gods)
oh ok so it is bob the titan
since when was nico’s actual name niccolo??? how did i forget this detail??
“you have to listen if not you’ll share my fate.” “ominous much?” <- ok he’s finally himself again guys it’s all good
the one-sided beef nico has with percy will never not be funny
“cookie monster appeared over the mouth of the jar, reached inside and gobbled up nico like the chocolate-chip cookie he was.” <- nevermind i’ve gone back to hating this book again
“what was one straight boy when you spent your whole life longing for the impossible?” <- i’m reminded of that time a few years back where everyone made ‘having an unrequited crush on percy’ nico’s whole fanon personality, so i’m glad they addressed this somewhat. this boy has been through so much and people really thought crushing on percy was the biggest thing to focus on about ‘nico angst.’
“we made a mistake. you have to fix it.” <- call me a red flag but if i was nico i would do anything and everything to not go. i would medicate myself so highly on sleeping pills that i can’t dream (doctor bf can go kick rocks). i would track percy and annabeth down and haul their asses into tartarus instead to do it. and if i had to go i would only go in to kill bob myself for sending me those traumatic ass nightmares. no thx. bro willingly jumped in himself and now wants me to save him. nuh uh.
not cupid being will 😭 its like his aphrodite 😭 i am not well.
they always have a really good and emotionally moving scene and they ruin it with a dumb joke. let it be heavy 👏👏
something’s really fishy and i have a feeling that it might not be bob calling for him
if this whole “grumpy ball of darkness” thing continues i will actually lose it
you can’t tell me the percabeth pep talk was actually needed. i will forgive it because i miss them though
im sensing tension in the gap between nico’s connection to the underworld and his relationship with will and i’m here for ittttt. give me the dramaaa
who is the gorgyra girl and why is she in their business sm?
oh shit a will solace pov??? christmas came early 🙏
nevermind that whole nightmare sequence was so fucked up 😭😭
somebody HELP HIM i never thought we would get will angst (nico angst fs, but will???)
nico strangling epiales in his sleep is so fucking cool he’s literally HIM he’s literally THAT GUY
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lavandaea · 7 months
*inhales deeply*
There's spoilers ahead so, yeah, be careful.
This weekend episodes have actually broken my soul.
He didn't even need his feelings to be reciprocate, HE JUST WANTED TO BE WITH HER.
Dear writers, some things to ask, why so much screen time to second male lead? Why create such chemistry? Such backstory? (Spoiler alert: that will make us sympathize with the supposed villain) To just fuck*ing rip his heart out and pulverize it like Grandma with the cow bones, yes, just like that.
Let me get this straight, after having been raised in an environment of violence, pain and God knows what else for God knows how long, he falls in love. He experiences ✨feelings✨ ,he puts all his trust in her like never before, he shares his past and then he gets betrayed.
I swear I never seen someone cry so with so much meaning, feeling, with so much back there.
We made progress for the last (at least) five episodes TO JUST END IT IN A SINGLE ONE.
This could have been handled a lot better in a lot of ways and about a lot of topics that I could actually write an essay.
Let's begin the the main leads.
So, in order to have some sort of feeling about ML and FL loving eachother you need to put screen time ON them. Yeah, they support eachother, they have known far before Si Oh, they are funny and a lot of things more. They even kissed and very passionately, wow.
Just one thing, Why didn't I even blink during that scene but found myself hitting the pillow and blushing when Si Oh did such mundane things as taking her home, opening doors for her, fixing her purse, hair, looking at her with those "I love you" eyes,👏feeling👏guilty👏about👏making👏her👏uncomfortable👏 with👏his👏feelings👏for👏her HELLO??, WAVING HER BACK WHILE HE WATCHED HER GO, SMILE EVERY DAMN TIME HE SAW HER?
I´ll tell you why. Because I know, thanks to you, that Si Oh was experiencing for the very first time what it's like to have human interaction that doesn't involve violence or having to be wary of everything and everyone all the time.
Even after having lived a life of shit, even after still living a life of absolute shit he still wanted to be connect, to be happy, to make her happy, to love and be loved. Moreover, I couldn't help just to feel happy for him, sad, angry, fucking rageous (not more than him, obviously).
Meanwhile, I barely know Hee Sik aka the male lead.
I remember seeing his mother once and I think that's what I understood about his private life. Sorry, I forgot about his deceased brother, that could have been a good topic to develop if it wasn't just mentioned once somewhere in the sixth chapter and left there to rot. Other than that, I know he is a cop, loves his cops friends and loves Nam Soon, also he is really loyal and good person.
Nice👍, very nice. But that's not personality or backstory, that's a job and some general traits everyone should have to live in a society and have a job where you usually do the teamwork thingy.
So, what else??
Or does the man just exist for his job and girlfriend?
It is just I simply don't understand it, you create a seriously complex character that has any kind of potential and you want us cheer for...Yeah, no. He literally could be an extra with how little and simple information we receive about him.
Even Shi Oh had some time to box being a drug dealer and full time whipped for her.
I'm just saying that you want me to suddenly dislike someone you took a considerable amount of time explaining but I have to like this good guy because you just pointed at him 👉🧍, and said, "here's the good guy, love him".
Sorry, I cant do that.
If you haven't noticed, you just made a character I fell obliged to sympathize.
If you wanted to make him evil and hot you should have just made him evil and hot.
It worked just as well with Jang Han Seok from Vincenzo.
Not have him have "REDEMPTION" written all over his face just to go with "Actually, no. He has no chance. 😃". It's, for lack of a better term, frustrating. (Absurd)
Instead, maybe you should have dedicated that screen time for the construction of the main leads relationship.
Oh, yes. Another thing since we are talking about the matter.
ML and FL relationship progress got weaker and weaker since she had started to spy on Si Oh. And then one episode was like "Oh, yeah, forgot to tell you, they are actually dating by now" Bom, a kiss. If I need a kiss to know they are in love, there's something going on back there. Something lacking.
Scenes of them in love: well acted, nice, cute, cool, okay. But it is like picking a random romance book and start reading it ten chapters ahead, they are in love, but how did this happen??? Last time I saw them, they were in a friends-catching-fealings-zone.
Where's their development?
I know where is it. In the fake relationship, that it was being used just to turn Si Oh into a complete monster with probably not chance of going back.
"You have suffered a lot, yeah, I see. Anyway here's more pain. Suffer more and go cause some trouble because if not, there's, apparently, no plot"
Nice job.
I have been saying this and I will say it again, kdrama writers/directors are not ready for traumatized villains. They are afraid of them.
