#like the image of him in my head is like yes. yes this is what i want to be someday.
eratosmusings · 1 day
Stolen Destiny (IV)
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summary: a proposal
warnings: adults only, all characters are over 18, past suicide, misogyny, allusions to murder, dark themes, canon typical violence, smut in future chapters
word count: 2k
previous chapter / dividers / masterlist
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“The spitting image of your mother,” you hear more than once. Anger radiates from your father every time, yet he says nothing. He cannot in front of so many. How could he explain that the ghost of your mother fills him with such rage?
It’s a day spent in a stadium watching physical feats. It’s not all that entertaining in itself, but the guests are plied with drinks and food enough to not care. They place bets amongst themselves and you’re sure a few of them will end their visit here without a solari to their name. You want nothing more than to steal Irulan for the day, but duty kept her bound to the subjects who desired her attention. 
You weave through the crowd and let yourself be distracted by conversation with the lower houses. He watches. You can feel the weight of his gaze every time you smile or laugh or speak or breathe. 
“Looks like you’ve got someone’s attention,” one of the daughters giggles loudly. Others turn their heads. You brush it off and continue the conversation you’d been having about the next day's entertainment—an ancient play written before the Jihad.
The whispers of his attention follow you like his eyes. When it becomes overbearing you avoid it all and focus on the events in the arena. Men striking the ground with long poles to launch themselves over raised bars to see how far they land. The tightness in your shoulders eases when Feyd-Rautha finally breaks from the shadows. His looming figure shields you from the rays of the setting sun and the sight of intruding eyes as he stands beside you. “What uses would such a skill have?” he ponders. 
“Perhaps none,” you say. “But the strength they must build is noteworthy. These men train with swords and spears just as much as their poles.”
He hums in response as one of the men clears the bar. He lands the furthest you’ve seen, but his footing is poor. He doesn’t shout, though from his limp as walks away it’s evident the attempt injured him. “Perhaps they should train more on how they land.”
You can’t help but laugh. “Yes, perhaps.”
Together you watch in silence as the event rolls into the next.
“I must admit my surprise at your appearance today, my lady. I had thought you preferred a more subdued look.”
A man runs with a spear in hand. Inches from a line they’d drawn in the grass he throws it. “That is my father’s preference.” The tip embeds itself in the ground yards away. “Is it yours as well?”
He does not answer. He cannot. Paul invades the space between you. “Giedi Prime is a desolate place, my lady. Color and beauty do not survive under their black sun.” He is wrong. Beauty raised under that sun stands beside him. “You would be at place in Caladan. The sunset would envy your beauty.” That has nothing to do with what you had asked.
“I had not realized you were a poet,” Feyd-Rautha taunts and a smile nearly bends your lips.
“How could one not be in the presence of such a divine creature?”
“You are too kind.” You step away from him, wishing he’d have kept his distance. Had his stares not been enough? Would he not get the opportunity to humiliate you once again in a few hours? “If you’ll excuse me.” That’s all you leave them with. You can bear him no longer.
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Fandral keeps a better eye on you. You’re barely down a flight of stairs before he is at your side. It’s a silent return to the castle. He has something to say, you see it in the way his mouth twitches every so often as he sits across from you in the vehicle, but he lets you enjoy the peace for a bit longer.
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You have no choice in your evening attire. A dress that’s a sister to the ones the other women will wear. Makeup that will be seen from afar. It’s the only thing you don’t mind for the performance.
Despite your early departure, you’re late to the small room off the Great Hall. Fandral doesn’t question the delay. You suspect he knows the reason well enough now. Disapproval colors his cheeks. 
Your tardiness is unnecessary. Paul has not arrived yet. Still, the swordmaster reprimands you for it. You tune it out until you’re free. It’s a small comfort to see the woman with your swords again. She offers encouragement with them before retreating with the others. Enviously you watch. How you wish Irulan were here with you.
Paul arrives only minutes before your set to perform. He doesn’t receive the same scolding you had. He only has time to don his own swords while you and the others begin to file out. A small blessing.
You let your eyes unfocus as you step into the crowded hall. It’s better to not see the faces. Or his. Each pluck of a string and swirl of a skirt brings you closer to the end. As the clang echos when your swords meet for the first time, you think of how easy it would be to stab at his skin. The blade is dull, but with enough speed and force it wouldn’t be of much consequence. He didn’t have his shield.  
The thought ends as the sword once more slips out of your hand. His hand locks around yours and pulls. His chest presses against your back in a mockery of an embrace. Your eyes burn as they come back in focus. Or perhaps it’s the green fire in his as they bore into you from above.
The music wans and the applause rises. You try to escape his arms, but he holds firm. It’s a quick dip of his gaze that signals his intent. Your face moves an inch in time for his lips to brush against your cheek. Whistles echo in the deafening noise.
Feyd-Rautha watches from his seat at the head table. He’s too far to make out his face, but he’s impossible to not recognize. The degradation weighs heavy in your throat. A day ago he’d seen you as a worthy opponent. How must he see you now?
You’re freed from the cage of his arms. You bow with the others but do not stay. You cannot soak in the humiliation a moment longer.
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Paul calls for you. You do not stop. Your name bounces off the walls of the corridor as you hope he’ll end his pursuit. But he does not allow such a reprieve. A hand grips your upper arm.
“Let me go,” you hiss, trying to pull free. He does not.
“I didn’t mean to upset you.” He rounds on you, confusion written in the lines of his face. “I was caught up in the moment. I’m sorry.” He means it. You do not care. “Return with me, please. It’s your celebration.”
“I cannot. I must return to my room.”
“Please. Irulan wishes to see you.”
Disgust sours your tongue. How poorly his father had raised him. “I am sure the princess would prefer you to return to her alone. She has had enough humiliation tonight, I think.”
His hand falls away. “Humiliation?” 
You scoff. “I understand it may be hard for you to understand, but no woman wants to see her future husband kiss another. Especially not in front of so many people.”
The bastard laughs. When he sees the unimpressed look on your face, he asks, “Have I not made my intentions obvious?” He smiles. “The dance is an old engagement tradition on Caladan.” He chuckles, shakes his head, and adds, “Well a condensed version. The old one was much longer.”
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Time. That is what you tell him you need. And it is. To reverse it. To retract the knowledge of his impending proposal. To revoke the invitation extended to the Atreides. To undo his very conception. Time is all you need.
He misunderstands your shock for one of pleasure and allows you to return to your room unaccompanied. Fandral waits by the closed door. "Did you know?"
"The young lord mentioned his desire for a marriage yesterday. He asked I not tell you."
"And since when did you serve House Atreides?"
"It is a good match, my lady. You would be safe under his protection."
You push the door open. "You may return to your normal post, Fandral. I require a personal guard no longer."
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Sleep comes only briefly. The wake in the dark, the image of an achromatic silhouette contrasted against the warm hues of sunrise embedded in your vision. You dress quickly and slip through the corridors. The sounds of the party still linger. It's too easy to go unnoticed and begin the hour-long hike. Every step springs forward a new emotion. Frustration. Despair. Disgust. Terror. Fury.
Solace as you hear a rock skitter across the path behind you. You continue on without looking back or calling to him. He knows you know. Nothing more needs to be said yet. You reach the same spot you'd picniced days before in that blissful silence. Only when the sky begins to color does he finally speak. "The sunrise on Geidi Prime is not so colorful."
"Like its people."
He grins that wide, black grin. "Yes, like its people."
The sun begins to crest over the horizon when you guide him to the canoe still tied to the end of the dock. He does not question as the oars break through the still surface. Even as the overgrown and greying marble pavilion comes into view. He eases the canoe onto the shore and gives his hand to help you disembark. How wonderful it is to touch him again. How dreadful to let it go again.
“My father had this built for my mother when they married.” You take the steps up the once grand gift. “He was so infatuated with her in the beginning. At least that’s what she told me.” You rest your hands against the railings and stare over the water. The marble is cool and coated with a layer of damp. “And then she gave birth to me.”
His warmth soaks into your back, hands resting on the rails beside yours. “He’d been promised a son.”
“One who would marry the emperor’s first born daughter and one day ascend the throne.”
His breath fans across your ear. “Your father was displeased.”
“He drove my mother to try again and again. But nothing. It drove her into madness. Tied rocks to her feet and walked into the water.” She hadn’t tied them well. They found her floating only a day after she went missing. “All for nothing. My father is the one incapable. All he has and will ever have is me.”
“More than he deserves.”
You turn in the small space he’s left between him and the railing. There is no more than an inch that separates your chests. The warmth of the sun makes you sweat. Or perhaps that is from his closeness. It would be a simple thing. A small tilt of your head, a gentle push forward. Lips pressing together. Your heart skips at the thought. The wind rustles through the leaves of the trees and breaks the trance.
"Paul Atriedes is going to ask for my hand."
"And it displeases you."
"Has he not taken enough? And now he wants to tie me to him for the remainder of my days? To submit to him and birth his own heir? How could that not displease me?"
"Deny him."
"My father will not allow that."
"Perhaps we needn’t worry what your father thinks. He enjoys his drink, yes? It is rather miraculous he has not had an accident yet."
Your smile, bright and wide, reflects on his face. How easy he is to manipulate. You hadn’t needed to suggest anything, the violence embedded in his blood coming to the conclusion on its own. “He does indeed. I fear his luck may not last much longer.”
