#linked universe headcannon
Little Update
Hello to everyone reading this, I thought I'd post a little update on how things are going. At the current moment, I am struggling to produce fics at a steady rate as multiple things are happening on my end (from work to writer's block to me also just being very easily distracted). This does not mean I'll no longer be posting fics for a while, rather, they'll just be coming out slower than how I planned them to (which was once a week). This also does not mean I won't be posting content in general. Rather, I thought I'd be sharing some headcannons as well as potential AUs. Some of these AUs are niche as they approach specific crossovers or expand on ideas not exactly explored by other authors (that I'm aware of, that is). I'll make sure to posts these headcannons and potential mini fics under their own tags so it'll be easy to find and read them or block them in case it's not your cup of tea. Now, I never like to have a post without a little idea of what's to come, so I'll give a brief run down of a few things knocking around in my brain.
Dragon Rider! AU- Because How To Train Your Dragon nostalgia has been hitting me hard this past week, and because I've had LU on the brain, the two naturally started to combine. There are many versions of this I could go for such as the Chain being dragon riders or (Name) being a dragon rider or even actually mixing the stories/ worlds of HTTYD and LU together. The ideas I have for this AU will require its own post and/ or posts.
Fragments! AU- I cannot think of a proper name for this AU, but it's one I've had for nearly as long as I've been reading LU x reader stuff. There's multiple Links due to the Hero's Spirit and the curse, but what about multiple (Name)s? After all, the player/(Name) have likely played other games outside of the Zelda franchise, but I'm focusing in on the self insert games. The ones where you create your own character or "yourself". Think of the Sims or, for a darker flavor, Skyrim and Bloodborne. These are just examples of games where you create a character(s). In a way, these other "you"s would carry a fragment of your essence since you created them. I don't know how else to describe this so I may also create a post for a more in depth explanation. I could also potentially just drop the idea all together as I don't have much for it even though it's been in my head the longest.
What/ Who the Guide is and if they are the same person as the Player- The title is pretty self-explanatory. I've only seen tid-bits done on Guide/ Player lore and I'm a lore fanatic so I've been wanting to do my own expansion on this. Personally, I do believe the Guide and the Player do have ties to each other but are (technically) not the same person. The leading theory I have on the Guide is that they were a lesser god in comparison to Hylia and Demise and, to save themselves from being killed by Demise, entered a contract with Hylia that made them watch over Hylia's chosen heroes. It'll also explain how the Guide and Player are connected and why the Guide "leaves" the boys after their adventures are done. I do plan on there being a lot of angst in this, so be warned.
Feel free to send in questions about these as I'm always open to interaction! Plus, interacting with you guys or hearing your opinions/ thoughts on these ideas could help get the brain juices flowing as well as further flesh out these ideas!
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kikker-oma · 8 months
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theecholegend · 6 months
Legend’s lightning scar
I made a poll regarding this topic and now I’m sure it’s obvious that the idea has been in my head for a while now. So here’s Legend with his lightning scar if he does have one
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theredheadedmenace · 9 months
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LU version of the Mulan’s Ancestors argument scene that’s been rattling around in my head for far too long.
