#let's stop. ok lets all stop and take a breath before calling anyone who says a group of people shouldn't be included in space made to
jarchivussy · 9 months
what is it with people on the internet these days.. you know not everyone has to be included in everything right. it's ok to have separate spaces. a place with people like you is a normal thing to want. you understand this. right?
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babybeel · 1 year
— violent
“shut the fuck up! you don’t know what you’re saying, shut up!”
your voice is thick with anger as it bounces off the walls, bitterness echoing through. mammon feels his blood boil before he can even see you, hoping for the best though fearing the worst. his talons have begun to peak through, sharp claws digging into the meat of his palms as his hands close into tight fists, and he feels his shoulder blades stiffen as his wings strain and ache against his shirt.
rounding the corner, the older brothers bear witness to you shouting at a group of lowly demons, teeth bared and gaze sharp. your pacts are glowing, piercing through the night as you let loose, emotions controlling you. beelzebub stands protectively in front of you, expression vicious though solemn, and belphegor holds a wary arm before you, though his tail whips behind him in similar anger. the brothers wonder with churning stomachs just what had been said.
“oh look,” one of the lesser demons dares to sneer, clearly thinking high of itself as a ugly smirk rises onto its face, having caught sight of the others, “maybe the avatar of greed isn’t so stupid after all, he can come when called. though, you better put him on a leash before he wanders off and fucks everything up again.”
the brothers don’t bother to hide their demon forms any longer, turning into a fearsome flurry of wings and fangs and claws. lucifer takes a furious stride forward, ready to quash anyone who insulted his younger brother and a terrifying aura rolls off of him in suffocating waves.
you beat him to it.
“sounds like you’re stupid, so thick you can’t even listen when someone tells you to shut your fucking mouth,” you snarl, entire body pushing against belphie’s arm, “you’ll never be worth a shred of what mammon is. he’s not an avatar for nothing. he’s reliable and dependable - he completes his duties, protects his brothers through everything and takes care of me too. you dare speak about mammon whilst you’re trying to amount to anything and i promise i’ll be there to stop you getting anywhere near his level.”
your breath is ragged when you finish, venomous threat weighing heavy in the air. you finally take a step back from belphie’s hold, decidedly having said enough. still, your expression doesn’t relax, eyes fierce and teeth on show.
the group of lesser demons begin to cower, shuffling uncomfortably as their ringleader swallows thickly, suddenly realising what it’d done as your severe words sink into its skin and the seven avatars of sin surround you. it opens and closes its mouth a handful of times, lower lip quivering as its earlier confidence abandons it. it’s only a second after that the demons scramble away, feet panicked as they slap against the floor. they’re slower than the avatars that follow them.
a call of your name dissolves the remaining tension, gentle and familiar and only just above a whisper.
“oh, mammon,” you turn, eyes softening at the only brother who remained with you. “oh, my mammon,” you murmur again, wrapping yourself around his torso, as tight as you possibly can. his open arms quickly return the hold, your body still trembling ever so slightly against his. but the anger soon gives way to relief and mammon lets out a sigh of his own as it floods through his pact.
“it’s ok,” mammon hushes, “i’m ok.”
against your every fibre, you pull back and the loss of your cheek against mammon’s chest leaves him uncomfortably cold. your hands snake up to cup his face, stark tenderness so blatant it’s hard to picture that you had been snarling and spitting a few minutes ago. “you sure?” you ask, staring straight into mammon’s eyes that glimmer gold at the contact.
mammon nods, taking the chance to lean into your touch, “course i am, you and my brothers look after me too. i’m your first man and you’re my first human.”
“you promise?” your tone is adamant and unrelenting, despite how mammon’s words had left you melty warm.
mammon lets the smile break onto his lips, lets your hands pull him downwards until your foreheads are pressed against each other. “promise,” he hums, “i’m ok as long as i’ve got you.”
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girlgenius1111 · 7 months
a cure for frustration
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warnings: angst. hurt / comfort. smut. 18+.
You knew from the moment you saw her hop away from the challenge that something was wrong. You felt fear squeeze your heart as you sat on the sub bench, eyes following her every movement. As play continued, Alexia stayed out of the way, walking, and flexing her knee repeatedly. Her knee. You clutched the seat beneath you, knuckles turning white. You heard Claudia say something to you, but you were too were focused on Alexia, wiling her to resume playing, running, anything to show you that she was ok.
You watched as a break in play was called, and Alexia walked over to the sidelines, trainers on her within seconds. You couldn't make out what she was saying, but she was definitely motioning to her knee. You made eye contact, and the fear in her eyes was clear. Play resumed, and she moved to walk over to the sub bench, taking a careful seat next to you, a trainer kneeling in front of her, examining her knee.
"Ale. What is it?" You tried to ask in a calm voice, but you don't think you were very successful, as her hand came to grip yours for a brief moment.
"I don't know. Her knee just drilled right into mine. It doesn't feel right, I don't think it feels right," she responded, and you could hear her voice shaking, as she avoided eye contact with you, opting instead to stare at the gloved hands probing her knee. You wanted nothing more than to pull her into your arms, tug her much taller body into yours, and hold her until the look of fear left her eyes. You couldn't. Not here. Instead, you looked to the trainer in front of her, as he withdrew his hands from her.
"It doesn't seem like anything is wrong. It was probably just a hard blow. We can do scans if you want them, but I really think it's ok" he stated, clearly trying to settle Alexia's nerves. She took a deep breath, thinking, before looking up, jaw clenched, face devoid of emotion.
"Can I go back in?"
"Alexia-" you started, but were cut off by a hand on your knee, calloused fingers squeezing gently in reassurance, and you fell silent, looking at the trainer for an answer.
"If you feel like you can, yes. We'll get scans at the half just in case" he responded, turning behind him to Jonatan, who nodded at Alexia. The midfielder rose from her seat, glancing down at you once, almost as if to reassure you that she was alright. You murmured a soft "good luck," and she was back on the pitch.
You watched, eagle eyed, as she ran across the field, clearly in some discomfort, but running nonetheless. You took a breath, refocusing yourself. You needed to be prepared to sub in, and letting your mind run in circles about your girlfriend was not going to help anyone. You focused on the game instead, not allowing your eyes to track Alexia around the pitch. You saw Esmee's goal, or Alexia's goal rather, and didn't let yourself think about how social media would tear your sweet girlfriend to pieces over her ensuring they scored. You didn't let yourself think about, or feel any of it.
The first half came to a close, and you fell in step with Alexia as she headed into the locker room. She stopped you outside the door to the medical room, and turned to look at you, expression still unreadable.
"Go to the locker room. You need to be with the team, and warm up. I'm fine. I promise" she said all of this very quietly, her green eyes looking into yours. She was still being Alexia, captain of the team, two time Balon D'or winner, not your Ale, her words monotone, expressing none of the love that normally seeped into her voice when she spoke to you. You knew this is what she needed, to stay clinical and disconnected until she knew more, that allowing herself to be anything but emotionless would be too hard. So you nodded, squeezing her arm once.
"You're right, you are fine. I'll see you after" you kept your voice just as disconnected, just as emotionless, as you saw a small smile grace her lips, before she turned, entering the room. You returned to the locker room, knowing you needed to get your head on straight.
The second half passed at a torturous pace, with you subbing on around the 60th minute. You pushed Alexia out of your mind again, throwing yourself into the game, pretending you weren't dying to dash off the field to find out what the scans showed. When the final whistle blew, you shook hands with your opponents and your teammates, trying to decide how long you needed to stay on the pitch for before going to find Alexia. You were still deciding when you felt Mapi come to stand next to you. You'd already shaken hands, but she pulled you into a hug anyway, her face sympathetic.
"Go find her. I'm sure she's fine, but you won't relax until you see her, so just go. I'll cover for you," she spoke quietly into your ear, pulling away from the hug at the end, and smiling at you.
"Thank you, Mapi," was all you could get out before you were on your way into the building, waiting until you were out of sight before you broke into a sprint towards the medical room. You opened the door, heart plummeting when you found it empty. 50 different options of where Alexia might be flew through your head, each one more horrifying than the last. Forcing yourself to take a deep breath and think like a rational person, you turned, heading toward the locker room.
You walked in, and let out a relieved sigh at the sight of Alexia sitting in her locker, hair wet, looking at her phone. She looked up when she heard you arrive, you crossed the room instantly, crouching down in front of her, laying a gentle hand on her knee. You looked up at her, the question you were terrified to ask on the tip of your tongue. She brushed a piece of hair off your flushed face gently, before telling you, "It's fine. The scans were normal. I think I just freaked out."
She seemed slightly embarrassed at this, but you felt all the tension leave your body at her words, letting your forehead fall to rest on her knee. She chuckled above you, resting a hand on your back.
"What, were you worried about me or something?"
You looked up at her with a glare, not enjoying her teasing.
"Not worried for you. Just worried about how insufferable you'd be if you had to sit out again," you retorted, allowing a smile onto your face so she knew you were kidding.
She threw her head back at that, and laughed.
"You're right. It would be so unfortunate for you if I was out of commission for a while. I know how desperate you get" she quirked an eyebrow at you, an easy grin playing on her lips and you felt heat rush to your face, indescribably glad that the locker room was empty. You looked up at her, breath caught in your throat at her words, entranced by her long eyelashes, her full lips, her bright eyes. Just as you opened your mouth to respond, her phone buzzed, and her eyes flew to it, smile falling from her lips. You watched as she read the message, how her eyes hardened at whatever she was looking at.
"Shower. Get dressed," she paused, looking down at you with a familiar glint in her eyes. "We have things to do at home." There was no mistaking her meaning, and the speed with which your concern for whatever she had read on her phone left your brain was almost embarrassing. You stood, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek, and turned to your own locker, vowing to get ready to go in a record amount of time.
The car ride home was a different kind of torturous. Alexia driving was a sight to see normally, but today, it really did something to you. Maybe it was the look in her eyes when she glanced over at you, or the way her hand rested high up on your thigh. Her hand placement shouldn't have made you as desperate as it had, but there you were, doing everything you could to sit still and ignore the heat pooling in your lower abdomen. You were doing too good of a job acting unaffected, apparently, because Alexia started to softly rub her thumb back and forth over your clothed thigh. You held your breath, willing yourself not to let out a sound. You eventually had to exhale, however, and it came out sharper and less controlled than you intended. Alexia looked over at you, lips curling up at the edges, before she returned her gaze to the road.
"Something wrong, amor?" She asked, and you swore she was making her voice raspier on purpose. You shook your head in response, deciding your best bet was to stay quiet until you had to speak. She laughed quietly, as she turned into the parking garage. Pulling into her spot, she threw the car in park, veins popping on her hands as she maneuvered the gearshift. She got out of the car quickly, leaving her bag behind, walking over to your door. Knowing better than to open it yourself, you waited until she pulled it open, offering a hand down to you that you took. You stepped out of the car, and she shut the door behind you, placing a possessive hand on your back. You repressed a shudder at the contact, wishing that it wasn't this easy for Alexia to get you so hot and bothered. You could feel wetness pooling in between your legs, from only a few touches and a few smirks, and you hoped that Alexia was in a mood that would appreciate it.
"Vamos, amor. We have things to do" she spoke the words centimeters from your ear, and you quickened your pace, leading the way into the elevator and up to your apartment. The minute you got inside the apartment, she was on you, lips pressing into your neck, arms wrapping around your abdomen, pulling you back into her. Her lips and tongue worked roughly against the sensitive skin of your neck, and you knew she was already leaving a mark. You managed to turn the groan that tried to work its way out of your lips into a heavy breath, causing her to pull her lips away from you. You felt her hot breath on your ear before she spoke.
"No no, bebé. Good girls let me hear how good I make them feel."
At this, you let out a small whimper, allowing your head to fall back against her shoulder. You felt her smile against your neck, her hands pressing back into your abdomen, making you grind back against her. You let her control your motions for a minute, before the contact became not enough, and you turned your head into her neck, knowing exactly how to get what you wanted.
"Ale. Please, baby."
"Already begging? I've barely touched you," she smirked, "tell me what you want, and maybe I'll give it to you"
"Take me to bed, Alexia."
With that, she stepped away from you, turning you around before wrapping her arms around your waist, easily lifting you into your arms, as your legs came to wrap around her. Your lips found hers, and you sighed at the feeling, her tongue sliding into your mouth as she walked you blindly back into the bedroom. Laying you on the bed, she crawled on top of you, never letting your lips lose contact from hers. You made out messily for several minutes, your hands sliding up under her shirt, as hers held her weight above you. She shifted slightly, pressing her knee against your core, and you shuddered, lips stilling against hers. Encouraged by your reaction, she pressed harder against you, and you leaned your head back, inhaling deeply as your hips ground down against her. She pulled back, and your eyes flew open, seeing her kneeling over you, tugging at your shirt, the question unspoken. You nodded, and she pulled it up and over your head, pulling her own off as an after thought.
