#like as a kid i think thats what i focused on amd thats why i thought it was a comedy bit? like ‘’hyuck hyuck the controlling dad controls
vaugarde · 2 years
ok that episode wasnt as bad as i remember. theres stuff im nitpicky abt and i still think its a dumb episode overall but eh its fine
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milkacchan · 3 years
Request for anon: Hi!!!! i love our writing and i just knew you could do this! Could you do one with a father Aizawa and a gender nuetral chil reader, who is jealous of Midoriya. Because when Midoriya harnesses his quirk Aizawa be happy dadzawa but when the reader was like 6 or 7 and harnessed theirs he said like " Work harder." Or the world won't want a weak hero and stuff and thats why they hate Midoriya and stuff? IT IS SOO FINE OF YOU CANT!! THANKS <3
•Midoriya is nice.
• He's /so/ fucking nice
• He has a nice smile
• His freckles are nice
• His attitude is great
• He goes out of his way to make sure people are okay
• Which makes it worse and pisses you off more.
• You've been jealous of him for awhile- please he's the center of attention for everyone
• But that isn't your problem
• He's the center of attention for your own dad.
• At least it seemed that way.
• Shota Aizawa, your father, was a teacher at U.A.
• He was bound to get attached to students, that's what teachers are supposed to do
• But..it felt like you were on the back burner and not enough
• when you develop your quirk, you dad gives you a speech
• You're first sucess with your quirk, your father tells you to work harder
• And that's all it ever is
• "work harder"
• "you should be farther along by now,"
• "this isn't a joke, why are you treating it that way?"
• there wasn't a good job or a congrats or praise
• But there was with midoryia
• who got all of it.
• he got good jobs and impresseds
• He got way to go kid and that was smart
• At the beginning of the year you liked him
• He was friendly and funny and he seemed like a cool dude
• He was a cool dude and you hated him- yourself even more for that
• You couldn't ever hate him, not truly.
• Not even when your father praised him, took him under his wing, focused on him
• Even shinsou- you didn't hate him. You were great friends with him.
• But Midoriya irked you, even if you couldn't find it in you to talk behind his back or fuck him over
• Your jealousy for the boy only grew as your fathers praise to him grew and his words to you grew distanced.
• And yet you still thrived for the man's approval
• You wanted to be recognized
• You wanted validation
• You wanted praise and approval.
• You wanted love.
• You stopped speaking to Midoriya, completely. The poor boy didn't deserve a blow up from you, it wasn't his fault.
• Contact to him stopped. His conversation muted unless it was to the class Group Chat
• Your seat? Unfortunately still near him, was no longer an issue if you just ignored his presence
• If your group was hanging put with him that day, you'd skip with some dumb homework excuse.
• No one said anything
• Aside from shinsou that is.
• The smart-ass always had something to say
• "You can't just ignore your problems forever."
"I'm not, till talking to you."
"Funny. But seriously. He's going to question it if he hasn't already. Word gets around.."
• In all seriousness, shinsous worried. He's really worried.
• He's watching you distance yourself from people, from midoryia- hell the only reason the two of you still talk on a daily basis is because he forces it.
• You don't mind, of course, he know that. You did the same to him when his mental health had declined.
• But he sees you're doing it for validation
• Amd he knows Aizawas words aren't malicious. You're his kid, he's worried and wants you to survive over anyone else.
• Doesn't mean how he's going about it is right.
• and it isn't long before you start taking physical training to the max too.
• After class you train for hours until dinner.
• Sometines you miss it; sometimes you don't get home until much later.
• One day in particular though, you start training on a Saturday morning
• He tells you to be smart, keep hydrated and take breaks before he leaves for the day
• Only to come back at dusk to you still training
• "Quirks are currency shinsou,"
"That doesnt-"
"I have to get stronger, no one's going to want a weak hero"
"Y/N please- you've been out here all day. It's hot and muggy and you've barley eaten anything. You need breaks. You can't be a strong pro hero if you die of heat exhaustion." He takes your arm and pulled it down from the punching bag. "You're worrying me."