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bokettochild · 5 months
Hyrule headcannons because :)
he doesn't actually understand Hylian Sign, he grew up in Calatia and knows their sign, but he's still new to Hylian anything, but since the others don't realize this, he sometimes gets left out of conversations
He's bi-lingual, Calatian and Hylian both, with a small smattering of Labryn
he absolutely loves sweet things, with a preference for sugary items over juicy ones
he tends to save extra non-perishable foods in his bag for a rainy day
he has a favorite type of bug, and yes, it's based off of flavor
he adores butterflies and likes finding out new kinds, because their wings are all so pretty and unique (he will not eat them)
he knows a lot about geology, just not the proper terms. he has his own vernacular for geological happenings, but he has a good grasp on the science of it all outside of that
he's better attuned to magical signatures than the rest of the chain
he likes Wild as a person, but while they share interests and habits, Wild's magic is strongest when he's doing what he loves and because his magic is Very Off-Putting, it makes it hard to be around him for extended periods
he has so many unspoken puns. Pun King. He doesn't think they'd be appreciated by the others, but he's biding his time until they're all comfortable enough with each that it won't matter
his favorite color is yellow because that's how his parents described the sun before Ganon's power corrupted the world
he's very good at weaving, and while art isn't his thing so much, designing new patterns for his fabric is a fun past time when he's very bored
because Hylian culture is new to him, he's been studying it a lot and, unlike the others, has already pieced together a rough timeline
he actually doesn't care much for his fairy form and only uses it when he needs to, mostly because he perfers the freedoms that having a larger body gives him, even if flying is nice
the idea of birds is still very new to him, and he tends to be off-put by bird-song and the sound of wings; the world making noise is still weird to him
while he's okay with having someone treat his wounds, he's very insistent about clean-up afterwards due to his blood being a key to resurrect Ganon. He's not above using Legend's hemophobia as an excuse either, if it gets him out of explaining
a bit of a clean freak in general, he likes to keep his items in perfect condition and organized, even his cave has precise places for everything
while birds are off-putting, he likes feathers, he likes collecting fallen ones to wash and tusk in his bag, not to use on anything particularly, just because they're pretty
he thinks cows are one of the most beautiful creatures in the world (Malon loves it)
he's very particular about gift giving; showing thanks is important, but giving gifts out of the blue feels rude because it makes others feel awkward, still, he'll make sure to return any gift given to him, usually with a particularly pretty feather, rock, or a small woven trinket
during long winters he used to build tiny houses with sticks to entertain himself, and his designs are very intricate at times
his favorite type of food (outside of sweets) is soups, he fully supports food being drinkable and when Wild introduced him to smoothies (sweet and drinkable) he fell in love
he loves art, although he doesn't care to try making it, but legend's sketching and Sky's carving have his full support and awe. Aurora likes to paint as well and he can spend hours just watching her work
he's terrified of babies, he's certain he'd either break them or get them sick or somehow screw them up, so bringing a baby in the room is one of the quickest ways to make him leave
in contrast, he loves cats and handles them like most people do babies
math whizz
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majorproblems77 · 2 months
Festival of Light - Skyloftian New Year
I had some interest so here it is! Now I cant draw to save my life so this is very much a wall of text. That's why I've got a read more for you :)
What is it?
The Festival of Light, or Skyloftian New Year's, is an event that takes place around the longest day of the year. (summer solstice for us. - So June time But in our case the skyloftian calendar begins here.)
What it's for?
It's the celebration of the year thats past, as well as looking to the year ahead. The skyloftians do this to remember where they've come from and where they are yet to go.
What happens on the main day? (Run down)
Loftwing riders 'bring the sun' from beyond the horizon. Rituals are performed by not only the riders but the townsfolk too. There are skyloftian dances, and a huge feat to celebrate the coming of the sun.
Skyloftians are expected to stay awake for the duration of the entire celebration. (The 24 hours after the riders leave). Families create lanterns to decorate their houses and the town with food for the feast that feeds the whole town.
After the riders have left is a moment of reflection, with gentle music to remember the year that's gone by.
When the riders arrive, the feast is had and as the sun continues to rise toasts and wishes for the new year are had.
Sky's place in the festival
Sky has performed in every part of the festival, his most noteworthy being the flight path the year of demise defeat. (As you can imagine that went down a treat with Zelda, who tried to fight the result of the choosing of Sky right after his journey. But Sky insisted on performing the flight.)
He was granted the green harness and it was decorated with the exploits of his journey, with feathers from Zelda, Groose and the headmaster. (Though almost everyone in Skyloft offered a feather which Sky made into a separate sash which he wore the day of the flight.)
Sky performs in the flight of tomorrow at least once while with the chain, but is exempt from being chosen for the sun flight due to this adventure he is on.
More detail about the stages of the festival are below. Including preparation stages, As the stages begin almost six months before close to the shortest day of the year.