She leaned back down, immediately connecting her lips to your chest, leaving messy kisses as she trailed over to your nipple, taking it into her mouth and running her tongue over it. Her fingers came up to play with your other nipple, and you closed your eyes again, one hand fisting in the soft comforter, the other coming up to tangle in Alexia's freshly blonde hair. You tried to press her closer to you, and she smiled against you, switching sides to focus on your other nipple. You looked down at her then, and the sight of her staring up at you as her mouth worked against your chest made you crazy. You tugged her back up, until her mouth was level with yours, and tried to connect your lips again. She kept her face just out of reach, however, staring down at you. She was a sight to see. Pupils blown, hair falling freely around her shoulders are she gazed down at you, her eyes flickering between your lips and your eyes. You let out a little whine, hoping she'd appreciate the desperation, and let you kiss her, but suddenly her weight was off your body, and you felt her hands on the waistband of your shorts. Pushing yourself up onto your elbows, you met her eyes where she stood at the edge of the bed, prepared to pull your shorts off.
"Si?" She questioned, looking at you with a softer expression than you'd seen on her all night. You nodded, but she made no further movements, simply raising an eyebrow at you.
"Si, Ale. Si." you responded, desperate for her to get on with it. Satisfied, she stripped your lower half. She moved to climb back on top of you, but you stopped her, sliding a finger under the waistband of her own shorts. Looking down at you, Alexia smiled, making you ask for what you clearly wanted.
"You too" you said, and she replaced your hands at her shorts and underwear, pulling them off slowly, never breaking eye contact with you. Satisfied, you leaned back onto your elbows, happy to take whatever she gave you. Still standing at the edge of the bed, she trailed a single finger down your thigh, her touch feather light, as she traced the various marks and scars along your legs.
If her goal was to make you beg, she didn't have to wait long. You'd been aching for her since she'd spoken to you in the locker room, and you'd never been one to shy away from asking for what you wanted. Especially when it seemed to bring Alexia a fair amount of pleasure to hear your words.
"Baby, please put your mouth on me," you whined. Her eyes darkened at your words, and suddenly she was laying in between your legs, her tongue running through you, and you were falling back onto the mattress. She hummed against you, enjoying the reaction she got out of you and you jerked your hips up against her. Her tongue circled your clit slowly, as her strong hands grabbed your thighs, bringing them up to rest on her shoulders. She moved her mouth down slightly lower, eyes falling shut as she let herself fall into the movements, knowing exactly what you needed from her. Her tongue collected the abundant slick that was leaking out of you, pushing into your entrance, as her nose rubbed against your clit. Your moans filled the room, as did the sounds of her mouth moving against you. You reached a hand down to tangle in her hair, pulling her closer to you.
"More. Need your fingers" you gasped out, body twitching around Alexia's head. She chuckled against you, the vibrations making you jerk up again into her. She moved your leg off one of her shoulders, and pushed your knee to bend, spreading your legs for her. Her mouth moved back up, toying with your clit again, this time her teeth grazing against it every so often. She teased your pussy with one of her fingers, before sinking it into you all at once, relishing in the unholy noise that left your mouth. She added a second finger almost instantly, pulling her mouth away to look at you. Your head was thrown back against the mattress, one hand with the comforter twisted in your fist, the other still in Alexia's hair. You looked absolutely wrecked, eyes tightly shut, your whole upper body flushed red as you gasped for breath against her movements.
She returned her mouth to you with renewed passion, the sight of you enough to make her frantic to make you come. She sucked your clit into her mouth, flicking her tongue over it insistently, as her fingers curled inside of you, hitting the spot she had memorized, sending your hips bucking up into her mouth. Your walls clenched around her fingers, and she knew you were close before you said it.
"Jesus. Fuck! I'm so close." Your words were barely understandable, broken up by whimpers and moans, as you neared your peak.
"Come for me bebé" she murmured the words against you, and you let go, waves of pleasure washing over you as you fell over the edge, hand gripping her hair tightly. You yelled out her name as you came, and she worked you through it, slowing her fingers and tongue until your body unclenched, and you fell limp against the mattress. She pulled her mouth away from you, allowing her fingers to still inside of you. Resting her head on your thigh, she looked up at you, an arm thrown over your eyes as you panted. If you had looked at her then, you would have been overwhelmed by the obvious love in her eyes, as she patiently waited for you to calm down a little more. She pulled her fingers out of you, bringing them directly up to her tongue, cleaning them off with a moan.
You looked down at her then, your own gaze meeting hers as she pulled her fingers out of her mouth with a filthy sound. Alexia crawled up the bed, pulling you to lay against your chest, and you sighed into her, relishing in the comfort only she could bring you. Her hands rubbed your back softly, but her intent was clear as the moved lower to grab at your ass. You moved your head to look up at her, chin resting on her chest, and her lips curved into a grin looking down at you.
"Más?" she asked quietly, already knowing your answer. In response, you connected your lips to hers again, pushing yourself up to straddle her hips.
part 2? ive never really written fanfiction before... or smut... so I genuinely don't know if this is awful or not. if you want a part 2 of this let me know :). I was originally just gonna write it all at once but i'd rather know if people want to see more or not. Planning more smut for part 2, along with the reader discussing alexia's knee with her [what is a fic without hurt comfort]. let me know if you want to see anything specific :)
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writersmess · 8 months
Ok, first of all
I LOVED the buck fanfic you wrote the other day, my heart...melting! So, I came back with a New idea! (If you want it, of course)
Now. Season 6 Was a rollercoaster of emotions, especially when buck got Hit by lighting. What if his fiance (from your other work) is by him day and night, being all calm and optimistic, knowing buck. And when he finally draws his first breath all alone, she just falls on her knees, crying and finally letting it all out what she held back all this time?
Now, if you don't want to do it, just simply skip 😊 no one forces you. Anyway! Have a great time and take Breaks, think about yourself.
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Pairing: Evan Buckley x fem!reader
Summary: After being proposed to by Buck in the middle of the night, you didn’t expect an accident to change the course of your lives.
Warning: Mental breakdown, crying, hospital, mention of being struck by lightning.
Word count: 1.5k
a/n: oh my god, I didn’t think it would take me so long to get back. these months have been so crazy at work, I’ve been doing crazy shifts and I’m trying to get my social life back together again. I’ve missed writing for our troublemaker boy.
I hope you enjoy it!!! And I apologize if there’s any mistakes, English is not my first language.
It can be read as a sequel to Vivid Dream.
“buck had an accident, we’re at the hospital”
All it took was one message to turn your life upside down.
It’s funny how life is a great well of irony. you spend half of your life by yourself, sometimes hoping to find your soulmate, sometimes not. and then you find them. and they’re everything you didn’t even know you were looking for.
It was amazing how you and buck matched but at the same time were so different. you were adorable. had the warmest and the most welcoming smiles and hugs, and the best advice anyone could ever need. and you were determined, you knew what you wanted for your future, ever since you were a kid. and buck, well, it was buck. the boy who ran away in the hope of finding himself and finding the true meaning of happiness.
which he didn’t imagine that it would be in those sparkling eyes of yours or in that sincere smile on your lips.
and you also didn’t expect to find it so soon in a man like buck. so spontaneous, with such a beautiful smile, and with such a traumatic past.
and that was your fiancé now.
after proposing at 4am in the middle of a shift. with no ring and definitely with no preparation, but with the greatest love that could fit inside of that heart full os scars of him.
“going on a call. love you”
The opened and unanswered message screamed in the car holder as you drove through the dark and empty streets of L.A.
you didn’t know what to expect, what could have happened. you took deep and long breathes, your hands shaking as you gripped the steering wheel, your heart pounding.
“He was struck by lightning”
you knew all the risks that this job entailed, but this was something totally beyond your imagination. it was something impossible to predict.
you paced back and forth in the corner of the waiting room, not wanting to see the looks of pity from your friends. buck would be fine soon, he would face this like he faced everything else.
Eddie without saying a word stopped in front of you and waited until you noticed his presence, so he could hug you. and that’s exactly what you needed at the moment.
“only one of you can go and see him now”
before the doctor had finished his sentence you were at his side, walking with him to the room where your best friend, your fiancé, was.
and he was there. sedated. intubated. It’s like your world was one step away from falling apart. You’d never felt like this before, like control was out of your hands. you had it all figured out, all the plans, the dreams, the next steps, everything was millimetrically planned. and suddenly it wasn’t anymore. your eyes were on Buck lying on the gurney, in such a deep sleep, his face was confused, his frown slightly furrowed, as if he was in an argument, or frustrated.
a few days has passed and Buck’s condition was stable. the days had been grayer, your apartment was empty and you didn’t feel like working, at all. but you woke up every day, put a smile on your face and tried to be optimistic, you had faith that he would get well, he needed to. he needed to come back to you.
You didn’t know it, but 118 commented about you, they thought you were in a state of shock. you didn’t cry, quite the opposite, you always had a smile on your face. when someone was worried about Buck’s situation, you would put your hand on their shoulder and tell them that everything would be fine, that he would be back soon. Eddie was very worried. he knew you, and he knew that you were going to fall apart at any moment, and he hoped to be around when it happened.
you were coming into Buck’s room when you saw Chris talking to your unconscious fiancé, and your eyes automatically filled with tears. you kept quiet and stood in the corner watching the scene and could see Eddie drying his tears, and your heart sank. you needed the love of your life back, Eddie needed his best friend back, Chris needed his playmate back. Buck needed to come back, he needed to fill in the gaps that were open in so many hearts.
“hey buddy, how was your conversation with Buck?” you made yourself noticed when Chris finished talking to him and he smiled when he saw you.
“is he going to be okay right?” Eddie could see you trying hard to hold back the tears, something he didn’t even bother to hide anymore.
“of course sweety, he’ll come back to us”
it was mid-afternoon, you were sitting in the chair next to his bed, trying to read a book, when your mind started to take you to places you didn’t want to go. everything started coming at you hard, all these feelings. it was an anxiety crisis. you felt your heart pounding, difficulty in drawing in air, and tears began to fall.
you approached the bed and held tightly onto the hand of the man lying in that bed.
“babe I can’t do it anymore. I can’t put a smile on my face and pretend that everything is fine when it isn’t. I need you here with me. I know you’ll be fine, I know it. but Chris, Eddie, damn it, everyone, needs you back, we need you, I need you, and I don’t know how to go on without you here, I don’t know. So i need you to fight for me, for us, fight and win this battle babe, win it for me and don’t leave me, please don’t leave me”
And you couldn’t imagine it, but the other end of the line that connected Buck to this plan was in you. He clung to that, he clung to you, to the thought of having you again, and for that he fought, for you he broke the glass that separated him between dream and reality, between life and death, it was for you that everything was worth it. Because of you he would come back.
And he did it.
You could feel a grip on your hand, it was light, but it was there. your eyes widened and your heart skipped a beat. this couldn’t be a reflex, you couldn’t believe it was. and it really wasn’t, your Buck was coming back, he was reacting.
As if he’d sensed it, Eddie appeared in the room with the coffee he’d gone to grab, at the exactly moment your knees failed, and he held you.
“I-Is he...?”
“Hey hey, calm down”
You couldn’t complete the sentence, and before your friend could question you, you heard a weak cough, it was Buck, he really was there. back to you.
You were holding Buck’s hand as if your life depended on it, and to be honest, it kind of did. you, who had never fallen in love in your life, were completely surrendered to those blue eyes that you had begged to see again.
You didn’t notice the moment Eddie left the room, but when your eyes met Buck’s, you burst into tears. He couldn’t say much, and you didn’t even need or want him to try, he was there, that’s all that mattered at the moment. you had your head resting on your intertwined hands on the bed, and the sobs coming from your lips left the words stuck in your throat and in your mind. Buck slowly and painfully raised his trembling hand, reaching your head and resting his hand there.
He waited until you calmed down, and his chest tightened at the way you looked at him. your lips trembling and your face wet from the tears that kept falling down your cheeks.
“you’re back”
“for you” his voice was weak and hoarse.
“I never thought I could love someone the way I love you, buck. please don’t do it again, I know I can’t take it one more time” your voice was low and trembling.
“I proposed to you, I had to come back to make sure it would happen,” he whispered with that little smile on his lips.
“You idiot, you made me a promise to love me for the rest of my days, I was going to pick you up wherever you were,” you replied in a whisper and placed a light kiss on his lips, afraid of hurting him.
“I love you, and i’m going to keep that promise” he said and you nodded your head.
that intimate moment between you lasted only a few minutes, then the nurses and doctor entered the room to check on Buck and as soon as they allowed his friends to come in, the mess was made. there was laughter and loud conversation, happy hugs and stories about the day of the accident, you could hear “too soon?” too many times in a short period of time and all you could do was laugh.
You could see the happiness in your fiancé’s eyes as everyone gathered around, and you finally felt your heart calm down. he was really there, he came back to you and you could finally live out your vivid dreams together.
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sensei-venus · 8 months
Miguel’s Old Flannel~ (Miguel Diaz x Chubby!Reader)
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(Edited) (Date Night, Collage!Miguel, Body Worship, Mild Rough Sex)
Miguel just couldn't stop staring at his girlfriend from the minute she got out of the bathroom. His eyes locked onto her figure as she moved around his room looking for something, he had no idea what. Eyes focused on her figure, the way her thighs jiggled a little as she moved around the room, or the way her ass was basically eating the old pair of night shorts she had brought over at some point. But what got him really going was his stupid old flannel button-up she had dug out of his closet.