"I'm not strong enough," you mumble. "Dads right,"
• Eventually Midoriya starts to question why you're ignoring him
• He doesn't think he's done anything wrong
• Maybe he said the wrong thing? But what even is the wrong thing? What could he have said?
• After one particularly rough morning, you're struggling with something
• You're already pissed and ready for the day to be over.
• And it's only 10 in the fucking morning
• And Midoriya, desperate to heal what he once had with a friend (you), walks over to help
"Hey," he starts. "You look like you need some help?"
You pause, glancing in his direction for only a moment. "Go sit down," You mutter.
"I just want to help-"
"I don't need your fucking help. You are the LAST thing I need," you snap. "Who the fuck would /ever/ need you?" You grab your bag and shove him back, leaving the classroom.
The class quiets.
• Midoriya didn't deserve it, no. You knew that.
• You also knew that you weren't in the place to go back to school, so you didn't.
• You took the day off, wandering the streets of your prefecture
• Shinsous blowing up your phone
• Katsuki is too.
• Katsukis upset, you would be too if someone spoke to your friend that way
• Everyone else is too on edge to text you, they're worried though.
• Of course, they go to Aizawa.
• They tell him what happened and how you've been acting
• And he nods quietly and says he'll take care of it.
• Shinsou finally finds you at the Cafe you frequent and he quietly sits across from you
• "you should be in school," you mumble
"So should you."
It's quiet for a few moments before you speak again. "I think I'm going to leave U.A. Mom lives in Miyagi, they've got some nice highschools there. I talked to her over the phone last night."
"What? What no, you can't?"
"Why not, Hitoshi?"
"Because you're a hero-"
"I'm not. I'm not a fucking hero. I haven't made any successes while I've been here, I haven't developed anything, Dad was right."
"You dad was wrong. He's wrong. He's- He's worried one day you're not going to come home. Or when you do you won't be in one piece, so he's pushing you and pushing you," he took your hand gently. "You're strong. You're going to be a great hero. You've already accomplished more than you know."
"I blew up at Midoriya today," you slide him your drink and he takes a sip.
"I know." He nods. "But that's okay, we can deal with it later." He squeezed your hand.
"Yeah, later,"
• It's very much later by the time you reach your dorm.
• The day Shinsou moved to the 1A dorms was the day you'd rejoice
• Your bag is tossed to the side and you make your way to the kitchen and freeze.
• Aizawa is sitting at the table, facing you.
"Your friends are worried about you,"
Yous scoff. "Yeah I'm sure they are."
"Midoryias worried about you."
"I really don't care."
"You shouldn't have snapped at him." Aizawa sighs.
"Thats-" you take a deep breath. Of course he only cared about Midoriya. "Typical." You move to the fridge to get something to drink.
"I..apologize," he begins. "'It's come to my attention that I haven't exactly been the best father to you since your mother left,"
"You think?" You muttered.
"I'm worried. I'm scared."
You look up at him.
"The world is cruel. And I've lost so many students to hero work in the years I've taught, I wouldn't be able to handle it if I lost you to. But it seems I'm already down the path." He stood up and walked over to you. "You're my kid, I love you more than the moon and the stars, I want you to stay safe. Above everyone else, above all else, I want you to come home." He kisses your forehead.
"It'd be nice to get a good job every once in awhile. Everyone else does." You mutter, looking down.
"You are doing great, you know. I don't say it nearly enough but you impress me everyday."
• It's...a little awkward after that, neither of you know how to process emotion so after two days you just pretend like it never happened
• You quietly apologize to Midoriya and wall away before he can respond before pretending like that didn't happen either
• You're not expecting him to want to be your friend
• But he's very adamant on texting you, inviting you out, walking with you you to class
• 1A becomes whole again
• But Shota does ease up, you get the good jobs, the praise, the validation
• And you eat it up to be frank, you fucking love it.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. This comic just keeps getting worse and worse and I'm left wondering... How... And more importantly, why can't I look away from this fictional train wreck?