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deepperplexity · 6 months
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Prompt 4. Sharing [C1]
Pairing: Turpin x Fem!Wife!Reader
POV: Second, Reader
Setting: Turpin's House
A/N: Time for my fav Rickman character to take the spotlight - I realise it might be a little frustrating to not have each long fic as a whole but I'm working with set prompts (like everyone else 😅) so we will be jumping a bit between the stories but I hope - since it's such a short time between parts - that you'll manage, darlings 🙈❤ Anyway, we are gonna have another slightly darker story going but I do promise we will have a HEA even if it'll be a bit of a roller coaster getting there. I'm such a sucker for Angst and Hurt in my fics that I just can't resist - especially when Turpin is so perfect for this 🙈🤭❤ I don't know how long this one will be though, might be 2 parts, might be 5, we'll have to see 😂 Anyway, I hope December is starting well for you and let's get to the story! 😍👏
IMPORTANT: My plans for this story go in the darker shades! I cannot make any promises as I write as I go for this event but I feel like Turpin's story needs some darkness, amidst the fluff and joy of Christmas I want to incorporate some harsher, darker themes as well - he's a dark and complex character after all so I'm just giving a possible heads up here at the very beginning. No promises, but many possibilities 🙈
Tags/TW’s: Emotional Hurt/Harm, Fear, Physical Grabbing/Hurt, Emotional Hurt/No Comfort (yet), Harsh Dialogue, Hating Christmas vs Loving Christmas, Pettiness, Longing, Fear Of Abandonment, Lacking Communication (not miscommunication)
Abbr.: Y/N - Your Name
Word Count: 1.6k+
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You were tensing all over. Every muscle was as stiff as the logs in the hearth, crackling within the flames yet their warmth didn’t quite reach you. He glared at you. His cold grey eyes lacked the usual warmth he held for you. To be quite blunt, you hadn’t thought he’d be so opposed to the whole idea — but, there you were, in the middle of an argument you hadn’t imagined would ever occur.
You looked down, avoiding his harsh gaze. “I thought you’d be pleased,” you said quietly. “Pleased?” “Yes, Richard. I thought—” “You thought wrong. Christmas is a foolish holiday, worth nothing to me. The opposite, in fact.” You bit your lip, the coldness of his words too hurtful when you adored the holiday with all your heart and he'd never spoken in such a manner to you previously.
You glanced toward the tree you had only half decorated when he came home. Everything else in the house was done, the garlands and curtains, the mistletoe in the hallway arch and the new green candle sticks, the little Santa village atop the mantel you had sprinkled with flour to replicate snow, and the little decorations dotted on most flat surfaces — angels and reindeer, miniature trees and Christmas flowers. Some things you’d bought at the market but quite a bit of it you’d found in the attic — why did he have all those beautiful decorations if he wasn’t fond of the holiday?
“I’m sorry, Richard…” you whispered and he sighed deeply, it made you shiver unpleasantly. “It’s-, it’s my favourite holiday.” “You are my wife now, living under my roof, and there will be no holiday cheer or infernal carols. Take it all down,” he snarled coldly before leaving the room with rapid steps, his boot-clad feet stomping harshly. But it’s Christmas… You thought while hugging yourself, staving off the hurt of him speaking so harshly to you. Dismissing you, your feelings, all of it with not so much as a chance for you to ask why. “I won’t let you take away Christmas,” you whispered to the empty room.
You woke up in the guest room, having neglected to sleep in your bed — next to your husband. You hadn’t done what he asked yesterday, all the decorations remained where you had put them, and as you made your way down to the drawing room you were met by the half-done Christmas tree. He’s not taking Christmas from me. I won’t allow it. Never had you gone against his wishes before, not since you married the man during the early summer of that very year. He had truly not asked anything extraordinary of you, though. Not many wishes to go against, truth be told.
You finished decorating the tree, placing all the gifts you had hidden away in the attic previously under its branches weighed down by far too many decorations. Had he not been so cold toward you, so disrespectful of your love of Christmas, you wouldn’t have gone all out. Now, well, now you did. The tree was nearly tacky in its sparkling, glittery, golden galore.
“There, last one,” you said and stood back to look at your work. “He can be a grump everywhere else, but I’m celebrating Christmas. No matter if he likes it or not.” “You ought not do such a thing, me lady,” came the voice of the maid. It startled you. “It’s Christmas, Miss Lowel. I’m going to celebrate it.” “Yes, me lady, but do not say I didn’t warn you.” “Warning heard, and ignored.” “You are most brave, me lady.” “What’s he going to do? Throw his wife out on the street?” you laughed at your own words, he was some sort of a gentleman after all. Miss Lowel, however, only lowered her eyes and left the room. Would he?
Richard never came home that evening. You sat in the drawing room, surrounded by the cosy decorations while reading a book in the warmth of the fireplace, when the clock struck ten. “Where is he?” you murmured and snapped your book shut. “Is he working late again?” You sighed and got up, heading toward the bathroom to clean up before it was time to sleep.
As you brushed your hair you wondered if you should sleep in your shared bedroom or take the guest room again. You decided on the latter, not wanting to share a bed with someone angry — your grandmother always said it was bad to share a bed with anger. She meant one should always talk and solve things before going to bed, but, same difference. You didn’t quite want to admit to the strange sensation of worry and longing that had begun to unfurl within you, doubts about whether you’d made the right choice slithered in as the night enveloped the world. You fell asleep nonetheless, half shivering under the heavy cover lacking your husband’s warmth.
“You disobey me,” Richard snarled and you jolted awake. Sitting upright with the cover pooling around your waist, your nightshirt did little to ward off the sudden chill of the cold room. “Richard?” you asked, half disoriented by the sudden awakening. He glared at you from beside the bed, with barely any light in the room his eyes looked like pits. “You disobey me, in my own house ,” he snarled and grabbed your upper arm, jerking you close with a too-firm grip.
Your heart jumped into a gallop within your chest, your body stiffening while your hand reached out to try and remove his fingers squeezing your biceps too harshly. “I told you to take it down ,” he seethed. “Richard, stop, you’re hurting me,” you whimpered while pushing at his hand. He bent forward, your noses nearly touching, and your breath seemed lodged in your throat. His harsh features appeared set in stone, his mouth barely a line with his lips so tightly sealed and his jaw clenched. He had never looked at you like that, pure anger and something far more dreadful creeping underneath it — something that pulled at your heart fiercely. 
“Take, it, down,” he said, nearly punching out each word. “N-no,” you whimpered, cinching your eyes shut. “I will not, it’s Christmas.” “It is my house,” he snarled and jerked at your arm, drawing a winching sound out of you. “It-, it’s mine too,” you whispered while tears began to roll down your cheeks. Fear, hurt and pain spurring the reaction you tried to quench. “You have nothing of yours,” he declared with frost in his thunderous roll of a voice. “ Nothing is yours.” “We share this marriage,” you said quietly, barely able to get the words out. “We share our life, and our home,” you continued and dared look up at him as he stood bent over you, each part of him seemingly held taunt. “Sharing,” he seethed, “is not what we do, wife . I own everything, including you.”
His hand released you with another jerk, forcing you to fall backwards while he straightened to his full, imposing height. Your heart ached and hammered, your cheeks wet with tears while your body quivered, your hands trembling. The way he spoke had fear streaking through your veins, your exchange with Miss Lowel still fresh in your mind — would he throw you out on the street over Christmas decorations? The hurt pushed hot anger through you, the fear like oil atop a fire.
“You do not own me,” you said, fisting your hand while glaring up at him. “I do not own you either. Marriage isn’t ownership, it’s sharing.” He smirked at you, but there was something devilish about it. Something dangerous. “Sharing?” he said. “In the same manner you thought to take all the freedom to remind me of the most horrendous of holidays? Sharing, as in taking the liberty to completely alter my one sanctuary without so much as a word with me beforehand? Sharing seems to be all, about, you,” he seethed while his hands fisted and his shoulders stiffened.
As he turned harder, colder, your heart ached and your shoulders slumped. Your bottom lip trembled, your tears flowed with more intensity as his words sank in, stabbing at you from all directions with the declaration of how selfish you had been. You had assumed he’d be happy, had assumed you could celebrate in a manner you saw fit, you even assumed he loved the holiday like all else did. It was Christmas, who didn’t love the most jolly of holidays?