The beginning of the night was spent having fun out on a dinner date. After an amazing dinner, they had stopped at a classy little sidebar in town to just have a small drink before heading back to Miguel's place for the night. It was all fun for a while, the two of them talked and kissed a bit in a small booth in the back of the bar.
They cuddled for an hour or so before finishing their drinks and calling it a night and getting ready to leave. He remembered watching her stand up from the booth, he made sure her short dress didn't ride up from sitting down. A split second later she was gasping and stumbling back into the booth table, the front of her dress covered in cold cheap beer.
The whole top of her dress was covered in booze from some random guy who bumped into her. Miguel shot up from the booth in a split second ready to bow up at the guy who just ruined his girlfriend's new dress and completely embarrassed her in front of the whole bar full of people.
The asshole didn't even apologize and just walked off before anyone could say something. Miguel wanted to go off and tell the guy off, even throw a punch or two, but his girlfriend stopped him by saying "It's ok Miggy, how about we just go back to your place and I'll get cleaned up? I just want to get this crap off me before it gets too sticky and I start smelling too bad." She smiled at him and he could only sigh back.
The two of them left and quickly drove back to his apartment where he let her grab whatever she wanted out of his closet to change into. She took a quick shower and showed back up wearing his old flannel.
Now she was parading around his room, ass out, chubby belly poking out the bottom of the slightly snug shirt, round plump breasts that looked like they could spill out at any moment. He couldn't tell if she was acting stupid or if she knew that she was making his dick hard with every jiggle or with every bend that showed off her fat ass.
He wasn't lying about the fact that those shorts were practically getting eaten by her ass, from his viewpoint from the bed he could tell she didn't put any panties on after taking a shower. One wrong move, one slip and he knew he would get an eye full of her naked folds. He wished she would come a little closer and bend over right in front of him just so he could get a nice eye full of her pussy.
"Miguel, can you help me find my phone? I left it somewhere in here but I can't seem to find it," she mumbled as she picked over some random clothes that littered his room. He smirked as he got up from his bed and strolled over to her wiggling form. He slowly snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her wide waist. His hands gripped at the bottom roll of her belly that squeezed out from under his shirt.
He groaned into her hair, his cheek pressed firmly into the side of her head. He smiled saying " You know I think you may have left it on the bed before you got in the shower." His breath fanning over her ear. She gave a small smile before rolling her eyes and gently prying his arms from around her.
She gently pushed him off before walking over to the bed and looking over the sheets and blanket for her lost phone.
Before she could even try to start actually looking for her missing phone, she felt a strong hand push her down onto the bed. Her upper half folded and crumpled down onto the soft mattress. She let out a surprised gasp as large warm hands spread her ass cheeks, a second later one cheek was let go but then a heavy-handed slap was received onto that exact cheek. She could only let out a small pleasure-filled moan as her abused ass cheek was once again pulled apart, her shorts were only pulled to the side for a moment, and her damp pussy lips exposed.
"Shit mama your already getting wet for me and all I did was give you a little spank to the ass? I think I might have to fix that." a moment later she felt him run a thick thumb through her folds, pushing on her clit before running down her lips to her hole.
She could feel herself twitch as his thumb slowly pushed into her, she shivered and bit her bottom lip as he moved his finger in and out of her tight cunt."Miggy please stop teasing me like that." Her voice was pitched a little too much for her liking, the way he slowly traced her gummy walls made her squirm. He was playing with her. Her face was growing hotter and hotter by the minute the more he played around with her cunt.
She could feel the way she was starting to drip off his finger. Moments later the thumb that had been inside her was removed and before she could protest, the shorts she had on were yanked off and she was being lifted and thrown onto the bed face first. She yelped as she was manhandled onto the bed.
Her head turned to look at the smirking Miguel who stood at the front of the bed. He was quick to make work of his sweatpants and boxers, his shirt was pulled off and thrown on the other side of the room. Her eyes were half-lidded as she took in the sight of her boyfriend. The way his abs moved every time he took a deep breath or the way his pecs naturally twitched in the moment. Her mouth watered as her eyes moved south. The way he held his fat cock in one hand and slowly stroked it. He was already hard and waiting.
She watched as the same thumb that had just been inside her was rubbed over his slit, swiping away a bead of pre. Her mind was fuzzy as he joined her on the bed and went to work kissing along her neck and the exposed area of her chest. Her fingers slowly started to unbutton the shirt to give him more room.
When she reached the last button she was starting to pant, she tried to completely take the old shirt off she was stopped by Miguel's hands on top of hers.
"Keep it on, I want to fuck that pretty little cunt while you wear my shirt, got it." his like were hot against her soft tit as he looks up at her with his big brown puppy dog eyes.
She nodded as she let the now-open shirt fall open. A moment later she was flipped over onto the big bed, her face in the sheets as her ass hung in the air completely exposed to her boyfriend who hovered over her body. She moaned out as once again she was spread open, but a moment later the blunt head of Miguel's dick was pushing into her hole. He was slow to enter, he hissed as her tight walls pulled him in. She was so hot and wet that he could nearly stop himself from going balls deep right into her.
It didn't take long for him to bottom out inside her. Within seconds had was already pulling out to the tip and thrusting back in. The sound of his balls meeting thick ass echoed around his room. One of his hands played with her rolls before landing on one of her breasts.
His fingers pulled and pinched at her hard nipple as he grouped at the flesh of her tit. His other hand pushed her face into the bed, her face tilted to the side as she moaned out at every thrust. Her body jiggled with every thrust making Miguel almost purr with lust. His chest molded to her back. He sucked along the back of her neck and across her shoulders.
He could only smirk as he speed up and his girlfriend squirmed and whimpered in pleasure under him. He grunted out as his trusts grew deeper and the sounds of their lovemaking got louder. Actually he fully admitted, it wasn't love making, he was fucking his girlfriend stupid. He could feel her tight little cunt squeeze around him every time he moved inside of her.
He could feel the wetness pooling around the base of his dick and the way it was starting to drip down his balls. The way she moved against him made him grin even harder. Her ass moved back against him every time he pulled out. If he was really in the teasing mood he would have loved to completely pull out and slap his dick over her wet cunt a few times for show. But he didn't feel like it, he just wanted to watch his girlfriend fall apart on his dick, in his shirt. It wasn't long before he knew she was close.
The way she was starting to clamp up around his shaft and her thick thighs started to shake, threatening to collapse under her. Her moans were starting to turn into high-pitched screams into the sheet below. He could his own balls drawing up with every pass of her wet folds. He quickly flipped her on her side, throwing a leg over his shoulder and straddling the other one. He watched as her belly pooled and rolled with every thrust he made. The way her tits bounced. Her eyes were squeezed shut but he could see the tears in her lashes. She moaned out as she grasped at his forearm and moved against him. Her lips were swollen and he could see where she was biting at her bottom one.
He couldn't stop himself from pulling open the shirt more and letting one of his free hands go down to start circling her clit. She hissed at the feeling of her clit being played with. He speed up as he mouthed at her tit.
"Cum on my cock mama, cream on my dick and I'll fuck a load right into that cunt. You deserve a fat load right in that fat cunt. Being such a good girl for me, taking my fat cock like a champion. Cum mama."
A few thrusts later she was clamping around him, he could only watch as her belly squeezed and her legs shook. Her foot dug into his back as her toes curled from her orgasm. Her scream was silent. Her chest shook as she panted out, he could almost feel her vibrating underneath him. His own orgasm hit him like a wave. He was balls deep as he shot his load right into her cunt. He could feel himself jerk inside her with every new spurt of seed. He rocked back and forth into her, his fingers still playing with her clit to help her ride out her orgasm. For a good second, he could feel the head of his dick brush against her cervix.
They sat like that for a good few minutes, the only sound in the room was their heavy breathing. Their skin was tacky with sweat. Miguel didn't want to pull out, he wanted to keep her used cunt stuffed with his cum for the rest of the night, but he slowly pulled out. He let her leg fall to the side as the head of his soft cock left her hole with a small pop, leaving it gapping and sticky.
He smirked as he watched her little pussy gasp around nothing and a slow trickle of white seed started to drip out onto the sheets below. His dick left with a creamy ring around the base as a happy reminder of how his girl creamed all over him.
Catching her breath she panted out " Maybe I should dig around in your closet for stuff to wear to bed more often if that's the kinda reaction I'm going to get out of you." She gave a tired smile.
Miguel could only raise an eyebrow before smirking and replying back "I don't think you will even fit in one the next time, your tits will be too full of milk and your belly too big with our kid. If we keep doing this I knew ill get you pregnant before the end of the year."
He watched as her head fell back into the bed with her eyes closed in her orgasm afterglow.
He could only bite his lip as he watched more cum drip down her folds and down her ass.
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luaveltarot · 1 year
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(Pile 1-4 from left to right)
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𝕻𝖎𝖑𝖊 1
Stop being neutral. You need to have faith in yourself and stand up for your beliefs. I see you are tangled but it’s time to trust your wings so you can rise above that situation. You have to expect things can happen for you too and I see many blessings coming your way, they are about to knock on your door but you need to put the effort of walking up to the door to open it. You just can’t stand in confusion and contemplate whether to open the door or not. Or pick that call and let it ring till the screen goes black again. You’ll say life seems stagnant and you feel so stuck but even if something is right in front, you need to have enough confidence to face the consequences. Ik that you are having a hard time adulating, life does feel scary when you suddenly get independent but if everyone was scared like you, the ones who came before you then they wouldn’t even be able to get out of their house. They trusted themselves and they overcame this fear. It’s a cycle. Comfort zone does feel good but then you feel stagnant too right. So what will you do? You will trust your developed wings and fly out then you’ll see so many beautiful ,colourful and vibrant flowers. You’ll see trees, you’ll realise that whole is yours and there are more garden around you with various fragrances. You’ll even realise that your favourite fragrance and your favourite colour seems to change. You’ll slowly evolve and you’ll not even realise. You’ll look back at your old self and feel so proud of yourself of this time that yes I was not meant for one garden but trillions of gardens. The warmth of sun will make you feel alive again. You’ll feel energetic and you’ll be happy:).
𝕻𝖎𝖑𝖊 2
Ok so you are unable to say no in your everyday life and that is what has burdened you, tired you and exhausted you. Things don’t manifest for you because you are not prioritising your sanity. You make others happy instead of yourself. You are waiting for something to happen but what I feel is that what you want you, you do everything it’s like you are standing right in front of what you wanted but suddenly you get a call from behind, you turn around and go to help others or just stand there to let them know you are there. Love yourself like you love others. I feel as if everyone loves you and adores you but this has created an invisible pressure on you to always be their superhero. It’s time to reflect and explore what the inner you is screaming at you but you can’t hear. You need to open up your throat chakra and learn to say no. I feel you’ve got mute to your emotions. Your emotions are also you and you just can’t treat yourself so unfairly. You are not obliged to meet anyone’s expectations really. Set yourself free, take a break and recharge yourself. Once you rest yourself enough I feel that things will happen for you smoothly. Make time for yourself, you need it. Stop sacrificing yourself for others and feel your breaths. You are alive for yourself, yes we have to be there for others but you can’t expect your 1% charged phone to go on forever, it will turn off and you will have to plug it in to charge enough so you can use it again. Same way you are required to charge yourself. Take care of yourself. <3
𝕻𝖎𝖑𝖊 3
Someone you love has been sick? You lost some kind of opportunity because of them. You could have done so much in your life but your life stopped because you had to take care of someone significant in your life. Because of all this you feel no drive or inspiration. How long has it been since you last laughed? Laugh and laugh till your belly hurts. Watch a stand up comedy or see funny videos but laugh and smile more often. For those who have cats as pets, they feel you and they love you a lot. You have started to procrastinate a lot because you want to escape reality. Maybe you started some business and it failed too so now you are hard on yourself by pinching money. Money is coming towards you so don’t lose hope. This phase is temporary and will soon pass so don’t you worry. So many responsibilities and you have a hard time juggle all of them. Spend time with your pet and smile more often. For most part I feel it’s between a love interest and finances you are stuck, in between your creativity and inner child suffering so try to stay more optimistic, everything will be fine, trust me!
𝕻𝖎𝖑𝖊 4
You need to protect yourself energetically. Everyday imagine white light surrounding you as a protective barrier. Moving forward, I see that you have been betrayed and things have just been chaotically bad for you in 3D. For some you have lost someone you loved and if it calms you to know then know they are in a better place. Also stop wanting to stand out, i think it will be better if you get lowkey for awhile and not have everyone’s attention on you because you have lot of evil eyes surrounding you. You also let the past stay in past and not move with the whole damn shackles in the present. You need to break those shackles of past events and move forward. Life ahead of you is colourful and vibrant, you will have many choices in life especially in love and friendship matters so next time you shower, imagine the water cleaning you and all the negativity flowing down the drain. I can already feel how light you’ll feel both internally and externally. There is hope and the sky will get clear, you’ll see sun and rainbows again. If possible sit in the presence of God or pray that you get calmness and comfort.
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You're Safe With Me
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Minho x reader female
Summary: Minho is out on a daily run to map the maze and he finds a girl trapped in the maze, on her own, with no sign of how she got there. Minho takes her back to the glade, and looks after her for her first night.
