#like to me. everything for MK is motivated by himself like
imminent-danger-came · 3 months
YOU think MK is a selfless forgiving good boi mc. I think he's self-centered, but that doesn't devalue the good deeds that happen as a result. We are not the same
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falsementor · 2 years
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macaque is definitely the type of antihero who will use his evil, intimidating reputation as a force of good. just... in a very apeshit way.
#✘ — i was good but then i quit. ( headcanons. )#✘ — forget everything you used to know. ( study / rambles. )#just thinking about how he motivated mk to get his powers back in season 3#just 'oh? you don't have your powers?? guess you cant stop me from crushing your friends. some hero you are :)))'#its the juxtaposition of the winning side and the king the prince and the shadow where in that episode ---#he's NOT fucking around anymore. he takes mk down in 3 hits. thats how you know he's been holding back on the kid#its like... macaque doesn't believe himself to be good - or capable of doing good things... but he still WANTS to help#so his answer to that is 'well if nobody is going to trust me. if people are only going to expect the worst from me -#- then i guess i may as well use that to my advantage '#thats what i mean by he's very subtle with showing he cares / helping out#its very easy to overlook him and just think he's being a shifty bastard as per usual#does it make the way he goes ABOUT 'helping' good?? no! him traumatizing and smacking mk around is definitely#not okay. and while i don't think he's gonna be doing that AS much post season 3 - i still think he's not redeemed yet#so he's gonna still be doing shifty bastard things#he's still a manipulative jerk saying awful things to ppl. and sometimes i dont think he's actually trying to help#he doesn't really.. care if he hurts ppl's feelings. UNLESS he actually cares about them#which is far and few in-between considering he's mainly out for himself#its HARD to pin down this fucker's intentions because it really just depends on the circumstance and the person in question
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What's up with MK?
[a theory crafted thru pure over analysis and attachment to minor characters/scenes]
{thank you to @trix-with-wifi-access for listening to my rants and assisting in my insanity}
spoilers for Lego Monkie Kid, s5 trailer not directly included tho.
If any of this is unintelligible, blame the fact it's like 6am and I'm only writing all of this outta a sudden burst of motivation.
I don't think MK is okay
Yeah, stating obvious aren't I? Well, I don't mean mentally. Ofc he's not mentally okay. I mean physically (or magically at this point tbh)
I think there's something Wrong with whatever MK is. But b4 I dive too deep into that, let's set up some bases.
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MK's monkie statue. We all know that's his. He showed to Pigsy's doorstep covered in clay, which considering Nüwa, this statue is 100% made of.
The thing I wish to point out is that it's broken. Nearly in half. Something went wrong here.
We know we can't trust a word outta Subohdi's mouth, considering that not only does he claim MK's statue was remade from the fragments of Wukong's egg (which was made of stone, not clay) and even says himself that he doesn't know what's up with MK.
Anyway. As you likely recall, right after all of this, The Ink Curse throws Subohdi out of the way and appears directly to MK.
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The little statue disappears, and the curse emerges from an ink puddle stemming partly from the rock.
And it appears looking like Monkie!MK.
The Curse (fuck it I'm tired of typing that. This is why we have fan names—) Mozhi doesn't appear like this to anyone else, other than manifesting as past Wukong to mock him alone. Wukong, also a monkie.
but it only does that after it's been directly provoked and attacked. MK didn't do anything, and Mozhi still appeared. In a mockery of what he truly is.
Mozhi appears in the form of an animal. In the form of everything MK's denying. It switches back and forth between "we" and "you". I also wish to mention MK's slip up with "we help people"
For some reason, Mozhi feels the need to directly confront MK, to the point of even attacking him with his own powers (and... Well I'll save that for another post actually).
Why did Mozhi decide that MK being in denial of what he is was so bad it needed to appear and beat the truth into him?
"This is your fate, your friends will turn on you, seeing you for the monster you will become. They will destroy you, Harbinger Of Chaos"
"Then prove us wrong."
is it just me, or did this seem like a last minute Warning? To be careful of what you will become, or you will be destroyed by your own friends?
Prove us wrong. Us. MK believes it. MK believes that his friends will inevitably turn on him. He doesn't just need to prove Mozhi wrong. He has to prove himself wrong.
Harbinger Of Chaos. We're all so tired of hearing that title, aren't we? Everyone in fandom talks about it non-stop. But I have seen very few mention something rather important.
Chaos is yin. The darkness with the speck of light.
and of course, yin cannot exist without yang.
Chaos cannot exist without Order.
I think that's what happened to the statue. Chaos lost it's Order, dark lost it's light, and now everything is eternally doomed. Unless said Order is found of course, but I'll get into that eventually.
What would the power of chaos do to make up for the lack of order? Well, it'd try to find something to fill the void. To fix that broken half. Anything will do, it just needs more power. It's too weak, it cannot survive like this. Without order.
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... I'll just say it. I'm 99% sure MK's actual Mystic Monkie Power™ is Mimicking. The desperate attempt of chaos to fix what's broken without the necessary tools.
Would make thematic sense too. Chaos is unpredictable, Clay is easy to mold, etc etc.
But what does this really have to do with anything? Well, let's tie all those orange threads together, hm?
MK is not as strong as Wukong or even Macaque, two of the other 4 Mystic Monkies. Oh he's certainly strong (need I remind you of what he did to Azure) but simply not as undyingly OP as the SundialDuo/ShadowPeach.
He's weakened by whatever happened to his statue. Whatever ripped Order from Chaos.
MK's clay statue is broken almost in half, and he's only approximately half as strong as he really should be.
I think MK is only one half of a Mystic Monkie that was supposed to truly embody Yin/Yang. Something happened, and the statue that was supposed to become that monkie was broken.
MK winds up with most of what he needs to survive and stay stable (as shown by his statue being about 60% intact) but he's not as strong as he should be, and is left scrambling for anything that can give him even a scrap of the power he's supposed to have.
What happened to the other half? What happened to Order? Well, that leads into another theory... But let's just say I have my suspicions involving a barely-a-character that I got too attached to.
after all, what's more orderly than memories?
Ignoring that, focusing back on MK. My prediction for s5 is him finding out about this from Nüwa. After all, my theory is that she broke the statue.
... Ah, forgot to mention that. Allow me to elaborate.
I think Nüwa was genuinely excited to create something new. Something powerful. A Mystic Monkie! Finally!
But why was she allowed to do this? Because there was one less Mystic Monkie. With Macaque dead for who even knows how long, there was a long time where there were only 3 of the original 4 Mystic Monkies.
Nüwa took this opportunity and ran with it, getting permission from whoever to create a replacement, since Mac didn't seem to be coming back.
But come back he did! And having 5 Mystic Monkies running around would be such a pain to keep track of, especially considering what happened with Wukong!
So, Nüwa was either commanded to break the statue, or did it herself. Destroy what she had created so that nothing like Wukong would ever happen again
Oh but how attached she got, to a little statue not even brought to life yet. So much potential. So much power. Made of the same Clay she carefully crafted her original, precious humans out of. She always loved to create, but was never allowed to bring what she made to life again.
... Well, this time they only said not to have another Mystic Monkie running around... Nobody said she couldn't bend the rules a bit.
With that, the statue was broken. Her precious clay, her yin, her little Chaos. She put him with the humans. They'd take good care of another clay like them! She doesn't even remember what she did with yang, the Order, the—... the other half. She was too focused on watching her precious Chaos.
Even going down to the mortal realm herself, to keep a closer eye on him. She was there when the sky broke, when Chaos went too far, so she'll be there to assist. To tell her perfect Clay where her stones are, so that he can fix this mess, just as she had years ago.
Five stones.
Four monkies, one half.
MK is only one half of a Mystic Monkie (clay, chaos, yin) bc Nüwa's an overly attached idiot and Mac died so this all technically Wukong's fault lmao.
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cherllyio · 1 month
Is Nüwa good, morally grey, or evil? - A lmk season 5 theory/analysis
Now, since this is such an open question, with the very little we know about, I’m not going to give you only 1 answer, I’m going to give you 4:
Nüwa is a Hero
Nüwa is an Anti-Hero
Nüwa is an Anti-Villian
Nüwa is a Villian
Nüwa is a Hero
Now to understand how Nüwa would work with each of these roles, we are for each role going to look at what her motivation, methods and goal would mean for each of them.
If Nüwa was a hero her motivation, based on my past theories (here), would be that she would want do prevent destiny. More specifically the predetermined destiny’s that were meant to happen like LBD destroying the world. Destinys that would kill the humanity she herself created and still loves to this day.
Her method would then be creating MK, aka. The Harbinger of Chaos, to prevent these predetermined destinies to happen. And her goal would then be fulfilled, aka saving humanity in the best way possible.
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Nüwa is an Anti-Hero
For this to be true her methods would have to be bad, but at the end of the day, her goal would end in something good.
So, let’s say instead she created MK in a sort of “bad way?” She made him based on Sun Wukong after all, and even though he is good now, if she was an anti-hero, she would have based it after pre-JTTW Wukong. Aka, the heaven rebelling, “I will push away all the ones closest to me”- Wukong.