Have I-, have I hurt him? The thought made your chest ache, for as you looked closer now that your eyes were more adjusted to the little light coming from the hallway you saw less of the anger he radiated and more of the hurt he was endeavouring to hide underneath it. You had, indeed, caused him emotional harm. It was written in his eyes as the dark pits turned to grey clouds. I hurt him…
“Richard, I’m—” “I shall return after Christmas.” “What?” “You shall have all your holiday cheer, wife , but none of me,” he snarled but the anger now sounded far more like pain. “Merry Christmas,” he continued with a seething sneer that just barely allowed the hurt to be heard, and then he stormed out of the room while you tried to grasp the fact he was leaving you until Christmas would be over, and it was only the fourth of December.
“Richard! Wait!” you called out, stumbling out of bed, your foot snagging on the cover, sending you plummeting into the lush carpet below with a thud and a hiss as your forehead slammed into the hard wood below while his footsteps receded down the stairs beyond the hallway. “Richard,” you said while scrambling to get up, “wait!”
…To Be Continued…
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A/N: Uffh, such a cliffhanger there 👀 I'm trying to preserve my sanity so I'm not endeavouring to write 5k+ fics or the like each day - I hope you understand 🙈❤
I do think I'll be doing some short one-part fics too during this Rickmas but I'm taking it day by day so we'll see what happens - tomorrow I'll be continuing our Brandon story though! The prompt is perfect for it! 😍👏 Also, want to say an extra thank you to all who's shown they're here, reading my writing - it means so much and I'm really grateful ❤
Q: Do you tend to read more Christmas/winter stories during the holidays? (fanfiction or original works) A: I have never really followed the seasons in my reading beyond Rickmas - I'm a complete mood reader so it really doesn't matter what's going on around me, what I'm in the mood to read I'll read 😂
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I wish current MCU stans would realize that so many of us "haters" are- or were- dedicated fans who are critical because we cared a lot about characters and stories. As a long time Loki fan, I was heartbroken and angry seeing him belittled, hurt, and tortured, sidelined into a shell of his former self and told he deserves it while characters who committed far worse crimes were hailed as heroes. The negativity comes from a place of love for Loki and being let down at how he was treated.
You nailed it 👏👏
It's this meme:
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We wouldn't have entire blogs dedicated to the studio or its characters if we didn't care. It is because we care that we're so disappointed, otherwise we would have stopped thinking about them a long time ago.
That's why I hate the word "anti": we're not "anti MCU", we're against canon! We disagree with it, we don't like it or has characters acting completely ooc. There are people out there who hate the MCU... but those of us who blog about them just want better products!
We don't want Marvel to stop, we want them to realize characterization is all over the place these days, we want them to stop justifying evil characters, we want them to stop blaming Bucky and praising Mobius, we want the new movies and series to address something other than multiverse this and Kang that, we want the non-romantic relationships to matter and not be tossed aside as irrelevant unless they're the romantic kind, we don't want the new characters to ridicule the old ones, we want complex characters, if we must put up with variants we want them to be different than the OG ones otherwise it makes no freaking sense, we want Waldron to leave for good, we want Scott's friends and Maggie and Paxton back, I want Thor out of Taika's hands and for someone to treat him kindly for a freaking change, I want Sam as Cap! Where is Sam?!, etc.
And all this is not mentioning Loki. They can call it 'therapy' and 'taking responsibility' or 'being held accountable'... none of that is true. He was abused in that series. And we were told he deserved it. Why the hell would a fan enjoy that?
I couldn't agree more with you when you say we don't come from a place of hate, we come from a place of love for a story and its characters, because we can see the potential but time and time again (especially the last couple years) the quality has gone down dramatically... and the studio is doing all they can to ignore the criticism -- or worse, they call us haters or bigots just so that our opinions won't be taken seriously.
We just want a better Marvel and we will never get it if the criticism is inherently labelled as hate, bigotry or "fangirls acting crazy". If the stans only allow positive feedback the MCU will die sooner than they think.
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silviakundera · 5 months
Lighter and Princess ep 36 - the finale!
What Gao Jianhong explains is honestly what I had assumed: Li Xun's sister's death and the ramifications ruined 2 lives, not 1. Geo Jianhong obviously never expected her to die at that hotel. (It was an accident, not even Fang's fault either as much as a POS he is.) But just like LX wasn't thinking clearly, neither was GJH- he was panicked and also consumed with guilt. Objectively, it was an unconnected accident. But she wouldn't have been at that location if not for Gao. So he just triples down on being the villian. Ok, I'm a monster. So be it. I'll play that role to the limit. Maybe this is how I finally win. After all these years, I think he's still been feeling guilt over Sister Li Lan's death. He can't stop being the villain because he doesn't believe in his own redemption. And this gets all mixed up with the resentment and hate that persists because of his inferiority complex.
This doesn't absolve him of anything, btw. He's a bastard who has stolen from & stepped on more amateur game designers; caused Li Xun mental anguish, betrayed his trust in a disgusting manner; abused his wife, blackmailed Zhu Yin with 'social death'... He tried to send Li Xun back to prision. Objectively a trash person.
But it's consistent, layered characterization. It's an explanation. I was glad to see the subtext I'd interpreted become explicit text.
gawwwwdd but I'M EVIL in that it's so satisfying for Gao Jianhong to hear that Li Xun has the inner strength & capacity to forgive him and let go. ("Impossible! It's me. It's me who wanted to step on him. It's me who stopped from from standing up.") BWAHAHAHAHA you fell short yet again, you pathetic man child. He bests u in everything. ❤ And now you're living for him, at his command.
They got the name back \o/
The biggest surprise in this drama is how I ended up loving class president Fang Shu Miao. Just a minor character but it's fun that she grew up into an awesome lady and good friend.
smh but up to the very end, this drama still trying so hard to convince me that ML is handsome lmao sorry I have eyes, no. Love u anyway rat boy 😍🐀😍
The Flying team scenes in the finale really were too perfect and made me so emotional. Mr Dong is still the boss! They're all shareholders! Eating ice pops again, the sacred tradition 😂😭
Mr Dong: "Your daughter is my boss now. She works for herself."
asdfghjk (whispers) it's true tho
99% of the time I dislike the "this company is my found family" storyline tbh. I've seen a lot of toxic situations in rl, especially young lgbt who were rejected by their families and had nowhere else to go, only to be taken advantge of. But this drama has been a big exception to that. A group of odd balls who aren't loyal friends at the start (originally out for themselves) but go thru adventures together. My favorite flavor. And now Mr Dong is defending Li Xun as an elder, when he has no one else to bring to the table. This drama earned it! (And it helps that the protagonists are clearly the leaders of this gang now, no power imbalance.)
"Mom, this is our home. You have no right to interfere. You have no right to make the decisions." 👏👏👏 i love herrrrrrrrrr
After Zhu Yun's mother makes an absolutely disgusting declaration (to an orphan whose parents & sister are dead) that she must marry her daughter to someone "with a happy family" of an equal social status, and invites him to bring his parents to meet them... It's now Li Xun's turn to be an absolute badass and instead of centering his own pain and insult, simply points out that he knows Zhu Yun has the ability to change the world, but her parents just want ZY to obey them. It's her parents that are wronging HER most of all and he sees that. Maturity!