Word count: 1950
Read time : 13 minutes
Cool rock on your face, littered with debris. Nice and relaxing coolness, want to sleep. Dust filling air, hard to breathe, want to cough, dry throat, can't cough. Constant thump, distant and mesmerizing. Loud breathing, mine or someone else's?
"I want sleep, but where am I?" you croak, burning your throat as you speak. You opened your eyes.
Walls, tall and ancient , ivy covered walls, three walls surrounding you, one long corridor. Trapped, your chest felt tight and you found it hard to breathe.
You got up and walked toward the end of the corridor and saw two exits, you took a step back, hide.
The thumps got louder, closer and closer. And heavy breathing followed it. Someone was there. Who. Maybe it's a person.
I should check. But I am scared. I should check. My chest is tight again.
Dizzy, spinning walls, the dirt is flying. Must. Check. Now. Sit down before I fall. Yell out, now sitting, I am safe.
"Help me! Where am I?" you croaked half yelling.
"Who are you, where are you? How did you get in here? I am going to find you." a voice replied.
"just stay where you are." it ordered
You were sitting too close to the entryway of your corridor. So that's when he saw you and you saw him, he kind of, almost, maybe ran into you.
He lowered his body to match your height and reached one of his arms to you and placed his hand on your shoulder, you flinched.
"Hey, it's okay. You're okay. You are safe now. Let's get you out of here and get you some food and water." the boy spoke gently "You are safe with me."
He hooked his arm over your shoulders and using his free hand, he held onto your hands.
"It's okay, you are safe, I promise"
"I get that I am safe but, but are there more of you? Like, more people?"
"Yeah, there are more people, they are all great people."
"Okay then, keep them away from me. By the way, what is your name?"
"My name? Minho. I am Minho"
"Okay Minho, I don't want to meet your friends."
You stopped walking, you understood he was taking you to them.
"I know that you are scared, but please, you need to keep moving. How about you, what is your name?"
After an hour of walking and being dragged, you had arrived to a point where there was a break in the walls, leading out to a grassy square, filled with boys running about, working.
You hid around a corner, "No, I am not going." It didn't faze Minho as he walked into the grassy place and yelled.
"Alby! I am back!" a boy came running to Minho
"Newt, where's Alby? I need to show him something"
"Sorry Minho, he can't come, he is dealing with something important at the moment."
"Okay then Newt, if you say so. You are going to want to see this."
Minho began leading the boy assumably called Newt to your location, you told him you didn't want to meet anyone else.
"Minho, NO, I told you I didn't want to meet your stupid friends"
"Minho, who the shuck said that?"
"Ahhh, does Alby's important business have something to do with no greenie being in the box when it came up?" you poked your head around the corner to listen in.
"Well, Newt. I found our greenie in the middle of the maze." He gestured foy you to come to him.
"Come on darling, it's okay. This is Newt, he is really nice. Remember, I promised that you would be safe with me." Newt waved.
You began to slowly walk to the two boys, when you got there you grabbed Minho's arm and hugged it closely for comfort, he looked down at you and swilled a warm smile.
"Minho, I want you to come back with me, I feel safe in there, come back with me." you began to tug his arm, but his tall muscular build made it impossible to move him. After giving up you just walked back into the walls, Minho followed. Newt yelled to him. "Minho, you have like, 30 seconds to get out."
"Look, you need to get out of here, it isn't safe in here, you could die on your own."
"Minho, Get out now!" Newt yelled
"I am sorry, but you have to move"
"10-9" Minho picked you up and began to run "8-7-6-5" a few meters left to the grass "4-3" A giant gust of wind "2" you fell out of Minho's arms and landed on the grass "1" BANG!
"You still want to be in there now? You could have died for shuck sake. What were you thinking?" Newt was yelling at you. You began to cry, you didn't like yelling.
Yelling hurt, you couldn't quite connect the dots but, you remembered when you were yelled at, you would get hit.
You cowered, bracing for impact through heavy sobs. "Please don't hit me. Please don't. Don't hit me. Don't yell. What did I do wrong. I am sorry. Just hit me."
You cried so hard and found it hard to breathe, "Just hit me already, I am used to it. Sorry for being a burden."
When you didn't get hit you decided to see what was happening, so you turned your head. When you turned around you saw Minho having a go at Newt because of what he did. Newt pointed at you and spoke to Minho "You might want to talk to her, calm her down"
"Hey, hey. It's okay" he sat down on the grass with you, you were curled up in a loose ball so he wrapped himself around you. Giving you a warm hug.
"Do you want me to just be here, or do you want me to comfort you?"
"Both." you said, in broken sobs "I don't think that I like Newt."
"I get that you might not like him but, he was yelling out of concern, you could have died today, and he was very worried about you."
"I know, I, I just remember that whenever I got yelled at, I would be hit until I couldn't feel it anymore. Yelling hurts, I don't like it"
"He is sorry, I already talked to him, he didn't know that that triggered you."
"Okay, it was just a bit scary."
"I know, it's okay now. I promise, you are safe. Also, meet Alby, he is our leader."
"Hey there greenie, I see you have already made close friends with my best man."
"How long have you been watching?"
"I have been standing there since I heard you bawling your eyes out. Sorry about Newt, he was just really worried about you, he always is worried about the green-beans. By the way, what's your name?"
"Y/n, that's my name."
"Well then Y/n, we are going to need to find you some sleeping arrangements, it is already dark."
"Okay, where can I sleep?"
"We have some huts, some of the guys already sleep in them, the most important ones at least. Lucky Minho has one. And we have some hammocks outside the homestead. Your choice."
"Minho, can I sleep in your hut? I can take the floor if you want."
"Uhh, sure. If you really want to, I will take the floor though."
"Well, Y/n, now you have sleeping arrangements you'd be best to go have a sleep, you have had a rough day. We will need to talk in the morning so we can set a few boundaries."
Minho helped pull you up off of the ground.
"Let's go, I will show you my hut." he smiled so warmly that you couldn't help but calm down a bit.
He hooked his arm around your waist and walked you away to his hut.
"Here we are Y/n, this is my hut, just let me unlock it" he fumbled around his pocket for his keys and finally fished them out. when he unlocked it you got a strong smell of woodiness and a bit of boy funk, but it was quite comforting.
The room was about three meters by three meters, not too big but big enough to have his bed and chair in there.
He pushed the chair into the corner and placed a sleeping bag on the floor. He made the bed and pulled all the sheets back into place and put the pillow back on the bed. It wasn't much but it was his hut, it had bits of paper strewn everywhere and had notes scrawled on them.
He pointed to the bed "Sleep, you need it"
"But, what about you, you don't need to sleep on the floor."
"I can sleep in the sleeping bag, I say you sleep on the bed, so do it."
You got into his bed and curled up under his covers. The smell of them were so comforting. You couldn't sleep though, you felt too vulnerable, you could be hit while you were asleep, nightmares could come.
After what felt like hours of tossing and turning you finally gave up trying to sleep, you were too scared.
"Minho, are you still awake"
"Yeah, what's up Y/n? To busy wanting to talk to me than sleep hey?" Minho was half-asleep, he spoke groggily, he sounded like he was drunk.
"I can't sleep, I am too scared, I don't want to be here."
Minho got up and sat on the end of the bed.
"Look, you need to go to sleep, it isn't healthy being awake for too long. What can I do to help you sleep?"
"I don't know, I don't feel safe, what if Newt comes and yells again, and hits me this time?" You sat up. "I don't want to be alone."
"You aren't alone Y/n, how about I sit next to you until you fall asleep. Do you think that would help?"
"O-ok. Thanks"
"Would you mind scooching over though, so I can sit next to you."
"Yeah, sure." you shuffled over so that you were a bit closer to the wall.
Minho stood up and walked towards your end of the bed and sat down, well actually, more like he fell. "Sorry Y/n, just tripped on my shucking rubbish"
He pulled the covers off of you and shifted his body down so that he was lay next to you. Then he pulled the covers back onto both of you.
"Thanks Minho, I, I just don't feel safe here, or anywhere. It's like I am missing something."
Minho began to fiddle with your hair.
"You know Y/n, I think that you are overreacting. And you also need a hug"
Minho forced his arm under your back and pulled you into his warm chest, embracing you, comforting you. "Remember, I told you that you are safe with me"
"Minho, thankyou, thanks for making me feel safe, making me feel like I am worth it."
"Anytime Y/n, but maybe next time, do what you're told, you could have died today, if it weren't for Newt, I wouldn't have gotten you out in time."
"He's still scary though" you mumbled, groggily.
The warmth of Minho's chest was comforting, soothing and relaxing. You were in just the right spot to listen to his heartbeat, it was almost as mesmerizing as his footsteps when he was running.
"Y/n, I understand that, but I will keep you safe, I will protect you. so go to sleep now, I will too, I am already too comfy to go back to my sleeping bag."
You chuckled.
"Okay Minho, goodnight" then you were out like a light.
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Eye Opener
Prompt: After a nasty argument between your son and Gibbs, he runs away.
Notes: Ends on a good note. Also, I gave the son a name for the sake of writing. It would be a little difficult and confusing if I kept putting S/N, Y/N, etc. Let me know if anyone doesn’t like that. 🙃
You tried his cell again but had no luck as it went straight to voicemail. “Dammit Noah.”
The next number you called was Noah’s best friend. Thankfully, he picked up on the second ring.
“Hey Seth, is Noah with you?”
“Uh, no. I haven’t seen him since school ended today. I asked if he wanted a ride but he was gonna take the bus.”
“Ok, well he calls or comes to your place will you please let me know? Thank you.”
You hung up with him and bit your lip nervously. You didn’t want to call Jethro and get him worried but it was extremely unusual for your son not to come home after school, let alone not answer his phone. He knew the rule to always let one of you know where he was.
You suspected his behavior had something to do with the argument him and Jethro had last night over career choices. Noah wanted to join the Marines but Jethro was adamant on not letting him, telling him that it was too dangerous and not worth throwing away his academic achievements. You knew he was just scared of his son getting hurt, maybe even killed in the line of duty and was trying to protect him but Noah didn’t see it like that. All he saw was his father being a hypocrite and control freak.
Deciding that you couldn’t wait any longer without letting your husband know, you got in your car and drove to the navy yard, getting your visitor pass and taking the elevator to his floor.
You spotted the familiar grey-haired Marine standing beside Bishop as they both stood in front of the plasma tv that showed a picture of a random Naval officer and made your way over, ignoring Tony’s wave.
“Jethro, I need to talk with you please,” you said, making him turn around. The team just stared in silence as you both walked off to the hallway, not sure if their boss was in trouble or not.
“What’s the matter?” he asked, seeing how distressed you were.
“It’s Noah. He never came home from school and he’s not answering his phone. I called Seth to see if he was with him but he says he hasn’t seen him since school. You know he always lets us know if he’s not coming straight home. And after the argument last night-.”
“Alright, alright. It’s gonna be fine, we’ll figure it out,” he comforted, pulling you into his arms and hugging you tight, stopping your spiraling. You took a deep breath, Jethro’s presence calming you down immediately.
“Let’s see if McGee can help,” he said softly, giving your temple a kiss and pulling away. You followed him back into the squad room and smiled lightly at the team.
“McGee, I need a trace on Noah’s phone.”
“On it boss.”
“What’s going on? Everything alright?” Bishop asked with concern.
You explained the situation as McGee’s computer beeped.
“Alright boss, his phone is at the corner of 18th and M street.”
“What’s over there?” you asked. Jethro’s face became hard as he grabbed his jacket and began walking off. “Recruitment Center.”
The car screeched to a stop in front of the building and Jethro exited the car aggressively. You got out quickly and tried to stop him before he got to the door but it was too late. Ripping open the door, he stepped in and we saw Noah sitting at a desk with a Marine in uniform across from him.
“Get up, now,” Jethro growled at your son who looked just as angry.
“No. It’s too late. I already signed the papers.”
Jethro went to reach for the papers but Noah grabbed them and stood up, challenging his father. Both you and the recruiter just watched as the two Gibbs’ bored holes into each other, neither one willing to back down.
“You don’t know what you’re getting into Noah. You’re throwing away a perfectly good education,” Gibbs argued.
“I know exactly what I’m getting into dad. You can’t make all the decisions for me, I’m 18 now. I wanna fight for my country-
“And what if you die fighting for your country?! What then?! I’m not letting you go, so that I can lose you!”
“You’re gonna lose me if you don’t let me do this!”
You put your hand on your husband’s shoulder, trying to simmer the fire between the two stubborn men and added your piece.
“Jethro, he’s right. We can’t force him not to do something just because we’re scared. It’s not fair to him.”
He didn’t say anything but continued staring his son down, a battle going on behind his eyes. A second later, he grabbed Noah and pulled him in for a bone crushing hug, arms wrapping around his body and gripping his jacket tight.
Noah hugged him back and your eyes stung with tears threatening to fall.
“Why do you have to grow up so fast,” Jethro whispered, letting him go and putting his hands on Noah’s shoulders. “As much as I don’t want you to do this, I get it. I felt the same way when I was your age. Just promise me you’ll be smart. And you’ll call us every week, come hell or high water.”