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This would make the methods bad, since MK would just end up causing a lot of chaos in both heaven, earth, but also to his friends, and himself. Yet in the end, her goal of preventing a very grim destiny to happen, would still be fulfilled.
Nüwa is an Anti-Villian
Now, for Nüwa to be and Anti Villian, there would be two options possible, since their also exist two kinds of anti-villain.
There is the “Noble Anti villain”, which is an evil character but with a sort of “code of ethics”, like they don’t hurt children or something.
If Nüwa was this type of anti-villain, she might not hurt people like MK, creations very close to her. But then her motivation for creating him, might be that wants to use this “chaos” part of him, aka. His power to somehow deny destiny again and again and his just general very strong powers, to take over the universe.
Maybe she would even use MK to gain The Jade Emperor powers herself, since in some stories Nüwa is The Jade Emperors daughter.
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The other type is the “well-intentioned anti-villain”.
Here the motivation is good, while the method and the goal are bad. A instance of this could be a character like Azure Lion: someone who wants to help humanity, but does it through killing and terror, with the goal of becoming the emperor himself.
If this is the case for Nüwa she would have a noble motivation (stopping this predetermined destiny from happening) but her method would be to team up with “The Traitor” (guy from The Underworld) to destroy the normal status quo by destroying the celestial realm, killing all the gods, and then fulfilling her goal to become the god of EVERYTHING.
A god who would be able to protect humanity forever and ever, and she might even betray “The Traitor”, and become a king (or queen) of The Underworld herself. Therefore, making sure humanity would never experience death again. And in the center of this goal would be MK, who would help her with this, and hopefully stand by her side at the end.
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Along with this, there is this theory that Nüwa didn’t even want to abandon MK alone, and that she wasn’t even done making him yet. You can find RV Sketch’s video about it here, but basically, while Nüwa was making her “Harbinger of Chaos” something went wrong, and MK came into life too early (hence the cracks in his stone mentioned in the picture underneath), and Nüwa never saw him again.
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Maybe this was even MK´s weirdly changing destiny powers kicking in early and changing what Nüwa had originally planned (which is honestly very fitting). So now Nüwa and The Traitors goal would instead be to learn how to manipulate MK´s to, yes, change Fate, but in a way that benefits them.
Nüwa is an Villian
Now if Nüwa was a Villian, she would have both an evil motivation, method, and goal. So that would mean Nüwa would either be a very silly villain, like Yin and Jing, or just an INCREDLY evil person.
So, let’s just say that Nüwa is INCREDBLY evil(aka her goal).
She doesn’t care for anyone; she just wants POWER.
And MK… MK would only be a toll in her eyes get to her goal (like Emperor Belos´ relationship to Hunter in the series “The Owl House”) She might even team up with The Traitor to manipulate Azure into killing her own family, The Jade Emperor.  Evil motivation, evil method, evil goal, and holy sh@t she would be terrifying.
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We will first truly know what Nüwa will be like, when she finally shows up in the show, but in the end, we do know one thing: Good or evil, she is going to be on hell of character.
ALSO, This video helped me A LOT, so go watch it, its amazing
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rosaletarosie · 1 year
Hello!! First off all I hope you are having an excellent day! I saw your Macaque dating hcs, hope you don't mind me requesting the same thing but for Sun Wukong, please ^^
Your wish is my command anon !!
Category: headcanons
Fandom: LMK
S/O Gender: Gender neutral
Dating headcanons for the legendary monkey king !!
Now lets start !
Sun wukong ☀️
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( This is during the LBD incident )
You saw wukong perform on stage with the others and saw that he was in stage fright
You can't help but giggle at him, and he saw you giggle and his stage fright calmed down just for a little while for some reason and he didn't know why ( that's why he got to do the final gong in the end of the song after pigsy sang ) ( bro doesnt know what love in first sight means :'> )
Let's say time skipped forward and now it's AFTER the LBD incident, you were just passing by untill your stomach got the case of the munchies, and you decided to go eat some ramen at pigsy's noodles
You find yourself in a busy restaurant with alot of people untill you saw a man with a jacket with the hoodie on, you saw a tail sticking out of it so you were curious and decided to sit down beside them
You then saw their face by squinting in a little and noticed that it was the same person who rehearsed at the talent show, you decided to say hi and have a little chat untill the random person held your hand and went out of pigsy's noodles
You both ran untill you were in a alleyway, they took of their hoodie and you found out that your hint was right, that the person that was rehearsing was none other than the MONKEY KING!
( ok let's skip time again and now your in a relationship with the legendary MONKEY KING! and also because I really wanna write in the headcanons already jddjjsjdjs )
Unlike macaque once your in a relationship with wukong the first thing he'll do is cuddle..and cuddle...and cuddle...and you get the point :')
Since MK gave him a phone wukong calls and texts you everyday and misspells everything, for example "HI ( insert name ) HOWWJN ART U!" "Umm..your on caps lock dear"
He'll probably give you gifts from his junk pile or something you cannot afford ( by stealing it lmao )
And if your sad he'll either cry with you or comfort you the best way he can, it depends on his mood
And just like macaque he'll protect his S/O in anyway he can! Even if it means sacrificing himself or get possessed by lbd again
Once your years in the relationship now he will go on his way to find a immortal peach ( stonefruit )
If you accept this offering and eat the peach he will drown you in so much kisses <333
If you decline and try to think about it he'll just keep the peach for safe keeping just in case you change your mind :)
I hope you all like this ^^
Sorry if this is short, my motivation keeps on disappearing and reappearing-
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deltaclaws · 1 year
Thinking about Monkie Kid S4 and need to share my thoughts n’ theories on something before I explode with excitement.
Spoilers of course, so click the read more if you want to see. It ended up being A LOT.
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This first part is about Azure Lion’s actions in the last three or so episodes compared to what we’ve seen with Sun Wukong.
When Azure Lion accidentally cuts the piece of the scroll Wukong’s sealed in due to PTSD flashback triggered by MK diving for the scroll piece, his immediate reaction is regret and remorse, but he tells MK that they were planning to release him once they took over heaven. An interesting and awfully convenient detail to admit after you accidentally sliced your former sworn brother’s prison in half!
Most likely he was going to release Monkey King, I think. The thing that sticks out to me is his shifting the blame to MK. If he hadn’t acted, hadn’t tried to save his teacher and friend, Wukong would be ok and Azure Lion would’ve tooootally let him go after! Because his word has been faithful to that point and he hasn’t already double-crossed, totally.
Which is also pretty damn dirty on his part. For what little he knows of MK, he hit him where it hurt with that, and poured salt on the metaphorical aggravated wounds. He then proceeds to take away the pieces and put them on his belt as some kind of messed up memento. Wukong is dear to both of them, but Azure Lion decides that he should be the one to take his tiny maybe-not grave, and MK has to see Monkey King be taken away from him for a third time.
Where this compares to Wukong’s actions is how they would’ve handled the situation. Past Monkey King would’ve shifted the blame away from himself too- because hey, everyone should’ve known what to do, not his fault! But the Monkey King we know now, whose grown and lived long enough to see all of the consequences of his past actions, would’ve taken responsibility. He would find a way to fix things and make it his sole problem to deal with. (Not a completely healthy way to go about it, but by comparison he has more self awareness)
Azure Lion has had the same amount of time as Wukong to see how his actions affect the future and affect those around him, but his takeaway is completely different. He’s been stuck on what happened to him and their brothers, how they “failed”, and doesn’t bother to think about what could happen if/when they did overthrow heaven. Revenge against his former friend and everyone in heaven has just about narrowed his focus, and thus clouded his judgement. He’s stuck in the past and in many ways stunted his own growth.
Which brings me to some bullet points.
“Sun Wukong isn’t that great either“- No, he’s 100% flawed and still reaping what he sowed over his lifetime, but he’s had growth, like a lot of growth. Taking partial/a whole lot of responsibility with MK and interacting with his friends more has helped him relearn what it means to be a part of a group, and MK has had a positive influence on him. As the lead(?) writer said on Twitter, he’s actively working on being more honest with MK, and is going to tell him everything. He wants to change and is trying to not let himself be held back from that by his past. Also he’s working on undoing everything’s he’s done that’s both directly and indirectly hurt others.
(Almost) everyone’s motivations against Monkey King- As I’ve seen several people point out, all the characters that have had a valid reason to hate Sun Wukong have shared their side of events, Wukong hasn’t. Presenting a very black and white picture on things.
(1) Macaque was scorned and abandoned, and wants his former sworn brother and best friend to feel even worse and be tortured by what he did. We know what he said happened, we saw how he saw Wukong delivering the killing blow, but we don’t see the strike connect, and he was shortly taken out of the afterlife/hell/the underworld by Lady Bone Demon. Revived to serve under her and give him a chance to get back at Monkey King- keeping his motivation going so he follows her game of chess to a T. It’s still very possible that Wukong didn’t kill him- the way he acted in Ep.9 in the first season when he sees Macaque suggests to me he thought Macaque slunk away after their fight to nurse his wounds and lay low for a loooong while. Macaque has also been pretty damn deceitful and used MK as his own pawn to secure his freedom (and also get back at Wukong.)