I love how they roll. She suggests they have a baby because 30 is the right age, but then they'd need to get married. He's like ok, let's have a baby. And then a couple days later buys them a house. She's basically quasi proposed to him and then they just decide to get it done. Very them.
The marriage certificate guys' FACE. "You have many family members." !!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭
The marriage was absolutely perfect. Loved the final group picture and that their friends gathered to support them in lieu of blood family.
I normally don't get attached or care too much for supporting characters. But Lighter & Princess and A Journey to Love broke that mold for me. Sorry Ren Di, though you are smoking hot I never could care about your angst. But the friend group really endeared themselves to me.
What a truly fantastic story from beginning to end. Never falters. I feel like modern cdramas have a bad rep compared to kdramas but there are some real gems. note to self: make a modern cdrama rec post this year
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bizarrequazar · 29 days
GJ and ZZH Updates — April 21-27
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
04-21 → Za posted a photo ad featuirng Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun posted a vlog from his performance at the TV Drama Quality Ceremony and filming the first episode of Go Fighting! season 10. Caption: "That is to say, we focus on getting on the plane, getting off the plane, getting on the plane, getting off the plane, getting on the plane, and jumping out of the plane. @ Dragon TV Go Fighting Are you kidding me?" His studio reposted this with the added caption: "@ Gong Jun Simon has great courage and no trust!"
→ Episode 1 of Go Fighting! season 10 aired. [full ep with subs]
04-22 → GXG posted a short commercial and later a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ OK! magazine posted a teaser video for their upcoming issue featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian) Caption: "Channel 12 — Chapter 01 The fog and shadows overlap, the boundaries are blurred, and everything is no longer clear… The mysterious figure @ Gong Jun Simon comes to reconstruct order"
→ 361° posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a video of Gong Jun singing with the other Go Fighting! cast members. Caption: "@ Gong Jun Simon is out and about in a generous manner!"
→ PRSR posted a video of fancam footage and photos of Gong Jun wearing their glasses on the Go Fighting! set. They later also posted nine photos of him from the previous week's livestream.
→ Gong Jun posted four photos from the previous week's Fresh livestream to his Instagram. Caption: "Get rid of complexity and simplify, return to simplicity."
04-23 → Gong Jun posted a promotional image of his character from Fox Spirit Matchmaker. Caption: "Inherit blood, be sincere, and keep the great love in your heart." This was reposted by his studio with the added caption: "The East is passionate and sincere, and maintains great love with true love. Join hands with Dongfang Yuechu @ Gong Jun Simon to go on a trip to Tushan"
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→ The Weibo for Fox Spirit Matchmaker posted a trailer. [subbed video] They later posted a short fancam-style video of Gong Jun's character; this was also posted to Douyin by both the drama's account and Gong Jun's personal. Fan Observation: It's apparent in this new trailer that the production team changed their minds on having Gong Jun voice his own character, as his voice has now been replaced by a voice actor's. This is quite sad since he had previously talked about how much work he put into his voice for it. :(
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a highlight video of Gong Jun's parts in the Fox Spirit Matchmaker trailer. Caption: "Although he is unruly and unrestrained, he is still helping the world. Dongfang Yuechu @ Gong Jun Simon is dedicated to the world and is waiting to meet you." This was also posted to their Douyin.
→ OK! magazine posted a teaser video for their issue featuring Gong Jun. (1129) Caption: "Channel 12 — Chapter 02 Investigation Clues: 📝 🎂 1️⃣2️⃣ It seems that investigator @ Gong Jun Simon is investigating some important incident…" They posted another (rather silly) teaser video a short while later, caption: "Channel 12 — Chapter 03 Judgment Ladies and gentlemen, OK!'s 12th Anniversary Celebration Competition has officially begun! Now let’s solemnly invite the referee @ Gong Jun Simon 👏👏👏"
→ Tissot posted a commercial featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ GXG posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun filmed another episode of Go Fighting! season 10. (monk robes)
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun for a 361° live event on 04-27.
04-24 → Tissot posted a rather beefy photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ OK! magazine posted the covers for it's May issue featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian) Caption: "In the rapid and complicated changes, @ Gong Jun Simon fills his heart with different role experiences, and understands the relationship between the surroundings and himself more coherently, and clearly defines [his] self-boundaries. ... Welcome Gong Jun to OK!’s twelfth anniversary." This was reposted by his studio with the added caption: "Leisurely and contented, showing his true self. @ Gong Jun Simon's structure is straightforward and intertwined with whimsical thoughts. Happy birthday to @ OK!"
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→ OK! magazine posted their photoshoot featuring Gong Jun. Caption: "For @ Gong Jun Simon, the identity of an actor represents a personal leap from a certain perspective. He uses different roles to enrich his experience and improve his professionalism as an actor. With the approval of the audience, Gong Jun opens up a completely different life's landscape in the process of acting, and at the same time opens up his own infinite possibilities." Fan Observation: One of the photos includes a Jimmy Choo golf bag that coincidentally has an image on it of a golf ball wearing a bucket hat.
→ Gong Jun posted eleven photos from the OK! shoot. Caption: "Happy 12th birthday, old friend!" He also posted nine to his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: "Come Attending a friend's 12th birthday party" and eight to his Instagram, caption: "Happy 12th birthday ! 🎂👌" (originally in English)
→ OK! posted a video from their photoshoot with Gong Jun. Caption: "OK!'s 12th anniversary special Channel 12 is now on the air…Eh? Who's switching the channel? Come and check out the multi-faceted moments of the protagonist @ Gong Jun Simon" They later posted another video, caption: "OK!'s 12th Anniversary Special Channel 12 continues to be included… OK! Anniversary Special Commissioner @ Gong Jun Simon left some words at the scene."
→ Tissot posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted fifteen additional photos from the OK! shoot. Caption: "Interweaving colours and breaking the rules, @ Gong Jun Simon brings the ticket for summer~"
→ Gong Jun posted two photos ads for Tissot to his Instagram. Caption: "Go adventure!" (originally in English)
04-25 → Tissot posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a video from the OK! photoshoot. Caption: "Setting the tone of style at will, @ Gong Jun Simon is at the centre of the trend and performs straightforward thoughts."
04-26 → 361° posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Gong Jun posted six photos of himself. Caption: "Snow walk in Mohe ☃️" This was reposted by his studio with the added caption: "Wrapped in silver, feel the healing power of nature, and watch the snow fall and cool down with @ Gong Jun Simon~"
04-27 → Gong Jun's studio posted a behind the scenes video from the Tissot commercial. Caption: "Take a bite of dark plum sauce~ @ Gong Jun Simon enjoys the coolness of early summer immediately." BGM is The Dark Plum Sauce by Li Ronghao.
→ Gong Jun attended a live event for 361°. Additional Info: According to people who attended the event, there were some altercations between solos and CPFs who attended, with staff barring CPFs from entering unless they took off identifying merch. There are also rumors that Gong Jun's studio paid solo fans to attend and/or gatekept who could get tickets. (Reminder that Gong Jun's studio =/= him.) This caught a lot of people off guard as 361° has previously been pretty pro-CPF; possible explanations are that the company recently came under a new CEO, and the endorsement is rumored to be expiring in June.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted four photos of Gong Jun from the 361° live event. Caption: "Summer is getting stronger and the sun is beating brighter. @ Gong Jun Simon is straightforward and lighthearted, looking forward to the next meeting~"
→ 361° posted nine photos of Gong Jun from the live event.