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your thoughts & reblogs are appreciated! 💕
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danoslvrr · 1 day
“babydoll” - james kelly x f!reader
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summary ; james is your dad’s best friend and you’ve longed for him for years. now, you have him after he catches you masturbation.
warnings; smut, p in v, daddy kink, f!masturbation , oral (f & m receiving), age gap, soft dom!james, sub!reader, size kink, breeding kink, praise, dirty talk, creampie.
you run your fingers through your hair in a fit of frustration, the sexual energy pent up in your body slowly driving you insane. you groan. you can hear james kelly and your father downstairs, likely drinking beer and chatting with a cigarette in james’ perfect hands. god, did you wish those hands were buried deep inside of you.
you reach over to your bedside drawer, pulling out your little vibrator, standing up to shuffle out of your little skirt and panties, leaving your lower body bare under your soft pink sheets. you pull the sheets up as you crawl back into bed, covering your body up. you turn the vibrator on a low setting, quickly pressing it to your clit, letting out a soft moan as you feel yourself hurdling towards the release you’ve been craving since james had arrived at your house just a couple hours earlier.
you run the vibrator over your clit, reaching down with your free hand to plunge two fingers inside of your aching cunt, moaning without a care in the world as you slowly curl them inside of you, pumping them in and out of yourself. “jamie, please,” you moan, the image of james’ cock buried deep inside you flashing in your mind. little tears begin to escape your eyes, and you’re so lost in the pleasure you don’t even hear when the door opens as you moan james’ name again.
“hey angel, heard you crying, wanted to make sure you were oka-“ he says as he begins to enter the room. he’s greeted with the sight of you touching yourself, moaning his name. james stands there in shock and awe, and when he finally takes a step forward and the floor creaks, you jump, tossing your vibrator to the side and quickly slipping your fingers out of yourself.
“jamie, i-“ he doesn’t say anything. your entire face is flushed and you want to sob, bury your face into the pillows and never come out of your room again. “baby…” he murmurs, taking another step towards you. “jamie, ‘m so sorry, please don’t tell my dad, please, it won’t happen again i-“ he cuts you off with a soft, “shh, babydoll, ‘s okay.” you almost begin to ramble again. “i- what?” you say softly, your expression softening.
he chuckles. “i said ‘s okay.” he says, smiling at you. the sight makes your heart flutter. “can i see, baby?” he whispers and you swear your heart stops. “i, uh- yeah, sure…” you mumble, your head spinning. this is a dream, surely. you pull your sheets to the side slowly as he takes a step closer to you, exposing your sopping pussy that’s dripping onto the sheets.
“oh, babydoll. ‘s so pretty and wet. this all f’me?” he coos, reaching out to run his hand over your thighs, just inches away from your heat. “yes, fuck, jamie, please.” you moan quietly. “yeah, baby? you want daddy to take care of you?” the name makes you shudder, moaning again. “yes, daddy, please, want you to touch me.” you whisper, looking up at him with teary eyes. “such a pretty girl,” he whispers, staring at you for a moment in awe as he watches the tears slip down your face.
you begin to silently sob, and he’s quick to position himself between your legs, his face inches away from your little cunt. he licks a soft stripe from your entrance to your clit, peering up at you as he does so to make sure this is okay. you moan, covering your mouth with your hand, gasping softly. “daddy,” you whine as he sucks your clit into his mouth, suckling on the sensitive bundle of nerves. he pokes his fingers at your opening, again looking up at you for permission to continue. you nod with a whimper as he plunges two fingers inside of you and you nearly scream, your legs trembling. “fuck, daddy, please,” you moan as he continues to suck on your clit.
“you want my cock, baby? tell me, tell me you want me to fill this little cunt up,” he whispers breathlessly, pulling away from your clit to look up at you. you nod quickly. “please, daddy, want you to stuff me with your cock.” you whimper, pawing at his pants as he crawls up your body to kiss you, toying with the button on his jeans, and finally pulling them down along with his boxers to reveal his cock.
“daddy,” you say in awe, staring at his dick. your mouth waters and he groans softly as you slide off the bed to go to where he’s standing, kneeling in front of him. “wanna suck me off, sweet girl?” he whispers, running his fingers through your hair softly. “please, daddy, can i?” you beg. you can feel yourself leaking wetness down your thighs as you stare at his cock, big and thick and long. “go ahead babydoll.” he whispers.
you quickly begin to plant little kitten licks along his tip and length, kisses being placed here and there as you worship him. he lets out a low groan, his eyes fluttering shut as he tangles his hands in your hair. “doing so good already baby, fuck.” he moans. he sighs breathily, pulling you down further onto his length softly as you suck on the tip of him, relishing in the taste of his precum in your mouth.
after just a couple minutes, his hips begin to jerk and he begins rambling about how he’s gonna cum in your mouth, panting softly. one kiss placed to his tip sends him over the edge as you greedily swallow all of his cum, your brain mushy. he lifts you up, kissing you softly and whispering “did so good f’me babydoll, such a good girl,” against your lips.
he softly guides you over to the bed and pushes you down, positioning himself above you. “you ready, angel?” he asks, looking between you and your still dripping heat. “yes, daddy, please fuck me.” you whisper, grabbing him by the neck and pulling him into a heated kiss. he chuckles against your lips, pulling away only so he can guide his length into your pussy, groans and whimpers coming from both of your mouths filling the room as he slides inside of you.
“fuck, you’re so fuckin’ tight, babydoll.” he whispers in praise as he begins to slowly move, thrusting in and out of you, his tip brushing against that spot that has your head spinning. “daddy, daddy,” you cry, moaning and squeezing your eyes shut. he begins to plant soft kisses along your face and neck, slowly moving down to your tits where he sucks one of your nipples into his mouth. you moan loudly, panting as he continues to move inside of you.
“doing so good, doll, c’mon, cum for me baby.” he coos, reaching down to thumb your clit, your body tensing up as you release all over him. “fuck, baby, gonna cum inside you, can i?” he moans as he feels you clench around him and cover his cock in your release. “please, daddy, want you to breed me, please,” you moan, tears spilling out of your face from the overstimulation.
that’s all the permission he needs and he groans loudly as he fills you up with his sticky release, his cock twitching inside of you as he pulls you into his chest. you giggle softly as he pulls out of you, his hands stroking your hair. “did so good f’me, baby.” he whispers. “thank you jamie.” you mumble, shy and embarrassed by the praise.
“don’t tell your dad about this.”
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corruptedcaps · 1 day
Blast from the past
Some of my older stories have been banned permanently from Tumblr due to some NSFW images. So every once and awhile I will repost them with new SFW images (look for the #cc unbanned tag). This is one such story. Enjoy!
"Hey Shaun what is this stuff?" Chloe called out to her husband while sifting through the few remaining undamaged boxes from their flooded basement. She found one marked 'Shaun and Jordan'. Shaun hurried over but when he saw the box he seemed to go pale.
"Oh. That's stuff from my last relationship, way before I met you." He said slightly guilty as Chloe opened the box and started sifting through.
"Leather jackets? Switchblades? Cigarettes? Keys to a motorcycle? And what's this?" Chloe said pulling out a stack of pictures with the top one being one of a young rebellious couple making out next to a motorbike. Her leg was wrapped around him and his hands were all over her. Chloe realised that this was Shaun and Jordan. She was taken aback.
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"Wow Shaun I never knew you had a biker phase." She said half teasing half curious.
"As I said it was a long time ago, I'm not proud of that period of my life. I stole, fought, commited such heinous criminal acts. But that’s not me anymore." He said. Chloe moved onto the next picture which was of Jordan posing suggestively on a bike.
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"And what about her? What about Jordan?" Chloe asked.
"She... She died in a motorbike accident. After she died it was like I woke up to all the stupid shit I had been doing with my life. I packed up all our belongings into that box and forgot about it. It's not who I am anymore, don't worry. I should go into town and get some supplies to clean this all up, I'll be back in a bit." Shaun said kissing his wife goodbye.
Chloe, however, had flipped to another picture of just Shaun on a bike and she was fixated. He seemed so in charge, so manly, so tough in the past, it was kind of turning Chloe on. Sure she loved Shaun now but sometimes she wished there was a bit more fire to him.
Chloe flipped back to another picture of Jordan. She was stunning and had the tightest body Chloe had ever seen. Her eyes were so piercing that Chloe felt intimidated just looking at her. Chloe felt light headed as she heard a voice drift into her mind. "He could be that man again." It said.
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"But how? How can he get his fire back?" She said in a dreamlike daze.
"He needs his bad bitch girlfriend by his side. You need to become the new me, the new Jordan. I'll help you bring the bad boy Shaun out." Jordan seemed to say from the picture. In her daze it made perfect sense to Chloe.
"Yessss of course, he needs to remember who he was." She said in a trance.
"You want to be me, you've always wanted to be a bad ass bitch and now here's your chance. I'll warp your body and mind into Shaun's perfect little slut then he'll be yours forever and together you will be the baddest couple around. Doesn't that sound good?" Jordan purred.
"Mmmmm fuck yes, Chloe is such a pathetic loser. I want to be Jordan." Chloe moaned in pleasure as she felt her pussy get slick.
"Goooood. Now if that is to happen then you'll need to look the part. Don't worry, this will feel amazing." Jordan whispered as Chloe felt her tits expand out of her sweater. She moaned in pleasure as she groped her new breasts in pleasure.
"YESSSSS fuck yes I want more! Make them bigger!" Chloe demanded.
"Now you're acting like me." Jordan said cackling to herself as Chloe fell more under her corruption. Her tits swelled even bigger and Chloe ripped off her top to better appreciate her new weapons.
"If these don't light a fire under Shaun nothing will. I'm such a hot bitch now." Chloe said vainly touching herself all over.
"You're nearly there. Now pick out a tight outfit from the box to really become me." Jordan enticed her but Chloe was already a willing victim. She pulled out a form fitting leather corset and loved how it barely contained her new tits. The more she admired herself the more of Jordan slipped into her.