Noah nodded, wiping a couple tears away and cleared his throat, trying to be stoic. Now it was your turn to hug him, relieved that he was safe but sad that you only had little time left to spend with your little boy.
Noah gave the recruitment papers to the Marine and you stood by Jethro, hugging his arm and resting your head on his shoulder as they finished up the paperwork. Once everything was done, you all got into the car and began driving home.
“Don’t think that you leaving for boot camp gets you out of being grounded for making your mother and I worried about where you were all day,” Jethro said, looking at your son in the rear view mirror.
“I’m sorry about that but I knew Uncle Tim would pull through,” he replied with a small smirk.
“Well since you have such an allegiance to Uncle Tim, you can babysit the twins this weekend and mow his yard as well.”
The smirk left Noah’s face and appeared on Jethro’s as he looked over at you and gave you a wink.
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yanderemommabean · 2 years
Scenario with a Twist
((Dumb little idea that makes no sense))
“What now? I’m tired” You yawn, leaning into the doorframe as you try and stay wake. Someone was knocking on your door frantically, and while you should be more worried, usually it’s your roommate being ridiculous and trying to prank you. 
“Dude, we need to call the police-” She says frantically, pushing you inside the room and slamming the door shut. 
“What? Helena, please, I have work in the morning- Im not in the mood” you gripe, beginning to shove her out. She roughly shoves you back, the roughness waking you up more and causing you to see that she wasn’t kidding. 
Helena seemed panicked, like prey being chased with no idea where to hide. “No, I’m serious, fucking call the police! Some creep is fucking around outside and I swear to christ he’s touching himself!” 
You swallow thickly, taking in her words and trying to digest the situation. Ok, Ok, you can handle this! It’s fucked up but it’ll be ok. “I won’t let him hurt you alright? Just sit in here with me and I’ll get the police” you assure, though you felt nauseated and as if your heart would crawl out of your throat from fear. 
You begin to dial, but pause when you hear knocking on the front door, Helena screamed into her hand from fear as she scurried to hide on the side of your bed. 
“Y/N! Fuck please don’t answer that door! I-I don’t trust anyone! Just call the cops!” she spits out in a panic, her chest rising and falling faster as her breath quickens. 
You nod, ignoring the banging on the door as you get ahold of the police, squeezing Helena's hand as she shakes and trembles on your bed. You’ve never seen the poor thing so shaken, as if she was about to die -and you both may very well be in that much danger. 
While waiting, you hear aggressive shuffling and banging outside of your window, and the silhouette of a man. Your heart stops for a brief second, watching as the shadow crawls along and seems to be trying to peer into your window. 
Helena sobs, curling into you as the man taps on the window, as if testing the strength, being so eerily quiet. As if he’s debating which methods would be best, and as if he's done something like this before. 
You hold Helena closer to you, and she clings to you tightly as she tries to calm herself. You press her face into your shoulder as you scream, trying to scare the man off. “The cops are coming! Get the fuck out of here!” 
All you heard in return was a laugh, highly amused, as if the stranger saw that threat as cute. 
“Awe, is that suppose to mean something to me?” the voice finally speaks, and before you can retort, a fist flies through the glass of your window and shatters it to the floor. 
You scream, throwing your phone as a last ditch effort to get him away as you scatter to the door, trying to get Helena out of your bed and to safety. “Helena! Helena come on he’s coming!” You scream, trying your damnedest to open the door. 
The man rubs his head where your phone collided, and gruffly speaks to the woman who was no longer cowering on your bed. “Babe, you can cut the act now, Kinda need help here”. He rubs his temple to soothe the burning, pounding ache while your roommate nods, and tugs you back over, covering your mouth as you scream. 
“Shh shh shh. No no! Listen-” Helena rushes, getting the man to help subdue you as you writhe and start to cry. “He wanted the theatrics here, but- Look I just- We both really like you! OK? And he made so many good points about us loving you more than anyone ever could!” 
The stranger sits on your legs to keep you still, gripping your throat firmly “Y/N, focus here. Need you to keep up with everything we’re telling ya, because this plan has to go off without a hitch” he starts, not removing his hand until you weakly nod your head in defeat. 
“Good. See? Knew you could be good for me” he purrs, kissing your cheek while Helena pets your hair. “Gonna make a break-in scene. Kidnapped person with no trace? Happens all the time. Helena here is an amazing actor as you can tell, so she’ll get by the police pretty easily” he says while cupping her face, kissing her gently as she leans into his touch. 
Helena pulls away with a breath, looking to you almost dreamily “I can’t wait to get you home…There’s so much I’ve been holding back on. I’ll do my best to lead the police away, so we can all finally be together!” 
You feel overwhelmed, your throat tightening and your chest feeling as if it’s filled with needles. There’s no fucking way! You’re wanting this to be a sick, crossing the line joke, but Helena looks so sincere, and her twisted lover seems just as demented and serious. 
He rocks his hips against yours slowly, grinning “We’re going to have a lot of fun on your first night home. Helena has so many great ideas to ease you in, and I personally can’t wait to shower you and pamper you in my love”. 
Helena reaches into his back pocket, pulling out a rag “This covered in the stuff baby?” she asks. “Yeah, not too strong a dose, but it’ll do the job we need” he comments casually, as if you weren’t being abducted and possibly about to be murdered. 
They kiss again, and when they pull away, Helena pushes the rag to your nose and mouth with a look of guilt. “You’re probably terrified…Just inhale ok? You’ll get some sleep, and when you wake up we’ll make sure you’re safe and sound” 
You weakly try to fight once again, but your vision swims and turns to dots, before finally falling black. The last thing you hear before passing out is the two discussing what part of the plan to enact next. 
(I hope you liked! It was a fun little idea of mine! -Mommabean)
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doe-eyed-fool · 3 months
Fallen {Chapter Twelve}
Alastor x (fem)Reader
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Angel walked over to his bed and sat down, still not looking at me. I stood awkwardly a few feet away from his door, unsure of what to say. I look at Angel, he held himself with a mixture of anger and a sadden on his face. The only thing that broke the silence was little snorts and oinks from his pet pig, Fat Nuggets.
He waddles up to Angel and nudges his leg with his nose. Angel picks him up and pets his head with a slight smile. "How long have you had him?" I ask. Angel finally looks at me. "A long time." He tells me. "He's gotten me through a lot of tough shit." Fat Nuggets snorts and licks Angel's hand.
I smile softly. "He's a good pig." Angel chuckles and nods. "He is." Angel then pats the space on the bed next to him. "Come on." I walk to the bed and sit down. After a minute or two I finally gained the nerve to ask. "So...Is everything ok?" Angel stopped petting Fat Nuggets for a second before continuing. "No not really." He says under his breath.
"Does it have to do with that?" I say, pointing at my head where the bruise was on his. Angel freezes. "Fuck, I thought I covered it." He places a hand on the bruise, wincing slightly as he made contact with it.
"What happened? If you don't mind to talk about it." Angel sighs heavily. "Remember when I told you my boss is a dick?" Oh...I see. I look down at my hands in my lap. "I'm sorry Angel." Angel shrugs. "I'm use to it." I look back at him. "You shouldn't be. You shouldn't be getting hit at all." I tell him firmly. I'd be a fool to ask why wouldn't he just quit. But I knew in his line of work, quitting wasn't an option. Which only made his situation all the more heartbreaking.
"Fucker took almost all of the money I made last night too, just to add insult to injury." Angel says angrily. "What I would give to give that asshole a piece of my mind." I place my hand on his, he flinched before relaxing slowly. "I wouldn't mind giving him a piece of my mind either." I tell him honestly.
Angel chuckled weakly. "Eh, what can you do? I knew what I was getting into when I first met the bastard. No point in trying to change things."
"Why not? I understanding leaving isn't an option but...Can't Charlie help you at all? He's an overlord, but Charlie is royalty, he'd have to listen to her." Angel's feint smile dropped, his expression becoming more serious. "No way. I ain't getting no one involved in this." I blink in surprise. "But Angel-"
"I mean it. Do not tell Charlie. Or anyone else at that." Angel says firmly. I sigh and nod my head. I hated to agree though, I didn't want to see Angel get hurt like this anymore.
Angel might have been a bit rash and cruel sometimes, but once you got to know him, he wasn't half bad. And he certainly didn't deserve to be treated in such a way. Angel then sighed before wiping his puffy eyes. "Alright. Enough with this pity party." He stands up from the bed and set Fat Nuggets down.
"I need to do something to take my mind off of that dickhead for a while." He walks over to his closet and sorts through some of the various outfits he had. "I think I'll call up Cherri and go shopping. It's been a minute since we went out together." I couldn't help but wonder who Cherri was.
Angel pulled out a short black skirt along with a matching tube top, as well as some thigh high socks and high heels. "You wanna come along?" He asks as he turns to me. "Huh?" I tilt my head. "I haven't see you leave this hotel since you got here. Don't you want to get out for a while?"
"Uh, I would but..." I trailed off. Angel waited for my excuse. "I don't think it would be a good idea for me to leave here at the moment." I tell him. Angel raised an eyebrow. "Why not?" He asked. "Well, Alastor said-"
"And stop right there." Angel cuts me off. "You're letting smiles tell you what to do now? I get you two are close and shit but still. He's not in charge of you."
"I know that, but he said I should stay here. I think he's concerned for my safety." I say, half lying. Angel rolls his eyes. "Oh please. You'll be fine. Besides, you're gonna be with me and Cherri. Nothing's gonna happen to ya." I take a minute to think about it.
If what Alastor said was true, Vox might pull something in order to harm me in some way. "Aaaand, it would make me feel better if you came along." Angel says with a smirk.
I cross my arms. "That's not how you get people to do things for you." I say with a playful smile. "Come ooooon! It'll be fine! Please?" I shake my head. "Ok fine. But only for a little while." Angel's smile brightens. "Great! Step out for a sec so I can change and I'll be right out."
I do as he says and walked out of the room to give him some privacy. After a few minutes Angel steps out of his room, and we were off.
Later we show up at the front of the mall, I was shocked to see just how huge this mall was. It was the biggest mall I've ever seen, having at least 12 floors. And of course, it had that special hell touch to it. "There she is." Angel says as he spots his friend Cherri.
She was a pale white demon with one eye in the center of her face. Her hair was wild, and she had hot pink tattoos littered here and there. "Come on." He takes me along. Cherri noticed him and a wide grin fell onto her face. "Heya Angie!" She greets him. "Who's your friend?"
"Hey Sugar Tits. This is Y/n, she's new to the hotel. I wanted to get her out of that place for a while, hope it's ok that she tags along." Cherri shrugs. "If you're cool with her, so am I." Angel, Cherri, and I walked into the mall.
We spent a good few hours going to different stores and trying on all sorts of clothes. Cherri and Angel were really close friends, there were points where I felt a little left out. However, it was quickly dismissed when Cherri would focus on me. She was actually pretty nice. Wild. But nice.
"Oh! Y/n, let's go in there. That place has some really cute clothes, I just know they'll look great on you!" Cherri says as she takes my hand and leads me inside a shop.
I was in need of some new clothes, so this was nice. I tried to gently reject any suggestion of revealing or skimpy clothing, however. But, luckily, Cherri and Angel, had great taste in clothes.
I was able to find plenty of new outfits, though I couldn't help but feel a little guilty about them paying for it all. For sinners, they really could be very sweet.
I made sure to thank them before we all left the store, we headed to a few more places inside the mall, and even grabbed a bite to eat, before finally leaving and making our way back to the hotel.
However, we were suddenly confronted by a group of dangerous looking demons...
(lol sorry this one was short)
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Connor Rhodes- Nightmare
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"YN come on we're gonna be late" April jumps off my bed as I'm just finishing up my lipstick
"Ok. I'm done" I put down my lipstick and check my phone "we're not late anyway we've got another 10 minutes before we need to leave"
"Yes but knowing you it's going to take 20 to get you to chose your shoes
"Hey I'm not that bad" I laugh grabbing my purse from my bed and go to my shoe rack by the front door. I quickly chose what I'm wearing and we leave my apartment to my car.
We're halfway to the restaurant where we're meant to be meeting our boyfriends Connor and Ethan, when the car suddenly stops in the middle of nowhere. I get out of my car and groan
"I'll call Connor" I say getting out my phone about to ring my boyfriend. I then see I have no signal "April have you got signal?"
"No. Damn it" I know a little about cars thanks to growing up alongside Kelly so I go to have a look. I put up the hood of the car when I hear April scream
"April?" I run over to her on the floor covered in blood. My hands immediately go to put pressure on her wound
"Run" she whispers
"What? Why would I..." I'm cut off by someone grabbing me from behind. I start to scream
"Shhh baby it's ok. It's just me" I hear my ex Jack say.
2 years ago I broke up with Jack thanks to the help of Chicago Pd. Turns out he was a drug dealer, but he was making weird concoctions that were killing people, mainly teenagers. Jack recently escaped prison and I've been under protection since PD think he's going to come after me
"How did you get out?" I ask terrified
"I'll always get you back baby" he says in my ear which makes me shiver. April on shaking legs stands up "let me just deal with this one" he points at April
"No please leave her" Jack throws me on the floor "April run" I scream and she legs it Jack runs after her and catches up. He stabs her the stomach multiple times
"APRIL NO" I scream then cry
"Tut tut. That was a very bad idea" I get up and run, Jack running after me. I hide in a bush "come out come out wherever you are" I manage to get signal and start to type on my phone to send a text but Connor starts ringing me "there you are" I scream as he stabs me, I'm lying on the floor in and out of consciousnesses when I can hear someone telling me to wake up....