2. i mean on one hand i would not buy any merch with current lo art given how twelve it looks now, but on the other hand if rachel and webtoons are aware literally none of the past two years of art is viable then maybe thats a sign it needs a serious break to rework itself back to at least some semblance of quality. it cant ride off on "well even if the writing isnt good, at least the art is!" when the art is bad now too. at least put enough into one aspect of it, not being lazy on both.
3. Nooooo please no. RS is going to sell the narrative where P&H deeds are not that bad by comparing them to "bad" characters now? Cause ya know genocide, slavery, nepotism are not that bad but offending a king? Indefensible! (Minthe can't even defend herself anyway) and fans are just going to buy it cause they love their classism. UGH it's getting worse and worse each week my brain cells are dying
4. Woow.. Hades was so unlikable in the latest FP. When I saw the title "Hypocrite" I genuinely thought it'll refer to how blindsided Hades is, but it clearly had Thanatos in mind. I think I'll skip a few weeks of future episodes cause the trial is such a drag and it only frustrates me tbh. It's been like 5 trial eps now and we know nothing new (besides this weirdly biased Thanatos' backstory). Maybe if a component writer was taking care of LO, they'd recognize Persephone's faults (not saying she deserves the chair but any consequences would be appropriate) and wrongdoings but we can already see how this story will end. There's no suspens, just frustration.
5. I don’t hate chapter 175. Like there was a lot of useless panels, Eros asking Aprdite and Ares whose watching the kids, like I thought Aphrodite was suppose to be a good mom while Ares was mostly absent, but this is suppose to be comedic in a chapter actually dealing with murder.
I was excited to see the twins talk, but I’m kinda irritated. Before the trial they were rushing to meet each other amd maybe it’s off screen that they did, BUT now that tension is loosened a bit because it’s about Apollo’s clothes. What about Apollo trying to marry Persphone? Like I did like the scene but the context for the situation just wasn’t right.
I don’t know why Persphone thinks she’s slick when she talks to her mom. “You’ve made him forget about me” LIKE YEAH HES A MILLION YEAR OLD MAN WHO CALLED HER 18/19 year OLD DAUGHTER HOT, and she wasn’t even MEAN ABOUT IT she gave him more alcohol and let him sleep PEACEFULLY. Idk if I see fans praising Persphone “standing up” against Demeter I’m gonna roll my eyes. I give Demeter credit man. She was in the dark about most the plot going on and she must be mentally hanging by a string. Hecate was no help, Demeter go captured and forgotten about and now she has an ungrateful daughter who is probably exactly the same when she left home in her eyes.
What I did like about the chapter is that it gave room for other characters to talk. I was just a review of events that was explained a lot of chapters ago so people probably forgot, espically since the nymphs dying wasnt mentioned. I know RS wants to be funny and to me she always misses the mark mostly cause I feel she tries it too much, espically if HXP aren’t the main of it leaving little character to the other cast. I just wish more chapters focused on a lot of the other characters.
-----FP Spoilers-----
6. Don’t you love how the newest FP episodes calls Thanatos a hypocrite for calling out Persephone for receiving special treatment when he received special treatment himself but in actuality, what Hades calls “special treatment” is child labour enabled by a neglectful mother (Nyx)?
7. FP Spoilers! Honestly, with Thetis abruptly coming into the courtroom with Minthe in her plant form claiming “murder” is so stupid. Once it’s revealed that Minthe was cursed by Persephone, Demeter will probably uncurse Minthe to save her daughter’s ass and then Thanatos will turn on them. I can see it now, he’s going to be portrayed as an apologetic hero just because he’s in a relationship with Daphne. “It was all their idea, Hades, im a good boy, my mommy said so!11!1”
Honestly, I should just let my eyes fall out because of how much im rolling them.