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"Mmmmm soon I'll have my alpha male back and then we'll show this town a thing or two about fear." She said cackling to herself. Chloe was almost completely taken over by Jordan but there was still an annoying little piece of goodness residing in her. Jordan knew just how to get rid of it and fully take over.
"That's it my little pet, now just one last step and we will be one. You'll be a true evil bitch like me, maybe even badder. Go to the garage, I have a gift waiting." Jordan said and Chloe felt a shiver of anticipation pass through her like it was Christmas. A smile curled up her lips as she entered the garage and saw waiting for her was a motorbike. Not just any bike though.
"Your bike." Chloe said running a hand across the sleek metal becoming more and more turned on as she did.
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"You mean your bike? Don't you want to be Jordan? Don't you want to be me?" Jordan whispered.
"More than anything." Chloe said her voice dripping with lust.
"Then climb on and start her up." Jordan said and Chloe stalked over obediently. She threw her leg over the powerful machine and instantly felt at home. She turned the key and started it up. The vibration from the engine made her wet as she straddled tight to the machine.
"Doesn't that feel good? Only thing that beats it is a good hard fucking. Now Rev it up. The more you do the more of me you let in." Jordan said seductively. Chloe revved it again and again each time getting closer and closer to orgasming. She moaned as she felt Jordan's soul begin to merge with her own with each Rev.
"Oh fuck FUCK! Yessss I feel like such an evil bitch. I feel like a hot bad ass slut! I feel like Jordan! NO! I AM JORDAN!" She screamed as their two personalities crashed into one another. At once Chloe had new memories flood her mind. She was Jordan now and it felt perfect. She ran her sharp nails down her transformed body in ecstasy.
"Shaun has been missing a real woman's touch and a real woman's pussy but once he gets a look at me he'll forget all about weak little Chloe." She said tieing her hair up into a mohawk. She loved how it looked. It made her look like a woman not to be messed with. Just then she heard a car pull up outside.
"Hmmmm speak of my devil. Time to get him playing on the dark side again." She said with a wicked smile. She heard him go into the basement with the supplies he just bought and she followed patiently after him. Her high heels clacked loudly on the metal stairs she descended causing Shaun to turn around.
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"Chloe? Is that you?" He said certain it was but began doubting himself the more he looked at her.
"Try again lover." She said in a breathy voice and tone he did not recognize her having before. It was like she acting like...
"Jordan? No this can't be real." He said backing away.
"What's the matter baby? You look like you've seen a ghost." She said smiling knowingly while approaching him
"What have you done with Chloe?" He said unable to take his eyes off her body while he continued to back away.
"Me and Chloe had a little talk and decided it was in everyone's best interest if you got a little of your fire back, a little of your passion. That's why I'm here baby, you need your evil muse." She said eyeing him sexily and hungrily.
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"No I want Chloe back, I'm not that man anymore I'm a better man. I'm a good man!" He said as she backed him into a corner.
"A good man maybe? But a better man? Not even close." She said and then pounced on him locking her lips on his. He fought at first against her soft warm lips but the more they continued the more he lost himself to her. He was transported back to when he was young and carefree, when he only gave a fuck about one person. After about a minute he was pushing her against the wall and moved from kissing her lips to her neck.
"Oh you fucking nasty slut I've missed you. And I've especially missed this tight little thing." He said as he stroked her pussy.
"There's my man." Jordan said while helping him take off his pants. She undid his belt and his pants careened to the floor.
"Mmmmm nice to see somethings haven't changed." She said licking her lips as she gazed at his huge member.
Original note count before ban: 285
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marvelmusing · 2 days
Thirst Tweets
part of the Q&A Universe
Pairing: Darklina x Fem!Reader (Actors AU)
Summary: With Aleksander and Alina by your side, you suffer through the mortifying ordeal of reading thirst tweets to promote your new film.
Warnings [18+]: discussions of sex, thirst tweets, mentions of filming intimate scenes, hair pulling
Part One • My Masterlist
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“So, in front of each of you is a pot filled with tweets about one of your costars,” the producer explains as the people behind the camera make their final preparations before starting filming.
“Who’ve I got…?” you muse, spinning the pot so that you can see the label on the front of it. “Oh, Aleksander.” Frowning, you lean to look at the other two pots on either side of you. “Who has me?”
Alina turns her pot and the two of you lean closer to read the label.
“I do.”
“Then Sasha has Alina’s,” you conclude as Alina settles back in her chair.
He tilts his pot slightly, eyes narrowing as he checks his own label. Then he nods.
“Yes,” he confirms.
“Okay,” the producer says with a smile. “Once we start filming, there’ll be just a quick introduction and then we’ll jump right into it.”
“Quick question,” you say, which has both Aleksander and Alina turning to look at you. “Are these tweets the dirty kind or the weird kind?”
The producer blinks at you, tilting her head aside in confusion.
“I’m sorry?”
“Well, I’ve seen these sort of videos before, and sometimes they’re more funny than filthy, and I was just wondering what kind of video ours is going to be.”
“I think we should just find out,” Alina remarks with a grin, already peering down into her pot filled with tweets about you.
“I’d prefer to be prepared,” you reason.
“As would I,” Aleksander agrees. Alina huffs, rolling her eyes playfully.
“Why don’t I go first and test the waters for you?”
You nod.
The producer retreats behind the camera, giving you a small countdown before filming begins. Clearing your throat, you straighten in your seat, smoothing down your clothes to ensure you’re presentable. Aleksander nudges his elbow against yours, bringing your eyes to his, and he gives you a soft reassuring smile.
Then filming begins.
“I’m Alina Starkova.”
She tilts her head at you, prompting you to introduce yourself as well. Once you do, you turn to Aleksander.
“I’m Aleksander Morozov, and today we are reading thirst tweets.”
Alina wastes no time, rummaging through the pieces of card in the pot in front of her. Knowing she’s about to read something about you out loud has you tapping your foot nervously. Aleksander loops his pinkie around yours, giving it a gentle squeeze which makes you smile at him.
“It’s this photo of you,” Alina announces, once she’s made her selection.
She turns the piece of card around so that you and Aleksander can see. The image is a screen-cap from the film, where your character is sitting on a window seat wearing her nightdress, the early morning sun glowing behind her. When Alina turns the card back around, her brows scrunch together as she reads the rest of the tweet.
“Just me on my knees for this goddess.”
“That’s not too bad,” you reason, looking at Aleksander for his opinion. He nods, leaning further onto his elbow on the arm of his chair - the one closest to you.
“Quite the compliment really,” he adds in agreement. Alina laughs.
“Let me finish reading.” She reaches over to swat at your knee - bare due to the skirt you’re wearing - which makes you pout, feigning offence at her show of violence to ignore how your skin tingles at her touch. “Just me on my knees for this goddess. Let me get between those thighs, I want to drink her like a sweet summer wine.”
“Um, okay.”
She laughs again, raising a brow at your reaction.
“Well what am I supposed to say?” You direct your gaze towards the camera. “Thank you.” Quickly, you turn to your left. “Aleksander, your turn now.”
He sighs. Reaching into his pot, he pulls out the first card he can get hold of. There’s a moment of anticipation, as his eyes scour over the words printed there. Then he says in the calmest, most neutral tone you’ve heard from him,
“I would do the most depraved things imaginable to have Alina Starkova’s tits in my mouth.”
A startled laugh gets caught in your throat as you clasp your hands over your face, your cheeks heating at the sound of Aleksander saying such things so casually. Alina laughs uncontrollably, her face flushed giddily as she slides down in her chair.
“I hope that goes in the video,” she says through her laughter. “Because I will immediately be setting that as my ringtone.”
“You along with half the people watching this,” you remark quietly.
Aleksander lowers the card, shooting a scandalised look at you both.
“You know you love us,” Alina teases, wiggling her fingers at him. Aleksander shakes his head with a soft laugh, attempting to hide his smile with faux disapproval.
“Brats, both of you.” He nudges your knee with his. “Your turn now.”
A pout puckers at your lips, and your features crinkling petulantly at the humiliating thought of reading out something horrifically dirty regarding Aleksander. Sensing your reluctance, Alina holds out her hand for you to take.
“I’ll hold your hand, baby.”
Her rings are cool against your skin as she curls her fingers around yours, and she presses her lips chastely to your knuckles, making an affectionate kiss sound as she does so. With your other hand, you reach for a card from the pot.
“It’s just this photo of you…” Turning the card around, you show them a candid image of Aleksander on set. “…and then it says-”
Squeezing your eyes shut, you shake your head.
“Go on,” Alina encourages you.
“I know his dick is big.”
Alina takes the card from you, examining the photo with an extreme level of focus which makes your cheeks burn even hotter. When you risk a glance at Aleksander, you find the tips of his ears are flushed pink despite the neutral expression he is maintaining on his face. His eyes meet yours and you look away quickly.
The weight of Aleksander’s hand on the back of your chair is the only thing you can focus on, alongside the blood rushing in your ears, as Alina picks up another card from the pot in front of her.
For the next half an hour, the three of you read out tweets until you’ve experienced enough embarrassment to keep you flustered for the rest of the afternoon. As you reach the end of filming, there are three cards left. The producer had explained earlier that all three of you would be the subject of these final tweets.
After some encouragement from the two of them, you go first.
“This just says that we’re the definition of bi panic.” That makes Alina laugh, reaching for her own card.
“I want all three of them to rearrange my insides.” Alina looks up at the camera with a coy smile. “Name a time and a place, sweetheart.”
She winks and Aleksander laughs softly, which makes your stomach flip. He picks up his own card, the final one for the video. He turns it over slowly, crossing his ankle over his knee as he reads.
His eyes remain fixed on the words there, reading them several times with flushed cheeks and parted lips, as he attempts to find his voice. He glances at you momentarily and the look on his face makes you squirm in your seat. When he catches Alina’s eye, she grins.