Additional Reading: → A reminder Blue has a charity fundraiser going for Zhang Zhehan's birthday! Giveaways are still available for those who show proof of donation before 05-08.
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capnsaveahoe · 10 days
Thoughts on TO S1/EP1
So, I finally went down the rabbit hole and decided to watch The Originals. Pray for me. 😂
Here are my thoughts:
Magical Baby Plot:
This is literally a forced loophole—thanks, but no thanks. 🙅🏻‍♀️ Klaus being lured back to NOLA with the news that Hayley is pregnant with his magical baby. Is just not the biz. While the baby plot is obviously a significant driving force for the narrative, it seems implausible that Klaus, a vampire for over 1000 years, could father a child. Fuck outta here with that shit.
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Will forever be my baby. There's no if's, and's or but's. He's still his little villainous self, and I'm here for it. This will NEVER change.
This man will obviously go through hell and highwater for his brother, but he needs to know when to give up. Elijah searching for his 1000+ year old baby brother will never not be funny to me. He’s the Steve Harrington of the TVDU (fight me on it). We all know that his ass will be daggered in the next episode without fail. He obviously can't seem to comprehend that while Klaus loves his family he also sees them as a weakness, and he would rather put his bro to sleep than lose him to a dumb baby plot twist.
My girl Beks is currently angry at Klaus and refuses to help Elijah find him, which in all honesty, her ire is well deserved. She's been treated like shit for ages. It was about time she stood up for herself. 👏👏👏
I love that they gave Klaus a long lost adopted son! Now THIS is a plot twist. He was believed to be dead and rotting somewhere, but my man is now the king of NOLA and rules the city with an iron fist who has total control over every supernatural creature within it. He’s shaping up to be my favorite out of all the new characters introduced so far.  He’s also fineeeeee as fuck! 😋
Quarter Witches:
They’re okay so far, but honestly, they could have gotten pretty far if they had just let Klaus and Elijah kill Marcel/Hayley right off the bat. Instead of following a bunch of idiotic rules. It was smart of them to link Sophie and Hayley, though. It gave them leverage with The Originals, which is what they wanted. Still deciding if I like them or not.
I’m trying to give her a chance, but it’s a feat let me tell you. I didn’t think she would break out the psychology card so quickly, tbh. I’ll look past it, for now. I can say that she does have a teeny bit of chemistry with Elijah…I really liked their 1st scene together. It looks like they'd be a good match.
Quick question: I thought Camille was still studying to become a psychologist? But, she mentions that she already has a grad degree in this episode. Can someone clear this up for me?
Seems pretty cool. I want to learn more about her and what she can do. Let's see where they take her character. Since we all know that having strong female characters on these shows is not something that the writers really like. 
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Overall, given Klaus' brutal and decisive nature, it's surprising that he didn't eliminate all threats immediately to take control of the city. But, I can also see why he wouldn't as he sees the potential the city he once lived in still has. Moreover, I'm a little annoyed at Elijah during this episode. In all honesty, it's Elijah's fault that they ended up in the mess that follows. Elijah sees the baby as a way to redeem Klaus, but it feels unrealistic to force Klaus into a role he’s never desired. Klaus has always craved power, loyalty, and family, but not necessarily a baby. This dream seems more in line with Elijah’s personality, who has always exhibited gentlemanly and family-oriented behavior. Though I still love Elijah, he really irked my nerves in this first episode. I will say that I'm loving the more in-depth look into the complex sibling relationships that we didn’t get enough of on TVD. On another note, I think it would have been a good plot twist to try and lure Klaus to NOLA by using Marcel as a pawn somehow instead of a baby. You can clearly see that he still cares for him in his own twisted way. I hope we get to see more of their dynamic as the show goes on.
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altaluneslair · 1 year
Obey Me! Nightbringer - Lesson 11 (Spoilers!)
Me throughout the Lesson 11:
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I wish I wasn't the only one who's just sad and not angry at Lucifer and Belphegor. If I were in that situation, I'd seriously cry on the spot. It hurts so much that the trust we've single-handedly built from the previous game is gone in the blink of an eye because of some asshole who suddenly sent us to the past.
And it breaks even fucking more if you're a Lucifer stan. Imagine being the person he trusted the most, then just suddenly becoming someone he doesn't trust the most. He even views us as a threat, and what makes me cry harder is that it's so fucking hard to defend ourselves because if you put yourself in his shoes, we're really the fucking danger here. We have his ring of light without his knowledge and consent, and we can also basically control all seven of them without them having any idea why and how we can do that. We're only with them for few weeks (I think?), so it's no wonder he's very suspicious of us.
But still, despite all his doubts, he lets us approach him and his brothers. He lets us help him with many things. He lets us rest in the House of Lamentation and spend some time with them. He's slowly trusting us, relying only upon his gut feeling, unlike Mammon, Leviathan, and Asmodeus who already had their "deep and heart-to-heart moment" with us.
However, because of that event with Beelzebub, all of that shattered. We lied to him about our identity. His ring of light was with us. The fact that we can control and have (I forgot the right term, sorry) their powers was revealed. I suspect he's very shaken, frustrated, and anxious despite his angry demeanor because he felt that the trust budding within him is broken, and he rarely trust anyone. IMAGINE HIS HORROR RIGHT AND THERE AND I CAN FUCKING RELATE BECAUSE I RARELY TRUST PEOPLE TOO AND I'D BE FUCKING DEVASTATED AND BERSERK IF THAT'S BROKEN 😭💀 (plus I feel he's very stressed at the moment too due to Beelzebub's matter, then we just casually dropped all the fucking bombs. Cheers to us! 🥰👏)
So, we really need to reassure him that we mean well. Not to mention, it's only been a year since Lilith's death, so the wounds are still fresh, especially for Lucifer, so I don't blame him if he becomes very overprotective of his brothers. He just doesn't want to lose any of them because they are all he has. Heck, he's even willing to set aside his pride, kneel in front of Diavolo, and work his ass off for him just to keep them safe and give them a secure place to settle in.
Anyway, please, I desperately need Lucifer's route (and other's route too). I need to hear his thoughts. I want to see all his experiences and know his secrets. I don't want to rely on theories and thorough analysis anymore. Such a complex character needs some deep diving, don't you think, Solmare? 😭
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jackalopesao3 · 1 year
Drunk 👏 people 👏 can’t 👏 consent 👏
Yes Solomon is problematic! Even if Asmo has done icky things too (I will try to get on OG OM! later for better examples of that and do a post on it), that doesn’t exempt Solomon for his behavior. The best characters are highly complex.
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Also this needs to be said because I’m so tired of seeing people complain about this being compared to SA:
Informed consent doesn’t just apply to sex!
I worked in research for several years before switching over to casework. I helped recruit participants for research studies.
Informed consent is drilled into us during our mandatory trainings. If a patient is out of it from anesthesia or a medication, they cannot give informed consent. It’s the basis of our ethics training.
I personally use the above term in a generalized way. I’m sure some others do as well.
Solomon is as being icky. I’m sure Asmo has been icky before too but that still doesn’t excuse Solomon. I love Solomon and his complicated character but I’m still going to point out when he’s being problematic.
Let’s not shame and beat each other up for having different opinions. We do not need to jump to conclusions yet.