8. Fast Pass Spoiler
How are you going to compare Hades taking care of a toddler or small child because his mother practically abandoned him with Hades being horny for a teenager and clearly giving her special treatment like she's his sugar baby or something??
Even so, that one (1) image of younger Thanathos with Hades seems more like Hades using him as a servant than taking care of him or having a good time with him, even Nix says that he's there to serve him??? 
9. Holy fuck so I read the newest chapter via fast pass, and it’s so stupid.
Thanatos brings up a valid criticism that he decided to join on the bandwagon to expose Persephone because Hades was giving her special treatment, which he was. He even brings up specific examples and then Hades is like well “ur mom dropped you off when you were a child and didn’t know what was going on and I had to take care of you and that’s how you got the job”; like it’s the same in anyway?
Like it’s literally not Thanatos’ fault. He was a child and instead of giving him back to Nyx, Hades took him in. HADES made that choice. Maybe Hades favours Nyx but it’s not like Thanatos used that to get a job. He was a KID just following his mom. And everyone else who’s watching the live case just glares at him, like he’s the most evil person in the world for reporting dear perfect murderous Persephone. It’s like Rachel is insulting us that we would DARE think Hades is being unprofessional because he wanted to get some tail from a teenager and that reasoning is VALID in anyway oh no.
Ya know, it’s pretty funny because there’s actually this 2 book series I like where the teenage wide eyed new guy gets into a relationship with the 100 year old teacher/mentor who’s seemingly sweet around him but cruel around others. However, he’s actually a manipulative groomer and it makes sense. It’s honestly a better version of what Rachels version of Persephone and Hades should be. If she’s not gonna make it actually feel like the Greek gods at all she should delve into how actually fucked up it is for a teenager who’s intentionally made child-like to be in a  relationship with someone who has power over her and is wayyy older.
If we just ignore, for a second how gross is it for someone to be 1000s of years old to be dating an isolated girl only a year over the age of consent, it’s still not okay for a boss to be dating an intern who NEEDS the money.
10. FP //
Man is it me or does this whole latest (fast pass) episode really feels like a "Debunking antis with facts and logic" from Rachel?
I found it funny especially when Hades gets mad for being called out like sure grandpa lets get you to bed
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evilform · 4 years
soup eater, Gimme the works (all of the)m
AUTISM ACTIVATED. ok fuck this is gonna be long. under the cut it goes
📃 what is the plot of your hyperfixation? and is it a movie, game, show, etc?
😔 i am an anime enjoyer sadly enough. theres also the manga but i havent read that SO im just gonna be focusing on the anime for this one. uhhh (digging through my brain) none of this is going to be worded intelligently im sorry give me a moment.
there are these kids and some of them can turn into weapons. actually theres just weapon people in general and thats like Normal. dont ask too many lore questions. and they uhhh the kids go to a high school called the DWMA (lit. demon weapon-meister academy) focused on keeping the balance between good and evil. i uhhhhh
The anime is based on the Soul Eater manga series by Atsushi Ohkubo. The plot of the episodes follows Maka Albarn, a "meister" of the Death Weapon Meister Academy (DWMA), and her living weapon, Soul Eater, as she seeks to make the latter into a "death scythe" through absorbing the souls of evil humans.
thanks wikipedia
📌  how did you find your hyperfixation?
uhhh if im not mistaken an old friend introduced me to it back in 2018!! (hi holly the chances of you reading this are slim but hi) and it recently bubbled back up into my brain. ive been here for 2 years :heart:
✨  what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
i think that drew me towards it initially was the very halloweeny, early 2000s feel to it (and.. fair enough, it WAS made in 2008-2009 so its authentic) but what kept me reeled in was a lot of the themes and symbolism that i am waayy too tired to get into rn but i am just telling you bro this anime hits.. a little deep
and also canon nonbinary (even if shoddily translated at first) and psychotic characters win
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
i DO but i am keeping this spoiler free for you wife. these are all tearjerkers anyways so
🎶  if your hyperfixation has songs/an ost, what is your favorite song from it?
just one? 🥺 honestly the anime’s entire OST goes hard as hell and its super hard picking favorites but here:
and this one isnt part of the ost butttt....