“This tweet is from Alina.”
That makes your jaw drop, your stomach plummeting simultaneously.
“Go on Sasha,” she teases in a sing-song voice.
“I-” He falters, before he groans quietly through gritted teeth. “Alya,” he sighs. “This afternoon, I spent three hours in bed, between the two hottest people I’ve ever met. I get paid to lick her pretty thighs while he kisses her senseless. I have the best job in the world, argue with the wall.”
Alina laughs, clapping her hands together in gleeful applause while you and Aleksander you look at one another rather bashfully. Memories of filming with them both play over in your mind. The summer had been hot. The three of you had practiced one of the main intimacy scenes in the comfort of Aleksander’s trailer, with the chill of his air conditioning pebbling your nipples.
But there had been no such luxury during filming, when you were in costume - lace hemmed bloomers and a half undone corset. Sweat rolling down Alina’s calf, along Aleksander’s collarbone, glossing over your chest. The remembered heat of her mouth and his hands makes you ache even now.
Once filming is finished, the camera crew and producers exchange pleasantries with the three of you, before clearing out of the room and leaving you in peace.
Alina retrieves her bag from the side of the room, which had been placed out of sight of the cameras, setting it down on her chair. She pops her compact mirror open, checking over her makeup and you watch as she reapplies her lip gloss.
“Well, that wasn’t too bad,” Aleksander concedes with a sigh. He rubs the back of his neck, tilting his head from side to side.
“I found it quite enjoyable,” Alina remarks teasingly, flashing you a smile that makes your stomach flip.
“Of course you did,” you argue, stretching your legs out as you cross your arms. “This was all your idea.”
“I think you enjoyed it too.” She smiles, leaning over to tap the end of your nose which makes you duck your head bashfully.
“No comment.”
͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
The next morning, you’re tackling a few interviews on your own. It feels strange without Aleksander or Alina by your side.
“This is your first film with any sort of intimate scenes,” the interviewer states.
“It is, yeah.”
“And I’d say some of the scenes are rather… intense. How was that?”
Her question makes you smile, thinking about how much work you and Aleksander put into your scenes. The memory of his hand in your hair, pulling your head back to reveal your throat for him makes you shift in your seat.
“Well, I was extremely lucky to have such incredible costars. Aleksander in particular was meticulous when it came to preparations. We would run through our lines together, and then walk through the scene, trying out different positions and reactions to see what worked best for us both. He knows the safest methods to pull hair which...” Heat spreads across your cheeks despite the smirk tugging at your lips. “…certainly came in handy for a few scenes.”
The interviewer smiles widely.
“I can imagine.”
Ducking your head slightly, you glance down at your painted fingernails as you smooth your hands over your trousers. It still makes you flustered, talking about the scenes you filmed with Aleksander and Alina.
“The film is based on a book,” she says.
You nod.
“And you’ve recently been involved in recording a new version of the audiobook.”
That makes you smile.
“I have. I narrate the story and voice my character. Aleksander and Alina also voiced their own characters from the film, and I think Aleksander did a few background characters as well.”
“What was it like working with them again?”
“The whole experience was completely different from anything I’ve ever done before,” you admit. “The three of us were recording in the same room, so there was a really natural overlap between our voices in our scenes - which I love.”
Being in the recording booth with Aleksander and Alina was so much fun. At times, the sexual tension between your characters had made you squirm.
“I love full cast audiobooks, I think they’re so immersive and fun. We included some of the soundtrack from the film as well which adds a whole other layer to it. I feel like we’ve made something really special together.”
“Have you listened to it yet?”
The thought of listening to the audiobook, now fully edited with your voice describing the intimate scenes between your characters, while Aleksander and Alina moan and whisper sweet nothings and dirty promises through your headphones, makes you bite down on your lip to suppress a nervous laugh.
“Not yet, no. And I wouldn’t recommend listening to it in public. Especially chapter nineteen.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” she says with a small laugh. “Are you looking forward to the premiere? It’s your first one in a starring role.”
“It is, yeah. I’m excited - most definitely nervous as well - but at least I won’t be walking the red carpet alone.”
She raises a brow at you.
“Oh? Are you bringing a date?”
Heat rushes down through your body at the misunderstanding.
“Oh no, I meant Aleksander and Alina will be there too.”
She smiles.
“Will the premiere be the first time you see the film?”
“It will. I’ve seen a couple of clips and the trailer, but apart from that I’m going in blind.”
“Well, I hope you enjoy it.”
“Thank you.”
͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
marvelmusing Tag List: @dreamlandcreations @blanchedelioncourt @idaofinfinity @slytherheign @ellooo0ooo @vixenofcourse @dumb-fawkin-bitch @jane-arthur @ilikefictionmen @budugu @watersquirtpewpewboomm @mysweetlittledesire S&B Tag List: @motheroffae @daddymaster21 Aleksander M Tag List: @nyctophiliiiiaaa @jazmin2211 @wooya1224 @seronsalk @acehyacinth BB Characters Tag List: @rachlovesactors @noortsshift @aikeia @weallhaveadestiny @two-unbeatable-beaters @idohknow @vaguekayla @the-desilittle-bird @kksbookstuff
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vegaseatsass · 1 day
I think my absolute favorite detail of this 52-minute smorgasbord of delectable choices was in Joe's decision montage. First, before he tells Ming to get the fuck out, he flashes back to all his past moments as Tong's stand-in, how awfully that hurt.
Then, as Joe stands there crying alone, he starts flashing through image after image of how badly he needs money for Ing's treatment, and you assume that'll be the rest of the montage: Joe needs money. Joe is thinking about how desperate he is, how he almost said yes, but obviously he's not going to actually say yes, because he needs money, goddammit, but he can't be a stand-in to Ming again. But then, suddenly, sprinkled in there is:
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and you realize, oh shit. Oh shit. He is thinking about how it will be different this time. He'll be going in with his eyes wide open. He'll know he's being used. He's thinking about how his heart will be protected. Joe's going to take the job.
It's just such a badass way of showing the character's internal progression: a montage of how much it sucked to be a stand-in, a montage of how badly Ing needs money, and then a montage of but last time, I didn't know, and that was the humiliating thing, that was what left me open to so much hurt.
Now he's heading into a situation where every single piece of evidence Ming gives him that he's completely obsessed with Joe and Joe alone is going to be felt by Joe as weakness and delusion on Joe's part, as relapsing into old patterns. I'm repeating myself now but like: and actually Ming is the delusional one. Only someone as totally willing as Ming to throw himself into maladaptive fantasies and live there could actually jump into this relationship, instead of feeling the resistance Sol does. Every moment of connection or attraction they share, Ming will experience as a reprieve, a homecoming, and Joe will experience as a failure of his resolve and his sense.
It's soooo tasty.
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Can you do a grumpy ii in spin check or smth? He deserves more loving. Thx!
This also has interactions with other members. Hope you will like it!
Code: cranky little man
“Code: cranky little man. Help.” was the message you received from IV about an hour after the rehearsal had started. And quite frankly you weren’t all that surprised considering that II was already grouchy in the morning before he left. Meaning that you had practically dragged him out of bed, bribing him with homemade dinner once he got back.
“What have you done now” you fired back, knowing that as much as they loved each other they also had a passion for pissing each other off. “I’m offended that you’re blaming me”, was all IV responded with before another notification dinged. This time a picture of your boyfriend with his face first on his drums graced your screen. A slight chuckle slipped past your lips as you quietly saved the image. “Leave my eepy baby alone”, you typed back quickly. Shaking your head you reached for one of II old shirts before throwing little things you might need into your purse.
“Maria, Joseph, and the donkey”, III raised his arms in the air when you made it to the studio thirty minutes later, “The savior is here”. You cackled, placing bags with food and drinks to the side, “Forgot the halo boys, my apologies”, you snickered. “I smell food”, IV practically chirped rubbing his palms together, before digging through the options available. “Hey, share”, you pointed a finger at him, making him lift his hands in surrender, “Yes, Mom”.
You just shook your head at him before grabbing the biggest cup of coffee planet Earth had seen, “Four shots, no sugar”, you muttered, setting the drink next to Vessel who reached out an arm to pull you into a side hug. “You’re the best”, he mused before turning back to the sheets with lyrics.“Bringing offerings like a good girl”, IV whistled, popping another fry into his mouth. “Oj, pipe it down”, II grunted stepping back into the room.
“What are you doing here?”, a slight frown crossed his features. Not the kind that suggested that you were unwanted there. More a surprised one, since you both had agreed that your personal life should be separate from the band's life. “Thought I would pop in to surprise you”, you smiled at him but he only tilted his head to the side, clearly not buying any of it.
“Okay, maybe I got a code red from someone”, you admitted with a slight shrug. “Fucking snitches”, II muttered under his breath before reaching out for you. Wrapping his arms around your shoulders. You could feel the tension in his body even from such a small action. “What’s wrong?”, you whispered, leaning in to press a loving kiss on his neck. “Nothing”, he shook his head but just glared at him, “Yeah, you are lying through your teeth”.
II stayed ridged for a moment. Running through his thoughts in his head before letting out a sigh, “Just not my day, nothing sounds good”. You hummed at his words, running a hand up and down his back.“How’s your wrist?”, you asked so casually and the slight shock on your boyfriend’s face was understandable. “How did you…”, he cut himself off with a shake of a head.
“I’ll tape it for ya, come on”, you tapped his back a couple of times before pulling away and reaching for your bag. “You were rubbing it this morning…”, you pointed out, reaching for his hand. “That’s what she said”, III snickered, of course making IV laugh as well. “You’ll be eating drumsticks lads”, II grunted shooting them an annoyed look. But you just snickered alongside them, carefully taping the tender wrist.