Disclaimer: I’m an SA survivor. My abuser manipulated me when I was drunk into a relationship and then later assaulted me. I am not offended by the comparisons nor do I believe that they are unfair comparisons. I can relate but I recognize others may not feel the same. I’m just here to share my opinions.
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futuregws · 9 months
Fuck it I'm gonna talk about it.
Since this has become such a big discourse on twitter I wanna give my opinion but not on twitter fuck that I'm doing it here.
Milly Alcock's fans have been very persistent and annoying wanting to say that young Rhaenyra is just as, if not more important than Emma D'Arcy's Rhaenyra and to that I say, y'all are delusional, the main story is ALL about Rhaenyra in her adult years everything happens during that time, the version of her from the "present time" is Emma's version, Milly was just doing the flashbacks basically, so young Rhaenyra/Milly's version will NEVER be as important, and Emma is the lead and they are playing Rhaenyra NOT adult or older Rhaenyra it's just Rhaenyra, there's only one Rhaenyra.
And that's just half of it bc then it begins a whole other delusion where they like to say that "older Rhaenyra/Emma D'arcy's fandom is a minority" when it's the furthest from the truth I think people forget about algorithm, social media will show you what they think you might like if you tend to like more young Rhaenyra stuff OBVIOUSLY more stuff about her will appear does not mean she's more popular or had a bigger impact, it's the bubble you're in and the bias you have and this superiority complex is very weird, and let's not even talk about the fact that her fans want to use Instagram followers to talk about a character's impact saying that Milly has more than a million followers so she had more impact than Emma who hasn't reached a million, as if followers and talent have anything to do with each other, using followers to compare something like this shows how shallow some of this people are, but if they really wanna go down this route they should probably look at awards and not followers and I mean which one was nominated for a golden globe + an imdb award + the n1 most searched actor of 2022 or something like that, y'all 👏 are 👏 ridiculous. Oh and let's not forget the transphobia being a huge factor towards the whole followers thing for example (and not just that it impacts a lot of things) but y'all want to ignore that obviously.
I guess some people are still hella bitter that Milly is not coming back and forget that Emma WILL come back, the only reason Milly was in the main poster and all that shit is bc she appeared first bc she plays the young version it's not that hard to understand, she wouldn't be if that wasn't the case.
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isnorted12pixisticks · 10 months
Hi pokies, as someone who’s been in the fandom for a hot sec I have some opinions
So buckle up or just scroll past because this is a long one it’s just me word vomiting into the void at this point
Burner account because some of y’all scare me 😘😘
1. Wtf is y’all’s hate boner with her?
2. I have no clue where y’all got the idea that ocean parents are like these horrible abusive people. Like neglectful? Definitely . But I don’t think that Mr and Mrs offers their kid to take a hit off their bong are going to be incredibly strict and physically abusive towards her.
3. Ocean just a shity person with a superiority complex and that’s ok. she doesn’t need horrible stuff happening to her to justify that
4.Ocean was a bad friend to Constance, she was constantly putting her down through back handed remarks and talking over her “ she has self esteem issues why wouldn’t she?” “ do we really need another organ donor?” And not to mention her say that she believed that Constance did nothing with her life.
1. For the love of god stop making him an uwu soft boy twink <- this is not directed at people who just draw/ Write him with more feminine traits I do the same. I’m talking about those who infantilize him as the helpless soft boy who just needs a big strong man (Mischa) in his life and suddenly everything will be ok
2. I hate The Noel is Talia through either a code name or straight up catfish theory
A. The catfishing theory is problematic at best. Yes let’s take the single openly gay character and have him prey on another man character for his own satisfaction. Idk if Mischa’s cool with it in your fanfic it’s still weird
B. To me at least, Talia as a code name for noel just takes away the whole meaning behind her character. Talia is Mischa’s last connection to Ukrain. We see throughout the musical he was constantly trying to text her meaning they spoke constantly. She was his one and only lifeline, something for him to focus on and push through his shity situation to get to
1. I beg of y’all stop himboafying this man, I get he’s big and strong but he’s not dumb😭
A. Mischas smart guys!!!! I get alot of actors portray him struggling with English at times but y’all got to remember fluency ≠ intelligence gance. it’s like his 3rd language cut him some slack. he speaks Ukrainian, Russian, English, and even some Dutch ( not even the Dutch speak Dutch)
B. Just look at his saw6 monologue! Man had an in-depth video essay explaining on a horror movie just ready to go when ocean put him on the spot
C. Mischa can be incredibly eloquent with his words when he wants to be. Ex his Talia monologue/ when he tells Noel he knows what clichés are
2. Listen Im obsessed with Gus halper so I get it we love his mischa BUT DONT COMMENT ABOUT HIM ON NON GUS MISCHAS
1. Stop 👏 hating 👏 on 👏 Talia 👏
A. I’ve seen so many people make Talia just a straight bitch in fanfics to justify Mischa not being with her and that feels weird to me
2. The amount of people I’ve seen straight up hating on Talia for doing absolutely nothing but “stand in the way of nischa” is wild. Like I don’t get how you can look at her, a character who doesn’t even have a single line and be like ya no fuck you
1. I revoke my previous statement , I’ve seen some people ( mostly rp accounts) be weird ableist to not only Ricky as a character but his actors and I don’t need to explain why that’s gross
1. Honestly I don’t have anything to say here I haven’t really seen anything granted it is pretty hard to mess up a character who’s whole point is shes a blank slate
1. I think a lot of the fandom is guilty of seeing constance as just the “ sweet nice wholesome mom friend of the group” when (to me at least) the whole point of Constance was that people thought she was this, was because the never bothered to get to know her past that .
2. In her monologue it’s heavily hinted at that Constance was suffering with depression leading up to the cyclone.
A. Ontop of this we can see throughout musical she was self deprecating “Lost her virginity in a crap box in a crappy town, why of course she did.” you should always laugh at guys jokes otherwise they’ll think your a cow” AND PEOPLE DONT TALK ABOUT THSI ENOUGH
3. Also I dont get the “mom of the group” thing. Like she was nice to everyone and ocean mentioned that she baked but that’s about it
4. I don’t thinks it’s acknowledged enough that Constance was SAd. I don’t care if she wanted to loose her virginity, shes under aged and by Constance’s own emissions the carny was in his 30s
The fandom
1. Listen I love some angst as much as the next person but there’s a difference between angst and just some straight up hurt p*rn (especially with ocean, again wtf is y’all hate boner for her) I’ve seen literal SA fics written about her wtf
2.This one goes out specifically to you rtc rp accounts😘😘😘 (both on and off this app) there’s a time and a place to rp guys
A. If you're talking to other rp accounts then pop off. But That being said I’ve seen a lot of rp accounts bleed over into non rp post/ videos, while this is normally fine I’ve seen quite a few accounts pushing their head cannons on other non rp accounts as if their facts or an authority on the matter. Again nothing wrong with rp accounts / sharing your head cannons, just time and place guys
3. Look I get it plenty of the actors/ actresses that have been in rtc are attractive but some of y’all need to remember the characters themselves ARE CHILDREN
4. On the topic of the actors/ actresses some of y’all need to learn what boundaries are 
5. I saw someone try to pull some pro ship bullshit with the characters once and it haunts me
Listen. I absolutely love ride the cyclone, I’ve been hyper fixatingon it for the past years now that being said I’ve seen more than enough productions to get my fair share of opinions on it
1. Real Ukrainian war footage in Talia
A. It feels in very poor taste at best and just strange up gross at worst to the situation at hand. I get it Mischa’s Ukrainian and that’s a very important part to his character but that doesn’t mean you need to throw real war footage to the end of the song.