(2) Spider Queen wanted him to die and get him out of the way of her world domination, pretty simple revenge plot there. Dunno what else could be said for that.
(3) Lady Bone Demon was a person who sought to give mortals salvation from heaven’s actions and negligence, which twisted into wiping out everyone who walked all over those less fortunate and did not have the same privileges, and then just straight up total annihilation because everyone, at some point, would hurt others and make the world worse.
(4) Azure Lion, Golden-Winged Eagle, and Yellow Tusk Elephant. Sun Wukong’s brothers and former family. There’s a WHOLE lot there that Azure Lion is definitely leaving out on purpose (like his brothers were sealed away in the scroll to atone for their actions, but we don’t know what they did besides rebelling against heaven to earn such a punishment). He and his brothers make most of their hate about their leader turning their back on them and becoming part of the system/people that oppressed them. Valid reason to be upset and never forgive Wukong, because he either never told them what happened or he also withheld information. That said, the flashback of Wukong coming back with the JttW group is framed in a similar way to Macaque’s flashback- Monkey King comes in, there’s a fierce battle, and it ends with Wukong bearing down and hitting them with the staff. It’s even mirrored with MK’s fight against him, but we know MK was coming down to grab Monkey King and leave with his injured friends. Azure Lion could only see Wukong coming back to hurt him, and lashed out in the worst possible way, leading to destroying his friend and unable to take the blame.
The implications of Azure Lion taking the Jade Emperor down and becoming the new ruler of the Celestial Realm- Azure Lion and his brothers succeed at the current end of season 4, and he asserts himself as the new ruler. When he does, reality between all of the realms nearly tears itself apart, and we see Macaque, Nehza, and MK feel the effects of the sudden power shift. What that implies could possibly means their individual powers are affected, orrrr since they’re all celestial beings, their souls are linked to the Celestial Realm and they have some kind of sixth sense that alerts them to these changes. Now that Azure Lion has control and all of the powers of the Emperor, he might just attempt a total party wipe like Lady Bone Demon tried to do. Most definitely going to try to manipulate and take advantage of MK’s slew of commplicated feelings with his true origins, and what Monkey King has done to MK in the time they’ve known each other. 
Now for theories/guessing what’ll happen in the S4 special.
Wukong tells MK very early on that his body can’t handle him overexerting his powers, and now that everything is on the line, again, and he’s lost Wukong, again, he may just tear himself apart to set everything right, and sacrifice himself so his friends survive and Monkey King can come back. We can see it happening now, after fighting his literal demons and intrusive thoughts personified, and triggering his transformation from a mortal to the celestial monkey he’s (possibly) always been. I’ll say along with that he might be having a hard time adjusting because he’s been away so long- from Monkey King, from Flower Fruit Mountain, his birthplace- and even though the staff unlocked most of it, his powers have laid dormant for a very long time, and he’s had a short time to train plus very little time to adjust having so much back all at once. Like a muscle that’s atrophied, he’s got to build it back up.
One of MK’s flaws is his tendency for self sacrificing, and while he does think of what’s important for his wellbeing, he still puts others before him, to his detriment. Carrying the trauma from everything that’s happened over the past year, he may feel that giving up his powers or his own life is what he has to do to set everything right and atone for the accidents he caused.
Azure Lion has literally gone godmode, and there’s not gonna be much he and his brothers can do to make up for taking it too far. It’s also very muddy, some morally grey areas, super emotionally charged. Also didn’t know where else to fit this but damn was he selfish for taking Wukong’s broken pieces away and threatening to break them even more if MK tried to fight him again. Like dude, wow.
MK won’t be alone, but he’s going to be facing a hard choice to make. If Azure Lion & co. walk away, he may just attempt everything again, and then they’re all gonna be living under the fear of brutal revenge for undoing someone’s very big mistake that they feel they had every right to do; Monkie Kid team doesn’t stop the cycle, and Azure Lion can continue to be willfully ignorant
Putting them all back in the scroll is a temporary solution and would be a little antithetical to everything our heroes have done so far. A punishment sure, but that also continues the cycle, and very little is learned. No matter what, Azure Lion will have to be kept from perpetuating the cycle of hurt and I don’t think they’re going to nuke him out of existence a la LBD. That would also not line up with everything they’ve done.
I sincerely hope we do see Monkey King bounce back like he did in the final fight against LBD, though there’s the chance if S5 happens, it’ll be the quest to restore Monkey King and MK has to figure things out on his own/with the assistance of a slightly calmer but still rogue Macaque. Angst, solving mysteries, and bonding galore! (but really Flying Bark, I will not be able to handle that. I want my cheesy but still very good resolution of Wukong coming back at the end and further paving the way for him and MK to bond and discover why he was created, and by who. I want to see these two catch a break and be happy! And grow as a family!)
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sketching-shark · 1 year
Honestly the way they butchered sun Wukong's character in LMK made me feel like that LmK's version of Wukong never went on the journey to begin with, I thought the whole point of the journey is to better himself? Any thoughts on this?
So yeah, Macaque is really cool and an Uwu misunderstood monkey.
Me: ARE YOU KIDDING?! He cannibalized one of the monkeys, hurt Tripitaka and tried to steal Wukong's identity! People just don't forget that! Unless you're Mk and Tang who seemed to have never read the part about Macaque in the classic JTTW
Xiyouji & Monkie Kid spoilers and some complaining below, so read or ignore as you prefer:
tbh anon for as much as I found Mr. Six's "read the book" spiel annoying because of the lengths to which Flying Bark has now bent over backwards to change Journey to the West and like a LOT about og classic Sun Wukong's background and motivations specifically to centralize that emo monkey I actually do hope it gets more people to read Xiyouji so that they too can enjoy the whole murder/replace plot and cannibalism funtimes of the true and false monkey king arc lmao.
But at this point I feel more disappointed than anything else that Monkie Kid's writing decisions confirmed that in their canon we've got yet another western Journey to the West retelling where Sun Wukong is a blundering idiot, and not only that but he has now been confirmed to be a terrible strategist and a terrible friend, just like Macaque said. Plus there's been this kind of annoying writing choice to have these dramatic scenes that are all about how the monkey king ruined everything before following that up, sometimes much later, with a pretty hand-wavey line about maybe he's not that bad or that he had some actual reason for doing what he did. Doesn't feel that balanced friends! And it honestly is aggravating how even 4 seasons in and even when Sun Wukong was trapped in a hell scroll that forces you to watch your worst mistakes forever we still have no idea why he and the Demon Bull King had their battle, why he killed Macaque (but I guess even after the shadow simian revolved his entire life around getting revenge against him for 500 years that's all immediately forgiven now lol), and there's still no word on why the journey here ended so disastrously that all the pilgrims except Sun Wukong presumably died badly while he was left in a self-imposed exile for centuries. I mean, I and others have proposed that maybe it was because of the journey's hypothetical disastrous end that the monkey king ended up a wreak and went into a self-imposed exile? But Monkie Kid does have a tendency to make a lot of things Sun Wukong's fault...said it before, but it is still kind of wild that even Xiyouji Sun Wukong, the hyper murder monkey himself, never did anything as cataclysmic as put all of reality in danger through his dumb decisions lmao.
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gumy-shark · 11 months
okayh okay HI you said you wanted to know about the freedom/passion dichotomy thing? ive got the graph and i am going to do my best to explain this to you despite me barely having a grasp of it on myself. THIS IS VERY LONG IM SORRY.
so the first thing you need to know is this just started as a way to split my ocs and help me make character arcs and motivations, and it became a little bit of a habit to categorize my favorite characters this way as well. its is in no means a perfect dichotomy, and im constantly looking for ways to refine it, but for now the best way ive found to illustrate it is this:
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basically its which think they represent most... or what they value the most? idk its kind of a case-by-case basis and is dictated by Vibe. like I said THIS IS VERY FLAWED so bare with me pls
when i first started watching lmk i sorted all of the characters i knew into either category. this was within the first four/five days are watching so some of it might be.. off? but i think its still worth something as my first impression of the characters, and it'll probably help illustrate what i mean
Wukong -> Freedom Macaque -> Passion Wukong and Macaque have this thing where one has too much freedom and is learning to temper that with passion (wukong) and the other has too MUCH emotion and is trying everything he can to gain true freedom (macaque) (this is true even when he isn't under LBD's control but is esp prevalent then). they each value the opposite thing they stand for and are trying to be more like the other, without even realizing it. MK -> Freedom Dont get me wrong! He very much has passion! He holds a lot of emotion in that body! but a lot of that passion is the passion for freedom. he just wants to be able to be himself and hang out with his friends, he doesn't do well with all this responsibility :C Mei -> Passion Does this need defending? High sense of duty (mainly towards her ancestors and her friends), and so incredibly passionate. and impulsive. She spits fire when angry! Nothing more to be said honestly. Red Son -> Passion Is a really good parallel to Mei, has too much passion to fit in his body. [In the original notes, I noted that he was 'scared of true freedom, but doesn't know that yet. I'm pretty sure this references his relationship to his parents? Smth smth he's too scared of making them angry so he doesn't explore who he is outside of his relation and loyalty to them?] Pigsy -> Passion this man doesn't need freedom when he as his passion for food. what does he need to be free from? he has everything he wants HEART EMOJI! Tang -> ...Its complicated The thing with tang is that he kind of gets like a character arc with like. Responsibility and his care for his friends? He goes from low passion/high freedom to low freedom/high passion over the course of the show. please note that i am insane about him and if i really wanted i could write a whole essay about him. Sandy -> ??? ONCE AGAIN ITS WEIRD. I WISH THE SHOW FOCUSED MORE ON HIS CHARACTER AND BACKSTORY BC I CANT GET A READ ON HIM.