💕  tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
i could say crona and talk about their character development and how much i see myself in them and how we share the same trauma. or i could say maka and talk about HER character development and how i see myself in her in the sense of always trying to be good enough and pushing her limits to be strong and resilient in the face of everything. or i could say stein and go in depth about how hes written as a psychotic character while still not letting that define his entire being and how much i see myself in HIM. or i could talk about kid and liz and patti a
💔  tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
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🏳‍🌈  do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
lesbian maka, trans/intersex/nonbinary/lesbian crona, transmasc blackstar, nonbinary kid... literally all of these kids are neurodivergent (i see myself in them moment part 3845875)
🍀  do you have any kins or comfort characters from your hyperfixation?
that’s a little personal don’tcha think?
all jokes aside i don’t think i “kin” but uhhhh. honestly most these characters are comfort characters to me. soul eater in general is comfort media
💎  are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
*does a silly little dance* OHKAY!
none of the soul eater games (there were 3 of them) were ever released outside of japan
black☆star is voiced by women in both the jp and eng dubs
maka was chiaki omigawa’s first VA role
💢  what do you NOT like about your hyperfixation? is there something you would want to change about it?
this isnt anime specific and i am thinking heavily of the manga crona boobage weirdness but every time atsushi ohkubo writes something weird with these characters i feel like this image. it fills me with primal rage
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anyways thanks for listening this took me over an hour to write amd i kept bouncing around my room because i am so autistic and this series makes me so happy
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promptosbouncybuns · 6 years
Can we please not tear ships down or character bash because of our agendas?
This somehow became super long...sorry.
Wanna know what Mai and Aang have in common?
They are normally the two biggest recipients of, honestly, really stupid accusations.
Aang is apparently abusive in that he kissed Katara once while she wasn't very consenting to it at the time.
He's 12 and does stupid things but please hold him accountable for all time despite how disappointed in himself he looked right after. He didn't even pursue her after she stepped back. He saw his error and pulled away.
He apparently doesn't care about Katara? Despite literally giving up his chance to take full control of his avatar state just to go save her from a vision that may or may not have been real. I mean he could have just been like...ok...meh...Idc. Avatar state yip yip!
Then in LOK he just used her as a baby maker...never mind that apparently Katara had enough power or sway to outlaw bloodbending. Plus...guys...she's old when we see her in that series and has always been more family centered.
Not saying she became just a regular housewife after she married Aang but as stated before, she old! She's been through enough and if she wants some peace and solitude after dealing with the loss of her Friends, her Brother, and her Husband than...let the woman be pls. Even Toph didn't really want to fight anymore since old age had finally cought up with her and she's younger than Katara! If she doesn't want to fight but instead heal, let her do as she pleases. Plus you all sound like being a housewife and taking care of your children is a death sentance. Not all fighters are in the battle all the time.
Somehow Aang is also depicted as only seeing Katara as a trophy...Honestly I don't see how this got so convoluted but anyone who saw the series can say he doesn't think or her that way. He loves her, sees her as his best friend, and as probably one of the best masters to ever teach him. He's shown her tremendous respect as a friend, pupil, and love interest. He's listened to her and has grown from her wisdom.
Its also just crapping all over Katara as a character when people have this line of thinking. She's stronger than that, and would never be a prize to anyone, not even the avatar. If she wants to be with him she will. Kinda like how in the last episode when Aang walks out, she follows and is the one to kiss him.
I've always seen them as opposites, not in elements but in personalities. Also their similarites tend to correlate too!
Katara is at times a stick in the mud and Aang helps her have a childhood with the fun he brings her. She's had to grow up fast and undertake a lot of chores around her village. She's strong and outspoken, at times very loudly. She's passionate, even in the face of supposed peril, where there is no way she can prevail. She's strong and cares for others, almost to a fault since she took up precious days till the eclipse to help firenation people she didnt know.