"Babe, baby" I open my eyes, my chest is tight "baby look at me. Your ok. It's me. No one is going to get you. I'm right here" Connor pulls me into his arms even tighter, if that was possible. He places kisses on my head waiting for me to calm down "was it the same dream?" I nod my head. Once my breathing steadies Connor asks "do you want to talk about it?"
"He hurt April this time. I watched him stab her"
"April is ok I promise. He won't hurt anyone"
"But what if he does? What if he finds the people I care about and hurts them?"
"He doesn't know who your friends are they're going to be ok"
"But what if..."
"Enough what ifs. Your safe. We're all safe I promise" Connor places another kiss on my head "Voight will find Jack and he will be locked up for the rest of his life"
"But he escaped once whats to say he won't again?"
"Voight won't let it happen. Try and get some more sleep"
"Ok" I sigh closing my eyes listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat and focusing on the feeling of him stroking my hair.
Thankfully I manage to go to sleep and this time I don't have any nightmares. Hopefully Jack will be caught soon so I can calm the hell down and stop having nightmares.
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tongue-like-a-razor · 2 years
Can I please request a Bradley Bradshaw fic where Rooster finds out reader faked an orgasm (maybe she’s on meds that make it hard to come or something idk) and he gets all super sad and insecure about it, some angst??
A/N: Ahhh ok so this is my first ever request on tumblr and I'm sorry that it took a while for me to get this out but it kind of went in a different direction than I was originally intending. I don't even know, I hope it's kind of what you had in mind.
ps. Thank you so much for the request!
Show Me
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x F!Reader
CW: Okay, this one has some significant allusions to sex (no smut, but fairly suggestive), so I'm gonna go ahead and call this one a mature read. Also, swearing.
Tag List: I won't be tagging anyone from my Rooster list because I don't know who on there is cool with more mature content fics. If you would like to be tagged in future 18+ works, please let me know and I will put you into a separate "Mature Rooster" tag list.
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“There’s no way.”
“I’m telling you, Rooster. I know my best friend,” Natasha says, shrugging.
“Why the fuck” – Bradley stops talking because he’s too flustered to compose a coherent sentence. “Why would she fake it?”
Natasha shrugs. “Guys are sensitive.”
“I’m not sensitive!” Bradley retorts abruptly.
Natasha raises her eyebrows at him with a small smile. “Okay.”
He breathes out forcefully, shifting his jaw before taking another swig of his beer. “It’s fucked up,” he says. “I totally fell for it.”
“Don’t beat yourself up.” Natasha pats him on the shoulder sympathetically. “She’s never had an orgasm during sex.”
“It’s not that uncommon.” Natasha shrugs her shoulders.
Bradley grimaces. “I’ve never had a problem pleasing anyone before.”
Natasha raises her eyebrows. “Are you sure?”
Bradley glares at her but doesn’t respond.
Natasha snorts. “Rooster, I promise you, it has nothing to do with your skills in the bedroom.” She smiles at him cheerily. “Or lack thereof.”
Bradley watches her with an unimpressed expression. “I’m going to talk to her about it.”
“Don’t!” Natasha warns. “Just leave it, who cares? It was a one-time thing, right?”
Bradley stares at Natasha. “She said it was a one-time thing?”
“Well, you didn’t make her come, what do you expect?” Natasha laughs. Bradley rolls his eyes as Natasha rises from her seat. She leans over to add, “I’m joking, Roos.”
“It’s not funny, Phoenix,” Bradley says. “The fact that she felt the need to lie?”
Natasha sighs. “You fucking like her, don’t you?”
Bradley stares at his beer bottle aggressively. “That’s irrelevant.”
The following day, Bradley confronts you in the stairwell after your flight brief, just as you’re about to head home.
“Y/N,” he calls.
You stop, wheeling around as he grabs the handrail and hops over six steps to meet you on the landing.
He’s anxious, given what Natasha has told him regarding your one and only hookup. It had been a spontaneous affair – in the officers’ room, after hours. You were finishing up some paperwork and he’d just hopped out of the shower. He’d said he liked your break and roll maneuver from earlier in the day and you’d said you liked the smell of his aftershave. He’d given you a crooked smirk and you’d given him three seconds to lose his pants.
He still remembers your moans and your whimpers and every breath you drew in between. And if none of it was real then why have your lust-inducing sighs been on constant rotation in his head? Why can’t he think of anything except how to bring about that soft gasp again? Why is he longing to hear your ragged breathing as he consumes you in pleasure?
He’s beyond defeated that the sound he’s been obsessing over for the past week was simply an intricate – and, he must admit, impressive – performance. And he’s mad at you for making him believe in it, for making a fool out of him.
But, now that you’re standing before him, he can’t even bring himself to call you out on it. Your eyes, the innocent arch of your eyebrow, the slight tug on the left corner of your mouth as you pull your lips into a small smile, all of it makes his head spin.
“Rooster,” you say, your voice sending a ripple through him that seems to constrict his ribcage so tightly around his lungs that he’s finding it hard to breathe. “What’s going on?”
The truth is, Bradley’s been crushing on you since the day you walked into Hangar One at Top Gun and, sleeping with you was only meant to be the beginning. The fact that you had told Natasha it was a one-time deal is eating away at him even more than the faked orgasm. He lets out a slow, steadying breath, still clutching the handrail. “Phoenix told me,” he says in a strained voice. He releases the metal bar and his hand aches from how hard he’s been gripping it, so he shakes it out, taking a step toward you.
You narrow your eyes, blinking away because Bradley’s gaze is becoming more intense with every passing second. He can feel the friction between the two of you as if your energies are brushing up against one another. He can sense that the closer he gets, the quicker your breaths become and, even if it was all a lie, he wants you more than anything. “Told you what?” you ask quietly, glancing back at him defiantly.
Bradley nearly groans at the sound of your sweet voice, at the way your eyes settle on his despite the tension hanging in the air. You lick your lips and Bradley’s eyes drop to your mouth as he takes another step forward. He’s close enough now that you have to lift your face to maintain eye contact. Bradley furrows his eyebrows. He shakes his head slowly, his anger overshadowed by a tremendous desire to kiss you. “Tell me something,” he says, his voice so low that it breaks apart on the last syllable. He ducks his head so that his breath flutters the hair around your ear. “Can you do it on your own?”
He senses your breath falter at his words before you can catch herself. You place a hand on his chest and take a step back, glancing up to meet his gaze. He covers your hand with his own, squeezing it gently. At first, you appear displeased by the turn in the conversation, but the sincerity in Bradley’s face softens your features. You bite your lip, looking down at the ground between your feet and his.
He takes another step toward you, his feet crowding your personal space as you continue to observe them. His hand still hangs onto yours over his chest. He doesn’t need you to respond; he already knows the answer. “Can you show me?” he says.
You look up at him in alarm and he brings a hand up to cup your cheek. His finger slides under your jawline and he lifts your chin ever so slightly, his mouth hovering over yours as you draw short, heated breaths.
“Please,” he whispers. “Because, apparently,” he adds, his lips curving upward into a crooked smirk, “I need some tips.”
You let out a shaky sigh as he takes another step forward, his body pressing into yours and sending a sizzling sensation that starts and ends in his cock. He will learn to please you, even if it takes him hours – days, weeks – of practice. He will memorize everything there is to know about your body. He will draw out your silky moans again, in earnest this time.
“I assure you,” he says, his lips finally sweeping over yours, “I’m a quick study.”
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Pt: 1 Pt: 3 Pt: 5
Summary: Raph reveals himself to you after you call him for help because of your fathers harrassment.
Warnings: Smoking, swearing, toxic family members.
GN Reader!
You stared at your phone screen while biting your lip. You had been sitting in this cafè for god knows how long, and you just wanted to go home.
Your dad had been calling you non-stop, spamming you with angry messages, and you didn't know what to do.
You were debating calling Raph for help, but you didn't want to be a bother or accidentaly cross any boundary.
You took a shaky breath, and before you could think twice, dial his phone number.
With your knee bouncing nervously you waited to see if he'd answer.
And he did.
"(Name)? Is everything ok?"
You sighed in relief, "H-hey Raph. I'm sorry to bother you but- but I need some help, it's- I'm kinda scared.."
You heard someone else on the other end of the phone, then some muffled talking, Raph spoke again, "What happened? Are you ok? Are you hurt?"
"N-no, I'm not hurt. But my- my dad, he showed up at my job today- I don't know what to do. I'm scared he'll follow me home-"
"Where are you?"
"Uh- Let me- let me ask..."
You asked the kind waitress, and relayed your location to Raph, he told you to wait for him out back, and not to hang up the phone.
He talked with you the whole time, making sure to keep you as distracted as possible. He suddenly stopped talking, and you could feel his tension growing.
"Raph? Is everything ok?"
"Listen, (Name), I'm here. But, uh- I need you to promise not to freak out ok? I'm uh- not exactly easy on the eyes.."
"What do you..? Raph I'm not gonna freak out, you're my friend..."
You heard him huff, and the beep of him hanging up. You looked around confused, trying to spot anyone nearby, "Raph? Are you there?"
"Uh- yeah, I'm uhm, I'm here."
You turned around to face him, finally happy to put a face to a name. You examined his figure, his green skin, his scales, his beautiful green eyes, but must of all, the nervous way he stood.
He was scared.
Scared of how you were going to react.
You smiled at him, "Hey there, Karate Kid."
Raph noticably loosened his posture at your words, and he shook his head, "Hey there, Smartass. You ok?"
Your smile faded and the gravity of your situation landed on you once again, "I'm fine." you mumbled, "I just wanna go home."
Before he could say anything else, your phone buzzed in your hand, you looked down at the the string of messages and abuse from your father, the tears begining to well up again as you turned off your phone.
"Can you please take me home?" you asked, your voice cracking.
"Sure thing. Hey- can I uh, can I pick ya up? It'll just be faster that way."
You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck as Raph picked you up bridal style.
"Hang on, Shorty."
The trip to your building was rather short, with Raph talking to distract you the entire time. When you arrived on the rooftop, you immediatly sat down in your place by the brick wall, patting the ground next to you, "You gonna sit with me? I mean unless you need to go, I did kinda call you out of nowhere..." you chuckled nervously.
Raph shook his head, slowly taking his place next to you, "Nah, I can stay. Fearless won't miss me for a while."
You nodded, pulling a cigarette from the packet in your pocket, "Thank you, by the way. I really do appreciate it. You coming to get me?"
Raph nudged your shoulder with his own, "No problem, smartass, I couldn't just leave ya there. I guess I should say thanks too, for not freakin' out over, well, this." he gestured vaguely to himself and you scrunched up your nose.
"Ok, first of all, I promised not to freak out. Second of all, there was no reason for said promise, because there's nothing to freak out about. You're a little different, so what? Anyone who cares enough about that to "freak out" is stupid as fuck." you puffed your cigarette, taking care to blow the second hand smoke away from Raph.
Raph looked at you curiously, a small smile gracing his rough features, "You're weird." he said, leaning back against the wall.
You smacked his arm, "And you're a jerk."
Raph snickered to himself while you rubbed your knuckles, how the hell did that hurt you more than him.
"What are you gonna do about your old man?" he asked, leaning an elbow onto his knee.
You shook your head with a sigh, taking another drag of your cigarette, "I have no idea. I need to find a new job though. I, uh, I quite my current one today. It was kinda an in the moment thing."
Raph gritted his teeth, how dare your father, someone who was supposed to care for and protect you, cause you this many issues? You, who was so kind to him, even after he showed you who he really was. What he really was? If he ever got ahold of your old man, he was gonna-
"Raph? You good man?"
"Huh? Yeah, yeah I'm fine. listen, (Name), it's no place of mine to tell you how to deal with your dad, but I thinks it's best if you cut 'im off. He crossed way over the line today, and honestly, I don't think he's gonna quit."
You rubbed your temple, nodding, "I think you're right, Red. But this time I'm gonna make sure he stays the fuck away." you stood, putting out your cigarette on the brick, "Listen, I'm gonna go get something to eat. But I'll call you later, yeah?"
Raph nodded, standing next to you, and it just registered how fucking tall he was, he was tall, "Yeah, call me whenever you want. No matter the time, got it Shorty?"
You smiled, "Sure thing, Red."
With that, you patted him on the arm, and made your way down the fire escape and into your apartment.
I watched 'em go with a frown, honestly, I was worried for 'em. Their dad had no buisness showin' up at their job, and now they needed a new one.
My mind drifted off to how they reacted to, well, me. I was not expecting that at all.
I was expected a scream, maybe for 'em to faint or something, anything but that cute ass smile.
Anything but that fucking smile.
I made my way home, (Name) filling my mind at every moment. I walked into the Lair, ready for the questions from Leo. I knew he was gonna be pissy, I just up and left during one of his little lectures afterall.