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theres not a lot of people without any value of freedom and passion at the same time so the grey area is pretty empty LMAO.
ANYWAYS. I BROUGHT THIS UP TO BEGIN WITH BECAUSE OF THE CHARACTERS WITH EYE SCARS TRIFECTA!!! Basically i see them all of how i described macaque earlier. He's trapped in a situation that he doesn't want to be in, whether it be LBD's control or his situation wiht wukong or his own creepy and standoffish persona/his trust issues making it hard to make real connections with others.
(in contrast wukong loves doing his own thing and just Hanging Out and never stopping his own momentum, but he also has trouble caring about... a lot of things actually. he's just soo easygoing! responsibility harshes his vibe!)
But anyways, macaque's problems are very similar to quackity and tempest's, i feel. Quackity constantly feels trapped by physical threats like techno or dream, and also his own circumstances and trauma (a lot of it from schlatt and manburg). a lot of his actions are him trying to reclaim the freedom he used to feel when he was younger. tempest felt she couldn't be truly herself without her horn, but in trying to get it she got herself in a really bad situation where any wrong move could get her killed.
The passion part comes in play in different ways for them all. Quackity tried not to care about people for a while, but still can never stop being extremely loyal and protective of his friends. Tempest had lots of rage inside her and was so intensely driven to get to her goal. And Macaque canNOT stop obsessing over wukong honestly. All three of them are very passionate, and all three of them are constantly trying to gain more freedom.
This is a super long ask, but thank you for inviting me to ramble about this lmao. I think everyone represents freedom or passion in their own way, and this dichotomy really only matters for characters BUT I THINK ITS FUN. THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TEDTALK!!!!!
i had a whole Thing written out and i was so proud of it and then my phone decided to delete it before i could post and not save as draft. but yeah im putting this chart in the microwave and then eating it and then putting it in the fridge so i can keep it overnight and microwave and eat it again. this is so fucking Good. in their attempts for freedom macaque cquack and tempest all disown the people they were when they Were free, bc they want to be unbound entirely, but they Feel too deeply for that to ever be a possibility for them. so they do the next best thing and try to pass those "lessons" they've learned on to others OUGH it makes me sick!!!
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itafushin · 1 year
Do you have headcanons about macaque's recovering process from bpd and his copying skills (like about holding back extreme emotions or apathy, how does he regularly motivates himself to keep healing and so on)?
thats honestly a really good question...strap in, its a long one
macaque is definitely prone to bad spirals and bad episodes, as evident in the show, and he tends to internalize a lot of it and lash out in aggression. because of that i feel like starting the healing process was really hard for him. with lbd off his back and a lot more free time, im sure he thought alot about the things he did in the last few centuries. he probably stayed holed up in his dojo for a good while after the lbd stuff and just...thought. all that thinking led to spirals and breakdowns and he spent that time crying more than hes ever cried in his life. but afterwards i think he felt fine, stagnant even, and thats when he finally decided he could move on.
its hard giving up your fp and if hes anything like me im sure he didnt want to let go. he didnt want to break off those ties he had with wukong because those were familiar, safe. he fell back onto bad habits a lot, (i headcanon that he has s/h stims and he pulls on his fur when hes really stressed which adds to his bald spots), and found himself in spots where he felt the urge to go and fight wukong again, like before. during times like these his shadows are actually really helpful ! they help ground him and im sure rumble and savage help talk him through his breakdowns when theyre alone together. they help drive him to keep going, i think, because they know as well as he does that he needs this.
i think mk is another big motivator for macaque too, if not the biggest. he cares about mk so much, way more than he was ever expecting to, and i think he does hold some guilt and remorse about the way he treated mk. he wants to repair their relationship and actually become friends in the genuine way that mks friends with everyone else. and mac knows he cant get that if hes still holding onto the past, ya know. he wants to be someone mk could go to when wukong isn't available (he makes that...very very clear its honestly a little endearing) so i think he always thinks about mk while hes going through the process of healing.
and honestly, repairing his friendship with wukong could be something of a motivator too. he wants them to have something thats normal, im assuming, and maybe thats why he hangs around ffm still. but its also a little bit of a bittersweet memory of sorts, to see everything still as it was. to see bits of him still there.
with the holding back extreme emotions, macaque is the type to bottle everything up util he explodes. which isnt...healthy AJVKSKCJ i think overtime and mk exposure showed him its okay to feel those things...its okay to cry and to be upset and to just. be a person...obviously he only ever lets himself feel those things in the privacy of his dojo but hey, at least its something !
he does have set backs, as everyone does because healing isnt linear, and he still has days where its almost like hes back to being that hard-headed smartass trying to kill everyone...but i think now its a bit easier to deal with those days because he has a support system. he has people to rely on that wont shun him away, even if things are rocky between them all. but hes trying and he'll keep trying because as much as he lets it on, i dont think he actually enjoys being alone as much.
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scalproie · 9 months
the story in general: enjoyable if you take it as face-value and dont dig deeper than the surface level, also if you dont have any passionate attachments to what came before.
the earthrealm champions storyline: genuinely liked it. Kung Lao/Raiden/Johnny/Kenshi's introduction and characterization were strong enough to carry them through the story. It was pretty easy to fill the gaps between timeskips and the dynamics were enjoyable
the outworld storyline: lots of players in this one but having a clear villain (shang) that ties everyone's motivation together makes it easy to follow. Overall I did like it.
the lin kuei storyline: as per usual, its isolated from everything else, but it's given NO screentime to actually develop, and even seem like an afterthought. I'd even dare say that with a little tweaking, you could remove them completely and the story would be no different. The only thing accomplished here is making explaining who the characters are harder than necessary, and I swear if I see one more person with vague knowledge of what theyre talking about trying to explain them to people who know even less and getting it absurdly wrong because of this game, I'm going to lose it. By far my biggest disappointment.
The timelines shenanigans: in a weird limbo where it's simultaneously too much focused on and not touched on enough. It felt like it was here for spectacle rather than smth they genuinely wanted to explore, but then again we have one interactions thats kinda sweet and satisfying. Overall, the entire story revolves around this so its pretty solid? but I also did not quite like it on a fundamental level. So it was... whatever.
Liu Kang: the closest thing we have to a clear protagonist, as he ties everyone together, which is fitting for his role both out and in-universe. I dont mind him even tho he is definitely flawed as its impossible to write a character with that much control as 100% good (we wouldnt have a game otherwise). Think he shouldve kept the white god hair tho.
Raiden: his role being switched with liu kang's was expected and the logical following of their storyline in mk11, I am more than fine with that. Raiden feels like himself in a different circumstance. I sure do wish his electricity was inherent to him and not the product of an amulet tho, I have no idea why this change was made. I did like him overall.
Kung Lao: Kung Lao is consistent in his characterization and this familiarity made me like him even more than usual. He gets really sidelined early on but I know the chapter system is to blame for that. There is a lot of cute moments involving him.
Johnny Cage: god, the writers fucking ADORE him do they? As one of mk's sole comic relief characters, I get he is the only one able to deliver a bit of comedy to the mix but fucking hell they almost abuse him in that regard. BUT they also give him a shocking lot of nuance too? The scene with his future ex-wife and everything involving kenshi? He gets a LOT of screentime and development and he is nothing BUT characterization, hence why, as someone who doesnt care that much about him, at one point it starts to feel really fucking unfair. Johnny is fine but I have to check myself because if I get too much exposure to him (which is inevitable) he genuinely starts to piss me off so fucking bad
Kenshi: he's fine. Kenshi here, like Johnny, is a character that isnt tied to anyone else, so the both of them having a joined development thats resolved in this very game is pretty good. I dont have a lot of things to say about Kenshi, he complete his arc and gets his job done in the narrative.
Geras: Geras has only been in one game prior so he does not have overwhelming expectations weighing him down. I really liked him here, his relationship with Liu Kang really does both of them favor.
Sub Zero: Bi-han fit the antagonistic role he was given well enough. Sadly it comes at the price of his already feeble reputation of an originally neutral character. But even when I lower my expectations, here he is given no nuance and no room for growth, not in a satisfying way anyway, as things are right now. The "depth" (read: one or two lines) he is given feels more like inconsistence on the writers' part than him having complex feelings. As usual, he COULD have been great, but he isnt. I'm really disappointed.
