#like this was school sanctioned oppression and we were finally liberated... but then we were back to silent lunch and I don’t even know why
theriverdalereviewer · 9 months
just remembered how in the sixth grade there was a fucking riot in the cafeteria that ended in the entire grade getting silent lunch for like 3 months
#I think it was 3 months but it felt a lot longer. my god middle school was the school to prison pipeline at its finest#on one hand I think its unfair that we were all punished but to be fair the entire grade participated in this riot. I don't even remember#what we were rioting? I just remember a girl named whitney was involved and 1 thing led to another and whitney ran out of the cafeteria#and THE ENTIRE GRADE WENT AFTER HER 😭. myself included I didn’t even know why either but WE WERE AFTER THAT BITCH 😭#it was so bad I remember everyone was heading one direction and then everyone started running back the other direction.#and I got knocked down in the process looking back this was really dangerous. but after that we got silent lunch for what felt like forever#like not only were we forced to sit with our homerooms (and some us didn’t even like our homeroom) but we couldn’t even talk to each other#which is honestly not good for socialization?? but again I can’t entirely blame them cause the situation was out of control.#but also shouldn’t the adults have had that thing under control??? anyways the person who ran silent lunch was the vice tyrant dr levine#he fucking hated us like that man was PISSED OFF and he made it clear cause if you made a sound during silent lunch#that man was gonna threaten you with detention extended detention ISS (aka in school suspension)#he didn’t even mean it but it was pretty good for instilling fear in us good kids. but one time I remember there was a kid who didn’t buy i#he didn’t give into levine’s fear tactic and levine started yelling “ISS!! OSS!! EXPULSION!!!!!” like calm down#I feel bad thinking about how so many kids who would ACCIDENTALLY make a sound were punished. and they were so damn terrified#cause it was like you were on your best behavior all of the time and then one noise and suddenly you had an out of school suspension#one time a boy named jc’s phone went off and he picked it up and it was his grandma asking him if he wanted ice cream 😭 no fucks given#and levine was screaming at him to hang up the phone and jc was like “this is my grandmother I can’t hang up"#and there came a time where we were finally off the hook and I just remember people in the cafeteria were clapping 😭#like this was school sanctioned oppression and we were finally liberated... but then we were back to silent lunch and I don’t even know why#I remember once even I ended up in Levine’s office but I dont think its cause I was talking during silent lunch??#I think it had something to do with bullying idk?? I just remember levine had my back during it and made the other kid cry and apologize#so shout out to levine. always good times goodbye!
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woman-loving · 4 years
LBT Women and US Black Feminist Organizations in the 70s
Selection from Living for the Revolution: Black Feminist Organizations, 1968-1980, by Kimberly Springer, 2005.
This selection discusses how the issue of lesbianism figured in the collective identity of black feminist organizations in the 70s. It notably describes the incorporation of an antiheterosexism statement by the East Coast branch of the Third World Women’s Alliance in the 1972 issue of their newsletter, Triple Jeopardy, predating the Combahee River Collective Statement by several years.
It also gives an account of a black trans women who joined the National Alliance of Black Feminists after hearing the leader speak at one of her college classes. However, the leader later outed her to the group, and the woman--who is misgendered in the interview--stopped attending after being “confronted” by other members. Despite its transmisogynistic conclusion, the account raises the possibility that other trans women may have also taken interest in and attempted to attend early black feminist organizations.
There isn’t a focus on bisexuality in this selection, but a lesbian founder of the National Black Feminist Organization mentions that the organization was “multisexual” in that it had straight women, bisexuals, and lesbians.
These accounts also remind us to be attentive to the fact that lesbian, bisexual, and trans women don’t only organize in LGBTQ-specific movements, but may also be promoting their concerns through other movements.
Sexual Orientation and Black Feminist Collective Identity
Again, it is important to return to the distinctions among the black feminist movement, the separate organizations' visions of black feminism, and black feminist collective identity. While the black feminist movement's initial vision did not include sexual orientation as a defining aspect of black women's identity, individual organizations and members articulated lesbian-positive and/or antiheterosexist principles to the movement's vision. The NABF [National Alliance of Black Feminists, 1976-1979], NBFO [National Black Feminist Organization, 1973-1975], and BWOA [Black Women Organized for Action, 1973-1980] included discussions of sexuality in their organizations, but they did not interrogate heterosexism as an oppressive force in black women's lives, regardless of sexual orientation.[46] However, the East Coast branch of TWWA [Third World Women’s Alliance, 1968-1980] and Combahee [River Collective, 1974-1980] both laid the foundations for challenging heterosexism and including lesbianism as an integral part of the black feminist movement.
Combahee was the only organization in this sample to mention "heterosexual oppression," but it did not thoroughly explain this form of oppression and its impact on black women's identities. The term heterosexism, the normativity of heterosexuality, was not yet in use among activists.[47] However, most readers of Combahee's statement may have deduced the implicit meaning of heterosexual oppression as heterosexism or homophobia. For other readers, the Combahee statement was possibly the first time they were force to recognize publicly black lesbian existence, the daily oppression black lesbians face, and the considerable sexual diversity within black communities.
Combahee was on the front lines of black lesbian feminist struggle in the 1970s, yet the statement neglected to specify the ways black communities were complicit in perpetuating heterosexism. [...] The Combahee statement omitted an explicit challenge to heterosexism, due to the timing of the organization members' individual coming-out processes and the desire to explain feminism on its own merit. [Barbara] Smith and other Combahee members strategically claimed a black and feminist identity before they claimed a lesbian one, though they claimed all three equally. For Combahee members, the separate emergence of feminist and lesbian consciousness undermined stereotypes of all feminists as lesbians and all lesbians as feminists. For people who relied on this analogy, feminist and lesbian were conflated identities and the sum total of a black feminist identity. The Combahee statement sought to disrupt this conflation. To a degree, an explication of black heterosexism was present, but underarticulated in the interest of establishing the foundational basis of solidarity between Combahee's black feminism and black communities. Still, lesbian visibility was a courageous and revolutionary move for Combahee to make, particularly in a social movement environment often divided by homophobia.
Predominantly white feminist organizations experienced lesbian/straight splits that divided organizations and disrupted a unified definition of feminist identity. Of the five black feminist organizations, only the TWWA's members recall an expulsion of lesbians similar to the homophobia that gave rise to the "Lavender Menace" in NOW [National Organization for Women].[49] Homophobia erupted in both the East and West Coast branches of the TWWA and impacted the development of their feminist collective identities. How these two branches of the same organization handled issues of lesbian inclusion and homophobia differed dramatically.
It is unclear whether the West Coast heterosexual members, succumbing to fears of lesbian baiting, expelled lesbian members or whether members who were lesbians, weary of homophobia, left the organization. Regardless of that distinction, the West Coast branch lost several members who were central to running the organization. The expulsion acted directly against the established principles of the TWWA, but there were no formal sanctions against the West Coast branch.
On the East Coast, [Frances] Beal recalls, the organization was approached by out lesbians about membership. Unlike the schisms of the West Coast, the East Coast TWWA eventually saw the inclusion of lesbians as an opportunity for growth in its organizational objectives:
"Beal: That was the other ideological fight that we had, which was important. We were approached by two lesbians ... who said, "Listen, we want to be completely honest: we're lesbians. There's no organization for us." One was Puerto Rican, one was black ... so we had a big discussion about that. Some people said, "Oh, my god. We have enough problems as it is! People are already calling us lesbians." That was another thing. We were lesbian-baited. ... Two people said that they were lesbians, and we had this big discussion whether we should do this and some people said no, we shouldn't do it.
Interviewer: Allow them to be in the group?
Beal: Yeah. And finally, like I said, we had all this debate. People were very honest in terms of discussion and feelings and stuff, but finally people said, "In New York, how can we do this? I mean, we can't really turn sisters away. If they agree with the political orientation and purpose of the organization, there's no way that we can be prejudiced." So we came up with this, what I consider now--from what I understand about the gay and lesbian movement now--we came up with this very liberal position. Whether it's biological or social--you know, homosexuality--people should not be prejudiced and discriminated against. That was, basically, the position. ... And a couple women left over that. They said, "no." They had enough problems as it was. They didn't want to be lesbian-baited. [...]”