“How does this feel?”, you looked up, making sure you hadn’t wrapped it too tight. “Good, a lot better”, II agreed with a sigh, “Thanks, bub”, his free hand rubbed the back of your thigh. “You’re more than welcome”, you mussed, leaning in to kiss his lips a couple of times. “Sit with me while i play”, he mumbled against your lips, both hands pulling you deeper into him as he held onto your hips. “I don’t want to bother you or the boys”, you muttered. “As if you could”, he needed forward pressing his head into your chest.
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Not that filthy, who do you think is mtl into anal? Giving and receiving? And do you think they would be into anytime or only in certain scenarios, like DP or moresomes?
Fuck! Yes I love this. So... I'm obsessed with anal play on this blog and want to say each and everyone of skz is into it. But... I'm going to think about this properly and give you a run down of my thoughts.
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Minho Loves to give it to you. Whether it's just him and you, or there are multiple people involved. Whenever you're up for it. He knows how you fuck your ass so good. He’ll build you up so slowly and have you on the edge for so long that you beg for release. He knows you so well - your body, the sounds you make. He knows when you’ve reached the precipice. He pulls out halfway and pauses when you’re almost there, when you’re in that moment when time stands still, and then he’ll time his next thrust to push you over the edge of that cliff. But you don’t fall, you soar high through the clouds as though your body is everywhere all at once, and then he’ll hold you as you come back down.
Contrary to what most ppl believe, he also enjoys receiving. Maybe not as much as giving, but when he's whipped for you, he just wants you to take over his entire being. He craves for you to fill him. Whether that's with and actual dick or a strap. He wants to be a pretty little mess for you and show you how weak you make him.
Jisung also loves to both give and receive. I know he's mostly written as a needy sub bottom. BUT he's a switch (I actually think that has become the consensus these days). He loves being fucked so hard and overstimulated, but there's this need in him to top from time to time. If he's with a female partner, he sometimes can't decide if he wants to fuck your pussy or ass. He wishes he had two cocks (I wish he had two cocks... and there is a fic out there where he's and alien with two purple cocks). He's up for DP with you (maybe minho can join?) One of his favorite scenarios is him inside you and someone inside him. Greedy shit wants all the stimulation.
Felix. He's obsessed with anal play. He loves to have anal with you where you're the receiver, but he's more into anal plugs and dildos. He likes to spread your cheeks and see you're wearing a cute little plug. He likes to wear them too, and It won't be long until he's asking you to wear a strap. He's a curious freak in the sheets tbh. He loves the plugs with dangly charms (I'm sure I've mentioned that before).
Chan. Giver of the best anal of your life. He's big and he stretches you so good. He's noisy when he fucks you like this. You're just too tight. He whimpers, shakes, moans... he's extremely vocal. He has a fantasy of double penetration and is so excited when you mention you want to try. He calls upon a trusted friend and together they fill your holes. He secretly wants to dp you same hole. I think he'd let someone fuck him too, but it would have to be someone he trusts. He feels very vulnerable about it.
Binnie. I feel like he's not as into anal as the other guys, but he still enjoys it. He can't say no to you when you beg him like you do. He always ends up enjoying it when he does. It's something about how much your anus has to stretch to accommodate his thickness that has him whimpering. It's so hard to hold back from fucking into you hard, and once he fully seated inside you, it takes all his self control to not blow immediately. I honestly think you could easily persuade him to let you play with him too. I bet he'd secretly love you to finger him (why does that thought do things to me?)
Jeongin. He acts like he's not into it. He pretends he's not interested. But he's conflicted. It started when you put ideas in his head about how good it'd feel. The more you talked about it, the more normalized it seemed. Then he started to fantasize about it. Jerk off to images of it. He watched a bit of porn. And when he finally agreed to it... well... he's kind of obsessed.
Seungmin. All I can think is "anal as punishment". Like he'd get so angry (roleplaying of course), and he'd tell you what a filthy, pathetic little slut you are. "You don't deserve to have your needy pussy filled. Nope, you're gonna take it in your ass, and you're gonna feel me for days." He's rough, and it stings, but he needs to punish you. It always feels too good for you, and you come so fast even though you weren't given permission to come at all. Deep down he loves that your body just can't stop itself. He also likes that it gives him an excuse for him to punish you more. He isn't one for receiving. But I don't know, maybe you could convince him? He's just a little nervous, and he doesn't want to relinquish control.
Hyunjin. I'm obsessed with imaging Hyunjin and sexual activities to involve art somehow. Especially sculptures. He has this sculpture that resembles a cock that he uses on himself (in front of a mirror because he loves to watch how erotic it is). He uses it on you too, before he sinks his cock into you. With Hyunjin you need to be open to experimentation. He wants to try anal in all the positions you can think of. He needs to see or feel it from all angles. The sex swing he owns comes in handy too. He is up for all combinations. Giving, receiving, dp receiving (yes I said that) dp-ing you - two holes, one hole... he loves it all. Also, the more the merrier for him. I think he'd be involved in group sex. He finds it erotic and expressive.
permanent tag list : open (if you are on my series taglists but want to be tagged in all my posts, please let me know and I can add you to the permanent tag list)
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@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @itsseohannbin @weareapackofstrays @3rachasdomesticbanana @palindrome969 @xxkissesforchanniexx @chuuchuu1224 @fun-fanfics @wolfennracha @rhonnie23 @jisunglyricist @strayywayy @armystay89 @igetcarriedawaywithyou @mylittleponeypinkrosieposie @kyunchoni
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The Hedge Maze Thing ...
... is finally ready, and just in time to slip in to #HalsinTavWeek in a perfect spot between Day #4 (Magical Mishap) and Day #5 (Bondage). As before, inspiration for this came from this beautiful image, and a wild conversation with @pedros-immaculate-vibes
Garden Party
Halsin and his "little fox" are attending a prestigious masquerade event. As the evening starts to slow down, she suggests they slip away for some "alternative" entertainment.
Pairing: Halsin / Tav
Content warnings: Explicit smut, Outdoor sex, (Very) Light Bondage, Soft Dom Halsin, Orgasm delay, PiV sex.
Word count: 3.5k
Read on AO3
Taglist: @thoughts-of-bear @clairetheflower @sensitivesoil1008
Halsin moved through the crowd with ease, using his size to his advantage, parting the clusters of masked party goers still lingering between the flowerbeds.  He moved with purpose, but not too quickly; he still took the time to return a nod here, a word there, cautious to stay blended in with the attendees of this masquerade party.  The last thing either of them needed was to draw attention; after all, they weren’t here as true guests, they were here as representatives of the local wildlife agency, ostensibly to help ensure the event went smoothly, in reality to sneak a careful word here and there in the right ears, and secure their funding for the next year.
How had she snuck through so quickly?  Her choice of a fox mask for this charity event seemed quite appropriate, Although he had chosen a bear, so he didn’t get to judge. His nostrils flared as he neared the roped off entrance to the hedge maze, and caught her scent; her perfume mingled with the bouquet of the sparkling wine she had been sneaking the occasional glass of.  A perk of the evening, she had decided.  As the event had drawn on, he had noticed the sparkle of the wine touch her eyes, perhaps she had helped herself to one too many?  Or perhaps she simply had a devilish idea.
The latter, as it turned out.  She had noticed him standing off to one side, surveying the elite of the local councils and such from behind his bear mask.  He hadn’t missed her sidling up to him, her movements and the smile on her face suited to her delicate fox mask.  
“There you are.  I wanted to see if you might be up for a little fun.”
“Such as?” he murmured quietly, for her ears only.
“I thought you might like to try the hedge maze with me.” She tilted her head to look up at him, her smile and the hint of a raised eyebrow behind her mask suggesting she had more on her mind than a gentle walk through the raised bushes.
“We’ve both been through there before.”
“Yes.  But-” she brought her lips close to his ear, as much to brush them against it, as to ensure her next words were for him alone. “-what if we made it a little game.  I’ll go in, you give me … shall we say …  five minutes head start? And then you follow.  If you catch me before I get to the centre, you win.”
“And what would be my prize, little fox?”
She nipped gently at his ear, as she pressed her body in close to his. “I imagine my bear would love to devour his prey, wouldn’t he?” she whispered.
He gave a low moan, and glanced down at her, a wicked gleam in his eyes.  “Two.”
“You get two minutes.  Not five.  Now go.”
Her eyes had gone wide at the time reduction, and he had given her ass a quick swat to encourage her to run.  She had yelped at the sting of it, then giggled as she turned to leave.  Halsin took a deep breath as he watched her go, that giggle echoing in his ears, the skirts of her dress bouncing as she stepped quickly through the throng of people.  It was going to be a long two minutes.
He paused at the entrance to the maze, taking a cautious look around before slipping past the velvet rope barrier. It cost him precious seconds, but he knew once he was out of sight, he had the advantage.  Not only had he done this maze in the past, he had her scent to follow.  He passed between the stone columns of the entrance, and vanished into the shadows.
Straight on, make a right, then a left turn here, left again there.  Right again at that crossing.  He navigated the soft paths with ease and a speed that most would find surprising given his size.  He paused only briefly to scent the air, certain he would find her in time.  Until the flutter of silk and ribbons caught his attention, and he paused to grab the pretty fabric from the branch it was hanging from.  He’d seen this before.  A few hours earlier.
They had laid out their chosen outfits for the evening on the bed. A deep green shirt and simple black dress trousers for him.  An off-the-shoulder dress of pale green velvet with silver leaves embroidered on it for her.  And their masks; his, a bear painted on soft leather, hers, a beaded filigree mask in the shape of a fox, with green crystals accenting the eye holes.