Six months before
Day of Free Spirits (Winter Solstice festival) - I'll happily talk about this one too but the important part is this.
On the day of free spirits, all suitable Loftwing riders (over the age of 18) are chosen to select a box. Three of The boxes contain a blank night harness while the others contain normal loftwing harnesses.
The three-night harness riders are those chosen three riders for the Festival of Light. And must begin preparations with their loftwing to prepare them for the sun flight.
The harnesses are, Red, Green and Blue. (The green one is recent)
(To allow for fairness, the one's who flew in the year before are not given a box - due to being the ones to prepare the boxes)
Six month time span before festival - night flight training
Over the six months, these three riders are given night-time loftwing flight training, (even experienced riders are given this.) They often take up nightshift above Skyloft to get themselves and their loftwings used to flying for extended periods of time.
During this training, the riders hand off the night harnesses they were given to family and friends. To decorate the harnesses with the stories from the person from the year.
Key items added to the harnesses are loftwing feathers from the flier's closest relatives. They are often embroidered with names of loved ones, key events ect etc.
Harnesses are not given back to the riders until a week before the celebration is set to begin so exploits are added to the harness until this point.
(So, For example, Skyward sword Link, (Sky, because this spanned from an LU fanfic) was handed one of the harness boxes the celebration following his defeat of demise. So his harness was decorated with the tales of his adventure to defeat the demon king.)
During this time they also practice the flight path a few times.
Three months before the festival - Ceremonial outfits
Sun Riders are fitted for their ceremonial outfits. these are knighthood outfits based on the colour of the harness they received.
What's key about these outfits is that they are imbued with golden thread, in skyloftian terms this is an indication of the goddess's blessing over the garments to protect them from the darkness as they bring the light.
I see them as more, refined Knight Academy outfits. Embroidery often includes loftwings and the sun.
Three months before the festival - The secondary flyers
At this time, volunteers are chosen to perform the Dance of Tomorrow, A flight 'performance' performed after the main flight team returns to the skyloftian settlement.
This dance is a set performance that the skyloftians have been performing for generations. It's designed to depict the passage of time from the past ( the flyers grabbing the sun) To the future.
Week before festival - lanterns and feast preperations
Skyloftian families create lanterns, each house has three decorating their doors and then they make several more to string across the town.
Each one is decorated with family memories, loved ones key life events etc. (Normally parents and children will make separately but this differs from family to family)
The Knight Academy creates one per student to decorate the halls with. (Apart from the flight riders, theirs are made for them)
This is also the time to begin preparations for the feast. Each family creates a dish for the collective town to share. Could be food, drinks etc.
These are agreed upon amongst the community. So there's not a bunch of pumpkin pie/ soup.
Day before festival
Tables and lanterns are set up, with the main grounds for celebration, the riders are given time to tack up their loftwings with the ceremonial harnesses to check they fit etc.
Riders are given their favourite foods and packs for the journey. As the trip is a long one, filling water skins and food packs etc.
Departure (24 hour period of wakefulness begins)
The riders are sent in the late hours of the night before. With the whole town sending them off with quiet goodbyes.
The final thing said to the flyers before they depart is
"May you bring Hylia's light on the back of your loftwing's"
During the dark of the night while the flyers are away, the skyloftian people undergo a period of reflection. Its a quiet time for the normally bustling town, the light of the lanterns the only light permitted over the few hours the flyers are away.
Quiet conversations occur and set up for the dance of memories. A slow dance with little music used to remember the times in the year that are harder. And how they persevered through it.
Dance of memories -slow
A slow dance, with no music to begin with. Used to reflect. Various members of the town perform this dance, depending on the events over the year.
The riders arrive over the horision with the sunrise behind them. And the music then begins again. Begining with the harp more instruments enter as the riders get nearer and nearer before they land back with the town. The sun risen behind them.
Those performing the dance of tomorrow then mount up and begin their flight.
Dance of Tommrow - upbeat
The Dance of Tomorrow is a flight which shows the past changes to the future, it is a dance that has been done in skyloft for generations and requires at least three riders. It is performed to upbeat music by the people on the ground while the riders of the sun flight are allowed time to rest before the feast.