Beal cogently deconstructed the intent of lesbian baiting: it split the organization interpersonally and ideologically. In response, the East Coast branch incorporated an antiheterosexist position into the TWWA's principles of struggle, recognizing the connections between patriarchy and homophobia: "Whereas behavior patterns based on rigid sex roles are oppressive to both men and women, role integration should be attempted. The true revolutionary should be concerned with human beings and not limit themselves to people as sex objects. Furthermore, whether homosexuality is societal or genetic in origin, it exists in the third world community. The oppression and dehumanizing ostracism that homosexuals face must be rejected and their right to exist as dignified human beings must be defended."[51]
This statement, appearing in the 1972 issue of Triple Jeopardy, is not only politically progressive for the early 1970s, but is chronologically well in advance of Combahee's later assertion of the existence of lesbians and gay men in black communities. Hence, when Combahee is cited for its pioneering efforts to expand the black feminist agenda to include antiheterosexism, the work of the East Coast TWWA should also be recalled.
Not all black feminists or organizations openly opposed homophobia, and some were restrictive in their definitions of sexual freedom. Some members of the NABF, for example, did not want to discuss lesbianism in their consciousness-raising groups, committees, or Alternative School workshops on sexuality. The intricacies of black sexual diversity were decidedly marginal to some NABF members' definitions of black female sexuality.[52] [Brenda] Eichelberger recounts an incident in which she revealed that someone attending the NABF's monthly meetings was transgendered:[53]
“Eichelberger: We even had one time, and I don't remember the person's name--in retrospect, I should have said nothing, but I'm the one that brought it up--I brought up the fact that there was a man at our meetings. That this was a man in drag. This was a--I won't say, "drag." This was a man who was dressed like a woman. And actually what made him come ... was a professor at U of I [Illinois]. ... She was a black woman. She had me speak to her class, and this guy was there at the time--dressed like a woman all the time.
Interviewer: In class?
Eichelberger: Yeah, in the class and then he joined our organization. Now, I shouldn't have--well, of course, coulda', shoulda', woulda'--I can't change the past. But anyway, I know at one time I mentioned--because he was coming to the meetings--and I mentioned--I said, "You know we have someone here who was a man." And, um, I think some women knew who it was, and others were saying "Who? Who? Who? Who?" And, so, a number of women got very upset, and they wanted to confront him and they did confront the guy. [...]
[Janie] Nelson: This was actually a man who had had a sex operation and was now a female. And we were real concerned about that. I remember Brenda calling up the members saying "What should we do? What should we do?" Because if we put him out, he could sue us [because of the NABF's nonprofit status] ... and luckily, things petered out. He just disappeared. He didn't come back. [...]”
Rather than attempt to understand gender identity and how this particular female/male conceptualized existence as a woman in the organization, some members of the NABF pushed her/him out of the organization with their limited knowledge of transgender identity and homophobia.[55]
The incident within the NABF highlights a number of issues that occurred in black and feminist organizations in the 1970s. It is too simple to conclude that black feminists were conservative and counter to the sexual revolution ethos of "anything goes." Despite the NABF's claims to legal concerns, all feminist organizations, irrespective of race, faced a lack of language to describe the diversity within biological sex and gender, homophobia, and fear of difference.
Some lesbian NABF members felt other members were homophobic and that the organization's activities did not reflect black feminist collective identity in its entirety. Looking for affirmation and advice, Chicago NBFO chapter members such as Sharon Page Ritchie asked other black feminist organizations for guidance. Upon learning of Combahee's plans for a black feminist retreat in Boston, she wrote this in reply to Combahee's 1977 preretreat survey: "The small NBFO chapter we have exhausted itself in trying to counter [a local black feminist leader]. We never got much past C-R [consciousness raising], and eventually we stopped meeting for that. How have other women dealt with women who claim to be feminist, yet behave in very anti-woman, anti-lesbian ways."[56] Ritchie's query and the aforementioned incident with the NABF's transgendered recruit connect two issues: black women's divergent definitions of black feminist identity and the homophobia of heterosexual black women. In response to accusations of homophobia in the NABF, Eichelberger resolves the issue as one of members differing expectations[...]. [...]
Eichelberger conceptualized the NABF as an umbrella organization. From her perspective, lesbians who wanted more of a focus on "a lesbian agenda" should have used the NABF as a resource to start independent organizations. Eichelberger and Nelson group lesbians with other groups of women they labeled as "factions," for example, socialists in the organization, but to frame lesbians as a special interest group ignores discrimination and the heterosexual privilege of straight black women. Members who agreed with Eichelberger saw lesbian as a category separate from feminist. Although they wanted to broaden the feminist agenda to include race, some heterosexual members of the NABF effectively excluded sexual orientation, and its implications for heterosexual women's sexuality, from the agenda of the NABF.
In other black feminist organizations, lesbians and straight women worked together to varying degrees of success. Generally, those organizations (e.g. the NBFO and Combahee) were founded by lesbians and included opposition to homophobia by integrating an antiheterosexist position into black feminist collective identity. Eichelberger and [Margaret] Sloan note that most NBFO members knew that Sloan was a lesbian and respected her role in starting the organization.[58] Still, there were some members, lesbian and heterosexual, who had problems with her prominent role in the organization. One concern was that Sloan's lesbianism would deter potential constituents and allies from supporting NBFO. Similar to the TWWA's struggles concerning homophobia. Sloan, Eichelberger, and [Deborah] Singletary recall debates about lesbianism and heterosexual women's concomitant fear that they would be seen as lesbians by association.[59] Sloan did not see external homophobia as a concern of the NBFO, but she believed that internal homophobia slowed down the organizations' momentum:
"It [the ideological dispute] was just stuff about race, and there was ideological stuff about whether we were going to--the group was multisexual. I mean, there were straight women and bisexuals and lesbians. And I think that there was a fear that people would think that we were a lesbian organization--God forbid--so they didn't want us to--those of us who were lesbians--I think that they wanted to sort of keep that--it was sort of like NOW in the early days. You know, "We know you're running this. We know you're the best, but let's keep that down." ... So stuff like that, you know, any time a group of women gather people assume you're lesbian, so that was what they said about a lot of organizations during that time. It wasn't a big concern--it wasn't a big, big issue, but it was a concern. It was a concern."[60]
Similarly, Jane Galvin-Lewis and Deborah Singletary, in nothing the role of lesbians in starting the NBFO, remark on the reverberations of homophobia from within and without the organization:
“Galvin-Lewis: And even though that is the case people have this notion, "Oh yeah, well, you know, if they had a man they wouldn't be pro-woman." And it's much like the race thing. You know, if you're pro-black it doesn't mean you have to be antiwhite. And to be profemale does not mean you have to be antimale. But because we were going with the feminist notion and people had their own ideas about it being a gay organization, which it never was, was never intended to be, and that was not the point. But it kept raising its head. ... Then, on the other hand, we had those people when we just--as women--we would want to take a stand on a position that had to do with gay women--we got the overwhelming groundswell of people that felt, "Oh, no! Don't touch that. That's not what we want to be about. ..." I'm just saying that had raised its head several times, as I recall, and we never gave into because it was not our point. That's not what we wanted to be about. We wanted to be about women--not any gay women, straight women--we wanted to be about women.
Singletary: We did have a committee called "Triple Oppression: Being Black, Female, and Lesbian," and they formed to deal with some of the gay issues.
[Eugenia] Wilshire: But I think it's to the credit of the organization that that [a gay/straight split] was not what split it--ever.
Galvin-Lewis: No. It wasn't. ... It never took hold, but it was raised on several occasions. And on the other side it was raised on several occasions.”[61]
The NBFO, despite outside criticism, was one of the few black feminist organizations besides Combahee to have a committee dedicated to connecting the concerns of black lesbians to the organization's agenda. But the NBFO, like the NABF, had contested definitions of black feminist identity at work in the organization, this ideological dispute was only the beginning of the struggle to incorporate antiheterosexist principles into black feminist collective identity and the movement's vision more broadly.
The presence of lesbians or demands for inclusion did not disrupt black feminist organizations. But, the homophobia of heterosexual women stunted the growth of a cohesive black feminist collective identity. Although black lesbians were central to the formation of black feminist collective identity from the beginning, there were attempts to erase them from these organizations' historical narratives.
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scrambledgegs · 4 years
Clear and present Terror
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An episode from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
   Back in the early 1990s, it was during my grade school years that my siblings and I enjoyed watching The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, starring none other than Will Smith (whom I was lucky enough to have seen in person around 5 years ago and was immensely star-struck). There was a particular Fresh Prince episode that I never forgot – the one where Carlton Banks (the Bel-Air born-and-raised, naïve-and-sheltered son of Will’s successful attorney, Uncle Phil), encounters his first brush at racism. I did not fully understand the context of the episode, but for some reason it stuck in my head and heart as a kid.