She had come out from the bathroom dressed in the matching set of pink undergarments, everything designed to draw his eye, and yet conceal everything from him.  A lightweight corset, with ribbons lacing the front to snugly mould against her body.  A pretty little garter belt, with delicate straps holding up lace topped stockings.  And the final piece, a whisper of silken fabric between her thighs, held in place with ribbons tied into neat bows over her hips.
He stared unabashedly as she covered the vision with her dress.  He couldn’t help but think about how much he wanted to grab those ribbons in his teeth and pull.  One thing was sure, he was going to have fun with those later, he had promised himself.
And now, she was missing that key piece.  And not only that, she’d denied him the pleasure of removing it himself.  He growled to himself at her audacity.  And again, louder, as he realised he had fallen for the distraction.  Clever little vixen.  He took a deep breath, and felt a rush of arousal as he noticed the extra note to her scent now.  He stuffed the underwear into his pocket and resumed the chase, all the more determined to win now.
He neared the last turn before the central area, and noticed her scent went down the wrong path.  Had she forgotten the way?  Or had that wine gone to her head a little?  No matter.  He had her.  He grinned wickedly as he took the correct path, and made it to the small clearing, the bronze statue of a young owlbear that marked the centre shining in the moonlight.  Its beak was brighter than the rest, where countless hands had touched it, marking their success in achieving the centre of the maze.  He settled himself on the stone bench in front of the statue, and pulled off his mask, resting it against the owlbear’s paw.
He didn’t have to wait long.  She ran through the leafy arch, skidding to a stop when she saw him reclining on the bench. 
“Fuck!” She swore, panting.
“Oh, I intend to, my pretty little thing.”  His voice was low but carried perfectly well to her ears. “Lose your way?”
“No!” she said indignantly.  She huffed. “I tripped as I cast Misty Step, it sent me off course.” she admitted, sheepishly.  He laughed, a deep, low rumble.
“So you did lose your way.  And … I think you lost more than that.”  He pulled his hand out of his pocket, revealing the prize he had tucked in there, the pretty item he had plucked from the branch.
She smiled at him coyly. “But the deal was you had to catch me before I got to the centre.  So I win.”
“But you’re not at the centre.” he countered, reaching his hand up to touch the beak of the owlbear statue.  “You know as well as I do, this is the centre.  You’re not there yet.”  He stood up, clearly meaning to block her from it, and fixed her with a predatory smile.  “But you’re welcome to try.”
Her eyes darted around, quickly assessing her options.  The space was not large, but offered just enough space for her to dodge around him.  If she was fast enough.  Misty Step was exhausted until she rested. So cunning it would have to be.  She feinted to her left, watching for him to follow her movement, then leaped to the right, reaching to touch the statue as she jumped.
He was expecting her trick.  And she leaped right into his arms.
They wrapped around her, trapping her, unexpectedly graceful in the way he spun her away from the statue, putting it out of her reach.  He brought them to a stop facing the statue, his hands on her hips, and he pulled her roughly back against him.
“Did you really think that would work?” he laughed,  his lips brushing against her neck.  “No matter.  I win.”
She shivered, breathless for a whole other reason now.  She could feel the growing bulge behind her, as his hands drifted up over her body, brushing over the curve of her breasts, up to her bare shoulders, and then slowly down her arms.  As he reached her wrists, he gripped them both, tugging them behind her, pinning them together with one hand, as the other reached to his pocket.  She felt ribbons being wrapped around her wrists, binding them together.
“I had planned to enjoy taking these off you later.  And you’ve denied me that.  So I’m going to use them to enjoy you another way”
The ends of the ribbons brushed against her palms, and she grabbed at them reflexively. He noticed, and leaned in to nip at her ear.
“Behave.” His voice was a soft growl. “If you pull on those, if you try to free yourself, I'll stop. I’ll stop everything I’m doing to you, and I will leave you wanting.”
She shivered at his commanding tone, but obediently opened her hands to let the ribbons drop.
“Good girl.”  He gently nudged her towards the bench in front of the statue.
“Now,” he stepped in close behind her again, and tugged at the laces that held her mask.  “I don’t want to ruin this.” He took the delicate mask in both hands, and lifted it carefully off her head, reaching forward to place it with his on the statue. “But I do plan on ruining you.”
He spun her to face him, his hands on her shoulders again, and he moved in to kiss her greedily, his tongue demanding entrance that she willingly gave.  His hands trailed back down her body, pausing to cup and squeeze at her breasts, pinching at the hardening nipples, which he could feel poking through, despite the layers of fabric, and she moaned in response.
He moved his hands farther down, to her waist, and he pressed down on her hips, guiding her to sit on the stone bench, keeping close enough to her body to force her knees apart to accommodate him.  He lowered himself to kneel in front of her, and his hands continued their path down, across her thighs, down her calves, to the hem of her skirts.  She gasped, tilting her head down to look at him, as he worked his hands beneath the fabric.  He looked and caught her eye, holding her gaze as he trailed fingertips back up over her stockinged legs, pausing when he reached the lace tops, stopping himself from touching the bare skin at the tops of her thighs.  He caught her leaning back a little, pressing her hips forward for him.
“Needy little thing, aren’t you tonight?”
“Please.” she whispered, feeling the start of an ache in her core, and ache that his touch would relieve.
“Please, what?”
She groaned. “Please touch me.”
She whined as he pulled his hands away completely, but only to gather up her skirts and lift them up to rest around her waist, careful not to touch her bare skin.  He put a hand on each knee, and pressed gently, spreading her open. With her legs this wide apart, he admired the way the moonlight glistened on the moisture already seeping from between her folds.
“Already dripping for me, my love?  I might think you wanted to lose.”
“I wanted to win.” she protested, her breath coming in soft pants.
“Really.” his disbelief clear.  “And instead, you’re all mine.” He brushed his thumbs over the exposed skin of her thighs, and watched the muscles jump at his touch. “Aren’t you?”
“Good girl.” He ran his fingers across her thighs, around to her hips, further back to the plush curves of her ass, digging his fingers into the soft flesh, as he dipped his head to kiss the top of one stocking, then the other.  Then a kiss to one bare thigh, then the other.  She whimpered, arching her hips up to him again.  She could feel his lips curl into a smile.
“So desperate already, my heart?  And I haven’t even reached your favourite spot.  Yet.”
Another kiss, higher still, his nose nudging at the apex of her thighs, breathing in that scent he’d been tracing through the maze. She moaned, writhing her hips in invitation, wordlessly begging for him to give her more.  He pulled his head away for a moment, watching her desperate movements.  But only for a moment, as he admitted to himself how much he wanted to taste her, to take that dripping nectar on his tongue.  He bent his head back down, licking slowly up her slit, spreading her folds apart with his skilled tongue, dipping between them as his nose brushed against her clit.
She let her head fall back as she whined, arching her back to press her hips up to him, a desperate invitation to give her more.  He moved his hands to lightly hold her hips, keeping her still as he pressed his tongue inside her, the taste of her filling his mouth.  He listened to her gasp as he moved his tongue, lapping deeply.
“Halsin … please,” she whispered, and he knew what she wanted.  He slid one hand from her hip, his thumb moving to press circles over her slick, swollen clit.  He could feel the quiver in her thighs, could hear her breath growing ragged, knew he had brought her right to the edge, and knew she wanted nothing more than for him to tip her over it.  Usually, he’d also love nothing more.  But tonight …
He pulled back, and looked up, licking his lips as he listened to her keening moan when she realised he was going to deny her.
“Please!” she gasped, her voice a high pitched whisper.
“Need something?” he asked, his tone feigning curiosity.
“Please,” she begged between gasps, “I need … I want … let me …”
He smiled wickedly at her inability to string a sentence together.  Of course he knew exactly what she wanted, but he wasn’t going to let her have it, not just yet.  Instead he stood up, and she could see the clear, hard outline of his cock right in front of her.  She leaned forward to grab the fastening of his trousers with her teeth, working to release the fabric.  He paused, grinning down at her - he’d indulge her for a moment or two.  She was going to struggle to achieve her goal, and the friction of the fabric as she tugged it back and forth felt good to his swollen self.
She succeeded in opening the button, and worked to open his trousers further, a small growl of frustration vibrating against him, and he gave a low moan of his own, which only served to increase her determination.  Hells, she wished her hands were free, she wanted to push the fabric out her way so badly, but she knew he’d keep his threat, so kept them obediently behind her.
“Let me help you, my little love.”  he offered, releasing himself from the confines of his clothing and she wasted no time in moving her head in close, breathing in that scent of herbs and musk that was so uniquely him.  She reached her tongue out to lick his exposed length, her own aching frustration momentarily forgotten, pressing her tongue flat to taste as much of him as she could, brushing her lips over the smooth skin, swirling her tongue over him, tasting the salt of his pre-cum as it beaded from the tip.
He threaded the fingers of one hand into her hair, and pulled her head back, forcing her to release him from her mouth.  She looked up at him with a whimper.  With his other hand, he scooped up her thigh, and pushed, pivoting her on her ass so she was sideways on the bench.  He knelt between her thighs, reaching behind her to tug the ribbons loose, releasing her wrists.  He placed his hands on her upper arms, guiding her to lay back on the bench, as he loomed up over her, the stone cool and rough against her bare shoulders.  He slid his hands down to her wrists, lifting them up above her head, and looped the ribbons over the armrest and back around her wrists.
She looked up into his lovely hazel eyes, unsure if the spark she saw was a reflection of the light, or that flash of gold he sometimes got when his control was on its edge.  She didn’t have time to figure it out, as he tied the knots again, and leaned in to kiss her, hungrily, greedily pressing his tongue to her lips, which she parted willingly, desperate for any contact with him. He moved a hand quickly down her body, fingers quickly finding her soaked entrance, and sliding a single one inside her, feeling her sigh against his mouth.  He added a second finger, his movements slow as he slid them in and out of her, letting her adjust to the stretch of him, preparing her, feeling her soft moans against his tongue.