B. Talia and mischa story as a whole is tragic enough as is. You don’t need to add in the fact that on top of Talia possibly not even being real we’re now throwing in the possibility that she died in the war? It just seems like over kill to me.
2: Ricky’s disability being written out of the script was really gross. Like I get it they wanted to avoid another yannick situation but this like the worst possible way to go about it
There probably more but I’ve been at this for like 2 hrs (I’m going to update this as things come to me so stay tuned)
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nobodysdaydreams · 5 months
Doug and Hera need to have their own spin-off comedy space podcast/sudden therapy be a regular thing, because there's no other duo I'd rather see confront Cutter outside of his office documentary style with cameras and mics demanding an explanation for his many crimes🎙️
(Or my reaction to episodes 50-52 of Wolf359)
Welcome back dear readers! It's been a long day, and I know it's been a long time since I've reacted so I thought I'd sit down for a little Wolf359 this evening. Please enjoy!
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Episode 50: The Hiccups Method
I agree Minkowski. When will Kepler get it through his head?
👏 No. 👏 One. 👏 Cares. 👏 What. 👏 He. 👏 Thinks. 👏
With all of Jacobi's sarcasm, I think he and Doug would have been drinking buddies in another life where things were different.
Poor Lovelace. I can see why she doesn't want to take the risk. These aliens are interesting. They called out Kepler for his violence, but they themselves have been extremely violent and hostile. Do they genuinely not realize how fragile humans are? Do they think humans can regenerate like they can so they don't bother being careful? Are they just not used to being careful?
Oh right. Because Hera has been taken over before too. She knows what it's like.
Hera deserves her moment. I hope she gets it, whatever it looks like.
Maybe they could listen to the music. Maybe that will draw the aliens out. They did seem to enjoy the tunes. 🎶📻👽
I mean...the brain IS like a computer...but it's not exact. It's way more complicated. And a "part alien" brain? Let's see how this goes...
Ah the creepy background music. 🎶 That must mean it's working.
Eiffel! Oh dear. I guess Lovelace doesn't do well with creepy silence and breathing.
I know that sound. A treadmill. My old enemy. /j /treadmills are actually fine, it's the pacer that gets me.
Oh no this sounds terrible. I'd be out. Bods would not be a pretty sight. I'll spare you all the details.
Keep trying Eiffel, I believe in you!
And it's not your fault Lovelace. It's none of your faults.
Well except Kepler it is his fault for sure. And Jacobi.
Kepler's idea would probably involve chugging some whiskey.
Oh this is bad too. I should have figured. Kepler would have probably hoarded the whiskey for himself anyway. Not to drink, but just to enjoy the feel in his...well feet now I guess since he um...could use a hand right now.
The aliens did make Lovelace pretty indestructible... except for the one that killed itself that they heard about...oh maybe they can self-destruct.
As horrible as they were, it would be way more useful to have Maxwell or Hilbert around. I get why they had to die. If you have characters who can explain things, you lose the plot. But it would be strategic to trade Jacobi and Kepler for them.
Oh they don't sleep much? Interesting. What happens when she sleeps? Do they take the data from her brain?
Alien duplicates have a more complex brain stem? Interesting. A more complex life support and control system.
Norepinephrine. I struggled to pronounce it to Doug.
So that would mean she needs the opposite of alcohol.
HERA CAN IMITATE THEIR VOICES? That's kind of cool. I hope she uses that later to trick Cutter and Pryce.
"Complete the process?"
Cliff notes? Key inside is outside? Enter in order to leave? Douglas must what?
Do they want them to fly into the star? Is that why they tried to drag them in before? Is that what the aliens mean by "Kalabunga"?
They know that doesn't work with humans right? They've seen human bodies, they know that can't work right? Are they trying to make more human clones? Why?
Good work, Doug. At least they know what the aliens want now. Sort of.
Episode 51: Shut Up and Listen
Sophie has really been hyping up this episode, so I'm excited to listen.
I love these intros. ✨Hera✨, Captain Isabelle Lovelace the Second, all the aliases for Hilbert 😂 "Boom-boom wow Jacobi" oh my gosh the Kepler one 😂
Professor D.F. Eiffel. What is his middle name? What is he a professor of?
The Hephaestus files! I love the intro theme. It's very drama. UF Overview is good too.
Again with the dramatic music. This is perfect. I love Doug and Hera together they're fantastic!
Please Minkowski being the mom. "You're not poisoning anyone on your radio show are you?"
Man, Doug is never living down this "you poisoned yourself" thing.
Oh right the radio signals. The ones that couldn't possibly from 8 years ago, because no radio station has ever played old music before. It’s not like we have whole stations dedicated to music from the 70’s and 80’s.
Why are we listening to Kepler's opinions on the aliens? They already made it clear they don't like violence. Kepler tried to get violent and they chopped his hands off and talked down to him. These aliens don't really even seem to talk normally. Do they even normally communicate with sound?
The lion speech actually makes sense. You don't know what "that's a nice scent there" means.
But Kepler. You are ASSUMING that you can't get where the dear listeners are technology wise without doing horrible things. And even if that is true, you are also assuming that's where you want to be. Why are these aliens taking such an interest in you? Maybe they're desperate. You literally just said you don’t know anything about how they work, and now you’re claiming to know everything. Whatever fits your worldview I guess.
"Finish the process quickly" sure sounds urgent to me.
As for Maxwell's language logs, maybe Hera can take a look.
I knew it! Hera can understand it.
Math is math. There we go! And binary gives you yes and no. Simple, but effective for answering questions.
I'm sorry Hera. I know Maxwell wasn't here for you, but she was there for a while. I'm sorry she didn't make a better choice. It’s sad to think that if they made better choices in another life, Maxwell and Jacobi might have actually been friends with these guys.
"How to listen. How much have we missed already?" That's a good metaphor for life too.
Not the Goddard Futuristics sponsorship 😂😂😂
"Do you want to do horrible things? Do you wish more of your time was taken up by conspiracy theories? Are you tired of just being evil on earth and want to be evil 🚀in space🛰️?" 😂😂😂
"Experiences no other human has ever gone through" right, but Lovelace is technically not totally human. (no offense. Biologically I mean).
"The Doug Eiffel charm" oh goodness
"What could possibly go wrong" DO NOT ASK THAT QUESTION DOUGLAS.
The wonderful record scratch and future Hera. 😂
"Fancy meeting you here...in the bridge...of a space station...the USS Hephaestus" I can just tell Doug ran a comb through his hair and threw on his best shirt for this. And that’s all you need. Max effort. Charm to 100% 😂
✨my casual stance😎✨
smooth Doug, very smooth
"I won't record you without your permission" 😂
I would not be surprised at all if Cutter and Pryce have listened to 100% of their journey. Microphones hidden everywhere.
"Don't pull others into your sinking boat" you're all in the same boat.
Wow. Lovelace is getting real here. "What would Isabelle Lovelace do?"
Lovelace you are YOU. ...Aw, she wants to feel like herself again. You can still be you Lovelace.
"That doesn't work. You know why?" oh because she's not her? Eiffel? Oh no.