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     Many years later, this episode resurfaced just last May 2020 when The Fresh Prince became available on Netflix. When that particular episode came out, I sat up in familiar surprise, as it triggered flashbacks of my childhood. I now understood it on a deeper level, watching it with the eyes of a thirty-three-year-old.
    The episode entitled “Mistaken Identity,” starts off with Carlton borrowing a Mercedes-Benz from one of his father’s wealthy White colleagues and drives off to Palm Springs. Unknown to him, Will has snuck inside the car and suddenly surprises him during the drive. The two African-American male teen cousins are driving at night and are not familiar with the area, and thus, drive at a slow pace to check directions. They are eventually made to pullover by two White policemen, and then asked to step out of the car.
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    Immediately, Will knows what is happening while Carlton remains totally clueless and makes one blunder after another. They are accused of not only stealing the luxury car, but accused of being the perpetrators behind a whole series of car thefts in that area. The police officers put the two behind bars in the county jail.
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    Uncle Phil and Aunt Vivian eventually come to their rescue due to Will’s witty and street-smart quick-thinking and get them out of jail, but the episode ends with Carlton and Will arguing about what transpired. Back in the comforts of the Banks estate in posh Bel-Air, Carlton remains adamant in his belief (or denial) that the cops were merely doing their job because they were driving “below the speed limit.” Will retorts that Carlton should open his eyes to reality and leaves the room exasperated. Wizened Uncle Phil ends the episode by admonishing Carlton that he had a similar experience when he was much younger, also being stopped by White cops on the road. He has always asked himself if they were really “just doing their job.”
    It has been more than 25 years since I last saw that particular episode, and I realized, what has really changed since then?
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The #BlackLivesMatter Movement (BLM)
    The ultra-sensitive and once-tabooed subject of racism has exploded into our immediate line of sight, due to snowballing economic repercussions and unravelling anxieties from COVID-19 and the worldwide lockdowns. During these dark times, certain people like Chinese nationals, including Chinese-Americans and Asians with Chinese features have been the target of hatred and racism. For instance, a close Filipina friend of mine living in a European country, was recently shouted at by someone driving a motorbike as she walking on the street. The motorist angrily shouted at her repeatedly to “close her mouth” in the language of that country. I’ve also heard of stories of Asian immigrants in Europe being thrown bottles in their direction by the locals of that country, and there continues to be many other similar, saddening stories across the globe.
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    Still, the Black American struggle has specifically been put at the forefront of the United States and the world today, as the homicide of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police during this pandemic, sparked the resurgence of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement. This anti-Black racism (and “anti state-sanctioned violence against Blacks”) movement, has since then spread like wildfire to many states all over the U.S thanks to social media platforms. Other countries and prominent individuals have also rallied to the cause and expressed their solidarity through social media. The message rings loud: It is not to diminish the experiences of other marginalized peoples and groups, but aims to cast the bright spotlight on the distinct and continuing struggles of African Americans and people of African descent. African Americans wish to speak their hard truths in front of a global stage, and we certainly can’t blame them.
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The Innocence Files
    It would be hypocritical of me to talk about struggle and experiences of African Americans, but I would like to reference my insights from a Netflix true crime docu-series, The Innocence Files that in my opinion, gave much context to their centuries-long discrimination. The Innocence Files was a tremendous and tragic eye- opener. It is about the Innocence Project, co-founded by attorneys, Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld who challenge the U.S. legal and criminal justice system to overturn wrongful convictions against minorities, particularly African Americans. Due to issues of police coercion, misguided eyewitness accounts and ridiculous, terribly inaccurate and “leading evidence,” the wrongfully convicted are put away on death row in maximum security prisons for decades. Furthermore, when White prosecutors, as well as judges, are found to be in the wrong after convictions are overturned, do not receive any form of punishment. There is no personal accountability, nor retribution. In fact, most of them go on to have stellar careers.
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    As a non-American, it helped me better understand the situation of the Black community in United States, and my heart really went out to them. It infuriated me, and I found myself cursing at the TV. It is clear that slavery is not dead in America – but exists in modern-day, in the forms of marginalizing practices, systemic discrimination and prejudiced people in positions of authority. African Americans are still very much caught up in vicious cycles that continue to cripple them and the generations to come.
In the words of my friend, a Chinese-American, true-blue, born and raised New Yorker: “it starts all the way back during the slavery years…and how the government would red line certain neighborhoods to decide on which neighborhoods get more funding. This results in many domino effects…social infrastructure is built on the economics of how funding gets allocated. So, if African Americans are stuck in a bad neighborhood, they get less financial help from the get-go. It becomes a vicious cycle, and even if they do get a good education which is hard enough growing up in a poor neighborhood with little resources, they still face the reality of racism in corporate society that is dominated by the Whites. It starts even with your resume.”
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     Yet, I still must say that in my opinion, I condemn opportunists (who are not all African American even) who used the BLM to their advantage and justification to murder, loot, engage in arson and cause unnecessary damages to neighborhoods and livelihoods. I get they are pushed to their wits end - but we got to draw the line somewhere. I believe there are still boundaries as to the way we express ourselves. There are even celebrities and common people alike getting onboard to further their own public image. They aren’t making things better but instead, muddling the urgent and important message of this cause. Nakikiepal at nakikiuso lang.
Fear, Ignorance, Prejudice and Racism
    Let’s admit it though. All of us in this world have bits of prejudice inside of us. Some are unfortunately, more pronounced than others, while those on the extreme end of the spectrum, let it dictate their life mantras; thus, taking things too far. However, this is also not to say that “a little” or “subconscious” prejudice is okay either because these ideologies can also be manifested in small yet oppressive ways if we are not careful. Such network of beliefs is rooted from or formed in our upbringing, especially from beliefs handed down by our families or through experiences. This includes single or limited encounters that can cause us to generalize and stereotype all people in a particular culture, sub-culture and group. This is another deadly train of thought that we ought to regularly keep in check. Self-awareness and admitting one’s shortcomings are the first steps.
Re-examination as a Non-American from the Philippines
    Again, I am not in the best position to talk about the subject matter of racism, especially in the context of the Black American struggle, but if I may so, share some of my experiences from living in the United States for five years (2004-2009), and how the recent fiery current events have gotten me to take a step back too and assess my own thoughts.
    To give a short background, before living in the U.S. (as well as Japan), I had only lived in the Philippines my whole life. Fortunately, as a college student in the U.S., in the melting-pot and liberal state of Massachusetts, I met all kinds of people of diverse backgrounds, heritages, ethnicities and nationalities that finally opened my eyes to a whole new world beyond the sheltered Metro Manila bubble. I had a number of African-American friends and classmates, and in my experience, I can easily say they were smart, kind, warm-hearted and tremendously multi-talented. I graduated from college in May 2008 – the same year that Barrack Obama won his first Presidential election. Like most people from the largely- democratic states in the East Coast, I was ecstatic and celebrated the much anticipated “Change is Coming.”
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    However (please read on first that I may qualify…), after graduation and seeking employment in 2008 – during what were also the bleak years of the Financial Crisis, I experienced different kinds of encounters with African-Americans when I moved to New York City. I must admit that these encounters initially caused me to irrationally adjust my overall rosy view of them. Looking back, I admit that I failed to factor in that I was encountering strangers in a big city, on the streets and subways and was not in the vicinity of school anymore, so of course things will be starkly different. These were also hard times. Among the encounters that I remember were the following.
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    The stories I have just narrated are also examples of limited negative encounters that pushed me to initially engage in stereotyping. Often times, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. However, like I said, I failed back then, to piece together the whole context of my encounters – that I was living in a bustling American city, the Big Apple no less, with all kinds of characters in existence. This has has taught me to be try to be bigger than my biases and fears and resist from making sweeping statements. I know for one that given different situations, I do not hold the same fears and notions against African Americans, or all kinds of peoples for that matter. If you get down to it really, all nationalities and races are of course, capable of anything – whether it is trouble and crime, and likewise, capable of good just the same.
    I do question myself if I was wrong to react in those ways? This can be subject to debate. You tell me, as I myself am unsure. I can say however, that regardless of race, I would have been scared by any male figure that approached me during those tense situations. It just so happened that all those situations I recall, involved African American men – this is something I have later on reexamined as well. Why were they more often than not, African American? Today, I realize it says something more about the United States’ unequal systems and cultures, rather than about African Americans themselves.
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    Things brings me to ask myself as well, am I truly color-blind? I would give the honest answer of No I am not. However, I know I wouldn’t deliberately hurt or oppress anyone because of the color of their skin, heritage or background – this may be the case for most of us, but the times of today are telling us that this is still not enough for change to happen. Turns out we have to be more in touch with our thoughts and emotions because they turn into actions. We have to make conscious efforts to re-work our thoughts if they detour towards that prejudiced lane, and if we do witness any form of oppression, it is our obligation to be vocal or concretely do something.