He pulled his hand away, using his wet fingers to stroke his cock, spreading her juices over himself, mixing with more of his pre-cum.  He guided himself to line up with her entrance, and pressed slowly inside her, pausing once the head of his cock was nestled within her soft walls.
She wanted so badly to reach for his hips, and pull him deeply into her, but she didn’t dare risk being denied her reward, not when she was so close.  So she settled for arching her back, trying desperately to buck her hips up and force him deeper.
He lifted himself away from kissing her, pausing for a moment to admire her laying there in the moonlight, her cheeks flushed, her chest heaving as her breath came in small pants.  He reached around her hips to lift her slightly. He smiled down at her, lovingly.
“Please” she whispered breathlessly.
He lifted her a little further into his lap, sliding deeper into her, as she cried out in pleasure.  His fingers dug into her soft curves to hold her steady as he started a slow rhythm, barely giving her time to adjust to the stretch of him filling her, listening to her soft moans at each roll of his hips.  He knew that since he brought her so close to the edge already, that it wasn’t going to take much to have her seeing stars beneath him.
“My pretty little thing, you feel so good.” Her hips bucked up at the praise, her hands tugging at her ties, grasping at air, but still obedient, not pulling herself free.  He rewarded her by increasing his pace, driving harder into her, his cock pulsing as her moans changed to frantic whimpering, her body responding to the pounding, her climax within her reach once more.  He moved a hand to brush a thumb over her clit, watched her jaw clench as she hissed through her teeth.
“Let go, my little fox.  Scream for me.”
She gave a high pitched growl as she came, her body tensing beneath him, her back arching up and her legs wrapping tightly around his waist, as if she wanted nothing else than to merge her body with his completely.  He felt her walls clench around him, a steady pulse as he continued to move deep inside her, his movements rougher as he chased his own climax.  A few more thrusts and he let loose a deep growl, as his throbbing cock pumped his seed deep inside her.  He leaned down to kiss her, her tongue eager to taste him as her body quivered in the cool night air. He reached up to pull the ribbons loose, tucking the scrap of fabric back into his pocket.  She immediately reached to wrap her arms around him, and pulled him in close against her, as their breathing slowed.
Their moment of afterglow was disturbed by a couple of loud bangs, and glittering sparks lit up the night sky.  She smiled at the sight.
“I think I already saw my own fireworks.”
Halsin grinned at her.  “We should get back though, the party is almost at an end.”
She laughed.  “Perhaps a slower walk back.  Not sure my legs could take another race.”
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gleefullypolin · 1 day
Stacy's tipsy ramblings about season 3:
I have thoughts...and I've had a bad Friday sooooo....here we go.
Do I want Pen to write as LW past S3? Yes and No. Fantasy Stacy wanted Colin and Pen to be Lord and Lady Whistledown spitting truth across the ton to all who needed to hear it. Reality Stacy wants her to have a true career and write a real novel as Penelope Bridgerton where she has her own success and Colin has his.
How are we feeling about the Ben storyline? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Sorry.....was asleep. Wake me when we give him something to actually do.
Do we feel sorry for Cressida and want to see her arc redeemed by the end of Season 3? Nope. Every story needs a villain and I'm perfectly fine to see this one drown.
Do I enjoy John and Fran? No. Their story is not exciting for me. Sorry. Nothing against them, I'm just not enjoying it, personal opinion simply my own. I'm sure others might be in the same boat but unlikely to voice that opinion and that's fine as well. Again. Personal opinion and nothing against them. Just how I feel.
Should Colin forgive Pen so quickly in Part 2? Duh. It's a gossip column. I'm sorry that she wrote some honest things that cut close to the vest for people. She didn't lie. She tried to talk to these people over and over and over again and NO ONE listens to her. Colin patted her on the head like a puppy...."Pen you are so good" when she tried to warn him and she saved his ass from twins. Soooo, yeah. Let him feel his feels but honestly, lets move on.
Do you feel like Colin's character is OOC and the brothels are unnecessary? Nope, he came back as the person society expects him to be. Just as he said. He tried to fit with the Lord Douche Brigade and went about his business. The only time he was himself was with Pen. The whole point of that was to see the difference. Brothel mess and all and I was good with that. Clutch your pearls when you want to complain about his brothers having threesomes and fucking in public against trees.
Is Pen trapping Colin by not telling him right away about LW? Girl just got all her dreams converging into one. Confessions of love and fingering all in one. Then thrown into a family marriage proposal, immediately blackmailed by Eloise to confess, Cressida taking all her life's work credit from her, the Queen hunting her down. She's 20 years old. Image the pressure. Not only that but she gets the one thing she's been coveting since she watched him fall off a horse and now it could fall to dust. El already showed her what could happen by telling that secret and she was the love of her life. No one gave her a chance to breathe much less think of what these repercussions could mean. Either way, mistakes were made, but not unforgiveable, and nothing she would not have allowed him out of. When you allow someone the chance to remove themselves, it is not a trap. Point. Blank. Period.
Is the season rushed? I don't know, I've only watched four fucking episodes. Have you watched more than me? Please tell me where to watch the other 4, I'll pay!
Am I an asshole? Nah, just had a bit to drink, did you not read the top part...ok show time over! Before I really tell you how I feel!!
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nite-puff · 2 days
Favourite head-canons for your favourite ships/characters?
okay let me itemize this.
kiyotaka: my pr scheme headcanon. i love that headcanon for thematic reasons, and just think of the possibilities if taka ever finds out about it. if anyone wants to read up on it, here’s the link.
mondo: i love him being crafty. idk how much this counts as a headcanon because it’s pretty backed up by canon, but i digress. i love him being in touch with his artistic side. i want him to whittle and make wooden sculptures while he pursues carpentry. i want him to expand his experience in embroidery to other fiber arts. i want him to paint on walls and canvases like he would on his motorcycle. i want him to experiment with makeup outside of his eyeliner. HES JUST HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL TO BE AN ARTIST BUT HE WONT LET HIMSELF INDULGE IN IT. LET HIM BE CRAFTY.
takemichi: i love giving him survivor’s guilt after he finds out about what happened to mondo and the rest of the diamonds. he’s the last crazy diamond standing and if that doesn’t take the ultimate toll on him, then i don’t know what will. especially since his whole deal in the gang was to protect mondo. finding out mondo died, even if there was no way for him to interfere, convinces him that he failed his one job. and hearing that the diamonds have all died, EVEN if there was no way for him to interfere, convinces him that he failed the owadas even more by being a shit leader and not protecting them while mondo was at hope’s peak. i wonder what that mindset will do to him. mentally. HES SO NORMAL GUYS. anyway.
okay now to dynamic stuff
ishimondo: yes, physical touch and general acts of service will mean so much to them when they’re together, but i need to zero in on the act of cooking specifically. the act of cooking for one another is so special for them. like growing up, both mondo and kiyotaka had a tricky/bad relationship with food (with kiyotaka not having money to eat anything other than his typical rice balls and mondo not eating much due to body image issues and needing to “stay in shape”) so reaching that time in their lives when food becomes a comfort to them (due in part because of their influence on each other) is going to be so special. they know each other’s favorite foods and will cook for each other, they’ll make time to cook together and enjoy that quality time. and if they have some extra money to spend, they’ll go out and try something new with each other. i could probably make this sound better if you give me some time but just know that they get each other to appreciate food so much more and see if as something more than just a task to get done or a nuisance they have to deal with.
mondo and michi (platonic): the ultimate besties, what can i say?? michi had to deal with all the times mondo had a crush and was rejected by said crush. he practically became the ultimate shoulder to lean on as they grew up and mondo’s feelings only got bigger. when mondo would tell michi that he was gonna confess one day, michi would already be prepared with movies and snacks to help mondo get over the rejection (it’s not like michi had no faith in mondo. he just knew the chances of mondo actually getting a date were low. he’s seen how he gets when he’s nervous. he’s just being realistic). i recently came up with the scenario of how they would deal with valentine’s day. mondo would always be disappointed he didn’t get any chocolates by the end of the school day, but would never say it out loud. and michi is always tired by the end of the day with him having to lug around his bag of chocolates he’s received and having to dodge any potential confessions he saw coming (and rejecting the ones he didn’t see coming). mondo always tries to avoid talking about how he feels when he sees michi after school, but michi always catches onto mondo’s sourness. he just offers his chocolates to share with mondo without saying another word about how either of their days went. mondo always appreciates it. and they spend the rest of their day winding down and watching movies while downing michi’s entire stash (mondo always ends up having more because he has a bigger sweet tooth. michi doesn’t mind).
anyways yeah uhhh… idk if these headcanons are my most favorite (i love them all, don’t get me wrong) but they were the first ones to come to mind. hope y’all like them.
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the-moon-files · 19 hours
Aaaaa, hi!! I'm the anon who sent in the fairly recent ask with the Guide!Reader ideas (martial artist mention, Dehydrated Ganon, strength possibilities, Ganon not being able to escape from Guide!Reader's voice, etc)! I'm really glad that you liked my ideas so much!! 😊 I was so pleasantly surprised to see you expand on my discombobulated thoughts, haha! Thank you so much! ^w^ I loved reading them!!
I said that I made memes for the Guide!Reader/Space Orc concept, and now I shall deliver them >:D Firstly, I'm super sorry that I took so long to share these with you!! Life decided to kick me in the shins for a hot second 😭 And secondly, I made a LOT of images for this one,, Fair warning, this is going to take up a lot of space 😭 orz
But anyway!! Here are the text memes first:
Guide!Reader: We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare.
