#like hollowframe dante :)
upsidedownsmore · 26 days
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(edited to fix page 3, oops!)
Hello! Here's a Hollowframe zine I made for my 2D design class final last week!
We basically got to make an 8-paged zine + poster designed for a double-sided 11x17" sheet of paper about anything we wanted, so I elected to just reuse stuff I already drew for my ongoing Hollowframe project since I was already buried under other assignments (though I still ended up putting way too much effort into it lol, I even remade the full group arrangement!)
The idea was to split the timeline of the Hollowframe project into four rough "phases", take a warframe from each, and then condense a bunch of info about the design I drew for them into a page each.
Hollowframe tag!
Google drive link with high quality pdfs, pngs, and more for printing and whatever! :) (and send me pics if you actually print it!!)
Pics of the irl folded zine and more under the cut!
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And here's an unfolded view of all of the pages:
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Feel free to try printing and folding it yourself! (here is a random zine folding tutorial I found: https://zineopolis.blogspot.com/p/h.html) (meant for 11x17" paper but idk maybe you can make a really small one lol)
I used Photoshop for the page backgrounds, Illustrator to arrange the pages themselves, and Krita to rearrange the full group image.
Pretty happy with how it turned out! I'm honestly mostly glad I finally got an excuse to remake that full group arrangement cause man that dull bluish gray background was not doing it for me anymore lol (though now it's 11x17" rather than 16:9 ratio so maybe not as good for desktop backgrounds but idk if that matters that much? idk i might adjust it back to a 16:9 ratio if people really want me to)
Anyways that's it for now bye bye :)
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upsidedownsmore · 10 days
oh yeah here's my first sketch i made in procreate a few days ago :)
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just got an ipad and an apple pen from some friends so i'm gonna try to use it every now and then, still lots to get used to but it's also pretty dang cool being able to draw where i'm looking lol
still gonna be focused on using krita for a bit though for hollowframe dante since i (fucking finally) started that yesterday
you know what speaking of which, here have this sketch wip as a treat :) (done in krita not procreate, as you can probably tell lol):
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i really should be doing thumbnail sketching before going straight into details and shading on the first idea lmao, though tbf i've had a lot of time to think of ideas in my head and i'm pretty happy with this sketch anyways
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upsidedownsmore · 1 month
well now i know i have a deadline of june for hollowframe dante if i dont want to overlap with jade, i'll try to get something going a week from now once finals are over. i guess there isn't really an issue with overlapping with jade in reality but it's good if i give myself some kind of deadline (plus i can try to finish it in time for the tennocon showcase if i end up liking it more than hollowframe qorvex)
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