     For us Filipinos, I also just have to say that it shouldn’t be about joining the BLM or related bandwagons just for the sake of, or to feel like we have done our part by simply posting black squares and hashtags. For me, this is a total cop-out if we aren’t making deliberate choices everyday to do right by our immediate community.
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Terror is Everywhere
    It is important to understand the true narrative of the BLM and related riots in the United States, and although they may not directly apply to the Philippines, there are tons of relevant issues that hit close to home.
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     It is easy to not get involved or to judge situations from the confines of our homes, but something my dad used to, and still always says is that, if we don’t do our part in speaking out, or showing protests through our own ways against injustices done to our neighbors – then we might as well be accessories to the crime. One day similar injustices will be hurled against us, and because we didn’t speak out, there will be nobody left to speak out on our behalf.
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iamthetruenhaz · 5 years
“Lest we somehow forget”
Original article in Bulgarian by Manol Glishev
“Upon your graves, oblivion blooms.“
 - Ivan Vazov
February 1st is the official Day of rememberance of the victims of communism in Bulgaria. On this day in 1945 death sentences, issued only hours earlier by the First and Second Jury of the so-called “People’s Tribunal”, were executed. This was the execution of Bulgaria’s political elite up to that point. But the murders start several months earlier, with the coup on September 9, 1944.
The government of the Fatherland Front (later the Bulgarian Communist Party) starts neigther with elections, nor with a national revolution. Unlike Russia, communists rose to power in our country with the help of a foreign army (Translator’s note: a hostile army, since the USSR unilaterally declared war on Bulgaria on September 5th; for the whole duration of WWII, Bulgaria had not declared war on USSR and refused to send any troops there; immediately after the invasion on September 8th, Stalin ordered the Fatherland Front to command the Bulgarian army to stand down and not resist any aggression or pillaging by the Soviet forces). Only the invasion through the Third Ukrainian Front into Bulgarian territory allowed the previously scattered partizans to topple Konstantin Muraviev’s government (Translator’s note: an anti-German government formed on September 2, aiming to sue for peace with the Western Allies; Bulgaria had declared neutrality on August 26th after the Soviet invasion of Romania and was negotiating with the UK and US who were about to send troops in; The Fatherland Front are offered 4 seats in Muraviev’s government but refuse, preparing a coup). Up to that point Bulgaria never had a government propped by a foreign army. A curious detail is that two of the most prominent figures of the September 9th coup - the new Prime Minister, Kimon Georgiev, and his propaganda minister, Dimo Kazasov, took part in the coup on May 19, 1934, declared by the communists to be “fascist“. Georgiev was also a participant in the coup on June 9, 1923 (Translator’s note: The coup by Alexander Tzankov’s moderate conservative party against the Agrarian Union, also declared a fascist“ one by communists; communist revolutionaries committed numerous acts of terror against Tzankov’s government, including the St. Nedelya church bombing in 1925, an were persecuted for this reason, forcing Tzankov to declare the Communist party illegal; Kimon Georgiev was part of Tzankov’s government as well as the one which succeeded it after Tzankov’s resignation.) The new, pro-Soviet government in Bulgaria, was therefore created by professional mutineers who could change their ideology more frequently than their shirts. Ten years before 1944 Kimon Georgiev was a sharp critic of Soviet communism.
The new government wasted no time until the formation of the “People’s Tribunal“. In its very first days, the Fatherland Front started committing murder of of people held to be “enemies“. Those were usually large-scale property owners, politicians and scientists who were far from always associated with the Bulgarian state’s pro-German course. Vili Lilkov and Hristo Hristov’s book “Former People“ (Translator’s note: Hristo Hristov is a Bulgarian investigative journalist whose work is centered around exposing the crimes of the communist regime.) demonstrated that the first wave of political murders after September 9th was sanctioned by the government and the headquarters of the Bulgarian communists, which at the time was still residing in Moscow. While the “People’s Tribunal“ was still forming, the terror against any potential opposition was gaining strength.
In the winter of 1944-1945, Bulgaria was under Soviet occupation and in Sofia, the Allied Control Committee was active, in which representatives of the USSR, UK and USA were participating. The American representatives remarked on the illegality of of the new government’s actions, but the Committee’s leadership was in Soviet hands and murders continued.
In reality, all murders committed from 09.09.1944 until 1947 were part of a deliberate plan to destroy the Bulgarian intelligentsia, and with it the possibility for building up a legal resistance against the new regime. The lecture titled “Law and Human Rights in Bulgaria“ held by Prof. Nicola Dolapchieff (Translator’s note: A member of the “Zveno“ organization, headed by Kimon Georgiev, appointed representative Minister of Foreign Affairs in London in 1947, a year later had his title revoked for “activities subversive to the Bulgarian state“ and forced into exile in the UK and later US) at Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs in 1952 shows the true scale of the terror, which started with the coup and culminated in the mass execution on February 1st, 1945. In the trials of the “People’s Tribunal“ Prof. Dolapchieff served as state-appointed attorney of former regent Prince Cyrill Preslavski, and witnessed the systematic breaking of protocol during the extremely partial judicial procedure.
The “People’s Tribunal“ itself acted much more harshly and cruelly that the Nuremberg trials held by the victors against Nazi war criminals. The scale of the purges in Bulgaria reminds of the earlier Soviet purges. The death sentences here are over two thousand, while at Nuremberg they are less than thirty. The combination of murders without a trial and trials without any right to defend oneself paralyzed Bulgarian society and left it without any natural leaders. The Soviet occupation only assisted for this process to take place without any resistance by the populace. During this period, the Bulgarian army was sent to fight the retreating Wehrmacht under the command of those old officers who would later face murders, repressions and humiliation upon their return.
After 1947, the planned resettling and forcing into camps of the designated “class enemy“ continues. Up until roughly the 1970s, the old educated elite, hailing from prominent families since the Revival (Translator’s note: the Bulgarian national revival, a period from the 17th c. until the country’s liberation in 1878, in which the nation experienced a cultural and political awakening) was practically annihilated. This had an enormous effect, lasting to this day, on our nation’s historical memory and its political culture. The fear of the almighty state and the learned helplessness before its despotism are heritage to those years of terror, executions and oppression. As a more remotely connected consequence, the clalgarization (Translator’s note: from “chalga“, a music genre from the 90s and 2000s often glorifying, and used as shorthand for, a society running on backwardness, corruption, nepotism and mediocrity) of our society is rooted in the lack of strong authority figures, destroyed by the communist regime. We’ve simply lost the sense of continuity with the flawed but still civilized Bulgaria which existed before the age of communism. (Translator’s note: I do not fully agree with the author here. While communism was by far the most prolific killer of Bulgarian civil society and any traditions thereof, numerous regimes before that have exercised repressions, censorship and corruption as well, especially typical for Balkan countries. The Communist party, however, was backed by a superstate with a century-long tradition of the same corrupt authoritarianism and also well-established totalitarianism, and within the 45 years of its rule in Bulgaria that system was successful in fully breaking the spirit of the nation and any hope for improving society. This corrupt and dictatorial system had fertile soil to grow on, but its brutality was still unprecedented.)
Hence the Law of declaring the criminality of communist regime. It is a decorative, wishful-thinking law, but it’s still nice that it exists. Hence also the Day of rememberance for the regime’s victims - a date which is necessary to commemorate. Useful for our society is the effort of scientists like Prof. Evelina Kelebcheva to fight for the practice of teaching the crimes of communism at school. (Translator’s note: At least when I went to school, in the 2000s, the implementation left a lot to be desired: the period was somewhat adequately covered in history books, but teachers never found any time left to teach it, what with filling the schedule with bloated lessons on the less controversial medieval and early modern history, which got unnecessarily repeated during the school years; thus history class got to WWII, at most, but omitted the 09.09 coup.) Studies such as the book “The Belene concentration camp“ by Borislav Skochev are also valuable. What is still missing is a wholesale lustration (Translator’s note: the process of barring former cadres of the regime from holding political and civil offices; this has been done in countries like Poland and Czechia in the late 90s; in Bulgaria it would be too late, since they have all groomed successors who have successfully become an inseparable part of the new liberal democratic market economy over the last 30 years.) and exposing the former State Sec personnel who are carrying on with their activities (Translator’s note: perhaps not as spies and informants, but having illegitimately been granted large business and/or political assets to keep economy in the hands of the former communist clique and its successors). Lustration is a necessary and natural finale to overcoming the negative consequences of the communist regime. 