Wars: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great.
Guide!Reader: Not when you’re playing with Zelda, it’s not. She’s out here putting in words like “ephemeral” while I’m putting in “dog.”
Guide!Reader: *pointing out Magic Powder* Legend, look, it’s the good kush!
Legend: …This is the Rupee Store, how good can it be?
Ravio: Hi, welcome! Are you part of our Super Savers Shoppers Club?
Guide!Reader: No, I’m not.
Ravio: :D :) :| Oh.
Legend, looking into a banged-up Water Temple: …It’s trash.
Time, whenever Guide!Reader uses modern slang: We need IRL subtitles. What are you even saying.
Guide!Reader: My Furby died in my arms when I was a child.
Hyrule, has no clue what a Furby is: I’m so sorry for your loss.
Guide!Reader: It wasn’t a loss. I had never felt more like a god.
The Chain: *getting told off by Time*
Guide!Reader in the back: …
Guide!Reader: *starts playing the ukulele* 👁👄👁 🎸
Time: 🧍
Four, talking about Guide!Reader: So, I’m interested in someone…
Dot: :D Oooh! What do they look like?
Four: *slow realisation*
Four: I don’t know
Dot: Wh
Dot: What do you mean you don’t know?
Guide!Reader/Ganon, about hearing Guide!Reader every dang game: The universe has a sense of humour, and I respect the commitment to the bit, but girl please.
Guide!Reader, to Link once they reunite with the Chain: Now… *puts hand on his shoulder* We’re back on our bullsh*t.
Guide!Reader and Wild, meeting Sidon for the first time:
Guide!Reader: …Would.
Wild: Would what?
Wild: (Name)? Would what?
Wind: When you become famous you’re called a legend because your leg ends.
Guide!Reader: What? 
Wind: Your leg. It ends.
Guide!Reader: I’m not a linguist, but I think you’ve got it wrong.
Wind: Are you saying your leg doesn’t end?
Guide!Reader: I mean, at some point it does, yes.
Wind: Then what’s the problem?
The Chain, waking up at dawn to get ready:
Guide!Reader and Sky, just trying to process being alive:
Guide!Reader/Time: You need to get out of bed faster than this.
Sky, struggling: I’m giving it all he’s got, boss
Guide!Reader at Ganon: Your anger amuses me. Please don’t find inner peace. Please.
Guide!Reader, playing through LoZ game: *at an annoying NPC* Let me ask you a very fair question. What do you do successfully? Quickly. :|
Link, trying not to laugh:
Hyrule, probably: I hate it when a recipe tells me to add two cups of onions. They don’t come in cups. They come in onions.
Guide!Reader, head in hands: Please
Hyrule/Twilight, looking at two NPCs: Are they lovers?
Guide!Reader, who knows the lore: Worse.
The Chain, enjoying Guide!Reader’s affections:
Legend: 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️
Legend, defending himself from the “You like him” allegations from Wind: 🤸🤸🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
And now, onto the images- I hope you don't think the sheer amount of these memes is too excessive or anything!! 😭 /gen
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Aaa and that's all the memes I've got! I hope you like them,,! orz
I'm also still pretty new to Tumblr, so I'm sorry if the format looks a bit weird,,
Oh, but also?? That last point you mentioned in your most recent post about the cultural differences between humans and Hylians on physical affection/touch?? I am VERY excited to see that,, 👀 👉👈 
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BRO u got all the energy, and the dynamics i was pushing ilysm 🥺🫶
like the Hyrule = beloved agenda ive been pushing, bc i need more underrep links content, the way u carried the ganon eternally getting haunted by guide reader voice?? 10/10 ahdsfkhadl
AND WIND’S CONSTANT ENERGY OF A YOUNGER BROTHER LOOKIN U DEAD IN THE EYE LIKE “u kiss the homie (singular not even plural) goodnight?? Brother, that’s GAEY.”
u have no idea what this means to me, the impact, the understanding u have to have of my bs to make these, and how many posts youve read of mine?? im so sorry for ur loss w/my rough writing lmao
thats how you know youve made it tbh is if someone makes memes of smth u made, anyway day brightened, complexion clear, depression medicated, by this post
Peace out my beloved <3,
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chitinleg · 1 year
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got him off-balance!
#my art#ds9#star trek deep space nine#julian bashir#elim garak#garashir#watercolor#image desc in alt text#i normally post on mondays but. today im breaking my pattern! getting a little silly. getting a little wild. garashir jumpscare#“tumblr user chitinleg garak would neot easily let himself be swooped off his feet into a hug like that” yes i know BUT!#look at his expression. look at how his arms r pinned. he didnt let this happen LMAO julian just surprised him. grabby huggy human behavior#if you look really closely you can see the tiniest frown in the world on Garak's face. because he's like “EEP !”#cant see bashirs face at all in this only his body but i think we can all imagine that whatevers going thru his head. he needs this hug bad#ALSO. for anyone wondering what the fucked up shadow is that starts at the juncture of the teal sleeve-cap where its set into the armhole#the jumpsuits have a bit of a fold of extra fabric (called an Action Pleat) there which allows for a little more maneuverability of the bod#AND creates a really sleek and flat back panel#because you can see the fabric twists along the side arent grabbing the flat back fabric theyre grabbing the fabric folded beneath it#often times i think about drawing out a dissection of kiras first uniform and this voy era one for other artists to use. bc god knows#i struggled at first to find full body references#they like to shoot ds9 very close to peoples heads. and the camera is so blurry. they smeared butter on that thing. god bless
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wasyago · 10 months
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the man(?), the myth(?), the legend(?)
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yanderespamton78 · 29 days
ive already shown this to anyone who actually cares pretty much loll (anyone following the addison arg) but i might as well post it on here
this is actually the first proper animation ive done :'D like other than this ive animated a ball bouncing but that was more to test the software than anything,, lucky for me i consume animation memes more than i consume water so i know the basics B)
#i need to drink hmm#ok im gonna ramble in the tags about the process because i like rambling#that frame where hes looking down and saying “we're coming” was actually the first frame i did#this was gonna be a stupid meme wtf happened#i can show you the first image it was just joking about how quickly everything had escalated lmao#then i drew that and was like#“woag;;;;; ook so like what if i animated this”#twas GRUELING#it may not have seemed like it bc i didnt mention it when i was wokring on it but i wanted to keep it a surprise lol#anyways im finally free from this stupid animation I CAN DRAW PIN!!!#i ended up redrawing the first frame once or twice because it looked really really bad#then the last ones im still kinda unsatisfied with but i couldnt be arsed to change them#im still unhappy with the way he jolts his head back it feels weird#thing is because of my insistence to keep that one really cool frame in there i had to do it#basically i needed a way to get him from hunched over to back straight looking down with his face hidden at one point#and it ideally had to look very unnatural that was the general goal#but idk i thought that line where Slick called Addon blue bell was really FUCKING COOL#also in a voice message Turnip acknowledged the static#SO PROUD OF MYSELF FOR THAT URUAHGH GURAH GH GHH#YES!!! THE STATIC!!!! I DID DO STATICCC!!!!!#also i know thats probably not what Slick possessing Turnon looked like but thats how i visualised it lol#I was binging tawog while watching this B)#OK actual tag time woag#animation#beginner animator#addison oc#turn off the lights arg#not my oc#addisons deltarune#my eyes hurt
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crypt1dcorv1dae · 7 months
Apollo with thick eyebrows and freckles and body hair is my truth. He's a small tank also. Wide. He works out bc 1: he does not want to ever be called a twink and 2: it helps with stress and God knows he is STRESSED. Oh also he's trans. Also when his hair is un-gelled it looks almost exactly like trucy's, his lil bunny ears curl around his face all cute and he hates it which is why he gels it back so aggressively
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starsandthorn · 3 months
read through alien space for star rail context and every frame himeko's in you can faintly hear me in the bg trying hard not to think about how much she looks like diluc
#personal stuff#delete later#remembering the reason i got into honkai in the first place was to see what similarities genshin might have inherited#and going oh yeah!! this is fun actually#anyway yeah. woe same hair color bangs and art style be upon ye. the little hair loopy is driving me crazy#don't get me started on the red eye that pepper mint has contrasted to the delusion. good night#the manga itself was really interesting though! i haven't read a whole lot of the honkai manga bc i don't know where to start really#like i've read azure waters bc i love my girl. and second key for gay people lore#but i haven't read any of the others i don't think#also REALLY funny to me who didn't finish apho 2. originally i thought welt's star rail experience was an isekai.#i honest to god thought void archives hit him with a train and he woke up on a different train#while funny. the actual reality has me head in hands. the image of star rail himeko that welt sees and recognizes her.....auuuugh.#and the very person who rescues him is the person he feels like he did wrong by lying to her. agh.#but yeah! i only knew a little bit abt himeko's dad based on what we're told early in game#so i originally speculated that genshin murata's father was the og pyro archon who died and she took his place#but now i'm not entirely sure.#chances are. since we've seen archons inherit the same Ideal along with their element. murata probably fought her predecessor#and took their place#ACTUALLY FUCK ME. WAIT.#LIBEN'S LINE ABOUT NATLAN . WAS HIM TALKING ABOUT OTHER WORLDS.#at first i thought it was just a cheap way for the developers to talk about their other new game and maybe it was BUT ALSO.#AND AT LEAST ONE MURATA WAS OBSESSED WITH GOING TO SPACE.#HMMMM#listen i am not all that excited for natlan purely on the basis that i know mhy is going to fuck up every character design#but plotwise maybe i am allowed a little bit of hope. lol#anyway void archives pretty. i get it now.
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