The feast lasts the remainder of the day, with singing and dancing as the skyloftians celebrate the first day of the year. Before taking the second day to sleep.
I hope you liked it! :D
Please feel free to ask my questions I will happily answer them.
Tagging people who showed interest, @vaathnaos, @fortheloveofhylia
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chatter-crow · 8 months
I have this headcanon that Wild is just incredibly flexible, and the chain only finds out when they’ve bent themselves into a pretzel one morning.
Wild: literally bent in half
The Entire Chain: What the f u c k.
And Twilight knows and is just sitting somewhere, going ‘oh,this is normal.’
My reasoning for this you ask? Well, Wild can do entire BACKFLIPS fresh out of the shrine, which indicated at some point they must have done some sort of flexibility exercises pre-calamity. Now they can just… bend? And yes, they use this far too often to scare the everloving shit out of anyone they can find.
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rainy-day-revelry · 2 months
I both love and hate realizing that my fixations and headcannons for one fandom are just carry overs from the previous ten fandoms I’ve been in. My tastes have not evolved, I’ve just been trying them in different fonts. Gosh dangit.
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dragonknightcal · 4 months
Headcanon that Modern AU Malon loves bittersweet movies, and when she and Time started dating, he cried like a baby watching Marley and Me with her on a date.
She never told him that she decided not to watch Bridge to Terabithia after to let him emotionally recover.
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plant-acts · 2 months
what do the links look like in your theatre au? might draw em if I find the time
Looks-wise, they are pretty similar to their LU counterparts (minus Wind, who is an older version of himself).
As for what they wear though, I can go into more detail about that!
Time: Khaki pants with a button-up (although Malon begs him to please just wear a t-shirt and jeans, she's tired of him messing them up). He doesn't have a facial tattoo anymore, but he has a similar looking one on his chest.
Twilight: We all know he's a country boy, so old jeans, a plain T-shirt, and dark flannel. He has steel-toed work boots (he probably broke his toe when a set fell once and swore never again). His tattoo is on his upper arm now as well. Also, he absolutely has a farmer's tan. (I almost made him midwestern emo and I think that's hilarious)
Warriors: I feel like Wars would try to dress nice as much as he can. It just makes him feel good. So, he would wear a green blazer with his signature blue scarf and nice jeans. Everyone pokes fun at him for dressing up in college theater, where you will get dirty even as an actor, but he just says that's why washing machines were made.
Legend: Blue beanie (So original, I know) and a red zip-up jacket. I debated giving him a skirt, and I ended up on the decision of sometimes. It depends on what is going on in class that day. If it's simple and they are just learning about acting techniques, then he will. But if they are building sets or doing stage combat, he will wear some black pants. He also has a pair of brown boots he wears constantly.
Sky: Give Sky a sweater vest right now or help me, God. I just think he deserves it as a treat. He would pair it with a white button-up shirt and light jeans.
Hyrule: He was probably the easiest to come up with. He wears loose-fitting clothes he can move in. Something like cargo pants with a band t-shirt is probably his go-to.
Wild: Everything. The dude will wear anything and everything. Specific style? None. He just dresses how he's feeling for the day. If he had to have one specific outfit though, it would be his biker get-up. He may not think everything through, but motorcycle safety is very important, so he is sure to wear the correct pants, jacket, and helmet.
Four(s): The quadruplets have so many hoodies. Like it's a problem. They don't even know who's is who’s anymore, they just take whichever one they like and throw it on. They aren't picky about the rest of their outfit, usually just wearing some black pants and boots.
Wind: He has a collection of fun button-up shirts (me too). He wears shorts with some ratty shoes he should have thrown away forever ago, but he's emotionally connected to them. Also, just because I can, I'm going to say he has beach curls and freckles. He deserves a nice suntan.