Sadly, right now in our country a reverse process of rehabilitation of the red dictatorship is taking place. A large croup of intellectuals, journalists and politicians are insidiously trying to supplant historical facts and restore the propaganda tale of the “fascism“ of the Third Bulgarian Kingdom and and the “great achievements“ of the People’s Republic (Translator’s note: the economy of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria failed three times, the first time because of mass collectivization, ideologically pushed by the communist regime; as a consequence, Bulgaria’s financial reserve was all shipped to USSR and the country was slavishly in debt.) This tale always managed to skip or gloss over the murders. Its more cynical incarnations even justify the destruction of Bulgarian intelligentsia or attempts to equate any talk of lustration (Translator’s note: lawful banning of former regime higher echelon cadres from political and public offices) to the massacre staged i 1944-1947. This supplanting of Bulgaria’s history has the direct aim of taking Bulgaria out of today’s Western liberal world. (Translator’s note: I do not share the author’s idealized view of the “liberal West“ which has its own issues with illiberality and corruption, but they are incomparable to the scale those issues are still present in the former Eastern Bloc.)
It is for the sake of historical truth and our country’s future that we must not forget the victims of February 1st, 1945. Eternal glory to them.
 - Manol Glishev, 01.01.2018
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the-record-columns · 7 years
March 15, 2017: Columns
Notes on “The Snowstorm”
Record Publisher
What with all the talk about the Great March Storm of 2017, which (at least so far) seems to have mercifully missed us, I am reminded of the winter of 1960 when it snowed for several Wednesdays in a row. We missed so much school that year we were actually glad when the schools opened back up. Then, of course, I am reminded that Millers Creek still gets more snow than anywhere else in the continental United States, including the brutal dusting this past Sunday morning. However, I have it on good authority that the roads were plowed in time for the folks at Arbor Grove Methodist to make it in.
Many times in this space I have chided Millers Creek resident and editor of The Record, Jerry Lankford, about making it to work during snowstorms. While I have accused him of operating on the “eight flakes to the acre” theory of not being willing to leave the warmth of his house on Kite Road, truth is he has never been stopped from getting to work. With that being said, many others have used the weather as an excuse over and over.
In the old days of the Central Telephone Company, many of those line guys would say “If the first snowflake hits me, that's God's fault. If the second flake hits me, it's my own sorry fault.” This theory was also easily adaptable for rain as well. But my all time favorite is the fact that through the years I have employed many women in various jobs, and, most of them seem to be married to the dumbest men on the fact r e of the earth. However, when the aforementioned eight flakes to the acre begins to fall, all of a sudden these men become crack meterologists, and the absolute authority in their lives, and I would hear the oft repeated refrain of' “Tony called. He says it's bad out there. I've got to go home--now. I've to do what Tony says.” Bear in mind that on any other subject these guys were said to be as dumb as a bag of cut hair.
But, it was when I was at a bank the other day, and the subject of weather, snow, and bank closings came up that I was reminded of the bank very few folks remember or maybe have never even heard of—the “Bank of Elbert.” Back in the 1970s, when I had the easiest job of my life, selling radio advertising for my friend and mentor Paul Cashion, that I had my first experiences with working for a living and how the weather could affect it. During my childhood, I had heard my daddy the preacher say he had seen enough snow to last him a lifetime (especially after the winter of 1960), and on other occasions as well. Of course, as a kid, I would reply that I would never say something silly like that—snow was pure fun, and that was the way it would always be. Not.
I have often said that I have eaten enough crow to spit feathers for a week, and this one is on the list. Snow was fun—that is, until you slip and slide into work to find that most of your customers didn't even open up that day, and that you, as a commissioned salesperson, all of a sudden wasn't making a dime. Even on those snow days when I was first getting my feet wet in business, so to speak, there was one constant I could always count on, the Spainhour's department store. In those days, the store was ran by Mr. Lincoln (Linc) Spainhour, and it was open every day it was supposed to be. And yes, that included snow. He may not have wanted much advertising on those snowy days, but he was there and ready to serve any hardy souls who ventured out. On days like that, Mr. Spainhour had more time to talk and visit and anytime spent with him was educational in one way or another. I was visiting with Mr. Lincoln in his office on the mezzanine on one of those slow snowy days when his bookkeeper Maggie stuck her head in and told him the banks were closing because of the weather and might not be open the next day as well.
“Not to worry,” he replied, Elbert will stay open. This was my first knowledge of what was loosely referred to as the “Bank of Elbert,” because it seemed as though every business in Downtown North Wilkesboro knew that Elbert Rhoades at his bookstore on Ninth Street kept enough cash and rolled coin to keep them operating—bank or no bank—regardless of the weather. And he wouldn't leave early.
Mr. Spainhour went on to say what a good fiend Elbert Rhoades had been to him and so many others in the area through the years. One of his comments was that “...if Elbert is your friend, he is your friend rain or shine.”
And, I suppose, snow.
Make Your Move
I am not sure how my genetic make-up or environmental "up brining" plays into my inability to leave things.  Sometimes I think it is being raised Catholic where everyone has a tendency to stick it out through all situations or maybe I am just hardwired to give it my all even though it is time to move on.  When I read this from Home devotionals.com it made perfect sense to me and I hope it gives me a better perspective on recognizing when a door is closing and being open to new beginnings.
"Make Your Move By Dan Johnson  I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation. -2 Corinthians 6:2
The Bible tells us there is a time for everything and that includes change
Many know the dissatisfaction that comes from overstaying our welcome at work, in a geographic location, or in a particular assignment in life. There is a time to come and a time to go. There is a time to dig in, lay down roots, and stake our claim. But the opportunities that arise in life are presented to us in the context of our age, ability, in the moment. We have to decide if they come to us in the fullness of time. Open doors can close and the regret of missed opportunities can sting as much as hasty actions. There comes a time to give in to growth, stretch our wings and fly. But how do we know when it's time to make a change?
"There's wisdom in a multitude of counselors. Good friends have the right to tell us the truth and may just have the grace to break the news to us gently.
Finally, we need to have a sense that our good gifts and talents are going to be used when we take on a new task. Stewardship demands that our lives line up with our abilities. And it's more fun that way.
Life is short, at best. We have a shelf life. While we're still fresh, we're called to live each day to the fullest with the knowledge we have. We can enjoy the satisfaction that comes when our day-to-day routines are still challenging, providing room for growth, and making us wish for one more day to do what we love."
The other day I was getting a routine eye exam and I started chattering about my greatest fear was developing Macular Degeneration like my Grandmother.  After going on and on about my fear, the Optometrist quietly told me that indeed I did have intermediate stage Macular Degeneration.  I have now made a promise not to obsess over things as they just may happen.  But on that note I have come to terms with living each day with a renewed vigor and appreciating that today I can see.  If my sight does become compromised then I will just find new ways to "see", and my greatest fear will just become an adjustment.  I will find new open doors and not worry so much about the doors closing behind me.
I should have known something was up when my dog, Powder, was sleeping on his favorite toy (ladybug pillow) with the eyes chewed out- it must have been a sign….
Laura Welborn,
contact her at
    A liberal degree in anti-Semitism 
on America’s campuses
Special to The Record
Anti-Semitic incidents are exploding across America, with more than 100 recent bomb threats to JCCs, overturned gravestones at Jewish cemeteries, and other troubling incidents. This "unprecedented and inconceivable escalation of anti-Semitic acts in the United States … is "chillingly reminiscent of the pogroms in Eastern Europe and … the Nazi rise to power," warned World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder.
The wave also pervades college campuses around the nation under the guise of protecting "oppressed" Palestinians from "colonial" Israel. In a survey of 50 U.S. universities, more than half the students reported observing or experiencing anti-Semitism from peers or staff. BDS-boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israeli businesses, academics, and cultural events-often accompanies these incidents; though proponents claim to eschew racism, its real purpose is to delegitimize Israel.
But anti-Semitism and BDS are the tip of a formidable iceberg-the radical Left's agenda is to undermine Israel and erode the democratic foundations of America, Israel's ally. Its targeting of top U.S. colleges is designed to politically groom the next generation of leaders. The political Left was already orchestrating attacks against American academia when author David Horowitz chronicled in 2009 how the Left was insinuating its "radical agenda into … collegiate institutions … and even secondary schools." To defend our freedoms, democracy and the future of our children, we must recognize and heed this battle cry.