Scorpion: Utterly Unrecognizable. He is not fully Kuai Liang on account of being Scorpion, and he is not fully Scorpion on account of being Kuai Liang. This isnt a character, this is a checklist: 1) get the scar (Kuai Liang part) ✅️ 2) be shirai ryu (Scorpion part) ✅️. He is the only character to be given this treatment, or at the very least, the only one where its THAT noticeable because he is made of arguably the most popular characters of mk. We are missing CRITICAL parts of his and his brother's characters to make us care (his motivation comes from an unknown and unseen dead father that never existed before and such a massive big deal is never given development or focus, despite being all they're talking about), their entire storyline rely on nothing other than the HIGHLY popular rivalry between "Scorpion" and "Sub zero". No love and care was brought to his character, nor his brothers', nor his storyline.
Smoke: Smoke... sure as hell was there. Personal thoughts: but the more time passes the more I Do Not Like his characterization. He is written no longer as an equal to Kuai Liang but as what I can best describe as a sidekick, even moreso than usual thanks to him being written and played as younger than the brothers. Yet another thing I dont like about the Lin Kuei storylike. Literally miss (bi-han) after miss (kuai liang) after miss (smoke) for me. They're out.
Hanzo: genuinely ask yourself. Are you happy that hanzo is here? His presence in mk12 is the same as nrs holding up a cardboard picture of him so people wont be mad that he's absent. Everything that he had has been given to "scorpion" aka kuai. He cannot be important because he is young. And when we get a timeskip of him being finally being older then what? The only thing people want of him is dying and coming back as an angry wraith? That's all he is and will be? I'd rather have no Hanzo at all rather than him being stripped of what made him him and used in an unsatisfying way.
Harumi: Harumi went from being the wife of Hanzo Hasashi that dies to being the prize of Scorpion's character. She is finally given development but said development is so confined to the game she's in that it doesnt even matter to me, adding to the fact that they're going in a direction I find boring (to my tastes) with her.
Kitana: she was also there. Which is surprising because kitana always felt like... the protagonist when outworld was involved? While I understand her role, I personally am not that fond of her being relegated to a supporting character.
Mileena: she is an entirely new character with mileena as a basis. I think her story has holes but on the surface it gets the job done. She is definitely one of the more focused on character all the way til she gets her own chapter to conclude her arc, and she has plenty of relationships to bounce off of, so she's definitely one of the more rounded characters here. I dont mind her, but I cant hide personal pettiness that her popularity mightve been the reason why she's so important.
Sindel: I genuinely DID like sindel but I look at her and in the back of my mind there is always the devs' voices going "sorry sorry sorry". Still, I liked her. I liked her death also! It made sense and, while I think it couldve been done MUCH MORE EMOTIONALLY, Im fairly okay with the way it was done. Idk if her being a flawed leader is completely a feature or a bug but I did like it!
Li Mei: I literally did not care that much about li mei until the revelation that she and sindel used to be friends, and then a lot of things clicked together, so I would say THIS was good. Other than that, li mei is whatever to me.
Reptile: one of my main issue with him just boils down to him being hot. I do not mind him having one big monstery form and one human form, but the two are clearly not treated equally, and yeah yeah I know its easier with a human model or whatever BUT LITERALLY BARAKA EXIST. So him being "good looking" 75% of the time with sad backstory and an IMMEDIATE nice an easy going personality (even tho imo he should maybe be a bit angry and grieving that his fucking family died in the living forest until at least his own chapter) = the writers trying too hard for me to give him my sympathy. And I dont like being forced. Aka reptile lost most of his edge with me, it's like hes trying so hard to be likable he has no flaws and so he annoys me a bit in return. But I still like him. I SHOULD love him, so much even, but when I try there is always smth bugging me. I want him to be more fucked up, and no, eating a bug once (1) doesnt count, its what should be NORMAL for him.
Tanya: she's so weird to me. Tanya is mk12 is like, if she was from a mirror universe where she was the good version of an evil jade, if you get what I mean? She's not tanya in almost every way, yknow? Also, usually if you think the writing staff do anything with shipping in mind, you're reading too much into it, and shipping itself is not smth that's seen with respect... BUT THAT BEING SAID I genuinely wonder: if tanya/mileena had never been a thing, would they still had picked tanya for this role, or would they simply just have picked jade.
Rain: to fully appreciate rain you have to hunt down everything involving him in mk12, cutscenes in storymode, endings, intros... my man literally has SO little. But. What he has is literally so inoffensive to me, I actually quite like this rain a lot. He has his own thing going on and I like the direction it took!
Baraka: his inclusion feels like mileena's story was thought of first, and baraka's was built all around it to support it. No, I still dont like the tarkatans being a leprosy allegory now, and no, the new identity Baraka has doesnt do anything for me even if (or because) it was made completely out of nowhere for the purpose of mk12. People dont want SOME characters to suffer (even tho it makes for an interesting story), but when baraka is reworked into doing nothing but suffering, nobody bat an eye because he is no one's favorite. Also he is severely underused in story mode, where he could give us more insight on tarkat and the flaws of the regime, but doesnt. He also helps the earthrealmers out of the kindness of his heart but it really does feel a bit forced, especially when intros show he is not actually that kind in general. Still, just like reptile, I liked baraka.
Shao: funnily enough shao is given interesting depths in this story, but because shao has been an absolute fucking bastard in his 30 years of existence, nobody seems to notice or care. But I Do, despite myself I notice and care about whatever weird thing shao has got going on this time around. I know he has to be a lil bit problematic in there if I dig a little but nothing BIG on the surface so far??? And its the addition of MISGUIDED BUT NOBLE GOALS in shao that were previously non-existent thats so fucking weird to me. I'm literally looking at him under the microscope.
Reiko: Jobber Supreme. Reiko was funny. He is carried by his relationship to shao but it could legit be interesting so yknow what Im gonna let this silly fucking guy entertain me. What can I say, I like when villains have positive interactions and relationships.
Shang Tsung: Shang Tsung (both of them) was funny af. 10/10 no notes. Extremely entertaining. No fucking redeeming qualities. Critical amount of Kunt being served here. Evil and having fun about it. Caught being stupid in 4k by his own self. His plan(s) was pretty straightforward and I can appreciate that. I have nothing bad to say about Shang.
Quan chi: Quan chi was there to make funny faces and be mean gays with Shang Tsung. I dont mind him. Him being an outworlder and "turning white" is not smth I enjoy much tho, whats wrong with him being tied completely to the netherrealm?
Ermac: his design is something you eventually get used to. But as soon as you do he fucking get That Face. I swear I almost end up hating Jerrod in spite because of how they used Ermac. I cant deny it technically makes sense why they wouldve used him like that but I cant help it, I Did Not Like It. didnt liked it in mk9, dont like it now. I think I wouldve liked more the idea of Ermac being influenced by Jerrod rather than him being downright possessed by him. My opinion was much more scathing before the leaks but I have since calmed down a bit. But Ermac gets treated so badly in this game, he actually gets all my sympathy and more, compared to other characters.
Ashrah: Ashrah is okay. I like what she adds to the earthrealm team (and god know they needed her bc damn this was the no girls allowed club before she showed up) but I'm not sure I would enjoy her on her own without someone to bounce off of. Because she also was a character whole neutrality got removed to make her a fully good-aligned character. One thing that really endeared me to her tho was her "I've never had a home before!" line and the genuine happiness she showed there, I wish this part of her had been more explored. And she is also one of the characters that gets a lot more fleshed out in the intros to me. But still, like I said, Ashrah was okay.
Nitara: yeah the megan fox voice acting is objectively bad but it could also be way worse. I know its different bc this one is just an optional skin and not the character's actual voice but fucking listen to JCVD's voice acting. As for nitara, Im really sorry but it feels like she is just here to fill a niche, and said niche being "fanservice". So i'm really sorry for people who like her but yeah she is outshined by her VA and the "well she is a 3d era character that hasnt been shown for awhile so lets bring her back for the people" sentiment. As for her role in the story, I know we need jobbers but she is so isolated from everything they could remove her and it wouldnt change anything. Her personal motivation is not even given the time of day even tho it's the ONLY thing she has, so yeah Im having a hard time to care. Which is sad.
Havik: as soon as I saw his bio I knew he was going to be done dirty, the trailer he showed up in implied it but him having such a sympathetic backstory all but confirmed they were gonna go the "guy with good reasons to change the system fucking take it too far so you cant endorse him" trope with him. Everything with him seems a bit random (which is ironic considering he is mr. chaos) like, why is scorpion the one to give him his iconic open jaw look? (It also cements scorpion as the checklist character ngl). Anyway I do understand the reason for his inclusion as well as the story needing jobbers, doesnt change that I still think he's whatever tho.
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
So, this parallel, right.
That parallel and the 4x11 shadowpeach fight as a whole:
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Macaque: "No that's YOU! You're the one always running off! Looking for more power, more sources of immortality—you're the one who wouldn't quit while were were ahead! Not the great sage, he's got to drag EVERYONE else into his mess!" Sun Wukong: "You're not in this mess, you're still free! Everything I did was for us!" Macaque: "You did it for yourself! You've become like this, obsessive demon! I told you going against the Jade Emperor was a bad idea, but no, Wukong doesn't listen to anyone! He just does whatever he wants! You put yourself here, not me."