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candy8448 · 1 year
LU Age Headcanons:
Wind: 13
Hyrule: 15
Wild: 17 (117) (TotK: 23)
Legend: 18
Four: 19
Sky: 20
Twilight: 25
Warriors: 28
Time: 37+
I just feel like each of them having seperate ages even by a year is satisfying
Most of these dont really have a reason other than vibe tbh
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legendofmorons · 1 year
The boys and how they comfort you (Headcannons)
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Four- Four thinks he's better with his hands than his words. But he will tell you it's okay. He'll hug you too. He would totally pet your hair if you ask him. He's probably a little awkward, but he would do his best. He'd give you space to talk if you like.
Hyrule- Hurule is a lot less sure what to do than the others. He grew up in a forest with only faries as company. He was the baby- so he's not used to comforting people. But he'd gold you if you want, pat your back and tell you it's going to be okay. He's clumsy about the whole thing, but he's so sincere the whole time.
Legend - Look, he's not exactly the softest person most of the time- but he'd try. He's sitting down near you and just let you know he's there. He'd pat your arm or hand. Let you hug him if you need it. He'd hug back. He's not the best at this, but he's not the worst. He just let's your feelings run their course while making sure you know he's here for you.
Sky- Sky us actually pretty good at this, he's warm and gentle. He just scoops you up and pets your hair and rubs your back. He tells you that it's okay and even of it doesn't feel like it that it will be. That he's here. He has you.
Time - He's probably tied for best with Twilight. He's lived through a lot- and he knows what he wished he had heard at times. So he just holds you and tells you that he's going to help you, that he'll do everything he can to make it better. And that no matter what you are still loved.
Twilight - He grew up in Oradon- a "it takes a village" place. He helped out with the kids and had a lot of older kids around him. He's pretty good at this, tied with Time for first place. He will pet your hair and call you Darlin' or Honey as he soothes you.
Warriors - He's pretty good at this, he's a leader. He takes you aside and just holds you as you cry or shake. He's there for you. He's sturdy as you hold onto him. He might even wrap his scarf around you and call you a winner.
Wild - He's awkward and not really good. But he'd listen to you and pat your shoulder. He will hug you if you ask. He would make your favorite food and maybe your favorite desert. But he tries, and he's there.
Wind - he's young and inexperienced, but he also has a little sister, so I think he's pretty okay. He tends towards distraction for you. He'll take you out to find lost trinkets! He would also hug you some. He's just there for you and he'll remind you as much as you need.
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angry-trashcan · 1 year
I headcannon that Wild always has braids in his hair. Just little ones that get hidden in the mess their hair usually is. The kids in Hateno asked them if they could braid it one day, and after a bit of convincing, he agreed. They taught him some simple ones and when he's alone out on the trail he often aimlisley braids his hair. The morning of the Calimty fight, they were getting dressed and went to put his hair up when they noticed a braid, too complicated for him to have done. One of the kids must have done it at some point. They left it there, tying it into the ponytail.
When he joined the chain, the other members didn't think much of it. Though once Wind saw Wild braiding their hair, he was obsessed. Asking Wild to teach him how to so when he got home he could braid Aryll's. The others all eventually had stray braids in their hair as well.
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mistymandalas · 4 months
wind hcs bc why not
I’ve seen a hc where his perception of time randomly slows and I absolutely love that, now let me present: perception of color also declines. This is pretty much bc of the cool as hell feature in phantom hourglass where the world goes gray when time stops.
Now that the sword doesn’t have an energy source it malfunctions sometimes and most colors go gray. Includes red, orange, green, blue, and pink. Yellow, purple, and black always remain in color bc of bellum
Poes always flock to wind. Every damn time there’s a Poe on the battlefield, it goes strait to wind. It gets very annoying when there’s several around, and potentially deadly if their in an enclosed space and there isn’t a ton of light
I think he’d get ridiculously excited for the sunrise. If you’ve played wind waker you absolutely know what I’m talking about- the colors slowly fade into each other, accompanied by the rising sun and gentle music. It’s so beautiful and he fucking knows it
When taken by surprise and without his sword, wind will snatch the nearest object near him for a weapon. And he’s good with it too. This includes books, flasks, potted plants, shoes, chairs, and several musical instruments.
on that note, he would absolutely rip off his peg leg and beat a grown man with it. In a fucking heartbeat.