In earlier generations, anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and Islamic aggression evoked sympathy for Israel. But today's millennials are influenced not only by liberal professors and administrators, but also by being deliberately targeted by pro-terrorism student organizations that push the right progressive buttons by portraying Palestinians as the trodden-upon underdogs and Israel as a repressive Apartheid state "occupying" Palestinian land. In this intellectually clouded environment, millennials-those born after 1980-fail to analyze and assess facts, and blindly adopt the Palestinian platform in allegiance to a vague human-rights agenda favoring victims, underdogs and the oppressed.
Progressive student groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine systematically establish chapters across U.S. campuses where they aggressively market their message, joining forces with groups like Black Lives Matter and LGBQs to leverage their influence. Their methods are propaganda, graffiti, vandalism, harassment, intimidation and violent disruption tactics against Jews, pro-Israel individuals, student groups and events.
What makes the millennials so vulnerable to exploitation? They have no memory of the Holocaust or the 1967 war started by Arab states intent on destroying Israel. Although a majority (54 percent) of Americans support Israel, several polls report that millennial support for Israel is weakening as their enthusiasm for the Palestinian cause grows.
The erosion of the U.S. Anglo-European demographic base sheds some light, said historian Alex Joffe in The Times of Israel. Its biblically inspired religious tolerance and acceptance of Jews influenced America's institutions and values. But a 1965 immigration-quota change enacted to attract skilled labor was later replaced by amnesties that retroactively legalized millions of illegal immigrants who were indifferent to American values. These two policy shifts resulted in a new generation of ethnically and religiously diverse millennials.
Although conservative professors are hiding their views for fear of losing tenure, they may lose much more if they remain silent. Silence is also fueling Islam's influence over the minds of our youth. There has never been a greater need for Christians and those who love democracy to speak up on behalf of Israel. It's time for parents to withdraw support and tuition from universities that permit anti-Semitic acts; for academic leaders to discipline student organizations that foster hate; for students to report professors who politicize students, and to support pro-Israel student groups. Consider speaking to your congressional representatives and appealing to President Trump not to dismantle the State Department's envoy for combating anti-Semitism.
Mark G. Yudof, former president of the University of California system, said, "I don't want to see BDS become stronger because 20 years from now, these students will be judges, heads of Congress…We have to respond now to maintain the historical relationship with Israel."
Earl Cox is an international broadcaster and journalist who has served in senior level positions with four US presidents. Due to his outspoken support for Israel, he has been recognized by Prime Minister Netanyahu as a Goodwill Ambassador from Israel to the Jewish and Christian communities around the world and named the Voice of Israel to America by Israel's former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Mr. Cox resides in Charleston SC and in Jerusalem.
   Morning Eggs and a Celebration
Life in the Carolinas
So, there I sat in my booth at Cagney’s in Wilkesboro for a Saturday morning country breakfast of bacon, soft scrambled eggs with biscuit and gravy.
While I enjoy the flavors, I think the memories of growing up in a family that celebrated many of life’s specials moments around a table: set with savory country cooking is even more cherished than the food itself.
While I didn’t think of it at the time, those moments had a profound influence on my life. I’m sure those early days of celebrating life contributed greatly to the fact that I enjoy bringing people together for special occasions.
The idea of not offering food and beverage to guest seems to be an assault on the idea of civilized Southern Hospitality.
I don’t think it needs to be a lot, but it needs to taste and look good. I understand that taste and looks are subjective, but a good effort goes a long way.  
I’m certain it’s not just a southern thing, but I do think that we southern folks have a great knack for it and the stylistic way we do it sets us apart from others.
In the adjoining booth was a gathering of three who were celebrating the birthday of Buretta Faw, she was joined with her good friend Rita Aguilar and Buretta’s granddaughter, Lexis Wyatt.
While I was not part of their party, I could not help but to notice the happy moment. Buretta was presented with a variety of gifts, the first gift was jewelry that featured a sea shell, to which she displayed an expressive smile and said, “I see a trip to the beach coming up.”
The next gift also featured a sea shell to which with even more excitement she expressed her certainty that a trip to the beach would be in the not too distant future. With this comment, there is no doubt that Buretta loves trips to the beach.
Midway through my breakfast I noticed that the last gift was being presented.
It was a larger box that contained a custom bag that was printed with pictures of what must have been friends and family. As she looked over her gift her beaming smile was joined with tender tears.
While I did not know any of the celebrating people in the booth next to me. I felt the moment.
I extended a birthday wish and took a picture just like I was part of their group.
We do a lot things over the course of our lives. As Americans, we spend billions a year on the things we surround ourselves with.
As the years pass and as the interviews and stories keep adding up. I’m noticing more and more about what truly seems to be important in life for most people. It’s not about having a lot of the stuff.
For the most part, it’s the people in our lives, the good memories, the being together and the images of those we care for that makes our face leak.
Carl White is the executive producer and host of the award winning syndicated TV show Carl White’s Life In the Carolinas. The weekly show is now in its 8th year of syndication and can be seen in the Charlotte viewing market on WJZY Fox 46 Saturdays at 12 noon.  For more on the show visit  www.lifeinthecarolinas.com, You can email Carl White at [email protected].
Copyright 2017 Carl White
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New Post has been published on Attendantdesign
New Post has been published on http://attendantdesign.com/u-s-secretary-of-education-betsy-devos-issues-statement-on-new-title-ix-guidance/
U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos Issues Statement on New Title IX Guidance
U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy Devos  a responsibility to shield each student in America and ensure that they’ve the freedom to education and thrive in a safe and trusted environment Guidance.
This isn’t merely a federal mandate, however a moral obligation no person, school, district or state can abdicate. At my route, the Department’s Workplace for Civil Rights stays committed to investigating all claims of discrimination, bullying and harassment against those who are maximum susceptible in our schools.
The steering issued by using the preceding administration has given upward push to numerous prison questions. As a end result, a federal court docket in August 2016 issued a nationwide injunction barring the Branch from implementing a part of its software. On the grounds that that time, the Branch has no longer enforced that part of the steering, accordingly there’s no instantaneous effect on students by means of rescinding this guidance.
This is an trouble exceptional solved on the nation and local degree. faculties, groups, and households can locate – and in lots of instances have discovered – solutions that shield all students.
I’ve dedicated my profession to advocating for and fighting on behalf of students, and as Secretary of Training, I remember defensive all students, including LGBTQ college students, now not only a key precedence for the Branch, however for every school in America.
We owe all college students a commitment to make sure they have get admission to to a mastering environment this is free of discrimination, bullying and harassment.
Pay attention Put together to face up to: The Trump management Is Taking Us Down a Slippery Slope Into Theocracy
I propose it. I suppose it was accurate. Opposite to what many have stated, it sought to outlaw neither prayer nor perception in God. In a pluralistic society including ours, who is to determine what prayer shall be spoken, and via whom? Legally, constitutionally or otherwise, the state clearly has no such proper. I’m strongly opposed to the efforts that have been made to nullify the selection. They have been encouraged, I suppose, by using little more than the desire to embarrass the Supreme court. After I saw Brother Wallace going as much as Washington to testify in opposition to the selection at the congressional hearings, it best reinforced my conviction that the choice changed into proper.
Martin Luther King, Jr., Playboy interview, 1965. [About the Supreme Court’s decisions striking down prayer in public schools.]
On January 20, in his first hours as president, Mr. Trump issued a proclamation putting forward that there can be no peace wherein the human beings do not pray for it. Honestly?
Who satisfied him to trouble one of these proclamation? One of the five preachers or the rabbi invited to hope at his inauguration? Do not People pray sufficient? changed into there a shortage of prayers for peace earlier than World Wars I and II-and every struggle centuries earlier than and Seeing that 1945? What warfare happened due to inadequate prayers? I consider the Vietnam generation whilst draft eligible college students were praying for peace up the yin yang. Those prayers did now not have a great deal effect, both.
This proclamation is a representative example of the crazy communicate of politicians who insert their religious ideals into the discharge of their secular responsibilities, though in Trump’s case it turned into possibly more pandering to the evangelical base. God-hasn’t he finished sufficient of that already together with his appointments?
Properly, perhaps now not, in his thoughts.
That thought brings with it subject for the liberal democracy We’ve enjoyed in The us since the USA’s founding. Trump has created a cabinet of theocrats. What’s greater, he has pledged to appoint extra non-secular zealots to the excessive courtroom, in addition to additional key posts.
Horrific Moon at the upward thrust
Are we in threat of turning into a theocracy? extra so than ever, IMHO.
