#liom after dark
sireneess · 21 days
[pt: dewitygender]
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Dewitygender : a gender related to the game "degress of lewdity"
[pt: dewitygender]
alt names: DoLgender & DegressofLewditygender
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tags: @mogaigonewild @archiveafterdark @lewdsergendered
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lewdsergendered · 23 days
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ID: two flags with five stripes, the middle stripe being wider. the first is brick red, dark brick, black, sky blue, and royal blue. the second is the same, except the bottom stripes are pale mauve and mauve. END ID
Pornmasc: A masculine gender related to porn
Pornfem: A feminine gender related to porn
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ID: two flags with five stripes, the middle stripe being wider. the first is hot pink, magenta, black, sky blue, and royal blue. the second is the same, except the bottom stripes are pale mauve and mauve. END ID
Hentaimasc: A masculine gender related to hentai
Hentaifem: A feminine gender related to hentai
Tagging @xxxjimmycoins ! >wo
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xemboy · 10 months
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The consensual kinkster/paraphile (CKP) flag! This flag does NOT include nonconsensual kink practices or attraction to beings that cannot consent, but is otherwise inclusive of all kinks, fetishes, and paraphilias. CKPs consider consent of the utmost importance and work to keep kink spaces safe, accepting, and inclusive, and promote learning about the shared history of the kink and queer communities. We also work to protect those who are vulnerable, like children and animals, from being exploited sexually under the guise of "kink". This label is only to be used by adults.
Stripe meanings:
The diagonal stripes are meant to call back to the earliest kink pride flag (and one of the earliest pride flags in general), the Tony DeBlase leather flag.
The navy stripe is from the modernized leather pride flag. It represents the BDSM community, its subcultures, and all consensual kinks and paraphilias falling under the BDSM umbrella. It also represents trust.
The purple stripe is from the (cheshire) mad pride flag. It represents those with sexual neurodivergences such as those with sexual intrusive thoughts from OCD, sexual trauma survivors, hypersexuals, and disordered paraphiles*. It also represents acceptance.
(*it does not represent non-consensual paraphilic attraction, as CKPs do not condone or encourage attraction to nonconsenting beings, or engaging with this attraction in any way. People with these paraphilic disorders are not excluded from the CKP community as long as they are pro-recovery, anti-contact, and do not consider their disorders to be kinks or their attraction something to be proud of, but this flag doesn't represent that attraction. It can, however, represent recovery from that attraction and supporting the recovery of others.)
The pink stripe is for partialists, morphophiles, and other body-related kinks and paraphilias. It represents those who are attracted to certain specific parts of the body, certain body types, body parts of certain sizes, body modifications, transformation (tf), macrophilia, microphilia, etc. It also represents desire.
The red stripe is from the objectum flag and is for fetishists and objectophiles (and kinky objectums who prefer to just use objectum). It represents those with fetishes for/attraction to objects, including certain materials, certain clothing, certain toys/apparatuses, and other object-related kinks. It also represents liberation.
The black stripe represents consensual kinks and paraphilias that may be considered "gross" or "weird" or "scary", such as ones related to bodily functions, CNC roleplay, and potentially dangerous kinks (e.g. knifeplay, breathplay etc). It also represents solidarity.
The white stripes represent commitment to keeping the kink community safe for those in it, keeping minors out of it, and prevention of those who promote or engage in nonconsensual acts or feel attraction to beings that cannot consent from co-opting the kink label/community and trivializing the damage those things cause. They also represent consent.
CKPs are PRO:
RACK (risk-aware consensual kink). An alternative to SSC (safe, sane, consensual) that isn't ableist or exclusive of potentially unsafe consensual kinks- many "safe" kinks such as bondage have safety risks and shouldn't be labeled as safe as this is misleading and potentially dangerous misinformation. Risk-awareness requires knowledge and implementation of all possible safety measures, and recklessness and irresponsibility aren't acceptable in the kink community.
Kink pride/kink at pride. It is against sexual acts at pride (or with non-consenting viewers in general), but supportive of kink gear and pride flags being displayed at pride parades, as they have been from the beginning.
Harkness test. For those unaware, the harkness test is a guide to ethical attraction involving fictional beings. It requires that the being must be sapient and of an age that is capable of consent (or adult-equivalent ageless beings such as demons), and that as long as consent can be communicated and established, it's ethical.