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bokettochild · 1 year
He's My Son
Happy Father's Day everyone!
I had fully intended to create something sweet and fluffy, but I had no idea what to do, and Hanniko asked me for Time and legend angst for today so....
Whump time anyone?
“Hang in there, you’re going to be fine.” Even as he says it, it feels like a lie. There’s blood everywhere and it’s making everything harder. It’s all the worse with less fabric to grab, his hands slipping on the vet’s legs. 
Not for the first time, he wonders why Legend avoids trousers like he does. 
From his back, the hero in question wheezes what sounds like a weak laugh. When he looks back over his shoulder, there’s blood leaking between pale lips, dazzling violet eyes now hazy as they stare, dazed, into the air. There’s not much thought there, mostly only pain, but the harsh, bubbling laughter, accompanied by a new gush of warm crimson against his back, unsettles him more than that blank stare. 
“We’re almost there, Legend, just a little longer.” His own voice sounds strained to his ears. His back and arms ache, although the younger hero is far lighter than many a load he’s borne in the past. The gauntlets he wears offer some aid, but even then, it’s been a long few hours. The fact that Legend’s still alive is a miracle in and of itself, although one he can’t trust to last much longer. 
His heart stutters in his chest at the thought, throat closing on his next words, despite his desperate attempts to keep calm. “I’ve got you. It’s going to be okay.” 
Choking behind him says otherwise. 
Not for the first time, he loosens his grip, letting Legend slide down. Booted feet would usually hit the dirt with some comment about not needing the extra care, some quip or barb dropping from a smirking face as those starlit eyes glitter, a challenge in their depths, pushing. The vet always pushes. Pushes his sanity, his resolve, his authority. The boy reminds him of himself, although from so many years ago. Now though, there’s nothing. The teen’s head lolls to one side even as he’s propped against a tree, limp and near lifeless, although there’s still that whisper of a smile, eyes hazy and unfocused even as he wipes blood away, tries clearing the air-way of his charge.  
Legend needs to keep breathing. He just needs to keep breathing a little longer. They’re almost there, almost to safety. 
It was an attack. They’d gone scouting together. It’s not usual that they pair off, but it’s been a long day and most of the others were in need of a rest. Scouting had turned into a rescue. They’d been about to head back when the vet had pointed out smoke. They'd hoped it was a fellow traveler, they’d strayed off course just a bit.  
They found a burning village. 
They were far too far to call the others for backup. Too overwhelmed within seconds to spare time to run for help, or do anything more than draw their blades and fight. What few villagers remained alive had stumbled off into the forest, the veteran’s magic shielding their escape while blades had turned their edges on the monsters that assaulted the town. 
It wasn’t enough. 
With two of them against so many, their chances were slim to start. They’d made good headway at first, the element of surprise being with them and their own skills far superior to that of the monsters’. It’d only lasted for so long though. They made their mark, took out the worst of it, but Legend’s magic was focused overmuch on shielding him, on protecting him, that the vet had failed to see as well to his own defenses. 
He shouldn’t have trusted the boy so much. 
As a hero, Legend is a capable young man. He knows how to fight; how to win. Legend has the skills to make him a veteran, but that’s only so good without someone to watch his back in the worst of it. With the vet watching out for him, he’d assumed Legend would also be minding himself, a mistake he now thoroughly regrets as he wipes blood from freckled cheeks, senseless blather falling from his lips as an assurance that he can no longer tell the intended recipient of. Is it to assure Legend? Himself? Is it simply something with which to keep his tongue busy, his mind thrumming with assurances rather than facing up to the very real concern here that they won’t make it back in time? 
Rain has washed away their footprints, water their scent. There's no way the others will track them down, and little chance the heroes will know to look this far.  
He should have said something, should have elected to turn back earlier. 
He should have been watching. 