(4x11 A Lifetime of Mistakes)
A large part of Wukong's motivation to keep getting more power was the freedom of it—the more power you have the easier it is to do whatever you want. It's easier to ignore everyone else and focus solely on yourself. It's also easier to ensure yourself and your loved one's are protected and have the ability to do what they want.
So, a punishment where the great Monkey King is imprisoned and trapped for hundreds of years? It's effective and tragic and fitting. Wukong wanted to have the freedom to protect the people he cared about, and in trying to reach for the power to do that, he completely had his freedom removed. He went from the mountain, to then the circlet, and then all of a sudden he had morals and was bound to those.
And then I think about his end of s3 choice to go face the Lady Bone Demon alone. Once again Wukong was trying to protect his loved ones (not to mention the whole reason he went after the Samadhi fire to begin with was to have the power, the freedom to stop LBD (which in itself is another case of SWK believing he needed to be stronger for such freedom)), but he also wanted to make sure MK and himself both had agency. He didn't want MK to have to fight LBD, and he didn't want LBD to end the world.
This is exactly the sentiment he tells Macaque in the 4x11 flashback:
Sun Wukong: "It's so we don't have to worry about anything or anyone ever again! Just living a lazy life, sitting in the sun, eatin' fruit, and doing whatever we want!"
But where does it all lead him?
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To possession, imprisonment. Once again Wukong no longer had the freedom to do what he wanted (which is to protect the people he cares about). Once again in his attempts to help his loved one's, he only hurt them.
This can be applied to his relationship with Macaque, to MK in s2, hell, even Wukong trying to get the map in the first place left him powerless, which then led to him and the gang being imprisoned in 3x02. It's a familiar pattern, one we see with antagonist and protagonist alike.
MK in s2 trained to become more powerful, which in the end only strengthened LBD and forced him and his friends on the run. Mei in 3x12 protects MK by letting herself get captured and placed into LBD's crystal. Mei in 4x05 goes to protect MK, breaking her sword and leaving her vulnerable to being captured by Kui Mulang ("How am I supposed to protect everyone without my sword?"). DBK reached for more power and then became possessed by LBD, hurting his wife and son. Azure reached for the Jade Emperor's power and bound himself to that role, jeopardizing Peng and Yellowtusk in the process.
It's a cycle of reaching for power, endangering others, and then being imprisoned.
So anyways, here's why MK is going to lose control (his agency) next season and hurt his friends with his own- *get's shot*
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reversemoon255 · 9 months
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5th Review - Kamen Rider Geats
When it was revealed this season  was going to be a battle royale, I had a very gut reaction to that. It was either going to be an insufferable trend hopper, or something amazing. Of course I was hoping for the latter, but there have been shows with promise that turned out bad, and this, to me, was a show with a bad premise that could turn out amazing. And it definitely was a great show, despite what misgivings I had. But as I sit here, having watched the finale, and following that up with the mid-season finale of Kingohger, I can’t help but be more invested in Sentai than Rider. So let’s talk about this show, it’s ups and its downs, and see why I feel that way…
The Good: The standout aspect of Geats is its plot. A torrent of twists, always high stakes, almost every character gets a chance to play both hero and villain; it’s the strongest element of the show. There’s a drastic shift every 10 or so episodes, the majority of the first two-thirds of the show is two-parters to give each story its own weight. It’s exactly the kind of crazy, over-the-top story you’d expect and love to see from Kamen Rider.
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There’s also a huge roster of characters over the course of the show, though only five I’d consider main ones. First is Ace, the titular Geats. Enigmatic, deceptive, and kind-hearted, Ace is our main character, but doesn’t feel like our main character. We learn things about Geats, but he doesn’t go through any real character development, especially compared to his co-stars. Still, not knowing his goals or motivations is part of the fun.
Next is Keiwa, Kamen Rider Tycoon. In a rare twist, he acts as our actual main character, rather than our title Rider. A goody-two-shoes to a fault, he opts to use any and all wishes he has for the sake of others up until he loses everything and has his brief villain stint. A lot of his development involves trust, whether trying to forge it with others or regain it himself.
Next is our rival Rider Michinaga, aka Kamen Rider Buffa. Hard edges, but occasionally sweet, Michi has a good heart, but is very bad at articulating it past his rough exterior. Most of his development comes at the end of the show, involving him warming up to the rest of the team, with most of his story being about him gaining and losing power, and seeing how he uses it. 
Then we have Neon, Kamen Rider Na-Go. A bit of an in-between of Keiwa and Michinaga, she’s nice, but is willing to trick and betray when push comes to shove, however rarely ever would she put someone in harm's way doing so. She wants love, and discovers it in many forms over the course of the show. She’s also the female Rider with the most Form Changes, including her own (mostly) unique final form.
Lastly is the only non-Rider, Tsumuri. Seemingly the only member of the DGP with a conscience, she goes back and forth between her loyalty to her employers and contestants, before ultimately siding against the corrupt DPG. And most of her development as a character ties into that, mostly relating to how close she gets with Ace.
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And the last thing I want to talk about here is the designs, specifically the belt. The Desire Driver is such a great culmination of elements from previous belts, with the swappable face plates and rotating gimmick. The fact that you can swap out the face plates also means every belt is drastically different looking, and, at a consumer level, allows for heavy levels of customization and preference. The Geats specific Buckles are also very inspired. We start with the Magnum and Boost Buckles, which everyone can use, and move onto the Laser and Boost Mk-II Buckles. Laser being an actual weapon turned Buckle is a great physical evolution of the Buckle concept, and Boost Mk-II starting out large, but drab, and exploding into bright, chromed color, is a nice parallel to many of the characters in the show, even if it’s only used by Ace. The suit is also nice, with the two-form Boost Mk-II suit having the Laser elements layered on top of it, rather than being split down the waist like the others. And then there’s Boost Mk-III/Mk-IX, which I didn’t understand when I saw the initial photos of the toy, but made much more sense in action. Splitting into the chrome red and white halves to mimic Geats’ other forms, but then exploding on the flip into the Kitsune motif, unifying the belt’s colors as well as covering up the now upsidown Core is extremely clever. And the suit being made out of a little robot fox is cool, too. A fantastic amount of detail and thought was put into Geats’ costumes and gimmicks this year.
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The Bad: But I feel like the main issue with the show also stems from Geats. Ace is our main character, but he’s rarely, if ever, the focus. Considering the story does follow his progression to godhood, it makes sense that he is, but Keiwa fills the role of traditional main character for the majority of the season, and I feel like that causes a bit of a tonal disconnect at times. We follow Keiwa going on these emotional journeys, only to have Ace take center stage when the combat starts and steal the show. Not that both of them don’t dip their toes into each other's categories, but that’s how most of the show plays out.
One of a few minor thing that does bug me is that while Michi does get a boosted form for a brief time, he doesn’t ever move past the Zombie Buckle. It’s been announced he will be receiving a Rage Buckle post-season, but it’s not the same as getting it during the show. And while I feel like the finale has great resolution for the heroic characters in the show, the resolution for the villainous characters, while they do get their just desserts, feels rather unspecific and boring whereas it could have been more thematic.
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Overall, those’re my thoughts on Geats. A bit more brief than normal, but this show’s many twists do make it difficult to write anything about it that isn’t either short or very long. I do think the disconnect between Ace and Keiwa’s roles is what bothers me about the show, but it’s still fantastic, and I would highly recommend it.
Next up is Gotchard, which, as silly as that name and premise are, does look to be quite fun.
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nekocarlsenpai · 2 years
Hi guapa, how do you think our mk guys would react, they are in love with their crush, but they are not sure, until one day they go into their crush's mobile and see in her/his gallery many pictures and videos of them (any kind, face, arms, legs, full body, fighting, talking, etc), she/he tells them that she/he admires and loves them, how do you think they would react?I love Raiden and Fujin with my life. Thank you💖
I'm still sorry that I'm not responding to your requests right away, I'm sorry......
I really see myself in this request, as I have a folder on my phone with the name "Reason to live" and there hahahah photos of Fujin, Raiden and Hotaru, yes........./motivation to live, literally....../
So, I don't think the Gods have phones, BUT they could accidentally spy on their Y\N's phone turned on
I'll take Raiden and Fujin, since you mentioned that you like them
Characters: Raiden, Fujin
Warning: translation errors
(Gif no mine)
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As stated in the greeting, I don't think the Gods have a phone and they use it, and in general they know what kind of thing it is
Raiden is no exception to these rules. If he saw you with the phone, he thought you were watching or filming something, like nature or yourself
Or did he think so until he saw an open gallery on your phone and saw a familiar, himself
I'll be honest, he was surprised and shocked. He had feelings for you, but he did not confess as he is a god, and is love allowed to the Gods? Besides, his didn't know how you would react to his declaration of love.