Aang is a playful soul that hates being tied down. He'd rather have fun, and has been raised to seek leisure instead of responsibility. Its because of this that makes him so childish, until he meets her and is shown that his destiny is to bring balance to the world. He may not be physically strong but like Katara he isn't weak willed. He's passionate about protecting people and bringing harmony back to the four nations. While his passion isn't quite so loud, he can inspire people.
She's helped curb his childishness, and has helped instill in him responsibility. She won't let him shirk things off or procrastinate. She even was willing to let Aang learn waterbending without her because it was for the greater good.
Through these actions she's helped Aang embrace his old soul vibe and have it feel justified. He sees through her that what he does now will have an impact on the world and he best be getting to it.
I've always seen them as a couple that is silly, cute, and can get things done. I can see them being older and being more familiar with each other and it can lead to them having very intense intimate energy. I mean in the series, they're kids so...not really into thinking about them that way at that age. They can communate well so, there will be less fights and a lot of understanding. Definitely not boring.
As for Mai well...apparently people just don't understand her sense of humor and personality. She's got dry humor and is very direct in a lot of things. She doesn't sugar coat things and shys away from expression a lot of times.It somehow comes off as abusive?
Her telling Zuko to never break up with her again is supposed to be a joke, seeing as the last time he did, she literally had to save his bum from being boiled alive...
Then you have the infamous scene where they were together again after season 2 and while Zuko angsts, Mai tries to redirect his thoughts from such dark depths. Honestly, what do you say to that? Should you say its going to be ok? Because that just seems empty amd shallow.
Plus Mai, being emotionally stunted, doesn't really know how to navigate emotional waters. You also have to keep in mind that they finally get to have a conversation after all these years so obviously they aren't going to really know one another and how to communicate well.
So her not coddling and not letting him angst over things neither of them can know or deal with till it actually happens is dismissive of his abuse? I don't thinks so. Its honestly saying we will have to wait and see how things have changed once you are actually back home, so lets not dwell on them so much.
Of course, then you have her bringing up what happened last time Zuko was in a war meeting which is somehow abusive too. You know, its the same thing Iroh brought up in season 1 Ep. 3. So Iroh is abusive too now. It feels like people are saying don't bring up someone's abuse, ever, even if its to help them from potentially repeating the same pain.
She's trying to stop him caring and in her very direct way says that its not worth the pain of what could happen again if he attends. She's genuinely worried about him and doesn't want him hurt more physically or emotionally.
Then they like to say Mai doesn't care about Zuko really and that she just likes his status. They also say she's abusive with how she doesn't like anything he does for her. The biggest scene used is from the Beach showing Mai non-plussed by him giving her a shell and ice cream.
For one, Zuko wasn't acting like Zuko at all that first bit of the episode. He didn't take into account what Mai liked as apposed to what other girls liked. I mean while Ty Lee may like the shell, does that mean every girl has to like it otherwise they're a complete bish? Also...who here likes having ice cream fall on them? Honestly Mai could have made a huge deal about getting it on her but chose to crack a wry, but as always, dry joke about it.
Also please note that in this same episode Mai deals with an abusive S/O very correctly. Zuko's been acting off and it culminates with him pushing a guy back who happened to be talking to her. He makes a scene and insults her in front of everyone once she calls him out on his actions. Does she get even and call him worse? Nope. She simply says that their relationship is over and thats it. Though she looks conflicted by this, she stands firm despite Zuko trying to get handsy with her twice later in the episode. She holds him accountable but says she still loves him. I'd have an issue with this if they didnt have Zuko tell her and everyone whats been eating at him so long.
If she didnt know whats been making him act so hostile and crazy then how can she know that Zuko's not just an abusive jerk showing his true colors after all this time. Not saying that it made his actions right, but I feel her knowing the why instead of leaving it a mystery helped Mai reason through forgiving him.