Trump and pals are equating patriotism with piety. How I would really like to place earlier than the president a statement from a Supreme court justice in Wisconsin more than a century ago concerning intermingling authorities with faith:
there’s no such source and motive of strife, quarrel, fights, malignant opposition, persecution, battle, and all evil in the kingdom as religion. Let it once input our civil affairs, our government might quickly be destroyed. Allow it once enter our common colleges, they might be destroyed… those who made our Charter noticed this, and used the most apt and complete language in it to save you such a catastrophe.
Susan Jacoby mentioned that even as the new president is himself indifferent to religion, he used the evangelical segment of the voters to get to the White Residence. In appreciation, he appears to have delegated his cabinet choices to zealot-in-waiting Mike Pence, the featured speaker at the approaching anti-abortion rally in Washington, D.C. Whose fanaticism makes the average fundies seem agnostic by means of comparison. Deliver Trump credit he has now not (so far) nominated Michelle Bachman, Herman Cain, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich or Sarah Palin for government jobs. That’s the coolest information. (I’m trying to appearance on the intense side here.)
The Bad information is that he is nominated a lineup of god-besotted extremists, inclusive of Rick Perry, Jeff Periods, Betsy DeVos, Mike Pompeo, Nikki Haley, Sonny Perdue, Jeff Periods, Scott Pruitt, Tom Charge and OMG!-Ben Carson. Those nominees are Christian zealots beyond the pale and outspoken combatants of church/nation separation. Every may want to seamlessly fill any Sunday morning as a substitute preacher for the five ministers who offered superstitious babble on the Trump Inauguration.
At the side of Mr. Pence, These new leaders of the very best government offices will carry their spiritual perspectives and lifestyle battle schedule, to the vanguard in their secular workplaces.
Can a theocracy be far in the back of? Will they endorse for an change to our godless Charter affirming that America of The us is a Christian nation? It’s now not so farfetched a few years ago, a YouGov Omnibus poll observed that 34 percent of Americans would prefer establishing Christianity as the reputable kingdom religion of their nation. Another barely vivid side observe-best 32 percentage might cross all the way and do the identical with the U.S. Itself. Small consolation. (This is a mean percent-imagine what the assist level need to have been in Alabama and Mississippi!)
Hallmarks of a Theocracy
at the danger of horrifying a few readers, recollect some of the ideas and policy agendas of those new leaders of key national workplaces, which include the Legal professional Widespread and directors/secretaries of H&HS, HUD, Power, Education, CIA, EPA and Agriculture. You may discover perception in and guide for:
Numerous biblical prophecies, not excluding The Rapture or give up-times. The suppression of important thought, investment for religious charter faculties, technology-denying initiatives from weather alternate to evolution and greater non-secular extremists appointed to fill critical positions in any respect degrees of government. Vehement competition to marriage equality and a lady’s choice to be a mom or not (i.E., felony abortion and different reproductive rights). Disdain for separation of church and kingdom-The Donald may be building one wall in which It is no longer needed and tearing down Another wherein it is. Converting the Charter from a mundane Republic to Christian nation theocracy-in part because they agree with That is a circumstance for the second coming of Christ. Sponsorship and passage of extra payments like H.R. 7, the “No Taxpayer funding for Abortion and Abortion Coverage Full Disclosure Act.” every House Republican voted for this bill. If it clears the Senate (Trump will signal it), the Act will deny extra than 28 million ladies access to abortion coverage. remember the person rumored to be Trump’s first preference for the vacant seat in the U.S. Ultimate courtroom, William Pryor. This outspoken opponent of secular standards within the Charter and the bill of Rights has as compared the ACLU and its plaintiffs to terrorists.
He has railed against gay rights, the teaching of evolution, courtroom choices legalizing abortion and barring college prayer even as selling presentations of the 10 Commandments on government belongings. He has compared homosexuality to “necrophilia” and “bestiality” and known as Roe v. Wade “the worst abomination of constitutional regulation.” He has long supported the notorious Roy Moore, the Alabama Ideal court jurist who positioned a Decalogue plaque in his courtroom and forced jurors to pray.
Recommendation from an Unlikely supply
The Christian Poet and novelist C.S. Lewis embraced the view that all strength corrupts. I’m wondering if Messrs. Trump and Pence are familiar with The sector’s Final Night time?
I absolutely embody the maxim that every one electricity corrupts. I’d pass further than all strength corrupts. The loftier the pretensions of the electricity, the extra meddlesome, inhuman and oppressive it will be. Theocracy is the worst of all feasible governments. All political strength is at excellent a vital evil: however it’s miles least evil whilst its sanctions are maximum modest and not unusual, whilst it claims no extra than to be useful or convenient and sets itself strictly restrained goals. Something transcendental or spiritual… In its pretensions is dangerous and encourages it to meddle with our private lives… Theocracy, I admit or even insist, is the worst corruption of all.
however, to no reader’s marvel, I assume Robert Green Ingersoll deserves the very last phrases. This is however the beginning of one among his speeches at the horrors of theocracy.
The authorities of God has been attempted. It changed into tried in Palestine numerous thousand years ago, and the God of the Jews turned into a monster of cruelty and lack of information, and the people ruled by means of this God misplaced their nationality. Theocracy was tried through the Center A while. God became the Governor the pope become his agent, and each priest and bishop and cardinal turned into armed with credentials from the most excessive and the end result became that the noblest and quality had been in prisons, the best and grandest perished on the stake. The result became that vices were topped with honor, and virtues whipped naked through the streets. The result became that hypocrisy swayed the sceptre of authority, even as honesty languished inside the dungeons of the Inquisition…
If God is allowed in the Constitution, guy should abdicate. there is no room for both. If the people of the wonderful Republic grow to be superstitious sufficient and ignorant enough to put God in the Constitution of America, the experiment of self-authorities could have failed, and the notable and remarkable assertion that ‘all governments derive their simply powers from the consent of the ruled’ will were denied, and in its region may be determined this: All power comes from God; monks are his retailers, the people are their slaves…
first-rate needs, stay Well and don’t forget factors of view: 1) There are no alternative records; and a couple of) there is no better authorities for The united states than a secular democracy.
May also this essay arouse your will to assist the insouciant loads in shielding their liberties. As RGI stated in phrases that represent the mild, air and love at difficulty-“liberty is the blossom and fruit of justice, the perfume of mercy. it’s miles the air and mild, seed and soil, dew and rain of development, love and pleasure.”
Guiding Innovation – An Technique from the Epistle of James
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are New Testimony names that Christians fast understand as authors of the four Gospels. Christians additionally identify Paul because the most prolific writer to the new church buildings he installed at some stage in the Mediterranean. However, there’s a group of seven letters no longer addressed to individual churches. These letters, of the apostolic age, every so often known as catholic letters, testify to apostolic religion and constitute canonical scripture.
The Letter of James is this type of letters and appears first within the series. Douglas Moo introduces the Letter of James as intensely sensible. James offers steering for Christian lifestyles in phrases that inspire followers and, on the same time, admonishes. The Letter of James is direct. The encyclopedic New American Fashionable Version (NASV) of the Bible places James in the style of parenesis or exhortation and within the fashion conventional Jewish awareness. Even though written as “very Jewish paintings” (NASB pg. 1201) it’s far in an top notch Greek fashion that is among the exceptional inside the New Testament.
James concentrates his letter “to the twelve tribes in dispersion” (1:1). Some Biblical texts use “scattered anywhere.” This greeting refers to Jews, followers of Jesus, residing outdoor of Israel. To answer why James wrote this letter, an information of the Pentecost event is vital. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit (Luke 24:49) and on Pentecost, the promise became fulfilled (Acts 2). The Jesus sect grew with the conversion of 3,000 Jews visiting Jerusalem from across the known International. Acts does not percentage that Those newly converted lower back to their home international locations and cities to inform the tail of Jesus and His followers, yet it is viable to deduce that new converts did percentage the story.
The number one message of his letter is moral behavior among fans of the new religion. The manner introduces this letter with succinct phrases. “The e-book of James describes a rugged every so often painful sort of Christian residing. James is practical, gutsy, and crystal clear in which means – even though we would like to avoid its impact.”
Even with the caution that the manner can be difficult (1:3), James presents a imaginative and prescient for fans who continue to be affected person, “…you will be prepared for Whatever, strong in character, Full and whole” (1:4).
James writes his letter at a time of persecution while many followers find adhering to the brand new teachings hard. Many have fallen from the faith however James calls them to be patient, that deliverance comes via faith in God, and they can searching for non-secular nourishment in prayer and excellent deeds. James’ letter tells the dispersed Jewish Christians to be robust in religion in a manner that echoes Matthew 5:eleven,12 “due to the fact amazing is your reward in heaven.”