Blood stains his hands, stains the veteran’s lips, parted in a weak smile ever as he cradles the head of the younger hero, hands so large in comparison, so rough against smooth cheeks. 
“Guess I’ll go out like you after all, Old Man.” 
“No,” the word is on his lips before he’s even thinking what the teen means. “No.” He’s not sure whether the dampness on his own face is the boy’s blood, rain, or his own tears as he brushes a thumb gently over the younger’s face, catching his breath in this moment before once more lifting the younger onto his back and make it for camp. 
In this deluge, Warriors would remind the others to stay still, to wait. Twilight will want to scout ahead and Hyrule will be flitting about camp, but the captain will hold them down. Tracking in rain is hopeless; their best bet will be to wait either until it stops or he and Legend return. Warriors will follow protocol, at least for now. If he gets too worried, he’ll split the camp, but the captain won’t leave their site abandoned, not on the off chance they make it back before someone else finds them. 
They just need to get there. It can’t be that far, right? 
“s fine,” Legend slurs, eyes falling shut, head lolling on one side, cheek pressing further against his hand, smile still ever present. “Kinda figured.” 
“You’re going to be fine.” 
Another laugh. More blood bubbling between pale lips. Time’s stomach churns, tears burning at his eyes. 
Unless something changes, Legend’s chances are near non-existent. 
He shifts, moving to stand, to pull the vet up again. Never mind carrying the boy on his back, he can’t watch to make sure he’s still alive up there, so he catches him in his arms instead, watching sodden hair fall against his breastplate with a soft hiss. 
“I’m not upset,” Legend whispers, voice nearly lost in the downpour, but each word another stab at his heart. “I kinda figured. All the heroes who came before got killed in battle, why should I be different?” 
“You’re not going to die.” His voice wavers on the words. He can’t even convince himself anymore. 
“You did,” violet turn to him, unfocused and lost. “Ganon killed you. I killed him, but what’s to say I won’t die now too?” Lashes, like ways stained with blood, fall, the teen’s face slack even as he’s jostled with every hurried step of the elder hero’s feet. “’s okay. I’m not leaving anything behind.” And there, again, is that smile. It’s genuine, although pained and weak, and he wishes he’d been able to see it in some other way than as lifeblood trickled down his front and back both from wounds he’d tried desperately to bind, but lacked the knowledge to treat as they ought to be. 
He really wishes Navi was here, to tell him what to do, how to help. He wishes she’d appear and offer a bit of fairy dust, just enough to stop the bleeding, to promise them a few minutes more to get to camp, to get to the others, to find their way. 
The earth churns under his feet, clumps of dirt clinging to his boots as he weaves through trees, his one good eye trying, fruitlessly, to locate the path they’d abandoned in favor of following the smoke. It was just this way, wasn’t it? Just a strait shot from the village well and into the woods. Legend had used the well for cover while he’d raised his shields. 
“You’re going to be fine, Link,” he’s not sure which of them he’s talking to. 
Bloodied hands tap his armor weakly. “It’s okay, Time.” 
“It’s not,” his voice breaks. Why is Legend looking at him like that? 
“I did my job. I beat Ganon. I'm not going to leave it to someone else.” And then the vet’s eyes fall closed and he breathes softly, and Time can’t help but freeze in his steps, heart skipping as he listens for the next huff. That wasn't a final breath, was it? Legend is still breathing, right? He’s got to be! 
He’s not breathing. Navi’s voice whispers- all in his head, it’s got to be in his head and- 
A soft shudder sounds from his arms and his own sigh of relief makes sodden hair tremble under its force. It’s sucked back in again though at the words that follow. 
“I’m not going to be like you.” 
There’s no fire behind it. There's no ire or anger or hurt. There's just relief, just a breath and that horrible, soft, gentle little smile that makes his own breath cease and his hands tremble. 
What does Legend mean ‘be like you’? What has Time done? 
“No, you’re nothing like me.” So much like him. So very, very like him that it makes him worry. 
