#let Zeetha be relevant 2018
han100894 · 6 years
Catching up on the arc, theorizing, and a little salt...
So I’ve just caught up on the last few pages of Girl Genius, and I figured I’ll share my thoughts a bit (And will warn people now that it dose focus in on Zeetha quite a bit at the end).
Overall everything is hectic as usual—though at least some threads are starting to fall together. I was hoping we’d get some Zeetha focus in the English arc but I really didn’t expect the Skifander stuff to come into play like this (frankly I thought the focus would be because of the circus and more character development than plot—though maybe that was my first mistake, this comic dose very little on the whole character development side of things…)
I don’t trust Rakethorn as expected, I hope Albia is not just a generic big bad because it would be really interesting for her to go against the Muse of Time (like the grey witch) who killed one of her fellow queens and possible destroyed the network. I seriously doubt Violetta is dead, though I will give some odd that she is bit will be revived. At best I do thinks he’s rather hurt though.
And I’m really, really hoping that Zeetha (and Oggie) are going to play private Eye (Bonus points if they do so mostly alone, without the Sparks help) since not only would that give Zeetha some much needed face time and plot relevance(Considering you could have taken her out of the last major arc (Paris) and minor arc (Trains) and nothing major would have to change at all (She could have just came with Oggie and Maxim to be here in England, there were a hundred ways to get Higgs to move other than worfing her and him panicking over a few bruises on his warrior girlfriend that were gone in days and that’s really about it.) and also give her a break from being constant comic relief.
I’d had great hopes once they showed Zeetha finally mentoring Agatha again about how Albia will approach things, and then Skifander being brought up and while I won’t say they’ve been dashed (the arc has only started after all) I have been disappointed several times since then.
One was Zeetha for all extents and purposes falling or the same trap she warned Agatha about—which might not be fair since it’s not like we could read her mind and know for sure she didn’t notice or suspect, but I admit since the timeskip I’ve been disappointed enough in Zeetha’s portrayal that it was my first thought.
Then was a lack of real emotion over what Albia told her and then Steelgarter after that page was over—but that’s a fault in the comic in general—it’s all action and not downtime to feel things, like ever.
Three was her, despite Agatha obviously pretending not to know Higgs, and her knowing that he did spyish stuff if nothing else, glomping him anyway. I love Ziggs, I really, really do—there my favorite couple in the story full stop, but Zeetha losing all ability to reason when he shows up is really not how I want it to play out.
(And I know people will point out her “I’m not good at subtle comment” but that comment itself annoys me to know end, not only is what she did something other characters have done and gotten way with all the time, but Zeetha has shown numerous times she’s capable of subtlety and secrets and isn’t a giant idiot at the very least, so it feels like the authors just put a big red post-it note over her telling us Zeetha isn’t subtle when all the show they’ve done before hand has said the opposite, like they decided to retcon it really, really poorly…)
And then she leaves them instantly, despite murders happening, to prepare for sex that isn’t going to happen until Higgs is done anyway which could take who knows how long. She knows the chaos that happens, she knows how often Agatha gets kidnapped or attacked, she knows that they are in risky territory, and I guess it could just be her trust in Higgs but the last time she did that (Granted with Higgs in toe) she lost Agatha for two and a half years and at least that time she showed some concern.
(I swear it’s like the Timestop didn’t affect anyone but Gil.)
And yeah sure, sex implied, haha, haha “funny” (Zeetha being comic relief again…) and I get that it was to move the plot along so Zeetha would find the fight scene (but she could have just been planning on getting her swords, I mean really…)
I dunno it just bugs me.
I Do like Zeetha being able to notice that there is something odd about the fight scene (I imagine, or at least hope she’ll figure out it means four arms sooner rather than later) and even did better than Oggie who figured it out through scent and didn’t notice right away.
And like I said I hope this continues on focused on her—since it is her plotline (Being Skifander and all) and in fact I’m kinda hoping Violetta is out for the count for a while since she probally is better made for this task, but she has nothing to do with this story thread and has had a lot of screen time and badass moment sin the last arc and it will be nice for her to be shelved for a bit.
(I don’t hate Violetta not even close, but I do feel that when she was added to the story she took a lot away from Zeetha’s character. From her sneakiness (Zeetha could sneak up on Krosp, sneaking round Stumhulten and gathering info), to being Agatha’s minder and protector, to awesome fights, to even her screen time. Honestly it feels that since her introduction she’s had more plot relevancy/ and even lines than Zeetha has despite Zeetha having 2 to 3 years on her, and she has definitely had more since the timeskip where Zeetha could have just not been around and the story would have still happen up until say, the ball (where Oggie and Maxim came back). And Violetta is always at Agatha’s side while Zeetha has had some major time where she hasn’t been around.)
So yeah, basically I’m hoping for Zeetha and Oggie Private Eye, and also probably a few badass moments, from investigating to fights (Where hopefully she won’t be the worf for once, or the plot device like she was with Higgs.) and not shown up for once as well on her on plot thread…
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