"There you are. Where the hell did you go, Raph?"
I looked over at Leo while I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, "None of your buisness, Fearless."
Leo sighed, "No, Raph, it is my buisness when you get a mysterious phone call, and just up and leave during a team meeting, without any kind of explaination as to where you're going."
"Like I said, none of your buisness what I'm doin' or who I'm talkin' to."
Leo huffed, storming out of the kitchen a d into Donnie's lab, no idea why, usually he goes to the dojo or his room to meditate after a spat.
Whatever, wasn't my issue. My issue, was figurin' out how the hell to help (Name)...
Hmmm.... wonder what Leo and Donnie are talking about..??👀
@princessmads1820 @leleouwu @dilucsflame33 @pheradream15 @lazyafgurl
@allybutton @muamazon4 @push-lennon-off-stage
I think I tagged everyone who asked, if I forgot you I'm sorry, 🥲 let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future parts!💕
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krikeymate · 7 months
I love your double whammies so 
Tara gets her wisdom teeth out and Sam has to get her back to the apartment and in bed as she’s coming off of the laughing gas. Chaos ensues. 
I gave the inverse to Tee :) 
Catch the mirrorverse over here. Take your bets, which one of us is the evil twin?
“Yes, love?”
“NO! I want Sam!”
Tara struggles, unsuccessfully, in the taller girl’s arms.
After damn near half a year of suffering, mostly in silence, Sam had gotten the truth out of her about her sister’s grumpy mood and poor appetite, and made a dentist appointment. A short hour later, and $300 poorer, Tara was down two wisdom teeth, and Sam was making the difficult trek home with her unsteady little sister.
“I am Sam, dummy.”
God Sam wishes she was filming this.
For posterity.
And payback.
It would make such good payback next time Tara decides to be a little shit.
“Ok then,” she struggles to say beneath the laughter bubbling up in her throat and the elbow she catches in the stomach, “who am I then?”
The question seems to stump her little sister, taking up all the brain power she has access to, giving Sam a blissful four minutes where Tara is quiet and complacent.
“A kidnapper,” she eventually blurts out with a matter-of-fact tone more concerned with being right than about what she’s actually suggesting.
“A kidnapper?”
Sam hums in delight.
This is what life is about, she thinks.
This, this, right here, is something she could have never imagined in her wildest dreams when she was younger. Heck, even a couple of years ago, holding her sister’s hand in an ambulance, promising never to let go… she never could have foreseen where it would take them.
Tara in her arms, high as a kite, and calling for Sam. Out of her mind and all she wants is her sister.
She’s never felt so loved.
Tara always manages to show her in the funniest of ways.
But then again, they’ve never been a normal family. Why should the way they love be any different?
“I’shud warn you,” Tara says, tripping over her own feet as they turn the final corner before home. “My sister is gonna kick your ass.”
“Oh yeah?” Sam mutters absent-mindedly as she keeps her girl from face-planting the floor.
“Yup,” Tara continues, unaware of her near-brush with the pavement. “She’s real good with a knife, an’ she doesn’t like it when people touch me. She’ll cut your hands off!”
Sam snorts at the declaration.
“Damn, better get you home then.”
She wrestles with the door to the apartment block, catching Tara’s hand just a moment too late to stop her swiping every button on the buzzer box.
“Shit,” she mutters under her breath, grabbing Tara around the waist and lifting her into the air. ‘The walk home will sober her up’, my ass, she muses, as her sister whines in her hold.
Sam walks them quickly the elevator, Tara perched on her hip like they’re a decade younger and haven’t been through unspeakable horrors, before anyone thinks to investigate the asshole messing with the intercom system. She really doesn’t need the neighbours to hate them any more than they already do.
A couple of murders happen one time and they hold it against you forever!
It wasn’t their fault.
But what do they care, judgemental busy-bodies with nothing better to do.
Speaking of, there she is, Mrs Shepherd, glaring beneath her glasses, heavy on the judgement. Lingering in her doorway, as always.
“I was kidnapped,” Tara whispers, loudly, over Sam’s shoulder as she hurries to unlock the door.
Oh jesus.
“She wasn’t–” Sam’s quick to correct, spinning on her heels… door across the way now closed and hallway empty.
“Aaand she’s gone. Thanks Tara.”
“You’re welcome,” she chirps back.
The apartment gossip mill will be thriving tonight.
Sam shakes her head, unable to hold back a smile. She can’t bring herself to care. “Home sweet home,” she declares, pushing the apartment door open with her foot.
“Sammy,” Tara whines, head pillowed on Sam’s shoulder and nudging at her jaw.
“Yes, love?” Sam murmurs, nudging the door shut and eyeing the locks for a moment.
“Feel sick.”
More pressing matters first.
“Let’s get you to bed, you can lie down for a while.”
They’re safe, the locks can wait.
It’s something Sam’s been working on. Feeling safe.
The suggestion to leave the door unlocked during the day when they’re home had been a stupid one if you ask Sam.
She wouldn’t entertain it at all if the suggestion hadn’t been made in their joint therapy session.
If Sam were a paranoid person, and she is, she’d almost think that their therapists were colluding together. Why else would the most suspicious of advice be set out in their joint sessions, where Sam has no choice but to follow the homework set if she wants to provide a good example for her sister.
God she fucking hates therapy.
How many years, and how much progress?
“Tara honey, you have to let go,” she murmurs as she tries to deposit Tara on her bed.
“Stay with me,” she whines, clinging tighter. “Don’t want you to go.”
Sam sighs. Inside her, a silent war wages, as always.
“I’m not going anywhere, darling.”
It was never a choice.
“Good, the kidnapper might come back, always safe with you here.”
“Oh my god.”
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Birmingham | Tommy Shelby x Reader (Part 16)
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Previous Part
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: Some of (Y/N)'s past comes to light during the drive to Sheffield. She’s finally able to speak to her brother, and have the upperhand for once…until things change on a dime. Thankfully Tommy's there to back her up. After everything goes down, her mum is the first thing she can think about.
Warnings: language, strained familiar relationship, psychological abuse, weapons, violence (typical to series), character death, mentions of drinking
Word Count: 3151
A/N: alright, y’all…here’s the chapter. It’s all going down here. I hope that it doesn’t disappoint given this type of material isn’t what I normally write. A big shoutout is in order for @peakyscillian , who helped me with the structure for a part of this chapter. Also bonus points if you can pick out the line of Garrett’s where I channeled Fitzgerald from The Revanent. Enjoy ! :)
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged!
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(Y/N) kept her hands twisted tightly together in her lap as she stared out at the road ahead of her. With each second that passed, her grip got stronger. It was to the point where her fingernails were digging into her skin, but she didn't care. She needed some way to alleviate this nervous feeling that was bubbling up inside of her.
"Are you ok, (Y/N)?" she heard Tommy ask beside her. His voice made her look over at him to see that he was taking quick glances in her direction in between staying focused on the road. He must've seen the death grip she had on herself.
"Honestly...no," she answered, exhaling a long breath then. "I...my mind's not stopped since we've left Birmingham."
"What's going through it?" he asked, glancing in her direction once more.
"I can't stop thinking about what we're going to do. It's not quite the homecoming that anyone first thinks of," she responded, a bit of a nervous laugh bubbling past her lips after she finished speaking.
"(Y/N), if you're having doubts about being the one who..."
"No. It's not doubt about that," she abruptly cut him off the second she realized the direction his statement was heading in, "I'm the one who's going to do this. I need to...for my own sanity and for the hope that I can gain some peace moving forward. I will go about every day in a much calmer state of mind once I know he's no longer a threat to my mother or I."
Tommy slowed the car down and pulled over to the side of the road after noticing the shift in her voice as it faded out towards the end of her statement. He knew that her past with her family was complicated, but the extent of it had never been shared with him. Seeing her sink further into herself the closer they got to Sheffield made him realize that maybe now was the time to get the full extent of the story.
"Why're we stoppin'?!" Arthur called from the car behind Tommy's.
"Just stay in the car!" Tommy called back to him, killing the engine before he turned to look at (Y/N).
"What did we stop for?" (Y/N) asked a similar question to Arthur's.
"You seemed to be getting worse the closer we got to Sheffield," he told her his observation, "figured that maybe you'd need a moment."
(Y/N) was biting back her tears at this point. "I've taken one, so let's go, yeah?" her statement came out a little more forced than she'd hoped.
"Let's take another," he went against her wishes before continuing, "you said that you'd have a calmer state of mind once he's dealt with...what do you mean by that?" he decided to come right out with his curiosity, hoping that she'd trust him enough to share with him.
(Y/N) looked at Tommy for a few moments, deciding whether or not she wanted to open up and explain her past to him. Then she remembered him opening up to her about his past and what he was going through when they were at the Garrison. With a deep breath and a long sigh, she decided that he was someone she could confide in.
"As much as I hate to say it, I have not a good memory shared with either of my brothers," she started, seeing Tommy's eyebrows furrow together before she continued, "when my father took charge of the gang, he began to push the idea that a woman's place was outside the sphere of business. He brought my brothers up on that idea, so naturally they fell right into place with enforcing it. My mother...she was fine with it. It followed right in line with the Weller family's idea that a woman couldn't be the head of the gang, which was why my father took charge in the first place. But my brothers...they took it a step too far most times. They'd often take the psychological route..." she trailed off then, her voice giving out as different instances of her brothers making her feel inferior began to come to mind.
"Love, you don't need to..."
"No, I need to," she abruptly cut Tommy off, shaking her head as she squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, "maybe speaking about it will help alleviate the burden they've placed on me."
"Only if you feel comfortable," he told her, and she nodded her head before taking a deep breath.
She continued once she'd let it out slowly, "when I was younger it was the typical boys vs. girls, kid typed things. They'd tell me that I couldn't play with them, or that I couldn't be a part of the things they were doing. Clay pretty much stayed in that realm as he got older too; he'd tell me the same thing our father had instilled into our minds: a woman's place wasn't in business and that I had no need to be trying to insert myself into situations where I wasn't welcome. Garrett, on the other hand...he never knew how far was too far. He'd take every chance he got to put me down; to tell me that I wasn't good enough or that I couldn't handle anything. He liked to remind me that, because I was a woman, I was essentially useless to the family as a whole; that I'd never do anything for it like they did. He'd call me weak, he'd call me a coward...he would criticize me for staying inside and then tell me that I was making myself an easy target when I would go out. These remarks would get woven into almost every conversation we shared together, and it came up so much that I just got used to it," she paused, softly laughing to herself before continuing, "as terrible as it sounds, it was nice when he went off to war...because then I only had Clay to deal with, and he had other things going on, so letting me know my place in the family wasn't high up on his list."
"But then Garrett came back..." Tommy filled in the next part of her story when she took a moment to collect herself.
"He did. He came back even worse than he was before. His actions and ideas escalated, to the point where I had to run away," she took a shaky breath as her mind went back to the final days that she'd spent with her family. After a moment spent composing herself, she continued, "he and Clay were trying to make a deal stick...they thought they had the man to where he was going to agree, but he just wouldn't. So Garrett came up with the idea that he'd throw me in the deal as a sweetener, and after persistence from his end, the man bought it. I was to go with this man I'd never met because my brother decided that I was nothing more than a pawn to use in their business endeavors. I made it as far as the man's driveway before he had second thoughts and drove me back...he said he'd work things out on other terms. But Garrett wasn't happy about it. He thought that I was the one who made the man change his mind. He said that he would kill me if the business deal didn't go through in the end, because I would be the only reason why it wouldn’t...I left that night because I didn't want to wait around and see it through."
By the end of her monologue, (Y/N) had noticed that she now had crescent shaped marks in her wrist as a result of how hard she was pressing her fingers into it. She sniffled and reached up to swipe away the tears that were welling up in her eyes before they could escape.
"I'm sorry, I...I didn't mean to unload all of that onto you," she apologized, finally looking at Tommy again.
"Don't apologize. I'm sure doing it helped you," he brushed her off, hoping that his expression was being received as sympathetic. Inside an anger was boiling up with each second that passed. He now had another reason why this man needed to be dealt with before the sun set.
"It did," she nodded, "it's just that now my mum's in his crosshairs because she's still speaking with me, and I won't have her become even more collateral damage from my decisions. That's why I need to be the one who does this...who finally frees us from his grips."
"You're sure of it?" he checked with her once more, still not wanting to push her into something that may be too much...and if he was being honest, he wanted to do it himself now.
"I am," she answered, an assured expression on her face.
"Ok," he nodded upon hearing her answer, "are you ready to go?"
"I am," she repeated her previous response, nodding slightly as she spoke.
Tommy only nodded before he started the engine again, waving his hand out the window to get the attention of his brothers before he maneuvered the car back onto the road. (Y/N) took a deep breath as they began driving again, feeling better after getting things off of her chest. She was still slightly nervous about what was going to be done in a matter of hours, but she felt even more assured that this was the right thing to do.
The car was parked down the lane from the pub that Garrett frequented. Tommy had decided that they would walk up so that things wouldn't be even more out of the ordinary. Arthur and John took the other men accompanying them to where they knew Clay would be at this time. They would all make sure that Clay and his associates would stay where they were while things played out.