Oh sure, it’s Twilight that is his own. It’s the rancher whose bloodline he can trace back to himself and Malon, but it’s Legend whose laughter and smile reflect that of a mask wearing child from thirty years past. It’s the vet whose sharp words and barbs veil a hurt he knows as intimately as his own soul, one that’d taken years and decades and a thousand long nights to soothe and soften until painful memories had become something to be cherished rather than scorned.  
Twilight might be his, but Legend bears his reflection in ways he’d never wish for his own descendant, not in a million lifetimes. A reflection that now wavers, fading between his fingers, just as blood runs thin under the rain. 
“You’re-” he hasn’t the words. He should have something to say. Legend is amazing, or Legend is great, but unlike when it’d been Twilight whose life flickered before his eyes, there isn’t anything here he can say, no heartfelt encouragements or beloved memories, promises. There’s no gentle pet-name- or really anything he can offer save arms that hold tight and cling as though that alone would hold in place the soul that wavers between life and death. 
“Zelly will cry, but it’s okay,” blood smears over bronze as a pinched face turns closer to press against him. “I’m not like you. There’s no one else.” Sharp little laughter, harsh and grating on his ears. “I don’t have kids to carry my burden. I'm not cursing anyone. I’m not like you.” 
“You’re not real either, are you?”  
Wait no, go back! What was that you said?  
“You’re just a dream too, aren’t you, old man.”  
Why is he smiling? What does he mean? Legend, what in Hylia’s name are you on about? Please!  
“The Hero of Time died young. Before his children were even born. You’re old,” cheeks brush his armor, rubbing gently, seeking the coolness, despite the fact that the rain pours over then in freezing sheets, “that always confused me.” 
“What children?” 
“Your daughter.” 
But he hadn’t had... he doesn’t have children? Other than Twilight? 
“Gramma says Malon had a daughter when you died.” 
“And she was Raven’s mum.” 
“And Raven says that’s why we Lons have to protect our name,” and those eyes are still so blank, so boundless, and he’s lost, he’s floundering, drowning as they turn to him, unreadable and endless. “Because you died, so we have to live and fix it. I fixed it, so maybe now it’s my turn.” 
He doesn’t know when his feet stopped, when he’d tumbled down to his knees, still clinging, still staring, breath short and eyes searching; the one grants him the vision of a flickering soul, the other- still mortal- can only show him the dazed expression on the face of the younger as smaller hands reach for his face. Legend’s mumbling something, but.... 
His daughter? He’d had a daughter? He’d died? 
It can’t be, and it shouldn’t, but... but Wind’s world has a different tale from his own. Wind’s time tells of a hero gone missing; a timeline altered from his own. What’s to say there aren’t others? He was a young thing back then. He was a hero and adventurer, but he was a young man as well. He’d had some fun and messed around in the moments he could spare. The thought that maybe, somewhere, somehow, he may have... he might... 
A daughter? 
What was her name? Did she look like Malon? Himself? 
She had a son. He was Legend’s ancestor, which means... 
He looks down to the dying boy in his arms, and somehow it becomes possible for mind, heart, and soul to scream even louder, ache even further for the teen whose life flickers like a flame under the falling rain. 
He has more than the one descendant. 
If only he’d known sooner, he’d... he’d... 
Legend’s shuddering breath is joined by the first of what will be many strangled sobs. 
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ena-113 · 5 months
Four Thoughts
obligatory his eyes change color hc
Four talks to himself in minish, so no one can snoop. (except for, well, the minish, but he doesn't care cause they're nice)
the way the colors originally split: Red is positive emotions, Blue is negative emotions, Vio is logical hard facts intelligence, Green is nuanced people intelligence.
but that's not their entire personalities. blue is also determination :)
Yo what if their sword could kinda shapeshift for each of the colors? 
Red: Shinobu’s sword from demon slayer
Blue: Antarcticite’s sword from lotl
Vio: pure nail from hollow knight
Green: Alhaithem’s sword from genshin impact
and ofc, they also all use the base version of the sword and their other preferred weapons.
oh! oh! what if two colors piloting means dual blades?? like Lady Maria from bloodborne! or Zuko from atla!
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