He saw everything, his hands, successful and unsuccessful photos with him, videos, he is a walking aesthetic, we know this and found out
He didn't even notice how you came to pick up your phone and stood in the doorway red as a tomato, because he realized that he saw EVERYTHING that you filmed about him
There was an awkward silence in the air until you spoke first, saying that you admire him and are inspired by his aesthetics of the body and divine power
Raiden was embarrassed and was very flattered by such a confession, you can say the mountain fell off his shoulders when he realized that you were in love with him but were afraid to say before this funny and "awkward" incident
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Fujin also didn't know what a phone was and didn't know how people used it, because why would he need it?
Fujin thought you were charming and had feelings for you, but was afraid to admit it because he didn't know your reaction to it
How did he find out about those photos and videos? It's just that you were sitting in the garden of the Heavenly Temple and chatting about your own until you offered him cold tea and went to the temple.
You forgot your phone in the garden when you left for tea, fortunately Fujin was there. His curiosity took over and he decided to see what was in it until he came across the photos taken by you.
He was on them. A lot of photos and videos of him, which was amazing for him. He didn't know that he was more to you than just a friend and comrade in battle. He realized that you have feelings for him. He was looking through everything until he noticed you standing next to a tray in his arms.
You both froze looking at each other confused. Neither of you two could squeeze out a word for 2-3 minutes until you were the first to talk about it.
You told me everything you think about him in a good way, especially what you saw in him, something more than a defender of the kingdom, you saw the aesthetics of beauty in everything about him.
This, of course, confused Fujin, he certainly heard a good opinion about him, but he heard this from the mouth of someone he secretly loved for the first time in all his years of life.
Okay, as a person who has completed the education of a photographer, I will say, Never shoot an unfamiliar / just an acquaintance / friend WITHOUT PERMISSION. So, how can you be accused of this and consider that you will use the photos for selfish purposes. Ask permission first, and then take it off so that there are no misunderstandings. And never leave your phone in the public domain.
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dutchlines · 2 years
Macaque character analysis
I haven’t come across any long ones yet (in general) so here we go. I feel like there is not enough talk about Macaque in how much depth he has as a character, especially in the final episodes. And I specifically want to talk about the scene where he fights Sun Wukong in the specials.
Let me be clear first. Sun Wukong is an absolute powerhouse, he’s never overpowered that quickly – not in the novels and not in the Lego series. But his sworn brother, Macaque, is also a force to be reckoned with – at least in the novels. They fight on earth and continue to fight in the celestial realm, the underworld all the way to the monastery where the Buddha resides. In the novels he’s like the complete other half of Sun Wukong (He is the Macaque king, but allegorically speaking he is Wukong’s darker half), but in a way no one recognises the difference between the two monkeys. Except for the Buddha. Macaque got beaten by Sun Wukong in the novels as he tried to flee.
I read somewhere that Macaque is weak compared to Sun Wukong. That he got annihilated by the king in under a minute. And while I know that is shown and told, I have a different few on the “weak/strong” statement. Hear me out. Beware of the long loooong read. Buckle up!
We’ve seen in the first season that Macaque has much more in store in terms of power and wit. But even there he didn’t show his full potential. He uses that energy to quip and taunt Monkey King, because he knows Monkey King isn’t giving his full power and attention in this fight (because of MK’s presence). And he immediately knows. So instead of using full force, he provokes the king. Macaque didn’t have to use his full power because he had Wukong already pinned down and MK was in no shape to fight him as well. And that was not even the point of this whole battle. Macaque had no intention to fight Wukong to death (also for the fact that he got a second chance at living, like you don't throw that away, but we learn that later on). He’s smart and cunning. He would be less quippy and more focussed in a high stakes battle. But he actually enjoys himself in that fight. He just loveeees getting on Sun Wukong's nerves. He's not scared of the Monkey king at all.
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Until, of course, it bites him in the butt when he gets beaten by MK. Now I know that in this fight he has taken MK’s/Monkey King’s powers, but I think it was just a mild bonus (taken from the fact that he already has all of the same abilities as Sun Wukong [at least in the novels]). Because he had an opponent who was pissed off. And you know emotions distract you from battle, it weakens you. Sun Wukong was basically fighting two fronts, his anger and Macaque. Now I don’t think Macaque could have won that fight – as it was almost to a standstill when Wukong caught the shadow monster’s fist (although he was struggling there), but Macaque could have struck a blow or two.
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Cut to the specials. He helps the gang by getting the not-mayor. Instead of being a cold bastard who only looks after himself, not getting dragged into another fight with the LBD, he returns with a hostage. You would think at first that he couldn’t give a damn. What could he possibly gain from fighting LBD again after just being freed from her grasp? His whole motivation for the chase and confrontation with the gang: his freedom. He could lose that again if he were to confront her again. In a way it would make more sense for him to just leave and let everything play out (he couldn’t give a sh*t about it before as he said when he shattered the fake rings). That’s also why he didn’t help when Monkey king fought the LBD and not-mayor and just watched from a distance in his hawk form (but also because he’s scared). There wasn’t anything to gain for him. He wouldn’t get a thank you from Monkey king. Bonds would not be melted and restored. He still wouldn’t be accepted, still wouldn’t totally be trusted (well maybe by MK, but that’s a different analysis for another time). And he doesn’t expect that. He sees himself as unredeemable. He believes him to be the villain in the story. So why help?
But he goes out of his way to help. Because he knows what’s it like to have LBD crawl under your skin, to be controlled in a way. Yet she didn’t possess him completely – there was no need for that, his oath to her was already enough to take control over him. And then she controls him even more when she mingles her spirit/energy in his body close to the end of episode 8 (s3), giving him her powers. So, he knows what’s it like. And seeing Wukong in this state… I’d like to think that he still has a soft spot for Wukong. Remember season 2? He lingers in the past. So he helps the gang. But he’s never seen himself as a hero, always the warrior. And MK knows how to play Macaque his heart strings. He had listened to Macaque’s story in “Shadowplay” and remembered. MK is not stupid either (though it might seem so from time to time). So MK pulls Macaque over the edge by asking him to be the warrior (I bet you can get Macaque to do everything if you keep calling him a warrior. It’s adorable). And Macaque, not even reluctantly but full heartly accepts.
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Macaque knew the stakes. He knew what roll he had to play in the specials. A distraction. To keep Monkey King busy. Then why use all of your powers to keep him at bay? Again, Macaque is smart. Taking the defensive position asks a lot of energy. And being the distraction and keeping someone busy (who’s being possessed) requires to be on the defensive the whole time. So no quips, no taunts. Full focus but also not using up all your energy in the fight. Because Macaque doesn’t know how long it’s going to take for MK to retrieve his staff. Or how long he needs to distract Wukong. And Macaque needs all the energy he’s got. So he just uses the bare minimum. And if you want to be a distraction you don’t need full power to be a distraction. You just need to be in the way. But quips won’t work this time with Wukong. Talking doesn't overcome the possession. And Macaque knows that. But he also doesn’t use his shadow clones to pin him down, he doesn’t use his staff (even if it might have worked for a few seconds). It’s just himself fighting. Only when he realises Wukong is about to obliterate him with his laser eyes, he uses his giant shadow mech.
But I also like to think that he doesn’t want to hurt Wukong, as Wukong was not himself. Again, as I said earlier, Macaque feels empathy for the ones who got taken over by the LBD. That’s also why he’s the first and the only one to leap forward to catch the little girl as LBD got rid of her body. How he cradles her and brings her to safety.
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Macaque doesn't want MK to go though the same stuff as he had with the Monkey King. He warns MK in the previous seasons about Wukong and how Wukong treats other (he also warns Tang). And his warnings feel sincere, because we've seen him act when he want to get under Wukong's skin. He approaches things differently; with humor sarcasm and sly smirks. But his warning to MK (and Tang) are full of emotion. He might be a theater kid, but hurtfull emotions and trauma's are hard to act as if they were fake.
It turns out he was right in a way. I believe he cares for MK, because he sees himself in him (sort of). He sees some one who looks up to Wukong and wants to be around him. He was that guy too in the past. But he knows from experience how Wukong can be. And it turns out he was right, in a matter of speaking. Wukong continued pushing MK away, not listening/paying attention to him all the way through season 2 and right before the season 3 specials (even though it might have been the right course of action) and sometimes even dismisses him. Mei even calls him out for it.
We know that Macaque is able to be empathic. So it isn’t strange to me that he might feel the same way for Wukong who is possessed. He knows what’s it like. How horrible and frightening. He doesn’t want to fight Wukong, especially when he’s not himself. At that moment Wukong was a mirror to Macaque. Someone who’s freedom got stolen and was forced to do things he didn’t want to.
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Counting this all together it makes sense for Macaque to be beaten by Wukong so quickly. He knew his role: distraction. But his feelings also may have gotten in the way. And Wukong was really going all out, with no control over his own body, no boundaries. His power was almost limitless. But that doesn’t undermine the strength Macaque has, he only uses his power differently, from what we’ve seen so far.
The season finale ended with Macaque smiling as Tang spoke of redemption. Now Macaque isn’t quite there yet, but his redemption is in the works. And I, for one, can’t wait to see how his redemption is going to unfold.
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Dang, this made me feel things. Maybe I’m looking into this wayyyy too much. And maybe this took way to long to make. I just love him okay!