"You ok?" Tommy asked (Y/N) as they approached the pub.
"I am," she nodded, taking another breath to calm the nerves that were bubbling up.
"And you have what you need?" he checked, referring to the revolver he'd given her before they left Small Heath.
"I do," she answered, her hand subconsciously going to where the weapon was situated in the waistband of her skirt, underneath the flowing part of her blouse.
"Ok," Tommy nodded, stopping and turning to look at her once they were a few steps from the pub's doors. "You can do this," he assured her one last time, his words making her nod, "and I'll be in the corner of the room if things don't go as planned."
(Y/N) nodded one last time and sent him a nervous smile before she turned and walked the few steps separating her from the doors. After another deep breath, she opened them and entered the pub.
The pub was basically empty. There were a few men scattered around the decently-sized room, drinking and minding their business. (Y/N)'s eyes fell on Garrett rather quickly. He was sitting in a stool straight in front of her with his back to the door. She could have easily done the job...just pulled out the gun and taken care of him without even being five steps into the establishment. But she didn't want it to go down like that. She wanted to speak her mind to him first.
So she confidently walked up to the bar, her shoes soundly loudly off the hardwood. She could hear Tommy enter the pub behind her and from the corner of her eye watched as he took a seat at an empty table next to the doors.
Without a word, she stopped at the bar and set her hands down on it. Instead of looking at him, she kept her eyes focused straight ahead. He'd recognize her soon enough.
Within seconds, he did. "It's awful bold of you to set foot in this city after all you've done," there was a smirk apparent in his voice...there always was.
"After all I've done?" (Y/N) countered, making sure that her voice was steady, "I just came to visit mum, Garrett. It was you and Clay who..." her steadiness cracked as she recalled that fateful day. Garrett noticed this and looked to capitalize on it, but she didn't give him the chance as she composed herself and kept speaking, "this is as much my city as it is yours, and you know that," she finished off with a glare.
Garrett chuckled at her comment, unbothered by her steely gaze. "Everyone clear out!" he called to the other patrons in the bar, who promptly heeded to his request. Tommy stayed tucked in the corner, where the darkness of the room hid him. (Y/N) stole a glance in his direction to make sure he was still there. "I need to have a word with my sister," Garrett continued, his grin still present. He waited until the room was clear to speak again, "you know I don't actually know how this is still your city since you bailed on it in the middle of the night," the cockiness was present once more.
"You of all people should know why I did that," she spat back at him, not having the tolerance for him to do this now.
"Why did you even come back here?" he disregarded her statement, "did mummy write you another letter telling you how oh-so terrible things are? Did she want you to come and save her?" he was talking in a mocking voice now.
She actually did, (Y/N) thought, but didn't dare say that.
"Why did you come back here, (Y/N)? Huh?" he continued to prod when she didn't say anything, instead keeping her stone faced gaze on him.
"I came to deal with something I should have a long time ago," she answered him, her words coming through gritted teeth as she tried to keep herself calm. She'd been waiting to do this for a while now, she didn't want to mess it up or jump ahead of herself.
"Oh yeah, what's that?" he asked her, his eyebrows raised. She wasn't sure if he noticed her movement as she slowly pulled her weapon from the waistband of her skirt.
"To make sure that you can't hurt me or anyone else ever again," she told him, keeping her words steady as she brandished the weapon, holding it up for him to see. Wasting no time in pointing it at him, she kept her hands steady and her grip relaxed. She couldn't let him see how she was really feeling.
A grin slowly formed on Garrett's face as he realized what was happening now. He didn't show one ounce of fear or shock at what (Y/N) had done. "You wanna show me how much you've grown now, huh? You go to fucking Birmingham and all of a sudden you think you know how to handle a fucking weapon?!" he started screaming at her, inching closer to her as he spoke, making her shrink into herself slightly. She held the gun steady though. "Fucking show me then! Use it on me!" he taunted, moving even closer to her.
(Y/N) gritted her teeth and kept her hold. No matter how much screaming she was doing inside of her mind now, she couldn't get herself to pull the trigger. She was frozen in her spot as all of the memories of the times he'd taken this similar tone with her flooded back again.
In a flash, Garrett grabbed the gun out of her hand, managing to do so before she could even react to him. She gasped at the feeling of the weapon, and the power, leaving her hands and tried so hard to maintain her composure as he flipped the barrel around to face her, grinning like a maniac now.
"See...you don't know how to do a fucking thing. You're still the same, pathetic coward that ran away. Still scared to do anything..." he trailed off, pulling the hammer of the gun back as he kept it pointed at her. His grin grew as he stared her down. "What am I to do now? How could I possibly let you walk away from this, huh?" his final word was accentuated by the sound of the gun clicking, which made (Y/N) flinch and squeeze her eyes shut.
What brought her back was the sound of his laughter. She opened her eyes to see him opening the chamber and spinning it, seeing the bullets that were loaded into it - in all but one of the slots. He then shut it and spun it once more, eyeing her up and down as he chuckled again. "Next time you plan on killin' a person, you best remember to load your gun properly, you fuckin'..."
A loud bang sounded out in the room, stopping Garrett mid sentence. (Y/N) dropped to the floor at the sound of it, covering her head as a last ditch effort as a ringing sound took over all of her senses.
"(Y/N)!" the voice was muffled, the ringing still taking center stage. "(Y/N)!" it called again.
She didn't know how long it was before she opened her eyes again. After blinking a few times, she found Tommy kneeling in front of her. She also felt a presence to her left, but she dared not to look in that direction; knowing exactly what, or rather who, it was.
"Are you ok?" he asked her, his voice more clear now. Concern was deeply etched into his features.
"I...I think I am," she stumbled over her words, nodding slightly.
"Let's get you up then, eh?" he suggested, making her nod again as she took hold of his outstretched hand and allowed him to slowly pull her to her feet. "Are you sure?" he asked her, his eyes locked onto hers as he tried to search them; to see if he could gain any underlying clues.
"Yes," she breathed, nodding again, "is he...?" she couldn't even finish her sentence without choking up.
Tommy knew exactly what she was getting at though. "He's dead."
(Y/N) nodded at this new information. "Good," she breathed, giving another slight nod. She took a few deep breaths before someone popped into her mind. "I need to go see my mum," she said then, just barely getting the words out before she stepped past Tommy and headed for the door.
If Tommy called out for her, she didn't hear him. She exited the pub and allowed her feet to take her down the streets without much thought. She needed to see her mum, and she needed to see her now.
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Next Part
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Tagged: @mgcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @l1-l4 @chlorrox @lostgirl219 @woofgocows @bdudette @mrkdvidal1989 @stephhevring @fictional-hooman @httyd-marauders @nataliewalker93 @rangerelik @thecraziestcrayon @cilliansangel @shaddixlife @tracysnook
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hamsterclaw · 1 year
Your job is to keep Gotham city safe, but you spend more of your time keeping Catboy aka Jeon Jungkook out of trouble.
Pairing: Jungkook x F! Reader
Rating: 18+
Word count: 1.1k
Genre: Subversion of Batman roles, smut, crack and misandry
Warnings: Sex, pouty JK
For Memes @madbutgloriouspond who took this idea and ran with it and came up with all the best lines including ‘being taken seriously as a man.’ Special mention to Mango @blog-name-idk for encouraging the crack all the way.
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Gotham is cast in perpetual twilight to you because of your burden of being her protector.
The villains who seek their own gains stop for no man, even if they look hella sexy in a catsuit.
Jeon Jungkook aka Catboy because Catman didn’t have quite the same naughty ring to it, crosses his arms over his chest and expects you not to be distracted as he talks to you.
You remind yourself to tell him he needs to talk less pouty if he wants anyone to actually listen, but for now you just enjoy the view.
‘They didn’t even stop when I stood in front of them,’ he complains.
You tear your gaze away from his sculpted ass as he slinks around the bat cave and try to concentrate on his words.
‘Did you tell them to stop?’ you ask, undoing your weapon belt and letting it fall to the floor for your trusty manservant Park Jimin to pick up later.
‘I told them!’ Jungkook whines, voice going pitchy like it does when he’s at his most agitated. ‘I threatened them with my claws!’
‘Oh Kookie,’ you sigh. ‘You need to work on your presence, baby girl.’
You unhook your cape and toss it aside carelessly.
‘Will you give me a back rub, kitty?’
‘Don’t call me kitty!’ whinges Jungkook.
‘Ok ok, don’t get testerical,’ you say hastily, resisting the urge to roll your eyes. God, he gets so tetchy sometimes.
Like it’s a problem being so pretty he gets constantly objectified.
Man problems mystify you.
You start peeling off your leather batsuit.
‘Maybe if you want to be taken seriously as a man you should stop stealing jewellery,’ you suggest.
Jungkook goes all red in the face with how worked up he is. You can tell by how he takes a deep breath before he starts speaking that he’s about to go on another one of his meninist tirades.
God, if he wasn’t so pretty you’d break up with him and date Poison Ivy. Now Kim Taehyung’s a man who leans into his menininity.
You need to head this off at the pass before he gets truly worked up and refuses to sleep with you.
‘JK,’ you say, voice low, velvety. ‘C’mere baby.’
He stops talking but doesn’t move, looking at you like he’s considering saying no.
‘You know I respect you as a man, don’t you?’
Jungkook stares at you, wide-eyed, and you know you nearly have him.
‘You’re the strongest man I know, much stronger than me.’
The corner of his pretty mouth curls up slightly.
‘Come and let me sit on your lap, baby,’ you coo.
When he reaches the rather conveniently located lounger you’re womanspreading across, he’s already hard.
You remind yourself to send Hobi a lil something to thank him for the incredible job he did designing Catboy’s fitted latex number.
You ask, ‘can I touch you, baby?’
Jungkook nods, pouts a little.
Men love it when you respect them.
You slip out of the batsuit, enjoying the way his eyes roam over your body wildly, like he can’t decide where he wants to look most.
‘Can you take your suit off for me, doll?’ you ask.
He unzips slowly, tugging the suit down to reveal sculpted shoulders, defined pecs with dusky nipples.
You kiss his chest, tongue flicking over his nipples. He lets out a low moan as you roll one nipple between your fingers whilst sucking the other. His cock twitches under its latex prison.
You help him out of the rest of his suit, until he’s bare, standing in front of you fully erect.
You wrap your hand around his cock and tug him gently down.
He groans as you sit in his lap.
You’re already wet, have been since he folded his arms earlier, creating a cleavage displayed to perfection by the low neckline of his suit.
Another Hobi genius design.
Jungkook moans prettily as you move up and down on his cock. His forehead is sweaty, his hair sticking to it in pretty curls.
He looks wrecked, and you’ve barely started fucking him.
‘I’ve barely touched you,’ you taunt, a little breathless yourself from how rigid and thick his cock feels inside you.
He says nothing, reduced to whimpering and moaning as he helps you move your hips.
You press your fingers against his parted lips, into the wet warmth of his mouth.
‘Suck, baby.’
‘Gonna cum,’ he mumbles around your fingers.
‘Already? You’re such a slut for me, we’ve barely started, baby boy,’ you pant.
Jungkook cries out as he comes, spurting hot streaks of white into your cunt. His pretty moans rise in pitch until he’s so loud you’re glad the batcave is soundproof.
He buries his face between your breasts as his cries subside.
‘Come on,’ you say, pinching his nipple. ‘One more for me, baby.’
Jungkook twitches helplessly inside you, still hard.
‘I can’t!’ he protests.
‘You can,’ you say, reaching between his spread legs to press a finger against his rim.
Jungkook cries out in pleasure as you nudge a knuckle against his rim.
You squeeze his cock, which is already hardening inside you, and Jungkook whines.
‘Gotta,’ he grunts.
He doesn’t finish his sentence, instead rolling on top of you so he can start hammering into you.
His stamina is ridiculous.
You’ve always appreciated how he keeps himself in good shape for you, his figure is as manly as the day you met him trying ineffectually to rob a bank using his manly wiles.
You’d paid the bank manager and the chief of police off to not pursue him.
Robbing banks is really a woman’s job. Men lack the finesse to do it properly.
Jungkook’s breathy moaning snaps you back into the present.
‘Are you close?’ you demand, fingers under his chin.
‘Yes,’ he cries out. ‘Fuck, yes.’
You hold out until you feel him pulsing inside you, his hands tight on your ass.
‘Good boy,’ you say, breathless, ‘that’s good, baby.’
Jungkook presses kisses to your neck as he helps you grind on him, seeking your own pleasure now.
You moan as he bucks his hips, and then you’re coming, wetness seeping from you to coat his cock.
He wraps his arms around you, and you bury your face in his soft hair.
‘Wanna snuggle,’ he says, muffled into your chest.
You sigh.
Men get so clingy after sex sometimes when all you want to do is tap that ass.
He pouts up at you, and your heart softens.
‘Ok, catboy, we can snuggle,’ you say, resigned.
Hopefully he doesn't want to stay the night too.
©hamsterclaw 2023
This is for Memes @madbutgloriouspond who encouraged this crackiness and came up with all the best lines including my favourite line about 'being taken seriously as a man'. Special mention to Mango @blog-name-idk equally for running and encouraging this chaos.
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