Oh Hera. He was afraid of Hera? Windup girl? Hal9000 impressions? Doug, they weren't just jokes, and you know it. That's why you stopped.
"People are always going to be afraid of me, aren't they?"
And Doug did deserve that slap. It know jokes are how he copes, but poor Hera and Lovelace.
...yeah that DID happen. And I'd imagine Doug has been MIA. He's probably ashamed.
Doug, they know you're not a bad guy. We all make mistakes, but you need to apologize.
Doug is not the best listener or good at remembering or reading subtext. Me too buddy. It's okay. Dang they really called me out with this character and I don’t like this part. Can we go back to him being funny and a good friend and the only person brave enough to point out the obvious “killing people is wrong”?
Minkowski's speech about how hard it was to change her language and accent was a lot. I wonder what she thought about all those times Doug mocked Hilbert’s accent and Nationality? It also makes me wonder whether the aliens are doing the same with them. Not the mocking, but changing their speech. Are they just trying to communicate or do they want to create a certain impression?
But this is getting sad. Why does this feel like a forever goodbye? I don't like that. I don't like that at all.
"That's the thing about you Eiffel. You try. You really really try. And then you stop trying. Don't stop."
Let's see if he does.
I also love that Hera continued the podcast even though she got mad at Doug. She's so sweet. HAHA...The Hephaestus Files, nice. Hera deserves that.
I love the exit music 🎶🎶🎶
I feel like this episode might be a good metaphor for the aliens and communication. Doug didn't listen to what his coworkers were really saying. Maybe the aliens are the same way. Who knows.
Hm. I should go to bed now.
Eh...one more couldn't hurt.
Episode 52: Constructive Criticism
Oh Hera's trying to take care of him. It's okay Hera, he'll get over it, he just needs time.
Good thoughts Doug! You're listening! Why classical music? What's so special about that to them? Maybe they don't have a concept of sound or music! Maybe that's what they came for! You're doing it Doug! Good job!
The music is what they are sending. The point is why.
Be careful, Doug. She cares about you. Your friends care about you!
Oh Doug. RUN!
What would he do without Hera?
Did Lovelace gag him? Is this Kepler or Jacobi?
...why does Hilbert's lab have it's own pressure and air? To protect the experiments or give Hilbert a way out? Is there a way to detach the lab?
Also, it was only a matter of time. Cutter's errand boys kept chiming in when they weren't wanted. I'm surprised they weren't gagged sooner.
"The rules apply to Eiffel?" I suspect many rules were created specifically for or because of Eiffel.
A game? Not Funzo I hope.
Huh. Fortunately, Unfortunately sounds like a fun story telling game.
The story will tell you when to stop. Or you get bored. Or everyone dies.
Well not everyone I hope.
Oh Jacobi was that kid wasn’t he?
A WEEK? What happened to Doug? I knew he'd be upset after what happened, but yikes.
I knew it. The NPR special. Doug's punishing himself.
Looks like Kepler and Jacobi are getting on slightly better terms. Don't like that.
Hera. Hera no! HERA!
Oh right. She doesn't want to do a full reset of her personality. She doesn't want to delete herself even if she won't remember.
Don't ask Kepler for his games.
Oh now Jacobi is upset. I wonder what happened to him during the last round.
Wait, the you can only ask questions game! I love that game!
"Run away while you still can" no thanks Jacobi I'll play.
Kill him, Hera. Ask him about his Whiskey.
Now here's a good question. How did Jacobi end up here?
Oh right...Kepler's too proud to stop the game. This is perfect.
So Goddard did some good things. Wonderful. But you can't kill someone, show up in court, and cry "what about the millions I gave to the orphaned children?" YOU COULD HAVE STILL DONE THAT WITHOUT KILLING PEOPLE.
And good and bad DOES matter when you talk about progress, because it determines what you are progressing towards. FORWARD TOWARDS WHERE JACOBI? ASK YOURSELF WHY DOES THE WORLD WORK THAT WAY? DO YOU THINK THAT'S A GOOD THING? ASK DEEPER QUESTIONS YOU SIMPLETON!
"There aren't sides. There's people you do things to and people you do things for"
So Jacobi would kill them if given the opportunity. Tell me something I don't know. Pity he wasn't interested in the redemption arc. I was hoping somebody, ANYBODY would reach for it. The standard is low. The bar is on the floor.
Doug just wants to be helpful. Poor guy.
Yeah Doug, I know how this feels. It hurts. It's okay buddy. It's okay. They're still you're friends. You’re not worthless.
Oh his poor stomach.
And...Hera wins the game! Yay! 🥳
That's a lot of music. But again, why. Why do they need the music?
I'm beginning to like fortunately, unfortunately game. Let’s try it.
Fortunately, Jacobi had a come to Jesus moment and decided to stop blowing things up and stop threatening to kill people...oh dang it Jacobi!
Should have seen that coming.
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goofyjelly · 6 months
Watching Spock charades ✨ and I have THOUGHTS
okay the all caps made it sound bad 😭 Im not gonna dunk on it, okay
I am LIVING for the fact that they literally went :
"yea we changed Spock into a teenage boy. Yea, on the night he's supposed to undergo this huge marriage ritual. Yea his in laws hate him. We stay silly ☺️"
Everyone's already talked about the bacon thing, obviously- like idk why that's there. That's my only , like , "complaint" so far; I am living for every other moment so far tho fjskfjsk.
SPOCK PUT ON THE BEANIE!!! He did the thing!!! The Spock thing!!!
Also i just have to assume the "fake ears" they give him are just... The props they normally use fjlsjfksnf
I absolutely LOVE that Uhura and Erica are immediately on board with Chapel's plan, this is friendship goals
Bestie, I'm sorry but your crush is EXTREMELY obvious even the aliens know
I fucking love this episode, man. Its got me laughing.
Now that was sweet 🥺 And Logical™ of course... To divert shields.
TPrings mother is such a bitch, usually I stand for woman's wrongs but she is SLANDERING Spock and Amanda.
Amanda has been slandered her WHOLE TIME ON VULCAN!!!
"You're a disappointment" SHUT THE FUCK UP- DONT BRING HIS FATHER UP-
Thank You, Ethan Peck 👏👏👏
Pike has a father complex; he just wants to be everyone's dad and it's so funny to me.
The way TPring is like eyeing Chapel and Spock- she fucking knows what's up. Like the way Spock is acting so suspicious already makes it seem like something's wrong but it looks like they're legit having an affair when they literally aren't.
Because of course. The human mating ritual. It is essential for every human marriage of course. They've gotta play charades. Thank you Captain Christopher Pike for your QUICK THINKING AND INGENUITY
STAND UP FOR YOUR MOTHER GOD DAMN IT! This ENTIRE EPISODE Amanda has let herself and Spock be just stepped on by T'Pring's family and it's NOT FAIR!!
I feel bad for T'Pring tho- like I get that Human Spock was struggling with telling T'Pring about the accident but SHE DESERVED TO KNOW!!! And now she's also humiliated and has to deal with her family and everything because of what Spock FAILED TO TELL HER!!!
If they just talked it out she would've been able to help somehow! She's responsible and capable, and at least then they would've been in the same boat (in a way).
Ig Spock was struggling to "give her bad news" earlier when her day was already going to shit and tbh, Fair. But still. Yk. They did her DIRTY
I feel for Chapel tho. Literally Me™
Okay okay more serious: I really like how her character is tackled so far. Like, she-
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