God I love these series. I can't wait for season 4.
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skellebonez · 3 years
Prompt 76, MK accidentally lets it slip to Pigsy that Monkey and Macaque are “seeing each other” as in not quite dating but been on a few “dates”...again. Pigsy who is on a low profile and hasn’t told MO who he really is, let’s it slip how he thinks “his eldest brother can do better” and MK is very confused.
Feel free to ignore!!!!! I’ve never asked for something like this before and if I did it wrong feel free to ignore it!
I may or may not have a soft spot for protective younger sibling type scenes in media so I had way too much fun writing this.
It could be worse. They could be dating. Wait? They are?!
"I don't understand what that damn monkey is thinking half the time," Pigsy said with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his snout with a groan. "Just... let Macaque on the ship, yeah, that totally isn't going to backfire. Not like he has ulterior motives at all, not like we just learned all the stuff he pulled over the last year including trapping three of us in a lantern to fight you and teach you some kind of lesson.”
Things had been tense on the drone ship for the last month. They’d barely begun on their journey before a certain immortal monkey managed to catch them off guard and chase them for multiple days under the White Bone Spirit’s influence.
It became apparent very quickly that she was using him to toy with them, a sort of gloating in her victory. Well, joke was on her. Sending him after them meant they were able to see just how far her influence and control actually reached and they were able to find a way to free him from that with more than a little force and some stolen artifacts.
The fact she hadn’t sent anyone else, however, was... concerning to say the least. If she wasn’t worried about losing her grip on Macaque, of all people, that did not bode well for them.
But for the moment that was neither here nor there. What mattered in the moment was that in the month since the immortal monkey had managed to be dragged onto their ship to recuperate Wukong had become far too comfortable with letting him have free reign over whatever he wanted to do on the ship (within reason).
And Pigsy didn’t like that. Aforementioned soul trapping in a lantern and trying to turn MK against his teacher and all that. Pigsy didn’t trust Six-Eared Macaque as far as he could throw him.
"It's been a month and nothing's happened yet?" MK offered not so helpfully, shrugging with an awkward nervous chuckle. “I mean... unless he’s playing a really long game he’d probably have done something by now, right?”
"Well... It could be worse," Pigsy admitted with a chuckle as he stretched out and started to cut up the ingredients for his lunch dish. "They could be dating."
MK made an awkward choking sound as he inhaled his water.
"Wait...?" Pigsy turned around slowly, leveling the young man with a half glare. He stared for a moment, watching as MK refused to meet his gaze. Looking left and right and literally anywhere not at Pigsy’s face. "THEY ARE!?"
"I didn't tell you!" MK shouted, jumping up and hiding behind the table and pointing at Pigsy dramatically. "I said nothing, you cannot pin this on me!"
"YOU KNEW AND YOU KEPT IT A SECRET!?" Pigsy yelped, tone not angry but loud enough to make MK freeze with wide worried eyes. The chef stopped, sighing again as he took in a calming breathe before continuing. "Ok... ok... MK, I ain't mad, being mad at you would be ridiculous. But exactly how long have you known?"
MK frowned, looking up at the ceiling in thought before a tentative but curious look passed over his face.
"...I can neither confirm nor deny that I caught them smooching in the med bay two weeks ago."
“You didn’t hear it from me!” MK said, pointing at himself as he backed away with another nervous laugh. “I have plausible deniability, you figured it out on your own!”
“Of all the hard headed thick skulled bad decisions that stupid-” Pigsy mumbled to himself, burying his face in his hands as he held back a scream of frustration. “There are so many men. So many men! So many ex-enemies even! But no, he had to go and hook up with his actual ex that tried to take over his identity and kill his entire travel party!”
“To be fair he kinda seems to be changing for the be-wait...?” MK started to offer, watching at the chef paced around the kitchen. “How... do you know they used to date? I don’t think even Tang knows that.”
“He could have dated literally anyone else and he chose to get back with Macaque,” Pigsy said with another sigh, removing his hands from his face with a scowl. “I knew he was dense but elder brother can do so much better.”
“I’M. SORRY?” MK yelled, this time being the one to startle the other. “ELDER. BROTHER?”
Pigsy froze, eyes wide in horrified realization. “... you didn’t hear that.”
Pigsy ran out of the room, MK hot on his heels.
Pigsy did not go back to the kitchen, instead heading straight to the rec room that he knew the two monkeys were spending most of their recent time in when not off alone who knows where (now he knows where). MK was following right behind, trying to both get an explanation out of him and to dissuade him from confronting the Monkey King and also looking generally very confused and concerned.
He didn’t succeed before the pig demon slammed the rec room door open.
"WUKONG!" Pigsy shouted from the doorway, startling the two immortal monkeys from whatever conversation they were engrossed in . "You. Me. Deck. Now."
The facial journey through confusion to realization to horror on Sun Wukong's face was worth the delayed reaction shout of "WHAT DO YOU MEAN ELDER BROTHER!?" from the other immortal sitting next to the Monkey King.
“BAJIE!?” Wukong yelped.
“YOU’RE ZHU BAJIE!?” MK yelped in much the same tone.
“Oh fuck,” Macaque whispered under his breath.
“DECK!” Pigsy repeated.
“BAJIE WHAT THE FUCK!?” Wukong repeated himself.
“ZHU BAJIE!?” MK also repeated.
“How many other enemies did I piss off that are on this ship?” Macaque continued, seemingly resigned to his fate.
Needless to say that conversation was the most incoherent non-productive mess they had on the ship in the last month. Until Sandy burst into the room and forced them all to talk it out peacefully.
Macaque did, in fact, learn how many old enemies he had on the ship when Sandy came clean that he was also Sha Wujing.
And Pigsy did not, in fact, manage to talk any sense into his elder brother given how much MK was yelling at him for keeping his identity a secret from him.
Wukong just sat with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands wondering what in the actual hell his life had become.
(The next day, after a night of rest and a day talking to MK and apologizing and explaining everything, Pigsy caught the two immortal monkeys asleep cuddled on the couch of the rec room and decided that his elder brother could make his own decisions. And maybe MK had a point, given Macaque hadn’t done anything. Yet.
If he pulled a blanket over the two of them while they rested and they noticed no one said anything about it. And if Macaque snuck off the ship and there were, coincidentally, some rare ingredients for some dishes Pigsy missed making and a few scrapes and bruises on the immortal when he resurfaced... well, he didn’t say anything either. But he made it a point to have more mangoes and plums on hand.
Just in case.)
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pageofheartdj · 3 years
What do you do early in the morning instead of getting back to sleep? Of course think about the monkeys XD
I just dhjjgd love Wukong and Macaque and god they are both a mess!
I am pretty sure Wukong has ADHD with his legendary impulsivity and just forgetting things the moment they aren’t in front of him(like, it was years when he left his monkeys to find immortality XD) And now I am pretty sure he is depressed. His jttw crew probably died, since sealing his former sword brother DBK under mountain caused him to just dissappear. He isolated himself for hundred of years and nothing in the show indicates that he talks with anyone aside MK and maybe his lawyer. The man is the social butterfly yet even when MK’s friends were right there to talk he leaves. And I am preeeetty sure he developed an Atlas syndrom, caring all the responsibilities on his shoulders and feeling like everything is his fault.
And then there is Macaque. Oh boy. This man is an enigma. Like what do you waaaant?xD So start with simple, he actually misses the old days with Wukong, his play sounds melancholic, until the bitterness flows in. I am pretty sure that is self sabotage. He doesn’t allow himself to let go and actually fix his relationship with Wukong. There is a burning mix between ‘He abandoned me, it’s his fault, I hate him!’ that leads his motivations and “I was not good enough, I hate myself’ that passively crumbles him. Pretty sure he perceived them like a whole with Wukong being the better half. It’s not hard to fall into bad behaviour if you are already believe you are bad.
Now to their fall out. You see, I don’t believe Wukong would have attacked unprovoked. In JTTW he killes him, in LMK he attacks him hard enough to scar, but doesn’t kill. I also don’t believe that Macaque attacked Wukong cause he was evil all along. They were best friends. The play is Macaque’s pov. There had to be a misunderstanding between them, mixed with their personal issues. Wukong probably didn’t notice the growing distress in Macaque with how quickly Wukong was gaining power to the point that Macaque was sure he didn’t work for it at all, while Macaque struggled to at least keep up. And then to Macaque... what would be the reason for his attack from JTTW, since I think LMK still would follow the basic chronology. Why would Macaque snap? And then it hit me. What if Macaque, like Wukong, has an unchecked... issue. Something like NPD, narcissism. Narcissists can’t admit they are wrong, that they made mistake. There are insecurities deep inside that push these people to crave love, attention, the need to be always right, to be the best. They have harder time empathising with others. And also... they tend to put this one person onto pedestal. To idolise them, love and adore. Until they do something wrong, something different and suddenly the pedestal crumbles and instead of love there is hatred. Wukong’s journey changed him, but Macaque doesn’t see it like that. He sees a personal betrayal for more power.
‘You abandoned me for this?! Then I will take it away from you for myself!!’
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