James instructs Jewish Christians on many topics. But, the theme is the significance of faith and precise works in the whole lot.
James and a Message of Contradiction
There are individuals who argue that James and Paul contradict each other in their writing. Paul wrote in Romans 3:28 that men are justified through faith without deeds of the regulation. Obvious contradiction exists in James 2:24 in that James includes that both works of fellows and religion justify us to God. Another Obvious contradiction exists in Romans four:1-3. Paul concludes that Abraham glorified himself to God through his religion. James 2:21-23 concludes Abraham glorified himself to God by both faith and works in supplying his son, Isaac on an alter. Paul makes use of phrasing in Romans 1:five and 16:26 to inform Romans they must be obedient to faith. In Galatians 6:7, Paul writes of sowing and reaping, sowing Nicely returns properly to the shower.
In search of deeper information, both supplement the opposite in In search of justification in the sight of God. guy would condemn Abraham for supplying Isaac to God. However, God glorified Abraham for his religion and suitable works. James wrote his letter to dispersed Jewish Christians to teach that faith, Although intangible will display itself in Some style. James was no longer looking to outline faith; he wanted to set the criteria for conduct among The ones claiming to be of the religion.
James and Creativity
James 1:21-23 troubles a command to be a doer of the work, no longer just a listener. Greek texts use the paintings poiesis. In place of the door, poiesis approaches the innovative work of artists . James foresight in the use of this Greek phrase tells the Christian populace to be inventive, get off the trails of predecessors and blaze new trails simply as artists create new photos of their artwork.
Robert Cummings Neville defines the that means of a door as expressing God’s divine creativity “…not [by] what goes into you but [by] what comes out that counts.” it is God’s creativity beckoning us to paintings. James teaches the dispersed to grasp the gift of life given via God making something of it.
James sees making something of God’s gift and doing proper works with a compound Greek word prosoopoleempsia. This phrase consists of promotion, the front of Something, linked with Lamba noon, to understand or understand. The ethical moral lesson from this compound phrase is human beings decide us by way of our moves and our moves replicate our internal being. James affords know-how to aid outward actions with inward being. Chapter 2:1-4 James tells fans no longer to judge others through look and admonishes them (2:8) to love their buddies as they love themselves.
Cutting-edge Challenges
It is not radical to nation The arena is present process dynamic changes; perhaps it’s miles an understatement. Modern-day commercial enterprise and verbal exchange pupils liked the degree of alternate these days to innovations of the past. Guttenberg’s printing press altered the power of clergy via making the Bible available to all who should examine. Interrupting the Bible turned into no longer the area of clergymen and spiritual leaders. Moreover, books on any subject could be set in type and published for the literate loads.
With the discovery of telegraph and later smartphone, communique across significant territories changed into possible. business verbal exchange now occurred over cord with fewer time constraints, humans interconnected with developing interdependencies . Proliferation of computers and Internet technology now hyperlink us over invisible connections at real-time pace. Worldwide conversation through telephone, email and instant messaging connect employees inside the next room to employees on the following continent. Proposed with the aid of Camrass and Farncombe (2003), is that amongst 10,000 people, they may have as many as 5 million points of contact .
Coping with conversations throughout networks as sizable as 5 million humans calls for care. If the context of conversations is low, the end result becomes one among each person for themselves without a sharing. The want for records on one side needs repayment for the statistics on the other aspect. But, if the context of conversations is high, helping and sharing happens and people feel a feel of joint ownership collectively .
The Letter of James – Meet the Challenges
Printing presses and telephones merging into on the spot International conversation causes pressure on business because it adapts to fulfill the Challenges of alternate; meeting the undertaking is not smooth. Present day Global business is widely dispersed, as were the early Christian Jews that James wrote to in dispersion. Leaders of worldwide business have an opportunity to research from the instructions James shares.
James wrote a totally sensible letter imparting instructions and admonitions. commands and admonitions to Christians commonly parallel corporate policy and approaches. They offer proof of leaders’ vision for an employer, offer samples of predicted behavior, and provide warnings towards violations of true order.
A hit companies are trying to find leaders and followers who are doers. James told Christians to be doers, be inventive in their creativity. organizations want artistic creativity to remedy troubles and preserve pace with alternate. In an unscientific observer carried out on Fb.Com 14 humans responded to “could you as an alternative take the path less traveled or stick to what .” Ten humans selected the route much less traveled. To Another, 12 humans answered to taking a sure component or take a danger. Nine checked take a threat. Organizational leaders who searching for the destiny also are looking for people willing to take dangers and adventurous sufficient to take a new route.
In Every other manner, James gives Modern-day businesses with skill sets for leaders and fans. corporations, their leaders, and workers do no longer exist and paintings in a vacuum. External observers see agencies primarily based on how organizational participants behave amongst themselves and inside the network. ethical behavior for early Christians is an instance of The ethical behavior anticipated in business. In Another Fb.Com “could You as an alternative,” query, ten humans answered to “could you as an alternative be proper or morally right.” Seven answered be morally right.
James’ letter addresses Christian Jews advising them to be doers of their faith and be ethical and moral in conduct. The Fb.Com questions responded via each person using the “would you rather” subroutine suggests that among 70 and seventy five percentage might follow a direction much less taken, take risks, and, curiously, opt for being morally proper versus just being proper. without similarly clinical studies, there’s no declare to statistical accuracy of those numbers. But, there is an uncanny feel that the general public is ethical and threat taking.
creative agencies searching for ideas from all regardless their position in the employer or outdoor it. James writes that Christians should receive each other no matter their region on society. This parallel proposes that commercial enterprise Might also receive innovative ideas from sudden sources. on the face, a manufacturing worker won’t have an accounting background; However, this employee might have thoughts to simplify production and decrease expenses thus having an effect on accounting.
In commercial enterprise, leaders are activists of know-how; they may be catalysts of knowledge, coordinators of knowledge, and traders of foresight . there is little difference among Current Worldwide leaders and the leadership of James as catalyst, coordinator, and foresight merchant. Even though one-of-a-kind instances and one of a kind organizational needs, disciplined management aids preserving the vision alive.
The Epistle of James isn’t prolonged; However, the message is succinct imparting perception into the early lives of Christian Jews dispersed across the Mediterranean. it’s miles a sturdy coaching tool reminding fans to recognition on the imaginative and prescient. in addition, it presents a glimpse into the methods and policy fans have to adhere to.
This hub of this dialogue is predicated on three spokes, 1 – innovative doing, 2 – doing morally, and three – attractiveness of others. James told early Christians to be energetic of their faith and do true works that creatively confirmed their religion. James taught them the importance of moral moral conduct. Finally, he made it clear that social popularity does no longer make one person higher than Every other in the religion.
The leadership lesson to draw from These three spokes is that everyone contributors of any business enterprise are a part of the whole irrespective of the placement. Leaders should set the tone, establish vision and set regulations in area that guide employees towards the imaginative and prescient. Equally, leaders ought to have in vicinity approaches in location to correct conduct that strays. In the end, leaders need to just accept input from all.
Whether or not it is Christian leadership or secular leadership, faith in and faithfulness to the imaginative and prescient motivates leaders who encourage fans, but then need guidance. James diagnosed this and his became the primary of policy and process manuals for faith and faithfulness.
i. be aware: decrease case catholic refers to the universality of Christianity Rather than a reference to the Roman Catholic Church.
Ii. Moo, Douglas J. (2000). The Letter of James. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing company.
Iii. Rev. Gollner, Lawrence A. (Censor Librorum) & Pursley, Leo A. (Imprimatur) (1978). The manner: The living Bible – entire Catholic Edition. Wheaton: Tyndale Residence Publishers.
Iv. Miller, Earl (2008). The Epistle of James: element 1. Stewards Basis.
V. Ibid.
Vi. Neville, Robert Cummings (2003, August three). Running before God: 12th Sunday after Pentecost. Boston University, Marsh Chapel. Retrieved on February eight, 2008 from 
Vii. Camrass, Roger & Farncombe, Martin (2003). Atomic: Reforming the enterprise Panorama into the brand new Structure of The next day. Oxford: Willey.Sproull, Lee & Kiesler, Sara (1998). Connections: New Methods of Operating within the Networked corporation. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
Viii. See vii.
Ix. Von Krogh, Georg, Ichijo, Kazuo & Nonaka, Ikujiro (2000). Allowing expertise Introduction: How to Unlock the Mystery of Tacit know-how and Launch the electricity of Innovation. By: Oxford College Press.
X. Hoffman, Paul (2008). Facebook profile of Paul Hoffman: would You instead subprogram
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