Inclusion. CKPs are inclusive of aspecs, mspecs (including mspec gays/lesbians), ethical non-monogamy/polyamory, objectum/conceptum, cupiospecs, autospecs, xenogender, neogender, nondysphoric, intersex, altersex, aldernic, gender nonconforming, agab nonconforming, pronoun nonconforming, and all system/alterhuman origins/types.
Sexual health, including inclusive sex education, freely available contraception, freely available abortion, freely available HRT, freely available sex/gender affirming care, and freely available preventative medication (like PrEP). It also uplifts and supports those with STIs and sexual disabilities/dysfunctions and does not shun or shame them for having them. It also supports those with non-sexual disabilities that cause difficulty with sex, or causes others to infantilize them/take away their sexual agency.
Reclamation. Beings should be allowed to reclaim slurs against them and the sexualization/fetishization of their identities/bodies.
Having safe, accessible, inclusive spaces for kinky adults to socialize and play in consensually without fear or shame.
CKPs are ANTI:
Sexualization of non-consenting beings, including drawings, writings, and any other depiction- real or fictional- meant to be sexually attractive to those with non-consensual paraphilias.
Proship/profic/"fiction doesn't affect reality".
Kinkshaming. A consensual kink squicking you out doesn't make it bad or worthy of ridicule. (This doesn't refer to jokes between friends and the kinkshaming kink as long as everyone's cool w it).
Calling people pedophiles or zoophiles when they are not (e.g. furries, petplayers, ABDLs).
Harassment, bullying, grooming, and all other forms of abuse.
Slut-shaming and prude-shaming.
Cops. Cops can and will arrest you for consensual kink!
Whew... this is long and it took forever to refine, as I took this very seriously. Sorry for no image description, I'd appreciate it if someone could make one for me to reblog, or I'll add one myself later when I have the spoons. I'm very proud of this!!! :3
DNI with this post or account if you intend to be an asshole and insert your shitty anti-kink or pro-ship opinions where they aren't wanted or needed. (Or if you're a minor, of course).
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calloutgender · 4 months
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Cuntbxy flag
[PT: Cuntbxy flag. End PT]
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page-2-ids · 10 months
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[ID: A flag with seven horizontal stripes, the middle is twice the height of the others. The colors get lighter towards the middle and darker again towards the edges. The colors are, from top to bottom, dark violet, magenta, red salmon, pale tan, light green, teal, and washed-out blue. END ID]
Guroboy: A term for those who identify as a boy through guro in some way
The colors are inspired by flags for guro related and boy genders, as well as my associations with guro
No Suggested Pronouns
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chthonicophanim · 3 months
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[PT: Vulvafloric]
A gender related to flowers as they’re connected to vulvas and sexuality, this can be related to flowers that look like vulvas (such as clitoria flowers, ophrys orchids, etc), flowers being used to visually represent vulvas, or referring to a vulva as a flower, though can be interpreted in other ways.
Doesn’t necessarily have to be related to arousal, eroticism, or sex, but can be.
{ Photo ID help?: @liom-archive @radiomogai @mogaidescribed }
DNI: bigots, radinclus, radexclus, pro-endo, if you’re going to try and argue with me on any of these points, if you demonise mental illness, pro-transid (eg; transabled, transage, transrace, etc), proshippers/anti-anti, MAPS/NOMAPS/necro/zoo and MINORS DNI (full DNI in pinned
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kinkvesil · 2 years
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☽ kinkvesil ☾
kinkvesil, under the vesil umbrella, is when kink may influence all or many aspects of one’s identity, it may define one’s identity, it may be one’s entire identity itself, alongside many other things. it may be literal, metaphorical, etc.
flag is inspired by @mogaidult‘s lakinkic flag.
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pinkdowsbsluv · 7 months
~ tastesnapic! ~
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[ID: A banner with four lines of text that reads: First line: "The follow term is rated:" Second line: "Adults Only." is in all caps and serif dark red text. Third and fourth line: "This term is for adults only. It may contain content that touches on immoral/illegal, sexual, bloody/gorey, NSFW and/or triggering/uncomfortable content that is unsuitable for minors. Minors should not view this post or use this term."]
Please view this if you're curious on what Tastemade Snapchat graphics are. I am putting a TW on that link because almost every graphic there has explicit sexual references and puns relating to sexual expressions. Many Tastemade graphics like them (but not all) are sexual in nature, but nothing overtly pornographic.
Flag and term under cut.
