no-light-left-on · 2 days
Thomas/Daud has so much potential, the master/right hand man, the devotion that edges to unhealthy, the borderline objectification on Thomas's own side of him as a tool, the need to be used thoroughly until he breaks because so is his place and his purpose, a living property waiting with bated breath to bite and tear and kill, and the abrupt abandonment at the end because after all he was a replacement in a time of need and a lackluster imitation that was easy to leave behind, no longer necessary
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salinkarta · 2 months
horník a dolník je len československé top and bottom
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chrisbangs · 8 months
also fun reminder: chan wrote "butterflies" after a butterfly landed on his nose while they were shooting smth and he was so surprised and got super interested and looked up words associated with butterfly and those feelings and made the demo for "butterflies" and is that just not the most chan coded thing to happen...
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amariipeters · 10 months
I just started the last All Our Hidden Gifts book and umm. man i do not like Roe. Theyre so mean to Maeve constantly and it gives me ‘i know better than she does’ vibes which is bleh. They were an ok character in AOHG1 but honestly Roe’s relationship (and character) with Maeve went south when they dismissed her in AOHG2. Im only half way through so maybe they get better but. i doubt it tbh.
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incendiaryrequiem · 4 months
disney hades
hades is li thality too. dont worry
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meraki-mark · 1 month
the guy i’m sort of interested in is listening to miami
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llitchilitchi · 7 months
ugh this is is actually starting to get to me. the PT I had on friday was v much necessary but it always results in a sore hand and it's especially bad now. I was doing so well the two weeks before thanks to it but my thumb hurts to the point I can't even get thru my warmup sketches without needing a break. and I feel like the stretch bandages are making it worse - yesterday I woke up because of the pain in my thumb so I shifted the bandages around but this morning I woke up with a swollen hand to the point I couldn't use my thumb and had to take the bandage off entirely. it still isn't exactly perfect now but I can move it just fine again so back to fixing my wrist until I get a wrist brace for it. especially bummed out cause I have a piece I need to finish this month with a proper solid deadline and I hoped I'd finish it this weekend but I'm worried that using a stylus will be too much for this. I hope it eases by tomorrow as it tends to but man this is not pleasant
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binaryystars · 3 months
regretting setting up an appointment last night for THREE whole vaccines. Flu, covid, and pneumonia. Bc boy do I fucking feel it today
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draw-silence · 1 year
i need to make a masterpost of the tags i have its fucking awful that i forgot to tag half my shit and my intro is awful too
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no-light-left-on · 1 month
Dishonored is haunting like a ghost story of old while Dishonored 2 is haunting like noon in the middle of July do you understand
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no-light-left-on · 3 months
I wonder if Jessamine's passing influenced the way death and mourning is viewed in the Empire
the world is strongly inspired by Victorian and Edwardian society, and one of the most defining aspects of the era, at least for modern people, is the way mourning was perceived at the time.
which, in turn, was influenced by the untimely death of queen Victoria's husband. the period of mourning, the way it is to be expressed, how people should behave and dress - all of this was strongly influenced by the widowhood of queen Victoria.
there are some paralells to it in the Kaldwin Empire, too. the untimely death of empress Jessamine, the high regard in which she is held long after her death, the ceremonies that accompany the anniversary of her passing. the way Emily has to perform, year after year, give a speech and celebrate her dead mother. the way Corvo's "celibacy" is often highlighted, his love for Jessamine and him remaining loyal to her even many years later and never taking another lover- so much of the mourning for the late Empress is celebrated and ceremonialized. I wonder what kind of effect it had on the world as a whole
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salinkarta · 3 months
folklór a etnografia by mali byť verejne dostupné
po mojom včerajšom poste kde som požiadala o zdroje ohľadom krojov a paličkovej čipky sa mi súkromne ozvalo pár ľudí s tým, že buď majú knihy, ktoré by mohli byť pre ostatných zaujímavé, alebo ma poprosili, aby som tieto zdroje s nimi zdieľala, ak sa mi dostanú do rúk
za posledných asi 10 rokov čo sa priebežne venujem histórii módy a tradičnému slovenskému kroju som sa dozvedela o viacerých knihách, ktoré vyšli dobrých 40 rokov dozadu a sú takmer nedostupné. neviem ich nájsť v knižniciach a ak ich náhodou nájdem v antikvariátoch, ich cena začína na minimálne 60€ - jedná sa o knihy o ľudovom odeve, ktoré sú uznávané za jedny z najlepších, ktoré kedy vyšli, ale aj o čipke, výšivke a šperku. a ani jedna z týchto kníh už nie je v tlači.
navrhujem teda aby sme sa ako komunita všetci zišli a navštívili naše miestne aj špecializované knižnice a pokúsili sa tieto knihy nájsť a zdigitalizovať, a následne ich zdieľali online.
videla som už viacero ľudí, ktorí podobné knihy zdieľali, ale bolo by asi najlepšie mať celú databázu, v ktorej budú všetky tieto knihy v kope. môžeme to hodiť na uložto a zdieľať medzi sebou heslo alebo mať takto spravený disk na googli.
osobne už vlastním pár kníh, nových aj starých, ktoré sa venujú histórii odievania všeobecne aj v konkrétnych regiónoch, a ktoré by mohli niekoho zaujímať
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no-light-left-on · 2 months
I know everybody loves silent protagonist Corvo in the first game but I would actually kill to hear how he talked to little Emily
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no-light-left-on · 1 month
I wonder how the Outsider was actually chosen to become the Outsider. there are the hints of how he was meant to be a boy born on a certain day and the cult probably picked up a street kid because he was such an easy target, but did they just collect tons of children and slaughter them hoping that one of them could become the Outsider? or did they find the child that fit the "prophecy" and then take him with them to see if he fits the bill? I might be misremembering but I believe the Outsider mentioned being abused by the cult, and I wonder if it was meant to be only about the trip to Shindaerey and the sacrifice or if there is more to his past. if he was kept for longer, made to go through trials to see if he could be the one, if he was properly integrated into the cult before they killed him. just how well did he know the people who brought him to slaughter? was he picked by accident or groomed into his role? was he made to wait for it, locked away in a dark room to go without food and cleanse himself, like monks do in our world, just so he could be sacrificed right? just how much did the cult make him go through?
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no-light-left-on · 1 month
there's something beautiful about the Outsider, a boy that grew up on the streets and was abused by those in power, scolds Emily for being a shitty rich person at a hidden shrine only a couple of meters away from street performers singing Month of Darkness
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no-light-left-on · 2 months
it's one of those days when everyone needs a reminder that the Outsider is about a whole foot shorter than Corvo
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