As for her just wanting the power of his position, thats just really, really, really, lazy. She's from a noble family and is friends with the firenation princess...or as I like to say, unfortunately trapped in Azula's orbit. She'd be well off as it is if she kept her connection to Azula, but she didn't. She chose to go against a firebending prodigy, essentially turning her back on the firenation and her family to save the jerk who dumped her by letter.
Nope! Mai doesn't give a Flamio about Zuko himself. She just wants his title.
Opposites seem to attract and in this case its definitely with personalities since...ya know...Mai can't bend elements.
Zuko is passionately driven to a scary degree. He's hyper focused on finding the avatar despite the 100 years no one's seen them. He can be hot tempered and easily set off. He cares for people even to the point he'd rather starve than rob pregnant couple for food. He's brash, and doesn't think things through.
Mai is quietly, but strongly passionate for Zuko, even if its detrimental to her as with challenging Azula. She has learned to keep her temper and other emotions under lock and key, and is not easily set off. She cares about those she's put time and energy into. She's fairly classy, choosing her words wisely and she's definitely done a lot of thinking about what she wants or needs to do as far as her actions.
Zuko's shown that its ok to be expressive, and that its ok for her to do so. He wants to see her free of her parents emotional abuse so that she won't be so guarded.
Through Mai's personality, she's helped temper....Zuko's temper. He won't be so quick to flip his lid and do things without thinking them through. Like fire to a knife Zuko's helped make Mai burn bright and she's given him a sheith for his wild emotions.
I've always seen them as the quiet but intense love kinda couple. They may not have the best communication skills and this could lead to a lot of arguments but their love for one another is stronger. Eventually the sands of time will smooth them, break down walls and allow them to understand one another better.
I'm all for pretty much any ship in atla, and I love how fanfiction can actually help strengthen my love for it more than the actual show. The creativity and OOC that some writers pull off can be amazing and help you really like a character in a certain way or open your eyes to a new pairing.
However, if you wanna like ships, like them because you can, but don't go and take obviously innocent things and blow them out of proportion.
Here is convoluted, misconstrued, out of context information to say person X is evil and shouldnt be with person Y. W shouldn't be with person Z....therefore, Person Z and Person Y should be together because their partners are obviously abusive.
The...What? Three to maybe five episodes of screentime together as begrudgingly budding friends is enough to show exactly how they will be if they got together. Which these episodes can bring about interestingly creative ideas, however people act like that this is the definitive reason Z/Y should be together and any other pairing with the other two is completely abusive.
Just to be clear...if you like Zutara, thats great, I do too. I can imagine them in any number of ways. Them being enemies to lovers, or knowing each other before becoming star crossed lovers, or everythings all good in the univers and they love each other so so much!
However, in none of these headcannons do I see the need to bash Aang or Mai. I don't need to come up with stupid reasonings for Zuko and Katara to be together. If I want them to be together in a story or piece of art, I'll do it and be classy about it. I won't have Katara say Aang assaulted her and fly into Zuko's arms, pushing Mai down saying she's a manipulative bish. Because...she and Aang aren't.
At all.
Im just tired of the mental gymnastics shippers go through to spread hate for one ship so they can have another. Half the time its not even true facts but just people seeing it from an angle that aligns with their agenda.
If you like something, you like it, but don't crap on other ships or characters wrongly to justify it.
Sorry if this is a mess but god, seeing most of these accusations against Aang had me honestly cringing. I thought it was mainly against Mai because...she got Zuko and isn't bubbly, motherly, and...well Katara. So when Anti-Kataang reasons somehow showed up on the old dash, I felt my faith in humanity plummet.
Like...I hope you guys can sleep well at night knowing you've literally slandered a cinnamon roll who's in touch with his feelings, something most of you would protect if it where for any other ship. Like people just starting the series potentially arent going to be too keen on Aang himself at all simply because of this misinformation. But no...just to have one ship you equated this kid to a sexually abusive monster. Good job. 10/10. Slow 👏 for you guys. Be proud.
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