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[ID: A flag with nine stripes. From top to bottom, the stripes are: light mint, medium mint, taupe, pink, red, pink, taupe, medium mint, light mint. End ID.]
tastesnapic (tayst-snap-ic) - a gender related to sexual Tastemade Snapchat graphics. The gender might be tasty, delicious, and/or any flavor term in a sexual manner, naughty in a sexual way, or eager to please a partner's tastes.
~ please view carrd here before interacting! ~
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rabidslutboy · 22 days
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PORNBRAINEDLEXIC: a lexegender connected to the word ‘pornbrained’
TAGGING: @archiveafterdark @mogaigonewild
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sireneess · 3 days
pt: barette
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Barette : A gender related to being burned/branded with cigarettes by a dom.
pt: barette
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tag list: @mogaigonewild @archiveafterdark @apocalypth @gender-erotica @w4lh4ll4 @lewdsergendered @lewdmail-gender @mmogaiafterdark
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lewdsergendered · 23 days
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ID: two flags with five stripes, with the middle stripe being wider. they are dark gray, gray, cool gray, mute magenta, and dark magenta. the first flag has a black crosshair symbol with a heart in the middle centered on it. the symbol has a white outline. END ID
Erogungender: An erotic/sexual gender related to guns. Could also be related to being objectum for guns, having a gun kink, or similar, but it doesn't have to be
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xemboy · 10 months
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Slutvior: A vior term for when one’s behavior is related to, affected by or is the same as a slut.
[ID: a rectangular flag with 3 equally sized horizontal stripes in the middle and 2 thicker horizontal stripes on the top and bottom. colors in this order from top to bottom: reddish black, mauve, pastel pink, mauve, reddish black. in the center of the flag is a hot pink octagon. End ID]
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webby-after-dark · 14 days
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more drips / less drips
[pt: sicko pride flag /end pt]
A flag for SICKOS and FREAKS. Intended for paraphiles and sex weirdos in general, but can be used by anyone who identifies as a "sicko" for whatever reason. This is intended to reclaim the term "sicko".
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[pt: desaturated /end pt]
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[pt: simplified/accessible /end pt]
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[flag 1 id: a rectangular pride flag with 7 stripes. the 4th is twice as wide as the rest. all the stripes have many drips coming down from them. and the colors top down, mirrored at the last are: black, orange, yellow and red. in the center is a thick X shape with smaller X's inside being green, light green, pale green and black going inwards. /end id]
[flag 2 id: a rectangular pride flag that is similar to the first flag but it has fewer drips to be less busy. /end id]
[desaturated flag 1 id: same as the first flag but the colors are desaturated and lighter. /end id]
[desaturated flag 2 id: same as the second flag but the colors are desaturated and lighter. /end id]
[simplified flag 1 id: a simplified flag without the drips, but the same colors as the first two flags. /end id]
[desaturated flag 2 id: a simplified flag without the drips, but the same colors as the desaturated flags. /end id]
[divider id: a gif divider on a transparent background of bright red blood drips. /end id]
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page-2-ids · 2 months
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ID: A flag with seven horizontal stripes, all the same size. The colors are, from top to bottom, soft purple, pastel pink, light peach, white, salmon, faded pink-violet, and dark faded violet. END ID
Subdroplexic: A gender related to the word Subdrop.
The colors come from my associations with submission and subdrop
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chthonicophanim · 8 months
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[PT: Tentaestkinkic]
A kinkgender and aesthetigender related to the aesthetics of tentacles, having a tentacle kink, and/or the aesthetics of tentacle kink content.
May also be related to tentacle monsters that are often present in tentacle kink content, but not necessarily
Dark green and teal stripes represent ocean and plant related tentacle monsters
The purples represent fantasy and creativity
The pinks represent love, lust and attraction
The off-white represents pure aesthetics
Though the colors meanings are still up for interpretation!
{ Photo ID help?: @liom-archive @radiomogai @mogaidescribed }
DNI: bigots, radinclus, radexclus, pro-endo, if you’re going to try and argue with me on any of these points, if you demonise mental illness, pro-transid (eg; transabled, transage, transrace, etc), proshippers/anti-anti, MAPS/NOMAPS/necro/zoo, anti-kink, MINORS DNI (full DNI in pinned)
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lewdiacon · 29 days
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Muttkinknamic: A gender connected to the petname Mutt used in kink. It is connected to calling someone Mutt, or being called Mutt during sex.
Requested by ⚰️ Anon
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